Fidel Castro: book of condolence
Your Messages
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is deeply saddened by loss of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro Ruz who died at 10.29 on Friday 25 November, aged 90.
For more than 50 years the Cuban Revolution has been an inspiration for countries fighting for independence and equality. Cuba’s remarkable achievements in health, education, women’s rights and social justice were gained under the leadership of Fidel Castro.
Fidel’s commitment to internationalism leaves a lasting legacy throughout the world. From Cuba’s support fighting against Apartheid forces in Southern Africa, to training doctors from in Latin America, and its international medical brigades caring for the victims of earthquakes from Pakistan to Haiti, Cuba has shown that another world is possible.
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign sends it’s sincere condolences and solidarity to the family and friends of Fidel Castro and the Cuban people in their time of mourning.
The best tribute we in Britain can make is to continue the struggle to end the immoral and unjust blockade of Cuba and for the return of the illegally occupied land at Guantanamo Bay.
Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Cuba Solidarity Campaign, UK
On behalf of our Chairman, Trustees and Staff, the Nelson Mandela Foundation would like to send our deepest condolences to the people and government of Cuba on the passing of Fidel Castro.
President Mandela had a close relationship with President Castro and always remembered his solidarity with the anti-apartheid movement.
He even went so far as to suggest those who criticized his relationship with Cuba and Libya, for instance should “jump in the pool”.
Talking in a documentary produced in 1990 President Mandela explained his loyalty: “The first country we approached was the United States of America. We could not even succeed to come close to the government, and they refused to assist us. But Cuba, the moment we appealed for assistance they were ready to do so and they did so,” he said. “Why would we now listen to the Western world when they say we should have nothing to do with Cuba? It is just unreasonable.”
May he rest in peace.
Nelson Mandela Foundation, South Africa
With the passing of another towering figure from the history of the twentieth century, this is the moment to remember what Fidel Castro achieved for the people of Cuba and Latin America.
He saw off the corruption and brutality of the Batista regime and, despite the imposed poverty of the US illegal embargo, went on to create a country with the best health and education systems in the region.
His Cuba inspired those seeking freedom around the world. This is the legacy for which he will be remembered.
Len McCluskey, Unite the Union, UK
On behalf of Unison, I offer our sincere condolences to the people of Cuba and in particular our sister trade unions. We share your sorrow and sadness but commit ourselves to work for that greater vision of a fairer, more equal and peaceful world
Dave Prentis (United Kingdom)
We are saddened to hear of the death of our comrade and inspiration Fidel Castro. It should never be forgotten that Fidel and his comrades swept away Batista and his corrupt, mafia-controlled regime and replaced it with a socialist model which put health and education at the forefront even in the toughest days of the US blockade. The resilience and determination of the Cuban people under the leadership of Fidel Castro and his comrades has been an inspiration to socialists and trade unionists around the globe for six decades. But now we get on with the job of organising for the future just as Fidel Castro would have wanted us to do and RMT reaffirms its support for the Cuba Solidarity Campaign in the work that lies ahead.
Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary (United Kingdom)
Long live the memory of the most successful revolutionary of human history. The Cuban people will carry on. Patria o Muerte. Venceremos.
René Gonzalez (Cuba)
We have lost a visionary leader of the likes rarely to be seen again. A extraordinary man and an inexhaustible inspiration. My thought are with his family, friends and the Cuban people.
Maxine Peake (United Kingdom)
DEAR FRIENDS,COMRADES: Thanks for this initiative you are doing in a historical moment for Cuba and for movement in solidarity with the cuban Revolution.Fidel have being and will ollways be the leader of international solidarity! !Hasta la victoria siempre!
kenia serrano puig (Cuba)
I met Fidel in 1995 when as an MEP I brought greetings from the European Parliament to an international solidarity conference in Havana. Fidel spoke to the conference and spoke of the importance of solidarity work in sustaining the people of Cuba in the face of US hostility and the blockade. I also met with many Cubans from the speaker of the Parliament to children in schools and members of CDRs which showed me the depth of support for the ideals of the revolution but also the difficulties of the struggle. I have been a supporter of the Cuban revolution since its inception in 1959 and Fidel and Che were the inspiration to us in Britain. I give my continuing support to people of Cuba at this sad time and add my tribute to Fidel a man who changed the history of Cuba and the world.
Hugh Kerr (MEP 1994-99) (United Kingdom)
As an African I remain grateful to Fidel Castro and the Cuban people for their Cuban military intervention and sacrifice in Angola and the Southern African conflict in the 1970s and 1980s. The Cuban Army is probably the first ever foreign army to land in Black Africa, not to colonise or conquer but to liberate and liberate they did further opening the door to the eventual collapse of apartheid rule in South Africa. Of course Cuba has done more across the world with humanitarian and medical assistance. As a human being, I appreciate those who give so much for others. Thank you Cuba. Thank you Commandante Castro. History, has already absolved you.
Chukwudum Ikeazor (United Kingdom)
I would like to send my condolences to all those who loved Fidel and were inspired to courage by him and his colleagues. It was my great privilege to meet many of them in places as different as the exuberant african liberation movements' schools in Cuba's Island of Youth and the desperate hospitals in the besieged, ruined Central Highlands towns of Angola filled with peasants maimed by land mines from apartheid South Africa via UNITA, with the assistance of successive US presidents and CIA directors. These words of the Guyanese poet Martin Carter, eloquently invoke how Fidel's life led so many into hope and action. i have learnt from books dear friend of men dreaming and living and hungering in a room without a light who could not die since death was far too poor who did not sleep to dream, but dreamed to change the world. Victoria Brittain, London
Victoria Brittain (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was an epitome of courage. I as a Kashmiri will always remember for Fidel for reaching out to us when Kashmir was badly hit by a quake in 2005. Fidel had the courage to challenge the bully back, he inspired throughout his life he will continue to do so even when he has left us. Rest in Power Comrade we will miss you.
Imran Sheikh (India)
My condolences go out to the family of Fidel Castro and to the people of Cuba. Long live Fidel and long live the Cuban revolution!
CINDY SHEEHAN (United States of America)
RIP Fidel: an inspirational revolutionary. Your gave and will continue to give confidence to millions across the world seeking freedom and peace in a fairer society ... from South Africa to Latin America .. a proud, passionate and determined people fight on in the face of an illegal blockade - the struggle continues hasta victoria siempre!!
Steve Turner (United Kingdom)
Soy una joven medica cubana,que en estos momentos se encuentra en Brasil como parte del programa Mais Medicos..Profundamente conmovida y entristecida por la desaparicion física del mas grande de los hombres que haya conocido..Fidel Castro.. vengo de familia trabajadora y combatiente.. desde pequeña inculcandome los valores de un buen revolucionario y humano.. es por eso que hoy quiero dejar constancia por este medio de mi profundo pesar,mas aun estando lejos de mi querida Patria...pero cada dia cuando ayude a una persona..cada dia cuando ponga en alto el nombre de mi Cuba amada...estará renaciendo un Fidel ... Comandante en Jefe ..ORDENE!!!!
Yeniksa Rodriguez Torres (Brazil)
His like will never be forgotten castro and the Cuba people helped many countries and there people when most needed South Africa would never be free if it wasn't for the likes of Castro and the people of Cuba
Tony woodhouse (United Kingdom)
Two of the major highlights of the 16 years I spent as MP and MSP for Dundee East are firstly the privilege of meeting Fidel Castro in person during a visit to Cuba with fellow MPs George Galloway and Irene Adams; and secondly being presented with Cuba's friendship medal at the embassy in London. My thoughts are with the Cuban people during this time of great loss. Cuba has lost an iconic leader. Workers everywhere have lost a revolutionary inspiration who taught us that another world is possible.
John McAllion (United Kingdom)
I can remember being asked to drive an ambulance from Manchester to Liverpool dock when Unison was shipping out some double decker buses and some ambulances.
william allen (United Kingdom)
La emoción embarga y nubla la relación del pensamiento con mi palabra. Como no ser así, -pues conocí la generosidad que brindó Fidel, la Revolución y el Pueblo Cubano a mi hijo mayor en desgracia en el año 1987 y 1988..., el recuerdo de sus visitas constantes al Hospital William Soler y sus personales atenciones. El haber tenido la oportunidad de conocerlo personalmente el 1 de enero de 1988 cuando Fidel,- luego de terminar su discurso por el Aniversario de la Revolución, se acercó extendiendo sus manos y sus brazos, - entregando y recibiendo de él su abrazo cálido que irradiaba la fuerza de la nobleza de su ser. Abrazo que con vehemencia abrigo el recuerdo de ese encuentro, para así, - recurriendo a mi emoción colmada de la nostalgia y con la energía que entrega el sentir; - rememorar y revivir la fuerza de las emociones vertidas esa madrugada en La Habana, para así volver a vivir ese fundido abrazo fraternal y revolucionario de Fidel para conmigo, mi hijo y mi familia presente en esa ocasión. Mi más sentido pesar por su deceso, no obstante, -me consuela el que su querida presencia etérica y su obra; - siempre estará viviendo en nosotros y con nosotros. Hasta siempre Fidel. Rubén Darío Ramírez Zamorano Desde Chile; - 28 de Noviembre de 2016.
Rubén Daréshy (Chile)
A brave man who stood out against US imperialism for more than fifty years. A great leader who changed the lives of the Cuban people for the better. His international vision meant Cuba helped countries throughout the world with medical assistance at times of flood and famine, as well as military assistance against the apartheid regime in South Africa. He will be sadly missed. Viva Cuba! Solidarity with the Cuban people.
Luke Crawley Assistant General Secretary BECTU (United Kingdom)
Fidel passes away vindicated by History The Cyprus-Cuba Friendship Association bids farewell with profound grief to the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro. Fidel leaves us vindicated by History. The predictions of the enemies of the Cuban Revolution have been dashed. Against all hardships and its constant undermining by a powerful enemy - which changes tactics but not its goal - the Revolution remains steadfast withg the Cuban people as its unwavering defender. Under the leadership of Fidel, the construction of socialism in Cuba raised the standard of living of the people, achieved unparalleled achievements in science, health, education, culture and sports, and cemented in practice the equality of the sexes. The Cuban Revolution has established popular participation in governance and supported materially, diplomatically and politically every struggling and suffering people in the world. Cuba, led by Fidel Castro, developed excellent relations of friendship and solidarity with Cyprus. With the victory of the Revolution in 1959 and Cyprus Independence in 1960, our two countries established diplomatic relations. They subsequently began a common path within the ranks of the Non-Aligned Movement - of whom both countries were founding States - that was led by Archbishop Makarios and Fidel Castro. In fact Cyprus was the first country that sent a ship to Cuba breaking the naval blockade imposed by the US. At the diplomatic level, socialist Cuba was and remains to this day a consistent supporter of the struggle Cyprus is waging. Fidel Castro is recognized as an international symbol of anti-imperialist struggle, internationalist solidarity, patriotic dignity and unshakable faith in the socialist future of humanity. At the same time, Fidel has been, and will always be, a banner of struggle and inspiration for the peoples of the world who are fighting against the Goliath of imperialism, for the right of the peoples to choose their country's own social and economic path of development. Fidel, Cuba and the Revolution were and will represent the answer to all those who are advising "weak" peoples to submit to the power of the mighty and to those who proclaim that socialism is a utopian vision or is outdated. The greatest victory of Fidel however is the fact that he leaves to his country a people determined to continue the construction of socialism and millions of people all over the world who believe in the timeliness and necessity of socialism as the answer to capitalist barbarism. The Cyprus-Cuba Friendship Association expresses its deep condolences to the people, the Communist Party and government of Cuba. The Association will honor Fidel Castro with a series of events and initiatives that will be announced in the coming days.
The Cyprus-Cuba Friendship Association (Cyprus)
My thoughts are with our Cuban comrades at this painful time. Fidel may have died but the achievements of the Cuban revolution he led are with us and Cuban socialism remains a beacon to oppressed people everywhere. For members of a post-Soviet generation, the continuing and remarkable success of Cuba in defiance of the US blockade has been an inspiration. I will always remember what Fidel's refusal to bend the knee meant to me as a teenager just beginning to explore socialist and communist ideas.
Ben Chacko (United Kingdom)
We have lost one of the greatest figures of all time, he tried to civilise the world, his mission was to educate, to provide health care, accessible education and health care on a global basis, he believed humanity's progress was best served in a well planned global economy not one that was forced upon an unsuspecting populace that in his words " no one understands " but readily and purposefully left behind millions in its wak, today in Argentina I me an eye specialist who told me the training he had received free of charge was given to him by the Cuban government, in March of this year in one of the most impoverished parts the Gambian/Senagales border I me children suffering horrific cataracts, my guide told "this will soon be remedied because Cuban doctors have arrived, Fidel dispensed largesse to the most poorest of our planets inhabitants, Indians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Africans can all testify to the humanity of Fidel Castro, not shying away from confrontation Fidel as the comadante en Jefe succefully defeated the forces of wealth and privilege at the Battle of the pigs inflicting the first defeat on the empire 90 miles from its shore, likewise at the battle Cuito Cuanavale Cuban troops under orders from Fidel defeated the South African army and drove the last nail into the coffin of apartheid, The South African foreign minister said " the Cubans are the only people to come to our shores and took nothing back except the bones of their dead comrades, I salute you Fidel for the example you will always be, "Un otra Mundo mejor Es possible " Gracias para todos
Denis Doody (United Kingdom)
Soy uno de los millones de estudiantes que pisó y vivió en cuba y dolido y lamentable perdida ha sufrido la humanida ; y los opositores, porque ahora ya no tendrán a quien criticar y ver como el faro que fue y seguirá siendo para un revoluciónario de todo el mundo. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE, COMANDANTE
Martin Saavedra (Nicaragua)
STATEMENT ON THE DEATH OF COMMANDER IN CHIEF FIDEL CASTRO RUZ To Her Excellency Teresita Vicente Sotolongo, Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Dear comrade Vicente, The General Committee and Staff of the Marx Memorial Library & Workers' School in Clerkenwell, London extends our sincere condolences and solidarity with the people of Cuba on behalf of our members and students on the sad announcement today of the death of Fidel Castro Ruz. Fidel's contribution to the great task of the liberation of humanity will be reckoned among the greatest of the 20th century. The defeat of apartheid in South Africa, the throwing back of imperialism in country after country and the inspiration that the Cuban people's revolution has brought would not have been possible without the leadership, determination and intelligence of Fidel and his love for the people. We mourn his death in solidarity with the Cuban people and we continue to be inspired by the great achievements Fidel led, particularly in the field of education and adult literacy, where Fidel's legacy is seen in Cuba's role today as a world leader breaking through barriers of illiteracy and ignorance. We look forward to continuing our work with the representatives of the Cuban people's revolution in the struggle for peace, socialism, freedom and independence. Farewell comrade Fidel. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! On behalf of the General Comittee of the Marx Memorial Library & Workers' School: John Foster, Secretary Alex Gordon, Chair Marjorie Mayo, Vice Chair Graham Stevenson, Treasurer
Marx Memorial Library and Workers' School (United Kingdom)
It is sad to see such a hero to so many go, but he lived a good life full of accomplishments. He may be the most realized person in history. Rest in peace, Comrade Fidel. You are dearly missed.
Dan Curley (United States of America)
Yo Soy Fidel
Trevor Yorke (United Kingdom)
Lamentablemente no supe de este link hasta hoy, y aunque deje mis criterios y condolencias en su momento en cuanto espaciohubo sobre el tema, no quiero dejar este en blanco. Dentro de mis funciones como oficial del MININT, no fueron pocas las veces q tuve que hacer lovque denominavamos opereativo de proteccion para el Jefe, cuanto orgullo me invadia por el tema, no puedo ser muy extenso, la perdida del Comandante la senti tanto yo como mi familia, padres e hijos lloramos la noticia y aun hoy, sigo sintiendo su sperdida con dolor. Siempre fui y sere mas que un revolucionario, UN ETERNO FIDELISTA. Hasta la victoria siempre... Boriws/CO3DSE
Boris (CO3DSE) (Cuba)
Si la humanidad tuviece que salir de este planeta tus principios tu lucha la acompañaran como ejemplo de vida. Gracias Fidel
Edison Patino (United Kingdom)
R.I.P comandante Fidel !
Joacy de Souza (Brazil)
Fidel Castro, the great revolutionary will never die, he and all of his comrades will be alive in the heart and mind of every free man and woman for ever. Long live Cuban revolution.
Orang Kiyani (United Kingdom)
Cuba the idea teffified all tyrants Rest comrade job well done
Tony Whelan (Ireland)
Vikki Brannagan (United Kingdom)
You were one of the greatest leaders of one of the greatest countries in the world. Fidel inspired a small group of people who led a revolution that inspired a nation and then the world. Cuba has been an inspiration to me and countless millions around the world. Cuba's international solidarity has saved and improved the lives of millions around the world and shown that there is a better way.
Nick Kelleher (United Kingdom)
I am sorry for your loss, the loss of a very charismatic and important revolutionary whose name will live on forever. Yours is the legacy of a great man.
Madeleine Shaw (United Kingdom)
Estuvo - y estas todavia - una inspiración por toda la gente en el mundo que sufrir armut o falta la comida o no tiene Salud. Hay muchas victorias por la revolución. Lo que hace en Cuba es una reto por todo los paises en el 'mundo primero' que dicen 'no pueden dinero por la salud.' Hay mas victorias para hacer. Mientras, quedarese en tranquilidad! Saludos fuertes.
M Aien (United Kingdom)
A great man has gone from the earth,we are all diminished.
Peter (United Kingdom)
Roger Simmonds (United Kingdom)
Inolvidable FIDEL, gracias por todo lo que nos has enseñado. Hasta siempre COMANDANTE!
Mila Larburu Aguirre (Spain)
Long live Fidel. We are Fidel
Trevor (United Kingdom)
If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down, because they are sacrificed for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no petty, limited, selfish joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly but perpetually at work, and all over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people. Marx.
John Lisgarten (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante.
Marcelino Ovidio Colorado Mendoza (Colombia)
We should not mourn the loss of Fidel, but celebrate the fact that he lived and played such a key role in world events. He is a role model and inspiration for all of us that believe in a fairer and more just world. Rest in peace dear Comrade and... hasta la vitoria sempre!
Mark Lomas (United Kingdom)
Diego Millán Berdasco (Spain)
Lamento mucho la muerte de Fidel. Seguro que como todos, no era hombre perfecto, pero, con ustedes Cubanos, logro mas para mejor la vida de los demás que casi cualquier otro. Espero mucho que mantengan vivo sus grandes aspiraciones para la humanidad y que no estén seducidos por los falsos dioses del capitalismo - la salud, dignidad para todos e educación son libertades mas importantes que los que vende los Estados Unidos. Viva Fidel!
Tamsin Smith (United Kingdom)
You once said "History will absolve me". It already has... a dozen times over. Hasta lads victoria siempre, Commandante.
Dr Tomasz Pierscionek (United Kingdom)
¡El Cubano mas alto en el mundo! ¡Viva Fidel, Viva Che, Viva Raéordm;l i Viva Cuba! ¡Destruir el bloqueo inmoral!
Allan Hansen (Canada)
Sadly we now don't have any alternative to capitalism in the world - hopefully your light will shine and inspire a new generation!
Richard (United Kingdom)
Rest In Peace True Revolutionary!! The Struggle for Freedom for all the oppressed people of the World draws much inspiration from you and your Countrymen and Women!!!
Bheka Shambira (United Kingdom)
Mel Barden (United Kingdom)
Fidel is in our hearts forever.
Anna (Russian Federation)
Gostaria de desejar condoléordf;ncias ao povo querido de Cuba pela morte de Fidel. Infelizmente o homem mais humano, inteligente, perspicaz e determinado se foi. Mas espero que o povo de Cuba siga em frente com o legado que ele lhes deixou e que a chama do socialismo permaneésect;a sempre acesa!Hasta siempre Fidel!!
Maria Cristina de Medeiros (Brazil)
Very saddened to hear of his death. He will be remembered as a Beacon of Hope to the marginalised of the Planet. Not only to them but to countless others too
Dave Finch (United Kingdom)
For our generation Fidel was not only a hero of the Century but also A model for human life
ali tavassoli (Iran)
Hasta la victoria siempre querido commandante Continuaremos la lucha Vencenremos Viva Cuba
Silvia (Belgium)
Lars Lundkvist (Sweden)
fidel castro, che guavarra and all of the men and women and children that fought for the revolution, fought against US imperialism,fought against fascism we owe you such a great debt. you helped to liberate and inspire many central south American countries. bless you fidel, thank you all for giving us hope!!!!
david shaw (United Kingdom)
Castro will never be forgotten
We wish to express our sadness at the recent loss for Cuba and Latin America of the great revolutionary Cuban leader Fidel Castro. His life and work will live in the deeds and hearts of progressives in Latin America and the world.
Michael Kain, and Maria Kain. (United Kingdom)
Admiro uma das ilhas mais maravilhosas do planeta, com o povo mais destemido audaciosa. Me impressiona o amor e respeito do povo com Comandante Fidel e com a Revoluésect;épound;o. Viva ao povo Cubano! Um dia seremos um só POVO na "Pátria Grande". "Hasta la victoria siempre"
Christina Cruz (Brazil)
A man who installed a belief that the existing discriminatory order can be challenged. walked the walk gave us as Africans the confidence to speak up and be proud of our heritage. educate spread the love and be a compassionate human.
Winston Richards (United Kingdom)
Jenny Jackson (United Kingdom)
Huw Thomas (United Kingdom)
So yo Fidel, I am visited Cuba and I seen child and people all happy, nothing stress...Thank you very much Fidel and all Revolution friends...Thanks...So yo Fidel
Ä°rfan Sahin (United Kingdom)
In solidarity with the Cuban people at this time of sadness. Fidel made so many lives better and he'll be long remembered not only as a leader but also as a man of the people. Vinceremos
Kevin Fitzgerald (United Kingdom)
VIVA FIDEL. You were the greatest inspiration for millions of people of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Sudeb Mitra (United States of America)
Hasta la vivtroia agus go raibh maith agut From the workers party west belfast (republican socialists)
Jim Quinn (Ireland)
(Czech Republic)
Farewell to an icon of the world. What great courage, what a great example you provided to the world.
Ben Gilby (United Kingdom)
Now that you're asleep I know that you'll be in all our dreams. I am happy to have had the privilege to visit the birthplace of the revolution and the place of your birth before you went to finally rest. You still live in our hearts. Linda XXX
Linda M Cotterell (United Kingdom)
John M. Custin (United States of America)
I remember when the Cubans were in Africa. They helped the Africans in Angola and Mozambique. Those captured Cubans wanted to go to South Africa and live and work there. As a young man I had an admiration for Fidel Castro, as he protected Cuba from U.S. aggression and war.
raymond wilson (United Kingdom)
Thank you for ALL you have done for Socialism and the people of Cuba
Kevin Robinson (United Kingdom)
Fidel had A long, selfless and productive life, he achieved so much for Cuba and also helped many other countries around the world. Muchas gracias Fidel.
Diana Wright (United Kingdom)
The King is dead long live the King, Cuba has to continue with the principles that Fidel along with Raul, Che and all the brave revolutionaries back in 1959, right through to present day, hopefully Cuba continues to grow and embraces new challenges "HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE"
steve murphy (United Kingdom)
I feel with the cubanian peope.
Iris Mueller (Germany)
Hasta siempre Comandante
Sergio Requena-Rueda (United Kingdom)
Thank you for those Doctors you trained for my country .as well as teachers. MYSRIP
Gerry mbiriviri (United Kingdom)
Que o espírito revolucionário de Fidel se mantenha vivo em cada um daquele que acreditar que o mundo pode ser diferente.
Lucas José Mendes dos Santos (Brazil)
Gracias por ser él faro que ilumina a los oprimidos y antiimperialistas La clase obrera no te olvida. Viva la Revolución!
Pedro José Cutillas Jim&A (Spain)
Desde estas cortas líneas quiero expresar mis condolencias al pueblo cubano por la pérdida de uno de los revolucionarios más importantes de la historia que jamás haya dado. Fidel Castro ha representado y representará la imagen de la lucha, del compromiso, del bienestar por los más débiles, de su lucha incombustible contra el imperialismo norteamericano. Escribo desde Canarias ya que tuvo la suerte de que allá por el año 96 nuestro comandante tuvo el gran detalle de realizar una parada técnica para conocer parte del archipiélago. Con todo esto quiero decir que no te olvidaremos nunca y que tus enseñanzas quedarán recogidas por nosotros. Hasta siempre Comandante, HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!!!!!
Fuiste un ejemplo de lucha y resistencia contra los poderosos. ¡Hasta siempre, comandante!
Nuria (Spain)
A long life that made other people's better.
Linden Ash (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a true hero to the oppressed people of Cuba and a friend to the fight against injustice across the world. As Paulo Freire said, "to glorify democracy and to silence the people is a farce".
Mark Lawla (United Kingdom)
Thank you for all that you did, and along with all Cuban people for your example in getting the priorities right and showing the world it is possible . Big love to all Cuba
Geraldine Cawthorne (United Kingdom)
Jan Beijer (Brazil)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre COMANDANTE !
Marta Martinez (France)
Desde hace siglos los/as andaluces/as tenemos lazos de hermandad con el pueblo cubano,esa hermandad se ha fortalecido desde 1959 viendo con admiración como has liderado una revolución verdaderamente socialista,que unido al humanismo martiano,ha sido ejemplo de dar todo por la emancipación de los pueblos,enfrentandose victoriosamente al gigante imperialista y su criminal bloqueo. Gracias por todo comandante en jefe,dejas un legado inmenso y eterno que lo cuidaremos y defenderemos la humanidad progresista. Como dijo marti:quien se levanta por cuba,se levanta para todos los tiempos. Hasta la victoria siempre,patria o muerte,socialismo o muerte venceremos!
javier narvaez herrero (Spain)
In solidarity with the Cuban people mourning the loss of their great leader.
Gilbert-Paul Jeannon (United Kingdom)
Has sido y eres un ejemplo por la entera humanidad, has trazado la calle hacia la dignidad y solidariatö entre los Pueblos, seguiremos tus pasos sobre esta calle, fuertes de tu enseñanza. Hasta siempre, Comandante!!!
Primo Ilario Soravia (Italy)
Pedro Alexander Cruz Moiset (Cuba)
Mucha fuerza al hermano pueblo de Cuba por la partida de nuestro compañero Comandante Fidel. No es un adiós, es un Hasta siempre Comandante, aquí seguiremos haciendo vida tu ejemplo revolucionario, con la dignidad y fortaleza de los pueblos de América
Ingrid Fonseca Vidal (Chile)
Starr Bowie (United States of America)
Para mi Fidel es guía y siempre lo será. Yo nací y me formé con la Revolución, y siempre la apoyaré. Donde quiera que esté estoy seguro que se sentirá orgulloso de su pueblo, ese al que él dedicó toda su vida y que no lo defraudará. Hasta la victoria siempre eterno guerrillero, tómese un merecido descanso para que vuelva a arremeter contra la injusticia.
Abel (Cuba)
Comandante, mi admiración por Ud. No se termina, Ud hizo de mis utopías realidades. Es por Ud que voy seguido a oler la historia de Cuba, a perderme entre sus calles, a dibujar revoluciones... Ud no se fue se quedó en los soñadores de este mundo y en el puño erguido de los que creemos que otro mundo es posible. HLVS
Fernando lazaro (Argentina)
The success of the Cuban revolution to the oppressed people of the world was a shining beacon of hope. The medical and military assistance and solidarity to them to help break the chains of imperialism is unmatched in human history. Viva Fidel Viva la revolution.
John McFadden (United Kingdom)
A Great Leader will be missed
Robert Lightfoot (United Kingdom)
Fidel creo no había dimensionado tu importancia en mi vida hasta hoy, cuando ya no estás entre nosotros. Tu magnetismo me impactó siempre en cada ocasión que te percibí cercano. Soy un producto de tu obra y no tengo más que agradecerle a la vida, el haberme permitido ser parte de tu proyecto y de la gloria que le brindaste a Cuba. Me prometí no llorar al conocer de tu partida física, pero es imposible. Solo te digo: Hasta siempre invicto Comandante. Mis pensamientos vuelan hacia todos sus familiares y seres queridos, en este momento de dolor. Afectuosamente, Gisela Hernandez Canals
Gisela Hernandez Canals (United States of America)
Hasta la Victoria siempre Comandante!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nestor Serres Voisin (Venezuela)
El Comandante Fidel Castro pasó el umbral de la eternidad, Fidel es de los hombres que nunca mueren porque es semilla que florecerá por los siglos de generación en generación. Hombres como Fidel nunca mueren, solo cierran los ojos y se quedan velando. Hasta siempre Comandante.
Hugo Orozco (United States of America)
Porque Fidel es FIDEL. Hasta la victoria siempre.
José Sá (Costa Rica)
La verdad hasta que duela. Gracias por ello!.
Seydel (Cuba)
Hasta siempre, comandante! Nos faltaras...
Christa Grewe (Germany)
El hombre que con su ejemplo supe desde que tuve uso de razón, que si es posible un mundo mejor, hasta la victoria siempre Fidel.
Marina Sandoval aguilar (Mexico)
vivirá para siempre, Fidel viva, viva el pueblo cubano. Viva Cuba.
Carlos Rema (Portugal)
Donde quiera que este, en el cielo, la gloria o la eternidad, este como siempre tranquilo, nosotros seguimos un paso detrás suyo.
José Andrécop (Panama)
Hasta la victoria siempre.. solidaridad con un pueblo que ha mostrado su amor por América Latina y la humanidad
Giselle García (Costa Rica)
Mi gran sentir comandante, « todos somos Fidel» Fidel éordm;nico en el mundo, como él NADIE. Viva la Revolución.
Alejandra (Spain)
Fidel, un ejemplo de lucha y coherencia durante toda tu vida. Seguiremos tu ejemplo, camarada. Un abrazo revolucionario al pueblo cubano desde Masueco, España
Dani (Spain)
a mi comandante ,que vive y vivira en el corazon de su pueblo y de sus hijos ,gloria eterna al mejor de todos los cubanos
kirenia jimenez Abrahantes (Cuba)
Fidel que fue Fidel que es Fidel que será El ser humano más humano El grano de maíz Donde cabe toda la Gloria del mundo.
Elohim Potugués Guti&Atil (Mexico)
Hasta siempre, Comandante. Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Ramón H. Garrido (Spain)
La vida nos dio la oportunidad, de compartir espacio y tiempo, con el hombre más grande que haya parido esta tierra llamada Cuba, ser él o ser como él, es nuestro mayor desafío y a la vez nuestro mayor compromiso, el dolor que sentimos sabremos convertirlo en sudor fruto de nuestro trabajo, para que perdure la Revolución que triunfante entró en La Habana un 8 de enero de 1959 y que nosotros tenemos el honor de mantener encendido ese moter. FIDEL, tu luz no se apagará porque tus herederos estamos aquí par a hacerla perdurar en el tiempo.Gracias por existir.#Yo soy Fidel#
niurka gonzález gonz&Ati (Cuba)
Comandante: Padre de nuestra Revolución, usted ha sido es y será por siempre la luz que guiará el camino, por eso repito YO SOY FIDEL, seguiremos tu ejemplo Comandante, la juventud cubana no te fallará jamás. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Lisbet Consuegra (Cuba)
Gracias a Fidel por por mi educación, salud y bienestar. Fuiste y siempre serás nuestro lider. Descansa en Paz.
Elizabet Sanabrias Santos (Cuba)
maria victoria martinez (United Kingdom)
Fidel, para mi es el hombre de estos siglos, pero además de serlo, es el padre de todos los cubanos y latinoamericanos, su desaparición física, ha sido un golpe muy duro, lo pensabamos eternos como dice su canción, y cuando recibimos la noticia , fue cuando igual que cuando perdi a mi padre lloro todos los días y el dolor solo tiene consuelo en trabajar cada día más y tomar de él todo lo que nos enseñó, y tratar que mi Centro de Trabajo un Joven Club de Computación,mi casa, mi familia y mi barrio siempre lo tengan presente en cada proceder, cumplir con mucha dignidad el juramento que hice con el concepto Revolución, perdi a un padre un amigo pero el vive en nuestros corazones por siempre por eso le digo a Raul,! Comandante Ordene! aqui estamos para defender la obra a la que él le entregó su vida. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE
Bárbara Maré (Cuba)
Querido Comandante Soy un pionero de 5 grado que aprendió a quererte a través de las anécdotas y los comentarios de mi familia, que crecí convencido que no existía en el mundo un hombre más justo, solidario y humano que tu. En los libros de historia supe que el 25 de noviembre de 1956 saliste de Tuxpan en el yate Granma, con rumbo a la libertad, ese mismo día pero del 2016 partiste con destino a la eternidad, porque tus recuerdos y enseñanzas no morirán jamás, vivirán en las nuevas generaciones de cubanos que sabremos defender tus conquistas e ideales ¡Hasta siempre Comandante!
Jorge Alejandro del Sol Muñ (Cuba)
Jorge tavel (United States of America)
Fidel aprendimos a saberte eterno, por eso Cuba ES FIDEL
Yenny Montano Hdez (Cuba)
Yo soy Fidel su vida estoy, es la inspiración y la fuerza de todo revolucionario de nuestros días gracias Fidel Yo soy Fidel
Alexis (Cuba)
Hemos perdido a un líder, lo siento mucho,por el pueblo cubano!
Joaquín Martés (Costa Rica)
Hasta Siempre Fidel, padre de todos los cubanos con dignidad! Te voy a recordar toda mi vida
Yenia Fernández (Switzerland)
Ramón Urbano Mora (Spain)
Toda mi solidaridad y cariño para con el pueblo de Cuba. Su ejemplo (el de Fidel y el de ustedes) siempre estará presente.
Armando Martínez Garc&Atil (Spain)
Querido Fidel, imposible olvidarte. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Beatriz Martínez Ram&Atild (Spain)
Al pueblo cubano: Fidel ha sido una luz en medio de la oscuridad que se ha cernido y se cierne sobre todo el continente. Y seguramente aéordm;n hoy, reconociendo todo lo que ha sido y lo que ha hecho, no podremos compilar la inmensidad de su obra hasta que la historia lo incluya en sus anales. Hasta siempre comandante, hasta la victoria siempre.
Sergio Daniel Gimenez (Argentina)
De los días mas hermosos de mi vida el dia que conocia Fidel, fue en los treinta años de la Revolución viaje con uno de mis hijo y compañero. Me causo mucha alegria ver a este gran hombre tan cálido y cordial siento tan inmenso. A Fidel lo llevare siempre en mi corazón y lo considero el hombre mas grande la humanidad. Creo que no se fue que esta aquí en cada uno de los seres que lo admiramos de corazón...
Clementina Maria Romero Bateman (Colombia)
Querido Fidel te fuiste cuando yo no estaba, pero me quedé haciendo lo que me encomendaste. Gracias por darme la oportunidad de ser Médico. Gloria eterna Comandante de mil Batallas!!!
Arnaldo Cedeño NÃ (Brazil)
Mi más sentido pésame por la pérdida física de nuestro invencible Comandante en Jefe Fidel.
Angel Zuazo López (Poland)
Comandante, tu solidaridad por la independencia nacional para Puerto Rico siempre fue tu praxis del gran Jose Marti, el primer artIculo del Partido Revolucionario Cubano. Tu praxis hacia el socialismo, nos cristalizastes el imperio de sus mentiras y sus acciones. Fuistes un gran maestro. Muchas gracias por tu gran solidaridad que nunca vacilastes. Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!!!
Javier S. Torres (United States of America)
Dear Cubans, I want to express my deep sorrow upon hearing the passing of your iconic leader and convey my condolences to you. I am a big fan and devotee of Fidel's epic revolutionary message and contribution to the world. Although I wasn't born in the time of the Cuban revolution, I have read about it later on and I admire Fidel's life, character and incomparable genius. In my eyes, he was the quintessential leader and man: a great visionary, a true patriot and a remarkable man. He lived his life-purpose brilliantly and you Cubans can be proud of him. I remain a Fidelista in my heart and I love the people of Cuba. Hasta la Victoria siempré Comandanté! Rest in power! Idil
Idil (Canada)
mi más sentido pésame para todo el pueblo cubano por la perdida del Comandante Fidel Castro,que es verdad cuando dicen que es una estrella que alumbra el camino de todos los que luchan por un mundo mejor.
martín castillo (Mexico)
Viva Fidel!
Adrian Sandécedil;y (Norway)
Fidel seguiremos tu ejemplo si fuera necesario desde las sierras de Rocha Uruguay hasta siempre!!!
Guzmán (Uruguay)
Admiración total al Comandante porque nunca se dejó doblegar por el imperio yanky.
Alba Tinoco Chávez (Mexico)
Se nos fué un imprescindible de la lucha obrera.
Mar Rojero Fdez. (Spain)
El trillo se hizo camino Escuela se hizo el cuartel El accionar de Fidel Le fue cambiando el destino Al obrero al campesino Al necio al intelectual Y con justicia social Se hizo firma la victoria Para ascender a la gloria Como un hombre excepcional
Guadalupe Hernández Breto (Cuba)
Por un revolucionario que supo luchar por sus obreros y siempre estuvo con ellos pese al Imperialismo opositor
Isabel Moreno (Spain)
Guía y ejemplo en todas y cada una de las batallas, tu legado siempre nos acompañará hasta el fin de los días. Paz y descanso para ti
Zayra González (Cuba)
Fidel es para mí el aire, la tierra, la risa, el llanto, la tristeza, la alegría, la sabiduría, la fuerza, el deseo, la firmeza, la valentía, la confianza, el anhelo, el padre, el abuelo, la patria, la revolución..
Adamayanti Gamboa Noa (Cuba)
Fuiste y eres uno de los más grandes revolucionarios del siglo XX y XXI Honor y Gloria.
Helia Valeria (Chile)
En nombre de los Joven Club de Computación y Electrónica ratificamos continuar el legado de Fidel. Lo llevaremos siempre en la mente y en el corazón y tendremos el compromiso permanente de ser cada día mejores. Este es el mejor homenaje al padre de los Joven Club y la mejor forma de mantenerlo vivo entre nosotros
Carlos López La&am (Cuba)
Siempre con Fidel y con el pueblo de Cuba. Hasta la victoria siempre
Pilar Fernandez (Spain)
Blas Alonso garcia (France)
A great man that stood against the capitalist monster and pretty much won. Sad that he is gone but hopefully more will follow in his footsteps and stand against the machine. Viva la revolution! Viva Cuba!
Claire Tarkenter-Johnson (United Kingdom)
Lori O'Brien (Ireland)
May your soul rest in peace el comandante South Africa will forever be indebted to you for your fight against the oppressive system of apartheid.
Siboniso Mvelase (South Africa)
On behalf of GMB Mid Lincs Branch please accept our condolences to the people and Government of Cuba on the passing of Fidel Castro.
GMB Mid Lincs Branch (United Kingdom)
Adiós líder histórico de una revolución que fue de todos, adiós a tus manos y a tus pensamientos, que tus ideas se eleven por sobre las conciencias de quienes tengan vergüenza del suelo que pisan y que al no arredrarlos el miedo se conviertan en verdaderos hijos de su patria...adiós Comandante, bienvenido a nuestros corazones Fidel!!
Albertozzy Valay (Mexico)
Glynn Simmons (Bermuda)
I have family in Cuba, my parents are first generation Cuban immigrants. Castro may not have been perfect but he completely changed Cuba for the better. I hope Cuba continues to be the best socialist country in the world.
Angie (United States of America)
You changed the world for the better and throughout it all, remained true to your ideals.
Karen (United States of America)
Rest in peace
Sheik Anas (Sri Lanka)
Alex Hutchinson (United States of America)
No Pasaran...RIP
Steven (United Kingdom)
Rós Stafford (Ireland)
Viva La Revolucion, Viva Cuba, Viva Raul Et VIVA FIDEL. Descansa en paz Comendante. Con amor de Escocia. Soar Alba
Paul Stuart (United Kingdom)
Gracias a Fidel por permitirme crecer en un ambiente seguro, por haberme regalado una infancia real, sana... gracias Fidel por mis ideales, gracias por la cultura y sobre, gracias, muchas gracias por mi educación. Siempre estaré orgullosa y agradecida de haber sido tan privilegiada en recibir mis títulos en la Universidad de la Habana. Fuiste y siempre serás parte de la Cuba como nación, de nuestro ideario revolucionario y nuestros ideales como pueblo. Descansa en Paz. Gloria eterna a nuestro lider.
Mayra (Cuba)
He has been an inspiration to me throughout my life. And visiting Cuba 30 years ago was the highlight. A sad loss, he will be remembered with much admiration and love...
Lindsay Popovich (France)
Brian Cooper (United Kingdom)
An inspirational figure
jeff richards (United Kingdom)
A remarkable man - he achieved so much for his country against such great odds.
Denise Baden (United Kingdom)
It is very sad Fidel is not anymore among us physically but he is alive! since he is with us in every day of our lives. He thought us to be strong to struggle against injustice, poverty, exploitation. Fidel does not belong only to Cuba, Fidel does not only belong to Latin America, Fidel belongs to the world. We all people from all corners of the world swear to defend Cuba and Socialism Gracias Fidel! By the way Fidel, I forgot to tell you, I am Fidel!
Ahmad Naeni (Canada)
Gone but will never be forgotten. DESCANSA EN PAZ CAMARADA
Lenny Jones (United Kingdom)
The Last Great man has gone. And the men in this poor time are few. Comrade Fidel Castro has gone. The Greatest man has gone. He left carrying the torch of the resistance and the challenge in the face of the barbarism of the American and multinational oligarchy and brutal over fifty years. Gone, the comrade, the supportive ally and loyal to all the peoples of the world's oppressed, besieged and debilitating by the barbarism of global multinational capital. Comrade Fidel, we will miss you, and will misses you, ALL the oppressed, marginalized and enslaved peoples all over the world... Goodbye from the heart. We promise you that we will be on the fidelity, the loyalty and on your pathway we are aiming...
Jamal Sarraf (Canada)
Fidel served us all well.Sympathy to the Cuban People and socialists worldwide
Ron Woodwark (United Kingdom)
A revoluésect;épound;o Cubana é de fato exemplo para toda a ame rica latina, viva Fidel, viva o socialismo o futuro incontestável da humanidade.
Josias Leandro dos Santos (Brazil)
Countless assasination attemps on Commandante FIDEL failed. All the cruel US sanctions against Cuba's revolutionary achivements failed. It was Fidel's carisma, his persuasive power in Socialism,for a humanitarian, a better world to live in. HASTA LA VIKTORIA - FIDEL VIVE!
Sonja Jamkojian-Huber (Austria)
Gracias Comandante eterno por enseñarnos a vivir, continuaras siempre presente en nuestros principios, en nuestros actos y en nuestros corazones. Hasta Siempre
Adelaida Ballbé Vald&Atil (Cuba)
Salford Trades Union Council voted unanimously to send condolances to the cuban people at this time. Viva Fidel!
Salford Trades Union Council (United Kingdom)
I will always be grateful for the role the Cuban revolutionaries played in liberating my father's homeland Algeria from capitalist imperialist France. I will forever hold a place in my heart for Fidel and the help he gave the third world. He is what inspired me to become a Communist. My hero.
Daniel Yahia Mohammed (United Kingdom)
Your leadership of the Cuban Revolution inspired millions throughout the world to believe that there is an alternative to imperialist domination and capitalist exploitation. The achievements of the Cuban people cannot be erased - history has absolved you.
Mark (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre commandante Fidel Castro
Mio Sidén (Sweden)
We visited Cuba in 2007 and saw for ourselves what you had achieved with Socialism. Your people were warm and vibrant and not the oppressed people the world's media portrayed. Sleep well great man. Viva Cuba.
Leontine Langabeer (United Kingdom)
In Gedanken bei allen Kubanern, die um ihren Revolutionsführer und langjécurren;hrigen Précurren;sidenten trauern. Ich weine auch um Fidel- Ein Held der Menschheit. Sabine Engelhardt
Sabine Engelhardt (Germany)
Respect Comrade.
Yvonne Weaver (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel
Glyn (United Kingdom)
Fidel. An inspiration to all who loved the idea of a just and equal life, a man who fought to perfect his ideals for the benefit of the Cuban people. May God help his lifetimes work to continue and for the new leaders of Cuba to keep Cuba a free and independent nation and to keep Cuba the great little country that the world has come to love. Goodbye Fidel, you will never be forgotten. .
bob beach (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to all those who believe in a better world.
Ben Hayes (United Kingdom)
Your actions have been an illustration that hope is one of the strongest weapons in our arsenal. Your words have been an inspiration for that hope. You may no longer be with us, but we will forever be with us; in the laughter of our children, the solidarity of strangers, and the love in our hearts.
james sheppard (United Kingdom)
joe welsh (United Kingdom)
Gomes Lisboa (France)
With respect and deep sorrow I hope the people of Cuba will find a good way to go their own way in this world.
Frank Maas (Netherlands)
It is sad to see the passing of one who so embodied international solidarity. Many people in Ghana owe their health to the Cuban doctors who came to assist in our time of dire need. I hope the spirit of international solidarity between the peoples of the world and the people of Cuba will be Fidel's undying legacy. Venceremos
Philip Gardiner (United Kingdom)
Maria Christou (Cyprus)
Seguirá existiendo un Fidel vibrando en la montaña con un rubí, cinco franjas y una estrella.
José Mª G (Spain)
Comandante vive!
Marcelo Biar (Brazil)
Compañeros y compañeras, en Chile la juventud y el pueblo trabajador asume esta perdida con profundo dolor, sin embargo sabemos, y bajo la dirección de nuestro Partido Comunista de Chile y Juventudes Comunistas de Chile, que el mejor homenaje es y será siempre la victoria final y la construcción del socialismo y el comunismo en nuestras patrias. Fidel nos dejó tremenda enseñanza de dignidad, perseverancia y humanidad, sin duda podemos decir que el fue el hombre nuevo, o lo mas cercano a esto y nos enorgullece haber tenido y desarrollado una profunda hermandad entre nuestros pueblos bajo las revoluciones cubana y chilena. Soy un estudiante, de licenciatura en historia, quiero ser profesor. Soy hijo de trabajadores, mi madre es profesora y mi padre es un obrero técnico, y estoy seguro que interpreto el sentir de mis padres y familia. En Chile estamos viviendo un proceso de cambios muy paulatino pero no por eso ajeno a convulsiones y al boicot economico y fascista de la derecha. Aquí la gente pobre debe hacer muchos sacrificios para estudiar y ese es uno de los temas de porque admiramos tanto a nuestra hermana Cuba y a su pueblo que tienen garantías revolucionarias como la educación, entre otros tantos frutos del trabajo que es el sostén que a todos de la abundancia hará gozar. Con la convicción mas fuerte que nunca, me despido yo y en nombre de todos mis compañeros chilenos, deseamos la continuidad y profundización de la revolución, y sepan que desde Chile trabajaremos para eso. Queremos que la juventud cubana de nuestros tiempos valore, cuide y siga, con la misma disciplina, la senda de Fidel y Raul, porque sin duda tienen algo que muchos pueblos del mundo no tienen, y el socialismo y el partido son joyas que debemos pulir siempre. Saludos revolucionarios, ¡venceremos!
Hugo Edmundo Addison-Smith Flores (Chile)
Long live the Cuban Revolution. May it continue on in strength through solidarity, peace and justice.
Adam Evans (United Kingdom)
Fidel's example continues to inspire millions of people throughout the world, ensuring that he will never be forgotten. Farewell Commendante!
Roger (United Kingdom)
The world was blessed with Fidel. I pray for Cuba.
Darron (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Commandate
Benjamin Stephens (United Kingdom)
David Mills (United Kingdom)
RIP Comrade, history will absolve you and your name will be remembered long after the names of your enemies. You were a revolutionary leader, a constant thorn in the side of US and Western Imperialism, and a leader of men. You stood strong in the face of isolation imposed by the US and lead your country to the other side. Long live a socialist Cuba.
Kindred Willow (United Kingdom)
Fidel ! Bold adventurer. Fearless revolutionary. Fountain of endless inspiration. True leader. Love Brad xxx
Brad Bradshaw (United Kingdom)
Farewell Comandante - an inspirational leader of the Cuban People, whose struggle against Capitalist Imperialism and aggression, has in turn, inspired so many of us socialists in the rest of the world.
Michael Robinson (United Kingdom)
I share the sadness of the Cuban People, at the passing of the last great revolutionary, socialist leader and champion of those oppresed by Imperialists.
Joann Kibbles (United Kingdom)
A great man has left us. RIP
Dorothy Hindmarch (United Kingdom)
Soy de estas personas que tienen la sensación de ser un caso éordm;nico, pero que en el fondo creo que no hay para tanto. Es evidente que Fidel Castro fue un ejemplo a seguir, pero creo que los Estados Unidos le empujaron a la izquierda. Con el paso del tiempo a Fidel Castro le salieron muchos problemas provocados por un salvaje aislamiento y que fue otro empujón, no sé si a la izquierda o a una especie de pragmatismo. Sea lo que sea, Cuba sigue siendo un faro en mesoamérica y es preocupante ver a Trump ganarse amigos con Miami. Precisamente por esta razón Fidel Castro sigue siendo necesario y su pérdida es irreparable. Desde aquí quiero enviar mi ánimo al pueblo cubano Albert
Albert de la Hoz Bofarull (Spain)
The most significant revolutionary of his generation. Patria o meurte
Andrew Mochrie (United Kingdom)
While Cuba lives you will not die
Robert Porter (Ireland)
Deep condolences to the people of Cuba. Of all the freedom fighters and all those of progressive thought, he was the tallest tree in the forest. His death is the saddest loss, but we can gather strength from the inspiration of El Comandante Fidel Castro. Viva Cuba!
Peter Liversidge (United Kingdom)
Toutes mes sinceres condoleances pour ce grand homme de la liberation des peuples de leurs oppresseurs. Fidel tu as ete un homme de courage et de principes jusqu'a la fin de tes jours.
Noureddine (France)
A fine life Fidel. A hero of the people.
Alasdair McIntyre (United Kingdom)
Que Viva Fidel! Y Cuba!!!! Gracias por todo. Señor Fidel nunca te olvido. 'Me inspiraba mucho con sus sueños, su fuerza y motivacion. Gracias por serel hombre por la humanidad, y mas importante una voz por los Africanos! Usted, Chavez y Mandela son los tres hombres los que amo con todo mi corazon. Viva la revolucion!!!
Aisha (United Kingdom)
Thank you Commandante, you inspired me to be a better person. RIP.
Neil Harvey (United Kingdom)
equality lives on.
john aldous (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Forever grateful for your inspiration Love Darin
Darin McCrystal (United Kingdom)
A very sad loss, a legend that will live for ever
Mark Devenney (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Bettina Gertum Becker (Brazil)
Gerard Rouwkema (Netherlands)
Steve Pinhorn (United Kingdom)
Visitei duas vezes Cuba como membro das Brigadas de Trabalho Voluntário em 1977 e 1983 para conhecer melhor a realidade da vida em Cuba e gostei muito fiquei um apaixonado por Cuba.
Antonio Jose Branco Vieira (Portugal)
Elijah McDonald (Australia)
Thomas UNger (Germany)
hasta la victoria siempre comandante!
Thomas Ong (Germany)
My red salutes to this iconic leader.
SuDeep (India)
Paul Mackney (United Kingdom)
I would like to send my condolences to all those who loved Fidel and were inspired to courage by him and his colleagues.A outstanding political leader is gone! RIP
Werner Moritz (Germany)
As a member of AKEL I pay my tribute and condolence to the leader of the revolution and the people of Cuba. RIP Fidel Castro. Venceremos.
Angelos Kassianos (Cyprus)
Thank you Fidel for being born. Thank you for finding your happiness in helping the helpless. Thank you for carrying the flag of hope for us. You were Spartacus of our time. You are not gone. You will be here where you belong. Thank you for showing us the meaning of bravery, dignity and consistency. Your Cuba and Cuban people will be the answer to many questions for decades to come. We hope you return from your temporary visit to nowhere and carry the flag once more. I will wait for your return. Till then good-bye Fidel. :)
Monirul Islam (Bangladesh)
Antoinette Mécurren;chtlinger (Saudi Arabia)
Viva fidel!
Israel blasczak (United States of America)
I send my condolences for the death of Comrade Fidel to the heroic people of Cuba. As a young U.S. communist, Fidel and the Cuban Revolution have always been an inspiration to me. The anti-imperialist and internationalist legacy of Fidel and the Cuban Revolution is an inspiration for all who fight for liberation. Comrade Fidel was one of the greatest revolutionaries who ever lived, and though his physical body is dead, his spirit lives on in the hearts of the toilets and the oppressed. His contributions to the international struggle for democracy, national liberation, and socialism will never be forgotten. Comrade Fidel, ¡presente! ¡Patria o muerte! ¡Venceremos!
L. Horton (United States of America)
Descansa en paz,Fidel. ¡ Venceremos !
Stewart Clements (United Kingdom)
Monika Rosa Waldkirch (Germany)
Viva o grande lider Fidel ! Meus sentimentos ao povo cubano.
Vera Lucia M Delerue (Brazil)
In this moment of grief n sorrow accept my deep condolences over the great loss not only of Cuban nation in particular but all the revolutionaries of the world in general.
Shahbaz (Pakistan)
Viva la revolucion cubana...
Cyril Halls (United Kingdom)
El Movimiento Antorchista que lleva ya 42 años luchando contra la pobreza en México, le ha rendido un fraterno y sentido homenaje póstumo al Comandante Fidel Castro, en el Auditorio Nacional, el pasado 5 de diciembre, como una muestra de solidaridad con el pueblo y gobierno de Cuba pero también para destacar el legado de Fidel, quien en palabras de nuestro líder nacional, el Ing. Aquiles Córdova Moral, fue el más grande ejemplar vivo de la especie humana, dicho justo cuando abandonó el poder en 2006 por razones de salud. Las ideas y la obra de Fidel, forjadas en las luchas libertarias del pueblo cubano, no morirán mientras haya pobres en la tierra, su ejemplo prevalecerá más vivo que nunca en cada pueblo sojuzgado, en cada ser humano humilde y bueno, en cada lucha por un mundo mejor la figura de Fidel, junto a la del Che, de Lenin y Mao, de Marx y Engels serán los faros que orienten las batallas futuras de los pueblos. "Fidel no ha muerto. ¡Viva Fidel!"
Edgar Quiroz Alavez (Mexico)
Fidel will always be remembered as a hero for the people of the world and Cuba will forever remain an inspiration for marxist-leninists around the world... Rest in peace, Fidel Castro
Basma (France)
Mes condoléances ö sa famille, ses amis-es et au peuple cubain.
Pascal Gervais (Canada)
Thank you,,Fidel, for your good works on this planet. You will not be forgotten. Long live Raul!
Don Hale (United States of America)
A true inspiration and guide to principled leadership for my and all future generations.
George Woods (United Kingdom)
An inspiration and a friend to all those working for a better world.
Jonathan L F Smith (United Kingdom)
Nobody's perfect. BUT, he offered ALL for Cuba, and for that, I hope he R.I.P..
Olaf Fjaerestad (Norway)
Se ha ido Fidel pero se queda en todas las escuelas, todos los centros medicales, todas las almas que pudieron aprovechar la revuloción. Gracias a Fidel, Cuba pudo resistir a más de 50 años de bloqueo, lo que ninguna otra nacíón ha podido hacer. Cuando vuelva a tu isla, me acompañarás por todas partes. Hasta siempre!
gilsoul (Belgium)
In life he was an inspiration to humankind and a ray of hope to the wretched of the earth. In death his spirit will continue to infect humanity with the belief that another world is possible. Rest in peace comrade Fidel.
Russell Caplan (United Kingdom)
Rae C. A. Lewis (United Kingdom)
¡Hasta siempre Fidel!
Luiz Ortiz (Brazil)
Estive em Cuba em abril de 2016 e pude constatar a admiraésect;épound;o e o respeito que o o povo cubano tem por seu grande líder.
Celso Antonio Sumienski (Brazil)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
carmen climent (Spain)
To the people of Cuba Fidel will be sorely missed but his legacy will live on. A life full of struggle and achievement which inspires revolutionaries and socialists world wide. What a man ! What a leader ! -- unlike any other in History. He and comrades claimed Cuba for the Cuban people. For money ? Acclaim ? No, no. Because it was the right and just thing to do for the Cuban people to own and protect their own country -- as all peoples should. I salute and thank you Fidel. Many of us in many countries will endeavour to follow your example. Again thank you, thank you for all that you have done Valerie Ann Lester
valerie ann lester (United Kingdom)
Dear Fidel and the people of Cuba, You've shown the world that another world is possible. The Cuban revolution will remain an inspiration to all those of us who are struggling against capitalism and imperialism. Fidel, we love you. Red salute, comrade! Sucheta.
Sucheta (India)
Dr. Gerhard Lotze (Germany)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre !!!
Miriam Vilar (United States of America)
Un líder grande a nivel mundial que ha sabido dirigir de manera muy sabia echando adelante a su pueblo a pesar de tantos obstáculos puestos y quien también supo retirarse en el momento oportuno permitiendo así que siguiera el camino de Cuba en manos revolucionarios - gracias y adiós
Susanne (Germany)
Viva la revolucion
Liao (Taiwan)
Jonathan Guy Morris (United Kingdom)
Porque sonhar é tudo, e lutar para realizar o sonho, imprescindível. Fidel sempre!
Sandra Gonésect;alves Mendes da Si (Brazil)
Meu comandante, muito obrigada por lutar tanto e conseguir transformar o mundo para muito melhor. Daqui seguimos todos nós lutando!! Muito obrigada mesmo!
Lilian Vaz (Brazil)
Fidel es un ejemplo mundial de la lucha contra el imperialismo y por la dignidad de los pueblos. Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante!!!
Alvaro Lou (Spain)
Breda monks (Ireland)
Para sempre, FIDEL!
Fernanda Tardin (Brazil)
Hasta siempre, eterno Comandante Fidel!
Vera Vomim (Brazil)
A giant of history, a true inspiration to the Nicaraguan people who will never be forgotten for his contribution to ensuring a better life for millions of people not only in Nicaragua and Cuba but in the whole of Latin America. We can honour his memory by ensuring that the fight for social justice in the world continues. Fidel Castro Presente.
Louise Richards (United Kingdom)
Fidel será, sempre, um exemplo para todos os revolucionários!
Paulo de Tarso Carneiro (Brazil)
I am truly saddened to hear about the death of one of the few leaders I liked to see in office.
Robin Stumm (Germany)
You will never be forgotten and your struggle was not in vain. I admire the people of Cuba, you are an inspiration to the rest of the world!
Mikael Westerberg (Sweden)
Querria dar homenaje a este lider global que inspiraria a las generaciones proximas. En India, todos que estudian los paises de America del Sur, Caribe siempre le recordaremos con todo respecto y carino.
RQushomi Sharma (India)
Your thoughts and example will live on.
lynn clark (United Kingdom)
Fidel Presente! Por siempre Fidel!
Ursula Lang (Austria)
Farewell Comrade. You fought the good fight and you won. A life well lived. You will be missed.
Terree Selby (United Kingdom)
Comite da Palestina democratica - Brasil, vem atraves desta mostrar sua solidriedade com cuba, pelo morte de seu heroi Fidel Castro, nosso sentimentos
Jadallah Safa (Palestine)
giovana de figueiredo (Brazil)
Fidel, gran revolucionario. No lo olvidaremos.
Carnen Sampaio Amendola (Brazil)
Fidel's legacy goes on in the achievements of the people of Cuba. History has absolved him unequivocally. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Lorraine (United Kingdom)
The lost of Fidel Castro was not just for Cubans rather for the entire compassionate people around the whole world. If the would have 3 more Fidel Castro from defrent angle there most be complete peace and tranquility. RIP Great Revolutionary
Hasta siempre Comandante!!
Marcinda Araujo (Brazil)
Viva Cuba Viva Fidel sempre
Cristina Gontijo Cesar (Brazil)
Arne gunnar sveen (Norway)
Fidel opened the door - it's our task to guide people through it. And to heed Fidel's wise and urgent words on the need to confront the climate emergency before it's too late. A true human being.
Peter Godfrey (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro representa a identidade e reconhecimento da América Latina. Népound;o se curvou ao imperialismo norte-americano. Assim, enviou uma mensagem ao mundo de luta contra os oprimidos e os menos favorecidos.
Luís Henrique da Silva Lima (Brazil)
Eterno Comandante!!!!! Para sempre viverá!!!!! Viva Cuba,viva o Socialismo!!!!!!
Elisa Helena de Carvalho Santos (Brazil)
Remarkable leader, though he rejected the cult of the personality, quite rightly; amazing legacy.
Cathy Brogan (United Kingdom)
Nilza do Carmo Scotti (Brazil)
I am thankful for Fidel's example of ideals in life, for his perseverance, courage to fight against strong and powerful countries. His life makes me believe we are really able to change ours and other people's reality into better ones. Thanks a bunch, Mr. Castro!
Amílcar de Souza Oliveira J&am (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre comandante Fidel!
Birgitta Norlin Nyren (Sweden)
Fidel Castro nunca morrerá. Sua memória viverá em cada coraésect;épound;o que almeja a igualdade entre os povos, uma vida mais digna e justa. O legado que ele deixa para o povo cubano será o alento de cada um que sofre neste momento. Aceitem meu abraésect;o afetuoso.
Inéordf;s Pereira (Brazil)
Deeply sad. Fidel will miss a lot but his strenght will be an exemple for the future generations.
Maria Rodolfo (Brazil)
Dear Fidel, you may go but it's impossible to say goodbye to u. We cherish your dream as it is ours too. Change will come. Long Live Revolution.
Fazlay Rabbi Khan (Bangladesh)
A luta continua
Vivien Khoza (United Kingdom)
Camarada Fidel Castro no has muerto, vives en los corazones de los revolucionarios del mundo, vives en la acción de quienes buscan justicia en la tierra. ¡Patria o muerte venceremos! ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!!!
Diony Gallegos (Brazil)
Armande De Lacroix (French Polynesia)
You did so much for your country in the face of relentless aggression from your big neighbour. Now rest in peace Fidel
Barry Smith (United Kingdom)
La familia socialista pierde su líder y gran carácter en la lucha por la libertad, a la muerte, pero no pierde de vista su ejemplo moral y de la lucha. La historia absolverá. Viva Fidel
Cesar (Brazil)
A glory future for the people of Cuba
Alois Fuchs (Austria)
Deepest condolences to the people of Cuba for the loss of Fidel Castro a giant of a man who transformed a country
Sean Fox (United Kingdom)
One of the greatest leaders the world has known
Thomas Goodman (United Kingdom)
Comandante , usted si que es digno. Gracias por demostrarme el sentido de la palabra libertad y haber luchado por ello. hasta la victoria siempre Fidel.
mariano arellano castro (Argentina)
I'm a Tamil Eelam Tamil & followed the Gt Leader through & through, for his courage & administration of CUBA throughout the toughest times. I sinserely miss him, May His Soul & Sprit RIP.
George Haran (United Kingdom)
Requiescat in pace! Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!!
Bernhard Plibrsek (Austria)
Morre um revolucionário, um humanista, um visionário, um lutador das causas populares, das causas mais nobres, um defensor do povo. Seu legado fica e será o farol que guiará outros povos na luta pela liberdade e por melhores condiésect;émicro;es de vida...evoé Comandante Fidel...descanse em paz...
Whatever his shortcomings, Fidel will remain an inspiration for what he achieved in Cuba, and the help and support he gave in Latin American and African liberation struggles
Gareth Glynn (United Kingdom)
A luta continua. Até sempre!o
Elsa Figueiredo (Portugal)
The more I learnt about you, the more I found to admire. You showed us that another world was possible. Now we have to hope that others come in your wake who are prepared to see, hear, learn and act.
Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Comandante!
Beth Mello (Brazil)
Fidel inspires the cultivation of humanity in ourselves and in others. He lives on--presente--in all who ally themselves with the poor, the wretched of the Earth, and those who oppose capitalist imperialist oppression. Our values: heroism, solidarity, community, resistance, and endurance...tranforming the impossible into the possible, the utopian ideas into realites.
Karen Bettez Halnon (United States of America)
Queridos irmépound;os cubanos. Compartilho sua dor pela perda do grande líder libertador, Fidel Castro. Ao mesmo tempo, congratulo a todos pelo privilégio de ter convivido com um ser humano éordm;nico e iluminado.
Maria Gorete Batista da Silva de Menezes (Brazil)
Minhas mais sinceras condoléordf;ncias ö todo o povo cubano pela perda de seu grande líder e herói,exemplo para todo o mundo.Népound;o deixem a chama da revoluésect;épound;o apagar.Fidel viverá sempre
Victor Hugo Severo da Silveira (Brazil)
I remember him being very involved in the fight to end apartheid. His methods might not have been approved by all, but I think his heart was in the right place. May he RIP.
Caroline Coggins (Trinidad and Tobago)
Fidel Castro junto com seu povo nos mostrou que a solidariedade, a participaésect;épound;o e a justiésect;a social constituem a base para a grandeza de um país. E, mesmo com todas dificuldades que lhes foram impostas, resistiram e conquistaram um patamar humano digno de um grande povo. Viva Cuba!
Cristina Pozzobon (Brazil)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Jéordm;nio Ca¢ (Brazil)
Kept the US fascists away, viva Castro!
Donald brown (United Kingdom)
lo siento muchísimo. gracias por todo. hasta siempre, comandante!!! abrazos a los hermanos cubanos. <3
Cátia Cylene da Silva (Brazil)
When the Cuba crisis unfolded in the very early 60s I was a very, very young child, living in SE London UK I did not know exactly what was happening but I knew something of emense importance was unfolding, the fear hung everywhere like a dark oppressive cloud, whisper of terror were every where, although everyone was comforting each other, trying to give each other strength, when I was around there were lots of "SHHH! Not in Front of the children"It was all very much a mystery to me, when finally the U.S. withdraw there aggression, I watched and observed, I was surrounded by people who condemned The US, action. They were filled full of fury, indignition at the U.S. irresponsibility. When Kennedy was assassinated a short while later I watched women crying on the streets, embracing each other, there was condemnation of this mans death, 'The world has gone mad" was a phrase I heard more then once. Again I did not understand, I just observed I knew a very important man had passed from this world in an untimely manner, people were very upset, how ever once I returned home the adults I grew up with were in a celebratory mood, "thank goodness that bastards dead, now the worlds a much safer place" I was shocked by the contradiction I experienced, it was at that point I knew that my family was different to others. it was much later on that I was to discover that i was growing up in a socialist enviroment. I am proud to be a socialist. There is an alternative to the greed, waste and distruction of Capitalisim. I wish Cuba and its people solidarity at the passing of your great leader.
Jacqueline smith (United Kingdom)
Mis sinceras condolencias a la familia Castro Ruz y al pueblo Cubano. La huella que dejó Fidel será eterna. Viva Fidel Viva Cuba Viva la revolución.
Sonia Hevia (Australia)
Mis sinceras condolencias al la familia Castro Ruz y al pueblo Cubano. La huella que dejó Fidel será eterna. Viva Fidel Viva Cuba Viva la Revolución.
Orieta Hevia (Australia)
Elsa Gomes (Portugal)
I salute you in death as I did in life.. You are a Hero..a great leader that the rest of the world could only aspire to be but could not even come close.. Condolences to your family & the people of Cuba ...Hasta Siempre El Grande Comandante Fidel Castro..for your hope, inspiration & help freely given to all those any where in the world we owe you a debt of gratitude. Viva! Cuba.. Viva Fidel Castro..R.I.P Dott Peterson UK
Dott Peterson (United Kingdom)
Querido nuestro comandante Fidel, tu renace en los pueblos del mundo que luchan por la justicia social ! Somos que somos, a parte de la historia revolucionaria que nunca mueren como tu Fidel ! Viva Fidel ! Viva socialismo ! Ahora y para siempre !
Dane Miletic (Germany)
Farewell comrade. Solidarity.
Malcolm Jarvis (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Fidel.
Amjad Rashid (United Kingdom)
bento Izaldo (Brazil)
R.I.P Fidel Castro. He was my hero there is not enough words to describe the Respect & Admiration I have for this man.. A heartfelt thanks to him for all he did for Grenada & other Countries in the world that needed help.. All he achieved regardless of the embargo placed on Cuba for the best part of 60 years..the inspiration to overcome adversity no matter the odds is down to Fidel Castro & his Cuba. My sincere condolences to Fidel Castro's Family & Solidarity to the people of Cuba. Namaste Comrades..Dorrys Griffiths
Dorrys Griffiths (United Kingdom)
This was indeed sad news for the World.
Willie and Jean Macfadyen (United Kingdom)
Rest in power!!
Gareth Cullen (United Kingdom)
La memoria en el Corazon del pueblo es el major monument a tu ejemplo Fidel Hasta la Victoria siempre....!
Carlos Gonzalez (United Kingdom)
O'CONNOR family (Ireland)
Hasta Victoria Siempre!
Seán Douglas (United Kingdom)
um grande lider
roberto calos calez (Brazil)
Eterno comandante!
antonio schneider (Brazil)
Dorotea Kremer Motta (Brazil)
Condoléordf;ncias pela perda do nosso comandante.
NUBEM Medeiros (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Aisti (Austria)
How it is possible to be a socialist state without interference of other countries all thanks to Fidel Castro RIP
Jacqueline Alkema (United Kingdom)
The desire to construct a Socialist Society is the most noble of human endeavour.The struggle shall continue until exploitation is ended.Forward to a Socialist Planet.
Mark Langabeer (United Kingdom)
Maria Isaura Madeira Lopes (Portugal)
Not many people are so selfless to put their life in danger for others. You're an inspiration to many. Rest in Peace.
Joseph (United Kingdom)
Ilaria (Italy)
Castro's cuba is the bastion of socialism n hope it continues to be a beacon for all sympathisers of this great ideology .Long live socialist cuba !
ramkotesh,k. (India)
Fidel - an inspiration. Your achievements - at home and internationally - are legendary. You will continue to inspire us.
Quentin Isaac (United Kingdom)
Irishman living in NY. RIP Fidel
Roger Lavery (United States of America)
Cuba You gave us a a movement, hope and a real sense of what socialism is and can be. Cuba is a true inspiration. Let it continue. In solidarity. Craig. London
Craig Parr (United Kingdom)
Fidel foi o maior herói do século XX e XXI e sua obra será para sempre admirada! Sua lucidez, inteligéordf;ncia e senso de justiésect;a sao a maior heranésect;a que um povo pode ter! Transmitimos aos nossos irmépound;os cubanos nossos sentimentos de luto, pelo qual também passamos.
Edelweiss (Brazil)
I feel it has been an honor to have lived at the same time in history as Fidal. More that any other person that I know of or have known, he has shown what is possible for a human being, and what it means to be human to the greatest extent. With a heart that never cooled, and a mind that never stopped, he always found a way to put human relationships and dialogue primary over all else. As long as Cuban sovereignty exists and is maintained by Cubans, Fidel exists.
Steve Martinot (United States of America)
Fidel was a Visionary that help his country to survive no matter what. He fought against the embargo, survive. Cuba. is number one in Education, Health Care, Housing, Nutrition. Always helping others country sending doctors to help. Every fight for liberty is that way, many people died but the one that survive help a country to progress and the people survive and live with the circumstances of their reality.
Carmen Malpica (United States of America)
Mis condolencias al heroico pueblo cubano, y mil gracias por haber conocido a un Lider de la estatura universal de Fidel, que nos entrego la Esperanza de Sonar un mundo mejor, !!!Hasta la Victoria siempre Comandante!!!
Julio (Chile)
Never sell out your ideals, make do with what you can. Fell good about who you are every day. You were also a teacher by example.
Michael Almaguer (United States of America)
May Allah be pleased with our Bro. Fidel Castro. A true, revolutionary!!!!
Michele X James (United States of America)
We thank the Cuban People for Fidel and for their sacrifices on behalf of international solidarity from an African American family whose daughter was trained as a physician at ELAM. Fidel Castro Ruiz Presente! Rest in Peace after a job well done.
William W. Sales, Jr. and Aishah Sales (United States of America)
Bruno Nunes (Brazil)
Gracias, Comandante!!
Mauro Roberto Welter (Brazil)
Fidel népound;o foi perfeito, mas construiu um país humano onde o bem social é mais valioso que a modernidade e da tecnologia. De nada adianta o pais participar da modernidade e seu povo permanecer no atraso e nos escombros do passado. Viva Fidel, exemplo de líder.
Elení Maria Gomes (Brazil)
Fidel Castro viverá eternente em nossos coraésect;émicro;es! Viva Cuba! Viva a revoluésect;épound;o! Hasta siempre, comandante Fidel!
Rosane volpini (United Kingdom)
I have posted many messages of support for the Cuban revolution and for the leaders and revolutionaries of that time and the people of Cuba. Any country and any individual who stands up against US Imperialism and Western European Imperialism is a great and brave soul and should be supported fully and wholeheartedly. He was a great man and the more we all learn about the real history of Cuba the more we see he was right! Viva la Revolucion
James Richard Howard Marshall (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante Fidel.
Salazar Rodrigues Jéordm;nior (Brazil)
So many people in so many countries have been touched by Cuban internationalism,the sharing of medical skills,and inspired by the example of making another world possible.Fidel and the Cuban people provided the political will to make this happen. Hasta La Victoria Siempre
TomFawthrop (United Kingdom)
gracias por tus enseñanzas y Sabiduría....
sergio Contreras (United Kingdom)
O Comandante Fidel vive e será sempre lembrando pela vitória da Revoluésect;épound;o. O Povo cubano é um exemplo de dignidade e amor a sua Pátria. !Hasta la victória siempre!
Ana Claudia de Almeida Garcia (Brazil)
Gracias, Comandante Fidel, pelo exemplo de bravura, tenacidade resistéordf;ncia e, visépound;o social. A história já lhe absolveu! Hasta la vitória siempre!
Crescencio Joépound;o Carvalho de (Brazil)
I'm very sorry.
ceres (Brazil)
Quien si levanta con Cuba si levanta para todos los tiempos! Viva Fidel ! Viva Marti
Miriam Gontijo de Moraes (Brazil)
Hasta siempre Comandante Eterno!
Techi Cusmanich (Paraguay)
Condoléordf;ncias ao povo cubano pela perda do grande líder revolucionário..
Luiz Carlos Gama (Brazil)
Descanse em paz, nobre comandante! Népound;o tive a honra de conhecéordf;-lo em vida, resta-me agora apenas a sua lenda. Bravo!
Anacy Nunes da Silva (Brazil)
Frederico Peter Strube (Brazil)
Hoping get for a better world.
Veronica Fraser (United Kingdom)
Comandante Fidel , jamais vou esquecer quando estive em Havana em 1986. Fomos. recebidos no Palacio para falar de saéordm;de. Nunca aprendi tanto. Fiquei fascinada com o seu conhecimento de tudo , no detalhe. Um grande ser humano que vou levar comigo. Hasta siempre , Comandante.
Christina Tavares (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel ! Viva Cuba!
Jason Baines (Canada)
Thanks Fidel
Patrick Wilson (Ireland)
Mis respetos a un hombre valiente y consecuente. Tu legado seguira entre los que creemos en la justicia social. Hasta siempre Comabdante!!!
Maru (Chile)
Condolences and Solidarity with the Cuban people. Fidel was a hero to the world and an example to us all.
Jon Warren (United Kingdom)
It's a shame he didn't die earlier.
Liz Kendall (United Kingdom)
Irene (Brazil)
Eres el heroe del pueblo Latinoamericano! Hasta siempre, Fidel!
Maurício Salazar Amorin (Brazil)
Sorry for the sad loss of your leader. Hopefully your country can deal with his passing and remember his legacy !
Graham Parker (United Kingdom)
Hasta sempre Comandante Fidel. Gracias por tudo!
Carlos Eduardo Alves (Brazil)
Valeu, comandante. Estamis juntos.
Sebastiépound;o donizete santarosa (Brazil)
Hasta la Victória Siempre!!! Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz!!!
Eduardo José Arostegui (Brazil)
FIDEL vive, pois os MITOS népound;o morrem!
Noéordf;mia Bessa de Abreu (United Kingdom)
O maior da américa.
Dirceu Ferraz de Oliveira Junior (Brazil)
A história, o legado, carinho, respeito e a gigantesca demonstraésect;épound;o para todo o mundo da decisépound;o do povo cubano de continuar a sua obra, continuar a Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana engrandeceu ainda mais a sua luta. A clareza, persistéordf;ncia, solidariedade e profunda e simbiótica ligaésect;épound;o com o seu povo é um exemplo que precisa ser assimilado pelos revolucionários marxistas em todo o mundo. Extinto fisicamente, ainda sim o Comandante dirigiu e venceu uma tita¢nica batalha revolucionária.
Frederico Torres da Silva (Brazil)
The world has lost the greatest revolutionary of all times. His vision has changed the world and has given hope to all the poor and exploited people on the planet. He showed us the way. Our duty now is never to disappoint him. Hasta siempre Comandante.
Carl Bell (Jamaica)
Vá em Paz nosso grande Comandante da Construésect;épound;o de um lugar melhor de se Viver entre Irmépound;os.
Parabens por haver tido um exemplo de vida assim, que outros cidadaos do mundo possam tomar o bom exemplo
Orestes Teixeira Filho (Brazil)
Cristiane Löff (Brazil)
Hasta la victoria siempre!!!
Neusa Maria dos Santos (Brazil)
Suzete (Brazil)
Descanse em paz, comandante.
Jordépound;o Mansur Pinheiro (Brazil)
richard scott (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, comandante! Venceremos!
Diego Xavier (Brazil)
Somos millones los que hemos sentido en lo más hondo tu partida hacia la inmortalidad,seremos millones los que no dejaremos morir tus enseñanzas y tus ideas con la convicción profunda de que "...no existe fuerza en el mundo capaz de aplastar la fuerza de la verdad y las ideas.. es luchar por nuestros sueños de justicia para Cuba y para el mundo..." Hasta Siempre Comandante
Azalia Arias (Cuba)
Hasta la vitoria mi Comandante!! Hasta siempre!
Maria da Graésect;a Ha& (Brazil)
Minha solidariedade permanente ao povo irmépound;o cubano. Comandante Fidel Castro presente!
Fidel is Humanity
carlos mariano hesse (Brazil)
Lamento o falecimento do comandante Fidel Castro e espero que a ilha de Cuba népound;o se desvirtue dos seus princípios, repassados desde a revoluésect;épound;o de 1959
Vera Regina Monteiro (Brazil)
Companheiro Fidel, me ajudaste a atribuir sentido ö vida. Obrigado!!!
Pedro Luiz da Silveira Osório (Brazil)
juan carlos (Cuba)
Fabiano Morales (Brazil)
Me solidarizo ao povo cubano pelo passamento de seu grande comandante, honraremos sua memória e estimamos que seu ideais jamais retrocedam. Resistam revolucionários, sua luta nos inspira em todo o mundo.
Roberto Bueno (Brazil)
It was with the deepest sadness and heaviness of heart that we heard of the passing of Fidel. He was a great fighter for the people of Cuba and the opressed peoples of the workd
Parmeshwar Bains (United Kingdom)
Jéordm;lia Klassmann (Brazil)
Fidel representa o ideal de uma América Latina livre!!! A luta continua!!!!
Antéacute;nio Figueiredo J&Ati (Brazil)
Anne Davies (United Kingdom)
R.I.P mucho amore
Daniel sauberlich (United Kingdom)
Rose Freymann (Brazil)
Que o humanismo no se vá. Gastar Siempre, Fidel !!
Kathy Torma (Brazil)
Maria Isabel da Silva Klassmann (Brazil)
hasta siempre Fidel!
lisa bonvecchio (Italy)
Fidel, comandante para sempre!
Séacute;nia Roslet (Brazil)
Hamba kahle Castro, your contribution to the liberation of the peoples of Southern Africa will forever be etched in our hearts. History speaks for itself with regard to Cuba's internationalist solidarity with the oppressed masses of our people without seeking any gain in return. Thank you Cuba! We share your loss.
Sisa Makabeni (South Africa)
Hasta la vitoria siempre !
Cintya (Brazil)
Fidel with your death, we lost a GREAT leader, a symbol of resistance and an examplery leader. It is my hope that your legacy will live on and Cuba has many more young Fidels who have the conviction and determination to keep Cuba free from any untoward outside interest.You are one of a kind and more importantly loved by your own people and admired by many freedom lovers across the World. Long live Cuba! Long live Fidel! Hasta la victoria siempre!!
Selamawit Tadele (Ethiopia)
Con el y con el pueblo cubano aprendi el real significado de que es solidariedad y de que cultura para todos es una question de decision politica.
Sergio Muniz (Brazil)
"...Por siempre, Comandante" !!!
Vicente Duarte Noronha (Brazil)
"Dénot;as luminosos y tristes" Comandante en Jefe, pero tu pueblo es fiel a tu memoria. ¡Venceremos!
Ruben Rodrénot (Venezuela)
O povo cubano representa para o mundo a esperanésect;a de uma humanidade com mais direitos, educaésect;épound;o, saéordm;de e cultura; e menos gana¢ncia, menos dinheirismo, menos desigualdades, menos pobreza e sofrimento. Viva Fidel Castro!
Vitor Ortiz (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Fernanda Lamesa (Brazil)
Siempre eterno, siempre grande, dejaste un legado inquebrantable que nunca olvidaremos, hasta la victoria siempre comandante...
andy (Cuba)
Gratidépound;o eterna, Grande Comandante !
Dina Aires (Brazil)
La tristeza me despertó en la mañana del sábado 26 de diciembre, no podía creer que a mi comandante invencible lo pudiera vencer algéordm;n día la muerte. Hoy sé, después de ver tantos ojos llenos de lágrimas como los míos, que solo te has multiplicado, vivirás siempre en el corazón de todos los cubanos dignos. Descansa en paz comandante!
Daily (Cuba)
R.I.P. Fidel!
Marcio Klein (Brazil)
A Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana segue sendo um exemplo de luta e assim cumpriste a tua missépound;o Fidel.
Marco Estivalet (Brazil)
Yo soy Fidel
Bernadete Faria (Brazil)
Vocéordf; continuará sendo através da história da humanidade o farol que iluminará a escuridépound;o dos tempos de horror para os povos do mundo, a esperanésect;a de dias de Justiésect;a e Paz para todos.
heloisa (Brazil)
You should all be proud to have had such an amazing leader
Arda camoglu (United Kingdom)
Si se puede cambiar em mundo.
Jairo Menegaz (Brazil)
Fidel live forever in our hearts and minds!!
Thais Helena Lippel (Brazil)
Comandante Fidel deixa um legado de rebeldia e defesa intransigente da dignidade humana.
Carlos Rafael Guimaraens Filho (Brazil)
Um outro mundo foi possível. Para sempre, Fidel.
Denise Ritter (Brazil)
sentido pesar pelo falecimento do comandante.
genaro da silva oliveira (Brazil)
Wladymir Netto Ungaretti (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre
Alexsandro Schaefer (Brazil)
Rest in peace!
Nilva de Souza (Brazil)
Que nosso revoluciinário comandante descanse em paz!!
Joana Stedile (Brazil)
Adelante compa!!!
Clara Cristina Zitkoski (Brazil)
Obrigado por tudo comandante! Forésect;a ao povo cubano e a sua revoluésect;épound;o. Que a auséordf;ncia do comandante endureésect;a Cuba no caminho ao comunismo. Forésect;a Camaradas! Forésect;a ao socialismo cubano!
Renan Borges (Brazil)
Vera Teixeira (Brazil)
Até a vitória, Comandante!
Giovane Zuanazzi (Brazil)
Marcia Camarano (Brazil)
Derek Hamilton (United Kingdom)
Peace and Blessings to you all!!
Bernadette (United States of America)
Vitor Mendes Monteiro (Brazil)
Honoring with you the life and deeds of an outstanding figure in human history. Keep up with the great work, don't give up on your revolution, don't surrender to the capitalist way of life. You don't deserve it. QUE VIVA CUBA Y SU COMANDANTE!
Giannetto Edoardo (Nanni) Marcenaro (Italy)
Claire Wadey, Secretary, Withdean Labour Party (United Kingdom)
Castro achieved so much for so many when up against so much. He was and will always be an inspiration to us all. It is essential to use his message in the future.
andy locke (United Kingdom)
Lamento a passagem desse que foi um bastiépound;o na luta contra o imperialismo, a favor da igualdade e da solidadriedade internacional. Meus péordf;sames ao povo cubano.
Leonardo Tribst (Brazil)
Alan Nagle (Ireland)
Fidel é um dos grandes da história, comandou a linda Revoluésect;épound;o de 59 por népound;o aceitar que seu país continuasse a ser o bordel dos americanos enquanto o povo cubano passava fome. Escapou de mais de 300 atentados e deu uma surra nos americanos na conhecida invasépound;o da Baía dos Porcos. Comandou sim com mépound;o de ferro o regime, que nunca foi uma certeza, sempre uma aposta e népound;o se trata apenas de socialismo, trata-se de népound;o admitir o imperialismo, a injustiésect;a, népound;o queria que seu povo fosse subjugado pelos americanos (o povo brasileiro tem muito a aprender com o povo cubano) e de fato népound;o deixou. Em consequéordf;ncia disso, viu a Ilha de Cuba ser vítima de um embargo criminoso impostos pelos americanos (sempre eles) e com dissoluésect;épound;o do bloco Comunista restou a Cuba ser o éordm;ltimo reféordm;gio de uma tentativa de tornar a sociedade e o ser humano melhores, propéacute;s uma alternativa ao imperialismo devastador que destrói naésect;émicro;es, vidas e o planeta. Investiu em Educaésect;épound;o e Saéordm;de e a Ilha mesmo com o embargo tornou-se referéordf;ncia nessas áreas. Seu legado, o sentimento de independéordf;ncia, de luta contra as injustiésect;as. Eu também grande Fidel, prefiro morrer de pé do que viver curvado. Hasta la victoria, siempre!
so heartening to see the messages remembering and celebrating Fidel Castro. Quisiera hablar y escribir mucho de ese luchador nato que nos dio un mundo mejor, pero todos los mensajes de apoyo al pueblo cubano demuestran sus logros extraordinarios.
Dr Paula James (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre, Comandante!
Matthias (Austria)
"There is often talk of human rights, but it is also necessary to talk of the rights of humanity. Why should some people walk barefoot, so that others can travel in luxurious cars? Why should some live for thirty-five years, so that others can live for seventy years? Why should some be miserably poor, so that others can be hugely rich? I speak on behalf of the children in the world who do not have a piece of bread. I speak on the behalf of the sick who have no medicine, of those whose rights to life and human dignity have been denied." Rest in peace Fidel. Your legacy will not be forgotten. Long live the revolution!
Kurt Slater (New Zealand)
Your record of health and education services is second to none. Bravo
Marion Reynolds (United Kingdom)
Para sempre o nosso Comandante!
José Rodrigues Bomfim (Brazil)
Björn Lindquist (Sweden)
You are a legend, you stood up to America......and won. Rest in peace from Birmingham, England.
Sarah Brooks (United Kingdom)
Fidel Vive! Um grande abraésect;o em todo o povo cubano, responsável por uma revoluésect;épound;o digna de respeito. Viva La Revolución!
Bernard Machado (Brazil)
Castro and Cuba stand alone in the global socialist movement against the tyranny of the west, sparking uprisings across Latin America and giving hope to socialism in general. At this sad time we stand with you in name if not in actuality and urge you to keep the faith of solidarity. We are not many, we are legion!
Grahame (United Kingdom)
Transmito mís condolencias al pueblo cubano por la muerte del Comandante Fidel. Gracias a el, Cuba és hoy un ejemplo para todas las naciones de Latinoamérica, y a ustedes y al Comandante Fidel, toda mi admiración. Hasta siempre comandante!
Letícia Luiza (Brazil)
Thank you El Comandante !!! Rest in Peace! You live forever in our hearts!!!
Gianni Mondonudo (United Kingdom)
In memory of a great revolutionary, in appreciation of his inspiration and support for people the world over and his dedication to building socialism in Cuba. And in solidarity with the Cuban people who continue to be an example to the world. Fidel will be missed, but never forgotten.
Caroline Michie (United Kingdom)
Respect and love. The great man will be missed.
Michael Kennedy (United Kingdom)
Your legacy will live on through the lives of many people throughout the world
Maire McGinley (United Kingdom)
My sincere gratitude for the inspiration and example given to the world by the Cuban people who were led to victory by Fidel. After years of trade union and grass roots organisation and resistance the people were ready for Fidel, Che and the comrades of the Sierra Maestra . Thank you. The struggle continues but we are fortunate to be able to say Fidel was one of ours.
Emma Wood (United Kingdom)
Patti (United States of America)
Rest in peace comadante.
David Stephen (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre, Comandante!
Fábio Cécopy (Brazil)
Gracias por tener me enseñado a sueñar, mi comandante!!!!
Paul (United Kingdom)
Feeling your sorrow at the loss of such a great leader , warrior and defender of the of the oppressed . His memory and vision will live on thtough the Cuban people . VIVA FIDEL! VIVA CUBA !
James Madden (United Kingdom)
Que Descanse em paz Fidel! Medicos de ciencia e consciencia,presente!
jean delano (Brazil)
o mundo curva-se perante o legado de um grande homem!
Hasta siempra comandante
Mehmet camoglu (United Kingdom)
I send my sincere condolences to the Cuban people on the passing of Fidel Castro. He was a true visionary, with a commitment to building a society based on social justice. His legacy will live on and continue to inspire through the many achievements of the Cuban Revolution.
Jenny Newton (United Kingdom)
Cuba népound;o perdeu o seu líder, o seu comandante; o mundo ganhou um exemplo de sistema político em que a justiésect;a social é uma realidade. Que o povo cubano honre a luta de seu líder.
Maria Angela Dutra Machado (Brazil)
Ywain Myfyr (United Kingdom)
compartilho da tristeza pela perda. Obrigada, Fidel! Seguiremos lutando por direitos iguais para todos e todas.
Neusa Pivatto Müller (Brazil)
Hasta la vittoria sempre!
Ahmed (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro! Please keep Cuba away from American hands and keep Cuba the great country it is! Hasta la Victoria siempre!!!
Paul (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria siempre. Solidarity from Ireland
Gerd Curley (United Kingdom)
The revolutionary may pass away, from this world to the next, but the spirit that is the revolution can only live on in the hearts and minds of those he has inspired in thoughts of love and a better life for all. Viva Fidel sempre!
Kevin Morrison (United Kingdom)
We have lost a GREAT MAN Cuba please carry on his dream
John Aris (United Kingdom)
Will always remember you. A great man, never forgotten.... Respect from Scotland xx
Dorothy Brown (United Kingdom)
I have now had to give up the dream of ever shaking the hand of this man who has been an inspiration to so many. I acknowledge the commitment and stand for self-determination, engaging and empowering so many of the Cuban people to exercise their own personal power in shaping their own destiny. Many sacrifices and much pride. Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Jackie Cannon (United Kingdom)
"Usted es la semilla de todo. Yo vivo de usted."
Domingos Sávio Pimenta Santo (Brazil)
Comandante Fidel Gracias por su tránsito en el mundo. El señor eres ejemplo de persona para siempre.
Joépound;o Pereira (Brazil)
Never to be forgotten
Karim boutiche (United Kingdom)
Fidel Sempre!!!!
Elton de Aquino Aruda (Brazil)
Hasta siempre Comandante Fidel, tu ejemplo de lucha y compromiso revolucionario permanecerá siempre con nosotras. Martyn País de Gales
Martyn Richard Jones (United Kingdom)
what a life.and he died with his boots on.we will not see his like again.
paul gallagher (United Kingdom)
Viva,Fidel!!!Viva Cuba!!!
Ana Cláudia Costa Guedes (Brazil)
Rest in peace, comandante.
Roslyn Heaney (United Kingdom)
Yo Soy Fidel
Irfan (United Kingdom)
Viva il popolo cubano, Fidel Castro e il socialismo. La lotta continua. L'imperialismo capitalista deve morire.
Hasta la victoria siempre
We meet at the UN World conference Against Racism in South Afrika in 2001, my wife and then heard your end of the NGO part of the conference speech. Long live your memory of solidarity Glenroy watsobn General Secretary Global Afrikan Congressuk (GACuk)
Glenroy watson (United Kingdom)
I was the leader/President of the Jamaica Union for Democratic Youth (JUDY). We attended a conference in Havana< the Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution in 1975, at the Hotel Atlantico. This Property was a foriegn Hotel that Fidel Nationalized. This was the first time I saw and met Fidel Castr, todate it is still indelible in my mind and heart. Since then I have entered Cuba about 150 times, at times I found some closer friends that than one could have met anywhere in the world. The only that could be compared above Fidel is Jesus Christ himself. Over the years, I started to work wit ANAP association of Cuban farmers, ICAP the institute of Solidarity among the Peoples, The CPU C, The Cuban Institute of Music, EGRIM the Cultural institute in Havana,and the Welfare Association In Guantanamo. Fidel is a one of a kind leader. VIVA FIDEL, VIVA CUBA. Long Live the struggle for Guantanamo. Aluta Continua!Larry Robertson
Lawrence George Robertson (Larry) (Jamaica)
Hasta siempre Comandante!tus ideas vivirán por siempre, en Cuba y en todas las personas con sentido de la justicia! Gracias por tu lucha! Seguiremos adelante, intentando hacer honor a tu legado, que es enorme.
Marta Blanco (Spain)
Obrigado Fidel Castro pelo seu legado.
José Alexandre Porf&Atild (Brazil)
Tony Feeney (Ireland)
Meus mais profundos sentimentos pelo falecimento do maior Herói de Cuba e um dos homens que mais contribuiu para a construésect;épound;o de um caminho melhor para a humanidade, rumo ö Democracia e ao Socialismo
José Augusto Azeredo (Brazil)
Rest in peace.
Bashar Shehab (Bahrain)
He was not the dictator some would have us believe - he relieved his country of dictatorship and then fought to protect his country's independence from those outside who wanted to interfere in its right to have the system of government it had chosen. If people in Cuba have been poor it is due to constant sanctions, not a failed system.
T Wilson (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel !!! Estaras siempre vivo en el corazon de America Latina y el Caribe. En los corazones de los pueblos que luchan por un mundo mejor. Nunca te olvidaremos. Sole G.
Sole Garcia (Argentina)
Rosanna Conlon (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro who led the revolutionaries showed the world that there was an other way to live that would benefit the majority of the people, a SOCIALIST SYSTEM. It was Castro, and his Comrades that kept to their principals and ethics of the Cuban Revolution. One only has to compare the rest of the Caribbean with Cuba, despite the USA imposed blockade. He is an inspiration to us all, that we can change our world.
Frances Hook & Eileen Smith (United Kingdom)
With thanks and great respect.
Liz Wharfe (United Kingdom)
Your and Cuba's fortitude under pressure and selfless internationalism have been and will be an inspiration to anyone who seeks a better world; and a rebuke to those with greater wealth who use it to divide, impoverish, crush and mock. The opposite of solitude is solidarity.
Paul Atkin (United Kingdom)
La historia te absolvio hace mucho tiempo. Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante. Patria o muerte. VENCEREMOS
Maria ocasio (United States of America)
A Historia te absolvera e te homenageará
Jordan Alvarado (United States of America)
Al heroico pueblo cubano...mis respetos y admiración...al comandante del ejercito de retaguardia le digo seguiremos tu ejemplo por muchas generaciones...hasta la victoria siempre...Patria o muerte ...venceremos!!
I am honored to write something about Fidel Castro. Those who say that he was a brutal dictator are acting on pure bad faith. Fidel dedicated his entire life (and put his life at risk during the Cuban revolution times) to turn his home country into a sovereign nation, and to bring health, education and pride to his fellow Cubans. Unfortunately this could never be achieved under a Western democracy-style system, because in such systems, opposing political and economic forces are always fighting against one another, and are usually not committed to continuing with the good policies and projects of their predecessors. I'm sure that people will continue writing about Fidel, whether depicting him as a "brutal dictator", or as an extraordinary man who dedicated his life for the cause of social justice, of sovereignty of the nations, of fight against imperialism, of fight against injustice and ignorance. I will always keep him in my mind as an extraordinary man, which is how he deserves to be remembered. He now belongs to the History of the world.
Raniery Souza (Brazil)
Fidel era um herói de todos quantos lutam pela justiésect;a, o progresso, a liberdade e a paz. Era e é uma referéordf;ncia de patriota, revolucionário e comunista. O seu exemplo permanece no povo de Cuba e em todos os comunistas e revolucionários do mundo. Gracias e hasta siempre, comandante!
Gustavo Carneiro (Portugal)
Comandante eterno! Ousou lutar contra o império estadunidense e derrotou os seus mercenários e antirrevolucionários. Fidel estará sempre nos coraésect;émicro;es de todos os latino-americanos que sonham em viver num mundo igualitário e justo. HASTA SIEMPRE...
Fabrício Drumond Cafarate (Brazil)
Viv (United Kingdom)
rip fidel. commander and leader
colin toal (United Kingdom)
Em nome dos que buscam a justiésect;a e uma pátria sem amos, expresso a minha profunda admiraésect;épound;o por este gigante do povo cubano! Seguiremos os teus passos! Hasta la victoria!
Maria Félix Almeida Correia d (Brazil)
Povo Cubano, népound;o deixe a chama se apagar. Cuba continuará sendo o Farol da América Latina. Viva Fidel!!!, Viva o povo cubano.
José Tadeu Genaro (Brazil)
My inspiration
Nick Brownlee (United Kingdom)
"Reduésect;épound;o da jornada de trabalho de 8 para 6h, talvez 4 se o tecnologia permitir". Sempre lembrarei de suas palavras de real libertaésect;épound;o humana caro comandante.
Alexcian Rodrigues de Oliveira (Brazil)
Solidarity RIP Comrade Fidel
Sean Lennon (Ireland)
Fidel, um homem que marcou seu tempo e deixar um forte mensagem de que manter firme o pensamento revolucionário é um necessidade histórica para a superaésect;épound;o da mazelas do capitalismo. Ele mostrou que a autodeterminaésect;épound;o do povo cubano é um caminho que pode ser exemplificado.
Robson Santos Camara Silva (Brazil)
Desde siempre, hastalavitoria Comandante Fidel.
Lauro Lustosa Neto (Brazil)
Forésect;a ao povo Cubano. Fidel sempre será nosso eterno Comandante!
Vanda Rodrigus Alves (Brazil)
Omar (Brazil)
Comandante, hasta siempre! Viva Fidel! Vida Che! Viva Camilo! Viva Cuba!!!!!
Platépound;o Bitencourt Proen& (Brazil)
Gracias Fidel! #HastaSiempreComandante #FidelVive #VivaCuba
Luiz Fernando Leal Padulla (Brazil)
I hope the cuban people will work on in the thinking of Fidel
Franz Spatenka (Austria)
Luiz Eduardo Domingues dos Santos Souza da Silva (Brazil)
Para sempre Fidel. Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana !!!
Sandro Silva de Souza (Brazil)
Condolences and thoughts with people of Cuba
Philip Carter (United Kingdom)
Fidel sempre estará presente nos melhores coraésect;émicro;es e mentes da humanidade.
André Luiz Martin (Brazil)
Fidel Castro has been a total inspiration, and Cuba, a beacon of hope. What an incredible achievement of a tiny socialist country in the face of overwhelming US military aggression. World class health service despite economic blockade, sending thousands of doctors out into the world at times of crisis. It still amazes me the incredible role that Fidel Castro played, calling on hundreds of thousands of Cuban citizens to help defeat the apartheid South African army in Angola, which contributed to the defeat of apartheid. I will never forget my visit to Cuba in 1997 - such incredible, knowledgeable, passionate and welcoming people. RIP Fidel
Sophie Bolt (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante Fidel!
Monica Rabelo (Brazil)
Meus sentimentos ao povo Cubano que perde o comandante e lider da luta pela libertaésect;épound;o deste pais do julgo do imperialismo.
Fidel Castro is and always will be. Great soul that served everyone all the time. A great soul never dies. He will continue to bring people together again and again
Tania Igbosi McGee (United Kingdom)
Dare to fight! Dare to win! Fidel and Che inspired people across the World.
Aly Renwick (United Kingdom)
Farewell Comrade Fidel Castro. You were an inspiration to all of us who fight for a more just and equal world.
Robert Streader (United Kingdom)
Fidel sempre esteve presente em todas as mudanésect;as importantes do meu continente. Também esteve presente, através da solidariedade internacionalista da Cuba Socialista, em todos os momentos do mundo. Seu falecimento é só uma etapa, transiésect;épound;o a um plano espiritual. Sua memória népound;o morrerá. Yo soy Fidel.
Alice Branco Weffort (Brazil)
Patria ou morte
Alexandre Falbo (Brazil)
Cuba remains a beacon of light in the darkness of neo-liberalism and capitalism. Fidel lit the spark. You will be missed but your legacy lives on. Hasta Victoria Siempre
Kellie O'Dowd (United Kingdom)
RIP :(
Catherine Mehdaoui (United Kingdom)
Camarada de despedida
Julius Marstrand (United Kingdom)
The National Assembly of Women salutes the life and work of Fidel Castro. His belief in the strength and capacity of women ensured that Cuban women fully participated in the revolution and continue to play their rightful role in developing the social, cultural political and economic life of Cuba.He will remain an inspiration to all those fighting for equality and social justice.
National Assembly of Women (United Kingdom)
Com a morte de Fidel, a luta em favor das causas humanitárias e da igualdade social tem uma inestimável perda!
Air Antunes (Brazil)
Yo soy Fidel !
José Luiz dos Santos (Brazil)
Thanks, Fidel!
Luciana Brito (Brazil)
jorge fulgueiro (Cuba)
Fidel Castro continua a inspirar todos os revolucionários em todo o mundo. O exemplo de Cuba socialista demonstra que o nosso caminho é certo, é possível, é o sonho tornado realidade.
Zillah Murgel Branco (Brazil)
One of the great revolutionary leaders who has left his people a great deal freer than when he came to power.
David Parker (United Kingdom)
viva the revolution
Steven (United Kingdom)
Transmito mís condolencias al pueblo cubano por la muerte del Comandante Fidel. Cuba és un ejemplo a todas las naciones de Latinoamérica, y a ustedes y al Comandante Fidel, toda mi admiración. Hasta siempre comandante!
Letícia Luiza (Brazil)
Condoléordf;ncias ao povo cubano por essa perda irreparável.
Patrick Garcia Sanches (Brazil)
Gerard Bennett (Ireland)
FIDELlidade ; Ideais; Dignidade; Esperanésect;a; LUTA.
Valério Santiago de Albuquerq (United Kingdom)
Minha homenagem por quem lutou a boa luta pelo bem de seu país.
Rodrigo Gonzaga Malheiros (Brazil)
Long live the struggle against imperialism. Long live the memory of Comrade Fidel Castro
Michael peart cd (Jamaica)
Fidel viverá eternamente nos que téordf;em séordf;de de justiésect;a e liberdade.
Personalidade rara na história da humanidade que a partir de uma ilha influenciou o mundo inteiro. Irreparável perda, o que fica é sua mensagem de que é possível resistir ao Império.
Christian Cairello (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre, Comandante Fidel!!
Carlos Guimarépound;es (Brazil)
Nesse momento só tenho que agradecer ao Comandante Fidel e ao povo cubano por mostrar ao mundo a importa¢ncia da Solidariedade entre os Povos!!! Que a Revoluésect;épound;o permaneésect;a.... e que seu legado se estenda por todos os cantos do Planeta. Obrigada Guerreiro Fidel! Um forte abraésect;o ao Povo Cubano!!! Com carinho Fernandinha Alencar - Fortaleza -Ceará - Brasil
Fernanda Alencar Moreira Marques (Brazil)
Fidel eterno lutador pela Justiésect;a, presente!!!
Hilton Faria da Silva (Brazil)
rip comrade
paul mclaughlin (United Kingdom)
The people of Cuba will surely carry forward Fidel Castro's great message of national sovereignty and socialism!
Will Podmore (United Kingdom)
Sentimento de pesar partida para o mundo espiritual do nosso líder da Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana, Fidel Castro. Descanse em Paz, que a Luz Perpétua vos ilumine.
Lucinete Maria Costa de Souza (Brazil)
Hasta siempre!
Cristiano Diamanti (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel!
Ronivalter de Souza (Brazil)
Hasta la victoria siempre, mi comandante!
Maria Luiza de Lavenere Machad (Brazil)
Obrigado comandante !
Réacute;mulo (Brazil)
Steve Cottingham (United Kingdom)
Muito obrigado Fidel!! Vá em paz!!
Daniel Freire (Brazil)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Peter Weitzel (Australia)
My condolences, my true hero of all times RIP
Eunice Owuoche (Kenya)
Viva Fidel Hasta lá Vitória siempre.
Diva Lucia de Moura Calvépound;o (Brazil)
Noel Gordon (United Kingdom)
Thank you for your inspiration and steadfast commitment to a fairer world.
Debbie Donovan (United Kingdom)
We cannot believe the USA propaganda. You have shown your grief. We send our condolences for your great loss
Catherine slink-white (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel, you will be missed. You've inspired millions to answer the call to revolution to build a better world. We will never stop fighting. While I am saddened that I never had the chance to meet you personally, your memory will live on. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Erika Bunkowski (United States of America)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Meu abraésect;o ao povo cubano. Que o ideal da revoluésect;épound;o continue vivo em suas mentes, assim como a lembranésect;a do seu Comandante permaneésect;a presente nos seus coraésect;émicro;es. Hasta la vitória, siempre!
José Receputi Neto (Brazil)
To People of Cuba: The Great Commander Fidel will always live among the cuban children who has dignity and a place in the Sun. The Great Commander will allways live among the elders who fought by his side against the opreesion of USA. Hasta siempre, comandante de tu pueblo de Cuba!
Adios comandanteeee... legado de solidariedade, compaixépound;o, igualdade e sem exploraésect;épound;o...
Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba who have provided us with a powerful antidote to the hateful campaign by certain sections of the British media against people who are minorities in society. I have every confidence that you will continue the struggle for a better world.
John Cooper (United Kingdom)
Para sempre comandante!
Ricardo Bittencourt Rodrigues (Brazil)
Minha solidariedade ao povo cubano
José de Oliveira da Costa (Brazil)
A América Latina perde seu líder maior, comandante da revoluésect;épound;o cubana e de tantas outras lutas e revoluésect;émicro;es do nosso continente. A esquerda brasileira perdeu um amigo e e talvez seu maior aliado. E o mundo perde um dos vultos mais importantes, generosos e solidários dos nossos tempos!Hasta siempre comandante! Seguimos por aqui aprendendo e levando em frente suas liésect;émicro;es de vitória e de luta!
Paulo Porto (Brazil)
Emma Harte (Ireland)
Michael ryan (Ireland)
Profound sadness at the loss of one of the greats of the 20th century.
Thomas Pearce (United Kingdom)
A life long inspiration. May his good work continue.
Bill Skeoch (United Kingdom)
Sem duvida alguma,uma das personalidades mais importantes da humanidade.
Valter Rodrigues Soares (Brazil)
O que importa é o legado deixado.
Paulo Roberto Wünsch (Brazil)
Solidarity and respect for someone who helped lead the fight against imperialism and injustice. Peace.
Mick Canavan (United Kingdom)
A beacon to the people
ian warrick (United Kingdom)
Hoöng Trung (Viet Nam)
Farewell Comrade.
Patrick Ernesto Flemming (Ireland)
Miguel Alves dos Santos (Brazil)
Michael Foulkes (United Kingdom)
Bruno Torres Mendes Soares (Brazil)
Que o seu legado seja eterno,só de enfrentar o maior assassino do séc.XX já é uma admiraésect;épound;o muito grande,viva Fidel,para siempre Fidel.
Luís Antéacute (Brazil)
gerard fenniman (Ireland)
Hasta la siempre Comandante Fidel Castro. Pessoa ímpar que eu admirei e vou continuar admirando por todo lo siempre. A luta continua camarada e tu eres nossa grande esperanésect;a para continuarmos buscando a unidade de lá Pátria Grande. Arriba!!! Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o cubana, viva Fidel, viva Che Guevara e viva a esquerda revolucionária do mundo.
Léordm;cia Adécopy (Brazil)
Comandante has pasado a la historia como el hombre de mas COJONES en nuestra AMERICA LATINA !!!!!!!. Hasta Siempre Fidel.
Yolanda Espinosa (United Kingdom)
Ich wünsche der jungen Generation, Fidel nicht nur zu betrauern sondern seine Lehren aus der Revolution und der Verteidigung Cubas gegen die fortdauernde US-Agression und die Kraft entwickelt der absehbaren Verschécurren;rfung der US-Politik unter Trump in seinem Sinne zu begegnen und die Errungenschaften trotz alter Mühsal des técurren;glichen Lebens zu Verteidigen. Von einem dem es gut geht, ist das leicht gesagt. Unserer Solidaritécurren;t und Unterstützung mit und für Cuba seid versichert. Gottfried Heil, Vorsitzender von ARBUGS Int. e.V.
Heil, Gottfried (Germany)
RIP Fidel the world is a poorer place with out you
Paul Conway (United Kingdom)
My country is actually Scotland, which does not appear on the list above sadly. We are a small country being oppressed by the right wing parliament in London. We are a socialist country determined to gain independence and establish a decent caring society where the young are educated, the sick and elderly are cared for and public service is more important than capitalist greed. Our thoughts are with the people of Cuba.
lawrence alexander (United Kingdom)
Tony McCabe (Ireland)
Desejo que o grande líder Fidel Castro continue a inspirar os verdadeiros progressistas em todo mundo. Fidel, até sempre!
Maria da Penha Baiépound;o Santos (Brazil)
Thank you for what your example to the world. Your ideas and actions are needed more than ever at this point in history.
Sean Cullen (United Kingdom)
Descanse em paz, comandante.
André (Brazil)
In Glorious Remembrance of Fidel Comandante. One, if not the greatest, leaders the world has ever seen. Now you enter into eternal glory. The Lord be praised for keeping you safe for more than half a century, so you could achieve the impossible. Hasta siempre comandante...hasta la victoria siempre. With condolences to the Cuban people on his passing, From Dr Carol Norris MBE & on behalf of my late mother, May Hoggard, who was your supporter since 1959.
Dr Carol Norris MBE FRCP Edin. (United Kingdom)
Comandante nos fará falta neste momento que o capitalismo busca energia para se manter vivo. Hasta la vitória siempre.
Joselito Araéordm;jo Silva (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Rildete Alves Rodrigues (Denmark)
HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE, QUE DIOS TE VENDIGA POR LO QUE HAS HECHO POR LOS PUEBLOS DEL MUNDO. Quien siembra esperanzas recoge esperanzas, la libertad es el alma de los pueblos.
In memory of a great leader.
Maria (Belgium)
Hasta Siempre Commandante
James Brian (United Kingdom)
Minha rebeldia e vontade de mudar o mundo, a qual transforma-se em luta, seria incompleta sem o exemplo de Fidel. Ele népound;o foi apenas o líder revolucionário do povo cubano. Foi o líder dos que népound;o se conformam com as injustiésect;as no mundo e se lanésect;am a defender sua pátria. Fidel foi humano no sentido mais profundo da palavra. A humanidade fica mais vulnerável, menos inteligente e até, menos humana sem ele. Que seu exemplo seja nossa grande referéordf;ncia! Fidel pertence ao seleto grupo que jamais morrerá porque permanecerá vivo em nossa luta e em cada conquista ou derrota ao longo do caminho. Delas retiraremos as liésect;émicro;es referenciados no exemplo de Fidel. Até ö vitória!
Lindinaldo Freitas de Alencar (Brazil)
What I have learnt about Fidel Castro and Cuba and the achievements of Cuban Revolution is amazing. He was great human being and did his part for the betterment of his people. Its important to carry on his work in Cuba . Red Salute
Ovais Ali Tariq (Pakistan)
We have lost a great leader but we have not lost the inspiration we can draw from his struggle and that of the Cuban people. (On behalf of the Lambeth branch of UNISON).
Jon Rogers (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel for everything.
Graham Lister (United Kingdom)
Castro and guevara, 2 socialist icons. We need more of them. Viva la revolution!
Andrew Temple (United Kingdom)
Fidel- Fore runner of Revolution Icon of Communism Designer of modern Cuba Enemy of slavery Leader of the world.
Prince Ennares Periyar (India)
Carlos Alberto P Ferreira (Brazil)
Cuba had given the world a glimpse of another way of living. What more can be learnt from Cubans' and Castro's examples?
anne braithwaite (United Kingdom)
Sentimentos muitos pelo líder FIDEL.
Carmen lima (Brazil)
Farewell Comandante! Following your example, we shall continue building a better world. We will defend and remain faithful to your legacy.
Francisco Dominguez (United Kingdom)
Fidel vive en cada corazon cubano y en cada corazon en el mundo entero de quien lucha para la dignidad y el bienestar de los pueblos
Rose-Marie LOU (France)
Terry Hoad (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace. You were the inspiration for people throughout the world.
Kenny Watson (United Kingdom)
Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o!
Mucio (Brazil)
Obrigado por tudo Fidel! Hasta Siempre la Victoria.
Henrique Novaes (Brazil)
Fidel and the Cuban people, you are an inspiration to all the peoples of world. Long live the Cuban Revolution !
Ujitha de Zoysa (United Kingdom)
Vian (Hungary)
Condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing away if your former President. He was a truly global hero who we all admired for what he did for Cuba.
Maurice Atingo (Kenya)
Good bye sir.
Wilson cunha (Brazil)
Hasta la victoria siempre Fidel. Tu ejemplo, tu claridad y la joya que es Cuba brillan en la historia y presente de la humanidad.
Susanna Rance (United Kingdom)
It's with sadness that we receive the news of Fidel's death. May Hashem receive him and comfort the family and all the Cuban people in this moment of pain.The Brazilian people are with you.
Joépound;o Vicente Barcellos Almei (Brazil)
Francisco Gentile (Brazil)
Fidel vive!
Aine McAllister (Australia)
Héctor Alvariza Suarez de OLi (Brazil)
Népound;o lamento a morte de FIDEL, porque ele foi um grande homem e será para sempre um grande líder. Eu celebro sua vida, seu exemplo, sua forésect;a e coragem. Um dia CUBA saberá que teve o homem mais forte do século. VIVA FIDEL, VIVA CUBA, VIVA A ESQUERDA, VIVA PT, VIVA O BRASIL DO POVO BRASILEIRO.
Edna de Paula Soares (Brazil)
Perdemos um grande estadista.
Abel de Souza Morangueira (Brazil)
Thanks for the sacrifices El Commandante.
Sharon Murray (Canada)
Cuba shows to the world that another way is possible, thanks to Fidel Castro, Che and other revolutionaries. We have lost a visionary leader, a extraordinary man and an inexhaustible inspiration. My thought are with his family, friends and the Cuban people. Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Cleber Rodrigues (Brazil)
Fidel Castro has been an inspiration to the struggles of downtrodden and exploited people's around the world for half a century. He'll never be forgotten.
Kyle Thomas (United Kingdom)
Os meus mais sinceros péordf;sames para vocéordf;s todos, família e o povo cubano que está sentindo a falta de seu ente querido, que deus possa confortá-los nesse momento tépound;o difícil de dor.
Luci Neves Nunes Vieira (United Kingdom)
Breno Pascal de Lacerda Brito (Brazil)
Forésect;a e coragem para o povo Cubano. Que consigam manter as conquistas da revoluésect;épound;o e honrar o legado do comandante Fidel. Um abraésect;o fraterno.
Guilherme Magno Martins de Souza (Brazil)
On December 1st 2016, West Waterford Sinn Féin unanimously agreed a motion to extend a message of sympathy to the people of Cuba on the sad passing of your great Leader Fidel Castro. We remember with gratitude his unwavering solidarity in support of Irish freedom and in particular for our hunger strikers of 1981. VIVA FIDEL!
West Waterford Sinn Féin Cuma (Ireland)
Meus sentimentos ao querido povo cubano cuja luta inspira e ensina o mundo a népound;o curvar-se diante do imperialismo. Obrigado!!
Márcia Fabiana de Oliveira (Brazil)
Adios a uno de los grandes e indispensables.
Enrique Reye (Chile)
Serás sempre cultuado por aqueles que sonham com um mundo melhor, com um ser humano melhor e com uma sociedade fraterna.
Vanderlei Prochnow (Brazil)
Meus sentimentos ao Povo Cubano,!
Carlos Eugenio (United Kingdom)
Grande perda para o mundo. Fidel Castro e o povo cubano ensinaram ao mundo que a justiésect;a social é possível, embora difícil. Que o povo cubano continue sendo inspiraésect;épound;o para o mundo.
Cristina Mair Barros Rauter (Brazil)
All of our love to the beautiful people of Cuba. Be strong. Stay strong. God bless.
mike proko (United States of America)
A deep loss! I have known you from cihildhood. You have passed and i grieve. Your legacy is history and lives on.
Ray kuszelewski (Canada)
Comandante Fidel Castro, há mais de quarenta anos vocéordf; mudou minha vida, fez-me ver a importa¢ncia da inclusépound;o social, o quanto é importante nós termos uma naésect;épound;o independente, buscando a auto suficiéordf;ncia. Fidel vocéordf; será eternamente reverenciado por todo mundo. Gracias por tudo. Pedro Boemer
Pedro Luiz Andrade Boemer (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre Grande Comandante ! Gracias!
Julie George (Australia)
O povo cubano é digno de seu legado. Que a chama do camarada Fidel, floresésect;a por toda a América.
Marcelo Antonio da Silva (Brazil)
Prezado Comandante, Gostaria de agradecer pelo Internacionalismo médico cubano!Sou moésect;ambicano de 33 anos e atualmente moro no Brasil. Ainda em Moésect;ambique, comecei a adoecer ainda crianésect;a, aos 03 anos de idade e fui atendido por diversos médicos moésect;ambicanos e nenhum conseguiu dizer o que eu tinha. Somente depois de encontrar um médico cubano é que foi diagnosticada minha asma! O referido médico cubano deu diversos conselhos a meus pais, acerca de como lidar com a doenésect;a e os cuidados a tomar. Recomendou que se cortasse a acácia que existia em frente ö minha casa pois, o pólen das flores aumentava a minha alergia, entre outros cuidados para evitar as crises da doenésect;a. Foi depois da consulta com o médico cubano que, meus pais passaram a compreender melhor a asma e os cuidados que deveriam ter com as coisas que causavam alergias: tapetes, flores, animais peludos, casacos de pele, etc. Após essa consulta, minha qualidade de vida aumentou! Sei que Moésect;ambique sempre péacute;de contar com médicos cubanos, ainda que népound;o conseguisse pagá-los. Graésect;as ao vosso Internacionalismo médico, países como Moésect;ambique puderem contar com a presenésect;a de médicos de primeiro mundo. Hoje, estou vivo, graésect;as ao diagnóstico precoce do médico cubano, o que permitiu a meus pais proporcionarem-me uma vida com maior qualidade, apesar da doenésect;a! Também sei que o Cuba ajudou Moésect;ambique na área da educaésect;épound;o e saéordm;de, recebendo milhares de Estudantes moésect;ambicanos na Ilha da Juventude. Ao longo de minha trajetória estudantil, tive um professor de Geografia que foi firmado em Cuba e percebi que ele era diferente dos outros: a simplicidade na vida e com que dava as aulas, bem como o seu bom caráter e honestidade. Isso distinguia o professor Martinho dos outros professores. Acredito que ele tenha aprendido tais virtudes durante a formaésect;épound;o em Cuba. Até sempre Comandante!
Ercílio Neves Brandà (Brazil)
O mundo ficou menor com sua morte, que deu continuidade ö sua imortalidade.
Avelino de Oliveira (Brazil)
La América Latina llora por la muerte de nuestro comandante Fidel Castro. Seguimos su ejemplo revolucionario, socialista, internacionalista, rebelde. Hasta siempre Comandante Fidel Castro.
Aline Felipe Barreto (Brazil)
Rest in peace, you freed your people from the shackles of capitalism. I wish there was a man like you in the uk.
John Hoyle (United Kingdom)
Fidel vive! Fidel vivirá para siempre en nuestros corazones y conciéordf;ncia. Tu ejemplo és nuestro norte. Hasta la Victória siempre!
Renato Savalli (Brazil)
Ann Maurita Gomez (United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary! Dramatically improved the lives if not only of the people of Cuba, but for the oppressed and colonised all over the world. Viva la Revolucion!
Sam Davis (Australia)
Que Cuba continue sendo um Farol para os socialistas do mundo!
Velfrides Antonio Barreto (Brazil)
Querido comandante, que tua memória seja eterna. Daqui do Brasil, espero que uma grande revoluésect;épound;o brasileira possa chegar e unir nossos dois povos nesse mesmo sonho que desde 1959 guia Cuba para frente. Fidel Castro estará para sempre em minhas memórias como um símbolo de lider, de herói, de dignificaésect;épound;o da existéordf;ncia. Obrigado pela inspiraésect;épound;o causada por tuas palavras e pela esperanésect;a causada por tua luta. Hasta siempre, Comandante Fidel Castro!
Lucas Xavier Cavalcante (Brazil)
Fidel vive!
Paulo Cezar Marques (Brazil)
A huge loss for Cuba, Palestine and all humanity. Rest in Power Fidel Castro and thank you and the Cuban Revolution for all you'very done for Palestine and all anti colonial liberation movements. Revolutionaries never die.
Professor Rabab Abdulhadi (Palestine)
Hasta la Vitoria Sempre! Viva Fidel!
Jose Marcio de Souza Duarte (Brazil)
Obrigado comandante Fidel Castro por tudo que fizestes aos povos Cubanos, Africanos e da América Latina.Povos esses do "terceiro mundo" que foram oprimidos pelo imperialismo e capitalismo opressor. Sua partida é mais uma vitória pessoal contra o imperialismo, pois tentaram te assassinar mais de 600 vezes e Fidel morre de morte natural aos 90 anos de idade. Grandes homens népound;o morrem, apenas entram para a História!
Giuliano Emílio da Silva Furta (Brazil)
Maria Eugéordf;nia Ferreira de Cas (Brazil)
You have given so much for so many people and never demanded anything in return. Your body may rest but your immortal spirit and the socialist revolution shall live on. Thank you, Comrade Fidel.
Josh (United Kingdom)
Comandante Fidel: PRESENTE!
Alexandry Navarro (Brazil)
May Allah Be Pleased with Commandante Fidel Castro. A man of and for the least of people in most eyes. Truly, guided blessed and protected by God's awesome power. He lives!!!
Ida Muhammad (United States of America)
Long live the achievements of the Cuban Revolution and long may Comrade Castro's legacy and spirit live on in the people of Cuba! Viva Fidel Castro a Champion and hero of the Proletariat (Working Class)! x
Paul Turek (United Kingdom)
R.I.P Fidel Castro
Richard Hamilton (United Kingdom)
Todos nós um dia chegaremos ao "fim" , mas , por sorte , outros chegam mas sépound;o "eternizados" por suas obras . Profunda tristeza da minha parte .
Réacute;mulo Ribeiro (Brazil)
Ao comandante, irmépound;o e camarada Fidel Castro. Até Sempre camarada. PRESENTE.
Gilberto Santana de Alencar (Brazil)
Que homens, corajosos e fortes, possam continuar a grande obra de Fidel. Um exemplo de luta na América Latina e no mundo das grandes mazelas sociais. Viva Fidel. Viva o socialismo de todos os continentes.
Fidel Castro was an inspiring figure on the world stage for justice and against economic inequality and the struggle continues.
Ben Armstrong (United Kingdom)
Your example will guide us. Hasta siempre!
Trina Scordo (United States of America)
Viva la revolución! Hasta siempre comandante!
Jéordm;lio Francisco Ribeiro da Co (Portugal)
Farewell - a true revolutionary hero.
Gillian Dalley (United Kingdom)
Um grande líder,que népound;o se rendeu jamais a tirania do EUA,mesmo sofrendo sansémicro;es por anos népound;o se curvou,se mantendo sempre ALTIVOS,que descanse em PAZ.
Roberto de Paulo (United Kingdom)
Fidel népound;o está mais presente entre nós fisicamente, mas seus ideais e ensinamentos permanecerépound;o para sempre.Vivas a Fidel e vivas ao povo de Cuba.
Antéacute;nio Vilson Menezes Das N (Brazil)
Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Márcio de Jesus (Brazil)
Que a vida de Fidel seja exemplo de justiésect;a para os jovens de todo mundo.
Jacinto de Oliveira (Brazil)
Minha eterna admiraésect;épound;o ao Grande Comandante da Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana, Fidel Castro!
Rosa¢ngela Maria Pires (Brazil)
Adeus meu querido comandante. Será eterno no meu coraésect;épound;o. Nunca o esquecerei.Abraésect;os em todos os cubanos.
Mirtes Colombera (Brazil)
Para mi fuiste un heroe con principios gracias quiciera decir mas pero no tengo el valor mucha tristesa mi biejito lindo ahora juntarse con mi otro biejito presidente allende y tu amigo Che y con hugito chaves ...
Roxana (Canada)
Viva Cuba
Peter Lentelink (Netherlands)
luiz godoy (Brazil)
Sonia Martuscelli (Brazil)
Comandante Fidel Castro hasta siempre!
Ana Cleide Guedes Moreira (Brazil)
Seus ideais sépound;o os nossos e viverépound;o enquanto existirem coraésect;émicro;es revolucionários.
Sara antunes (Brazil)
Hasta la vitória, Siempre!
Jackson Rodrigues Ferreira (Brazil)
"Os trabalhadores népound;o téordf;m nada a perder em uma revoluésect;épound;o comunista, a népound;o ser suas correntes." - Karl Marx
Welliton dos Reis Santos (Brazil)
Leila (Brazil)
meus sentimentos a todos os cubanos,nunca desistam dos seus ideais lutem contra a desigualdade assim como Fidel lutou juntos construiremos um futuro melhor !!
Jessica Cristina Correa de Andrade (Brazil)
Hasta siempre Comandante
izabel (Brazil)
Obrigado, Comandante.
Eduardo Passini (Brazil)
You're with you're comrade now, peace big man
Che Nee (United Kingdom)
Fidel foi o grande estadista nestes éordm;ltimos 60 anos, provou que o socialismo é a grande soluésect;épound;o para um mundo igualitário e justo! Viva Fidel, viva Cuba!
Joel Miranda (Brazil)
Descanse em paz guerreiro!
Valdir Araéordm;jo (United Kingdom)
Alaide (Brazil)
Márcia Santos Xavier (Brazil)
Descanse em Paz.
maria sonia sigrist pasetti (Brazil)
Um abraésect;o camarada Fidel Castro. Descanse em paz! "Ditador" do Proletariado Rozinaldo Ribeiro da Silva Professor da Universidade Federal do Pará UFPA Presidente do Partido Comunista do Brasil PC do B/Altamira-Pa Brasil
Rozinaldo Ribeiro da Silva (Brazil)
Hasta la vitoria, Comandante.
Francisco Alves Soares (Brazil)
Elvis Sa (Brazil)
Angelo Frizzo (Brazil)
Geoffrey (United Kingdom)
Al pueblo de Cuba nosostros sentimientos.
Marco Antonio Machado Rodrigues (Brazil)
Prezado Fidel Castro, em memória, Obrigado pela coragem e pela esperanésect;a que nos deixou de construir um mundo mais justo. Um forte abraésect;o, Pedro Pablo Pinto Pires
A morte imortaliza o maior líder que este planeta já teve e a História o glorificará para sempre como o Comandante que acreditou que o mundo poderia ser mais igualitário e conseguiu isso com uma Revoluésect;épound;o Socialista que se mantém como exemplo na Educaésect;épound;o e na Medicina, para todos, além da igualdade. Comandante Fidel, presente!
Delza Maria Frare Chamma (Brazil)
Meus sentimentos ao Povo Cubano. Fidel Castro foi um grande homem que lutou e venceu o Império. Abraésect;o.
Rosa Maria Fristsch Feijó (Brazil)
Adeus grande herói!!
ana de oliveira (Brazil)
Deepest condolences to the Castro family.A great leader sadly missed
David Randerson (United Kingdom)
Apesar da pobreza do povo de Cuba, Fidel Castro investiu na educaésect;épound;o e saéordm;de e igualdade social.Merece respeito de todos!
Maria da C Aparecida Cota (United Kingdom)
Luiz Carlos Figueiredo de Jesus (Brazil)
A great inspiration throughout my life. Cubans should be proud of having such great fighter by their side. Hasta siempre comandante!
Paula Macedo (United Kingdom)
A América Latina deve muito ö Fidel, por sua luta pela libertaésect;épound;o dos povos. Viva Fidel!
francisco wellington duarte (Brazil)
All my life I have only known you as the leader of Cuba. You have offered friendship and help to the people from many nations who are most in need. Job well done. Rest in peace. I am so very proud of the work you were able to do.
Michelle Lateef (United States of America)
Vale Comrade Fidel
Brendan Bogle (Australia)
Aquí en Brasil el envío mis más cordiales saludos comunistas a todo el pueblo cubano, en particular el Partido Comunista de Cuba y de su Comité Central. Viva Fidel! ¡Viva la revolución! Viva al marxismo-leninismo! Socialismo o Muerte! Superaremos!
Bruno Lage (Brazil)
Mary Clinton (Ireland)
Farewell to a great world leader. If only there were more world leaders an countries prepared to stand up to USA
John Lessells (United Kingdom)
Long live Cuba
Michael Hanif (United Kingdom)
You were the right man for your country.
James Viner (United Kingdom)
Minhas condoléordf;ncias
Misael Godoy (Brazil)
You will never be forgotten by the oppressed of this world for whom you spent your life fighting for freedom and justice. Hasta siempre Commandante
Jackie Alsaid (United Kingdom)
Paz e Luz ao povo cubano na passagem de seu líder histórico Fidel Castro.
José Miranda (Brazil)
Thank you Fidel for bucking all the trends and showing us another world is possible. You gave us all hope. We will keep your example in our hearts.
Gemma Freedman (United Kingdom)
Pueblo de Cuba, Los pueblos de todo el mundo agradecen a vosostros y a Fidel por el valor que habéis demonstrado en la lucha por un mundo mejor, más digno y más justo. Que podamos siempre inspirarnos en Cuba, Che y Fidel en nuestra "lucha contra el imposible"! Viva el socialismo! Hasta la victoria siempre! Saludos desde Brasil, Marcelo Carneiro
Marcelo (Brazil)
Vocéordf; é top. Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante!
Jennifer Freitas Nunes (Brazil)
Querido Comandante en Jefe Fidel, no es posible expresar de ninguna manera el luto por tu pérdida física ni el agradecimiento por tu existencia en todas sus dimensiones, ni tampoco el orgullo de tener sangre cubana y raíces de la isla que téordm; has salvado y que has convertido en un país que, con su pequeño tamaño, da ejemplo al resto del mundo en todos los sentidos, igual que téordm; has sido y seguirás siendo un ejemplo de incansable luchador y glorioso vencedor, sin que jamás uno podrá comparar contigo que téordm; eres éordm;nico. Como esta gran personaje que eres has pasado a la historia y te mereces téordm; eterno lugar en ella igual que en los corazones de todos los Fidelistas que vivimos dentro y fuera de Cuba. Téordm; sigues vivo en cada uno de nosotros y tu legado lo llevamos por dentro para sembrarlo hacia afuera. Hasta La Victoria Siempre! Hasta Siempre, Comandante! Yo Soy Fidel!
Laura Maria Plecher (Germany)
you will always be with us commendante
Raymond (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
PABLO ALVES COSTA (British Indian Ocean Territory)
Siga em paz, comandante! Dois inspiraésect;épound;o para diversas geraésect;émicro;es e realidade para o povo cubano! Hasta sempre, Fidel!
Cosme Henrique (Brazil)
Mert (United Kingdom)
Que Cuba continue sendo um exemplo de como o socialismo é a éordm;nica forma de a humanidade alcanésect;ar sua capacidade plena. Mesmo um país pequeno, com poucos recursos e limitado pelo embargo norte-americano, consegue se manter firme frente ao avanésect;o imperialista. Um abraésect;o! Que a Revoluésect;épound;o seja incorruptível! Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!
Antéacute;nio Celestino (Brazil)
RIP Comrade Fidel
Paul Littlechild (United Kingdom)
Fidel fue el exemplo maximo del Hombre Nuevo que hablaba El Che. Fuerza hermanos cubanos! Nosotros somos todos Fidel!
Doriana Demeda (Brazil)
An inspirational and great revolutionary and leader. Has stood strong and brace in the face of bullish intimidation from an aggressive bullying far more powerful neighbour! Rest easy Fidel, your legacy will be an eternal one
Damien Doherty (Ireland)
R.I.P. Mary Queen of the Gaels look after him and Cuba.
Janice Austin (Ireland)
To a truly magnificent and visionary leader, whose achievements were truly magnificent, in the face of monumental and brutal attack by the USA! His leadership showed what can be achieved when you have the right priorities! Never has his wisdom been more necessary
Simon Peter McKernan (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a beacon of hope, ethics and revolution. He spoke and listen like any other socialist leader. My condolences to all Cubans and Fidel's family.
Paulo Seara (Portugal)
Dont stop what fidel and che have done, keep the revolution alive!
José Erivaldo (Brazil)
Joépound;o Batista Martins Gomes (Brazil)
Amisi Soumialot (United Kingdom)
History will prove you right, RIP Fidel Castro, Viva Cuba
Gus McLean (United Kingdom)
Nós, no Brasil, que tambem temos e respeitamos Lula e Dilma, sentimos profunda tristeza, junto com o povo de Cuba pela privaésect;épound;o da sua companhia, mas sabemos que Fidel sai deste mundo físico para viver para sempre, agora também na História, como o maior líder das Américas. Tal líder, tal povo. Cuba honrará o seu legado. Muita forésect;a a todos os cubanos. Estamos juntos. Contém com estes brasileiros aqui, agora e sempre.
Luís Carlos Rabello (Brazil)
From Scotland. May you rest in peace, man of the people.
stephen scott (United Kingdom)
Existe um Brasil que está de pé pela revoluésect;épound;o! Hasta la victoria comandante!
Suzana Nogueira (Brazil)
Viva Cuba! RIP Fidel - larger than life - a giant among people... Salute!
Bob Turner (United Kingdom)
Two countries in the same sea of struggle. Cuba and Ireland TAL
Peadair O'Maolai (Ireland)
Minha solidariedade ao povo cubano neste momento em que Fidel deixa este mundo. Cuba tem sido um exemplo para o mundo e, particularmente, para a América Latina, de forésect;a e resistéordf;ncia. Viva Cuba! Viva Fidel!
Juliana Dalbosco (Brazil)
Saudacoes ao grande líder revolucionario ,guerreiro da Libertacao de CUBA com Che GUEVARA.Suas convicoes politicas a favor a POVO serao eternamente inesquecíveis.Gostaqia de saudá-lo em naq língua CUBANA.De Havana á Santiago berco da revolucépound;o demonstra a lindeza de seu funeral Adios FIDEL Voce estará sempre entre nós porque ideias nunca, nunca morrem.
Maria Tereza Franco de Almeida Franco (Brazil)
Que descanse em paz esse grande revolucionário. Até a vitória, sempre!
Carla Hauer (Brazil)
William Lannon (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre!El Commandante! Thank you for your support during the Emancipation struggle of Angola, South Africa,Ethipia and all the nations that suffered under the yoke of Western Imperialism!!!
Karl (United Kingdom)
Acompaño en el sentimiento.
Maria Jennings (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante! Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!
Carla Erhardt (Brazil)
¡Hasta Siempre, Comandante!
Victor Oliveira da Silva (Brazil)
Pedro Wilson Porto (Brazil)
Que descanse em paz Comandante.
Odete Bassanesi (Brazil)
A leader of his time who, though he made mistakes, never put himself ahead of his people. A servant to Cuba of whom Cuba can be proud.
Benjamin Greenacre (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante! Saudaésect;émicro;es ao povo revolucionário de Cuba!
Carlos Arthur Newlands Junior (Brazil)
RIP Comandante. Stood against their Proud Gringo Army, And sent them homeward, Tae think again.
Craig Stocks (United Kingdom)
Ao bravo povo Cubano! Meus sentimentos pelo falecimento do grande estadista. Hasta sempre
Elisabeth Rocha (Brazil)
Viva el eterno Lider De la Revolucion !
stefano (Brazil)
Fidel era un gran líder. Cuba y América Latina debe mucho a su ejemplo. Mi solidaridad con el pueblo cubano.
Giovanni Magalhaes Porto (Brazil)
Sempre será lembrado pela sua incansável luta em busca de uma Cuba livre, soberana e justa, exemplo a ser seguido por quem pretende elevar seu povo ao ápice de uma sociedade humanizada.
I don't condone everything that u did, but no doubt neither do u. You will be your own judge and juror for that! However, I think you did some amazing things. You emancipated your people, you stood up for the downtrodden and you embarrassed the American Imperialists time and time again. RIP Comrade!
Martin Gray (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an inspiration and a hero to me over the last 47 years of my life. Through my study of his life and those of his comrades I learnt enough to become a true socialist instead of a social democrat. Hasta LA Victoria siempre.
Kevin Geraghty (Ireland)
On behalf of the Greek Orthodox Community of New South Wales we would like to send our sincerely and deepest condolences to the family, to the people of Cuba to the Government of Cuba on the passing of Fidel Castro. Fidel devoted all his life to Cuba and with his passing the Cuban people lost a great leader and the world lost a great fighter who struggle against imperialism. Long live Fidel. Harry Danalis, Michael Tsilimos President Secretary
The Greek Orthodox Community of New South Wales (Australia)
Present, eternal commander. Long live the Cuban people!
Nelson Manzanares Filho (Brazil)
José Antonio Meler Garanto (Spain)
Your roaring voice maybe gone quiet but your legacy lives on in our hearts, you lived your life with a pride and dignity but above all you left behind a free and proud nation. You lived like a lion and died like a lion. RIP Mr Castro
Harris khan (United Kingdom)
To our comrade Hasta sienpre, comandante!
Lorraine ramos (Brazil)
Hasta la sempre my comandante!
izabella (Brazil)
Condolences to the Cuban people and thanks for your fight against aggression and standing up for the poor and oppressed of this world.
carol blodau (Ireland)
Eterno inspirador de geraésect;éacute;es de latino americanos
Fernando Martini Franco (Brazil)
Somos todos Fidel.
Paulo Jorge Pinto da Silva (Paulép (Brazil)
Fidel Castro Ruz, um grande homem que ficará eternamente na história.
Wellington Gomes Da Silva (Brazil)
Nosso coraésect;épound;o está em luto junto com o dos companheiros cubanos. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE!
Que os ideias da Revoluésect;épound;o pelos quais Fidel tanto lutou perseverem!
Sandra Mariano Stofel de Souza (Brazil)
Love and peace to my sisters, brothers and comrades in Cuba at this sad time.
Alan Strafford (United Kingdom)
Antenor Loula Moreira (Brazil)
Murray Armstrong (Canada)
Rest in peace, comrade Castro. May your legacy live forever in the hearts and minds of those who strive to make the World a better place...
Ebervalius Ahau (Brazil)
Até sempre, Comandante! Cuba vencerá!
Mário Jorge Couto (Portugal)
O mundo se fez menor sem a presenésect;a revolucionária e altruísta de um homem que conseguiu transfromar a vida de um país e mostrar ao mundo que é possível um mundo mais justo e de valores verdadeiros. Só temos a agradecer. Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Cathal short (Ireland)
Eline Jonas (Brazil)
We love your beautiful country and people. Thank you Fidel for your inspiration and guidance and for the amazing social justice that is Cuba. I wish you all love peace and solidarity.
Pam Wortley (United Kingdom)
Comandante Fidel, vocéordf; foi um grande homem, mostrou para nós latino americanos que népound;o precisamos nos humilhar e se sujeitar aos excessos do poder daqueles que se consideram "primeiro mundo".Sua resistéordf;ncia ao imperialismo ianque foi uma inspiraésect;épound;o para vários líderes da América do Sul para criar uma sociedade mais livre e justa para seus habitantes. Sei que o camarada possui falhas, pois é um ser humano, mas também sei que foi por causa de sua resistéordf;ncia, bem como a do camarada Che e tantos outros que conseguimos ver uma luz de esperanésect;a. Descanse em paz camarada junto de tantos outros irmépound;os revolucionários, pois agora nós assumiremos sua luta.
leandro augusto (Brazil)
Rest in peace. The world will remember your courage.
Abul Monsur (United Kingdom)
An incredible revolutionary never to be forgotten.
Ruth Lawley (United Kingdom)
Hasta Victoria Siempre
MatsWerning (Sweden)
"Se habla con frecuencia de los derechos humanos, pero hay que hablar también de los derechos de la humanidad. ¿Por qué unos pueblos han de andar descalzos para que otros viajen en lujosos automóviles? ¿Por qué unos han de vivir 35 años para que otros vivan 70? ¿Por qué unos han de ser míseramente pobres para que otros sean exageradamente ricos? Hablo en nombre de los niños que en el mundo no tienen un pedazo de pan; hablo en nombre de los enfermos que no tienen medicinas; hablo en nombre de aquellos a los que se les ha negado el derecho a la vida y la dignidad humana. Unos países tienen mar, otros no; unos tienen recursos energéticos, otros no; unos poseen tierras abundantes para producir alimentos, otros no; unos tan saturados de máquinas y fábricas están, que ni respirar se puede el aire de sus atmósferas envenenadas, otros no poseen más que sus escuálidos brazos para ganarse el pan. Unos países poseen, en fin, abundantes recursos, otros no poseen nada. ¿Cuál es el destino de estos? ¿Morirse de hambre? ¿Ser eternamente pobres? ¿Para qué sirve entonces la civilización? ¿Para qué sirve la conciencia del hombre? ¿Para qué sirven las Naciones Unidas? ¿Para qué sirve el mundo? No se puede hablar de paz en nombre de las decenas de millones de seres humanos que mueren cada año de hambre o enfermedades curables en todo el mundo. No se puede hablar de paz en nombre de 900 millones de analfabetos." Gracias por todo que regalaste al pueblo cubano, latinoamericano e mundial, Fidel!
Gabriel Arozi Abbade Abelin (Brazil)
¡Hasta siempre, Fidel! Fidel Castro was a giant of our times; few reach even to his ankles. His ideas, ethics and political perspectives live on in the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions around the world. In his death as in his life, Fidel will make a mighty contribution to the rebirth of the revolutionary movement humanity urgently needs if we are escape from capitalism's drive to war and ecological catastrophe.
John Smith (United Kingdom)
A maior perda da Humanidade népound;o está na auséordf;ncia física e sim no legado que tinha por vim. Fidel népound;o morre! Seu legado foi completo. Seus exemplos manterá meu coraésect;épound;o ativo até o éordm;ltimo dia da minha vida na luta incansável pelo socialismo.
Jorge Ferreira Rodrigues (United Kingdom)
Please accept my sympathy to the Castro family and all the Cuban people.I wish recent British leaders had stood by UK citizens the way that Fidel stood by his.From a Life Member of two trade unions (NUJ and GMB)
David Savage (United Kingdom)
Rafael Saraiva Lapuente (Brazil)
Paul (Ireland)
Viva o Comandante!!!
Marcelo Eduardo de Oliveira (Brazil)
Vivam o luto, chorem e sofram. Sigam em frente honrando e evoluindo o legado de Fidel.
Ana Balestiere (Brazil)
Obrigado Fidel Castro! Reconhecemos sua luta em fabor da humanidade.
Marcos de Moraes Gomes (Brazil)
Viva Fidel!
Milton Emmanuel Ferreira (United Kingdom)
Fidel will live forever.
denis baggs (United Kingdom)
Aaron Bernard (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante.
Manuel Rojas Vigoa (China)
condolences to the Cuban people on the sad loss of Fidel, he will always be remembered.
Janet Morrow (United Kingdom)
Condoléordf;ncia pela morte do Grande Comandante Cubano,exemplo de resistencia a dominaésect;épound;o extrangeira.
Alex Neves (Brazil)
Long Live the Revolution and the people who live in Cuba!
David (United States of America)
You did your best for Cuba, which is more than ever be said for the UK government!
Meg Selby (United Kingdom)
O maior revolucionário da história das Américas e mais nobre humano de nossa Terra népound;o está mais presente entre nós. No dia 25 de novembro de 2016, o eterno comandante de todos os revolucionários do Terceiro Mundo, Fidel Castro Ruz, saiu da vida para entrar na História. Rendo-lhe minhas homenagens para me somar aos milhares de homens e mulheres que, ao redor do mundo, registram a importa¢ncia do líder da Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana para todos os povos vitimados diariamente pela agressépound;o imperialista. Fidel liderou uma pequena naésect;épound;o contra a maior potéordf;ncia imperialista da história durante cinco décadas e, apesar das dezenas de tentativas de assassinato reconhecidas pelo próprio algoz, a CIA, dos diversos atentados terroristas contra seu povo, das invasémicro;es e; do boicote econéacute;mico mais repugnante e criminoso dos éordm;ltimos séculos; se sagrou plenamente vitorioso, fazendo de Cuba népound;o só uma naésect;épound;o livre e soberana como também do seu povo aquele que tem os melhores índices sociais da América Latina. Só isso já seria suficiente para que o nome de Fidel figurasse nas páginas de ouro dos anais da História. Todavia, essa é só uma pequena parte. A epopeia iniciada por um jovem advogado e líder estudantil, que passou por uma pequena dezena de guerrilheiros que se embrenharam numa mata pretendendo derrubar um exército regular de um país inteiro e que em quatro anos fizeram da utopia realidade, com milhares de revolucionários realizando a maior revoluésect;épound;o da história da América Latina, está ligada diretamente ö era das insurreiésect;émicro;es anti-imperialistas. Cuba, mesmo cercada e atacada por todos os lados, jamais deixou de auxiliar quem quer que fosse em qualquer parte do mundo. Quando as trevas das ditaduras militares tomaram a América Latina (inclusive o Brasil), foi Cuba que serviu de abrigo e apoio para aqueles que estavam sendo perseguidos, torturados e mortos nos cárceres; foi essa ilha que deu um dos seus mais brilhantes filhos, Ernesto Che Guevara, para a libertaésect;épound;o latino-americana. Enquanto Estados Unidos e Inglaterra apoiavam o racista regime do Apartheid, foram os cubanos que foram ao continente africano regar a liberdade e a independéordf;ncia com o próprio sangue. Quando no mundo inteiro os coveiros da história pregavam a morte do socialismo, foi Fidel que liderou seu povo em meio ös mais terríveis privaésect;émicro;es para mostrar que népound;o, a História népound;o havia acabado e que na América Latina, nas barbas do imperialismo, ainda havia quem acreditasse que um outro mundo, socialista, justo, igualitário e livre, era sim possível e que havia ainda gente nesse planeta que continuava disposta a morrer para enterrar os que se pretendiam coveiros do tempo. Quando todos entoavam cantos féordm;nebres, foi Fidel um dos primeiros a proclamar aos quatro cantos do mundo: O socialismo vive! O mundo hoje ficou um lugar pior, pois o farol da humanidade perdeu uma fonte de luz. Os tempos que se avizinham sépound;o sombrios. O imperialismo, atormentando por uma profunda crise, intensifica seus saques. O fascismo despertou novamente de onde nunca deveria ter saído - a lata de lixo. Certamente tivemos uma importante baixa. Certamente as coisas serépound;o mais difíceis do que quando tínhamos o Comandante. Todavia, graésect;as a Fidel sabemos que que népound;o existe forésect;a usurpadora, por mais terrível, rica e poderosa que seja, que népound;o possa ser derrotada por um povo que está realmente decidido a se libertar. Graésect;as a Fidel aprendemos que o imperialismo, apesar de népound;o ser um tigre de papel, népound;o é capaz de matar ideias. Graésect;as a Fidel aprendemos que uma organizaésect;épound;o revolucionária deve ser a imagem e a semelhanésect;a dos melhores homens e mulheres e, se népound;o for, mudar é necessário. Graésect;as a Fidel aprendemos que podem passar décadas, tragédias, ataques e tormentos, que um povo que luta conquistará inexoravelmente a sua liberdade. Com Fidel aprendemos a tornar o impossível possível. E graésect;as aos seus ensinamos e ao seu exemplo que népound;o descansaremos nem um minuto sequer da luta revolucionária pelo socialismo, contra o fascismo e contra o imperialismo. Cedo ou tarde a América Latina, terra que serviu de berésect;o para esse gigante da humanidade, abrigará o téordm;mulo do fascismo e o imperialismo! Por fim, faésect;o das palavras de Fidel para Che Guevara, quando da sua morte, as minhas: Si queremos expresar cómo aspiramos que sean nuestros combatientes revolucionarios, nuestros militantes, nuestros hombres, debemos decir sin vacilación de ninguna índole: ¡Que sean como Fidel Si queremos expresar cómo queremos que sean los hombres de las futuras generaciones, debemos decir: ¡Que sean como el Fidel Si queremos decir cómo deseamos que se eduquen nuestros niños, debemos decir sin vacilación: ¡Queremos que se eduquen en el espíritu del Fidel Si queremos un modelo de hombre, un modelo de hombre que no pertenece a este tiempo, un modelo de hombre que pertenece al futuro, ¡de corazón digo que ese modelo sin una sola mancha en su conducta, sin una sola mancha en su actitud, sin una sola mancha en su actuación, ese modelo es Fidel! Si queremos expresar cómo deseamos que sean nuestros hijos, debemos decir con todo el corazón de vehementes revolucionarios: ¡Queremos que sean como Fidel! Esse noite, em vários países do mundo, milhares de crianésect;as dormirépound;o nas ruas. Nenhuma delas é cubana graésect;as a Fidel! Népound;o há caléordm;nia, desinformaésect;épound;o, propaganda e ódio que possa apagar isso; que possa apagar a história. O nome de Fidel Castro atravessará os séculos como o de um Espártaco contempora¢neo a inspirar o que de melhor a humanidade já produziu. Fidel vive! Gracias a la vida por habernos dado Fidel.
Diego Grossi (Brazil)
Fidel, sua imagem e sua determinaésect;épound;o será lembrada para sempre na América Latina como símbolo de resistéordf;ncia e liberdade.
Jean Lucas Ramos Veloso (Brazil)
Fuerza Cuba! Sigan luchando!
Carlos Nogueira (Brazil)
History has indeed absolved you. The revolution rolls on.....
Robert Aikman (United Kingdom)
Fidel and his example in Cuba gave so many the hope and courage throughout latin America and the rest of the world to challenge the established order. He truly brought education to the masses and his name will be spoken long past the day when the Trump's and Bush's are consigned to history. la lucha continua
Tom Hore (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Paulo Ricardo Rumayor Sanches (Brazil)
Kenny Gonzalez Moreno (Cuba)
Vives en nuestros corazónes
Roland Bishop (United Kingdom)
Silvana Vieira de Sousa (Brazil)
fidel nao morreu, porque é e será sempre o defensor dos humildes !
alder grego (United Kingdom)
Que os CUBANOS se orgulhem, de ter um filho chamado FIDEL CASTRO.
Hidalgo Costa Gomes (Brazil)
Vedat Xhymshiti (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel... Viva socialist Cuba. We did not die yet. We still alive. Fight for socialism for to keep world, people, animal and nature alive...
Mehmet Celebi (United Kingdom)
Phil Atkinson (United Kingdom)
Seu papel no mundo se cumpriu. Por sua causa, muitos levam em seus coraésect;émicro;es o conceitos de solidariedade e comunhépound;o.
Ana Paula Rezende Bispo (Brazil)
Triste com a perda de um líder, honrado, ao povo Cubano, meus sentimentos pela perda,
Dorival Narciso (Brazil)
Minhas sinceras condoléordf;ncias aos irmépound;os Cubanos. Viva Fidel. Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Vania Maria Pinheiro (Brazil)
Raul y Pueblo Cubano, hemanos.... Estoy muy triste con la muete del nuestro guerrero y comandante Fidel Castro. Mi Espanol es poco, mas gostaria de dizer que estoy contigo de corazon y alma e lucharemos juntos por una sociedade mas justa para todos. Gracias mis hemanos y poden contar comigo, Yo soy Barbara Larissa Fagundes de Bahia, Brasil y resido nos Estado unidos (La Lucha Continua) Te amo Fidel!
Barbara Larissa Fagundes (United States of America)
going to reunite with Che
dejan martinovic (United Kingdom)
My sympathies to the people of Cuba, and all the world; we who have lost a guiding light and great leader, Rest in Peace Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, lest we forget, todos samos Cubanos
Richard Terry (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel and the people of Cuba for standing against capitalist oppression. Viva Castro viva revolution!
donacha o'dwyer (Ireland)
Farewell our dearest comrade! You succeded in building a better world for everyone and we can only hope that the people of Cuba will continue your way! True heroes never die and I am sure they will never destroy great socialist ideas as hard as they may try. ¡Vivan Fidel, Che, Tito y todos otros grandes hombres que cambiaron la historia! Venceremos!
Ines (Croatia)
A fifty-year-old embargo, which still continues, achieved little other than hurting the average person in Cuba. Although Cuba had some of the best trained doctors in the world, medicines were in extremely short supply because of the U.S. "Trading with the Enemy" act.
Stanley H. Kossen, Professor, Retired (United States of America)
Fidel Castro será recordado como uno de los más grandes humanistas de la historia de nuestro tiempo.
Martim Assueros Gomes (Brazil)
The revolution lives, hasta la victoria siempre.
Eeenoog (Netherlands)
Uma vida em luta pela Justiésect;a Social!
Cocco, Rosa Maria (Brazil)
Estarás sempre vivo na nossa memória, descanse em paz camarada!
Rildo Tavares de Melo (Brazil)
Fidel nos enseñó el significado de internacionalismo y solidaridad. Seguiremos luchando por un mundo mejor. Long live Fidel!!! Patria o Muerte!!!!
Marina (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, comandante Fidel!
Ramilton Coelho Junior (Brazil)
Alcione Teixeira Mena (Brazil)
Adios companero la lucha continua Gracias
Jimmy Doran (Ireland)
The workers and toilers of the world have lost a true friend.RIP.
Linda Bond (United Kingdom)
May the good Lord grant him eternal rest..
Linford Marcus (Ghana)
carlos wellington (Brazil)
An inspirational leader who stood up to the bullying American imperialism and brought in an unrivalled health and education system for the masses you will be sadly missed, but live long in the harts of the people. VIVA EL COMADANTE!!!!!?
Bernard nugent (United Kingdom)
Obrigada comandante, por seu exemplo de coragem, sensibilidade e sabedoria, que tanto nos ensina e ensinará. Hasta siempre!
Maria do Socorro Ribeiro (Brazil)
Venceremos,Los Cubanos! Adios Commandante!Hasta la victoria siempre!
David Green (United Kingdom)
Very sad - a great man, a great socialist a great human
Anthony Kenneth Graham (United Kingdom)
Yo soy Fidel.
Aloma Tereza Pinho de Vasconcelos Chaves (Brazil)
Haste La Victoria Siempre!!!
Rob Hart (United Kingdom)
JJ (United Kingdom)
Everton José de Carvalho (Brazil)
Grande líder, vocéordf; deixará saudades!
Francis Bossaert (Brazil)
Vá em paz comandante! Estaremos rezando por sua alma e pela proteésect;épound;o divina!
Marcelo (Brazil)
In solidarity with Cuba.
Carl Glynn (United Kingdom)
Condolence on the passing of a great historical person who stood firm despite the odds.
Myrtle Weir (Jamaica)
Jed (United Kingdom)
Thank you Comrade, you gave us the inspiration and hope to carry on. Fight the Imperialists for ever. ?No Pasaran?
David Griffiths (United Kingdom)
Fidel Vive. Hasta la victoria. Siempre.
Hasta siempre compañero!
Carlos Frederico Marés de So (Brazil)
Descanse em Paz Comandante
Joépound;o Gualberto Carneiro (United Kingdom)
Fidel é um marco na luta contra o imperialismo selvagem.
Sérgio Schaefer (Brazil)
Fidel was a true revolutionary and humanitarian. He was an inspiration to many liberation and socialist movements. In Ireland our own Cathal Goulding took inspiration from Fidel. The best way to honor his passing is to continue with the fight for SOCIALISM.
Philip Moran (Ireland)
O Brasil lamenta a perda do Grande Comandante Fidel!
Jésus Eduardo de Sales (Brazil)
Hasta siempre Comandante
Joépound;o Rodolfo (Brazil)
I began my political education reading the works of Mandela, Guevara and Castro. With your passing so did pass the last physical existence of my trio of educators. Your writings inspired me, taught me lessons about social justice and humanitarianism, and yes you taught me at times about the unfortunate abuses of power. My conscience wouldn't rest if I said you was a saint and that you didn't do horrible things. But I respect what you set out to do and believe in your heart you was doing the right thing all the time. So for your crimes, I condemn you but for all the good you have inspired me to do, I thank you and will carry those lessons with me throughout the rest of my life.
Samuel Marshall (United Kingdom)
Thanks from Scotland comrade for the bold, inspiring example you embodied of socialist struggle & national freedom. Lömh dearg a'buaidh!
Don Nicolson (United Kingdom)
Los que Luchan por la justcia sociale viven siempre en la memoria. Hasta Siempre Comandante Fidel. Socialismo o Muerte!
Mr Mayer Cohen (United Kingdom)
Aos irmépound;os cubano minha profunda admiraésect;épound;o.
Alexandre (Brazil)
My wife and I were saddened to learn of the demise of Comrade Fidel Castro, a towering figure who stood up against American imperialism. We offer our sincere condolences to Fidel family and to the people of Cuba. Long live the Cuban revolution.
Frank Smyth-Britt (United Kingdom)
Descanse em paz!
Adimilson Pacheco Duarte (Brazil)
Meus sinceros sentimentos ao povo cubano pela morte de seu grande líder, Fidel Castro.
Marco Aurélio (Brazil)
Obrigada,pelo exemplo de como cuidar bem de seu povo: saéordm;de,educaésect;ao,especial a crianésect;as Obrigada pelos Médicos
Soraya Bruzadelli Borges (Brazil)
On behalf of the Polish Branch of the Korean Friendship Association, I offer our sincere condolences to the party, government and people of Cuba. Fidel Castro was a great hero who dedicated his life for the good of Cuba and the Cuban people and was an outstanding political leader. His life is a glorious history of struggle for socialism against imperialism. His deeds will remain forever in our memory. Socialismo o Muerte!
Fidel has always been a source of inspiration. What he was able to accomplish in Cuba in the areas of education, health care and social justice was and is beyond amazing. I am deeply saddend by his departure from this world. Farewell comrade.
Larissa (Canada)
Fidel! Grande líder e revolucionário! Uma vida dedicada a soberania de Cuba e da América Latina. Meu respeito e minha admiraésect;épound;o eterna.
Cláudia Pessoa (Brazil)
Inesquecível e sempre presente, comandante e camarada Fidel! Vocéordf; está e estará em nossos coraésect;émicro;es e mentes, cotidianamente. Seu exemplo e luta, serépound;o nossos estímulos a guiar nossos sonhos transformados em aésect;émicro;es, mais que possíveis! Hasta la victoria siempre! Patria o muerte!Venceremos! Com todo o meu fervor revolucionário. Margarida Barreto
Margarida Barreto (Brazil)
Ao grande Fidel, exemplo maior de preocupaésect;épound;o, do bem estar de um povo pobre, a trazéordf;-lo para uma convivéordf;ncia mínima, mas possível, de todos terem os direitos básicos de sobrevivéordf;ncia. Os meus sinceros votos de pesar ao grande povo Cubano.
Manoel Junqueira Neto (Brazil)
Rest In Peace, Comandante!
Dirck Stone (Brazil)
Fidel vive em todos que acreditam numa sociedade mais justa e solidária!
Vanessa Ottoni de Brito (Brazil)
Fidel - an unrivalled inspiration. Hasta siempre, Conandante ...
Ramona (Malta)
Bernhard Nowag (Germany)
Vá em paz, comandante! Vocéordf; já fez sua parte.
Meus sentimentos, Fidel sempre!
Angela Bitarelli Medeiros (Brazil)
Irei sempre recordar-te por seres o pai dos humildes, por lutares pelos humildes e para os humildes. Foste,és e serás sempre um exemplo de persistéordf;ncia e esperanésect;a. Hasta la victoria,siempre! FIDEL*
Adriana Gomes (Portugal)
Hasta Siempre, Comandante! No pasaran.
Amy McNeese-Mechan (United Kingdom)
Ao resistente povo Cubano meu mais profundo pesar pela peder do Grande Líder Revolucionário Fidelidade Castro!!!
José Msria Pereira Guimar& (United Kingdom)
Ciarán Hartley (Ireland)
Saudaésect;émicro;es ao comandante Fidel. Para ele o povo cubano sempre foi prioridade. A ilha solidária de Fidel sempre ajudando o povo mundo afora.
Carmita Viana (Brazil)
Grande guerreiro pela paz é crescimento humano. Deixou exemplo de abnegaésect;épound;o pela humanidade. Nos mostrou que tudo é possível. A história o honrrara!
Gilmar Vieira da Silva (Brazil)
My thoughts are with the Cuban people at this time.
David (United Kingdom)
Gracias comandante!!!!!! Fidel Vive!!!!! Hasta la vitória siempre!!!!!
Marcia (Brazil)
Ulla Schwitalla (Germany)
O seu legado ficará na Eternidade como exemplo de coeréordf;ncia para todos aqueles que lutam por mundo liberto da exploraésect;épound;o do homem pelo homem. Viva Fidel, sempre!
Charles Engels Chaves Moraes (Brazil)
Silvio Cordeiro Bastos (Peru)
descanse em paz !!!
Heloisa de Alemar Gaspar (Brazil)
Gracias El commandante
Mike Gibbs (United Kingdom)
Nick (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante Fidel! Viva la revolucion Cubana!
Leila Aissat Isung (Sweden)
Hasta Siempre Comandante, Paz y Bien!
Jefferson Ferreira Wesolowski (Brazil)
Nao sei a quem admiro mais: se a Fidel ou a seu bravo povo cubano. Ficarei com os dois porque um nao existiria sem o outro. A dignidade de um sustentou a dignidade do outro. A vitoria, sempre!
Paulo Armando del Castillo Andrade (Brazil)
Rita Maire (United Kingdom)
He was a true activist. he lived his principles. Rest In Peace Commandante!
Al-hassan Adam (United Kingdom)
Josef (United Kingdom)
O Comandante Fidel Castro mostrou aos povos oprimidos pelo imperialismo e por governos associados ö exploraésect;épound;o capitalista que é necessário ousar lutar para libertar-se desse jugo e construir uma naésect;épound;o cujo povo tenha educaésect;épound;o, saéordm;de e possa orgulhar-se dos éordf;xitos de seu país. HASTA SIEMPRE, COMANDANTE FIDEL
Carlos Eduardo Pini Leitépound;o (Brazil)
RIP Comandante !!
LAURENCE (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre
Jose Carlos (Brazil)
Mi sentido pésame al pueblo cubano por la pérdida de ese visionario de 90 años cuyo deseo fue que hubiera un mundo mejor con oportunidades para todos y que con sus acciones logró que Cuba se mantuviera fuera del capitalismo y del neoliberalismo que nos sigue oprimiendo en América Latina, aunque nos hagan creer que somos libres en medio de tanta corrupción, narcotráfico, jóvenes pérdidos en las drogas. Un gran abrazo para mis amigas cubanas y todo mi respeto para Silvio de quien soy su fan gracias a un profesor que tuve en mi primer año de universidad en el año 1975.
María Teresa Berma& (Costa Rica)
Registro o meu profundo pesar pelo falecimento do Líder Revolucionário Fidel Castro.O Povo de Cuba saberá dar continuidade ao se legado, assegurando as conquistas sociais, e o Direito a uma Pátria livre e soberana. Abaixo o Bloqueio Econéacute;mico.
Geraldeli da Costa Rofino (Brazil)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Kriegseisen Helmuth (Austria)
Viva Fidel!!
Eleonora (Brazil)
Dear Professor of Strugle ... With Regards
Timeless QTZLCTL (United Kingdom)
Fidel, com suas ideias e aésect;émicro;es, constituiu se no dínamo de todos os combatentes pela construésect;épound;o de uma nova era de paz, progresso e justiésect;a social. Pátria ou morte! Socialismo ou morte! Até a vitória, sempre!
Paulo Valdevino Fróio (Brazil)
Marlos Duarte (Brazil)
Hasta la vitoria, comandante!
Carlos Cassaro (Brazil)
Cuba has lost one of the greatest leaders in history, RIP Fidel Castro
Jordan Hammond (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel ! vocéordf; népound;o vai morrer nunca vocéordf; é exemplo de coragem, e de dignidade Vocéordf; vai ser sempre Especial.
Ilda Santos Cardoso Pereira (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victória, comandante!
Iane Rocha Lemos (Brazil)
I don't believe the Western Press. Some in the West appreciate what you did. They're called 'independent thinkers'
Mick Men (United Kingdom)
grande revolucionário.
fernando lima (Brazil)
Pedro Braga Ferreira (Brazil)
Renate Maurer-Hein (Germany)
Firme companheiro Fidel!!!!!!
Diego Francisco Henrique (Brazil)
Rónan Carson (Ireland)
A true legend of our time. Now he as joinded the other legend Che.
Paul Nelson (United Kingdom)
Adiós, comandante Fidel, a quem tive a honrosa oportunidade de conhecer pessoalmente, em dezembro de 1997, durante o Congresso de Saéordm;de Primária das Américas, ocorrido em Havana. Siga em paz, comandante, e obrigado pelo exemplo de lutas, determinaésect;épound;o e compromisso com os povos mais necessitados do mundo em defesa da justiésect;a social. Missépound;o cumprida com louvor e que retornes em novos tempos para executar novas missémicro;es pelo progresso da humanidade. Hasta la victoria, siempre!
José Maria de Araa (Brazil)
Keep the faith!
Janine Wilson (United Kingdom)
grande líder revolucionário.
sender de lima (Brazil)
Comandante, o seu exemplo ecoa por toda a América Latina! Descanse em paz!
Pedro Henrique Pedrosa de Melo (Brazil)
Condolences to the family of Fidel Castro and to people throughout Cuba
Bairbre de Bréordm;n (Ireland)
Your great country and the world mourns you.
Margaret Hinchcliffe (United Kingdom)
Perdemos um grande líder... Mas népound;o perdemos, pois ele fez o impossível acontecer. Graésect;as a ele sabemos que o pequeno pode, sim, contra o grande.
Denise Amaral (Brazil)
Susana Cunha (Brazil)
Do Van An (Viet Nam)
patria mundo y vida
Petra schwerdtner hüyng (Germany)
Jane Dalt (Ireland)
Viva Fidel!!
Luciana Belissimo (Brazil)
Rest In Power Long live the Revolution. Thank You Fidel Castro.
Sirantos Fotopoulos (United States of America)
Fidel vive!
Izaura Soares Coelho (Brazil)
Fidel foi um exemplo de coragem, de que é possível mudanésect;as.
Carlos Teófilo Dias Costa (Brazil)
Fidel, vocéordf; nos representa. O corpo morre mas o espírito vive.
Lígia Consuela Costa Cabral (Brazil)
Um grande mentor espiritual da América Latina, um grande Líder para além de Cuba, um herói revolucionário inspiraésect;épound;o do marxismo, do socialismo e de um patriota junto com José Martí, toda a solidariedade e apoio revolucionário para Cuba. Seguirei vosso exemplo para toda a minha vida. Viva Fidel Castro!
Fernando Gaebler (Brazil)
You die but you will live in our heart forever,President Fidel Castro.
Hoang Van Loc (Viet Nam)
Meus irmépound;os e irmépound;s cubanos(as), Neste momento em que estépound;o se despedindo do grande líder, venho solidarizar-me com vocéordf;s. Nós também, aqui no interior do estado da Bahia, também choramos. Fidel népound;o foi homem apenas do vosso país, sua luta e os seus feitos atingiram o mundo inteiro. O fruto da revoluésect;épound;o da qual ele é o líder maior,chegou até nós: muitos sépound;o os filhos(as) nossos(as) que estudaram e estudam aí; muitos sépound;o os médicos de vocéordf;s que véordf;m ensinar ao Brasil o que é um atendimento humanizado. Além disso, o nosso de liberdade, de uniépound;o da nossa América e de todos os trabalhadores veio e se mantém vivo graésect;as a Fidel, a Martí, Guevara e a todos vocéordf;s. Por isso, enquanto choramos, nos nutrimos de esperanésect;a. O legado que ele nos deixa é maior que a saudade. Gratidépound;o. Vitória sempre! Grande abraésect;o hermanos. Edileuza.
Edileuza Alves da Silva (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre Comandante Fidel ! Minhas condoléordf;ncias ao povo cubano é demais povos que apoiaram muitas medidas revolucionárias !!
José Carlos Nunes dos Santos (Brazil)
Caio Fernando Aguiar (Brazil)
(Viet Nam)
Obrigado Fidel, por toda una vida dedicada ö saéordm;de e ö educaésect;épound;o do povo cubano. Será sempre uma inspiraésect;épound;o para todos os povos oprimidos. Hasta siempre comandante!
Luiz H. Massola (Brazil)
You were an inspiration xxx
laurence redman (United Kingdom)
Paul Cahoon (Ireland)
O exemplo de humanidade do comandante Fidel, e uma lindeza! Homem que lutou por igualdade e justiésect;a dos Cubanos, é de uma gradezade abenésect;oada. Brota em mim a esperanésect;a quando sei que as crianésect;as e os jovens de Cuba estépound;o protegidos das drogas.
Maria Auderian Santana Ferreira (Brazil)
Comandante, vocéordf; deixou muito bem plantada a semente de luta por uma sociedade justa, onde todo o povo possa usufruir de saéordm;de e educaésect;épound;o de qualidade. Levaremos para a frente o nome de Cuba e da revoluésect;épound;o. Gracias Fidel Viva la revolucion
Carla Ribeiro (Brazil)
Always a great admirer of your stance against American Imperialism I have had the luck to visit your wonderful Island three times and stay in Havana Rest in peace old Warrior.
John Peter Gill (United Kingdom)
Somos aquilo que defendemos e assim seremos lembrados.Fidel um herói na luta em defesa dos mas pobres.
José Carlos Barbeta da Silva (Brazil)
Em homenagem ao éordm;ltimo dos meus heróis do século XX, que sua luta seja a inspiraésect;épound;o pros próximos heróis que chegarépound;o. Que se faésect;a a vitoria, sempre!
David Nicolau Alves de Melo (Brazil)
Fidel sempre será eterno!!! Q luz possa iluminar seu novo caminho e que possa tb iluminar coraésect;émicro;es e mentes de todos nós, com seu ideal e pensamentos!
Clayton Elias (Brazil)
Rest In Peace Comrade
Lisa (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Cmdte!
Esmeraldo Cruz Sampaio (Brazil)
Keep his spirit in mind and moe forward xxxxxxx
David M Turnbull (United Kingdom)
Geraldo Romano (Brazil)
A great socialist and a great man.
Dave Watt (United Kingdom)
p.nieuwenhuis (Netherlands)
Népound;o consigo encontrar palavras para escrever algo sobre nosso comandante. Quando recebi a notícia de sua morte fiquei sem chépound;o. Mas depois me recuperei e voltei a fazer o que sempre gostei de fazer: defender a revoluésect;épound;o e as de Fidel. Obrigado por existir meu comandante! Agora a sua luta é nossa, venceremos ou morreremos tentando! Até a vitória sempre! Sturt Silva Editor do Blog Solidários - https://convencao2009.blogspot.com.br/ 04/12/16 - Sépound;o Joépound;o del-Rei - Minas Gerais - Brasil
Sturt Silva (Brazil)
Os que morrem pela vida népound;o podem chamar-se mortos. Viva Fidel!!! Viva Cuba!!!
Nicole Di Domenico (Brazil)
You will go down as one of the true champions of the ordinary man and woman viva Cuba
Ian wilson (United Kingdom)
Fidel is the name of the 20th century. Fidel is my hero, he is the hero of all people.The cuban and the brazilian people will always recognize this hero's struggle.
Marcus Robson Nascimento Costa (Brazil)
Fidel Castro, gracias por su existencia, su firmeza revolucionaria, su ejemplo de vida. Viva Cuba e su pueblo. Viva el socialismo.
jill (United Kingdom)
Respect for a true revolutionary who stood against all the odds for a better, fairer world
Guto Davies (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel a true revolutionary and leader of his people
David McKane (United Kingdom)
Fidel vive para o povo latino americano,seremos defensores da liberdade e independencia conta as atrocidades,do EUA.
Rosieudo Leite da Silva (Brazil)
Um homem completo um perfeito estadista que népound;o se faz quase...Um exemplo para mundo de saber compartilhar de saber olhar para o próximo como a si mesmo dando ao povo ensinamentos de amor,justiésect;a de caráter de ética e retidépound;o sabedoria que esta em falta no mundo guiado somente pela gana¢ncia poder prepotéordf;ncia esquecendo dos humildes das coisas simples de saber dividir...
maria (Brazil)
A humanidade perde um dos seus melhores representantes.
Giovanni G. Vieira (Brazil)
Manoel R.de Mello Jr (Brazil)
A great man and may his vision and spirit live on.
Barbara Pesch (United Kingdom)
Cheers ....the world is now having a long awaited rethink
CJR (United Kingdom)
RIP. What an incredible man.
Anne Mckeown (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel
Arif Chohan (United Kingdom)
Viva cuba...
Bulent ozer (United Kingdom)
In memory of Fidel who led his country with such courage and determination for so many years, standing up to the nuclear super-power a few miles to the west, who was effectively the leader of the 'Third World' and impoverished countries of the world, and who created the best National Health Service of any country in the world. Venceremos!
Rudi Affolter (United Kingdom)
Grande Fidel, seu legado nunca será esquecido!
Pompéia Sonoda (Brazil)
Amarillys de Araujo Lopes (Brazil)
An inspiration.
Mike Shapton (United Kingdom)
O mundo ficou muito mais triste sem o grande líder Fidel. Fique com a Luz maravilhoso Guerreiro!.
Neide Rosa Santos Moraes (Brazil)
Obrigado camarada.
Everson Duarte Cazzaniga (Brazil)
On the day we lost Fidel I was actually reduced to tears, I've only been to Cuba once back in 1998. But was struck by the respect held by Cuban citizen's for Fidel. I can only try to imagine how so many people in Cuba at this time. My heart goes out them at this time.
Sean Stewart (United Kingdom)
Fidel you were a inspiration to many people all over the world I have you tattooed on one leg and che on the over , meet your comrade and finally rest in peace in the knowledge the people loved you RIP Fidel
Anthony Williams (United Kingdom)
Que vocéordf;s possam continuar honrando Fidel.
Celso Henrique Diniz Valente de Figueiredo (Brazil)
God bless your soul and pray your example continues in our people
Urban Muhammad (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro foi um exemplo de luta e resistéordf;ncia contra as forésect;as dominantes desse mundo capitalista,O povo Cubano deve orgulhar-se de seu comandante,Hasta la Victoria siempre camarada Fidel Castro.
Celso veras (Brazil)
In changing Cuba you were instrumental in changing the world! I am Fidel! Hans Roy
Hans (United States of America)
en nuestros corazones brillera para siempre el faro de la humanidad
casimir (Austria)
Mora Young (United Kingdom)
Paulo Cesarde Abreu Cobucci (Brazil)
A luta continua. Morrem as pessoas mas népound;o seus ideais e seu exemplo.
Amador Leonel Filho (Brazil)
Viva Cuba!
Rosalind (United Kingdom)
Trinh Duc (Viet Nam)
A man misrepresented by the press, a man who could not be bought!
Susan (United Kingdom)
In solidarity with an amazing man, family and country and with apologies for BBC's terrible reporting and also appalling humour on Channel 4's 'The Last Leg!' Thoroughly bad taste. Lots of new young people are learning about Cuba at meetings held since 26th and still an being inspired
Jo Hammond (United Kingdom)
Que tengas un buen viaje, dondequiera que vayas.
Ombretta (Italy)
A great man who did so much good for so many people.
Angie (United Kingdom)
Um grande tirano morreu, mas, ao contrário do que a palavra afirma, ele o fez com dignidade, apreésect;o, correésect;épound;o e salvaésect;épound;o de um povo do jugo do neoliberalismo. Salve Fidel, estadista, na história configurado como líder e extremoso "pai" da pátria. Vida Fidel!!!
Cilas Medi (Brazil)
Thinking of you all at such a sad time. My father died a week before Fidel, he was a big admirer of Fidel. My deepest condolences on your loss. I think you were very lucky to have such a great leader.
Dee Morrey (United Kingdom)
Eterno lider revolucionário
Réacute;mulo (Brazil)
My sincere condolences. Fidel was a hero.
Charles (Norway)
Até a vitória!!!
Flavius Marcus Lana de Vasconcelos (Brazil)
Toda nossa solidariedade ao povo cubano. Fidel Castro será sempre o nosso líder e a nossa referéordf;ncia revolucionária. A nossa luta pela igualdade social continua viva, sempre!!!
Adriana Lana Ramos (Brazil)
Meu querido comandante Fidel...népound;o me despeésect;o de vc porque já ganhou vida eterna em meu coraésect;épound;o há muitos anos. Sou filha dessa pátria que vocéordf; idealizou e construiu de mépound;os dadas com todo o povo cubano. Quero apenas népound;o esquecer, nem por um minuto, as tuas palavras simples, mas recheadas de verdades duras que ainda precisamos replicar e multiplicar, para algum dia dar sentido ö nossa existéordf;ncia, ö nossa consciéordf;ncia e forjar a humanidade. Até a vitória sempre!
Fidel, obrigado por nos mostrar que é possível fazer diferente!
José de Paula Santos (Brazil)
For universal healthcare and literacy, thank you, Fidel, for meeting two of the most important needs of the Cuban people and providing an enduring example that these needs are universal rights for all people.
Elizabeth Wheaton (United States of America)
Hasta siempre, comandante.
Flávio Arruda (Brazil)
Laura Duggan (Ireland)
Mr.Fidel Castro, Thank you for standing up to colonial powers...Your bravery and courage will always be admired and respected...irrespective of the misinformation by the colonial powers...May you rest in peace
richard (United Kingdom)
Danilo Lescreck (Brazil)
Fidel will be missed. Not only as a person but also as a political and human inspiration. His speeches, books, pamphlets, critic and opinion will forever inspire both young and old communists and others who fight against capitalism and imperialism. His legacy will forever be the inspiration for the Cuban people to defend their revolution. Viva la revolución! Rick Hagels, treasurer and 2nd secretary of the Communist Youth Movement of the Netherlands- department Overijssel-
Rick Hagels (Netherlands)
In memory of Fidel Castro. He showed us that a better world is possible. God rest Fidel.
Shaun O'Brien (United Kingdom)
Descanse em paz, Vocéordf; foi um maravilhoso ser humano e merece estar bem pertinho de Deus.
silvio (Brazil)
Comandante Fidel, obrigado pelo seu legado, por seu exemplo, por sua dignidade, foi uma honra conhecer sua luta e sua história, será sempre o melhor exemplo para mim e para todos que acreditam que um outro mundo é possível! Lutaremos sempre por mais justiésect;a social, por respeito as diferenésect;as , pela dignidade humana. Hasta sempre mi comandante! Gracias.
Sandra Regina De Conti (United Kingdom)
Morre o homem fica lenda. Condoléordf;ncias ao povo cubano
Graésect;a Araéord (Brazil)
Descanse em paz,Fidel grande guerreiro do seu povo!
Vanderlei Homero Nazareth (Brazil)
been in my life long time. who can fill that space now?
Anne (United Kingdom)
Al mas grande de todos los tiempos. A quien vivirá para siempre em Los corazones de quienes lo admiraron. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE!
Maria Borges (Cuba)
Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba ! You are in my heart forever!
Thang Dao (Viet Nam)
Toda forésect;a ao povo cubano Que Viva el Comandante Fidel Que Viva la Cuba Libre
Séacute;nia Camargo (Brazil)
Hola compays! El pueblo unido jamás será vencido, el pueblo unido jamás será vencido... Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Edward Wilson (United Kingdom)
Voy bien Fidel.
Jean Ferrol (United Kingdom)
Helena Costa Lopes de Freitas (Brazil)
Obrigada por espalhar solidariedade por onde passou!
Enaura Campos Freitas (Brazil)
¡Hasta siempre Fidel! Fuerza Cuba
Valmir (Brazil)
Torgny Frank (Sweden)
Joépound;o Paulo T de Souza Bonzi (Brazil)
Siga comandante en paz, su lucha era por la gente y su victoria humanitaria. Que a quien usted ha luchado lee merecido el perdón y que haya guardado disfrutar de la felicidad eterna. Hasta la victoria
Alexander Almeida Rocha (Brazil)
Hasta siempre, comandante!
Que Deus de o consolo e a forca pra NUNCA deixar morrer o seu legado. Jesus sempre foi comunista, pois se ser significa que uma sociedade mais justo, mais amor e honestidade , entao Jesus foi e sempre sera com6nista
Denise Ferreira Pinto (Brazil)
Desejo ao povo cubano coragem e sabedoria para poder enfrentar os malditos governos da América do Norte que virépound;o. Que as atitudes e idéias de Fidel e Che reverberem para sempre em seus coraésect;émicro;es.
stefano gonésect;alves regis tosca (Brazil)
Descanse em paz.
Marcia (Brazil)
Si el mundo tuviera más de personas tan grande, que seria más justo y mas pacifico.
Inge Lankes (Germany)
Hasta siempre Comandante! Somos todos Fidel! Viva Fidel!
Bruno Falci Bitarelli Medeiros (Brazil)
Vive Fidel!
Michelle de Mattos Scromov (Brazil)
Fidel vivirá por siempre!!!!
Sayo Umezu (Brazil)
Grande e eterno comandante. Obrigado por sua grandiosa vida, pelas mudanésect;as causadas em nossa sociedade. Descanse em paz velho camarada!
William de Almeida Mendes (Brazil)
My deep condolences to the Cuban people. Fidel will be forever in the hearts of all who fight for a better world with social justice for everybody.
Charles Rodrigues Valente (Brazil)
My most sincere condolences to fidel castro's family and the cuban people. hasta siempre, comandante.
antonia (Brazil)
Oualid Mahdaoui (Algeria)
Davide Bubbico (Italy)
In solidarity. Fidel was one of the true icons of our age. May his values live on.
NATASHA CHARI (United Kingdom)
Eternamente grato.
Pedro António Damartine Rabel (Brazil)
Viva Fidel.
José Antéacut (Brazil)
Descanse querido guerreiro!
Jocelina oliveira zani (Brazil)
Morre o homem fica seu ensinamento.
Antonio Barros de Oliveira Junior (Brazil)
Cecilia Oliveira (Brazil)
It's a great los for human. Great leader
Joop Tempel (Netherlands)
A great socialist leader is dead. He will be remembered in the hearts and minds of the Cuban people and workers all over the world, struggling to free themselves from capitalism. Through Fidel's leadership Cubans threw out the imperialist gangsters who had raped the nation. The Cuban Revolution brought about national liberation. Fidel and other Cuban revolutionaries have brought about socialism in one country. As marxists/leninists they have given workers in the rest of the world the confidence to achieve national liberation in their own countries and build socialism. Malcolm Gribbin Workers Party of Britain
Malcolm Gribbin (United Kingdom)
Gabriela Mendes Ignacio de Araujo (Brazil)
mis condolencias por el fallecimiento del gran líder Fidel
Marco Antonio Rosa (Brazil)
Viva Cuba! Hasta siempre Fidel!
Paulo de Faria (Brazil)
Peace n love
Neil Webster (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, comandante. Hasta la vitoria siempre.
Luis Figueiredo (Brazil)
Ashley (United States of America)
In memory of a Titan of our time. An icon in action and our lifetimes. RIP comrade x
Ged Dempsey (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
mateus lovato gomes jardim (Brazil)
Hasta siempre, comandante !
Floriano Almeida (Brazil)
My Condolences for a true visionary and friend of Palestine.
kris (United Kingdom)
Many condolences. Hasta la Victoria siempre.
Paul (United Kingdom)
Ricardo Henrique de Almeida (Brazil)
RIP Fidel, you stood up and took the challenge.
Ruth McNally (United Kingdom)
Minha homenagem ao homem, herói e visionário, öquele que sempre lutou pelo seu país.
Fernando S Resende (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Maristela Cerqueira (Brazil)
Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante Fidel!
Francesca Molinaro (Italy)
Hasta la Victoria siempre.
Mirian Glória Diaz (Brazil)
Fidel foi importante para a manutenésect;épound;o da diferenésect;a no mundo, para que o pensamento divergente fosse respeitado. Grande estadista, excelente orador. A representaésect;épound;o do sonho de muitos pelo mundo.
Mayra Alvarenga (Brazil)
Hasta sempre Comandante
Alvino Ricardo (Brazil)
Desejo um lugar cheio de luz, para que meu querido e amado Fidel Castro descanse em paz! O que o mundo népound;o foi capaz de lhe oferecer o universo ofereésect;a! Para sempre Fidel!
Luci de Miranda Villani (United Kingdom)
Ao Comande que na despedida deixa a todos a mesma história de luta e sonho por um mundo onde todos possam viver como irmépound;os. Siga em paz camarada.
Joépound;o Adolfo Maciel Monteiro (Brazil)
Népound;o direi adeus, pois o grande líder revolucinário Fidel Castro se tornou eterno!
Elizabeth Palacios Marin (Brazil)
Maximilian Cornely (United Kingdom)
Gracias por todo El Comandante
(United Kingdom)
Luto ETERNO!!! Inesquecível comandante!!
Edeleusa Batista de Melo (Brazil)
Meu eterno comandante, obrigado por teres ajudado a tornar Angola independente! Hasta siempre comandante
Carlos Renato de Sousa e Costa (Angola)
Las mas sinceras condoléncias a este grande líder cubano y mundial. Para siempre Fidel. Para siempre Che. Viva la revolución cubana. Hasta la vista comamdante Fidel.
Francisco (Brazil)
Hermanos cubanos. Nunca esqueceremos os ideiais de Fidel, que sépound;o os de vocéordf;s. Por uma sociedade justa lutaremos até a morte. Viva Fidel. Viva o povo cubano.
adriana gilioli citino (Brazil)
Thanks for everything, Major.
Paulo Cesar (Brazil)
My deepest condolences to the family and friends of el comandante fidel castro. Onwards to victory.
John meredith (Ireland)
Comandante Fidel, Presente siempre.
Gilberto Felix da Silva Junior (Brazil)
Lástima a morte de um dos maiores líderes da história mundial.
Maria de Lourdes Cavalcanti de Albuquerque (Brazil)
Mensagem de 13 de agosto de 2016 Entrei na universidade em 1997, logo no início o movimento estudantil me pegou de jeito. Em 1999 fui como representante dos estudantes de filosofia da PUC Minas ao primeiro congresso da UNE - Uniépound;o Nacional dos Estudantes do qual participei, coincidentemente em Belo Horizonte, minha vida se transformou profundamente a partir de entépound;o. Este vídeo é do congresso quando pela primeira vez vi o mítico Comandante em Chefe Fidel Castro, o homem que em 1959 libertou a Pequena Ilha da ditatura Batista e dos desmandos norte americanos, tive uma segunda oportunidade em 2002 quando da minha viagem como representante dos estudantes brasileiros ao Congresso da Organización Continental Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Estudiantes (OCLAE), desta vez em solo cubano na inauguraésect;épound;o da Tribuna Anti imperialista José Martín no Malecón de Havana. As lembranésect;as das intervenésect;émicro;es sépound;o quase nulas, o que fica até hoje é a imagem do homem e a mensagem de coragem para lutar. Comandante a história te absolveu, fica aqui um mensagem de felicitaésect;épound;o aos seus 90 anos. Cuba sim Yankees népound;o viva Fidel e a Revoluésect;épound;o!
Tiago Alves Ferreira (Brazil)
... Hacia adelante en dirección al comandante infinito.
Carla Letewnski (Brazil)
Gracias compañero Fidel!
claudia zanni capitoni (Brazil)
Change doesn't happen by chance but because people make it happen. Nothing is easy, nothing is perfect, revolutions especially so. The struggle goes on and we can but draw inspiration and hope and know that a better world is possible but only if we help to build it
Philip Ross (United Kingdom)
May you rest in peace.
Teresita Carreon Lindner (Austria)
Ao povo cubano e a todos os povos de boa vontade, o meu pesar e a minha dor. Hasta la victoria, siempre! Bavo mi Comandante
Jose-Arlindo Salgado DeSouza (Brazil)
In death ,as in other struggles of the past , Comrade Fidel has shown that it is possible to be Victorious. Ni bheidh a leitheid aris Ann.
Noel Hurley (Ireland)
Thank you for your inspiration and example this will last forever
Ian Button (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, grande Comandante. Gracias por todo! <3
Marcia Dottori (Brazil)
Joana Darc Almeida da Costa (Brazil)
Toda minha solidariedade ao povo cubano pelo desaparecimento físico do Comandante Fidel Castro, líder da Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana. Com certeza Fidel deixa seu exemplo, sua ética, sua luta em prol dos povos do mundo. "Hasta siempre, Comandante!"
José Marcio Gomes dos Santos (Brazil)
To an inspiration leader. That worked towards helping Africa, something many leaders can't seem to take time to do. We the problem of zimbabwe thank you for your services throughout your life to Africa. May the people of Cuba celebrate your life and continue your visions.
Tremayne Grey (Zimbabwe)
Viva Fidel!
Jesse C. Cunha (Brazil)
Foi a passagem de um guerreiro que acima de tudo amou seu país e seu povo,acima de tudo.
Sonia Regina Carotta (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre,Comandante!
Rejane Arruda Ribeiro (Brazil)
Hasta siempre Comandante Fidel, espera donde estés, muchos te acompañaremos en la próxima liberación. Saluda al Che, Salvador Allende y todos los buenos cómo téordm;. Gracias por haber existido.
Tito Silva Rosevear (Sweden)
The world owes a debt of gratitude to the Cuban people and the Cuban Revolution. Such a small island showed more dignity and strength than any world power and became in their own right, a world power for liberty. The death of Comrade Fidel Castro marks and end of one chapter and the beginning of another for socialism in the world. Solidarity with the Cuban people. Hasta la victoria siempre
Josh Horne (United Kingdom)
RIP you showed them it could be done
Steve hewitt (United Kingdom)
Hasta luego, Comandante ! Venceremos.
Hans Rademaker (Netherlands)
Ramos de Morais (Brazil)
Gracias Fidel! Tus ideas han hecho el mundo mejor. Tu vas a vivir para siempre!
Anna Assarsson (Sweden)
Anne-Katrein Becker (Germany)
Ave Fidel!!!!
Oséas Rodrigo Rego Ferreira (Brazil)
Que o povo cubano persista na construésect;épound;o de uma sociedade socialista!!!
Marinalva Rita Moreira (Brazil)
Gracias, mi Comandante. Por todos. Hasta la Victoria siempre !!!
Hans van Kleef (Netherlands)
Comandante Fidel, a história já te absolveu. Seu legado será sempre lembrado e seguido por milhares de pessoas, assim poderemos ter um mundo socialmente justo. Viva Fidel!! Viva a revoluésect;épound;o!!! Hasta la victoria siempre!!!
Patrícia S. Nogueira (Brazil)
A great man
Pat Shobaki (United Kingdom)
Hasta la vista, comandante!
Volney Diniz (Brazil)
Forésect;a ao povo cubano e que continuem a luta de seu líder. Descanse em Paz, guerreiro Fidel.
Eunica da Silva (Brazil)
Malaika Magadza (United Kingdom)
Grande Revolucionário.
Elídio Dias dos Santos (Brazil)
hasta la victoria siempre!
Paulo Kaiser (Brazil)
Un abrazo fraterno al pueblo cubano y gracias a la vida por la lección de dignidad que fue, es y será Fidel Castro para todos los pueblos de América Latina que buscan ser dueños de su propio destino.
Edgar A. Bravo (Colombia)
Sad news but the struggle continues!
David Wallace (United Kingdom)
With deepest sympathy
Jean muddiman (United Kingdom)
Ailton Ferreira de Aquino (Brazil)
Ao comandante o meu profundo respeito!
Ana Maria Ladeira Torres (Brazil)
always a hero to me made Cuba a shining light of hope for all.
hugh tunks (United Kingdom)
Avante, povo cubano. Népound;o se esqueésect;am, jamais, dos ideais socialistas de Fidel.
sonia gorete de oliveira (Brazil)
Estou unida ao mundo inteiro nas homenagens póstumas a este grande amigo da Justiésect;a e da Paz que foi Fidel Castro Ruz. Que ele descanse em paz e a luz o envolva para sempre! Maria Tereza Siqueira da Rocha
Maria Tereza Siqueira da Rocha (Brazil)
Thank you for the inspiration. Another world is possible!
Avi Chia (United Kingdom)
Que os povos do mundo sempre se lembrem da mensagem de solidariedade e cooperaésect;épound;o internacional trazida ao mundo pelo inolvidável Comandante Fidel, para quem a conquista do socialismo está no centro, na busca de uma pátria internacionalista éordm;nica, unida em torno da conquista da paz, da audeterminaésect;épound;o dos povos e do progresso social.
Aydil Goret de Franésect;a Rocha (Brazil)
Hasta la vitoria, siempre.
Marilia Oliveira (Brazil)
Descanse em paz, meu herói! !!!
Vera Léordm;cia de Oliveira (Brazil)
Repouse em Paz, eterno líder e guerrilheiro Fidel Castro! A maior lideranésect;a latino-americana de todos os tempo - o comandante-em-chefe da revoluésect;épound;o cubana, Fidel Castro Ruiz - pode, agora, descansar em paz, pois, ao longo de sua vida, resistiu com bravura a todos os ataques imperialistas ao seu país, mantendo a soberania nacional e sendo, portanto, um exemplo de defensor da igualdade e justiésect;a aos povos oprimidos. Envio esta mensagem em solidariedade ao povo-irmépound;o cubano. Tenham Forésect;a e e Fé na missépound;o iniciada por Fidel. A América Latina soberana e independente nunca esquecerá seus ensinamentos. Adiós, comandante Fidel. Rafael Oliveira - Brasil
Rafael Rosas Oliveira (Brazil)
He was the leader of the oppressed people throughout the world. He was my leader too.
Makid Haider Anjan (Bangladesh)
A great man who will be much missed.
David Bell (United Kingdom)
Victory to the World Working Class, inspired by the example of the Cuban Revolution and the ideas of Marxism
Mike Cleverley (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante! Fidel estará sempre em nossos coraésect;émicro;es.
Magda Jurdi (Brazil)
A América Latina sentirá falta.....
eduardo jorge (Brazil)
Apesar das divergéordf;ncias que o seu nome desperta, népound;o há déordm;vida que Fidel Castro foi um dos maiores nomes na história do mundo. Minhas mais sinceras condoléordf;ncias ao povo cubano.
alice pereira (Brazil)
Fidel was the light of defiance that strengthened socialism movement and inspired the anti-imperialist cause throughout the world. Millions salute and cherish his memory.
John (United Kingdom)
Muito obrigado a família Castro, pois o Fidel mostrou ao mundo que népound;o devemos jamais abaixar a cabeésect;a para o neoliberalismo. E vamos continuar defendendo os ideais que seja voltado para os menos favorecidos. Abraésect;os ao povo Cubano.
Anoar Battisti (Brazil)
Gracias comandante por su esfuerzo heroémacr;co y su mensaje de esperanza a la humanidad.Podemos todos resistir a la dictatura del pais mas poderosa. Hasta la victoria!
Viviane Eeraerts (Belgium)
A América Latina sentirá falta.....
eduardo jorge lemos neves (Brazil)
We will miss a great revolutionary leader and one of the towering figures of the 20th century who will be fondly remembered by all the oppressed people struggling for justice in this unjust world. His wisdom and courage will hopefully inspire us in these desastrous times.
Annette Sudek (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, compañero Fidel!
Conrado Barbosa Moreira (Brazil)
Em vida imortal, Na morte eterno Viva Fidel e a revoluésect;épound;o. Hasta la vitória, siempre.
Aldemir de Carvalho Caetano (Brazil)
Comandante, é claro que todos nós um dia morreremos. Alguns, sem ter feito nada na vida e outros como o senhor, entrando para a História.
Fernando Castilho (Brazil)
Fidel and the spirit of Cuba has shown the world that little brother cannot be pushed around so easily by the might of a wealthy powerful nation.! R.I.P fidel farewell.. Ever onwards to victory....
Mario Palermo (United Kingdom)
comrade Fidel was one the greatest revolutionaries of all time. He was a great human a friend of all people of the world and the enemy of the human beings enemies. He is among us and we follow his path. Hasta La Vivtoria Siempre
javad shams (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante! Yo soy Fidel! Patria o Muerte Venceremos!
Laura Emilia Enrich de Castro (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!!! Que belo trabajo por las personas del todo el mundo!Avante!
Alessandro Oliveira (Brazil)
My deepest condolences to the people of cuba who have lost a great revolutionary i thank him from the deepest resesses of my heart for helping us to become free from oppression in apartheid South Africa
Zohra Malani (South Africa)
Meus sentimentos e solidariedade a todo povo cubano.
Sandra Siqueira (Brazil)
Encaminhamos ao povo Cubano nossos sentimentos, quando do retorno ö espiritualidade do Comandante Fidel Castro, a quem tanto admiramos, respeitamos e que temos como exemplo de coragem, humanidade e dignidade. Virtudes estas, que o motivou a lutar pela Liberdade desta Naésect;épound;o e do seu Povo. Recebam nosso amor incondicional e vibraésect;émicro;es de luz e gratidépound;o, a este grande ser, que ensinou ao mundo que o socialismo é o caminho da civilizaésect;épound;o e da evoluésect;épound;o da humanidade. Segue no serviésect;o ao bem, nobre Comandante! Nadja e Poliana Andrade.
Nadja Andrade (Brazil)
Descanse em paz GRANDE guerreiro.
Luiza Kelma (Brazil)
Um grande lider, uma grande inspiraésect;épound;o para todos nós que lutamos por um mundo mais justo. Viva Fidel
Luiz Carlos Rodrigues Rezende (Brazil)
Sinceras condoléordf;ncias ö família enlutada
Iolanda Rebouésect;as (Brazil)
Hasta siempre camarada Fidel!!
Renato Gomes dos Reis (Brazil)
Adios Presidente! Hasta siempre!
Cátia Maria Justo (Brazil)
Minha família e eu estamos enlutados por essa imensurável perda para o mundo!
Genys César Silva (Brazil)
Viva Fidel!Viva o povo cubano! Viva o Socialismo!
Beilton Freire da Rocha (Brazil)
Hasta siempre!!!
Luisa Grigoletti Dalla Rosa (Brazil)
Conall Broderick (United Kingdom)
Ayer, hoy e siempre... Fidel!!!
Maxwel Ribeiro Moreira (Brazil)
Sua vida e morte népound;o foram vépound;s . Grande Homem que ousou enfrentar a potéordf;ncia americana e soube esperar todos esses anos para finalmente conseguir o respeito de toda Comunidade internacional. Avante Comandante !
Marilda (United Kingdom)
Ricardo do Amaral Maia (Brazil)
What a horrific loss the people of Cuba have suffered. Long live liberated Cuba and may Communism always prevail.
Jack Partridge (United Kingdom)
O corpo virou cinzas, mas as idéias e ideais do Grande Comandante ficarépound;o eternamente gravados na História da luta dos oprimidos e, certamente, servirá para impulsionar a luta pela construésect;épound;o de um Mundo Novo, de pépound;es e rosas. Hasta siempre, Comandante Fidel!
Altamirando Muniz Filho (MIRANDA MUNIZ) (Brazil)
Gracias Fidel
janet pavone (Nicaragua)
It is always sad when someone dies. It is even sader when this someone tryed to help people through out his life. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Jörgen Karlsson (Sweden)
Fidel, Vd ha sido siempre la esperanza y el ejemplo para nosotros, que una vida mejor puede ser, que nos podemos resistir a la prepotencia del capitalismo y que nuestros hijos vivirön en un mundo solidario y de amistad con todos los pueblos del mundo. Vd ha jugado y siempre juga un papel importantísimo en nuestros esfuerzos de resistir a inhumanidad, y de combatir para este mundo mejor. Vd era y es todavénot;a el motor para no perder el valor y el entusiasmo para contuniar la lucha. Hasta siempre, comandante. Vilma
Wuebke Sanders (Germany)
José Carlos Vidal (United Kingdom)
Ingrid (United Kingdom)
Nosso Grande comandante Fidel Castro, sempre estará presente, em nossas mentes e nas lutas por uma sociedade justa, sem discriminaésect;épound;o, exploraésect;épound;o, opressépound;o de qualquer especie, pela igualdade e liberdade plena, em fim uma sociedade comunista. Fidel hasta la vitória siempre.
Roberto Gieseke (Brazil)
Fidel Sempre
Léordf;da Casadei Iorio (Brazil)
Fidel inspired all of us in the world who believe in social justice. Viva la revolucion!
Julia South (United Kingdom)
Rosane Severo (Brazil)
Adeus Fidel! Suas ideias continuarépound;o norteando milhares de pessoas que lutam por uma sociedade mais justa. Hasta siempre!
Maria Ivonete Gomes do Nascimento (Brazil)
(Russian Federation)
Thank you Fidel, you freed Cuba and a lot of other countries from enslavery.
Richard Hipo (Austria)
Fidel ist tot. Doch die Ergebnise seiner revolutionécurren;ren Taten und Ideen leben und wirken weiter. Sie begleiten und beflügeln alle Menschen, die sich auf den Weg gemacht haben, eine bessere und gerechtere Welt zu schaffen. Eine Welt, in der der Mensch nicht lécurren;nger "ein erniedrigtes, ein geknechtetes,ein verlassenes, ein verécurren;chtliches Wesen ist" (Karl Marx)sondern in Würde sein Leben gestalten kann. Heidi Bauer, Germany
Heidi Bauer (Germany)
Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante Fidel Castro!
Celia Eyer (Brazil)
Glorioso Comandante, a Revoluésect;épound;o nunca morre, ela está incessante dentro de nossos coraésect;émicro;es como ferramenta de justiésect;a social!
Adeus,Camarada. Péordf;sames aos irmépound;os cubanos. A luta há de continuar!
Naelson Tadeu de Araéordm;jo (Brazil)
RIP Fidel Castro... You've inspired generations of us...we will try to keep up the good fight and keep your legacy alive!
Nicolai Vigneswaren (United Kingdom)
Fidel, sempre será eterno. Hasta la Victoria sempre! Viva Cuba!
Juliandra Dapor Agradano (Brazil)
Sempre será uma estrela a guiar a solidariedade e igualdade dos povos. Fidel viverá sempre.
Norma Nacsa (Brazil)
O mundo perde um grande líder. Um exemplo de luta para a populaésect;épound;o mundial.
Lídia Calixto (Brazil)
The world has lost a visionary leader who against all odds was successful in providing an alternate path for Cuba that eschewed the pitfalls of capitalist democracy. Rest in peace, Fidel Castro.
Francesca Agosti (Australia)
A truly great leader
Tom burr (United Kingdom)
Como se cubano fosse, sinto fortemente a perda de Fidel. Raríssimos sépound;o os homens com coragem pra enfrentar a soberba e o ódio da naésect;épound;o dita mais poderosa do planeta. Nem o embargo cruel que lhe impuseram afastaram Fidel de sua cruzada humanista e humanitária. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE !!!!!
Maurício Leite (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante.
Rudi Gulickx (Belgium)
Meus sentimentos por Fidel
Maria Josefina Coelho (Brazil)
Descanse em paz Comandante. Todos que acreditamos num mundo mais justo e fraterno sentem sua falta.
José Jackson Guimaraes (Brazil)
Georgia Lara Gonésect;alves Lima (Brazil)
Nathan (United Kingdom)
Simone (Brazil)
A man of great conviction, a true revolutionary who did not falter to the end. Condolences to the people of Cuba, he will be sorely missed.
Maureen Franklin (United Kingdom)
Grande figura humana, descanse em paz
alcir meireles (Brazil)
Viva El Presidente Viva La Revoluccion. Viva El Cuba édeg;��¨édeg;��º
Andrew Sprent (Netherlands)
Nosso querido e amado Comandante Fidel, saudades eternas! O Brasil te ama!!! Viva Fidel, viva Cuba!
Piva Barreto (Brazil)
Missépound;o cumprida, Comandante! Seu exemplo nos guiará. Hasta la vista!
Lenira Maria Fonseca Albuquerque (Brazil)
With deepest sympathy, your loss is our loss too!
Sean Hurl (United Kingdom)
Goodbye to a great man.
Simon Rowling (United Kingdom)
Viva o bravo Povo Cubano!
Josemar Santos Pereira Filho (Brazil)
Um grande lider que lutou de forma incansável pela soberania de seu país, dignidade e justiésect;a social do seu povo. Até sempre comandante. Teu legado ficará na história para sempre.
Edna Bendet da Silva (United Kingdom)
Envio minha condolencia ao nosso irmao povo cubano! Muito Obrigada, FIDEL CASTRO pelo que voce fez por CUBA e o Mundo! Voce sempre vivera conosco!
Jany pinto (Brazil)
Depart condolences to the people of Cuba on the loss of your leader and father figure
Brian Taylor (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante!
José Nivaldo Cardozo Mota (Brazil)
RIP El Comadante.
Phil Potter (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre. RIP Comandante Fidel
Brendan kelly (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro será sempre lembrado por mim.
Francisco Valdemiro Gomes (Chiquinho do PT) (United Kingdom)
Sorry to hear. A good man gone.
Carl Hallstrom (Australia)
Rest in Peace comrade
Mick Guilfoyle (United Kingdom)
Solidarity to the people of Cuba, Fidel Castro symbolised the revolution standing up for the people against US imperialism. If every country had the education and health service of Cuba world poverty could be eliminated!!!
Jane hartley (United Kingdom)
Fidel. Nos enseñaste con tu vida la osadía del amor. Tu vida fue una luz, y será una siembra permanente para la solidaridad, la dignidad y la coherencia, que seguirá resurgiendo en quienes disciernan tus pasos. Honor y gloria Comandante valeroso. Te vas victorioso, y nos dejas un legado tremendo, que desafía permanentemente al Amor. Continuarás despertando a hombres y mujeres en las generaciones, para la praxis del amor, que es un camino y un legado, como el que nos dejas, Comandante victorioso.
Cristina (Ecuador)
Your vision on health care and education has helped millions around the world RIP big man
John Eagle (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba
Patricia Fitzpatrick (United Kingdom)
Fidel vive em cada um de vocéordf;s, cubanos!! Forésect;a!!!
Juésect;á Fi (Brazil)
A todo povo e principal para os familiares do ex- presidente Fidel Castro, meu calorosa abraco de conforto.
Maria (Brazil)
Meus cinceros péordf;sames pela morte do maior líder político das Americas
Venício da Silva Cunha (Brazil)
Aos irmépound;os Cubanos, meus sentimentos pela partida desse grande líder, que ao lado de outros grandes lideres, lutou pela libertaésect;épound;o dos povos latinos, da tirania norte americana. Um forte abraésect;o a todos.
Clovis Augusto Soares Damasceno (Brazil)
Fidel was a lifelong internationalist and anti-imperialist he was a key supporter of liberation struggles in Africa and Latin America including the anti-aparteid movement.Unlike the U.K. Cuba to spite being a poor country is able to have a properly funded national health service and does not have hundreds of thousands of families dependant on food banks.
Robert Mouat (United Kingdom)
Meus sentimentos ao povo cubano, pela perda de Fidel!
Siomara Thomaz (Brazil)
To my comrade, always dream to have a meeting with you; indeed, just miss you, and feel--- world miss its bravest and kind leader.. Long live revolution.
Mir Mosharrof Hossain (Bangladesh)
Komondante Fidel, que siempre estará en nuestros corazones. sus ideas y la revolución van a vivir una y otra vez. que finalmente puede relajarse después de tanto trabajo y de nuevo creerte una vez más, junto con Ernesto) Gracias, Fidel! Viva Cuba, Viva Fidel!!!
Alexander (Russian Federation)
Yo Soy Fidel Sentimentos á família e amigos !!! Viva !!! Cuba libre !!!
Angela Regina (Brazil)
Queridos irmépound;os cubanos: Népound;o esmorecam jamais! Vejam a vergonhosa história recente do Brasil. Nossa patria assaltada por indignos golpistas. O povo se manifesta e recebe bombas, balas de borracha e gás de pimenta. Que Raul Castro e o povo cubano saibam defender as conquistas do Comandante Fidel! Sempre alertas companheiros! Este legado de Fidel, orgulha todos os latinos. Vitória!
Marta Nardy (Brazil)
Gracias Comandante. Hasta siempre!
Luciana Seabra Dutra (Brazil)
Querida gente de Cuba, Fidel seguira vivo en nuesttros corazones revolucionarios, y seguira multiplicandose con el tiempo. Hasta la victoria siempre. Su camarada Joe de Bolivia
Joe Davis Vargas Peña (Bolivia)
Nem a morte consegue matar Fidel! FIDEL VIVE!
Pedro Telmo Vasconcelos (Brazil)
hasta la victoria, comandante. sus sueños siguen vivos en nuestras esperanzas!
andrea carmo sampaio (Brazil)
Fidel Castro e o povo cubano sépound;o uma inspiraésect;épound;o para quem deseja mais justiésect;a e igualdade no mundo. Fidel nunca morrerá. Viva Fidel! Viva a revoluésect;épound;o cubana!
Valéria Paz (Brazil)
Até sempre Comandante! Viva Cuba livre!!
Catarina (Portugal)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Neuseli Moreira (Brazil)
A todos los compañeros Cubanos, mis sinceros sentimientos
Rafael Emiliano Rodrigues (Brazil)
Povo de Cuba, somos todos um pouco Fidel, um pouco Chéordf; e um pouco Lula. Viva a revoluésect;épound;o Cubana e seu povo lindo. Sigam com a dignidade que é exemplo para a América Latina. Hasta lá vitória.
luzia barros (United Kingdom)
Carlos de Albuquerque Santiago Filho (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante.
Daiana (Brazil)
Minhas condoléordf;ncias ao Grande Líder revolucionário Cubano e Universal Fidel Castro. Fidel será sempre lembrado com um pai e um dos continuadores das lutas de José Martir e Bolivar por uma Grande Pátria LatinoAmericana.Meus sentimentos a Fidel e ao povo cubano. O mundo anda muito decadente e o socialismo será o futuro amanhépound;.
Josemario Martins da Silva (Brazil)
Felipe Bagatoli Silveira Arjona (Brazil)
minha solidariedade ö família de Fidel Castro e ao povo cubano nesse momento difícil.Que Fidel descanse em paz.Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o!!
Mauricio Fornasiari Rivero (Brazil)
Somos todos Fidel.
Maksandro Souza (Brazil)
vai em paz e ficara na historia
cirley tavares (Brazil)
Minha solidariedade ao povo cubano que ainda népound;o conseguiu se libertar da maldita revoluésect;épound;o comunista que só fez crescer sua miséria.
Lincoln Figueredo (Brazil)
Fará falta. Uma das maiores personalidades da história. Mudou um país inteiro e mudou a face do mundo.
Roberta Rangel Newlands (Brazil)
Fidel viverá!
Edmar José Amorim Neto (Brazil)
Todo meu amor, admiraésect;épound;o e respeito ao grande homem e líder Fidel Castro. Nossos coraésect;émicro;es estépound;o juntos com o povo cubano nesse momento de despedida. Sua forésect;a e legado sépound;o eternos. Fidel Vive!
Vilena Soares (Brazil)
Feliz o povo que sabe quem é...o povo cubano representa a coragem,orgulho e sonhos de Fidel, inspiraésect;épound;o para todos que querem um mundo mais justo
Maria Analice de Oliveira (Brazil)
Comandante, seu ideal tem continuidade no Brasil e em todas as naésect;émicro;es que comungam de uma vida digna e feliz para todos, para a Humanidade.
Wolney Castilho Alves (Brazil)
Rest in Peace Fidel Castro. Your Cuba today is an example for all welfare economies to follow.
Ira Ghosh (India)
Yo soi Fidel
Adriana Celia Landim (Brazil)
Muito obrigada a Fidel e ao povo cubano por nos mostrar todos os dias que um mundo justo e digno é possível. Cuba é a humanidade vitoriosa! Sigam fortes e unidos no amor, na alegria de viver e na coragem da Revoluésect;épound;o. Abraésect;o vocéordf;s com carinho e gratidépound;o!
Flavia Villar Borges Leitépound;o (Brazil)
Mas do que nunca,o mundo precisa de homens coo vocéordf;. Valeu Comandante! Gracias. Forésect;a, povo Cubano, vocéordf;s fizeram um País invejável...
Soraya Moura (Brazil)
Nosostros, en Brasil, también lloramos por Fidel. En honor y memoria al Comandante, sigue la construcción del socialismo.
Jéacute; Miyagui (Brazil)
He proved to us all that a better world is indeed possible, and will be attainable if we follow his example.
Paul Piesse (New Zealand)
Hasta la vitória siempre,Povo cubano.
Moyses Mauro Da Silva (Brazil)
Elizabeth cabral moraes (United Kingdom)
José Nelson (Brazil)
Para sempre, Fidel!
Adelina Cristina Augusto Chaves (Brazil)
Gone but never forgotten. Like the proletarian heroes before you, your words, your deeds and your example lives on in each of us comrade. Until the final victory, rest in power comrade!
Aiden (United Kingdom)
We are so sad at the loss of the great commandant! He taught us how to live in the cruel world, where the human being always puts greed above solidarity! Good men will always be indispensable!
Almir Robson Ferreira (Brazil)
Descanse em Paz Comandante...
Obrigando Comandante Fidel.
Linor Boeira de Oliveira (Brazil)
Viva ö revoluésect;épound;o. A vitoria e sempre.
Alessandro Vanderley Almeida (Brazil)
Regina Cruz (Brazil)
Fildel viveu e morreu pela revoluésect;épound;o e o socialismo. E sua morte reforésect;ou em todos revolucionários a dedicaésect;épound;o em vida pelo socialismo.Seu exemplo floresce. Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Brás Rubson Ferreira Barbosa (Brazil)
el mundo pierde a uno de sus hombres más grandes
marina miyazaki araujo (Brazil)
Grandes homens como Fidel népound;o morrem nunca, porque deixam marcas indeléveis de amor pela Humanidade.
Maria da Graésect;a Sampaio Pretti (Brazil)
Mucha fuerza a todos los cubanos e cubanas. Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Sonja Dominguez de Figueiredo (Brazil)
The legacy, hopes and dreams, of the communist revolutionary Fidel Castro will live on in the hearts of the Cuban people and the next generations of communist revolutionaries.
J. Gokai (Netherlands)
Obrigado, por ensinar a tantos povos que lutar, sempre vale a pena.
Hugo Diniz (Brazil)
Hasta la vitória Cuba, sempre......
jeferson dantas navolar (Brazil)
Meus sentimentos ao povo cubano pela partida do grande líder
Edgar Reinaldo de Alca¢ntara V (Brazil)
Foi e sera sempre, luz
Job Benthroldo de Menezes (United Kingdom)
Queridos hermanos, Los acompaño en este momento de dolor. Ustedes son un pueblo valiente, que fueron capazes de cambiar su destino y conquistar la libertad. Pueblo libre seguiran. Ejemplo y inspiración. #HastaSiempreComandante
Maria Isabel Rapisarda (Brazil)
Hasta siempre, Comandante Fidel! Viva Cuba, viva o socialismo!
Alessandro Leite Guimarépound;es (Brazil)
John Mckay (United Kingdom)
Rina Ibirajara de Alencar Laboissiere (Brazil)
Népound;o conheésect;o toda sua história, mas sei o suficiente que foi um líder que lutou para que seu País fosse livre e que seu povo vivesse dignamente.
José Adauto da Silva Junior (Brazil)
Grande tristeza comandante.Mas grande orgulho por ter sido sua contempora¢nea.
Regina Elza Solitrenick (Brazil)
todos deixamos marcas, todos modificamos o mundo, e só Deus conhece e decide o nosso destino..
Claudia (Brazil)
desde que comecei a ter conciencia politica passei a respeitar a grande lideranésect;a esquerda de Fidel Castro e que seu legado possa continuar a lutar por uma sociedade mais justa. a minha solidariedade a toda Naésect;épound;o Cubana,
NILDO (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro provou para a humanidade que "um outro mundo é possível".
Dorival Ristoff (Brazil)
Vitória, vitória, vitoria O povo CUBANO, soberano, viva FIDEL CASTRO. Sempre na luta!!!!
Antonio da Silva . (Brazil)
Que o povo cubano népound;o esqueésect;a que o mundo pode ser diferente, porque Cuba ousou sonhar obrigado Comandante Fidel.
Engrácia Maria Freitas de Ol (Brazil)
O maior LIDER da America Latina. Que Deus déordf; o devido descanso eterno.
Tadeu Viana Xavier (Brazil)
Bravo Fidel ! Long to live on through us all!
Ildi bannister (United Kingdom)
Ubaldina Fonseca Santana Moreire (Brazil)
Obrigada por tudo!!! Muita luz!!!
Suzi Barletto Cavalli (Brazil)
Dónal U. MacCraith (Ireland)
sean keenan (United Kingdom)
Minhas condoléordf;ncias.
antonio vanderley pereira cedraz (Brazil)
Minhas condoléordf;ncias ao povo cubano pela morte do nosso comandante Fidel Castro !
Maria Anunciada de Oliveira (Brazil)
Fidel, vai ficar para sempre em nossos coraésect;émicro;es. o Povo de Cuba sabe que Fidel, quis o melhor o melhor é: Saéordm;de, educaésect;épound;o e respeito ao próximo . Fidel é eterno.
Ademir Alves Gomes (Brazil)
Argentina Weisheimer (Brazil)
Aos familiares e ao povo cubano nossa honra e nossa glória ao Revolucionário Comandante Fidel!
Antonio Xaolin (Brazil)
" Que o sonho se torne realidade e este seja uma luta constante !"
José Má (Brazil)
Derly Coelho (Brazil)
Sandra Mimy Carpi (Brazil)
Adeus, Fidel!Siga em paz!
Maria Regina Cortez (Brazil)
Fidel lives on in all who belie a better way is possible
Paul Glover (United Kingdom)
Nos inspiramos nesse grande guerreiro da humanidade: pela humanidade, por um outro mundo possível... A luta segue...
Adriano Vieira Mogli (Brazil)
Nenhum caminho foi interrompido nenhuma chama se apagou,Hasta siempre.
Marcelo Campello (Brazil)
Sépound;o muito comoventes as imagens que chegam pelo Facebook como eu imaginei que seriam. Meus sentimentos ao povo cubano pela perda do seu grande líder Fidel Castro.
eliana santos queiroz (Brazil)
Minhas condoléordf;ncias ao povo Cubano Fidel nos deixou um exemplo de líder verdadeiramente preocupado com seu povo. Abraésect;os Amigos.
Ricardo Aguiar (Brazil)
Uno de los hombres mas humanos que ha existido jamas. Gracias Fidel por habernos ensenado lo que es la verdadera libertad. Gracias Papa. Socialismo o muerte. Patria o Muerte, Venceremos. Hasta siempre Comandante.
Alejandro De La Torre Gonzalez (United Kingdom)
Fidel sempre!
marlene carval (Brazil)
O ser humano que tem uma convicésect;épound;o e um ideal (mesmo julgado por outros como certas ou erradas) e luta por elas até o fim da vida, népound;o morre. Seu ideal e sua imagem sobrevivem na memória do povo. Vai lá, comandante. Sua imagem é eterna.
josé tatagiba (Brazil)
Sua luta népound;o foi em vépound;o, a luta pelo estado comunista permanece e essa chama continuará acessa em Cuba e em toda América Latina.
Gilcelio Silva Paiva (Brazil)
Viva Fidel!
Valdeléordm;cio Nascimento Fonseca (Brazil)
Gracias por todo y hasta siempre, comandante Fidel!
André Tokarski (Brazil)
Felicidades ao povo cubano. Lutem pela vitória sempre. Viva fidel
Marcelo (Brazil)
Grande Comandante, farol agora mais forte do que nunca a guiar os homens que lutam em busca de justiésect;a, igualdade e paz social.
Lourismar da Silva Duarte (Brazil)
Hasta la Victoria, mi Comandante!
Reinaldo Pellegrino (Brazil)
Sandra Cristina bogarim (Brazil)
hasta siempre, fidel
Zelalber Gondim Guimaraes (Brazil)
Valeria dos Santos Torres (Brazil)
Hasta siempre
gilson sampaio (Brazil)
Presente compañero!
Silvia Martins (Brazil)
Seus ideais de justiésect;a social embalaram os povos do semiárido piauiense. A luta continua. Descanse em paz, velho guerreiro Ah, diga a Che Guevara que mando beijos.
Maria Alveni Barros Vieira (Brazil)
My feelings for the people cuban, that the your country can progress even with the loss of your governate. That the respect social always prevail and be more grandiose and strong people. My respect. Carolina Rodrigues.
Carolina Rodrigues (Brazil)
Viva Fidel!!!
Luiz Henrique Santos Aguiar (Brazil)
Te amo Fidel.
Luís Carlos Marques Mota (Brazil)
Rest In Power
Shalinder Nijjar (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante
Márcia Abadia de Oliveira. (Brazil)
I offer my sincere condolences to the family of Fidel and to the people of Cuba. Please know that, here in the USA, there are many admirers of Fidel and of the nation of Cuba. We are not all capitalists and fascists!
Alan Dube (United States of America)
Ao povo de Cuba, os nossos mais caros sentimentos pela passagem do seu grande líder!
Marcello Frederico Scaldini (Brazil)
Hasta la vista, Comandante!
Elza Deziderio Souto (Brazil)
Fidel viverá para sempre
Guiomar dos Santos Veira (Brazil)
A life a commitment. Walk good my brother
maurice weir (Jamaica)
Vá em paz. Por aqui, nesses tempos difíceis ficarépound;o seus ideais de luta e resistéordf;ncia. Forésect;a povo de Cuba.
Rosana Pessoa (Brazil)
Vida longa a Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana
Jozualdo Medeiros Brandépound;o Fi (Brazil)
Hasta siempre, Fidel!
Marilene Lapa (Brazil)
Que amanhépound; Fidel nos ilumine pra que seja outro dia de avanésect;o dos excluídos.
Leonildo Ferreira Lopes (Brazil)
Gabriele Lopes Nunes (Brazil)
Teresa Cristina Newlands (Brazil)
Li uma vez que népound;o se mata ideias nem ideais, Fidel jamais morrerá em nossas ideais. Viva Cuba, viva a Revoluésect;épound;o viva a Liberdade!
José Denilso Lima de Sousa (Brazil)
One of the great
Therese McCartney (Ireland)
Presidente eterno, el Grande Comandante Fidel Castro, Libertador. Que Dios lo reciba con amor. La Repéordm;blica de Cuba enviou excelentes médicos humanistas ao Brasil, que asistieron a la gente más pobre, trabajadores, com respecto, competencia y mucha humanidad. Mis oraciones al Gran Comandante. Mi gran respeto al pueblo trabajador de Cuba. Que la gran lección de resistéordf;ncia, dignidad y solidaridad de historia de Cuba ilumine a toda la America Latina e toda Humanidad. Condolencias. Elevada estima y consideraciones.
Antonio Takao Kanamaru (Brazil)
The best leader ever born in this world, a wonderful person, I can't think of someone as selfless as he was.
Ronaldo Augusto de Sousa (Brazil)
Fidel, vocéordf; era como um pai para mim. Jamais te esquecerei.
Cynara Teixeira de Novaes (Brazil)
Gilberto R. Jordan (Brazil)
Un dos majores ombres de la historia mundial. Saludo a todo povo cubano.
tenho profundo respeito e reconhecimento pela contribuiésect;épound;o de fidel a revoluésect;épound;o cubana.
Aldinéia Machado Gomes (Brazil)
Michele (United Kingdom)
Maria de Lourdes Terciano (Brazil)
Somos todos Fidel! A luta continua!.
Rosa Ribeiro Prestes (Brazil)
Hasta siempre, Fidel Castro!
Eleonora Jaeger (Brazil)
Gracias por todo! Hasta Siempre...
Sara Azambuja Moraes (Brazil)
Cuban sugarcanes has lost its sweetness because of your absence my dear commrade birds of cuba highly sought red salute to our great warrior.....we also says that your still alive millions of revolutionary heart around the world........revolutionary greeting a thosands of red salute to you dear marxist leninist socialist fidel our era.....your epic not only cuba but also communist believers. .....lal salam (red salute) veeravanakkam.....
Prabaharan.k (India)
Viva Fidel
Kevin McKinney (Ireland)
Até ö vitória, sempre!
Jéordm;lio Lapenne (Brazil)
Até a Vitória! Eterno Comandante!
Andhy Pinto-Coelho (Brazil)
Viva Fidel!!!
Ilzaglei Arigoni de Souza (Brazil)
Obrigado por tudo comandante, seu legado nunca será esquecido! Vivas a todos os camaradas, viva Cuba e sua revoluésect;épound;o!
Eduardo Bertaglia (Brazil)
Choramos juntos a morte de um grande líder e amigo dos povos. Fidel sempre viverá.
RIP comrade
Jimmy Torwich (Ireland)
Uma figura histórica marcante, incomparável, inesquecível.
Lenita Noguerol Martins (Brazil)
Fidel, vivo para sempre nos coraésect;émicro;es e mentes dos povos latino-americanos.
Sergio Lamarépound;o (Brazil)
Que o legado deixado pelo nosso grande Comandante inspire geraésect;émicro;es e geraésect;émicro;es no mundo e na América Lativa. Firme e perseverante irmépound;os cubano. Viva Fidel!!!! Hasta la victoria, sempre!!!
Flavio Manoel Rodrigues (Brazil)
I believe in the revolion. Been to cuba. Its my love. I believe.
Marian (Netherlands)
Newton Neves Junior (Brazil)
O exemplo de Fidel continuará a inspirar a humanidade em busca do verdadeiro humanismo e da construésect;épound;o de uma sociedade socialista.
José Messias de Souza (Brazil)
Para sempre em nossa memória e nossos coraésect;émicro;es. Obrigado, Comandante!
Joel Miguel de Araujo (Brazil)
Sandy (United Kingdom)
Que Deus o receba de braésect;os abertos e inspire outros governantes a cuidar da saéordm;de e da educaésect;épound;o dos seus governados, como o fez Fidel.
Odilon Vicente Almeida (Brazil)
Wilson O. Salazar (United Kingdom)
my deepest respect to all the people of Cuba...Hasta la vitoria siempre
Maria Alexandrina Nunes (Portugal)
Devoted life of Fidel will remain as a valuable contribution to a better world.
José David (Portugal)
Tua luta e agora nossa luta
Pedro Artur Mateus (Brazil)
After win many challenges Fidel's role as the adored and revered leader among ordinary Cuban people received a renewed boost. His popularity was greater than ever. A Cuban leader and an Worldwide ícone.
Evandro (Brazil)
Obrgada Comandante, por nos ensinar que outro mundo é possível!!!
Sheila Moraes Raszl (Brazil)
Fidel will live forever for the History of Cuban people and for Humanity.
Daniel Nunes Ferraz (Brazil)
Compartilho com o povo cubano o luto pela morte do Leader que népound;o se ajoelhou diante do império americano. Viva Fidel Siempre !
One man in a billion
Mabel Rodeiguez (United Kingdom)
Al pueblo cubano, mis sinceras condolencias por la pasaje del grande lider y revolucionario, que mucho ten hecho e luchado pela liberación de Cuba y su pueblo, Comandante Fidel Castro. Pero sua vida de luchas pelo socialismo e pela liberación de la explotación de lo pueblo trabajador jamás deberá ser esquecido, camaradas cubanos, continéordm;en a luchar!
Cássio Ferreira Duarte (Brazil)
Keith D'Sylva (United Kingdom)
Uno-me ö dor do bravo povo cubano pela morte de Fidel Castro, o éordm;ltimo dos grandes revolucionários que a humanidade teve o privilégio de conhecer. Socialismo ou barbárie!
Celso Paoliello Pimenta (Brazil)
Fidel helped to restore dignity to the Cuban people and he inspired and encouraged millions throughout the world that they could live in dignity too. Fear not El Commandante, we will pick up your gun. Venceremos!
Petter Matthews (United Kingdom)
You keep our hope up. Your actions act as beacons of hope. Long live Comrade Fidel Castro. Red Salute Comrade
Dr Sanghita Sen (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante! Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana! Viva Che! E Viva Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz!
André Nascimento da Rocha (Brazil)
ALICE Maria Marinho Rodrigues Lima (Brazil)
Descance em paz Comandante, a sua vida valeu a pena.
Maria de Fatima Magalhaes (Brazil)
How many political and national leaders have beaten and stood up to the bullying USA for over 50 years? The Cuban people have lost a great leader.
Bob Knowles (United Kingdom)
Hasta la vitória!
Vivian Karin Volkmann (Brazil)
descanse em paz companheiro
roberto dias santiago (Brazil)
Just RIP Comrade
Kelvin Mawe (United Kingdom)
Castro !!! You are a symbol of revolution!!!
Anuraj (United Kingdom)
Not perfect, but a bloody good try.
Elspeth Inglis (United Kingdom)
Siga vencedor e libertador no céu, querido comandante.
Jonatha Arruda (Brazil)
Cristins (Brazil)
A vida é o que resiste. Que contradiésect;épound;o mais estranha, eu descubro e me digo: a vida, tépound;o breve, é tudo que resiste. Mas que paradoxo: se ela está no tempo que se dirige para o fim, se ela é naquilo que deixará de ser, como sobreviverá ö Irresistível, que é mais conhecida pelo nome de morte? A resposta é que existe uma resistéordf;ncia na duraésect;épound;o do instante, que ocorre na intensidade, luz, flor ou cintilaésect;épound;o.
Urariano Mota (Brazil)
Hasta lá vitórias Siempre Comandante em Jefe Fidel Castro, um homem ö frente de uma naésect;épound;o, amor ao seu povo r forésect;a contra o imperialismo Minhas sincera condoléordf;ncias Endurecer sem jamais perder a ternura Che
Amilcar Carvalho Jéordm;nior (Brazil)
Lucinda Carneiro Garcia (Brazil)
Meus sinceros péordf;sames. Uma tristeza imensa me invade pois o Comandante Fidel Castro é o meu ídolo!!! Ao Povo Cubano o meu sincero abraésect;o .
Sandra Mendes Kalil (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro A Great Man! However Deformed & Bureaucratic The Cuban Revolution Became He Kept It Alive And Vibrant For The Power Of Good Righteousness; The Benefit & uplifting Of The Cuban & Caribbean People & Positive Development Of Humanity; Social Justice & Egalitarianism Thereof !
Nigel Singh (United Kingdom)
Alexandre Rocha da Silva (Brazil)
Quero expressar meu pesar e meu desejo de que a semente plantada pelo Comandante Fidel sempre encontre seguidores que a eternize
Seu exemplo népound;o será esquecido.
Ana Maria de Almeida Santiago (Brazil)
Hasta lá vista,mi comandante!
Teresa Cancado (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante. The world will never be the same without you, your courage, your honesty and your beliefs.
Anna Dubiel (United Kingdom)
Fidel foi o grande timoneiro das ideias que transformaram uma pequena ilha e vida de milhares de pessoas no Caribe que antes eram subjugadas pelos EUA.
Egmar José de Oliveira (Brazil)
Muhammad HARUN (United Kingdom)
Sleep well Fidel
Kerry Walker (United Kingdom)
He was a true hero of the people, the one person who stood up and supported those victimised by the Apartheid regime when everyone else sat back and supported the barbaric acts. Rest easy Fidel, you will always be remembered for saving Cuba from the fascistic movement that wished the island to be crushed under the foot of American capitalism
Iain McMurran (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante!! Povo livre é povo feliz!
Robson Pereira de Souza (Brazil)
Fidel continurá vivo para todos aqueles que como ele acreditavam num mundo mais justo
josé gonzaga amorim (Brazil)
Solidarity with the people of Cuba in their fight to maintain the values and rights fought for by Fidel.
Elaine keyes (United Kingdom)
Sentimos muito a partida do grande heroi do povo cubano e do ser humano sensivel, forte e sábio!
Carla Lorena Kale (Brazil)
Hope the people of Cuba are ok amd sending posistive vibes to you all
Andy James (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante
Muriel Assumpésect;a&am (Brazil)
Obrigada, querido comandante Fidel
Regina Schmitz (Brazil)
Visited your wonderful country few years back - Maria de Portilla. Truly humbled.
Irene Owens (United Kingdom)
Keith D'Sylva (United Kingdom)
Gracias, por todo. Hasta siempre.
Patrícia (Brazil)
Obrigada, Comandante, seu nome está na História Mundial e jamais será esquecido.
SheylaKouri (Brazil)
Sara De Witt (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante.
Doris (Brazil)
Dóris (Brazil)
Long live Cuba and the Cuban Revolution, no country has the right to stop the forward march of a nation !
Martin Bove (United Kingdom)
Sempre Fidel!
Regina Célia Ferreira Calil (Brazil)
Grande exemplo de luta pela igualdade. Feliz por ter vivido o seu tempo, triste pela sua partida. Está com Deus. Ficamos com o que ensinou. Para sempre Fidel.
Marina Elisa Alves Ferreira (Brazil)
Viva Fidel!
André Lemos (United Kingdom)
RIP Comandante.
Lanie Shears (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria mui comandante!! Forza Cuba!!!
Ique Gazzola (Brazil)
Saludo el pueblo hermano de Cuba, que conocí de cerca en 2008, cierto de que el ejemplo del Comandante Fidel mantanerá Cuba soberana y justa! Hasta Siempre!
Antonio Barbosa da Silva Filho (Brazil)
Nossa história foi marcada pela bravura desse povo sul americano, Fidel Castro, símbolo de coragem e prova que podemos viver em sociedade como seres civilizado...
Nabucodonozor Pires dos Santos (Brazil)
Fidel Castro foi o maior líder de libertaésect;épound;o nacional do Século XX e XXI.
Maria Nazare Jucatelli Ubida (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Sergio Maciel (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre!
Veréacute;nica Maria Rodrigues (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Sidneia Reis Cardoso (Brazil)
Fidel, Cuba and Socialism, today and forever.
Marcelo Costa (Brazil)
Ate a vitoria sempre comandante
O guerreiro que népound;o curvou diante dos USA. Sua luta pela justiésect;a marcará a História da humanidade para sempre.
Maroa Aparecida Barbosa (Brazil)
Great leader who spend all his life for his nation and believe Long live Fidel
Media Zahawy (United Kingdom)
O sonho e a luta népound;o acabaram! Fidel Castro para sempre!
Marco Antéacute;nio Dib (Brazil)
Para sempre CAMARADA!
Sheila Sabag (Brazil)
Grande camarada.
Antonio Leisnock (Brazil)
Com todo meu sentimento revolucionário, presto minhas condoléordf;ncias e solidariedade a toda a família de Fidel Castro Ruz, ao querido e revolucionário povo cubano, bem como, ao glorioso Partido Comunista Cubano.
Lázaro Jorge Ferreira Rodrig (United Kingdom)
El mayor revolucionário del mundo siempre estará vivo en nuestros corazones.
Anísio Chaves (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante
Ulisses Ventin (Brazil)
Fidel foi alem da imaginacao.
Jose nilton (Brazil)
Um dos maiores líderes do século XX. Exemplo para todo o mundo!
Clovis Andrade de Almeida Burla (Brazil)
... uma grande perda para porésect;épound;o pobre da humanidade!... Britts
mauro antonio britta (Brazil)
A luta de Fidel Castro resiste e resistirá sempre dentro dos coraésect;émicro;es e almas de todos e todas que acreditam em uma A América Latina livre,soberana e que viva pela autodeterminaésect;épound;o dos seus povos.hasta sempre,companheiro e guerreiro,Fidel.
maria leda silva (Brazil)
Grande Comandante, a luta continua! Venceremos!
José Carlos Ruy (Brazil)
Carlos Augusto (Brazil)
Carlos Agostini (Brazil)
Que en paz descanse el gran Comandante Fidel Castro. Quizas Cuba no sea el pais mas rico del mundo pero dime que pais exporta tantos medicos como Cuba? Que pais ayudo al ANC durante su lucha contra el apartheid? Si se compara a Cuba con otras paises en centro y latino america e incluso los EEUU, es evidente que en ninuguna cuidad en Cuba hay mas asesinatos que en Iraq como en Chicago por ejemplo. Cuba es una ejemplo de como se puede resistir al imperialismo. Que Dios ayude al pueblo cubano en esta hora de necesidad: viva Fidel y viva Cuba un saludo desde Londres
Alexander McLintock (United Kingdom)
meus péordf;sames
Mauro Sergio Gomes (Brazil)
The true revolutionary is driven by great feelings of love X
Colleen Hamilton (United Kingdom)
Joépound;o Lopes (Brazil)
Forca ao heroico povo cubano "hasta la vitoria final".
Alexandre Paschoalim (Brazil)
Ao povo cubano meu respeito e minha solidariedade. O que Fidel e outros revolucionarios plantaram em Cuba vai seguir nas mentes e nos coraésect;oes , uma patria soberana e respeitada, que é um exemplo para todos nós. Minha saudaésect;ao socialista. Viva Fidel.
A morte do grande companheiro Fidel corta-nos fundo o corpo e a alma, sangrando-nos com uma saudade fina a rememorar sonhos de um mundo melhor quando jovem imberbe em algum lugar do planeta.
Enauro Mendes Pereira (Brazil)
You have done a lot for your country with a lot of sacrifice. When it comes to health , education and sport what you have achieved is admired by many and it goes a long way to show what you can achieve without any outside help. You taught the working people to believe in their own strength and resourcefulness.
Oner Kulle (United Kingdom)
I salute you in death as I did in life comrade Fidel...may you rest in peace. Respect and solidarity to the people of Cuba.
Corrina Parker (Ireland)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Eva Caporrella (Italy)
so sorry to hear of your loss fidel castro was a great statesman I listened to a lot of his speeches may his brother follow in his shoes u have lost a great leaderxxx
wilma ashe (United Kingdom)
A great leader who always stayed committed to the struggle.
Linda Reid (United Kingdom)
que a luta que tra .vastes seja também a nossa luta,siga na paz
ademir de oliveira (Taiwan)
You will be missed but you will not be forgotten. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Nikolaos Bogiatzis (United Kingdom)
povo cubano,nunca abondonem os ideais de fidel.
waldemar palmeira filho (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante!!
Alisson Rowe (Brazil)
Joépound;o Elderi de Oliveira Cost (Brazil)
I lived in Cuba and met Fidel personaly twice working with Frei Betto in the boock Fidel & Religion. He was a remarcable man. He will alwyas live everywhere when people need Hope . His integrity and determinativo has a lot to teach us all. All My love to the adorable cuban people ! Patria ou morte venceremos !
Patricia Cista (Brazil)
Hasta siempre Comandante!
Viva Cuba-Viva Fidel!
Terry Burgon (United Kingdom)
O Homem vai o legado fica.VIVA FIDEL SEMPRE!!!
Solo decir 'HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE', nos vamos quedando sin referentes.
Gloria Miqueles (United Kingdom)
Marceli Soares Pereira Duarte (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a truly great man, an inspiration not only to Cubans but to the rest of the world. His achievements are immense, he set an example to all. This world could do with more leaders like Fidel. Hasta La Victoria Siempre. Goodbye Fidel x
Sandra Hazeldon (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro: exemplo de resistéordf;ncia contra o imperialismo capitalista.
Luiz Carlos de Figueiredo (Brazil)
Hasta siempre comandante, hasta la victoria.
Roberto Ibarretxe Zorriketa (Spain)
So sad that Fidel has passed away, but what a legacy long - live Cuban solidarity against Yankee aggression. My heart is with Fidel, Cuba and the Cuban people.
Darren (United Kingdom)
viva fidel viva o povo cubano viva a revoluésect;ao a semente plantada por fidel continuara germinando pois este é o caminho da humanidade portanto fidel estara vivo entre os povos eternamente.
claudio ricardo koller da rocha (Brazil)
My sincere condolations to Cuba and the Cuban people. One of the greatest men of our time has died.
Astrid Elisabeth Hagstad (Norway)
Todo apoio ao povo Cubano em defesa de país, razépound;o da vida e luta do grande comandante Fidel Castro!
Inácio Arruda (Brazil)
No processo normal da Vida,o nosso Comandante se foi. Mas a lenda do legado que o comandante deixou ficará eternamente para a Humanidade.
Milton R Atilio (Brazil)
I visited Cuba on a few occasions during Fidel Castro's presidency, the people were passionate and knowledgeable about their country. As your nation mourns I am thinking of you all losing your 'papa' and I hope that the independence that he helped to bring upon your country continues. I am sorry for your loss.
Sarah Harper (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Ronny H (Sweden)
long live the immortal legacy of fidel castro che guevara and malcolm x. r.i.p. fidel
zahid shah (United Kingdom)
zenildo goncalves brito (United Kingdom)
A great long life, congratulations to you for it. A heroic example and legacy to all peace loving people. A visionary. A legend and a friend of the world. RIP Fidel Castro you have given so much. Viva Cuba.
Tina jess (United Kingdom)
Na minha cidade, Sobral, Ceará, Brasil, há um monumento a José Marti, na Praésect;a de Cuba, no centro da cidade. Ali, aos pés daquele monumento que traz o rosto do herói e o mapa da América, depositei uma rosa em homenagem ao comandante Fidel. Aqui, hoje, simbolicamente, deposito outra rosa, aos pés do povo cubano. Até a vitória, sempre, Comandante!
Joan Oliveira (Brazil)
Fidel, homem de Deus. Que o mundo siga seu exemplo de humanidade. Descanse em paz.
Terezinha (Brazil)
Karin Muehlen (Brazil)
Farewell to a Revolutionary.
Paul Lee (Ireland)
Rest in peace commandante you have been an inspiration to many and the revolution lives on forever you ensured that. You have touched the hearts of so many and benefitted the lives of people in Cuba and abroad
Liam McGoldrick (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Fidel
Christopher Miller (United Kingdom)
I want to send my condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of a legend of revolutionary politics, rest in peace Commandante after 50 years of seeing to the needs of the people you've earned it
peter richard long (Ireland)
O Comandante já népound;o está entre nós. Mas as ideias sépound;o imortais. Seus feitos sépound;o exemplo para as geraésect;émicro;es futuras. Pátria Livre ou Morte! Venceremos!
Newton José Brito (Brazil)
Obrigado ao povo cubano por nos ter dado uma personalidade extremamente humana,ética e amante e defensor da liberdade dos povos do mundo. Vida eterna ao comandante Fidel!!
Heber Morais Brito (Brazil)
robert todd (United Kingdom)
You were a true revolutionary. Your life and acts should be viewed in the context of the events happening at the same time in the rest of the world. A great legend has left us.
AJ Tear (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Laura Duggan (Ireland)
Rest in peace Fidel. Your model of social justice - education & health system will hopefully be a shining example for the rest of her world.
Ellena Plumb (United Kingdom)
Sad that Fidelity has passed, he leaves a great legacy to the won
Jill Westendorp (United Kingdom)
Receba meus péordf;sames e condoléordf;ncias a toda família de Fidel Castro. Perdemos o maior líder revolucionário da América Latina .Um modelo a ser seguido.
Luiz Fernando Alves (Brazil)
Elisa Santos (Brazil)
Ao contrário dos inimigos que combateu e derrotou, Fidel népound;o fortuna para teus familiares, castelos para príncipes, cassinos para a máfia, mas deixaste dignidade e justiésect;a social para o povo cubano. Vá em paz, comandante!
MATEUS (Brazil)
The last of the great revolutionaries. Let's hope the revolution can continue and move forward without being undermined by the US. Keep the spirit of Fidel alive and may he rest in peace.
Carol Tibbs (United Kingdom)
Siga em paz, compaheiro!
Cássia Ribeiro (Brazil)
An enormousloss to the world. Fidel is gone but his example and ideas live on. Solidarity with the Cuban People
fernanda oliveira (United Kingdom)
Tiocfaidh ar la
Barry Magee (United Kingdom)
Hamsat Samaa Al Taqaffa-----abed &fatma a (Denmark)
My commiserations Viva la revelucion.
ian (United Kingdom)
A great man who made the world a better place!
Damian McGhee (United Kingdom)
Alexandre Ricardo José Ferrei (Brazil)
RIP, Comrade Fidel.
Mary (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria, siempre !
Joépound;o Cezar de Castro (Brazil)
Sympathies to the people of Cuba on their great loss. Victory to the Cuban people; victory to the revolution.
Micheál O'hEÃ (Ireland)
Gustavo Leboso Alemparte Abrantes dos Santos (Brazil)
I wish to express my condolences and also apologize for the cowardly way our Prime Minister has acted towards a great revolutionary figure. It is Canada's shame to have ignored the friendship between us that was fostered ironically by our prime ministers father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, for cheap political expediency.
Alfred Villeneuve (Canada)
I have made a study of Cuba & Fidel Castro as an outstanding example of the ways in which a poor state can develop and provide for its people until Cuba can truly call itself one of the more developed nations in the world - especially when the inequality/equality factor is taken into consideration. I am honoured to have visited your wonderful country in 2015 and would like to pay my tribute to FIDEL - in World terms one of the most influential figures to have ever lived. Goodbye Fidel, the World will miss you. JIM FARMS,
Jim Farms (United Kingdom)
A humanidade perde uma das suas obras mais perfeitas, nosso eterno comandante, Fidel Castro! Sempre seguiremos suas orientaésect;émicro;es! Hasta Victória siempre, comandante!
Jorge Antonio Gonésect;alves Beser (Brazil)
Barbarita Pino Carlsson (Sweden)
You have been one of my main inspirations in more than 50 years of struggle for a better more caring world.
Kevin Waddington (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!
David Pelly (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Rory clifford (United Kingdom)
A la gente de Cuba - muchas gracias por su eroismo de frente al colonialismo de Los Estados Unidos. Siempre in nuestros corazones.
Caitlin Ni Chonaill (United Kingdom)
Fidel's death made me very sad, it was learning about what his revolution achieved which convinced me that a world without racism and imperialist war and poverty and hunger is really possible. He may have died but his ideas and the ideas of the Cuban Communists will continue to inspire the new rising generations of revolutionaries across the world. Hasta la victoria siempre
Saoirse Mac, Edinburgh Revolutionary Communist (United Kingdom)
El comandante, your humanity, internationalism, and spirit of co-operation have been beacon of hope to millions of downtrodden across the world. You will not be forgotten.
Maja Begovic (United Kingdom)
Richard Mirecki (United Kingdom)
Farewell to a principled, intelligent and very courageous man
christine lindey (United Kingdom)
El pueblo victorioso Está mi corazón en esta lucha. Mi pueblo vencerá. Todos los pueblos vencerán, uno a uno. Estos dolores se exprimirán como pañuelos hasta estrujar tantas lagrimas vertidas en socavones del desierto, en tumbas, en escalones del martirio humano. Pero está cerca el tiempo victorioso que sirva el odio para que no tiemblen las manos del castigo, que la hora llegue a su horario en el instante puro, y el pueblo llene las calles vacías con sus frescas y firmes dimensiones. Aquí está mi ternura para entonces. La conocéis. No tengo otra bandera. De: Canto general PABLO NERUDA
Heather (United Kingdom)
¡Fidel! Vigía infatigable y magnánimo torrero, tu luz seguirá encendida alumbrando caminos en todos los continentes para que sigamos andando. ¡Viva Cuba libre, soberana y socialista y su heróico pueblo!¡Viva Fidel!¡Hasta la Victoria, siempre Comandante!
Silvia Regueira (Sweden)
Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Juan Carlos Sepulveda (Sweden)
Daria Voronkova (Russian Federation)
For me as an active socialist and trade unionist, Fidel has always been, and will continue to be,an inspiration.
Richard Palser (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with the Cuban people
Kenneth Murphy (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace
Angela Coulter (Ireland)
Costantino Mura (Italy)
What a loss. A wonderful man. We in the west have terrible values of greed & consumerism thrust upon us. Fidel gave you the things that matter, health & education. Times have been hard for you, much of it beyond your control but I hope that soon the blockade can be lifted & you can trade while holding onto your communist values. Viva Fidel. Viva Cuba. Solidarity.
Michelle Hatwell (United Kingdom)
Teresa Sau (Italy)
My heartfelt condolence to the bravest man in this world...
Darwin (India)
Eva Rudström (Sweden)
The world has lost a great leader, but his ideas will never die! Thank you Fidel!
Bertil Olsson (Sweden)
Cuba Libre!
Eugene F Parte (United Kingdom)
A great man who, gave his people a first class healthcare system and ended the scourge of illiteracy all in the face of appalling American Sanction.
Geraint Williams (United Kingdom)
greatly saddened by loss of a great man and revolutionary. long live the Cuban socialist revolution!
john c johnston (United Kingdom)
Giorgio Riva (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro,erst unser Held der Revolution, spécurren;ter dann unsere Hoffnung für den Sozialismus, standhaft bis zu seinem Ende, ist nicht mehr. Ich bin sehr traurig. Ich hoffe, dass Kuba ein Hort des Sozialismus bleiben wird.
Christine Christofsky (Germany)
Rest in peace Comrade.
Jacky Morrey (United Kingdom)
Jan Englund (Sweden)
Hasta La victoria Siempre Comandante!! Nos has dejado físicamente pero has sembrado tus semillas que vivirán para siempre. Gracias por compartir con el mundo tus ideas, filosofía y valores y lo demostrastes con toda tu solidaridad junto a tus compatriotas con los pueblos del mundo. No te olvidaremos, seguirás vivo para siempre en nuestros corazones. Gracias!!!!
Leticia (United Kingdom)
kinh can vö tam biet nguoi ban, nguoi anh em cua Viet Nam. xin chia buon sau sac toi gia dinh vö toön the nhan dan CUBA anh em, mong ong yen nghi, toi vö toan the nhan dan Viet Nam luon nho ve ong, lich su se luon nho ve ong vi ong da lam cho CUBA va nhan dan the gioi. KINH CAN NGHIENG MINH
(Viet Nam)
Fidel, Che and Camilo have been my distant influences throughout my adult life. They inspired millions of people around the globe; people struggling in developing nations and those fighting for social justice in so-called developed ones. I have a son called Camilo - a name chosen with love and respect to the memory of Camilo Cienfuegos and Camilo Torres. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Gracias para todo companero Fidel! x
diana (United Kingdom)
I hope your soul finds Rest & Peace in God
Don Campbell (Canada)
Long may your legacy live on!
Hazel Stanmore-Richards (United Kingdom)
His education/literacy and health programmes are a wonderful legacy and to be admired by ALL countries throughout the world.
Elizabeth Williamson (United Kingdom)
My heart goes out to the people of Cuba who have lost their Commandant Fidel Castro.I have always respected him and the Cuban peoples, and their brave and courageous stand against imperialism and aggression, and the example they have given us to keep opposing bullies wherever they are. Cuba is always the first country to offer help to areas in the world which are troubled. Respect and best wishes and love to Cuba.
Prue Stothard (United Kingdom)
My brother celebrated his 50th birthday in Cuba. He said Cubans are a wonderful people.
John James Hone (United Kingdom)
Fidel's influence, both in his struggle for Cubans, and his determination to create a better world for all people, will remain, hopefully, for others to learn from.
Eva Kiolides (United Kingdom)
Le Trong Gia Khanh (Viet Nam)
Another great light has gone out and we are bereft, but you will never, ever be forgotten Fidel. You were, you are, you will be always there to guide and encourage, to inspire with the fearlessness and determination, compassion and wisdom you showed,every day of your life. You have given so much and inspired so many in the face of grotesque and relentless injustices.Rest in peace, dear friend
Louise Stothard (United Kingdom)
Sarah Sanford (United Kingdom)
Phyllis (United States of America)
I will never forget you. I will do my best to carry on in the spirit of revolution you lived so well, fighting always for social equity, peace and fairness. There are no words to express my deep sadness today. But you will live on, always, in the hearts and minds of all those who care for social justice.
Mary Kosta (Canada)
Comrade Fidel,the struggle still goes on.
anne lee (United Kingdom)
Como el Che díjo sobre Camilo Cienfuegos:..."Los hombres como Camilo (diría aquí Fidel)nunca mueren, porque son capaces de crear hombr@s y mujer@s parecidos a él, y tienen su más allá en el Pueblo!"...Es válido para los tres Camilo, El Che y Fidel.
Galo Espinoza Peña (Sweden)
Fidel Castro has shown that the Left Ideology can work . Thank you Fidel for showing the way out of the mess the world is in today. You will always be remembered as a Hero unlike any other.
Nirupama Verma (India)
We will never forget a great man, socialist and a revolutionist, who has left an indelible mark in the history of humanity. Greatest men never die. Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Valentina Prcovic (Serbia)
I have visited Cuba and loved your beautiful country and the Cuban people. My sympathy to all Cubans on the passing of Fidel Castro. Please stay true to his principals.
Vini Clarke (Australia)
The greatest men never die, they just go to eternity, never to be forgotten. His place amongst the greatest has been reserved long time ago. Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Vida Rudic (Serbia)
Rest In Rebellion and may your legacy live forever. Hasta La Victoria Siempre Fidel Castro Ruz!
Steven Mulholland (United Kingdom)
I made 3 trips to Cuba with Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravans bringing medicine, sports equipment, bicycles and, above all, solidarity with the people of Cuba. We never applied for a license to travel and always were able to go. FIDEL CASTRO RUZ: PRESENTE
Phyllis Ponvert (United States of America)
A truly great man among men, for whom I have the greatest respect.
May Hughes (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Fidel
Vivien Ashley (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria siempre. Fidel, your immense contribution to helping the poorest people in the world shall never be forgotten.
Russell Shields Patterson (United Kingdom)
Takawira Chihwayi (Zimbabwe)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Jordan Lancaster Ortega & Yosvani Ortega F (United Kingdom)
My condolences go out to the family of Fidel Castro and to the people of Cuba. Long live Fidel and long live the Cuban revolution!
Syed Hassan Shah Buneri (Pakistan)
On behalf of the RMT Union My heartfelt condolences to the family and people of Cuba on the death of an influential visionary leader. Hasta la victoria siempre
Alex Cameron (United Kingdom)
The world is colder and more frightening without Fidel. He was a giant figure in the worldwide struggle for socialism. Vaya en paz! Hasta siempre....
Penny Cloutte (United Kingdom)
Respect to the family and people of Cuba. And good luck for the future.
Andrew Foley (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Fidel! Your ideals will live on.
Annika Andersson (Sweden)
Nicholas Wroughton (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro - CUBA : El Comienzo, El Camino.. La Meta - JUSTICIA. Hasta Siempre Comandante, VENCEREMOS !
J. E. Zamora (United Kingdom)
Garry Keeney (United Kingdom)
Fidel, en España también hay gente para la que eres un referente: téordm; y Cuba. Todo que aprender de vosotros. Seguimos la lucha por la revolución de los pueblos. ¡Infinitas gracias por el ejemplo! ¡Hasta siempre, comandante!
Irene (Spain)
Thank you, Fidel
Martin Schmidt (Germany)
Fidel was an inspiration to people fighting for social justice across the world.
judy (United Kingdom)
Volker Jung (Germany)
Hasta siempre comandante.
Marion Hills (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace comrade your work is done.
Chris Kitchen (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace commandant .
Scot McFadyen (United Kingdom)
You had been and will continue to be an inspiration to millions across the world. Rest in Power Fidel Castro
Prativa Thomas (United Kingdom)
A figure of historic significance who set in train the concept of solidarity with developing nations in the post-war era. RIP companero
Malcolm Shepherd (United Kingdom)
Please accept my heartfelt condolences to the Family and people of Cuba on the death of El Presidente Fidel Castro.The Cuban people have lost a great man and visionary.RIP
Martyn Meacham (United Kingdom)
To one of our Brilliant Revolutionaries. What a loss to the world. You will be missed greatly You have left a wonderful legacy for your people which will continue for generations. May you rest in Eternal, Love, Power and Peace. Your Sister Jackie and family, London UK
Jacqueline Blake (United Kingdom)
James George (United Kingdom)
La Luche continua
Paul Philo (United Kingdom)
Farewell, bright comrade, you stood firm against imperialism, liberated oppressed peoples, and as such demonstrated, along with the Cuban revolutionary people the possibilities, which are great, for the future of all humanity. Long live the Revolution!
Robert Amos (United Kingdom)
Fidel you will be missed. An inspiration to so many of my generation. Viva Cuba Libre
David Heywood (United Kingdom)
Nardya Domnick (Germany)
Por las ideas de socialismo seguiremos luchando. !Lo juromaos!
Brigitte Schiffler (Germany)
Gareth Roach (United Kingdom)
On behalf of Pam Africa, Chairperson of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, myself, and hundreds of other Mumia supporters, we extend our love and appreciation to Fidel and the Cuban people for your decades of revolutionary leadership to the entire world in fighting the evil Empire. We will miss you, we will try to live up to your ideals, and you will remain forever El Comandante! Que Viva Fidel!
SUZANNE ROSS (United States of America)
Viva Fidel. Amazing man.
Becky Massey (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro A much beloved legend.
sandra ferguson (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante! Seguiremos tu ejemplo !
Nigel Randslwy (United Kingdom)
Another (and better) way is possible. He, and the Cuban people, showed us this.
Elen Huws (United Kingdom)
RIP - my thoughts are with the family, friends and comrades in Cuba. Stay strong
Angela Greenhalgh (United Kingdom)
Comandante en Jefe : Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Julio Manduley (Panama)
Red salute
ramdas (United Kingdom)
Your legacy will live long. #solidarity
Stuart Davis (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro,tried to develope Cuba in democratic way by standing for elections (Batista,a dictator tyrant of the worst kind destroying 10s of thousands of his own people stopped elections) ,thus the revolutionary path developed as he became one of finest socialist leaders in the world.
Pat Kane (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro will always be my greatest hero. I feel his passing as a great loss. He will always be alive in my heart. His legacy will never be forgotten. He is an eternal legend.
Mirca Morera (United Kingdom)
A man of Courage
Alistair Carter (United Kingdom)
You Are Great Man... if worl want Peace so follow your Vision Azeem Minhas Jaami Human Rights Worker State Of Kashmir
Azeem Minhas Jaami (Pakistan)
Farewell Comrade, the hope and inspiration of the worlds oppressed
John Daly (United Kingdom)
¡Para siempre gracias por tu ejemplo, comandante Fidel Castro! Hasta la victoria siempre! Josie y Dirk desde Alemania
Josie & Dirk Brünin (Germany)
Viva La Revolución!
Tuomo Lehtinen (Finland)
You inspired generation and proved that community based politics can be a reality may your legacy live on
Peter Blackman (United Kingdom)
: The World has lost a towering hero ... a man of rarefied talents, with a combination of genius, humanity, compassion and empathy that develops infrequently ... .
Dennis Revell (United Kingdom)
Dear Fidel Castro, You led a principled life. You were a great inspiration to so many people and majority world nations. You were a true revolutionary and an anti-imperialist to the end. It is so sad that you have left us, but you have left a legacy that will continue for many years to come. My condolences to your family and to the people of Cuba Funmi.
Funmi (United Kingdom)
Fidel will always be there.
Bela Prakash (United Kingdom)
A true leader and friend of all people who struggle for dignity and national liberation. RIP Fidel
Peter Heneghan (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a great champion for all the people. His example and inspiration will live forever.
Michael Gavan (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro will remain in history as the one who successfully defied the might of the US and showed the world that however small you you may be, you can still stand up for your country and do not have to bow to the interests of those with power!
Eleni Palazidou (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante. Viva Cuba.
Andrew Ducker (United Kingdom)
My deepest condolences to the family of El Comandante and to the wonderful people of Cuba who have made my visits so memorable. May Fidel Castro's memory live and the future bring you everything you would wish for.
Mandy Banton (United Kingdom)
audrey hickey (Ireland)
Fidel Castro will remain an inspiration for the next generations. Together with Che, Mandela and other leaders from the third world, Fidel Castro has been bringing hope that another and a better world is possible.
Rob Van Vlierden (Belgium)
Simon Murch (United Kingdom)
An inspiration for all humanity. Hasta siempre!
Gina Nicholson (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante...
Farewell to one of the most iconic beard wearers of the post-1945 era
Keith Flett (United Kingdom)
I gofio Fidel y gwladgarwr a sosialydd a weithiodd trwy gydol ei oes i drawsnewid bywydau pobl Cuba ac yn ddiffael roddodd cymorth i wledydd eraill mewn argyfwng. Esiampl i ni gyd. Parch ac edmygedd wrth ffrindiau yng Nghymru Geraint, Iwan, Alison
Geraint, Iwan, Alison (United Kingdom)
Matthias Reichl (Austria)
Viva Fidel. From Irish socialist republican party, éirígí (Wexford)
Gary O Brien (Ireland)
A great loss.
John Day (United Kingdom)
A. Vanmpten (Belgium)
Never will I forget what you have done for Africa and for socialism worldwide. Gracias Fidel
Jack Rathbone (United Kingdom)
Salute comrade Fidel ! Love and respect
Warren Mansfield (United Kingdom)
A great loss,an inspirational man. Thoughts to his family and the Cuban people.
Izzy Fletcher (United Kingdom)
Goodbye to a man who was unique in the world. Hasta siempre.
Jackie (Spain)
your solidarity with small farmers is your most important acheivement
Jyoti Fernandes (United Kingdom)
In memory of Fidel Castro whose inspirational vision and revolutionary courage has kept alive the flame of hope for a better world for millions of workers and their families across the world. Today capitalism is in crisis, neo-liberal doctrine has failed, and austerity has impoverished and disillusioned working class voters. May Fidel's death serve as a clarion call for a renewed belief in a real socialist alternative. That would be a lasting legacy indeed.
Martin (United Kingdom)
Farewell to comrade Fidel.He touched the lives of millions oppressed people globally by fighting imperialism till his last breath.Though the light has departed his mortal body, but the spark he ignited shall continue glowing till eternity.
NaZir Haq Nazish (United Kingdom)
You were the greatest but you were also human. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Andrew Spriggs (United Kingdom)
Farewell comrade, long live the revolution
David Copeland (United Kingdom)
You have a major place in history, not only in the story of Cuba
Marilyn Tsiorvas (United Kingdom)
Thank you
Steve Simpson (United Kingdom)
Adele Rodriguez Alarcon (Russian Federation)
Rest in peace Fidel. A life and a legacy that is an inspiration for the future of humanity. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Dean Wharton (Australia)
Respect, Equality, Justice, Solidarity
Paul Whelpton (United Kingdom)
Keep up your spirit
Keith ruttet (United Kingdom)
My thoughts are with the Cuban people at this time of great sadness and mourning. I was lucky enough to hear Fidel speak in 2006, one of his last public appearances, and I will never forget it. Fidel may have gone but his legacy continues to live on. Yo soy Fidel!
Lara Faulkner (United Kingdom)
Matti Gronlund (Spain)
IAN JOHNSTON (United Kingdom)
With condolences for the Cuban people and in recognition that the achievements of the revolution will continue in the light of continued imperialist aggression. Always an inspriation to the rest of the world. Vinceremos!
Carolyn Kagan (United Kingdom)
Cuban people, your love for life, your courage, your achievements and the compassion you show to the rest of the world are a beacon of hope for us all. We stand with you as you continue Fidel's work.
Jane and Alyn Scott (United Kingdom)
Cuba's ongoing socialist revolution is Fidel's monument. He needs no other. We shall strive to emulate your example.
Caroline Bellamy (United Kingdom)
Solidarity and sincere thoughts with the nation of Cuba at this sad time.
Darren Maguire (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. Giantslayer.
Terry Wentworth-Wood (United Kingdom)
The end of an era. Cuba has stood strong in its resolve not to cave in to external pressure. RIP Fidel Castro.
Marion Ferguson (Australia)
RIP friend
Eoin White (United Kingdom)
I will always respect him for standing up against the United States. He was a very intelligent man and he will be missed.
Megan McGuigan (United Kingdom)
Saddened by the news of the death of a truly remarkable man.
Geoff Doherty (United Kingdom)
Minha homenagem ao grande lider
Maria das Graésect;as de Vasconcel (Brazil)
Long live Fidel
Santhosh Kumar (India)
Fran Lee (United Kingdom)
Fidel, the Cuban people and the revolution were and always will be an absolute inspiration. Viva Cuba Libre!
Andrew Simpson (United Kingdom)
becky fleming (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante en jefe fidel castro gracias por haber sido una luz en medio de la oscuridad de la guerra en mi país Colombia hasta la victoria siempre
juan de dios palomo a (Colombia)
Sad time for people of Cuba. But keep the revolution going.
Masih (India)
Vas Bien Fidel! History will state you did ok Fidel.
Keith (United Kingdom)
Sorry to hear of the lost of your Great leader, R. I. P Fidel Castro
Jemiah rose (United Kingdom)
Deeply saddened to hear of the death of a true revolutionary hero, sleep well RIP Fidel
Edward Scott (United Kingdom)
Farewell Comrade.
Dr Phil Collier (United Kingdom)
I visited Cuba in 1995 and i enjoyed my trip immensely
Pauline Ameir (United States of America)
No obstante de lasanticommunistas el resultado de su vida siempre es adentro de la gente - el ejemplo progresivo dela revolución cubana, la solidaridad internacionalista de Cuba, la esperanza para nosotros por un futuro socialista.
Jan Gafert (Germany)
Long Live Com Castro, A great leader and A great Human being
Anindyan Mitra (India)
Brendan Johnston (United Kingdom)
Comrade, your relentless struggle to make our world a better place to live in will not go unrewarded.You taught us to dream. We will make it real. Adios!!
Atindra Bhattacharya (India)
Deepest condolences..
Ramachandra Babu (India)
O mundo perdeu o ícone que derrotou o IMPERIALISMO AMERICANO. Fidel Vive!!!! Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o Cubana!!!!
Anamélia Lima Rocha Fernandes (Brazil)
Jim (Belgium)
PASCF Statement on the passing of Comrade Fidel Castro It is with heavy hearts that we learned this morning of the passing of Comrade Fidel Castro into the realm of the ancestors. We send our solidarity and condolences to his family, Comrades, friends and all those who know and love him. Cuba is physically located in the mouth of the US Satan imperialist beast, but under the leadership of Fidel refused to be gobbled. Fidel and the people of Cuba stood firmly for the advancement if humanity to the socialist phase of historical development and the higher moral ground of its production methods. Fidel Castro and the people of Cuba stand as the world's most resolute example of revolution in the twentieth and twenty first centuries - their place in history is assured. Fidel Castro lives through the Cuban revolution. Long live Fidel Castro! Long live the Cuban revolution! Pan-Afrikan Society Community Forum (PASCF) +44 (0) 7914 750 753
Brother Omowale (United Kingdom)
RIP comrade
murali (United Kingdom)
rest in peace comrade
jim anderson (United States of America)
Indrani Mukherjee (India)
Jamie clifford (Ireland)
Thank you for all, dear Fidel! Falar em Fidel nunca será no passado. Hasta la vista, siempre, comandante! De uma brasileira que o respeita e admira sua história, para sempre Fidel!
Elena Georgi (Russian Federation)
For people in India of my generation who became adults in the 1980s, the Cuban revolution defines the kind of socialist revolution we wished to be part of (rather than the ones from the Soviet Union or China) -- full of passion, humour, love for the people, and ready to accept and correct his own mistakes . We learnt everything we could in these days about this man, this extraordinary resistance against imperialism, this place where the most important role in development belonged to the people, which saw the goal of progress to be their access to the best health and education, equal and just wages for women and men, and the best cinema and music. Comrade Fidel was our leader, and as we sat in tea shops in Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi after the annual Cuban film festival that the Cuban embassy would arrange for us, we would talk of how the strides Cuba made in public health, the great cinema by Tomas Alka and Humberto Solas, music by Silvio Rodrigues, and Pablo Milanes, all linked up to the courage and the belief of 20 men in the Sierra Maestra mountains. Comrade Fidel defined what and the kind of communists we wanted to be, we hoped to go to Cuba to learn this recipe of hard struggle, great hardship, a flowering of creativity in all fields and fierce independence, we hoped to meet Fidel, and vied to be the first amongst our friends to visit Cuba. More than twenty years have passed since those nights in the university, and in the intervening years, we have always stood for the Cuban revolution and against the US embargo and mourned the extraordinary hardships that the Cuban people have borne so that it can be the beacon of hope that it is in this world of Trumps, Modis, Erdogans, Mays. We relied on Fidel to be our leader, and his very presence was a reassurance to us that our time for revolution and resistance in our own countries was not past. But now Fidel is gone, and our grief is as much for ourselves as for him, for our inability to do what he and the Cuban people -- overthrow a dictator (then Batista, now Modi, Trump, Erdogan...) and free his country and the world. To deal with our loss and our failure, we need the Cuban revolution more than ever. May the flame of Cuban socialism never flicker, because it is the only source of light in this very dark 21st century. Stay strong comrades, so that we can take some fire from you.
Ayesha Kidwai (India)
Rest in power Comrade Fidel!
Reid Fuller (Canada)
El pueblo no le va a olvidar! Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Cody Hartsburg (Canada)
Thinking of you all from Scotland, on a sad day for all the freedom fighters of the world.
ambrose (United Kingdom)
Gracias por tu lucha!!!
jorge alvarez (United States of America)
You were a tireless fighter, the hottest flame and the brightest light from Africa and Asia to the Middle East and South America. Like the loudest cry, the echoes of your voice will live on, in the loving words and angry shouts of billions of girls, boys, women and men. Viva nuestra estrella, viva.
Leo Garib (United Kingdom)
Cuando duele el corazón: ¡hasta siempre comandante!...
Rafael González Rub&Atil (Mexico)
Liz Mc Gowan (United Kingdom)
Que os ideais do Comandante Fidel ganhe o mundo, em especial os jovens de todos os continentes , para um futuro promissor, de igualdade entre as pessoas e de Paz e solidariedade entre os povos. Hasta siempre, Comandante Fidel!
Antonio Barreto - Presidente do Cebrapaz (Brazil)
No quiero decirte 'adios' sino 'Hasta siempre, Comandante'
Francesco Monterisi (Italy)
Thank you Fidel for being a beacon of hope in a world riven by free market corporate oppression. While Cuba lives the world can breathe.
Steven Clarke (United Kingdom)
There is a light, it will never go out. Rest in Peace Comandante.
Matthew Collins (United Kingdom)
Thank you, for everything. For stopping certain forces from ruling this planest. R.I.P
Anthony Hogan (United Kingdom)
He was my hero
Colin Clark (United Kingdom)
Thank you Cuba Thank you jefe Fidel. Thanks for all you did for the people of Jamaica, and assisting in what everway the fight against Apartheid. As Nelson Mandela said " unlike others Cuba helped in deeds and not only words". There will never be another you: might David.. Simpre el jefe Fidel. VIVA Fidel VIVA Fidel ..
Rose Rainford (United Kingdom)
May the dream live on
Colm wilson (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an inspiration and an example.
Tony Maguire (United Kingdom)
Deepest condolences to all true Cubans - Fidel was not perfect but he believed in Cuba for the Cubans and the people should be grateful form this.
Roy McCabe (United Kingdom)
Lewis morton (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Anny Rodrigues Figueiredo (Brazil)
A comrade to the struggle for true independence in Ireland, we wish more leaders had had your views.
Kieran Philbin (Ireland)
Condolences to the family of Fidel and to the people of Cuba. A great revolutionary and an inspiration to all those struggling for a better world. RIP Fidel
Jane Dickie (Scotland) (United Kingdom)
Tu ejemplo, tu sacrificio y tus ideales de justicia, dignidad y libertad siempre estarán con nosotros.
Javier Sánchez (Spain)
Ian Longmire (United Kingdom)
hasta siempre el comendante
Damian Jaracz (United Kingdom)
Fidel, nunca pude verte en persona, nunca pude estrechar tu mano, nunca pude darte un abrazo, ni un beso ni decirte cuánto te admiro. Eso ya no será posible, pero esa no es razón para callarme y gritar cuánto te quiero y cuán agradecido estoy por tus palabras, por tus actos, por tu ejemplo de gallardía y dignidad. Te mando un beso y un abrazo donde sea que te encuentres. ¡VIVA CUBA Y VIVA POR SIEMPRE FIDEL!
Eduardo Valtierra Torres (Mexico)
george gunn (United Kingdom)
Rip Fidel Castro
seancrofton (Ireland)
Meus s ntimentos ao Val note povo cubano.
Thelma Cavalcante Madoz (Brazil)
RIP Fidel always be remembered as a friend and comrade of Ireland
Cllr Gabe Cronnelly (Ireland)
The struggle continues.
mark stevens (United Kingdom)
Maria Aparecida Medeiros da Fonseca (Brazil)
RIP Fidel Castro
Cormac McReynolds (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was a great leader and he helped create a Cuba which was and is an inspiration to all those who want a different and better future for the people of the world. RIP Commandante.
Chris Sandilands (United Kingdom)
Fidel vive! Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba Libre!
Jacira Silva dos Anjos (Brazil)
Long live the revolution.
Navid Haq (United Kingdom)
Farewell to the liberator of Cuba and the hero of my youth
Solidarity from a socialist Republican in Derry city. Hasta siempre Fidel
Conchur carlin (Ireland)
To Cuba, Hoping that the Cuba Solidarity Campaign has not been bourgeois liberal and/or neoliberal in any way, shape, or form, I want to express: if Cuba could be a rejection of liberalism and/or neoliberalism in this world, let that be. At least as of right now, I hope that, as long as I may live, I will always honor and respect El Comandante. If El Comandante could and actually has inspired another and more as a symbol of a resistance to a hegemonic and imperialistic domination of another and more, let that be. Viva La Revolucion! Sincerely and respectfully, Teffy K. Thomas
Teffy K. Thomas (United States of America)
Kevin Connelly (United Kingdom)
Viva Comrade Fidel Castro
Proud to have been a comrade, to stood firm for working people everywhere against US aggression RIP after a job well done
Derek Hill (United Kingdom)
Thank you for your example and keeping the fight against Global Capitalism and imperialism alive
John Sweeney (United Kingdom)
(Czech Republic)
My deepest solidarity to our commandante Fidel Castro. I hoe Cuba did not die with him. Continue the fight against the US imperalism. My support
Rita Lutz (Ireland)
RIP Long live your legacy . Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Rosa Elvira Urrea Pereira (United Kingdom)
Com sentimento e pesar me despeésect;o, levando na memória o exemplo de coragem e determinaésect;épound;o.
Caroline Moraes Brito (Brazil)
Rest in peace mo chara true legend
michael maher (Ireland)
Viva Fidel - a true hero! Long live the revolution
caroline stevenson (United Kingdom)
My family and me and many many more in Norway, that really did see what your leader Fidel Castro was dealing with, are deeply impressed of how he did manage to keep all your nation together against all the pressure from US and the rest of Europe. He manage by include his people to development the country against all odds. We all have lost a great leader. I'm so sorry for your peoples lost. All the best from Norway-- Rest in peace Comandante
Freddy Johansen (Norway)
Donall O Ceallaigh (Ireland)
Un hombre definido por el liderazgo con un montón de agallas...¡absuelto por la historia!
Viva Fidel! A luta continua! We love you, comrade Fidel, and all the good you have done for the world. Rest in power, knowing that there are people even in the western world who will continue to carry the torch of internationalism and Marxism-Leninsim!
Maple (United States of America)
Solidaridad al pueblo cubano. Fidel vive!!
Eline Jonas (Brazil)
Rest in peace, an inspiration to so many of us
Jason felliowes (United Kingdom)
DEP. Comandante
Kevin Dunne (United Kingdom)
My sincerest condolences.The world lost a true friend of all the oppressed people. Venceremos
George Mertens (Ireland)
Sympathy and solidarity to the people of Cuba and the friends and family of Fidel Castro at this sad time. Fidel was an icon of socialism and a champion of global social justice. His legacy and spirit will live on in Cuba's great achievements, inspiring future generations and showing that another world is possible. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Elaine Smith MSP (United Kingdom)
Suaimhneas síoraí do laoch na ndaoine!
Visited Cuba when Fidel was in charge and felt very lucky to have done so ! My deepest sorow for his loss , My warmest condolences to his family , to his great cuban people and all the revolutionaries around the world ! RIP Hero !
Malek (Algeria)
The world has lost a great man, the real revolutionary...rest in power El Commandante
Tracy Henry (Jamaica)
RIP you were an inspiration
Nicola Keen (United Kingdom)
Kokumo Noxid (United Kingdom)
Janice Webster (Jamaica)
Fidel was the only leader who went to Africa and did not loot Africa. He helped freedom fighters to beat back the South African plan to spread apartheid throughout the region, sent medics and teachers. He was a giant among world leaders.
Joan Frankson (United Kingdom)
Marcin Malm (United Kingdom)
Viva la revolucion!
Triana Segovia (Sweden)
Very sad
Malcolm Tinning (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences to the Cuban people on the loss of such a towering figure and visionary. The world has become a lesser place.
Tim Castle (Australia)
A great servant of the revolution has passed on. His ideas, works and services to the Cuban people will have achieved him his own form of immortality.
Cllr. Nathan Morrison (United Kingdom)
Respect to the man who fought forpeoples' rights and stood up to America, despite sanctions and assassination attempts, for over 50 years.
Julie (United Kingdom)
My deepest condolences to the Cuban people for the loss of comrade Fidel Castro.
Raimo (Finland)
You will remain a symbol of defiance for generations to come
Mazzin El-Khazragi (United Kingdom)
Rest Komrad. You have Inspired the World. England
Derek Richardson (United Kingdom)
In solidarity with Fidel Castro, an inspiration to socialists all over the world. Rest in power comrade.
Matthew Sutherland (United Kingdom)
A man of peace, a man of courage, a man of dignity and integrity. The world is a poorer place with your passing. RIP Fidel, Comandante.
David Jones (United Kingdom)
The Cuban example is an inspiration to the rest of the world. The highest standards of health and education in a country under constant attack from the world's super-power.
Austin Fletcher (United Kingdom)
La luz de aurora que nos diera fIDEL en el año 1959 con el Triunfo de la Revolución ya nadie la podrá apagar y el pueblo cubano seguirá constituyendo un ejemplo diario de soberanía, igualdad, internacionalismo, rebeldía y libertad.
A remarkable mad for a remarkable country. RIP Fidel.
John Wallace (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante ...
Galvarino (United Kingdom)
O mundo perde um grande homem; Hasta la victória, siempre.
Bartolomeu Gentil de Medeiros (Brazil)
Rip to a strong leader that gave much needed stability......
Harriet maris (United Kingdom)
condolences to the nation, the family and friends of the greatest leader to have lived.
damian mc shane (Ireland)
The greatest leader the world has ever known you spoke for the child who goes to bed without even a slice of bread The imperialist say it is impossible to provide free and equal education for all You did the impossible Hasta la Victoria Commandante
John (United Kingdom)
Rest in Power comandate
Misael Ochoa Matuz (Mexico)
Fidel o maior líder revolucionário da América latina. Os seus feitos e sua memória jamais serépound;o esquecidos. Descanse em paz Comandante Fidel Castro. Minhas sinceras condoléordf;ncias.
Plinio Chadud (Brazil)
A sad loss to the world. Fidel was a true man of the people and should have been a role model to the rest of the world. Unfortunately the bent capitalist system made sure this did not happen. We can only hope that the human race will one day wake up to injustice and treat all people as equals. Maybe then Fidel Castro will get the recognition he deserves>
Terry Crew (United Kingdom)
In death as in life, Fidel's vision of oppressed peoples everywhere being freed from the yoke of imperialism will continue to inspire.
Peter Frankental (United Kingdom)
My Condolences to the nation of Cuba and the Castro-Ruiz family
Mervin Ishmael (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel. No Pasaran.
Peter Bodie (United Kingdom)
An Inspiration to me thank you Fidel
Paul Winter (Ireland)
Rest in peace commandante
Alan Sahin (United Kingdom)
Gerard D'mello (United Kingdom)
The greatest revolutionary of our time... RIP
Helen Mcilduff (United Kingdom)
ann riley (United Kingdom)
Kamal Greenidge (United Kingdom)
True leader
John Farnan (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace, comandante
Cilleán Campbell (United Kingdom)
A true legend has left the world stage but his legacy will live on
Rachel Redhead (United Kingdom)
My deepest condolences to the people of Cuba.If more people were like Fidel Castro the world would be a much better place.
Barrie Rogerson (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the heroic people of Cuba on the loss of one of the greatest revolutionary leaders of all time. Fidel was, is, and will continue to be an inspiration to the poor and oppresses of the world. Long live Socialist Cuba!
ANTHONY GREEN (United Kingdom)
Your like will not be seen again and the working people of the world have lost a giant.
Andy Stankard (United Kingdom)
Rest well comandent Castro ,history shall prove you right ,"long live the revolution "
Anne O'Neill (United Kingdom)
Solidarity comrade from Ireland you were greatly respected by the people of Ireland and will be sadly missed. Viva Cuba and Rest in peace
Kevin Meehan (United Kingdom)
Daniel Murphy (Ireland)
Rest in Peace - you have left a wonderful legacy in the world - something very few Leaders ever manage to do. xxx
Josephine Bailey (United Kingdom)
Sleep well. You did good and your memory and work will live on with those of us who believe.
Estelle Mageean (United Kingdom)
Condolences and solidarity at this sad time.
Ian Runciman (United Kingdom)
Descansa en paz el comandante.
Anna Maria Slater (United Kingdom)
Red Salute Comrade!we need a Fidel everywhere. Dear Cubans,you never stop believing in what he had started..the path to socialism.long live revolution!
M Mohanta (India)
Hasta siempre, comandante! Mi solidariedad a Cuba y su pueblo.
Cláudio Machado (Brazil)
A historic leader has left you, but this should mark an end of a chapter of the Cuban Revolution, not the end itself. Long live the revolution!
Mark Turner (United Kingdom)
Comandante I salute you; you will be remembered for ever for your principles under duress to maintain the socialism of the Cuban people ; may it continue forever
Manuel Moreno (United Kingdom)
R.I.P Legend
Paul Norval (United Kingdom)
Condolences and socialist international solidarity to the Cuban people on their loss of one of leading lights of scientific socialism in the twentieth century. Communist leader Fidel Castro did not err from settong an example for all the peoples of the Americas and further afield. Thank you Cuba and thank you Fidel for your internationalist and socialist achievements.
Dr Christopher J V Loughlin (United Kingdom)
I am thinking of my Cuban friends. I know they will be mourning but I hope they are also celebrating the life of an unrivaled and undefeated revolutionary leader. Not just in Cuba but in so many parts of the world, there are countless ordinary people whom he helped to achieve freedom, to receive receive healthcare and to be educated.
Steve Ludlam (United Kingdom)
antonieta Shirlene Mateus (Brazil)
Fidel was a great leader and a great friend to Canada. His story and passion for defending the rights of working class people, minorities, the oppressed and the the environment has been an inspiration. Fidel showed us that the little guy can stand up to US Imperialism and win.
Craig Penner (Canada)
Thank you Fidel for all you have done for Cuba and the world and socialism
Mark Hagger (United Kingdom)
© HASTA SIEMPRE FIDEL ! Las sombras y reflejos del sol de medianoche abrieron la garganta de la tarde caliente y fulgurante hoy, cuando sal y destino han elegido al ausente, con el machete afilado de la Muerte. Oigo tu voz de cuerda inolvidable, como méordm;sica revolucionaria descubriendo el inmenso corazón obrero la nieve oceánica de la caña del azéordm;car y por sobre todas las cosas los latidos de tu corazón guerrillero ardiendo sobre la realidad desnuda naciendo cual Venus amante de los pueblos Ya no estarás más en este hito con nosotros, compañero, sentado sobre el filo del vendaval dando nacimiento a la luz desde la selva, a la libertad humana contra el yugo del capital, en la creación revolucionaria de otro mundo. Sin embargo, de algéordm;n modo quedas. Desde el blanco resplandor de tus alas solares, te oigo arengando a millares, te veo sobre los hombros de millones en cuyos pechos late la estrella lancinante de los derechos de los pueblos violentados. Paris, 26 Noviembre 2016. Escrito por Ximena Ga © Ximena Gautier Greve.
Ximena Gautier Greve (France)
James Fiala (United States of America)
Vale brother.
Denis McKay (Australia)
Condolences to the friends and family of Fidel Cartro R.I.P
Carol Phillips (United Kingdom)
RIP Comandante !!!
gloria brightly (United Kingdom)
Luciano Menezes (Brazil)
So sad to hear the news but I`m sure the people of Cuba will continue to honour Fidel`s legacy.
Janet Richardson (United Kingdom)
Rest in Power
Adnan Pirbhai (Pakistan)
dave berry (United Kingdom)
Povo Cubano : Seu choro é o meu choro , sua alegria é a minha alegria.
Francisco do Socorro Tavares de Souza (Brazil)
Rest in power and peace. Your legend lives on, our future generations will know and remember, we will educate them.
Annalisa Langton (Zimbabwe)
Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba on the death of Fidel Castro. He will not be forgotten.
Mary Nolan (Ireland)
Ralph Gayton (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro's support for education and culture for all is a shining example of how the whole world should cherish knowledge and arts.
Agnes Kory (United Kingdom)
So still,the silence roars in homage, of dreams that saw hope,never a recluse, Fidel, the golden mirror of our minds, deference,and sycophancy your island refuse, even under the vindictive shadow of the Big Bully your greatness, Cuba's freedom shines.
richard manser (United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary
Dodie Ritman (United Kingdom)
I want to express my gratitude for the life of Fidel Castro. Had he not lived south African Apartheid regime would still be in place, looking at how the West betrayed African people.
Sam Louis Gisagara (United Kingdom)
A great man and a great leader.
Kevin Reilly (United Kingdom)
I deeply respect the Cuban society that promoted egalitarianism and the benefits that flow from that, including brilliant and effective health and education services, in the face of such powerful opposition from the USA, intent on fostering inequality, private property, and militarism. Fidel Castro contributed to that massive collective achievement, and I hope that the people of Cuba will continue that struggle without him.
David (United Kingdom)
Fidel était Haut en couleur et un grand humaniste!
Lemoine Jean Baptiste (France)
Sad for the world to lose such a very great man. Hasta siempre Cuba.
Lydia Hill (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro - Freedom Fighter and Friend of the People of Cuba and the World. The Socialist Dream of a Fair Society free from Poverty and Deprivation will Never Die!
Bryan Godsell (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante Fidel
Camila González Salinas (Chile)
(Viet Nam)
jay ginn (United Kingdom)
A revolutionary who inspired liberation movements throughout the developing world, who's influence and legacy shall remain longer than that of the many US presidents he outfoxed and thwarted in their attempts to destroy him and the Cuban model of humanitarianism. And unlike many of his enemies he will be far more than a mere footnote in the Twentieth Century history books. His courage shall remain in the Cuban people as they now have to face such a difficult time in their relations with the US. May he rest in peace.
Barney Winnett (United Kingdom)
Mourning after Fidel and in solidarity with the people of Cuba...
Kadri Ozcaldiran (Turkey)
Farewell great man. To the Cuban people, never give up the fight!
Beau Forte (United States of America)
Rest in Peace Fidel
Rev. Canon Ernle Gordon (Jamaica)
My respect to Fidel Castro and the Cuban people for being who he was and his continued support given for causes where people were politically surpressed. There are times and moments in our lives when action speaks far louder than words. May the future of this country be steadfast and progressive, true to cause and true to all. He will be missed, but his legacy will continue by the spirit of the people.
Alex Pascall (United Kingdom)
You have left a lasting legacy for the people of Cuba better education, health care and most of all social justice. A man of the people. R.I.P.
George Kelly (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante. Mi dolor es grande. Yo pierde a mi segundo papá.
Michel Chappat (Belgium)
My deepest condolences to the wonder people of Cuba on the death of your beloved leader Fidel Castro. I visited your country last year and fell in love not only with the island and its people, but also with it's culture. Long may his legacy live on.
Juliette Burton (United Kingdom)
One of the most influencial persons of the past century! We will never forget Fidel!
Philipp Schmidpeter (United States of America)
Fidel was a real inspiration, a person true to his principles and a great friend to many countries in need. He did so much more than 'talk the talk' He Walked the Walk. Oh that we had more like him.
Noreen Dunn (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolonces to to Fidel Castro's family and Cuban people.R.I.P. I will never forget the welcome and hospitality I received in Cuba when I visited this Summer, Kieran
KIeran Floyd (United Kingdom)
You surely survived within your principles and never gave up! A true inspiration for the Hunan race, may your legacy carry on forever and make the changes that are needed xx
Cathryn Bolton (United Kingdom)
With sincere condolences !
Ian Bryden (United Kingdom)
Thank you for your devotion to the people and your example to humanity Fidel Castro. Your legacy lives on.
Cathy Mae (United Kingdom)
I would like to send my deepest condolences to Fidel Castro's family and the Cuban people. Fidel was an exemplary revolutionary. He achieved freedom, health, education, equal opportunities and empowerment for the Cuban people and millions of oppressed people in the global south including his and the Cuban people's unflinching support on the battlefields of Angola to defeat the Apartheid military machine and herald a free South Africa. Fidel is the inextinguishable light and indomitable inspiration. Soy Fidelista. Viva Cuba. Viva Fidel.
Simon Bull (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Ally Ross (United Kingdom)
Your legacy will live on for ever.
Tim Smith (United Kingdom)
Honor y gloria eterna al compañero Fidel! Hasta siempre...
enrique castro cobo (Spain)
Fidel is always in our heart-Vietnamese and Cubans!
Hoang Long (Viet Nam)
Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba! Viva la Revolucion! To a comrade who fought for freedon justice and socialism against all the odds of American Inperialism and never backed down; rest in peace Fidel you are loved!
Michael Wood (United Kingdom)
condolences Fidel will live on through the people of Cuba
Janice Hamilton (Australia)
My condolences to our Cuban Comrades in their great loss. Whilst they live and breathe,Fidel will live on in our hearts. Viva Cuba
Melvyn Davies (United Kingdom)
We mourn with you the loss of un gigante, a great man, may he rest in the peace of God and rise in glory. amen
Stuart Dennis (United Kingdom)
I'm so sorry about the passing of this man, this real life hero to millions of people world wide. He will always live in our hearts and everywhere the people's revolution carries its' torch. My love and condolences to the people of Cuba.
Susan Willard (United States of America)
Having visited Cuba, I could see for myself the achievements made by Fidel Castro and his colleagues and I share in the sad loss at this time.
Kenneth (United Kingdom)
Deepest sympathy to the Cuban people. Fidel's name will live on. He has earned his place in history.
Margaret Levy (United Kingdom)
We will never forget all Comrade Fidel Castro did as a true revolutionary, a great anti-imperialist leader and a real friend of the oppressed and the colonized all over the world. Salute Commandante. Viva Cuba!
Mahmoud Reza (Iran)
A Great loss for Cuba,The Cuban people and The World ! La lutta continua !
Patrick Black (United Kingdom)
Gracias por el ejemplo de su líder Fidel Castro. Con solidaridad.
José Peto (United Kingdom)
We share the sadness of the Cuban people with the losss of their great leader
Alan and Jean Johnson (United Kingdom)
Thank you for your compassion
Patsy Davis (United Kingdom)
The posadiststoday.com send their condolences to Fidel, a beacon of audacity, courage and tenacity in the face of the most cruel imperialism in history. Fidel Castro and his team not only helped the Cuban people to create a Workers State - which is still with us in 2016 - but it has prepared medical teams that give a real meaning to proletarian internationalism, and which are going to be the spearhead of human defence in the coming period. Comradely greetings to the people of Cuba, of Nicaragua, and of the whole world. Marie Lynam for the Posadists Today, 2.12.2016 posadiststoday.com
Marie Lynam (United Kingdom)
Hamba Kahle Fidel. Tu inspiracion no muere
Jean Lubbock (United Kingdom)
You were an inspiration to the world despite some regimes inability to admit it. Ever onward to victory.
Barry Noble (United Kingdom)
He may have made some mistakes early on but he made up for those with his country folks as you can see by the outpouring of grief
Margaret Lawrence (United Kingdom)
Pueblo Cubano Lo siento muchísimo la muerte del Comandante Fidel por todo lo que hizo de bueno a Uds Y se por acaso hizo algo de malo eso será olvidado, pero jamas sus hechos por el orgullo del pueblo
Mirian P Cardoso (Brazil)
Querido Fidel Con respeto y admiracion te digo Hasta siempre.Espero que tu alma siga guiando al pueblo Cubano Gracias por esa leccion de solidaridad Q.E.P
Ema Moya Reyes (Sweden)
Fidel you were a giant of a man whose legacy will live on whilst those who opposed you will fade into insignificance. Your life and works made this world a better place.
Sue Merrell (United Kingdom)
On behalf of UNISON Skills Development Scotland branch, can we express our sincere condolences.Fidel was a giant of 20th century politics and will be sadly missed and fondly remembered. !Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Derek Cheyne, Branch Secretary, UNISON, Skills Dev (United Kingdom)
Die Welt ist écurren;rmer geworden. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Miguel Neumann (Germany)
Thank you Fidel Castro for staying true to the importance of freedom from colonial imposts and control, for ensuring the sharing of Cuba's medical talents and capacities with so many countries, particularly Timor L'este, for establishing a flourishing film industry in Cuba, for weathering the bombast to the north and keeping Cuba for the Cuban people rather than as a land to be exploited and misused.
Dr Jocelynne A. Scutt (United Kingdom)
Emre nurel (Netherlands)
Klaus Eichner (Germany)
Cassia Carvalho (Brazil)
Fidel was one of the greatest Statesmen of the 20th Century. He encompassed all what it should mean to be a truly human being.
Lia Georgiades (United Kingdom)
Klaus Eichner (United Kingdom)
Hasta sempre, companheiro.
Sérgio Amorim (Brazil)
Long Live the Revolutionary agenda of Cde Fidel. To the Cuban people: Over the last few decades of imperialst ruling a dangerous trend seems to have emerge whereby citizens of developing nations or nations opposing the the global rule of law and in particular such of the US and UK, we're coerced into becoming human Shields, opposition without content to their own leaders, CIA planted strategies ensuring local revolts that destroy the Economic strength of those who partakes, Cde Fidel has done a great deal to protect the Cuban society from such manipulative tricks. Never allow that your people's blood are being sacrifice for a hidden imperialist agenda. This has lead to the imprisonment of many leaders, the deaths of Saddam and Gaddafi were no exclusion...Proceed to protect your sovereignty in the same way that Cde Fidel Castor has done and be prepare to sacrifice your life for such an ideal....
Hendrick Latola (South Africa)
Sending deepest sympathies to our comrades in Cuba for the loss of a great men who inspired millions around the globe to fight for a better world. Fidel may no longer be with us in person but his legacy will be that we, and future generations, never give up that fight.
Bristol and Bath Cuba Solidarity Campaign Group (United Kingdom)
Tiefe Teilnahme
Dr. Ingo + Prof. Dorothee Roer (Germany)
My condolences to the family and to the whole of cuba on the loss of a great leader xx
jill (United Kingdom)
Robert Kavanagh (Ireland)
Thank for your help to free Africa,and the people of jamaica Carlton Carr
Carlton Carr (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. A true leader
Jim Halliday (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Marli Scortuzzi Vilela (United Kingdom)
Alexander Anjou Norlin (Sweden)
Rudolf Spiegl (Austria)
Andrei Freitas Teixeira (Brazil)
Hermanas y hermanos de Cuba y el mundo,al morir nuestro querido Fidel, a través de los medios sociales y no de la prensa, vemos que somos millones, Unidos por el amor a esa revolución que partió para siempre el átomo social de la historia de la humanidad. Aquí estaré siempre lista para promover el amor y la solidaridad de Cuba, de su pueblo. ¡ Hasta la victoria del socialismo en el mundo, siempre, venceremos!
Ximena San Cristóbal (Sweden)
My deepest sympathy and condolences to the family, friends and people of Cuba on the loss of your great revolutionary Fidel Castro.
Allison Parks (United States of America)
You were a true inspiration to my father's generation, to mine and beyond. Viva la Victoria siempre!
David Harris (United Kingdom)
Estoy bastante triste con el falecimiento del grand lider Fidel Castro. Pero, lo sé que él se fue de forma natural y dejó a su pueblo que tanto cariño les he dispensado, un grande legado y la esperanza de un mundo humano y bien mejor.
Amenaide Lima (Brazil)
Lanh (Viet Nam)
Fidel achieved so much for Cuba during his life.
Ann Garrett (United Kingdom)
A este podemos chamar de herói, seu espírito de justiésect;a e igualdade continuará vivo!
Telma Maria de Oliveira (Brazil)
He was a great leader
Göran Wahlen (Sweden)
Querido Comandante Fidel; El mundo es mas rico porque tu vivias. Y ahora que has pasado al panteon de los heroes el vacio que dejaste se llenara con tus grandes inspiraciones. Mis condolencias al pueblo cubano que con tu guia ha hecho el gran sacrificio para que nosotros jamaicanos podiamos mejorarnos. Que siempre tengas el sol a la cara. La lucha continua y Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Tony Thomas (Jamaica)
Hasta la victoria ..siempre!
Telma Cardoso de Azevedo (Brazil)
Mauricio García Va& (Mexico)
Hasta Siempre Comandante Fidel !
Cristina Muniz (United Kingdom)
Kyle Stark (United Kingdom)
Fidel viverá para sempre,no coraésect;épound;o de cada latino americano que lutar por justiésect;a social!VIVA FIDEL
Sueli de Vasconcelos Pereira Nunes (Brazil)
Wagner Marins (Brazil)
RIP, Fidel. You were a great leader of your country. The world has lost a truly great man, but your legacy remains as a beacon of courage, truth and service to your countrymen and women. As a Jamaican whose family has benefitted from your educational system, your country has helped our country, you have been our inspirational leader. May your family, friends & the Cuban people be aware of our love and gratitude.
Juliet Gordon (Jamaica)
Claudia Pavan Lamarca (Brazil)
Grata por ter nos dado esse gigantesco legado, de que um mundo justo, humano é possível. Manteremos nosso compromisso com a construésect;épound;o de um mundo melhor. Viva Fidel. Viva o povo de Cuba. Até a Vitória Sempre.
Maria de Lourdes Pereira da Silva (United Kingdom)
Un ejemplo de lo que es un verdadero revolucionario.
Enrique Gagliardo Muñoz (Ecuador)
A hero has gone, but his spirit and his principles and all his efforts should live on in a wonderful country.
Ruth Margerison (New Zealand)
May you rest in peace Fidel Castro. To my mind you are a HERO. I hope that the people of Cuba feel that way too. If you hadn't taken over from the Despot Batista, Cuba would have been as corrupted as the USA is today. You were an amazing man...and I salute you. RIP
Irene Cecilia Shemaria Murray (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!!!!
Carlos Ibarra (Argentina)
He witheld brotherhood from none, fed and educated the poor and marginalized, literally brought healing to the sick and sight to the blind. Hasta luego Brother Fidel.
Paul Jennings (Jamaica)
Gracias comandante Fidel Castro, por el bien que ha enseñado al mundo por dedicares su vida para su gente, sus padres. Que Dios existe y que reciba en su reino de paz y amor. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Aldenéacute;ra Nascimento Moraes (Brazil)
Es con profunda tristeza que desde Brasil envio mis condolencias a todo el pueblo cubano. Fidel era más que un comandante de Cuba, Fidel fue y siempre será un comandante para todos aquellos en mundo que están molestos con las injusticias del sistema opresor que se nos impone. En virtud de su enseñanza, continuamos luchando! Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Marcos Mendes (Brazil)
Meus sentimentos ao povo cubano.
Rosimeire (Brazil)
Fidel continuará a ser nossa inspiraésect;épound;o na luta por um mundo mais justo para todos!
Susana Ines Basualdo (Brazil)
CHRIS TRANCHELL (United Kingdom)
We have to thank Fidel for his strong ethics and revolutionary spirit which has inspired many people on this planet - and will doing so until all people are free from exploitation and subordination. Fidel is an icon and a historical beacon for the struggle: a better world is possible. Hasta la victoria siempre! Fidel presente!
Dr. Edgar Göll (Germany)
Viva Cuba! Viva Fidel...!
(Viet Nam)
Gloria Eterna al Comandante de mil batallas, Gloria Eterna al defensor de los humildes, Gloria Eterna a quien dio su vida porque hoy fueramos una Nacion libre e independiente, Viva por siempre nuestro invicto Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Tatiana Gongora Wilson (Cuba)
Maria Jose Motta (Brazil)
Adeus Fidel
Renan Oliveira de Araujo (United Kingdom)
Fidel pode ter partido, mas sua luta fica e nos inspira a lutar... Viva Fidel e a revoluésect;épound;o.
Ritley Alves Rodrigues (Brazil)
Daniel Bevington (United Kingdom)
Grande líder da América Latina que transformou a indignaésect;épound;o em luta por liberdade e autodeterminaésect;épound;o de seu povo. Viva Fidel! Presente eternamente em casa revolucionario!
Méacute;nica de Jesus S Santos (Brazil)
Long live the Revolution
Darren Paxton (United Kingdom)
My sincerest sympathy in the loss of El Comandante: a true patriot and leader of Cuba!
Venetia Moreno (United States of America)
Despido al hombre grande, al bueno, al comprensivo, humano, sensible, fuerte, sabio, generoso sabiendo q no murio. Es eterno en Cuba y en cada persona que sabe q nada es lo mismo despues de haberlo conocido aunque mas no fuera por su lectura, por sus discursos o por saber que la solidaridad, la educacion, la salud, el cuidado de cada ser humano y, por sobre todo, la dignidad de todo hombre y mujer fueron sus prioridades y las llevo por donde anduvo. Deseo ser digna de sus ensenanzas y ejemplo. Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante!
Alida Chebli (Argentina)
Fidel & dr.che, some men, some hero,s, some rebels, it's just amazing what a couple of good & brave men can achieve......
Sean mc kiernan (Ireland)
Por ser un referente de dignidad y justicia, siempre vivirás en nuestros corazones. Gracias por tu lucha, Fidel Hasta la victoria siempre!!!
Alex (Spain)
People of Cuba, our thoughts are with you in this sad hour. Hold fast to the gains of your revolution. Do not think that the trinkets offered you by the USA are worth having, do not trust their promises, your education and healthcare are theenvy ofthe planet!Hasta la victoria siempre!
Julia Wands (United Kingdom)
Juan Pérez (Mexico)
Choro a perda do Comandante, juntamente a todos os irmépound;os cubanos. O mundo ficou menor, sem sua presenésect;a, mas seu ideal revolucionário, com certeza, permanecerá vivo em nossos coraésect;émicro;es e nos guiarépound;o a caminho de um mundo de justiésect;a e paz!
Carmen Lucia de Medeiros (Brazil)
Gracias, comandante!!
Fernando Herrero (Spain)
Du hast uns gezeigt was Solidaritécurren;t bedeutet! Hasta siempre Comandante Fidel
Sven Schlesiger (Germany)
Lamento muito a perda de personagem tépound;o ilustre. Vá em Paz, Comandante
Zita de Moura Leal (Brazil)
Eres un referente para muchos y jamás olvidaremos tu ejemplo. Hasta siempre Comandante.
~ * ~ Pela Democracia ~ Pela América Latina ~ Pelo Socialismo! #VivaCuba!
S. R. Tuppan (Brazil)
Hasta siempre Comandante Fidel. Viva Cuba y su Revolución.
Andrés Ruiz Lupia& (Spain)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre, compañero Fidel.
Juan Manuel Garretas (Spain)
Mi profundo sentimiento de solidaridad por la ausencia física del Comandante Fidel Castro , su ejemplar vida es parte de mis actitudes e igual he transmitido a mis hijos
René Barreno Reinoso (Ecuador)
Eres el faro que ha iluminado la lucha de los pueblos por su libertad. Ser generoso,humano, solidario con todos, el mejor homenaje que podemos hacerte, es la unidad de los pueblos. Hasta siempre comandante! Patria o Muerte,VENCEREMOS!
Nuria Martínez La&a (Spain)
Diogo (Brazil)
Fidel grande, por lo que hiciste, por el pueblo que dejaste, digno, independiente, con autodeterminación. La historia ha hablado,y tu estarás ahí para siempre. Hasta la victoria siempre Patria o muerte Venceremos
Camilo Alcántara (Mexico)
Gracias, gracias y millones de gracias camarada Fidel, por enseñarnos que hasta en los momentos más oscuros aparecen luces que marcan el camino de la democracia y el poder para la clase obrera. Convertiste el trastero de eeuu en un país digno, independiente y lider del movimiento obrero y de la solidaridad mundial. Hasta la victoria siempre. VENCEREMOS
Ignacio Javier Navarro (Spain)
Hasta la victoria siempre.
Enrique del Río Gund&Atild (Spain)
Sinead O'Connor (Ireland)
Last greetings to great Fidel!You have inspired whole generations with your leadership,you as a person and a show socialism is strong and can exist and survive with imperialists in your neighborhood.Rest in peace.
Hrvoje Ozeg (Croatia)
Rest well Cde Fidel
Andre Sinclair (Jamaica)
My Condolences to all of Cuba. He was a great leader who brought hope to millions of people all over the world.
Charles Anderson (United Kingdom)
May his soul rest in peace. His love and generosity has changed many lives positively!
Volda Alfred (Jamaica)
Hasta Siempre Commdandante!
Spyros Them (United Kingdom)
Condolences to Fidel's family and the Cuban people. Fidel was a heroic figure.
Matthew Stiles (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria, comandante en jefe! Siempre!
Karel Kostal (Czech Republic)
I am a friend of the Cubans for a long time.Fidel Castro has been my favourite freedom fighter forever.It was very sad to see him go and I wish the Cuban people all the best .We will remember Fidel forever.
Rolf Mehrens (Australia)
I am very sad at this news and my thoughts are with Fidel's family and country men and women.
Stuart (United Kingdom)
Rip fidel, la luta continua
Steven porter (United Kingdom)
Jana und Thorsten Gleichmann (Germany)
We have lost the most important fighter for real human rights (shelter, food, health care, education, etc...) of our generation and the man who has impacted more lives positively throughout the world than almost any other. He will be sorely missed but his example, his teaching, his ideas and ideals shall live on.
Margaret Gilpin (United States of America)
Condolences to the family of Fidel and to the people of Cuba. A great revolutionary and an inspiration to all those struggling for a better world. Hasta siempre, Comandante
Tim Young (United Kingdom)
A Fidel. Eres un libro de obligatoria consulta.los hombres de tu estatura no moriran jamas,por que los hambrientos,desnudos en la calle,cuyo techo es solo el firmamento siempre los mantendran vivos como su unicameral arma de protecion y sustento. Desechable Apesadumbrado.
Alfonso Orjuela y familia (United Kingdom)
I am not fully Left or Right politically, and I consider myself a fairly devout Catholic, yet I always admired el Commandante Fidel for his fight for justice for the Cuban people. I hope Cuba continues on its socialist path, never forgetting what Fidel, Che, Camilo, and all of the other forefathers of your country fought for.
Christian (United States of America)
Just hearing about his heroics and what he did for Cuba is great. May he rest in peace!
Angel Richardson (United States of America)
Sergio Blanco (Spain)
My sincerest condolences for the loss of visionary and legendary leader.
Stewart Lauder (United Kingdom)
A great man my hero, rest in peace
Ron Gibson. (Sho shin kai) (United Kingdom)
As Communists we know that it is not "Great Men" that make history and that it is history that makes great people.In this case history did great job... our comrade Fidel has epitomised the spirit and the reality, the practice and the theory of revolutionary Socialism for many decades, and this will live on through history. We'll miss him.in many ways - but his life and his death makes us all even more determined. We WILL win!
Bill & Moz Greenshields (United Kingdom)
profondamente commossa
dorotea marta brattoli (Pakistan)
Love and solidarity with the Cuban people. May they go from strength to strength
Heather Wakefield (United Kingdom)
He, who passed, isn't a song that has finished!!!! IMMORTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both Fidel and the strength and resilience of the Cuban people have been an inspiration for so many of us. Sending so much love to the Cuban people who have lost an incredible man. He is never really gone when the revolution lives on. We stand beside you.
Natalia (Australia)
Lieber Fidel, es ist meinem écurren;lteren Bruder zu verdanken, dass ich schon in frühen Kindheitstagen von Dir gehört habe; Von deinem Freiheitskampf gegen Batista, von deinem unermüdlichen Einsatz gegen die USA, von deiner Unerschrockenheit im Kampf gegen Kapitalismus und zu guter letzt von deinem unbeschreiblichen Mut, mit dem Du gegen Seeblockaden und Isolation vorgegangen bist; Mit deinem Mut, der Prügel aus dem Weg schob und nicht nur dem kubanischen Volk, so bin ich mir sicher, Ansporn und Auftrag zugleich war und ist, sondern auch meiner Wenigkeit. Begeistert las ich deine Reden und Bücher, entschlossen unterstützte ich die existentielle Berechtigung Kubas und die des kubanischen Volkes, bewundernd blickte ich zu Dir auf, obwohl wir uns natürlich nie kennenlernten. Du warst mir Kraft und Ansporn. Dafür sei Dir unermesslich gedankt. Als ich von Deinem Tod hörte, weinte ich vor meiner Tochter. Sie wird mich einmal nach Dir fragen. Ich werde ihr viel zu erzécurren;hlen haben. Hasta siempre, Fidel! M. H. T.
M H T (Austria)
Que la mentira del capitalismo no nuble vuestro futuro.Sois ejemplo de millones. Hasta la vicrotia siempre
Marina (Spain)
You will live forever in my heart comandante Fidel
The death of Fidel Castro was a deeply sad event. His contribution as a revolutionary and Marxist-Leninist added a glorius chapter to the cause of Socialism throughout the world. He showed that the mighty U.S. imperialism can be defied by a united people as the people of Cubaba did. Long live El Commandante! Long Live Marxism-Leninism!
Nasir Khan (Norway)
Aida (Spain)
Fidel, A Symbol of Dignity, Resistance and Loyalty to Principles. An Inspiration to me and to Many, Your Legacy and your Spirit live on. Comandante, Gloria Eterna a Su Memoria. Hugh McHenry, Belfast, Ireland.
Hugh McHenry (Ireland)
A great loss
David llewellyn davies (United Kingdom)
Te amaré por siempre
Yudani Rodríguez Terrero (Cuba)
The ultimate test of a leader is do the people support you once you set them free. I believe they did.
Colette Sweeney (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel and the Revolution! Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Dan O'Muirigh (Ireland)
An inspirational man whose spirit will live forever in the hearts for all those in the world who seek the common good of mankind. Hasta la victoria siempre. Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam.
Colum Radford (Ireland)
Gracias comandante Fidel, hoy eres leyenda.
Yolanda Eduviges Sánchez de (Mexico)
Mi mas sentido pésame al ejemplo y alma de la palabra "revolución", un ser humano con convicciones inamovibles, nos ha enseñado como un pueblo puede vivir y resistir contra la injusticia externa sin flaquear.
Pablo López (Mexico)
Elaine Daniel (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro, was an inspiration for me personally. Right under the nose of the neo imperialism, he lead the Cuban people towards freedom and social justice. He not only stood for the Cuban people but all the people who fought for justice, freedom and humanity, all around the world. He demonstrated how good education and healthcare can be made accessible for all the people as a whole. His life and legacy will inspire people for generations to come.
Muralidharan B (India)
My dearest condolence and most profound gratitude to the people of Cuba.The Greatest of your people has gone, the one among the first and greatest generation of Marxist-Leninist of this world, the one who has spent his days to the last struggling for true freedom and equality of the human race. To him, I salute! To you, my warmest embrace!
Quang Duc Duong (Viet Nam)
Fidel was one of the few who had the guts to stand up against the bourgeois imperialism and the inequality and who fought and freed his country from the hands of the devils. All my respect to him.
Mohammed (Algeria)
Usted no ha muerto Comandante. Usted vive en cada cubano, con su ejemplo, con sus ideas. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE
Jose Yulien Chang Sardina (Cuba)
though he dies what he stood for will live long after him
john quattromini (United Kingdom)
Michael hastie (United Kingdom)
Mis sinceras condolencias al pueblo Cubano, por la partida de un grande de la politica mundial. Un ejemplo de consecuencia. Hasta siempre Comandante Fidel!!!
Ana Gamboa Concha (Chile)
Don and Roberta (United States of America)
I stand with you!
Jack Beaton (United Kingdom)
Maggie Eisner (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba! Farewell Comrade Fidel.
Ruth Taillon (Ireland)
Fidel's honour and principle has been an inspiration to me for as long as I can remember.
Peter Bell (United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary socialist who knew what it takes to defy the mightiest opposition in the world. As a result Fidel Castro and Cuba have been a beacon of hope for a very long time - I was thirteen years old in 1959. It is hard to imagine the world without the example of Cuba always defying what others say is not possible, that is bringing developmental benefits more-or-less equally to the whole population. Here in Jamaica, despite Michael Manley's efforts and closeness to Fidel in the 1970s, we drift along with the wealth and income gap much as it was in 1959. Democratic socialism is a fine ideal but we have to accept, following Fidel's example, that the path to socialism will be un-democratically and violently opposed, requiring therefore strong revolutionary socialist measures.
Paul Ward (Jamaica)
Fidel Castro overthrew a dictator. This allowed Cuba to establish its own culture, economy,health and education in spite of the continuing USA embargos. Whilst no country is perfect, the Cuba I saw in 2012 is testament to the legacy of Fidel without whom Cuba would still be the home of very rich mafia criminals
Marie (United Kingdom)
My visit to Cuba last December showed me that Cubans are very proud of what they have accomplished, despite the US embargo. I hope that after the sadness of Castro's death passes, the Cuban people will continue their resolve for Cuban Solidarity.
Michael Robinson (United States of America)
Carolina Brownlow (United Kingdom)
My sincerest condolences, AND profound appreciation for the life and work of Commendante Fidel. Viva Fidel!
David Lewane (United States of America)
History has absolved you Fidel. Absolutely
Dom Murray (Ireland)
Fotis Arogloy (Greece)
Thanks for your courage and your independent and socialist vision.
Jef Vanhemel (Belgium)
Rest In Paradise. Your greatness will live forever.
Eugene Akinyosoye (Canada)
Me duele hablar de este hecho pero los grandes cuando mueren físicamente han dejado su obra su impronta y el deber cumplido ahora te toca iluminar el cielo americano junto a Bolívar, Martí, Che Chavéz y muchos otros que dieron lo mejor de si por este mundo #HastaSiempreComandante
Alexander (Cuba)
Cuba es y será un pueblo de Patria o Muerte, y que con Fidel estaremos Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Maryeri (Cuba)
With Vladimir Lenin you are the greatest of the 20th century. Your legacy will remain forever. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Hans Helffer (Netherlands)
we wil miss you Comrade Fidel. You wil be remember as the greath leader you are. You saved your people and free them. Long live Fidel Castro Viva Fidel Viva la revolution !!! greethings from belgium
Kenneth Sluyts (Belgium)
A great man. May he rest in peace.
Kolina Walmsley (United Kingdom)
A mi querido y eterno Fidel: Qué difícil estar lejos de la Patria y no poder darte ese éordm;ltimo adiós, no poder estar en nuestras calles, tus calles, a tu lado como una más de tus 11 millones de hijos, pero desde China y con profundo dolor, amor y optimismo todos los estudiantes cubanos te decimos: Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante! Tu ejemplo vive en cada uno de nosotros. Cómo no amarte FIDEL si lo eres todo, eres victoria, luz, valor, verdad, hoy no has muerto Comandante, hoy te enraízas más en nuestra historia, hoy renaces para nunca abandonarnos, hoy eres por siempre y para siempre FIDEL!  Qué recordaré de ti mi  Comandante, mi pensador, mi guía, mi camino,recordaré tu huella en el destino, tus pasos de Quijote destellante,tus sueños de David tan desafiante que hizo suya la conquista de la historia. Recordaré tu talla de gigante, tus manos de pasión abrazadora, tu visión tan clara ante la aurora, tu palabra sincera y deslumbrante. Recordaré de ti mi Comandante tu estirpe de cubano siempre erguido, tu ejemplo de hombre fiel y decidido, tu mirada profunda, destellante. Eres téordm; Fidel mi paradigma, mi fe inquebrantable en el futuro, mi fuerza para derrumbar los muros, eres luz, eres sol, eres destino, eres Fidel por siempre y para siempre, eres nación, eres país, eres mi Cuba! Con la emoción del momento no fue posible escribir versos a tu altura, pero tampoco podíamos no homenajearte. En China todos los estudiantes cubanos desde nuestras cuentas de Wechat transmitimos a China y al mundo nuestro dolor y nuestra visión sobre ti, nuestra inquebrantable convicción de seguir tu ejemplo y proteger tu legado, nuestro compromiso de nunca defraudarte y hacer realidad tu sueño de que un mundo mejor es posible. Gloria eterna mi querido Comandante!!! Honor a quien Honor merece!!!  Revolucionariamente, Mahé Bricuyet Fonseca
Mahe Bricuyet Fonseca (Cuba)
Pedro Conner (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Boulami mohamed (Morocco)
This is a sad time for all people who want to live in a world free of the domination of the Empire. Fidel has not died, just moved further into the hearts of everyone who desires a world of justice and equality. Viva Fidel.
Jack Thornburg (United States of America)
I have a drawing I made of Fidel when he was addressing us at an international peace conference in Havana at the Karl Marx Theatre. I hope that all he achieved for Cuba in education and health can be maintained . AND ONE DAY SOON THE EMBARGO WILL BE LIFTED
joy simpson (United Kingdom)
The sad passing of a great man, he shall always be remembered!
Joyce (United Kingdom)
fidel castro will be greatly missed. as our all our great martyrs. fidel and his countrymen came to the rescue of the grass roots in war zones suffering due to sheer evil. we praise you all. 2. use the oil between cuba and haiti to improve the living standards of people in the region. do not allow thieves to steal the inheritance of the people. 3. continue to innovate in medicine and pharmaceuticals. 4. viva cuba, viva the caribbean, via oppressed workers around the world!
jo brown (United Kingdom)
Compañero Fidel, gracias por habernos enseñado lo que es la Dignidad, lo que es ser siempre un Rebelde e Indignado contra las injusticias y contra la prepotencia de los patrones. Gracias por mostrarnos lo que es ser revolucionario y por jamás haberte puesto de rodillas frente al Imperialismo yankee. Compañero Fidel Hasta la Victoria Siempre !
Enzo Villanueva (France)
Gracias Fidel, para hacer este Mundo un poco mas justo!
Ivan Parchomenko (Germany)
Soy Charo, de Madrid, España, Quiero despedir al comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, como se merece una persona que vivió batiéndose por las causas nobles aéordm;n con el viento en contra, ya me recuerda al ingenioso hidalgo de La Mancha. Su legado coloca la historia de Cuba y la del mundo entero en el lugar de la más alta dignidad y honor. Su memoria y ejemplo seguirán en el corazón de toda persona de bien, claro nos dejó el mensaje, como lo hiciera otro grande, José Martí: la solución está en crear, no en imitar. ¡Feliz viaje a la eternidad! !Hasta la victoria siempre!!
Charo Rosales (Spain)
Blair and Trump may sneer, drug barons in Miami may cheer, but they are the dirt of history. Long after the statues of these tin pots have crumbled to dust your inspiration will live on for all those fighting injustice, racism and imperialism. Viva Fidel!
Chris Thomas (United Kingdom)
A great man , a great Cuban and a great leader. The friend i never met. Rest In Peace you deserve it x
Gwynfor Hood (United Kingdom)
An heroic fighter, never to be forgotten.
Gwydion M. Williams (United Kingdom)
A great man. A great example to the world. A beacon of light in the darkness of this world's capitalist madness and greed. I hope all Cubans and others around the world who can think for themselves will keep his spirit alive for ever.
Chris Leaman (United Kingdom)
As aspiring Du Boisite (W.E.B. Du Bois), it may be said that Fidel Castro Ruz lived the prophesies of the one Paul Leroy Robeson called "our professor" (again Du Bois), proving through the struggle of the great Cuban people, that communism is not a crime, as the shameless lying imperialists scream, but a increasingly embraced way of life for millions and millions more of humankind, to their great benefit, and that of nature itself. Presente Fidel Castro Ruz!
E E W (United States of America)
Never was the saying more true 'Don't mourn, organise' ... against the blockade, in defense of Cuba's sovereignty,the return of Guatanamo and in every way possible in support of the Cuban people and the Cuban revolution.
Dodie Weppler (United Kingdom)
je suis cuba
ronnie clarke (United Kingdom)
My heart goes out to the courageous people of Cuba at this time of your loss.Fidel led your revolution that turned brothels and casinos into schools and clinics. You assisted people fighting oppression and disaster around the world.His inspiration will continue to provide a beacon in this dark and dangerous world for me personally and millions of others.Hasta siempre comandante.
Sally Groves (United Kingdom)
Thank you for your solidarity with Africa and the Caribbean and your inspiring contribution to the struggle for socialism worldwide.
Emma (United Kingdom)
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)
In memory of a life well lived. Standing tall for nations and peoples oppressed by unjust governments, racist ideologies and capitalist economic conditions. You have left a lasting and meaningful legacy on this earth. Hasta La Victoria Siepmre, Comandante Fidel!
Liam Bromley (United Kingdom)
Never to be compared to anyone else and never to be forgotten.
Peter Gibbon (United Kingdom)
The only one to help Nelson Mandela when the yanks and brits said he was the worlds worst terrorist . One of the few to stand up to the Americans and get away with it. Thank you Fidel.
Michael power (Ireland)
#Yo soy Fidel!!!!!!!!!!
Sandra Guerra Castillo (Cuba)
Julie Halford (United Kingdom)
May you rest in peace.
John Browne (United Kingdom)
Impressed by health care and play schemes ,in the street when first went to Cuba in 1990.Also by the charming Cubans.While on teaching exchange to Jamaica, 1980/81 the scheme where doctors ,nurses, teachers etc worked there to help the island had recently finished.
Anne (United Kingdom)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre, Rest in Peace El Commadante Fidel Castro. Viva The Cuban Nation
Phumolang Castro Leholo (South Africa)
Santiago Dominguez Fajardo (Cuba)
Ernesto (Spain)
May your legacy live on.
Kate Willan (United Kingdom)
Mai Tuan Dung (Viet Nam)
RIP comrade. Hasta la Victoria siempre. Dave Lovelidge chair Unite the union SE England GPM&IT RISC
David Lovelidge (United Kingdom)
My condolence to the Fidel Castro family and his cuntry
Maria (Australia)
In dying loyal to the revolution, Comrade Fidel will be immortalised. Goodbye, our hero. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Aedan Cunningham (Australia)
I love Fidel. Viva Cuba, viva Fidel
Ngo Trung Quoc (Viet Nam)
Hong Quan Do (Viet Nam)
Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!
Ilmo Suikkanen (Finland)
Wishing Cuba well at this time of great change. Cuba's achievements are an example to the world.
Lisa Whistlecroft (United Kingdom)
In life your strength and your socialism was a inspiration to me and to many ,many people in Cuba and the world. Your great courage was your strength against the forces of greed, explotation and war. Your death brings such sorrow to me and to all fighting injustice and explotation around the world.Out of this sorrow however comes a knowledge that you are still amongst us ever day, in our hearts and in our minds , and you will never be forgotten .
Stewart Cook (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Guido De Schrijver (Belgium)
Un abrazo al pueblo cubano por la partida del Comandante Fidel Castro. Ascendió a la gloria y se hizo leyenda. Fuerza Cuba!!!!!
Jose Mario (Chile)
Mi COMANDANTE FIDEL no es un adios ni una despedida, es un hasta siempre pues estarás en nuestros pensamientos, en nuestras acciones, en nuestros corazones, tu y déjeme tutiarlo nos enseñaste y nos guíaste por el camino correcto, por el mas justo y solidario, ahora hay muchos hablando, diciendo cosas desagradables de ti pero que podemos esperar de los fracasados ya que nunca lo han podido vencer, mi comandante yo con mi pequeño grano de arena pondré el nombre de cuba de mi CUBITA BELLA, como decia su fiel amiga y compañera de lucha CELIA, en lo mas alto donde quiera que este y siempre sere cubano de la tierra de HATUEY, MARTI, MACEO, CESPEDES,AGRAMONTE,del CHE, CAMILO, ALMEIDA,MELBA y de todos nuestros mártires que dieron su vida por nuestra gran revolución y sobre todo sere cubano de la tierra de FIDEL COMANDANTE puede contar conmigo PA LO QUE SEA FIDEL , PA LO QUE SEA HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE SOCIALISMO O MUERTE PATRIA O MUERTE VENCEREMOS
Thank you for your great work of life
Karl-Eric Johnsson (Sweden)
Fidel was simply the greatest leader the world has seen. Just one of his achievements would be legendary for any leader; to overthrow a US-backed dictator; to eradicate illiteracy; to defeat a US-backed invasion; to deliver free and world class health and education despite being under a brutal US blockade; to help deliver key victories in the anti-apartheid struggle; and to bring disaster relief, health and education to millions of people across all continents. His extraordinary achievements are many and he continues to inspire millions of people all over the world. Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante.
Ollie Hopkins (United Kingdom)
Goodbye and thank you, to a giant amongst men.You will never be forgotten.
Ange Hall (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel Viva la revolution Viva Cuba
John and Wyn Hay (United Kingdom)
Trần La& (Viet Nam)
May the revolution and its achievements continue for the benefit of the wonderful people of Cuba and beyond
Derek Sayce (United Kingdom)
A light just went out in the world. RIP Fidel X
Maggie Cook (United Kingdom)
Solidarity forever.
Andy Gibb (United Kingdom)
Martti (Finland)
My condolences on the loss of your inspirational leader who kept imperialist USA at bay for decades.
E Thacker (United Kingdom)
RIP Comrade, although the worldwide media put you down, your people loved you and that is more important.
Pauline Stanley (United Kingdom)
The revolution lives.Cuba has and is showing the world.
stanheed butt lone (United Kingdom)
World hasn't lost only a great hero but a guide
Igor Sikora (Austria)
You'er the great communist hero. R.I.P Fidel.
(Viet Nam)
Hasta siempre, Commandante! RIP Fidel Castro
Claire Jones (United Kingdom)
chuid eile i síocháin comrade Fidel
Dear Cuban, I am a Vietnamese citizen. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz. I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to your country at this time. Fidel Castro was one of the most iconic personalities of the 20th century. He was a legendary. He was a fantastic individual. Fidel Castro has always been a close comrade and brother of the Vietnamese leaders and people. The world revolution loses an unyielding, brave leader, while the State and people of Vietnam lose a close and beloved comrade and brother. Please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences at this most difficult of times. Sincerely. Viva Cuba! Viva Fidel!
B.T. (Viet Nam)
Luongduchoang (Viet Nam)
Our deepest sympathies go out to you and Cuban brothers. May God give you the comfort and peace that you seek and may the soul of your loved one rest in peace. From Vietnam
Thanh Phong Le (Viet Nam)
Castro has seen off 10 Presidents of united states
duncanmcgregor (United Kingdom)
Patria o muerte. Venceremos. Hssta siempre comandante.
Gloria (Portugal)
I am sorry for the loss of a great man.
Mark price (United Kingdom)
He was a man of honour and he stood in front of the cuban people. A great leader for a great nation.
Jan Bergsten (Sweden)
The struggle continues...
Heather Lavis (Canada)
Un grande leader che ha cambiato il mondo e le nostre vite
daniela romiti (Italy)
Fidel is going to meet che'... condolence !!
Haja Tamilnadu (India)
Fidel and the Cuban people have been, and continue to be, a wonderful inspiration to us all that another world is, indeed, possible. May the memory of our hero inspire us all to continue the fight for a fairer world with peace and justice for all.
Norma bramley (United Kingdom)
Thank you for all the great work you did for so many years.... you were our beacon of hope, held up as an example of how to lead a country after revolution. A wonderful person, never to be forgotten.
Jacquie Montgomery (United Kingdom)
Haja (Qatar)
Colin coughlin (United Kingdom)
A man of great stature and principle has died but his legacy of supporting both his own countrymen and other oppressed peoples around the world will be written in history. It will also be seen in the outcomes of his commitment to universal education and health for all Cuban citizens despite the continual bullying and boycotting by bigger nations. Having visited and seen and heard the spontaneous respect and love his people had for him he will be missed. My condolence to them and his family.
Rose Walsom (United Kingdom)
<3 <3 <3
Lasse Antonsson (Sweden)
I came in the "special period" and, even then, the people of Cuba still celebrated the revolution. Your healthcare system and education programme are shining examples of what can be done with the will. I hope the legacy of good works continues for all your people in freedom and the future. Viva Cuba!
Julie Reay (United Kingdom)
Para muchos en el mundo fuiste un compañero , un lider y tantos otros nombres como la imaginacion de un ser humano pueda pensar . Fuiste y seras para mi el padre ideologico , el hermano que permanecio junto a su pueblo hasta en los momentos mas duros que enfrento la revolucion . Entregaste tu vida entera al proletariado y la solidaridad internacional , Formas parte hoy de aquellos que se fueron para estar con nosotros . La historia te absolvera y hoy nosotros los que quedamos te colocamos en el pedestal mas alto que pueda existir . Te reencontraras con Camilo , el Che y todos aquellos que partieron durante la lucha por un mundo mejor . Entregales a ellos el saludo fraterno y revolucionario con la conviccion de que seguiremos defendiendo lo que nos pertenece y se gano con la sangre de muchos valientes . Al pueblo de Cuba le queda un inmenso legado y es seguir hasta la victoria siempre . HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE . Troi.
Oscar Vicencio (Belgium)
Olli Savela (Finland)
I shall always remember what our great Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro said "Workers and farmers, this is the socialist and democratic revolution of the humble, with the humble and for the humble." The World will remember him forever and History has totally absolved him. My deepest condolences to the people of Cuba.
Sieh Kok Chi (Malaysia)
Thank you for everything that you have done to support justice and around the world. You will be greatly missed. My condolences to the Castro family and the people of Cuba. Hasta siempre, Comandante.
Kim Tan (United Kingdom)
Rich western countries should use Cubas achievements in healthcare, education and international aid as inspiration. If priorities are right these provisions can be made. Fidel and revolution have achieved what seems impossible in most countries. Cuba should treasure these amazing achiements and build on them.
Laura Koskenmaki (United Kingdom)
Commandante Fidel . Hasta SIEMPRE FIDEL. Viva Cuba, Viva la Revolution!
Ehlert (United Kingdom)
Querido Comandante: Muchas gracias por las ensenanzas que nos dio y por el legado que dejo en su vida. Le estare eternamente agradecida por darme las oportunidades de estudiar y convertirme en lo que soy en estos momentos gracias a Ud y la Revolucion Cubana, de la cual siempre estare orgullosa. Hasta la victoria Siempre, Comandante, amigo!
Eralys Fernandez (Cuba)
Viva Fidel! You are with the ancestors now, but your legacy lives on. We will forever miss you. Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live the Cuban people.
Kamau Williams (United States of America)
sigue existiendo el sueno de un mundo más justo y mejor. Gracias, Fidel, por (casi) todo
Katharina C Gmachl (Austria)
abramos las fronteras mentales al fin.... pero: gracias, Fidel, por todo lo que hiciste para nosotros, el mundo, Latinoamerica
Claudia Gmachl (Colombia)
Fidel was a positive star in the sky. He lived for his people. Let a new born.
Van den Broeck Guido en Coenen Marie-Paul (Belgium)
My sincere condolences to the people of Cuba for the sad loss of their brave Fidel.
Ian Walmsley (United Kingdom)
Maria Johansson (Finland)
You were a monster and one of the most killer dictator in modern times I do not feel any sorrow for you going to hell were you belong . You turned a prosperous nation in to a misery because of your piwer ambition.Have a nice trip to Satan empire.
Pedro Cabrera (United States of America)
Thank you so much for your courage, will, and sense of humour against all that degrades us. Thank you for carrying the struggle forward.
Mark Connery (Canada)
Rest in peace, my hero.
(Viet Nam)
you never die. you will live in Vietnamese'hearts forever !
Tran Thai Nam (Viet Nam)
You have inspired many of us who aspire to take on the many economic and social challenges faced by third world peoples globally. Rest well.
Omar Newell (Jamaica)
Fidel y su recado no muere. Espero que cada uno de los ciudadanos del mundo que han apreciado su enorme trabajo, como el sacrificio del pueblo cubano, no se olviden nunca de la importancia de manter vivo el recuerdo. Quien no tiene poder de escrivir la historia por falta de dinero como el imperio, tiene que utilizar la memoria y tramandarla. Un abrazo y mi condolencias al pueblo cuabano que jamas tracionó la rivolucion y el suenño de un mundo mas justo para todos. Ojalá pudiera estar en la Habana enesw tos dias y rendir omenaje a un gigante de la historia, como ya no existen.
chiara lucchese (Italy)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Stella Pérez Aparicio (Uruguay)
Desde estas lejanas y frías tierras Canadienses esta Chilena exiliada del fascismo, te agradece Fidel todo tu trabajo en pos de los desposeídos, de los parias. Recogeremos tu fucil y seguiremos adelante. Y con el Che, Salvador Allende y muchos otros, te decimos, HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE. Viva Cuba! Viva Chile! Vivan los trabajadores del mundo!! Hasta la Victoria final VENCEREMOS!!!
Luisa Alfonso Bravo (Canada)
Hasta siempre, Comandante. Gracias.
Susan Thorpe (United States of America)
Un rubí, cinco franjas, un estella y UN FIDEL. Descansa en paz jefe, con sus compañeros Ernesto, y Camilo y tambien,José Martí y todos los otros compañeros caídos del movimiento del 26 de julio. Lo hiciste bien comandante, Hasta siempre
Alan Nelson (Chile)
In grateful rememberance to the late socialist leader of Cuba, the revolutionary pur sang, who initiated better life circumstances for the Cuban people. Fidel, we will not forget you! Rest in peace!
Peter van Swieten (Netherlands)
Gran pena y pesar hay en nuestro corazón, se fue el líder admirado y amado, y aunque su presencia estarán siempre con nosotros gracias a su recuerdo a la historia que fue forjando paso a paso,a su ejemplo y sobretodo a la forma en que sirvió a todas las causas que el creyó y apoyo, el Comandante Fidel será siempre nuestro timonel y nuestra luz para seguir adelante y para ser gente de Fidel siendo más humanos, humildes, trabajadores, tener pasión para servir y firmeza para creer en un mundo mejor que inicia con nosotros en nuestro entorno, y siguiendo el gran ejemplo del Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz.
Francisco Estrada (Mexico)
I am at present reading l the Late Fidel Castro's autobiography. I learn that Fidel very clever and with a good, strong heart for his people. My visit to Doctors where I live have ALL stated how they admire his work, how he trained doctors and how magnificent his goals. Not one doctor I spoke with as a patient, mind, had a poor word to say about Fidel. The Medical Profession know the truth.
Judith Dark (Australia)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Wan-ting Wang (Taiwan)
Thank you El Comandante. The world is a better place because you lived.
Janice (Jamaica)
Dear Fidel, you've been my personal hero for a long time. The moment you left this world I couldn't believe it, I thought it was the usual propaganda spouted by the U.S. and the capitalist media. Now you're finally in a better place, if such a place exists, watching over all the revolutionaries in the world, and most importantly, your nation. May you rest in peace, my hero.
Sebastián Zegarra (Peru)
Fidel was the George Washington of our HEMISPHERE..! Fidel was the Simon Bolivar of Cuba..! Fidel was the Inspiration of all Humanity..! We are one with you..! All the people in the World who are fighting for dignity, liberty and SELF DETERMINATION ! Fidel, our eyes, our hopes, our dreams our hearts... Will always cherish your memory. May your valor and your dreams of a better world.. Live Forever. May the next Fidel, the next Che... Pick up your banner. FIDEL..you were a great warrior in the Wars for Humanity We shall learn from you Comrade. DON'T MOURN ORGANIZE..!
Brad Kahn (United States of America)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Stefano Barone (United Kingdom)
Rest in power, Comrade Fidel.
Andrew J. Hepburn (United Kingdom)
The Compassion and Genius of Comandante Fidel Castro and the Spirit of the Cuban Revolution Will Live Forever In the Hearts and Minds of All People who are the Victims of Colonisation and Exploitation in the Mindless World of Imperialism's "Free Market". The World Now Awaits Destiny To Carry Forward the Comandante's Vision of Truth. As Fidel Castro said Himself, "Men do not shape destiny. Destiny produces the man for the hour".
Supratim Barman (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the Cubans and Fidel Castro's many friends on the death of this great leader. I was fortunate to hear him speak at the International Labour Conference in Habana in 1997. He was a powerful presence and held the audience for hours. He showed us what people's solidarity can achieve.
Sara Williamson (Canada)
My condolences to the people of Cuba.
Bill Szollosy (Canada)
Al pueblo de Cuba,a lxs revolucionarixs del mundo SALUD!!Fidel vive y vivirá en cada unx de nosotrxs y en todxs aquellxs que naceran, levantado sus ideales y principios por un mundo mejor para todxs.El mejor homenaje que le podemos brindar es no renunciar nunca a la lucha contra el imperio ( cualquiera que se levante como tal para soyuzgar a los pueblos!!)y sus acciones asesinas, denunciar en cualquier parte del mundo la mínima injusticia y tener la certeza que si se puede, asi como Fidel y Cuba lo han hecho, otros pueblos también podrán! Viva Fidel ,Viva El Pueblo Cubano, Viva la Revolución Cubana. Un fuerte abrazo solidario para todxs!
Myriam Raquel Machaín (Australia)
Carlos (Finland)
Admired the strength and vision of Fidel Castro. Wishing success for the Cuban people.
Grace Morris (Canada)
Le Hoang Minh Toan (Viet Nam)
My sincere condolences to the people of Cuba, the friends and family of Commandante Fidel Castro. The world has lost an inspirational and gifted statesman. His legacy will live on & inspire future generations R.I.P.
Rab Murray (United Kingdom)
"La muerte no es verdad cuando se ha cumplido bien la obra de la vida". José Martí.
Alfredo Saieg Lues (Chile)
The enemies of our oppressors, are never usually our enemies, nor their friends, ours.Africa and it's People, wherever we find ourselves, has lost a Giant of a Humanitarian, and a Great Revolutionary, that did Battle with an evil Empire and gave it His Best.Rest In Peace Comrade Fidel Castro!
Jose' Richards (Jamaica)
A great man.
Dave Wetzel (United Kingdom)
We're proud of you! Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!
Trung Nguyen (Viet Nam)
Farewell to a great leader who had so much influence on the political and social consciousness of so many. Time to rest in peace now Fidel
Donna Singh (Jamaica)
Condolences to the people of Cuba for this grievous loss. Fidel Castro was an inspiration to people around the world, including here in Canada. Stay strong, Cubans.
Alan Pickersgill (Canada)
At last we made it to Cuba in 2012, our last holiday together the year before my wife Pat died, too young. My last present to her that photo she loved of Fidel with Hemingway. He let that one through. Pat, Fidel, in your different contexts you shared & fought for the same values. You both live with me still, & ever will. All my respect and love, Simon.
Simon Berlin (United Kingdom)
Allway in my heart
Léordf; Trí Th (Viet Nam)
Te recordaremos para siempre, igual que El diálogo de América, en el que figuras con nuestro Allende. Ver http://www.nodal.am/2016/08/el-dialogo-de-america-conversacion-entre-fidel-castro-y-salvador-allende-en-1971/
Viviana Ramírez (Chile)
The world has lost a great man. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Ann Murray (United Kingdom)
Kerstin Karge (Germany)
I have always admired The Great man Fidel Castro, he has done more for the poor of this world than any other. May his work live on forever. RIP brother.
Anthony Sealy (Barbados)
Cuba, I wish you strength and peace
Geki Luiten (Netherlands)
My solidarity and condolence to you brothers and sisters. We in the west are fed with propaganda but we are not all robots thank God. You have lost a great leader who refuse to be a puppet to the capitalistop states. Viva la cuba
Abrar (United Kingdom)
Viva la revolucion!
Anders (Sweden)
Rita ohanlon (Ireland)
Fidel, un hombre de ideas y acciones. Like your brother El Ché, the world had so much to learn from your bravery, wisdom and consumate desire for justice. Hasta la victoria siempre. Bob Diamond
Bob Diamond (United Kingdom)
Como recibiste la noticia de la muerte de Fidel. Recibí la noticia cuando me llamó mi mamá a las 2 de la madrugada, este sábado fui rápido para mi centro de trabajo a estar al tanto de las indicaciones y de allí para la Universidad pues fue Fidel el que me dio la oportunidad de ser trabajador y estudiante y que la revolución me diera esta oportunidad es algo éordm;nico en el mundo. Cuál fue tu primera reacción. Mi primera reacción fue de incredibilidad, nunca pensé despertar con una noticia así, fueron tantas las veces que intentaron acabar con su vida que para mí ya era inmortal. Luego cuando caí en la realidad sentí un hondo dolor y pesar que me inundó completo, para mí que nací con Fidel como guía como el padre de todos los cubanos. Pocos de tu generación conocieron de cerca al líder de la revolución como te lo imaginaste Siempre me lo imaginé un hombre cercano asequible, ante cualquier problema la gente siempre decía: Díselo a Fidel que cuando él lo sepa todo se arregla. Lo sentía un familiar, un amigo un hombre excepcional pero próximo. Lo veía en los ciclones, en los momentos difíciles rodeado de pueblo de su gente, lo veía jaranero, inteligente, ha sido y será siempre mi profeta, el que siempre tuvo la claridad de vislumbrar el futuro. Hombre de ideas preclaras de ímpetu y valor sin par en la historia. Cual ha sido la imagen del él que siempre viene a tu cabeza cuando escuchas la palabra Fidel Me viene la imagen de sus barbas, de sus manos inquietas, de su verbo fuerte y su peculiar, manera de hacernos entender conceptos complejos, un hombre que con su sola presencia brindaba valor, esperanza que cuando Cuba tenía alguna debilidad o amenaza ahí estaba Fidel, seguro en el futuro, seguro en sus ideas y nosotros seguros en él Cual crees que sea el mejor de los homenajes que le podemos hacer los jóvenes Hacernos hombres y mujeres de bien, hacer de nuestras vidas un resultado de su legado. Vivir consecuentes a sus ideas y a su propia vida. Ser justos, revolucionarios y resueltos a enfrentar todo lo que atente contra esta isla que tanto amó y que tanto amo
Froilán Fontela Oviedo (Cuba)
Rest Well Comrade Castro. True Revolutionist.
Odane McDonald (Jamaica)
Val O'Flynn (United Kingdom)
Great man of the world! May his soul rest in peace...Le Commandante!
Demar Dixon (United States of America)
Commandante Fidel - we salute you.
Annie Banham (United Kingdom)
My most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the Cuban people on the occasion of the recent loss of their great leader, Fidel Castro, whom I have always greatly admired. Fidel was without doubt one of the very greatest political leaders of the 20th century -- brilliant, courageous, and principled.
Richard Mynick (United States of America)
R.I.P to this inspiring revolutionary.
Kelly Corrigan (United Kingdom)
May your soul rest in peace Mr. Fidel Castro. You're a great leader and Jamaica love you.
Cordesia Rankine (Jamaica)
Condoglianze allo splendido popolo cubano. Hasta siempre compagno Fidel!
Fabio (Italy)
Fuiste un hombre terriblemente grande. Soy cubana y mis padres me educaron para amarte y respetarte, admito que en estos días te haya negado tres veces como Pedro a su señor. Pero mi ofrenda en forma de lágrimas no ha dejado de verterse, desde que partiste al firmamento de la grandes. Gracias por todo.
Dairen Zamora (Ecuador)
To the Cuban people and your Goverment I sent my condolences for the lost of your leader Fidel Castro . I hope and wish that your country will remain the way it is for us Canadain Tourist and not end up having big changes because of the USA . And that his Brother Roul makes the right choice for his country now that his brother is gone .
Dieter Boehmker (Canada)
Comandante eres y serás ejemplo de diginidad y valentia. Siempre te he admirado como el adalid de las esperanzas latinoamericanas y de los pobres del mundo. Que tu presencia sea de luz para quienes creen en la posibilidad de construir un Mundo mejor...donde cada niño sueñe en amor y tenga un pan más grande que el tamaño de su hambre...hasta siempre Comandante
Maury Abraham Márquez G. (Venezuela)
Fidel Castro quedará en la historia como uno de los líderes más nobles, altruistas, coherentes y eficaces de los siglos XX y XXI. Lloro con vosotros el fin de una era de Oro. Demostró que la convivencia pacífica sólo se consigue erradicando problemas básicos: malnutrición, enfermedades, chabolismo, prostitución, racismo y avaricia. Gracias pueblo Cubano por haber apoyado a Fidel en su sueño y sobre todo por vuestra generosidad exportando a otros paises vuestros métodos en medicina,educación y descolonización. Con vuestro ejemplo habéis dado esperanzas a poblaciones que aun no han logrado parar el acoso internacional que sufren por querer ser propietarias exclusivas de sus recursos naturales. Celebrad y disfrutad la paz y harmonía que os dio Fidel y luchad por mantenerla! 30 Noviembre 2016. Oxford.
Conlaoth Rodgers (United Kingdom)
Querido Fidel, siempre tuve la ilusión de conocerte aunque sea de lejos y poder maravillarme en vivo con tu imagen, sin embargo no pude realizar unos de mis sueños, pero quiero que sepas que a pesar de no conocerme, soy una mujer muy afortunada por conocer parte de tu vida, de la lucha que fuiste, formaste y seguirás formando en miles de personas, te mando un gran abrazo con mucho cariño y sé que eres invencible e inolvidable como todos los hombres y mujeres que han vivido parar luchar por la justicia, libertad y los derechos a los que todos los seres humanos y vivos de este planeta merecemos! eres y serás un gran ejemplo Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante!!
Yanira Netzika (Mexico)
Colm O Sullivan (United Kingdom)
fidel's ideas will continue to inspire all struggling for liberation from exploitation and oppression.
laurence green and julie troth (United Kingdom)
Mi ilusión era ir a Cuba con Fidel vivo.Iré y Fidel seguirá allí, como en tantos pueblos. ¡Hasta siempre, Comandante!Gracias por tanto
Juana (Spain)
El legado del Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz es inmenso, su postura como revolucionario trascendió más allá de la isla de Cuba. Para mi generación, de mexicanos involucrados en la lucha por una sociedad más justa y equitativa, el ejemplo del Comandante fue poderoso. Lamento su partida como si fuera mi padre, su quehacer revolucionario será fundamental para las nuevas generaciones. Un abrazo a sus familiares y a los amigos del pueblo cubano
R.I.P. Fidel a Beacon of hope to the working class people's of the world the poor the vulnerable the exploited... by those who tried to kill and silence the idea you illuminated to the oppressed...and blinded the oppressor...you stood by the murdered and displaced and stood up...and those who continue to steal and exploit lands for dollars gold and diamonds or oil shook with fear of the idea...history will be written man and womankind will remember...from the mountain guerillas who became giants in the face of US colonialism...your spirit of freedom could never be broken..Bier Bua..Hasta siempre Commandante
Seamus Murphy (Ireland)
I grew up revering you, Fidel. You were the beacon of our hope, you were the fulfilment of our wishes and desires, however many thousand miles apart. When the world was crumbling around us all, you remained our brilliant star, shining the light on our dark path and you will remain so until the end of this world. You will remain in our hearts and minds and we will aspire to be one of your caravan, one of your revolution and one with your entire nation that rose from the dearths of the despair. We mourn the passing of your body, but your soul remains with us today, tomorrow and always. Despedida elcomandante. Large Vida a revolucion XX Zoya
Najmussahar Zoya Bangash (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Jasenko F. (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Viva La Revolucion! RIP Fidel Castro, the media are against him he was a great man and an amazing Cuban leader. The only leader to defy America for 50yrs. He will be missed, but not forgotten
Robert Rensten Stewart (United Kingdom)
June Kelly (Ireland)
The Western media bluster on about Fidel being a "brutal, murderous dictator", but I remember reading an account of one of his journeys around Cuba, visiting villages, farms and factories, in a open-top jeep and wearing fatigues and forage cap as usual. Wherever they stopped, people crowded round Fidel, calling him by his first name, using "tu", the familiar form of "you", as if he was a personal friend, and pressing him to come and eat with them in their canteen. Funny kind of "cruel tyrant" !
A.Fearon (United Kingdom)
Birger Rickardsson (Sweden)
LarryHumanistGreenvfp Skwarczynski (United States of America)
Thank you Fidel Castro for all of your contributions to African countries, to USA, to South America and the Caribbean.
Kagiso Johnson (United States of America)
The world needs change
Eva Elzinga (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba in the loss of their esteemed leader Fidel Castro
anne fisher (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace the legend, but your legacy will leave forever especially your contributions to liberation of many African countries
Edward Ngobei (Tanzania)
A true Comrade, Communist and Internationalist
frank cammock (United Kingdom)
Bernadette Keaveney (United Kingdom)
Fidel, may you RIP. You are my hero. My deepest condolences to your family, and the good people of Cuba xxx
jane Adams (United Kingdom)
The fight is over you have done your bit RIP Fidel a man of the people
Patrick Murphy (United Kingdom)
He had his flaws, but his achievements in health, education and equality in the face of a vindictive embargo by the world's greatest power were very impressive; may he rest in peace.
Denis Mollison (United Kingdom)
In a world that needs a million Fidels we lost the only one. RIP
Donald Uquhart (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace you are a inspiration to us all RIP,
gene (United Kingdom)
90 years alive - they couldn't murder Fidel he survived and so will Cuba - end the blockade - Fidel left life after helping his people how many US Presidents have done that for US workers?
Paul Hardman (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was a great leader who helped to free his country from an oppressed and colonial past. He inspired other small countries to strive for liberty and equality.Whatever his mistakes and faults, his brave legacy will live forever.
Geraldine McDermott (Ireland)
Condolences to the people of Cuba
Jane Collins (United Kingdom)
RIP, Fidel. You were an influential and dedicated individual to humankind and the world. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Austin (United States of America)
R.I.P comrade castro - but viva la revolucion
Jakob Brennan (Ireland)
A rare man has gone but his spirit lives on with all of us who want a simpler more peaceful life. His contribution to the world helped so many people. Clearly he was not without his faults and not all his decisions were perfect but these were massively outweighed by the good which he did through the strength of purpose he maintained. Cuba has become an example to the world of an alternative way of life.
Ray Bryant (United Kingdom)
You were the greatest. An inspiration. A hero. History has more than absolved you. It will embrace you for ever as one of the true giants of our movement. I was privileged to be there when you said this sixteen years ago, and I will never forget "Revolution is having a sense of the historical moment; it is changing everything that must be changed; it is full equality and liberty; it is to be treated and treating others as human beings; it is emancipating ourselves by ourselves and through our own efforts; it is defying powerful dominant forces within and outside the national and social milieu; it is defending the values in which we believe at the cost of any sacrifice; it is modesty, disinterest, altruism, solidarity and heroism; it is to struggle with audacity, intelligence and realism; it is to never lie nor violate ethical principles; it is the deep conviction that there exists no force in the world capable of crushing the force of truth and ideas. Revolution is unity, independence; it is to struggle for our dreams of justice for Cuba and for the world, which is the basis of our patriotism, our socialism and our internationalism. -- Fidel Castro, May 1, 2000. Until forever Commandante x
Bob Oram (United Kingdom)
viva CUBA CASTRO WAS OF THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE.Who decided that the Mafia were to be got rid of .the people educated and had a proper health system.No doubt the American will say that if you Cubans became sub serviant to America you would be better off.CUBA DO NOT SELL OUT CASTRO WHO WAS FOR YOU
Thomas Brown (United Kingdom)
Your name shall never be forgotten.
Valeri Fomitchev (United Kingdom)
You have been a shining light in the progressive world. The world has lost a great leader. We must keep this progressive light shining!
Caroline Anne Tendler (United Kingdom)
I'm sorry that as an American you are so mistreated, but I know the real Castro. You were a hero, and will be missed Long live Fidel Long live Che Long live Raul Long live Cuba -With live from America
Jeremy R Burgess (United States of America)
Moira Morton (United Kingdom)
Joyce Thorogood (United Kingdom)
A lo largo de mi vida, siempre has estado una inspiración para mí en la lucha contra el imperialismo y la injusticia. Que descanses en paz, Comandante Fidel.
Martin Relph (United Kingdom)
'Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise'
Bernadette Hopkins (Ireland)
A hugely significant figure who will live on in the hearts and minds of the Cuban people.
Harriet Caine (United Kingdom)
hasta la victoria y siempre
cristina navarrete (United Kingdom)
Christopher (United States of America)
With you in solidarity, for Fidel.
Jean Seymour (United Kingdom)
Obi Dike (United States of America)
ken o regan (Ireland)
A luta continua.
Fungai (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel Castro, your footprints are all over this earth. Thanks for the kindness and caring so very much for Africans throughout the world. We will always miss your strength, tenacity and hard work. May your soul rest in eternal peace. One Love, Walk Good.
Valarie Steele (Canada)
Viva la revelucion xx
Lisa-anne Dwyer (Ireland)
perdimos nue estro comandante in verdadero ejemplo de Valentia y coraje gue lucho por la revolucion siempre hasta la Victoria siempre comandante FIDEL
Gary Lee (United Kingdom)
Valarie Steele (Canada)
R.I.P Comrade.
Craig Gunn (New Zealand)
Long live your memory and example. The world needs more leaders like you.
caroline gleeson (Ireland)
Fidel Castro was a great inspiration of mine. When he died it felt like I had lost somebody very important in my life. He showed me that there is an alternative to the poverty that millions endure as a result of the capitalist system, and has, along with many other revolutionary figures, been the spark in my life to try and bring revolution in my home country of Britain. Let it be known that the western governments that Castro hated I hate just as much. We are not divided by nationality, it is the fight against imperialism and our ideals that defines us. My best wishes to all the people of Cuba. I wish to you to keep fighting the American tyranny, until revolution is achieved in the west and Cuba can finally open up to a principled and just world. May you fight on, and know that you have friends, even in countries which are your enemies.
Aidan Todd (United Kingdom)
Magael mclaughlin (Ireland)
The death of Cuba's great leader is a loss to the whole world. His courage led a small band of revolutionaries to overthrow a brutal US backed dictatorship and that win inspired the world. Since then, Cuba, despite years of punishing US trade blockade, US covert warfare and years of hostile US Cuban propaganda, this small island has forged a well deserved reputation for being a leading contributor to advances in in world medicine. It also now has one of Latin America's highest literacy rates. All of this plus this great leader and his countrymen gave their lives to help the nation of Angola free themselves from the corporate horrors of Apartheid and the theft of their oil riches. A great man with a great heart, who cared about the oppressed of the world. And I assure you, they cared about him for their was no one else like him. He will be missed. Not by the 1% of the rich and powerful, but by those who struggle in the fields, the poor and the oppressed.
Barry Ford (United States of America)
Vic Heath (United Kingdom)
R.I.P legend of our time
Sebastian Tejeda (Canada)
God bless
Rodolfo Perez (United Kingdom)
For all his faults a truly great man. A father to the weak, oppressed and exploited of this neo-liberal globalist World.
nick westfold (United Kingdom)
We are saddened by the physical passing of Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz. Thank you Fidel for being an example to all who are fighting for a better world. You will always be with us in our minds, in our hearts and in our actions. !FIDEL PRESENTE! !POR SIEMPRE FIDEL!
The Worker to Worker, Canada-Cuba Labour Solidarit (Canada)
I don't know what I should write. Fidel Castro was someone to me who has given to me hope that we can live together peacefully like Marx said according to what everyone can give to society and what he needs. They both are immortal because of what they did Castro more than Marx and what they said Marx more than Castro.
Anita Mirza (Netherlands)
bonsoir, en c'est moment de grande tristesse je présente mais sincére condoléence a la famille et au peuple cubain aprés le décés du président et camarade Fidel Castro vive la révolution, vive cuba, vive fidel
jean-pierre (France)
Hasta siempre, Fidel!
Eleanor Davidson (United Kingdom)
Un grande ha partido... Ejemplo de dignidad y lucha para todos los que habitamos el suelo Latinoamericano. Mis condolencias para todo el pueblo de Cuba.
Estela Delfino (Argentina)
1959-2016 Cuba an independent state a few miles from US,thanks to Fidel Castro,the Cuban people and those who dreamt of a better future -José Marti,Che and many others and in spite of over 600 attempts on Fidel Castro's life.That is amazing and unique.I wish the Cuban people the very best and can I ask them -do you want a Trump Tower in Havana?Stay strong.We hope to visit soon.
Mary Dinan (United Kingdom)
Haste Siempre Comandante!
Kevin Davies (United States of America)
fidel castro represents within the first line the most important movement of our historical epoch: against capitalism and the ways out to justice, Democracy, peace and common property of which the cuban Revolution against US imperialism is one of the most important and encouraging realization. thank you for ever, fidel and companions!
Dr. Werner Ruegemer (Germany)
FIDEL vivirá por siempre en nuestros corazones!!!
Mabel Blanco (Cuba)
Comandante! Your name will be connected for ever with the progress of mankind.
Wolf Goehring (Germany)
Cuba is a beacon of hope in dark times. The Cuban people and their revolution will be immortalised through history, as Fidel. VIVA CUBA! VIVA FIDEL!
Callum Creigg-Waddell (United Kingdom)
Tu Estela, nos seguirá guiando. Hasta la Victoria COMANDANTE.
Antonia López Mua& (Spain)
condoléances au peuple Cubain
Baudorre (France)
Fidel Presente! Por Siempre Fidel!
Heide Trampus (Canada)
Jessica sanders (United States of America)
Support and condolences from Ireland Cuba por sienpre!
Darren hilley (United Kingdom)
Javier Ramos Nistal (Cuba)
Esperamos un bien futuro para Cuba - en el spiritu Fidel Castro
Prof. Dr. Rudolf O. Zucha (Austria)
True love never dies
Cosimo Minervini (Italy)
Words cannot say how much Fidel has inspired me. Whenever in doubt, I turned to Fidel. May his spirit and ideals live on amongst the Cuban people forever. Let us all continue his work together. Hasta Victoria Siempre
Roisin O'Callaghan (United Kingdom)
Commandante Fidel Castro was leading with Che Guervara to overthrow the dictator Batista and in the Pig's Bay the Castro-Armee repulsed the US-Armee. We are sad! The Editorial office of Labournet-Austria
labournet-Austria (Austria)
The Cuban People have shown the world how it is possible to shed the yoke of the oppressor and make a better life against the all the odds. We cannot underestimate the leadership role Fidel played in this. All revolutions are bloody and mistakes are made because there is no perfect model. It is too easy to forget - the French Revolution, The US revolution, Cromwell's Revolution, the revolutions of the 1800's,the Russian Revolution and many liberations struggles before and since. Fidel does not belong to merely his own generation of oppressed People, he belongs to the World.
Patricia McKeown (United Kingdom)
Fidel's Cuba has been an inspiration to us all. Farewell Comandante Castro
Richard Lowndes (South Africa)
For all those who refuse to give up their dream of a better, more peaceful world of solidarity for everyone Fidel Castro will always remain an inspiration.
Johannes Kiessling (Germany)
A wonderful inspiration to all the people of the world. My condolences to to the people of Cuba
Philip O'Connell (Ireland)
Ich danke Die das ich deine Taten, dein analytisches Wissen, und deinen konsequenten Weg beobachten durfte. Mir hat dies sehr viel im Blick auf meine eigene politische Entwicklung gegeben. Venceremos!!El Pueblo unido, jamás será vencido
For the people of Cuba
Jack gilleece (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre ! los héroes nu mueren, se siembran , gracias Fidel por ser nuestro ejemplo revolucionario !
cristina soler crespo (Spain)
RIP Fidel.
Michael (United Kingdom)
A legend!
Hazel McArthur (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace Comrade Fidel. You made the world a better place with all of your work. Thank You.
Jason (United States of America)
We mourn the passing of a great revolutionary, Communist, Marxist and Socialist. Such a passing feels like another cruel setback in the endless struggle for Socialism throughout the world, along with the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the former soviet socialist republics turning their back on the righteous struggle for a truly socialist society, Marxist theory lives on! Comrade Castro will live on in all of us who truly believe in Marxist theory, and his name will never be forgotten. You showed the world that there are no small countries, no weak and defenseless nations and that every country belongs to its citizens and peoples! Rest now Comrade, let us continue the struggle. Yours in forever Comradeship.
JP (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel, you left your mark on an unjust world with your struggle to make it a better place. RIP
Karen Pool (United Kingdom)
Loved by the common person like me for helping bring Healthcare and Education plus much more to those who needed it most. Every blessing.
Nigel Wass (United Kingdom)
Ordene Comandante, siempre ordene y estaremos los soldados que usted formó dispuestos por Cuba y el mundo a cumplir sus ordenes #Hastasiemprecomandante#
Juan Ruperto Pérez Perez (Cuba)
Deepest condolences to the people of Cuba at this extremely sad time following the death of comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro who was not only the outstanding leader of the Cuban revolution for over half a century but an unfailing source of solidarity and wise counsel to peoples everywhere struggling for their liberation.
Mike Webber (United Kingdom)
Tanja Kathrine nordang (Norway)
An icon of world politics. RIP El Commandante.
Philip Crawford (United Kingdom)
Brave and courageous leader of a small group of brave men, how much have you achieved in your life-RIP
Robbie Brown (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace
Sandra Brown (United Kingdom)
That one man could accomplish so much in one lifetime is a testament to the compassion and love that Fidel had for the Cuban people and, indeed, the world. My condolences to his family, friends and to the Cuban people. He has been such an inspiration to do more. Hasta Siempre, Comandante. Rest in Peace
Brenda Dyrdle (Canada)
We have visited Cuba a lovely country and lovely people. We understand the suffering of the people before the revolution. Castro an iconic figure.
Fay plant (United Kingdom)
To an inspirational leader; my heart goes to the people of Cuba and may his tenacity, his good intentions and goodwill be a lesson to all those who are quick to condemn him, most of whom have absolutely no right to. Fidel, I too ".. find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, it is alienating... because it causes war, hypocrisy and competition". How right you were and still are my friend...
H Peublo (United Kingdom)
Nuestro y eterno Fidel no se va, se queda en la inmortalidad del tiempo, en los corazones y anhelos de todos los cubanos. Desde UCLV decimos #HastaSiempreComandante
Juan Ariel Toledo (Cuba)
Fidel, I still cannot believe you're gone. I get goosebumps thinking about it everyday. Your dedication to the Revolution has served as my absolute inspiration to fight for a better world. If only I could have had the pleasure of meeting you once, but I hope I may finally be able to in the afterlife. Words cannot explain how much I thank you for what you have done. ¡Hasta Siempre Fidel!
Brandon Iglesias (United States of America)
Marc De Maesschalck (Hungary)
A giant of the 20/21st centuries has left us a legacy of hope and inspiration to all who cherish peace,security and justice. VIVA FIDEL CASTRO VIVA CUBA.
Al momento de saber la noticia del fallecimiento de Fidel Castro fue un impacto muy importante debido a que no era fácil digerir dicha noticia, sin embargo, con el transcurso de las horas era posible estar informado. Cuando estuvo en vida y con los actos que hizo a partir de 1959 en adelante logro influir de manera fuerte a los países vecinos de América Latina. A pesar de los problemas que han tenido en estos años han demostrado que pueden salir adelante a pesar de cualquier circunstancia aéordm;n cuando hayan tenido un bloqueo comercial. Fidel les ha enseñado a ver y a vivir siempre en conjunto ser personas unidas, ustedes como país cumplen las necesidades básicas que son la educación básica y profesional, una vivienda y una canasta básica que debe tener acceso una familia que aquí en México hace falta a las personas que viven realmente fuera de la ciudad e incluso dentro de ella. Se vienen cambios muy importantes para ustedes que influirán, nuevamente, en América Latina y sobretodo EEUU pero deben de estar con frente en alto y seguir adelante. Mi más sentido pésame a ustedes todo el pueblo cubano "Una revolución es una lucha a muerte entre el futuro y el pasado". Fidel Castro
Huerta Michell (Mexico)
(Viet Nam)
Fidel Castro was a great revolutiary leader. He inspired millions of people throughout the World. His practical support Led to the end of appartied in South Africa and gave confidence to the oppressed to stand up for their rights.. I and my wife had the privilege of meeting him in Durban,South Africa. The memory of the meeting and his kindness will stay in our hearts for ever.
Mohammed Arif (United Kingdom)
Adios Comandante! Vencera al Libertad!
Horst Koch-Panzner (Germany)
Revolt. Resist. Rise
Husain Modjtehedi (Canada)
Nevalis Quintana Fernández (Cuba)
A Lutta Continua
Derek Clarke (United Kingdom)
My late Mother - an "ordinary" working class woman from the North of England - impressed upon me the greatness of Fidel Castro from a very early age. I knew from an early age as a consequence about the corrupt regime of Batista that he an his comrades swept away in 1959 . In later life, I came to appreciate the extraordinary achievements of Cuban society in its exemplary healthcare and education and the sharing of those talents and expertise across the world. Entering Africa not as a coloniser but to help. There for Ebola victims while the world hesitated. An amazing example to all. A wonderful country and people. Rest in peace, Fidel Castro and may your achievements and example last long.
Elizabeth Lloyd (United Kingdom)
I am sorry to hear about the loss of Fidel Castro, I hope his ideologies will live on within you all!!! Stay strong and stay positve Xxx
John Daniel Justice (United Kingdom)
we will continue to support Cuba and its revolution .
marsha chatman (United Kingdom)
A ti, gloria eterna, por unirnos. Todo el que se siente cubano llora y sufre tu muerte. En Cuba y lejos de Cuba seremos consecuentes con tu legado. No dejaremos de hacer Revolución. !Patria o Muerte! Venceremos siempre, porque estás con nosotros
Laura Barrera Jerez (Cuba)
Fidel, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you, your comrades and the people of Cuba have done for the world. The Cuban Revolution has inspired and guided me throughout my whole life and especially in my career as a teacher. You will live forever in my heart. Rest in Peace. Rowena x
Rowena Luke-King (United Kingdom)
Cuba is an inspiration to the world. My heart and soul is with the Cuban people at this time. Fidel may not be with us anymore but his legacy and spirit along with his companero, Che Guevara, will live on to show the world there is another way for humanity.
Lynda Bell (United Kingdom)
I met Fidel briefly when I attended the 10th WTU Conference in Havana but I was much aware of his presence during the whole two weeks. In our Western culture we define "Christianity" as an act of goodness and in my own interpretation the Cuban Revolution led by Fidel was one of the most Christian acts of the 20th Century. His deeds and his name will always be revered.
Henry Greenwoood (Canada)
You were and are an inspiration.
Kevin Patrick McCann (United Kingdom)
A pillar or integrity and principle; the World should have learnt from him rather than ostracising this remarkable man who only had his people at heart
Jackie Horsewood (United Kingdom)
End of an era. Inspired by Fidel's preservance to struggle and stay stay strong despite all embrgos . Will be missed. Saludos Fazila
Fazila Bhimji (United Kingdom)
Adiós comandante, Hasta Victoria Siempre
Waringo Marceline (Luxembourg)
Comandante, gracias por todo! Con mucho amor y mi infinita admiración. Te llevaré en mi corazón y seguirás siendo tan presente en mi vida como siempre has estado. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!
Sabrina Johnson (Canada)
RIP Fidel!
Angelina Vukovic (Belgium)
Non ci sono parole per salutare il piésup1; grande rivoluzionario contemporaneo. Continuerai ad illuminare la strada anche dal cielo. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Aurelio (Italy)
1959 on I marched "hands off Cuba" and the world is better for it , remember this great man of peace and humanity , Viva Cuba
Robert Bunce (United Kingdom)
He out lived all his haters 600assassination attempts on his life helped to liberate African countries sent doctors to a Ebola ridden areas of Africa not soilders
Warren Fraser (United Kingdom)
stood up for the under dog
john kierans (United Kingdom)
The leader of a proud, kind and generous nation. You will not be forgotten.
Rae Chapman (United Kingdom)
Mis condolencias a sus familiares y revolucionarios de todo el mundo. Fidel Castro fue uno de los mayores visionarios de todas las épocas, tuvo un sueño de justicia y lo hizo realidad a pesar de las amenazas y limitaciones impuestas por el imperio y sus acólitos.
Jorge Luis Noas Hernández (Cuba)
In respect and memory. Tue Magnussen Denmark
Tue Magnussen (Denmark)
Dave Heywood (United Kingdom)
RIP Companero Fidel.Thank you for 70 years of hard labor for Cuba and the rest of the world.MAY YOU REST IN PEACE AND MAY GOD REWARD YOU for all you did for others and for showing us the way.
Jose Moreno (United States of America)
No hay mucho que decir cuando se ha cumplido con la obra de la vida. La muerte es solo un excusa para dejar de vernos un tiempo, lo éordm;nico que me duele de su muerte Comandante es no poder darle un respuesta a ese que se dice presidente de los Estados Unidos y que se apellida Trump. No se preocupe, la vida pondrá cada ficha de este juego de ajedrez en su lugar y ese día volveremos a vivir un 25 de noviembre pero saliendo desde el yate Granma, ese día volveremos en caravana a saludar a todo un pueblo. Comandante descanse en paz y no se preocupe que en la otra vida yo lo buscaré y sé que tendré el orgullo de apretar su mano. Un placer haber sido su contemporáneo. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Raynol Paz (Cuba)
Graham Ogden (United Kingdom)
Irene atzeni (Italy)
Commondante Fidel was a great man. Leaders like him are misunderstood by westerners because they cannot understand a strong leader who really cares about his people. He was a beacon to all poor and people of color on this earth. And his legacy must live on if we are to ever survive on this planet.
Robert Klein (United States of America)
We Salute You Comrade FIDEL CASTRO For Your Sacrifice To Create Another world Long Live SOCIALISM One world, one people - Join the LRC When I give food to the they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist" Lt Camora
You inspired me Fidel and made the dream of a more just world tangible, possible. We will continue the struggle and one day we will win!
Anandi Ramamurthy (United Kingdom)
El pueblo cubano y el mundo entero han perdido a un gran profeta pero su ejemplo seguirá vivo. Nuestra más sentido pésame a su familia y su pueblo. Que en paz descanse.
Frans Vandenbussche (Belgium)
Juergen Schmiedl (Germany)
The mortal body fails and dies. Fidel's spirit and contributions to advancing the human project for universal emancipation will live on. Nothing the detractors say can eradicate the truth.
Hilbourne Watson (United States of America)
Un luchador infatigable para el socialismo
Elizabeth Dore (United Kingdom)
Joanne Hamill (Ireland)
vivre high fidelity.
edel (Ireland)
¡Haste siempre!
Miroslaw Orzel (Germany)
FIDEL demostró a millones de personas en todo el planeta que otro mundo es posible. Un mundo de justicia social y de derechos humanos. Ha dado ejemplo de valor, dignidad, modestia y sencillez, humanidad y pasión por el conocimiento tanto en su vida péordm;blica de dirigente político como en su vida privada. Fidel ha sido el hombre más grande del siglo XX y seguirá siendo ejemplo y esperanza para la humanidad durante generaciones.
Ana maría Palos de Foronda (Spain)
A man of great vision - will be greatly missed but well remembered.
Elspeth Hamilton (United Kingdom)
RIP Comrade.
Kimutai Cherono (Kenya)
Reat well La lucha continua
Tillyruth Teixeira (United States of America)
Daniel De Leon Zama (Canada)
We mourn his passing, we celebrate his achievements, we share your loss people of Cuba. Junior McDougall, Branch International Officer, Velindre and PHW Branch UNISON Wales
Junior McDougall (United Kingdom)
He stood up against imperialism and was an example of what vision and courage can achieve for "ordinary" people. I pass on condolences to the people of Cuba and thank them too for their courage.
David Parry (United Kingdom)
Time spent in Cuba in 1973 taught me how to think and see the world. I knew I hated what I saw around me in the U .S., but it was Cuba that showed me -- for the first time in my life -- what an alternative way to live might be. Now that we no longer have Fidel to guided us, I place my faith in the Cuban people to hold onto the magnificent achievements of the revolution.
Judy Brady (United States of America)
Farewell to a great Leader.....may your legacy continue to inspire the next generation!
Adelina O. Duenas (United Kingdom)
Fidel's speeches have been a source of inspiration throughout my life. They will continue to inspire millions after his death. Viva Fidel.
Mick Barry (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro. A long, brave, revolutionary life, well lived. I know you are esteemed and loved by many people all over the world. Rest in peace.
Maggie Fearn (United Kingdom)
Gracias por tu luz, gracias por ejemplo !!! Patria o Muerte
Vlaudin Vega (Australia)
Rest in peace comrade, you and the Cuban people made a beautiful thing.
Alan O'Donnell (United Kingdom)
Mis más sinceras condolencias por el fallecimiento de Nuestro Comandante en Jefe
Guadalup Lopez (Canada)
Hasta siempre Comandante Fidel! Es lebe die internationale Solidaritécurren;t!
Stopschinski-Bungardt, Gabriele (Germany)
Hasta siempre comandante. Gracias por su incondicional amor por la humanidad. Ahora nos corresponde preservar su memoria y, continuar su ejemplo. Besos en su corazón profundamente humano.
luis d. zorraquino (Brazil)
An INSPIRATION in a dangerous, corrupt, unequal and violent world.
Lorne and Maureen Anton (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba, a true revolutionary has been lost but his spirit will live on.RIP.
Aicha (United Kingdom)
Steven Martin (United Kingdom)
Over the decades rarely staying at the same address for more that three nights for fear of assassination attempts. When we stop and think of the sacrifices given by Fidel Castro for the Cuban people and the inspiration to all those in struggle globally we can only begin to realise that in the final words of an earlier revolutionary James Connolly that "hasn't it been a full life" Farewell Comrade Castro the struggle continues.
Seán Kettle (United Kingdom)
Caoimhin Vallely (Ireland)
The loss of Fidel Castro is a huge loss not only for Cuba itself, but also for all progressive people in the world (let alone for us communists). We all will miss him badly. ¡Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Ralph Petroff (Germany)
Farewell Fidel.......RIP Viva Fidel .. Viva Cuba
Lorna Singh (United States of America)
1953- "History will absolve me" as indeed it has. Cuba is independent now for nearly 60 years thanks to your vision. Rest in Peace Mi Comandante
Harry Davis MD (United States of America)
Trevor Tucker (United Kingdom)
For standing up against the oppressive forces and for the changes you brought to the education of your people, Rest in Peace
Warren Chambers (United Kingdom)
The greatest lider in the history of Latin America. Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Daniele (United Kingdom)
He will always be present in the path of socialism .
William Smith Hogg (United Kingdom)
Si muero, dejad el balcón abierto. El niño come naranjas. (Desde mi balcón lo veo) El segador siega el trigo. (Desde mi balcón lo sienbto) Si muero, dejad el balcón abierto. Federico García Lorca. Sí, dejad el balcón abierteo para que Fidel pueda seguir luchando desde las estrellas por los obreros: Ni un niño sin naranjas, ni un segador sin hoz, ni un carpintero sin martillo. Madrid, en la Puerta del Sol a 26 de noviembre de 2016. Manolo Yuste.
Manuel Yuste (Spain)
Rest in peace great man
Francis summerhouse (United Kingdom)
You gave hope and inspiration to the entire world Fidel. What an astounding role model who stood up to the Beast while leading your people to better living conditions. What you accomplished in terms of education and health care and help to other struggling countries is amazing. Your legacy lives. RIP.
Flora D (Canada)
A great man left us. But will not mourn we will organize.
Finn Thunborg (Finland)
Helene Kitching (United Kingdom)
You will stay in our hearts forever. A great man who gave his all for the rights of all. A pity there are not more of you, the world would be a better place. Our thoughts are with the Cuban people and your wonderful Cuba
Chris and Arnaldo Savignani (United Kingdom)
Grazie Comandante.
Beppe Olmeti (Italy)
When will we see the like of him again?
Linda Taylor (United Kingdom)
Hasta al final
Beppe (Italy)
Nous serons toujours avec ton peuple.
Dear people of Cuba, You have lost a great leader and an even greater revolutionary. Fidel overthrew a murderous dictator and made Cuba a better place. You have my sympathies. Rest in peace Fidel.
James Pattison (United States of America)
one of the very few real statesman of this century
Enzo Apicella (Italy)
Lazaro Pelaez (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre! Cuba is a country with a full soul still, because cubans united under such great leaders. Those people did so much for this world, I am grateful to them. You are honorable people of history. His Cuba inspired those seeking freedom around the world. This is the legacy for which he will be remembered. Viva Cuba!
Teaca Mircea (Romania)
I have been privileged to visit Cuba on many occasions and on my first visit I saw the following quotation in many different location from Fidel himself 'un mundo mejor es posible´. This to me epitomises Cuba and Fidel Castro's social philosophy and has always and will continue to shape my own thinking and quest for social justice. I remain very grateful and send my condolences to the family and friends of Fidel and to the people of Cuba. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Christine Rooney (United Kingdom)
The people of Cuba inspired the world when you overthrew the Battista regime and stood up to American intervention in the affairs of your country and the rest of the world. As your leader, Fidel Castro held fast; he led your country out of poverty, despite the trade embargoes, and made you leaders in the provision of healthcare, and equality, standing against racism, and oppression everywhere. He, along with Che Gueverra and others, helped to bring about significant improvements for all of Latin America. Neither he, or the people of Cuba will be forgotten by this Canadian friend and her family, who have been blessed to visit and explore your beautiful island. My sincere condolences to everyone who loved and respected him.
Zoya Stevenson (Canada)
Thank you, Fidel!
Klaus-Peter Schrammel (Austria)
Euskal Herritik Kubara. Mis condolencias por la pérdida de la personificación de la Revolución auténtica, la del final del analfabetismo, la de la sanidad universal, la de los niños con derechos. Honor y gloria, comandante. Agur eta ohore, komandante.
My condolences to the people of Cuba . Fidel Castro has left you all a great legacy to keep and protect We will assist you the forces of the right try to destroy his dream
mike low (United Kingdom)
Cuba, América y el mundo en general ha perdido un gran líder revolucionario! Aunque no esté entre nosotros físicamente, sus ideales se mantendrán vivos para siempre. Que en paz descanse!
Regina Ditterich-Schécurren;fer (Germany)
Cuba tiene el alma más grande de cualquier país del mundo. Vive Cuba. Hasta la victoria para todo el mundo.
Jem (United Kingdom)
The policeman who shot Che had his sight saved many years later by a Cuban surgeon. All of those who criticise Fidel and the Revolution should keep this in mind. His great legacy is to have prioritised the battle against ignorance and disease and in so doing establishing unprecedented advances in education and health. The Revolution was necessary and remains so.
KEITH ROWLEY (United Kingdom)
You were an inspiration! I love Cuba and the Cuban people. You did so much for them. Rest well x
Angela (United Kingdom)
We have lost another great man. May his soul rest in piece.
Rasheed Araeen (Pakistan)
Nos mostraste que el amor de los hermanos y hermanas entre ellos mismos vale infinitamente mas que los bienes materiales.
John Wheat Gibson (United States of America)
Sad to see departing of the Leader of the Cuban Revolution. I do not believe that it could be repeated in anyway, anymore... The present state of the world, once again proves us the importance of the achievements of the Cuban Revolution and followed by the Bolivarian Revolution in South American countries which is still having a great straggle.
Ozden Ediz (United Kingdom)
Brilliant revolutionary who fought imperialists for the Cuban people and gave them free education and access to best health care in the world . what an amazing gift to his people .
Shahnaz Ali (United Kingdom)
I welcome this opportunity to offer my condolences to the Cuban people on the loss of their great leader, Fidel Castro. He was an inspiration to millions and gave hope that a society could be based on social justice, education and health for all. May Cuba continue to punch above its weight and may future generations all around the world be inspired by the Cuban Revolution and fight for its ideals.
Victoria Singh (India)
Ebbe (Denmark)
My love and condolences to Mr. Castro's family and friends and to the people of Cuba at this very sad and difficult time.
Wendy Lewis (Canada)
RIP Comandente Fidel. Commeth the hour commeth the man! Viva Cuba!!
Simon Artherton (United Kingdom)
A great leader a father to the people of the world..
Janet O'dwyer (United Kingdom)
He showed the world that you can stand to bigger powers with solidarity of the nation.
Mandy (United Kingdom)
THEIL (France)
Sincere condoleanze a la famiglia de Fidel Castro de la parte de ERSILLA Yunaisy e LONGHINO Franco
Ersilla Yunaisy (Luxembourg)
we'll follow your inspiration
Jorge Garcia (United Kingdom)
The man has departed but the inspiration lives on. A socialist like no other.
Askiah Adam (Malaysia)
Mi profundo pesame y mi profundo amor para el pueblo heroico de Cuba. Comandante querido nuestra lucha sigue- tu ejemplo siempre nos guiara y nunca se extinguira!
Lorena Blecic (United Kingdom)
Mis condolencias al pueblo cubano, a los revolucionarios del mundo y a aquellos que vemos hoy en la figura de Fidel Castro Ruz, la luz guía para construir una sociedad mejor y asegurar una convivencia pacífica de la especie humana en el planeta. El Comandante en Jefe no ha muerto, vive ya en cada uno de nosotros, en nuestro compromiso por dar la pelea por erradicar las injusticias entre los seres humanos y por cuidar nuestro planeta. Doy mis condolencias muy especiales al Comandante Raéordm;l Castro Ruz, líder indiscutido de este proyecto socialista, esperanza de cientos de millones en el planeta. Hombre fuerte que ha perdido a su lider, su compañero, su jefe de mil batallas, y Hermano !! Sabrá cumplir con su tarea, como el mejor discipulo del Comandante en Jefe. Hasta Siempre Comandante !! Hasta la Victoria, Siempre !!
Milton Rojas (Chile)
a giant of a man who inspired me personally, and led a whole country to seize the day and reject imperialism for peace unity and justice one love
chantelle Brown (United Kingdom)
Con el dolor de una pérdida y el corazón hecho pedazos, despedimos a nuestro amigo, compañero y líder indiscutible Fidel Castro Ruz, pero no le decimos adiós pues lo llevamos en el corazón. Hasta Siempre Comandante
Eny Broceta Socarrás (Cuba)
¡Viva la Revolucion Cubana!¡Viva la solidaridad internacional! La lucha continua. Hasta siempre Comandante.
Michael McKrell (United Kingdom)
Rest In Peace. You will not be forgotten.
Valerie Hamilton (Jamaica)
Hasta Siempre Comandante, Aprendimos a quererte por tu honradez, humildad patriotismo Viviras en nuestros corazones por Siempre Fidel
Yamilet Arias (Cuba)
Solidarity with the warm and wonderful people of Cuba.
chris kaufman (United Kingdom)
Now that Fidel is gone, long live his memory and revolutionary spirit for the people of Cuba.
Judith Wright (United Kingdom)
Dimitris Paparigas (Greece)
Jocelyne Jean-Baptiste (United Kingdom)
Rise in power our dear beloved commander, your stand shall always be praised, you have shown the oppressed people of the world that if we are willing to sacrifice we will win. Thank you and your parents and their parents! ASE
Toshsharnii (United Kingdom)
Your enemies hated you, your admirers adored you. I didn't know you and I never met you but I truly admire the way you and your brave nation stood up to the Great Satan and long may the fight continue.
Ed Broomfield (United Kingdom)
An inspiration!
Sheila Taylor (United Kingdom)
A Great Man! Fidel Castro was always one of my heroes. He fought for the independence of the Cuban people from the USA and, having achieved that freedom, he fought to keep it! I had the honour & privilege to meet him & shake his hand, in Cuba, in 1978. He devoted his life to Cuba & resisted all foreign aggression towards his country, for over half a century. Adiós, Slán - may you travel well.
Eamon Clancy (Ireland)
Thank you
linda kaucher (United Kingdom)
Je n'oublierai jamais ton exemple Comandante. Tu seras toujours dans mon coeur. Je présentes mes plus sincères condoléances au peuple de Cuba. Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante!
Haentjens (Belgium)
RIP to a great man who inspired many...Viva Fidel
Karen O'Dowd (United Kingdom)
I feel at loss my big brother, I,m very sad!
Yousef (Sweden)
A man of courage, vision and great determination. He inspired so many to believe they could achieve something in their lives and that their lives could have meaning and worth. An unforgettable man.
Rebecca Thorn (United Kingdom)
A sad day We have lost a true comrade in the anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggle History will remember you
Jawed Siddiqi (United Kingdom)
Con suerte vamos a llegar a más personas como Fidel!
De Prins Marc (Belgium)
RIP Commandante Castro. You were the inspiration for a generation of activists in Latin America and around the world. It is our task to ensure that your legacy lives on. A luta continua.
Bert Schouwenburg - GMB International Officer (United Kingdom)
Andrew (United Kingdom)
Caminante, no hay Camino. El camino se hace al andar..con tigo, Commandante
Simon Medaney (United Kingdom)
Dominique Hudson (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace sir. Long may your legacy last and you will be remembered for your unending dedication to build a better world.
thelma crooks (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to freedom loving people the world over
John Sheahan (Ireland)
Anna Davin (United Kingdom)
THE towering figure of the 20th century, fighting for the down trodden against the imperialist and capitalist countries of this world. He will go down in history as one of the greatest men ever.
Vijay Singh (India)
Condolences and solidarity to the Cuban people.
Anne Tanner (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
A great inspiration and a good man,intelligent and compassionate. His detractors are self interested intellectual midgets,and even in death they will always be in his shadow. (Che Guevara says NO FEAR) .
Graham fletcher (United Kingdom)
Father of Nations we salute you. Your self sacrifice will always be honored among true spirits wanting and needing freedom. Only the evil demons now with faces and names dissent from the importance of your star on earh. By their actons and words they reveal themselves to be naked reprobates with no shame.
ME (United Kingdom)
La constante en todo revolucionario es su lucha por la vida de los demás y no la propia, eso hizo Fidel como ningéordm;n otro, hasta convertirse en un símbolo de dimensión planetaria; ahí quedo su huella en cada continente, en el corazón de millones de seres humanos.
Jorge Barralaga Alfaro (Honduras)
Brave worrier against all evils
F .walters (United Kingdom)
Never black and white... a historic figure.
Jasmine (United Kingdom)
My condolences go out to the family and friends and the people of Cuba on the passing of the inspirational leader Fidel Castro. At a time when leaders of the western world are held in such contempt, one shining light still shines brightly. RIP El Comandante.
Mark Wardell (United Kingdom)
Farewell to one of the greatest revolutionaries and internationalists of our time, who not only brought health and education to the people Cuba but saw the importance of culture to a full life. Solidarity with Cuba in the struggle to maintain and extend his legacy.
Barbara Segal (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre. RIP Comandante
Christine Bridger (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre,Comandante!
Hristos, Thalea Papadimitriou (Greece)
The greatest contemporary revolutionary, inspirational leader, a towering figure of the post war world , irreplaceable, loved. But his legacy will live on. And his memory will last throughout human history.
Jude Woodward (United Kingdom)
Your values and compassion will forever live on in the minds and hearts of others. Condolences to your family and fellow countrymen.
Louise (United Kingdom)
John Gomme (United Kingdom)
"Men do not shape destiny, destiny produces the man for the hour" Destiny produce you for Cuba's hour to stand free against the Capitalist on the doorstep, now you have gone, more than ever, Cuba needs to follow your example and stand firm against the threat to its freedom from across the Straights of Florida
Michael Clarke (United Kingdom)
cuba & the world are blessed at having such a truly great leader. to rank alongside mandela and Ghandi .usa and the west leaders are all driven by greed and vanity and are not fit to be mentioned in the same breath.viva cuba keep his memory sacred.
robert hester (United Kingdom)
No olvidare nunca el Comandante
Grahame Morris (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the Cuban people. Viva la revolucion cubana.
Lynne Korniak (United Kingdom)
Remembering Fidel, who inspired me and so many others. His example of revolutionary action for the people of Cuba, Latin America, Africa, and so many other countries should be emulated by the rest of the world. RIP Fidel and thank you.
Liz Elkind (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a socialist beacon in a sea of obscene capitalism. I've loved Fidel for 56 years for his defiance of the USA and his encouragement of other Latin Americans and Africans. Aged 17-18 I took A level Geography and the focus was Latin America, which was ruled by oppressive, right-wing dictators, propped up by the US and her allies. I am glad that he brought health and education, not only to Cuba but to impoverished ex-colonies like Haiti and Angola and that he was admired by no less a person than Nelson Mandela. I was moved to see so many Cubans queuing and weeping as they paid their respects to him and I am glad that he lived so long and that I joined the CSC and visited Matanzas and Havana with them. Un saludo a los Cubanos!
David (United Kingdom)
In the name of the International Marxist Tendency, I wish to express my profound condolences at the death of a revolutionary fighter who led the struggle of the Cuban people against Yankee imperialism and transformed the national liberation struggle into a revolutionary struggle against capitalism.Long live the Cuban Revolution! Down with imperialism and capitalism!
Alan Woods (United Kingdom)
Gwendoline |bbott (United Kingdom)
I mourn the passing of one of the greatest and most honest politicians of the 20th century
John Robert White (United Kingdom)
TrÆ°Æ¡ng Th& (Viet Nam)
Nguyen Van Minh (Viet Nam)
Aunque se abrieron de par en par las puertas de la historia eterna, Nuestro Comandante requirió encogerse un poco para pasar a través de ellas.
José Héc (Mexico)
to methe mere idea of a CUBA LIBRE has always meant "so this IS possible after all". and those who raise doubt and critique ??? we have to remind them of a quote by Edgar Snow "it must be remembered that a war is not fought with snowballs". with 20 Fidels around the world there would be no TRUMP now.
jytte boerge (Denmark)
RIP Fidel Castro. So many people have much to be grateful for your life's work. Long may socialism exist in Cuba and inspire the rest of the world.
Liv Singh (United Kingdom)
Respect and love for Fidel,for the Cuban people,and for the millions around the world who honour the memory of the unique contribution to socialism of this man,this great son of Cuba.For now,sadness,silence,grief.Hasta Siempre,Comandante.De Geoff y Graciela.
Geoffrey Shears (United Kingdom)
A man of principle, and great leadership. An inspiration to many the world over, that wanted to see social justice. A man who made Marxism cool. I had the pleasure in meeting comrade Fidel the once in Cuba, and you can never forget the warmth in his eyes, or in his handshake. History in my eyes absolved you! Viva Fidel
Mick Rix (United Kingdom)
Waltraud Schauer (Austria)
Thanks all of thing you done for the world! Rest in peace, my big legend!
(Viet Nam)
What an example! Fidel opened up the road for the men and women from nowhere to make history.
Tony Hunt (United Kingdom)
Your legacy will live on and you will not be forgotten.
Jackie Lederer (United Kingdom)
Farewell to a great leader, who has kept his country safe throughout a troubled time, in spite of all America could do to overthrow such a socialist success story. You will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace.
rosemary addington (United Kingdom)
Thank you for your precious love on Vietnam.
Nguyen Duc Hieu (Viet Nam)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Sue Bigg (United Kingdom)
We love and honor you, Sir Fidel Castro. We will never forget you for what you did for Africans.
Vince Cushite (United States of America)
Sad day for Communists around the world , but Fidel will live on
EoinMc Donnell (Ireland)
Having visited Cuba and toured the island I found the people to have been massively in awe and respect for Fidel and Che. My visit to the museum of the revolution in Havana opened my eyes to the repression of Batista and the massive changes to Cuban society that the revolution brought to Cuban society as well as Cuban help to the world in the AIDS crisis and the fight against Ebola. Respect to Fidel and the Cuban people at this time.
Nigel Lightowler (United Kingdom)
Emily Kirk (Canada)
I have read of Fidel Castro my whole life and admired him as a hero of all people, i am sad that he has passed away, it was too soon, as it always is for great men.
Alexander (United States of America)
Farewell to a giant fighter for Socialism and unity of workers worldwide
Tony Donaghey (United Kingdom)
sincere condolences to all Cubans!!
andrew reed (United Kingdom)
Farewell Comrade.
Derrick Millar (United Kingdom)
El Comandnte, You inspired us and socialists all around the world. You proved that an unwavering belief in equality and social justice, combined with a relentless determination to implement it, could create the most wonderful results in education, healthcare, culture, community and society. You will continue to inspire us forever. Laura Murray
Laura Murray (United Kingdom)
James Bamborough (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre Komandante. A luta continua...
Donald Gill (South Africa)
My thanks and endless respect to the people of Cuba and Fidel Castro for everything you have done and achieved in the world! Keep up the struggle!
Rupert (United Kingdom)
Sentite condoglianze al popolo cubano per la morte dell'amato ComandanteFidel R.Castro. Che resti sempre vivo in noi!
Angelo, Taurino (Italy)
To the people of Cuba, In the United States, we were always taught, in school, that Cuba was a dictatorship. If we are lucky enough to question that teaching, and explore on our own, we find this simply isn't true. My condolences to you at the passing of our Beloved Fidel Castro. He led your escape from the clutches of western imperialism. I cannot think of one leader, since Europeans colonized this U.S. continent, that deserves the noble recognition that Fidel Castro does. I pray now that Obama has lifted the embargo, that Cuba remains distanced from the USA. Once U.S. corporations set in, there in Cuba, a horrific poverty will follow for the people of Cuba. May God protect you from that. Sincerely, Nura
Nura Budzinski (United States of America)
Joyce Short (Canada)
Viva Fidel ! Viva Cuba ! Viva la Revolucion !
Gigs Buchinger (Austria)
Mis condolencias a toda la familia de Fidel Castro a todos los cubanos q lo querian, y a todas aquellas personas q lo admiraron de una forma u otra. Le agradezco y siempre lo haré por las cosas buenas q logro.
Emily Regla Hernandez (Cuba)
A great socialist and a great leader.
Linda Perks (United Kingdom)
Dearest people of Cuba..your country and lives are beautiful, complicated and contradictory all at once. Even though the present brings fear, confusion and the unknown in so many ways, your history and how you all got to where you are now, will never be forgotten. Fidel's passing is causing many emotions-negative and positive-and all of them must be heard equally to forge a new brighter future for Cuba, independent and proud.
Jude Lanchin (United Kingdom)
All great lives are expressions of huge historical forces and Fidel Castro's was great because it was devoted to giving expression to the national aspirations of the Cuban people against US imperialism and then to the task of building a revolutionary socialist challenge to capitalism in Cuba. Fidel's life reflected and expressed the great struggle of the Cuban people to build a better life for themselves than imperialism is willing to give them and a society that values and empowers people rather than feeding profit. Fidel's life and the struggles it expressed will be an inspiration to socialists everywhere and his passing will be a reminder of the importance of solidarity with the great Cuban people.
Jonathan White (United Kingdom)
RIP Comrade
Brett Sparkes (United Kingdom)
Danny Sweeney (United Kingdom)
A sad loss for Socialism
Jeff Davies (United Kingdom)
Ayer en la noche Fidel brillo más que nunca, porque la juventud unida a todo el pueblo cubano y amigos extranjeros de todas las partes del mundo, se reunieron en bloques apretados en la Plaza de la Revolución José Martí para decir: Comandante Fidel estamos firmes, nosotros defenderemos su legado, no le fallaremos, daremos continuidad a la Revolución que usted forjó para nosotros. Hasta siempre Comandante usted no a muerto, vivirá en cada uno de nosotros, porque ahora todos somos Fidel.
Gisela Cardoso (Cuba)
Nuestros corazones lloran anhelo de nuestra despedida a Fidel como todos los cubanos la hermosa isla de Cuba, las lágrimas! Fidel estará siempre en nuestros corazones y seguir su estrella en busca de un mundo unido, con oportunidades para todos, no de bloqueo! Los amamos Fidel, Comandante! Hasta la victoria siempre! cida Meira Salvador, Brasil - Bahia- Bahía - Asociación Cultural ACJM-BA Jose Marti
Cida Meira (Brazil)
Rest In Peace! You are alaways in our heard!
Téordm; Pháº&a (Viet Nam)
Rolf Persson (Sweden)
Mabel (Cuba)
Thank you Fidel for your wisdom, strength, commitment and courage over all those years.
Richard Aubery (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante
David Willetts (United Kingdom)
Thank you, Cuba and Fidel. Your bravery, dignity and determination have survived half a century of economic blockade. What a small population, what a great people. In Indian, we looked upon Fidel as a hero and warmly welcomed him to the summit of non-aligned countries. In the UK, I appreciate Cuba Solidarity Campaign's work. The solid worldwide legacy of Cuba is that ideas can work. Fidel was a world leader who upheld values to aspire to. Warm and respectful remembrance in India and the UK.
N. Vittal (India)
Solidarity & respect to a great leader. Thank you & viva la Revolution
Willie Mooney (Ireland)
Caoimhín Mac Colaim (Ireland)
An inspiration to the world
Jim Brann (United Kingdom)
A hero for the working class world wide. May the revolution live on.
Adam Heiss (United Kingdom)
The Comandante and his idea of a free world will never be forgotten! No need to repeat all the great things he did and made possible against all resistence, embargos and obstacles! I send my sincere condolences to his family, to the cuban people but also to all of his followers and partisans in the world. #HastaSiempreComandante > best regards to Che^^ I'm deeply sad about this loss.
Barbara Prochnow (Germany)
Mis respectos a la familia y seres queridos de Fidel. Mis respectos al pueblo de Cuba. Gracias Fidel por una linda vida, bien vivida! Seguimos!
grahame russell (Canada)
LÆ°Æ¡ng H&am (Viet Nam)
Viva la Revolution
Bill Adams (United Kingdom)
His achievements live on in our hearts.
Harald Dahle (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro ,you loved your people and your country...You showed great courage and conviction and never wavered with all the hardship and embargoes you faced!! Education And Medical care was free to all and even in democratic countries most don'have that. Yes I think you were remarkable and a visionary...God bless you.
Lynda Petrie (Canada)
Hoöng An (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
The world is darker and humanity poorer. Rest In peace comrade, the struggle continues.
Steven Cox (United Kingdom)
Hoöng Trung (United Kingdom)
todos nos sentimos mal por la desaparición física de Fidel
alberto basle blanco (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel and the people of Cuba for showing the world that a Government for the people, by the people can win and instil the road to Socialism even though the capitalists through out the world said it will never happen. In Fidel's words THEY TALK ABOUT THE FAILURE OF SOCIALISM. WHERE IS THE SUCCESS OF CAPITALISM".Gracias Fidel. VENCEREMOS.
Francesca (United Kingdom)
Linda Murray (United Kingdom)
No tengo palabra como expresar mi sentir, se que fisicamente no estaras pero sabemos que nos deja tu legado,siempre te recordaremos comandante hasta la victoria siempre
Sei stato il mio mito da sempre! Fai buon viaggio Comandante!
Idebol (Italy)
Many imperialist warmongering "leaders" around the world define Fidel as the "problem." Fidel has never been "the problem." Fidel has been the humanitarian solution for justice for ALL. The problem IS that we have never had enough "FIDELS." A great joy to Fidel and the Cuban Five Heroes who were political prisoners in the US--Antonio, Fernando, Gerardo, Ramon and Rene--was all of the Five were returned to Cuba by December 17 of 2014. These Heroes, who became Cuba in the eyes of so many, were able to spend time with the leader they loved, admired and respected so much. I imagine their return was a great gift of joy to Fidel. The Five will always be a legacy of Fidel's sense of justice and Revolution! What a magnificent gift from Fidel to the Five (and the world) and also a magnificent gift from the Five to Fidel as they continue to fight for justice for the Cuban People and the oppressed of the world. Bravo Fidel!!! Bravo Cuban Five!!!
Joan M Malerich (United Kingdom)
Me quedo con legado y estilo de liderazgo de Fidel Castro Ruz para defender y dar oportunidades por igual al Pueblo de Cuba.
Fructuoso Flores Esqueda (Mexico)
Hö háº&am (Viet Nam)
Viva CuBa Viva VietNam
Hoang Minh Tiến (Viet Nam)
Viet Long Do (Viet Nam)
Remember to you, The Legend
VÅ© Thái (Viet Nam)
Fidel Castro is a hero to many African countries. He played a very vital roll to many some are qualified teachers and doctors. He stood up for what he believed to not allowing the western to rule his country. Namibia is liberated today just because of the role he played. All those who stand for the truth will agree with me and say a true son of the soil and a hero has fallen. Fidel we will miss you and all the good things you did for people at large. REST IN PEACE (TATA) ALL YOUR HARD WORK WILL BE REMEMBERED AS LONG AS WE LIVE. (LALA NGOXOLO QAWE LAMA QAWE)= REST IN PEACE HERO OF HEROES.
Tryness Forrest (United Kingdom)
Michael Weddington (United States of America)
(Viet Nam)
My heartfelt sorrow to all those that love him
Jane Jackson (Ireland)
Rest in peace Fidel Castro the fight go's on. The people of Scotland stand beside their Cuban comrades in the battle against tyranny.
Craig (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel for providing such a cultured life for your people like your ballet ,first class in the world and for turning what was an entertainment place full of brothels and other decadent places for the barbarian Americans. You took your people out of the Cesspool of the american way of life . Your health system and education institutes put your gluttonous neighbour to shame . They destroyed the native people of America and now it's the African Americans turn for the axe .may your spirit still give protection to your people and your beautiful land , Is mise Roisin Ni Clodvan
Rose Clifford (United Kingdom)
Fare thee well Comrade. Lala salama Shujaa wa ukombozi wa Africa. In solidarity tuko pamoja
Tony (Kenya)
Thank you for the Thousands of Troops you sent to Angola to fight and help the ANC armed wing overcome the apartheid regime of South Africa (We should not forget)
Earl Lindsay (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro will be remembered for giving working people hope that anything is possible when operating within a capitalist system. He was able to carry out the socialist policies that James Connolly, who was executed by the British Army, was prevented from carrying out in Ireland. Like Che Guevara, you will always be remembered.
Edward Murphy (United Kingdom)
A great man among great men. Leader, humanitarian, survivor. When history is written in a different era Fidel will be elevated to where he should have been while alive. The man the empire couldn't tame.
Simon Fish (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba! Viva Fidel Castro!We always remember you, the great revolutionary, great friend of Vietnamese people
Trinh Thai Bang (Viet Nam)
An indelible inspiration to the world and the new humane, and human epoch of mankind.
Doug NIcholls (United Kingdom)
Your leader Fidel Castro was a true revolutionary and man of his people.His lifelong example of not only fighting and defeating imperialism in Cuba.He then implemented free education and free health care for all and was unafraid of exporting his socialism as a beacon throughout the world.He has shown us all that there is an alternative to naked capitalism,and this is why the West demonizes him still.Stand tall with pride in your country.....Viva Fidel Viva La Revolution
Roger Seyburn (United Kingdom)
UNISON Housing and Care Scotland sends deepest condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of Fidel Castro. His legacy will live on... Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Kim McLachlan (United Kingdom)
Varoushnan Srilangarajah (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba. Viva the revolution. Viva Castro
The world has lost a great leader! May you continue to inspire. Rest in peace beloved Commandante Castro.
Suraya Hamdulay (South Africa)
Farewell to one of the greatest revolutionary's of our time, he stood up to all the aggression thrown at him and Cuba from the USA and the west, rest proudly in peace.
John Howard (United Kingdom)
jasvir deol (Canada)
Ian tuit (Australia)
Thank you Fidel. A true hero.
D. O' Carroll (United Kingdom)
A great example of humanity.
Barbara Grace (United Kingdom)
Nguyen Thi Thu Huyen (Viet Nam)
While the enemies of human emancipation express their jubilation in the streets of Little Havana and the offices in Washington, DC, Fidel Castro's legacy will live on in the heart of every progressive and humble soul from the barrios of Caracas to the slums of the South Bronx. His example is one that humanity should seek to emulate. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Marcel (United States of America)
" Viva Revolution " .....a great man for his country and his people and will be sorely missed
Priscilla C Miller (United Kingdom)
yo ..... ""to the people of CUBA i say thank you for showing us it is possible to organise a society in which money ....the dollar ... is not king that money is not everything you can be poor in cash terms and rich with a health service an education service a culture and a dignity and determination and an internationalism that makes you the richest people on the earth not the poorest"" ....... amo a Cuba
leslie michael havell (United Kingdom)
The world has lost such a great champion for class struggle,social justice and equality and a true hero and friend of the people not just of Cuba but of the whole world!! RIP Fidel Hasta La Victoria Siempre.
Charlie (United Kingdom)
Joan Mc Quillan (Ireland)
Hasta siempre querido Fidel.
leonnardo (Puerto Rico)
A brave good man great hero
Arlene morgan (United Kingdom)
Charlie Hislop (United Kingdom)
Shine on, Mr Castro. All is beautiful and right, All is as music and reason; And all, like diamonds, is light That was coal before its season. (José Martí)
Fionn Wilson (United Kingdom)
Dear All, It is with great regret to hear the news of Fidel Castro's departure! He will be, greatly, remembered for resisting all threats to public ownership. He fought for the defence of a fairer distribution of wealth including one of the best public health care services! With the difficult times that face us, we must fulfil Fidel Castro's legacy by fighting for public ownership at every level during a time of increasing austerity! It was Bob Crow who said, "Don't mourn, organise!" There is every need to mourn the loss of Fidel Castro but we must never rest until we are fully organised against the forces of greed! Yours in solidarity Austin Harney, PCS Union Representative, Former Secretary of Barnet Trades Union Council, Labour Representation Committee.
Austin (United Kingdom)
Véacute; césup1;ng thÆ°Æ¡ng tiếc Fidel Castro!
(Viet Nam)
let's be equal. =
ima (Japan)
maimuna rebaudino (Argentina)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Soy Fidel.
Flemming Therkildsen (Denmark)
Fidel descansa en paz. Diste la esperanza de una vida mejor a los oprimidos del mundo, luchando juntos se puede vencer aunque el opresor parezca más fuerte. Hasta siempre comandante.
Carmen Vazquez (United Kingdom)
Daniel Roman (Finland)
Barry Healy (Ireland)
REST IN PEACE FIDEL CASTRO. You have been and still will be an inspiration to millions.
Jonathan Greenland (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante Fidel :)
ARZU KIR (Turkey)
Un lider tan grande no puede pertenecer a un solo pueblo. Sin embargo, fue el pueblo cubano quien hizo gigante a Fidel. No le falló ni le fallará. Cuba y la Revolución Cubana seguirán luchando y seguirán resistiendo. Gloria eterna Comandante. Mi pésame al General del Ejército Raéordm;l Castro y su pueblo.
Alberto R.A. (Mexico)
It is hard to find the words to pay tribute to a man as remarkable as Fidel Castro. A man of resolute purpose, vision and action; a man of unwavering principle, resilient in the face of adversity. A loss of such magnitude resonates throughout the world; a great light has gone out. The Cuban people are not alone in their grief; we extend our love and solidarity to you in your time of sadness.Fidel's memory will live forever in the hearts of all those who believe a better world is possible.
Jude McDermott (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante. Gracias por todo. La historia, la memoria y la leyenda de la Revolución Cubana vivirá.
Josh Newmark (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro a brave and fearless leader of working class will be remembered for ever.
Makhan Tut (Canada)
Siempre el Comandante
Brian Gallacher (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria siembre Viva la revolution Fidel inmortal
dimitris pappas (Greece)
I hope very much that you will continue the path Fidel set out for you, valuing life, health and social justice above the greed and oppression shown by the self-proclaimed democracy on your doorstep.
Robert West (United Kingdom)
Rest in Power my dear leader & comrade. Those fighting for causes greater than themselves never die! You did your part, now we vow to continue the struggle for roses & bread. Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Hassan Mujtaba (Pakistan)
Attending the 1978 Youth and Students Festival of International Solidarity in Cuba changed my life - realising what a small group of people could achieve in demolishing an evil society and building a humane, decent and civilised society that has been an inspiration not only to me all my life but to millions all over the world. Fidel led and built a strong collective that continues to this day and I will continue my solidarity work with Cuba as long as I live. Thank you Fidel and Viva Cuba!
Susan Michie (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of the revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. Although divisive he represented a spirit of independence to some of us outside the boundaries of your island. I wish you and your country peace and prosperity for the future.
randolph angell (United Kingdom)
We have lost a great fighter for Socialism. He fought 11 Imperialist Presidents of a Superpower 90 kms north of Cuba. He waged for for Proletarian Internationalism. Great Comrade. We still remember you.
Manisha Banerji (India)
Viva la Revolution, Viva Fidel, Viva Che
Neil Lonsdale (United Kingdom)
May the Lord rest your soul Comandante Fidel. Mis condolencias a mis hermanos Cubanos. La lucha continéordm;a!
Gerardo Lima (United Kingdom)
On behalf of the African-Cuban Solidarity Campaign Network,i want to sympathies with people of Cuba for the great lost. He is a philanthropic, a hero for his people and Africa. He is gone but never forgotten, he still live in the heart of his people and Africa. May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace. VIVA FIDEL Y CUBANO
Abubakarr Kamara (Sierra Leone)
paul hilton (United Kingdom)
Comrades in Cuba! Fidel Castro was a hero of World Socialism. He fought for their Liberation. Under him Cuba abolished malnutrition, homelessness and illiteracy. It had lower mortality rate than USA. Until 2012 taxes were never paid. He survived 634 assassination attempts. All of World remembers your battle with imperialism. Your support to decolonization is Remembered. Histora la Victora Simpere !
Comrade Bolshevik (India)
Fidel Castro will be much missed for his many achievements: leading a successful revolution in Cuba, producing some of the best health and education outcomes in his own country,aiding other countries in both revolutionary and humanitarian endeavours and in his always clear and forward-looking analyses of political developments elsewhere.
Wendy Morgan (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante! You'll live in our hearts and minds for ever.
Ian Nicol (United Kingdom)
You were an inspiration to the world Fidel. Your message will win through and I am sure I will witness a multi polar world emerge, where countries around the world denounce imperialism and respect each other in my lifetime. You can be proud that your whole life's principled direction had a profound effect on this inevitability. Rest in peace Fidel, your work is done.
Peter Cartwright (Bulgaria)
Farewell to a man who molded my beliefs in justice and equality you will never be forgotten
Al James (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Mr Castro
Andrew (United Kingdom)
Ozan Gumrah (United Kingdom)
Adios Comandante Jefe Fidel. Viva Fide! Viva Cuba! Viva La Revoluction! De su ingles companeros
Jack (United Kingdom)
majella (Ireland)
Fidel Castro. Leader of the Cuban revolution. On the forefront of the struggle for liberation and justice for more than half a century. The leader of a people who refused to obey the rules of imperialism, and proved that creating another society is possible. A society that has been under imperialist siege for more than half a century, and still manages to give its people universal and free education and healthcare. A society that prioritizes the social rights of the people rather than the economic rights of a privileged few. A society that exists in harmony with mother earth, and a society that has proved that democracy can be more than just a fruitless competition between political parties while the economic power is in the hands of a few. Fidel Castro has been at the forefront of the struggle, survived more than 600 assassination attempts from the CIA and inspired countless of progressive people all over the world. His body and flesh is dead, but his ideals will live on for eternity. VIVA FIDEL!
Per Kristian Torp (Norway)
Gracias por todo.
Mariano Torrespico Ortíz (United Kingdom)
VIVA CUBA ! And to the memory of a wonderful, brave and inspirational man !
JOHN CROLL (United Kingdom)
On behalf of the Great Western branch of the UK's Communication Workers Union our condolences on the loss of a great leader, a fighter for the rights of the poor and anti imperialism across the globe.
Gary Williams (United Kingdom)
My wife and I visited your country in June, you were there. If we visit again, you will still be there, forever!
Jim Janush (Australia)
The Scottish Socialist Party has been deeply saddened by the death of El Commandante; Fidel Castro. Fidel was one of the great statesmen of the 20th century, the greatest Latin American leader since Simon Bolivar and a giant of international socialism. He may be dead but his legacy will live on because; Heroes Live Forever.
Scottish Socialist Party (United Kingdom)
Paddy McMenamin (Ireland)
Long Live the Revolution! Long Live Cuba!
Mark Mizzen (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to us all! Un otro mundo es possibile.
Steve and Nicky Rogers (United Kingdom)
You inspired a country, Cuba free from tyranny and oppression of a the USA,rest in peace comrade.
Joe Cairns (United Kingdom)
You are not dead, you will never die, you will always be in our hearts and in our minds, inspiration, to guide our lives.
Katia Papanikolaou (Greece)
My solidarity and condolence is with you, the people of Cuba.
Justin S (United States of America)
R.I.P Fidel, you were a great leader and will be sorely missed by millions. Rest now with Che and god bless.
Jessica Mills (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Comandante Fidel Castro!! Thank you for all the sacrifices you have done for humanity!!!!
Catalina Airinei (Ireland)
Ha My Lan (United Kingdom)
Idrew,once,your portrait on a very white,as yoyr soul,paper. Yoy have engraved your passion in my soul once and for ever. Your image in my sight,your vission our guide My comandante para siempre!!!
Stefanos Plakas (Greece)
Ulf Halldin (Sweden)
RATOMIR PLATANSKY (Russian Federation)
May you rest in peace Fidel. You taught me to stand up for believes, fight for the truth and help the poor as much as possible. You was a great man who will be dearly missed x
Ruari (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the family and friends of Fidel Castro and to all the people of Cuba at this sad time, and looking forward to visiting your wonderful country next year.
Tim Bond (United Kingdom)
Nous sommes très attristé, tous nous camarades sont plus que jamais aux céacute;tés du peuple de Cuba et de sa révolution. Adelante comañeros!
The world will never forget about Fidel
Heartfelt condolences to the people of Cuba.
Sheelagh MacDonald (Canada)
R.I.P comedante, your legacy will be alive for genrations.
Omar Ahmed (Sweden)
Soy cubano. Vivo en Cuba. Soy hijo del sistema de gobierno actual, ese al que llamamos "Revlución". Soy Ingeniero Informático, trabajo en la Universidad de la Habana. He sufrido la pérdida física de nuestro Comandante en Jefe. He sido llamado a cumplir con más deberes de lo coméordm;n, con motivo de la muerte de Fidel, y gustosamente he dado respuesta afirmativa al llamado del deber. Además, he participado en todas y cada una de las principales oportunidadesque hemos tenido los habaneros en lo séordm;ltimos días, para rendirle homenaje al Lider Eterno. No obstante... no quiero dejar de dar mi más sentido pésame a nuestro presidente Raul Castro Ruz, por a pérdida de su hermano, así como al resto de la familia. En las guerrillas (acampadas/excursiones del Movimiento Cubano de Excursionismo en las que suelo participar), he tenido la oportunidad de conocer y compartir con Fidelito, uno de los nietos del Comandante... mi más sentido pésame particularmente para él. Hasta Siempre, Fidel... Ernesto
Ernesto Hernández Ben&At (Cuba)
Uwe Koopmann (Germany)
Fidel Castro, an inspirational revolutionary. From Vietnam, I offer my sincere condolence to the people of Cuba, our friends, our comrades, our brothers and sisters. We will never forget the incredible help of you along our liberation war against the intruders before. Viva Fidel, Viva Cuba!
Trinh Ngoc Minh Tri (Viet Nam)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre. Fidel, a true revolutionary.
Vinnie Fahey (Ireland)
viva Cuba, viva la Revolucion
KE Kawczynski (Canada)
Hasta la victoria siempre
yvan DENDAS (Belgium)
You were a true example of socialist internationalism, you fought to better not just the lives of your own country, but of the world. From the years of first learning about the Cuban Revolution and Marxist study, you have been an inspiration to me. You always were, and always will be. Forever in our hearts, our struggle will continue until this war is won. Comandante Fidel, not just Cuba's president, not just Cuba's comrade, but the worlds working class president, our leader and our comrade. Destiny produced you not just for the hour, but for a lifetime.
Damien Biggs (United Kingdom)
no pasaran comrade
Louise Stebler (Switzerland)
muchas gracias por todo Comandante! hasta la vicroria siempre!
alexandra kouiroukidou (Greece)
(United Kingdom)
The world has lost one of the most iconic leaders,the man of the people.Fidel as and is indeed a man of the people!
Jesse Johnson Ringo (Tanzania)
Poor Cá Réacute;
Phan Minh Dang (Viet Nam)
Wir werden Fidels Ideen bewahren und weiter verbreiten. Zu zeigen, Fidel ist noch mit uns.
Jose Mazaroze (Germany)
Heart felt condolences in the sad demise of the world left leader.
prof. N K Govindan (India)
Thank you for your tireless struggle against imperialism, poverty and the effort you spent in creating a society that worked for the betterment of all peoples. Your light shines on in the youth of generations to come.
James Eaton (United States of America)
Comandante; You provided inspiration to all who struggle for justice, and the world is now richer for it. Thank you for giving yourself to the struggle.
Dave Szollosy (Canada)
Nguyen Hong Hanh (Viet Nam)
The working class has lost one of the greatest hero of our time. He leaves us now but his selfless contributions and love for his class will live in the hearts and minds of workers will forever be enshrined in the hearts and minds of
Bob Bohan (Canada)
Rest in peace Fidel Catsro 25yh November 2016, long live the gains of the Cuban revolution.
Tim Marshall (United Kingdom)
Mis condolencias al pueblo de Cuba, a Raul Castro y familia del Comandante Fidel Castro. Fidel vivira por siempre entre nosotros!
Mario F. Venegas (United States of America)
Le camarade Fidel est un grand homme, un grand revolutionaire qui a accompagne et qui va accompagner les opprimes de ce monde injuste a la revendication de ses droits. Vive Fidel, vive la Cuba socialiste.
Marie Lavrentiadou (Greece)
Brigitte Zimmermann (United Kingdom)
Einer unserer Besten ging von uns
Günter Ackermann (Germany)
My hero 4evet
Kiewiet M. (Belgium)
The survival of the Cuban revolution against the American "blockade", one of the longest economic sieges in human history, is testament to the support enjoyed by the revolution led by Fidel, Raul and Che. From fighting the army of Apartheid to helping earthquake victims in the foothills of the Himalayas to the fight against Ebola, Cuba's internationalism is an example to the world.Another testament is the recent rapprochement from the US. Woe betide any who try to reverse this. In 1959 the Cuban people overthrew a puppet regime which ran Cuba as a drug-den, casino and brothel while the Cuban people starved. Now Cubans enjoy universal employment, housing, healthcare and education. Over the past 20 years Cuba has lit a beacon of hope in it's sister Latin American nations. Those trying to reverse this, from Venezuela to Brazil to Argentina, will be condemned by posterity just like the architects of the Cuban blockade. The best thing we can do in memory of Fidel is to see to it that Guantanamo Bay is returned to Cuba and, above all, that the US blockade is lifted. Viva los cincos! Viva la Guantanamo Cubanos! MUERTE A EL BLOQUEO! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE COMPANERO FIDEL!
Brian Precious (United Kingdom)
Léordf; Chiáº& (Viet Nam)
Ahmad Emdad (United States of America)
Que tiene fidel que el imperialismo no pudo con el, hasta la victoria siempre. Adelante ni un paso atrás, desde santa barbara honduras
alejandra cantillano (Honduras)
My condolence goes to the people of Cuba and President Raul Castro.
Walter mollel (Tanzania)
Thanh (Viet Nam)
Hasta la Victoria siempre.
partido socialista (Honduras)
You inspired a generation of youngs that change Can make a better World
Jens Bagge (Denmark)
Khoa Vu Trong (Viet Nam)
Randy Dinin (United States of America)
Our world and the Human specie is in desperate need of more people such as Fidel Castro, Nesson Mandela, Willy Brand and the Che. Every time we lose one single human with such devotion and empathy for humanity and the planet we lose part of our self. We are one single humanity, living on one single planet with limited space and finite resources. None of which can be owned or belong to anyone. We have to stop the war mongers, the blue hunts, the oligarchs and the tyrants of this world. Fortunately man such as Fidel Castro will be remembered and reemerge. Best wishes and may your journey continue in the spirits and minds of humanity.
Uwe Paschen (Japan)
43 years ago, Fidel Castro held my hand, kissed my cheek and said: "Tu hermano todavía vive en tu corazón. Recuérdalo siempre". (I was just a young Canadian girl running away from my grief and he took the time and made the effort to be kind to me. He didn't know who I was and I didn't know who he was. He saw me crying, came over and spoke Spanish words. I responded in English and French. That is when he took my hand and kissed my cheek. A moment in time, that changed my life. Fidel Castro was a decent and compassionate man from the beginning of his life to the very end.
Renee LaFortune (Canada)
My condolences for the loss of a great leader
Hooshidar Daragahi (United States of America)
Kenneth Rasmusson (Sweden)
You are a great man
Charles Kiriinya (Kenya)
Hasta siempre Comandante!
Clécio Pereira (Brazil)
Rest in peace, comrade Fidel.
Mawr Gorshin (Taiwan)
Hombre, hombre sin muerte, la noche respiro tu suerte. Hombre de buen destino, que hay luces puestas en camino! Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante!
Pablo Andrés Poletto (Argentina)
Hasta siempre Comandante! Gracias por toda la.ternura y solidaridad que demostro hacia nuestra.Nicaragua. Seguiremos defendiendo.la.revolucion como.tributo a tu legado!
Dorys Centeno Castillo (Nicaragua)
Es una profunda tristeza la que me inunda, Pero Fidel Castro Ruz no murió, se inmortalizó en el corazón de su amado pueblo y más aéordm;n en muchos pueblos del mundo, Nos queda la tarea de mantener en pie su legado. Gracias Fidel Fidel por siempre porque Yo de joven estuve ahí y aprendí mucho de la solidaridad, Hermandad de Cuba y hoy esa enseñanza le doy a mi Hijo y espero tambien a los Nietos Amaremos a Fidel por siempre.
Mery lu Montano Vallecillo (Nicaragua)
Castro was the man for poor downtrodden people of the world . Long live his our socialist dreams
Dhido Gill (United States of America)
The greatmam and best friend of humanity left this world.He must be remembered for his bravery and true work for poors till the universe alive.
Balwinder Singh (India)
Me queda el dolor de haber perdido el amparo de su sabiduría y fortaleza. Me queda el amargo sabor de saber que ya no lo podre conocer, pero nos queda la esperanzada seguridad que lo hallaremos a nuestro lado siempre que nos empenemos en las cotidianas batallas para lograr un mundo mejor, ese mundo mejor que el nos aseguro que es posible
sergio daniel garanzini (Argentina)
What an absolutely brilliant man. I have difficulty finding the words to express how saddened I am for all of my friends in Cuba. He laid the foundation and now it is up to you to continue.
Ronni Mendes (Antigua and Barbuda)
Yo Soy Fidel
Cameron Larsen (United States of America)
You will never die and always be a revolutionary leader among us!
Dan Lahti (Sweden)
Hasta siempre...
Elias Drakopoulos (Greece)
Mi mas sentido pesame al pueblo cubano en estos momentos ante la perdida de un gran lider mundial como fue Fidel ....
Dyrze Canelas (Bolivia)
Against almost insuperable odds, the steadfast Cuban people under the leadership of Fidel Castro stood up to the outlaw giant to the north; and held the banner of socialism high, signaling hope and inspiration to the rest of the world!
John Mackoviak (United States of America)
john (Viet Nam)
Many people said that Fidel Castro is a dictator but none of them remembered about free education and good healthcare systems he established.If he was that "dictator", i wish my country have more dictators like him. For all he did, he was deserved our deep respect from Vietnam.
Phat (Viet Nam)
Derek Bilston (United Kingdom)
Our Hero! He never failed to be in the trenches or on the barricades to support the oppressed. The world will be a lonelier place without him. Peace.
Thomas Riggins (United States of America)
mabuhay ka, kasamang fidel!
lui manansala (Philippines)
Farewell Commandante.Men with your will and determination are a dying breed.A hero of the downtrodden and a shining example of how the underdog can succeed despite seemingly overwhelming odds.
Dylan Dunphy (Ireland)
Surjit Sahota (Canada)
phạm ngoc cong (Viet Nam)
I want to thank this great man for his achievements for the people and for inspiring me with what he did when I was a young boy in America I remembered feeling oppressed a nation that we lived in didn't want us because of some arbitrary piece of paper that claimed our legality and a home with growing lawlessness and corruption the tales of his revolutionary life spoke volumes more to me than any fictional character ever could and I just want to say thank you and rest in peace. Viva la revolution!
Ricardo Enriqe Rangel Mendez (Mexico)
VÅ© Hoöng (Viet Nam)
Queridos hermanos cubanos, vaya este abrazo sincero desde el corazón del sur, de la tierra pampa por donde supo cabalgar el che en su rocinante moto la poderosa... queridos familiares Castro Ruz,la partida de Fidel es solo terrenal o a caso una fecha en el almanaque que dice que ese dia partió de la vida Fidel, pero sepan que nada se ha perdido...todo es siembra viniendo de uds por un mundo mejor..más justo, menos malvado...VIVA CUBA, VIVA LOS PUEBLOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA TODA Y DEL MUNDO.
Fernando Damián Ojeda (Argentina)
If only modern leaders had half the passion and integrity.
Jane Lennie (United Kingdom)
We love and honou you Comrade Castro for all the amazing things that you have done for the people of Cuba and the world in general. You wil always be my hero. May your soul Rest in Peace for all of eternity with your Creator.
Roseanna Clement (Trinidad and Tobago)
Hasta la Victoria!
Francisco Camacho (United States of America)
Lizzie delaney (Ireland)
Sohandhindsa (Canada)
Thank you Fidel Castro for your efgorts to show us that another world is possibla!
Lisbeth Nowotny (Sweden)
Fidel was an inspiration to so many oppressed people all over the world. He was not without his failings but he had been an overwhelming influence for good against the might of U.S. imperialism and for the poor and dispossessed. He will be missed and for those of us who are democratic socialists we must hope that his legacy will enable the Cuban people to experience continued benefits from the socialism that he introduced into Cuba as well as continued extension of human rights in a more friendly political climate than has existed until now.
Richard Chessum (United Kingdom)
My sincere condolences for your great loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers these days and I share your grief at the loss of a great leader of the Cuban People...
Paulette Turcotte (Canada)
Slam Generalisimo Fidel you have fought the great patriotic fight against imperialism hasty sempre.
Kevin carson (United Kingdom)
Joe Beaudry (Canada)
We will continue the struggle.
Jane Calliste (United Kingdom)
You will always be in our thoughts and be an inspiration for every Irish republican. Hasta la victoria siempre! Tiocfaidh ár lá! Rest in power Comandante.
Stephen Hannigan (Ireland)
Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted.
Sara Salyers (United Kingdom)
A Truly great man has been lost. Condolences and solidarity with the people of Cuba. Keep fighting for a better tomorrow, you have comrades around the world at your back
Benjamin Wood (United Kingdom)
We shal not forget you dear and beloved friend! La Luta Continua!
Paul Kernan (Ireland)
For all his faults he was a hero of and for many people. I'm sad I didn't get the chance to visit Cuba before the damn yanks get their claws in and destroy it with their greed and avarice.
Bryn Douthwaite (United Kingdom)
Respect and love to Fidel Castro, a man that spent his life fighting for his people and against the Capitalism, the cancer of our planet. And not only, he's the only man has gone to an other continent like Africa to help and not to still. RIP
Alessio Atzori (United Kingdom)
That man did wonders for his people, especially those who hadn't a centavo to their names.
Jack Walsh (Ireland)
From the moment I first saw Fidel Castro in Life magazine in 1959 and early 1960's I have admired his sense of justice and service to the building of socialism and for liberation from the mafia capitalist system. I feel for the great loss of the Cuban people and really hope that millions of Cubans will take up where Fidel left off and carry forward the banner of the working masses and build socialism. Red salute!!
Rek and Lidia Meerdink (United States of America)
My condolences on the passing of Fidel Castro. He was, and is still, an inspiration to all people struggling for social justice.
Kim Soskin (United States of America)
He gave us hope that we can succeed the impossible
No va a ser igual pisar Cuba sin Ud comandante..aunque se le va a respirar en el legado dejado al pueblo...
Adriana Amado (Argentina)
Farewell to a true leader.
Peter Lynch (Ireland)
You helped to make the seemingly impossible possible. You will always be an inspiration. May you rest in peace x
Alison Baugh (United Kingdom)
Fidel will live for ages as an inspiration to all of us fighting oppression. Viva Fidel!
Mike Beilstein (United States of America)
My condolences to the Cuban people and President Raéordm;l Castro for the loss of El Commandante Fidel, the leader and father of the Cuban Revolution and the founder of the free nation of Cuba. Fidel Castro was one of the most influential figures of all time, a true hero of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world. His unceasing commitment to freedom, brotherhood, equality and anti-imperialist resistance shall be an inspiration for all of the world, forever. Hasta la Victoria siempre, Commandante! Viva la Revolucion! Viva Cuba Libre!
Brecht Jonkers (Belgium)
The Globalised crisis of Capitalism expressed by austerity worldwide will revolutionise the people and bring about world socialism which of course Fidel was aware. He was the spark and we will continue till the job is done. RIP Fidel.
Valerie Hayes (Ireland)
Athanasios Vratzias (Greece)
Viva Cuba
Sergey (Russian Federation)
May you build on his legacy to create a brighter future without losing your bright hearts and souls x
Rick and Muriel Halpin (United Kingdom)
OSCAR A RUIZ (Argentina)
sheryl chetcuti (United Kingdom)
My heart aches for the Cuban people & the entire World. Cuba's guiding light in the revolutionary struggke to defeat imperialism, racism, & inequality shall be deeply missed. But his flame burns on.Viva Fidel!
Merle Ramsey-Boissiere (United States of America)
Stuart Ewan Butler (United Kingdom)
Growing up I felt a strong connection to the achievements of the Cuban revolutionary movement. Reading the history that Fidel created kept me company in lonely times to a point in year 11 they were practically my only companions. Because of this I feel like I have lost an old friend and I often think back to being a 15/16 year old behind the computer desk in classroom S1 dreaming about revolution. A dream that has never faded but instead has inspired me and pushed me to achieve some of my finest moments. It is said that a man can die but an idea will live forever. Although he has passed away the spirit of Fidel will forever remain while I, and comrades like me, keep fighting.
Badger (United Kingdom)
Gracias por haber llenado tu siglo de ilusión y tu país de dignidad. Patriota del Hombre.
Alberto Domínguez-MÃ (Spain)
Mi mas sincero pésame al pueblo cubano por tan irremediable pérdida. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Carmen Mendoza (Mexico)
Jack Britton (Ireland)
We Africans have lost a friend and a hero. May his spirit live on in Cuba ..Viva Fidel Castro, Viva la revoluésect;ion. We will never forget the support and sacrifice he made for the liberation struggle and the fight against imperialism.
Alan Oyugi (Kenya)
An icon and an inspiration to us all who believe that another, more equal, world is possible. You will never be forgotten. Condolences to all in Cuba - we stand with you.
Emma (United Kingdom)
Du hast den Menschen Würde gebracht. Ich verneige mich dankbar vor Dir.
Elfriede Krutsch (Germany)
RIP Fidel
Robert Edlund (Sweden)
I wish I made it to Cuba before you left! May you now be united with Che!! Much love to you and yours!!
Natasha (United Kingdom)
El Comandante se va del plano terrenal, pero él y su lucha convirtiendo sus ideales en realidades están muy por encima de la muerte y eso es lo que prevalece. ¡HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE!
Diana Serrano (Mexico)
Fidel Castro vivira para siempre en Nuestros Corazones en la memoria historica, la conciencia colectiva todos los pueblos del mundo, como el comandante de los oprimidos, en la lucha contra la explotacion capitalista, el imperialismo, la lucha por una justa nueva sociedad socialismo-comunismo. Hasta la victoria siempre!.
Platon Routis (Canada)
Solidarity with the people of Cuba
Gordon (United Kingdom)
Dear Fidel, my love and respect for you are beyond words. You are a shining example to mankind. Thank you. Love to Che. Big hug, j
Jack Gibberd (United Kingdom)
In memory of a leader who improved the life, health and education of his compatriotas.
Irene Lomas (United Kingdom)
Rest in power.
Randall (United States of America)
Go ndéana Dia grásta air. His courage will continue to inspire us for many generations
Bríd Ní Sh (Ireland)
was at the embassy today signed book talked with the ambassador sad day for the cuban people but they have the will to carry on
tom evans (Ireland)
Thanos kafes (Greece)
Soy un hondureño que convivió con ustedes en una época difícil para gran parte de los latinoamericanos. Con Fidel no nos encontramos ni cruzamos palabra alguna; nunca estreché su mano, no reímos juntos, pero sí quedé esperando su llegada. A pesar de eso, puedo decir que mi relación con Fidel fue muy cercana, estuvo presente en mi formación política y pendiente de mi persona. Debido a la solidaridad promovida por Cuba y con el ejemplo de la dirección política encabezada por Fidel tuve oportunidad de vivir y estudiar con ustedes entre 1976-1977, en la Escuela Nacional de La Juventud Comunista Julio Antonio Mella en Habana del Este; compartimos alegrías, tristezas, amores, techos y aulas alrededor de 400 compañeros, de ellos 99 extranjeros de varios países latinoamericanos, otros de Angola y Sao Tomé. Para entrar y salir de la isla pasamos muchos riesgos, ocultando nombres propios, rompiendo documentos de estudio y haciendo trizas el certificado de la escuela. Eran tiempos difíciles para Centroamérica y hoy la situación no ha cambiado tanto. Pero la experiencia es inolvidable. De ese momento recuerdo tres hechos que marcaron definitivamente mis vínculos con Fidel. Uno de ellos fue en octubre de 1976 con el sabotaje al vuelo 455 de Cubana de Aviación en Barbados. Nos llevaron al homenaje a las víctimas en la Plaza de la Revolución y recuerdo el discurso de Fidel, muy dolido, combativo, y muchas personas llorando cuando dijo cuando un pueblo valiente llora, la injusticia tiembla. El otro en el aniversario de los CDR, impresionante. Y participar junto a casi un millón de personas en el desfile del 1 de mayo de 1977, ver a la cabeza de la movilización la bandera de los Estados Unidos y una gran manta de la Brigada Venceremos; al inicio no entendía y luego comprendí el inmenso respeto de los cubanos hacia ese grupo internacionalista. Tal vez sean cosas sencillas. Pero marcaron mis ideas. Definieron mucho más la identificación con Cuba y con Fidel. Como dije nunca lo tuve tan cerca ni hablamos. En la escuela Julio Antonio Mella quedamos a la espera de su llegada en cualquier madrugada. Realmente no fue necesaria su presencia física si estaba en cada momento del estudio, en cada momento de todas las alegrías logradas en esa inolvidable isla. Gracias Comandante.
Gustavo Zelaya Herrera (Honduras)
Rest in peace. Western haters may slander you every which way but if they were really democratic they would know that a country has the right to be socialist if it wants to. Every people and nation needs self determination. I pray that your brother doesn't let Cuban socialism crumble into the dust. You were an inspiration, a shining star in the bleak horizon of US imperialism in the Americas. Red salute!
Courtney Belyea (Canada)
Ingrese a mi CUBA solidaria una semana antes del fallecimiento del Comandante ! , me fui de mi CUBA solidaria sin EL !! con un silencio , moral y de honor jamas visto ! con una amargura del pueblo como lo que nos sucedió con Nestor ! cuantas lagrimas dejamos en el Malecon , cuantos pensamientos de dolor y gratitud a la vez . Una molecula de aire del ultimo aliento de Fidel ingreso en los cubanos y ahora , SI ahora seremos mas imbatibles que nunca ! tu muerte ha despertado a los dormidos a los incrédulos , hasta en tu muerte os enseñas !! hasta siempre comandante .
luis barja (Argentina)
Mes plus sincères condoléances ö la famille Castro et au peuple Cubain. Hasta siempre Fidel
Serra (France)
Adiós Comandante. Gracias. "Seguiremos adelante Como junto a tí seguimos..." Hasta la victoria siempre!!!
The world has lost one of it's greatest leaders. He done so much for Cubans and oppressed peoples around the world. Neither him, nor the ideals of the Cuban Revolution, should ever be forgotten. RIP Comandante. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Sean (United Kingdom)
Although I live far away from Cuba, I feel Fidel so close to my heart. And I guess I'll always do. Some big souls never really leave. I'm Galician as Fidel's parents. My father was born in Cuba like Fidel. I'm working as history teacher and it's really difficult to find historical personalities with Fidel's human and moral values and character. Thank you very much, Comandante, for all your commitments and teachings. Fly away. Fly far. Fly in peace. We'll never forget you.
Nacho Mato (Spain)
Mary Boite (United States of America)
From Fidal Castro and those who fought beside him, I learned the possibilities of revolt, of anti-imperialism. I learned the possibilities and limits of nationalism and of pockets of resistance. I learned that one may start from civil rights or from economic rights but the job is not done until all our rights to liberty are secured. I learned to accept my inadequacy and to fight anyway. His and your memory is part of may arsenal of examples of aspirations and duties
Lee Lakeman (Canada)
Fidel Castro was a hero and an inspiration to many here in Ireland and throughout the word. We must see our present fight right through to the very end - Bobby Sands.
Ciarán Grimes (Ireland)
Fidel Castro - you will be missed but your legacy will endure. Cuba and her people have flourished under your leadership.
Valerie (United Kingdom)
Our family's condolences to the Cuban people for their great loss of such an inspirational leader. He was and will always remain a beacon for everyone in the world struggling to free their societies from the grip of the multi-national corporations. Haste la victoria siempre.
Bill, Lesley, Elspeth & Adam McCaig (United Kingdom)
Un hombre para la Historia!
Patricia Fornera (Puerto Rico)
You made a difference ...
Chris Day (Ireland)
Respect. A truly great man.
Bob Newman (United Kingdom)
Pablo Ryan (United Kingdom)
nunca te olvidaremo, comandante!
esteban mauri (Italy)
Imti Choonara (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace. Thanks for your service. I hope more flowers of hope bloom for all people to make a better world for everyone, and look after each other. May Cuba as well as all countries continue their evolution.
David Garner (United Kingdom)
In solidarity to the true revolutionary. You made something happen and last which no other socialist regime has done. I salute you and your brother and all our brothers and sisters.
Jacqueline Darby (United Kingdom)
Era un gigante.. ahora ya es eterno Con la fortuna de saberme una joven con la oportunidad de seguir aprendiendo de su legado, que trascenderá -en mucho- a su vida terrenal, trasmitirle mis respetos y agradecimiento en la distancia. Es tiempo de descansar, que la tierra le sea leve. Un abrazo solidario desde Galicia. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Andrea Maroñas Berm&Ati (Spain)
You can't kill and idea. Rest in Power
Conor Dowling-Linehan (Ireland)
To the people of Cuba and to the family of Fidel Castro, condolences Your people have striven against the corrupt governments of the world and shine as an example to the rest of the world
William Stone (United Kingdom)
my deepest condolences for your loss .....he was a great fighter and revolutionary man
maria (Greece)
Desde Oslo, Noruega, un abrazo para todos los cubanos. Hay que seguir teniendo paciencia por nuestros hijos y por el future. Venceremos. Sonia
Sonia Bustos Alfaro (Norway)
Hasta siempre Comandante. Gracias por hacer podible el Acuerdo de Paz para Colombia. Dios lo bendiga.
Esperancita Uribe (United Kingdom)
Cuba. The first socialist revolution of the western hemisphere. Fidel Castro. A man of a kind that we see only every hundred years. Long live Socialist Cuba. Long live the Cuban People. Long live the Revolution. May Fidel Rest In Peace. ¡Patria, socialismo o muerte!
Fernando Solis Borquez (Mexico)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Daimo Sánchez Lea (Chile)
Rest in Peace Fidel You will always be in my thoughts
Jim Moore (Ireland)
Adios Comandante !!
Llora la humanidad humana, la humanidad revolucionaria. LLoran los médicos de orígenes humildes que se desenvuelven repartidos por el mundo. Lloran la tiranía de la alfabetización, lloran los humildes, llora el pueblo cubano a quien le dio dignidad y jamás pudo ser derrotado. Llora Latino-américa y el Mundo solidario y generoso., la partida física del líder humano
Mario Corces (Chile)
Hasta siempre Comandande Fidel Castro!
Antoniadou Kiki (Greece)
Hasta la victoria commantante !!
Ann Piggott (Ireland)
R.I.P Fidel. You did more than enough despite the challenges. Bravo!!
Odhiambo Ambala (Kenya)
A thorn in the flesh of the USA but a Hero of his people.RIP Fidel!
peter sains (United Kingdom)
A reminder to humanity that being an activist is not an option, but an urgent need. RIP Comandante
Ana Valinho (United Kingdom)
HALA GEORGE (United Kingdom)
¡Viva el comandante invicto y eterno! Más sinceras condolecias al pueblo cubano desde Grecia.
Yannis Tsalavoutas (Greece)
Rest easy comrade you were one in a million
Mary Mcclure (Ireland)
Salud Comrade Fidel - fighter for freedom and equality for
Philippa Clark (United Kingdom)
Mi más sentido pesame a la familia del Comandante extensivo a todo el Pueblo de Cuba. Latinamérica ha perdido a un gran hombre. Viva Fidel!
Daniel Mena (Sweden)
He made his mark for everyone to judge for many years to come. He changed the lives of millions, mostly for the better.
Kevin Hayes (United Kingdom)
Sandra Newens (United Kingdom)
My love and condolences to the family of Fidel for the loss of this amazing man. Two visits to Cuba opened my eyes to what is possible, especially in education*. The hardships of the Cuban people can be laid directly at the door of the USA who virtually laid siege to the island and still occupy part of it. *children from ordinary backgrounds all having access to art, music and dance and achieving excellence - Carlos Acosta.
Pearl Wheeler (United Kingdom)
A true leader and inspiration of how humans can behave. His memory and legacy will live forever
Edwin Darfi (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante! Al pueblo cubano, hermano, le deseo que sepa conservar la herencia de su Gigante, que siga adelante fuerte y no escuche el canto de las sirenas vecinas, que conserve el valor de la igualdad más alto puesto que el del oro. Fidel les deja un país que sirve de ejemplo a nosotros todos y principalmente a los latinoamericanos. Que sepan conservar su país. Nos sentimos huérfanos los que desde siempre admiraron la obra que él supo construir con los ciudadanos de esta isla valerosa. Pero nos sentiremos menos huérfanos, hermanos de Cuba, si vosotros conservan lo que han construído.*
Maria Luiza de Carvalho Armando (Brazil)
Peter Denton (United Kingdom)
Thank you for all Fidel! God bless you! Salam
Etten Carvallo (Venezuela)
R.I.P. Fidel
Florence Hill (United Kingdom)
Respect to a great man and fighter for freedom.
Carl (United Kingdom)
At this sad time I feel for the Cuban people, with the passing of a genuine and intelligent liberator. But I know Cuba will act in a way befitting Fidel. He is almost a father figure, long live the revolution, long live Fidel's wisdom.
Darren Kiggins (United Kingdom)
It is difficult to put into words the loss felt by progressive humanity at the loss of Fidel Castro. His words and deeds have served, and will continue to serve as a shining example to all anti-imperialists. He and his comrades sacrificed their lives making this world a better place. They outstripped all expectations in raising the Cuban people to new heights. Wherever proletarian internationalism was required in the world, first on the scene were the Cubans, guided by Fidel. A genuine giant of history. A great of our time. A champion of humanity Thank you Fidel.
Joe Phinn (United Kingdom)
To the family and friends of Fidel, and the people of Cuba: I send my sincere condolences and love and prayers. The gift of friendship that you gave to us Canadians will always hold a special place in our hearts. As I stood on Cuban soil sharing the grief and shock with Cuban friends on Friday, I shed tears for the loss of a man who brought our 2 countries together in friendship after the revolution and who stood strong and fought for what he believed in. May the 9 days of mourning offer some time to grieve and pay respect to a legend.
Heather Willis (Canada)
Fidel Castro is(not was) an extraordinary leader, a truly guide for the cuban people. I feel proud of being cuban and I want to thank him in the name of cuban youth. Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Comandante!!!
Javier M. (Cuba)
My condolences to your family and your country. Rest In Peace
Geisha alomar (United States of America)
Al eterno revolucionario que no se rebajó ante nadie Al eterno visionario que se atrevió a cambiar el curso de la Historia, al eterno joven de corazón que se convirtió en leyenda viva para el mundo entero, Gloria eterna el los Campos Elíseos cubanos, entre Camilo y el Che, con su puro habano y su gorra kaki y un humilde clavel rojo de la Cra Safo Diamanti, filóloga, docente, traductora e intérprete, miembro del Directorio de la Asociación de Amistad y Solidaridad Heleno-Cubana de Atenas y miembro de la Presidencia del Comité griego de Solidaridad Democrática Internacional.
Safo DIAMANTI (Greece)
Fidel Castro was a great leader in the world and stood up to even mighty big countries that would want to force their agenda on Cuba such as the United States. Fidel Castro also did alot to help free African countries and improved the living quality of the people of Cuba. He will be missed and lets hope that future generations continue the revolutionary spirit that was established.
Brian Winkelman (United States of America)
Desde la tierra de Agosthino Neto, la cual ayudaste sin interés alguno, solo con un "elemental principio de internacionalismo" como tu centenciaste en el Primer Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba, aclarandoles a los imperialistas, que no conocen la palabra solidaridad y mucho menos la hermandad entre los pueblos, esa es una de las tantas enseñanzas que nos trasmitiste y hoy aquí estamos los cooperantes del proyecto MES- Universidad en la provincia de Zaire/Soyo, donde nunca se pensó tener una Universidad. Mis más sentidas condolencias a todo el pueblo de Cuba y a todos los amigos de Fidel.
Andrés Ferrer Castillo (Cuba)
I wanna pay my respect and sign the condolences book at the Cuban embassy if possible,thank tou
Hashim (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace Fidel Castro.
Pamela Pigeau (United Kingdom)
Uno de los políticos más sinceros e incorruptibles en cuanto a sus ideas políticas se ha ido de nosotros. Sin embargo siempre estará con nosotros, en nuestros corazones y nuestros recuerdos. Para mí nunca hubo otro camino que aquel del socialismo y éste lo voy a continuar sin rodeos para que la herencia de Fidel Castro quede conservada en dignidad
Matthias (Germany)
Long live the Cuban people!
Katsibiri Anezoula (Greece)
Aaron mcewan (United Kingdom)
Desde un pueblo (Euskal Herria) que lucha por su soberania e independencia plena, aéordm;n dentro de la Unión Europea, a otro pueblo que lo logró, Cuba: Euskal Herriko (Basque Country) lurretatik doluminak helarazi nahi dizkiogu Kubako herriari. Guretzat ere galera handia izan delako Fidel Castroren heriotza. Gizakion berdintasun eta duintasunaren borrokan erreferente eta iraultzaile handia. Fidelek ereindako haziek fruitu ematen jarraituko dute! Zeruan izar gorri berria piztu da Castroren omenez. Agur eta ohore! Xabi Eta Maite. P.D: "La fe de los pueblos no se despierta con promesas, con teorías, ni con retórica: la fe de los pueblos se despierta con hechos, con realidades, con soluciones verdaderas"
Xabier (Spain)
I write to express the deep sorrow of Momentum Black ConneXions at the death of Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz on 25th November 2016. We will always regard Comrade Castro as a hero and an inspirational leader of the oppressed across the world who believe in genuine national sovereignty and self determination for all nations, socialism and the international co-operation for which he stood all his life. We salute the brave people of Cuba who have made great cultural, economic and social progress under the visionary leadership of Comrade Castro. We are confident that in the coming years the legacy left behind by him will endure. We note that the progress made by the Cuban revolution was achieved in the face of unprovoked aggression by the most powerful country in the world. We are united in solidarity with the Cuban people and share their grief and loss. Viva Comrade Fidel Castro! A luta continua.
Kingsley Abrams, General Secretary Momentum Black (United Kingdom)
James Hadstate (United States of America)
¡Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante!
Jorge Capelán (Nicaragua)
All human beings die but only few become immortal. You are among those Comrade Fidel. Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Daniele (Italy)
You held out against enormous odds and the most powerful and ruthless capitalist country in the world. you gave us socialists some hope. Thank you.
Robert Hughes (United Kingdom)
I send my dearest sympathy and condolences to the Cuban people at this time of mourning. The loss of Fidel Castro is a blow, not only to Cuba, but the working class of the world. Fidel dedicated his life to fighting for the emancipation of the proletariat from the chains of poverty, capitalism and imperialism. In death, just as in life, he will be remembered for his fearless struggle and indefatigable work to protect and advance socialism. Viva Fidel! Long live socialism!
Ryan Berry (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Con tu ejemplo siempre presente, seguiremos luchando sin tregua contra las injusticias. Salud Comandante Fidel !
Manuel Castro (Spain)
Vivías en cuba y en el corazón de gente. Nadie pudo contra ti y tu gente. Escribí este brevísimo texto, ahi esta la fecha: Informe meteorológico Centro de Pronósticos del Tiempo, INSMET. Pronóstico del Tiempo para la tarde y la noche. Fecha: 10 de Abril del 2002. Hora: 10:30 AM. Después de incontables huracanes, tormentas y ciclones procedentes del noroeste, felizmente en el centro de la isla, el anciano y siempre verde roble sigue de pie.
Alfonso Pedraza Pérez (Mexico)
A giant for people on every continent of the world. RIP Fidel Castro!
Gulam Chowdhury (United Kingdom)
Cuba you have paid a terrible price for daring to resist imperialism and organised crime to build education, health and self-determination under the leadership of Fidel. Take care not to waste that sacrifice now. Don't let your achievements be swept away,
Terry Miles (United Kingdom)
Long live comrade Fidel Castro.you live in our hearts.
Harinder Hundal (Canada)
Rest in Peace wise man...My thoughts are with your family and friends and the people of Cuba...A great leader indeed...
Christina Nlisi (United Kingdom)
Fidel, Fidel, los pueblos te agradecen...
Adrian Banham (United Kingdom)
Thank you for everything you achieved whilst fighting a super power. You led your country to achieve great things, have fun on the other side. Viva la Castro
Joe Weston (United Kingdom)
Dende Galicia, a terra que lembra as orixes de Fidel, envío o meu apoio ao pobo de Cuba, ao que me une unha relación sentimental. Fidel foi e será un dos máximos referentes da loita pola soberanía nacional e polo socialismo. Con acertos e erros, non será esquecido polos que aínda defendemos a igualdade social e económica dos seres humanos, sen distinción de orixe, lingua, sexo ou idade. Ata a victoria sempre, comandante.
Daniel Pinto (Spain)
With great sympathy to the people of Cuba and all comrades around the world. Fidel was a great leader and will be sadly missed. Viva the revolution
Ged Waters (United Kingdom)
(Russian Federation)
Querido compañero y comandante, me siento huérfano en la lejanía. Tu ejemplo revolucionario iluminará el camino de las rebeldías presentes y futuras. El siglo XX ha muerto contigo, camarada. La revolución permanece y permanecerá, hasta la victoria siempre. Que la tierra te sea leve, padre, hermano, campesino, obrero, camarada, comandante... ¡Viva Cuba Socialista, Libre y Soberana! ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
You guided your country with great faith, All Cubans will prosper from your great sacrifices and belief .
Phil Morris (United Kingdom)
Without people of strength!! The current would wash us all away!!
james mangan (Ireland)
In the words of our President, Michael D. Higgins,- " Fidel Castro will be remembered as a giant among global leaders whose view was not only one of freedom for his people but for all of the oppressed and excluded people's on the planet." Viva Fidel, viva Cuba libre
Pauline Murphy (Ireland)
Adio commandante
Vassilis NINOS (Greece)
Comrade Fidel, your life along with the stuggle of the Cuban people has inspired me to no end I now devote my life to the armed struggle of Marxism-Leninism. You've made me proud to call myself a Marxist. Viva la revolució
Leland Taylor (United States of America)
Hilda Janssen (Germany)
When I first became politicised as a teenager in the 1970s Fidel and the Cuban Revolution were an inspiration. From the achievements in health and education, to Cuba's internationalism he will continue to inspire. Another world is indeed possible.
Steven Johnson (United Kingdom)
You lead the revolution my country never got to have.
Dara Rohan (Ireland)
Eileen Sosin Martínez (Cuba)
Condolences for a personal hero and true inspiration. His achievements evident in all the Cuban people who have levels of health, education, artistry and dignity that the UK should aspire to.
Susan Waters (United Kingdom)
I want to share this huge loss with Cuban people. While I have been participating in protests and events to free Cuban 5, I became to learn Cuban history, July 26th failed uprising, 1959 Jan. 1st victory and following social revolution for justice and more equality, Angola dispatch more than 300,000 soldiers for longer than a decade and defeating colonial alliance and eventual Nelson Mandela release from prison. Terrors by Rescue of Brothers and brave heroes Cuban 5. Again largest number of Cuban doctors worked in Africa to contain Ebola virus. 191 countries' Yes vote to lift Sanctions over Cuba in UN while only 2 Israel and US voted No. And suddenly US agreed diplomatic relationship with Cuba and freed 3 of Cuban 5 still in jail. I became to respect Cuban people. I understood why Cuba overcame US sanctions and more than 600 attempts to kill Mr. Fidel Castro. I compare Cuba and North Korea. Two countries have many similarities in overcoming the strongest sanctions and still developed better socialism for own people and now they show sustainable economic system to world. Again I send my deepest condolence to Cuban people. I believe Cuba continue Castro legacy to make much better Cuba.
Soobok Kim (United States of America)
robert hopson (United Kingdom)
Kareem (Afghanistan)
Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than a mountain or lighter than a feather. To die for the people is weightier than the Sierra Maestra, but to work for the fascists and die for the exploiters and oppressors is lighter than a feather. Fidel displayed the strength of UNITY of the people against Imperialism and his death is heavier than Pico Turquino.
Don (Australia)
¡Hasta la Victoria siempre, Comandante!
Luis Alberto Chávez F&At (Mexico)
Hasta siempre comandante...!
José Javier Rodra& (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre!!! Fidel has been and always will be a huge inspiration in the fight against imperialism. He will be very missed. Viva Fidel!
Ashton Calhoun (United States of America)
Revolutionaries die but their ideas never dies. Farewell comrade.
Ali Yılmaz (United Kingdom)
Fábio Junqueira Karkow (Brazil)
I would like to give my condolences to the late commandante Fidel Castro. We have lost a great leader and a great visionary. Comrade Castro may be gone from this earth, but your legacy lives on. You will be forever an inspiration to Communists in North America and world wide in fight for peace, equality and socialism. RIP Fidel Castro! Presente!
Dave (Canada)
My deepes condolences. We have lost one of the greatest revolutionaries of 20th century.
(Czech Republic)
Feliz transito, que tu evocion de hombre sábio viaje hacia la Luz em esta desencarnacion. Besos de uma cuba toda que te amo y te ama como um padre que nos enseño a pensar.
Astrid Merino Silveiro (Cuba)
Viva Fidel! Hasta la Victoria Siempre ! Viva la revolution!
Tahir Mujtaba (Pakistan)
(Viet Nam)
Antios amingos findel.....eedda.gr.
Dimitris (Greece)
Frank Wagner (Germany)
Gracias Comandante Por todo Que Histe Para Cuba Y El Mundo.. ahora ya estas reunido con Comandante Che Guevera ! Que Dios te Bendiga Siempre.. Siempre en nuestra Corazones...
Myrna Ulrich (United States of America)
Fidel - You have been an inspiration to me and to the whole world. Your example will live on to inspire others. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
John Coates (United Kingdom)
He was a real hero... Rest In Peace Castro.
Dani Dobrocsi (Hungary)
A great man is gone. I celebrate his astonishing successes and remember his flaws.
Meg Borthwick (Canada)
Rest in peace castro, you were a great man and a greater leader
Michael (United Kingdom)
My condolences to people of Cuba for the lost of the great leader Fidel Castro who has inspired us in many ways. We African nations will never forget him and all pioneer of Revolution.
Ebbie Mkandara (Canada)
Father Barry Naylor (United Kingdom)
After the cruel repression of Batista and his American Mafia thug henchmen, Fidel Castro gave the Cuban people: Pride, dignity, a sense of purpose, a fantastic health service and levels of literacy that are the envy of the world. He was and is a towering giant of the Twentieth Century. What leader of the so called western liberal democracies can claim to have achieved anything like Fidel; they are mere midgets standing on the shoulders of giants - soon forgotten - Fidel Castro's legacy will live on forever.
George Atkinson (United Kingdom)
History does not need to absolve you. You have been nothing but a hero.
Jason Unruhe (Canada)
Sorcha (Ireland)
Condolencias sinceras al pueblo hermano de Cuba, que ha perdido a uno de sus grande hombres, el ciudadano del mundo, Fidel Castro, Honor y gloria en su tumba! A mantener los logros de la revolución, a honrar su nombre y memoria.
Miguel GUaloto (Ecuador)
Wir wollen unsere Arbeit für eine gerechte, friedliche Welt, der Gemeinschaft aller Völker im Sinne von Fidel weiterführen, in dem wir auch weiter für die Solidaritécurren;tsprojekte in Cuba wirken. Monika
Monika Gottwald "Cuba Si Gera/Th&Atil (Germany)
mi amor y condolencias al pueblo de Cuba
elena forni (Italy)
john henry (United Kingdom)
May you be rewarded for all the good you done and forgiven for that you done that was wrong
Pascal (Ireland)
Gracias Fidel! Permanecerás en nosotros con la infinidad de tu ejemplo. Gloria eterna!
Idolkis Arguelles Berdión (Cuba)
a great man
Michael Brown (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante, aunque fisicamente no estes, siempre estaras en nuestras vidas por que eres parte de ellas, gracias por dejarnos tus enseñanzas para los que estamos y para las generaciones venideras, siempre seras ejemplo a seguir en cualquier esfera de la vida.
Sandra (Cuba)
Rodrigo Sefair Buitrago (Colombia)
My family and I feel close to the Cuban people at this sad time, Fidel dream and his fortitude lives in his people's heart, don't let lies and propaganda undermine your beautiful Country, you are ready, remember always of the dispossessed and the victims of the so called "free world" and who what they call "free press" it's really paid for by. Be strong. Our heartfelt condolences.
Caterina (United Kingdom)
Viva la Revolucion
Keenan George (United Kingdom)
Thank you comrade . You were part of my youth and inspired me to be active and that continues to day. To the people of Cuba, you have lost a great leader but the ideas remain and will serve to inspire future generations. We fight on . From Scotland with love and solidarity
Trish Benz (United Kingdom)
Lennart Börjesson (Sweden)
Sometimes I think it's all lost. I look at the poverty and the environmental destruction and those that profit, obscenely from it; and I think, there is no hope. They will always win. But then I remember Cuba, and Fidel Castro, and 60 years of resistance. And hope returns. RIP Fidel Castro. No one is flawless, but you brought hope, and justice and freedom, where there had been only the capitalist yoke. And for 60 years you defended that against all the tyranny the U.s could throw at you. But Cuba still thrives. RIP comrade .
Simon Pettit (United Kingdom)
Con profundo dolor te despedimos fisicamente pero seguiras estando presente en nuestros corazones Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Ivis (Cuba)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre , Descansa en Paz El Comandante
Peter Martin Ormond (United Kingdom)
FIdel you are and always will be an inspiration to me, I will miss your wisdom but you will always live on in my thoughts. Thankyou for giving the people of your beautiful country the dignity they deserve.
Kim Elizabeth Steele (United Kingdom)
Mi mas sentido pesame para Raul y demas familiares, hijos, nietos, etc, el pueblo de Cuba llora la desaparicion fisica de nuestro Comandante en Jefe pero seguira sus ideas hasta el final de nuestras vidas. Patria o Muerte, Venceremos
Arturo Reiner (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria Siempre Comandante
Beatriz Lorena Díaz Gonz&A (Cuba)
I am sorry for uour loss.
Bradley Hetsler (Canada)
Fidel, será inigualable, irrepetible,, q hombre acaba de perder la humanidad. Firme en sus ideas, ejemplo de lealtad y firmeza en sus ideales. Será eternamente recordado. Viva mi comandante.!
leydis barinaga Nodar (United Kingdom)
¡Nuestros amigos caros! ¡Con la tristeza y las lágrimas ante los ojos junto con usted nos despedimos de una gran persona - Fidel! Era en Cuba 2 veces... ¡Es simplemente enamorada en su isla! ¡Sois éordm;nicos! ¡Su amor a Fidel y Che Gevare sincero! ¡Se siente en cada metro de la tierra! ¡Estas personas increíble! ¡Trataban y han hecho mucho para las gentes sencillas! ¡Para el mejoramiento de su vida! ¡Su vida! Pero en el mundo es mucho mal; (((¡pero creo que su y sus de la víctima no eran vano! Recordáis, cómo era que hacían con su tierra y el pueblo de los EEUU... ¡Lo Recordáis!!! ¡Guardáis la fidelidad a aquellos ideales, por que luchaban Fidel, Che Gevara y otros!!! ¡Le queremos y nuestros corazones lloran!!! ¡Fidel la gran persona! Our dear friends! With grief and tears in the eyes we together with you say goodbye to the great person - Fidel! I was in Cuba 2 times... also it is simply in love with your island! You are unique! Your love to Fidel and Che Guevara sincere! She is felt in each meter of the earth! These people improbable! They tried and have made a lot of things for simple people! For improvement of their life! Your life! But in the world there is a lot of evil; (((but I believe that their and your victims weren't vain! You remember how was that was done with your earth and the people of the USA... Remember it!!! Also are loyal to those ideals for which Fidel, Che Guevara and others battled!!! We love you and our hearts cry!!! Fidel great person!
Yaroslava Safronova (Russian Federation)
Hasta siempre camandante!!!!! Hasta siempre camarada!!! podrian morir pero nunca sus ideas.... viva el socialismo viva fidel!!
Txema Goikoetxea (France)
People who have visited Cuba,as I have, will know what Castro achieved in raising the aspirations of his citizens.Health and education are shining examples of his priorities.The system he imposed,perhaps,was the only way of achieving such aims.
geoffrey dean (United Kingdom)
My deepest sympathises from Ireland to all the people of Cuba who are mourning the death of The legendary, brave, courageous & heroic Comandante Fidel Castro. Fidel will always be remembered as a hero amongst the neglected people of the world and has gain the respect & admiration of the Irish people from his heroic acts of defiance, and his quote about our country.... "Ireland is one single country, one single homeland, my desire is that someday the entire island will be united and peace". Descanse en Paz, Comandante Fidel Castro. Viva la Revolution Y Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Daniel Walsh (Ireland)
Fidel was the most inspirational leader of the last half century. He led Cuba in helping build a better life and democracy on several continents and he gave hope to all who fought against imperialism. Loved like no other leader, he lives still in the hearts of millions and millions and millions.
David Margolies (United Kingdom)
A,great life, a great loss.
Sue Hendricksen (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel is an inspiration to the whole world. Noone has stood up to imperialism as bravely and as consistently as him. Cuba si Yankie no!
Ivan Stoiljkovic (Canada)
The progressive world mourns a great leader, revolutionary and man. Fidel, you will be missed. Viva la revolucion cubane! Advance to ever bolder goals!
Jonte Takman (Sweden)
Fidel is dead, long live Fidel
Ramon Ramos (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandaste!!!
Guillermo (Cuba)
You were a true hero and inspiration. RIP Fidel.
Jayne (United Kingdom)
History will absolve you Fidel Hasta la Victoria Siempre. Your nations humility, dedication and intelligence is a shining example to the rest of the world.
Ian Colligan (United Kingdom)
SIEMPRE EN DEFENSA DE Cuba y su Revolucion Socialista
juan manuel fernandez martin (Spain)
RIP freedom fighter
Peter donnelly (United Kingdom)
Dear Fidel Castro, I just want to send you a hearty thank you for your contribution to revolutionary science. Thank you for your strength against Imperialist forces and your courage. I hope to one day have the same attributes as you. May the revolution carry on. Sincerely, A Canadian Comrade
Kelsey Konjolka (Canada)
Farah Notash (Iran)
An inspiration to the world!
Jim Barr (United Kingdom)
Te dicen dictador, yo te digo salvador. Hasta siempre comandante!
Maria C. 0Rivera (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba. Long live the Cuban Revolution!
Andrew Maybury (United Kingdom)
I am saddened to learn of the death of such a great man. Adelante!
Gina Siddons (United Kingdom)
We have lost a true Revolutionary and leader of the people.Rest in Peace Fidel"El Comandante"Castro.
Gary Reddy (Ireland)
Long live Cuba best of luck in your future ahead.
bobby phelan (Ireland)
As a student I participated in the huge London demo against the US Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba [and got arrested!]. My commitment to the Cuban revolution has never waned since. Fidel was, and will continue to be, an inspiration to struggling peoples across the world. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Malcolm Hardy (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace great Leader. You are an inspiration to disadvantaged people all over the world.
sharon leavy (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace my Hero We will always remember you.
Nasim gillani (United Kingdom)
Fidel, la persona mas valiente, humana y solidaria de la historia, invensible comandante. Hasta siempre
Esther Machín Macha (Cuba)
RIP Greatest Revolutionary of all time
Joseph Oluoch (United Kingdom)
we will never see his like again- those who will not miss him did not understand
angela bremner-allison (United Kingdom)
No a muerto!! Ha puesto en descanso eterno su cuerpo!! Los grandes hombres: de historia, valentía, valor, humanismo, solidaridad, honestidad, amor a su semejante, humildad, de corazón inmenso: NO MUEREN.... perduran por siempre en la memoria de todos, en la memoria de todo un pueblo que lo ha amado y seguirá amando, en la memoria de todo el planeta que ha contemplado desde distintas latitudes la grandeza de este hombre!! Por tanto FIDEL vive en mi, en mi pueblo y en cada pedacito de este mundo, su legado es más fuerte que su cuerpo!!! COMANDANTE EN JEFE ORDENE!
Kenier Cedré Gutia (Cuba)
Lieber Fidel, Du wirst uns immer Vorbild und Ansporn bleiben. Hoch die internationale Solidaritécurren;t.
Angelika Richter-Manecke (Germany)
Tus ideas no morirán porque Fidel no ha muerto, Fidel se multiplica en cada uno de nosotros. La juventud cubana no fallará y estaremos combatiendo hasta la victoria siempre, esto es de Patria o Muerte. Gracias por todo Comandante. Hasta Siempre!!!! El pueblo cubano vencerá!!! Cuba te ama
Ana Mariam (Cuba)
Ana Elise Lopes Wissmann (Brazil)
Comrads never die!
Dieter W. Feuerstein (Germany)
¡Devo esta hermosa canción a los cubanos! Aunque no soy comunista y no estoy de acuerdo con muchos principios del comunismo, mis padres vivieron en la Unión Soviética así que sé mejor que muchos "expertos" lo que significa el régimen comunista con sus lados buenos y malos. #FidelCastro siempre estará en mi corazón como un líder histórico que luchó por el bienestar de su nación. Visité Cuba en enero de 2015 y fue uno de los mejores viajes de mi vida! ¡Me encanta Cuba y deseo que la gente cubana se mantenga fuerte! ¡Cuba perdió un verdadero líder! Descanse en paz, #Comandante! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5woXb-XnSYQ
Vahram Ayvazyan (Armenia)
The time has come for you to rest Comrade. Thank you for all that you did for humanity. Rest well
Dr Saidi R. Fundikira (Tanzania)
Your achievements will continue to inspire people all over the world! Cuba is the most racially integrated country we have ever visited & everyone we met was so warm & welcoming. Viva Cuba & Viva la Revolucion! RIP Fidel beside your hero Marti. Joy Farms, Durham City, England.
Joy Farms (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba. Fidel Castro's contributions and his dedication to humanity have been an inspiration and a light in the world.
Margaret Boehm (United States of America)
Fidel made Cuba a sustainable island and fully supported Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano de La Habana bien hecho, companero. Tadhg
Declan Stapleton (Ireland)
You might be be the last one in thoughts of capitalist subbrains, but we will stay as You, fighting for human rights and against US/FRG-terrorism
Dirk Overhoff (Germany)
We the people of Africa will not forget what you did in support for our liberation> I personally love you for your stance against imperialism. Go well brave solder! Rest in Peace
Scholastica Williams (Botswana)
one of the greatest socialist leaders .achieved the highest literacy rates in the world and one of the highest life expectancies despite the us blockade or perhaps because of it as cubans were not exposed to us junk food for the body and mind .he will be sorely missed and we can only hope that cuba continues to resist
tom cooper (United Kingdom)
Johnnie Hunter (United Kingdom)
Rest in power, Comandante!
Young Communist League Executive Committee (United Kingdom)
The red mole keeps digging! Thanks to Fidel and his comrades who still give hope to so many. Adelante!
Mick Murray (United Kingdom)
Long live the revolution. ...rest in peace fidel
Ian friary (United Kingdom)
RIP you were and are an inspiration for the Cuban people and all those that want to see a better world.
Marian Brain (United Kingdom)
Dear President, your legacy will never die. Cuba is alway in my heart and mind. Viva la revolution.
Linn Möller (Sweden)
Deepest condolences to the Castro family, may he rest in peace....
James Curry (Ireland)
A sad loss. Castro was genuine. A man of integrity and honour. I loved the fact and the way in which Fidel stood up to the USA. Millions in developing nations have benefited from Fidel's work. History has already absolved Castro. Forever Love and Peace.
Raj (United Kingdom)
Fidel no ha muerto, Fidel vive en el corazon de todos los cubanos
Otto Rabago Torrens (Cuba)
Solidarity with the people of Cuba!
Michael Laxer (Canada)
Te amamos Fidel!!!
Javier López Pereira (Cuba)
Elizabeth W. Maina (Kenya)
It is with great regret that I learnt of the death of the most esteemed comrade Fidel Castro. May he rest in peace and may the Cuban people continue with their revolutionary struggle.
Bryan Holland (Ireland)
Sad to see you go but you changed your country for the better slan
betty Murphy (Ireland)
May His Soul Rest In Peace Our Revolutionalist Fidel Castor
Dickson Matembo (Tanzania)
Santiago Bereciartua (Argentina)
Fidel was gone, but his legacy still remains. We thank the things that he did for the Vietnam during the most difficult and our younger generation will never be forgotten. RIP Fidel Castro
Hoöng Nam (Viet Nam)
The revolutionary may die, but never the revolution. RIP
Jamie Murray (United Kingdom)
Dot McGuire (United Kingdom)
My sincere condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of Fidel Castro. His accomplishments in regards to bringing world class literacy rates and health care to your country are immense. He was a friend of Canada.
Pamela Allard (Canada)
My condolences to Fidel Castro.one of my heroes.who stood up to American corruption and the miami criminals.
John Carl Kukla (United Kingdom)
Mark Allen (United Kingdom)
My condolences on your loss. Do not let Trump's America ruin your Society Keith Stockdale, an old Welsh Communist
Keith (United Kingdom)
Fique em paz, comandante!
Luciana Dias (Brazil)
May you rest in peace Hasta la victoria siempre Tiocfaidh ar la
Michael Brendan Coyle (United Kingdom)
Renee Vermeulen (Netherlands)
Iwish to send a message of condolence to the people of Cuba stand together and remember your revolution and long live a free Cuba.
Charlie Crawford (United Kingdom)
My Condolences to The People of Cuba and the Family of Fidel. You have a wonderful country and beautiful people may it continue to Prosper and enjoy your Freedom. I visited this country many yrs ago and my wish is to return one day so glad i made it in Fidel Castro's Reign.
KATHLEEN (United Kingdom)
"the dead is not to grief if the live you've lived was it worth": i think there is NO doubt alawed in your case dear Fidel thank you for what you have achieved ( i do not know all + or - points, but you tried the best , i am sure ! ) you are a good boy like they say in ireland
pelzer (Belgium)
We were told he was a monster. Then I saw how Castro was loved by his people. I saw intelligent educated young people, happy, healthy citizens everywhere. Equality, fraternity, Liberty. Inspiring to see how revolution and socialism can work.
Mel (United Kingdom)
Schützengrécurren;ben aus Ideen sind mehr wert als Schützengrécurren;ben aus Stein! Hasta la victoria siempre! Viva Cuba! Viva el socialismo y la libertad!
Kolja Seibert (Germany)
Lianet Hernández Pardo (Cuba)
Fidel Presente!
Thomas Knecht (Germany)
Hartmut Bernecker (Germany)
Rest in peace Fidel, champion of the people and enemy of the capitalist oppressors. A true Socialist revolutionary, comrade and inspiration. May your memory, achievements and example live forever.
Anthong John Lowen (United Kingdom)
Melanie Belanger (Canada)
Solidarity forever
Paul Blackmore (United Kingdom)
La muerte Física no puede apagar la LUZ que ha iluminado a los cubanos todos estos años. Los ideales de nuestro comandante nos servirá de guía paar seguir llevando esta Revolución a todo el Mundo. Hasta siempre Comandante.
Evelio Reyes Mestre (Cuba)
Jimmy Farrell (Ireland)
Porque nos mostró que es posible gobernar con dignidad.
Paola Rojas (New Zealand)
Querido Camarada Fidel: Durante mis 56 años de vida, me diste ejemplo en tantas cosas: Ser comunista convincente, internacionalista de corazón, invencible en atentados, sabio ante las preguntas que emocionan a los seres humanos, hombre honesto de su patria sincera, amigo de la humanidad y de la vida. Ahora te has ido, hombre de barba y puro. Nunca te olvidaré: Estarás conmigo, con nosotros en nuestra lucha que sigue: por la vida, la humanidad, la paz, el socialismo - ¡el futuro! Gracias por todo.
Martin Emko (Germany)
Hasta siempre Comandante! QDEP
Daniela (Belgium)
Ewald Ressel (Germany)
It's all already been said. A great, inspirational man has left us but his revolution lives on.
Phil Turner (United Kingdom)
To my mind, Fidel Castro stood head and shoulders above all other world statesmen and women, both in the second half of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. By his internationalist examples, Fidel has inspired millions of oppressed peoples the world over to struggle for their complete liberation. And, in particular, what Fidel has contributed to the liberation of African and Latin American peoples will live on forever, as will his example as a glorious symbol of socialism shine forever!
Prof Alrick Cambridge (United Kingdom)
You're vision, integrity and courage will inspire me for the rest of my life. There are no limits to the kindness of the human spirit, as you have taught me Comandante Hasta siempre!
Mosope Oyelola (United Kingdom)
Fidel has been an inspiration to all of us who want a fairer world. We shall miss him and his wisdom.
Tess Green (United Kingdom)
R.i.p....A great world leader of my time having been born in 1959.
Julius Kagechu (Kenya)
A true patriot and champion of the oppressed
Dermot Kelly (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the Castro family and the Cuban people.
George Simich (Canada)
(Viet Nam)
Soy una pergaminense, discapacitada por secuelas de polio , que gracias a las gestiones de Silvio Rodriguez y Victor Heredia, pude ir enviada por la entonces ministra de desarrollo social Alicia Kirchner, al CIREN, con una amiga Chabela. Fue un mes mögico donde pudimos palpar directamente la solidaridad del pueblo cubano, que AMA A SU COMANDANTE FIDEL..Pude experimentar la calidez y calidad de la medicina cubana, y la libertad de opinion de su pueblo. Hoy lloramos junto a todos los cubanos la perdida de su lider que yo siento estara tomando unos mates junto al Che.....
adriana cantale (Argentina)
I picture Fidel always tall and sure, true and strong, smiling and seeing everything around him. Fidel the prophet and teacher. Fidel the leader. I will ever be grateful that I have lived my life in the time of Fidel Castro Ruz. He has graced all of humanity. He will never be forgotten. Gracias a Fidel.
Judy Robbins (United States of America)
Marion and I have been travelling to Cuba touring the magnificent country and the very friendly people, most of our tours were geared towards the revolution. Our condolences to the family and country.
Ken and Marion Burton (Canada)
¡Buen viaje, Fidel! No seguiremos viendo tanto en el más allá como en el más acá. En ambos lugares hay cuentas que ajustar.
Raymond McConnie Zapater (United States of America)
Tunia Erler (Germany)
We will always remember Fidel for his bravery and lifelong commitment to his people and to all struggling peoples of the world.
Jane and John Wright (United Kingdom)
Viva la revolucion hermanos y hermanas. Lo sentimos mucho la ausencia de eso gran hombre.
Janice Betts de Suarez (Ecuador)
Cuba and Vietnam has always been brothers. My deepest condolences to the Cuban people. Rest In Peace Sir Fidel Castro. You will live on in the mind of Vietnamese people and in the history of the world.
Chau Nguyen Uyen Thu (Viet Nam)
Fidel has been an inspiration to me for many years,I believe and hope that the people of Cuba will carry the spirit of Fidel into the future.
David Hewitt (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace - Commandante.
Thomas Mayende (Uganda)
May Fidel Castro long continue to inspire fight against oppression everywhere. Hasta La Victoria Siempre, Compañeros Fidel y Che!
Horst Schröder (Sweden)
Sean Andrews (United Kingdom)
Comandante de Comandantes, hoy una venezolana de corazón cubano te agradece el apoyo a la Revolución Bolivariana, pero sobre todo el apoyo y amor de padre que le distes hasta sus ésup1;ltimas horas a Mi Amado Comandante Chövez. Los visualizo felices allö en el otro plano junto con Bolénot;var y Marténot;, El Che y Camilo, Allende y Mandela. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Comandante Eterno
Zulay Torrealba Saldénot;via (Venezuela)
Rest In Peace true hero and friend of Africa. Rest In Peace El Presidente.
Ali Gubio (Nigeria)
Farewell comrade Fidel.I had the pleasure of meeting you in Havana and also brave Cuban comrades in an Apartheid jail in Pretoria
John Hosey (United Kingdom)
Thank you for resisting the embargo placed on your wonderful country by the US. The people united, will never be defeated
John (United Kingdom)
Fidel, nos dejas un vacio profundo por tu ausencia física pero la alegria de haberte tenido con nosotros y nos dejas un gran legado. Hasta Siempre Compañero Fidel.
Vladimir Valenzuela (Guatemala)
My sincerest condolences go to the family and friends of Fidel Castro. As time has passed, it has become all too difficult to see and know revolutionaries such as Castro, who was a champion to his people against the oppression and tyranny of western democratic nations in the world. He was, however, also a great friend and supporter of revolutionary struggles against white domination and racism, receiving recognition for his support from people such as Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X. As a Pakistani Muslim, born in Britain, my motherland of Pakistan and Kashmir are indebted to the Cuban doctors who provided on the ground medical support to those who suffered from an earthquake. Cuban education is also something that remains an example to the world, and as a teacher and education activist, my love and support will always be for the Cuban people and for Fidel Castro and his legacy. Viva La Cuba!!
Imran Arif (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre, Commandante
Colin Woodward (United Kingdom)
viva sozialismus
Nico (Germany)
Oxana Stepkina (Kazakstan)
To the people of Cuba, I stand in solidarity with you during this sad and difficult time. History will remember Fidel Castro's humanity, internationalism, and love of his people. Long live Cuba!
Sally-Ann Richards (United Kingdom)
Condolences to Fidel's family and the Cuban people. You fought against injustice and inspired others to stand and fight with you. You changed THE world by winning dignity and freedom in YOUR world. Your Cuba stood for strength through compassion and resistance through constructive action. The most destructive force in the world, the USA, could not break you. In the dusk of your momentous life they ironically and unwittingly paid you the greatest compliment by displaying their brutalism on Guantanamo Bay. What greater testimony and validation could brave Cuba receive than to have the contrasting realities of imperial barbarism and progressive socialism juxtaposed.Peoples around the world have benefitted frim your healthcare, education, hospitality and example. You once said there are no privileged people in Cuba except children. This principle perfectly illustrates all that is wonderful about socialist Cuba. Another great communist revolutionary wrote philosphers only interpret the world. The point is to change it. You certainly did that and so doing enriched us all. Farewell comrade, you and your works will never be forgotten.
phil vasili (United Kingdom)
Cliff Jones (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to all of us who battle adversity against overwhelming odds you can succeed and make the world a better place for everyone in equal measure
Paul Jones (United Kingdom)
Comandante usted siempre fue y sera el lider maximo de la revolucion cubana, fisicamente se fue pero para todos los que los amamos siempre estara presente ningun imperio pudo derrotarlo nunca ,fidel es revolucion es historia es patriotismo es respeto es vida es alegria es fuerza es humanidad es lucha es un grande de la historia del mundo por siempre y hasta siempre comandante
yusleydi ramirez Guerrero (Italy)
Dear Fidel, Thank you for all the good that you have done for Cuba, the Third World/Global South, and for all your contributions to Marxism-Leninism. But most of all, thank you for fighting back and resisting imperialism, especially the heart of Empire which is Amerika. You are truly an inspiration; and I hope that aspiring leading lights can learn from your example. Viva la revolucion, and may you rest in power! Red Salute, Janelle
Janelle Velina (Canada)
Great respect to the people of Cuba. You should be very proud of what Fidel Castro achieved.
Jan (Kenya)
Zhun (China)
I am deeply saddened by loss of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro Ruz. For more than 50 years the Cuban Revolution has been an inspiration for socialists world-wide. Cuba has shown that another world is possible. I send my sincere condolences and solidarity to the family and friends of Fidel Castro and the Cuban people in their time of mourning.
Hilary Povey (United Kingdom)
Fidel no esta muerto, Fidel vive hoy mas que nunca en las escuelas, los hospitales, los centros de portivos y culturales y en el corazon de cada cubano.....Hasta Siempre comandante....Hasta la victoria Siempre
Alberto Sanchez Suares (Cuba)
Alice Lock (United Kingdom)
We all mourn the passing of one of the greatest and most influential leaders of the current era. Fidel was the revolution and Cuba is his legacy; the memory of his achievements will continue to inspire the great-hearted Cuban people. Truly, we shall not see his like again.
Ruth Clydesdale (United Kingdom)
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Vitalii Korpenko (Russian Federation)
Working people in Cuba benefitted tremendously by the actions of this man and his comrades.
Paul Filby (United Kingdom)
I have loved, admired and respected you from the time I was old enough to read history. A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts, through us, they live on - and you will live on. My deepest condolences to the family and to all the wonderful people of Cuba. Descansa en paz, el Comandante.
Sylvia Fernandes (Kenya)
Gracias a Fidel y al pueblo cubano que pase los anos mejores de mi vida estudiando en Cuba. Alli vi un sistema distinto y mejor que pone al centro el bienestar de la sociedad. Gracias por cuidarme y ensenarme como vivir junto con mis valores sociales. Hasta siempre comandante!
Ester Luz (United Kingdom)
My deepest condolences to the people of Cuba at the passing of your great leader, Fidel Castro.
Elizabeth Sellwood (Canada)
I am very sorry for your loss; I admired Fidel Castro's policies on health care and education that prioritized the well being of ordinary Cubans and hope that they will continue in perpetuity.
Lisa Rupert (Canada)
Thank you Comrade Fidel Castro Ruiz for all you have done. For your guidance and support of the revolutionary and anti reactionary movement throughout the World for the past half century. Thank you for all the assistance you gave my native land, Jamaica as we struggled against the right wing destroyers of self determination. Your live on in the lasting changes you have brought about for your beloved Cuba and in this World. Walk good our Comrade and friend.
Philip Mascoll (Jamaica)
Fidel Castro and the Cuban people showed that political choice does make a difference. Despite a ravaged economy, free education & free health took priority. In place of exporting armaments, Cuba exported medical staff. With Fidel Castro's demise,I very much hope that these values at least, will remain.
Genia Browning (United Kingdom)
I was so sorry to hear of the death of Fidel Castro. He was a great leader who stood up to the tyranny of the USA and survived against all the odds. He is a huge loss and will always be remembered.
Miranda Pinch (United Kingdom)
Nico Ourth (Luxembourg)
My family and I send our deepest condolences to the people of Cuba and family and friends of Fidel Castro at this sad time.
Joni Phillips (Canada)
My condolences on the death of your great revolutionatry leader, Fidel Castro.
Jim McKibbin (Canada)
To a great internationalist and ant-colonialist.
David Rhodes (United Kingdom)
Gary Winch (United Kingdom)
You inspired millions and brought joy and freedom to your people - we will remember you.
Hugh O'Connor (United Kingdom)
Para Sempre Viva a revoluésect;épound;o porque de tuas mépound;os, comandante Fidel, se fez uma prática e uma realidade, esperanésect;a para as nossas vidas e luta pela emancipaésect;épound;o humana
Henri de Carvalho (United Kingdom)
I wish to pay tribute to a man who tried to serve his people. A man of his times. May he rest in peace.
james kilmartin (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro - you did good work.
susan breeze (Canada)
Sorry for the loss. Cuba is amazing place. The country and its people are one of the most friendly place we have been to. I kniw that the country will come tighter and only get better
Chris Fleury (Canada)
Seguiremos adelante!
Luis Esteban Dominguez (Argentina)
Comandante Fidel Castro en nuestros recuerdos y conversaciones por siempre hasta la victoria final. Eduardo Cuevas
Eduardo René Cuevas (Chile)
Always a true revolutionist and a man of vision. R.I.P
Mark Welsh (Norway)
To go down in time as a man of the time; a legend in time for all time.
Patrick Cuddihy (Ireland)
Cuba es Cuba porque Fidel es y será siempre Fidel. A los que no lo lloran, respétenlo, y respeten el dolor de más de un pueblo.
lil maria pichs (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre Gracias por todo Comandante.
Despina Papagiannopoulou (Greece)
In just one life he did more than 10 others. Such a great man. I am glad you lived a very long life. It was my privilidge to have been at a May Day celebration in Havana to hear and see him. Guantanamo belongs to CUBA.
Catherine Coker (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was an amazing man. He lead by example, and did what was right. He stood against imperialism, racism, and the oppression of Capitalism. He was a shining star in a bleak world, and his departure leaves many millions around the world in tears. Those who got their independence due to the heroic efforts of the Cuban people mourn him. Those, who have had their sight restored by the miraculous medical treatment the great Cuban doctors have provided, mourn him. Those that believe a different world is possible, a world without poverty, without illiteracy and without oppression, mourn him. But his departure doesn't mean that everything is lost. The Cuban people live on, and they shall continue to follow the righteous Socialist path that the Cuban Revolution has laid down. The fantastic Cuban youth will fight on, and Cuba will remain free with their efforts. Free from exploitation, from Yankee oppression, from illiteracy and from the evils of Capitalism. Long live Fidel! Long live the Cuban people! Long live the Socialist Cuban Revolution! Long live Cuba!!!
Mohammed Al-Dury (Iraq)
FIDEL never dies,lives in our memory for ever
Theodosia Batzanaki (Greece)
Forever in your debt.
wasye (Kenya)
I want to express my solidarity today to the family, friends, comrades but, especially, to the Cuban people. Fidel was a father and comrade for all of us and in every part of the globe: from the Pampas until the Chinese sea, from the cold Siberia until Cape town. For me, an Italian student, he was, together with Che guevara and Camilo Cienfuegos, the first revolutionaries that i have ever studied. I approached socialism and then communism in early age due to the heroic stories that my parents read to me: the Granma's experience, the sierra maestra, santa clara or bahía de Cochinos and so many others. When i visited Cuba, both times when i started to walk into the colorful streets of Havana vieja I was, honestly, a little bit disappointed... but then i continued to travel around the world: Brazil, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Cambodia, Tunisia and others. I can assure you Fidel, that Cuba is not simply more advanced, it is just the future. Yes a future to spread around the world, a future where all citizens, no matter color, religion or ethnicity, have the right to a free and good education, a future where they can go to an hospital and cure themselves free of charge. A future where everyone has an house and, hopefully, a job. so, in two words, a dignitous life. I have to apologize with you, my dear cuban friends, so many times you have already listen these comparison with similar countries and, honestly, you deserve much better. Cuba can be compared with the "best" and richest countries in the world: Uk, France, Italy, USA, Russia etc etc you give to all your people the necessities that our governments don't want to concede us. You have fought so much in your life, you have faced so many difficulties for your fundamental rights that we, the entire world, just need to say simply: thank you Cuba, thank you Fidel, Gracias por la Revolución.
valerio miozzo (Italy)
Su nombre sería recordado por siempre
Carla Wiberg (Sweden)
Declan Mac Intyre (United Kingdom)
Mae ysbrydoliaeth anferth i mi ac blaengarwyr ledled y byd-bob amser ac am byth! y frwydr dros gyfiawnder byd-eang a sosialaeth parhau cryfhau yn fawr gan eich cyfraniadau hanesyddol. RIP.
fran (United Kingdom)
Now is the time to fight even harder for a fairer, more equal and peaceful world. Fidel Castro you were an inspirational leader for the whole world. Our thoughts are with your family and the brave Cuban people.
iris mavraki (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to all thinking people.
stephen whatham (United Kingdom)
Comandante aquí estamos tristes y con el corazón apretado, pero no dudaremos jamás de que la obra de la Revolución continua, tus ideales nos acompañarán siempre, aquí está tu UCI, no fallaremos, somos los Herederos de tus sueños
Luis Javier Martínez B&Ati (Cuba)
A lasting tribute to Fidel would be for the Cuban people and indeed the people of Latin America to continue his legacy and fight for socialism in the face of continued- perhaps increased- hostility from the enemies of socialism both within and outside their countries. He will be sadly missed, but the struggle continues.
Jonathan Havard (United Kingdom)
Your achievements in improving the conditions of the Cuban people will never be forgotten, history doesn't need to absolve you. RIP Fidel
Hans Gacpar (United Kingdom)
El Comité Chileno De Solidaridad Con Palestina siempre estará agradecido de nuestro comandante Fidel castro Ruz y del pueblo y gobierno de Cuba. No solo cambió Latinoamérica con el nacimiento de la revolución cubana sino que señalo el camino de dignidad y lucha de los pueblos oprimidos. Siempre estaremos con la revolución cubana, que es nuestra revolución, ejemplo de un pueblo de pie con honor y gloria hasta siempre comandante.
Nicola Hadwa Shahwan (Chile)
Thank you, Fidel and Cuba, for your support to Vietnam in the hard time. What you had done for many countries around the world will always be remembered. Your spirit will live forever! Rest in peace, my hero! Hasta siempre, comandante!
(Viet Nam)
May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Sarah Taiwo (United Kingdom)
A Giant for people throughout the world. I will continue to be a member of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign.
Helen Field (United Kingdom)
We were happy to visit Cuba while you were still alive and see for ourselves Your achievements and the achievements of the Revolution. At a beach hotel we stayed at in Guardalavaca, there was a framed copy of the speech you gave on opening the hotel hanging in the foyer. It was very detailed and thanked a lot of people, ensuring no guest was ever short of reading matter while waiting in this area!
Patric Cunnane (United Kingdom)
Comandante te llevamos en nuestros corazones .seguiremos en la lucha para desarrollar a nuestro pueblo.
Publio Lopez Puigros (Cuba)
Maida Silva Cisnero (MANIABON-PUERTO PADRE) (Cuba)
wang jianming (China)
Y Léordf; Pas TÆ&iex (Viet Nam)
Who will awake when we are sleeping now ?
Dang Tran Khanh (Viet Nam)
A remarkable revolutionary icon - history will remember him as an extraordinary leader who steered his country through the most arduous times. Let us hope that Trump does not (try to) destroy this legacy.
Ricky Knight (United Kingdom)
Se ha ido el hombre mas grande e irrepetible.
Omaira Greck Valdes (Cuba)
Fidel was the ultimate revolutionary. Fidel fought without let-up for his people, for Cuba, for revolution, and for international socialism. His commitment to socialism was unwavering: his life was testament to his astonishing will to struggle for socialism as he defied the power of 10 US presidents during his half century rule.
Bulent Gokay (United Kingdom)
Dag Tirsén (United Kingdom)
Mitchell DeCoste (Canada)
I would like to express my sincere condolences on the death of Comrade Fidel Castro.We Vietnamese People were heartbroken by this sad news. Rest in peace, the great hero. Cuban people and comrades will continue your career.
(Viet Nam)
Since the age of 13 when Fidel Castro first came to New York I have always been inspired by his humanity and love for his people and country. I wish to offer my condolence to and solidarity with the Cuban People and their inspirational strggle for better more peaceful world for all..
John D. Vedilago Sr. (Sweden)
Thank you for furthering the common good for all Cuban people and for being an example to us all
Liam Rooney (Ireland)
Your light should not go out.
Natalie McKenna (United Kingdom)
Fidel viviras por siempre entre nosotros, tu ejemplo y lealtad a tu pueblo nunca lo olvidaremos
Olga Lidia Garcia Hernández (Cuba)
My Hero Rest in Peace
Mick Murtagh (Ireland)
(Russian Federation)
You was the real Hero Mr Castro. We visiting Cuba what you gave the people no one can take away from them. No one. The history have set you free. Rest in a very nice peace Commondore Fidel
Ingrid Imkan (Sweden)
A great man. Rest in peace.
Paul Hardy (Ireland)
A true socialist, comrade and inspiration to us all. Haste la Victoria Siempre Brother you will be sadly missed
Bernie Woods (United Kingdom)
hoangnamtien141@gmail.com (Viet Nam)
Fidel, el ultimo grande del 900
Teresita valdes (Italy)
Hasta Siempre Comandante! Hasta la Victoria Siempre como Fidel, como Cuba!
Rafa Gonzalez (Spain)
It is sad to lose such a revolutionary leader who led his people against all odds as Invasion of his country followed by embargo lasting over five decades by militarily most powerful country in the world and still keep their integrity and dignity is a personality to be celebrated and be proud to have had such person as Sr. Fidel Castro amidst international humanity.
Ismail Mohammed (United Kingdom)
Farewell Commandante. A great inspiration who will be sorely missed.
Charlie Williams (United Kingdom)
Oleydis González P (Cuba)
No fuiste un santo. Sólo fuiste un hombre. Con aciertos y con errores. Luchaste por lo que creíste justo, y nunca renunciaste a tus creencias. Te has ganado un lugar en la historia humana. Descansa en paz Comandante.
Graciela Testa (Argentina)
Mi más sentido pésame a los Familiares del Comandante en Jefe Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz y a todo el Pueblo Cubano. Se le extrañará en vida pero su presencia será mayor con su ausencia. ¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre! "Revolución es sentido del momento histórico; es cambiar todo lo que debe ser cambiado; es igualdad y libertad plenas; es ser tratado y tratar a los demás como seres humanos; es emanciparnos por nosotros mismos y con nuestros propios esfuerzos; es desafiar poderosas fuerzas dominantes dentro y fuera del ámbito social y nacional; es defender valores en los que se cree al precio de cualquier sacrificio; es modestia, desinterés, altruismo, solidaridad y heroísmo; es luchar con audacia, inteligencia y realismo; es no mentir jamás ni violar principios éticos; es convicción profunda de que no existe fuerza en el mundo capaz de aplastar la fuerza de la verdad y las ideas. Revolución es unidad, es independencia, es luchar por nuestros sueños de justicia para Cuba y para el mundo, que es la base de nuestro patriotismo, nuestro socialismo y nuestro internacionalismo".
Julio Vernon Ruiz (United States of America)
Hasta la Victoria siempre
Dorcas Haller (United States of America)
Gracias Fidel. Viva la revolucion y viva Cuba! Descanse en Paz Comandante
Luke Addis (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre......
Astrid Schmied (Germany)
An inspiration to my generation. A genuine internationalist and man of the people
peter smith (United Kingdom)
Honor al Gran Lider de la Revolucion Cubana que ha marcado el rumbo a la Patria Grande. Hasta siempre Fidel.
Dr and Mrs Basarab (United Kingdom)
Great sadness, the world has lost a great leader.
Anthony Scott-Robinson (United Kingdom)
Farewell to Fidel without whom it was not possible. A lot achieved and the best yet to come.Cuba and its people are emerging and I wish all their people the best at this very sad time.
Kieran O'Brien. (Ireland)
Many thanks for your inspiring achievements, lifetime commitment and progressive role on the world stage. We will continue to do what we can to support Cuba in the challenging years ahead. You and the Cuban people have good reasons to feel very, very proud.
John Douglas (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences and deepest sympathy to the People of Cuba, on the passing of Comrade Fidel Castro Ruz. The world is a poorer place for his loss. Vive Fidel, Haste la Victoria Seimpre.
Eira Gallagher (Ireland)
Condolences to the people of Cuba and in memory of a remarkable leader and revolutionary. May Cuba be blessed with peace and prosperity in the years ahead. We stand with our sisters and brothers as they continue the struggle.
Jonathan Ledger (United Kingdom)
Bésup1;i Sá»& (Viet Nam)
te extraño Pápá Fidel <3 :'( Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante ! Viva Cuba ! Cuba Libre ! Patria o Muerte <3 te Quiero Pápá <3
Jenny Valdes Trautewig (Germany)
Descanse em Paz, Grande e Destemido Comandante. Sua luta , sua coragem, sua determinaésect;épound;o para libertar o cubano das garras impiedosas do imperialismo serépound;o suas béordf;nésect;épound;os pela eternidade. Triste e orgulhosa por ser contemporépound;nea de um imenso líder que, de sua ilha, elevou todos nós latino-americanos.
Sonia (Brazil)
I am an expatriate American living in Thailand. I have lived abroad for many years, especially in the Philippines and in Japan. Nonetheless, I am a veteran of the civil rights and the anti-Vietnam war struggles in the USA. Despite differences, I supported Fidel's revolution and admire what the Cuban revolution did in the health sphere and in opposing the South African racists in Angola, though I look askance at what was done in Ethiopia. All and all Fidel was a world historical figure in Hegelian terms and he shall be missed. I am also appreciative of Canada Prime Minister Justin Truedeau's courage in his statement and the wisdom of his father Pierre.
Jack Marion Clontz (Thailand)
My condolences to the people of Cuba. Onwards to a Cuban example of social justice, sustainable development, and peace
Ken Barker (United Kingdom)
Your memory lives on through your wonderful doctors, the inspiring literacy of Cuba's people,and the dynamism of your writings and speeches. It is wonderful to have lived with you alongside us. RIP Fidel.
Susan Wooldridge (United Kingdom)
Comandante: No pude ir a ver tu CUBA mientras estabas tu vivo, espero en un futuro poder hacerlo y darte las gracias por tu solidaridad con los pueblos de Latinoamerica, Eres una figura importante en mi vida y lo serás para mi familia siempre. Gracias y descansa en paz comandante.
matias (Chile)
A sad day! So glad to have visited Cuba during his time.
Doreen Kean (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel.
PATRICK (Ireland)
Gracias por la inspiración en un mundo mejor y tu solidaridad mundial
Sabrina Sullivan (Ireland)
You have left behind a great legacy. Great country,great people. Both mourn you. Solidarity & love.
Pam Page (United Kingdom)
Solidaridad con el pueblo de Cuba. Gracias por todo, Fidel, para tarbajar en la tradición iniciada por Karl Marx.
Lasse Lindstrom (Sweden)
Goodbye to the Father of the Cuban Revolution. A visionary who not only brought good to his own people but to those of many countries. The man has gone but the legacy remains. Salud!
John Toomey (United Kingdom)
Descanse em paz Fidel. Aqui na terra bilhémicro;es de pessoas acalentarépound;o sempre a esperanésect;a de que outros seres de inteligéordf;ncia, coragem, determinaésect;épound;o e espírito coletivo, como vocéordf;, venham fazer a diferenésect;a no combate ö exploraésect;épound;o dos povos pelos deméacute;nios da opressépound;o e das guerras que a tudo dominam. A história já o absolveu.
Glícia de Alvarenga Assis (Brazil)
From a Scotsman, You have been an inspirational figurehead and instrumental in creating a state that signifies freedom and independence at an international and personal level. You have shown that the big dogs on the international stage cannot have it all their own way. You have been a byword for defiance against the largest superpower in the world, and from this underdog I thank you.
Jim Murray (United Kingdom)
Comandante! Amigo a las gentes del Mundo. Decansa en paz. Reunidos con Che Guevara! Salud.
Billy Parry (United Kingdom)
Thanks for everything Fidel. You will continue to be a beacon and guide for revolutionaries.
Bárbara Iglesias (Cuba)
We still have a lot to learn from your example.
Lawrence Maloy (United Kingdom)
very sorry to hear about the death of a true socialist hero. Trump`s comments stink of hypocrisy "Live in freedom like the American people" What a joke that is. "Hasta Victoria le siempre!
Michael Binks (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of the world. I hope his like is born again in every country on the planet.
Rashid Irshad (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro! A great man and definitely the biggest loss of 2016
Jamie Davies (United Kingdom)
Querido Fidel, Comandante, Amigo, Compañero, nos duele tu partida pero quedan en nosotros tu ejemplo, tus enseñanzas, tu amor por los más humildes, tu humildad y tu generosidad sin límites para entregarte a las causas más nobles. Te amaremos siempre. Y ahora que no estás entre nosotros físicamente, redoblaremos nuestro compromiso para seguir transitando el camino que marcaste. Lidia Beatriz Donnini Comité Argentino por la Libertad de los Cinco
Lidia Beatriz Donnini (Argentina)
A proper leader of his people.
John Hughes (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba following the death of their leader
Christine Hodder (United Kingdom)
Fidel's struggle yesteryear is our struggle to continue today and forever more. Viva Castro. Viva la revolution.
Dr Alpesh Maisuria (United Kingdom)
Isela Castillo Martínez (Cuba)
Rest in peace el chefe. So proud of all your achievements
Maggie pedersen (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Jan Chester (United Kingdom)
I am very sad to know that Phidel Castro passed away. He is a good friend of Vietnamese people and of many countries. My condolences to Cuban people!
Doan Duc Lan (Viet Nam)
Tran Huu Truong (Viet Nam)
A shining example in a wicked world. Long live the revolution! Hasta La Victoria Sempré RIP Fidel.
Berny Parkes (United Kingdom)
Querido Pueblo, Partido,Familia Hoy mas que nunca seguiremos su ejemplo buscando unidad en nuestra lucha de liberación. La partida de , también, nuestro Comandante Fidel, nos duele, lloramos junto a ustedes, pero nos hace crecer para continuar defendiendo lo mas justo que es la Revolución Cubana. Hasta Siempre Comandante, gracias por tu vida.
Juan Miranda Inalef (Chile)
El Comandante fue un líder un una luz para América Latina y el Mundo. Siempre en mi corazón. Fanny Santos ( ex becaria )
Fanny Santos (Ecuador)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of our dear comrade Fidel. The Cuban revolution was an inspiration to me and as a London Recruit who went to South Africa in the early seventies to help the ANC in their underground struggle, I was overjoyed at the Cuban support for the people's of Southern Africa in their fight against Apartheid.
Bob Newland (United Kingdom)
You tried to show the world a different way and whatever people think about the success of that attempt the whole world should respect it and recognize your achievements. Farewell Fidel.
Kevin Whale (United Kingdom)
To the people of Cuba: I will admire your courage forever, to challenge and oppose the imperialist menace to your country presented by the United States, and the leadership of El Jefe, Comandante Fidel Castro, in your struggle. I truly share your sorrow as you mourn the loss of one of the greatest men, not only of the 20th century, but ever. Fidel may have left this world, but his vision and commitment to a life with dignity for all will never diminish or die. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Lorraine McNeil (Canada)
you did a fantastic job for your people.. R.I.P. fidel.
martin berry-junior (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a great man who has made a difference to the lives of so many around the world. Solidarity and sympathy with the people of Cuba at their time of loss. Fidel will go down in history as a giant and a humanitarian.
Anne Blair (United Kingdom)
Por siempre...
Rafael hens muñoz (Spain)
My condolences to the family and friends of Fidel, to all the people of Cuba, and around the world, who are saddened by his death.
Thomas D'Arcy O'Neill (Canada)
Hasta pronto Fidel, infinito agradecimiento. Tu vida es el ejemplo mayor de lo que debe ser un político de verdad, que hace lo que dice !!.
Richard Tafur (Colombia)
Téordm; seguirás vivo para siempre Camarada.
Margarita Morales (United Kingdom)
A sad sad day for the people of Cuba and the world. The passing of the last defender against capitalism.
sandy rose (United Kingdom)
I offer my sincere condolences to the people of Cuba on the occasion of the death of Fidel Castro. History will determine rightful place Fidel Castro as one important figures of the twentieth century. Prof. Dr. Sc. Stefan Ditchev (Bulgaria)
Prof.Dr.Sc.Stefan Ditchev (Bulgaria)
As President of Craigavon Trades Council I send a message of Solidarity and Condolence to the people of Cuba
Roger Clifford (United Kingdom)
Tiocfhaidh ar la.
Brian Kavanagh (Ireland)
Obrigado pela liésect;épound;o de vida grande comandante!!!
Henri Prado Rupp (Brazil)
What this great man achieved will always have been achieved, and his vision for a society based on compassion and equality proven possible, against such enormous odds. We must remember this in these ever darkening times. RIP and thank you, Fidel Castro.
Sophia Fergus (United Kingdom)
Finbar MacGabhann (Ireland)
My condolences to the people of Cuba. Prosperity, justice and freedom!
Helen (Australia)
viva cuba
terry cooper (United Kingdom)
The sad loss of a great, inspirational & courageous man. Sincere condolences to the Castro family & the people of Cuba. La historia te va a absolver comrade. RIP Fidel
Martin Bakhoff (United Kingdom)
Your revolution and the people of Cuba's ongoing struggle to fight for the people, against imperialism, is an inspiration.
Danny Anderson (United Kingdom)
huge respect for someone who showed it is possible to stand up against the power of Capital.
alan cooper (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante! Estuvimos juntos en el estadio nacional de Chile durante el gbierno de la unidad popular, la vida no me permitio abrazarte en Cuba.Hasta la victoria final compa! Fidel por siempre, con lo bueno y con lo menos bueno, hombre consecuente, que siempre hablo con la verdad y paro como nadie junto a su pueblo pobre pero orgullios. Esa Cuba que da lo poco que tiene a todos sus habitantes, sin distincion de clase ni de color.Esa Cuba solidaria que investiga, busca nuevas medicinas para mejorar la salud de todos los sin voz de la tierre Quizas se estan cayendo las paredes de la ciudad pero la fuerza de la revolucion jamas!
Victoria Eugenia Carrasco Polla (Netherlands)
Cida Meira (Brazil)
A man whose strength, courage and determination to serve Cuba never swerved. RIP Fidel Castro.
Caroline Hope (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante ! La lucha continua. Fidel vive en el corazon de todo pueblo oprimido.
Miguel Estrada (Cuba)
We will remember you
Darren Fitz (Ireland)
Fidel, you were genuine legend and beacon of hope for humanity in a world of such darkness. An inspiration to all who struggle for justice, peace and a saner world. Commandante, you tower above the morally repugnant reactionaries who support real tyrants while they defame and smear you and way above the spineless hypocritical liberals who hide their own moral cowardice and capitulation to comfort by attacking you. Long live the Cuban revolution! Long live the Cuban people! La hasta victoria siempre!
David Bell (United Kingdom)
My hero when I was a little girl, I have always admired him. My condolences to the Cuban people.
Sheila Dodds (United Kingdom)
(United Kingdom)
You will always livei n the hearts and the memories of those in need of justice and peace
abel martinez (United States of America)
Deepest condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of Fidel Castro. He will continue to inspire all those seeking freedom and social justice across the world. Another world is only possible because of Fidel and the continuation of the Cuban People's Revolution. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!!
Stephen Deans (United Kingdom)
I send heartfelt solidarity to the people of Cuba in their immeasurable loss of a great and inspiring human being and leader. I share in your deep sorrow, but trully believe that Fidels legacy will live on both in Cuba and throughout the world especially amongst those of no property.Venceremos
Helen Skulina (United Kingdom)
Fidel, not one of, but the greatest leader ever, he was an example of great courage through his revolution and ensured that his people did not struggle, despite the American embargo. His strategies in education, literacy, medicine, social practices should be an example to all world leaders . Your constant reminders daily stories on Media of the revolution and struggle for a free Cuba is a lesson that one should not forget how freedom was achieved, as time moves but memories remain. You were the greatest abd my true hero. Rest in peace Comrade Fidel.
Rahmet Diaz Calvo (United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary hero
Ieuan Squires (United Kingdom)
I first heard the name Fidel Castro in 19 59 at the age 11 years old. I am now 67 and he has been a constant in my life since then. He was in life and he remains in death a beacon of hope for the poor and oppressed of the world. He showed the way and it is our job to follow it. Goodbye El Comandante.
Terry Kelly (United Kingdom)
Louise (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Fidel
Samuel (Italy)
Hai scritto la Storia del Novecento. Hai lottato e vinto contro l'oppressione, per la liberazione e il riscatto degli ultimi. Non ti sei mai piegato né di fronte alla dittatura di Batista né di fronte all'imperialismo Usa. Hai tenuto testa a tutti, Davide contro Golia, quando serviva persino a chi ti voleva ingabbiare nel proprio campo. Hai subito un numero infinito di attentati, ma il tuo popolo ti ha sempre tenuto per mano. Perché hai sognato un mondo migliore e tu, tu un pezzo di mondo migliore lo hai costruito. Che la terra ti sia lieve, compagno Fidel. E da oggi, ancora piésup1; di ieri, lunga vita a Cuba socialista e al popolo ribelle.
Simone Oggionni (Italy)
gracias, Camarada Fidel. Que honor para mí poder compartir contigo el paso por este planeta y el sueño de liberación de los pueblos.
Elaine Freedman (El salvador)
I will miss comrade Fidel as much as you all do. He was a hero and one of the best examples of a leader in history. He will live in our hearts forever. Eternal glory to Fidel and his memory will always remain with us.
Travis (United States of America)
Karl-H. Wagner (Germany)
Mehrdad Ghassempoory (United Kingdom)
Rest In Peace brother
Charles Carr (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro - a legend!
Phạm Thà (Viet Nam)
Siempre de pie, jamás de rodillas. Hasta Siempre Comandante
Nelly (Chile)
I'm old enough to remember him coming to power. He studied law at a US university and he decided to help his Cuban people get rid of Batista, a very nasty dictator. He made a disastrous landing in Cuba with only about 5 friends and relied heavily on the farmers to feed him and his group. When ho got to power Batista had fled to Spain and the head of the secret police was tried in a stadium and found guilty. Castro thought that the trial was unfair so he ordered another trial. He was still found guilty. He did not like the US criminals using his country as a playground and using Cuban woman as prostitutes. Also all Cuban industries were owned by the US, especially sugar, so he nationalised the sugar industry and then the US retaliated and things went downhill after that. I do not blame Castro for taking care of his country!
Keith CLIFF (France)
Myra (United Kingdom)
Sorry to be messaging you from the base of imperialism but I have great respect for Fidel, Che, the Cuban revolution and the Cuban proletariat. All communists and oppressed peoples will come together in mourning for you, viva Fidel and long live the Cuban revolution!
Isaac Sabus (United States of America)
Not perfect but better than most. I hope the gains of the Cuban revolution are not lost, struggle for socialism and a workers democracy.
Robert Williams (United Kingdom)
Fidel you fought imperialism the last and highest stage of degenerate capitalism, we the workers of Britain will one day get off our knees and follow your lead. All we need is revolutionary and scientific socialist leaders, program and political party.
Kevin Flynn (United Kingdom)
A Great Man is gone... Courage for the People, make Cuba a great country!
Nadezda Pavlova (United States of America)
Inspirational Political Leader,his successes against all the ENORMOUS power of the U.S.A. greatly outweigh any of his faults.
John Bryan (United Kingdom)
My thoughts are with the people of Cuba and Fidel's family. May you take courage and strength from the life Fidel lived and continue to support his ideals and continue to implement all of the health, education and social benefits accrued by the people for the people. Stay strong.
Kieran O' Connell (Ireland)
Thank you brave Cubans for sharing not only the Commandante with all the world, but your personal sacrifices in support of us. Stand tall and strong! Aluta Continua!
Ilhaam Cook (South Africa)
We lost a great leader!
Lothar Nécurren;tebusch (Germany)
Comandante enterno, siempre estarás en el corazón de todos los que soñamos con una patria socialista como la que supiste construir y a la que tuve la alegría de conocer. Hasta la victoria siempre!!
Esther Fajardo (Uruguay)
The great leader and fighter for people's freedom has died. Comrade Fidel Castro was, undeniably, one of the greatest personalities of XX and XXI century. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Konrad Kulczycki (Poland)
So much respect for this great man and what he achieved for your beautiful country in the face of American opposition.
Marisa Castle de Joncaire (United Kingdom)
Thank you for the inspiration, the spirit of Revolution will continue to live on!
Oisín MacCanna (Ireland)
History will absolve you Comrade.
Joe Hamill (United Kingdom)
In England there was a programme about America 7 axles if evil and Fidel Castro was in the programme .and the journalist who made the programme said no way was Fidel Castro Evil AND IF THE WORLD HAD MORE FIDEL CASTRO IT WOULD BE A NICER ONE
Carol canty (United Kingdom)
A Hero.
Paul Shearsmith (United Kingdom)
A great and brave leader who cared for justice and his people.
Janet Grant (United Kingdom)
Juan Miranda Moraga (Germany)
Glyn mcgauley (United Kingdom)
Ao povo cubano transmito meu pesar pela morte deste grande líder, herói latino-americano, libertador de Cuba e do povo cubano, Fidel Castro. Temos enorme admiraésect;épound;o por ele no Brasil. Ele foi e será, para sempre, um símbolo da luta contra a injustiésect;a social.
Hasta la victoria siempre, Hasta Siempre Commandante ! Farewell Comrade, May your blessed revolutionary soul light our path. The world shall never forget your courage and greatness. Forever Castro, Forever Cuba Long live the revolution, freedom and the free
Mohammad Hamad (Palestine)
Rest in peace you anti-imperialist hero, ¡Viva La Revolucion!
Ahmad Altaher Alfayad (United States of America)
Nguyen Thai Thinh (Viet Nam)
Condoléances a la famille CASTRO RUZ et au peuple Cubain
Gérard QUIDAL (Guadeloupe)
The great man will continue to be an inspiration to me for the rest of my life!
Alan Murphy (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to us all. la lutte continue
Rab Paterson (United Kingdom)
Lamento profundamente el fallecimiento del lider que guió la victoriosa revolución cubana durante tantos años. Espero que todos los oprimidos del mundo, por los que tanto luchó, sepamos recoger el testigo de su entrega, sacrificio, coraje y valor.
Eduardo Llarena (Spain)
Léordf; Anh Hénbsp (Viet Nam)
Léfrac12; ChiẠ(Viet Nam)
RIP Fidel
Mike Veitch (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace El Comandante.
Nabil Al- Mafrachi (Iraq)
Goodbye dear Comrade.Unidos, Vigilantes Y Combativos Defeniendo El Socialismo!
Richard Bos (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. Fidel Viva Cuba
Nick Spicer (United Kingdom)
Nguyen (Viet Nam)
Viva Fidel! Viva La revolution!
Philip jones (United Kingdom)
Farewell great leader Comrade Fidel Castro! Viva la revolución!
Tong Shing Yan (China)
Rest in peace Fidel. Respect. Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba.I am sad and moved at the death of Fidel but assured that the Cuban People will continue the revolution. Hasta la Victoria siempre.
Rowena Tindall (Trinidad and Tobago)
Richard Rudkin (United Kingdom)
janice (United Kingdom)
RIP. One of the few leaders in the world to stand up against American aggression.
Derek Singh (Canada)
Fidel was a leader of the poor, the oppressed and the disenfranchised of the world. He and his example will be sorely missed by all these people.
Robert Navan (Ireland)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!!! Cmdte. Fidel Castro nos legado de defender nuestros ideales y principios revolucionarios.....
Carlos Eduardo Linarte Caliz (Nicaragua)
We have lost a great leader who helped many countries and peoples in their struggles to gain control of their lives and to fight against poverty and deprivation. I was in Grenada before Reagan invaded and destroyed that country's embryonic government. Cuba had donated a housing plant which would help people to self build new homes. This was but one small example of the many ways in which Fidel reached out. He leaves a gigantic legacy.
Ann Vinden (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. El Commandente you and Michael Manley are 2 most significant leaders of our western world "history will absolve you Thanks for the inspiration and giving black people a backbone when it seems broken, the fight continues...
brianE (United States of America)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Jeséordm;s Rubayo-Soneira (Cuba)
On behalf of El Salvador Network (ESNET), heartfelt thanks to Fidel and the Cuban people for inspiring movements across the world, not just in Latin America, to challenge injustice and colonialism with a vision of a world where Solidarity in all its forms is the basis of actions and the development of just and humnane societies. We need that vision more than ever today. Viva Fidel!
Tim Hollins (United Kingdom)
Con profundo dolor te digo adiós físicamente,por que en espiritud e ideas siempre marcharas conmigo,gracias por tu esfuerzo inmenso, toda tu vida dedicada a lograr un mundo mejor,por que ante todos eres martian y como el deciapatria es humanidad,vomo lo creo yo feacientemente, espero que tu legado sirva para que este mundo un día sea de todos y para el bien de todos,un día comandante o la raza humana despierta del sueño del consumismo y se da cuenta que como muchas veces repetirse, un mundo mejor es posible o desapareceremos como especie, gracias por la guía casi siempre certera y por el amor inmenzo que sentiste por los cubanos y por los desprotegidos del planeta,un hasta siempre, mi comandante.tenías la inmensa cualidad de trasmitir esa energía elurica de que si se puede, no lo dejes de hacer desde donde quiera que estés,mi respeto eterno y un amor de hija,para usted.
Estrella yennycet González m (Cuba)
Nunca muere un hombre como Fidel, su ejemplo se multiplica, su lucha es la lucha de todos los honestos seres humanos por un mundo mejor. ¡Viva Fidel! 'Viva Cuba Socialista!
Virgilio Ponce (France)
We mourn the passing of one of the worlds great fighters against imperialism.
Colin (United Kingdom)
Hasta Hasta.
Afshin (United Kingdom)
My sincere condolences to Sr Castro family, friends and compatriots. He was an example for all, a true socialist if I may call him that or a person who lived by his principles. In South Africa it's known as Ubuntu "I am what I am, because of who we are". Long live the revolution and especially today xxx
Michelle P Delpeche (United Kingdom)
Il viaggio non finisce mai. Solo i viaggiatori finiscono. E anche loro possono prolungarsi in memoria, in ricordo, in narrazione. Quando il viaggiatore si è seduto sulla sabbia della spiaggia e ha detto: "Non c'è altro da vedere", sapeva che non era vero. Bisogna vedere quel che non si è visto, vedere di nuovo quel che si è giö visto, vedere in primavera quel che si è visto in estate, vedere di giorno quel che si è visto di notte, con il sole dove la prima volta pioveva, vedere le messi verdi, il frutto maturo, la pietra che ha cambiato posto, l'ombra che non c'era. Bisogna ritornare sui passi giö dati, per ripeterli, e per tracciarvi a fianco nuovi cammini. Bisogna ricominciare il viaggio. Sempre. Il viaggiatore ritorna subito. (José Saramago) Ciao angelo sorridente, indomito e coraggioso. A presto mio dolce e amato Comandante Fidel.
Marco Fabiani (Italy)
As a daily reader of the Morning Star and member of the Communist Party I was saddened to read about the death of Fidel Castro Long live the revolution and socialism in Cuba.
Martyn Lewis (United Kingdom)
SO SAD, but he died as he lived with honour his work will live on and he will always be remembered for the good reasons.
Stan Anderson (United Kingdom)
Infinitas gracias comandante Fidel porque gracias a tí me enamoré de la Revolución cubana, de su pueblo heroico y digno, amor que ya es de por vida. grcias porque gracias a tí me hice militante revolucionario en mi pía, Chile. Estando en los campos de concentración de la dictadura chilena (1973-90)mis pensamientos en tí, tu ejemplo y el de Revolución de la dignidad, me hicieron fuerte para soportar las torturas y los tratos crueles e inhumanos. Seguiremos defendiendo a tu pueblo, su ejemplo y su revolución mientras estemos con vida. Gracias por todo Comandante de la Dignidad humana! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE FIDEL!! Jorge Contreras, hijo de la Revolución Cubana, Estocolmo, Suecia.
Jorge Contreras (Sweden)
Rest in Peace Fidel. Your legacy lives on.
Kate Ramsden (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro, you are a great Cuban revolutionist, a great Coommunist leader, a great hero of mine. You started the Cuban Revolution, fought against American imperialism, carried out the international duty when you helped the liberation movements all over the world : America Latina, Africa, Asia. You were a good friend of my motherland. Fidel Castro and the Cubans helped the people of Viet Nam in the war against the American invaders. Fidel has passed away, but he will always live in my heart. Rest in peace, my hero ! Goodbye ! Long live Cuba ! Long live the revolution !
(Viet Nam)
Phạm huy th&At (Viet Nam)
Mis condelencias a los cubanos por el muerte de un heroe
Maureen Moss (Spain)
Sincerest gratitude for all that you, Fidel, have done for the world and for all the indirect ways that you have touched my and my family's life. Long will your name be spoken and your deeds remembered. Viva la revolucion!
Hassina Malik (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
An inspiration. And continues to be.
Dave Beadle (United Kingdom)
Gracias por regalar un trozo de tu corazón revolucionario a cada joven con ideales, donde quiera que se encontrase. Hasta siempre, hasta la victoria Comandante.
Daniel Seijo Paz (Spain)
Guabo Sesual (El salvador)
Gracias por dar esperanza a todos los pueblos oprimidos: el ejemplo está en el corazón de todas las personas que han compartido con ustedes la esperanza de que "un mundo mejor es posible." Con Cuba en el Corazón: Hasta Siempre compañero Comandante en Jefe
Giorgio Moriggi (Italy)
R.I.P. Freedom fighter
Noel mc Lawrence (Ireland)
Viva la revolucion!!!
Pam (Australia)
my sympathy to the people of cuba on the death of one of the worlds greatest leaders
martin gahan (Ireland)
Stay strong Cuba, you've fought for so long and you've won. This message is also in the name of Ralph Anwar. Who was a great champion of Cuba.
Carole thomas (United Kingdom)
Tatiana (Russian Federation)
Great man and a great loss. my thoughts are with the Cuban people at this time. Viva la revelucion
Jane Stewart (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante. Para siempre en el corazón de los pueblos. Un abrazo a su familia y al pueblo heroico de Cuba, que lo vio nacer de su seno.
Gustavo Modarelli (Argentina)
hope your message of unity and solidarity is continued with the Cuban people VIVA FIDEL..VIVA CUBA!!
dave edwards (United Kingdom)
Will Gee (United Kingdom)
Fidel's achievements in building socialism in Cuba despite the hostility of US imperialism will remain an inspiration to future generations.
Ruth Pitman (United Kingdom)
RIP Man of the people.Long live the revolution!
Alan Hill (United Kingdom)
Dear Comrade Fidel Your revolutionary spirit will live on in the hearts and minds of social justice activists around the world. Aluta Continua!(The struggle continues)
Angela Hartwig (Australia)
I want to express my condolence on death of great lider and revolutioner Comandante Fidel Castro Russ. Fidel was one biggest and great political figures in all human history. Fidel successed to take a Cuba, that during very long time was center of azzard games, prostitution and other amusements for reach americans, and to become this country to true island of Freedome and Independance. Just in thank of Fidel, dr. Ernesto Che-Gevara and other heros of cuban revolution of january 1959 today in Cuba all people have a home and nothing homelesses. All true progressive people will memory a Fidel as one most great leaders in the history. Shmuel Yerushalmi - poet and revolutioner. Israel
Shmuel Yerushalmi (Israel)
One of the greatest leaders and liberators. May he rest in peace
Phong (Viet Nam)
Ante el deceso de FIDEL CASTRO, gran humanista revolucionario y líder cubano,me sumo al hondo pesar que embarga a sus familiares,a cubanos,a los humanitas latinoamericanos y a los de todo el mundo para rendirle homeaje a su gran contribución a la cultura universal. Junto con lamentar su partida me complazco en celebrar su vida ejemplar y sus logros para el beneficio de tantos millones que gracias a él y los suyos pudieron conquistar su libertad política y aspirar a una vida digna. Junto con lamentar su partida me complazco en celebarar su vida ejemplar de hombre que en lugar de tomar para sí, siempre dió de sí para el bien de sus semejantes. De joven, no trepidó en arriesgar su vida por la libertad de su pueblo y de otros blos; y en dedicar su vida entera a esa causa. Fue un revoluconario consecuente porque fue un humanista cabal, y como tal hizo época en el campo político, ideológico y cultura. A los muchoas atributos que se le reconocen, hay que agregar el de humanista por haber creado una nueva ética social y lazos fraternales entre los pueblos, creando así bases para una paz universal. Su nombre se une al de los grandes humanistas de la historia que en diversos tiempos, continentes y lenguas han contribuido al avance de la cultura. Fidel Castro supo dar el concepto "progreso" su verdadera dimensión social, al levantar las banderas de una nueva ética social basada en la moral Marxista. Amó no sólo a su pueblo, sino también a los pueblos del mundo, porque lo que siempre le importó fue la humanidad toda. Por eso y muchas cosas más, hay una parte de su persona que no ha muerto y que no morirá: seguirá viviendo entre las nuevas generaciones y dando siempre más luz. Gracias te damos, Fidel, por toda la luz que irradiaste en nuestra cultura. Al expresar mis sentimientos de congoja no puedo sino expresar también mi alegría por hecho de que Fidel haya existido: para dar y porque dio tanto a tantos pese a disponer de tan poco. Seguirá entre nosotros, por lo que repito aquí la frase que él mismo acuñara: HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE.
Ricardo Armando Figueroa (Chile, residente en ing (United Kingdom)
RIP El Commandante. Solidarity with the Cuban people.
John Simpson (United Kingdom)
Fidel epitomizes in words and deeds , the humanistic expression of the apostle of Cuba's independence Jose Marti, that 'Homeland is Humanity' and the world is a better place for it. Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Trevor G Brown (Jamaica)
Escribo estas palabras muy conmocionada y profundamente triste por la partida física de Fidel. Mis más sinceras condolencias al pueblo cubano por tan inmensa pérdida. Cuba generosa, cuba luchadora, cuba hermana, acogiste en tu regazo a compañeros de mi país (Chile) en momentos tan brutales de nuestra historia y has asistido y compartido con otros pueblos a pesar de todas las dificultades impuestas por tan vil e inhumano embargo. Gracias Cuba por habernos regalado un ser humano tan excepcional, de gigantesco conocimiento y corazón. Gracias Cuba por demostrarnos que es posible liberarnos del yugo opresor. Por todo eso y mucho más, gracias bella Cuba renacida un 26 de Julio, con nuestro querido Fidel liderando la lucha. Gracias Fidel por toda su entrega, humanismo y fraternidad. Gracias por sus convicciones, valentía y constancia. Un canto muy sentido de amor y solidaridad para Ud quien vuela alto, después de haber liberado y defendido su pueblo y plantado con su ejemplo, las más hermosas semillas de liberación. HLVS querido compañero.
Valentina Montoya (United Kingdom)
We are Vietnam. I am feel very unhappy. I very prond of Cuba. Viet Nam and Cuba is friend....
(Viet Nam)
Fidel will never be forgotten by the people of the world. CUBA SI, Yankee no!
Albert Ettinger (Luxembourg)
Irene Zimmermann (Germany)
Amir (United Arab Emirates)
Thankyou for your efforts and struggles for a better world. A world that shares that is based upon a redistribution of wealth knowledge and power. Cuba continues to teach us that there are other ways to live.
David Ablett (Australia)
Dead or alive, your tireless struggle remains an inspiration to all who strive for freedom. Rest in peace, Comandante, we will remember you.
Charlie Mann (United Kingdom)
Népound;o precisamos de outro Fidel Castro. Este, mesmo morto, dirigirá a caminhada dos povos rumo a paz, fraternidade e justiésect;a. Viva Fidel, Viva Cuba
Fabio Roquini (Brazil)
Elias F. G. (Ethiopia)
My Condolence to Fidel Castro family and friends. I hope he will be remembered for the good things he did and achieved during his time with us. Amen
Joseph (United Kingdom)
Mourning the loss of a true leader and visionary but remembering is remarkable life and achievements for his people rest in power Commandante
Donna Kassim (United Kingdom)
Quite simply, one of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen.
Dr Bevis Miller (United Kingdom)
The passing away of Fidel Castro one of the greatest socialist leaders of our times who inspired many around the globe is not only sad news for the people of Cuba but his supporters all over the world who admired him for standing upto the Neo Imperialists and war mongering colonialists. His leadership will be missed by many but his memories and ideas will remain important part of history and will keep on encouraging so called small nations against the bullies and enemies of humanity. Paramjit Bahia (Southampton UK)
Paramjit Bahia (United Kingdom)
Since I learned of Fidel's work, and later saw and read many of his publications, I have had great respect for this consistent revolutionary. When I recently visited Cuba, these impressions were more than confirmed. You only need to compare Cuba with other Latin American countries. You know what this revolution - and Fidel - has done. Thank you, Comandante, we will not forget you. Gracias, comandante. This was written with a translation program. Excuse the bad English.
Klaus Seibert (Germany)
Thank you Fidel, you are an inspiration for people's belief in the revolution all over the world. Your desire for a better life and society drives us on. Rest well, comrade.
Jon Parker (United Kingdom)
RIP, Fidel, you lived all those who wanted you dead
Fiona Cheyne Forde (United Kingdom)
Thank you, Fidel, for a lifetime of service to the Cuban people and the world. Long may your legacy endure.
Davy King (United Kingdom)
I salute to the leadership and commitment of Fidel Castro to give cuba the best social sector in health and education.He challenged Super power and managed his country under sanctions.His legacy will haunt tyrinical super powers
Zahir Shah (Pakistan)
We are all thinking of you in your time of desperation. Grief though only lasts a short time so you should always have hope. Entropy takes all systems in the end and inevitable change is the light at the end of the tunnel. Live long, and prosper.
Colin Selig-Smith (United Kingdom)
Léordf; Hésup1;ng (Viet Nam)
Good bye and good riddance
Rok (Slovenia)
He has gone now. Yet, the example he has set will be inspirational for oppressed people throughout the World for generations to come. I viva Fidel!
Kevin Mc Quillan, Beal Feirste. (Ireland)
Max (United States of America)
Commandant Fidel Castro, your outstanding legacy of dignity, national sovereignty, international solidarity and justice for humanity, will endure for ever in the peoples of the world. Hasta Siempre comandante!!!
Carlos Cruz Garcia (United Kingdom)
Alfonso Martínez Jim&Atild (Spain)
I send my personal condolences to the people of Cuba at the loss of the father of their continuing revolution. Fidel was an inspiration to all working classes in their national struggles and able to unite them in international solidarity for the Liberation of mankind as a whole. In being involved in the building of Socialism under his leadership the Cuba people have developed the two most important fields that the whole of mankind struggle for. Their education as children and their health. I offer my personal condolences as one of the London Recruits involved in the secret war against apartheid. I am grateful for the training I received in Cuba from October 1986 to December 1986 where I experienced such a free and open society to the extent that the colours of the skins of the Cuban people disappeared before my very eyes. I learnt that Fidel was not a dictator but a lover of representative democracy built through the Committees For The Defense of the Revolution. I do not need to wish his memory will live on as in the Cuban sprit his life will. Fraternally Peter Smith
Peter Smith (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel for your invaluable contribution to this world and the poor and disadvantaged. We will forever be in your debt. Rest in peace; your struggle is over but ours has just began.
Stephen Burton (United Kingdom)
Your journey is over, a long road travelled. RIP.
Beverley Krell (United Kingdom)
I send my sincere condolences to the wonderful people of Cuba. I visited your country in November 2015 on a Solidarity cycle ride. The achievements of your country are a beacon to all striving for a better world - and the leadership of Fidel in your revolution has been inspirational.
Mike Dukes (United Kingdom)
Gracias Commandante, siempre
Faisal Rajput (United Kingdom)
A hero for everyone across the world
Paul Harrington (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Lider!
Andrea Tupac Mollica (Italy)
Thank you for your undying dedication to ensuring every Cuban had access to education. When I was floating on a door through shark-infested waters just to escape your oppressive shitshow of a regime, I was reading a really good book. R.I.P.
Pedro (United States of America)
A man of the people, May he rest in peace,,
Jim kelly (Ireland)
Hasta Siempre, Comandante!
Burkhard Schroeder (Germany)
Long live the revolution and salute to a true revolutionary1
isabelle tasseff-elenkoff (United Kingdom)
Tenho esperanésect;a de que um dia deixaremos de ser escravos do capital.
Leonardo Galdeano Msssaro (Brazil)
Stay strong Cuba
Bob de Oliveira (United Kingdom)
Fidel liberated the Cuban people from the tyranny of Batista and the American mafiosa
Mary mears (United Kingdom)
Nguyéordf;n Binh Minh (Viet Nam)
Hasta la Vittoria Siempre Fidel
Paul Dyer (United Kingdom)
Herzliches Beileid. Auch wenn du wohl nicht immer menschenfreundlich warst, du hast viel fuer die Kubaner erreicht.
Josef Lienland (Germany)
The light that shone bright for Cubans in times of despai, by standing up to the U.S and won. R.I.P Fidel.
Anthony Holloway (United Kingdom)
Goodbye El Comandante,a great friend of Viet Nam...
Le Minh (Viet Nam)
R.I.P Fidel
Chris Coates (United Kingdom)
Long live the Cuban Revolution!
Bob Heritage (United Kingdom)
La solidaridad con el pueblo de Cuba
Ruth (United Kingdom)
Gracias por todo, Fidel
Artie Alfreds (United States of America)
638 attempts failed;remarkable human on a ship of fools, rest in peace xx
Denise bishop (United Kingdom)
A great man of the people.
James Meechan (United Kingdom)
You rank with the best, most caring, human beings of this planet. It is going to be difficult without you.
I. Walker-Gibbs (United Kingdom)
You kept your word and always kept your faith.Cuba,a tiny island in perpetual blockade by its bloated neighbour,gave its people free housing and healthcare,as well as helping other nations in struggle and suffering disaster.You gave art and music to all.In the UK,worlds 5th largest economy,these things are impossible,or are luxuries only for the rich.Your passion for justice and equality inspired socilaists worldwide,and we will not forget
Sharon Mitchell (United Kingdom)
Cuba, habéis perdido el lider más importante del vigésimo siglo. Quiero mandaros mis condolencias por su perdida imensa.
Sinéad O'Brien (Ireland)
Hasta siempre, compañero Fidel.
David Franco (Spain)
(Viet Nam)
Hésup1;ng (Viet Nam)
Cuba has lost a great man, the likes of who we will probably never see again. An icon and and inspiration to us all!
SHERIDAN (United Kingdom)
Marijan Kubik (Serbia)
Hasta siempre, Comandante.
Damon Cummings (United Kingdom)
pham cao trung anh (Viet Nam)
I echo my presidents words and send my condolences to the people of Cuba. Small countries can change the world by being an example of equality, community and caring for our planet.
Brigid Teehan (Ireland)
We are saddened that one of our great revolutionary leaders has departed. We are grateful for Fidel Castro's great contribution in lifting up Caribbean people. Our deepest condolences go to Father Castro's family, loved ones & friends and the people of Cuba. On behalf of BARAC UK : Zita Holbourne, Co-founder & National Co-Chair
Zita Holbourne, BARAC UK (United Kingdom)
Fidel was my hero. His achievements in liberating his people from the Evil Empire and creating a truly effective Socialist nation, run for the many instead of the few, despite over 50 years of economic suffocation. The Cuban Health and Education systems are an example to the world of what can be achieved when the needs of the people are put first. Viva La Revolution Cubana! Mucho amor enviado de Escocia.
Charlie Bent (United Kingdom)
fue un gran lider,especialmente de siglo xx y todo tiempo.jamas puedo olvidar esa gran persona.soy un medico solo por fidel castro ruz.
Dr Noman Mehboob Awan (Pakistan)
Sono vicino al Popolo Cubano, ma la Rivoluzione non muore.
Gian Piero Di Folco (Italy)
Fidel and his life's work has left Cuba a moral beacon of hope for the oppressed people's of the world condolences to his family
Phil king (United Kingdom)
Arild Langemyr (Norway)
A great leader a revolutionary
Tony Mallon (Ireland)
A good man in a world full of bad ones love from scotland
Alan hamilton (United Kingdom)
It is with deep regret I witness he passing of such an outstanding figure as Fidel Castro. Facing enormous difficulties together he and the people of Cuba achieved a remarkable social outcome. I offer my respects and my condolences.
Roderick Bailey (United Kingdom)
What an Icon Fidel Castro was. So sad that he has gone,Cuba will be sad for along time!!R.I.P.Fidel Castro.
paul howes (United Kingdom)
Nguyéordf;n Anh (Viet Nam)
Dr. Izzeddin Musa (Germany)
One of the truly great leaders of the twentieth century. My deepest condolences to the people of Cuba.
Dr. Elizabeth Moberly (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel Castro was a friend to all progressive, anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist people around the world. He will be remembered as a fierce fighter against inequality, imperialism and injustice and as the man who liberated Cuba from the inhumane dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Rest in Peace and may your legacy prevail.
Agim (Germany)
Through the tears of sadness shines the ever brighter light that Fidel and the Cuban people ignited on their road to Socialism.
Barry - Joyce Chapman (United Kingdom)
hasta siempre comandante
Rodobaldo Dueña Rodriguez (Cuba)
RIP Comandante.. The people of CUBA need your influence and strength even more now than ever before. Watch over them and give them guidance and steer the young of CUBA, away from imperialism so they keep on the path of freedom.
John Colbert (United Kingdom)
We will miss the Great man
Roland Laycock (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
May you rest in peace Comrade
Fred Simpson (United Kingdom)
Thank you for the fantastic achievements in Cuba obviously but also for Cuba's international achievements, especially with regard to Africa and medical support globally.
Lesley Lodge (United Kingdom)
Gone is a true giant of the working class of the world may his legacy live on forever and he be a shining light for future activists
Colm Kinsella (Ireland)
Your freedom like the apple on the tree won't be handed to you You need to reach up and pick it Pick it you did my friend A true hero Always love
Graham Padden (United Kingdom)
Whatever Fidel's faults, I saw for myself a healthcare system second to none, Children who went to good schools well fed and well dressed, the disabled who had wheelchairs and no matter how basic everyone had a roof over their heads.
Josie Jarosz (United Kingdom)
Conocí este gran pais, su cultura, su gente hermosa, conocí su lugar de niñez, que alegría siento de vivir esta experiencia, ya Cuba será muy diferente, que descanses en paz y vivamos todo lo que nos enseñó.
Teresa (United Kingdom)
A man of courage and principle. Clearly loved by the Cuban people as seen at this years May Day event in Havana I was privileged to attend.His legacy will live on throughout the world.
Yvonne Washbourne (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria, siempre! Comandante Fidel, presente!
Daniel Egloff (Switzerland)
Con una tristeza muy grande vemos partir al gigante, al hombre que nos dio educacion, salud, dignidad y formado como un hombre de bien. Siempre te recordaremos y honraremos tu nombre, Hasta la victoria siempre!
Argelio Hernandez (Cuba)
viva fidel
jack.m.howes (United Kingdom)
Mixed feelings after missile crisis but deeply grateful for your leadership in primary health care worldwide.
Geoffrey Meads (United Kingdom)
Grazie Comandante!!! Sei stato e sarai per sempre: "Espressione cosmica del genere umano."
Torcolacci Silvio (Italy)
FIdel has been an inspiration.His legacy is manifest in the thousands queuing to pay respects and pledge continuing support for the revolution which has achieved so much, not only in Cuba but internationally. Viva Cuba!
Monica Brady (United Kingdom)
Comrade Castro was a friend of all peace loving people and progressives around the world. His anti-imperialist struggle will give inspiration to the coming generations national liberation movements. Glory to the Communist Party of Cuba! Glory to the Cuban Revolution!
Ahmed (Algeria)
Fidel Castro gone but never forgotten. There were good times and some testing times throughout the Cuban Revolution but never forget that he gave the country back to the people of Cuba. I had the opportunity to travel to Cuba back in 2008 May day parade as part of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and I will never forget those few weeks. What an inspiration Fidel was to me. You will be sadly missed. Goodnight comrade X
Darren Stead (United Kingdom)
A towering inspiration for me and progressives throughout the world-always and forever! the fight for global justice and socialism continues greatly strengthened by your historic contributions. RIP
Richard von Abendorff (United Kingdom)
A great man. Long live the Revolution.
Colm Cahill (Ireland)
I've been disgusted by coverage of his death by the Tory/establishment media in Britain. They've reviled one of the greatest revolutionary leaders of the last century. I'll be in Cuba with my wife in April, when I hope to pay my respects. One way is to provide practical help to the Cuban people still suffering due to the US blockade of imports - notebooks, pens, re-conditioned lap-tops - anything to help beat the blockade.
peter lazenby (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Phan Cuong (Viet Nam)
My condolences go out to the family of Fidel Castro and to the people of Cuba. You will never be forgotten, rest well comrade.
Thanh Long Vu (Viet Nam)
As a teacher, I believe the commitment to literacy and therefore the liberation of the people is a legacy to celebrate. Inspirational!
Max Hyde (United Kingdom)
Thuy (Viet Nam)
Viva Castro, Viva Cuba
Robin (United Kingdom)
La muerte de Fidel Castro nos une en el dolor. Con hondo respeto conmemoramos a un hombre de gran valor, integridad revolucionaria y visión más allá de la mezquindad capitalista "neoliberal". Nos a dejado su legado para seguir luchando. !Otro mundo es posible!
Susanna Sutter (Switzerland)
The world has lost a great leader and humanitarian.
Michelle Laufer (United Kingdom)
Solidarity at this sad time
Steve Tunstall (United Kingdom)
Metodio Scandela (Venezuela)
True gem of the world.
Wubsy (Ethiopia)
Merci a Fidel et ö la révolution cubaine de maintenir le flambeau des valeurs de gauche, de sa volonté de mettre en place des politiques en défense de la majorité des travailleurs, de sa ténacité pour maintenir Cuba dans le chemin du socialisme malgré le boycott, malgré l'énorme pression internationale... Merci Fidel de m'avoir aidé ö continuer dans le chemin de la révolution !
Carmen Rodriguez (France)
Well Done, Fidel!!!!
Peter Harvey (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Solamente quiero decir gracias a 18 meses maravillosos que he experimentado mientras los anos 2009 y 2010 cuando vivia en Cuba. Este tiempo me daba un punto de vista diferente sobre la situacion de este pais.El pais que nunca tuvo miedo,que sobrevivio anos de opresion,pais que tiene "los cojones" para ponerse de pie en lo bueno y lo malo. Gracias Commandante y descanse en paz.
katarina gulyasova (Slovakia)
Fidel ha recuperado la dignidad y el orgullo del pueblo cubano. También ha demonstrado al mundo que hay otros caminos aparte del capitalismo estadounidense. Gracias por eso. Recordamos sus ideas y su ejemplo!
Andreas Baesler (Germany)
Cuba, nimm meine aufrichtige Anteilnahme entgegen. Hasta la victoria, siempre
Klaus Kucharz (Austria)
Fidel, against all the odds stacked against him with vile and slanderous opposition from US, established a Socialist State which championed the poor and built a country with excellent health and education open to all. His leadership showed that Socialism works and exposed the failings of Capitalism.
David Penney (United Kingdom)
What an inspiration - to me and many others. Now needed more than ever. Condolences to his family, and the people of Cuba.
Emily Furman (United Kingdom)
Demessie Fantaye (Ethiopia)
RIP Comandante
H. Dighe (United Kingdom)
Nghia Nguyen Trung (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Solidarity with the Cuban people and their revolution.
Martin Shiel (Ireland)
PPP Message on passing of Fidel Castro The People's Progressive Party (PPP) is deeply saddened over the passing of Dr. Fidel Castro. This is indeed a great loss not only to the Cuban people but for freedom loving peoples throughout the world. The late Dr. Castro was undoubtedly one of the greatest revolutionaries of all times who during his lifetime had demonstrated that no sacrifices can be considered too great when it comes to defending the rights and dignity of the Cuban people. He survived several threats and assassination plots by the CIA and other opposition elements which only served to strengthen his resolve to intensify the struggle to defend the dignity and interests of the Cuban people. The embarrassing failure of the United States to topple his government in the now infamous Bay of Pigs invasion will forever remain a monument of the extent to which he was loved and respected by the Cuban people who still until this day regarded him as their hero in the national liberation struggle and the Father of the Cuban nation. He stood as a beacon of hope for oppressed peoples throughout the developing world in particular Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. His role in the national liberation struggles in several countries of the world in particular Africa is testimony to his unflinching solidarity with the poor and the oppressed. The People's Progressive Party remains eternally grateful to Dr. Castro who came to the rescue of the PPP Government during the early 1960's when attempts were made by hostile and reactionary elements to destabilize the Jagan-led PPP administration. During the previous PPP/C administration, Dr. Castro again extended a hand of friendship to the Guyanese people when he granted hundreds of scholarships to Guyanese students to pursue studies in medicine and in other technical fields in addition to technical assistance rendered to the government in a variety of areas. The PPP wishes to extend its deepest condolences to President Raul Castro, the Communist Party of Cuba and the whole of Cuba on his passing. He has,however, left a rich legacy of revolutionary struggle for a better future not only for the Cuban people but for humanity as a whole. During one of his trials during the Batista dictatorship he famously remarked 'condemn me, history will absolve me. Dr. Castro has not only been absolved but even in death will be immortalized in the hearts of millions way down the corridors of time. May his soul rest in peace! People's Progressive Party November 26, 2016
Paul Kirpaul (Guyana)
Fidel took a stand against imperialism and your country accepted sacrifices to oppose greed.
Simon Hinds (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Comrade. You have, and always had my solidarity. We will continue your struggle. From Brittany, Vive la Revolution!!!
Bob mCnAIR (France)
Hans-Dieter Scholz (Germany)
great sorrow to the greatest leader and true communist Fidel Castro, from Vietnam.
(Viet Nam)
Thanks for the life of this great man who stood up against unfettered gangsterism and greed.
Terry Tedstone (Ireland)
James mckeown (Ireland)
Ciaran Wrynne (Ireland)
Loss of a great leader what a legacy! Viva CUba
Margaret Hepburn (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Fidel Castro a truly great man who will inspire the entire People of the entire World. For decades to come and for People of ages. A fine man, a hero this best of the Communist ideal. Thanks to him and the Cuban people for casting a light of freedom. During this dark period of extreme Capitalism.Power to the People.
Paul Barrett (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace, Compañero.
Rene Ribic (Australia)
CAROL (United Kingdom)
With sincere condolencies on the death of a Hero, a Titan.
Mark Fletcher (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre,Comandante!
Lyubomir Kimov (Bulgaria)
True revolutionary. ..my hero..I grow reading about his rock solid personality. ..what a man and what a life ..more than king size...you make Cuba a better place where they feel safe and happy...red salute to Fiedal Castor..you will always be in our hearts...
Harinder (United Kingdom)
My the big man rest in peace
Andrew Osborne (Australia)
People should remember your efforts to sustain a society where black and white people could live equally and share 100% literacy alongside one of the best universal health services in the world.
Alex (United Kingdom)
Your country and the work of Castro is an enormous positive influence and inspiration for New Zealand!
Qedric James (New Zealand)
Ho Hoang Huy (Viet Nam)
God bless you, Fidel. May your country stay strong.
Jan (United Kingdom)
You were a great man and have made your mark in History . RIP Comrade Viva
Shani Fitzgerald (Australia)
(Viet Nam)
I have the difference of living situation for the children in Cuba compared to children in other so called democratic countries. That is what matters for me
Margareta André (Sweden)
Goodbye Uncle Fidel You helped a lot of people and inspired a great many I wonder how much more you might have accomplished without the worlds bully on your back Viva Castro!
Elena Bridges (United States of America)
Christina Demiri (Greece)
Hasta siempre Comandante!
Busselen Jan (Belgium)
My sincere condolences to the Cuban People on the loss of the Cuban Revolution Leader Fidel Castro
Marcos Domingues (Italy)
(Viet Nam)
We salute you and will never forget your example of struggle and resistance until the last person on earth is liberated finally from oppression and exploitation.
david morgan (United Kingdom)
We will never forget you Fidel
frances (United Kingdom)
Oddrun Remvik (Norway)
Christiane Feldmnn (Germany)
Hasta siempre comandante, tu ejemplo vivirá eternamente. Fins la victória sempre!
Oriol (Spain)
Ata Sempre Comandante. Dende Galicia.
Xoán Xosécop (Spain)
TrÆ°Æ¡ng nam (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro. A brave and principled man. Saved his people from USA corruption. Long may his revolution continue.
Gerry Luby (United Kingdom)
My deepest condolences to you, the people of Cuba, as you have just lost your greatest hero of modern age. Vietnam remembers ! Red Salute to the fallen Comrade !
(Viet Nam)
Hasta Siempre Commandante ! R.I.P
Christian Pietruk (Austria)
Thank you so much for all things that You had done! You are alway in our memory. Vietnamese is alway grateful to You.
Nguyen Anh Duc (Viet Nam)
Jaime Pastor (Spain)
(Viet Nam)
You were there my whole life, Commandante, may your vision of peace and plenty for the workers of Cuba continue to inspire peoples' struggles all over the world. Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Anne Cherry (United Kingdom)
A true Hero, a fighter for independance for cuba and so many other countries, a supporter of salvador allende, nelson mandela. He changed the world and showed us " una mundo mejor es posible" gracias comandante, tu ejemple esta presente
Mirco Taliercio (Germany)
Brian D'Arcy (Ireland)
Igor Mikhaylov (Estonia)
(Viet Nam)
Buen viaje eterno gigante! Tus ideas y luchas serán nuestras!
DFV (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
stephen holcroft (United Kingdom)
Tu legado es un ejemplo de lucha para todas las generaciones. Hasta siempre comandante
Juan Barrientos Rojas (Belgium)
in solidarity with the people of Cuba
Ilse Brugger (Switzerland)
Rest in Peace Comandante, you will be missed. Thank you for everything you did for humanity, in a world where leaders are cold and uncaring, I always remember you for kind heart and commitment to human freedom. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Homam Nasser (United States of America)
An icon for future generations ... The struggle is unending .
Frazier josefski-Caan (United Kingdom)
Rhemmiel Arrakhan (United States of America)
Siobhan Harte (Ireland)
Hasta siempre, Comandante
Minh Mai (Viet Nam)
Varwel fidele Fidel/Fare well companero Fidel.
freek (Belgium)
A man who gave much to all the citizens of his country.
Derek Birtwistle (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria en todo el mundo !!!
Tom Flaws (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with the Cuban people at this sad time.Let progress towards social justice continue.
Chris Purnell (United Kingdom)
Vocéordf; continua vivo em nossa memória e em nossos coraésect;émicro;es, comandante!
Wilson (Brazil)
Dear Cuban, We are very hurt and sad while know the bad news that was Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro die at 90 years old. We permission sincere share this hurted with YOU please. In our heart - Vietname People - He is the big benefactor of our country, the same as the big Father. We are very very thankful in our heart the same as water in the Ocean. Once gain, i am on behalf of all Vietname People, to keep the our head in front of the soul of Him ! Loyal Vietname citizen
Nguyen Ngoc Anh (Viet Nam)
A truely inspirational human being. Who showed fortitude in very difficult circumstances. Solidarity with all Cuban peoples and their friends.
Tony Conway (United Kingdom)
In deep condolence with Cuba people.
Bui Viet Ha (Viet Nam)
Rest in peace President Fidel Castro. You and your fellow Cuban citizens are always best friends of the Vietnamese. Viva Cuba, Viva Fidel!!!
Phạm Ta (Viet Nam)
A strong leader and remarkable man. May you Rest in peace.
Lisa (United Kingdom)
I share your sorrow, Fidel Castro and Cuba' s resistence have been a beacon of light, strength and resistance throughout my adult life.
Michele Wilson (United Kingdom)
Nguyen Viet Quan (Viet Nam)
Tung Hoang (Viet Nam)
Xua¢n NhẠ(United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary never dies, they live on in our hearts and history
Gemma MacEoin (Ireland)
Thank you for showing what can be achieved when people throw away self interest and work for the common good.
Christine henry (United Kingdom)
Ya ascendiste al Turquino para liberar a Cuba,hoy asciendes como una estrella para liberar al mundo. COMANDANTE EN JEFE. ORDENE!!
Alena (Cuba)
Un grand humaniste s'en est allé. Un homme du peuple qui, toute sa vie, n'a travaillé que dans l'intéréordf;t de son peuple. Un dirigeant modèle qui a fait de Cuba le meilleur modèle éducatif, le meilleur modèle scientifique, le meilleur modèle social de la planète. Que son oeuvre perdure. Qu'il repose en paix.
Canton-Fourrat Altide (France)
You succeed in the goals you set and for your people history will remember you for that.
Glenn Martin (United Kingdom)
Julie Arnold (United Kingdom)
Viva CuBa, viva Fidel
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Sincere condolences for the loss of an inspirational leader.
Maureen Luby (United Kingdom)
ian Marfleet (United Kingdom)
Un Abrazo solidario al pueblo Cubano, sabedor que la semilla plantada por Fide florecerán en un mañana más justo, solidario y libertario.
José Carlos Bustamante (Mexico)
Dao Thi Hanh Nguyen (Viet Nam)
Thank you for your principled stand in working to ensure Cuba's strength through Education and Medical services which were shared with other Countries.
George Conchie (United Kingdom)
(Russian Federation)
Our hearts are with the Cuban people at this sad turning point. Now we must all hope that the Obama-inspired thaw in US-Cuba relations is carried further and that common sense, rather than president-elect Trump, prevails.
William Aitken (United Kingdom)
Trần Xua (Viet Nam)
Fidel gave Cuba a good social system, that makes life livable for the Cuban people and that gave hope to the rest of the world, proving that it is possible!!! I'll miss him, the Cubans will miss him together with many many people. Rest in peace Fidel Castro....
Myriam (Belgium)
Rest in Peace Comandante.
Edi dobbelaer (Belgium)
(Viet Nam)
The death Fidel Castro is biggest shock for the revolutionary movement of the world. His contribution in the fight against US Imperialism is impeccable. He has shown that society can be developed with out surrendering in front of super power like US imperialism. Because of his vision today, CUBA is far ahead of other country on social indicators. Even India can not match on Educaqtion, Health and employment generation with CUBA. Mt heartfelt condolences to the departed soul of Cuba and an international icon of revolutionary movement. I also would like to convey my condolences to the mourning revolutionary people of CUBA after the death of their dream leader.
Mahesh Kumar (India)
Hope you will be happy in the heaven, Mr.President! You have always been alive in our hearts!
Thanh Huong Nguyen (Viet Nam)
The hero of Cuba, the hero of Vietnam. May your soul rest in peace.
Quan Tran Anh Nguyen (Viet Nam)
Fidel Castro vivira para siempre. Cuba vive, cuba libre, saludos al heroico pueblo cubano
Sergio Gómez (Mexico)
Léordf; Máº&am (Viet Nam)
hopefully your country can continue your lagacy and continue as a nation to be proud of.
graeme hamilton (United Kingdom)
Sue birtwistle (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Thuy Nguyen Phuong (Viet Nam)
Fidel was an inspiration for the way he steadfastly stuck to his beliefs. The great legacy of health and education he has left the people of Cuba will, like the UK's NHS, be around for as long as there are people to fight for it. It is my wish that there will always be those people and that the spirit of Fidel lives on through them. Viva Fidel, viva Cuba, viva socialism.
Callum Geldard (United Kingdom)
Great man who brought inexpensive health care to millions.
John Gilmore (United Kingdom)
His farewell glass! Typical man of revolutionary movements for national liberation!
(Viet Nam)
Trần HÆ&a (Viet Nam)
Dinh Trung Kien (Viet Nam)
Thanks for showing the world another, better way. Free healthcare and education should be cornerstones of every modern state, Fidel showed us all this is possible, against greater odds and hurdles then most western nations can ever imagine. Gracias Cuba!
James Simpson (United Kingdom)
We offer our condolences to the people of Cuba on the death of their great leader. May he never be forgotten.
Tom and Eileen Partridge (Ireland)
Marijan Kubik (Serbia)
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Suerte en su nueva andadura
Juan Tomas Moya (Spain)
I would want for all Cubans to know that their country represents an important beacon of hope to the oppressed throughout the entire world. No matter how much the oppressors' media in our countries tries to tarnish his legacy, Fidel's heroic leadership cannot be erased from the minds of anti-imperialists and socialists. We also know, in accordance with Fidel's own sentiments, that the revolution is far stronger than any one person, and we continue to be inspired by the endurance of the Cuban people. In solidarity, comrades.
Graham (United Kingdom)
Fidel has left the island, but his legacy and his light remain. I am deeply saddened at his loss and offer condolences to his family and to the Cuban people. Presente.
Jorge Aros (United States of America)
Hasta simpre, comandante.
antonio gomez (Finland)
(Viet Nam)
Chữ (Viet Nam)
My sincerest sympathy. I had the chance of meeting with Fidels ideas and dreams. My children were taken care of by cuban doctors in Cape Verde. Thank you Hope the people of Cuba may find the strength in eachother to keep up what El Comandante started. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Ninamarina Mendes (Belgium)
Quách Bécopy (Viet Nam)
An inspiration to many, rest in peace.
Robert Purfield (Ireland)
The world has lost a remarkable man. Rip Fidel; you have earned it xx
Samantha (United Kingdom)
Your memory will always stay in our hearts.
Outi Pesola (Finland)
My deepest sympathy and warm wishes go to the Cuban people. You have lost an inspirational leader but his legacy will be with you always.
Yvonne Veivers (Australia)
Viva Cuba !
Vincent (United Kingdom)
We will keep the fight going against the blockades . Rest in Peace
Jenny Alexander (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences to the Cuban people on the loss of their inspirational leader Fidel Castro. A true hero of the people who stood up to imperialist aggression over many decades and made Cuba a beacon of hope for people throughout the world. Viva la revolution.
Anthony Brookes (United Kingdom)
Thanks you so much for helping Viet Nam all the time. Long live the communism!!!
Trần Hoa (Viet Nam)
You have been and always be a revolutionary hero in my heart. Wish you a peaceful sleep along with other revolutionary heroes, dear Fidel
Bảo Khang (Viet Nam)
What a hero and a shining example to the modern world of what could be possible to make it a better one. An amazing man with an incredible vision.
Catriona Logan (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
heavy heart
margaret scobie (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Farewell to the great leader of the Cuban people, a great friend of the people of Vietnam. Would you please rest.
(Viet Nam)
Above all Fidel has given his people dignity in spite of the harsh conditions in which they had to live because of the American embargo. Can anyone imagine what he could have achieved for his country and his people if he had had a fair chance? I will always remember him. Marina Mommerency (Belgium)
Marina Mommerency (Belgium)
Solidarity with the peoples of Cuba!
rhodora a. abano (Philippines)
Viva Cuba. "I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves." (Che)
Jaap Vogel (Australia)
Para mi ha sido un privilegio haber podido conocer esa Cuba libre de Castro. Reconocemos con admiración los logros de la revolución: sanidad cultura y seguridad ciudadana. Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante.
Maria Magdalena Arqueros Fernandez (Spain)
a great leader may he rest in peace
joseph gorman (Ireland)
Such a sad loss for Cuba and the world. Viva Cuba viva la revolution
Dan Harrison (United Kingdom)
Suzanne Shegog (Australia)
R.I.P Fidel Castro
DÆ°Æ¡ng B&am (Viet Nam)
Viva Cuba
Don Quinn (United Kingdom)
linda casson (United States of America)
I'm feel very bad when I hear mr Phidel Castro Ruz - the leader of Cuba communist movement was die . When I was a little boy, , I had a dream that I could met mr Phidel but now, I can't make it become a reality .On behalf of the young generation Vietnam thank him very much for his contribution to a peaceful Vietnam expect him soon and will happily resting place gold springs. There, people will meet comrades who led the Communist movement as tools Lenin, Ho Chi Minh president ,. . . once again thank the cordial, which he had for our country Vietnam. Wish all good things will come to Cuba as his brother always wanted.
Huỳnh Ph&Atild (Viet Nam)
He was a great man and a great revolutionary. Please don't let his hard work and his dream be taken away from you!
Sousan (United States of America)
Tran Van Do (Viet Nam)
Dirk Benicke (Germany)
from bottom my hart as brother communist my sincere condolences go to pepole of Cuba for lose comodnta fideal Castro ther great Marxist leader sinces josaf strangling all the communist in Australian we cry with and fight with you in sregeal for deafening Cuba siocast revolution the 11 miolouin sioclast in Cuba how are the revolution. viva Cuba haster la victor simpea
sam bulllock (Australia)
Thanh Tésup1;ng (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Not a saint, but a fighter for social justice.
Colin Goble (United Kingdom)
michael staudt (Germany)
I, the Vietnamese citizen, burn many incenses to memorize the president Fidel Castro, a great communist in the world.
(Viet Nam)
My condolence, and very best hope that the Cuban people will have the wisdom and ability to hold onto their Revolution.
Novelle Saarinen (United States of America)
(United Kingdom)
You were the most moral leader the world has ever seen. You gave so much to so many and exposed the murderous U.S for what it is. Much love from Australia. VIVA Fidel Castro and VIVA Cuba!
Christian Marx (Australia)
Huỳnh Tuy&aacu (Viet Nam)
Strength despite the struggles!
Rommel C. Abellar (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Rest in peace, comrade Castro. You were-, are-, and will always be a true hero of humankind.
Marco De Palma (Germany)
Mai Trung Kien (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Nam (Viet Nam)
Anh tuan (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Además, mi comandante no está ni muerto ni jamas olvidado. ¡ Hasta siempre!
Leni Villagomez Reeves (United States of America)
(Viet Nam)
I'm forever in solidarity to you even after death comrade Dr. Fidel Castro. Long live the Revolución
Amy Ortega King (United States of America)
Su gran Phidel - Nosotros siempre agradecido Phidel.
Phan Truong Son (Viet Nam)
A great leader of his country and his people, who he inspired to great achievements at home and abroad. An inspiration to all those in struggle for peace and socialism internationally. Hasta siempre comandante!
Clifford Cocker (United Kingdom)
My sincerest condolences for the passing of this great man. A leader in the true sense of the word.He stood for the betterment of his people and country. His defiance of the outside world will be remembered. Rest in peace Fidel.
Paul (United Kingdom)
Nguyen Huu Nhi (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Léordf; Thanh SÆ&iex (Viet Nam)
My sincere condolences to the people.of Cuba. Fidel.Castro was a giant among men and an inspiration to us all.
Ricky Clarke (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
Mike Gavrilov (Russian Federation)
Araceli bernal (Mexico)
(Viet Nam)
revolutionary theory wrapped up in a revolutionary individual with the sole aim of expropreating the exporpreators, long live the science of proletarian revolution Marxism, Leninism Stalinism , .
Andrew Olsson (Australia)
(United Kingdom)
Long live Fidel Castro!
la¢m duy nam (Viet Nam)
Thắng (Viet Nam)
What you achieved in Cuba was amazing. Especially the literacy project. Viva Cuba.
Judith Brown (United Kingdom)
Nancy (Paraguay)
Jaku Léordf; (Viet Nam)
Anh Tuấn (Viet Nam)
Im so so sorry, fidel castro is a greatness, i hope vietnam/cuba together, forever!!!!, peace
Hoang vu (Viet Nam)
Hasta siempre Comandante.
Carlo (Canada)
(Viet Nam)
Phung Duy Minh (Viet Nam)
Aprender del gran legado de Fidel; reconocer y superar los errores; contribuir a la lucha socialista. Sigamos la construcción del poder popular. ¡Viva Fidel!
Eder Angeles Vite (Mexico)
La humanidad pierde a un referente,pero sabrá conservar vivo su espíritu y su ejemplo....hasta siempre eterno Comandante !
Mino wong Alfonso (Spain)
as a child of Vietnamese country, I'm so sad to hear that my most respectful person-Fidel Castro passed away. I sincerely give my condolence to peoples in Cuba. Goodbye my idol, our honor friend. I love you - Fidel Castro. Rest in peace!
(Viet Nam)
Lucía Porta (Argentina)
Mueren los hombres no los ideales, hasta la victoria siempre! La historia ya lo absolvio. Que viva la revolución Cubana y el comandante en jefe #HastaSiempre
arith rodas (Mexico)
We will always remenber you Mr castro phidel You alway in our heart From vietnam with all love Rest in palace
(Viet Nam)
Para el pueblo de Cuba mis respetos y sepan que Fidel Castro siempre estara en mis pensamientos como el hombre que liberto a Cuba de la bota opresora. Hubiese querido conocerlo personalmente. Cuando mi Isla sea libre habra que mencionarlo porque Fidel deseo nuestra libertad. Desde Puerto Rico porque como dijo el poeta: CUBA Y PUERTO RICO SON DE UN PAJARO LAS DOS ALAS. HASTA SIEMPRE LIBERTADOR.
Lydia Quintana (Puerto Rico)
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
In solidarity with the peoples of America Latina and their resistance to corporate/militarist/cultural penetrations and manipulations from megastates and oligarchical kleptocrats.
Peter Kleinman (United States of America)
Gracias comandante por hacerme ver que existe otro tipo de sueño americano. Hoy lloro por tu partida, mañana sigo en pie de lucha aplicando lo que nos enseñaste... ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Samantha Rodas (Mexico)
phạm chà (Viet Nam)
Hoöng Kim Long (Viet Nam)
I can think of nothing more appropriate to honour Fidel than the words of Jose Marti: "Men of action, above all those whose actions are guided by love, live forever."
Julie Webb-Pullman (New Zealand)
Hasta siempre Comandante
(Viet Nam)
Phạm NhÆ (Viet Nam)
Maria Elena Mesa (Canada)
Vu van Tam (Viet Nam)
Léordf; Hoöi (Viet Nam)
Du Tran (Viet Nam)
que los jóvenes miembros del Partido Comunista de Vietnam, agradecer a las personas que ayudaron a las personas cuba de Vietnam liberó al país con la sinceridad y la solidaridad se construyen con llamas presidente Fidel san.xin red inalámbrica se inclinó en memoria del presidente Fidel emocional más noble espiritual como para el vidrio presidente Ho Chi Minh yeu.chung voy a seguir para construir relaciones de compañeros, hermanos y personas cuba .PLEASE condolencias a usted.
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
The sad loss of a great man.
Cathy Chapman (United Kingdom)
Honor y gloria comandante viviremos y venceremos
Rosana quintero (Venezuela)
Trần Tiá (Viet Nam)
Pham Thanh Duy (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Nguyen Van Tri (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
(United Kingdom)
Con toda mi admiración y respeto, al comandante Castro. Lo que hizo por Cuba (hermanos) y por el mundo entero es un ejemplo de DIGNIDAD, trabajo, poder de convocatoria, amor por su patria y su gente. Gracias Fidel por tus enseñanzas y tu gran trabajo que demuestra que todo se puede contra el imperialismo. Cuba, Fidel son un pedacito que llevo en mi corazón.
cyntia mejia (Mexico)
Tuấn Anh (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
Condolences same country Cuba!
Nguyen Thanh Hai (Viet Nam)
Cuando nací en 1956, ya Fidel estaba en Mexico para regresar a Cuba en el Granma. Siempre oi a mi papa decir que fue libre por primera vez cuando triunfo la Revolución. Crecí con la Revolución y con Fidel. Soy miembro del Primer Contingente del Destacamento Pedagógico Manuel Ascunce Domenech y Fidel visito Yabu I en Santa Clara tres veces en el año de fundación de la ESBEC, donde yo comencé a dar clases. Curiosamente, allí también estudiaba en 9no grado Miguel Diaz Canel. Recibí mi titulo de manos de Fidel. Fidel fue y sera un símbolo de dignidad y de virtud, una estrella en la eternidad. ¡Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Antonio Morales (Canada)
My generation was born late not see him, only that he and Cuba through books, television but noble sentiments for he is immortal. That sentiment is like the spiritual affection for President Ho Chi Minh and General Vo Nguyen Giap Today, at the Cuban embassy in Hanoi, hearts brimming emotion choked. Parting from him, the loyal soldiers of the world revolutionary movement, the great leader, friend, intimate comrades of the people of Vietnam. We will never forget his contributions and the people of Cuba, both materially and spiritually won for Vietnam during the past years. Wish him rest We will always remember him - President!
Nguyen Danh Lam (Viet Nam)
Viet Nam forever miss Fidel Castro
(Viet Nam)
Hien (Viet Nam)
Léordf; Anh Khéacu (Viet Nam)
Condolences for a man who was an inspiration to us all. Viva!
Jim Erkiletian (Canada)
On behalf of the youth of state Kwatta in Suriname I want to wish all the citizens of Cuba strenght ! RIP El Comandante | Fidel Castro | People's Person. The world lost a great, big son ! Sincerly, J. Starke Vice - Chairman Youth of Kwatta
Jamil Starke (Suriname)
Ngo Thi Xuan (Viet Nam)
Nguyen Thanh Tésup1;ng (Viet Nam)
Mis condolencias al pueblo cubano, hemos perdido un gran líder mundial, pero sobre todo latinoamericano, a quien la historia absolvió,. Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante de hombres y mujeres libres!
Syndell BEDOYA (Costa Rica)
Hello, dear Cuban comrades, Extremely painful when I heard about the death of President Fidel Castro. He is one of the greatest people in the history of mankind. He never succumb to the violence of imperialism, always shield the target liberate people from oppression. Thousand praise nor exaggerate the respect that the people of Vietnam sent to him. Though death brings him far, but his revolutionary spirit will never die. Please send heartfelt greetings to my dear Cuban friends. His great career will always be progressive people all over the world remember and preserve. A friend from Vietnam.
Léordf; Thönh (Viet Nam)
Kimdung (United Kingdom)
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
xua¢n hoö (Cuba)
Fidel vivirá siempre en cada acto de justicia, valentía, equidad y dignidad. Siempre vivirá en nuestros corazones y acciones. Hasta siempre Comandante.
Rodrigo Atilano Carsi (Mexico)
(Viet Nam)
People of Cuba, may you prosper into a new and renewed future, ever remembering the price that was paid for your freedom from impirialism. Bless you.
Rev. Stephen Loch Bowie (United States of America)
I am so sorry to hear about your loss . He is a great man , i love him and my country love him too . I share your loss and send you my deepest sympathy .
(Viet Nam)
phan thÆ° (Viet Nam)
Ngo tuan (Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
(Viet Nam)
As a Buddhist I belive in re birth.I wish comrade Castro would be born in our country in his next birth and and lead us to freedom. We miss him
harshana nanayakkara (Sri Lanka)
Comandante Fidel Castro, PRESENTE! A história lhe absolveu.
André Felipe Costa da Luz (Brazil)
A giant of the history of mankind died...to the sadness of is all..
Vic Vanfrachem (Belgium)
My heart felt condolences to the great people of Cuba. A larger than life nation lead by the legendary father of the nation Fidel Castro. At this hard times the world is with you.
Isaac Thomas (Canada)
Hasta Victoria Siempre
Magda Best (United States of America)
Adios companero Fidel, seguiremos luchando por un mundo mejor.
Erika San martin (Canada)
(Viet Nam)
I am deeply saddened by the news of Comrade Fidels passing. My thoughts are with people of Cuba at this difficult moment. Fidel Castro will continue to live in each one of us, in future generations and working class of the entire world. My sincere condolence. Eternal Glory Commadante! Aleksandra Ikonic
Aleksandra Ikonic (Canada)
Repeatedly, the people of Cuba have earned the respect, affection and honours of kind, caring and knowledgable peoples around the world for their achievements through the revolutionary leadership of Fidel Castro. Personally I mourn his death as I do the loss of a wonderful family member; so my heart is with those of the people of Cuba in this time of sorrow.
Jay Smith (Canada)
Walter Aleman G (El salvador)
Long live cuban way of revolution. Revolution of hearts. Hearty condolences to the person who acted as centre of the arrow for the revolution.
Joy (India)
Thanks to Fidel, the Cuban people were delivered from a cruel dictatorship. Mass illiteracy in Cuba was brought to an end. Education and health became free and universal. He helped bring an end to Apartheid in South Africa. Cuba's wildly successful literacy program has spread to other parts of the world. Cuba has trained tens of thousands of doctors from around the world to help their own people, completely transforming health care. Legions of Cuba's own doctors have worked tirelessly around the world to save lives in times of great disasters. When the Cuban economy contracted drastically in the special period, the Cuban people did not despair. Fidel had shown them what they were capable of. He has shown us all what we are capable of. My condolences to the people of Cuba and the world. We have lost a profoundly important person. But we have not lost the fruits of his work. That lives on.
raf (Australia)
great inspiration to all people struggling for social justice international solidarity and world peace.
peter lammiman (Australia)
Fidel no ha muerto, vive en cada cubano. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE!!!
Eliany Abstengo Montero (Cuba)
Mi solidaridad y mis condolencias al noble pueblo cubano. Ha muerto un enorme humanista. Su imagen y la del che me son familiares desde pequeña y siempre fueron para mi ejemplo de entrega y lucha para los más necesitados de todo el mundo. Tengo muchos amigos cubanos y no todos están de acuerdo con su política, pero frente a las crueles injusticias del imperialismo salvaje y el bloqueo impuesto por el occidente es dificil encontrar un camino fácil. Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante!
Fidel Castro was one of the greatest figures in history.He stood for freedom, justice and equality when no one else would. He stood for democracy in Latin America and was a great ally of Salvador Allende and Hugo Chavez. Across the world he supported anti imperialism and helped other countries build Marxism Leninism. Today Cuba exports doctors across the third world whilst the west exports bombs. RIP El Commandante Fidel Castro. Long live Communism and the ideals of the Cuban Revolution!
Arthur (New Zealand)
Mis más sentidas condolencias para el digno pueblo cubano y para la familia de nuestro Comandante. Todo mi amor y solidaridad en estos momentos de luto y dolor por la partida de Fidel Castro Ruz. Todo el Honor y la Gloria para él.
Victoria Zapata (Chile)
Ich bewundere alle aufrechhten Menschen die wie sie, für die Interessen der einfachen Menschen ihr Leben aufs Spiel gesetzt haben.
Jochen Vogelgesang (Germany)
Very sad that Comrade Fidel Castro, a great revolutionary and liberator of the oppressed has passed away. I express my deepest condolences to Comrade Fidel Castro's family and the masses of Cuba.
Ivan Chase (New Zealand)
Deseo compartir el duelo inmenso que siento frente a la muerte de Fidel. Pueda el pueblo Cubano continuar su obra y propagar su pensamiento.
Francois Legault (Canada)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante, tu legado vivira para la eternidad.
Ruth Espinoza Solis (Nicaragua)
David Cumming (United Kingdom)
A great comrade - he will be greatly missed.
Dr Russell Dean (Australia)
Hasta siempre comandate
Milagros Pineda (United States of America)
En estos momentos tan dificiles para Cuba, todos los amantes de la paz y justicia del mundo estan con el pueblo cubano.
Dragana Zivancevic (Australia)
Mis condolencias a la familia de Castro y al pueblo de Cuba sobre la muerte del compañero Fidel
Cheryl Llera (United States of America)
Thank you Fidel, a leader of the anti-colonial struggle.
Maria Cotrini (United Kingdom)
My thoughts and feelings are for Cuba and the struggle Fidel dedicated his life to. I have never felt so at peace as I have felt while in Cuba. I do not know of any other national leader who I have had so much respect for. Cuba is one of the only places on earth where one does not need to adhere to a capitalist model of life, where one can live and believe in something other. There is a humanism in Cuba that is barely understood throughout the world, beyond this little island. Thank you Fidel, for leading and then upholding your vision.
Patricia Kilsby Graham (Canada)
Rest in Courage Comrade Fidel.
Sam and Ken Fletcher (Australia)
I am grateful to begin to know Cuba in person through a Witness for Peace delegation this past February. Meanwhile, I am warmed by Cuba's persistence in taking exception to US exceptionalism, through its revolution's inception, practices, and values. With Fidel, Cuba has risked being the exception to the self-proclaimed manifest destiny of the USA as the hegemonic force of authority behind authoritarian regimes throughout the Americas. Thank you all. Vive Fidel!
Stephen Benson (United States of America)
Hearty condolence tidal
govindraj (India)
Gracias por su ejemplo y lucha! Que ojalá perdure! Hasta la victoria siempre!
Carmen Balay (Spain)
Thanks and cheerio! Hasta la victoria siempre. Venceremos!
Alan Jamison (Australia)
El hecho de vivir fuera de cuba no me alejo nunca de usted mi comada te victorioso. Siembre e defendido y continuare defendiendo sus ideales justos y honesto porque me forme con ese legado que usted siempre nos enseño y lo llevo en lo mas profudo de mi corazon,asi como mi amor y respeto a ustes que fue y sera mi mayor padre politico. Honrrare siempre su legado y aunque fuera de cuba estoy no significa que mi conviccion politica de revolucionario y comunista a cambiado, alcontrario cada dia me apego mas al lindo y hermoso legado politico que nos enseño y l
mario fernando fariñas pino (Brazil)
A man of integrity who lived his life according to his high principles of solidarity. An inspiracion to us all. Gracias, amigo, hasta la victoria siempre. Venceremos!
Elena Garcia (Australia)
Mandamos nuestro mas expresiva pesar por la partida del Comandante Fidel al Pueblo Cubano. He is a giant of the 20th and 21st century, deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, a true revolutionary who proved that a better world is possible.
Arnold & Kathryn Hall-Trujillo (United States of America)
The way you made Cubans aware of their strengths while ridding them of parasatic oppresion from outsiders and the rich cannot be denied. Your love and concern for the poor, illiterate and those world wide in need of assistance cannot be denied. You made Cuba an example of what can be achieved for the good of a nation and mankind. Your name will be ever inscribed in history. Rest in peace.
Edilia Emordi (United Kingdom)
When I saw Fidel in person on the Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba his face showed a genuine love of people; and his passion came through, too, in his 45-minute welcome. I didn't miss a word.
Peter Mott (United States of America)
Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante
Yami (Cuba)
Kadel Guerra (Cuba)
His example lives on
Fred Sargent (Australia)
Gracias por todo querido amigo, gracias por todo lo que nos enseñaste, gracias por tu valentía, gracias por tu internacionalismo, gracias por nunca renunciar a la lucha. Pasarán más de 100 años y tu imagen al igual que la del Che serán un estandarte de rebeldía y justicia. Donde quiera que haya un movimiento estudiantil, una huelga o una lucha revolucionaria estarás presente. Téordm; nos enseñaste que la victoria es posible y que también un mundo mejor es posible. Todos los revolucionarios del mundo siempre te llevaremos en el corazón. Seguiremos tu ejemplo te lo juro. Ahora más que nunca haremos nuestra tu proclama que millones hacen suya día. Esa proclama que un día el Che dijera desde la tribuna más alta. ¡Patria o muerte! Venceremos...
Héctor Heredia (Mexico)
A great man who gave everything for his country and his people. There hasn't been one like him for a very long time. We the Cuban people and the world will miss you dearly because of your example for all of us. Hasta la victoria siempre amigo. We'll never forget you and will continue to be just like you.
Juan Miguel Duenas Martinez (United Kingdom)
I condole the death of the last statesman.
Vibha (India)
Viva Cuba libre!!!! Fidel, preparados pa lo que sea
Ariel lópez (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel for giving us Cuba, example of justice and solidarity for all the world.
Rosa Leuci (United Kingdom)
To our beloved Fidel Castro....it was my honor & privilege...To walk on Cuba soil while u were alive....to a TRUE FRIEND of the African people.....long live the revolution....my heart cries & there's an empty space in my heart now that ur physical body is no longer with US.....AYANNA NUGZI JONES
Ayanna Jones (United States of America)
A true leader and a inspiration to all rip
Wayne (United Kingdom)
Iranian people sending their love to the people of Cuba . We are with you ! Fidel Castro has gone , but the memory of Cuba's revoluionary leader will stay in our heart forever!
sima (United Kingdom)
Not only did you hold the line and talk the talk but more importantly walked the walk. Fidel may you have eternal peace.
Paddy Gilford (Ireland)
Fidel, tu has creado un paiz heroico y humano, que es lo unico paiz en el mundo que yo quiero vivir, tener hijos, educar los en espirito de hombre nuevo y despues morir en mi querido paiz, lo unico paiz que yo quiero y por quien yo muero! Te agradezco de más profundo del mi corazon y tu puedes contar conmigo! Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Comandante!!!
Tomaž Ž (Slovenia)
Siamak Nikbakht (United States of America)
While we send our condolences to the Cuban people and mourn the loss of a remarkable revolutionary who put his people before everything against overwhelming odds , we must never let his vision or ideology be destroyed by the right wing , whether in the US or in Europe. We must put all our efforts into supporting the Cuban revolution and its revolutionary ideology and methods . Fidel will never die , while his ideas and examples are held up , continued and spread across the Globe . Adios Comandante, hasta la victoria siempre , venceremos !
George Hadjipateras (Greece)
A great man. He has been proven right.
Katherine (United Kingdom)
Nací bajo su régimen, me formé bajo su régimen, deje a Cuba bajo su régimen y me morire teniendo solo un líder Fidel.Hasta la victoria, siempre.
Dunia Dellio (Cuba)
You are such a great inspiration to many generations that come and will always be to the younger people of today. I salute you for leading Cuba and I will always cherish my memory of your beautiful people when I visited your country on my 50th birthday. Long live Comandante Fidel!
Michael Cruz (Philippines)
I have had the great honor of meeting Fidel many times over the years I have been active to end the blockade of Cuba. I also had the honor of being in a small group at one of his last public appearances, also with Rev. Lucius Walker from Pastors for Peace which directly challenged the blockade for over 26 years. There are no words that can encompass their loss, the only response is to follow in their footsteps....la lucha continua, we will carry on....venceremos!
Lisa Valanti (United States of America)
Your deed will survive.
Agneta Willans (Sweden)
'Aquí me hice revolucionario' thank you comrade.
Barry brinklow (United Kingdom)
Hasta Vitoria Siempre amado comandante Fidel Castro! Solidariedade ao todo Pueblo de CUBA
marcio vieira (Brazil)
Es de cobardes hablar mal de una persona que ya fallecio. Si bien Fidel no fue perfecto quiero creer que todo lo bueno y malo que hizo fue teniendo el bienestar de su pueblo como su principal objetivo. Lo voy a extranhar, quiza no a el como persona porque nunca lo conocí, pero si al icono y líder que representaba para través gente.
Christian L (Peru)
Viva Fidel! Your bravery, dedication, political astuteness, compassion and leadership will continue to inspire all people seeking justice, equality and peace.
Philippa skinner (Australia)
My deepest condolences.
Monita (India)
Hasta siempre comandante Fidel
Iguaibiliguiña Hedman (Panama)
Dejo mi me mensaje en agradecimiento a las grandes enseñanzas que nos deja el comandante Fidel Castro Ruz que a pesar de que decían que es u, dictador si pero u, dictador perfecto que le dio al pueblo algo mas que la vida le dio dignidad y ojala así como el hayan muchos en México tenemos a la organización que sigue sus ideales y que nunca olvidaremos al comandante. Patria o muerte venceremos. Hasta la victoria siempre. Hasta siempre comandante.
Samuel Yam Campos (Mexico)
Fidel and the Cuban Revolution established a worldwide standard for egalitarianism--medical diplomacy rather than unending warfare; the end of apartheid in South Africa; an end to homelessness in Cuba; an end to capital punishment; a sustainable industrial and agricultural culture model; free schooling and medical, and on and on. Fidel's legacy will live on!
James Dildine (United States of America)
Un hombre con errores y aciertos, pero un hombre que llevó a Cuba a alcanzar niveles de educación y salud como ningéordm;n otro en América Latina. Siento un gran respeto por Fidel Castro y solidaridad para los hermanos de Cuba desde México.
Alejandra Quezada Soto (Mexico)
Meus profundos e sinceros sentimentos. Gracias por todo comandante Fidel. Hace falta.
Ricardo Haesbaert (Brazil)
Kampen fortsécurren;tter. You will be missed.
Emanuel Andersson (Sweden)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante!
Brunhilde Stuempler (Germany)
Peter Simpson (Australia)
Fidel siempre estaras en mi corazon porque tu hicistes de nosotros un pueblo mejor, tu repartistes luz y luz obtendraz. Hasta la VICTORIA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE EN JEFE ORDENE!!!!
Isabel (Cuba)
Pamela O'Neill (Ireland)
R.I.P. Comrade Comandante
Raymond Mennie (United Kingdom)
My condolences on the loss of your great leader, father of modern Cuba, and revolutionary hero. My solidarity with the people of Cuba. May you all prosper together.
Andrew Thrift (Australia)
Mis respetos y solidaridad con el hermano pueblo cubano a quien la Revolución y su comandante Fidel les puso ante el mundo como un pueblo con dignidad y solidario con los pueblos oprimidos. Fidel vivirá en todo hombre honesto del mundo. Hasta siempre Comandante.!
Jesus Alquisira (Mexico)
vá em paz comandante. Juramos continuar sua luta Hasta la vitoria, siempre!
Lucas Juliépound;o (Brazil)
Lídice Medina Guillà (Cuba)
Querido pueblo cubano: Desde Colombia, mi más sincero sentimiento de solidaridad con ustedes en este difícil momento de la partida terrenal del Comandante en Jefe. Es mi deseo que los legados de la Revolución, que son un ejemplo para el mundo, se preserven por siempre. Hasta siempre Comandante, buen viento y buena mar.
Edna Luna (Colombia)
The gains of the Cuban revolution which you led continues to inspire many struggles for national independence justice and equality. Viva Fudel Castro y Cuba.
Edna Aquino (Philippines)
RIP Comrade Fidel, we third world humans appreciated your solidarity to the global anti IMPERIALIST & anti racist, anti apartheid, anti Zionist & anti colonial struggles all over the world..and for sending your doctors & teachers to train us and your comrades in Angola ..we love you FC...Best Boxers, Best Health and Education Service too...
Jayesh Amin (United Kingdom)
W Galusso (Sweden)
A great man, with a great ideology, has left the world.
Jean du Ross (Australia)
Heartiest condolences to Com. Fidel ! Long live com.Fidel Castro!
Kumar Satyendra (India)
Obrigado Comandante
Luiz Carlos Torres Kaizim (Brazil)
Joining in solidarity with comrades in Cuba at this sad time. Fidel will continue to be an inspiration to all around the world struggling against imperialism and for climate justice. Fidel was a beacon to us all. A great internationalist.History has absolved him! Viva Fidel.
Margaret Gleeson (Australia)
El otro gigante de nuestra América ha partido a la inmortalidad, absuelto por la historia y amado por su pueblo y por muchos otros en el mundo. Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante Fidel. Vuela alto a reencontrarte con nuestro Chávez, a compartir la inmortalidad juntos y a seguir siendo nuestro faro y guía por siempre. http://solidaridadcuba-vzlaferminvaldes.blogspot.com/2016/11/fidel-y-el-25-de-noviembre-hasta-la.html
Jesyng Martínez Rada (Venezuela)
A great loss for humanity and world. My condolences for the community of Cuba being myself a Cuban medical graduate from pakistan
Dr.Ayaz Baloch (France)
Many deserved condolences for this visionary leader.
Conal McNeill (Ireland)
Long live the Cuban Revolution . Solidarity and condolences to the good people of Cuba
MaggieO'Kieran-Gordon (United States of America)
Thanks for showing the world the way we should live.
Josh Corrigan (United Kingdom)
Mr. Castro, Rest In Peace. I sympathise with your family and friends on their loss.
Geraldine McLynn (Ireland)
Fidel, Fidel, los pueblos te agradecen palabras en acción y hechos que cantan, por eso desde lejos te he traído una copa del vino de mi patria: es la sangre de un pueblo subterráneo que llega de la sombra a tu garganta, son mineros que viven hace siglos sacando fuego de la tierra helada. Van debajo del mar por los carbones y cuando vuelven son como fantasmas: se acostumbraron a la noche eterna, les robaron la luz de la jornada y sin embargo aquí tienes la copa de tantos sufrimientos y distancias: la alegría del hombre encarcelado, poblado por tinieblas y esperanzas que adentro de la mina sabe cuando llegó la primavera y su fragancia porque sabe que el hombre está luchando hasta alcanzar la claridad más ancha. Y a Cuba ven los mineros australes, los hijos solitarios de la pampa, los pastores del frío en Patagonia, los padres del estaño y de la plata, los que casándose con la cordillera sacan el cobre de Chuquicamata, los hombres de autobuses escondidos en poblaciones puras de nostalgia, las mujeres de campos y talleres, los niños que lloraron sus infancias: esta es la copa, tómala, Fidel. Está llena de tantas esperanzas que al beberla sabrás que tu victoria es como el viejo vino de mi patria: no lo hace un hombre sino muchos hombres y no una uva sino muchas plantas: no es una gota sino muchos ríos: no un capitán sino muchas batallas. Y están contigo porque representas todo el honor de nuestra lucha larga y si cayera Cuba caeríamos, y vendríamos para levantarla, y si florece con todas sus flores florecerá con nuestra propia savia. Y si se atreven a tocar la frente de Cuba por tus manos libertada encontrarán los puños de los pueblos, sacaremos las armas enterradas: la sangre y el orgullo acudirán a defender a Cuba bienamada. P. Neruda
Anastasis (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre compañero Fidel, tu ejemplo de lucha y consecuencia nos guirará.
Andrea Dufournel (Chile)
Fidel Castro fought for human rights, Peace and the end of war. Long live Socialism.
Traian Cainaru (United States of America)
Rest in Power Comandante! Thank you for your steadfast work for a more just world.
Niraj Joshi (Canada)
Un gigante eterno un faro una guía Fidel vive en nuestros corazones
manuel rodriguez (Venezuela)
Michael Walsh (Canada)
RIP to one of the last great leaders of the 20th century. Coming from a country that is still fighting for a unified Ireland, Castro was an inspiration for everyone to stand up and make ones country great again, free from the influence and threat of others. Viva la Revolución!
Aaron Lynch (Ireland)
Augusto Poderes (Angel Espada) (Puerto Rico)
Nuestras mas sentidas condolencias a la familia Castro y al pueblo de Cuba por el fallecimiento del COMANDANTE. Aun cuando hay propios cubanos que expresan pequeños berrinches de adolescente, sabemos que dentro de ellos tambien estan llorando su perdida. También para esos cubanos disidentes van dirigidas nuestras condolencias.. y sepan que disientes o no, México los quiere y los aprecia.. en especial los Jarochos que tenemos con ellos grandes similitudes. Hasta siempre comandante Fidel Castro Ruz.! Viva Cuba! .. y viva México!!
Orlando De F. (Mexico)
A true hero!
Liam McCann (Ireland)
sad loss of a truly great man
jacquie payne (United Kingdom)
History will remember a mighty man with a humble attitude & great strength to hold back a tide and take the people with him. I salute your leader.
Anna (Australia)
With the death of Comrade Fidel Castro Ruz, I feel like my Dad has died. Fidel has been an inspiration to me my whole life. He always called it like he saw it and didn't hold back for fear of offending someone. An outstanding communist and human being. ¡Hasta la victoria, siempte!
Joseph Hancock (United States of America)
We salute the passing of a great leader who spent his entire life in the struggle for all oppressed peoples of the world. He is not gone but will continue to live on in the hearts of those who fight for the equality and rights of all.
Ryan Ross (United States of America)
Richard Sorg (Germany)
Farewell liberator and internationalist.
Kevin O'Hanrahan (United Kingdom)
Anselmo Garza (United States of America)
Con tantos comentarios que nominan el web y que definen Fidel como un estrella universal y permanente,creamos un montón de estrellas que llienan nuestro Cosmos universo.Definición final es que el Comandante es mi propio Cielo mi universo y siempre en mi alma,ASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE padre mío.
Dimitri Dimis (France)
Comrade Fidel never dies. He lives for ever in Cuba and all over the world. Viva Cuba! Viva the communist party of Cuba! Viva peace and socialism!
Bijan Heidarian (United Kingdom)
Un gran abrazo al hermano pueblo Cubano, sentimos todos la pérdida del padre de la revolución y la dignidad, hasta siempre¡¡
jorge burciaga (Mexico)
El pueblo cubano te revive, porque lo has encarnado. Hoy te lloran.
Emilio Robles González (Mexico)
Recordamos con respeto y admiración al Comandante Fidel Castro. Que descanse en paz. Chilenos en Australia.
Gustavo Martin Montenegro (Australia)
joe logan (Ireland)
Estoy muy triste que el grande lider de Cuba no esta más con nosotros. Pero en nuestros corazónes sigue viviendo.
Liselotte Jung (Germany)
Il dolore per la scomparsa di Fidel è tale che è venuto a trovarmi in sogno mio padre. Per rassicurarmi che anche dopo la morte la presenza dei giusti continua ad essere e a darci la forza di continuare a lottare. Grazie, Fidel. Vivi in tutti noi.
Gaia Zaccagni (Italy)
Mi maestro, estoy descorazonado con su partida. Estoy de luto. Los trabajadores cubanos y los pueblos del Tercer Mundo, sentir su falta. Sin embargo, me complace saber que eran, sino como un gigante revolucionario victorioso. Es uno de los más grandes de la historia! Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Danilo Erik Abreu da Costa (Brazil)
Viva Cuba, Viva Fidel...Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Miguel Garay (Ecuador)
A great man from the people for the people.He stood strong when others would have withered.Up the Rebels.
Brendan McLarnon (Ireland)
En memoria de Fidel Castro uno de los mas grandes revolucionarios que a dado el mundo y que nos enseñó a no humillarnos ante el Imperio yanqui. Hasta siempre comandante Fidel y que viva cuba,viva Fidel y viva la gran revolución cubana de parte de un mexicano que ama y admira al gran pueblo cubano.
Francisco Villa Arango (Mexico)
You are a strong people and nation. My condolences on the loss of your leader. Please hold his memory close to your hearts and build an even stronger Cuba in his honor.
Timothy Kaczocha (United States of America)
Hasta siempre, comandante!
stela meneghel (Brazil)
Mienten El profeta de la aurora lo llamaba el Ché, el que la historia jamás olvidará. Esa gigante estrella galáctica que seguimos viendo y nos ilumina el camino del amor y lucha, por un hombre nuevo, por una sociedad socialista, que a pesar de lo que dicen sigue estando ahí presente y con su luz brillando. Otra vez nos mienten, y van cientos. Nos quieren hacer creer que estás muerto. No saben de tu luz eterna que perdurará miles de millones de años luz, como la de otras estrellas que seguimos viendo y que también dicen que ya no están. Mienten Fidel. Téordm; no has muerto. Siempre Comandante.
Horacio Linares (Argentina)
Mis gran pesame a toda la familia Castro Ruz, a la Señora Dalia, y toda la familia; al Pres Raul Castro, a mi compañera de lucha Mariela Castro, y todo el pueblo Cubano. Gracias Comandante Fidel por todo lo que nos dejas. Sua ya esta cumplida. A nosotrxs nos queda la gran tarea de seguir luchando. Ante todo, defender todo toque usted luchaste durante todo su vida. Gracias Fidel! Viva la Revolucion! Viva Cuba! Desde Africa du Sur Phumi Mtetwa
Phumi Mtetwa (South Africa)
Adelente, Fidel
Ned Powell (United States of America)
Bravo Fidel. RIP
Tim McKee (United Kingdom)
Cherylee Wilcox (Venezuela)
My sincere condolences to the Cuban people who changed my attitude to life so extensively. Your inspirational leader will be forever remembered around the world as a man committed to justice for all people.
Dale Conway (Australia)
Fidel Castro was a role model for all revolutionaries around the world.He will be sadly missed by all revolutionaries.Deepest condolences on the passing of Fidel Castro.
Liam O'Sullivan (Ireland)
From all at the Bolshevik Club of Western Australia, we wish to express our deepest sympathy for the loss of this revolutionary giant. Such an inspiration to many around the world. Never forget that everything that comes into being must go out of being and comrade Fidel's passing will leave a mark on the pages of history to inspire and teach and for us to learn from. Rest in Peace comrade. Your struggle is now over. You have done well in your service to progress and humanity.
Andrew Hayward (Australia)
Desde Barcelona envío un mensaje fraterno a todo el pueblo cubano. El Comandante Fidel Castro ya está en la eternidad con Mella, Martí, Sandino, el Che, Bolívar y Chávez. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE. VIVIREMOS Y VENCEREMOS COMANDANTE ETERNO FIDEL CASTRO RUZ.
Carlos Gulías (Spain)
Mi mas sentido a todo el pueblo cubano por esta tan sensible partida, la tristeza me embarga al saber de la muerte de Fidel, un gran líder para toda Latinoamerica. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Mónica (Chile)
Solo puedo decirle cuánto lo siento para todas las personas cubanos, DEP Fidel.
Seán Mac Gilla Chainnigh (Ireland)
Stephanie Dunne (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of one of the world's greatest revolutionary fighter for socialism.
sean gray (United Kingdom)
Que la vida te sea level, Fidel! La vida sin dignidad no merece la pena de ser vivida. Este es tu legado. Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Oscar Pereira-Zazo (United States of America)
RIP commindante. Haste la Victoria siempre
Glen Gilman (United Kingdom)
another great man lost to the world we need more like him
Kevin Melaugh (United Kingdom)
A truly inspirational and iconic revolutionary! Chuid eile I síocháin Fidel Castro!
Niall Binéad (Ireland)
Kevin Walsh (United Kingdom)
Soledad Rojaz (Canada)
We share the grief and sorrow of this great loss, but remain convinced that Fidel's presence and tremendous example will outlive us all.
Dr Tim Anderson (Australia)
Creo que no es casualidad que le nombraron Fidel (de fidelidad), ya en su nacimiento se presentía que sería digno de confianza de su pueblo. Aunque bajo las sanciones, el pueblo cubano ha sido feliz y se sentía seguro con su gran comandante, y lo más importante - tenía riqueza interior, la que no se puede comprar, solo sentir. Supieron que fraternidad, compañerismo y solidaridad son la base de un estado estable y independiente, no importa como esta clasificado en la esquema que crean potencias mundiales. Perdimos a un gran hombre. Sin él nada sería igual. Pero, prometimos que nos esforzaremos a continuar su camino revolucionario lo mejor que podamos. Hasta siempre, Comandante! Ana Kratovac, la miembro de la Asociación de Amistad serbio-cubana
RIP Fidel. You continue to be our hero and an inspiration for generations to come. Thank you.
David O'Hara (United Kingdom)
Fidel is dead. A hush is now descending And in that quiet space We think of him And Che, and all their fallen comrades In every corner of this earth. Our breath has not stopped We need this quiet now Before our brothers and sisters everywhere Hear our thunder. For the ground will shake again With Fidel.
Eamon McMahon (Ireland)
Honor y Gloria comandante con tu ejemplo nos dejas abierto el camino para seguir creyendo que es posible un mundo mejor.
Lourdes Mateos Gómez (Spain)
Great Respect
Claire McArthur (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante. QEPD.
Fernando Fierro (Canada)
¡Hasta la victoria!... Siempre
Ana Buriano (Mexico)
Mi más sentido pésame, hermanos de Cuba. Se ha ido el que trajo la esperanza a los pobres y oprimidos y la mantuvo durante años. Es nuestro deber no dejarla morir. Abrazos, compañeros.
Juan Manuel Olivera Rodríguez (Spain)
A shining beacon to the world
Karina Carlin (United Kingdom)
Com carinho ao grande lider de Cuba e do mundo.
Vera Matos (Brazil)
A real working class hero.
Paul S Kaczocha (United States of America)
History WILL absolve you.
alan tattersall (United Kingdom)
Desde Curitiba, Brasil mi solidaridad con mi pueblo. Glória eterna a nuestro eterno líder.
Jorge Luis González (Brazil)
RIP Fidel...
JohnMonaghan (Ireland)
The body may be gone but the man remains an inspiration. Viva Fidel...!
Steve Daly (United Kingdom)
Commander Fidel you were for U.S. as Hannibal Barca for the Roman Empire, even greater than Hannibal because you survived every empire's attack and your revolution is going to remain after your death even.
José Mejí (El salvador)
Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Mary Elizabeth Newman (United States of America)
Eva Batista Lorenzo (Spain)
Soy cubana y aunque por razones no políticas me encuentro lejos de mi Patria siento, al igual que todo nuestro pueblo, un profundo dolor por la muerte de Fidel, ejemplo de lucha y dignidad, y cuyo legado permanecerá por siempre. ¡Viva por siempre Fidel y la Revolución Cubana!
Silvia María Domenech Nieves (Canada)
Mis más sinceras condolencias al pueblo cubano, por el fallecimiento de su más grande líder, conductor de sus destinos desde el año 59. Fue un hombre valiente, extremadamente inteligente y siempre consecuente con sus ideales. Fidel seguirá siendo un ejemplo a seguir en Latinoamérica y en el resto de mundo. Sentimos su desaparición física, pero por resto de nuestras vidas lo llevaremos en nuestro corazón.
Ariadna Moretti (Argentina)
Gail berwick (United Kingdom)
Of all the many figures that died in 2016, the legacy of Fidel and his contribution to the Cuban Revolution, to the people of Cuba through education, health, culture, democracy, to cheerleading the voices of the poor oppressed nations of the world, dominated by an Imperialist world order led by the US, and the inspiration he has given to countless people around the world, his death leaves the largest gap that will hard pressed to fill. But to leave this gap: the voice of peace, justice, sovereignty, democracy, development, education, solidarity, courage, anti-imperialist struggle is to allow voices of reaction, hate, racism, sexism, fascism, exploitation and oppression to take its place, which are advancing right across the world. To allow this would be the greatest insult to his memory and all those who dedicate and given their lives to the great workers revolutionary struggle. Rather than idolising the man, we need to remain loyal to the ideals of Fidel and Revolutionary Cuba and what they stand for in this age and time of an uncertain future for humanity. Viva Cuba!
Eoghan O'Neill (Ireland)
Muito obrigada, comandante, por ter dedicado sua vida ö libertaésect;épound;o do povo latino-americano, por ter se dedicado ö causa do comunismo orientado pelas convicésect;émicro;es do marxismo-leninismo, obrigada por nos servir de exemplo na luta contra o imperialismo. Népound;o deixaremos nunca que sua memória seja apagada. Sempre lembraremos da sua luta e népound;o podemos fazer menos do que nosso comandante fez. Os comunistas seguirépound;o lutando em seu nome e de tantos outros camaradas que já nos deixaram. Muito obrigada por tudo, comandante. A América Latina e os trabalhadores do mundo só podem agora lhe agradecer por todo o trabalho.
Anna Paula Figlino (Brazil)
Myriam Zea (United Kingdom)
Fidel has been on the right side of history and history has already absolved him. Viva Cuba!
Silvia Paracchini (United Kingdom)
Un abrazo fraterno desde Peréordm;. La partida del Comandante hará más grande su estrella que iluminara las conciencias, la solidaridad y la fraternidad de toda Latinoamérica y el Mundo. ¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Adolfo Contreras (Peru)
Venceremos comandante!
Maria vacas sentis (Spain)
My condolences to th people of Cuba
Hugh Kilgour (France)
Fidel Castro's legacy lives on in every Cuban, the Cuban Revolution shines as a beacon of hope that another world is possible. Defendiendo el Socialismo!
Jamie Davis (United Kingdom)
You will be a lasting inspiration to generations.
George Grime (United Kingdom)
RIP Comandente Fidel. Viva Cuba!!
Simon Artherton (Ireland)
Fidel fue, es, y siempre será un proyecto con, y en nombre de, las y los desposeídos. La chusma de Miami celebrando su desaparición física fue, es, y siempre será parte del imperialismo y neocolonialismo que los ha desposeído ... por ahora. ¡Viva Fidel Eterna!
Dr Robert Austin (Australia)
Castro's legacy will live on. A health service and education system second to none. A small country but always the first to send practical help to disaster areas. A beacon in a capitalist world.
Mary Jackson (United Kingdom)
Espero que el pueblo cubano siguen beneficiandose de toda lo que Fidel y sus compañeros los llevaran! Gracias a todos, gracias al pueblo cubano por la esperanza!
Marco (Belgium)
Sincerest condolences to the bereaved Cuban nation. Your loss is felt and mourned all over the world.
Fortune Africa (South Africa)
I believe he did what he felt was right for his people!! You can't expect more.
maryann wilson (Canada)
Marie Downey (United Kingdom)
Joan Mooney (United Kingdom)
Saddened by the passing of the great revolutionary leader. R.I.P.
Mark Quinn (Ireland)
Goodby Comrade. People like this sadly don't exist. You have tried to achieve the impossible in the impossible scenario. Viva Cuba. Viva the revolution. We will never forget you and never give up. The spirit goes on and we are with you. Much love, Julia
Dr Julia Svetlichnaja (United Kingdom)
I feel a great sorrow at the passing of our comrade Fidel. Solidarity with the Cuban people at this time of uncertainty my hope is that the revolution will endure for their freedom and welfare
Graeme Boxall (United Kingdom)
He will not be forgotten
Peter Allen (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was a hero to many and an inspiration to us all. The political landscape of the world will be twisted without him
Tom Haddock (United Kingdom)
Condolences. A man who made a great contribution.
Karen Johnson (United Kingdom)
Did great things for Cuba and the world. America used terrorism against his country as well trying to murder him. The story of the airliner blown up and similar events are kept from the public by the same press that now condemns Fidel Castro. Even if the things they say about him were true, no American president is fit to be his judge.
Brendan O'Brien (United Kingdom)
I am so sorry to learn of the death of this great man. I hope Cuba will be able to continue to be an independent socialist state.
Elizabeth Wood (United Kingdom)
Thankyou and farewell Commandante, you were the inspiration of my youth and the hope of my maturity. We have lost a legend http://www.prole-star.co.uk/single-post/2016/11/28/Castro---The-Loss-Of-A-Legend
Mia Roberts (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre
maria texier (Venezuela)
Eterno Comandante, ficamos orfos, ficamos doídos, ficamos um pouco mais sós, mas por cima de todo, ficamos com o teu luminoso exemplo de dignidade e honradez.
Fernando Vásquez (Spain)
Sean O'Donoghue (United Kingdom)
Ireland+Cuba Friends forever.RIP Fidel.
Philip Mc Fadden (Ireland)
Fidel will be missed but your revolution and the revolutionary spirit of the Cuban people lives on. May it live forever. May Cuba and her people continue to inspire the world.
Matthew David Floyd Colburn (United States of America)
A sad awakening to the news of this huge loss, much more than a man, much more than a leader, Fidel Castro was in life, as he will be in memory, an icon of endurance and resistance. Few have had Fidel Castro's unwavering and longstanding commitment to the highest ideals, creating the conditions of health and education for all in Cuba, and siding in solidarity with the peoples around the globe, no matter how far or whether what was needed was doctors, teachers or soldiers. Thanks to him and the Revolution, the Republic of Cuba truly became a sovereign nation, which today stands as an example of a more just social model and an example of survival against great odds (the US embargo and its aggravation since the fall of the socialist bloc). The struggle continues without his presence but Fidel Castro's inspiration lives on in all of us who want a better world. Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante...
Maria Castro (United Kingdom)
As health workers fighting against the privatisation of our NHS we look to Cuba and the achievements of the revolution in championing excellent health care for the Cuban people and those in need across the world. Fidel's legacy, promoting health, education, socialism and internationalism will continue to inspire progressives and future generations. Long live the Cuban Revolution!
Chris Davis (United Kingdom)
"Everything seems impossible until it is done" Comrade Nelson Mandela - Viva Fidel - Viva the revolution - I salute You Fidel for showing the rest of the world what can be achieved through ' Socialism' A Fantastic Helth & Education System for All Cuban People. May Peace Be With All Cuban People in your wonderful country. "In Solidarity Steven Peacock".
Steven Peacock (United Kingdom)
Solidarity to you all !
Lucy Henery (United Kingdom)
A Cuba, a Raéordm;l, a cada toda la gente que siente por sus venas, el amor mas grande por la cause de la libertarian, extender mi abrazo solidario. Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante Fidel, vuela alto con Martí,con el Che, con Camilo, con Chávez, con Mandela. Siempre Fidel. Descansar en victoria!
Christina Zei (Australia)
I remember Fidel in 1959, when I was only 9 years old; he tossed out a dictator. I was in Greece during the Missle Crises, so I have firsthand knowledge of the danger(we had missles there too). I am generally aware of some assasinatins of his opponents but, all in all, I support his tenure. I look forward to visiting Cuba soon.
Peter Collins (United States of America)
I was extremely sorry to hear of Fidel's death; it's the end of an era. Best wished to his family, and to those who have to carry on what he started.
Robert Brenchley (United Kingdom)
Carol neely (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel. My hero
Bev Stewart (Australia)
A truly great man, he was a man of the people, for the people ... tragic loss to all Cubans and to the many around the world that knew him ... long may his memory live on ... RIP Fidel x
Irene Henson (United Kingdom)
Was our compass shows always socialism, goodby Fidel
Mehmet Yilmaz (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the family.
Padraic Finn (United Kingdom)
the Cuban revolution has and always will be a lifelong inspiration, your loss is our loss
John Nelis (Ireland)
Leeds Cuba Solidarity Campaign sends our love and condolences to the Cuban people. A man has gone a legend is born
Leeds CSC (United Kingdom)
How fortunate Cuba had Fidel Castro as leader for over a half century. His legacy also has impacted on the rest of the world. RIP Fidel Castro.
Eva Golding (United Kingdom)
May he RIP
Brian Dash (United Kingdom)
I visited your beautiful country a couple of times and found many communities with warmth of spirit and friendliness. Despite the many challenges in governance and against the odds and strength of the USA, Fidel Castro, the Cuban government, and citizens achieved many great outcomes. My deepest condolences to all.
John (Canada)
RIP Fidel. You were a great leader. Sending best thoughts to all the people of Cuba RIP Fidel. Eras un gran líder. Enviando los mejores pensamientos a toda la gente de Cuba
Graham (Dominican Republic)
Zorana Marinkovic (Serbia)
Fidel y Che. "Vuestras manos gloriosas y fuertes,sobre la historia dispararon, cuando toda Santa Clara se despertó para veros." Sois libertadores. No sois leyenda. Las leyendas son imaginarias. Vuestro mensaje ha transcendido, transciende, y seguirá transcendiendo sobre toda la humanidad. Hasta siempre Comandantes.
Mirella Santamaria (United Kingdom)
Bronagh magennis (United Kingdom)
Se ha ido un hombre indispensable para Cuba y el mundo. Cuando se escriba la historia hay que mencionar a Fidel, hombre fiel a la causa de su pueblo, defensor de lo que definió socialismo hecho y consagrado en Cuba. Lo perdimos físicamente pero en nuestros corazones seguirá vivo con ese ejemplo de dignidad y desprendimiento. El mundo será otro sin su presencia. Adiós mi presidente eterno. Dios te acoja en sus brazos.
Andrés Batista (Venezuela)
Andrew Travers. (United Kingdom)
History absolves you, Fidel. They are lying about you still, but their lies do not have legs long enough to carry them into history. Your life is an example. We will not let you down. Haste siempre, commander.
Dr Stephen Wilkinson (United Kingdom)
My heartfelt condolences for your loss of a great man.
Geoffrey Rose (United Kingdom)
Like so many in Cuba and around the world I am sad to see the passing of such a man as Commandante Fidel. He will be missed. However I take comfort in the knowledge that his impact and influence on this and future generations will continue. His story is an inspiration for oppressed peoples around the world. The success of the Cuban people in surviving embargoes, plots and attacks by my country and their accomplishments in education and health care are a testament to their revolutionary spirit and resolve that was embodied in the person of Fidel Castro. I encourage older Cubans to remind and teach the new generation of these accomplishments and what the dark days of imperialist oppression were like, less they fall under the lure of materialism and embark down a dark road that will lead back to those days. The spirit of Fidel will live on in the Cuban people and as an inspiration to others around the world. Embrace that spirit, nurture it and never forget the history. Long live Fidel, long live the revolution.
Martin Marshall (United States of America)
A brave and fearless leader who seen what was happening in his own country. He decided to do something about it and despite all the efforts of the VIA he survived to die of natural causes at the age of 90.he put Cuba on the world stage
Pat devine (Ireland)
Dave Shaw (Canada)
Teresa albano (Italy)
my one and only hero has gone - rest in peace, fidel ! fidelista por siempre !
christina effertz-ruggieri (Germany)
Tita Adriana (Chile)
Your struggle continues to inspire us. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Mike Cotgreave (United Kingdom)
Long Life to Fidel and to Cuba as Free and Socialist. As Cuba has won, the whole Humanity will win.
MarioGC (Spain)
Ignacio Fernández D&Ati (Spain)
Gracias por enseñarnos que hay alternativa al capitalismo canibal, por enseñarnos que otro mundo es posible. La dignidad de los pueblos no tiene precio. Gracias por una vida de lucha Gracias por estar ahí Hasta siempre Comandante
Ana Rodriguez (Spain)
My sincere condolences to the Cuban people. You had the world's greatest leader in Fidel. His passing is a sad loss to the world. I shall always remember him with love & admiration <3 Hasta La Vitoria Siempre!!
Caroline Schofield (United Kingdom)
A giant of world socialism and a force for good and civilisation. A light has gone out of the world but the vision and passion is a guiding beacon.
Byron Ashton (United Kingdom)
Querida Cuba, No perdiste a nadie, simplemente Fidel se nos adelantó, porque para allá vamos todos. Además, su memoria vivirá por siempre en vuestros corazones y sus ideas prevalecerán a través del tiempo. Hago llegar mis más sentidas condolencias a la familia Castro, al gobierno y al pueblo de mi querida Cuba. Con la mayor consideración y aprecio, quedo de usted.
Sandra Johnson (Peru)
Fidel Castro was my hero and one of the greatest humans ever, it is so sad that he has passed away my thoughts go out to the people of Cuba
Lawrence Townsend (New Zealand)
An inspiration. A real loss though his legacy will remanot.
Rhodri Huws (United Kingdom)
Brandon Fox (United Kingdom)
Gracias a la Patria Grande y a Cuba por habernos legado al mayor líder de la historia.
Tali Feld (Dominican Republic)
R.I.P Mo Chara
Ruth Evans (United Kingdom)
A great socialist who defended his people and country and Latin American from the aggression of the USA and Western powers Viva Castro and the revolution!
Alan Maltman (United Kingdom)
Having been to Cuba a few times, the Cuban people's love for their revolution is great. The overthrow of gangsters and drugs corruption and the American mob deserves the support of all workers. Viva the Cuban revolution
Peter Farrell (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, commandante.
Richard Ellison (United Kingdom)
Beate Mauelshagen (Germany)
Respect to Fidel and deepest sympathies to his family and our Cuban friends. A true giant of the world stage may have left us, yet he showed that another world where health and education as a means of helping other countries is possible.
Scarlett Gray (United Kingdom)
Beannacht Dé leis
Tam McColl (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel, your revolution will carry on. Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Angela Broderick (Ireland)
Marie Macfarlane (United Kingdom)
Onwards to Victory. Rest in Peace Commander
Eileen Kersey (United Kingdom)
No hay palabras para despedirte comandante, así que no lo haré, sólo darte las gracias por hacer posible la Revolución y por esperarme para que yo hiciese la mía, hasta la victoria siempre, de una revolucionaria eterna. Esther Gómez Corbalán (Yo soy Fidel).
Esther Gómez Corbal&Atild (Spain)
My country: Scotland. History will remeber him as a man who did not bend to the corruption and bullying of Imperial America. No-one is perfect , but he leaves Cuba a far better place than it would have been without him. RIP La historia lo recordará como un hombre que no se dobló a la corrupción e intimidación de la América imperial. Nadie es perfecto, pero Fidel deja a Cuba un lugar mucho mejor de lo que hubiera sido sin él. q.e.p.d.
DRD Woodward (United Kingdom)
We are with the Cuban people at this time and the Spirit of Fidel and Che lives on.
Peter Hood (Australia)
You left Cubans in a far better state than anyone predicted!
Rhona (United Kingdom)
¡Hasta la victoria siempre, Fidel!
Malcolm Richards (United Kingdom)
tomao ion (France)
Gracias por que tu pensamiento y tus principios se quedan entre nosotros.
Isabel Marcos Bravo (Spain)
A great man, who never gave up the fight.
John McGuire (United Kingdom)
Karl-Heinz Medler (Germany)
I would like to pay my heartfelt homages to our great revolutionary and peace loving hero on this day . I solute you COM.FIDEL CASTRO . YOU ARE AND WILL BE REMEMBERED.
Iqbal kahlon (Canada)
Hartmut Meinert (Germany)
James Lindsay (United Kingdom)
Lewis (United Kingdom)
Keep up the excellent work. Fidel Castro such an inspiring light in the world. Sad to hear of his passing. His work lives on xx
Lynne Todd (United Kingdom)
You've been an inspiration. Well done!
Paul Tohill (United Kingdom)
We lost a true leader but his legacy will last many generations to come.
Mohamed kerdeen (United Kingdom)
Thank-you Commander for giving us hope and for showing us that universal state education us the way forward. Thank -you for showing us that another world us possible.
Nina Franklin (United Kingdom)
In love and solidarity to the people of Cuba..may the revolution live forever.
CARYNE PEARCE (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a leader with principles and the courage to live by those principles; a leader who showed the world that 'another world IS possible' if you believe strongly enough in your own power to change things for the better....
Alice Mutasa (United Kingdom)
I am deeply saddened by the death of the great revolutionary Fidel Castro. May his legacy and ideas live forever and spread among all honest people committed to equality, freedom and socialism.
Vesna Main (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace comrade! Forward to international socialism!
Robert Patrick Lowe (United Kingdom)
You and your comrades showed the whole world that "it could be done". You and your legacy will never be forgotten. As Allende said so well in his last words "la historia es nuestra y la hacen los pueblos". Hasta siempre!
Halit Basar (Turkey)
A unique individual who thought of all (wo)men kind. The world has lost a great leader and a just person. Your legacy will live on. R.I.P
Kelly griffiths (United Kingdom)
Few figures in history achieve such lasting hope as commandante Fidel has for the people of Cuba and the oppressed worldwide. All those who rebel across the globe against the tyranny of capitalism and the empire have lost one of their greatest heroes, and one of their most compassionate comrades. Fidel was a man of vision, of determination, a man of intelligence and commitment to justice for the many. May his life and work inspire generations of revolutionaries to come, and may his example of defiance against imperialism and solidarity with all those who suffer under it continue long after his passing. Rest In Power, commandante. ¡Hasta La Victoria Siempre! ¡Viva Cuba Socialista!
Guy Cowman-Sharpe (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the Cuban people. Fidel was my boyhood hero. If I could have met one great man, it would have been Fidel Castro.
Mick Bott (United Kingdom)
Fidel did not just dare to dream of a better Cuba, he dared to take responsibility for being the architect and builder of a better Cuba for all of its people! His selfless determination and unwavering compassion for the most needy across the world is testament to his humanity. If we can learn anything from the legacy of Fidel Castro and the example of the revolution it is that we too must decide whether or not we will take responsibility to be the architects and builders of a better world!
Dermot O'Brien (Ireland)
Per Gunnar Flécedil; (Norway)
Hasta la victoria siampre cubanos. Que el imperio no destruir vostra vida com capitalismo. Fidel Castro y Cuba viven con usted! Viva Cuba!
Debora Scatena-Hubbard (Canada)
I was honoured to visit Cuba about 10 years ago. I learned about the country's history. Fidel Castro was a real leader and Cuba and its people have a unique spirit.
Garrett Considine (Ireland)
Condolencias de una amiga en los Estados Unidos. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Susie Zeiger (United States of America)
One of the greatest leaders of my generation. RIP Fidel. Viva Cuba Libre!
Patricia Sheerin (United Kingdom)
You will always be an amazing source of inspiration for me. Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Rest in Power, you were never going to be immortal, this was never going to be easy.......Shall keep your spirit alive, you will not be forgotten
Hannah Chetcuti (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to us all.
Alan Martin (United Kingdom)
The sad loss of a great man. Although not perfect like none of us are he faught fir what was right. May Cuba remain free.
Gary Shields (United Kingdom)
I hope the progress Cuba has made in universal education and healthcare can be maintained in the face of of the inevitable attacks from Trump.
Helen Taylor (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the family and the people of Cuba. I sincerely hope they continue to defend the revolution and advances fought for since 1959.
Brian Purdie (United Kingdom)
Nunca pudieron contigo Fidel.Los que quedamos seguiremos tu ejemplo. Patria o muerte, Venceremos.
Iván Hidalgo Campos (Peru)
Anthony Machado (Sweden)
I send my sincere condolences to the Cuban people and to the Communist Party of Cuba for the lamentable death of the Supreme Leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz. I hope that the future of Cuba will be guided by the ideas and teachings of Fidel, maintaining the anti-imperialist stance and the struggle for the construction of a prosperous socialist homeland.
Lenan (Brazil)
The reaction of the capitalist class to comrade Castro's death is testament to his achievements, in Cuba and on world stage. A true inspiration. A leader for peace and socialism.
Pat Page (United Kingdom)
Al pueblo de Cuba, El abrazo de Fidel a la humanidad perdurará las generaciones necesarias para la victoria final y dentro de la inmensidad de su ausencia física hoy tienen que prevalecer la lealtad y honrar el legado en revolución. No me alcanzan las palabras para describir a Fidel, pero desde mi trinchera me comprometo a entregar mi vida por las causas justas y luchar incansablemente por la dignidad de la haminadad. Hasta la victoria, siempre Juan Pablo Vaccari Lima - Peréordm;
Juan Pablo Vaccari (Peru)
Querido Fidel, has sido un hombre rarisimo, un hombre a quien echara de menos todo el mundo. Tu grandeza, tu caridad y to empatia por todos le pobres, los enfermos, los debiles y todos los que sufren humiliacion y dano e intolerancia todos los dias ha llegado siempre a todos los rincones del mundo. El mundo sera un lugar terrible y pobre sin tu humanidad. Ojala pudiera realizar mi sueno de encontrarte mientras vivias. No te olvido nunca! Eres un verdadero heroe!xxxxxxxxx
bernadette rayner (United Kingdom)
Farewell to a Great Man. With more leaders of Fidels kind the world would be a better place to live for most people.
Olav Gilséyen;mo (Norway)
Hasta siempre, comandante.
Stefan Glander (Germany)
We were sad to hear of the death of Fidel Castro. He made a great impact not just in Cuba but in the world
Hank and Jean Roberts (United Kingdom)
My depply condoleces to the Cuban people for the lost of the greatest revolutionary leader of all times, the inmortal Commander FIDEL CASTRO RUZ! Eternal Glory for you Commander! Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Enrique Ruiz Mendoza (Nicaragua)
Hasta siempre comandante...
Eloise Linton (Spain)
Gracias, COMANDANTE. Hasta la victoria siempre!!
Ernesto J. Espinoza (Canada)
Todo mi cariño y apoyo...estamos en deuda con usted y con su pueblo!! Siempre a su lado comandante!! Hasta la victoria!! Viva cuba!! Viva la revolución!!
aritza (Spain)
The world lost a great revolutionary leader and humanitarian. His impact on world history will never be forgotten. My condolences go to the family of Fidel and the Cuban people. My hope is that Cuba will succeed in her struggle to maintain her independence and socialist society, overcome the brutal blocade and recover full sovereignty over the island. Best wishes of solidarity to the Cuban people and Raul Castro and the Cuban leadership. !Hasta la victoria siempre!
Manfred Groll (Germany)
Mis más sinceras condolencias al gran pueblo Cubano por la pérdida del Heroico Comandante Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, que acaba de traspasar la puerta de la inmortalidad e historia universal, desde el 25 de diciembre mora al lado de Martí, Sandino, Juárez, Bolivar y demás próceres que nos dieron Patria, un solidario abrazo a todos.
José Jeséordm (Mexico)
He is remembered throughout the world for his role in the achievement of socialist ideals in the face of imperialist aggression.
Claire Weiss (United Kingdom)
A man who demonstrated that a small country can stand up to the biggest of bullies. People of Cuba; remain strong and vigilant do not sacrifice your health and education for cheap throwaway distractions.
David Smith (United Kingdom)
Miguel amortegui (United Kingdom)
The world mourns having lost one of the great icons and leaders of the 20th Centuries. Solidarity to the Cuban people and your great legacy Fidel - the enduring Cuban Revolution!
(United Kingdom)
Condolences to Fidel Castro's family and the Cuban people for they and indeed the rest of the world have lost a great man.
elizabeth laird (United Kingdom)
Fidel Hasta Siempre Comandante. Fidel will live in the memory of humanity for
Morteza Gorgzadeh (Canada)
Hasta la victoria siempre. Gracias Comandante.
Félix Barboza-Retana (Costa Rica)
We humans lost a father when Fidel passed away . His dreams and his will to give people a good and equal life is going to inspire people all over the world. He started to change the world , let us who still live in this corrupted world continue Fidels ideals in his anf Ches spirit . Long live the revolution. RIP Camerade Commendante !
Héyen;kan Bylin (Sweden)
Mabel Merlán Mata (Cuba)
I miss him and wish only the best for Cuba.
Paul Zwicker (Canada)
Such an inspiration. A wonderful man. A true revolutionary.
Bonny Ambrose (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre padre de la revolucion cubana, seguiremos tu ejemplo e ideas. Jamás te defraudaremos,tu magistral concepto de revolución será el hilo conductor de todos los cubanos.VENCEREMOS POR SIEMPRE.
Jose Patricio Herrera Gonzál (Cuba)
Un ejemplo de entereza, dignidad y luchador social.un hombre que será recordado a lo largo de la historia por aquellos de corazón justo. Hasta la victoria Comandante! Usted ya triunfo!
Miguel Montenegro (Mexico)
Gracias, Comandante Fidel Castro, por su ejemplo de hombre nuevo y por luchar por la liberación de los pueblos explotados. América Latina te felicita. VIVA LA REVOLUCION! VIVA LA UTOPIA!
Ananda Simémicro;es Fernandes (Brazil)
Gracias! Hasta la victoria siempre. Venceremos!
Reiner Hofmann (Germany)
Fidel, for so many you were an hero. For so many you were on the right side of history so many times. Of course, you also were on the wrong side of history on some of the human rights issues but overall you stood up with the oppressed in the world. For that, I want to thank you and express my gratitude. Hasta Siempre Comandante Fidel!
Rene Lake (United States of America)
Hermanos cubanos, reciban mis sentidas condolencias desde México por el deceso de Fidel; la ausencia será sólo física pues el vivirá siempre en las ideas y en los sentimientos nobles que supo sembrar en los corazones de muchos.
Ivette (Mexico)
Eterna saudade e gratidaéacute; á Fidel. Condoléordf;ncias ö familia Castro e ao povo cubano.
Joana Darc Faría De Souza Silv (Brazil)
I am so sad. He was the hero of my youth. And poor people in Latin America, Africa and all over the world lost an important voice.
Ingrid Yilmaz (Germany)
Arild Hamre (Norway)
hasta siempre
mar (Spain)
Fidel never gave an inch to imperialism. Fidel gave us all hope.
Jim Leman (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante. Soñamos con un mundo mejor,gracias a tu grupo de jovenes locos que se fueron en un yate a hacer la revolución.
Elena (Italy)
Hasta La victoria siempre comandante en jefe ! ORDENE !
Raéordm;l Angel Lorenzo (Cuba)
Jamás abandonaremos el camino trazado por nuestro invencible Comandante en Jefe, seguirá siendo un ejemplo a seguir por nuestros niños y jóvenes del mañana, en una Revolución que seguirá adelante.
Belkis Delgado Velázquez (Cuba)
Norman Macleod (United Kingdom)
Morreu um grande homem, vendo seu sonhos ruírem, é triste
marcia mendes de almeida (Brazil)
Condolences on the loss of Fidel. We need more leaders like him in a world of increasingly self serving psychopaths.
Paul (United Kingdom)
On behalf of Barrow Trades Unon Council we send our deepest sympathy and sincere condolences to the people of Cuba. We stand in solidarity with you at this sad time. The struggle continues.
Mandy Penellum (United Kingdom)
Ken Ranney (Canada)
Wir werden Dich vermissen Fidel.
Manfred Sasse (Germany)
The greatest leader of all times.. RIP..The world will never forget you. Long live Fidel..long live the people of Cuba
Lois Grant (Jamaica)
Hasta la victoria siempre.
Alessandra Asteriti (United Kingdom)
Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit. Für eine sozialistische Welt und ein Dank an Fidel.
petra weber (Germany)
A loss to all progressives and socialists he will never be forgotten and will always be an inspiration, RIP Fidel!!!!
Dave Rees (United Kingdom)
En 1958, "la Isla estaba oscura como el luto, pero hisaron la luz como bandera, y no tenian mas armas que la aurora, que estaba dormida sobre la tierra" Fidel es ucon mucha emocion que mi compañero Juan Carlos me anuncia tu muerte el sabado por la mañana y me pide rendirte homenaje ( soy su portavoz, desde su AVC en marzo del 2012) En sus recuerdos tu acogida y la de ntu pueblo en 1970, luego tu visita a nuestro pais natal Chile durante el gobierno de la Unidad Popular de nuestro compañero Allende. ( Actualmente vivimos en Francia desde hace 40 años ex refugiados politicos) Junto a nuestros descendientes de dos generaciones, te decimos HASTA SIEMPRE FIDEL y enviamos un pensamiento y abrazo fraterno a tu hermano Raul, toda tu familia y al Pueblo Cubano. Juan Carlos Urzua Aguirre y Maribel Avilés Corona
Maribel Avilés Corona y Juan (France)
Sincerest condolences from England, loss of a true hero of socialism. Hasta la victoria siempre comandante.
David (United Kingdom)
Descansa en paz,siempre estaras en nuestros corazonez,tu ejemplo seguira presente. Patria o muerte
Eldris (Spain)
Te amamos, Fidel. Hasta la victoria eternamente.
Sabina Becker (Canada)
RIP comrade, Thanks for your lifetime of struggle for the greater good of all human kind in the fight against capitalism.
Ryan McGibbon Thompson (Australia)
Deon (Jamaica)
Solidaridad, con Cuba ,y LA tebolucion cubana.
Ramon Andrade (United States of America)
A great inspiration through deeds more than just words
Sami Timimi (United Kingdom)
Fiona mullan (United Kingdom)
Sympathies to the Cuban people on the death of Fidel
Peter Mullan (Ireland)
Companeros! La lucha continua - Hasta la victoria siempre! Hasse Nilsson
Hasse Nilsson (Sweden)
I wish to send my heartfelt condolences to the Castro family and the Cuban citizens. A great revolutionary and leader has died and the world lost a great inspiration. Rest in peace Fidel! I hope, the great folk of Cuba will continue the mission. Fidel, you will never be forgotten!
Carsten Klimsa (United Kingdom)
Siempre en nuestro recuerdo.
Daniel Marin (Spain)
Birgitta Bengtsson (Sweden)
My husband, daughter and i visited your country 2years ago and fell in love with your country and people. We are well read regarding your history and bow before Fidel and Che, our hearts go out to you...... x
Gail Davies (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a great leader. May your legacy live on.
Sue Linton (United Kingdom)
Goodbye Fidel and sleep soundly. Your people loved you. Xx
Natasha Koczy (United Kingdom)
Dear Fidel, like you said in your lifetime, nobody would believe the news of your death... it is true, I can't believe it you're dead. And you're not! You'll allways live on in our hearts and minds and memories, your life keeps giving us hope and orientation and the Cuban revolution will live on! Thank you, comandante, hasta la victoria siempre!
Elisabeth Umezulike (Germany)
Dearest people of Cuba and the family of Fidel Castro Ruz, I would like to offer my deepest and most sincere condolences. Comrade Fidel Castro has always had a special place in my mind and hear, I have lost my hero, idol and father figure. I know my sadness cannot compare with the grief of the Cuban people, but we are mourning together. Comrade Fidel can rest with pride in all he has done for the workers and the oppressed not just within Cuba but internationally. It is with a heavy I write this message to the people of Cuba. The things he has done to help his people are not easy to count. Gracias Commandante, gracias for all the work you have done for the betterment of mankind. Rest in peace, pride and power. The world is a lesser place without you. Hasta la victoria siempre!!!!
Henry Weilenmann (Canada)
Fidel Castro fought a good fight for his people over many years and survived against the odds. He was too great to be defined by the repressive aspects of policies carried out in his name against gays and political opponents. But his achievements in Cuban health and education are a lesson to us all.
Linda Lamont (United Kingdom)
Reafirmo el compromiso con mi Comandante en Jefe, de mantener todo lo logrado en Cuba con su lucha incansable. Seguiremos por siempre su ejemplo !Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz!
Mindrey Marrero Zamora (Cuba)
Respect and solidarity.
Margaret (United Kingdom)
Lo amé y aéordm;n lo amo, y me queda claro que lo amaré por siempre.¡Triste conocer esta noticia bajo el cielo gris que cubre París! Hoy quisiera estar en mi Cuba, con los míos, pero una revolucionaria no vacila y cumple. Y sí, aquí seguiré releyendo tus palabras, revisitando las instantáneas de tu rostro pensativo, recordando los momentos en que siendo una pionerita inquieta te encontré...y a mi regreso, por muy lejos que me quede, mis pasos me conducirán a tu Santiago y más que una flor y las lágrimas de hoy, te llevaré lo que desde este amanecer grita mi corazón: ¡VIVA POR SIEMPRE FIDEL!
Leysa Buides (Cuba)
Fidel Castro will remaining a revolutionary in every sense of the word. Rge achievements at home and abroad are phenomenal for such a small country with a big heart. Nothing is perfect and one would have wished for mistakes along the way to be corrected earlier. On balance, he made me love Cuba and the spirit of the revolution. Long live the people of Cuba. May the work of the revolution lay a strong foundation for the future.
Jamela Khan (Trinidad and Tobago)
He has been a great inspiration since the Cuban Revolution.
aage niels christensen (Denmark)
He has shown throughout the my working life that we don't have to accept the status quo we can fight back and it is our duty to farewell comandante
Mick (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was a revolutionary warrior of the highest caliber. Of course like all humans he had his flaws but no matter what they were he fully did what he could for not only his people but oppression people across the globe. The USA government hated him because he stood for everything they are trying to destroy and like his brother in arms Ernesto Guevara said "At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love." I believe Fidel Castro did what he did out of love for his people and oppressed people everywhere. Viva Fidel
Arash Sharifi (United Kingdom)
Very sad at the demise of a great man, R.I.P.
licia de rosa (United Kingdom)
Comhbhrón le muintir Chuba and best of wishes to your nation
Lelia Quinn (Ireland)
Rest in Peace comrade Fidel Castro a great revolutionary,stalwart anti-imperialist fighter and a close friend of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Our condolences to the Cuban people on this sad loss.
Dr Dermot Hudson (United Kingdom)
Hoy más que nunca, Fidel ¡Quisiera ser como téordm;! Hoy amanecí marchito de sueños Con la esperanza triste para verte partir Te fuiste despacio y pensativo Transitando el ocaso en el corcel de la noche Para volver preventivo y radiante en la alborada Como lo hiciste siempre Para adelantarte a los acontecimientos. Por eso, nunca te sorprendió el enemigo Porque cada paso lo pensaste previamente Y cada decisión iluminó el camino revolucionario Un soñador de alma libre que ahora vuela entre las flores Y regresas con el sol del amanecer, como las abejas Con el cuerpo erguido y la mirada firme Para seguir combatiendo contra la injusticia Con la mochila en la espalda y el fusil al hombro Te fuiste caminando hacia la sierra Para recordarnos que la lucha aéordm;n no ha terminado Que hay que seguir aprendiendo y bebiendo de tu sabiduría Hoy me siento satisfecho de haber crecido contigo, Aunque inacabado como ser humano Porque todavía me falta para poder llegar a la altura de tu moral Me enseñaste a estimar la dignidad como un tesoro Y a defender el honor como una trinchera Mientras se pelea para redimir a los oprimidos Hoy te marchas con el cuerpo erguido Porque nadie podrá verte tendido y yermo, Solitario y sin vida Hoy somos más militantes de tus sueños y tus ilusiones Hoy levantamos tu fusil del camino, para seguir tu praxis Y continuar multiplicando tu gran obra, Fidel Por eso quiero decir sin vacilación ninguna Para señalar como revolucionario, que quiero ser como téordm; César Franco Rivero 28/11/2016. Cumaná. Venezuela
César Franco Rivero (Venezuela)
Millions of working people the world over will commemorate Fidel Castro as a revolutionary leader who led a movement that united workers and peasants in a course to take power out of the hands of the Cuban capitalist class who were lackeys to the US and other imperialist powers. It was this movement that mobilised millions to return land to the peasants, to teach everyone to read and write, to nationalise factories under workers' control, and to unselfishly come to the aid of other countries fighting for their sovereignty from imperialism with as pièce de résistance the hundreds of thousands of Cuban combatants who defeated the South African Apartheid army tacitly backed by US and British imperialism. This is why the big business media here in the UK slander and vilify Fidel so much, he is the prime example in the second half of the twentieth century that, with the right leadership, a movement can be build that can lead workers to take state political power out of the hands of our exploiters and change property relations in the progress so a socialist society can be build based on human solidarity, instead of the dog-eat-dog reality of capitalism. That is why they hate Fidel so much, it is because they fear us, us the toilers of the world.
Hugo Wils (United Kingdom)
Alvaro (Spain)
José Rodrigo Jaduri Benavides (Chile)
History will absolve Fidel! Rest in peace comrade! One of the greats!
Tiarnán Haddock (United Kingdom)
Soy de Venezuela y envío mis condolencias a todo el pueblo cubano y a los fidelísimas que están sufriendo esta irreparable pérdida, Paz a su alma, gracias Fidel
Cruz Sanabria (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences to the Cuban people! Be strong and courageous! keep the fight going follow your leader extraordinaire. Viva Castro!!
Millicent Findlay (Jamaica)
One of the great political leaders of the 2nd half of the 20th Century.
Jenny Rathbone AM (United Kingdom)
Contigo Comandante se pierde un icono de que la revolucion es posible y ademas mantenerla para siempre. HASTA LA VICTORIA. SIEMPRE
Rogelio Marin Canuto (Spain)
Adios Comandante, Your body died but you and the Cuban revolution are history; you are immortal!!! I've cried your dead but I'm aware that it's not the end of what you've started. Viva Fidel Viva Cuba Socialista!!! Hasta la Victoria!!!!!
Giacomo Trappolini (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre!
Marc De Coninck (Belgium)
Fidel Castro was a good man and a leader that led the Cuban people to greatness and also brought many good things to Cuba while in power. A quote by Che Guevara comes to mind about Castro: "You can always kill a man, but his ideas will live on."
Frank Anthony Perry (United States of America)
History absolved him. RIP
Matthew McLaughlin (Ireland)
Mijn oprechte deelneming aan de familie, vrienden en het Cubaanse volk. Dit heengaan van een bijzondere persoon, laat een leegte achter in deze verwarde wereld. Ik hoop uit de grond van m'n hart dat er meer mensen zoals Fidel Castro zullen opstaan en het willen/kunnen opnemen voor de gewone burgers en deze wereld, samen met gelijkgestemden, humaan en sociaal maken.
Diane Janssen (Belgium)
Rest In Peace ~ Dr. Fidel Castro
DEE LASHON BASHEER (United States of America)
Lamento muchisimo la muerte de Fidel. Fue una muy gran persona en Cuba y en todo el mundo. He visitado Cuba y he visto todo lo que ha hecho Fidel para su querida patria. Historia seguramente le ha absolvado! Adios Fidel y gracias - unidos finalmente con Che
Shirley Rogers Keene (United Kingdom)
Long live the memory of comrade Castro, long live the struggle for socialism and freedom.
Sakarias Bergsén (Sweden)
Thank you Fidel for all your courage. Millions will draw strength from you to continue to resist social injustice. Rest in Peace. Monica.
Monica Chelagat (Italy)
Magali (Switzerland)
A hero of working class struggle, a champion of the people. He should be an inspiration to all who fight for social justice
Phil Street (United Kingdom)
An "ICON" across the world,a hard act to follow, but follow we must, SALUD to a comrade of every decent human on the planet.
Dave (United Kingdom)
Un heroe para mi. Viva Fidel
Jennifer Haskew (United Kingdom)
A great man who will be sadly missed by many. A true friend of humanity.
Granville David Credland (United Kingdom)
RIP The great revolutionary
Ken Willingale (United Kingdom)
Por favor acepte mi compasión profunda en su gran perdida. Estuvo de pie alto con la dignidad e inspiro a muchos a hacer bueno para aquellos en la necesidad.
Jeffrey Kisling (United States of America)
We will continue working in his spirit
Michael Klaus (Germany)
Alexej Komisarczuk (Russian Federation)
Adele Sperandio (Germany)
Inmensa es la pena y la nostalgia que sentimos, los que te admiramos y queremos querido Comandante, supiste enfrentarte al más poderoso Imperio y nunca te doblegaste ante nada, seguiremos tu ejemplo, gracias por darnos la oportunidad de ser alguien en esta vida y de saber que hay otros caminos que nos conducen a la verdad y el amor a los seres humanos, viví 8 años en tu maravilloso país, me empapé de la gente cubana sencilla que con tan poco hacía mucho, no sólo me hicieron médico si no un ser humano mejor, eterno agradecimiento a tí Fidel Castro y a tu pueblo...Patria o Muerte...Venceremos!!!!
José Luis Tejada Rodr&Ati (Peru)
You inspired millions of people all over the world for consistently fighting against injustice and imperialism. You always stood up for the poor and vulnerable in Cuba and the world. It is so sad to see you have passed on, but you will be remembered as a true revolutionary and champion of human dignity
Luke Hoggarth (United Kingdom)
A wonderful person who led his people out of misery
Thomas Roberts (United Kingdom)
Yo quiero salir del mundo Por la puerta natural: En un carro de hojas verdes A morir me han de llevar. No me pongan en lo oscuro A morir como un traidor: ¡Yo soy bueno, y como bueno Moriré de cara al sol! José Martí, Versos Sencillos, XXIII Gracias, Comandante, por su coraje y su amor por Cuba.
Alvaro A A Fernandes (United Kingdom)
!Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Joachim Guilliard (Germany)
Cuba Fidel am byrh
Diana Bianchi (United Kingdom)
FIDEL CASTRO en la memoria de todos los cubanos estás, por tus hechos y espíritu, la juventud cubana seguirá tu camino, HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE.
Laura (Spain)
A great leader and inspiration to all who would resist bullies.
Roger Baker (United Kingdom)
Gracias por enseñar humanidad
Margarita Flor (Spain)
An amazing man.
Paul Maunder (New Zealand)
RIP Fidel Castro <3
Mikael Olsson (Sweden)
Fidel my commandant,'till the Victory ever!!! Socialism up!!!
Guillermo Miguel Galceroni (Argentina)
Fidel will be greatly missed by the Cuban people his reforms were morally right and just especially in health care and free education for all
Jane (United Kingdom)
We will never forget our dear fidel, thanks to the free health, free education
Jorge Prieto (Cuba)
Please accept my deeply felt condolences. La lucha continua
Günter Schmidt-Bollmann (Germany)
Las tristes y lamentables noticias que obligan a los hombres a tragar en seco y con sabor amargo en la garganta es aquella que del que quieres de corazon deja de estar fisicamente entre la familia. Aquellos que sonrrien ante esta noticia lo hacen con miedo, con temor a que lo descubran porque pocos compartirian con ellos.Alegre está este pueblo de seguir la huella que dejo Fidel. Fidel no ha partido, no ha abandonado a los pobres de la tierra, sigue en América, en Cuba, forma la triangular que faltaba entre los mas grandes de todos los tiempos: Bolívar, Martí, Fidel, clásicos de la revolución de América que debemos conocer, estudiar, e imitar. Fidel murió feliz, hizo cuanto quiso y hará, cumplió todos sus sueños, fue escuchado y respetado por sus amigos y porque no por los enemigos, fue el hombre de las tres C, salpó, desembarco, subió la montaña, invasor de guerrillero, vencedor antes de miles de soldados Batistianos que huyeron como ratas a su cueva, triunfador, socialista, comunista, padre de todos los hombres y mujeres de todos los rincones del planeta, de aquellos desprotegidos, hambrientos, analfabetos. Fidel profeta de estos tiempos. Fidel con Aché.
Bárbara M. La& (Cuba)
Rest in peace Fidel. You led the fight against imperialism and showed the world that communism is a viable alternative to exploitative capitalism. You will always be remembered as a hero of socialism.
Murray Swan (United Kingdom)
Alex Brooke (United Kingdom)
the last great authentic socialist has gone. let´s remember him by fighting for an athentic socialism in our own countries!
margareta steinrücke (Germany)
Viva Fidel! Un abbraccio al popolo cubano
Stefania (Italy)
Sincere condolences to the citizens of Cuba on the loss of your great liberator and father of the nation
John McGowan (United Kingdom)
Mi Comandante eterno: No tengo palabras para agradecerte tanto, ni para describir el inmenso dolor y vacio que me causa tu partida. Tu humanidad, altruismo y la genialidad de tu pensar hizo florecer a una Cuba libre y soberana! Por esa libertad seguiremos luchando cada dia, y estoy seguro que tu, donde sea que estés nos seguirás guiando en este largo camino. Por siempre fiel a ti y a la patria, que con mi vida defenderé!
Alejandro Acosta (Cuba)
A great man, a very great leader, an outstandig guide!
Konrad Rühling (Germany)
Thank you Fidel for sacrifice to the people of Cuba and to the word. We greve your loss. rest in power comrade.
Warren Marriner (United Kingdom)
Pat mclaren (Australia)
Sincere condolences from Wales. Che and Fidel's struggle will go on to inspire the oppressed around the world. ¡Viva La Revoluésect;ion!
Joel Beer (United Kingdom)
Nunca te olvidaremos, por tus enseñanzas. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Evarist Antoni Jorda Sempere (United Kingdom)
Your solidarity with the oppressed people of Africa in their struggle for freedom and dignity will never be forgotten. Thank You for being a friend of Africa. So long Fidel. Farewell.
Peter Kargbo (United Kingdom)
Soy mitad española mitad tunecina.. ¡Te amo Cuba y te amaré siempre! Me adolora inmensamente tener que despedir a un gigante revolucionario como lo fue Fidel Castro Ruz. Aun así, su muerte no es mas que el nacimiento de un mito que quedara en la historia como testimonio de la lucha por la libertad, la justicia y la dignidad humana. Tu no mueres Fidel Castro, te vuelves INMORTAL!
RediTae (Tunisia)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Begoña Lopez (Spain)
My condolences. I visited Cuba this time last year on a tour of permaculture and organic growing projects, including Moringa.
Diana Morgan (United Kingdom)
No me puedo despedir como quisiera, porque estoy en México por misión de cubadeportes, pero cómo te vas a despedir de alguien que siempre va a estar contigo, no se puede siempre va a estar presente, para mí y para millones, hasta siempre comandante.
Gerardo Morell Rico (Cuba)
Miguel de las Doblas Lavigne (Spain)
His continued fighting despite 638 attempts on his life by the CIA have inspired me to never give up. I'm going to Cuba for my 18th I hoped to see Fidel Castro first when I land in Cuba will be to pay my respects to Fidel Castro. Viva La Revolution!
Dawson Michael John Kenney Pugh (United Kingdom)
El dolor es enorme. Pero cuando la obra de su vida también ha sido enorme jamas se muere. Comandante eterno!
Jordan Suarez (Spain)
Gracias Fidel, seguimos luchando ...
Anne Loschky (Germany)
Lamento la muerte de Fidel Castro; uno de los más grandes líderes que ha tenido la humanidad, toda persona con sentido de justicia y antiimperialista lo recordará por siempre, ahora es deber del pueblo cubano y su dirigencia continuar su obra, no rendirse ante las acechanzas de sus enemigos, honor y gloria a Fidel por siempre.
Oscar Ivan Romero (Venezuela)
Comandante Castro, gracias por tu ejemplo.
Stephen Hatcher (United Kingdom)
Nunca fuiste "uno más", tampoco desde hoy serás "uno menos". Hasta la victoria, siempre.
Antonio Caba Morón (Spain)
A leader to be proud of
Pauline Easter (United Kingdom)
Good healthcare and education are vital to any civilized society. Admirable achievements.
Deirdre Clancy (Ireland)
Susan Voss (Sweden)
We will continue working in his spirit
Reiner Braun (Germany)
Descanse en mi Comandante,usted no ha muerto, usted vive en el corazón de todos los cubanos, usted fuè mas que nuestro Lider, fuè nuestro Padre, nuestro Guia y el promotor del pueblo cubano y toda Latinoamerica, tu ejemplo quedarö plasmado en cada hombre sobre la tierra, su Legado y actitud Revolucionaria es un digno ejemplo a seguir, me enorgullezco de solo pronunciar su nombre, es una sensacion de grandeza, de valentia, puedes descansar tranquilo Comandante, el pueblo cubano y toda Latinoamerica lo recordarö siempre. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE FIDEL CASTRO RUZ.
Maricela Salazar Revilla (Cuba)
A light might have gone out with the passing of Fidel Castro Ruz but the Cuban revolution still shines brightly across the world and will never be extinguished. Long live the Cuban people.
Joe Parker (United Kingdom)
Your name will live on in the struggles ahead
Andy Bain (United Kingdom)
Desde Castilla, ahora mismo bajo el despiadado sistema español, quiero mandar un abrazo de solidaridad al hermano pueblo cubano. Todos nos sentimos hoy huérfanos, pero como decía Fidel: las ideas permanecen. Ya se ha plantado una semilla en nuestros corazones y la revolución del pueblo terminará por florecer en cada rincón del planeta. Que la tierra te sea leve, Comandante. Venciste. Rakel
Rakel (Spain)
Comprometidos con tu legado, seremos consecuetes con tu ejemplo y juramos defender nuestra Socialismo "Hasta la Victoria Siempre". Patria o Muerte. Venceremos.
Centro Provincial de Superaciésup3 (Cuba)
Long live the greatest leader of all the revolutionary people in the world! Now, Fidel Castro will be an eternal inspiration in the fight for independence, freedom, peace and against the Yankee Imperialism.Que viva Fidel!!
Isabel Ruiz Gomez (Canada)
Grazas amigo por ensinarme a vivir sempre con unha idioloxia e facer q ande sempre erguido. Dende A Coruña ata Sempre Comandante A victoria Sempre sera NOSA DO POBO. ATA SEMPRE COMANDANTE
Xulio Montero Díaz (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante!
Jean osielle (Spain)
His work and intentions still live.
Gil Tarschys (Sweden)
A great man dies but his legacy never dies. RIP Fidel you have an inspiration for millions of people and your legacy will forever. Viva revolution Viva Cuba
Mo Abuzahra (United Kingdom)
It is unnecessary to say that Fidel Castro possesses the high qualities of a fighter and statesman: our path, our struggle, and our triumph we owed to his vision. Che Guevara
joe Lynch (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace. A truly inspirational leader.
Ed Evans (United Kingdom)
Siento mucho la desaparición físita de nuestro líder, es una pérdida irreparable. No está físicamente pero nos acompañará siempre
tania (Cuba)
Muchas gracias UK por todo su apoyo en estos momentos tan dificiles para nuestro pais.Hemos perdido al gran líder de nuestra Revolución, pero quedan sus ideas y los jóvenes cubanos las defenderemos siempre.
Karla Picart (Cuba)
Politicians of his kind are sadly a rare breed. Viva Fidel.
Enys Delmage (United Kingdom)
My deepest sympathies to the people of Cuba on the passing of your great leader Fidel Castro. Farewell Comrade.
Carmel Meacle (Ireland)
Long live the Cuban Revolution! Venceremos!
Bob Russell (United States of America)
Fidel Castro, a greate leader fighting fore mankinde against imperialism
Rune Persson (Sweden)
Desde Portugal te digo que tu no te hayas muerto, compañero. Como dice nuestro poeta Camémicro;es es uno de "...aquellos que por sus obras valiosas se vano de la ley de la muerte libertando...". Es el Comandante en Jefe da la revolución cubana e también do todos nosotros que creemos, deseamos y luchamos por un mundo mejor. Hasta la Victória Siempre.
António Morais Sarmento (Portugal)
Los grandes hombres nunca mueren. Fidel vivirá por siempre en el corazón de quienes sepan hacer perdudarar su legado cada día.
Gabriela (Cuba)
Queridos hermanos hoy todos estamos un poco más solos.También estamos orgullosos de ser comunistas como y con Fidel. Comparto el llanto triste y rebelde de los cubanos. Hasta la Victoria Siempre-Venceremos.
Leandro Moreira (Uruguay)
Odalys (Cuba)
Y me encuentro con la noticia que Fidel falleció. Crecí con tu imagen fuerte y esperanzadora. Mi madre hablaba de ténot; con respeto y admiración. Habías traido la esperanza de liberación de todo un continente. Estuvisté presente toda mi vida. Te dí mi pequeña mano de niña en tu ida a Chile. Mi madre coménot;o contigo y nos contaba con sencillez de tu porte imponente y grandes ojos azules que irradiaban fuerza amistad sinceridad y humor. En esa mesa q se sentara Allende en aquella casa improvisada de Baltra. No me acuerdo su nombre pero hermana de Odette y Ruth. Has sellado nuestras vidas ,miles de vidas . Has echo futuro . Gracias gracias por tu aporte maravilloso a esta pequeñita humanidad. Hasta la victoria por siempre comandante Fidel.
luciana (Norway)
Mis más sentidas condolencias al pueblo di Cuba
Iain Galbraith (Germany)
A true leader of living example of a workers democracy and a more equitable society. He showed to the whole world the possibility of surviving a small country while supporting people's struggle against political oppression and economic exploitation in every corner of the world. His name together with Che Guavera will be remembered as the light of freedom, hope and democracy. Siempre adelante por la revolucion mundial!
Ferhat Cinar (United Kingdom)
Comandante hoy lo que tenemos y somos se lo debemos a usted hoy no has muerto vives y viviras para siempre en nuestros corazones descansa en paz nuestro comandante
Rafael Yosvanis Bello Rodriguez (Brazil)
Hasta Siempre COMANDANTE!
José Antonio Ortega L&Ati (Spain)
Tiernan Vaughan (Ireland)
Viviré siempre para dejar bien en alto tu nombre y lo que lograste en mí como joven. Seré justo como lo quisiste para que tu legado nunca desvanezca.No permitiré jamás que nadie sea capaz de hablar frente a mí intentando manchar tu nombre, tu legado o tu recuerdo. Descansa tranquilo, que en jóvenes como yo vivirás siempre. Desde una delegada al tercer congreso pioneril: A conquitar el futuro
Luz María Gutia& (Cuba)
Anna (United Kingdom)
Samuel Morton (United Kingdom)
Your writings, works and actions are are an inspiration to all people who are fighting for a fair and just society. You touched my heart, and you helped me realise that there is a better motive for organising society to achieve a common good than profit. Hasta siempre Fidel
Gail Harper (Australia)
The legacy of Fidel Castro will never die!
Joseph M. Cachia (Malta)
Your legacy is unparalelled - history will give you the place you deserve Fidel. Up there with the truely great humans.
Lynne Calman (Australia)
I ndíl chuimhne ar Fidel Castro, laoch a sheas an fód go cróga calma. Thoid sé ar son Na córa a shaol ar fad.
Fiachra O Donghaile (Ireland)
Never forget
Cade Barnes (Botswana)
rip bro
Andrew B. Simpson (Barbados)
(Viet Nam)
Hasta siempre comandante
Pietro ferretti (Italy)
Hasta Siempre COMANDANTE
Tomas caballero sixto (Spain)
I am heart broken at the loss of a great visionary who was terribly misunderstood <3
Michael Corleone (Croatia)
Forever leader
Xosé Curréiex (Spain)
Rest in peace
Lorraine Hartin (United Kingdom)
Maria Irma Torres Licor (Cuba)
A man for his country and his people.
Philip Bradley (United Kingdom)
Mi solidaridad con el pueblo cubano por la perdida de este gran revolucionario ,hasta la victoria comandante, viva Fidel Castro
Fidel has been an inspiration and a hero to me since I was 14. His poster was up alongside the likes of Metallica and Motorhead in my room to remind me to strive always for purpose and justice. Let us continue his drive for a world free from imperialism and degradation. ¡Hasta Siempre, el Commandante!
Oliver (United Kingdom)
Un gran ejemplo revolucionario, un padre para todos los cubanos, un amigo incondicional para los necesitados, muy querido por los niños cubanos que siempre seguiran su ejemplo, asi como toda Cuba que seremos fieles a sus ideales.
Soukiana (Cuba)
For a man who, in his own way, tried to do what he felt was right. You are free of MSM lies and corruption. Viva.
Steven Milker (United Kingdom)
Paul Mc Devitt (Ireland)
Se nos fue un gigante, pero su ejemplo nos guiara en la lucha. Tomo tus palabras "A todos nos llegará nuestro turno, pero quedaran las ideas de los comunistas cubanos, como prueba de que en este planeta, si se trabaja con fervor y dignidad, se pueden producir los bienes materiales y culturales que los seres humanos necesitan, y debemos luchar sin tregua para obtenerlos" Gracias comandante Fidel. Francisco Jiménez Cárdenas, militante de las juventudes comunistas de Chile.
Francisco Andrés Jim&Ati (Chile)
You're healthcare and education policies put other governments to shame. All this despite the longest sanctions any country has ever endured. May your legacy live on.
Sammer (United Kingdom)
Fidel vive! Viva Cuba! Hasta siempre Comanadante!
Rita Loddo (Italy)
Rest in power.
Gerard Daly (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba Viva Castro Long live the revolution
David Cowan (United Kingdom)
Siento un profundo dolor con la pérdida de nuestro Comandante a él le debo lo que soy y lo que han estudiado mis hijos hasta hoy, todo lo que hizo por nosotros su pueblo es un lucero que brilla en ese cielo tan grande como lo és él estoy muy triste.
leicy (United Kingdom)
Your work for the south american struggle against the brutal dictatorships of the imperialist powers as well as your bravery on the battlefield can only be regarded as some of the most symbolic and some of the most heart warming struggles to exist in our cause
Nikolai Strikov (United Kingdom)
Al padre, al maestro, al ser humano, a lo positivo que puede encerrar una persona. al caballo, al tipo, el héroeo, al padre. Nosotros lo óvenes cubanos sabremos llevar adelante la revolución y mantendremos tu legado siempre. Descansa en Paz mi eterno Fidel.
Leonardo E. Pino Valdés (Cuba)
venceremos commandante !!!
Georg Droz dit Bushet (Germany)
Fidel Castro has been a shining star of Communism and Marxism-Leninism to me. His exploits over the decades solidified my firm convictions of the superiority of Socialism. I am truly saddened by Comrade Fidel's passing and I hope all Communists and anti-Imperialists will hold Fidel in a special place in their heart. Fidel Castro, unalterable words and deeds written in all hearts, forever. My condolences go out to the Cuban people and especially to President Raul Castro, through these dark days we will succeed! patria o muerte.
Daniel Webster (United Kingdom)
Unlike many who condemned I have visited Cuba and seen the truth for myself. He wasn't perfect but he changed history for the better.
Charlie Stewart (United Kingdom)
Martina Hanke (Germany)
You showed the world that your people matter. You will be forever missed
Paul Kenneally (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre! Viva Fidel!
Monica Boring (Sweden)
A friend of Ireland, a rebel and a statesman. We will miss you greatly Commandante. For me, a personal hero. "Our revenge will be the laughter of our children." - Bobby Sands
Martin Keenan (Ireland)
A sad day for all freedom loving people.
Phil Mc Cullough (Ireland)
Presente Siempre for a leader for our world that addressed apartheid, imperialism and the need for universal access to decent education and healthcare with a flair and a continuous joie de vivre Thanks Fidel
David Kidd (Canada)
Simon (United Kingdom)
To the people of Cuba,on behalf of the Korean Friendship Association UK i'd like to send you condolences on your loss, Fidel Castro Ruz was a great revolutionary who devoted his life to the prosperity of the Cuban, Latin American and world people in their fight against capitalism and imperialism,I hope your nation continues to follow the path of socialism - Daniel Braggins, Communications Secretary of the Korean Friendship Association UK
Daniel Braggins (United Kingdom)
Phil Mc Cullough west Belfast (Ireland)
The world has lost a great man. It is being said that he had deprived the Cubans of their liberties. It is true. But without it the Cuban Revolution would not have survived the assault from the counterrevolution. His revolution gave the Cubans free health care and education. Compare this and contrast with the lot of countries such as Haiti. Rest in peace, Comandante!
Ande Rychter (Italy)
RIP. Closed a legend
Nam Phuong Vu (Viet Nam)
Hasta siempre comandante
Manuel f lebron Soto (Puerto Rico)
conor mc carthy (Ireland)
There are no words to convey my sadness. Rest in peace dear comrade.
Mary Perry (United Kingdom)
Lamento su partida y espero que el esfuerzo hecho estos años pueda ser cosechado por tu pueblo y los revolucionarios del mundo. En Santiago de Chile, yo de 13 años en los 70, te hice guardia por unos segundos, venia del colegio. Muchos agradecn tu ejemplo y el de tu patria. Patria o Muerte, venceremos. a seguir la lucha.
Raéordm;l (Chile)
Continuaremos la obra de tu pensamiento así como tu seguiste el pensamiento Martiano. Hasta Siempre Comandante, lider invicto de la Revolución Cubana
Felina Arencibia Correa (Cuba)
God Bless you Fidel, Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him May He Rest In Peace. History not only absolved him, it shows that he took a dispossessed people and gave them pride and hope in the future. Long Live the Revolution. Socialism or Death
Paul (United Kingdom)
Todo mi corazón para ustedes , pueblo valiente, digno y admirable en este momento en que han perdido a su máximo líder e inspiración hacia la libertad , no solo para Cuba sino para todos los pueblos del mundo, el vivirá siempre en nuestros corazones, viva Cuba , VIVA FIDEL
Violeta Narváez Olave (Chile)
He became the focus for anti imperialism. An example of what a third world country can achieve when resources are state owned and shared out equitably.
Mike Heaney (United Kingdom)
May I send to the heroic people of Cuba and indeed to all friends of Cuba throughout the world, my heartfelt condolences upon the passing away of Commandante Fidel Castro Ruz, on December 25th, 2016. To call the life and work of Fidel Castro legendary, would be an understatement in the extreme. Fidel led the Cuban Revolution and realised the aspirations of Jose Marti, to finally achieve a free and independent Cuba. The Cuba Revolution utterly transformed that Caribbean Island into the first socialist state in the Western Hemisphere. Today, Cuba has world-class public health system and education, due to the 1959 Revolution. Internationalism and Anti-imperialism were always cornerstones of Fidel Castro's activity. It was Cuba which helped the peoples of Southern Africa to liberate themselves from the tyranny of apartheid. Cuba stood shoulder to shoulder with the Vietnam in its just struggle against US aggression in the 1960s. Fidel recognised the unique role played by the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea in the anti-imperialist fight as a sister and fraternal socialist state. It was the ardent wish of Fidel to unite the nations and peoples of Latin America into one family. Fidel made in 1953, the famous speech "History Will Absolve Me", and yes dear Comrade Fidel, you and your noble cause have been on the right side of history! Ever Onward To Victory!! Viva Fidel!!!
SHAUN PICKFORD (United Kingdom)
United in Solidarity and sympathy to the Castro Family and wonderful Cuban People - Malik Ismail
Malik Ismail (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a Revolutionary Socialist giant in a world of Corporate Capitalist capitulation. Much admired and sadly missed. Rest now Companero.
Graeme Beard (United Kingdom)
Heartfelt condolences. A great revolutionary like Fidel Castro live forever. And remain inspire us all
Vineesh kumar (India)
Nunca morirás COMANDANTE
Luciana Lavagna (Argentina)
Seguiremos al pie de la letra tu concepto de Revolución el cual defenderemos al precio que sea necesario. Hasta siempre comandante
Luis Acosta Duarte (Cuba)
History will not only absolve, it will be generous.
Gareth Williams (United Kingdom)
Damos gracias a Dios por la vida de Fidel, Dios nos lo prestó para que fuera luz e inspiración para muchas naciones, que seguimos soñando con ser completamente libres y soberanas, en un mundo nuevo, sin clases sociales, sin explotados ni explotadores, donde la riqueza sea distribuida equitativamente entre todos los seres humanos que poblamos este planeta. ¡QUE VIVA FIDEL! ¡HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!
Rafael Isaias Valdez Rodríguez (Nicaragua)
Mis condolencias a la familia y a todo en pueblo cubano y que son un ejemplo a nivel mundial con la revolución cubana. Hasta la victoria Joan
Joan Fernandez (Spain)
Svein Muffetangen (Norway)
The rich , the exploiters & the haters are celebrating but the poor and those whose lives you and what the Cuban Revolution achieved are mourning - a clear message.
Chris Mackinder (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante, el mundo entero se extremece por tu partida, pero siempre estaras en todos los corazones
Yenia Varela Hernández (Cuba)
Irgendwann sind wir wieder alle vereint. Ruhe in Frieden. Für den Josef-Dietzgen.Club Bernd A. Rosbund
Bernd A. Rosbund (Germany)
Fidel, you have been - and always will be - such an inspiration throught my life
Amanda Barton (United Kingdom)
The greatest revolutionary has departed to meet his buddies Ernesto and Hugo. Hr will surely bring a revolution in heavens. Farewell commandante! Hasta siempre
Shahek Baloch (Pakistan)
There Will not be another leader like Mr Castro. The world Will miss him.
Sonia Emilia Zalazar (Argentina)
Martin Blair (United Kingdom)
Someone so special can never be forgotten.
Steve S. (Belgium)
Serás eterno en cada corazón revolucionario que siga latiendo.
Fernando González (Spain)
I am devastated to learn about Fidel's death. May his revolutionary spirit carry on.
Jacob (United States of America)
Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante. A 60 años del desembarco del Granma partes hacia la inmortalidad de los que luchan toda la vida.Siempre estaras en nuestros corazones como diria el poema de Bonifacio Birne ¨No porque te hayas ido tu luz es menos alta¨Patria 0 Muerte , vemceremos
Arassay Cordova Castro (Cuba)
Alberto Anaya (El salvador)
Querido pueblo cubano, la desaparición física de Fidel Castro no es motivo de condolencias y sí de agradecimientos. Así que envío mis gracías a el y a todos los que lo apoyaran. Juntos, mostrasteis al mondo que hay otro modo posible de sociedad. Que hay algo mayor por que luchar. Que se puede soñar. Es tiempo de combater la desinformación y la mentira. Y de mejorar el trabajo inmensurable deste grande hombre. Porque es siempre posible mejora. Hagamoslo en la busqueda de la prosperidad del pueblo cubano y de los otros, siempre con el suporte y las voces de sus bases. La lucha no para, mucho menos ahora, que es tiempo que todos los que se sentieron tocados por Fidel se unan. Y luchen hasta la victoria. Peró que luchen sabendo que esa lucha, solo por si, ya es una victoria. Abrazos (perdon por mi castellano)
Francisco Fernandes Ferreira (Portugal)
Hartmut Völkner (Germany)
Rest in Peace.
Jan Spréyen;ng (Sweden)
Vivirás para siempre en nuestros corazones. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Sebastjan Cigoj (Slovenia)
My heartfelt condolences to the people of Cuba at this sad time.
Mike Trathen (United Kingdom)
Adiós Comandante
Thomas P O'Reilly (United Kingdom)
Craig Russell (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with the people of Cuba in your great loss .
Brenda Stephenson (United Kingdom)
Fidel será por siempre nuestro lider. Hasta Siempre Comandante
Vilma María Alvarez D&Atil (Cuba)
PRESENTE COMANDANTE HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE Estare eternamente agradecida mi comandante yo hija de gente pobre nunca podria haber alcanzado este sueño solo tu lo hiciste posible gracias a tus ideas de que un mundo mejor posible. Muy triste .Pero nuestro lider y guia vivira en nuestros corazones Gloria eterna.
Marilin Castillo Vargas (Cuba)
I would proudly tell my kids that I livid in the era of worlds greatest revolutionary. The man whose will power conquered the world's biggest force. Commrade Fidel, your memories will live on and it'll inspire millions. My heart felt condolences to not only the Cuban people but to all the fellow humans who admired the MAN
Shibin K (India)
A great loss to the world and socialism! Rest in peace Fidel.
Scott Simpson (United Kingdom)
My deepest condolences and thoughts and prayers go out to the Castro family. Fidel was a true inspiration too billions world wide a true fighter against injustice the world has lost a truly great statesman in Fidel Castro .
Danny Lee Halfhide (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro es Cuba, es Latinoamérica, es la unidad del mundo, Fidel...somos todos. #HastaSiempreComandante #FidelCastro #HastaSiempreFidel
Aliana Ottomuro Chapé (Cuba)
Revolutionary condolences to the people of Cuba! May they defend every gain they have made since 1959. Viva Cuba libre!
Henry Ward (Australia)
Farewell Fidel. You have been an inspiration to me for many years. Your passing only makes me want to work harder for a better more just world.
Adrian Perry (United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary who loved his pepole and his country, mistakes were made, no one is perfect. RIP Fidel Castro
Sue (United Kingdom)
Padraig O'Connor (United Kingdom)
My hope is that future generations of Cubanswill not protect the great legacy Fidel has left them but continue to build on hard won battles in literacy and health.
Gerard McGuigan (United Kingdom)
En nombre de los trabajadores del Hotel Rancho San Vicente perteneciente al Grupo Hotelero Cubanacan, ubicado en viñales Pinar del Río, queremos hacer llegar nuestro profundo sentir por la perdida de nuestro Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, y a su vez reafirmar su concepto de Revolución y que siempre podran contar con nosotros.
Marta González Greck (Cuba)
A giant fell quietly but the sound was heard throughout the world.
Jock (United Kingdom)
Descansa en paz comandante!!
Stig Hansen (Sweden)
Rest in peace El Comandante
Jon Haugen (Norway)
Condolencias al pueblo cubano. Hasta siempre Comandante!
Alexandru Mario Pop (Romania)
Una perdida irreparable, hermanos cubanos no caigais en manos del capitalismo cruel y asesino.
Marcos (Spain)
Sigan adelante cubanos con su revolución. Gracias Comandante por tanto!!!
Elsa Lopez (Dominican Republic)
He died beloved,revered and mourned by millions of revolutionary fellow workers around the world.His name will endure throughout the ages, and so also will his work.He has earned his rest. Let us be greatful for so much.
Stan Squires (Canada)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on the loss of their leader, and to his family and comrades. Fidel will always be an inspiration to socialists and to the dispossessed across the world. Viva la revolucion Cubana.
Helen Gurden (United Kingdom)
gracias por tus ideas realizadas, por tu ejemplo, por tu firmeza, por tu solidaridad con otros, muchas gracias por tu legado lo sabremos defender y mantener. Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante.
Rosa Elena Proenza Gómez (Cuba)
Hasta Siempre Comandante !
Zoran (Croatia)
I mourn like the rest of the world at the loss of this great revolutionary, my Fidel Rest In Peace, may he never-ever be forgotten to be remembered as one of the greatest freedom fighters in the history of our world! Fidel Castro! PRESENTE!
Jeanette Gandionco Lazam (United States of America)
So sorry. End of an era. Greatly missed. Fidel was a great inspiration. Dave
David Gregg (Ireland)
This pain will not paraylize us. We will keep struggling for the world you wanted!!!
Ernesto Teuma Taureaux (Cuba)
Te amanos y te necesitaremos siempre.eres y seras un ser unico.
Magalys Beatriz Souto Batista (Cuba)
Gracias por tu ejemplo Comandante.Ahira más que nunca nos toca seguir luchando por nuestros ideales de libertad, solidaridad e igualdad. Tu nombre y tu historia estará para siempre en nuestros corazones y en los de nuestros hijos. Hasta la victoria! Venceremos!
Alicia de Medina-Rosales (Luxembourg)
Fidel and comrades overthrew a US Fascist puppet and built a truly independent anti Imperialist global nation. Constructed world class national and international health and education services. Fidel was prepared to rethink revolutionary strategy and renewal of the revolutionary process. Such as support for the LGBT community and admit mistakes.
John Robert Lloyd (United Kingdom)
Ricardo Dixo (Portugal)
Fidel, you are always an example in our life, a hope for a better future and a light during the darkest night. We thank you for everything, you will always live in our hearts. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Dimitris and Kiki (Greece)
Sending condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of Fidel Castro, he was an inspiring and compassionate human being and will be sorely missed.
Mrs Mavis Clarke (United Kingdom)
God bless Fidel Castro RIP
Shane Foster (Ireland)
Anne-Marie Fearon (United Kingdom)
sorry to hear of the death of an inspirational man for so many people from across the world, and not just to the Cuban people.
Daniel Mc. Dermott (United Kingdom)
A great inspiration.
Chris Smith (United Kingdom)
Fidel con tus manos y tu inteligencia se alcanzaron resultados innolvidables, la campaña de alfabetización, la reforma agraria, la urbanización y restructuración del país,se crearon escuelas, se alcanzó resultados notables en los campos de las ciencias médicas y el deporte.
yamilet (Cuba)
Fidel partió al paraíso de los inmortales. Su ejemplo será la antorcha que guiara a los pueblos a su emancipación. Fidel, vivió y vivirá en el corazón de las mujeres y hombres, soñadores de Utopías
Miguel Martínez Cea (Spain)
Solidarity & Adelante
Jim Jones (United Kingdom)
The whole world is poorer for your loss. Fidel was the last of the true revolutionary heroes, standing up for Cuba and for what he believed in until his last day. So terribly sad, but the world will not forget the achievements of him and all the Cuban people.
Stephen Whitehead (United Kingdom)
So sad now.
Larryadobson (United Kingdom)
Los cubanos ahora estamos trabajando y luchando con fervor, que la patria está esperando por nosotros, ayudemos a la Revolución. Continuaremos nuestra obra tomando el camino que nos dejó nuestro heroico Comandante en Jefe y seguiremos construyendo el Socialismo.hasta siempre Comandante
Hazel Tarajano Pérez (Cuba)
Seguiremos el legado historico de las ensenansas de nuestro entrañable Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz. !!HASTA LA VICTORIA IEMPRE!!
Orlando Diaz Gonzalez (Cuba)
Farewell, Fidel. Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Marie Broderick (Ireland)
Against all odds, Fidel you remain one of the worlds most recognized leaders. You stood your ground for Cuba and deserve the worldwide plaudits being expressed by many Canadians and from other countries.
M Kudo (Canada)
Will always be remembered by the people of ireland r.i.p
Padraig mc piaris (Ireland)
Adieu Comrade !!
Vineeth P V (India)
Ciento mucho la perdida,me ubiese encantado haber tenido un dictador como Fidel en Chile..seriamos una nacion mas propia :(
Maria Isabel (Chile)
Another world is still possible because you inspired so many good people comandante.
Edward Lakin (United Kingdom)
My most sincere condolences to the people of Cuba. Know that the accomplishments of your leader will never be forgotten. May God be with you!
Nancy Hey (United States of America)
Una lacrima para el camarado Fidel, un hombre y un revolutionario genial
vincent (France)
My thoughts are with you people of Cuba, for your pain must be great that such a respected leader of yours has passed. But at the same time we must rejoice for I cannot imagine a greater legacy for myself than the one left by Fidel Castro, ideologically we may differ but what really defined him were the actions he took to serve you, the people of Cuba. May we utilize this time to mourn but I believe the best thing we could do to honor his memory is to advance the cause of socialism so that more people especially those who suffer under third world conditions can too live a long and meaningful life. Goodbye Fidel, your service to humanity will never be forgotten.
Dylano Redfield (United Kingdom)
a brave and principled man who stood up to the american oppressors and lived to see them elect Trump !
alison (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
francisco quiles otero (Spain)
Inge Hécedil;gh (Denmark)
Siempre estaras presente.las ideas no mueren.Descansa en paz
Odalis (Cuba)
Muchas gracias compañero per todo y todo ¡
Xavier Verbanck (Belgium)
My respect and support for the people of Cuba in their time of loss.
Phil (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba. Fidel Castro represented a species of anti-capitalism and socialism which is almost extinct. Viva la revolucion!
Janice Gardner (United Kingdom)
Des dels Paémacr;sos Catalans. Tot el condol i solidaritat en la mort d'aquest pare del socialisme i exemple de coherència, lluita, perseveranésect;a i amor per la pötria proletöria. Independència, socialisme i feminisme. Patria o muerte! venceremos!
Albert Montbrió (Spain)
Snr. Castro you were an inspiration to the oppressed throughout the world.
Colin McClary (United Kingdom)
An Oasis in the Desert, Fidel stood up to America and all that is wrong in this world, VIVA FIDEL VIVA CUBA, Good Night, God Bless.
kevin parkinson (United Kingdom)
Fidel fue un líder honesto y cordial, se recordará per siempre.
Marie-Rose (Belgium)
Gracias Fidel..., fue mucho los que nos diste, gracias a ti hoy somos ricos de espíritu, hasta siempre comandante.
Rene Espinosa Marquez (Brazil)
I greatly admire your Health and Education system.
Raymond Quirke (Ireland)
R.I.P Fidel u were a hero xx
Fiona hardie (United Kingdom)
Jim McCabe (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante!!!
Yenisey Gómez (Cuba)
hasta la victoria siempre comandante!
rodrigo c berméordm;dez d&Atil (Chile)
Ethiraj (India)
Hasta siempre comandante....se fue fisicamente pero sus ideas perdurarán para siempre en quienes lo siguen.Descansa en paz valeroso líder.......
Yanisley Aguiar Rodríguez (Brazil)
Bashir Ahmad (United Kingdom)
Un gran combatiente seguiendo la lucha de José Marti en el sieglo 19 hasta hoy para un mundo de paz, solidaridad y equidad ha muerto. Descanse En Paz, Fidel - nuestro pensamiento esta con tigo y tratamos de continuar con tus ideas. Hasta la victoria siempre - Venceremos! Heinz Bartels Voluntario en el Centro Antifascista "Heideruh" en el Norte de Alemania
Heinz W. Bartels (Germany)
Harold (Cuba)
johnny brandys (Venezuela)
Rehana Ahmad (United Kingdom)
Fidel has been an inspiration to us all. He was a true hero of internationalism, anti-imperialism and social justice. For all his mistakes, his impact on the world will never be diminished or forgotten. Solidarity to the people of Cuba.
Connor Hodgson-Brunniche (United Kingdom)
Respect to Fidel and deepest sympathies to his family and our Cuban friends. A true giant of the world stage may have left us but he showed another world is possible.
Steve Sugden (United Kingdom)
Me llamo Maria, soy una profesora de portugués y tengo 28 años de edad. La figura de Fidel estuvo presente desde la infancia, pero tomó forma diferente en mi vida adulta, cuando empecé a entender un poco de política. Sin embargo, no fue la política del Comandante que me convenció de facto, más su lucha por la dignidad del pueblo cubano. Esta lucha que quiero para el pueblo brasileño, para mi pais. El legado que Fidel dejó a ustedes, cubanos, es la cosa más preciosa que un líder podría dejar. Ustedes tienen suerte de su historia. Como ser humano, soy orgullosa de ti.
maria angelica cianciulli (Brazil)
Un gran lider que desafio lo establecido, lograr lo que tu hiciste es de gigantes. tu nombre esta escrito en la historia para siempre y en el corazon de muchos , hiciste de Cuba una hermosura como ninguna otra #HastaSiempreFidel
Camila (El salvador)
fidel, stuck it to the usa against all the odds. in appreciation & solidarity with the cuban people
lin (United Kingdom)
John Semple (United Kingdom)
Javaid (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante! Gracias
Maria Ortner (Austria)
Papá Fidel...nos dejaste...gran parte de lo que hoy soy y de mis ideas e ideales te los debo a ti...has formado y formarás parte de mi vida...nos vemos al otro lado camarada...hasta siempre comandante!!!
Paula (Spain)
A true revolutionary: huge respect for his life and sadness at his passing.
M Wilson (United Kingdom)
esta (Sweden)
Condoglianze alla famiglia Castro e a tutto il popolo cubano per la scomparsa del comandante di tutto noi che abbiamo amato seguito e ammirato. Dalla figlia Colombo Gianfranco Jlenia e Astrid,Hsta la victoria siempre.
Colombo Gianfranco (Italy)
Fidel este pueblo insurrecto marchara invencible enarbolando la banderas de tus Ideas, nunca traicionara la gloria que se ha vivido
Raul Sanchez perez (Cuba)
Es un gran honor haber nacido en este pais, y ser hijo de esta Revolucion. El pueblo no olvidara tu legado ni tus ideas. Hasta siempre, Comandate.
David Alonso Fernandez (Cuba)
honor y gloria para siempre Fidel .
jaime del rio (Chile)
¡Y qué elogio magnífico encontrar que no fuera cantado ya por incontables poetas!¡Y qué otra cosa nueva decir que no fuera dicha ya, por grandes líderes del mundo, sobre todo por el pueblo cubano! Y no sólo durante el día de ayer sino desde mucho antes, pues la grandeza del líder histórico de la Revolución cubana ha sido reconocida desde siempre, incluso por sus más enardecidos contrarios, incluso cuando todavía no era más que un joven estudiante que descollaba por su gallardía y nos regalaba la promesa de un futuro mejor. Son estos momentos de indescriptible dolor y profundo compromiso. El agradecimiento es enorme pero la admiración por su ejemplo, su legado y su obra mucho mayor. Exactamente ese es el Fidel que quiero y voy a recordar, el martiano por convicción, el líder nato, el estratega infalible, el abogado inteligente, el magistral comunicador, el político de talla universal, pero sobre todo el hombre, el ser humano, imperfecto si, pero repleto de compromiso, que me enseñó lo que significa creer en un sueño y hacer todo, sacrificar todo y luchar contra todo para lograrlo. Ese es el Fidel del que le voy a hablar a mis hijos, cuando algéordm;n día los tenga... porque "la patria es el hombre" y Fidel para mi es eso, Fidel es la patria. Y es ahora que las palabras del Comandante Hugo Chávez el 8 de diciembre de 2012 llenan mi mente y describen lo que exactamente, desde el principio de estas letras, quiero decir: "¡Hoy tenemos Patria! Y pase lo que pase en cualquier circunstancia seguiremos teniendo Patria. ¡Unidad! ¡Unidad y más unidad!" ¡Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante en Jefe Fidel!
Ileana Victoria Salgado Izquierdo (Cuba)
May your spirit rest in peace Commandate Fidel. Your great achievements on this earth have been fulfilled. You have served the global human society well. In my eyes, you are the greatest world leader that we have had, Gracias..x
Havana White (United Kingdom)
We love you Fidel... Red salute ... You will live in our heart...
Jithesh (India)
Such an inspirational man and such an inspirational country and peoples. When I visited in 1996 i didn't want to come home. I will come again to support you in another transitional period. Viva la Revolution.
Helen (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante viviras eterno en nuestros corazones Viva cuba y viva el mundo y tu legado estara mas firme que nunca ahora descansa en pa que nosotros seguiremos en tu lucha, en la lucha de todos por un mundo libre y solidario para todos#HastaSiempreComandante
Squall (Cuba)
r.i.p.castro you were a great man and your country is beautiful
sandra duggan (United Kingdom)
#PORSIEMPREFIDEL #LAETERNIDADENFIDEL #SOYCUBA#SOY NORISARLENA#SOYFIDEL Un ser eterno no muere y téordm; Fidel existías desde antes de la fundación del mundo. Téordm; estabas ahí desde siglos infinitos esperando la manifestación del gran hombre que fuiste, que eres y serás por los siglos de los siglos. Hay un antes y un después de tí no solo en Cuba, sino en el mundo entero. Eso lo sabes, eso lo sabemos todos los elegidos que portamos tu estirpe y tus ideas. Téordm; no has muerto, la muerte es un viaje a lo eterno y desde esa eternidad gloriosa alumbrarás con tu luz todo lo porvenir en esta nuestra patria grande. Téordm;, como nuestro José Martí tenías la disyuntiva del yugo o la estrella y elegiste la estrella que ilumina y mata, y no creo que sea diferente para quienes tus ideas de solidadridad e igualdad son una máxima, un ideal a seguir, un modo de vida. Llévanos siempre contigo en tu viaje. No estás solo. Téordm; Fidel de Cuba y del mundo, Téordm; vives en cada uno de nuestros corazones... Tu luz eterna nos guía!
Noris Arlena (Cuba)
He was very intelligent,planner and executor .May God give peace to the departed soul .
Rajiv kapoor (India)
Querido Padre Fidel, juro seguir tus ensenianzas y transmitirlas a la gente que me rodea, asi como a mis hijos y mi esposa, juro llevar a la practica tu ejemplo,eres el ser humano mas extraordinario que ha existido, TE AMO, #HastaSiempreComandante
Abraham Aguila (Mexico)
Se fue con su chaleco intacto, su pecho, ese que no pudieron ni herir. La Historia lo adsolvio!!!
Arturo Cobo Lopez (Cuba)
As a Marxist since my uncle Dannie Williams from Maerdy [Little Moscow] explained things to me when I was Four years old and I told my mum same day that I was a communist: I have seen this as the path for humanity. Fidel is one of my most important influences. I salute him and the brave and valient people of Cuba. Long live the Revolution! Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!
Olwen Leavold (United Kingdom)
Adios my mentor
Willem Minjon (Ireland)
Rest in peace, Comandante. X
Lewis Michael Waddingham (United Kingdom)
Fidel es y sera el mayor pensador de nuestra america y un luchador eterno e incansable por las causas justas de los pobres e oprimidos. Nuestro comandante no ha muerto los hombres como el nacieron para quedarse eternamente en los pueblos necesitados del mundo.VIVA NUESTRO INMORTAL COMANDANTE DE LAS IDEAS.
yamile estol urquiola (Cuba)
mi comandante siempre estaras en nuestros corasones y en el mundo entero hasta siempre
rosa maria riveras camejo (Cuba)
Duilio De Gennaro (Spain)
Red Salute, Comrade Fidel You gave the torch to see political future for me.
t k Devarajan (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel!! Long live revolution !!
Avin (India)
Cuba remains an inspiration to the world.
Seth Kauppinen (United States of America)
Zorica Surla (Germany)
El Presidente, we were privileged to visit your beautiful country and fell in love with it. You gave your people freedom, hope, education, health & happiness. No other Leader has ever done this. We admire you and your ideals. Our deepest sympathy to the Castro family and the Cuban people. RIP.
Betty & Bob Laverty (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre,nuestro comandante y amigo
miriam almenares guia (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Milka (Croatia)
Great Leader, will live in our hearts
Nandana Devaraj (India)
Con profundo dolor siento la desaparicion fisica de nuestro Gran COMANDANTE EN JEFE FIDEL ALEJANDRO CASTRO RUZ , pero sabemos todos , todos , y lo señalo asi porque hasta sus enemigos reconocen la perdida insustituible que deja , lo que si es que puede descanzar tranquilo y en paz , su obra estara viva eternamente y muchas generaciones pasaran y su pensamiento y doctrinas estaran ahi presentes y vigentes , porque tambien nos dejo en sangre el deseo y la responsabilidad de continuar su ejemplo y obra . SIEMPRE EXISTIRAS Y SIEMPRE TE RECORDAREMOS , VIVO , ETERNO Y GUIA. HASTAS LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE !PATRIA O MUERTE VENCEREMOS!
Pedro Hernández Garc&Ati (Cuba)
Gran hombre, guía y antorcha de los pueblos oprimidos, tu les has hecho llegar salud, fuerza y ganas de vivir. Alma de la revolución, tuve la suerte de conocer tu isla, al pueblo cubano, siempre libre y fuerte a defenderla del imperialismo. Y desde mi corazón, un abrazo fraternal, de solidaridad, amor, respeto y rebeldía. Fidel, que otra cosa podemos hacer. Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante.
Juanma Villaron (Spain)
Dedicado de todo corazón al gran camarada, comandante y amigo Fidel Castro, desde España. Jamás de los jamases te olvidaremos. Gracias por tu legado, por tu humanidad, por tantos años dedicados a la educación y a la salud de tantos seres humanos. Camina con cabeza alta Y decidido talante Siempre estuvo con el pueblo Y lo guió hacia delante Amor al trabajador Es su bandera y estandarte Contra vientos y mareas ¡La Revolución aguante! Junto a Ernesto Ché Guevara En Sierra Maestra entraste Y con tu hermano Raéordm;l A Batista derrotaste La salvación del obrero Fue una educación constante A los hijos de la patria Liberados del desastre Los gusanos solo mienten Con la clase dominante Pero nosotros sabemos La labor que realizaste En Bahía de Cochinos Huyeron los muy farsantes Traidores e imperialistas Que querían fulminarte Amigo de campesinos A los que jamás fallaste Gloria para el gran Camilo Tuyo fiel acompañante Que el muro se vino abajo Pero téordm; nunca callaste Con espíritu de hierro Con fuerza apasionante La burguesía te ataca Son hipócritas pedantes Pero la isla es feliz Hoy la Habana está radiante Viva nuestra Cuba libre Y el Socialismo habitante Hasta la victoria siempre Como dijo el comandante
José Da Silva (Spain)
Desde Panama. Seguiremos tu ejemplo Comandante Fidel. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Abel Santamaria (United Kingdom)
Fidel, our red star, U will remain as an inspiration for generations to come.
Sandeep R Panikkar (United Kingdom)
Gracias por la lucha, Líder Máximo. ¡La lucha continéordm;a!
Russell King (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante. Gracias!
You and your people have created a society that should be emulated around the world. Where human progression is the wealth, where all are literate, where all can access healthcare and where homelessness is an alien concept. Two Island People on the Same Sea of Struggle and Hope. Ireland and Cuba. Eirinn Tá. Cuba Si!! Forever in our hearts Fidel.
Alan O'Brien (Ireland)
En España también nos sentimos un poco huérfanos. Hasta la victoria siempre, hermanos cubanos.
Sonia Vela Pitar (Spain)
My condolences to the people of Cuba. Larga vida a la revolución!
Heather McKenzie (United Kingdom)
You will live on forever in my heart, remembered for your basic decency and humanity, especially under the terrible circumstances and oppression inflicted upon your country by America. A true inspiration.
Stephanie Smith (United States of America)
Mel Bunting (United Kingdom)
Porque nunca te olvidaremos y de ahora en adelante te demostraremos allá donde te encuentrás con CAMILO, EL CHE, BOLIVAR y CHAVEZ que no te fallaremos, HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE, MI COMANDANTE.
Sonia Valladares Valiente (Cuba)
We are sad to hear the death of our comrade, Fidel Castro Ruz. We send our sincere condolences to the brave people of Cuba. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Cuba Mauritius Friendship Association (Mauritius)
My condolences to a great 20th century figure who changed his country for the better. The achievements of the Cuban revolution in terms of healthcare, education and employment are often overlooked in the western press. History will however judge Castro favourably in this regard. My thoughts are with the Cuban people at this time. Let us hope his legacy and principles of social equality will live. M
Sebastian Buchmann (United Kingdom)
A sad loss to all the decent people in the world.
James Mcknight (United Kingdom)
Q.E.P.D. Camarada Comandante, Vivirás Por Siempre.
Gerardo Javier Hernandez Pineda (Venezuela)
Fidel your love and compassion will go on as long as this world exists
Carol stone . (United Kingdom)
Sentimos todos los cuabanos un profundo dolor ante la perdida física de nuestro Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, solo nos queda el firme compromiso de seguir sus ideas y dar continuidad a su lucha eterna. Hasta siempre Comandante
Niuris Naranjo Fajardo (Cuba)
Our sadness at the loss of a true visionary and tireless champion for his country and countrymen against the corruption and exploitation of the United States. We pray for continued strength and vision going forward in this new chapter of the Cuban odyssey.
Raymond and Nancy Farrell (Canada)
The end of an era - not the end of the struggle. Farewell, Comrade. Onward the Revolution
Keith Maddison (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Ilma Fátima de Jesus (Brazil)
¡Viva Fidel! A great man who even with his flaws prioritised helping the great people of Cuba. The world has lost a great man.
Ieuan Daniel (United Kingdom)
History has absolved you ! R.I.P.
Jeanette Campbell (Jamaica)
The world has lost a great statesman and a true socialist . A sad farewell Commandant .
Colin & Beryl Fleet (United Kingdom)
Iain trotter (United Kingdom)
John James (United Kingdom)
Danke, Fidel!
Arno Reinhold (Germany)
Else Heiermann (Germany)
Fidel may be dead but his legacy will remain forever.
Patrick Scott (United Kingdom)
Tu ejemplo vivira eternamente entre nosotros. Gracias por todo FIDEL.
Yemil Meralla (Cuba)
Thinking of Cuban brothers and sisters - Fidel and the example of the Cuban Revolution remains an inspiration to millions struggling against proverty and austerity the world over!
Julian Newell (United Kingdom)
¡Amigo Fidel! ¡Invencible Fidel! Fidel, el que perseveró, Fidel el vencedor de la podredumbre imperialista aquellos que adversan aéordm;n en tu nuevo camino a la inmortalidad no logran entender que ya estás absuelto, que eres libre como el viento, como Cuba independiente y eterna, Fidelista hasta los huesos... ¡¡Te extrañaremos Fidel, amigo Fidel!! vuela alto, saluda a esos gigantes que ahora te reciben en lo alto.. a nuestro Amado Chávez tengan claro que su lucha será eterna, siempre que en esta tierra sigan creciendo las semillas que ustedes plantaron.. ¡HASTA LA VICTORIA,SIEMPRE!
Leonardo Castañeda (Venezuela)
The revolution continues. Hasta la Victoria.
William Kelliher (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante, ¡Vanceremos!. Un profundo agradecimiento al líder de la revolución cubana por su continéordm;o apoyo a la causa de Palestina de un palestino en la diaspora.
Jamal Halawa (Spain)
Para "Nuestra América" y los pueblos del mundo que luchan por su verdadera independencia y justicia social, Fidel y la Revolución Cubana constituyen un ejemplo de dignidad, soberanía y creatividad en la construcción de una sociedad más inclusiva y de una democracia más participativa. !Fidel, como el Ché, vive y vivirá por siempre¿
Navin Costa (Ecuador)
In Solidarity, long live the Revolution!
Debbie Noble (United Kingdom)
Antonio Di Siero (Italy)
Commandante Fidel Castro was a giant of the twentieth century. His leadership and his personal example inspired all those worldwide engaged in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and socialism. He will be missed by us all and especially by the Cuban people for whose revolution he unswervingly gave his life's work.
Andy de la Tour (United Kingdom)
Gracias Fidel por mi patria, gracias Fidel por mi Cuba, gracias Fidel por mi vida!!!!! Hasta siempre comandante.
Marlon P. Basulto (Cuba)
Charmaine (South Africa)
R.I.P. Fidel
Sylvia (Germany)
I hope that the revolutionary spirit will continue to rebuff any bullying from next President of the U.S. I was on holiday in Havana in April and found the Habaneros very warm and friendly people. I will be back as soon as I can. Good luck in the future.
Tony McSweeney (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Gilio Luigi (Italy)
An inspiration to all who desire equality and justice. Viva Fidel
John Seggie (United Kingdom)
My thoughts and best wishes are with the Cuban people at this sad time in their loss of Fidel Castro. My hopes for you all are that you will thrive and be happy and successful and continue to contribute to our World.
Bette Jones (United Kingdom)
No te fuistes solo estas vigilante y cada Revolucionario del mundo estara recordando las palabras que distes al mundo en la OEA hoy mas que nunca recordaremos cada uno de los dichos tuyos y eso que has echo por la humanidad junto a tu Pueblo, Siempre estaras en el corazón de aquellos que nacimos en la epoca de cuando comenzaba esa revolución y eramos niños cuando lograstes el triunfo de la Revolución y llevamos esa Reveldia por mas años que se puedan tener. GRACIAS COMANDANTE FIDEL
Ruben Correa (Uruguay)
El pueblo cubano y el mundo entero ha perdido a un gran líder, pero sus enseñanzas y ejemplo perdurarán mientras existan hombres de buena voluntad y espíritu indomable. ¡Gracias Fidel por toda la sabiduría que derramaste en tiempos convulsos llenos de odio! ¡Gracias comandante por apoyar las luchas de los pueblos en contra del colonialismo y el imperio! ¡Gracias compañero por inspirarnos para la batalla! Desde El Salvador, un pueblo que te ama ¡Hasta la victoria siempre, amigo!
Mario Campos (El salvador)
hasta la victoria siempre comandante
carlos luis guillen camejo (Cuba)
End of an era, one of a kind, world will miss him. He will be remembered and missed by many.
gary (United Kingdom)
Gracias por prepararme para la vida, todo lo que soy te lo debo, eres y seras el eterno juez de mis actos, Hasta la victoria siempre mi comandante en jefe.
Carlos Alejandro Estrada Fong (Cuba)
A great leader,hero and champion of the people.Sympathy to the people of Cuba from Scotland.
Frances Sinclair (United Kingdom)
hasta la victoria siempre querido comandante
ricardo (Cuba)
En nombre de mi familia que no tienen esta posibilidad pero son muy revolucionarios y fidelistas y en el mio propio quiero dejar claro nuestro mas sincero sentimiento y dolor..Gracias por todo Fidel!
Rainer Alberto Sánchez Ruiz (Cuba)
Hermanos cubanos, mis más sinceras condolencias desde España de un joven de 25 años admirador de vuestro pueblo, de la resistencia de América Latina ante la agresión imperial permanente y de la figura gigante, y ahora eterna del Comandante en Jefe de la Revolución Fidel Castro Ruz. Cada buena persona del mundo, cada uno de esos que aspira a ser ese "hombre de otra época", como decía Fidel cuando hablaba del Ché, seguirá el legado de nuestro Comandante demostrando al mundo, al imperio, y a la tiranía capitalista, que se puede funcionar de otra manera, desde la solidaridad y el amor a la humanidad. En paz descanse nuestro Comandante.
David Romero Rodríguez (Spain)
Agradecido por ejemplo para el Mundo.Vivirás por SIEMPRE
(United Kingdom)
Gracias por la revolución, El Comandante! Hasta Siempre!
Tales Lacerda (Brazil)
Big Man, Big Revolution.. Now, he is hoy in the Grace of God. Eddie..
Eddie Zette (Ecuador)
Una de las peores noticias que he podido recibir, qué lamentable que un ser tan valioso para el mundo y la historia ya no esté con nosotros, pero como él mismo dijo "la historia lo absolverá" los grandes nunca mueren, la historia los premia con la inmortalidad. Gracias por tanto Fidel, gracias también por luchar por la causa Dominicana en 1947 en la Expedición Cayo Confites, junto con el Prof Juan Bosch. ¡Viva Fidel! ¡Viva Chávez! ¡Viva la Revolución Cubana!
Valerie Montalvo (Dominican Republic)
James (United Kingdom)
'History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good......their deeds wil live on quietly but perpetually at work... ' Karl Marx. Fidel Castro was such a person. Condolences to his family and the people of Cuba.
Diane Randall (United Kingdom)
Até a vitória sempre, Comandante! Viva Cuba, Viva o Socialismo, Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o!
Matheus Nunes (Brazil)
Andreas Stoib (Germany)
Vanda Régia Corra& (Brazil)
# Hasta Siempre Comandante... R I P
Dragos Vieru (Romania)
Gracias comandante por la lucha incesante contra el imperialismo yanqui, por el legado que nos has dejado, por la solidaridad que Cuba ha mostrado los oprimidos y desfavorecidos....gracias comandante, por lo que has significado para la gente del,planeta que amamos la solidaridad y la hermandad de los pueblos en contra de capitalismo salvaje.....hasta siempre COMANDANTE
Martin albarez (Spain)
A life that inspired revoutionary solidarity. American economic and military imperialism thwarted, his name revered throughout the world.
Pete Grant (United Kingdom)
Até a vitória sempre!
Rosa¢ngela (Brazil)
Todos los oprimidos de la tierra te rinden homenaje y solidarizamos con nuestros hermanos Cubanos. ¡ Patria O Muerte Venceremos¡
Mónica Morales (Chile)
HASTA SIEMPRE QUERIDO COMANDANDE, CON TIGO SE HUIó UN sueño, ojalö pudiera encontrar a mi padre por dondequiera que vajas y seguir vuestra vita charlando... un beso desde Italia ...LINDA
Linda (Italy)
Hasta siempre fidel!!viva la revolucion!!
mercedes hueso mateo (Spain)
Fidel, has estado el inspiracion singular y mas importante de mi vida. Gracias por todo y espero que cada dia puedo estar un poco mas como tu ejemplo. Hasta la victoria siempre y nunca podemos parar en la lucha para creer un mundo mas justo y en paz! Gracias, gracias y gracias por todo lo que has hecho.
Joe Hall (United Arab Emirates)
Profound respect for Fidel and his memory, which will undoubtedly live on through the ages. Thank you for all you did for the poor of our beloved Patria and Latin America and your unwavering resistance in the face of imperialism. Your example has helped to inspire countless women and men all across the world in their struggles against the oppression of the dispossessed and marginalised. Though I was born abroad and live far away, I am immensely proud to be a Cuban always carry Cuba with me in my heart. You are no longer with us, but your inspirational legacy will never die. Hasta siempre, Comandante! La historia te ha absuelto.
Nick Portales (United Kingdom)
In death as in life Fidel is feared by the wealthy rulers around the world because of the example he and Cuba's Socialist revolution give to the working class.
Pete Clifford (United Kingdom)
Gloria eterna a nuestro comandante, hasta la Victoria Siempre
Luis fonseca (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro
Dearbhlá McTaggart (United Kingdom)
Thank you for saving the world from complete capitalist domination. May God rest you and reward you, comrade.
Brendan Phelan (Ireland)
Todos los oprimidos de la tierra te rinden homenaje y solidarizamos con nuestros hermanos Cubanos. ¡ Patria O Muerte Venceremos¡
Osvaldo Morales Barraza (Chile)
Great revolutionary leader, who's ideas have influenced and inspired many, to fight for change, in our unequal world.
Ray Bolster (United Kingdom)
TeaDea Montana (United Kingdom)
Frank Schwitalla (Germany)
martin sibiya (South Africa)
May your good work in health and education for your country be remembered.
James (United Kingdom)
Feeling sad at the passing of Fidel - condolences, love and solidarity to the people of Cuba. A hero who will live in our hearts and encourage us to continue to fight for a world that benefits the many rather than the few. VIVA FIDEL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Louise, James, Jamie, Susan, Gemma, Wee Jamie, Wee Mark, Wee Keegan McDaid. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The McDaid Family (United Kingdom)
Mi solidaridad a todo el pueblo Cubano y a todos los revolucionarios que acogieron su palabra orientadora y la hicieron suya.
Felipe Gomez Parra (Ecuador)
long live fidel.
prakash shrestha (Nepal)
Fidel siempre grande en la historia! Hoy inmortal!
Elsa Hernández Brito (Venezuela)
Honor y Gloria Comandante. Descansa en paz querido Fidel.
Victor Manuel Gavilan Pinto (Canada)
Hasta la victoria siempre - adelante!
Dr Muir Houston (United Kingdom)
Cuba estara por siempre con su eterno Comandante, seguiremos su ejemplo, nuestra sincera condolencia por su perdida a su familia y al pueblo cubano, #HastaSiempreComandante
Emma Rosa Perez Luna (Cuba)
Had only just last week finished Fidel's autobiography 'My Life', through learning about Cuba and about Fidel I have had so much guidance and inspiration. Thank you. My thoughts to the people of Cuba.
Luke Addison (United Kingdom)
Solidarity and sympathy with the Cuban people at this sad time
Arthur West (United Kingdom)
Hoy es un día demasiado triste por la desaparición física de Nuestro Fidel, Nuestro líder Comandante en Jefe. Nunca me imagine este momento, idea que no pasó por mi mente jamás, pero es una realidad ya nos está con nosotros físicamente. Ahora nos toca mantener nuetra Revolución teniendo como base sus enseñanzas, sus ideas, sus principios, su esencia, manteniendolo vivo en cada acción y tomandolo como ejemplo en cada momento de nuestras vidas; porque eso si fue un gran maestro nos guío por el camino de la igualdad y la libertad además de enseñarnos a andar solos. Te agradezco quién soy mi Comandante, te admiró, Eres mi Guía y que no quepa duda seguire siendo fiel a tí porque estás conmigo, con nosotros. Hasta Siempre Comandante, Cubanos por el Comunismo Seremos como Nuestro Querido Ché y Nuestro Líder Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz
Yesenia Casdeséordm;s Rades (Cuba)
!!Que Decir!! a Mi Comandante.... No lloremos a Fidel, Fidel no se fue, él no parte, no se va, Fidel Vive.. Hasta La victoria Siempre ....!Viva Mi Cuba!!!
Anita Guajiritasoy (Cuba)
El 25 de noviembre de 1956 partió Fidel en el yate Granma de México con un grupo de 82 compatriotas donde juraron traer la justicia y libertad para su hermosa Cuba,con una distancia en el tiempo de 60 años y en la misma fecha el histórico Comandante vuelve a cargar esta vez de luz al Granma para iluminar el camino a todos los hombres de buena volutad que lucharan por su sueño de ver un mundo mejor para todos.
Julio (Cuba)
Mis condolencias para el pueblo cubano desde la Nicaragua Sandinista. Fidel no ha muerto, seguira con nosotros. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE.
Ramon Altamirano (Nicaragua)
Aunque estamos en Lesotho cumpliendo con nuestro deber como soldados de batas blancas,nuestro corazón está con nuestro pueblo en estos momentos de terrible dolor.!Hasta la victoria siempre!
Yamilse María Torres Le&At (Cuba)
Muito, muito obrigado, comandante! Fidel, presente!
Eduardo Alexandre Matos Maia (Brazil)
My Heartfelt Condolences to the People of Cuba in this time of bereavement. Comrade Fidel will always live in our hearts and hence has become immortal. Until Capitalism is vanquished from the face of the planet we will strive on. Red Salute Commandant Fidel! Long Live Cuba! Long Live Socialism!
Leo Peter Charles (India)
Inspirational friend of workers of the world
Anna McKeown (United Kingdom)
Fidel must be remembered for standing up for his country and people
Irene (Sweden)
Condolences to the Cuban nation, family and friends of Fidel. We have lost a physical presence but the inspiration will be eternal. Viva la revolucion!
Susie Plant (United Kingdom)
We have lost our Parent.Long Live Socialism,Long live com.
Krishnendu Dutta Roy (India)
We will miss you.
Marion de Leeuw (Netherlands)
Muchas gracias por habernos dado el emjemplo de lucha y vida de revolucinario. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Gustavo Néordm;épl (Netherlands)
Tatiana (Cuba)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on the loss of Fidel Castro a true statesman and socialist
Maureen Dillane (Ireland)
Hasta siempre Comandante !!!! Gracias a ti y nuestro adorado Ernesto Che Guevara Cuba es hoy lo que es ,
Enriqueta Astigarra Salles (France)
Bety Vázquez Garcà (Cuba)
Siempore fue, es y será mi lider, mi guia y viviré manteniedo viva su obra, sus ideas y fiel a su ejemplo por la revolución todo
Eusebio Rodriguez Alvarez (United Kingdom)
Rip Fidel long live the revolution.
Eamon jackson (Ireland)
Hasta Siempre Comandante
Max Mogollon (Ireland)
Rest in Peace Fidel. Your contribution to humanity will never be forgotten. X
Anthony Hennessey (Ireland)
Homens como Fidel nunca morrem,permanecem vivos para sempre no coraésect;épound;o dos homens e mulheres que sonham com um mundo mais humano.
"...you sowed the seeds of freedom in your daughters and your sons..." (from a song by Tommy Sands) Farewell Fidel
Marion Baur (United Kingdom)
Solo la ley de la vida pudo contigo Viva Fidel Viva el Che Viva la revolución internacionalista
KatianArias Pérez (Cuba)
End of an era, wonderful man, he changed the face of the world
Eileen O'Sullivan (United Kingdom)
Caprichosamente el destino quiso que una vez más nuestro gigante expedicionario trazara una nueva travesía, tal como lo hizo aquel 25 de noviembre pero del año 1956, cuando zarpó en el Granma, desde Téordm;xpan, México. Esta vez lo hizo desde su querida Cuba, a bordo del yate la Gloria, para cruzar los mares de Recuerdos, hasta desembarcar en las costas de la Inmortalidad Histórica. Y es que nuestro Invicto Comandante, NO HA MUERTO, desapareció físicamente pero permanece y permanecerá siempre en el corazón de todos los cubanos.
Yuri cabrera Silva (Cuba)
I visited Cuba 1996. The country was in desperate financial straights but funding to the health service was increased. Pregnant women came to factories and the copper mine for a meal each day, to ensure that they they ere well nourished. Thank you Fidel for a revolution for the people.
Beatrice Smith (United Kingdom)
Manuel N. Montejo Lorenzo (Cuba)
He was the best for the world
Naseo (United Kingdom)
An inspiration and a man of great courage. The struggle continues and we will never forget El Comandante. Hasta la victoria Siempre
Glen Wheatley (United Kingdom)
Our Comandante too. With love and solidarity to Fidel, Raul and the Cuban people. Venceremos
Hazel O'Callaghan/Roisin O'Callaghan (United Kingdom)
I hope Che and Fidel are together again, organizing the revolution of the afterlife. Rest in Power, Comrade!
Gaton Bucceroni (United States of America)
I send my most sincere condolences to the people and government of Cuba on the loss of compañero Fidel Castro. He will be sorely missed by all lovers of social justice.
Isaac Christiansen (United States of America)
Farewell, Fidel. Many Thanks.
N Dewar (United Kingdom)
¡¡¡Hasta siempre Comandante!!!...
Lau (Cuba)
Entrañable Fidel: con el privilegio de ser parte de la juventud de esta tierra libre y soberana, más firmes que siempre, guiados por tu definición de Revolución, fiel a tus ideales y convicciones, te aseguro que continuaremos comprometiedos con tu obra. Estás vivo en nuestros corazones y en el de los hijos que están por venir. Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante! Patria o Muerte! Venceremos!
Katia Zorrilla Caneiro (Cuba)
Pour un grand homme qui aura marqué l'histoire de Cuba, de son peuple ainsi que du monde... Hasta siempre comodante
Bertha (France)
I convey my hearty solidarity to people of Cuba on demise of Comrade Fidel Castro. I wish & feel all of you will continue to march with unwavering loyalty & united strength on path of revolution fulfilling dream of Fidel Castro. Long Live his Effort, Long Live Revolution!
Saurav Kumar (India)
Fidel was a great inspiration - he will be sorely missed
Marjorie Stainwright (United Kingdom)
El no ha muerto, esta entre nosotros.
Aisha Linares Castanedo (United Kingdom)
Ci manchi giénbsp;. Ciao Comandante!
Andrea Cazzato (Italy)
Con lagrimas en mis ojos te digo "Hasta siempre Comandante", tu ejemplo seguirá vivo.
Lecsy Olivera Lopez (Cuba)
I wish all Of you the best in this difficult time.
Irene Danielsen (Denmark)
Viva cuba Viva fidel Vivan los cubanos Desde la ciudad de méxico mi mas sncero pesame por la perdida física de su lider, pero la perdida de su enseñanza nunca se acabará. Cuba no etsa sola hay muchas personas que amamos ese cachito de tierra sin ser cubanos, su ejemplo de dignidad es grande y admirable, no se rinda cuba a seguir el ejemplo del Comandante.
America Hernández Soc (Guatemala)
Hay hombre que le enseñan a uno a través de las ideas lo que ni nuestros padres aprendieron, viva Fidel! Un saludo venezolano de condolencias para todos cubanos.
Camaradas Cubanos, Que a forésect;a e os princípios de Fidel continuem a inspirar a soberania popula e o socialismo cubano, para que vocéordf;s continuem a ser nossa inspiraésect;épound;o para o mundo de que outra forma de organizaésect;épound;o social e produtiva é possível para além do capitalismo. Um fraterno abraésect;o desde Poésect;os de Caldas, Minas Gerais, Brasil, Tiago Mafra Professor de Geografia
Love for fidel and all of the cuba people xx you and che will be together again and will be having a long conversation about the last 50 years xxx
Joanne (United Kingdom)
No escribo desde españa, escribo desde el pais vasco para agradecer a TODO el pueblo cubano su ejemplo de lucha, de resistencia e internacionalismo. Vuestro buen hacer han hecho de Fidel alguien eterno, sois ejemplo, no tengo duda de que el pueblo cubano seguira dando lecciones. Fidel ha hecho grandes cosas, pero hasta en los mas pequeños gestos ha hecho diminuto al mayor imperio de la historia. Vivan los pueblos del mundo!! Vivan los y las trabajadoras!! Euskal herria y cuba, dos pueblos, una sola lucha!!! INDEPENDENCIA Y SOCIALISMO O BARBARIE!! Os respetamos, os queremos y os necesitamos, adelante!!! Al unisono!! Hasta la victoria siempre!!!!
jesus jose oñate Gonz&A (Spain)
Condolences to the people of Cuba
John Morland (United Kingdom)
Viva commadante.
Liam Collins (United Kingdom)
Farewell comrade ......rest in peace
Anne Rynne (Ireland)
Fidel has been an inspiration to me and my family ever since the Revolution, which I remember well as a teenager. We have the greatest admiration for his courage, his vision, his deep understanding of the nature of imperialism, his love for his people and for the peoples of Latin America and struggling peoples all over the world. His leadership in solidarity with the Angolan people in their struggle against the apartheid regime of South Africa will never be forgotten. His life was a life lived nobly, in the service of his people.
Kate Clark (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace. Condolences to the people of Cuba
Annette Hadley (United Kingdom)
Jenny (United Kingdom)
Fidel (y su revolución), ha sido una de las mas grandes inspiraciónes de mi vida. Hasta siempre Fidel. Seguiremos luchando contra el capitalismo y el imperialismo, cualquier será nuestro trabajo.
Fabrizio Chiodo (Italy)
Hasta siempre comandante
Dunia Dieppa Nápoles (Cuba)
#HastaSiempreComandante Fidel es un paradigma de solidaridad, internacionalismo y humanismo. Representa una figura de talla universal.
María Caridad Reinoso (Cuba)
Rest easy, Comandante. We will continue the push out west for socialist revolution!
Jorge Pedroza (United States of America)
Um ícone e um símbolo de justiésect;a e inconformismo no mundo partiu, mas deixou-nos uma heranésect;a linda que temos que saber estimar muito bem: os valores do socialismo e do humanismo, a vontade de tornar o mundo num lugar melhor para todos e népound;o só para alguns. Muita forésect;a neste momento, irmépound;os cubanos! Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba! Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o!
Pedro Cardoso Pereira (Portugal)
IPTA (India)
Mi más sentido pésame al pueblo cubano. La historia ya absolvió al Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, paladín de los pueblos afectados por el colonialismo y nemesis del pérfido gringo imperialista.
Carlos Blanco (Puerto Rico)
Hasta Siempre Comandante! Venceremos!
Reinhold Obermair (Austria)
Nací en 1988 y crecí viéndote hablar largas horas, me enamoraba cada vez que comenzaba un discurso tuyo y por eso me hice militante de la UJC y hoy soy militante del PCC. Para mí siempre serás mi abuelito, te extrañare mucho. No estoy triste, extrañarte me hace fuerte y cada acción que haga será para hacer cumplir tu concepto de REVOLUCION #HastaSiempreComandante
Majela Réordm;a Dé (Cuba)
Lamentable perdida para los pueblos progresistas, para los revolucionarios, para el pueblo cubano y para mi en particular. Hasta siempre comandante. Jorge
Jorge Perez Diaz (United Kingdom)
Su figura, ideales y ejemplo perdurará para la eternidad, Hasta Siempre Comandante!!!!!! siempre estarás entre nosotros
Liuva Méndez PiÃ&a (Cuba)
janakie (Sri Lanka)
In this time of crazy capitalism and exploitation of people, I am truly sorry for your lost. I and many more with me have been very impressed by the way he and the people of Cuba has made it through tuff times. Peace be with you.
Katrine Ekeland (Norway)
Vinette Lewis (United Kingdom)
Rest in power, Comandante! Long live the Cuban revolution!
Pablo Lucero (Philippines)
Dicen que has muerto Comandante, pero téordm; sabes que solo se muere cuando se cae en el olvido. Siempre estarás presente! Hasta la victoria siempre!
Pedro Domingo Herrera Pérez (Spain)
Fidel vive para siempre en nuestra ideas y acciones. Gracias por todo comandante. Ar aghaidh linn ar son na phobail!
Camina en paz hacia la Gloria, y desde allí veras a tu pueblo seguir tu legado y tu ejemplo. Te sentiras orgulloso de lo que forjastes y que siempre estaras presente en cada nino que cante, en cada joven que se gradua, en cada hombre o mujer internacionalista, en cada anciano que cuente su historia. Cuida desde donde este a tu pueblo, que tu pueblo tambien cuidara lo que tu creaste esta patria libre y soberana. Hasta la Victoria Simpre, mi Comandante.
paulina estevez (Cuba)
Hector Gutierrez (Mexico)
en paz descanse comandante
juan pin vilar (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre Patria o muertes...venceremos!!!
Paolo Titolo (Italy)
Ralf Minkenberg (Germany)
Fidel was a life long committed both a figurehead as well as a spearhead for the Cuban revolution, empathy, identification, human compassion, a mutually united international solidarity and a policy of a righteous wealth distribution, while severely risking his basic health conditions and life qualities
Per Askécedil; (Norway)
Farewell beloved Commandant.Glory and Honour to You. Viva Fidel Castro.
Sinatra Sidharthan (India)
hasta la victoria siempre comandante seguiremos tus ideas y ejemplo
magda sanchez valdes (Cuba)
Thanks el Commandante for the Revolution which continues. Thanks for all you did to bring communism to the Cuban People and the wider world. Thanks for the memories Rest in Revolution
Ramon Corria (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Fidel!
Heinz Giesen (Germany)
My deep condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of the Father of your nation. He was a giant of a man who had a great respect and love for the people of his country and also of the world. He inspired many world leaders to act in the interest of their people and to develop policies which recognised the dignity of all people. May we all remain strengthened in supporting his example of fearless commitment to the promotion of human dignity of all regardless of political ideology.
Anne Margaret Robinson (Trinidad and Tobago)
RIP comrade
Sean Connolly (United Kingdom)
I wish to send my deepest condolences to the Castro family and the Cuban people. Fidel was a true liberator and a true hero for oppressed people all over the world. Viva Fidel! Hasta la victoria siempre comandante Fide!
Kristian Brockmann (Norway)
We the people of earth will remember everyone and look to our children for our common future.
John Bestevaar (Australia)
Descansa en paz camarada, siempre en nuestros corazones, viva el pueblo Cubano y viva la Revolucion
Benjamin Garcia Alvarez (Spain)
Hasta siempre querido Fidel, querido Comandante!
Tony Larralde (Cuba)
!Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Guri Saettem (Norway)
La aungustia por la pérdida del padre, del amigo, del extraordinario ser humano que fue Fidel Castro es indescriptible. También lo es el dolor y la indignación que siento por todos aquellos que hoy tratan de desmoralizarlo porque no pudieron derrotarlo en vida. No lo lograrán. Sus ideales son imperecederos.
Yaiset Delgado Betancourt (Cuba)
Judith Crespo (Puerto Rico)
Hasta Siempre Comandante, Gracias por habernos dejado esta revolución, nosotros nos encargaremos de continuarla
Febe (Cuba)
Mi más sentido pésame se fue un grande hasta la victoria comandante
José Rodréshy (Chile)
Goodbye to a hero. RIP.
Alan Myler (Ireland)
Colin (United Kingdom)
Gretchen Betancourt (Cuba)
Viva la revolución, till the next time comrade fidel.you have inspired me in the ways of the revolution you are clearly one of my heroes.no matter what the west says everyone knows what you have done for cuba and for her people. Until the next time :(
Karl Vincent G. Escamilla (Philippines)
No puede morir quien sabe inmortalizar su pensamiento, su humanidad, su liderazgo. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE
Alejandro Guerra Denis (Cuba)
Rogelio (Cuba)
An inspiration for freedom seekers everywhere has left us.
Tom Coughlan (Ireland)
Fidel was my hero.
Gabriella killpack (United States of America)
Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba on the passing of Fidel,an extraordinary Cuban whose influence was worldwide.
Harry (Canada)
We share in your loss while celebrating Fidel's amazing contribution to Cuban and world history.
Nigel Ball (United Kingdom)
A true hero who bravely fought and survived constant attacks to his person and his country by the USA. History will not only absolve him but show him to be a real revolutionary and visionary who did what was necessary to create a model of Cuban socialism that provided more for the people than any country in the world.
Dr. June Terpstra (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba for your loss of a great revolutionary leader. In the western european press there exists a villainization of socialism and their leaders, but rest assured that there are many of us who live here who are marxist and do not believe the propaganda we are fed every day. We recognice the the achivements of the cuban people and hope they continue to stand tall against the american empire. We will defeat the imperialists in the future!
Inger Ragnhild Aas (Norway)
R.I.P. You have been a courageous giant in the face of corruption and Capitalism
Analize O;Brien (United Kingdom)
Mine dypeste kondolanser.
Kéyen;re Elvik (Norway)
C M Muraleedharan (India)
Wir sind unendlich traurig über den Tod von Fidel. Er hat uns in unserem Leben begleitet und inspiriert. Er ist unser Vorbild und wird es auch bleiben. Hasta siempre!
Birgit Pfaff (Germany)
Torill Myklebust (Norway)
EDWARD LE FANU (United Kingdom)
I wish to offer my sincere condolences to the family of Fidel Ruz Castro and to the people of Cuba at this sad time.
Ann Doyle (United Kingdom)
I give my deepest condolences to the people of Cuba. They lost an amazing, inspiring person, a revolutionary to Cuba and the world. I know it must be hard, it has been for people around the world. Fidel was loved by many, including some communist and non-communist comrades here in the U.S. We recognize his charity to this world, the achievements of Cuba, and the inspiration he gave us all. May he rest in peace, and may he continue to inspire the world over. Viva the vision of Fidel. Viva the Cuban republic.
Charles Gannon (United States of America)
The man who inspired millions. Condolences.
Sanoop (India)
Grateful for him. #Hero
Ms Del-Angela Cooper (United States of America)
With Fidel Castro a great revolutionary and statesman has left us. His life is to be a model for us. Our solidarity is with the Cuban people.
Powollik, Monika and Jürgen (Germany)
Fidel Castro was a great revolutionary hero and leader. Fidel was a idol of mine and myself along with many others will miss him and all the good he has done for Cuba, the Cuban people and other's across the world. Hasta siempre comandante. Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!
Brett Perez (United States of America)
The end of a true leader of men. May he rest in Peace. :(
Peter Ross (United Kingdom)
Gracias Fidel por todo
Kaspar Trümpy (Switzerland)
Fidel Castro un ejemplo a seguir, un hombre de ideas. Siempre estara en nuestros corazones.
Dayulis Villavicencio Jiménez (Cuba)
Sol Mera (United Kingdom)
George (United Kingdom)
Goodbye to a true hero of anti-imperialism and working class politics. You will never be forgotten, Castro Lives!
Adam McCarthy (Ireland)
RIP Mr Castro. You changed the lives of your people for the better, stood against the rest of the world and opposed apartheid in South Africa. Your country is always the first to volunteer when natural disasters occur. Time to rest now. God Bless
Glynis Winestein (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on your great leader's passing - rest in peace Fidel Castro . I had 2 wonderful trips to Cuba in the last 10 years. What wonderful people in Havana , Santa clara , vinales, Santiago .......met so many groups - politically and socially. So welcoming and facilitating. Will be back soon
Sheila O'Sullivan (Ireland)
Thank you for you inspiration , your words, your bravery and dedication not only to cuba but to the world
Nina. Blodau (Ireland)
Solo il tuo corpo si è assentato. Il tuo spirito è ancora qui, con noi che ti abbiamo amato, che ti amiamo e che continueremo ad amarti. Patria o Muerte. Hasta la Victoria Siempre nuestro Comandante.
Flavio Carnio (Italy)
Descansa en paz Comandante, los jóvenes seguirmeos y mantendremos firmes tus ideales y lucharemos por lograr un mundo mejor.
Yuneysi Ramírez hermida (Cuba)
Fidel seguirá viviendo en los millones de hombres y mujeres que en el mundo luchamos por la paz, la justicia social, los derechos humanos esenciales, en primer lugar la vida y la dignidad. Sus ideas, su ejemplo, sus enseñanzas se multiplicarán.
Edda (Cuba)
Fidel Castro a truly great Revolutionary Leader and Statesman- RIP.His Name and Memory will be indelibly etched among the Great Political Helmsmen.
Cyril Green-Thompson (United Kingdom)
Dorothea Hilbig (Germany)
A great loss to Cuba and the world; hasta la revolucion
Anthony David Urwin (United Kingdom)
Dear comrade fidel castro , thank you for gave me understand of revolutionary education , your spirit is very warmly and calmly, I admire you for bashing bourgeoisie of imperialist captialists , you have my respect and my honor thank you
Kenny Paaloalo (United States of America)
Papageorgiou KOnstantinos (Greece)
Jillian Shaw (United Kingdom)
Desmond haughey (United Kingdom)
My deepest condolences are with the people of Cuba in this time of great loss. But this great loss does not have to signify the loss of which Cubans have achieved. I know the Cuban people have the strength and the passion to continue to defiantly show the world that another way is possible. You are a shining light and many millions the world over are proud of your bravery and your dedication to aiding those in need the world over and stabding against oporession where ever it may occour. Viva las personas de Cuba!!
Joseph Janczak (United Kingdom)
¡Que Viva Fidel! ¡Que viva Raéordm;l! ¡Que viva Cuba y su Revolución!
Paul O'Hanlon (United Kingdom)
..firm, too firm sometimes, maybe, but effective in many of the noble goals, and loved by generations
Beate Zilversmidt (Israel)
RIP Fidel Castro
Gail Lynch (United Kingdom)
sympathies from Scotland at the sad passing of such a great leader.
Stuart Ogston (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel Castro Lives On! Long Live Fidel Castro! The Revolution Lives On! The Ideals Live On!
Sooryakanth B (India)
¡Hasta la victoria contra los payasos Yanquis - Siga la lucha, Raéordm;l!
Michael Thornton (United Kingdom)
Salute Comrade Fidel! No words can define Fidel Castro. But i would like to say a great man like you will always be remember of all the revolutionaries. Thank you for all the inspiring and good things you've done in the world. You are a great and true Revolutionary! ViVa Fidel Castro! Viva Komunista!
Maestro Reyalidad PKP1930 (Philippines)
Comrade Fidel Castro will forever live in harts and mind of progresive peoples in the world!
Milen Iliev (Bulgaria)
Hiciste bien a la patria Fidel
Yasmary (Cuba)
Revolutionary greetings to the resilient Cuban people - I extend my most sincere condelences and deepest sympathies to your people in this time of mourning, after the death of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. He has lived and died for the people, and shown that another world is possible. From the belly of the beast of US imperialism, hasta la victoria siempre!
Danya Zituni (United States of America)
Vino Bastian (India)
Ojalá en mi país..con mucha gente que pasa mucha hambre...frío y lo que se puede pensar .de palabra pobre..hay personas como fuiste téordm;.Hasta Siempre
Nicoleta Stefan (Romania)
Hoy estamos de luto el pueblo gatifuna de Honduras.. Hoy estamos fe luto con el alma y corazón lleno de agradecimiento con el comandante en jefe Fidel Castro. Un líder.. Ahora somos lo que somos gracias a ka Revolución Cubana... Hasta siempre comandante..
Ana Patricia Mejía Bernardez (Honduras)
In solidarity with the Cuban people!
Philip Gauthier (Canada)
Bill Lavender (United Kingdom)
We are saddened at the passing of our great revolutionary leader but he will always live on in our hearts and in all our struggles to create a better world, a truly communist world.
Michael Colley (United Kingdom)
You've lost a great leader, but the spirit of the Cuban revolution and Socialism is alive and well in all of you! Solidarity from the belly of the beast, and know that we're fighting for you and for socialism here! Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Michela Martinazzi (United States of America)
Haste Siempra Fidel. Rest in Power.
Lisa Taylor (United Kingdom)
Your revolutionary example will continue to inspire new generations long after imperialism is buried.
Giles Shorter (United Kingdom)
Martin caddel (Ireland)
A patriot who freed his nation and people from a fascist dictator. Rest in peace mi amigo!
James Caldwell (United Kingdom)
FIDEL...A solitary conductor of an orchestra of Gods...heartfelt condolence
RavindranKv (India)
¡Hasta siempre, querido y admirado comandante! A nosotros nos queda seguir luchando por su legado y por la revolución. ¡Gloria eterna!
Humberto Robles (Mexico)
Rest in peace Fidel my sincere condolences to your family and the Cuban nation at this sad time.
William Kelly (United Kingdom)
Con todo el dolor del mundo te digo adiós, mi querido Comandante Fidel. Fuiste un ejemplo en vida, y tu recuerdo será siempre una guía para quienes buscamos un mundo más justo. ¡Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Héctor Bermejo Mart&Atild (Spain)
Rest in power, Comrade. Your revolutionary fervor lives on in us. Your example will inspire more to come. Cuba will live forever. Solidarity with the Cuban people, from Tampa, Florida. Viva Cuba!
Elizabeth Kramer (United States of America)
Fidel Castro has passed away, but still he is Presente! He lives on in the political action and participation of the Cuban people at every level of society, in the proud refusal to submit to the bullying of US imperialism and its allies, in the solidarity you show in deeds to other suffering peoples, in your creativity and inventiveness in the face of the economic blockade and the hardships it brings, and in your creation of a socialist society that strives for social justice for all. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Helen Colley (United Kingdom)
Morir por la patria es vivir. Fidel vivió y murió defendiendo a su pueblo y su patria. Hasta la victoria siempre. VIVA FIDEL!!!!
Yendy García (Cuba)
Comandante he decidido no estar triste ya que para mi no has muerto ahora formas parte de mi, y vivirás eternamente en mis pensamientos, mis principios, mis ideas. Gracias por tu dignidad, gracias por tu rifle fiel, por tu pluma y tu papel, por tu ingle de varón. Gracias por tu corazón. ¡Gracias por todo Fidel!.
Danis Carlos Chaviano Jiménez (Cuba)
Yoelmis Compte (Cuba)
Hasta siempre mi comandante.
José Carlos PÃ& (Cuba)
Rey Luis Ramirez Rodriguez (Cuba)
En solidaridad con el pueblo Cubano y nuestro lider internacionalista, Comandante Fidel, besos y abrazos siempre. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Miguel Lopez (United States of America)
Febin Ihsan (India)
Red salute Com. Fidel
ANIL V (India)
Comandante...Lamento, no haberlo conocido..Gracias por sus movimientos y valentia...
Jose Bou (Puerto Rico)
El comandante, thank you.
Kierin Offlands (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel Castro, Thank you for serving as an inspiration to us, the Filipino communists. Your life experiences and ideologies will serve as one of our guiding principles in achieving liberty from modern colonisation. Your death doesn't mean everything's over instead it is just the beginning of series of revolutions against capitalists, foreign policies and corrupt states. My condolences to all most especially to your family. We are one with you, comrade.
Esperanza Libertad (Philippines)
Estarás conmigo siempre !!!
Iván Gonzéie (Brazil)
My condolances to a strong revolutionary,a leader and a warrior, and a man who fought against oppression not just of his country, no man is all of anything. rest in peace.
maureen jean-jacques (United Kingdom)
My heart weeps with the loss of a true global icon, people's leader and truth-teller. Sharing the pain of the Cuban people at losing the father of their nation - who will live forever in the mouths of the people of the world. Only saints and sinners do. And El Presidente has chosen his path deliberately, consciously and without hesitation. His life is a lesson not only for people across the world, but for leaders everywhere. I wish, when the tears have dried up, when the shock and sadness subside, we can remain united in our celebration that 'once there was Fidel', in our aspiration to speak truth even when it is inconvenient and unpopular, and in being selfless servants of mankind. Hasta Siempre, el Comandante! Hasta la victoria, siempre! #IAmFidel
Faizal Daniels (South Africa)
Comandante en jefe, no has muerto, vives en todos los cubanos y en la revolucion que hiciste y que continuaremos por siempre. Hasta la victoria siempre. ¡¡¡¡¡VIVA FIDEL, VIVA LA REVOLUCION CUBANA, PATRIA O MUERTE VENCEREMOS!!!!
Alejandro vera benavides (Cuba)
RIP to a one of the greatest men of the 20th century. A huge inspiration to me for his determined resistance of the oppressor to protect the people of Cuba. I hope his legacy endures.
James Reece (United Kingdom)
Fidel vive eternamente, héroe de la revolución.
Ruby (United Kingdom)
Jack Callen (United Kingdom)
The Cuban people through their revolution have shown us what it truly means to be human. May we rediscover our humanity before the capitalist system destroys us all.
Mike Magee (United Kingdom)
Fidel, el hombre más grande del siglo XX y mi ejemplo a seguir en todos los aspectos. Nunca saldrás de nuestros corazones
Yoel Hernández Camejo (Cuba)
Farewell people's commandent. You will be remembered forever, as long as mankind exists. Your true spirit of internationalism will inspire generations to come. We will keep the flag of anti-imperialist struggle aloft. Viva Fidel, viva revolution
P.M.Sidharthan (India)
Cuba may not have much besides its people, but at least it puts its people first, thanks in no small part to Fidel Castro; RIP.
Shaun Blake (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Eduardo Carmona Miranda (Cuba)
Thank you for living the life that you did.
Shaun Hague (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a great leader, visionary and an example to many like me. He will be missed but his legacy will live on.
Joe Marino (United Kingdom)
we will carry on your fight !
Ralf Mehlstaeubler (Germany)
Carry on in Peace Fidel in your next life. A true Proctor of Citizens of Cuba from the Western Mafia/USA
John Hodge (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Te defenderemos
Enier Molina Ramirez (Cuba)
Viva castro
Janice page (United Kingdom)
Descansa en paz comandante :(
Lorna Rolim (Portugal)
Red Salute El Comandante. One day, I hope to visit your Cuba and pay my respects.
Joby Thomas (United Kingdom)
Commandante, like a signpost on a dark and lonely road, seemingly insignificant, yet pointing the way, and telling us how far we have yet to go, THE PEOPLE WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!
Chawki Irving (United States of America)
I express my solidarity with the Cuban citizens who chose to support their leade against all odds posed by the biggest bully in the world who happened to be their next door neibour. I express my sincere condolences during the sad moments of his demise. I wish Cuba best of future and while not bowing before the war monger USA as it always stood 'face up' under the leadership of Castro.
kanwal dhaliwal (United Kingdom)
Manfred Wolter (Germany)
An inspiration to so many around the world. Viva la revolution x
Steve Holland (United Kingdom)
Never gone and never forgotten. A true hero of the international proletariat. Siempre en nuestros corazones. Viva Fidel. Viva el pueblo. Viva la revoluction. Hasta siempre.
Vivek Chaudhary (United Kingdom)
He fought for justice and freedom for all, against privileges of rich and powerful. Rest in peace Fidel
The death of Fidel struck me hard. I want to send my condolences to his family, his people and all mankind, although I´m missing the proper words. He was truly essential to the cause, we will always miss his voice in the burning jungle of capitalism. Nils
Nils Leufke (Germany)
A truly inspirational leader. His critics forget how awful Cuba was before 1959 and ignore the huge good done by Cuba worldwide. They also ignore the achievements in health and education and the economic burdens of the childish US sanctions regime.
Derek Janes (United Kingdom)
Sean kelly (Ireland)
RIP.You have proved that there is another future where the best quality health care and education is accessible to all from the cradle to the grave
Michele Marshall (United Kingdom)
Fidel thank you for your inspiration. The struggle will continue, you have shown us another world is possible. Long live the Revolution.
Mike Osment (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante Fidel! RIP
Barry (United Kingdom)
Yamile Pupo Leyva (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Abrar Ahmed (United Kingdom)
Your spirit and hopes and dreams will continue to live on in people around the world who want a fairer world for all. codladh sámh Comandante.
Marie-Claire Milliken (Ireland)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Berit Margrete Kjécedil;lhaug (Norway)
Luke Nicholas (United Kingdom)
If only more world leaders were like you, the world would be a far better, happier place. Your strength, resilience and determination throughout your life's struggles are things to marvel at. May you rest in peace and never be forgotten. Solidarity always, from Scotland.
Barry Cowan (United Kingdom)
I send my condolences to my comrades in Cuba after we lost such a great man. It will be difficult but we must build on his great legacy. RIP Commandante.
Thomas Flanagan (United Kingdom)
Soy médica cubana cumpliendo mision en Brasil.Quiero agradecer a todas las personas en el mundo entero que han demostrado su admiracion y respeto hacia nuestro lider.Los cubanos sabremos mantener el ejemplo de Fidel y continuar con Revolucion.Viva Fidel!!!
Kenia Gomez Hernandez (Cuba)
I am grateful to Fidel Castro & the Cuban people for solidarity in the fight against apartheid, the defeat of the racist South African defense force at Cuito Cuinavale was a turning point in the defeat of apartheid. Cuba's relationship with Africa has always been on the ground of mutual respect; no stealing of Africa's resources, no enslavement, no destruction of the environment and no unfair economic 'deals'. Thank you also for the medical support, like the hundreds of doctors sent to help during the recent Ebola crisis and for the hundreds of doctors supporting our underserved rural health sector in South Africa. These commitments to humanity thrived under Fidel's leadership and I hope will continue into the future. Please don't take your successes for granted. Here, in South Africa, we have a long way to go with the biggest inquality in the world. Even today one of the local city counsillors in Cape Town is advocating a campaign against the city's homeless, those 4000 people living on the streets...she asks residents not to put their rubbish bins out too early so the poor do not have a chance to go through the rubbish "to have a buffet" style meal. Unfortunately the horrific treatment of the poor continues world-wide with govts & state institutions pandering to the big corporations and to the rich. The worlds leaders are spineless and lack moral courage in talking truth to power and in standing for principle e.g against the unfair, criminal trade embargo against your country. In Fidel Castro we have at least one example of an international statesman who lived his committment to his people and his principles. I am truly sorry for our loss. Hasta siempre Comandante! Hasta la victoria siempre!
Sandhya (South Africa)
Sorry to hear the death of my inspirational hero who survived over 50 years of USA agression
Paddy Mulhern (Ireland)
Maivis Liu (Cuba)
Farewell to a true Socialist,
John and Lesley Major (United Kingdom)
'200 million children sleep tonight on the streets - none is Cuban.' What an epitaph for a man who filled his boots. Rest in power, Fidel; your memory is for a blessing to us.
Christina (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandande Fidel, tu eres me idol politico
Roger Lécedil;véye (Norway)
Maria Osorio-Catalan (Australia)
Morris Williams (United Kingdom)
My solidarity goes out to all people in Cuba and across the world who join together to remember Fidel. As a 13 year old boy in 1976 I was inspired by the Cuban Internationalist Volunteers in Angola who help avenge the school students massacred by the Apartheid regime in SOWETO. I became a conscious internationalist and revolutionary. I witnessed first hand the capacity of the Cuban Revolution to adapt and the resilience of Cuban people when I lived and worked in Cuba during the Special Period in 1991/92. Today across the globe millions of people still see Cuba as a beacon of hope. We thank Fidel for his contribution and send our condolences to his family, loved ones and comrades. !A sus ordenes comandante!#HastaSiempreFidel
Mark Anthony France (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre commandate Fidel!
Schmit Mike (Luxembourg)
Hasta siempre
Alberto Salazar (Cuba)
In times of hunger, homelessness, poor healthcare and illiteracy you were a beacon of hope, you inspired nations, leaders and people like me. Although your body will no longer walk this earth, your message will and it'll change the lives of many daily. If it wasn't for you Cuba would be run by despots, Latin America would have no one to help them and I would have no one to say he made it work, he put the needs of the many first so why can't we! You will never be forgotten, never lost in time and yes, commandante history will absolve you. Rest in peace Comrade. Your ever faithful brother, Brent Johnston Patria O Muerte
Brent Johnston (United Kingdom)
Se fue físicamente pero quedó el espíritu en todos nosotros, todos los cubanos somos Fidel
Luis Valdes Villamil (Cuba)
A sad loss. The world has lost a giant, but his legacy lives on.
Chris Jones (United Kingdom)
Fantastic leader who stood up to the school bully all his life. Admired from scotland.
Eddie Lamb (United Kingdom)
Dear Fidel, you and your brave comrades with your revolutionary determination remain one of the shining lights and encouraging examples in a fairly desasterous world of today
Norbert Andersch (Italy)
Hasta siempre comandante. Descansa en paz. Tu pueblo te quizo, te quiere y te querra.
Lidania Somoano (Cuba)
A true champion of social justice. Venceramos Viva Socialismo. " If we have a little we share a little, if we have a lot we share a lot, but what we have we share!" My experience in the Solidarity movement, in visiting Cuba over 20 times, and supporting the work on medical aid for Cuba, shone a bright light in a dark world.
Rob Quick (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre...
Seamas Carraher (Ireland)
Big loss to the world. Fidel inspired me and countless others to strive for a better more equal world
Nelly Takla-Wright (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victória sempre mi comandante
Yoel Rosales salina (Cuba)
My condolences on the loss of your leader of so many years. May you continue as a proud and respected people.
Joyce Parkes (Ireland)
David Frevola (Canada)
Ich werde Dich niemals vergessen. Du wirst mir immer ein Vorbild sein
Reinhard Grunert (Germany)
Farewell Comandante!
Silvia Pena (United States of America)
Solo puedo en una fecha como esta y bajo un dolor como este, decirte Gigante que no daré reposo a mi alma ni descanso a mi brazo en esta lucha por los que nada tienen, por los pobres de la tierra. Esa será, ahora con más brío, mi causa. !Hasta siempre!
Reynier Limonta (Cuba)
Long live Cuba. Viva Cuba
Andrew (United Kingdom)
La desaparición física de Fidel Castro no puede significar que Cuba pierda lo conquistado.No dejéis que retroceda de nuevo a los tiempos de Batista.La lucha sigue fortaleciendo la democracia en el país a través de sus instituciones que impidan que los especuladores hagan mercado con la gente.
eva (Spain)
Maivis (Cuba)
Mhuire Conbhuide (Ireland)
thank you Fidel, you inspired me and countless more that a better world is possible.
Marem Szyler (Australia)
Thank you Comandante Fidel for leaving this world A MUCH BETTER PLACE than how you entered it. Thank you for studying revolutionaries before you like Jose Marti and Antonio Maceo and Mariana Grajales. Thank you for organizing at the Moncada barracks in 1953. Thank you for organizing AGAINST puppet leadership in your country and forging a new society that prioritizes schools and hospitals instead of prisons and juvenile detention centers. Thank you for supporting Thomas Sankara. Thank you for fighting against U.S. imperialism in Angola and South Africa, Zimbabwe and the Congo. Thank you for your revolutionary government sending doctors to New Orleans in 2005. Thank you for your recorded conversations about religion with Frei Betto. Thank you for sending more doctors to Haiti than any other nation. Thank you for your revolutionary government sending more doctors across the world and for reminding us how to heal ourselves. Thank you for ALWAYS telling the truth about Zionism. Thank you for describing the unfortunate choice of larger countries to collaborate with Nazi forces to support repressive military dictatorships across the world. Thank you for honoring your African heritage. Thank you for spreading peace across the world and always always diligently helping to defend the defenseless in the world. We see you, we love you and appreciate you. Thank you. -RF.
Rhone Fraser, Ph.D. (United States of America)
The Revolutionary might die but they will never kill T he Revolution. Hasta La Victoria Siempre Comrade.
Michael Bennett (United Kingdom)
Commandante y Jefe RIP - History will absolve you
Richard Hardy (United Kingdom)
Siento profundamente la pérdida de este gran hombre, líder, estadísta, etc. que supo como llevar a su país fuera de las garras de imperialismo. Y como dijo el Che, HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!!!!
Carmen Mendoza (Mexico)
I was in Havana in 2006 when you fell ill. The people were grief stricken. They held genuine love for you. Rest in peace Fidel last of the great revolutionaries
Colin paterson (United Kingdom)
Es dificil decir algo de Fidel y mas en estas circunstancias cuando se supone una partida que es siempre fisica, pero no espirutual . Fidel estas con nosotros siempre.
Manuel (Cuba)
Eterno Comandante, su ejemplo y sus ideas, son y serán por siempre, el más vivo refleje de su pueblo. Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Sixto Pentón (Cuba)
Very sad time for all those who strive for a fairer World, social justice and International Solidarity with people struggling against oppression.
steven walker (United Kingdom)
Ellen Coyle (United Kingdom)
Tom Parkinson (United Kingdom)
Allan Frewin (United Kingdom)
Please accept my most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. My thoughts are with the people of Cuba. Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Halil Emre Zeybek (Turkey)
Aun no puedo creer que Fidel halla muerto. Cuando me dieron la noticia me estremecí, un vacío recorrió toda mi pensamiento... !Hasta siempre comandante!!!
Elianet Medina Abreu (Cuba)
Toda Cuba y el mundo lo llora la perdida fisica de nuestro querido Fidel, pero a la vez estamos inmensamente agradecidos porque a lo largo de estos 90 años hemos tenido junto a nosotros a este inmenso y colosal hombre que al lado de nuestro pueblo y la Revolución se hicieron de un lugar y de un momento en la historia de la humanidad. Te vamos a extrañar mucho querido Comandante, y por siempre viviran eternamente en cada uno de nosotros, seguiremos adelante esta Revolución que téordm; has construido con los pobres y humildes seguros de que esa luz nos seguira guiando para construir un mundo mejor. Fidel es un gigante, en el se reune la expresion mas alta de un ser humano y se convirtio en una leyenda no solo para los cubanos sino para el mundo, Fidel no ha muerto, seguira vivo y su imagen se convertira en un simbolo de todos los oprimidos de este mundo, perdurara en el tiempo y cuando se escriba la historia de este siglo ahi estar Fidel representando las clases mas oprimidas. "Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante" has desaparecido fisicamente pero hoy han surgido 10 millones de comandantes que seguiremos tu ejemplo.
Emilio Martinez Fernandez (Cuba)
REd salute Comandante
Jemrell Marcelino (Philippines)
Siempre te recordaremos
Dylan García Aponte (Cuba)
You gave the world hope that they too could stand up against imperialist and commercial powers. Your bravery in the face of aggression directed at you personally and the Cuban People should continue to inspire the next generation in the fight against the neo-liberal Capitalists. Viva Fidel, Viva Cuba.
Neil Holden (United Kingdom)
Peter Matthews (United Kingdom)
What a greatloss to us He left a better Cuba.
James Mc Auley (United Kingdom)
A Leader in solidarity, his memory will live on amongst international socialists.
Kevin Patrick Morgan (United Kingdom)
You will be sadly missed. A great revolutionary and leader. An example to everyone throughout the world.
Barry Clark (United Kingdom)
for ever: comrade communist
brockmann, beate (Germany)
Happy thay Fidel Castro was able to outwit the CIA and successive American presidents and wish to visit your beautiful country and culture one day and hope it continues with new leader
Aine Daly (Ireland)
Red Salute Comrade!
mark lotivio (Philippines)
I am impresioned to all solidarity with my people. Fidel will be join us forever.
Nelson Posada Martínez (Cuba)
We salute the life and legacy of comrade Fidel Castro, and we stand by the Cuban people as they continue along the socialist path.
Edinburgh branch of the Communist Partty of Britai (United Kingdom)
Bro RogerCement,Canadian by birth,Cuban Communist by choice, died in Havana in 2016. He will enjoy debating Orwell & Chomsky with Fidel over a hand rolled Cuban while the struggle continues for those left behind.
Cameron 4 Brother Roger Clement (Canada)
A beacon of hope is gone but your light shines on. "Fidel, Fidel, los pueblos te agradecen palabras en acción y hechos que cantan, por eso desde lejos te he traído una copa del vino de mi patria: es la sangre de un pueblo subterráneo que llega de la sombra a tu garganta, son mineros que viven hace siglos sacando fuego de la tierra helada. Van debajo del mar por los carbones Y cuando vuelven son como fantasmas: se acostumbraron a la noche eterna, les robaron la luz de la jornada y sin embargo aquí tienes la copa de tantos sufrimientos y distancias: la alegría del hombre encarcelado, poblado por tinieblas y esperanzas que adentro de la mina sabe cuándo llegó la primavera y su fragancia porque sabe que el hombre está luchando hasta alcanzar la claridad más ancha. Y a Cuba ven los mineros australes, los hijos solitarios de la pampa, los pastores del frío en Patagonia, los padres del estaño y de la plata, los que casándose con la cordillera sacan el cobre de Chuquicamata, los hombres de autobuses escondidos en poblaciones puras de nostalgia, las mujeres de campos y talleres, los niños que lloraron sus infancias: ésta es la copa, tómala, Fidel. Está llena de tantas esperanzas que al beberla sabrás que tu victoria es como el viejo vino de mi patria: no lo hace un hombre sino muchos hombres y no una uva sino muchas plantas: no es una gota sino muchos ríos: no un capitán sino muchas batallas. Y están contigo porque representas todo el honor de nuestra lucha larga y si cayera Cuba caeríamos, y vendríamos para levantarla, y si florece con todas sus flores florecerá con nuestra propia savia. Y si se atreven a tocar la frente de Cuba por tus manos libertada encontrarán los puños de los pueblos, sacaremos las armas enterradas: la sangre y el orgullo acudirán a defender a Cuba bienamada." Pablo Neruda, Canción de gesta, 1960
Daniel Gregory (United Kingdom)
No hay palabras para expresar la grandeza de este hombre, siempre lo recordaremos como el amigo de todos, el defensor de los mas pobres, de los desposeidos, de los mas debiles, hombre inteligente, culto, capaz de prevenir, los cubanos hoy estamos tristes porque llego el momento de su partida fisica, pero nos quedo su legado, sus principios que vamos a seguir al pie de la letra. Adiós amigo, descansa en paz.
Idania Valle (Cuba)
Tu grandeza infinita seguirá trascendiendo la historia universal. Te amo y te amaré hasta la eternidad. Téordm; y Chávez nuestros Gigantes... Hasta la Victoria siempre... Venceremos
Zulaiba Delgado (Venezuela)
Hasta la Victoria, siempre Comrade
Paul Worsley (United Kingdom)
Que grande fuiste, eres, Comandante. Inolvidable tu mensaje de solidaridad entres las naciones.
Ann Wright (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace, comrade
Christine Rogers (United Kingdom)
A great leader, who defined an era of anti-Colonial struggle, has passed away. His Legacy will live on.
Hans Olav Brendberg (Norway)
Quite simply the greatest leader in history.
Colum Thompson (Ireland)
Un abraso comandante, su ejemplo es y será un paradigma en mi vida.
Carlos Rafael Berméordm;dez Soto (Cuba)
No diré que has muerto, diré que vives eternamente en la historia y en la memoria de todos los cubanos. Cuba existe por ti, Cuba es libre por ti. Eres y serás siempre nuestro motor impulsor. Hasta la Victoria, Siempre!!!
Dairelys García (Cuba)
Quiero transmitir mis condolencias a los familiares, amigos cercanos y pueblo de Cuba que lo respeta y lo ama porque en todas partes se siente, ese es Fidel, el de hoy, el de siempre, está en nosotros y nos toca a nosotros continuarlo, mantenerlo vivo, cabalgar con él. Porque Fidel es Fidel siempre, por siempre, hasta la victoria que ya es suya!
Arlety García Garca (Cuba)
Hasta siempre, Comandante ...
Abdulraheem Jacob (United Kingdom)
hasta simpre comandante cuenta conmigo para seguir su ejemplo patria o muerte venceremos hasta la victoria siempre
esmircy jimenez centeno (Brazil)
Liberation calls on the USA to return the occupied land at Guantanamo Bay and end the the immoral blockade of Cuba now
Margaret Bowden (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante
Ronney (Cuba)
Stina ekvall (Sweden)
Long live Commandante. The world's the poorer by your demise. Pass our regards to Che. Until victory always.
Inyangala Dennis (Kenya)
RIP Fidel. Viva Cuba
Cathy Page (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel, Viva Cuba
Philip McCowen (United Kingdom)
LindaMaria Pagan (United Kingdom)
Thanks for proving to me that there is an alternative worth fighting for and being an inspiration in so many of our lives. Hasta Siempre Comandante. Socialismo O Muerte.
Jordan Turner (United Kingdom)
Descansa en Paz Papá Fidel
Marelis (Cuba)
Somos energía. Nos transformamos.
Lombardo. (Colombia)
Juan Carlos Antuña S&At (Spain)
David Rochester (United Kingdom)
Con tu ejemplo seguiremos adelante Comandante, el pueblo de CUBA VENCERA!!
FidelSiempre (Cuba)
What a life to celebrate!
Fidel played the central role in mobilising the Cuban toilers to overthrow capitalism, lay the foundations of a socialist economy and institutionalise workers democracy. It is this that has made possible Cuba’s world-renowned health care system, education for life, its universal social security system, and the capacity to withstand the devastating economic shocks, especially the draconian US economic blockade.
Fidel’s commitment to internationalism never waivered – and lives on in Cuba today based on the principle that “we don’t give what we have left over; we share what we have.”
What a contrast Cuba presents to the ruthless predatory system of capitalism, exemplified by the world’s final Empire. As the imperialist world order falls apart, the example of revolutionary Cuba brings forth fear and hatred from liberal democratic governments throughout the world, articulated by the bourgeois media’s slanderous response to Fidel’s death.
The best we can do in honour of Fidel’s life is to follow the course he set and help overthrow the dictatorship of capital here in the UK. End the Blockade! US out of Guantanamo!
Brian Grogan (United Kingdom)
Descansa en paz Commandante Fidel ! Gracias por su apoyo incondicional a las poblaciones pobres de Haiti a traves del fantastico trabajo de sus brigadas de medicos desde varios anos ! Siempre estara vivo en nuestra corazon !!! 1LOVE
Jean -Frederic Theodore (Haiti)
I have never wept for the death of a world leader until Fidel Castro passed away. My support is always with the people of Cuba facing this huge and most painful loss
Chris (United Kingdom)
No me uno en un sentimiento solidario de dolor, porque es un dolor propio el que siento en el corazón. Crecí viendo la admiración de mi padre (otro hombre extraordinario y revolucionario) hacia Fidel, el Che, Camilo y a la revolución cubana; desde siempre me enseñaron a amar a esa pequeña isla que se enfrenta al imperio, siendo ejemplo de dignidad y solidaridad. Hasta siempre comandante, desde Ecuador te decimos ahora eres inmortal.
Eckhard Schmidt (Germany)
Yu are a giant of integrity... La Historia Te Absolvera...RIP Fidel ...
Giuliana (United Kingdom)
Anne martiniéuml;re (France)
Dear Vidal you r amar.lalsalam
AjayakumarTM (India)
An inspiration
JAMIE PIERI (United Kingdom)
"Basta ya de la ilusíon de que los problemas del mundo se puedan resolver con armas!" Ist ein eindringlicher Aufruf Fidels in seiner Rede vor der UN-Vollversammlung 1979. In unserer Welt sind wir noch über 30 Jahren noch weit davon entfernt. Gracias, Comandante Fidel por tu lucha; vamos a seguir! Venceremos! Antifaschistische Erholungs- und Begegnungsstécurren;tte
Bea Trampenau, Heinz Bartels ... (Germany)
c Battersby (United Kingdom)
Siempre vivirás en nuestros corazones. Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante...Te queremos
Liane Dianz Boza (Cuba)
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Hugh (United Kingdom)
Gloria eterna al cubano mas grande de los siglos XX y XXI. Viva Fidel
Gilberto Diaz Reyes (Cuba)
“Fidel Castro will be remembered as a giant among global leaders whose view was not only one of freedom for his people but for all of the oppressed and excluded peoples on the planet”, so said the President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins in an official press statement released in response to the announcement Fidel’s demise. Cuba Support Group Ireland is grateful to our President for his courage to release such a statement, but then, our president is a man of courage. And learning. And experience, especially when it comes to the affairs of Latin America. He has walked in solidarity with the victims of US imperialist aggression in many parts of the world, not least in Latin America. His words are balanced, measured, informed and appropriate. They are also in stark contrast to the ignorant utterances of other world leaders, not least the president-elect of the United States of America. For Cuba Support Group Ireland, Fidel was more than a great leader, Fidel was our guide to a better world. He has pointed the way ahead and explained the reasoning which informed his vision. It is now for us, his followers, to pick up his flag, the flag of justice, humanity and truth, and march on. Thank you, Fidel, for sharing with us a life of service, dedication, discipline and humanity. Patria o Muerte, Venceramos!
Cuba Support Group Ireland (Ireland)
madeline watson (United Kingdom)
Annamaria Temple (United Kingdom)
unido en el dolor y en el compromiso con cada cubano digno
marcello console (Italy)
Hasta la victoria Siempre "Comandate en Jefe ORDENE"
Antonio (Cuba)
Hasta siempre, compañero comandante!
Elizabeth Fierro Fredriksson (Sweden)
Has cumplido,camarada Fidel!
Belem Trompet (Spain)
viv acious (United Kingdom)
Los jovenes de hoy te decimos que seguiremos tu ejemplo y tu lucha para no ceder ante ninguna presión imperial. Porque fuistes guía, luz y maestro de generaciones, hoy somos un país gracias a que realizastes los sueños y las sideas de Martí. Porque eres el eterno Comandante nuestro y de muchos pueblos libertadores en este mundo tan dispar. Porque todos somos #Fidel, porque todos te debemos el existir cada día. LLoré con la noticia por dentro pero siento el deber de seguir luchadno todos los días por tu ejemplo. #HastasiempreComandante
Ronny Cabrera Rejo (Cuba)
Fidel was a giant among men and the greatest leader of the 20th century. RIP.
Alex McDonnell (United Kingdom)
A hero of our time
Tamar Sarfatti (Israel)
My deepest sympathy to all Cuban's following the death of El Comadante Fidel. He was a great revolutionary and leader and I hope that Cuba can move forward with your new leader and a new future with even more sucess as a nation. Viva Cuba, Viva Fidel!
Tania Bassett (United Kingdom)
En mi Isla inspirados en Su ejemplo, formate mo's nuestra concur cas, y construiremos el communising!
Susan Tranter (United Kingdom)
You were an inspirational figure to us
Barry Strain (Ireland)
My very condolence por la ausencia del commandane FIDEL CASTRO .
IOANNIS (Greece)
Fidel Castro was a man of conviction and courage who, with the Cuban people, stood up for the egalitarian system they were able to develop, against the might of US commercial and military opposition. I hope that long after his death that ideal will continue.
Malcolm Bates (United Kingdom)
Thank you for all that you did for the world which you leave abetter place!
Marty Noone (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante.
Camilo Lage (Spain)
Fidel taught the world that you can successfully stand up to western imperialism. He will alway be fondly remembered for that.
Martyn Rose (United Kingdom)
To the victory, always. Rest in peace comrade, the world has lost the most inspirational leader of the 20th century. You will never be forgotten.
Terry Goulding (United Kingdom)
¡Hasta Siempre commandante!
Jürgen Kelle (Germany)
Hoy y por siempre lloramos la perdida de nuestri invicto Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz, lo llevaremos por siempre en nuestros corazones lider encansable y unico en el mundo ejemplo de patriotismo, humanismo, independentismo, internacionalismo, padre, amigo y maestro mis más sinceras condolencias a familiares, amigos y pueblo cubano en general. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Yenifer López Sa&a (Cuba)
A towering figure with many achievements to his name, including that of high standards in health and education in Cuba, the dispatch of doctors and others to assist in fighting disease and health problems overseas, support for the struggle against apartheid and against the support of apartheid South Africa in Angola and many other achievements. I met Fidel on a number of occasions, leading delegations, etc., and he was a most impressive man.
Stan Newens, former MP, MEP and president of EP de (United Kingdom)
Se abrirán las amplias Alamedas, para dejar pasar al hombre libre! ,¡Hasta siempre comandante Fidel Castro!
Erika Lamig (Sweden)
El mundo ha perdido un pedacito de él, pero solo físicamente, porque Fidel siempre estará en el corazón de los cubanos...Hasta siempre COMANDANTE!!!!
Leduan B. Rosell Acosta (Cuba)
Viva the revolution!
Steve Jennings (United Kingdom)
I am sorry that you have lost such inspiration. I believe in the solidarity he showed. I like the equality he made between people. Congratulations on the literacy program and the ability to care for the population during really hard times. He supported you to help yourselves. He was like a father figure.
Harriet (United Kingdom)
As a 66 year old who had a Marxist father Fidel was a hero to us. I am sad at his death but proud to know that he lived so long.
John Lyn Evans (United Kingdom)
He lived according to the maxim that principles mean more than life itself and his revolutionary spirit, his humanity and his internationalism, will burn in the hearts of all who are striving for a better world and a human-centred society.
Roger Nettleship (United Kingdom)
subha chakraborty (India)
Fidel will be missed, but never forgotten. It's been an absolute honour to know off him, read about him and to write to him and to visit Cuba whilst he was in power. My only regret was to never meet my hero. I have a few signed postcards from el presidente,of which one takes pride on our wall. Venceremos
Jenny Bakhoff (United Kingdom)
Bernard (France)
#HastaSiempreComandante donde quiera que estés, #HastalaVictoriaSiempre
Yoesmel Ajete Rufín (Cuba)
Luehr Koch (Germany)
In the words of Haydee Santamaria when Battistas thugs were brutalising her brother and burning her with cigarettes, "He is not dead, to die for the fatherland is to live forever."
Murray Watt (United Kingdom)
In memory of a fighter for economic justice.
Graham (United Kingdom)
From an Irish Republican who has battled for many years against repression, I send my sincere condolences for Fidel. The man was an inspiration for me. Viva la Revolucion!!
Pascal O'Mahony (United Kingdom)
Mick Davies (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Sergio Bruno (Argentina)
We mourn the death of one of the greatest personalities of the twentieth century. Our second father. Cubans will continue to fight to keep their legacy alive. Hasta la Victoria siempre!!! Hasta siempre Comandante!!!
José Rafael Vega Silva (Cuba)
Heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Fidel Castro, may he rest in peace. He was a truly great man and my deepest regret is that I never got to meet him or visit Cuba while he still lived. Vaya con Dios.
Sara Browne (United Kingdom)
Ansar Ahmed Ullah (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel! La lucha continua!
Andrew Glen (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba
Sue Rees Farrell (United Kingdom)
A beacon of light, human flaws and all, in a world seemingly determined to crush humanity.
mike cowley (United Kingdom)
May I extend my deepest and most sincere condolences to the family of Fidel and to the people of Cuba on the death of this great man and leader of his country. I pray that the people will continue to work towards and consolidate the fair society that he fought for and strove to give them. He was an inspiration for all.
Heather Hollingworth (United Kingdom)
Querido Comandante en jefe, no encuentro palabras para expresar el inmenso dolor que siente mi corazón por tu partida, no obstante desde esta tierra distante donde me encuentro cumpliendo con una tarea asignada por nuestra Revolución y donde cada día trasmito de una forma u otra los valores q tu nos inculcaste, vengo a decirte Hasta La victoria siempre Comandante, cumpliste bien la obra de tu vida!!! Te amaremos por siempre los cubanos y también millones de otras tantas latidudes para asi inmortalizar tu paso por la vida, Patria o Muerte, Venceremos!!! Descansa en paz....
Yordanka Verdia Sánchez (Brazil)
This brave and great man will be sadly missed by his countrymen and women who understood the ideals that he fought for and the policies that he carried through in his country. It's so desperately sad that he was misrepresented and misunderstood by so many on a wider stage. RIP Fidel Castro
Steph Betton (United Kingdom)
If Cuba's socialism was the failure the media says it is, then why was the embargo and all the lies that accompany it necessary? The embargo was implemented BECAUSE imperialism know that socialism works.
Neil (United Kingdom)
Fidel's legacy to Cuba and the world is a first class health service for his people and its international outreach. Cuban culture is alive and well due in part to its citizens high rate of literacy and their creativity in the face of hardship caused by more than forty years of the US blockade. Adios Commandante! Viva la Revolucion! Cuba Libre!
Brian Massey (United Kingdom)
I would like to send my deepest sympathies to the people of Cuba on the very sad death of Comandante Fidel Castro. While we mourn his loss, we celebrate his many achievements in his tireless fight for social justice for all. Sus ideas y sus valores vivran siempre.
Pauline Harris (United Kingdom)
Long live Fidel
Peter Ivor Wilson (Australia)
Solidarity to all the workers in this unfair and uneven world!! The ideals and struggles of Che and Fidel, live, inspire us and guide us to the future! The future of the people!!
George (Greece)
Long live the freedom fighters against this mad capitalist world, may you rest in peace as you have earned it Fidel Castro
Allan Jones (Australia)
Ingrid Margareth Schanche (Norway)
What an inspirational man! He was the David to Goliath and his health service, education service, development of the arts, care for the environment to name just a few of his achievements have been unrivaled. I had he privileged to come to Cuba four time in the last 20 years and witnessed how much Fidel Castro was loved and respected by his people.Rest in peace.
Tina (United Kingdom)
Descansa en paz compañero Fidel. Su legado será eterno porque él cambió la historia, forjó un futuro diferente, con sus detractores y seguidores, pero sobre todo dio oportunidad a los más necesitados.
Roberto Tellez Ibarra (Cuba)
Solidarity from the Socialist Party in St.Helens Merseyside UK
Ian (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
David Rees (Ireland)
A great loss for humanity.
Lisa Zazzarino (United States of America)
Condolences to Fidel Castro and the cuban people from Sweden. The examples you set continue to inspire all over the world, and workers in countries will fight to defend and uphold your revolution. Rest in power commandante, history will absolve you. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Otto (Sweden)
Thanks Comrade! Hasta la Victoria! Siempre!
Tomas Widén (Sweden)
You stood and will always stand as a beacon for the rights of all humans against imperialism, war and injustice. A better world is possible and you showed that only we can create it. History and the worlds people have judged you and your inspiration will always be with us. Hasta Victoria siempre!
Maddy Nettleship (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the Cuban people at this time of great sadness, your strength and self belief will take you onwards.
Sarah Grant (United Kingdom)
a great comrade
william martin (United Kingdom)
Phil Archbold (Ireland)
In gratitude for a life of principle and supporting healthcare in many countries in need.
Gail Dunn (United Kingdom)
Mi más sentido pésame al pueblo cubano, por la pérdida de este GRAN Hombre, estadista y solidario con los más desfavorecidos.
Antonio Recio (Spain)
My condolences to a remakeable leader!
Lou Francavilla (Canada)
Fidel padre eterno. Te nos fuiste fisicamente pero nos queda el sabor de tu linda revolución, tus aportes a la cultura cubana, al deporte, al derecho a desarrollarnos como polo científico y ser una poténcía en la medicina entre otras cosas mas. Pero nos queda aun más tu coraje, por haber guiado esta isla amada durante tantos años y hallas demostrado al mundo que es isla es pequeña pero que jode, es envidiada en muchos aspectos. Nos dejaste tus cojones Comandante que con ellos no te pudieron tumbar, al contrario nos hiciste crecer como nación, como patria. Hoy estás junto al Ché, Chaves, Camilo, Allende, Kichner y tantos otros. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE MI COMANDANTE.
Yornel Reyes Wanton (Brazil)
A pesar del dolor sufrido en estos días, ahora me siento más tranquilo porque se que nuestro Comandante nos cuidará desde lejos sentado entre los grandes de la historia cómo merece. Descansa en paz Fidel, porque nosotros aquí seguiremos luchando y defendiendo la revolución cubana y sus ideales y valores que tu sembraste en el mundo entero. Gracias Fidel y...Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante!!! Alessandro Spann - Italia
Alessandro Spann (Italy)
Mis más sinceras condolencias asus familiares y amigos. Fidel podrá haber muerte en cuerpo, pero su legado es inmortal! Fidel Vive!
Alfredo Galano Loyola (Cuba)
With deep respect. Hasta Siempre Comandante. Venceremos!
Peter Pitt (Australia)
Echaste tu suerte con los pobres de la Tierra, querido compañero. Seguirás combatiendo desde otra trinchera eternamente vivo en la memoria de tu Pueblo, que no solo es tu GIGANTE CUBA sino el mundo entero. Gracias infinitas, compañero Fidel, por dejarnos tu gigante e imperecedera huella marcada en el camino para continuar en la lucha sin perder el norte. Tristes estos días, pero firmes, ¡SEGUIMOS EN COMBATE! ¡HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE, QUERIDO COMANDANTE!
Paco Azanza Telletxiki (Cuba)
Bert Hoflund (Sweden)
I hand the pleasure in visiting Cuba last year, what a beautiful Country with beautiful people. My thoughts are with his family and the Cuba people.
Diana Williams (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel for the inspiration you have given us socialists all over the world. I have visited Cuba with my family and on both occasions we have felt warmly welcomed.
Phyllis Mansfield (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel
Vincent Staal (Germany)
Fidel Castro a true fighter for the poor and the oppressed people throughout the world my thoughts are now with the people of Cuba Hasta La Victoria
leo thomson (United Kingdom)
¡Viva Fidel!
Julia (United Kingdom)
Gracias Comandante por el mensaje de esperanza en un futuro mas justo. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Meic Hanes (United Kingdom)
A truly great man has passed. He was a servant of the people of Cuba, improved their lives immeasurably, in the face of threats to his life and socialist programmes. He was also a true friend to peoples in Latin America and Africa who still struggle for true freedom. He will be sorely missed.
David (Netherlands)
I send my condolences to the people of Cuba in the loss of their President, Fidel Castro the last of the great revolutionaries and wish the people the very best in the future.
Chris White (Canada)
LA tristeza es inmensa. Es muy dificil saber que se ha ido un grande de todos los tiempos.Gracias Fidel por ensenarnos a vivir con dignidad y decoro. Patria o muerte.Venceremos
Alba Iris Asin Hernandez (Cuba)
Vale President Castro. Rest in peace xxx
June Elliott (United Kingdom)
Detlef Schwenzfeier (Germany)
Heidi Bern (Norway)
My sincere condolences to the family and people of Cuba. May Allah forever be pleased with Fidel Castro.
Michael Eley (United States of America)
My deepest condolences to the people of Cuba on their loss. Fidel will always live in our hearts and will be a beacon of hope for the oppressed of the world
Nicholas Roussos (Australia)
Vive la revolution! Siempre adelante!!!
Steve Garrett (United Kingdom)
On behalf of the members of a Newham Teachers' Association [NUT] to a heroic leader of the people of Cuba showing the best way to promote the life chances of the children of the world by eliminating child illiteracy in his country.
Secretary Newham NUT (United Kingdom)
Querido Fidel, padre: NO alcanzaría todo el amor del mundo para devolverte el que téordm; nos diste, pero sí alcanzaría para mantenerte vivo por siempre, atesorar tu legado y continuar tu obra. Hasta Siempre Comandante!!! Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!! Comandante en Jefe: ORDENE!!!
Clara Fonseca Gómez (Cuba)
a great comrade one of the best. loved his country. viva fidel.
stewart emms (Bulgaria)
My deepest condolences to the Castro family and the people of Cuba. Perfection can never be attainable in the face of hostility but greatness comes from those who strive to make it so and make home in the rubble of your house.
Grant Paterson (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace, Fidel, and long live the revolution.
Matt (United Kingdom)
Always in our hearts
Mary Beaman (United Kingdom)
Fidel will always be one of the most important and inspirational socialist to me and my family. The International socialist movement in general and the working class in particular has lost a great revolutionary leader. May you R.I.P my dear comrade.
Melvyn Battersby (United Kingdom)
A brave man who stood against US imperialism for so many years.
Linda rigby (United Kingdom)
Condolences for the loss of a great humanitarian and leader!
MaggieChetty (United Kingdom)
Stay strong and remember him well
Catherine Davies (United Kingdom)
Really sorry to hear the news about Fidel he was an inspiration.
tony woods (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro left a heritage of political and philosofic thoughts that should be viewed as valid and true beyond time - all in the best of humanity.
Ottar Lystad (Norway)
May he rest in peace and may history give him the credit he deserves for all the good he has enabled in this world.
Anne Gorton (United Kingdom)
Fidel - Presente !!! Forever.
Petra Leonartz (Germany)
To all Cubans, my family is in morning like you at the great loss of a revolutionary, innovator and fierce opponent of capitalism. What a great man, what he has achieved in Cuba even though the Americans have had their embargo, beggars belief. The world will be a poorer place for his passing but his legacy will be with Cuba and other countries for decades or longer. R.I.P. FIDEL.
Trevor Zeltner (Australia)
Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante Fidel!
Annolies Truman (Australia)
A great man of strength and inspiration, genuinely loved by his supporters. The world seems less safe with his passing.
Margaret McGuinness (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba!
Stuart McGuinness (United Kingdom)
Gerry McGarvey (United Kingdom)
Death is inevitable but Fidel Castro is eternal in the hearts of the people across the world who understand just how important what he and Che did to counter the evil of American Imperialism. I have to say I have cried since I heard the news as I felt like a member of my family had passed away. This man was an inspiration to me since I was a child. Viva Cuba!. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Peter Wilson (Finland)
Condolences to the family, comrades and friends of Fidel.
Paul Scarrott (United Kingdom)
Stuart Holt (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an inspiration to many, especially those accused of paranoia. He thought someone wanted to kill him, and he was absolutely right about that. No-one is immortal, but he had a good innings. Hasta siempre, Fidel Castro.
Madeleine Ruehl (United Kingdom)
R.I.P Fidel Castro, Hasta La Victoria Siempre..
Raymond Atkins (United Kingdom)
Jane McIver (United Kingdom)
Herbert Steffes (Germany)
peter leeftink (Netherlands)
hasta siempre Comandante...
susana nalda (Argentina)
Auch weiterhin Solidaritécurren;t mit dem sozialistischen Kuba
Walter Hilbig (Germany)
Thank you for everything you achieved for you all and RIP.
Joo Ennis (United Kingdom)
It's a great loss, who has fought for ordinary people all his life for a better future. RIP Castro
Shaukat Dhali (United Kingdom)
Que en Paz descanse COMANDANTE.
Tomas Sotolongo Fuentes (Belgium)
Inevitable,but goodbye to the greatest man of the 20th Century
Dai Davies (United Kingdom)
Rest In Peace Fidel
Ted Kenny (Ireland)
Brian Penney (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Unite NW/64 Branch (United Kingdom)
HOY MAS QUE NUNCA AUNQUE NOS EMBARGA UN GRAN DOLOR RATIFICAMOS TUS PALABRAS DE QUE:«Nacimos en un país libre que nos legaron nuestros padres, y primero se hundirá la Isla en el mar antes que consintamos en ser esclavos de nadie».
Andy Miller (United Kingdom)
Katia (Brazil)
We have lost one of the world's true heroes. RIP Fidel.
Gary Keary (United Kingdom)
Mi mas sentido pésame a la familia de Fidel, al pueblo y al gobierno cubanos y a todos los pueblos de latinoamérica y del mundo que luchan por la justicia, por su verdadera independencia y por su dignidad. Ha muerto un líder histórico e inspirador, un ser humano que dedicó su vida a la lucha por sus ideales que son los ideales de los mas pobres y desprotegidos. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE COMPAñERO!
Dr Tomás Rosenbaum (United Kingdom)
"The good die young".In the case of Fidel, for sure, it's not like that. I hope and wish that also in the future this great hero will be honoured in the best way i.e. by the real politics of the state of Cuba.
Hans-Joachim Kahlke (Germany)
"...La muerte no es verdad cuando se ha cumplido bien la obra de la vida..."
Rene Hernandez Hernandez (Cuba)
An inspiration to many, a great hero.
Peter Chadwick (United Kingdom)
A tribute to a brilliant fighter for the Cuban people and oppressed people throughout the world.
Magnus Skrunes (Norway)
Fidel is such one big loss, not only to Cuba, but to the whole world, struggling against the barbaric system. His life and his legacy of a revolution, lives among US, in pursuit for a just and humane world for all of the Working Class. ONE WITH YOU ALL, IN MOURNING.
Marilou Tabanera (Philippines)
Fidel, es el líder de los cubanos, de todos los hombres y mujeres de bien del mundo, el estadista brillante, el revolucionario intachable que vivió junto a su pueblo y sufrió junto a él vicisitudes, sacrificios y disfrutó glorias imperecederas. Es el hombre que le devolvió a su pueblo lo más preciado, la dignidad.
Julio (Angola)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Faraud Yves (France)
Hasta Siempre Comamdante......
Adomair O. Ogunbiyi (Brazil)
Mi mas sincera condolencia a mi pais por la perdida de nuestro comandante. !Hasta la victoria siempre!
xiomara bermudez garbey (Cuba)
A loss of immense proportions to the world socialist and progressive movements. Fidel was a man of honour and integrity who sought nothing for himself. A sad loss to the Cuban people and in particular to Raul who must feel grief stricken at the loss of his 'big bro'. The fight goes on however. Fidel is an inspiration to us all. Hasta la vista siempre!
Adrian Zakrzewski (United Kingdom)
A true leader of the people.
Barry Cresswell (United Kingdom)
Many condolences Cuban people. Stick with your fair and just political economy and don't be tempted by the soulless consumerism of the West.
David Cuff (United Kingdom)
Condolences: Solidarity forever
Robin Coles (United Kingdom)
What a giant, he will sorely missed.
Mary Russell (United Kingdom)
Estos dias han sido de mucha tristeza pero tenemos la seguridad que seguras en los corazones de todos los cubanos descance en paz siempre con fidel
Anisley Vallés Carcasses (Cuba)
Rest in peace Fidel
Philip Long (United Kingdom)
Qué ironía de la vida, qué estéordm;pida la muerte, querer llevarse un INMORTAL!!! Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante!!!!!
Héctor Rodrés (Uruguay)
Condoglianze al Leader Maximo, non che nostro Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz. La tua scomparsa mi ha rattristato in particolar modo. Con questa mia le esprimo il mio piésup1; profondo cordoglio. I valori che ci hai tramandato, i tuoi insegnamenti e lo spirito della rivoluzione sono una bandiera per molti. Ti ringrazio per aver reso questo mondo piésup1; giusto e libero. Distinti Saluti Roma, 26/11/2016
Danna Alessio (Italy)
Fidel and his compatriots were an inspiration to many other groups across the world seeking to better the lives of oppressed people. The fortitude of the Cuban people, inspired by Fidel and his cohort of visionaries, in the face of almost 60 years of American aggression and determined deprivation, has been akin to the heroism of South Africa's freedom fighters. The issues for which he has been vilified - lack of press freedom, persecution of people critical of the regime, etc. - stemmed from the unprecedented demonisation of a whole tiny nation by it's giant neighbour. The world owes Fidel a debt of gratitude for showing it can be done.
Jo Tulloch (United Kingdom)
Margaret Bowers (United Kingdom)
May your country be a place of brotherhood and sisterhood and may all oppression end. In peace, Judy
Judy Lewis (United Kingdom)
Pekka Keinécurren;nen (Finland)
Goodbye to hero of the revolution, one of the few to stand up to the capitalist oppressor the USA.
Bob Griffiths (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was a Great Revolutionary Leader of XX Century Second half part. His contribuion in world revolution movement is exclusive
Iosif ABRAMSON (Russian Federation)
Lars Neuman (Sweden)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Gustavo Borchert (Portugal)
Gracias por su trabajo revolucionario Comandante.
Roberto (Australia)
Heather Hill (United Kingdom)
Despite what others say you were a man of the people for the people that is of course the wonderful people of cuba you have earned their respect RIP
Dermot Fitzsimons (Ireland)
What a hero - not only to have the vision to create a fair and equal society but to implement it too has been quite extraordinary especially given the CIA attempted to murder him over 600 times. My fear now is the invasion of the US and what they do to destroy this beautiful society that has given so much to the rest of the World. A beautiful, kind and honest man. I thank him and long may Cuba continue as a communist country.
Katie Bowden (United Kingdom)
Descansa en paz hermano
angela (United Kingdom)
Usted estara por siempre en nuestros corazones. Hasta la Victoria siempre Comandante.
Odalys Blanco Casamayor (Brazil)
Sadness at the loss of one of the world's greatest revolutionaries. A principled and honest politician who sought no aggrandisement for himself. A great loss to the Cuban people and to Raul in particular who has lost his 'big bro'. Fidel is an inspiration to all progressive and socialist people across the globe. May his memory last long!
Adrian Zakrzewski (United Kingdom)
STEPHEN MYATT (United Kingdom)
We will allways remeber you, RIP
Bo Westerberg (Sweden)
Rest in peace, querido Comandante de la Justicia y la Paz, may you go with God and may we have the strength to build on your incredible victory. My sincere condolences to your family, friends, compatriots y hermanos y hermnanos en todo el mundo.
Sandra Gomez (United Kingdom)
chris chilton (United Kingdom)
Respect for the leader who defied the Bullying and Corrupt situation his beloved country was in. Respect for the outsanding health and education entitlement created for the people. Sadness that there are still people who can only speak of excesses in human rights. Sad that the legacy he deserved of getting rid of the illegal Guantanamo Bay in his lifetime was not to be. Love for Cuba and its people
Jo Havell (United Kingdom)
A man of unwavering principle. An inspiration to my generation and millions around the world. He outlived several US presidents and helped Cuba survive the terrible and vindictive US blockade - unprecedented in history. I salute his ineradicable legacy and memory.
john green (United Kingdom)
A tremendous loss to the world but the fight for justice and freedom will go on and Fidel will remain an inspiration to all oppressed people.
Steve Farley (United Kingdom)
Deepest sympathy to all the Cuban people on the passing of a great leader and socialist viva Cuba. A true revolutionary 1 of a kind.
William o neill (Ireland)
Hasta la victoria siempre!!
Chilean exile in Britain (United Kingdom)
A hero of the anti-imperialist struggle!
Denis Lenihan (United Kingdom)
Farewell comrade Fidel, a beacon of hope to oppressed people everywhere.
Rob Macmillan (United Kingdom)
He was an inspiration to socialists world wide. That's a great legacy
Kevin Hussey (United Kingdom)
Fidel you just like Che will always live on in the hearts and minds of loving humans everywhere! Much love
Robby Anderson (United Kingdom)
Kirsten Elisabeth Lunde (Norway)
Died? No! Comandante you are going to live on in our memory. You are going to give us energy and inspiration in our struggle. Hasta siempre, comandante!
HENDEK, Cemil Fuat (Germany)
Dave Kinane (Ireland)
Viva Fidel!
Kjersti G. Andvig (Norway)
Castro did a lot for his country and showed the rest of the world true socialism
Carlie Newman (United Kingdom)
Fidel estara siempre vivo en el corazon de todos aquellos que sueñan por un mundo digno, que sueñan con un mundo donde la solidaridad sea la norma y no la excepcion, que sueñan con un mundo donde la justicia no sea un instrumento de dominio. Cuba ha sido un ejemplo de que el humanismo es posible. Van mis mas sinceras condolencias al pueblo Cubano que tuvo un dirigente que llego a vuetros corazones y al de cientos de miles en Latinoamerica, Africa, y el Medio Oriente. Hasta siempre Fidel, hasta pronto Cubanos, tus sueños seguiran siendo el nuestro.
Miriam (Chile)
No estás muerto Fidel porque eres parte indisoluble de mí. Estoy 100% orgulloso de mi patria y eso es 100% gracias a ti! Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Onel Luis (Cuba)
Thank you Commandante for your inspiring leadership, your lifelong service to socialism, your discipline, and your legacy of ideas on how to live a better life. Hasta la victoria siempre. Venceremos.
Stephen McCloskey (Ireland)
RIP Commandante Fidel Castro
Gunnar Johansson (Sweden)
A true man of the People, who looked after his people in dire times put the rest of the developed world to shame RIP.
Tam Paterson (United Kingdom)
This is another tragic event of 2016. It is too easy to say Fidel was my hero. But he was. He brought so much dignity to Cuba, in such contrast to the politicians of the world. His dignity was I believe the main reason he had so many enemies from the USA and its allies-he never bowed down. Rest in peace.
Clive Howard (United Kingdom)
Hail to a great champion of Socialism. Your achievements were immense and had to be achieved in an atmosphere of American Hostility. La lutta continua. Sleep well great comrade.
John Wheeler (United Kingdom)
que descanse en paz el mas grande líder de nu estros tempos mi invicto comandante .
Gisela Lucrecia (Brazil)
Another great soul has passed from our earth for a time. My experience of Cuba showed me a special quality in the people that can serve as a wonderful example to the world. Fidel Castro aided in enhancing that quality. Be strong and true to yourselves dear Cubans.
Heather Smith (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante
Peter Laws (United Kingdom)
A tribute to a brilliant fighter for the Cuban people and oppressed people throughout the world.
Theresa Stewart (United Kingdom)
Deepest sympathy to the Cuban people on the death of their Leader and comrade, he is now with Che. Ní bheidh a leitheid ann aris, slán ár chara.
Berit Brandseth (Norway)
!Hasta la victoria siempre gladiador !
Juan Guerrero Babilonia (United Kingdom)
A great revolutionary leader and one of the towering figures of the 20th century who will be fondly remembered by all the oppressed people struggling for justice in this unjust world. His wisdom and courage will be greatly missed.
Zafar Bangash (Canada)
He showed how despite all difficulties socialism can triumph. Long live socialist Cuba!
Gerrard Sables (United Kingdom)
Je me lie énbsp; tout le peuple cubain dans leur peine. Le monde a perdu un homme de grande valeur et un immense révolutionnaire . Toutes mes pensées énbsp; ce grand homme , mes condoléances énbsp; sa famille . Viva la révolucion . Hasta siempre commandante Fidel Castro
Fabrice (France)
I remember learning how much he achieved on my two visits to Cuba.
Rev Hazel Barkham (United Kingdom)
Hemos perdido un gran luchador, pero deja una herencia incalculable a la historia y al pueblo de Cuba. Sus palabras de lucha, justacia y solidaridad seguirán marcando el camino y la diferencia. Un abrazo desde España al pueblo de Cuba. Que la tierra te sea leve comandante. Hasta la victoria!
Gonzalo (Spain)
No man dies when his ideas and inspiration live on amongst those who remember and love him.
Maurice sharp (United Kingdom)
elena de teran (Spain)
Fidel was a wonderful man. He led his country on the road to socialism bravely and firmly, resisting all cruel attempts to overthrow and destroy these achievements. We will remember him with pride.
Con Fraser (United Kingdom)
John Hendy QC (United Kingdom)
Stephen Darcy (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre camarada
pedro martin (Spain)
Kyle Webster (New Zealand)
EMILIA (Brazil)
Desde este lado del mundo, dos días después de tu muerte, todo discurre con una extraña calma. Tengo ganas de decirle a todos lo importante que fuiste para mí, para el siglo XX, para la dignidad de los pueblos, para los procesos de emancipación de las mal llamadas colonias. No estás muerto, las sonrisas blancas y despreocupadas de los niños cubanos hablan de ti, la bruma de la Habana, los huertos de Viñales, la plaza de la Revolución, los médicos cubanos esparcidos por el mundo, Haití, Trinidad y Tobago, Repéordm;blica Dominicana, el son cubano, las estrellas del Caribe, Cienfuegos, la estatua del Che. No estás muerto, hablan de ti tus discursos, tu tesón, la visita a Harlem, tu abrazo con Mandela, las palabras de Galeano, de Gabriel García Márquez, de Benedetti, de Neruda. Las paredes de la casa de tu padre, que con tanto cariño tocaste, en Láncara (Lugo) se mantienen, bloque sobre bloque, sin demasiados lujos pero con toda la eternidad por delante. Eternidad hacia la que téordm; ya caminas. Gracias por las enseñanzas y hasta siempre.
Nela Ordóéplu (Spain)
Nuestro pueblo, los Paises Catalanes oprimidos per el estado español, el francés, la Unión Europea por no hablar de la OTAN, Israel etc... tiene mucho que aprender y respetar de la obra de este gigante. Fidel comandante, estoy triste, per hay que asumir la inevitable muerte de estas criaturas que somos los humanos. Como deia Martí la muerte no es verdadera si se ha hecho bien la obra d ela vida. eres un ejemplo, tu y tu peblo, de dignidad humana, de magnanimididad, de dictadura del peblo contra la burguesía, de tenazidad paciente contra la borrachera del éxito. Un brutal ejemplo de lucha, el ideario de Marx. Un abrazo al pueblo revolucionario de Cuba y a conquistar el futuro! Viva Fidel Castro! Viva el Che! Viva el comunismo! Viva Cuba socialista! Viva el internacionalismo proletario!
Jordi Romeu Oliach (Spain)
Jürgen Franke (Germany)
Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba on the death of Fidel Castro. Viva Cuba!
Ted Cuskin (United Kingdom)
Great sadness to hear of Fidel's death, remembering the time I heard him speak on the Malecon. Proud to have been a member of CSC standing in solidarity with Fidel and the Cuban people.
Pauline Fraser (United Kingdom)
Fidel great courage, great intellect. Long live the Cuban revolution
Dave & Laura (United Kingdom)
anthony lockhart (United Kingdom)
A great revolutionary who introduced education and health care for all and provided stability in a country rife with corruption. I have visited Cuba with my daughter and as two lone females felt amazingly safe everywhere we went. This is not the case for other Countries in the area including the USA. Castro was an example of what can be achieved by a few who had a vision for the future based on true socialist principles and followed that through risking his own life as well as those of other visionaries to achieve a better life for all. Castro can never be replaced but his legacy lives on. I will read inaugural his speech to the people of Cuba again to reconnect me with his greatness.
Diane Williams (United Kingdom)
I monumental figure, outstanding revolutionary, of our times.
Brian Parkinson (United Kingdom)
Gracias Fidel!!
Francesco Pezzella (United Kingdom)
I am so, so saddened to hear about the death of Fidel Castro. A real man, leader, revolutionary, inspiration, liberator, socialist, a man who defeated great odds and even greater nations to make his island home free from the tyranny of those considering themselves the strongest in the world. Rest in peace old friend. Your amazing legacy is assured.
Ravi Singh Chumber (United Kingdom)
To our compagno Fidel....your ideas and memory will live forever! Claudio
Claudio Molinario (United Kingdom)
Bill Lowry (Ireland)
great loss
manjit bola (United Kingdom)
Solidarity to the Cuban revolution from Ireland on the death of El Commandante Fidel Castro. Fidel and his comrades were an inspiration to people across the world who struggle for freedom, justice and equality. The strongest lesson that Fidel has taught us is that revolution is not an overnight pursuit - revolution is a constant battle against the forces of greed and colonialism. Codlamh samh Fidel - Venceremos!!
Conor Keenan (Ireland)
HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!, El Jefe Commandante Fidel! In tiefer Zuneigung und Achtung.
Martin Grécurren;bener (Germany)
No individual changes history by themselves, but an individual can become the focus and fulcrum of great historic changes. Fidel was that, a leader of historic changes and a symbol to many outside his country of what could be possible. His courage, determination, and solidarity will long be remembered both by the Cuban people and those of us outside.
Ed Ross (United Kingdom)
Deeply shocked at the demise of the GREAT leader 'Castro.'
Syed Manir Hossain (Bangladesh)
Hasta La Victoria siempre
Clive Ramkeeson (United Kingdom)
I pay tribute to the greatest political genius of the 20th century after LENIN, to the revolutionary who stayed unwaveringly faithfull to his umanitarian ideology, who managed to carry out -with or without mistakes-a large part of his dream for the good of the non privileged, under extremely difficult conditions, the man who protected the dignity of a nation by promoting the idea of pure patriotism against nationalism, internationalism against globalization. I tilt the knee before the human being who knew how to combine the fist of the statesman with a poetic soul and the simplicity and magnanimity of a father. May his thought and action be deeply studied by everyone who wishes to contribute in changing the fate of the non privileged fighting together and on the side of the non-privileged! Presto homenaje al mayor genio político del siglo XX, después de LENIN, al revolucionario que permaneció inquebrantablemente fiel a su ideología umanitaria, que logró llevar a cabo -con o sin equivocaciones- gran parte de su sueño para el bien de los no-privilegiados, en condiciones sumamente difíciles, el hombre que protegía la dignidad de una nación promoviendo la idea del patriotismo puro contra el nacionalismo, el internacionalismo contra la globalización. Inclino la rodilla ante el ser humano que sabía combinar el puño del estadista con un alma poética y la sencillez y magnanimidad de un padre. ¡Que su pensamiento y acción sean profundamente estudiados por todos los que quieran contribuir a cambiar el destino de los no privilegiados luchando juntos y del lado de los no privilegiados!
STAVROU Katerina (Greece)
Fuiste una inspiracion en vida y vas a seguir siendola para siempre comandante Fidel Castro.
Alan Grant (United Kingdom)
Farewell and RIP El Comandante
Jeremy Neville (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was the figurehead and public face of a nation that not only resisted over 50 years of aggression from the most powerful nation in the world, located less than 200km away, but managed to overcme major setbacks arising when its allies in Europe folded. Rather than collapsing into decay and disarray, Cuba overcame the adversity and has shown the world that it is possibe to advance well-being in a sustainable manner.
Imre Bokor (Australia)
Desde muy joven fuiste un referente para mi vida. Tengo 68 años y siento mucho tu pérdida. A tus órdenes Comandante. Salud.
Jon Chave Jiménez (Spain)
Buenas noches Fidel. Hasta siempre.
Harriet Quiney (United Kingdom)
Karen Barratt (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante Fidel.
Mario (Belgium)
Dear people of Cuba who may read this I wish to pass on my condolences at what is no doubt on the one hand a time of loss, and on the other a time of transition.
Dr. Karl-Erik Paasonen (Australia)
Lamento la muerte de tan extraordinario hombre!!!! Dios te coloque en un buen lugar,tu misión aquí en la tierra ha sido muy bien cumplida. Eres y serás siempre mi eterno Fidel.
Yurma (Cuba)
I pay my respect to someone who has fought his life long against injustice with total devotion to his ideals. He gave his people social justice and enormous advantages on health, education and dignity. I will remember and cherish this as long as I live.
Anton (Belgium)
Maria Irish (Ireland)
Con la verdad, la razón y la moral. #Hasta la victoria Siempre. VENCEREMOS.
emilio fernandez (Chile)
End of a legend.
Pat Hennessy (Ireland)
A leader is gone. A man of hope, future, and strong beliefs. Que la tierra te sea leve, comandante.
Patricia R. G, (Spain)
Dear Comrade, you lived a life worth living. You lived to help the poorest. You gave your country education, healthcare and a pride that is the envy of the world. And you gave the world an inspirational example of what it means to be a leader. You fought back imperialism from your shores, and you stood in solidarity with comrades who did the same around the world. In this dark hour of the 21st Century, the world sorely lacks one such as you. Hasta siempre Commandante.
Ven Balakrishnan (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel! Hasta la victoria siempre!
Russell Bell (Jamaica)
We are sorry to hear of your death and offer our sincere condolences. A great leader.
Eugene Kaufmann (Spain)
Gracias por todo....
Nadir Scartabelli (Italy)
There will never be another, rip Fidel.
Danny Gillespie (United Kingdom)
Klaus Weidner (Germany)
John Jones (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro has died, but his example will continue to inspire generations in the future. hasta la victoria siempre
Milly Thoolen (Belgium)
It´s so sorry that the greatest freedomfighter in the World have past away.
Bror Persson (Sweden)
Guillermo (Greece)
May his spirit live on forever.
Linda Evensen (Norway)
We have lost a visionary leader. A exceptional man how a inexhaustible inspiration. My condolences to family and to fantastic revolutionary.
Rupinder sidhu (India)
Con mucho dolor por un gran commandante - Guantanamo es Cubano - Hasta la victoria sempre - Cuba libre y socialista.
Seumas (United Kingdom)
¡Al éordm;ltimo revolucionista!
Anastasia Asimakopoulou (Greece)
Hoy mas q nunca tu imagen y ejemplo vivirá entre nosotros, recordado por siempre como el líder indiscutible de la Revolución Cubana, Gloria eterna Comandante.EPD
Rafael Agustin Rodriguez Moreno (Cuba)
Me murio nuestro Jefe y Comandante. Rest in Peace.
Asomaning Odei-Mensah (Ghana)
Miriam (United Kingdom)
Al mas grande comandante de hombres libres que jamas haya dado la humanidad. Ejemplo de un lider mundial para las presentes y futuras generaciones del mundo.
David (United States of America)
Como un gigante te alzaste para guiar a tu pueblo. Hoy no has caido, nunca pudieron derrumbarte. Sigues vivo en cada niño que asiste a la escuela, en cada hombre de bien, en cada medico que trae al mundo una nueva vida. Viviras por siempre, seras la luz que guia nuestros pasos. Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Comandante Eterno
Enrique Monet Cobas (Cuba)
This is the end of an era. Passing on my condolences to the people of Cuba.
Jacquie Bradley-Heeps (United Kingdom)
Marcella Posadino (Italy)
A sad time, my thoughts are with Cubans everywhere for your loss.
Peter Curt (United Kingdom)
Stood firm against pressure most of us couldn't even imagine, no wonder he is revered in his home country.
Don Saunders (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. Fidel
marianne stronck (Luxembourg)
Evtim Evtimov (Bulgaria)
Gracias hermano pueblo de Cuba por habernos dado este magnifico e irrepetible revolucionario. Hasta la victoria siempre! Patria o muerte venceremos!
robert (Argentina)
Fidel Castro's passing marks the end of a remarkable life which demonstrates how the leadership of one person can have positive far reaching effects on lives around the world. His legacies will continue to inspire social justice advocates and crusaders around the world. Thank you Fidel Castro. Rest in Peace.
Adhiambo Odaga (Kenya)
I have admired Fidel and what he achieved in his life. A man of vision and courage, the world became a better place with what he did.
Allie Booth (Australia)
Hasta la Victoria simpre, Comandante Filde.
Carlos (United Kingdom)
"Cuando se muere en brazos de la patria agradecida, la muerte acaba, la prision se rompe y empieza alfi, con el morir, la vida" Vivirás eternamente en nuestros corazones, en nuestras obras, en cada paso, cada victoria de tu pueblo. Gracias, Fidel, por todo lo que nos enseñaste, por mostrarnos el mejor camino. Hoy lloramos tu partida, pero mañana seguiremos forjando el futuro que nos enseñaste a ver. "Cuando un pueblo enérgico y viril llora, la injusticia tiembla" Hasta siempre, Comandante. Hasta la Victoria Siempre Patria o Muerte
Hasta la victoria siempre compañero Fidel!
Alvaro Rojas (Croatia)
envio mi pesame muy profundo al Pueblo Cubano por la triste dipartida del Comandante Fidel que para mi fué siempre un pedacito de corazon. Hasta siempre querido Comandante
miranda vallero (Italy)
Socialismo o Muerte. Venceremos.
Edith Fröse (Germany)
Hasta siempre commandante! Socialism and democracy - the only future for all people!
Thies Gleiss (Germany)
I mourn in solidarity. la lucha continua!
Larry Herman (United Kingdom)
Cuba should be very careful about how much it allows the US into its national life. They do not need the US - they just need a bit more trade. They should compile a list of people who supported the old regime and not let them back to the island.
John Webster (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. a truly great man.
Andrew Wishart (United Kingdom)
Such an inspiration to so many, such a sad time to have lost two of my heros in Fidel Castro and Muhammed Ali. Both stood up for what they believed in to better their own and millions of others lives. Rest in Peace Fidel.
John Connaughton (United Kingdom)
corbanese claudio (Belgium)
The people of Cuba, and the world, have lost a true leader. R.I.P.
Denis Purcell (Ireland)
An incredible leader of incredible people. May he rest in peace. Important now to keep close eye on imperialist bully next door.
sean conway (United Kingdom)
always remembering
Luc Brusselaers (Netherlands)
He will always be a hero in my book. The world has lost a truly great and brave man. Socialist every were will celebrate his life and mourn his passing. RTest in peace Fidel. I to am Fidel.
Robert Freeman (Canada)
Thomas Küchenmeister (Germany)
Thank you for showing the World that Socialism does work.
Charles Coombes (United Kingdom)
You are a hero fidel love you fidel
Mustafa kamal saikia (India)
My condolences to the people of Cuba who are mourning the death of Fidel Castro who has been their leader for so long.
Anne Leech (United Kingdom)
Conduelo por la pérdida de Fidel. Estoy muy triste, porque el mundo nunca verá un otro como él. Fidel era un revolucionario grande. Hasta siempre, Comandante.
Vilgunn Haga (Norway)
Se ha ido un ícone de la historia de la humanidad,el mas grande de los visionarios de todos los tiempos,te recordaremos por siempre y tu legado vivira en el corazon de millones de personas que te querian en todo el mundo,nada ni nadie apagará los ideales que nos inculcastes,fuistes,eres y serás el mas grande de todos los lideres de este siglo,gracias Fidel por mantener las conquistas alcanzandas,gloria eterna a nuestro invensible Comandante en jefe,ordene siempre q su pueblo estará presente para seguirlo,Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante.Patria o Muerte Venceremos.
Rolides ferrer (Cuba)
Peter Petereit (Germany)
Seguiremos su ejemplo. Hasta siempre Comandante. Patria o muerte. VECEREMOS
Hector Hugo Alarcon (United Kingdom)
The Greatest of men in the 20th Century. There will never be another like him but we hope that others will take up the struggle.
Donald S. Robertson (United Kingdom)
Gloria Eterna al querido Comandate de America y el Mundo su ejemplo seguirá iluminando a todos los amantes de la Paz. Descanse en Paz con la convicción de que su lucha no ha sido en vano. Dr. Ramón Miguel Paz Peña Programa Mais Médicos, Floresta do Araguia, Para, Brasil.
Ramón Miguel Paz Pe&Atild (Brazil)
Gaston Pierre (France)
RIP, Fidel Castro, a National & International Hero, a man for the PEOPLE !
Fairlie Gordon (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro forever in our hearts. Thank you for your unselfish devotion to liberty and justice for all.
Suzanne Weiss (Canada)
Mis más sentidas condolencias al pueblo cubano y su revolución
Francisco Javier García Centen (Spain)
True soldier of the people RIP
John Lavery (United Kingdom)
Fidel esta inmortalizado hace muchos años, por ser ejemplo de dignidad, de ética, de humanismo, por ser uno de los mejores estadistas y presidente del mundo del siglo XX y XXI, por materializar sus ideales, su teoría revolucionaria con la práctica, por situar a Cuba como faro de justicia social, de dignidad y libertad y una nación culta, además de apoyar incondicionalmente a millones de personas desposeídas en este injusto mundo. Nos deja para siempre su legado, su ejemplo personal, su humanismo, sus convicciones revolucionarias, su postura indoblegable ante los imperialistas, su valentía, su honor, su inteligencia visionaria y las ideas más justas del mundo, que sin lugar a dudas están refrendados en el modelo político, económico y social del socialismo cubano, que es auténtico y éordm;nico en el mundo contemporáneo, eso nos debe reconfortar para seguir el combate con el optimismo que nos inculco y enfrentar los retos más complejo que se avecinan. Fidel fue y será por siempre el líder fundador de la revolución cubana, el motor impulsor y nos acostumbró a todos los cubanos a tener su presencia y su inteligencia visionaria en cada proceso y en la béordm;squeda de las mejores soluciones a los problemas que durante 57 años hemos presentado, esa es la clave de su autoridad real, su liderazgo, el respaldo y el amor de su pueblo por su líder. Tenemos la convicción que Fidel no ha muerto, no lo tendremos físicamente en Cuba, pero se ha convertido en un símbolo de la ideología socialista, del humanismo, de la dignidad y la lucha anti imperialista, se convertirá en astro rey que iluminara nuestra revolución y los movimientos revolucionarios del mundo, hasta la victoria siempre eterno Comandante en Jefe.
Feliberto Acosta S (United Kingdom)
A man who gave hope, not only to Cuba but the World at large. Venceramous Fidel.
michel mcbrearty (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. Fidel. The world will never forget one of its greatest leaders!
Nadia Van den Bossche (Belgium)
Die "RotFuchs" Gruppe Güstrow übermittelt ihr tiefempfundenes Beileid und Mitgefühl zum Tode von Maximo Lider.
Schubert (Germany)
Torgny Anderberg (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante por el Ejemplo y la Guia que nos ha legado a todos los cubanos. Seguiremos siendole Fieles, porque con Ud. nacimos y hemos crecido inspirados en Sus Ensenanzas y en su Obra que no solo es de Cuba sino de la Humanidad y para Siempre. Gracias Comandante
Camilo (Cuba)
Visionécurren;r. Revolutionécurren;r!
Peter Köster (Germany)
Long live the Cuban Revolution! Hasta la victoria siempre! We stand in sympathy and solidarity.
Bert Haak (Belgium)
No words can express how people feel, but we should look back with pride and gratitude.
Ian Evams (United Kingdom)
Gillian Hitchcock (United Kingdom)
Goodbye comrade Fidel. You creations and your ideas live on as a beacon of light and hope.
Simon Wataon (United Kingdom)
Thoughts andprayers are with you. I have visited your wonderful country and feel blessed to have done so under Castro. Thank you.
Syreeta (United Kingdom)
No era tu hora pero como siempre protagonizaste el destino. Gracias por lo que soy y gracias por la dignidad que seminaste en mi ser. No tardes en tu viaje, tienes mucho que hacer todavia...
Oleidys Pompa (Italy)
Soy Guatemalteca Llegue como refugiada a Australia en 1984 y en 1994 Fidel Castro ha sido mi motor desde que tengo memoria y lo seguirá siendo!
Leonor Orellana (Australia)
Treasure his achievments. Keep the spirit of the revolution alive.
Mark Dickson (United Kingdom)
Ian Beasley (United Kingdom)
My condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with the Castro family and all the people of Cuba.
Jennifer Vega (Canada)
May he rest in peace.
James Murray (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante, siempre le vas a hacer falta a mi patria, pero con tu ejemplo, tus ideas, las de Marti, las de Bolivar, siempre nuestra querida isla y nuestra America van a salir adelante. Buen viaje hacia la eternidad, lleva a donde quiera que vayas tu mochila cargada de sueños, tus ideas, un mundo mejor es posible. Gracias COMANDANTE INVICTO...
Edistio Yoel Verdecia Martinez (Cuba)
Peter (Australia)
In memory of an amazing man who took Cuba back for the people and gave it a wonderful health and education system. As an English woman who has visited and supported Cuba for many years, I have seen what Fidel did for Cuba and it's people and have always had the greatest admiration for him. Love and blessings to his family and the people of Cuba.
Sandra King (United Kingdom)
Reyner Labrada (Cuba)
'Fathach ar mo ghualainn'/ Giant at my shoulder.R.I.P.
Marie-Therese Keating (Ireland)
Mis codolencias a este hijo ilustre.
Debitemuel Toantes (Cuba)
Razon de trabajo en una colaboracion en Mozambique me impiden estar fisicamente en mi patria para rendir tributo al que sentimos queremos como un padre mas. Desde el Africa que contrubuyo a independizarse le digo: HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE.
A great leader a man of his own people RIP
Mike Bremner (United Kingdom)
Tara Blackman (United Kingdom)
Fidel served as an inspiration to many revolutionaries around the world, the Philippines in particular. Mabuhay ka, kasamang Fidel! Mabuhay ang rebolusyong Cubano! (Long live, Comrade Fidel. Long live, the Cuban revolution!)
Willy V. Alangui (Philippines)
I hope with all my heart that your country continues to be an inspiration and that you can build on your successes.
Rosemary Holleran (United Kingdom)
Alla famiglia ed al popolo cubano amico le mie piésup1; sentite condoglianze. Il ricordo e le opere di questo grande uomo sono immortali. Riposi in pace.
Michele Treves (Italy)
Esprimo le mie piésup1; sincere condoglianze per la perdita, del comandante Fidel Castro Ruz.
Pompeo Aiello (Italy)
My heart goes out to the Cuban people. Hugs
Amber Carey (United States of America)
Viva Fidel y el pueblo Cubano!
Rosario de Santos (Philippines)
Hasta Siempre Comandante Immortal <3
Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Carina Lindberg (Sweden)
Thank you Fidel for showing the Poor, Oppressed and Workers of the world that no matter how big or well armed your Oppressor is, you can still win and build a Nation for all it's people and not just the Greedy 1%. Rest Easy Comrade Fidel thank you for influencing my political thinking and my political life. VIVA FIDEL. VIVA CUBA. Y.N.W.A.
Gerry (United Kingdom)
The man leaves. His ideas remain and prevail.He gave voice to the poor and the needed. He made us believe that a better world is possible. Thanks Fidel.
Osmany Gordillo Cepero (Poland)
Gisela García Rivero (Cuba)
He's a good leader with lots of brave in his heart,I really inspired by his confident,brave,leadership.I like to buy the book of condolence
M.Suresh (India)
Cuba has lost one of the revolutionary. he challenged the US hegemony and succeeded .Red salute to cuban people.
Avtar Singh (United Kingdom)
Long live our hero Fidel Castro !!
Dag Hagen (Norway)
Padre Fidel, estoy lejos de mi Isla adorada, no podre llegar para decirte Hasta pronto. Mi esposo prometió que llevará una rosa blanca en mi nombre a la Plaza de la Revolución, mis hijos lo acompañaran, y yo aquí seguiré llorándote hasta que se me acaben las lagrimas. Sabíamos que un día partirías, tu mismo nos preparaste para este momento, pero el dolor es demasiado fuerte. Seguirás junto a nosotros, y nosotros tras tus huellas, no te vas, tienes tu lugar en la inmortalidad, en la historia y en mi corazón.
Olga Diaz (Cuba)
sorry for loss
paul sheehan (Ireland)
Siempre será mi comandante, mi jefe, mi comandante en jefe. es un líder indiscutible de las causas justas y nobles, cuantas tierras no libró de las opresiones colonialistas e imperialistas. acaso no dignificó a la América toda, es el líder de la mayoría de los habitantes del planeta, por qué? porque son los que más desposeídos, los pobres, los que no tienen acceso a las necesidades básicas, por ellos siempre se pronunció en sus intervenciones. el pueblo de Cuba siempre estará agradecido por evitar que esos males y otros siguieran reinando en este país luego de 1959. quién iba a decir que esta pequeña islita en el medio del Caribe sería el centro de tantos momentos de la historia de la humanidad, no por sus dificultades o calamidades sino por sus logros de talla mundial, a la altura de países del llamado "primer mundo", que enfrenta al peor imperio. simplemente FIDEL ES FIDEL. el mejor tributo es seguir día a día su ejemplo y legado, para que el mundo que él soñó lo hagamos realidad. FIDEL VIVE.
Leo (Cuba)
Fidel's example has been with us all these years. Our response to the sadness of his passing must be to share that bright star with the generations to come. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Paula Orr (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba! Hasta Siempre!
Christina Lydén (Sweden)
R.I.P Our beloved brother in the struggle , may Allah finally give you peace in paradice
Ricky X Brown (United States of America)
Hannah Wattel (Australia)
The Teachings of Comandante Fidel will remain forever. Long live Cuba! Long live Fidel! Mabuhay!
IRMA LLORERA (Philippines)
Hasta la vicotria siempre,comandante de los pobres,no puedo llorar por ti una lagrima,no te la mereces,por que lo que quiero es llorar un oceano,por lo grnadioso que fuiste y a un en tu partida,seguiras siendo,por que ahora es que naciste de nuevo,se jodieron tus enemigos,a un en la muerte los esta derrotando,comandnte invicto.......Por siempre fidel.Mi padre espiritual.
Lorenzo daniel (Dominican Republic)
Jorge Frank Hernández Carbal (Angola)
Mi gran admiración será eterna par un hombre que estar en nuestros corazones por siempre, viva el comandante Fidel.
Magaly Mella (Dominican Republic)
Un abrazo al pueblo Cubano por la partida física del Comandante Fidel. Siempre estara con Puerto Rico en la lucha de nuestra independencia y soberanía. Es el Jefe de Estado más grande que ha dado la humanidad.
Jacinto A. Jimenez Carlo (Puerto Rico)
Heartfelt condolences. Shall live by your legacies.
Ramesh A R (India)
ernesto loopez cruz (Cuba)
Greatest statsman our time!
Bo Johansson (Sweden)
Hasta la victoria siempre...
Adrian Traba García (Cuba)
Edwing Grimaldos Jordan (Bolivia)
Viva Cuba viva Fidel
Brian Falconer (United Kingdom)
Fidel is gone. But his example, his legacy as the leader of the first free territory of the Americas, revolutionary Cuba, lives on!
Barry Weisleder (Canada)
Viva Cuba
Canice lynch (Australia)
Lazaro Bustio (Cuba)
Ragnar (Norway)
El pueblo cubano y los parientes del Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz significan más sinceras condolencias. Otra vez uno de nuestro Comandante excelente en el mundo de nosotros fue y dejó un hueco. Nos fue todo amigo, camarada, compañero y como un padre. Fue un modelo erstrebendes para mí y para mi desarrollo. Estoy muy triste. Clamar al pueblo cubano: Fidel, él nos la manera para todavía muchos años asignado, le seguimos con el orgullo y la cabeza bien alta. No se deben atacar los logros y el Souverenitécurren;t de la revolución cubana. ¡Viva Cuba! Reforzamos nuestra solidaridad ahora. Luchamos juntos y un fin del bloqueo, el regreso de la Basia Guantánamo en Cuba y proteger la soberanía de la socialista Cuba. !Hasta la victoria siempre! !Viva Fidel! Elisabeth Dietze (Amiga de "Tania" Tamara Bunke) en Alemania
Elisabeth Dietze (Germany)
We will remember Fidel for the courageous battles and what he has done for the Cuban people. Unfortunately, the embargo kept the people in poverty. I love Cuba and its people and there is nowhere on earth I feel more safe. Love from a Canadian friend
joanne drummond (Canada)
Desde Rosario, ciudad natal del Che, todo mi afecto al querido pueblo cubano por tan grande pérdida. Decir Cuba es decir Fidel
Silvia López (Argentina)
Fidel, siempre estarás con nosotros..Hasta la Victoria Siempre !!!!
Jose Gonzalez Alonso (Belize)
You were a hero to your people and also to me. R.I.P. Long live Cuba <3
Margaret McCormack (Australia)
Descansa en paz
Yasemin Sami (United Kingdom)
We are saddened by the news that the greatest leader in the world has past. Our deepest Condolence for Cuba.Fidel Castro is the true Hero!!!!!
Verfy C. Enriquez (Philippines)
With all my deepest condolences in the loss of your great Patriot of Cuba and an international leader in the fight for independence, freedom, Peace, and socialism throughout the world. May he rest in peace.Que viva Fidel! Que viva Cuba! Que viva la Lucia poor el socialismo siempre!
Richard Castro Jr. (United States of America)
I send my deepest condolences to the people of Cuba and all around the world who were touched and inspired by a story of a man who fought for a compelling cause and changed the hearts and minds of a country and ultimately the world . Viva la revolución y hasta la victoria siempre !!!
Amer keilani (Canada)
Good luck Cuba love and solidarity in the struggles ahead
Daniel Mercer (Australia)
I was very moved and shocked when I heard of Fidel's untimely passing. I thought he would live forever. It amazed me how many times his enemies conspired to murder him, and in the end it was time that took his life. To me, alongside Marx, Engels and Lenin, Fidel is a giant of Socialism.
Darel Wilson (Canada)
Traicionaste a tus seguidores más fieles desde el primer día. Llenaste a Cuba de miseria y con sentimientos tan bajos como la envidia y el odio para manipular a todo un pueblo. Habían problemas cuando llegaste al poder pero los multiplicaste varias veces.
Julián Pécop (Cuba)
Hay orfandad, se siente y se vive. Luto, tal vez. Sin embargo, cuando se va uno tan grande el vacío es proporcional a su tamaño y las soluciones no están, parecen huir, como si no quisieran hablar del tema. Descansa Comandante, la lección apenas comienza y tus alumnos estamos ansiosos. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Humberto Aldana (Mexico)
Fidel created an imperfect state but one far more humane than any previously known in Cuba and probably in any state on the American Continent previously.
Jim (United Kingdom)
RIP. You were my hero.
Chris Page (United Kingdom)
Nunca habrá otro igual, su nombre reconocido universalmente quedará en la memoria de todos los humanos y en el corazón de los Fidelista. COMANDANTE, HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE PATRIA LIBRE O MORIR
Javier Davila Carvacho (Chile)
We will always remember Fidel as a comrade that supported our struggle for national liberation. We will always remember Fidel for what he did to defeat inequality in Cuba. We will remember Fidel for hist anti-imperialism. We will remember Fidel for so much more. Most of all we will remember Fidel as a product of revolution and we dedicate our lives to continue the struggle, in our different ways, to revolutionise our societies, to bring freedom, equality and justice. Capitalism must fall so the poor can inherit the world.
Brian Ashley (South Africa)
Hasta siempre Comandante! Descanse en la paz!
Branislav Rakic (Canada)
vivian (United States of America)
El lider Fidel Castro ejemplo de Revolución para toda latinoamerica y el mundo, Cubanos y amigos del resto del mundo van a extrañar tu sonrisa y cada buen gesto de humanidad con los paises necesitados, hasta siempre Comandante.
David (United States of America)
A great man!
Gerrit olthof (Canada)
Fidel Castro is an icon. Yo recuerdo bien cuando yo soy estudiante en la URSS (1985-1992) Yo tenia, amigos y amigas de Cuba. Cuando yo estudie en escuela superior de industrial artes en Moscu. He was hated by many who left Cuba and immigrated to USA are selfish Cuban people, but in his come country, he was admired by majority even in other countries of the world who really aspire a socialist form of life of people. Me myself, I lived and studied in former USSR, i know how does it feel t o live in a socialist country, it takes to be a patient one, and should be broad minded when it comes to communism and socialism way of life. When Fidel Castro died, he left a legacy...a legacy that will never forget not only by Cubans at home...but some other people in other continent. Viva Comunismo! Viva Cuba!
manolito m agustin (Philippines)
Fidel Vive
Paul Murphy (Ireland)
La lucha no cesará con tu partida física, no abandonaremos nuestros ideales por no contar con tus palabras en directo. Tu ejemplo, tu legado vivirá en todos aquellos que conocemos la historia de la Revolución Cubana, aquellos que fuimos testigos del trabajo internacionalista de tu pueblo, aquellos que tenemos dentro del pecho un dolor inmenso al saber que partiste sin ver tu América y la del Ché y la de todos, libre.
Sandra Menéndez (Ecuador)
La PAZ a tu cuerpo, porque tu espíritu, estará en todas la batallas revolucionarias del futuro, hasta la victoria siempre comandante guerrillero
Julio Ramírez (Venezuela)
Hoy, mañana y siempre Fidel serás nuestro comandante en jefe invicto. También venciste a la muerte. Tu legado estará siempre presente en cada uno de los que te amamos.
Gloria Esther Avilés Niles (Cuba)
Latica Pletikapic Exle (Croatia)
Vila i frid
Pierre Stjernfeldt (Sweden)
Survival is the best revenge
Christina Cooper (Canada)
Fidel viajó a la eternidad a bordo del Granma para regresar hecho millones. Hasta la Victoria Siempre mi Comandante.
Ana Esther Zulueta Avilés (Cuba)
Gracias Comandante Fidel por ese gran legado de lucha sin descanso.Tu ideario y lucha victoriosa hoy más que nunca sigue vigente ante el embate del capitalismo atroz y el neoliberalismo, el camino sigue.
Erick Sanchez Cordova (Mexico)
HastaSiempreComandante...Gracias por todo, pro existir, pór ser ejemplo de lucha, de honradez, de humanismo... por darnos la oportunidad de vivir en un país libre, solidario, valiente... Me comprometo a seguir tus pasos, continuar tu obra, que es nuestra. Hasta Siempre.
Roberto Díaz Martorell (Cuba)
Ha muerto el padre de los cubanos. Sus ideas se multiplican. Siempre te recordaremos, COMANDANTE.
Ramon Felipe (Cuba)
I am a proud cuban, because I live in the country who had the priviledge of being guided by Fidel Castro Ruz, an exceptional and extraordinary man. Thanks UK for this action of solidarity in this sad hour and thank God for give us Fidel.
Lynka (Cuba)
R.I.P. Sir! They tried to bring you down, but they failed. Gone, but never forgotten!
Andy (United Kingdom)
Antonio Salomon (United Kingdom)
Fidel Presente
Banbose Shango (United States of America)
Robert Biderman (Canada)
One of the greatest men of all time. He will be greatly missed. Please keep the revolution alive as his legacy
Richard Kleinbergs (Australia)
"Condemn me. It does not matter. History will absolve me." RIP Fidel.
Ludwig Watzal (Germany)
To a great revolutionary leader who was a beacon to the world. Rest in peace.
Ellen Wasfi (United States of America)
Mis condolencias a la familia del mas grande y revolucionario del planeta fidel castro ruz y a todo el pueblo cubano . Gracias compañero y hermano , no estas mas entre nosotros materialmente pero si seguro espiritualmente apoyando a las causas justas de la humanidad . Eternamente en mi memoria y mi corazon .
Carlos Carzoglio (Argentina)
Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante! Invencible. Dicha la mía de haber existido en tu propia época.
Carlos (United States of America)
Nos deja una ausencia y un legado a la altura de su tamaño como revolucionario
Rodolfo Martínez Hern&Atil (Mexico)
#HastaSiempreComandante. 12 presidentes de USA no pudieron contigo, te fuiste invicto. Sin dudas Absuelto por la Historia y por los pueblos del mundo.
Rolando Casanova Borroto (Cuba)
Nos haces falta comandante, a un pueblo tan destrozado y humillado como el de México nos haces falta, pero nos dejas grande enseñanza para seguir luchando y soñando en que un mundo mejor es posible, gracias comandante y hasta la victoria siempre! Grande Fidel!
Penélope Aboites (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Zoraya Menocal Heredia (Cuba)
Comandante gracias, por luchar siempre por todos, se nos queda para siempre en el alma. Hasta siempre Fidel!
Mariela Matamoros (Honduras)
Estamos muy dolidos por tu muerte ccomandante hasta siempte comandante
betty (Cuba)
!Vive Fidel! un hombre del pueblo, un enorme comunista y revolucionaria, seguiría siempre vivo en los corazones de los pueblos del mundo. Cuba es y sera uno de los pueblos mas dignos y glorioso en la historia de la Humanidad. Saludos desde chile!. Nikolaev uribe: militante del partido comunista acción proletaria.
Nicolas (Chile)
Hasta siempre Comandante. Viva la Revolución Cubana.
Johanna Muvdi (Dominican Republic)
Dear people of Cuba, stay strong and empowered by Castro's legacy. May the Lord our God rest his soul. Amen.
Amanda Pettitt (United Kingdom)
Gracias Comandante por darme la oportunidad de estudiar en una de tus grandes obras, "La Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas". Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Beatriz Pérez Delgado (Cuba)
Clare Dewhurst (United Kingdom)
Adrian (Cuba)
Fidel was a great inspiration to people all over the word. He is going to be sorely missed. I send my condelences to the Cuban people and Fidels family. VIVA Fidel!
Annette Lovell (Australia)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Marisela Presa (Cuba)
RIP, Commandante, a true inspiration.
Jay O'Brien (United States of America)
(Russian Federation)
Fidel, Tu ejemplo vive, tus Ideas perduran. Venceremos!
Christiane Oliva (Germany)
Honor y Gloria al Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz: Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Viva la Revolución, Viva Cuba. Gracias Fidel por enseñarnos a vivir de pié, por tu coherencia, por tu entrega, por tu ética inquebrantable, por tu amor a la libertad, vivirás por siempre en nuestros corazones y en cada lucha estarás presente siempre. Gracias!!!
Mabel Grant (Argentina)
Keshab khattri (India)
Comandante Fidel, te conocí gracias a los libros, a mis maestros y a la historia que tu mismo escribiste. Hoy estarás reunido con el Ché, con Martí, con Camilo, con Hugo respirando un aire digno devtu grsndeza. Gracias por ayudar a gestar el proceso de paz en mi país Colombia y por hacer de Cuba el primer territorio libre de la ingerencia yanqui, libre de analfabetismo y desnutrición. ¡Hasta siempre comandante!
Tatiana Unas Herrera (Colombia)
Il mondo ha perso un grande combattente e condottiero, non solo per il suo popolo, ma per tutti noi che abbiamo amato il suo sogno di libertö. Grazie e per sempre.
Ketty Carraffa (India)
Nuestros sentimientos y reconocimiento al mas grande de los cubanos FIDEL
Francisco Garcia Ucha (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante,vivirás siempre en nuestros corazones.
Morante Valladares Soriano (Cuba)
Fidel fuiste un faro de luz para la humanidad, levantando banderas de esperanza. Liberando pueblos oprimidos. Hace rato la historia te absolvió, y se construye ese otro mundo posible.
maria urbina (Venezuela)
Nos pediste ser humilde y lo fuiste! Nos pediste ser consecuente y lo fuiste! Nos pediste ser solidario y lo fuiste! Nos pediste ser altruista y lo fuiste! Nos pediste 'no violar principios éticos' y lo cumpliste!! Gracias por tu ejemplo!! Agradeceré siempre haber vivido parte de tu tiempo!
Qué solo se está quedando este mundo. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Nuria Pons (Mexico)
When we visited Cuba in 2012, we were tremendously inspired to see how much Cuba was able to accomplish with so few resources. The Cuban educational and medical systems are models for the whole developing world, and for many developed countries, and Cuban doctors' contributions to the health of people in remote communities all over the world are legendary. All this is thanks to the magnificent leadership of Fidel Castro
Carolyn L. Karcher (United States of America)
RIP Fidel
Daniel McCormick (Canada)
Mi Comandante Tu Legado perdurara sera la guia para las nuevas generaciones a seguir !!!Hasta la Victoria Siempre !!! y a la vez me uno al pueblo Cubano en su dolor
Dina Caceres (El salvador)
Gracias por enseñarnos a seguir caminando mi Comandante. Hasta la Victoria siempre.
Ricky Del Toro (United States of America)
A valiant leader and revolutionary who gave his country 57 years of pride and social justice in their achievements. Cuba's role in Africa and the fight against Apartheid was second to none!
Diane Anderson (United Kingdom)
Comandante el dolor por tu muerte es grande pero la seguridad de que no te olvidaremos y mantendremos tu Revolución es aun mayor.Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Yarina Rodríguez Sa (Brazil)
Un abrazo al pueblo de Cuba. Honor y gloria a nuestro Comandante en jefe Fidel !!! VIVA CUBA SOCIALISTA !!!
Carlos Agustin Gonzalez (United Kingdom)
Siempre quedara en el corazón de todos, y su legado será multiplicado millones de veces. Hasta Siempre Comandante. Patria o Muerte Venceremos!
Javier Mas Ruiz (Cuba)
No estoy triste, conservó la calma aunque sabiasmos que esto pasaría no me lo esperaba tan pronto. Aprendí de ti en un libro viejo en inglés por qué quería aprender el idioma pero al mismo tiempo fui aprendiendo de ti. Todos los revolucionarios de México estamos con tigo, antorcha está con tigo, serás el ejemplo de trabajo y lucha para mejorar a este mundo que tanto lo necesita. Hasta siempre!
Armando Mezquital Trejo (Mexico)
con gran dolor lo despedimos, pero siempre estara entre nosotros como lo sigue estando el Che
norma zamora (Argentina)
Ayer América y el mundo perdieron físicamente a la figura más grande del siglo XX, al político más polémico, al hombre más malo, al más bueno, al diablo, a un dios, muchos lo ven como una persona malévola, pero otros como yo lo admiran... por sus defectos y sus virtudes, por sus fracasos pero sobre todo por sus logros!! Señores, como sea, del punto de vista que sea, se perdió al líder más gigantesco y la mente más visionaria del orbe en el pasado sigo. Fidel es Fidel! como sea que lo miren, las ideas no mueren, la esperanza no muere, la dignidad no muere... Cuba no muere! Así que es obvio: Fidel NO MUERE. No es política, no soy partidario de ninguna vertiente, es sentido coméordm;n, es el dolor de un pueblo!
Sadam García Artiles (Cuba)
Commander Fidel, monument to the dignity and to the courage, to the love to the Big Mother land. You are an example for the peoples(villages) of the world, we will not trump you Commander and Eternal Father!!!.
Como despedirte? Como dejarte ir? Como parar de llorar? Gracias por todo!!
JESUS MAYETA FUENTES (United States of America)
Mayelin Pupo Santos (Cuba)
Our heroes do not need to be perfect.. but people of passion, courage and vision
Kundu (Australia)
hail to one of the greatest leader of our time who has stood fearlessly against the barbaric imperialism .
V.beesoon (Mauritius)
A great man... a life well lived
Shane Sutcliffe (Australia)
Jamás olvidaré tu valor, racionalidad, dignidad, ética, orgullo patrio y amor a tu pueblo. Eres ejemplo para el mundo y seguiremos tu lucha. Descansa en Paz y saléordm;dame a Martí, el Che y mi Chávez.
Iris Rodríguez de Rodr&Ati (Venezuela)
Viva la Revolucion!
Debra Brin (Canada)
Sincere condoglianze a popolo cubano tutto. Hasta la vittoria sempre.
Alessio Belardi (Italy)
se fue el Comandante en Jefe y mi tristeza es indescriptible, pero me consuela que se fue invicto cuando quiso y como quiso . gracias Fidel es un honor haber vivido en tu tiempo, descansa en paz
carlos castillo lezcano (Cuba)
Hasta siempre COMANDANTE
Celio Manuel (Cuba)
Fidel síguimos tus pasos
Angelo acevedo (Australia)
Olennys Carcasés Dur&Atil (Cuba)
Desde la tierra del agua, Delta del Orinoco, elevo mi sentimiento de solidaridad al gallardo pueblo de Cuba, ante la pérdida física del imprescindible combatiente Cmdte Fidel! Patria,socialismo o muerte! Venceremos!
Luis Alfredo Marín Mata (Venezuela)
Brenda Esther Leyva Barrio (Cuba)
Frank Torres (Cuba)
Hasta la Victoria Mi Comandante, desde Argentina con CFK volveremos para continuar la Revolución!!!
Alejandra de los Santos (Argentina)
Mis sinceras condolencia a la familia y al pueblo de Cuba. El Comandante Fidel Castro Q.E.P.D,vivira en la memoria de muchos de nosotros.
Hortensia Agurto (Canada)
You were great. You outlived all who tried to destroy you and you lived to be older than Thatcher who tried to destroy us.
Dave Poole (United Kingdom)
Mis sinceras condolencias al pueblo cubano y al mundo entero donde haya un soñador que quiera cambiar el mundo con sus ideales, sin doblegarse de rodillas ante el imperialismo y el gran capital. Solidaridad al pueblo del comandante que inspiró la lucha armada contra las injusticias en mi país El Salvador. #HastaSiempreCandante
Daniel Sosa (El salvador)
QUIEN NO QUIERE MORIR ASI ! Con una vida revolucionaria, sin doblegarse, traicionar sus ideas, fiel a sus pensamientos, siendo pionero , admirado y odiado por muchos, pocos fueron tan inteligentes para seguir sus pensamientos . Viva fidel. Que viva...! YO QUIERO. Heiler_gr
Heiler Morales (Venezuela)
Peter Tame (United Kingdom)
pasan las horas... pero no pasa la tristeza... y a pesar de ello aquí estamos los cubanos, sobre todo nosotros: los jóvenes... en la trinchera... gritando más fuerte que nunca: COMANDANTE EN JEFE: ORDENE! #FidelCastroInvencible #HastaSiempreComandante #HastaLaVictoriaSiempre Viva Cuba!!! Viva la Revolución Invencible!!!
Ana Perez (Cuba)
Soy médico cubana, estoy en el programa mais médicos para o Brasil, y hoy tengo lá absoluta certeza de que tu exército de batas blancas, segura con pie firme tu legado, de revolucionário cubano, latinoamericano. Seguimos en combate, hasta la Victória siempre comandante eterno.
Eylén (Brazil)
Soy médico cubana, estoy en el programa mais médicos para o Brasil, y hoy tengo lá absoluta certeza de que tu exército de batas blancas, segura con pie firme tu legado, de revolucionário cubano, latinoamericano. Seguimos en combate, hasta la Victória siempre comandante eterno.
Eylén (Brazil)
The monument that we build in celebration of the Life of Fidel will be the extension of the Cuban Revolution around the world.
Barry Healy (Australia)
It is with deepest sympathy that I learned of the death of your esteemed leader, Fidel Castro Ruz. He was a man of the people, and an inspiration to countless many. His legacy and faith in the Cuban revolution will carry on. The world has lost a giant of a man: one who had abundant love and strategy. ¡Hasta la Victoria Simpré!
Carole Woodhall (Canada)
Mis condolencias a todos mi querios hermanos Cubanos. La perdida de nuestro querido comandante es una herida irreparable, HLS
Liliana Ester Miller (Argentina)
Your revolution gave the Cuban people dignity. The Cuban revolution gave people all over the world visions and inoiration to make a better world. Memory of your contribution will live for ever. Thank you for your lifelong partisipation Commandante.
Knut Holm (Norway)
Fué un honor nacer en la Cuba revolucionaria, fué un honor conocerte Fidel, fue un honor vivir el socialismo y fué viviendo el capitalismo que he tenido el gran honor de ser un comunista marxista-leninista, gritemos juntos cómo el Ché cuando se despidió de nosotros: Hasta la victoria siempre!
Ernesto (United States of America)
(United States of America)
People of Cuba, my heartfelt condolences to you all, at the death of a great, great comrade. Yours, in sadness and solidarity, Anne Grindlay
Anne Grindlay (United Kingdom)
Volaste el vuelo de los grandes y nos dejaste tus alas, COMANDANTE
E. margarita Gonzalez (Canada)
Descansa en paz...
Alexander (Cuba)
Es parte de mi historia familiar estar viendo Elpidio con mis hermanos y que saliera Fidel. En esos años no nos hacia felices, ahora siento que murió mi abuelo cubano. Gracias Fidel, por tantas cosas.
Tamara (Chile)
Solo tengo que agradecer a mi padre y a mi madre que me dieron la vida y a la vida que me permitio vivir en el tiempo de Fidel
jose L Gil (Canada)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante,descanse en paz.
Niurky Yanet Contreras Herrera (Cuba)
Mis mas sinceras condolencias a el pueblo Cubano y al mundo entero,pues se nos adelanto en el viaje ,pero hoy es inmortal,pues es un gigante,sobre paso todos los limites,Hasta siempre comandante,te queremos y hoy te lloramos,pero dejaste una guella in borrable,Hasta la victoria siempre,querido comandante,Q.D.D.G.
Mirna Romero (Canada)
En la disciplina revolucionaria deberemos caminar para seguir ensanchando este amor por el ser humano, por la naturaleza y por la vida, en general... En su ejemplo, comandante, en el de El Che, en el de Camilo... Acompañemos a Raéordm;l en la difícil tarea de llevar este vertiginoso barco de amor llamado Cuba y con empeño y solidaridad defendamos lo que tantas vidas ha costado: nuestro corazón latinoamericano llamado Cuba. Vuele ligero, comandante!!
Pavel Granados (Mexico)
Earth has lost one of the greatst,if not the greatest revolutionaries and caring person, who spend over 50 years trying to make the world better for all the poverished people. Cuba has set an exmple for the world. Hasta la victoria
Stiofan (Ireland)
Hoy mas que nunca Cuba se mantendrá firme pues ahora contamos con una estrella más que nos guiará por el camino de la verdad y las ideas. Gracias comandante por ayudar a ser quien soy. #VivaCuba #PatriaoMuerte #HastaSiempreComandante.
Luis Miguel Puris Hernandez (Cuba)
Fidel has trascendido en la historia como un gigante que se opuso a la opresion en Cuba y el planeta entero. Tu legado y enseñanzas son imborrables, perduraran en la historia con la palabra dignidad en mayuscula. #HastaSiempreComandante
Andres Acuña (Colombia)
A great leader and a great man who will be sorely missed in this world full of greed and inequality. One of those rare human beings, along with Che, who gave their lives for the benefit of ordinary folk. May he rest in peace.
Lovelia Sell (United Kingdom)
Desde las Alturas del cerro más alto de América" El Aconcagua ",Mendoza, Argentina Mi Corazón con TODOS mis hermanos Cubanos. ESTRELLA DE AMERICA. Al fin, te tengo en mis manos, bandera hermosa, la de la estrella, la de los ríos, la de la sangre. Te trajo a mis manos, en este invierno, una dulce Cubana, Habanera, Ella; sin saber, que mi corazón llora por Ti. Te amo, bandera cubana; Oh...!! Gloriosa!!. Te amo por tus hazañas; por téordm; arrojo. Te amo por téordm; simbolismo, por téordm; sangre. Oh...!!, gloriosa!!, bandera del caribe; Oh bendita...!!, bandera de su pueblo; Oh estandarte...!!, de la lucha y la justicia. Brilla Téordm;, estrella esplendorosa iluminando, cada rincón de téordm; Isla; cada rincón del universo infinito. Porque eres bella y cobijo de téordm; pueblo, porque eres Madre, de los que a ti acuden, porque eres al fin, la que rige mi destino. Autor: Miguel Angel Gubiotti. A CUBA la conozco solo a través de los libros del CHE, y me ENAMORE. espero algéordm;n día conocer tus entrañas. Lamento que para cuando yo lo pueda lograr el Comandante, MI COMANDANTE, ya no este. Pero se que ustedes me trasmitirán, todo su AMOR y FIDELIDAD a su AMADO Pueblo. Desde el momento que pusieron su nombre lo destinaron a SER LO QUE ES. FIEL a su pensamiento, a su corazón, y a su PUEBLO. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE, COMANDANTE FIDEL CASTRO RUZ.
Miguel Angel Gubiotti (Argentina)
Comandante, no te detengas, tus ideas quedaran en la eternidad, tu legado será nuestro camino. No has muerto, vives en cada cubano que ama sus conquistas. Vuelve pronto.Solo es grande en la vida quien sabe ser pequeño. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Arlenys Corrales Corrales (Cuba)
With Fidel's passing, the world loses a great warrior in the fight for justice and progress throughout the world. Viva Fidel, Viva Cuba.
Alex Mclaren (United Kingdom)
Er Zeigte dass Widerstand möglich ist. Précurren;sident Assad ist auch so ein Held. Ab Jetzt werden sich immer mehr Führen wagen.
Sayegh Dr. Michel (Germany)
To Fidel Castro~ Not only was you an aspiration to me, but you were one to many across the globe. You were living proof that a country, if united, could compete with the major capitalist nations such as America, succeeding them in important aspects of life, obviously including the main factor, healthcare. It is heartbreaking to say you have passed on, but your memory, the message you have given and the motivation you have passed on will live forever. Rest In Peace Fidel, may your memory last forever. Adam Watson
Adam Watson (United Kingdom)
Mis sinceras condolencia a la familia Castro y al pueblo Cubano!! Que viva por siempre el Comandante Compañero Fidel!!nos enseñante la verdadera Solidaridad de los Pueblos !!!
Doris Navarro Figueroa y familia (Chile)
Para siempre Fidel, seguiremos juntos!
Augusto Tirado (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante!!
María Arcelia Martà (Mexico)
Your revolution was our revolution! Hasta Siempre Commundante!
George Venemore (New Zealand)
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Hasta siempre comandante¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Arlet Hernández (Cuba)
Mucha fuerza al pueblo cubano y a todos los que luchan por la igualdad en todos lados del mundo. La muerte de Fidel es un nuevo comienzo. Porque los grandes nunca se van. Ellos perduran en el tiempo. Y las ideas no mueren. Hasta la victoria, siempre. Patria o muerte, venceremos.
Lauro Mercado Alva (Peru)
Indudablemente el mundo entero debe reconocer que el 25 de noviembre de 2016 quedará marcado en la historia no sólo de nuestro país, sino, en la historia del mundo entero. A pesar de la indignación que siento cuando veo comentarios absurdos en contra de tal figura en las redes sociales, supongo que su grandeza, su brillo, no deben pasar desapercibido aéordm;n para sus enemigos. Hablo por mis hermanos, aquellos que sienten la desaparición física de su líder histórico, aquellos que a pesar de la situación logran ver lo bueno de sus obras. Seguirás vivo por siempre en el corazón del pueblo cubano. Hasta siempre comandante!!!
Rosmery Caridad Acosta Néordm;& (Cuba)
Quiero saludar y acompañar desde mi Argentina a todo el hermoso pueblo CUBANO,por la muerte de su gran Líder. Si Dios quiere lo podré hacer personalmente, cuando en Abril visitemos con mi esposa, Cayo Santa Maria y Santa Clara. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!!!!! VENCEREMOS!!!!
Rafael Daniel Esposito (Argentina)
Hasta la victoria siempre!!!!
Andrys Adonis Santos Dominguez (Cuba)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!!!!! No te olvido y nadie nunca lo hará, el pueblo de Cuba te llevará siempre es sus corazones, tu luz nunca se apagará, esa llama es ETERNA!!!! Por siempre entre nosotros, Comandante.!!
Elianys Ferriol (Cuba)
Pueblo Cubano, Su líder se mantendrá vivo y ejemplo de valor para la humanidad. Sólo morimos cuando nos estamos olvidados y Fidel Castro a vivir para siempre en la historia y la memoria, como una estrella grande y brillante para guiar a los pueblos que claman por la justicia social
Maria do Socorro Patello de Moraes (Brazil)
Maikel (Cuba)
RIP,A True hero.
Jonh Foley (United Kingdom)
Gracias Comandante !! Tu partida me ha llenado de tristeza, pero esta es solo fisica, tu presencia estara para la eternidad junto a los que sufren y sera una llama de esperanza que nos impulsara a seguir la lucha. VIVA FIDEL ! VIVA CUBA ! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE, COMANDANTE !
Alba (Sweden)
Farewell comrade Fidel, you held the cure to the disease of US imperialism and faced down the tyrant. Now the dog Trump barks. May all Cubans and decent people of the world be inspired by your legacy to stand against this vile cur.
Tony Littler (United Kingdom)
Mis mas sentidas condolencias a la familia y al pueblo de Cuba por la perdida de Fidel nuestro gran lider.Gracias Fidel por el legado de dignidad,moral y amor a la patria y al ser humano independientemente se su nacionalidada o credo religioso
Ernesto Naranjo Perez (Brazil)
estoy trabajando en brasil y no puedo dejar de escribir mis condolencias para mi comandante, gracias por todo
anay jorge gonzalez (Cuba)
Fidel vil altid vébrvbar;re her. Fidel lever videre i mange millioner mennesker verden over. Stor solidaritet med det cubanske folk.
Jan Grécedil;nvold (Lao)
EPD Mi comandante. .que dios le tenga en la glória. .vaya en paz que sus hijos no les fallaremos jamas...gracias por todo...
eloida (Cuba)
Fidel was a hero of mine since I was 12 years old. He may have left his body but he will live on forever
sue collard (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante
Nolin Alfonso Cruz (Brazil)
Fidel vive!
Dino Philippos (United Kingdom)
Sergio Malkind (Bolivia)
Tu partida ha sido un duro golpe,es una tristeza inmensa en mi corazon,al estar tan lejos de mi querida patria, cumpliendo con mi deber de medico cubana,como siempre nos ensenaste.Solo me queda darte las gracias por todo , y decirte que viviras siempre en nuestros corazones e seguiremos con tus ideas. HASTA LA VITORIA SIEMPRE QUERIDO COMANDANTE .
Hasta siempre comandante!!!
Oscar Suarez Oviedo (Cuba)
What can we say more? It's not only a legend who is gone. It's one of the greatest man of this century. A man full of humanity. Fidel made me feel like a citizen of a country I've never even been. Lucky are those who could talk to him, see his smile. He will always live in all the children of Cuba, the children of freedom. He will always live in the Cuban people, the one he loved so much, he gave his whole life to this people. If this people are living, Fidel is living. If the revolution is living, Fidel is living. Hoping it's all the time 1959 in Cuba and that no one will never forget this day, this day who changed the History for ever, this day full of hope, this day when all start: el 26 de Julio. Hasta Siempre Commandante.
Kenza Askri (France)
Francisco das Chagas Nóbrega (Brazil)
Joseli (Brazil)
Remembering one of the greatest revolutionarys of our time,who gave the people of Cuba hope and changed their lives for the better,a true socialist and principled man, a man of the people. The world has lost a great leader, but have been left a great legacy .Viva Cuba, viva Che, Viva Fidel. From Bonnie Scotland xx
Sheena Keeley (United Kingdom)
Fidel es un Pueblo
Félix Ló (United Kingdom)
Elier Díaz Nué (Cuba)
Mis mas sinceras condolencias al pueblo cubano desde Puerto Rico.
Juan Hernandez (Puerto Rico)
Condolence, Comrades.
RAY (Taiwan)
Descanse em paz mi eterno comandante ,gracias por lo que soy,por lo q me ensenaste ,q dios te guarde en un buen lugar .
Damaris Urquia Roche (Cuba)
Siento profundamente la muerte de mi Comandante en Jefe, y a la vez busco fuerzas para cumplir lo que nos pidió a cada cubano: defender la soberanía que tan caro nos ha costado lograr y mantener. Fidel, Lider Invencible. Hasta Siempre, Comandante.
Ledis R Fernández S&Atil (Cuba)
Descanse en paz Comandante y saludos al Che.
Sergio Lira (United States of America)
Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba Libre!
Suzanne Hart (United Kingdom)
He conocido a Fidel desde pequeña por mi hermano, yo soy peruana, y quede encantada desde que conozco Cuba y los cubanos se ven las enseñanzas del Comandante... tu pueblo y el Mundo te llora por que eres de todos los que queremos un poco de igualdad en nuestra patria, te he llorado de saber que no te vere o leere pero solo eso pues tu sigues con nostros... Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!!
Judith Reyes (Peru)
Fidel Castro True Patriot and Man of the Twentieth Century R I P
Robert Redford (United Kingdom)
Fidel fue como las matemáticas. Sólamente puede ser odiado por quien es incapaz de comprender su grandeza y su importancia.
Enoch Alvarado López (Mexico)
Se fue uno de los grandes!!! Fundo nuestra universidad y por eso siempre estaremos agradecidos. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE....
Juan (Cuba)
Em paz descanse hasta la Victoria siempre
Juan luis (Cuba)
Nunca imagine que este dia llegaria porque siempre lo vimos como un hombre inmortal, un hombre éordm;nico, a él le agradesco lo que soy una profesional de la salud un miembro mas de su ejercito de batas blancas como un dia nos nombro, hoy me encuentro en brasil y sabre, como en otras misiones dejar muy en alto su legado, siempre permanecera en nuestros corazones lo amaré siempre...viva fidel y hasta siempre comandante ....
Sonia Garcia Rodriguez (Cuba)
Hasta siempre,venceremos!
Nestor Lopez de Munain (Spain)
Fidel has inspired me since I was a young man in high school in 1964, and will continue to inspire me to my last breath.
Carl Gentile (United States of America)
El mas grande de todos los cubanos del siglo XX, faro y guia para las nuevas generaciones de hombres dignos de pensamiento y accion indoblegable que nno piense nadie que la muerte lo ha vencido hoy todo un pueblo lo llora y eso no es en bano, fidel es fidel ayer hoy y siempre, CUANDO UN PUEBLO ENERGICO Y VIRIL LLORA LA INJUSTICIA TIEMBLA. HONRAR HONRA. GLORIA ETERNA. COMANDANTE EN JEFE. ORDENE. HASTA SIEMPRE CUBANO HASTA SIEMPRE PADRE MAESTRO AMIGO, GRACIAS FIDEL
andy gonzalez santana (Cuba)
No aparece Panamá pero en nombre del Comité de Solidaridad de panamá les envió este poema: Autor: reynaldo Abrego ... Interprete: Sheyla Rodriguez. 1. De principios solidarios, vive el pueblo cubano educando a sus hermanos, con sentido visionario marcando en sus idearios, sobresale en su bondad y humilde con la verdad, apoyan pueblos vecinos a pobres, a peregrinos, cumpliendo con la hermandad. 2. Es claro sentirlos aqui, cultivar la rosa blanca mantener la risa franca y hacerle gloria a Marti Fidel lo pensaba asi, cuando fijó en su nación no acepto la condición, de traidores ni de extraños odiando el desengaño, que anude su corazón 3. Raéordm;l sigue con la obra, afrontando lo que viene Cuba brinda lo que tiene y otros dan lo que les sobra sus servicios no los cobra, pués lo hace de corazón y asi cumple la misión, del gran servicio social y el marxismo tan genial, que ama la educación 4. Noventa años de Fidel, el lider que sigue vivo antorcha del pueblo activo, va caminando con él Cuba sigue su nivel, pisando firme y seguro para luchar contra el muro, que aéordm;n se quiere ocultar y no podrán derrotar, la ruta hcia el futuro. Todo el Comité de solidaridad de Panamá con Cuba seguirá fortaleciendose y seguiremos unidos al pueblo de Cuba para hacer y seguir construyendo el Proyecto Social del Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro. !! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE !!!!!
María Hernéiex (Panama)
Goodbye to Castro, a great man, may the revolution continue carried on by the amazing people of Cuba!
Helen Healey (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, invicto Comandante
lazaro leandro de la peña m (Cuba)
Sweet dreams Fidel. You're a great brave man who made this world a better place.
Graeme Stuttaford (United Kingdom)
You are much loved and never forgotten. Your example shines bright for us to follow. The struggle for a better wold comtinues and we will keep on fighting. xx
Gordon Calliste (United Kingdom)
John O'Brien (Ireland)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Mildre (Brazil)
Fidel no murió, nació la leyenda. Dejó un país con dignidad y coraje. Que la obra continéordm;e.
Mauricio (Uruguay)
The Father of the Revolution, The greatest Revolutionary of all Times, Fidel Castro Ruiz dies, Castro once said in a court room before the Revolution " History will absolve me " The world will come to know of this mans strengths his passion and his efforts against injustices, how great a part he played in the World against oppression, against capitalism against the evils of greed. Not enough can be said to credit this man in terms of his strengths his bravery, his need to cause a revolution against the injustices in his homeland Cuba. Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Viva la Revolucion, Viva Fidel, Long Live the legacy of Fidel Castro.. My rolemodel my comrade in spirit and the father of all revolutionaries has passed, but I will remember him through every step of the revolutions we will cause
Seyhan Seydali (United Kingdom)
A sad day. A sad loss. But only Fidel grew old and died. His life and revolution will be an inspiration and a beacon of hope to the poor and downtrodden everywhere, forever. Hasta la Victoria siempre!!
John Hurrell (Ireland)
I'm sorry for your loss. Fidel was an incredible man and an inspiration to millions.
Brett Hoese (United States of America)
Descanse en Paz Comandante y Gloria Eterna!
Adrián Gésup (Cuba)
#Fidelsomostodos Dios lo tenga en su gloria.
A la orden comandante,hasta la victoria siempre <3<3<3
Gabriela (Costa Rica)
With Fidel Castro and Cuba, I link the concept of salvation hope. We will still experience many positive surprises with Cuba. Venceremos
Willi Schulze-Barantin (Germany)
La lucha continua !
Jaime Arabia (United States of America)
Hasta Siempre, Comandante. Los cubanos dignos sabremos mantener tu legado
Carlos Gonce (Cuba)
Sahili Rivera (Cuba)
So sorry. A very sad loss the the world.
STUART FLUDE (United Kingdom)
Comrade and brother Fidel, You will be missed because you gave the poor and dispossessed a voice. You stood up to imperialism, and racism and social injustice. You supported the non-aligned movements, and gave people knowledge, understanding, discipline and a vision. A vision of a better society and way, of a society where wealth is shared, and where people can reach their potential collectively and prioritised over materialism and selfishness. Although you are gone, your vision will never be forgotten, and we will try to continue this legacy on in new and varied ways. History has definitely absolved you.You will never be forgotten.! Rest in Peace
Debashis De (Ireland)
Dice el pueblo que es mentira que hayas muerto Comandante . Porque hombres como tu no mueren, ni en la Historia ni en el Tiempo. Estamos contigo!... que decir Fidel es decir Cuba y decir Cuba es decir América. La noticia de tu muerte se ha desparramado por todo el mundo. Ha muerto dicen, uno de los hombres más extraordinarios de todos los tiempos, uno de los mas grandes revolucionarios del mundo y de nuestra querida América Latina. El presidente de Cuba Raéordm;l Castro dijo sobre este hecho: "Querida Cuba, con profundo dolor comparezco para informar a nuestro pueblo, a nuestra América y el mundo, que hoy, 25 de noviembre de 2016, a las diez y 29 horas de la noche falleció el comandante en jefe de la Revolución Cubana Fidel Castro Ruz, .... Murió en su amada Habana, Cuba a los 90 años de edad; en la ciudad que lo vio entrar victorioso un 8 de enero de 1959 junto a los guerrilleros bajados de la sierra maestra y que lo recibió entre vivas, entre flores, banderas y campanas al vuelo. Ahí empezó su medio siglo de pelea, para que Cuba no fuera otra vez colonia de los Estados Unidos, para que Cuba no fuera objeto de venta. Dicen que era hermoso verlo hablar y que toda la isla iba a verlo en su uniforme verde olivo y su estrella de Comandante en la boina,distintivo de su grado de Comandante en Jefe de la Fuerzas Armadas, ante un pueblo que lo aclamaba: ¡FIDEL, FIDEL, QUE TIENE FIDEL, QUE LOS AMERICANOS NO PUEDEN CON EL! Su grito de Patria o Muerte sonó tan alto, que hizo temblar al imperio más grande de todos los tiempos, mil veces más fuerte que el romano, los Estados Unidos Aquí estamos en esta hora de tus funerales diciendo: Vivirás aquí en la inmortalidad de tu muerte...Fidel Comandante. Aquí estamos, así se revuelquen las hienas en el seno del imperio y se alegren por esta desgracia. Estamos contigo!... que decir Fidel es decir Cuba y decir Cuba es decir América. Tengo el corazón lleno de lágrimas. te lo digo agradecido por tu ejemplo. Con legítimo orgullo os digo a los cuatro vientos: Sembraremos jardines, donde había basurero. ¡Hasta siempre Comandante!
Jose (Venezuela)
The world is a better place because of Maestro Castro.
Kathleen Hiughart (United States of America)
A great man.
Joan Fournier (United Kingdom)
Be safe. Be strong. Don't give in to western propaganda.It's hard for those of us that live with capitalism.
Mary (Ireland)
Although we must all die, Fidel's death is immensely sad for all of us who love freedom and progress for the peoples of the world. I join the millions of Cubans who mourn the death of this giant of the modern world. Hasta siempre, comandante.
Tim Oxton (United Kingdom)
A mi querido y honrado pueblo cubano todo mi aprecio, mi respeto. Se que nuestro gigante murio fisicamente, pero su legado es inmortal como es el comandante che Guevara. Para ellos honor y gloria y confío en que el pueblo cubano seguirá defendiendo su revolución hasta la muerte. Yo aca haré. Intentaré hacer lo propio.a nuestros muertos no se les llora. Toda una vida de lucha.b
Elena daza (Colombia)
Thank you Fidel. May your passion for your people live on.
Richard Jefferson (United Kingdom)
Fidel led the people of a small nation in defiance of the greatest power in the world. It was never a matter of Cuba defeating the USA, only a matter of continuing to exist despite the attempt to destroy what the Cuban people are trying to build. This they have done magnificently. They have done more than this, by contributing medical and humanitarian aid to all peoples of the world, and making a significant contribution to the ending of the apartheid state in South Africa. These achievements are inseparable from the unique qualities of Fidel's leadership. Those of us who try to build the revolution in the imperialist UK have been inspired by Fidel's unwavering commitment and incisive analysis. We have drawn strength from his determination that the people of Cuba will prevail, and our resolve is reinforced by the example he has made. Perhaps his greatest achievement was that though he attained the position of head of state the world knew him simply as Fidel, and all oppressed people could claim legitimate kinship with him.
Malcolm Parker (United Kingdom)
RIP mi comandante que aunque te fuiste me allegro que pudiste lograr tus sueños de ayudar y luchar por los mas desprotejidos.
Miguel Vargas (United States of America)
hasta siempre comandante
leonardo gadea (Uruguay)
History obsolved you!! It was an Honor.
Hugo M. Hernandez (Cuba)
Hail the hero of the people
Simon Hargrave (United Kingdom)
Stayton Aschenbrenner (United States of America)
Que decir del dolor que me embarga perdemos físicamente al padre de nuestra revolución un hombre que como diría Juan Gelman alzó sobre una estaca su propio corazón el éordm;nico que tuvo, que vivió para los humildes y por los humildes ejemplo inigualable de amor me queda el orgullo de haber vivido en su tiempo de haber aprendido de su ejemplo y sobre todo de ser una digna seguidora de su legado GLORIA ETERNA AL ETERNO COMANDANTE BUENAS NOCHES HISTORIA AGRANDA TUS PORTONES ENTRAMOS CON FIDELIDAD CON EL CABALLO
Lourdes Caballero (Cuba)
Viviras en tu pueblo q es mi pueblo comandante! Hasta la victoria siempre
rosa ferrero (Argentina)
Fidel sigues junto a cada uno de nosotros.gracias a esa Revolución que formaste soy médico hoy y llevo mis conocimentos y valores al mundo.HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE!!!!!
Katia Martinez aosorio (Cuba)
No estuvimos preparados nunca para esta gran pérdida.Hoy te doy las gracias por ser mi gran padre mi guia.Gracias por por formar parte de tu gran Ejército de batas blancas del q siempre estuviste orgulloso y que formastes.Jamás te desfraudare....HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE MI QUERIDO Y AHORA ETERNO COMANDANTE...
Damari lugones (United Kingdom)
Comandante Fidel Castro tu legado perdurará por siempre y se convertirá en el gran aliciente de la humanidad. Tras la noticia de tu fallecimiento, he visto a la Juventud Cubana, sumida en dolor de alma, pero firmes en continuar tu ejemplo y el proceso político en pro de Cuba. Me emociona sobre manera ver la juventud Cubana gritar al unísono "Yo soy Fidel" Desde Colombia gracias Comandante Fidel Castro por sus aportes al mundo y especialmente por sus gestiones por la paz de mi país Colombia. Yo también "SOY FIDEL"
Rupert Ian Harris (United Kingdom)
Gracias por ser de verdad, gracias por hacernos hombres, gracias por cuidar los nombres que tiene la libertad. Gracias por tu dignidad, gracias por tu rifle fiel, por tu pluma y tu papel, por tu ingle de varón. Gracias por tu corazón. ¡Gracias por todo, Fidel! Al Hombre de todos los Tiempos, al Gran Amigo, al Comandante, gracias por nuestra Libertad. Hasta Siempre Comandante Hasta Siempre Amigo
Leyriel Zurita González (Cuba)
¿Muerto? Como a una estrella cuya luz nos llega despeues de millones de años atras de su muerte, asi su luz eterna nos llegará para siempre. Gloria eterna a este verdadero revolucionario. Jamas olvidaré lo que has hecho para que este mundo sería mejor. Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!
Phillip Staple (Jamaica)
Que en paz descanses mi comandante en jefe
Anaisis Dreke Roque (Cuba)
Yo, Rizzo Eleonora, creadora de la página facebook castrista "Comunisti per scelta, non per deviazione", junto con los siguientes colaboradores: Ernesto R., Emanuele Antonini, Enrico Scappaticci, Daniele Cuomo, Spartaco, Tanya, Gramsci94 y acompañada por quince mil Compañeros comunistas, expresamos nuestro más sentido pésame respecto del pueblo cubano y los familiares de Fidel. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Eleonora Rizzo (Italy)
Good bye dear comrade Fidel.Long live Cuba.Long live Communism.
Bhagya Kandauda (Sri Lanka)
Nuestras condolencias al pueblo Cubano. Y todo el respeto del mundo para este pueblo de America Latina unico por esa valentia tan grande que continuara mostrando al mundo '
Esperanza Sanchez Malpica (Mexico)
Fidel Castro é imortal. Vou chorar, nunca mais eu vou parar de chorar. O mundo perdeu esse grande homem. Sua luta entrará para história! O povo Cubano, vivenciou o socialismo. Parabéns a todos os Cubanos que resistiram as tiranias dos imperialistas. Parabéns Comandante Fidel Castro por ter conduzido Cuba a ser exemplo para o mundo. A Revoluésect;épound;o Socialista vitoriosa na Ilha Caribenha, nos enche de esperanésect;a e nos dá forésect;a para seguirmos os ideais possíveis de criarmos um mundo justo, com igualdade de oportunidades para todos os seres humanos do planeta. Viva a Revoluésect;épound;o Socialista! Viva Cuba! Viva Fidel Castro!
Vina Guedes (Brazil)
Gracias Fidel!!! Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!!
Yasser Perera (Bolivia)
Yesterday (Saturday, November 26, 2016) was very surreal. Now it is sinking in that our great hero is no longer with us. No longer will he share thoughts of extreme clarity, unraveling the machinations of a dying system that places little value on humanity and the environment. Now we have to step up to the plate and be Fidel. He gave us the charge that it is our duty to struggle for the better world that is possible and to also light the path for others to follow. We love you Fidel. You took up the responsibility placed on your shoulders by history. You were valiant in your defense of your people and all humanity. You demonstrated what it means to be a true revolutionary leader and internationalist. You will live forever in our memory.
Hope McNish (Jamaica)
Descansa en paz comandante los jovenes que forjaste no te fallaran en llevar adelante la obra de la Revolución, Patria o Muerte!!! Venceremos!!!
Lenier Garcia Vizcaino (Cuba)
Thanks to Fidel Castro Cuba is the safest and most educated country in the world!RIP COMMENDANTE!
George d rappos (Canada)
Deepest condolences from all of Scotland
John Allan (United Kingdom)
Soy colaboradora médica en Brasil, el ejército de batas blanca sigue con el legado de nuestro comandante en jefe mi caguairan Hasta la Victoria Siempr
Aqui una soldado mas de su ejercito de batas blancas que cumple con el deber y compromiso de nuestra Pátria y nuestros ideales desde brasil que se une a Los Miles y Miles de cubanos que lloramos tu partida. Hás partido invicto como merecias Mi gigante de las 7 léguas,Mi David, Mi heroe,Mi idolo,mi comandante.Gracias a ti aprendi a leer,a escribir y a ser uma mejor persona. Aprendi a luchar contra las injusticias a ser humilde y humanitária. A ti te debo Mi educacion y mi profesion. Usted me hizo muy feliz aquel 13 de agosto Cuando de tus manos recibi Mi titulo de graduada de la Carrera de medicina. No podia estar mas feliz de darle a usted Ese presente el próprio dia de su aniversario formando parte de su ejercito de batas blancas. Quiero que sepas que su partida es solo una perdida física. Usted vive y vivira por Siempre en el corazon de cada cubano. Usted es inmortal Mi comandante, usted nos deja el mejor legado y Los mejores recuerdos. Descanse em paz Mi comandante o mejor dicho mi padre por que eso fuiste para cada cubano: un padre. Te amamos. Hasta la Vitória Siempre.
Yilan (Cuba)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Luis Arturo Ramírez Soto (Cuba)
In solidarity with the people of Cuba and with deep respect, ¡Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante en Jefe!
Perran Ersu (Turkey)
Thank you for leading Cuba as a beacon of hope in the widerness years following the 1973 coup against Allende in Chile and the years of military dictatorship in so many countries. Thank you for the magnificent Cuban suppot in overthrowing apartheid in South Africa and for a reckord second to none in the provision of international humanitarian medical aid. Sincere condolences to the Cuban people. RIP Fidel.
John Drewery (United Kingdom)
No porque hayas caido tu luz es menos fuerte, seguiras viviendo en el corazon de muchos millones de personas que estamos dispuestos a dar hasta la ultima gota de sangre por defender las conquistas que alcansaste y como una vez dijistes nacimos para vencer y no para ser vencidos, hasta la victoria siempre
Rogelio Mena Torres (Brazil)
Rest in peace, dear Comrade
Rebecca (United States of America)
Maciel Piñero Sa (Cuba)
Viva Cuba!
Seb (Germany)
Comandante, seguiremos luchando con firmeza y defenderemos los ideales de independencia y patriotismo que inculcaste al pueblo cubano. Tu lucha no fue en vano y los jovenes cubanos seremos fieles continuadores de tu legado. Hasta la victoria siempre!!!
Roberto Calaña Nalda (Cuba)
PADRE ; Duele, pero nos compensa saber que téordm; ya eres inmortal , la historia del mundo, los pobres del mundo estaremos de por vida agradecidos FIDEL CASTRO RUZ , ya este mundo no va hacer lo mismo sin ti ....hasta la victoria siempre !!!! Mi comandante It hurts, but it pays to know that you are already immortal, the history of the world, the poor of the world will be grateful for life FIDEL CASTRO RUZ, and this world will not do the same without you .... Hasta la victoria siempre !!!! Mi comandante
Dailen Mastrapa (Cuba)
Muchas gracias comandante, muy triste por tu partida pero seguiré el camino que me enseñaste, Gloria eterna, hasta siempre Fidel
Mayra Tellez Gonzalez (Cuba)
Mi querido comandante descansa en paz. Estarás siempre entre nosotros ya q tus ideas viviran x siempre hasta la Victoria siempre comandante
Sheylla peñafiel (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Cubanos!Fidel no esta aqui , pero sus ideas estan.Seguimos adelante!
Fue una muerte esperada mas no por eso dolio menos naci creci y me forme en la sociedad que el creo que no es perfecta pero que no la cambio por nada la humanidad perdio a un gran estadista una persona con vision futura u hombre justo y humano siempre tendre en mi mente tu ejemplo siento orgullo de coincidir en el mundo en el que hiciste historia vaya en paz Comandante a Patria lo contempla Orgullosa . Llegue a su familia nuestro mas sentido pésame
Milvián Diamela Castillo Fr& (Cuba)
Mis sentidas condolencias a la familia Castro y a todo el pueblo cubano por la triste, lamentable, inesperada muerte del líder histórico de la revolución Cubana, Fidel Castro: Un gigante de la dignidad, DECORO y valentía! Hasta siempre comandante! Q.E.P.D.
Carmen Metz (United States of America)
Gracias companero Fidel! For everything you have done and for the example you have set for all of us. Patria o muerte! Socialismo o muerte! Venceremos!
Dan Lumberg (Sweden)
Gloria eterna a nuestro querido e invencible comandante,no le fallaremos jamás!desde Brasil.misión médica.
Bárbaro Véie (Brazil)
Minhas condoléordf;ncias ao povo cubano ! Amo o país de voces !!!
Clarisse Lokschin (Brazil)
Hasta la Victoria siempre Comandante!!!
Sumarys Barrera Hung (Cuba)
Viva Fidel
Dori Otoni (Brazil)
Fidel as shown that there is a chance that we can survive with another system other than Capitalism
kenny newton (United Kingdom)
Gloria eterna mi comandante. Vives en el corazon de cada cubano.
You show the way.
Rudi (Denmark)
Siento en este momento como si hubiese perdido mi padre por segunda vez. Soy doctora, y colaboro en el Brasil como parte del ejército de batas blancas en el programa mais médicos, que llevamos el amor y la salud a un pueblo que consideramos como hermano, y que gracias a nuestro ETERNO COMANDANTE EN JEFE FIDEL CASTRO RUZ, LLEVAMOS SU LEGADO A MUCHAS OTRAS PARTES DEL MUNDO. Siendo cada vez más humanos, revolucionarios, internacionalistas y sobre todo CUBANOS.SOLO TENGO QUE AGRADECERLE ETERNAMENTE. GRACIAS FIDEL,por enseñarnos que un mundo mejor es posible. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE MI ETERNO COMANDANTE
Dailiana clares quiala (Brazil)
Al heroico pueblo de Cuba, que supo amar y sostener a ese gigante, Fidel Castro Ruz, no lloremos su partida, celebremos que lo tuvimos 90 años, más de la mitad de su vida enseñándonos a ser dignos, a ser libres, a ser nuevos... Celebremos que Fidel nunca morirá, vivirá por siempre en nuestra mente y corazones, hagámosle el honor de seguir sus pasos hacia la liberación de los oprimidos... Gloria al héroe inmortal...
Lucila Mondragón (Mexico)
Sara Pupo (Cuba)
Mi eterno comandante:ordene! Hasta la Victória siempre!
Lisbety Desdin Rosello (Cuba)
your life and struggle gave us inspiration and direction. your legacy remains our encouragement. Hasta la Victoria en todo el planeta!
Clemens Messerschmid (Palestine)
Hasta Siempre Comandante! Vencedor de mil batallas! nuestro querido pueblo y la humanidad, le estaremos eternamente agradecido por su Obra.
Orlando de Jesus Marrero Hernadendez (Cuba)
Good memórias in My first encounter with you. Thank for what you did for all of us !
Patrícia Costa (Brazil)
I am South African and I am grateful for the Support given to us by Fidel Castro and the Cubans. Cuba is an inspiration to fair-minded people and it is the culmination of Fidel's philosophy and work. Thank You Fidel Castro
Elsa Perez (United Kingdom)
Viviras por siempre Comandante
Yoverkis Leon Blanco (Brazil)
RIP Fidel, Viva Cuba.
Anastasia (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante, Envio mis condolencias, mirando al cielo con la certeza que tu obra y tu esencia seguira viva por los siglos de los siglos... Gracias por la eterna victoria...siempre!
Pablo (Argentina)
Yo,Rizzo Eleonora,creadora de la página fb castrista "Comunisti per scelta, non per deviazione",junto con los siguientes colaboradores:Ernesto R.,Emanuele Antonini,Enrico Scappaticci,Daniele Cuomo,Spartaco,Tanya,Gramsci94 y acompañada por 15.000 Compañeros comunistas,expresamos nuestro más sentido pésame respecto del pueblo cubano y Los familiares de Fidel. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Rizzo Eleonora (Italy)
Ontem acordei triste com a notícia. Népound;o me lembro se já senti tanto a morte de uma figura péordm;blica. Acho que népound;o. Eu pensava que Fidel era imortal. E depois entendi que era mesmo. Que é. Só tive a imensa sorte e alegria de ter vivido ao mesmo tempo que ele. Minha vida está profundamente marcada por esta coincidéordf;ncia. Que sua passagem por aqui nos aponte novos caminhos.
Letícia Giannella (Brazil)
Rest in peace comrade and thank you.
Comrade Bill Meadows (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria siempre Comandante!!!
Roser Clara Navarro Bello (Chile)
Soy médica cubana del programa mais médicos para Brasil. Descansa en paz comandante, misión cumplida una vez más. Siempre estarás en nuestros corazones.
Patricia (Brazil)
Eterno comandante: vives y vivirás en el corazón de tu Cuba revolucionaria. La juventud cubana seguirá manteniendo las conquistas logradas de la revolución
Dayans Gracia Machin (Cuba)
Faisal nalakath (United Kingdom)
Gracias por todo Comandante. Hasta la Victoria siempre
Marlys Moya Campos (Cuba)
Hasta Siempre Comandante, tu legado permanecerá intacto y tus ideas alumbran el camino a seguir y la confianza de que tu pueblo digno nunca entregará ni una sola conquista de la Revolución, ya eres millones..., Hasta la Victoria SIEMPRE!!!
Ottoniel Savigne Silveira (Cuba)
Rest in Peace comrade. May God bless you. A huge inspiration to me and the world.
Daniel Kerr (Ireland)
No existe palabra alguna para expresar mis sentimiento y dolor, nuestro comandante no ha muerto ni morirá nunca siempre estará en nuestros corazones y sus ideas perduraran por la eternidad,nosotros su ejercito de batas blancas siempre seguiremos su ejemplo de humanidad e internacionalismo, comandante hasta la victoria siempre
Dr. Rodolfo Aldana Suárez (Brazil)
Andy Buchanan (United Kingdom)
Very sad for a world to lose such a great leader. His social justice ideas will live forever
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Quisiera expresar mis más sinceras condolencias para Cuba, primer territorio libre de América, quisiera hacerles saber que estoy y estaré siempre en los momentos buenos como en los malos al lado de esta gran nación, una nación que sirve más que ejemplo para todos los paises de América, Fidel, conoci de Fidel cuando apenas tenía 16 años y desde ese entonces soy un gran seguidor fiel de su persona y su revolución, VAYA CON DIOS GRAN LIDER, sus ideales nunca serán olvidados.
Jorge Rafael Bautista Gonzál (Dominican Republic)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante no has muerto viviras en mi corazon seguire tu legado como miembro del ejercito de batas blancas como nos ensenaste llevare junto a mis colegas salud a cualquier parte del mundo que lo necesite
Maite Rodríguez Gil (Cuba)
Barry (United Kingdom)
Soy medica cubana que pertenezco al grupo Mas Medicos en Brasil.Gracias a nuestro invencible comandante que nos enseño la solidaridad como principio etico y moral de la revolucion. No hay palabras para expresar la tristeza que sentimos al recibir la noticia, solo su ejemplo nos guiara a partir de ahora, hasta siempre comandante.
Romali Pietro (United Kingdom)
Fidel es eterno por sus ideas, HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE
Kenia Rodriguez Torrecilla (Cuba)
Agradecido eternamente mi comandante por haberme formado bajo tus ideas en el médico que hoy soy. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Raymar Molina Vega (Cuba)
Descansa en paz querido comandante siempre te recordaremos con mucho amor,con ese amor que tu siempre nos distes
Elizabeth Rodríguez Brito (Cuba)
Hasta siempre mi eterno comandante. Gracias por formarme medica de ciencia y consciencia!!
Dheily francis Carvalho dantas (Brazil)
Descanse em paz comandante, Hasta la victória siempre!!!
Thomás de Lima Leite Gomes (Brazil)
Me uno al sentimiento de millones de personas que están sufriendo la pérdida del comandante Fidel Castro, sin duda un hombre extraordinario , polémico y con mucho amor a Cuba y al mundo
Juan Marquina (Mexico)
Staffan Ekbom (Sweden)
Con mucho dolor te despedimos ...mas con un hasta siempre. Hasta la vitória siempre pátria o muerte VENCEREMOS.
rafael (Brazil)
RIP, and carry on <3
mary (United Kingdom)
Thank you for what you have done in this world. May you rest in peace.
Hildegunn sortland (Norway)
Andrea Villalpando (Mexico)
Andy Kyle (United Kingdom)
My Condolence to Fidel Castro's familly and Country.
Paal Jankov (Norway)
In solidarity to every man, human and child, our family in this moment of profound pain for the lost of one of the greatest man of our generation. H.L. St. Petersburg, Florida.
Hulda Lorente (United States of America)
Fidel est entré vivant dans l'histoire comme le meilleur combattant pour la justice sociale et le meilleur défenseur des opprimés de la Terre
marquant jeannine (France)
Lloro su muerte, pero celebro y agradezco su vida. Gracias, comandante. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Elsa Arroyo Vázquez (Puerto Rico)
En nombre de la republica Arabe saharaui democratica adios al ultimo lider revolucionario el padre de toda Africa Fidel Castro ruz
bachir moh salem (Algeria)
undoubtedly, comander fidel was my ideological father, im sure his revolution will be maintained through the work of the most admirable country in modern days. viva cuba viva fidel
Francisco Gaete (Chile)
denny mata (Cuba)
Hasta siempre comandante!!!!
Elvis (Cuba)
Queridas y queridos hermanos cubanos, reciban desde Arica, Chile, un abrazo fraterno y eternamente comprometido con la revolución latinoamericana. Hoy lloramos la partida de nuestro compañero Fidel, pero sabemos, con toda certeza, que continuaremos su legado. Viva tu eterna presencia, Comandante, Hasta la Victoria Siempre... !!
Pamela Figueroa Pizarro (Chile)
Fidel Castro se ha convertido en un referente inmortal de justicia y dignidad para los pueblos oprimidos del mundo, y para la humanidad entera. Nosotros haremos que su ejemplo heróico y magnánimo traspase las generaciones, desde el sur de la Patria Grande ¡Hasta la victoria siempre! ¡Venceremos!
Simón Séiexcl (Chile)
No pude escribirte una carta por tu cumpleaños 90 Comandante, pero las líneas que te hubiera escrito están grabadas en mi corazón. Te quiero infinitamente. Gracias a ti, mi familia no tuvo que sufrir las cosas que se vivían en Cuba antes del 59. Gracias a ti Cuba tiene un lugar digno en el mundo. Gracias a ti las personas de otras latitudes tienen la esperanza de llegar a un mundo mejor. Entraste en la historia, y te has ido a un lugar muy cercano, a mi corazón, y al de todos los revolucionarios del mundo. No puedo escribir estas líneas sin llorar, pero tengo mucha confianza en el futuro de Cuba, y en la juventud cubana, que es y será siempre continuadora de tu legado. Cuando supe la noticia de tu partida física, te hice una promesa que voy a cumplir hasta el fin de mis días: Voy a seguir luchando y defendiendo la Revolución Cubana, aunque me cueste la vida. Ese es el mejor homenaje que te podemos hacer. Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Maria Silvita (Cuba)
Rest in Peace Mr Castro you and your country have been a great inspiration.
Janette Gordon (United Kingdom)
Your memory will endure. Your country will endure and you're people will remain free.
Nicholas Anthony Michael Patrick Parnell (United Kingdom)
viva Fidel and thank you
Colin Farquhar (United Kingdom)
Su leyenda crecerá hasta que el mundo sea mundo, Fidelista por siempre
Luis Enrique Moreno (Venezuela)
Muere un hombre irrepetible... quedan su obra, sus ideas, su pueblo, su victoria, su dignidad, su humanidad, su inteligencia, una revolución de millones de revolucionarios dentro y fuera de Cuba. La grandeza no se puede bloquear. La historia lo tiene entre los grandes... Bien lo saben Gabo, Mandela, Hugo, Ernesto, Camilo... No te irás nunca, comandante, compañero. Gracias por haber existido en la forma en que lo has hecho. Hombre justo, bueno, noble, valiente. Eterno Fidel... El mundo te llora, yo te lloro... Los que no, ya sabes, o desconocen o tienen intereses espurios... Hasta la victoria siempre ¡HVS!
Como uruguaya lloro también al Comandante Fidel Castro, ejemplo de revolucionario, ético, generoso y líder de cómo ser humano sin perder la ternura, al decir del Che. Vivirás en millones de nosotros, querido Fidel!
Mabel Arévalo (Uruguay)
Solidarity to the people of Cuba please don't let multinational companies take over !!!
samuel (United Kingdom)
Gran pena me invade pero mas fuerza tengo y todo gracias a ti FIDEL.....eterna gloria e inmortalidad
Yuri Melián Jorgen (Spain)
Alberto Arreola (Mexico)
Mis mas sinceras y profundas condolencias a la familia y al Pueblo hermano de Cuba por la desaparición física de su su Lider Comandante Fidel Castro ... Hasta la Victoriaa Siempre !!!
Ana Cristina Flores (Argentina)
Querido pueblo de Cuba, compañeros y compañeras de todo el mundo, revolucionarios y revolucionarios, la tristeza y las lágrimas pronto nos dejarán ver el mañana. La revolución debe continuar y debe extenderse, no pierdan los logros que nosotros no supimos defender en Europa, continéordm;en el camino pues Cuba es un faro que siempre nos iluminará a todos. No vacilen compañeros, estamos orgullosos de ustedes y de su eterna lucha por la justicia. Debemos oír crecer la hierba y no dejar que su enorme legado caiga en saco roto, hoy más que nunca debemos continuar, la lucha tiene sentido, el ser humano y la dignidad humana prevalecerá. Solo he llorado tanto 2 veces, la primera cuando murió mi padre, la segunda empezó cuando me enteré de la muerte del eterno comandante obrero, el camarada y el amigo Fidel Castro Ruz, eterno. Desde Madrid, un sincero abrazo al digno pueblo de Cuba, a los familiares y a mi eterno comandante, cuanto amor han dado ustedes, ¡cuanto! Estoy en deuda. No pasarán. Venceremos. Salud.
Andrés Berral Martà (Spain)
Mis sentimientos de dolor por la muerte del compañero Fidel Castro quien fuera un ejemplo de dignidad humanidad y coraje. La revolución latino-americana y el mundo han perdido un guía en nuestra lucha por la integración y la creación de una patria grande, una patria soñada por Bolivar, el Che y muchos combatientes que han caído en nuestro largo camino hacia esta meta.
Hernan Fernandez Flores (Canada)
Quiero decirte Fidel, todo lo que hoy yo siento, estoy muriendo por dentro, pero a la vez soy feliz. Dichosa porque creci en una tierra preciosa, grande y primorosa, sencilla y delicada, como la flor mas preciada, llamativa y reluciente, porque tuvo un presidente, implacable y sonriente. Que no tuvo miedo jamas de decir siempre la verdad y de echar a andar sus sueños. Hoy cada niño cubano y los niños del ayer, llevan en sus manos el pincel, que dibuja la esperanza. Luchan porque en este mundo reine la paz y la vida. Hay que sembrar la semilla y cultivarla muy bien, para poder recoger el fruto tan preciado, que se basa en tu legado y sabremos mantener. Gracias Comandante Fidel, por darnos la Educacion, que siempre nos hara libres, sin nadie que nos aplaste, sin nadie que nos humille. Gracias por todo Fidel.
Loreta Gomez Rios (Cuba)
Hasta siempre ni comandante!!
Egoitz ibaibarriaga (United Kingdom)
Amor solidario y combate diario... hasta la victoria siempre!!! Comandante!!!
José Luis Gés (Spain)
Gloria eterna a tu memoria, a tu ejemplo y tu vida! Quienes nacimos, crecimos, nos educamos, trabajamos y vivimos en esa Cuba amada, socialista, internacionalista, mejorable, rebelde, digna y heroica compartimos el dolor de tu partida física a la vez que suscribimos en nuestras conciencias el compromiso de cumplir con la Revolución que aquel 1º de Enero nos enseñaste a comprender y tomar como guía para la vida y que definiste en tu concepto de Revolución. A nuestros hijos y nietos les transmitiremos tu legado vivo y para ellos preservaremos y desarrollaremos el país que vamos construyendo por encima de todas las dificultades. Viva Fidel! Hasta la victoria siempre!
Juan Carlos Prada Quintero (Cuba)
yenisel (Cuba)
My thoughts are with the people of Cuba. Keep strong.
John Handley (United Kingdom)
gustavo olaran (Uruguay)
'They talk about the failure of socialism but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?' Fidel Castro 'Adiós a un gran líder de la revolución que ha hecho historia'. 'Hasta la victoria, siempre.
Marina Pallocca (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel. Como lloramos de angustia los argentinos dignos cuando escuchamos la noticia. Larga vida al socialismo ! Viva Fidel !
david figuerola (Argentina)
Fidel; La historia no te absolverá ni hoy ni mañana. La historia no te absolverá en estos días de fachada hipócrita, de enajenación. te absolverá cuando ya no haya aire para respirar, agua para beber, ni árboles que regar. Te absolverá cuando la muerte y la miseria se perciban en cada calle, de cada ciudad de cada país del mundo. Te absolverá cuando la codicia, la inconciencia, el egoísmo y la irracionalidad hayan terminado por corromper al planeta entero. Cuando sus sistema cimentando a punta de despojo, infamia, y destrucción por fin se derrumbe por sí mismo, llevándose con él a la especie entera. Cuando la oscuridad triunfe, cuando el deseo por lucrar para satisfacer la sed individualista contraria a toda esencia humana haya acabado por destruirnos. Cuando todas las contradicciones que esta sociedad encierra por naturaleza en sus entrañas ya no puedan seguir ocultándose. Cuando al final de todo nos demos cuenta que en lo más puro de sí, aquello por lo que luchaste, cada bala que disparaste, cada discurso que diste y cada decisión que tomaste, fueron siempre en pos de tu pueblo, en miras de que ninguna familia cubana siguiera durmiendo sin techo, siguiera muriendo de hambre y padeciendo por los abusos de seres miserables que no tienen ni el más mínimo ápice de decencia. Esos mismos que son los que están llevando a cabo la época del fin del mundo, explotando a individuos y naturaleza a diestra y siniestra. Fueron justamente ellos, los imperialistas, como téordm; mismo les llamaste, quienes hicieron hasta lo imposible por sofocar tus anhelos de libertad y abundancia para todo tu gente por igual. Y solo hasta que el alud miseria que se está inyectando a la civilización del mundo a cada momento se desborde por los caudales de la historia, seremos consientes que téordm; y todos aquellos que lucharon por un mundo mejor, estaban en lo cierto, y solo hasta entonces comandante, por fin, la historia te absolverá, mientras tanto, descansa en la historia, que tu nombré, jamás morirá VIVA FIDEL.
Oscar Bárcenas Gomez (Mexico)
La tecnologia nos conecta con el dolor eres un grande un lider un heroe eres un hombre. Patria o muerte
Miguel Angel Quirola (Ecuador)
I had the honour and pleasure of meeting El Comandante and shake his hands when I was a teenager. I will never forget the moment! Neither will I forget the emotions and the thrill that he aroused in people, including myself (non-Cuban) with just his name. Listening to his speech gave me goosebumps and I wasn't alone. His ideologies and philosophy that was felt and taught throughout the society, i.e. in school, in the community, in the people was so strong and profound that 26 years later and it still lives in me and I try to follow the Cuban example. Fidel has not died, he cannot die. He lives through his people and through the influences that he's made on millions of lives. Fidel lives in our hearts. Hasta Siempre Comandante!!! <3
Hossai M (Afghanistan)
Thanks for half a century of free healthcare, full literacy and Cuba's contribution to the end of apartheid. RIP
Grant (United Kingdom)
To a great revolutionary.
Adrian Larson (Norway)
Mis sinceras condolencias al pueblo cubano por la muerte del Comandante Fidel Castro. Ha sido un gigante en la historia, el rostro de la revolución cubana, el infatigable luchador por la solidaridad entre los pueblos. Su memoria pertenece a la humanidad, está en los sueños de libertad y de emancipación que en Cuba supo Fidel protagonizar y explicar al mundo. Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante!
Antonio Baylos (Spain)
Camarada compañero Comandante de la revolucion Cubana Fidel Castro. Gracias por beneficiar a millones de seres humanos. Los logros conquistados son incalculables para tu pueblo Cubano y otros pueblos del mundo. Un ser humano extraordinario,tremendamente evolucionado. Nunca moriras..hasta la victoria siempre mi eterno comandante
Douglas Sanchez (El salvador)
Fidel era el Comandante de los Humildes, el ejemplo máximo para tod@s que luchan contra la explotación y la opresión.
Daniel Ahl (Sweden)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!!
David G (Spain)
In a World where the horror of capitalism is under the eyes of everyone, the death of a giant like Fidel, is a moment of deep grief for all who believe in a better society
Damiano Laurenza (United Kingdom)
Eli Silvrants (Netherlands)
"I am Fidel Castro and we have come to liberate Cuba." - Rest in peace great Commandant!
Jose Da Silva (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre.
Victor N Cora (Puerto Rico)
Gracias por todo comandante, a usted le debo lo que soy y prometo seguir con su legado, que es el legado de los hombres de bien, de buena fé y de honor.
Yordanka Fuentes Castillo (Cuba)
Mis mas sentidas condolencias al pueblo de Cuba y a su presidente Raéordm;l Castro,toda la energía de los humildes en este momento triste por la pérdida de su estrella mas brillante , pero que seguro seguira alumbrando a muchos como yo hasta el fin de la humanidad , honor y gloria comandante Fidel.
alexis torres (Chile)
roger henshaw (United Kingdom)
el fallecimiento de fidel castro ha traido todo tipo de controversias y divisiones,,,y estas son mis palabras para ti , comandante, y hermanos latinoamericanos: un dictador , si lo fue como cualquier otro, miren la historia de otros paises latinoamericanos, los opositores siempre mueren... lo que si represento fidel fue el cambio politico mas dramatico del caribe por decadas sostenidas en tenacidad e inteligencia, supo manejar majistralmente el embate de presidentes y lideres politicos mundiales bajo una sola vision una sola direccion contra viento y marea y lo logro,,,,y por esa tenacidad se le debe de respetar....fidel es cuba y cuba es fidel.... fidel castro representa el contrate del animo dormido y endeble de puerto rico, mientras el sacaba al imperio de la isla , nosotros se lo poniamos en bandeja de plata .. fidel el tirano como le dicen , que va, miren en la tirania donde estamos por no haber tenido el corazon encendido, la historia de albizu y su movimiento, historia pasada no mueve molinos la historia a nosotros nos absorvio, no nos absolvio. que si podemos gritar un carajo frente al capitolio, eso no es libertad cuando nos contaminan con cenizas a penuelas,y peor aun tenemos una junta fiscal , por no poder manejar la economia de la isla... nos perdimos en la historia.....como dicen ahora puerto rico , usa...ujum! que si exodo de cubanos a miami, y nosotros que!!!, miren a new york,, the newyorican land,,familas dividas por el regimen americano., que es donald trumpar? otro dictador arrogante y narcisista,un extremista de derecha , una buitre con plumaje de pavo real,,y los EEUU en su guerra interna entre blancos , negros, republicanos y democratas,,,,yo no le veo diferencia y a nosotros tirandonos migas a conformidad del silencio para no agravar la situacion... Fidel el de la vision amplia y el que actuo sobre el ideal de dignidad lo critican diciendole quemate en el infierno, que va la gente habla sin mirarse a si mismos y critican sin pensar,,,, ay fidel mira que nos dijiste , mira que trataste pero el pueblo escojio y eso quien lo reta, nadie.. tu pueblo , lucho contigo en la revolucion , tu pueblo escojio y ahora te crtican , pero el mio que no lucho. me dicen gusana,,jajajajjajja,,,,no,,,,,,cuando les digo americana , me dicen arrodilla..aja, digo yo ,, esos son los exiliados que celebran la muerte del que nunca pudieron tumbar,,,,ay que vola, no canten victoria todavia no... no hay como entender el sentido de liberdad, ..reflexionemos. nosotros somos los que estamos en el infierno vivo, de austeridad hambre y suenos , anesteciados por una falsa estadidad y una independencia impuesta, incrucijada de ironias,ahogandonos en el mar ... lo que nunca entendimos fue el ser libre. como pajaros enjaulados con la puerta de la jaula abierta y no salimos, no sabemos volar, nunca hemos volado, ni nunca volaremos. a la colonia le troncharon las alas al nacer. por lo tanto , mi querido jose marti, cuba y puerto rico no son de un pajaro las dos alas.... mi turpial solo puede cantar su lelolai y ay bendito entre los barrotes de su jaula. mucha historia y hay que cojerla con pinzas no todo es bueno no todo es malo, todo es segun el cristal con que se mire. la historia dara su veredicto....hasta la victoria siempre, sea cual sea nuestra vision de victoria...... comandante , usted representa lo que puerto rico jamas de los jamases sera,,,, libre y soberana..... gracias por el legado,,,. descanse en paz para la plaza de la revolucion en la habana de corazon presente... kabiosile
carol (Puerto Rico)
Sad about a historcal hero. May socialism prevail and develop in your country of which I am a warm friend. Siempre!
Héyen;kan Gustafsson (Sweden)
Loved by his people, by the west indies and latin america and my hero
curtis lashley (United Kingdom)
Contrary to the heroes of magazines that only serve to alienate naive, Fidel was a real hero and as such, was not eternal. Without embago, his legacy will last centuries. Eternal glory to Fidel and Socialist Cuba!!
Alberto Arreola (United Kingdom)
Thank you to the people of Cuba for sharing their great revolutionary leader with the world. His strength and courage made him a formidable opponent and his generosity and solidarity made him a visionary. He looked beyond the capitalist confines that enslaved his people and saw a better alternative. No one will say he was perfect or an angel - no leader ever is- but no thinking person can deny that he changed the world. Fidel gave healthcare and education to his people and hope to the oppressed of the world. I met Fidel in 1996 on May Day and that memory will stay with me forever. Viva Cuba! Gracias Comandante!
Cindy McCallum Miller (Canada)
Un hombre no muere, si vive en nuestras conciencias. Hasta siempre mi comandante!
Maria fernanda murillo loria (Costa Rica)
Condolences to the people and rest in Power to a great revolutionary, Fidel Castro!!!
Yarima Karama (United States of America)
My heartfelt condolences to the family and people of the late Comrade Fidel Castro, may he rest in peace.God bless you sir and your country.
Francis Sandanaraj Anandam Joseph (United Kingdom)
Cllr Davy Hynes (Ireland)
Hasta siempre comandante! Ya estás reunido con Bolívar y Martí. Sean nuestra guía.
Stefanz Zamora Brenes (Costa Rica)
Keep on shining, Cuba
Rob Ross (United Kingdom)
Gracias Comandante Fidel, gracias a ti me formé como médico, como mejor ser humano. Vamos a extrañar tu presencia física, pero tu espíritu vivirá en cada uno de nosotros, y que a pesar de no haber tenido el privilegio de nacer en Cuba, me considero una hija tuya,de tu pueblo y de la revolución.
Viviana (Honduras)
Inger Grécedil;nnbakk (Norway)
Comandante.... Mi más sentido dolor por tu desaparación física, estarás por siempre en la memoria de millones de cubanos y amigos de todo el mundo, el legado e idealismo que impulsaste en apoyo al desarrollo de tu pueblo no se olvidará jamas. No es un adiós, es tener presente en todo momento los logros y seguir luchando por mantenerlos, es ese el pilar de nuestra revolución, el camino y pensamiento de nuestra juventud. PATRIA O MUERTE, VENCEREMOSSSSSSSSSS...
Osvaldo Enrique Pérez L&A (Cuba)
Rest In Peace
clint guttridge (United Kingdom)
Renzo Olivera (Uruguay)
Ysrael (United States of America)
NO hay peor prueba de fracaso que celebrar la muerte de quién no pudieron vencer en vida
Raul (United States of America)
I send my deepest condolence to the Cuban people on the loss of their dear Fidel a brilliant Revolutionary leader. May the Revolution continue in the hearts and minds of the Cuban people.
Richard Chapman (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a humanitarian who led his people to freedom and showed there was another way to live. When I cycled through beautiful Cuba with a friend we met welcoming helpful lovely Cubans everywhere. We were also very impressed that, since the revolution, literacy and a health service had blossomed for all. Cuba is in my thoughts.
Margaret Chatfield (United Kingdom)
In 1959, Cuba was one of the poorest nations in the world, where infant mortality, disease, and hunger stalked the mud covered streets. Run by organized criminal groups, with Generalissimo Batista at the top, it was a blight on the world. Today, Cuba stands as not only a modern society, but one which did so on its own terms, truly independent of the pressures of foreign domination. We can thank Fidel for that. Whatever else one may say, he deserves his place in history among the heroes of society.
Nathaniel Downes (United States of America)
Grazie Comandante. HLVS
Manuela CAPRARI (Italy)
Marlyst Fernandez (Venezuela)
Einar (Norway)
In solidarity
Jane Lofthouse (United Kingdom)
Todos los cubanos seguimos contigo. No hay mayor honor que el agradecimiento de los millones que hoy te lloramos desde todos los rincones de este mundo. Cuba fue, es y será el bastión de los revolucionarios, los aguerridos, los que no doblegan su dignidad y luchan por sus sueños de Justicia. Gracias Fidel. Eres Grande!!! Hoy tu luz se multiplica en nuestros corazones. Hasta Siempre Comandante!!! Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!!
Javier Enrique Pérez Orosa (Spain)
You will always be remembered.
Susan Penny (United Kingdom)
Tu lucha, Fidel, no se ha perdido. No se han perdido tus sueños. Acá estamos y acá seguimos, hombro a hombro levantando las convicciones. Es el mejor tributo a tu memoria y legado. ¡Hasta la Victoria, siempre, Comandante! ¡Venceremos!
Lil (Venezuela)
Il Comandante ci ha lasciato, continuiamo a seguire il suo esempio.
Gianmaria Pavan (Italy)
Aldo (Cuba)
Los Blogueros Griegos expresamos nuestra sincera condolencia por el fallecimiento del Comandante en Jefe de la Revolución Cubana. Seguiremos ladelante en el camino de Fidel. Seguiremos luchando y rompiendo el muro de las mentiras del imperio contra Cuba. https://redgriega.blogspot.gr/
La Red Solid@ria Griega (Greece)
Against the odds - it can be a better world with leadership and inspiration.
ROY MAYHEW (United Kingdom)
The only fitting tribute to Fidel Castro is for us all to reaffirm our commitment to continue the struggle that he dedicated his life to. We stand with the Cuban people to defend the principles of the revolution and to ensure the flourish and grow. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE
Philip Kelly (United Kingdom)
Canada llora con ustedes. Nuestro mundo nunca he tenido ni va a tener un hombre como Fidel. Viva Fidel. Gracias para cambiar el mundo!
Jessica Vorstermans (Canada)
Thanks for liberating Cuba and for providing an inspiration for so many poor people and countries around the world. The achievements in health and education and so many areas of life are remarkable given the opposition and adversity that Cuba has faced over many decades.
Steven (United Kingdom)
I learned a lot in Cuba when I was there one month with the Brigada Jose Marti en 1983. Teh world without Fidel..... So strange He will be misted. Glad to have known him. Gracias Fidel
christine Bekaert (Belgium)
Nous ne vous oublierons jamais !
Guy Roy (Canada)
I am thinking of the Cuban people in this time of loss. I wish you strength and determination in the years ahead and hope you are able to hold onto what is best about your nation and make good working and equal relationships with your neighbours.
Fiona Millar (United Kingdom)
Long live the revolution!
Isaac Grainger (Canada)
With deep sorrow to a great leader and historic revolutionary !!
Ramin Behnoud (Norway)
todos sentimos tal perdida...mis condolencias a cada cubano y en especial a su familia
miguel Jeséordm;s padra (Cuba)
Ahora es la toma de conciencia del momento histórico, es el momento de hacer valer tu enseñanzas #HastaSiempreComandante, no te defraudaremos
Laura Prada (Cuba)
Good night comrade
Joseph (United Kingdom)
Farewell my hero, farewell.
ChrissieHall (United Kingdom)
Gracias por tu ejemplo de ser humano socialista. Un ejemplo por todo el mundo.
Gracias Comandante por enseñarnos que una lucha basada en ideales justos comienza desde nuestro interior...
Alan (Mexico)
Mi solidaridad al pueblo cubano. Viva Fidel, viva mi comandante!!!!
Fernando Sanchez (Spain)
Thanks for your fight for justice and human rights for the Cuban people and other peoples all around the world. Gracias por su lucha para justicia y derechos humanos para el pueblo cubano y otros pueblos en todo el mundo.
Stig Broqvist (Sweden)
Que en paz descanse Comandante. Gracias por sus sacrificios y por la historia que forjó. No mueres, ahora comienzas a vivir en la eternidad.
Wish there were more people like Fidel Castro...,
Mumtaz Goodenough (United Kingdom)
You and the Cuban revolution were the torch bearers for all who wanted a socialist world, without capitalism, war or profit. You will be missed, as all great leaders are. Comrade
David Matthew Bailey (United Kingdom)
Nos duele mucho tu partida, los jóvenes cubanos no te fallaremos y seguiremos fielmente tu legado, te extrañaremos por siempre.
Diana Méndez Julia (Cuba)
Hoy aunque estoy lejos de mi patria me siento más cerca que nunca. Eso tenía nuestro Comandante que lograba cosas que parecían imposibles. Estoy triste pero complacido por el legado que nos deja. Porque si los cubanos hoy somos valientes, solidarios y comprometidos con la justicia es por Fidel, sus compañeros de lucha y la Revolución. Hoy más que nunca siento la fuerza de su ejemplo y tengo presente sus ideas. Mi hija y los hijos que tenga tendrán como guía su figura así como la tuve yo.
Raul Felipe Sosa (Cuba)
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
James Bishop (United Kingdom)
Patria o muerte, Venceremos! Qué viva Cuba! Qué viva la Revolución y Fidel!
Rolando Cartagena (Puerto Rico)
Leif Arne rysjedal (Norway)
Hasta siempre comandante !!
Francisco Barreira (Spain)
gracias por todo Fidel, ayudó a liberar, Angola, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, Santo Tomé y Pricipe y muchos otros países del capitalista juego sucio, Dios bendiga su alma, Patria o muerte Hasta siempre comandante
Carlos (Portugal)
Es un honor haberte conocido en mis primeros 29 años, y será un orgullo recordarte hasta el final de mi vida. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante!
Sandro Bueno Romero (Cuba)
Viva Cuba libra!
Melvin E. Lewis (United States of America)
Siento mucho la perdida. Desde el fondo de mi corazon que Dios lo guarde el la gloria COMANDANTE..HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!!!!!
Andrys Adonis Santos Dominguez (Cuba)
Ramon Zapata (United States of America)
You will never be forgotten, rest in peace. Viva Fidel, Viva Cuba!
Claudia Karas (Germany)
As long as one breath is left in any our bodies anywhere in this world the Cuban Revolution will never die We've seen USA leaders come and go the Cuban Revolution will last long after Trump is a distant memory
Maurice Rennie (United Kingdom)
Your revolution is an inspiration to the world. Perhaps enough people in the US will wake up to who their true enemies are and throw off their own corrupt regime. It would be good to see our nations joined in a common bond for humanity.
David (United States of America)
Al pueblo de Cuba por la muerte del Comandante Fidel Castro. Escrito en el alma de nuestro pueblo se encuentra su paso, su revolución que son nuestros. ! Hasta siempre Comandante¡
Ana Valadez Ortega (Mexico)
Rest in peace
THOMAS COUGHLAN (United Kingdom)
A great man has 'left the room'; but a great inspiration remains. Thank you Cuba, and thank you Fidel.
Lawrence Mc Donald (United Kingdom)
We mourn and will always remember Fidel Castro as a great leader for the opressed people in the whole world.
Hugo Jörgensen (Sweden)
Hoy me levanté temprano me tocaba trabajar en el Joven Club de Computación y Electrónica de Perico en Matanzas no dormí bien o casi no dormí todavía me taladra la idea de que el Comandante en Jefe, sí, Fidel Castro el hombre invencible ya no se encuentra entre nosotros. Pero se que no ha muerto porque vive allí donde hay otros tan grandes como él. Ya se te extraña un padre, un amigo aunque no lo hayas visto eso representaba para los cubanos. Una mirada paternal, un puño alzado para indicarnos que sí se puede. Gracias Comandante el pueblo llora y siente el dolor de tu partida física y recuerdo en el discurso alegórico al Crimen de Barbados cuando decías el dolor no se comparte se multiplica en los millones de cubanos, ahora en el mundo entero porque ya no está el gran líder de la Revolución Cubana, ese líder que nunca faltó en sus principios de ver a una Cuba libre y soberana. Los jóvenes revolucionarios no lo defraudaremos jamás. Hasta Siempre Comandante
Yoandy Doble Herrera (Cuba)
Se ha perdido un gran mandatario, aquel que logro la equidad de su pueblo, salud y educación de excelencia, proteje cada infante y por ultimo y lo mas importante jamás se puso de rodillas ante el imperialismo.
Viviana (Chile)
Mi solidaridad y sentimiento de pesar aante inevitable partida fisica de Fidel a quien pude saludar en tres oportunidades. Su legado perdurará. Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante!
Xanthis Suárez Garc&Atil (Nicaragua)
So saddened to hear this news. Was an inspiration to many, RIP X
Sarah Wilson (United Kingdom)
Sue (United Kingdom)
Gran dolor por la pérdida de un gran hombre y de un buen comunista, luz y guia de muchas personas.
Leocadio Fernández Garc& (Spain)
In solidarity with all Cuban people
Meenu Mishra (United Kingdom)
Sara Whenman (United Kingdom)
Al Pueblo Cubano mi abrazo infinito. La desaparición física de Fidel nos golpea ferozmente. Anticipador y de alcances impensables, su pensamiento nos hará falta en América Latina. Desde donde estés, Comandante, no dejes de alumbrar el camino de tu Pueblo Cubano, de tus pueblos latinoamericanos...por los que siempre velaste. !Hasta siempre FIDEL!
Denise Villamar (Ecuador)
Dear Fidel: I have no sufficient words to describe how much your death shook me. You were the beacon of light in the rough world of alienating and oppressive capitalism most of us have to live in. Just knowing that you live, even very far from me, made me feel comfortable. Now that you're gone, I'm going to have to take some time to get into your absence. There's a verse by Vladimir Mayakovsky "Conversation with Lenin", it starts with something like this: "There are two in the room: I and Lenin - a photograph on the whiteness of wall". It was written shortly after the death of Lenin. In the same manner I'm thinking about you now, about your revolution, your reforms, your humanity, your care. I know you died knowing that your ideas, your cause, your spirit will live, and they will. The things in the world are pretty awful to say the least, but there are many of us who refuse to accept this order of things as normality. Communist thought and action will live on, and you'll always be remembered as one of those who paved the way for it. You made a part of the world a better place to live and you inspired so many other people. You fought and won. You lived a great life and died, but you will never be dead for many of us.
Maxim Simonov (Ukraine)
Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Anders Johansson (Sweden)
Hasta siempre Comandante.Hasta la victoria Siempre. El pueblo de Cuba, no lo olvidará jamás y llevará adelante la Revolución Socialista y los logros, que junto a usted conquistamos. Lo amamos profundamente. Mi corazón será suyo, PADRE QUERIDO,para siempre.
José Manuel Labrada Gonz& (Cuba)
Rest in Peace
Lorraine Ford (Greece)
Hola Cubanos We are all with you! El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido! Hasta la victoria siempre indeed!
Hugo Wuyts (United Kingdom)
In deep respect and great sadnes.
Lars Einar Karlsen (Norway)
My deepest condolences to the grieving people of Cuba. The world has lost a very special soul in a time of increasing political uncertainty and unrest. Solidarity from your Scottish comrades.
Thomas Butler (United Kingdom)
Siempre estará entre nosotros
Ojalá la historia no olvide tu legado. Hasta siempre comandante. Te quedaste al nivel de los más grandes.
Joel (Spain)
Fidel Castro - a great hero!
Lena Karlsson (Sweden)
Yo soy un hombre sincero - Vinceremos - Marti, Che, Fidel
David Marchesi (United Kingdom)
Dear friends! It is with great sorrow that we hear that our beloved comrade, your former president and Comandante Fidel Castro has passed away. As friends of the Cuban people we offer our sincere condolences to you and all of the Cuban people. We are part of your loss. We have learned the great influence Fidel Castro had on so many people all over the world for so long time and specially in the countries of Latinamerica. We are among those people. Our admiration for the importance he had on your revolution and your country. The country we also have learned to love. We hope that you can feel our solidarity and our participation in your grief. Sinceraly, Jeannette Escanilla Torbjörn Björlund Sweden Friends of Cuba
Jeannette Escanilla (Sweden)
Un hombre que de ser tan humilde se nos hizo eterno!! De tener un corazón tan grande se nos hizo inmortal!!.Gracias por todo Fidel.
Lisdania Delgado Olivera (Cuba)
No hay adiós definitivo para quien nos devolvió la risa. Un abrazo comandante donde quiera que estes, tu luz trasciende fronteras, tu estas en cada cosa que creaste y defendiste.
Cecilia (Cuba)
Rest in Power Commandante!
Michelle (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba. You are able to continue the work that Fidel Castro and his generation began. Best wishes to all comrades Viva Cuba
Alyson Read (United Kingdom)
Condolences and solidarity with you all on the passing of Fidel. His lifetime of struggle against injustice and commitment to internationalism will always be remembered.
Hyder Dastagir (United Kingdom)
Fjodor (Norway)
May Fdel Castro rest in Paradise. I give thanks for contribution to the Puerto Rican Independence movement. May Cuba succeed and never surrender to the United States.
Henry (United States of America)
Fidel te dedico las sabias palabras del apóstol de Cuba, José Martí: Quien ha hecho bien la obra de la vida, no morirá jamás. Tu legado está presente en la grandeza de tu pueblo que sabrá defender la Revolución con dignidad. #HastaSiempreComandante
Magdalena Valdez (Venezuela)
A ti Fidel, campeón de tantas batallas, el mejor homenaje que te haremos será seguir tu ejemplo e hidalguía mientras tengamos aliento. Tu impronta seguirá marcando pautas en el pensamiento independentista cubano y mundial.
Eric Rey Cabrera Fabelo (Cuba)
Deepest Respects.
Richard Godfrey (United Kingdom)
Lone Moller (Sweden)
Dear friends and kamreds people of Cuba...with all my heart symphaty and condolences for the passed away Comandante Fidel that we faced now.... Komandante Fidel Castro as my Comander also, my teacher of revolution...that has influences and inspire my life. All his thought and lessons will always in my heart..Losing him is not easy, but knowing that we have been a part of the his life thought and revolution that he establihs..for that we will keep him in our heart forever, surely no one dies in revolution and comonismo is very possible world that we fight for.. COMADANTE FIDEL PRESENTE LONG LIFE SOSIALISMO LONG LIFE COMONISMO HASTA LA VITORIA PATRIA OU MUERTE..VENCEREMOS VIVA CUBA..VIVA TIMOR LESTE LEVI VASCONCELOS PINTO
Levi.Vasconcelos Pinto (East Timor)
A great man who dedicated his life for the course of freedom, solidarity and social justice. History will judge him as one of the greatest giant for humanity of the 20th century
Kawa Besarani (United Kingdom)
Desde Suecia, de mi corazon. Hasta siempre comendante. Un abrazo revolucionario
Martin Johansson (Sweden)
hasta siempre Comandante
Cristina Köhler (Chile)
One of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. A man whose life was his love of the Cuban people. A man whose stand against imperialist tyranny was a lesson for all those who care. May your legacy hold firm and may your socialist vision continue to enhance the lives of ordinary people. Viva Fidel ! Viva Cuba !
Dave Cole (United Kingdom)
Jeg fécedil;ler en stor sorg over at Fidel Castro er décedil;d. Han var et stort menneske, en helt ukorrupt leder, en svébrvbar;rt sjelden egenskap blant verdens leder. Han fécedil;rte en uavbrutt kamp for en mer rettferdig verden.
Hans Martin Solberg (Norway)
Hasta Siempre Comandante Amigo.
Duarte Manuel Fernandes (Portugal)
Raphael Peck (United States of America)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante Invicto. Mis hijos y los hijos de mis hijos y los nietos de estos éordm;ltimos contarán a los suyos sobre un Fidel que bajó de las montañas para fundar una Cuba nueva y repartir por el mundo esperanza y justicia. Somos cubanos y socialistas, somos hermanos. Gracias Fidel.
Joaquín Suéiex (Cuba)
With my condolence to the Cuban people
Knut Jarl Récedil;dje (Norway)
Condolences from Wales. Keep the revolutionary spirit alive!
Wyn Mason (United Kingdom)
Por siempre Fidel!!!
Jorge (Cuba)
R.i.p. Maximo Lider
Julia Hoppe (Germany)
Tony Mathys (United Kingdom)
¡ Qué viva Fidel siempre! ¡Qué viva la revolución Cubana en cualquiera forma la gente decidan. Tenemos mucha admiración y respeto para lo que hizo en su vida de 90 años en forma colectiva con mucha otro gente para el pueblo de Cuba pero también para la gente del mundo. Una gran inspiración para toda la gente de consciencia y los/las que quieren justicia, incluyendo yo. El espíritu de Fidel vive siempre en nuestras corazones.
Dr. Faviana Hirsch (United States of America)
Agradezco todo lo que he logrado ser a tu obra, eres grande y quedas entre nosotros.
Ignacio González Ram&Ati (Cuba)
Sincere condolences to family, friends and the people of Cuba.
Jackie Robinson (United Kingdom)
Rolf Marteleur (Sweden)
Fidel, te llevo para siempre en mi corazón. Gracias, gracias por tu ejemplo, por tu dignidad, por tu lucha. En mi casa, desde pequeña, mi madre y mi abuela siempre me hablaban maravillas de ti... Luego fui descubriendo todo, tu historia, tu vida, tu humildad y a la vez tu grandeza. Te has convertido en eterno. Vivirás para siempre en nosotros, en cada puño en alto, en cada persona comprometida que busca un mundo mejor, más justo. Dejas tu legado incalculable, tus enseñanzas que permanecerán para siempre, un pueblo culto y preparado para no ser derrotado por el imperialismo. HASTA SIEMPRE, COMANDANTE INVENCIBLE! GRACIAS, FIDEL. Desde Valencia, España.
Maria Teresa Varas Ortiz (Spain)
We have lost a champion of humanity.... An irreplaceable icon
Tina Durkin (United Kingdom)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Arthur Bronson (United States of America)
Fidel no murio, Fidel nacio para la eternidad...para la historia ya lo hizo el 1 de Enero de 1959. ¡Viva FIDEL!
Diego (Spain)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante
Carlos Ravelo (Cuba)
Carta a Fidel Fidel, esto no es un adiós, y las lágrimas que estos días brotan de los ojos de millones de hombres y mujeres de todo el mundo son más de infinito agradecimiento que de tristeza, que además es inmensa. Pocas personas como téordm; a lo largo de la historia han contribuido tanto a la libertad de los pueblos y a la esperanza de los explotados, los olvidados y los combatientes por la justicia social. Has puesto voz a quienes no tenían voz, has sido el rugir de los oprimidos y el clamor de los pueblos en lucha. Y ese eco atronador no se apagará jamás. El ejemplo de tu vida y de tu pueblo nos enseña que no hay enemigo invencible si nuestra voluntad es vencer. Que no hay bloqueo que frene la solidaridad del mundo. Que nuestras manos pueden más que el dólar. Que un fusil puede vencer a un Imperio. Que una llama de libertad puede encender un continente entero sumido en la oscuridad. Que si nuestro mundo se derrumba juntos volveremos a ponerlo en pie. Comandante, tus ideas, que son las nuestras, se seguirán abriendo paso inmortales y poderosas a lo largo de los siglos. La semilla que has sembrado poblará la tierra. Los muros gritarán tu nombre y nuestros enemigos de siempre, mortales y caducos, lo maldecirán. Querido amigo, para millones de personas ha sido un honor compartir este pequeño mundo contigo durante estos años de nuestra vida. Nos encontraremos cada día en la lucha. Hasta Siempre Comandante Hasta Victoria Siempre, Fidel Venceremos
Javier Parra (Spain)
Khalil (Canada)
The World is a better place because of Fidel Castro.
Peter Mayne (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a wonderful man who loved humanity, and set an example for us all, of how we should care for each other.
John Usher (United Kingdom)
I was born on the 26 of July 1953. It was a great day. Hasta siempre Commandante
Claire Steffen (Luxembourg)
Hay seres humanos a quienes La Muerte se cansa de acosar y perseguir hasta que al final se rinde para dejar que sea La Gloria quien los conduzca a la morada eterna. Fidel Castro es uno de ellos.
Xordan (Colombia)
...med den dypeste respekt comandante....hvil i fred...
Bjécedil;rn Lie Fostad (Norway)
Great leader ,please don't change Cuba ,don't make it American land, keep Cuba as it is, VIVA CUBA ,VIVA Fidel Castro . very sad day but what a great life of a leader who stood against America .
shatha besarani (United Kingdom)
You gave us hope of another world. RIP
Marianne Eriksson (Sweden)
merdan adiguzel (United Kingdom)
No te has ido Comandante.....estas vivo en cada uno de Los que luchamos por ese mundo que es posible...ese mundo con DIGNIDAD para todos Los series humanos......FIDEL........PRESENTE....AHORA Y SIEMPRE!!!!!!!
Sara Rodriguez Huenchullan (Chile)
Bertil Kastberg (Sweden)
You gave hope that a better world is possible. We will keep fighting for it. ¡Viva la revolucion!
Toril Kalséyen;s (Norway)
El hombre más importante del mundo Ha fallecido el comandante Fidel Castro, héroe de los pobres del mundo, defensor de la democracia y dignidad humana. El comandante vive y siguira viviendo porque ha escrito una historia humana y además es verdad y la verdad siempre vive!
Gregorio Loiro (United Kingdom)
Un coloso sobre la tierra. No hace falta decir más. Hasta siempre comandante.
mis sinceras condolencias. hasta siempre comandante.
Raphael Chiesa (Luxembourg)
Mi más pésame al Pueblo cubano por la pérdida del padre de la Revolución, que sin duda es una pérdida para todos los oprimidos del mundo entero
AhmeduGali (France)
Very sad to hear of the death of Fidel Castro and would like to send my condolences to his family and the Cuban people.
Karen Lawson (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace, great Comrade and hero! <3
Héyen;kan Lundgren (Sweden)
Ejemplo de sacrificio, líder del pueblo cubano, invencible miliciano, Comandante vitalicio. Inolvidable fue el juicio del Moncada y tu oratoria, absuelto estás por la historia, de eso no hay dudas, Amigo. El pueblo ha sido testigo, Siempre, Hasta la Victoria! Dr. Raudel Hernández León.
Raudel Hernández Le&Atil (Cuba)
Mi más pésame al Pueblo cubano por la pérdida del padre de la Revolución, que sin duda es una pérdida para todos los oprimidos del mundo entero
AhmeduGali (France)
Long live the revolution
Alun Llewelyn (United Kingdom)
Querido Fidel: Cuando la mente aéordm;n no se acostumbra a tu partida, toca la difícil tarea de decirte adiós, como si se pudiese decir adiós a un trozo de alma que se ha dormido, como si fuera posible decirte adiós a ti, que siempre has estado ahí, que siempre quisiste estar ahí. Hoy los cubanos que estamos lejos de Cuba, te añoramos, añoramos la oportunidad de estar allá, para rendirte tributo, con tantos millones de cubanos y extranjeros, cuyas vidas marcaste para siempre, porque téordm;, el más grande cubano de tiempos futuros y pretéritos, todas nuestras almas dibujaste con tu pincel de tiempo. Por lo que no valen adioces, ni vanales despedidas, solo tu ejemplo es suficiente, para sobrellevar una vida sin ti, pero siempre contigo, ya muchos pensamos, sentimos, amamos y sufrimos de la manera que nos enseñaste. Y aunque la tristeza es enorme, es grandioso ver que te fuiste victorioso, quizás el éordm;nico gigante en la historia, que consiguió hacerlo. Descansa en paz comandante, mientras, millones y millones de hijos tuyos, quedamos con el orgullo de haber podido compartir tu mundo, tu tiempo, tu vida. Hasta la victoria, siempre!! Compañero
Danier Estévez (Uruguay)
Rosemary Earnshaw (United Kingdom)
He was a great leader. His ideas will overcome in the hearts and heads of millions.
Sabine Doblado (Germany)
Gracias eternas Fidel, por ser un incorruptible, por hacer realidad la utopía. Sos un grande en la historia de la humanidad.Pervivirás por siempre en las semillas que supiste sembrar. Mis respetos al pueblo cubano. Cuba venció porque es testimonio de que una vida digna es posible a pesar de los bloqueos.
Adriana (Argentina)
un hombre que marco la historia del mundo y que admiro demasiado
tommy winehouse (United Kingdom)
What a torch of reason ceased to burn, What a heart has ceased to beat!!
Cristian Meneses Torres (Chile)
Will be remembered for so much good. A visionary in all senses.
joy webb (United Kingdom)
Ha dejado de latir uno de los corazones más generosos y nobles que se haya alojado en pecho alguno..El 25 de noviembre de 1956 emprendió un exitoso viaje hacia la libertad y la historia ,60 años después emprende otro viaje esta vez hacia la inmortalidad. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE MI COMANDANDE FIDEL CASTRO RUZ!!!!!
Dannel (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante!!!!!
Norma Posada (Canada)
monika östlund (Sweden)
RIP Fidel.
Magne S. (Norway)
All the good people around the world will remember your legacy.
Adrian Ezequel Mena Rodríguez (Cuba)
Marlene Avelar (United Kingdom)
A pesar de las criticas de su gobierno, se que dejo una mejor Cuba. Sin guerra, sin hambre, gente feliz, educada y saludable. Sí, el pueblo cubano tuvo muchas carencias, pero las supo sobre pasarlas gracias a sus lideres. Cuba es un ejemplo a seguir para Latinoamérica. Fidel gracias por tus enseñanzas.
Natalia Parra (New Zealand)
I offer my condolences on the loss of a great revolutionary leader, a great Cuban and a great internationalist.
Ken Keable (United Kingdom)
La Revolution devient éternelle.
Nathalie (France)
Fidel, your place in the best and most eminent of men in the history of humanity has been assured by your intelligence, deeds, struggles, achievements, example and huge faith in the strength of your humanistic, political and philosophical outlook. With your death, the world has lost the best chance it had of electing a leader uncorrupted by the greed and follies of so many 'statesmen'. May we one day have the good fortune to at least glimpse the possibility of a world shaped by the many massive achievements of the Cuban Revolution. A truly great man has left us.
karl Heard (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an inspiration to so many of us and he will live forever in my heart.
Barb Moore (Canada)
Such a visionary and to bring about his ideas and for Cuba to have survived all those attacks, truly one of the greatest 2oth century leaders. May cubans never forget him and how he helped people change their society.
Jane Hinde (United Kingdom)
One of the few leaders of our time that I could respect and, yes, love.
Patricia Sitkin (United States of America)
Gracias Comandante!
Adrian Starove (Slovakia)
La muerte no es verdad cuando se ha cumplido bien la obra de la vida.
Manuel Zayas (Chile)
Hasta siempre comandante, CUBA es hoy mas fuerte.
Mauel de Jesus (Cuba)
A revolutionary giant. Socialst Cuba must find a way to survive without him.
Justin O'Hagan (Ireland)
Fidel siempre estará entre nosotros!
Daniel Hedlund (Sweden)
Noah (United Kingdom)
Mike Rogers (United Kingdom)
Lamento el fallecimiento del comandante, siempre será recordado por su consecuencia y su interés por brindar un país más igualitario a los cubanos. Siempre presente y trascendente, viva Fidel!
Paulina Sanhueza Paredes (Chile)
I have supported Fidel since I first took politics seriously in the mid seventies. By that time it was plain to see his great achievements, and he went on and on. With his death we can now look back at his achievements and how he motivated millions of people all over the world. Long may his legacy live on and may it continue to inspire the many more Fidels in the future
Michael Pesch (United Kingdom)
A ti que lo distes todo...No has muerto, estás aquí, en cada cubano, en cada latinoamericano, en cada oprimido. Adelante Fidel tu lucha será eterna. #Hasta Siempre Comandante
Mailyn Moreno Espino (Cuba)
Hasta siempre Comandante!!! Nunca te olvidaremos.
Marcia Godoy (Sweden)
Thank you for your vision, determination and wisdom.
Dawn Robichaud (Canada)
Lilian Ek (Sweden)
Laura Caffrey (Ireland)
Raciel Perdomo Gómez (Cuba)
Charlie Hislop (United Kingdom)
What Castro and others managed to achieve despite the detestable decades of American interference is nothing but stunning and is a motivating inspiration to all oppressed populations.
Ron Yarwood (United Kingdom)
Ha muerto un ícono de las luchas revolucionarias de todos los tiempos. Un hombre que con defectos y virtudes fue siempre fiel a sus ideas y sus convicciones. Gloria eterna! Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante!
Esmaykel Vázquez Avila (Cuba)
R.I.P. Comandante.
Joao Prado Ribeiro Campos (Brazil)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre Rest In Peace Fidel
Martin (Ireland)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Ingeborg (Mexico)
Well done, Fidel!
Bent K. Michaelsen (Norway)
Azeem Shekhar (United Kingdom)
Patria o Muerte, gracias FIDEL.
Elkis RP (Cuba)
Fidel fought against the oppression of his own people. Fidel stood in opposition to the tyranny of individuals in foreign countries. Because of that, Fidel is a comrade of mine! I have great hopes that the Cuban revolution will be an inspiration to future generations of freedom fighters to come.
Zackary Martyrs (United States of America)
Comandante en Jefe Ordene
Hernández Bena&am (Cuba)
RIP, thank you for a socialist havenue.
Kevin Bennett (United Kingdom)
Se fue el Fidel fisico. Queda el Fidel ejemplo de vida, reflejo y ordenador de prioridades de su pueblo, de sus companeros, de todos nosotros: hilo que nos cose y nos guia, tanto, que ya sea a favor, en contra o no dandose por aludido, todos nos posicionamos sobre su legado el dia de su muerte. Fidel esta presente. Cuba esta presente. Siempre.
Octavio Barna (Argentina)
Eternamente agradecida de haber vivido en el mismo espacio de tiempo de una persona buena, un revolucionario, alguien que hizo que vivir sea más digno. Tu legado está en nuestras manos, hasta la victoria siempre!! Te quiero comandante.
María Dolores Estebaranz (Spain)
Gustavo de la Torre Morales (Spain)
Sarah Roberts (Ireland)
The humankind has lost a great man and leader.
Joel Rubim (Brazil)
adios adios great man, thanks for standing up against the Yankees for all these years. Your legacy will not be forgotten
anthony dodsworth (United Kingdom)
Fidel has been an inspiration as a revolutionary leader, for his courage and determination to transform Cuba. His commitment to ensuring the people of Cuba have the best health care system in the world, an outstanding education system and a wonderful country has been remarkable. Fidel has also been an outstanding international leader in the fight against imperialism, supporting people in struggle in Africa and in countries in Latin and South America and other parts of the world. He will be sorely missed.
Mary Adossides (United Kingdom)
Gracias por ser de verdad, gracias por hacernos hombres, gracias por cuidar los nombres de la libertad, gracias por tu dignidad, gracias por tu corazón, GRACIAS POR TODO FIDEL. Hasta siempre mi comandante.
Niurka (Cuba)
I am very sad to hear about the death of Comandante Fidel Castro, the man who believed in a better world and dedicated his whole life to fight for his people and the world's poor and oppressed, and will stay as an example for anyone who want to make the world a better place in centuries to come. The whole world has suffered a great loss. And history has long ago absolved you, Fidel!
Sindre Dybvad Bruset (Norway)
Long live the revolution
Pat Fallon (Ireland)
Rip Fidel
Desmond (United Kingdom)
Mis condolencias a todos los cubanos decentes. Hasta la victoria siempre, por un mundo mejor!
Ana Maria (Sweden)
Fidel Castro's leadership of Cuba inspired millions across the world, in every nation, on every continent. He and his movement represented a new path and new way for all humanity. I hope the Cuban people keep his flame alive. May his memory live on forever
Mina Boromand (United Kingdom)
I have never met a man with so much courage, conviction, and belief that a better world is possible. Rest in peace after so many years of struggle, - Viva Cuba.
Wayne Mundle (Canada)
John Jefferies (Ireland)
We will never see his like again. Keep the revolution safe. Do not allow the US and imperialism to infiltrate. Stay true to the ideals and wishes of Fidel. From Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Caroline Murphy (United Kingdom)
Commandante salud. La lucha continua!
Katr Mackel (Ireland)
Hasta siempre Fidel !!!!
Alfredo buylla (Mexico)
hasta la victoria siempre
manolis zaharioudakis (Greece)
To a person who realised what a good health and education system can bring to all. Men do not shape destiny, Destiny produces the man for the hour.
Mark Jackson (United Kingdom)
Cuban people! You are never be alone and the Comandante are with us forever! Venceremos!
Paulo Celis (Sweden)
You have my respect for all the good you have done. May God Bless You.
Marvin Jefferson (United States of America)
It is hard to loose a figure like Fidel without feeling lost. But it is now the time to get together and work harder so his teaching, his fights and his ambitions for the Cuban people keep going strong... HASTA LA VITTORIA sempre COMANDATE FIDEL
Hypatia Catania (Malta)
En todo el mundo nos embarga un profundo dolor. Ha partido una leyenda, un hombre como hay pocos en este mundo. ¡Fidel vivirás por siempre en nuestro corazón!Hasta siempre...
SusanS (Germany)
A todos nos llegará nuestro turno, pero quedarán las ideas de los comunistas cubanos como prueba de que en este planeta, si se trabaja con fervor y dignidad, se pueden producir los bienes materiales y culturales que los seres humanos necesitan, y debemos luchar sin tregua para obtenerlos. estas son palabras de su ultimo discurso dichas con la claridad y certeza a la que nos tiene acostumbrado y servirán de faro eterno en nuestro quehacer.
Jorge Luis Perez de Oro Fraguela (Cuba)
A great man who influenced many over many years. Visited Cuba last year - and got engaged - great memory of a country that has overcome many troubles.
Anna (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro will go down down in history not only as a hero of the Cuban people, but as a hero for oppressed workers all over the World. His death is a great loss. May he rest in peace.
Richard (United Kingdom)
Sympathy and solidarity
Ruth Lawler (Ireland)
Condolences from Norway to the people in Cuba. Hasta Siempere, Fidel
Isak Mamen Finne (Norway)
Neil SHEEHAN (United Kingdom)
Las ideas nunca mueren,Descansa en Paz,Rest in Peace.
Juan Carlos Romero (United States of America)
Me uno al dolor universal por la muerte del mas grande de los cubanos. seguiremos su ejemplo y el camino que nos indico. su muerte es solo un nuevi hito en la lucha eterna por la justicia social.
Carlos Ayub Reyes (Cuba)
Fidel Castro's loss will be felt not only in Cuba but throughout the world.
Polly Maloney (United Kingdom)
Mat Coward (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante!
Alessandro Citarrella Fiore (Italy)
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Francisco (Spain)
Hasta siempre Fidel, los que luchamos por un mundo mejor te echaremos de menos
Julio Fernández (Spain)
Quiero expresar mi mas sentido y profundo pésame por la perdida de nuestro camarada comandante en jefe de la revolución Cubana, Fidel Castro. Por su ejemplo de lucha y de guía para los que no nos domesticamos y de lucha por la sociedad justa, igualitaria y de libertad. Hasta la victoria siempre, camarada.
Francisco David Anguita Arance (Spain)
My deepest and most heartfelt condolences. To the people of Cuba they and the world have lost a truly gigantic figure who's impact cannot be understated. As a fellow socialist I feel your sorrow and hope that the ideals of the Cuban Revolution to overthrow corrupt
Olcan Mc Sparron (United Kingdom)
Solo pierde quien baja los brazos y se rinde. Seguimos y seguiremos con la revolucion, hasta la victoria comandante, patria o muerte!!
Asier (Uruguay)
A true revolutionary and a man of great courage, spirit and humour. Viva la solidaridad internacional!
Angie Todd (United Kingdom)
Thank you for a revolutionary life in the service of the oppressed and down trodden. No panama off shore bank accounts, life of luxury, or selling out for you just integrity and belief that the common people deserve a better life.
Tony Cisse (Senegal)
Viva por siempre el líder indiscutible de la Revolución Cubana. Gloria eterna a nuestro querido Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz. Cuba siempre seguirá tu ejemplo y defenderá tu legado al precio que sea necesario.
Maibel Costa Ramírez (Cuba)
one of the greatest revolutionaries of the twentieth century.an inspiration to the worlds oppressed.Veneceremos!!!
steven andrew (United Kingdom)
Con profundo dolor busco una respuesta a esta gran herida que tiene mi corazón, camino impaciente, miro hacia el horizonte y veo téordm; imagen de gigante que me dice: Estoy con mi pueblo. Si, es cierto, estás en todas partes por téordm; grandeza, ideales, altruismo, solidaridad, sobrepasaste todas las dimensiones y se hizo leyenda, una leyenda que no morirá porque eres su esencia. El pueblo cubano hoy más que nunca mantendrá la unidad conquistada por ti. Vivirás entre los cubanos y tus ideas marcarán por siempre el rumbo de la Revolución cubana. Gracias por el legado que nos dejaste. Hasta Siempre Comandante
Miladys González Rodr&At (Cuba)
Rolf Egil Bunes (Norway)
He inspired my life and,beliefs.
Haydn Pope (United Kingdom)
Muito obrigado, comandante Fidel Castro!
Sergio Pinto Ribeiro Filho (Brazil)
Hasta siempre, comandante!! Viva Cuba! Fin de la ditadura en Brasil!
Flávio Scavasin (Brazil)
Such a loss for Cuba, and the rest of the world
Paul Wilson (United Kingdom)
Anita (Germany)
A great great man has left us. Revolutionary hero. The world was better for your presence in it.
susan shaw (United Kingdom)
Honour to the memory of Fidel, an inspiration.
Eddie McGuire (United Kingdom)
Goodbye comrade.
Steve Catchpole (Cyprus)
Nunca pensé que llegaría este día, aunque sabía que algéordm;n día llegar. No estábamos preparados para tu partida FIDEL. Hoy cada cubano agradecido llora, se lamenta y extraña a quien muchos consideran el más grande cubano de todos los tiempos. Espero de todo corazón, que tu ideal, enseñanzas y entrega permanezcan con nosotros siempre. Honor a quien honor merece. Descanza en paz, Comandante. El pueblo de Cuba está y estará contigo por siempre. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!!
Yasmany Tellez Collazo (Cuba)
"Die Zeit eines jeden von uns kommt, aber die Ideen der kubanischen Kommunisten werden überdauern" gracias commandante
Dieter Vogel-Armbruster (Germany)
Hasta la victoria siempre!!!!!
Ramón Pé (Brazil)
What a hero, legend and inspiration against the machinations of evil in the world.
Michael Hargreaves (United Kingdom)
The people of Latin America as well as the rest of world have lost a socialist giant, someone who always put the interests of the people before the greed of global capitalism.
jim gavine (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro led a socialist movement that led Cuba out of illiteracy, ill health, poverty and racism. This acted as a beacon to Socialism and as a challenge to capitalism.
Jonathan Jaeger (United Kingdom)
My deepest sympathy for the loss of the greatest heroe and comrade.
TONIA ILIA (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante "Viva Cuba"
Bernd Liesenfeld (Germany)
Rest well comrade
Jeff Newnham (United Kingdom)
Whole world will miss you general!! Ever onward to victory!
Adan (United States of America)
You will always be remembered, not only as one of of the most important politicians of all time, but as the very soul of Cuba and its Revolution. I grew up hearing you and watching you, and I regret not being able to meet you in person. Fidel, we, Cuban youngsters will follow your path, your example, so that your life can be re-leaved through us and your work forever continued. Long live Fidel!!! Long live our Revolution!!! Forever onwards, till victory!!!
Ernesto González (Cuba)
Siempre en mi corazon y mi mente HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE MI COMANDANTE
Hector Manuel Diaz Gonzalez (Cuba)
El mejor estadista de la historia
ivette oronich navarro (Spain)
Honor a quien honor merece!
Oscar (Cuba)
Roland Langthaler (Austria)
Andrea Zaumseil (Germany)
No mater what the west says, you were a great man.
Allan Williams (United Kingdom)
You are a beacon of hope to all oppressed
Jim Milligan (United Kingdom)
Heartfelt solidarity and compassion to all those mourning the loss of Fidel Castro.
Karen Hubbard (United Kingdom)
En nombre del Grupo de Amigos de Cuba Camilo Cienfuegos de Arica Chile, enviamos al amado pueblo de Cuba las más sentidas condolencias por la irreparable pérdida del Gran Comandante de América y el mundo, Sepan que su ejemplo seguirá guiando nuestros pasos y que su lucha es nuestra, todos somos Fidel. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Carmen Avendaño (Chile)
Hoy Cuba te llora, tu Cuba, la de la Sierra y Girón, la Campaña de Alfabetización y la Crisis de Octubre, la Coubre y Barbados, la de las misiones en Angola, Etiopía, Siria, Guinea y Nicaragua, la de los IPVCE y las universidades, la de la atención médica y los círculos infantiles, la del período especial donde a pesar de los pesares nada de eso faltó y salimos adelante, la de la ELAM y el contingente Henry Reeves, en fin, la de los cubanos que nos educamos en tu ejemplo de dignidad. Y en tus propias palabras, cuando un pueblo enérgico y viril llora, la injusticia tiembla. ¡Hasta siempre Comandante!¡Hasta siempre Fidel!
Césae Ceballos Sa& (Cuba)
Hasta siempre Comandante!!
Luis vila Izquierdo (Spain)
To an inspirational revolutionary...RIP.
David (Ireland)
Rest in Peace.
Pedro González Munn&Atil (United States of America)
Fidel es la vida y si dejamos de respirar, morimos, entonces ahí está FIDEL. Seguiremos su legado y las lágrimas que hoy derramos multiplicarán las ideas de Fidel. Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Maricela Torres Falcón (Cuba)
Comandante en Jefe ordene!! Tu pueblo sigue como sea, donde sea y para lo que sea. Junto a Raéordm;l, seguiremos defendiendo las conquistas de téordm; Revolución, que la hiciste nuestra. Que nadie diga que has muerto, tu vida se multiplica desde hace mucho en cada escuela, en cada hospital, en cada logro de nuestro invencible pueblo, en cada uno de los verdaderos revolucionarios. Invicto Comandante, la Revolución está segura. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!!
Ariel Bernaza Llerandi (Cuba)
Gracias Comandante, por dedicar cada pensamiento, cada acto, cada minuto de tu vida a la obre de nuestra Revolución. Tu partida nos causa un gran dolor a todos los jóvenes cubanos que vemos en ti el ejemplo más genuino de revolucionario, de comunista, de amigo, de compañero, de líder y de cubano. el orgullo de haberte conocido y de poder llamarte Comandante en Jefe es tan grande, que hoy, que ya no estás físicamente con nosotros, podemos gritar tan alto como nos sea posible: Yo también soy Fidel!!! porque eres más que un símbolo, eres todo lo que tiene que ser un patriota. el destino de la patria está asegurado Comandante, los jóvenes atesoramos tu legado. GRACIAS POR TODO, FIDEL!!!!!!
Karla Caballero Delgado (Cuba)
Annbritt Karlsson (Sweden)
Siv-Ingvild (Norway)
Katiuska Cedeño (Cuba)
Hasta Siempre, Comandante. Gracias por toda la conciencia humanitaria que diste al mundo y a tu patria. Te llevaremos siempre en el corazón y en la conciencia. Descansa en paz.
Marta (Spain)
Hasta siempre Comandante
Yisel (Cuba)
Si el Comandante en Jefe puede escucharnos desde el cielo, desearía que supiera el inmenso dolor que se ha apoderado del pueblo cubano por su partida.Siempre lo recordaremos y lo llevaremos en el corazón por haber sido un verdadero líder para su pueblo y para todos los humildes del mundo. Su ejemplo perdurará y su imagen seguirá siendo la efigie de la resistencia, la firmeza y la dignidad de los que luchan por el fin de la opresión y de la dependencia
Claudia Sánchez Sav&Atil (Cuba)
Mucho Gracias,Comandante! Hvil i Fred, Bror!
Raz Damler (Norway)
Meus sentimentos! Fidel viverá para sempre na história da humanidade! Hasta lá vista Fidel!
Vera Lucia Minarcick (Brazil)
Esta es una forma de darme condolencias a mi mismo esto es algo q uno espera pero que no cree cuando pasa fidel no era es alguien grande cuyo ejemplo hay que seguir y no dejar que caigan al piso jamas su magnificos 90 años de vida esa es obra de los que quedamos y el mejor tributo al el.
Richard chang (Cuba)
Comandante, bastaría con desearte un feliz viaje a la inmortalidad, pero el dolor tan profundo de tu pérdida hace brotar en mí un llanto incontenible. Solo te daré las gracias por todos los que hoy no pueden hacerlo: por mi padre que ya no está y por mis hijos que están por venir. Llegue hasta ti todo nuestro cariño, respeto y admiración, y ojalá también recibas el beso que tanto soñé y que nunca pude poner sobre tu mejilla. Gracias por todo, Fidel!!!!!
Edisleydi Curbelo Garcia (Cuba)
R.I.P. Fidel Castro.
Odd Mikkelborg (Norway)
The news about Castro's passing are very sad ones indeed, but also a fine moment for remembrance and reflection over one of the greatest leaders and socialists ever to live. Castro's great contribution to your people and to socialism will live on forever. Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante!
Lars Svensson (Sweden)
obrien patricia (United Kingdom)
Gracias Fidel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yanelis Perez Henandez (Cuba)
Un hombre extraordinariamente valioso para Cuba y el mundo, las ideas no mueren y los jóvenes cubanos continuarán su obra, porque la Revolución echó a andar en el 59 y su paso no se detendrá jamás. HastaSiempreComandante
Aimara (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre.
Claudia Duran Rodriguez (Cuba)
Mi gratitud eterna a Fidel Castro y al noble pueblo cubano, estudié en Cuba y a pesar del periodo especial de esa epoca, el gobierno cubano me dio todo y obtuve mi profesion. Gracias mi Comandante Fidel...
Luis (Ecuador)
Condolences and solidarity to the people of Cuba. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Peter Halsall (United Kingdom)
Siempre te querré y te admiraré como a un abuelo. Ahora que ya no estás físicamente, te recordaré por siempre y tu ideal iluminará el camino a seguir por nosotros tus jóvenes. VIVA FIDEL, FIDEL POR SIEMPRE.
Olivia Almeida Hernandez (Cuba)
Fidel was a socialist who supported struggles for equality and justice throughout the world.
Ben Anthony (United Kingdom)
Comandante, por siempre estaremos defendiendo la grandiosa obra que junto al pueblo cubano construiste para todos nosotros:la Revolucion Cubana. Yo naci con ella, me crie con ella y le aseguro que continuare con ella al precio que sea necesario. Con profundo dolor lo despedimos pero comprometidos enormemente con la historia que ha vivido nuestro pais. Ahora ya no hay un Fidel, hay 11 millones de Fideles que estamos dispuesto a darlo todo por Cuba. Hasta siempre comandante!!!!
Tania Corrales (Cuba)
Tus ideales siempre nos acompañarán.
Ramon Verdecia (Cuba)
Dora Borissova (Bulgaria)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Thomas Birg (Germany)
Would there were more like you.
Lynn Hay (United Kingdom)
Fidel vivirás mientras haya al menos una persona que te recuerde y sea fiel a tus ideales... y creo que hay millones de personas con esas características. Aquí te mando un poema solo para ti. Tras la puerta del téordm;nel del olvido Está la luz que nadie quiere ver jamás, El más grande solo pudo abrir el cierre Los más chicos se lo quisimos cerrar. Pero El Que Manda hace putadas todo el tiempo, A veces pienso que no sabe valorar A los que deben traspasar aquella puerta, Y los que nunca la debieron de cruzar. Téordm; cruzaste sin querer por otra puerta Una que lleva al país Nunca Jamás. El Que Manda se pensó que ibas con él, Los más chicos saben que nunca te irás.
Alejandro Valdés Blanco (Cuba)
! Viva Fidel!!! Nuestro invicto Comandante en Jefe.
Humberto Herrera Carles (Cuba)
I want to send my deepfelt condolences to the Cuban people for the loss of one of the greatest leaders in our Time. Fidel Castro fought a heroic fight against the imperalists and gave people all over the world, especially the poor people, a hope for a better future. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Halvor Furre Halvorsen (Norway)
Hasta siempre camarada!
Adriö (Spain)
Porque me enseñaste a amar y defender la obra de la Revolución, tu ejemplo hoy vive más que nunca en mi corazón. Yo creo en Fidel.
Susana Quintero Camero (Cuba)
Gracias por todo comandante. HASTA SIEMPRE!!!
iguelit (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre mi comandante hasta la victoria siempre
Yaser caballero fernandez (Cuba)
Daniel Romero La Nuez (Cuba)
Cuando no existía rayo de esperanza llegaste téordm; a brindarnos la luz. Después de años de luchas sin obtención de la independencia llesgaste téordm; para darnos la libertad y enseñarnos que negros, blancos, mulatos, pobres, ricos, campesinos y obreros todos teníamos un espacio en la sociedad que ibas a contruir. Con todos y para el bien de todos fue verdaderamente el lema de tu gobierno revolucionario. Fuiste guía y garante de la seguridad de un pueblo que no te olvida. Te quiero Fidel
Aixa Paumier López (Cuba)
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Jose Manuel Rossell Fonseca (Venezuela)
La sencillez de Fidel es la luz que mueve el mundo, porque ese hombre es profundo y más fuerte que la hiel. Por su dulzura de miel y su corazón gigante, por llevarnos adelante con ahínco y con tesón: Viva de corazón, nuestro eterno COMANDANTE!!!!!!!!!!! Gracias por todo Fidel. Te amamos. Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante!!!!!
Ivianes Danay González LLane (Cuba)
Como ciudadano del mundo acompaño a todos los revolucionarios del planeta. Aunque hoy sintamos, sin duda alguna, orfandad en nuestro ser, celebramos la asencion del mas grande a la inmortalidad de la historia.
yo nací y crecí en cuba con fidel, no tengo palabras para describir como me siento mas que decir que una parte de mi se fue con el, estoy desconsolado, pero totalmente seguro de que sus ideas viven en mi y en millones mas, gracias comandante.
Javier Domingo Hernandez Barrio (Cuba)
My condolences on the death of a great man, whose service to the people of Cuba in the face of such enormous odds should stand as an example to us all. My thoughts are with you now, and in the days ahead.
christopher k young (United Kingdom)
Like Che Guevera and Nelson Mandela Fidel Castro was a hero - fighting for social justice, end inequality and a brave warrior who stood upto the Americans despite their bullying and coercion
Talal Karim (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante, Vuela Alto Junto a Nuestro Gigante Chávez y Nuestro Amado Che Guevara Guiándonos Siempre en Revolución. Los Amaremos Eternamente
Yajaira Benitez (Venezuela)
Es poco lo que puedo decir para expresar mi inmenso dolor, que es el dolor de toda la juventud, de todo el pueblo cubano. Fidel fue un ejemplo de valor, gallardía, justicia, solidaridad e internacionalismo para toda Cuba y para el mundo entero. Fidel fue una inspiración para nuestros deportistas, artistas, científicos, jóvenes, etc. Como joven revolucionaria cubana me siento comprometida a seguir su incalculable legado. Prefiero pensar que no se ha ido. Como hace 60 años partió de Mexico, esta vez partió a otro lugar desconocido para seguir creando un mundo más justo, porque #FidelVive. #HastaSiempreComandante
Ana Mariam Chaos (Cuba)
The great don't die. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Rolando Santacruz (Mexico)
Ha muerto el más insigne de los cubanos del Siglo XX, el padre de todos los que nacimos en el seno de la Revolución. Se ha ido físicamente, pero sus ideas y su ejemplo permanecerán con nosotros. Siempre estarás aquí Fidel. !Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Inardis Espinosa Marrero (Cuba)
In very sad but grateful memory of one of the greatest leaders of all time.Fidel Castro's contribution to world peace and communist praxis remains the most extraordinary achievement.
Eleanor Lakew (United Kingdom)
NO te fuiste Fidel, quedaste multiplicado en millones!!!! Seguiremos tu obra al precio que sea necesario.
I am very sad right now. The world has lost a great leader, a great man. We love you, Fidel Castro, wherever you are. R.I.P.
Yusniel Hidalgo Delgado (Cuba)
Gloria eterna a nuestro Comandante, padre de todos los cubanos. Será inmortal.
Carlos Torres Pupo (Cuba)
Nos mostraste que otra forma de vivir es posible ¡GRACIAS FIDEL!...Hasta siempre comandante
Ana Maria Torres Romero (Colombia)
Un gran abrazo fraterno al pueblo cubano. El mundo ha perdido a un gran hombre y revolucionario, un símbolo de todo aquello que la humanidad necesita aprender a construir. Siempre será una inspiración para las y los que seguimos luchando por una sociedad más distinta, justa y solidaria.
Claudia Molina González (Chile)
Hasta siempre comandante
Yosel (Cuba)
Un hombre-historia. Ya era un símbolo. Ayer pasó a un plano superior. Todavía más rebelde, más subversivo, más potente. #HastaSiempreFidel
Arnoldo Urbima (El salvador)
Que la tierra te sea leve, camarada.
francisco mora (Spain)
Camila Concepción Mart&At (Cuba)
He meant a lot to so many.
Eivind Carlsen (Norway)
#Fidel cumplió y sobrecumplió su misión ampliamente. #Comandante, vuela tranquilo, vuela en paz, que la juventud cubana no te olvida y está aquí dispuesta a seguir tu legado! Sentimos el vacío del que pierde un padre, cercano, amoroso y sabio; pero que nos dejó bien formados, preparados para seguir su obra, fiel como él fue, frente a todos los riesgos! Le mando un gran beso y con él todo mi amor, pero también todo mi compromiso!
Greisy Cordero Suárez (Cuba)
Truly a good, great and intelligent man. The outpourings of grief from the people of Cuba are testament to that. Fidel Castro will live on in the achievements he created and made possible. D.E.P. Comandante.
Jeni Swift Gillett (United Kingdom)
Con gran tristeza recibí lejos de Cuba la noticia de su partida física ,fiel a sus ideales, y Como integrante del batallón de batas blancas que el creara para repartir salud al mundo,manifiesto que hoy mas que nunca me mantendré fiel a su legado,su espíritu combativo y de solidaridad no morirá mientras exista en la tierra un cubano digno..Hasta la victoria siempre!!
Dailyn Sordo Pelaez (Cuba)
Te vas Comandante pero tu aporte al mundo te convierte en una leyenda..hasta la victoria siempre Fidel!!
Baldomero Corozo (Ecuador)
Happy that he was alert and active to the end. The only World leader who tried to practice what most hypocritically preach. A good deal better than we got from Obama!
Barry HUGHES (United Kingdom)
I send my condolence from the deepest of my heart to the People of Cuba. I am sure you will continue to take care of each other and the values you built Your society on.
Jorunn Larsen (Norway)
Los Jóvenes no fallaremos.
Ariel (Cuba)
A Dor é agora,a saudade é para uma vida,mas a honra de ser um herói de toda a Humanidade é eterna. Hasta Siempre Comandante !
Reginaldo Nunes Barbosa (Brazil)
Gloria eterna a un líder invencible. Mis condolencias a familiares, amigos, y a todo mi pueblo revolucionario que siente su pérdida física.
Lina (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Noel franco (United States of America)
Ao amigo-irmépound;o de todos os oprimidos. Hasta siempre! Fidel Castro, presente!
Francisco Josivan de Souza (Brazil)
Gracias Fidel. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Yandy Abreu Jorge (Cuba)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre, Comandante!!! Abrazo revolucionario desde Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina!!!
Un hombre extraordinario, a la altura de los grandes hombres de la Historia. Gloria eterna a los héroes.
ZHU DE (China)
A great leader...never to be bullied by superpowers.
Cllr.Gerry O Neill SF (Ireland)
Andrea García Da&am (Venezuela)
AMBAR (Italy)
Hasta siempre cimandante
Juan Contreras (Spain)
Hoping the future of your country is bright. You had a brilliant leader. xxx
Georgina Fletcher (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria final Fidel, por siempre
Luis Martínez (Spain)
Hasta la victoria siempre...
Brian McDermott (United Kingdom)
Fidel, you will always be remembered with Che and all the other comrades who changed the course of history in Cuba with courage and bravery in the face of great odds. Your solidarity to all those fighting against oppression across the world from Latin America to Africa has no equal. Your legacy will persist long into the future and inspire others to revolutionary action against imperialism. RIP.
Saleh Mamon (United Kingdom)
Lexy (Cuba)
My sympathies on the loss of Fidel, he has inspired so many of us with your revolution and internationalism. Solidaridad a vosotros. Gracias por todos.
Zoe Lawlor (Ireland)
Fidel está en cada uno de nosotros, a una parte de él en cada alma de los jóvenes cubanos. Por eso no morirá nunca, porque no se puede matar un paradigma, no se pueden matar las ideas, no se puede matar un pueblo. Seguiremos diciendo: Pa lo que sea Fidel!!, Comandante en Jefe Ordene!!
Abel Ernesto Bermejo Morejón (Cuba)
Viva la revolution RIP
Joe (United Kingdom)
Gracias por su ejemplo y fuerza. Siempre estarás con nosotros. ¡La lucha sigue!
Liam Bradshaw (Ireland)
Long Live the Cuban revolution thank you comrade castro for your inspiration
Lily kerr (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace. Patria o muerte Venceremos!
Zully Trujillo (United Kingdom)
Un gigante ci ha lasciato tutti un po' piésup1; soli.ma ha anche lasciato orme cosi vistose che non sarö difficile seguire,lui la strada la ha tracciata....HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE
sergio imeri (Italy)
Rest in peace and may you inspire humanity for ever.
Mikael lecerof (Sweden)
Rest in Peace!
Per Abrahamsson (Sweden)
Gracias Comandante Hasta la victoria siempre
Eric Francis (Belgium)
Rest Fidel, your journey is over comrade but the revolution goes till victory.
Emmanuel Clancy (Ireland)
Fidel Castro brought the Cuban people massive improvements in health and literacy. A massive achievement for which he should be remembered forever. Britain needs a leader of this calibre. Condolences from Nottinghamshire, England.
Andy (United Kingdom)
camarada,hoy nos guias desde allí arriba, junto con Néstor y Chaves,día a dia nos marcan el rumbo y las convicciones
Rivero Gonzalo (Argentina)
A true socialist leaves us but his country where the poor do matter will continue on.
Peter McNee (United Kingdom)
La Juventud Cubana reafirma su compromiso con su legado histórico Comandante. El futuro de nuestra Patria está seguro. Defenderemos nuestra Revolución con uñas y dientes! #FidelVive #HastaSiempreComandante #LaJuventudCubanaNoSeRiende #TodosJuntosPaLante #HastaLaVictoriaSiempre
Naylet Baza (Cuba)
Gracias Fidel por tu incondicional apoyo a lalucha por la independencia y libre determinacion de Puerto Rico,aqui tambien te lloramos por tu separacion fisica ,pero sabemos que tus ideas permaneceran y seguiran influyendo al mundo.
Eduardo Rivera Pagan (Puerto Rico)
Comandante: You did not die on November 25, You immortalised yourself. Until forever !!!
Hector Amed (Cuba)
A ti Fidel, porque de ti aprendí a dar pasos firmes, los mismos que guiarán mi marcha para continuar la obra de la Revolución, tu obra. HastaSiempreComandante, Hasta la Victoria Siempre... Osmay K.M. Fong D.
Osmay K. M. Fong Delgado (Cuba)
Rudy (Belgium)
El verdadero Hombre nunca muere. La Historia siempre te hará Presente.
Randy D López (Cuba)
Eva Jonsson (Sweden)
Comandante en Jefe, querido padre Fidel: Naci en una Cuba libre gracias a tus bravos barbudos. Aprendi a escucharte por television como un familiar muy cercano. Hoy lloro como llore a mis abuelos, pero me siento fuerte en tus ideas justas para seguir multiplicandote. Comandante en Jefe, ordene !!!
Yunier Palma Mora (Cuba)
Que tu luz imperecedera ilumine la ejecutoria de tus sucesores para mantener en alto tu obra y las banderas del socialismo en nuestra patria. !Viviras para siempre mi querido comandante en jefe invicto!
Alain Gonzalez Ruiz (Cuba)
Thanks for your efforts to make the world a better place
Mark Sargeant (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante!
Anne (Cuba)
My condolances and thaank you for the cigar.
Esben Kristensen (Norway)
Danilo Rafael Lechado Cruz (Nicaragua)
A giant of a man. We will not see his likes again.
Mags O Brien (Ireland)
Escuché el anuncio del compañero Raéordm;l muchas veces! No puedo creerlo, ahora entiendo lo que significa cristales molidos, es como si cada vez que lo escucho me estalla una bomba en la cabeza! ..... Pero en mi corazón también sé que Fidel no está muerto, y cada persona que lucha dia a dia por un mundo mejor está siguiendo su ejemplo. Fidel sigue siendo Fidel, en todos los rincones del mundo donde habrá una lucha habrá Fidel para guiarnos! Ordene Comandante! FIDEL VIVE !!! VIVA FIDEL !!!
Bricchi Laura (Italy)
It is with great sadness that I read of the death of Fidel, he was a great inspiration, a leader who told us we do not have to accept the false ideologies with which the world presents us but can try and find a better way. Please accept my condolences.
Cormac McSparron (Ireland)
John winstanley (United Kingdom)
You are always our example for a better world. It is our duty to keep and spread your ideas and ideology. We will always love you, thank you for everything, Fidel eternal example, brother, compañero!
Dimitris & Kiki (Greece)
Vuela libre!! Vuela alto!! Somos libres!! Venezuela y Cuba siempre serán libres!! Hasta la victoria siempre comandante Fidel.
Oscar (Venezuela)
Maud Hedin (Sweden)
Como bien dijo Frei Betto, el ultimo entre los Grandes en dejarnos. Pero su amor por esta America Latina que nos une a todos en su palabra fraternal y libertadora, continua viva y pasa a nuestros hijos la herencia Revolucionaria que es su antorcha viviente. Companero Fidel, tu imagen se a ido, pero queda lo major de ti en nuestras vidas. Viva Fidel!!! Viva el Che!!1 Viva nuestro modelo de solidaridad y libertad SIEMPRE!
Stella Maris Ponce (United Kingdom)
Göran Boardy (Sweden)
Hasta Siempre Comandante. Gracias por tu vida, tu obra y tu ejemplo Te recordaremos y mantendremos viva tus ideas
Henry (Cuba)
I offer my condolences upon the demise of the great Cuban political leader and revolutionary - Fidel Castro.
Torgeir Boehler (Norway)
Comandante la muerte no es cierta cuando se ha cumplido bien la obra de la vida y usted ha sido un hombre de una dimensión extraordinaria que ha cumplido con la vida, ha cumplido con su país, ha cumplido con todo un continente, ha cumplido con el mundo. Su legado quedará entre nosotros por siempre y los cubanos nos sentiremos orgullosos de haber nacidos en la misma tierra que usted, para la cual un día decidió darlo todo y construir una Revolución que ha permanecido invicta y que seguiremos luchando para que así permanezca por siempre y sea este nuestro tributo más grande a usted. Su figura, su ejemplo, su pensamiento y acción continuará entre nosotros para la eternidad. Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Yordán Vega Soto (Cuba)
Kvil i fred
Roar Sundberg (Norway)
¡Compañero, camarada, Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro, presente, ahora y siempre!
Claudia Catalina Raddatz Torres (Australia)
We are still fighting, Comandante.
kim runar gjelstenli (Norway)
Ana (Cuba)
You proved to be a true Leader and man for the people and by the people! Your mother raised you well! Rest in peace!
Anita Bruckner (United Kingdom)
Gyda chydymdeimlad
Cathy White (United Kingdom)
You have left your country, and the whole world, a better place than it was before you. So few people can say that of their lives but in your case it really is true. You stayed true to the project and your principles. I can hardly put into words the admiration I have for you, and I give thanks for your life.
Sara Bragg (United Kingdom)
Fidel, and the people of Cuba, have been an inspiration to the people of the world.
Isolda McNeill (United Kingdom)
Salud comrade.
Mickey Brennan (United Kingdom)
The world has lost one of its giant.
Robert Strafford (United Kingdom)
henrik darlie (Denmark)
An inspiration to all. You will be sorely missed.
Ryan Lopez-Love (United States of America)
What a sda loss and what an amazing inspirational man. We have just returned from Cuba with the cuba solidarity group where we visited schools, polyclinics agricultural areas, as well as meeting groups and local people from Cuba. Everywhere we went there were pictures of Fidel and he was thought of so highly. His influence is everywhere to see. Anyone who met him was so lucky to have the privalage and I only wish that I could have done so myself. We send our love and thoughts to all his family and friends. Such a sad loss xxxx
Ann and Ben Halligan (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace. Your legacy will live on
Catherine (Ireland)
Hasta la victoria sempre Comandante.
Massimiliano Carraro (Italy)
No nos acostumbraremos nunca a estar sin ti, a tus sabias palabras, Comandante descanse en paz la juventud cubana no te fallará. Hasta la Victoria Siempre Eterno Comandante!!!!! Adios Padre
Osay (Cuba)
Maria Elia Beck (Canada)
When I was in Havana last month I photographed a silhouette of Fidel's head spray painted on a wall with the number 90+ written underneath. It was clearly a much hoped for dream of many. Eventually the laws of biology had to catch up with him even though for a time it seemed like he may even defeat them. His legacy will survive and teach many more generations. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Murdo Ritchie (United Kingdom)
Goodbye Fidel.
Ron Fox (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre COMANDANTE, te seguiremos siempre con la misma valentía y patrismo como lo hicieron los espartanos al mando Leónidas en las Termópilas.
Darwin Valdés Garcà (Cuba)
Nunca pensó la muerte que por ironías del destino ella misma te hiciera inmortal. Donde quiera que estés puedes estar seguro que tu pueblo amado no te defraudara. Nosdis dignidad, prestigio, y respeto ante el mundo entero. Descansa en paz y tranquilo. La historia te dio el sitio que mereces. En el corazón de los pobres de la tierra y de los que como tu creen que un mundo mejor es posible. Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante en Jefe donde quiera que estes ¡¡ORDENE!!
Armando (Spain)
I send my sincere condolences to Fidel's family and friends and to the Cuban people. Thanks to you all and thanks to Fidel, a better world is possible. Hasta siempre Comandante, seguiremos adelante Compañeros.
Sabine Wattez (United Kingdom)
You will live for ever in the hearts of idealists. You made a difference. Rest in peace!
David godfrey (United Kingdom)
Las personas pasan , las ideas permanecen. Mi mas sentido pesame. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Jose oltra (Spain)
My thoughts and hopes are with the Cuban people at this time.
Steve Farr (United Kingdom)
A sad loss to Cuba and the world. Viva Fidel Viva Cuba
Martin Horton (United Kingdom)
As Mao Zedong stated, quoting the ancient Chinese historian Sima Qian, "all people die, but some deaths are as pointless as a feather, while other deaths are as important as Mount Tai." Comrade Castro's death certainly belongs to the latter category. He has passed away, but his political legacy of anti-imperialism, of socialism, of fighting against racism and for the rights of women and LGBT people, will live on and continue forever.
Dawn Chen-Yang Li (United Kingdom)
Fidel: A tremendous loss, but an unending inspiration.
Richard Forward (United States of America)
Jens Strand (Norway)
Alfabetisering en gezondheidszorg voor iedereen op de eerste plaats zetten, dat is wat elke leider zou moeten doen. Dank U Fidel Castro voor de moed en visie en volharding.
Denise Puttaert (Belgium)
Gunnar Aaslie (Norway)
Oliver (Macedonia (FYR))
Que hay un cuba socialista y libre con todos los logros de la revolución.
Anselm Weidner (Germany)
Rest in peace great leader,you was the inspiration of generations
Stephen EVANS (United Kingdom)
Gratias Commandante!
Tor Asbjécedil;rn Skjeflo (Norway)
Tomas Stokke (Norway)
Hasta siempre,Comandante!
Alessio Meloni (Italy)
farewell to one of the greatest men that this world has seen. his honesty and courage was an inspiration to all those fighting oppression. a leader may fall but the fight must still go on.
jim greig (United Kingdom)
The world will never forget Fidel. A heroic socialist. Viva Cuba
Lisa Trainer (United Kingdom)
Morton Brussel (United States of America)
An inspiration and catalyst to true Socialism, will be sorely missed.
Michael Bills (United Kingdom)
Mi más sentido pésame al pueblo cubano y el mundo. Fidel es en mi corazon y alma siempre! Sherri Cline, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Sherri Cline (Canada)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Comandante y Companeros! Presente!
Arild Sébrvbar;ther Johannessen (Norway)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Enrico Tortolano (United Kingdom)
He wasn't perfect but he helped the poorest and most vulnerable in his country to health, education and to stand up to the international banksters and their acolytes.
Justin Walker (United Kingdom)
You did a marvellous job on earth. Your memory will live in eternity. Rest in peace.
Lars Nöremark (Sweden)
Fidel vive en millones de corazones. VIVA CUBA..VIVA FIDEL
Hasta La Victoria Siempre. 'Te Lo Prometio Marti y Fidel Te Lo Cumplio"
Carlos Colon Estrella (United States of America)
Eduardo (Chile)
Rip Fidel.
John dunne (Ireland)
Steven Dhiman (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria, siempre!
David Edwards (United Kingdom)
in Solidarity with the Cuban people hold out and keep on in the spirit of Fidel.
Leif Nordström (Sweden)
Tronn Leander Eriksen (Norway)
A man who did so much to help and inspire the peoples of Cuba, Latin America, and Africa.
Peter McKenna (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with the revolution the cuban people and the communist party of Cuba. A true socialist hero gone.
Christopher (United Kingdom)
I will remember Comrade Castro for his fierce loyalty to his people and his wish to help the poorest in society. My greetings and respect for the people of Cuba.
Jeremy D Parker (United Kingdom)
An inspirational leader
Michael Vine (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel. A lifelong hero and an inspiration forever.
Jill Murdoch (United Kingdom)
Your ideas and the necessity of another world, free from capitalism and imperialism, stay alive. Forever, until we succeed. Viva Fidel, hasta luego companero!
David Stockinger (Austria)
Will Baskeyfield (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante eterno,seguiremos tus huellas,ya que fuiste el Faro que ilumina esta humanidad sin solidaridad.
Pécurren;tricia Salome Quintero Ca (Belgium)
Thank YOU for free Cuba!
Ewangelos Kromydas (Greece)
On behalf of the Arab Left Forum, which regroups 31 Communist and leftist parties from 11 Arab countries, I express to Comrade Raoul, Central committee of CCP and to all the Cuban people, our solidarity on those difficult moment. Fidel was and still is an emblematic leader for all those who fight for the liberty of their country and also against the imperialism, US in particular. The victory he led against USA aggressiveness and plots inspire us to continue our struggle for the liberation of Palestinian and Arab occupied territories. We don't forget him; he will be always in our hearts with the Che, Lenin, Marx, Engels and all those who gave hope to peoples. Viva Fidel. Cuba si, yanked no. Marie Nassif-Debs General Coordinator of Arab Left Forum
Marie Nassif-Debs (Lebanon)
Viva Fidel. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Richard Gott (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba Libre !!
paul adriaanse (Ireland)
Tomas (United Kingdom)
Sergio Nessi (Italy)
Long Live Comrade Fidel Castro, a beacon to workers, the exploited, and progressive people worldwide.
Tom Fenton (United Kingdom)
Fidel understood the true nature of socialist internationalism, a solidarity based not on mere words or self-interest but on a genuine ideological commitment to the international communist movement, to the anti-imperialist struggles of all those working to transform the world. From its sustained practical assistance and support for liberation struggles which included the fight against apartheid in South Africa and the provision of vital military assistance in Angola which involved real sacrifices and which dealt a decisive defeat on the military forces of the apartheid regime in South Africa, socialist Cuba, despite being a small country faced with an economic blockade, has, as part of its extraordinary achievements, constructed a global programme of extensive development aid and humanitarian assistance and has sent thousands of teachers, doctors and medical staff across the world. The death of Fidel Castro is a great loss to the Cuban people and to all humanity struggling for a better future.
Gerry Grainger (Ireland)
Hasta la victoria, comandante. Que la tierra te sea leve
Pilar (Spain)
Fuiste la voz de los desposeídos, fuiste la dignidad frente a los poderosos.
Javier Tabarés Ruiz Henestros (Spain)
Con mucha tristeza, es perder un ser querido, un padre un amigo, un guia: Gracias eterno comandante por ser lo que soy y quien soy. Gracias por tu revolucion, por tus ideales firmes hasta el ultimo momento. tu no has muerto aun vives y viviras por siempre en el recuerdo, en la batalla del dia a dia, tu nomnbre jamas estara en el olvido. Descance en Paz, Gloria Eterna mi comandante en jefe.
wilder macias labrada (Jamaica)
hasta la victoria siempre! my condolences to the people of Cuba and the passing of the great man, Castro, who stood up to the imperialist might of the US, and showed the world another way is possible
kate (United Kingdom)
John and Pamela Richardson (United Kingdom)
Rest in perfect peace Fidel Castro. Your courage and rare conviction will never be forgotten. We thank you for all you did for Africa. You remain forever in our hearts. Respect!
Diana Yeside Johnson (Nigeria)
Well done, big man. You stood up to the bastards - and won!
John Wells (United Kingdom)
A great revolutionary and leader. History will hopefully judge him far kinder than the U.S. and western political elite who spent decades trying to unseat him.
Andrew Bell (United Kingdom)
May Cuba pursue the goals of social justice, equality and peace forever. May the Cuban people find solace in their loss through their faith and solidarity.
Russell (United Kingdom)
You will be missed. Deply. Rest in peace, comrad.
Alexandra Tlale (Norway)
The American Party of Labor bows its head in solemn tribute to one of the greatest revolutionaries of our time.
Alfonso Casal (United States of America)
Your achievements in life will live on for many years
Derrick Eastham (United Kingdom)
A remarkable man.RIP
Susan Robertson (United Kingdom)
the world has lost a great leader not just Cuba
derek campion (United Kingdom)
Dear Cuba, My heart is with you. Your people have endured many difficulties over the centuries, particularily in the last. Fidel came as a blessing from above to your population, black or white, young or old. He turned you into a nation to be proud of and gave you a population to respect. Physically he may be gone, but his memory will live on in all of Latin America, Africa and in the hearts of the people who got one. Your legazy is Cuba, medicine and doctors where they are needed, and the blessings of socialism and communism. You will go down in the history books besides Lenin, Marx and more, as one of the greatestpeople who shaped the 20th century, our present and our future. Mayy you rest in peace, comrade Fidel! Condolences from Norway. Einar Stenrécedil;d Hamre 27.11.2016
Einar Stenrécedil;d Hamre (Norway)
At this very sad moment, not only for Cuba, but also for billions around the world who found in Fidel a person who has sacrificed himself for the well-being of all and refusing injustice as a fact and capitalism as the only option, I can only wish that Cuba and Cubans stay strong on the way Fidel has created. It's hard to express condolences if you can't accept that Fidel is no longer with us but anyway let me express condolences first to Raul and than to all Cubans who supported and believed in Fidel also in the hardest moments of Cuban history caused by the US blockade. Fidel has made great steps and in each of them he could feel words of Camilo "Vas bien Fidel". Thanks for your 90 years and rest in peace dear commandeer in chief, Fidel.
Igor Jurisic (United Kingdom)
So sorry for your loss. It is the world's loss. He was a great man.
Ron Saberton (United States of America)
Your contribution to the struggle for socialism raises you above most of humanity.
Dave Statham (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with a small brave band of Fidelistas who set social justice standards for the world.
Michael McLaughlin (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace...<3
Vanja Thorsdatter (Norway)
Bill and Nora Ryan (Canada)
Keith Ferrera (United States of America)
Goodbye to one of the greatest revolutionary leaders ever. They couldn't defeat you.
Denis Grace (United Kingdom)
Todo mi amor y solidaridad con el pueblo cubano, ¡Hasta la vitoria siempre!
Mi mas sentido pésame al pueblo cubano viva fidel
manuel balmaseda liaño (United Kingdom)
Fuiste ejemplo, porti somos y seremos hombres y mujeres libres!! Tu legado vivirá por siempre. La historia te absolvió, hasta pronto comandante!
David Gonzalez Fernandez (Spain)
Patrick Gavigan (United Kingdom)
Deeply, deeply saddened at the loss of a truly great man, a socialist revolutionary leader who freed the Cuban people from tyranny and corruption, a compassionate internationalist who spread his message across the globe giving hope and practical aid to millions across developing countries in particular. Fidel has indeed been, and will continue to be, an inspiration to all nations fighting for independence and equality. His spirit lives on and we honour his memory by continuing to fight against the illegal occupation of Guantanamo Bay and an immoral and unjust trade embargo. My sincere condolences, Hasta Siempre Comandante, Katharine Bligh London
Katharine Bligh (United Kingdom)
You will never be forgotten, rest well Comrade
Marguerite Walker (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was never defeated, he never will be defeated and he never will be forgotten. I honour his memory, and his enormous contribution to the struggle for enlightenment, justice, and peace
Maggie Mellon (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Jan Corremans (Belgium)
God heeft ons geen kalme reis beloofd maar wel een behouden aankomst, Gecondoleerd
marion.ruepert (Netherlands)
¡Gracias por tu ejemplo, comandante!
Roy Youdale (United Kingdom)
Mohammad (United Kingdom)
He was not just a leader of a revolution, he will be judged on what he did for humanity. Long live comrade Fidel.Hasta la Victoria siempre
Grahame Jones (United Kingdom)
You were and continue to be my all-time hero, Fidel. You taught us how to be compassionate in an uncompassionate world. You showed us how it was possible to defy all the odds and remain true to your principles. You offered us a beacon of hope in the darkness. You taught us how to fight and how to win. We love you, Fidel.
Paul McEnroe (United Kingdom)
Ralf Berntsson (Sweden)
sandra (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel's example has inspired me and millions more throughout the world, many are grateful for the international aid that Cuba gave to Africa in Angola crucial to the end ding of the Apartheid regime also the aid in Congo and Pakistan with cuban doctors and health workers throughout the world showing what is possible when a country and leadership are determined to go forward in defiance of the imperialist and capitalist elites and those intellectually and those intellectually and politically subservient to them. Fidel lives in those who will carry on the struggle.
Manuel Bueno Del Carpio (United Kingdom)
All respect to you.
Ulf Sandberg (Sweden)
I will always remember the total kindness of the Cuban people when my ex and my son visited in both 1979 and 1982. The revolution lives on x
Nick Craske (United Kingdom)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre.
Martin Mowforth (United Kingdom)
Fidel has shown us that we don't have to accept injustice and inequality. Another world is possible. Hasta siempre Commandante!
Mark De Keyser (Belgium)
What an inspiration. His message to the poor and the oppressed will live on
Mike Squires (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace. Now itd time for some one else to carry on.
Asbjécedil;rn (Norway)
A very sad day, Good luck to the people of Cuba for their future.
Ron Doel (United Kingdom)
Vos Guido (Belgium)
Fidel has shown us that we don't have to accept inequality and injustice. Another world is possible. Hasta siempre Commandante!
Marij Van der Stricht (Belgium)
I am saddened to hear of the death of Fidel Castro. A great man and I am glad to have visited Cuba during his lifetime.
Andra Saunders (United Kingdom)
Siw Christine Hauger (Norway)
We will remember him forever.His ideas light our life.Solidarity to people of Cuba.
Mina (Greece)
Rest in prate komandante
Tony (Norway)
fidel ha muerto pero sus ideas viviran por siempre en el corazon de los pueblos.
mario araneda (Canada)
You were a true inspiration for oppressed peoples. Your legacy will live on in the lives and loves of many peoples across the world who have benefited from your selfless struggles for freedom from imperialism and colonialism. Viva Castro
Palma Black (United Kingdom)
You have been my hero for fifty years.
Nils Johnsen (Norway)
So sad at your passing; rest in peace. Viva Cuba
Jo (United Kingdom)
A Giant among men, a figure of awesome intellect whose life and work through the Cuban Revolution has given us a glimpse into the future.
Barrie Ward (United Kingdom)
I share the sense of sadness at the loss of Fidel. I visited Cuba in 2002, the experience convinced me another world was possible. I celebrate the life of Fidel, his relentless struggle for justice and his determination to build a society that puts people first. His legacy will live on.
Paul (United Kingdom)
RIP Comrade.
Jason Devine (Canada)
Je salue la mémoire de notre camarade Fidel pour l'immense oeuvre qu'il a accomplie pour le peuple Cubain et pour nous avoir montré la voie ö suivre pour résister ö l'impérialisme et demain établir sur notre planète le partage juste entre les humains. Aussi pour avoir montré le chemin ö prendre pour protéger notre planète en préservant la nature.
We send our condolences to the family and friends of Fidel Castro.We are saddened by the news of his passing.We were not born in Cuba but we feel Cuba is our second home. We never worry about feeling safe when we are there because of the way Fidel ran the country.Again sorry for the loss of a Cuban revolutionary leader.Rest in Peace Fidel.
Brian and Chris DeMille (Canada)
stay strong !
joe kimmett (Canada)
Norman Horne (United Kingdom)
Vaya todo mi apoyo y condolencias a la familia del más grande líder del mundo ,Al más grande ser humano que ha existido. Ha sido todo un referente para millones de personas que sufrimos las políticas capitalistas,con su precariedad laboral, desigualdades sociales, hambre y miseria. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE, LOS POBRES DEL MUNDO YA TE ECHAMOS DE MENOS.
As a young child I became aware of Fidel Castro and, of course, Che Guevara. Both men of revolution. We need more. RIP great man
Colleen McManus (United Kingdom)
In sympathy and solidarity.
David (United Kingdom)
In the long vista of the year's to roll Let me not see our country's honour fade O let me see our land retain her soul Her pride, her freedom and not freedoms shade From thy bright eyes unusual brightness shed Beneath thy pinions canopy my head. Venceremos - Rest in peace - Fidel
Julia Mansbridge (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Comrade Fidel you will never be forgotten.
Sean Meleady (United Kingdom)
Slan Comrade A true legend Viva Fidel
Sean Maguire (Ireland)
Mis más sentidas condolencias al Pueblo Cubano y !hasta la victoria siempre!
Patricio A (United States of America)
My condolences, not only to the family of Fidel and the people of Cuba, but to nations across the world to whom Fidel Castro was an inspiration and a shining light! RIP, Fidel Castro, we had a better world for your being here!
Tom McEnroe (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre Viva Fidel Viva Cuba
Dennis Tengbring (Sweden)
Thank you for your great contriburion to socialismen. The struggle continues.
Sri Nimpuno (Sweden)
Thank you for all the power and love, so that we could and can believe: a better world is possible if we go on and on to build socialistic societies ! De todo corazón: GRACIAS FIDEL !
Anna Gudera (Germany)
Fidel stood firm against imperialism and the comprador capitalism of banana republics. The alternative was never going to be easy, especially in the teeth of an illegal USA blockade for 50+ years, and the loss of 90% of its export market with the collapse of the Soviet Union. These things would sink most countries and leaders, but Cuba's achievements for its people and the world have been amazing. We owe Fidel immense gratitude.
Dave Chappell (United Kingdom)
You have been many things, but to me Fidel, you have been an inspiration. Thank you comrade and may you rest in peace,
Barbara Hayes (United Kingdom)
Caroline Raine (United Kingdom)
En solidaridad
Claire Plumb (United Kingdom)
Yo respeto mucho las luchas de Fidel y los cubanos para preservar su independencia. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Madeleine Loxton (United Kingdom)
May he rest in peace.
IVY CARLIER (United Kingdom)
Compartimos tu dolor,querido valiente pueblo de Cuba. Hasta siempre, Comandante.
Loreto Labbé-Reveco (Sweden)
Ever onwards to victory commandante
maggie mellor (United Kingdom)
Fidel's legacy is a just and humane society where priorities of the best quality health and education are for everyone. An honourable man.
Christine Jordan (United Kingdom)
Thank you for al that you have done during my hole Life. For your country, for us outside looking in. Hoping that one day..... Rest in Peace Fidel
Rickard Forslund (Sweden)
A life well lived. Bringing liberty from abject poverty; freedom from ignorance and freedom from medical worries. I visited Cuba in 2009- and unlike my visit to Tunisia the year before- no one criticised socialism. ;in Tunisia they criticised Ben Ali and his family). They criticised the blockade and praised the revolution- even in private. Even when they were annoyed by the fact their country had little. Time will be kind to your legacy. It will not be the same for many of the great rich, "democratically elected" presidents and aristocratic Prime Ministers who sponsor torture, war and child genocide across the oil corporation run capitalist world. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Thank you, comrade.
Neil Scott (United Kingdom)
You outwitted the US to the end and left Cuba a better place than you found it. Thank you for proving we don't all have to bow down to American imperialism, there is a better way to live. Rest in peace. History will absolve you.
Heather (United Kingdom)
His achievements will never be forgotten. As founder of the Presbyterian Cuba Connection, I have had the great joy of twenty-five years of solidarity with the people of Cuba.
Rev. Dean H. Lewis (United States of America)
Gracias por tu ejemplo internacionalista de solidaridad y compromiso revolucionario. Un honor haber compartido época con usted. Hasta la victoria siempre!!!
Igor (Spain)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Colin Jackson (United Kingdom)
Thanks for being always there for the people all over the world who really knew what Liberty is!
Vikas (India)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Marta leal (Chile)
Ray Evans (United Kingdom)
Great human being. Valiant struggler against inhumanity.
Khatchatur I. Pilikian (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel, Cuba & the World will miss your humanity & fair play.
Jean McAulay nee Ellis (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace El Comandante. My thoughts are with the lovely people of Cuba at this time.
ELAINE (United Kingdom)
The great man has gone but the revolution will live on. Until victory always.
Sam Johnson (United Kingdom)
A hero who stood alone against the US and allowed the cuban people to export education health and compassion to world.
David Morris (United Kingdom)
A great leader and a great man -- he will live in our memories forever, and we must finish the battles that he started.
Wythe Holt (United States of America)
Grazie per il tuo esempio
Alberto Tiburzi (Italy)
I am sad about your loss
dawn montiel (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. My family of origin and I will never forget travel to Cuba just shortly after the Revolution. We stayed in the Hotel Vidado, and visited the Old City quarter, el Moro Castle, the Capitol building, a wonderful rum distillery, a wonderful tropical flower perfumerie, and an agricultural station, Rancho De Luna, where a revolutionary soldier held our little sister up so we could take a wonderful picture. I know this is just a tiny little personal anecdote, but it is a memory to treasure of the beautiful Island of Cuba. I greatly appreciate that the People of Cuba were successful in overthrowing the dictatorship of Batista. I also greatly appreciate the many world-historic gains for the working class that have come from the Revolutionary Planned Economy, including health, education and welfare of the People. I also greatly appreciate how President Castro stood up, for decades, against U.S. imperialism while all that time fostering freedom and progress for peoples around the world. I stand for the international solidarity of the working class, andam inspired by the late great Fidel Castro to continue the struggle and work to contribute to justice for the working class to help create a better world for all humanity. Dr. Castro was a giant among revolutionaries: we all do stand on the shoulders of giants such as this great human being. May he Rest in Peace.
Mr. Thompson E. Potter, Jr. (United States of America)
Fidel, estaras en mi corazon toda la vida. Un ejemplo de respeto, amor y esfuerzo para el mundo. Te considero mi papa cubano. Hasta siempre Comandante!
Joan Cutting (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a great man. A man that revolutionised the 20th Century and the modern world. We mourn you now Comandante, but we need to look past flesh and bones. This great man left us with History and more importantly an idea. We are the ones that need to carry his idea, we got to live his idea and fight side by side as brothers and sisters of the world agaisnt the tyranny of the elites that rule our modern world. Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante Fidel!
Diogo Santos (Portugal)
Solidarity comrade RIP, your achievements will not go invane
Amarjite Singh (AJ) (United Kingdom)
What an incredible life! What an inspiration to the oppressed and downtrodden people of the developing world! An enourmous legacy to inspire us and for us to build upon!
Nick Matthews (United Kingdom)
A political giant of socialism, solidarity and internationalism.
Neil Findlay MSP (United Kingdom)
MJ (United Kingdom)
Fidel's writings taught me a lot about caring for the planet and the people on it, s true genuine person, a huge loss to the world . A light has gone out.
Moira kay (United Kingdom)
The world is a darker place without Comrade Castro in it.
David Gillman (United Kingdom)
El mundo ha perdido uno de sus grandes líderes. Siento le que haya perdido el pueblo cubano.
Betty Lotterman (United States of America)
En Paz Descansa, Commandante Fidel Condolencias por tu familia y el Pueblo Cubano
Frances McKay (United Kingdom)
Condolences and solidarity.
John McInally (United Kingdom)
"Há homens que lutam um dia e sépound;o bons, há outros que lutam um ano e sépound;o melhores, há os que lutam muitos anos e sépound;o muito bons. Mas há os que lutam toda a vida e estes sépound;o imprescindíveis." Bertolt Brecht Até Sempre Comandante FIDEL
Guida Rodrigues (Portugal)
Simon Hales (United Kingdom)
A giant of the 20th Century has passed but he will live on in the achievements of his peoples revolution
Keith Stoddart (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel....
Kim Chicago (Canada)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante!
Alexander Sanchez (United Kingdom)
Hold on to your health service
Jean Molloy (United Kingdom)
Héroe de nuestra América, luz durante de la noche del cóndor, no lo olvidaremos.
Paul Pugh (Canada)
This message is from Scotland , but until my country is free , it will show as United Kingdom. Rest in peace Fidel. You were my teenage hero and have continued to be throughout my life. The World is poorer for your passing."Whatever happened to the heroes."
Morag Lennie. (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Comandante y Gracias por tanto!
Ana Maria Sabio (Sweden)
Fidel and comrades like him saved Cuba from the escalating rape of its people by the crony capitalism and gangsterism of the Batista regime. I shudder to think what modern Cuba might've looked like had that revolution not happened. Hasta la Victoria Siempre. RIP.
Lee Gregory (United Kingdom)
RIP Comandante
Frank Mesa (United States of America)
Your life has ended but your legend will go on. RIP.
Peter (United Kingdom)
A great loss for Cuba and the world. Don't give up the decency and ideals of Fidel and keep your country beautiful.
G. Holmes (United Kingdom)
Truls Karlsen (Norway)
My heartfelt condolences to the people of Cuba for the loss of your great leader Fidel Castro. I have had the priviledge of visiting your beautiful island on 2 occasions and was struck ny the beauty of the island and its people. I was also inspired by Cubas strength and courage. I would also like to thank you for the support given to my ancestral home Grenada during its most difficult times and beyond. Much love
Sharon Nandoo (United Kingdom)
Pia Pettersson (Sweden)
A great man of courage and principle.
Paul Moss (United Kingdom)
You created the strongest and what will be the most envied country in the world by achieving what few others have. The west is waking up at last to the continual propagander meted out and accepted without question. Are questioning OUR hypocracy regarding human rights. You did what needed to be done to protect Cuba. The politics and governance of the west is based on greed, selfishness and exploitation. You also created the 2 most important (and sadly neglected) aims of any country, health and education for everyone as a human right. You and Che. As well as demonstrating respect to what would seem to be undeserving countries. A polymath you showed a practical concern and understanding of environmental issues, showing this to your country with your writings and speeches. You were hundreds of years before your time.
carol basing (United Kingdom)
Mike Lovell (United Kingdom)
In memory of a great revolutionary leader - on of the greatest in the 20th century!
Dr Tordur Joansson (United Kingdom)
I am sad to hear this news. You have always been there Comrade.
Dianne (United Kingdom)
Condolencias verdades a vosotros. Castro era un hombre tanto inspiracional.
Nancy Males (United Kingdom)
So very sad to hear of the passing of Fidel, a true leader against the tyranny of the USA. Hasta Siempre Commandante
Tom Hart (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante!
Lennart Odhström (Sweden)
Homage Fidel !!
Jackie and Mike Robins (United Kingdom)
FIDEL NO HA MUERTO, vivira por siempre, uno de los grandes hombres que ha tenido latinoamerica, y el mundo, un gran hombre que dio todo por un mundo digno, justo , inclusive, un hombre humilde y firme, llevare por siempre su metologia, humilde en el triunfo y firme en la batalla, HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE FIDEL.
jose antonio velasquez (Canada)
You changed many Cuban lives when you overthrew Baptista. A Canadian man once told me this. He traveled to Cuba before the revolution and after. The people whoe suffered hunger and sickness no longer under Baptista no lo longer. You educated them as well. I am Canadian and send my condolences to Cuba for their great loss of a great man.
Darlene (Canada)
Sleep well comandante. Hasta la victoria.
Steve (United Kingdom)
Jane Harris (United Kingdom)
My heartfelt condolances to the people of Cuba.
Nils Bjécedil;rkelo (Norway)
Keep the struggle against the forces of capitalism
Mark N. Taylor (United Kingdom)
A true socialist
Jim Vernel (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace
Sven-Eric Holmström (Sweden)
An inspiring revolutionary, who flawed in a flawed world achieved much to be thankful for...RIP Fidel Castro
Tracy Gillman (United Kingdom)
Nunca voy á olvidar su linda historia y su lucha para la libertad del pueblo cubano y la libertad del mundo. Gracias y hasta siempre comandante Fidel. Martin
Martin Birkle (Germany)
Mixed feelings, but respect RIP
Jan Paulsen (Norway)
I have visited Cuba twice and always found that the people there are so proud of the Revolution that Fidel, Che and others who gave them their Independence. I'm sorry for your loss of such a remarkable Leader.
christopher teague (United Kingdom)
Robert Kirkwood (United Kingdom)
I salute you Fidel. A fine example of humanity. You have left behind a wonderful people in a beautiful country. Long live Cuba and its revolution!
Sylvia Hargrave (United Kingdom)
As a man who cared for the Cuban people and as a revolutionary, Fidel was unique
ann green (United Kingdom)
A period of great sadness and great solidarity, for the Socialist future of Cuba!
Chris Remington (United Kingdom)
Can't believe your are gone.I feel really empty thinking that you are not here any more. Thank you for all you have done for social justice, and to empower the voiceless people in the world. We all have a lot to learn from yo if we want to improve this world . Hasta la victoria siempre Comandante!!
Walter Pacchiani (United Kingdom)
Uno de los mejores líderes de esta época. Una vida bien vivida.
Tom Trainer (United Kingdom)
Mi dolor está compartido con todo el pueblo cubano Hasta siempre comandante Fidel! Nunca le olvido. Barbara
Barbara Birkle (Germany)
I have much admired what Fidel Castro contributed to Cuba, to the whole of Central & South America, &, to liberation movements in South Africa & other African countries. I lived in the West Indies, Trinidad and Jamaica, so I realise what Fidel & his comrades were up against in fighting to overturn Batista & establish & maintain Cuba free from domination by the USA.
Christine BICKERSTAFF (United Kingdom)
Adios Fidel y gracias por tu ejemplo que sigue vivo en el heróico pueblo cubano.
Paul (United Kingdom)
One of the greatest leaders of our time. A life well lived.
Tom Trainer (United Kingdom)
My deepest sympathy to your family, and countrymen in Cuba. I know us outsiders have been told a story about Fidel, and it's not a pretty story. Since learning about 9/11, I no longer believe the 'stories' the mainstream media gives to us, for it is propoganda, for they have an agenda. I sincerely, hope for the best for the country, and his brother's succession.
Erin (Canada)
Sad to hear, a man of the people. RIP.
brian mcarthur (United Kingdom)
Rest In Peace.
tulla samuelsen (Norway)
Your loss is also our loss.deepest sympathy on the passing of a legend.Our thoughts are with Fidels family,friends,comrades and the Cuban people.Haste la victoria siempre.
Tess flavin (Ireland)
I am thinking of all the Cuban people since I heard of Fidels death and wish them all well for the future,with kind thoughts to you all, xx
s.OBrien (United Kingdom)
Larseric Bergqvist (Sweden)
Always was an inspiration, will always remain an inspiration. He had a vision for working people. It is for us to carry the fight.
Janine and Paul Foley (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel and the people of Cuba for your inspiration. Condolences to your friends and family.
Anne Bryson (United Kingdom)
Pedro Perez (United Kingdom)
Condolences from Trondheim, Norway. A giant in the 20th century.
Trond Andresen (Norway)
Fidel: Such men as are the measure of all.
Antony Clive Black (Canada)
My condolences
Tony Chafer (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace, Fidel! You live on in the hearts of all people who are fighting imperialism, capitalism and injustice, and as long as the human struggle for self-determination continues, your memory will inspire future generations. Heddwch nawr, dyn mawr. Nos da x
Maggie Morgan (United Kingdom)
A sad day for all good people of the world, Fidel is dead a legend is born. Viva la revolution
KIERAN (United Kingdom)
Great loss for the Cuban People and Great loss for the world!
Jorge (United States of America)
R.I.P. to one of my greatest heroes
Eva Thomassen (Norway)
Thank you comandante.. You have always been an insperation.
nico benger (Canada)
He will always remain the source of inspiration on the path of revolution...!!
naichsikandarali (Pakistan)
Adios, jefe, y por todo lo que hiciste tu y el pueblo cubano, gracias para siempre.
Miriam Newman (United States of America)
I don't approve of many things this man did, but his people obviously loved him and my sympathy is for their grief.
Millie addington (United Kingdom)
Fidel Presente !
BernardO Ostermeier (Germany)
A great beacon has gone but the revolution goes on.
Rod Barrett (United Kingdom)
Judy Krolick (United Kingdom)
You chose a poignant time to die Fidel Castro. WW3 has just been cancelled. Hellery Clinton has been stopped. Have you been the same as me for so long? Watching Global Events with Adrenalin and Cortisone keeping you on edge? doing everything that you can to stop it? I think so. And then it was time to relax. And who taught me? Fidel Castro taught me. I never did get to meet Fidel Castro, but you were top pf my list of people I would most like to meet in my Life. You will never really properly die. You are too huge for that. You have only just started Fidel Castro. In death, you will become Greater. God Bless you Fidel, and God Bless your entire family, and every single human that loved you, still loves you and God Bless every single human that is your fan and carries your name like a lighted candle in their lives. God Speed you to Him Fidel Castro.
Isobel Smith (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro loved his country and his people. Like any leader, he may not have always got things right, but he did so much to improve the lives of so many, in the face on condemnation and misinformation. I hope the Cuban people can continue to move forward while holding on to the many achievements they have made.
Sorcha Ni (United Kingdom)
A revolutionary with social justice as his main goal, uconstantly under attack from its imperial neighbour, the which makes the achievements in education and health care even greater. End the blockade, end the occupation. Long live socialist Cuba.
Phil baker (United Kingdom)
Elizabeth Hamilton (United Kingdom)
HASTA SIEMPRE mi comandante Revolucion o muerte!!
Juan Leal (United Kingdom)
Surviving the worst the US rogue state could throw at him and the Cuban people, raising the standard of living of Cubans and responding to the historic debt owed Africa by the Americas are all tremendous achievements of this remarkable man and his fellow revolutionaries.
Peter Eglin (Canada)
Terry Moore (Ireland)
Fidel a true hero, had great times in CUBA
Mike langley (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro, revolutionary and Inspiration
jane carolan (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with the working class. RIP comrade
Whitney Prater (United States of America)
Buenas gente de Cuba! Fidel era un visionario, un verdadero líder del mejor país del mundo. Estamos con vosotros en estos malos tiempos, el mundo sería sin igualdades un día. Tenemos creencia... ¡Hasta La Victoria Siempre! ¡Viva La Revolución! !Viva Fidel!
Leo Wiggen-Bush (United Kingdom)
Politics is never a clean business Fidel did what he had to do, Viva la revolicion
Allison Mosley (United Kingdom)
Cuba has survived every effort to destroy its achievements. The attempt to starve the Cuban people to achieve regeime change, the illegal blockade, attempts on the life of Fidel Castro, and still the Cuban people stand firm. Impossible not to admire and send all good wishes for the future.
Carol Howard (United States of America)
Deeply saddened by the death of Fidel Castro.A momentous loss to the progressive world.
Colin McGhie (United Kingdom)
It is a sad day for the left. In honour of an amazing life we all have a responsibility to stand-up and fight the anti-capitalist fight. Viva Fidel!
Debra Chapman (Canada)
It was always about the "revolution" and never his own personal cult. Unlike many other leaders.
pau plim (United Kingdom)
We lost the light of world working class people. It is big lost of world working class people
panicker vinodkumar (United Kingdom)
Might this be the moment for a successful Revolution to offer an amnesty to those who have refused military conscription on grounds of conscience?
Christopher Jphn Green (United Kingdom)
Nadine Acoury (Lebanon)
Con todo corazón comparo el inmenso dolor del pueblo cubano por haber perdido la presencia fisica de su querido leader revolucionario. La lucha sigue - Fidel vive!
Veronika Herzig (Switzerland)
Tom McIntosh (United Kingdom)
Sincerest condolences to the Cuban people for the loss of your brilliant and inspirational leader Fidel Castro.
Andrew Ranken (United Kingdom)
A giant of a man who changed history for the better, may he be remembered as such.
Michael McCann (United Kingdom)
J'adresse ö la famille de Fidel et au peuple de Cuba mes condoléances attristées... J'ai eu la grande chance de voyager ö Cuba et plusieurs fois avec Cuba Linda France "Sur les traces de la révolution". Hasta la victoria siempre. Que vive Cuba Socialiste. Jacqueline LAVY 74540 Méraquo;res
Jacqueline LAVY (France)
Fidel Castro écurren;r död, Leve Revolutionen, Leve Kuba
Olle Asp (Sweden)
Sorry to learn that this great man is no longer with us
Phil Porth (Canada)
Fidel Castro was truly a great man and an iconic figure of whom the people of Cuba should be immensely proud. I extend my deep sympathy on his passing to all his family and to the people of Cuba.
Gearoid Kilgallen (Ireland)
Para nuestro padre y guía, el gran inspirador de la obra social de la Revolución Cubana, el compromiso de cumplir con su legado y enseñanzas. Por siempre serás nuestro Comandante en Jefe
Betina Palenzuela Corcho (Cuba)
R.I.P. A Man who along with others provided inspiration to others, thank you for standing up for the people of this world.
Rick Thomas (United Kingdom)
Alison Hogg (United Kingdom)
A Great loss for humanity
AK. Ramesh (India)
Thank-you for what you did for others and for me. I will never forget you; you changed my world, at last I opened my eyes. RIP
Sharon EdwardsNeale (United Kingdom)
solidarity with you always commerade
Andy barber (United Kingdom)
Descanse en paz Comnandante!
Pedro Martínez (Spain)
Evelyn Lundin (Sweden)
RIP Fidel, a legend of a man
Paul Norris (United Kingdom)
An inspirational leader, fighter, charismatic champion of the oppressed, thank you for giving hope to millions and showing a different world is achievable. RIP Great man.
Paul Sumner (United Kingdom)
Ilona Aronovsky (United Kingdom)
You will allways be my hero!
Sten-Erik Johansson (Sweden)
Fidel Castro. Your legacy is your Country and your People. Blessed with good Education good health and homes.A great leader and example to the World. Rest in Peace Amen.
Anne Tweddle (United Kingdom)
Doris and George Pumphrey (Germany)
RIP to a visionary leader who showed the world a different world is possible.
Rossana Leal (United Kingdom)
Camarada descanse en paz
Bernice Thomson (United Kingdom)
Ich bin sehr traurig
klaus (Germany)
Derek Auld (United Kingdom)
My throught and solidarity goes with the people of Cuba, keep building socialist soon the workers will come to your side. Viva Fidel and viva revolution
James reed (United States of America)
I have no words, the world has lost its greatness
Cherry Mosteshar (United Kingdom)
I have been to Cuba and its achievements are many. I have studied international development and seen the poverty of several countries. Cuba's record of satisfying needs - and doing much more - is a fine lesson in priorities. Those who see the world through a MacDonalds filter will never understand this - or much else. A non-carbon world will look more like Havana than Miami : Miami will be impoverished chaos.
Trevor Phillips (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante inmortal.
Rodrigo Ignacio Mörquez (Chile)
Cuba has been a lighthouse of the world. Rest in peace.
Tarja Nordling (Sweden)
A giant has gone - a man who showed that it was possible to stand up to the bullies of US imperialism. The world is a sadder & bleaker place....
Brenda (United Kingdom)
Diep medeleven bij het overlijden van El Commandante Fidel Castro..
Johan Van Snick (Bhutan)
Rest in peace, dear Comrade. For peace and socialism, against imperialism and neoliberal globalisation.
Robin Kristófi (Hungary)
never forget R.I.P. Fidel
Marcel Brader (Germany)
Ruhe in Frieden Comandante Fidel! Die aufrechten Kommunisten und friedliebenden Menschen der Welt trauern mit dem kubanischen Volk . .
Ulrike Zwickel (Germany)
Hasta la Victoria siempre Comandante.Gracias por el Cariño y Amor Que diciste por nuestra Cuba.
Camilo (United Kingdom)
I feel a deep sense of loss at your passing. A young man who brought enlightenment and freedom to a Caribbean nation, expelling American imperialism. You sir shall forever remain a great figure head of the Socialist movement.
Neil Mackenbach (United Kingdom)
You grew a seed in Cuba, the seed of socialism. It's spreading all over the world and we will never stop fighting for a world ruled by us, the workers! Thank you for everything comrade! Communism will win!
Malin, Sam Pettersson (Ireland)
Hi, I am from Edinburgh in Scotland and would just like to say how sad I am Fidel Castro has passed away. He has been an inspiration to many here in Edinburgh and has achieved so much for your country, Cuba. You have the best education system and health care in the world and your science and innovation in medicine is to be admired and you should be proud. We are fighting against neoliberalism and US imperialism (a fight your country has already won). Poverty and inequality is at its greatest here in the UK as capitalism has reached its pinnacle in terms of corporate greed, the affects on our world climate and on all our communities. Together we can fight this together for the futures of our children and grandchildren and for the preservation of humankind. We celebrate Castro's life, for what he did in Latin America, Africa (liberation of Mandela and an end to apartheid) and for the world. Please retain your autonomy as a socialist nation, free of illegal and perpetual wars and pillaging of the world, of greed and tyranny, of racism and xenophobia. Fight on Cuba, and be free, there is nothing to be gained from capitalism. Capitalism equals greed, murder, extreme poverty and centuries of slavery for a system that is defunct and devoid of any human empathy. Fidel may have died, but the fight for socialism persists globally. In the UK, we are a number, a consumer of products, and cheap or free labour. We have no quality of life, no access to free education, a health system that is being decimated by capitalist greed and tyranny. There is no such thing as democracy in our country, only majoritarian totalitarianism, but strength lays with us as the people, and we can only hope that one day, we too will be free, like you dear Cuba. RIP Fidel, but his work continues. Solidarity from Edinburgh .... the fight goes on.xx
wendy walton (United Kingdom)
Farewell, good and trusty comrade.
Bob Thomson (United Kingdom)
My heart is full of sorrow and heaviness for the people of Cuba at this time. Fidel and the Revolution have given the rest of the world an alternative vision of what is possible for us all. I went to see Shakespeare's play the Tempest last night where a lot of people are shipwrecked on an island. There is a speech about how the island can be fertile and productive and how all men can be equal and develop their talents. I shouted out - "Its called Cuba!" but only a few people clapped - most people here in the capitalist UK do not understand because they believe the right wing media. Thank you Fidel for holding firm with your vision against the forces of capitalism and for helping develop a nation of such kind, talented and beautiful people.
Helen Kay-Kreizman (United Kingdom)
Fidel, Che and the Cuban people showed the world that the Yankee bully can be shamed. Viva Cuba.
Peter Wise (United Kingdom)
Adio kumpanjo.
Dalibor Radauš (Croatia)
The world is a poorer place without him. His work for the Cuban people and the repressed of the world will long be remembered.
Geoff Roberts (Germany)
Your legacy lives on.
Colin Whitson (United Kingdom)
Ruhe in Frieden,lieber Fidel!
Uwe Schenke (Germany)
Solidarity with Cuban comrades on a loss to progressives all over the world.
Alan Lloyd (United Kingdom)
To a great soul who gave his life in the service of others and for rhe protection Cuba, wishing you peace.
Angela M (United Kingdom)
Condolences on this sad occasion. Castro was a champion of and for the people of Cuba. One of the very rare leaders on this planet that wanted to benefit the majority of the population rather than caring only for the wealthy elites.
Lorien Hill (United Kingdom)
One of the greatest men of the 20th century has done more for his people than any leader we have ever had my thoughts are with the Cubans vive the revolution
Joe thompson (United Kingdom)
...gracias por iluminarme el camino, mi Comandate Fidel Castro Ruz revolució o muerte, marxismo o muerte¡¡¡¡
Jesus Duran (Spain)
I have to say as a transgender communist I will cherish forever my 2 weeks on the Venceremos Brigade in 1992. Never did I receive such respect in my life. I have many stories from that. Fidel will always be my hero. Long Live The Cuban Revolution!
Renee' Imperato (United States of America)
I have to say as a transgender communist I will cherish forever my 2 weeks on the Venceremos Brigade in 1992. Never did I receive such respect in my life. I have many stories from that. Fidel will always be my hero. Long Live The Cuban Revolution!
Renee' Imperato (United States of America)
Rest In Power Fidel. Towards victory, always...
Henry Emoni (United Kingdom)
Please accept our condolences from Rochdale LG UNISON, UK. Fidel was a hero to all those who campaign for socialism and workers rights.
Ian Sutcliffe (United Kingdom)
Donal Kennedy (Ireland)
As President of Peterborough Trades Union Council, in the UK, I send our collective condolences to Fidel's family, friends and the people of Cuba. Personally, I want gto say that Fidel has always been an inspiration to me and I pledge to never give up the fight for socialism and justice.
Ron Graves (United Kingdom)
Never be forgotten a giant who was never bigger than the people. Grateful to have been able to have shared this world with him
Duncan (United Kingdom)
Rest In Peace, Fidel, your job here is done. Thank you for devoting your life to the people of Cuba and to the people of the world. Thank you for the Medical Missions, the Literacy Teaching, supporting the downtrodden and your role in breaking South African Apartheid. Thank you for your Internationalism. We will miss you and your teachings. Thank you.
John Andrews (United Kingdom)
A great man the age, stood up to the worlds greatest super power for the ordinary working people. Keep the red flag flying high.
Steven McGuinness (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz was the greatest revolutionary of our times. Today he joins the ranks of all our revolutionary heroes in the eternal memory of progressive humanity. Fidel was an extraordinary human being - wise, intelligent, courageous, compassionate, loyal, principled, strategic; a leader, an internationalist and a hero. He didn't hesitate in the face of difficulty; he didn't falter under attack; he was never tempted by the comfort of fashionable ideas or the praise of his enemies. The revolution he led remains unsurpassed in its construction of a socialist morality. May he continue to inspire new generations to fight for justice and independence, and against capitalism, imperialism, racism, war and ecological destruction.
Carlos Martinez (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace
Arvid H (Sweden)
Dear people of Cuba, You know that Fidel will live in his dream, in the revolution and in you. The greatest achievement of revolution is "you", the free people. The revolution is not dead, because you are alive and your dream still lives. The torch you are bearing will show all of us light. The light we are badly in need, in this dark time. Long Live Revolution Long Live the Free people of Cuba Long Live the legacy of Fidel. A physician from Bangladesh.
Saikat Roy (Bangladesh)
I am deeply saddened by the news of the Cuban people's loss. My most sincere condolences. Fidel Castro, founder of the Communist Party of Cuba and Cuba's socialist cause, was a great leader of the Cuban people. He is remembered for his selfless commitment to the Cuban people's great cause of national liberation, safeguarding the Cuban people's sovereignty and building socialism. He made huge historic contributions to the Cuban people and to world socialist development. Comrade Fidel Castro was a truly mammoth figure of our times and will be remembered by history for not only his impact on Latin American but the whole world.
Simon Richard Gummerson (United Kingdom)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Roger Taylor (United Kingdom)
Mi más sentido pesame, a los familiares, el pueblo de Cuba, por la Lamentable pérdida para el mundo y Latinoamérica, Con su muerte, muere un gran líder, icono de la revolución cubana, revolución de justicia social, revolución de las ideas! México y Cuba, tienen historia juntos, desde la salida del Granma de Tuxpan, inicio de la lucha por sus ideales! Al tiempo podremos tomar nota del significado de su ausencia! Deja un legado que para unos fue tiranía, para otros la oportunidad de un cambio de horizontes, de vida; en mi caso que viví casi 10 años En Cuba, y el sistema cubano me dio la posibilidad de formarme académicamente y tener la capacidad pensar libremente! Gracias a Cuba, su pueblo y Fidel! "La Historia lo Absolvera"
Pedro Eustaquio Reyes vilchis (Mexico)
Fidel ,inspiration for the peoples of the world. Forward with the people of no property
Joseph Bowers (United Kingdom)
Christiane Schnura (Germany)
A great revolutionary died - we will fight on!
Axel Köhler-Schnura (Germany)
You will never be forgotten comrade.
Gareth Norman (United Kingdom)
Even Fidel couldn't go on for ever (his love of the cigar must have had some health consequences) and he deserves a release from his illness. For some years his has been a waning presence, but his place in history as a great leader cannot be doubted. He rescued the Cuban people from the American-backed Batista regime, organised them to resist successfully the counter-revolution from across the water, brought literacy and healthcare to a nation despite the trade embargo, and was a beacon of enlightenment to the Americas generally. For the rest of the world he proved that an honest leader can improve the lot of his people despite the pressures of the Mighty Dollar.
David Owen (United Kingdom)
Lamentamos mucho la muerte de Fidel. Fue una muy gran persona y nunca sera otra como el. Cuba le debe mucho Descansa en paz Comandante
Christopher Keene (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace Inspirational Leader who made people more important than riches.
Linda Brough (United Kingdom)
RIP, Fidel Castro. He may well have been flawed, but aren't we all? My thoughts and best wishes are with the people of Cuba.
Stephen Blake (United Kingdom)
My condolence to the Cuban Government and people. Fidel Castro Ruz, teacher's dignity is not death.
Israel Galindo (United States of America)
Jerry Hawkins (United Kingdom)
What an amazing life !
Ida and David MacPherson (Canada)
He was an inspiration to the world.
Peter Harris (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace Viva el socialismo
Jan Wallin (Sweden)
Fidel vivira para siempre en cada hombre y mujer de bien que lucha cada dia por una sociedad mas justa. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Pilar Saavedra (Chile)
Please, accept my deepest condolence for this terrible loss of the Cuban people. I will remember Fidel Castro as one of the greatest man of all time.
József Kristé (Hungary)
Thank you Fidel for all you've done for the working class movement. You inspire all those in the struggle to fight for a better world for all. Viva Fidel. With love and solidarity.
Diddy (United Kingdom)
all my respect! history will prove his great moral engagement!
van camp marc (Belgium)
I live in Canada but come from South Africa a country for which Fidel Castro, the leader of the Cuban Revolution and the worlds Revolution struggles deed much for. President Mandela could not sing enough praises for the Commandant during the country's fight for independence. Cuban doctors are all over the world helping poor countries rid themselves of health matters due to mis-information and inadequate education. Cuba has helped with the construction of better housing and better education to improve the lives of people the world over. This history prompted me to visit Cuba twice. God bless Cuba. Fidel will be forever in our hearts. He was God's gift to Mankind.
Thelma Dalamba (Canada)
Such sad news. Fidel has left a legacy for the Cuban people to be proud of.
Brenda Wishart (United Kingdom)
Cheryl (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a man of the revolution that will one day be seen as someone who was a commited socialist and our joint hope for peace throughout mankind.
Gordon baillie (United Kingdom)
I want to give my condolences to the Cuban people. A man who has been very important as a source of inspiration to the free world, the world without oppression from big business and the feudal system, have left us to fend for ourselves. But he did not leave us alone with the struggle for resource allocation, he handed over the baton to you and me. He showed that it was possible to develop a country with socialist overtones, even with the neighbor's menace.
Jasper Cato (Sweden)
In memory of Fidel, a great leader, communist and visionary. May his internationalist outlook and socialist values inspire the Cuban people in the future.
Dave Esbester (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba on the loss of their son and former President. I was fortunate enough to hear Fidel speak on May Day 2000 in the Plaza De Revolucion, when he spoke to the father of Elian Gonzales over a mobile telephone, offering support and solidarity to a father trying to bring his son home to Matanzas. Cuba's internationalism and the part it played on ending apartheid and helping other African nations achieve independence and liberation is an enduring tribute to Fidel's values and actions. Viva Cuba!
Stephen Smith (United Kingdom)
A great soul and relentles fighter against imperiaism,a shining star for exploited and oppressed,hope for hopeless.
M Y Tarigami member jk legislative assemblytarig (India)
Viva comrade Castro, viva Cuba.
Abdul Aziz (United Kingdom)
Thank you for your leadership . Hasta siempre Comandante .
Councillor Gordon Munro (United Kingdom)
As a Frenchmen living in UK, I am in mourning for the loss of the Commandante Fidel.
Alain FOURNIER (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro RIP. Viva Fidel! Thank you for everything you did to help the Cuban people and the inspiration you gave to the whole world.
Kevin Hyson (United Kingdom)
James Beck (Canada)
Farewell Fidel, As we say here in Wigan,Lancashire, you played a blinder.
John Carter (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace comrade
Paul Childs (United Kingdom)
For the world's poor and oppressed millions, Fidel Castro was a heroic leader in the struggle against the ravages of capitalism, imperialism and colonialism. He transformed Cuba from a playground for rich, American tourists to a country where the people's needs of welfare, housing, education and healthcare are put in first place over anything else. Although the U.S. imperialists have tried countless times to crush the Cuban revolution, they have never succeeded, and Fidel remains a huge inspiration and symbol for all progressive people worldwide. Although Fidel may be gone, his legacy will live on forever. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante Fidel!
Viktor Engström (Sweden)
Barbet Francis (France)
Condolences to the Cuban people
Marga Foley (Ireland)
A political colossus has passed on, setting the gold standard for international statesmanship and political solidarity to which ensuing generations must aspire. Hasta siempre Commandante
Nick King (United Kingdom)
What a magnificent leader, an icon, a hero, a rare politician who lived his politics and stood against the might of the U.S Our thoughts are with you
eleanor hanna (United Kingdom)
An inspirational soldier, politician and Socialist. Rest in peace Commandante!
Kevin Fitzgerald (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace commandante castro
oisin downes (Ireland)
I write this message close to tears. What you have done for the world is immense. You have shown all that another world is possible. You along with Marx and other fighters of the Cuban revolution have changed my life, You resilience has been truly inspirational to me. In the hardest parts of my work,family and political life-- I close my eyes for a few moments and think of you.It gives me the strength to carry on. The small amount of time you spent on this earth.Will never be forgoten. god bless you Fidel .with love Gary Shatford
gary shatford (United Kingdom)
Mucho gracias Fidel et viva cuba.
Tricia Clarke (United Kingdom)
Comandante Fidel, your example and love for humanity and justice has inspired millions in Latin America and Africa in searching for the path of freedom and Communism. Only can hope that the dead of his leader will not bring more capitalism to Cuba. Hasta la Victoria: SIEMPRE!!!
Claudia Martinez Mullen (South Africa)
Fidel helped keep hope in our hearts that another world is possible.
Ann Papageorgiou (United Kingdom)
Estarás siempre presente en nuestros corazones, Comandante. Y será también eterno el recuerdo de tus heroicas batallas... Siempre y sin lugar para el olvido. ¡Patria o muerte! ¡Venceremos!
Julio (Spain)
Muchas gracias Comandante, muchas gracias por su inspiración, su ejemplo, su solidaridad, su humanidad, nadie mayor tocó esta tierra, su legado es inmortal, hasta siempre.
Adrian Chapman (United Kingdom)
a great contribution For the people of Cuba and workers in struggle across the world
Ray Jackson (United Kingdom)
Keep Cuba Free
Eric Jones (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a living hero , but he will stay a hero for ever.
Garry Whelan (Ireland)
A visionary who wanted better for the people of Cuba. He had his faults as most people, but the determination to succeed and make Cuba a country for the Cubans was his living legacy. May he rest in peace.
John James (United Kingdom)
Had the courage to put communism to the test..
Brian Lovett (United Kingdom)
Condolences and best wishes to the people of Cuba at this sad time. Fidel Castro and your nation hve been an inspiration to the international socialist community. The Revolution continues!
Suzanne Wright (United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary.
David Nalder (United Kingdom)
You brought freedom & liberation-and changed the world. Rest in Peace x
Ellie Baker (United Kingdom)
Be proud! Be the masters of your own future. Let that be a great mans legacy! Cuba por Siempre
Mikael Mossberg (Sweden)
Una gran pérdida para el mundo progresista, que en paz descanses Comandante, Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Jose Luis Catala Martinez (Kazakstan)
Philip Grey (United Kingdom)
Olidarity with Cuba RIP.
Janis Garbutt (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante
Marino Riosa (United Kingdom)
Cuba perdió un líder pero el mundo ha perdido su éordm;ltimo revolucionario. Mis condolencias al pueblo cubano.
Julian Allam (United Kingdom)
Fidel, thank you for inspiring bravery, determination and commitment in my life and installing the belief that even the cruelest most insidious agents of oppression, imperialism and capitalism can be confronted and defeated through revolutionary action; and through the physical construction of another world. No doubt, there will have been things you have done which were incorrect, and wrong, and there is a lot of things I disagree with. However, for standing up for a better world, for sacrificing and risking so much for it, and for offering so much hope to so many people around the world, I say thank you. May your family, friends, the people of Cuba and all those people fighting for a fairer, more loving, socially just world be forever inspired, willing and able to pick up the mantel you have now bestowed upon us all. Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Thomas Allan (United Kingdom)
Fidel, you were a courageous leader who sacrificed yourself for the people of Cuba and many, many other people from the African nations. You replaced corruption with health, well-being, education and other good works for your people to who you have given back their self-esteem after the wicked years spent under President Batista. like millions of other people I will always hold you in high esteem. Thank you for your sacrifices.
Michael J Saunders (United Kingdom)
Rita Fulsche (Germany)
"I extend my deepest condolences to the government and people of Cuba on the sad demise of Fidel Castro. May his soul rest in peace"
Stuart Samuel English (United Kingdom)
Vila i frid <3, Tack för allt. Rest in peace.
Martin Foster (United Kingdom)
richie mais (United Kingdom)
YOU will always be remembered as an inspiration and someone who changed my life
Sandra Turner (United States of America)
l étoile le plus brillant de l espace politique du vingtième siècle,son glorieux chemin va continuer.viva
Jafar (Canada)
History will absolve you
Ronald Moran (United Kingdom)
Comandante Fidel, para siempre estarás en mi corazón por tu ejemplo; por ser como eras. Gracias por tanto. Tu ejemplo permanecerá hasta el fin de los tiempos. ¡Hasta la victoria SIEMPRE!
Santiago Castillo (Spain)
In his name we are fighting together, than another world is possible!!!
Christine Dommer (Germany)
I hope the Cuban people now gain new found freedoms they never knew existed.
Ben Perlman (United States of America)
We are forever indebted to Fidel Castro for everything that he has done for not only the people of Cuba, but for all the people around the world. He stood for sovereignity, dignity of his people. He fought against imperialism and colonialism. He is considered a God by many in India, and around the world. In this dark hour, we the people of the world, stand with the people of Cuba, to pay homage to a life, who was a champion for all people facing any kind of oppression. Never let anybody tell you that you are not great. Never believe anybody that tells you that, now since Fidel is gone, they can come into your country and take away your dignity. Keep Fidel's spirit burning. He's looking down on all of us, from heaven. Viva Fidel. Hasta Siempre Fidel.
Mani (India)
Like with other important politicians his life and acting is full of bright and dark moments, but the bright ones prevail far and away.
Jochen Scholz (Germany)
Calum (United Kingdom)
Our deepest sympathy to the Castro family and the Cuban people. A courageous man who with his friends and comrades liberated a nation for his people. We admired you and your people. May you rest in peace
Elaine Gibson (United Kingdom)
Te fuiste Fidel, tu alumbraste nuestra juventud, nos enseñaste la solidaridad, la fraternidad entre los pueblos...tu hiciste esa revolución cubana que ha logrado un país mas justo y feliz. Muchas gracias de corazón. Siempre que he ido a Cuba (unas ocho veces) he vuelto mas admirada y mas alegre, viendo ese país tan bello, esos niños tan sanos, ese pueblo tan hospitalario.Descansa en paz y un millón de gracias. ¡Viva Cuba!
Carmen Hitos Natera (Spain)
kristine karch (Germany)
Descanse en paz mi querido amigo y compañero! Rest in peace my dear friend and comrade! xxxxx
Diane Wyles (United Kingdom)
with all respect
Jan-Erik Hallenberg (Sweden)
Another friend of the people gone. RIP Fidel Castro
Sharza Dethick (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel.
Bill higgins (United Kingdom)
Farewell, great commandante Fidel! Like you, I vow to become a Marxist until the day I die. You,Che, Camilo, and all other fallen comrades will forever serve as my heroes and model human beings. You have proven that another world where human beings can live with dignity, hope, and love is indeed possible. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Winter C. Gabayron (Philippines)
May your message long be heard.
Susan Mason (United Kingdom)
la lucha continua!
Mark Davies (Canada)
Goodbye to a truly great man. Such a sad day for day for Cuba
Pat Kelsall (United Kingdom)
Hemos perdido el gran lider El Comandante Fidel Castro,el que ha sido el gran inspirador y el dirigente siempre fiel a la Revolución Cubana - con sus grandes logros sociales al benificio del pueblo.Las ideas de Fidel viveran para siempre!
Hanne Leni Andersen (Denmark)
A great man who will be greatly missed.
Chris Benner (United Kingdom)
Education and Healthcare. Revolutions worth fighting for. Viva Fidel
John McCracken (United Kingdom)
Hui-Ju TSAI (United Kingdom)
So, very, very sad. My deepest sympathy to a truly remarkable man's family.
Patricia Wright (United Kingdom)
RIP a great revolutionary: but as Joe Hill said, "Don't mourn - organise".
Roy Hiscock (United Kingdom)
RIP comandante!
Per Larsen (Denmark)
Quisiera transmitir mi más sentido pésame a la familia del muy amado y respetado estadista mundial y líder de la revolución cubana, Fidel Castro, y también a todos los cubanos. El mundo ha perdido un gigante, y aunque con mucha tristeza, siento un agradecimiento más profundo por sus esfuerzos para los pobres y oprimidos de este mundo. Le echaremos de menos, hasta siempre commandante.
Kate Whittle (United Kingdom)
Condolences on the passing of a towering inspirational colossus.
George Walker (United Kingdom)
Peer Hovden (Sweden)
Rest in peace. Much admired for your courage and conviction. Your fight for equality is a lasting legacy
David Chung (United Kingdom)
Good health and Education for all does it for me.
kevin andrews (United Kingdom)
Hemos perdido la presencia física del guía de la Revolución. Nunca nos quitarán su enseñanza y su ejemplo. Listos todos para seguir adelante.
José Marí (Cuba)
Mariusz (Poland)
Very sorry to hear of the passing of Fidel Castro, he will be sadly missed by the people of Cuba.
Declan Lenihan (Ireland)
Kieron Duffin (Ireland)
A sad loss to all the people of Cuba and all his supporters round the world may you Rest In Peace
Herbert (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not alone. The struggle goes on until the final victory. Comrades keep up with Fidel's ideas. Communism will be your trophy...
Christos Douridas (Greece)
Paul Jefferies (United Kingdom)
Memoria eterna!
Svetlana Nécurren;sga&a (Sweden)
My sincere condolences to Fiedels family and gratitude for the contribution made by him and the Cuban people for their struggle and to those they support for a fairer world RIP.
David Williams (United Kingdom)
My deepest sympathy and appreciation for the contributions of Fidel and the Cuban people to world peace and prosperity.
Bob Bonnwe (United States of America)
Andrew Robinson (United Kingdom)
RIP to a great man who did so much for his country and its people despite all attempts to stop him
Isabel McNab (United Kingdom)
Max Tasker (United Kingdom)
My deepest sympathies to one of the worlds greatest leaders, we can only strive to find a leader like him, may he rest in the halls of his ancestors x
Mark (United Kingdom)
May your god bless you you have your life for the oppressed to which there will always be gratitude sleep well great man
Nick wareing (United Kingdom)
"For Cuba, For Socialism, Forever!"
Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture (United States of America)
A truly great man who will be missed.
Geoff Dale (Cayman Islands)
Gill Duane (United Kingdom)
The struggle for a better world order for all will continue. God bless the people of Cuba. Fidel Castro RIP.
Terry Brough (United Kingdom)
A hero of the common people.
Andrew Siddons (United Kingdom)
Buen Suerte a todos.
Alexander (United Kingdom)
Heartfelt condolences. Red salute
Janesh nair (United Kingdom)
A Sad Day.
Alan John Stubbs (United Kingdom)
Deepest sympathy on this great loss. Never forget 'how it was', the grass is not greener.
Anne Wilkinson (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an inspiration to the World . Let us hope that one day all countries will close the huge gap between rich and poor and have universal education and free healthcare for all. Cuba's great misfortune is to be situated so close to the Great Imperialist Bully. If it had been very far away it would probably have been as technologically Andy socially advanced as Sweden. My sincere condolences to the people of Cuba.
Malcolm Souza-Lewis (United Kingdom)
Forever an inspiration to all those fighting for equality and justice everywhere.
paul heath (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace.
Paul Crofts (United Kingdom)
Thanks for all, Fidel.
Paco (Spain)
One of a kind,will be sadly missed,end of an era RIP Mr Castro x
Antony Butterworth (United Kingdom)
My sadness at the loss of that increasingly rare breed, a person of integrity, courage & consistency. Even those who would be be politically diametrically opposed to him would have to concede that Cuba is far better off now than it was under the US regime.
Anne Thornton (United Kingdom)
Deepest condolences to the people of Cuba. Long live the Cuban Revolution.
Robert Clark (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante! Nunca te olvidaremos.
Maria (United Kingdom)
Great loss ..A charismatic leader ..so much to learn from him ..
Kyri Papadopoulou (United Kingdom)
Colin Adams (United Kingdom)
you were an inspiration to the world
Jan Keeton (Canada)
He always had the good of his people at heart. His strategies for improving literacy and health were imaginative and productive. It mustn't be forgotten that Cuban doctors are always the first to offer help in disaster areas around the world.
Susan (United Kingdom)
A hero for the cause of socialism. A great man.
James Harrison (United Kingdom)
Remember a great man.
Lars Strömbrg (Sweden)
A true revolutionary who stayed true to his people.
John Fetherston (United Kingdom)
My heart goes out to all your family for the passing of such a great man .
Valerie (United Kingdom)
A great revolutionary and a man who made a small country stand up to a superpower whatever they threw at him. RIP Fidel. Hasta la victoria siempre
David J (United Kingdom)
R.I.P The Greatest Revolutionist
John Regan (Ireland)
The Empire could not kill him,nor could it deter Fidel Castro`s liberation of his People his beloved Campaneros,his Cuba,from the war mongering,Enpirical,bullying neighbour ie;The United States of Terror.
Anthony (Ireland)
I send my condolences to his family and the people of Cuba. Fidel will remain in my heart as an outstanding human being, a socialist, a communist, a fighter for justice and peace for Cuba and for the world. Viva Cuba!
Monique Buchli (Switzerland)
My deepest sympathies on the passing of Senor Presidente Castro- he was one of a kind, and changed the world! He was not afraid to stand up to the imperialists and his kind will not be seen again. Such a great loss.
Deborah (Canada)
The fight goes on
Shane Doherty (United Kingdom)
Bernard Borboélaquo;n (Switzerland)
A tr
Linda James (United Kingdom)
THE GREATEST POLITICIAN OF THE 20TH CENTURY. The man who first introduced me to pro-people, anti-oppression politics. His example is an inspiration to ALL in the world seeking to overthrow the evil that is imperialism. Rest in power Comandante Castro - We will NEVER forget you!
Zach Crooks (Canada)
kurt Zirblad (Denmark)
R.I.P. One of the greatest men of the 20th century. A hero and inspiration to Cubans and Socialists everywhere.
Alwyn Davies (United Kingdom)
Gracias Cuba for giving us Fidel! A true revolutionary, a rainbow in the dark! Our deepest condolences to his family. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Elias (Greece)
Farewell a man of integrity who gave hope to millions of oppressed people worldwide. Viva the revolution.
Rick Newnham (United Kingdom)
Mi compasión a la Familia y el Pueblo Cubano por la pérdida de su Comandante in Jefe carismático.
Biermann Ramon, presidente de Ahinama asbl Luxembu (Luxembourg)
The Cuba revolution opened a new era for the opressed working people in the Western hemisphere/ but only after the USSR-collapse, initiated by the global imperofascism, the mankind realized the great role of the Cubanian revolution, since the 'Kremlin's puppet' remained a socialist bastion after the 'Kremlin' collapsed! long live the brave Cubanian people! long live Fidel's revolution! long live THE SOCIALISM !
rabbi Yigael Yehudi (Belarus)
A great life, a great legacy, let's celebrate what he achieved.
ann fergusson (United Kingdom)
Norman Gilfillan (United Kingdom)
Deepest condolences to the people of Cuba, and to the Socialist community around the world. Fidel Castro has been the icon for our internationalist ideals of peace and cooperation into the 21st century, and will continue to be so.
Paul Burns (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a strong and (usually) wise leader who has wrongly been maligned over may tears especially in USA which couldn't abide any leader who didn't follow their lead on every policy and action. (as the UK sometimes does)
Margaret Vernon (United Kingdom)
Remembering Fidel, the First Citizen for humanity, and what he did for all of us. Hasta la victoria siempre Commandante
Jayne Fisher (United Kingdom)
Susan Hediger (United Kingdom)
we love you El comandante Fidel
Khalid (Netherlands)
Castro is truly a human being, who has shown love, solidarity and anger. For he has changed the world with his amazing ideals, he has built up Cuba from what it once was. Without him, many of us would not be same.
Isak Lundström (Sweden)
Katharine Hoakyna (United Kingdom)
You have been an inspiration to so many lives in so many countries in so many ways including health and education.
Jennifer McGinley (United Kingdom)
He was an iconic left wing revolutionary who will stay alive as a hero in the hearts and on the pages of human history.
Muzzammil Mukhtar (United Kingdom)
susan duic (United Kingdom)
A true hero and leader for his people.
Paul Jeffries (United Kingdom)
Condolenses from the Cuba Conservation Trust to the Cuban people on the sad death of Fidel.
Ian Parsons (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro'lagecy will live on forever,the man who defied American imperialism and its stuges till his last breath,our salute to a revolutionary who laid his life for the betterment of working class .Long live Fidel Castro,Long live Revolution,fight goes on.
Paramjit Basi (United Kingdom)
Heartfelt and Sincere Condolences
Professor D Mukhopadhyay (India)
Hasta Siempre Fidel
Sean (Germany)
Ian Brown (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel, You shone a light on the possibilities of collaboration, power and dignity for Caribbean peoples
Martina Laird (Trinidad and Tobago)
Comandante: Fuiste una influencia enorme en el mundo y todos te recordaremos.
Sergio Velastin (United Kingdom)
Condolences to family, friends, and the people of Cuba. So glad I was at the Latin American conference in London yesterday to share both sorrow and to celebrate his leadership and achievements of the Cuban people. A beacon of hope indeed. Adelante!
Rona Drennan (United Kingdom)
In deepest sympathy
Ceinwen Statter (United Kingdom)
What a sad loss, one of the few principled people I have ever known.He stayed true to his people and his beliefs.
Kim (United Kingdom)
The revolutionary is dead, but you cannot kill his revolution. Viva Fidel Viva Cuba
Adam Lundström (Sweden)
george (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace
sharon bestley (United Kingdom)
My sympathy for the loss of a great leader.
James Hall (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel, We could do with more people of your Revolutionary Integrity
Philip Radford (United Kingdom)
Tiocfaidh ár lá
ciaran mc kermott (Ireland)
RIP comrade Fidel . I was in Habana only a few months ago . The affection in which you are held by your countrymen is truly awesome . You will always be a hero . Rest well
Robert Lyons (United Kingdom)
May the Cuban Revolution go from strength to strength! It has survived worse than this loss, and will continue to do so.
Dr Mark Berry (United Kingdom)
Thanks to Fidel for all the good he has brought about
Kathleen (United Kingdom)
the last of the most important leaders of the 20th century hasta la victoria commadante
My thoughts are with you wonderful people of Cuba. Fidel was I believe an inspirational leader. Please live up to his memory and in his name please do not let any countries Government instigate "regime change" in any form. Fight for Cuba and be proud of Fidel's legacy. Cuba is a lovely lovely island - please don't allow things to change too much, unless it is to you, the Cuban peoples' advantage
doreen tyler (United Kingdom)
Courage, commitment, inspiring leadership is his legacy.
David Warner (Canada)
Cathrine Bergman Reitz (Sweden)
When I went to Cuba in 2000 I found that everything we are told about It and it's leaders is lies, misinformation and indoctrination. Cuba did not choose its location but its location off the coast of Florida is the cause of many of its problems. The USA chose to include Cuba in its empire; in its sphere of influence. US companies chose to exploit Cuban land and people. Rich Americans chose to use Cuba as a resort; abusing and exploiting Cubans again. Cuba did choose to be independent if US influence. To that end they overthrew a dictatorship and took back the resources taken by US companies. In my view that was an entirely legitimate act. It was the USA that chose to wage war on Cuba not the other way round. I witnessed some poverty in Cuba but I also witnessed great resolve and consciousness about the causes of Cuba's problems. I mourn the passing of Fidel Castro; a personal hero of mine and many others. A towering and inspirational figure. The world has lost a great conscience of socially progressive policy; anti imperialism and an advocate for peace. What I find really interesting is the way his death has been reacted to. All the western reporters want to talk about is the their view of Cuba; the one filled with their own lies. When they talk about the missile crisis it is always Cuba and the USSR that are portrayed as aggressors. Never mentioning the fact that the USA and NATO had already encircled the USSR with nuclear weapons. The cold war; the arms race; the proxy wars (that continue to this day); the hardships suffered by Russian, Eastern European and Cuban people - was driven by US and Western European (mostly British) aggression. That aggressive attitude to the development of any progressive society for working people can be traced back to the poll tax rebellion in 14th C Britain, to the French Revolution; to the western response to the Russian revolution; to the coups sponsored by the USA and Britain all over the Middle East and South America that continue right now in Syria, Venezuela etc.
Alex Wood (United Kingdom)
Sad loss of a great leader
Dave Connolly (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba!
Johnny Kristoffersen (Sweden)
The fight goes on !
Leonard K Weiss (United Kingdom)
Warmest friendship and solidarity to the people of Cuba from Connor Beaton, Dundee SSP.
Connor Beaton (United Kingdom)
Ciao, Fidel !
Fort Roberto (Canada)
Eoghan Gardiner (Ireland)
One of the outstanding Leaders of our time R.I.P
Theresa Peters (United Kingdom)
A true Socialist in the face of vicious attacks from the home of capitalism.
Mick Hornsey (United Kingdom)
Adios Fidel y mis condolencias por tu familia y por toda la maravillosa gente de Cuba
Stuart Mounsey (United Kingdom)
¡Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Ana Maria Martínez Rubio (Spain)
great brave leader for a great brave country
mitch tovey (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with the people of Cuba on the death of their great leader. The inspiration and international solidarity has made the world a better place.
Hugh Wallis (United Kingdom)
My sincere condolences to the people of Cuba. We have lost a father,a person who showed us how the world should be,how if we try how the world can be for all notjust for the rich. My thoughts are with you and we must carry on the work and Unite the Workers of the World Red Salute to you all.
Preet Bains (United Kingdom)
Un abrazo solidario y agradecido al pueblo cubano que nos ha dado un ejemplo de dignidad....
Carolina Mendoza Uriarte (Chile)
You will be remembered for ever!
Maria Nehro (Sweden)
A giant has left us
James Kevin Durnin (United Kingdom)
We will never forget you. So grateful for your revolutionary example. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Eva Palomo (Spain)
Goodbye Fidel! Thank you. You have inspired me for 50 years.
Rosemary Gordon (Zimbabwe)
We will follow in your anti-imperialist footsteps until final victory. You will be forever with us.
Ella Rule (United Kingdom)
John Yandell (United Kingdom)
Un gran hombre y un gran lider. Hasta siempre comandante en jefe. La lucha continua.
Garth Cadden (Spain)
Fidel,The people of Cuba,South America and Africa will always be in your debt. Cuba has shown the world that Health and Education should always be put in front of profit,and if every country followed your examples,then the whole world will be a better place to live in.It will be an interesting place in heaven with yourself,che guevara,and nelson mandella.
Mick Murphy (United Kingdom)
Long live the Revolution
Joseph Mcgill (Finland)
Fidel Castro was a great leader with a great heart. He always seeked justice representing the most oppressed of this world. Comrade Fidel was also a true revolutionary which was evident considering he's faithfulness to Marxism-Leninism but also considering the great deeds he accomplished through his life. It's a sad truth that this great source of inspiration isn't with us anymore but he's legacy is immortal. I send my condolences of solidarity. Rest in peace, El Comandante.
Silas Barrett Chotai (Sweden)
Mi más sentido pésame. Lamento mucho esta gran pérdida. Te acompaño en el sentimiento.
Alex (United Kingdom)
David Gardiner (Ireland)
An inspiring figure of the 20th century
Carol Roberts (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an inspiration. La ultra continua!
Christabel Gurney (United Kingdom)
Die Geschichte wird uns Recht geben!
Karl-Heinz Sabelleck (Germany)
Andy and Karen McNee (France)
To a teacher, a friend, a comrade R.I.P Fidel may you always be in the minds of those who cherish freedom from capitalism with the objectives of a socialist future. Viva Cuba, Viva Fidel.
Patrick Lynn (Ireland)
Love to all x
Sara Tonkinson (United Kingdom)
Dearest comrades, we, the class conscious working people of the world share your grief at the loss of the giant who stood in your midst, he belonged to us also. We must learn and struggle harder to rid the world of the imperialist vermin if we wish to honour him. Salute!
Zane (United Kingdom)
The soul of the Cuban people, fighting for their right to freedom and self-determination, burns like a beacon in our hearts.
Theodore Koulouris (United Kingdom)
We have it in our power to begin the world again. If we cant always exercise that power fully at least we can learn to understand it fully as Fidel's Cuba has sought to. The rest of the world will one day realise and repay its debts
chris smith (United Kingdom)
A sad loss to a world which could do with more people like Fidel Castro. Heartfelt condolences from a European Internationalist Scot living in Spain. Adios Comandante.
Ralph Barnett (Spain)
Un hombre con un chaleco de moral que le protejerá de todas las injurias lanzadas contra su persona y su historia. Un abrazo enorme. Socioalismo o barbarie.
JULIO (Spain)
We have lost one of the true people greats
peter wyatt (United Kingdom)
Denise Christie (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace. A Giant Hero of socialism and a bulwark against the American hegemony so ruthlessly pursued and promoted on the world stage. Stay strong Cuba.
Paul Hillman (United Kingdom)
Lars-Erik Backman (Sweden)
My deepest sympathy to the Cuban people. Such a loss.
Mike Calvert (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was a champion of social justice!
Wolfie (United Kingdom)
If only there were more Fidels in Latin America and in the world in general.
ColinYardley (United Kingdom)
Never forget Fidel!
Kenneth Eriksson (Sweden)
Fidel Castro has shown to Latin America and to all humanity that social change is possible. His death just will deepen his significance.
Wolf Gauer (Brazil)
Conni Stefanski (Germany)
Viva cuba
Cate and Marcus (United Kingdom)
Sending our sympathy and condolences to the people of Cuba. His legacy will live on.
Ashley Charlton (United Kingdom)
He succeded where other countries failed- A truly amazing person.
alan spence (United Kingdom)
Sleep well. Venceremos!
Sally Charles (United Kingdom)
Not just a great man, but an example, a beacon, an inspiration, a hero. Viva, Fidel! Viva la Revolucion Cubana! Viva la fe y la esperanza que otro mundo es possible.
Julie Lamin (United Kingdom)
Tribute To Our Commandant Fidel Castro To all friends, and compañeros, , and comrades With sadness we would like to tribute our Commandant Fidel Castro Ruz we are with our brothers and sisters the Cuban people who has been suffering so much injustice and 50 years of brutal blockade from US. Fidel was an inspiration and very respect as a Communist Leader, revolutionary and visionary. we say a member of the international solidarity movement. Long live the Cuban Revolution. Thanks for what you done for the poor around world, the indigenous people and for our struggles to build a revolution on earth. Thanks for being a true leader with integrity, honesty and life commitment to saved the humanity from the evil capitalism system (US) Commandant Fidel Castro. Commandant , we are one of your soldier. Our Fidel is an example to all of us. VIVA FIDEL!!! Viva the Cuban Revolution. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!!! Juan Garrido President of ACFS South Australia
juan Garrido (Australia)
An inspiration for freedom to many , never to be forgotten. R.i.P
Adrian Laing (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre! Viva socialismo!
Daniel Andersson (Sweden)
RIP Comrade Castro! You are and forever will be, El Jefe Maximo!
Sean Duffy (United Kingdom)
somewhat ironic that consumerist 'Black Friday' marked the death of Fidel Castro who was such an inspiration to many compesinos de America Latina. He may be criticised in the execution of his ideals but nevertheless remains an iconic world figure of recent history.
Rob Lavender (United Kingdom)
It has been a privilege to live in times when Commandante Fidel. Fidel and his views was always a lodestone for anyone struggling against capitalism and imperialism. No one can replace him but his ideas and example live on forever in our hearts. We have long said "Hasta Siempre Che". Now we will say Hasta Siempre Fidel and Che !
Ray Davis (United Kingdom)
You'll never die!
Bento Matos (Brazil)
He was an inspiration to generations. Long live Fidel Castro.
Robert Ashby (United Kingdom)
A great man with great values and the courage to fight for the people. A true 21St century hero.
Janice Culley (United Kingdom)
Keri (Canada)
Outstanding revolutionary,leader and inspiration to progressives world wide.
Colin Gill (United Kingdom)
Rest in power, Fidel. Yours was a life lived well. Thank you for making this world a better place.
Valentina Capurri (Canada)
An inspirational leader who shone a light across the globe that another world is possible,
Lesley Stevenson (United Kingdom)
You, your country and your people are an inspiration to us all may you rest in peace Vive Fidel
Liam Tansey (United Kingdom)
Stay strong people of Cuba
Julian Dable (United Kingdom)
Condolences to all the Cuban people. Fidel, a hero to Socialists everywhere. He proved another world is possible and will always be an inspiration to those who seek a system free from the injustices and exploitation of capitalism
Penny Anderson (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba!
Pécurren;r Letell (Sweden)
You have left a legacy,just living near by a big bully America newer detered you.You fought,and they were never able to win.The progressive world would not forget you.Rest in Peace Comrade Fidel.
Michael P Nayagam (Malaysia)
Brendan Kelly (United Kingdom)
Mucho Gracias Comandante - La Lucha Continua
Stuart Hyslop (United Kingdom)
farewell to a great man sleep well brother
jan bownes (United Kingdom)
Was very sad to learn of Fidel passing but hope that the people of Cuba will still carry on in the spirit of the Revolution. I am standing with Cuba in their hour of sadness. SOLIDARITY TO RAUL and all who support Cuba.
Janet Bennett (United Kingdom)
In memory of a man I have always admired rest in peace
lee tyler (United Kingdom)
The world was made a better place by your Cuba despite the attempts to undermined you by the USA and capitalism in general. RIP Presedente
Ian Sharpe (United Kingdom)
Patricia (United Kingdom)
Kerima Mohideen (United Kingdom)
Long live ideals of Fidel castro - peoples Hero.
syed Iftikhar (United Kingdom)
The struggle for the future you started will continue with us. Thank you Commandante
stef sykes (United Kingdom)
It is because of my tremendous admiration and respect for Fidel Castro's example of what it means to care about humanity and to fight for the rights of humans that I am deeply sadden by his death. As a citizen and an education worker, I will continue to struggle for the dignity of women and men and an end to poverty and all forms of social and economic exploitation.
A (United States of America)
Viva la revolucion
Seamus (United Kingdom)
Fatih Akuzun (Turkey)
Jerry Elsmore (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace.
Inger Styrbjörn (Sweden)
In solidarity with the Cuban people, the struggle for the rights of humanity is not yet over and must continue, guided by those who have fought for it all their life
Hinkley Point B Unite SW/8015 Branch (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace comrade.
Martin Gregory (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an example to us all, socialist revolutionary, anti imperialist and beacon of light for the world's oppressed.
Mick Hall (United Kingdom)
Great Leader,always you will be remembered.
Kuldip Singh (United Kingdom)
Nils Andersson (Denmark)
Lob des Kommunismus Bertolt Brecht Er ist vernünftig, jeder versteht ihn. Er ist leicht. Du bist doch kein Ausbeuter, du kannst ihn begreifen. Er ist gut für dich, erkundige dich nach ihm. Die Dummköpfe nennen ihn dumm, und die Schmutzigen nennen ihn schmutzig. Er ist gegen den Schmutz und gegen die Dummheit. Die Ausbeuter nennen ihn ein Verbrechen. Aber wir wissen: Er ist das Ende der Verbrechen. Er ist keine Tollheit, sondern Das Ende der Tollheit. Er ist nicht das Chaos Sondern die Ordnung. Er ist das Einfache Das schwer zu machen ist. Mein Beileid an das kubanische Volk aus Augsburg, Brecht-Stadt
Gregor Thaler (Germany)
David johnson (United Kingdom)
Leve revolutionen!
Carina Hansson (Sweden)
Respect to Fidel Castro who successfully led the Cuban people in their Socialist Revolution, whilst confronting and defeating US capitalism and its associated corruption. Long Live the Cuban Revolution!
Adrian Chan-Wyles (United Kingdom)
We will always on your path,comrade. Long live Fidelismo. Hidup Rakjat. Vencermos.
Aidit Anpan (Malaysia)
Health and education superior to many developed countries
robert spicer (United Kingdom)
Help us from your new place.
Merce (Spain)
He has been an inspiration to me, alongside Nelson Mandella they are true heroes of my life.
Kevin Amis (United Kingdom)
Was part of the Venceremos Brigade from USA to Cuba in 1975. We have lost a great leader but his vision will never die.Hasta la victoria Siempre!
Ed Grystar (United States of America)
Jannike bahlenberg (Sweden)
RIP One of the greatest leaders of our lifetime - your spirit will live forever are the hearts of those who stand for equality and peace.
Kristina (United Kingdom)
you weren't so great for cuban homosexuals, but at least you acknowledged it. Viva Cuba.
Ralph (United States of America)
Mi más sentido pésame para el pueblo cubano y la familia de Fidel. Fidel, gracias por la esperanza!
Mari (United Kingdom)
The Kendall family send their sincere condolences to Fidel's family and to all the Cuban people they have lost a true patriot, a peacemaker, a world leader and a wonderful human RIP Fidel- Viva Cuba !!!
Jim Kendall (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a giant! And inspiration and guide for people in struggle against oppression and injutice everywhere, even in the belly of the beast.
Bella august (United States of America)
A true patriot and hero of the revolution may he rest in peace
Eugene Quinn (Ireland)
Peace my brother, we will fight on for our freedoms .
Blair west (United Kingdom)
Dear Fidel, you were a beacon of hope for the people of Latin America and the world. We lose you just when we need you most!
Les Ray (United Kingdom)
Anabel Dalmao (Canada)
En solidaridad con los pobres del mundo. Siempre. Adios companero.
Dave Lofthouse (United Kingdom)
Simpre el Jefe.
Ron Murphy (Canada)
Farewell, comrade.
Kevin Safford (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria siempre, Comandante.
Luis Herrera Illanes (Sweden)
Otro Mundo es posible - solidarity and love to the Cuban people
Lorna mansbridge (United Kingdom)
Viva la revolucion !
Bernard Daly (United Kingdom)
My dear comrade Fidel, may Allah reward you for your sacrifice and fight for humanity, and take you with malaikat to Jannah... Salute Comandante
Antonio Popac (Croatia)
peter dean (United Kingdom)
Birgitta Pettersson (Sweden)
Hasta la Victoria siempre.
Danny Tartaglia (United Kingdom)
sehr traurig - aber die Idee wird nicht sterben Angelika und Klaus
Angelika und Klaus Dicke (Germany)
Jamie McKay (United Kingdom)
Aaron Kiely (United Kingdom)
Joanne MCDONALD (Ireland)
Brian Campfield (Ireland)
Sad to hear of Fidel's passing.... he was a great leader
Chris and Rick Morrison (Canada)
A great man who freed his country from a gangster ridden military dictatorship and enhanced the life chances of his people, particularly in healthcare and education despite the constant aggression and hostility from the USA.
gerry stonestreet (Latvia)
Your name and accomplishments will endure. May your legacy also endure. RIP Fidel.
Paul Stygal (United Kingdom)
As a dedicated NHS worker I have always been extremely in awe of the Cuban NHS system and method of training doctors who help at home and abroad. My condolences on the passing of the man that made all this possible.
Hannah Bellsham-Revell (United Kingdom)
Solidarity to the people of Cuba.
Nigel William Clark (United Kingdom)
Condolences to all the people of your beautiful country.
Melvin Jackson (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Comrade. You did more for your country than any other leaders in the world. You brought socialism and I hope Cuba will carry on your legacy.
Cllr Waida Forman (United Kingdom)
Condolences from Antarctica, since this won't let me say that I am from Scotland. Condolences to the Cuban people. We also grieve and mourn the loss of a great revolutionary. Ever onwards to victory!! Sandy Mathers
Sandy Mathers (Antarctica)
Mirna Castro (El salvador)
Russell (United Kingdom)
My sad thoughts,carry to all the revolutiounary hearts throughout the world. A great man of honour. Decency and foresight. A threat to the filthy capitalist world,in which we are now suffering. Hasta la vista. Siempre Fidel. Siempre fidelis
Christine Martin (United Kingdom)
A Great person has ler US bit hos ideal will never die.
Annica Albertsson (Sweden)
Venceremos companeros
Katerina Aggeli (Greece)
Mi mas sentido pesame a todos los Cubanos. Fidel Castro sera siempre admirado y recordado con mucho respeto y carino.
Ana Morales (Netherlands)
Hasta siempre, Comandante
Jill Allbrooke (United Kingdom)
Deborah Lavin (United Kingdom)
you brought free health and education to your people and peace, you will be greatly missed
Linda (United Kingdom)
Proud to have joined with thousands of people from all over Cuba and the world to hear Fidel address the May Day Celebration in Havana 2004.
Pauline Bryan (United Kingdom)
We will tear apart the darkness, break every chain and destroy all borders. In peace and in harmony, like all the colours of the earth, humanity as one will march forward until and forever socialism will bloom in every corner of the world like mountain flowers free and in dignity. Rest in power and in our solidarity and struggle comandante Fidel. May the stars be your resting bed. Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Omer Aksoy (United Kingdom)
in memory of our dear comrade fidel castro,your generosity to the people of cuba,to the oppressed the world over TO US ALL,will be forever,we will fight on,un pueblo unido jamas sera vencido,rest in peace commandante ,we will miss you
helene matz (Norway)
A friend of the poor, of the colonized and a doer all his life.. sometimes sad and lonely, but an intellectual with a rifle ready...like very few others.
Rana Bose (Canada)
a great loss for mankind
Berthold Theelen (Germany)
Amitiés et condoléances au peuple cubain
ROBERT Nicolas (France)
En stor ledare för vécurren;rldens och speciellt Latinamerikas folk har géyen;tt bort och jag hedrar hans minne.
Benny (Sweden)
President Castro - History has Absolved you.
Russ Guy (United Kingdom)
Sven Mellberg (Sweden)
Ernesto Coloma (Finland)
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paul & hazel gee (United Kingdom)
Gavin Haetley (United Kingdom)
End of an era and a man who showed great courage and stood up to the US, improved literacy in Cuba to an astonishing level and achieved a great Health Service.
Mary Davies (United Kingdom)
Malgré sa mort, Fidel Castro vivra éternellement. Il a été le brillant miroir des mouvements d'indépendance et révolutionnaires des nations d'Amérique latine et du monde.
Yvon Marois (Canada)
Con la esperanza y el deseo de que la juventud cubana sepa mantener la bandera que con tanta dignidad izó su Comandante.
María Remedios Garcà (Spain)
Legends never die,, Their ideas will live to eternity Now you can rest in peace and satisfied with what you've accomplished Thank you Fidel
Dimitra Theodoridis (Sweden)
My sincere condolences for Fidel Castro, one of the world's great heroes who continues to give me hope and optimism that we can reach our goal of socialism all over the world.
greta sykes (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to all who care about creating a more just world. Condolences!
roger spettigue (United Kingdom)
Mark McCormick (United Kingdom)
Mi alma está llorando. Mi profunda admiración por este hombre indoblegable ante todos los reveses del destino, por este revolucionario firme e invencible, por este dirigente maduro y constante. ¡Adiós, Comandante! Espéranos en los campos de la eternidad. No te olvidaremos y seguiremos fieles a tus lecciones y legados. Vivirás inmortal en el seno y la memoria de tu querido pueblo.
ani levi (Bulgaria)
Waltraud Tegge (Germany)
Wir haben uns von einem einzigartigen Genossen zu verabschieden, dem es gelungen ist, zusammen mit der Bevölkerung einem gigantischen Gegner zu widerstehen und den Völkern der Erde damit zu zeigen, dass Zukunft möglich ist. Dem Sozialismus gehört die Zukunft. Trotz alledem.
Herbert Markus (Germany)
Vivira siempre en nuestros corazones y en nuestras luchas .. Hasta la victoria siempre ! Venceremos ! Fidel un luz en cielo <3
Lotta Westerberg (Sweden)
R.I.P. Fidel... Nous resterons fidèles ö toi...
Eleni (Greece)
Andy Sinclair (United Kingdom)
Cuba u are a bright beacon for the downtrodden!
frank muracu (Ireland)
Thank you for your revolutionary mind. Thank you for your lifelong struggle!
Michel Decker (Luxembourg)
Se nos ha ido nuestro guía y padre. Seguiremos adelante para cumplir con la construcción de la sociedad que el quizo. Jamás lo olvidaremos.
Rubén Escalona Guerra (Cuba)
Fidel Castro - Solidarity for ever!
Bernd Irmler (Germany)
Hasta Siempre Comandante
Dimitris Kaplanis (Greece)
The world has lost a very great and strong man. One of the few who could stand up to American Imperialism and CIA atrocities. A huge light has gone out. With Peace and love to our Cuban comrades at this difficult time.
Anna Sandfield (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a hero to many of my Scottish comrades. RIP Fidel Castro. History WILL absolve you.
Jamie Morton (United Kingdom)
Thank you for everything you and the Cuban people have achieved.
Ruth McIntosh (United Kingdom)
Paul Spicer (United Kingdom)
John Sweeney (United Kingdom)
One of the World's greatest heroes. He brought hope and a better future to his people and inspiration to us all.RIP comrade.
David Jones (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on the death of Fidel Castro."¡Hasta la victoria siempre!"
Irene O'Dowd (Ireland)
Hasta siempre querido Comandante
Lasse Hermanson (Sweden)
R.I.P Comrade Castro. Your revolution continues in your name .
Paul Clark (Spain)
Se apagó la éordm;ltima luz de la humanidad y ya quedamos en la oscuridad! Comandante viviras en nuestros corazones para siempre!! Hasta la victoria siempre.... que descanses en paz!
Agni Vasileiou (Greece)
Murió Fidel. Hoy estamos más solos.
Noemí Guida (Argentina)
Viva Fidel!
Ralf Backström (Sweden)
Red salutes comrade. You will be missed.
Aravind (India)
Fidel will nerver be forgotten !!
Jan löfgren (Sweden)
My deepest and most sincere condolences to the people of Cuba . May the memory of Fidel and Che live on forever.
Barry Nicolson (United Kingdom)
A wonderful country and people who will miss their hero
philipa coughlan (United Kingdom)
The world has lost an extraordinary man, but his legacy and what he has achieved on so many levels, in education, health care to global revolutionary guerilla warfare, helping free Cuban people from a dictator then going on to help free the likes of South Africa from apartheid, the feats he have achieved will never be forgotten and extremely hard to replicate. In times of struggle people can always look to Castro for inspiration, his resilience and powerful moral stance was never compromised. The world will never forget you Castro. R.I.P commandante, may your morals and wisdom continue to resonate through this world.
Liam Howard (United Kingdom)
A Hero to the millions around the world without a voice. RIP COMRADE
Martin McMulkin (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro: Farewell and RIP - a true revolutionary and visionary of our time.
Deepa (United Kingdom)
Fidel is my hero - such a strong, insightful, wise & unswerving leader. A true inspiration in a world inhabited & run by corrupt corporations & their puppets.
Zena Sullivan (United Kingdom)
Viva la revolución! Viva Cuba!
John Johansson (Sweden)
Fidel is an inspiration to all of us who seek to leave the world a better place than when we entered it. We will miss him, but wherever we are in the world, we must continue to work towards a better future in his memory.
Joyce (United Kingdom)
Michelle (United Kingdom)
I visited Cuba in 2007 and was impressed with the absence of poverty, crime and consumerism, and the positives in the educational and health services and the general morale of the country.The credit for all Cuba's achievements in these areas has to be largely attributed to Fidel Castro's vision and leadership.
Dr Nigel Speight (United Kingdom)
Very Sad to learn of death of Fidel Castro. The Latin America 2016 Adalente was excellent. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE!
joyce pullen (United Kingdom)
A great loss to the whole world.
Jay Mitchell (United Kingdom)
Thank you for the great things you have done in Cuba. I have been to Cuba and fully understand what has been going off all these years. its a very sad time for us all
Anthony Wood (United Kingdom)
Dötsch Rigo (Germany)
RIP Fidel
Krissy O'Hagan (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel!
Gunnar (Sweden)
Hasta Siempre Comandante
Lieve Peeters (Belgium)
Joacim Blomqvist (Sweden)
Kathy Hamilton (United Kingdom)
For long time, Fidel has been my idol, one i want to be like. May this great man rest in peace after a long and good life. Thank you Fidel for all you have done for humanity.
TrondMarius Pettersen Jarsve (Norway)
The legacy of Fidel will remain forever. ¡Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Mick Tosh (United Kingdom)
Heartfelt condolences to all Cubans on your terrible loss. Fidel was a true hero; a man of integrity in a country of integrity. Hasta siempre, Commandante!
Nancy Patchell (Canada)
RIP Thankyou for showing the world that it is possible to stand up to imperialism.
Arthur (United Kingdom)
Nuestra referencia. La revolución continua. Descanse en paz.
Marc Perelló Mira& (Spain)
Rune Nilsson (Sweden)
My sincere condolences and solidarity to the Cuban people. Fidel inspired people all over the world. And people all over the world will continue Fidel's struggle and keep his memory alive. Hasta Siempre Comandante
Johan Zimmerman (Sweden)
Farewell Comrade.
Patrick Moran (Ireland)
A long life of struggle and victory!
Brian Pollitt (United Kingdom)
foteini georgakopoulou (Greece)
RIP Mr Fidel Castro. :(
Jamie Bond (Australia)
The world mourns in the loss of a great revolutionary who fought against the odds to his mighty enimies by taking a nation with him!! Red salute!!!!
Biju Antony (United Kingdom)
We have lost a political giant who dedicated his life to Cuba and its people. He was a true internationalist, supporting struggles against injustice and inequality,wherever these took place. His legacy will live on and continue to inspire people in their fight for dignity and equality. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family, friends and the Cuban people. Hasta siempre, comrade!
Ingrid Green (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Konstantinos Iliadis (Sweden)
richard kane (United Kingdom)
Rest in pease, comrade!
Jan Lindstrand (Sweden)
HASTA Siempre , Komandante
Guggenmos (Slovenia)
Anon (Sweden)
Even if I always thought he was an egomaniac incapable to see his own faults - he always stood firm with his resistance against totalitary capitalism. And that's not a small thing.
Lorenz Rollhaeuser (Germany)
#solidarity comrade castro
Stephen Adams (United Kingdom)
A very great human being, brave, wise and inspiring has passed on but Fidel Castro has left his mark on history. May his example never be forgotten nor his humility and love of is fellow women and men.
Jeean Turner (United Kingdom)
Zusammen mit Millionen Menschen trauere ich um Fiedel. In tiefster Trauer spreche ich den Angehörigen, den politischen Freunden und dem cubanischen Volk mein herzliches Beilid aus. Fiedel war, ist und wird immer Vorbild bleiben. Seine Ideen und Taten werden weiterleben! In seinem Sinne werde ich mein Leben lang an der Seite des cubanischen Volkes stehen!
Tobias Hoefler (Germany)
Individuals die, revolution lives.
Ibrahim Has (United Kingdom)
Goodbye Comrade Fidel, a friend and champion to ordinary working folk everywhere. Outstanding fighter for a clean environment and social justice. Rest in peace!
Nigel Green (United Kingdom)
I visited in 1998 Cuba. I saw what a small country can do for a better world if it has a leadership who chose to work for the people and not for the elite!
Swa Engelen (Belgium)
Proud to have served
David potts (United Kingdom)
A sad day for Socialist from around the World. R.I.P. Fidel Castro, alongside another Great Person the World, has given birth to Nelson Mandela. Both are and will be missed by the People they have enthused to fight Inequality, Injustice and Corruption.
Stephen Thomas (United Kingdom)
Salud Gran Pueblo Cubano. La pérdida física del Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz no implica la pérdida de las ideas que fundaron la nueva y gloriosa Cuba! Viva la Revolución Cubana! Vivan los pueblos libres de America Latina! Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Patria o Muerte! Venceremos!
Miguel Gabard (Sweden)
Vera Pedersen (Sweden)
Rip. Your place is secured and immortalized in our world history of eternity.
Raymond Moses (Trinidad and Tobago)
Free health care and education for all. Cuba didn't have that before Castro. Condolences to the Cuban People. Terry Foord
Theresa Foord (United Kingdom)
I am saddened by the death of Fidel, a unique leader whose people have supported him from the time of Revolution to his death on Friday. No human being is perfect but he led the people of Cuba out of poverty and exploitation and their lives changed through education and wonderful health care.
Denise Roberts (United Kingdom)
A great loss to the civilised world, a true internationalist who exported the revolution through medicine, doctors and nurses to poorer countries of the world and puts the US to shame on its own human rights record in Latin America. Good bye Fidel
Geoff and Gerry Bender (United Kingdom)
Me uno al dolor del pueblo cubano y los amigos de Cuba del mundo por el deceso del fundador de la Revolucion Cubana, Fidel Castro Ruz. Gloria eterna! Hasta siempre,querido Comandante!
Emil Angelov (Bulgaria)
Rui Alberto (Sweden)
Fidel is in the heart och the works all over the world!
Mario Sousa (Sweden)
Hello friends, I am really sorry for your loss. Fidel was a great man and a leader and he surely deserves a place in the history of your beautiful country and the whole world. My thoughts are with his family and the people of Cuba. I visited Cuba with a summer brigade 3 years ago when I was 19 and I will treasure those memories for the rest of my life.
Petra (United Kingdom)
My sincere condolences to the people of Cuba for the loss of their leader. May the revolution live on forever and spread to the working class around the world. Solidarity from a fellow revolutionairy in the UK.
Mayola Demmenie (United Kingdom)
90 positive years, rest in peace comrade.
Phil Attridge (United Kingdom)
Only in Cuba to South American children enjoy a childhood. Respect for health, education, raising the down-trodden, resisting US dominance. I heard the Kennedy tapes when released about the Cuban crisis. He clearly says: what we have missiles in Turkey? That's their backyard. It is all about the angle of vision and what Cuba has achieved is magnificent.
Sonya and Jayanta Baksi (United Kingdom)
You were an inspiration in the struggle against capitalism and the imperialist aggressions.
Daren Ireland (United Kingdom)
many people live because of him.
robert (United Kingdom)
Lal salam Comrade Fidel. You taught us to hold our head up high and stand together as one.
sajeev kp (India)
Stay strong, comrades
Victoria (United Kingdom)
Very sad to hear the news of Fidel's death and I send the Cuban people my deepest condolences and hope for a good future.
Rosa (United Kingdom)
We will make sure your legacy lives ob
Rena Wood (United Kingdom)
He was a great Leader, a true revolutionary man. R.I.P.
Juana Ibis Sayoux (Spain)
Gracias por todos
Kate Clark (United Kingdom)
A truly inspirational human being, a lasting legacy of Internationalism to the World.
Malcolm Dunning (United Kingdom)
Richard McCauley (United Kingdom)
Siobhan Ni Churrain (Ireland)
How much more diminished these already diminished times feel! La lutta continua!
Bruce Rafeek (United Kingdom)
Ann Pugh (United Kingdom)
one of the greatest men ever
e mcelhone (United Kingdom)
sonia (Brazil)
Gracias Fidel Viva la revolucion Viva Cuba
Christine Sabino (United Kingdom)
A great loss for Cuba and the world.
Bosmans Marc (Belgium)
Victoria Allerton (United Kingdom)
My heartfelt condolences. The fight for freedom an justice in the world goes on.
Achim Rollhaeuser (Greece)
Castro's true socialism was demonstrated. Other so called socialits are only there to fill their pockets. Without castro there w=ould still be apartheid in South Africa
Anver Jeevanjee (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro
Andy Shae (United Kingdom)
Rustic Rod Goodway (United Kingdom)
My deep sympathy to the people of Cuba for the loss of a great leader
Peta Steel (United Kingdom)
FIDEL,Lived for the people throughout the universe,by staying in a small red country.
Dr.V P P Mustafa (India)
Fidel, you inspired me and your legacy will live on in the minds and actions of others in the future.
Ronnie Chambers (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante!
Petra (Croatia)
Defend his legacy.
David Grove (United Kingdom)
Adele Cain (Sweden)
Love and solidarity to the people of Cuba.
Eileen Penman (United Kingdom)
Thank you, Fidel! May the memory of your achievements on behalf of the ordinary people of Cuba and the world inspire generations to come.
Bob Maltz (United Kingdom)
We honour and are inspired by your life.
Ke Ferguson (United Kingdom)
No se ha ido, esta presente, es imprescindible. Paisa
Jose Berrio D (United Kingdom)
Sad time as a giant passes.Hasta la victoria siempre
Pete Bevis (United Kingdom)
Jeffrey Schevitz and Beatrice-Altman-Schevitz (Germany)
Unsere Solidaritécurren;t geht weiter. Immer bis zum Sieg!
Ingeborg Giewld (Germany)
Fidel, an example to the world who will live forever! Viva Fidel, Viva Cuba Socialista!
Zoltan Tiroler (Sweden)
Rest in peace.
Margareta Fridstjerna (Sweden)
Viva La Revolution Cubana Siempre! An inspiration to socialists and a giant of our movement! Fidel te saludamos!
Martin Cavanagh (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a great man. But Fidel's courage, his dignity and devotion to the Cuban people and his internationalism will forever be an example and inspiration to those who oppose oppression and imperialism. He will live on in the hearts and hopes of the downtrodden everywhere. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Toby Moss (United Kingdom)
Solidarity and condolences to the people of Cuba - the struggle continues, comrades.
Jenni Gunn (United Kingdom)
Un líder muy grande que hizo tanto por su pueblo y también para pueblos en otros países.
Dag Fredriksson (Sweden)
To Papa Fidel, With a deepest sorrow and sadness to hear you leaving us from this world.we are grateful for sharing with us your passion , happiness, achievement, inspiring us, gratitude,......... and above all standing against those dinosaurs of USA. 10 presidentes had gone by and not one of them has ever managed to reach your little toe. you stood up tall against them and won. till now they still fear you. Also our deepest sympathy to your family and to the people of Cuba. To Us you will never die just resting. Hasta la victoria siempre . Descansa en Paz. Maji siempre26
Maji (United Kingdom)
Remembering Fidel with much affection and solidarity. Monumental thanks to this man who set a great example and practised what he preached. He will be remembered, not for invading countries, not for the massacre of innocent civilians and destruction of their homes and infrastructure; he will be remembered for bringing the best health and education to the Cuban people, for sending doctors and teachers to help in many parts of the world, and for opening up the medical schools and universities in Cuba to foreign students who are trained free of charge. What a legacy! Thank you Fidel.
Maisie Carter (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel! Siempre vivo, eterno ...
Yajaira Lage Blanco (Spain)
Rest in Power Comrade
Charles Rodgers (United States of America)
Condolences to a great man who overthrew a murderous, brutal regime and a mafia led lapdog of the USA and stood as a beacon of hope for the working people of the world
Jim Leigh (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba, Fidel may not have been perfect but he did everything for the people. May his struggle and the struggle of all of the Cuban people against American imperialism and toxic capatalism continue. The world has lost a great man.
Jordan shepherd (United Kingdom)
I convey my heartfelt condolences to the family. Todo con Amor, Fidel ! Hasta la victoria siempre ! Rita Ella Pauline Weymann
Rita Weymann (Germany)
I and my family are deeply saddened by the loss of El Commandante Fidel Castro. He was one of the greatest revolutionaries of our time. A beacon of light and hope not only for the people of Cuba but of the world. We love you Fidel. Your shining example has lightened so many lives. Venceremos.
Maureen Chughtai (United Kingdom)
El fallecimiento de Fidel marca un final a una vida interminable, pues sus ideas y su contribución a un mundo mejor no serán olvidadas nunca. Siempre fue un guía para la población cubana que con sus consejos y meditaciones ha hecho que el país pueda decidir por sí mismo su futuro. Descansa en paz Fidel que no te olvidaremos.
Thelma Pichs Hernandez (Cuba)
An inspiration to all - his legacy lives on
Jane Watt (United Kingdom)
So sad to hear about Fidel. He was an inspiration to all those around the world seeking an end to poverty, imperialism and war. Cuba has shown that another world is possible. Sending solidarity to the Cuban people, we will redouble our efforts to end the blockade
Zoe Streatfield (United Kingdom)
It feels like a personal loss as well as world loss.
Morris Drever (United Kingdom)
Jayachandran K (India)
Danke für Dein Lebenswerk!
Fritz Beinersdorf (Germany)
Fidel's great legacy is a state that has won its independence of the USA and laid the foundations of socialism.
John Moore (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel
Dr. Christiane Pacyna-Friese (Germany)
Gracias por tu lucha y tu ejemplo. Seguiremos defendiendo tu legado.
Araceli Ortiz Arteaga (Spain)
Al pueblo Cubano y todos mis amigos Cubanos: les acompaño en el dolor. Un gran líder ha muerto, un ejemplo para todos!
Mireille (United Kingdom)
(Russian Federation)
The world has lost a true friend.
Kim Sterling (United Kingdom)
Condolences to Cuba on the passing of Fidel.
Marcus (United Kingdom)
What a great man the world is a sadder place now x
margaret bean (United Kingdom)
There is one less honest man in the world. And yet somewhere another one is being born. Our wonderful Fidel lived well and was always true to the ideals and courage of his youth. Venceremos !
Martin Marriott (United Kingdom)
Jenny (United Kingdom)
Fidel may be dead but the Revolition lives on
John Bowem (Ireland)
my sympathies to the Cuban people for your sad loss. An inspiration and one of the great freedom fighters and leaders of our time. Even Mandela looked at Castro to see how he could save his country.
Rhys Parry (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel. You were an inspiration to the whole world.
Tony Dennis (United Kingdom)
Gracias, Fidel y compas! Hasta la victoria siempre!
Simon Ashworth WOOD (Australia)
Rest in Power Fidel. You showed the world that socialism can be achieved. You will always be remembered for the brilliance that shone through. You shall be missed.
Elle Zwandahl (United Kingdom)
Mis condolencias a la querida Cuba. Se ha ido el éordm;ltimo de los revolucionarios que nos guió a los que éramos jóvenes latinoamericanos en los años 60-70. Hasta siempre Comandante!
Andrea Viñals (Sweden)
All my love and solidarity to the people of Cuba, "Venceremos" En mi corazon por siempre y para siempre
Elyse Dodgson (United Kingdom)
A good and strong leader for Cuba
Richard Lowrie (United Kingdom)
Saludos y Gracias. La lucha continua!
Mark Holding (United Kingdom)
An inspiration for socialists and communists and all people throughout the world.
Beverley McGowan (United Kingdom)
He lived a long and extraordinary life, inspired and supported millions of people around the world in their struggles, built a socialist society against all the odds and fought the most powerful imperialist powers.He was humble, he lived his life with consequence and dignity.
Soledad (United Kingdom)
Jens Roggow (Germany)
A true champion of the downtrodden and exploited who never wavered against American led propaganda
David Wilkinson (United Kingdom)
Mike Cattell (United Kingdom)
A true internationlist. Your contribution has been immense. Thank you Fidel. Love solidarity and respect. X
Lynne Roberts (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba
Thomas Farrell (United Kingdom)
Los hombres como tu nunca mueren Hasta siempre comandante!
Ivano Iogna Prat (Luxembourg)
A huge loss to the world. Your inspiration WILL live on. Long live the revolution!
Ron Brown (United Kingdom)
A great, great visionary, and a great human being.
Dave Puller (United Kingdom)
Yes, without a doubt you did evil things but you cared for the majority. Can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. Rest in Peace.
Josephine (France)
Many leaders make terrible mistakes. . Those in the "free world" have to be included. If we can tolerate Korea, Vietnam , South America and the Middle East and still admire imperialist history , we may wish we had at least gained some of the rights, to free education and health care , that Castro put in place. And those dancing and cheering his death should think about Batista, Pinochet , Marcos and the rest.
Maureen Wilsker (United Kingdom)
I will never forget how Fidel Castro inspired me.
julie sheppard (United Kingdom)
James Healy (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre, Comandante! Wir werden deinen Kampf weiter führen.
Karl-Reiner Engels (Germany)
My condolences to his family and also to the people of Cuba at the loss of a great leader and a great man.
Rob Ford (United Kingdom)
Stay strong Cuba. His work will live on.
Roger Wortley (United Kingdom)
Karl Jonasson (Sweden)
El mundo pierde a una de las figuras más importantes del siglo xx, que marcó la vida a millones de personas del mundo entero.¡Gloria eterna a nuestro invencible Comandante!. Hasta la Victoria Siempre. Patria o Muerte.Gracias Fidel!!!!
Ariagna Rivera Briso (Spain)
Human symbols are immortal.ElCommandante Fidel Castro became a symbol of human dignity,social justice,national independence and fighting imperialistic opression.He will keep living till the end of time.
Abdelgelil Mustafa,M.D. (Egypt)
May God bless him give Cuba strength and patience. R.I.P Comandante
Ercan Varli (Sweden)
Fidel Castro has been my guiding-star and through 50 years of my life has HE and CUBA given me and my children hope for a better and a peaceful world. I will allways Love Fidel and the Cuban people for this and I will keep coming back to Cuba.
Inka Persson (Sweden)
Hasta la vitória siempre, Comandante!
maria (United States of America)
Remembered with much sorrow, more pride and even more hope for the future. WHAT A GREAT MAN THANK YOU FIDEL
David Betchley (United Kingdom)
Keep fighting the good fight.
William Bohen (United Kingdom)
Return if Possible Comrade. Whole world needed person like you in this imperialist era. We Indian's are with people of Cuba in this situation.
Mahendra RH (India)
A true inspiration to millions of people round the world. His message will never die.
Paul Rutland (United Kingdom)
El mundo ha perdido un gran líder. Nuestros pensamientos están con ustedes. Hasta siempre comandante.
Julie Carruthers (United Kingdom)
he will always be a credit to manhood
Jack Preston (United Kingdom)
Martin Johnson (United Kingdom)
I had to stop watching the bbc news shortly after they began yesterday...the by now to be expected bias was immediate...Fidel was, is and always will be a hero to those of us who desire to see a world free from the violence and hatred that is poisoning our planet.
alexander morton (United Kingdom)
"La muerte no es verdad cuando se ha cumplido bien la obra de la vida." - Jose Marti La Revolucion continuara. ¡Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Barbudos de Sierra Maestra Blog (http://barbudosde (Greece)
Sincere condolences on the loss of your great leader.
Sheila Coltman (United Kingdom)
Fidel, you inspired us all.
Alison Spencer (United Kingdom)
You have been an inspiration to me since I saw the first newsreels of your triumphant entry to Havana. Your inspiration will live on.
Sean Thompson (United Kingdom)
¡Hasta Siempre Fidel! You inspired millions to fight injustice, including myself, for that we are eternally grateful. The Cuban people are a truly revolutionary people, never barbarism, siempre socialismo! With the utmost solidarity and condolences from The Communist Party of Britain and the Young Communist League. Viva Cuba, viva Fidel. Patria o muerte!
Stefan Barrie (United Kingdom)
Que duerma en paz.
Paul Barrett (United Kingdom)
Deepest sympathy to the Cuban people for losing their tribune and leader in the struggle against US imperialism.
Ollie Coxhead (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba, kampen fortsécurren;tter för en annan vécurren;rld!
Ingemar Lallon Albertsson (Sweden)
"La muerte no es verdad cuando se ha cumplido bien la obra de la vida." - Jose Marti La Revolucion continuara. ¡Hasta La Victoria Siempre!
Myrsini Tsakiri (Greece)
A genuine inspiration for anyone who believes in justice and standing up to bullies. We will never forget you. And I for one, pledge in the words of the famous and inspirational Paul Robeson song "I'll keep fighting, until I'm dying".
Roshan Pedder (United Kingdom)
I send my deepest sorrow and condolences at the passing of a Cuban and world statesman and icon. May you rest in peace Fidel and thank you for everything you have given in an incredible life! Gracias Fidel!
Oliver Charleston (United Kingdom)
Ann CollinsI have visited Cuba many times since 1994, and have very good friends in Cienfuegos. My friends in Cuba are so sad, but very proud of Fidel and his legacy
Ann Collins (United Kingdom)
James Harkness (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre ! A uno de los Padres de la Patria Grande
Eduardo Rueda (Sweden)
Sempre al fianco del popolo cubano. Grazie Fidel.
barbara mancini (Italy)
History is on your side, Commandante.
Stephen Smellie (United Kingdom)
May you legacy last a millennium
Kevin Hall (United Kingdom)
hasta la victoria siempre comandante. History will absolve you if it hasn't already. Rest in power.
Darren Rogers (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Rob (United Kingdom)
A great man & icon - gone to be reunited with his friend Che Guevara.
Jack Paton (United Kingdom)
Fidel - an inspiration to us all.
Brian Lester (United Kingdom)
Bo Harringer (Sweden)
The world has lost a great man
Mary Ferrie (United Kingdom)
Rachel Rance (France)
My deepest sorrow at the passing of a great man and communist. You will never be forgotten Fidel. Long live our glorious party, Long live Communism!
Ryan Herrmann (United Kingdom)
My sincere condolences to the familie and the Cuban people.
Lili Bammens (Belgium)
Thank God for people of his caliber!
Elaine Halton (United Kingdom)
The end of an era. Condolences. Best wishes for the future for your beautiful country.
Amanda (United Kingdom)
My Sincere condolences to the Castro Family and the People Of Cuba.
Colin James Smitn (United Kingdom)
Es lebe Fidel! Es lebe die kubanische Revolution. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Alice Isaakides (Germany)
R.I.P. Fidel, a true socialist
Dave Penn (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba. Ate a vitoria sempre. Patria ou morte. Viva o comandante em chefe FIDEL DE CASTRO!!!!! VENCEREMOS
mariana refachinho (Portugal)
Hasta siempre comrade Fidel X
Patricia Mallett (United Kingdom)
Es lebe Fidel! Es lebe die kubanische Revolution. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Manolis Isaakides (Greece)
R.I.P comrade
christopher (United Kingdom)
You're a beacon of hope and light and you've showed another world is possible. Rest well.
Arthur Richardson and Avis Gilmore (United Kingdom)
A great leader who inspired millions and changed the face of Latin American politics.
Greg Hewitt (United Kingdom)
True man.
john Kenton (United Kingdom)
Chris Godbold (United Kingdom)
You showed the world that there was an alternative to the greed and selfishness that most leaders display.
Gerard Devlin (Ireland)
Bob Stephenson (United Kingdom)
Viva Le revolution comrade Fidel.i hope you come back soon to lead the next one. Great leader for a great people.
John mc cann (Ireland)
Conor (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Jörgen Johansson (Sweden)
Jaime Veve (United States of America)
Fidel was a very courageous man to stand up against the might of USA. He was an inspiration to all freedom fighters/strugglers across the world. He brought education, health care and social justice to millions. Rest in peace!
Khan Moghal (United Kingdom)
Jose Ferrer (Sweden)
True Man of the People
Ruth (United Kingdom)
Farewell Comrade you were and will be an inspiration to workers and peasants the world over.
Terence Bayes (United Kingdom)
My message is that we the people will carry on with the revolution and fight for justice. May Allah forgive your sins and give you a place in heaven with CHE. Ameen
PERVAIZ KHAN (United Kingdom)
A son and the sun of cuban revolution has departed. Lalsalam
Sreekumar Sekhar (India)
The admirable strength and support for humanity as been an inspiration for many worldwide, we thank you.
Nicola (Switzerland)
Fidel will continue to be an inspiration to the Cuban people and to all those around the world fighting for their freedom and rights.
Darryl Hillgrove (United Kingdom)
One of the greatest leaders of this world, of all times!
Christer Myrén (Sweden)
thank you for giving the people of Cuba Free Education and a Wonderful Health service
sheila (United Kingdom)
Shaun Anderson (United Kingdom)
Rinella Cere (United Kingdom)
To a leader that inspired and showed the world what solidarity can achieve, may you rest in peace and your family and comrades take comfort in that you couldn't of lived a better life for others.
Darren Gallacher (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel. Thank you for the inspiration and leadership you have shown so consistently for so long. Thank you for showing the world that free healthcare, free education and the right to culture is not a gracious concession from capitalism but something won through the flesh and blood struggle, the solidarity and the conscious striving of many millions with their symbols of defiance and resistance and among them the example of Fidel Castro
Andy Diagram (United Kingdom)
We will never forget him. A hero.
Angela Devlin (Ireland)
Les Garner (United Kingdom)
Good bye comandante. Your legacy lives on
Jack youd (United Kingdom)
To a great example for the world that the dog eat dog idea of gross capitalism is the wrong way to run the world.
tonyeyres (United Kingdom)
I would have liked you to wait until I arrive in your country in January 2017 before leaving ... Thank you for what you have done for your people, for your country and for all those in the world fighting for their independence J'aurai aimé que tu attendes que j'arrive dans ton pays en janvier 2017 avant de partir... Merci pour ce que tu as fait pour ton peuple, pour ton pays et pour tous ceux qui dans le monde lutte pour leur indépendance ... Hasta la victoria siempre ! Alain
La historia me absolverá - sincere condolences to the Castro family, end of an era, a true fighter for the ordinary person, architect of true socialism. Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Simon Waller (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a great inspiration to all fighting for socialism, equality and justice
Lesli Miller (United Kingdom)
(Russian Federation)
Red salute
Sreekumar . Js (United Kingdom)
The loss of a man who, though not perfect, freed his country from the control of a corrupt, US-backed dictator. Fidel and Che will be brothers-in-arms again wherever they are.
Robin Vyrnwy-Pierce (United Kingdom)
A truly great man. Almost insanely courageous but wise with it.
Gerald Traynor (France)
Fidel, a great revolutionary, humanist and thinker!
Erik Anderson (Sweden)
Fidel, inspirador de la mejor de las causas fundamentado en la honradez, la valentía, la lucha incesante del gran hombre del siglo XX: la justicia social, la igualdad, la fraternidad de la humanidad.
To bring such a small island out of the corruption of American control. To educate one`s population to such a high degree.To ensure a healthy populous.To send aid to the less fortunate and to help bring about a fairer South Africa, Fidel was a leader amongst not only his men but amongst leaders.He had his faults as do we all but his country was a joy to visit and his people, the kindest I have ever met.Hasta siempre, Comandante, be with your comrades.I doubt we will see your like, again.
Melissa & Alun Roberts (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel has been an inspiration to me for all of my life as has Cuba been.I am heart broken at the news but we should celebrate Fidel's life and not mourn his death,La historia me absolverá
Aoife Geoghegan (Ireland)
Goodbye comrade we will never see your like again what you achieved in my eyes is giving your people the right to self determination
Joe simpson (United Kingdom)
Fidel était une référence intellectuelle, éthique, politique mondiale. Le travail mené par lui, ses frères et ses soeurs est exemplaire pour l'humanité. Adios commandante. Hasta la victoria siempre !
Nicole Van Dael (Belgium)
Salute to a leader who was a true internationalist and supported the struggles of oppressed everywhere.
Brijesh Sharma (India)
Mohamad Fadda (Palestine)
¡Fidel, siempre estaremos contigo!
Antonio Moles Castán (Spain)
Hearty condolence for our comreds Red salute
Shajimon (United Kingdom)
RIP - I am in particular impressed by your Cuban doctors who have brought relief to suffering people around the globe !
Eva Berglund (Sweden)
Fidel did the right things at the right time. His ideas will stay for a long time. Hasta la victoria siempre !
Raimund Jungbauer (Germany)
Seguiremos su legado.
Salvador Oliva Solá (Spain)
Let's not forget that he gave Cuba its freedom from the Batista government and the United States' ownership of its industries, and the Mafia-controlled island.
Patricia Ann Ruddle (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba!
Peter Cannon (United Kingdom)
Glad that he and the Cuban revolution survived for so long against the odds.
Barbara Humphries (United Kingdom)
Fidel will live in our minds and inspire us all the time till the world exist.
Leyose (United Kingdom)
¡Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Christine Vaple (Sweden)
Deepest sympathies to the Cuban people at this sad time ......Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Jim Quinn (Ireland)
He fought Capitalism and despite many attempts to kill him, he died of old age. He will never be forgotten. May he now RIP xx
angie stack (United Kingdom)
Condolences on the loss of Comrade Fidel. His memory will live in our hearts, immortal alongside Che. Keep the revolution alive.
James Mclelland (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on the loss of Fidel an inspiration to us all,to rid the world on colonialism and imperialism. His respect for the rights women and his value of education and health services for all will be his lasting memorial, he will be missed but will live in our memories and continue to inspire all who loved him.
Hazel Hannan (United Kingdom)
So sad
Anna's Cafe (United Kingdom)
Paul Thorn (United Kingdom)
Eres un viviente
André Lobato (United Kingdom)
Vous nous avez démontre que rien n'est impossible quand un peuple se met en marche pour sa liberté . Dans des conditions très difficile ,vous avez tenu téordf;te ö l'état le plus puissant du monde et malgré l'inique embargo ,le peuple cubain poursuit la construction du socialisme . merci Fidel pour tout ce que vous nous avez apporté .
Raymond MATEU (France)
Heartfelt condolences to the heroic people of Cuba on the loss of a giant of the revolution and an iconic world statesman.
Michael Wongsam (United Kingdom)
Red salute comrade.
Rajesh K (United Kingdom)
Jamie J (United Kingdom)
A giant on the world stage. Long live the revolution.
Ray Barkley (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Liz Armstrong (United Kingdom)
A brilliant light has gone out; never let the shadows win. Viva Fidel. Viva Cuba.
Ash Martin (United Kingdom)
Gracias, Fidel.Gracias, Cuba
Gordana Jovanovic (Serbia)
Always a hero.
Michael Bailey (United States of America)
Professor John Pinkerton (United Kingdom)
A great leader has passed away but I´m sure the Cuban people will continue it´s march towards prosperity and equality for all.
Clemens Lilliesköld (Sweden)
A great figure leaves the stage.
ian Gregory (United Kingdom)
For a better world for all. In memory of Fidel.
Judith Stephenson (United Kingdom)
On the road near Trinidad, a billboard message: '200 million children in the world sleep on the streets. Not one of them is Cuban'. This is what Fidel Castro's revolution is all about. He will not be forgotten.
Lionel Caplan (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel. An inspiration to the world. Respect to the people of Cuba and their solidarity against the blockade. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Bob Fazakerley (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the Castro family and the people of Cuba. We love Fidel. Viva Fidel!Viva Cuba!
Michelle Brierley (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel you were an inspiration for all those struggling for a better world. Long live the Cuban revolution! Long live socialism! Hasta Siempre!
Dominic MacAskill (United Kingdom)
Tosh McDonald (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante!
Lee Lynch (United Kingdom)
Memoria Eterna Del Líder Máximo de la Humanidad y del Mundo Comandante Fidel Castro Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Aristides P. Kalamiotis (Greece)
David Eldridge (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to working class,a real leader who lead from the front, history will show you proved another world was possible to the betterment of many not the few. A massive loss to the labour and working class movement
Brian Reynolds (United Kingdom)
My father John Moore was one of the "Red Clydeside" members of the Communist Party in the 1940's in Scotland. Fidel Castro was his hero for standing up to the USA. Condolences and hope your country will never forget him.
Linden Moore (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro led the brave Cuban people in the creation of a country which has shown that a better world is possible for us all.I share your grief that he has died, but I know that you will continue in your fight against all forms of oppression. Viva la revolution!
Olive Smiles (United Kingdom)
Innalilahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon - Arabic for "To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return." (Quran Surat Al Baqarah 2:156) Castro God had given you a mission in life, whether you believed in God or not, S/He believed in you and gave you the Time needed to do what needed to be done. God bless you.
Nahid Aslam (United Kingdom)
Fidel, an inspiration to the world, your flame will never go out.
Phil Gunn (United Kingdom)
Adios Comandante!"My wife and entire family will remember for your leadership of the Cuban revolution and for advances in Cuba in the fields of education, literacy and health. Your "legacy" and "your example in Latin America is going to serve as an incentive for today's generation especially my Grandchildren to continue to struggle for a Cuba that is free, sovereign, independent, and free of the embargo," You have been my hero throughout since 1959 and when you paid the visit to Tanzania (my birthplace) in 1977 with Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere. It was an remarkable occasion in my life. You will be greatly missed Comandante, and my heartfelt condolences to your family and The people of Cuba who were very lucky to have had a leader like yourselves. May your SOUL REST IN ETERNAL PEACE. Amen!
Harish Shah (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba! May your country continue to be a beacon for progressive people around the world!
John Grierson (United Kingdom)
With the deepest respect to a great man for his people, a defender of freedom, who never gave up. Rest in peace Commandante.
Annie Railton (United Kingdom)
An inspiration to me and millions of others. Cheers Fidel.
James L.Bellsham-Revell (United Kingdom)
Congratulations to the revolution for ensuring free universal health care and free universal education of the highest quality for the Cuban people. The rest of the world needs to follow this example. Cuba and the Cuban people are amazing and I hope to return to visit soon
Avril alexander (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences to the family and the people of Cuba. A hero.
Brenda (United Kingdom)
Grande Comandante viverá para sempre em todos os coraésect;émicro;es que anseiam por liberdade Hasta la victoria siempre!
Joépound;o Saboia Jr (Brazil)
In solidarity with the people of Cuba
Karen reay (United Kingdom)
alousa (Greece)
Mando mi sincera pésame al pueblo Cubano por la disapareción fisica de su Comandante en Jefe. Muchas gracias a Fidel, tuve 13 años buenos en Cuba, que siempre voy a echar de menos. Las idéas de Fidel siguen vivas y ahora es para nosotros a continuar su lucha. Con mucha tristeza. Elisa
Elisabeth Mary Bird (Spain)
Respect and solidarity from the U.K
jeffrey rawlinsonrespect (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on your loss of Fidel Castro, a great and wonderful man. Fidel was a true hero and an inspiration for people all over the world. Hasta siempre, El Commandante
Mark Chesworth (United Kingdom)
RIP Comrade! Viva Cuba, Viva Fidel!
Michael Harrison (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace
Sean Nolan (United Kingdom)
Il popolo cubano ha subito una pesante perdita, Fidel é stato un dirigente politico eccezionale. Il popolo cubano certamente troverá il coraggio per andare avanti nella costruzione di uno stato socialista indipendente.
Michele Trocini (Italy)
Llevaremos siempre con nosotros su ejemplo, su amor, su disciplina y su consequencia. En las palabras del activista laboral y compositor de canciones, Joe Hill, Don't mourn, organise. Me comprometo de incementar mi solidaridad con el pueble cubano.
Kate Hodgson (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was a thorn in the side of imperialism, a great marxist/Leninist who will be sadly missed. We salute the memory of his revolutionary spirit.
Alan Stuart (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel. Thank you for all you have done to improve the lives of the people of Cuba and the world. x
isobel (United Kingdom)
The struggle continues
Carey (United Kingdom)
Just finished a deeply inspiring guided tour of beautiful Cuba and on returning to learn of the sad loss of El Commandante Fidel I'm even more deeply moved. Your revolutionary example and legacy will never be forgotten and will continue to inspire new generations in Cuba and the world. DOWN WITH THE BLOCKADE AND THE ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF GUANTANAMO BY US IMPERIALISM. Haste Siempre Commandante
Wilf Dixon (United Kingdom)
An inspirational Leader
Tom Murphy (United Kingdom)
El Carcelero de la isla de prision Cuba se fue !
olavi collan (Finland)
An inspiration to generations of socialists. Our lives and our movement will be impoverished by his death.
Maggie Dunn (United Kingdom)
His revolutionary spirit will remain an example to the world.
Frieda Park (United Kingdom)
Trump relies on Floridan gangsters to be elected. The World has lost a true hero with the passing of Fidel.
Michael Pope (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Frank Stappaerts (Belgium)
by my reading of history you were more than absolved, adios comrade y muchas gracias
Alan Hunter (United Kingdom)
RIP - you did more for your country than any other person alive today. Hope your successes live on.
Frances Crane (United Kingdom)
A legendary leader
Gill Griffin (United Kingdom)
We will carry on your fight, from the four corners of the globe.
Richard Brooks (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an inspiration to millions across the world he will be sadly missed Condolences to his family, comrades and the people of Cuba
Dave Proctor (United Kingdom)
I once bumped into Fidel (literally). We had been waiting hours for him to arrive at a rally for the Festival of Youth in Havana and I went looking for a toilet and bumped into him coming in to the arena. He then gave a 3 hour speech, which my friend translated for me. He also visited the camp we stayed at and we listened to beautiful revolutionary songs. A powerful and caring man and a life well lived.
Mike Hemmings (United Kingdom)
A real hero of the 20C.
Professor Harvey Goldsetin (United Kingdom)
Very sorry to hear of the passing of Fidel
Micheál Hennessy (Ireland)
my condolance on e great man
evrard chris (Belgium)
Fidel Castro continued to inspire with his writing which was posted in Granma. His messages were to do with the survival of humanity, nothing less. While he wasn't at Copenhagen he left a message supported by other leaders from Venezuela and Bolivia among others. We need his like in the world, particularly at this time. Our hearts go out to the people of Cuba, including the many friends made on two visits with delegations from the Socialist Labour Party. We were so warmly received and no where saw the kind of situation now being recycled by a right wing press. I attended a Conference in Havana in 2008, Marxism in 21st Century which gave testament to the effect Cuba had across the world under Fidel Castro's leadership. Cuba is a by word in medicine and education. It has punched far above its weight and shared resources. It's a model of Socialism for the whole world in the world of greed and hate under out of control Capitalism. As President of the Socialist Labour Party I pay tribute to Cuba, it's people and its great leaders. We will redouble our efforts to ensure Cuba not only thrives but continues to inspire the rest of us suffering under a wealthy world imposing austerity and poverty on the people.
John Tyrrell (United Kingdom)
Gracias por todo lo que ha hecho por la humanidad
Gerd Pettersson (Sweden)
An inspiration to the people. Another world is possible.
George White (United Kingdom)
Jayapal K V (India)
Our condolences to the Cuban people - and to all peoples to whom Fidel Castro was an idol, one who gave hope for a better world.
Volker Brécurren;utigam (Germany)
Was lucky enoug to visit Cuba a few years ago & feel the love it's citizens had for their leader. Also visited Biran where he was born. RIP Fidel!
Graham Boyce (United Kingdom)
RIP comrade.
Barry West (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel, the eternal commandante
Evan Sandford (United Kingdom)
Anne Mitchell (United Kingdom)
Fidel was an outstanding comrade who showed that another world is possible. This world is being built in Cuba and all over Latin America by the people the Cuban Revolution continues to inspire. Hasta La Victoria Siempre.
Michael Boyle (United Kingdom)
A toda a familia e ao povo cubano o meu mais profundo pesar pela morte do grande chefe cubano,grande exemplo de dignidade,forésect;a e perseveranésect;a que foi FIDEL DE CASTRO! VIVA FIDEL HOJE E SEMPRE! HASTA SIEMPRE CAMARADA !
Carmen Dora dos Santos Eusébi (Portugal)
Indefatigable fighter for peace and socialism we salute you. RIP comrade.
David Granville (United Kingdom)
Caring people of the world have lost a true friend, thank you for your life. R.i.p. Fidel
Graham Bates (United Kingdom)
To one of the greatest leaders of all time, your message and quest for justice will never fade. RIP, Fidel.
Jasmine Ramirez (United Kingdom)
sean kelly (United Kingdom)
Commandante Fidel Castro you teached us that the faith to the principles of Socialism and the tenacious struggle for liberty and social justice are the only things that can put an end to the barbarism of capitalism and imperialism. Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live Socialism
Alkis Sylikiotis (Cyprus)
Farewell Comrade ror you ghe fight is over. We owe it to you to continue. RIP
Brian Caton (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the Castro family and the people of Cuba. The dream of a more just world does not die.
Fred Marchesi (Norway)
Fidel, I salute your exemplary internationalism;particularly your un-matched solidarity with Africa.
Dan Thea (United Kingdom)
Wij bieden onze oprechte deelneming aan, aan de familie en aan het Cubaanse volk. Hij was een groot leider, waar wij nog heel veel van konden leren.
Viviane Aerts (Belgium)
So sad to hear of the death of one of the greatest men of my lifetime. By how much could the magnificent achievements of the Cuban Revolution have been improved on if the Americans had tried to work with the Cuban people instead of trying to suppress them
Ian Kemp (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante.
Juan J Rivas (Spain)
thanks for youre inspiration to get a better world
Servie L'Espoir (Neutral Zone)
A great man, who achieved so much. A true working class hero. R.I.P.
james killey (United Kingdom)
A brave and inspirational leader has passed.
Ann Rivers (United Kingdom)
FEGAR (France)
My deepest condolences on the death of Comrade Fidel to his family and to the people of Cuba.
Brian Holden (United Kingdom)
Great revolutionary who defended, social justice, a more equal and a just society. Fought against colonialism and supported the liberation movements of Latin American countries, South Africa, from Algeria to Palestine all the people who are fighting liberation from Western colonialism. An era of selfless great socialist leaders has ended with him.
Khalid Mehmood (United Kingdom)
Your memory will live for ever! Thanks for what you have done.
Bertil Gustafsson (Sweden)
Mi condolianzas al pueblo cubano Tiziano
Tiziano (Switzerland)
A brilliant leader in war and in peace, to keep the peace and maintain the revolutionary ideals is harder, but Fidel Castro has shown us how to do that. Our hope is that Roal will keep Cuba unique, safe and not under the thumb of capitalists.
Alison Williams (United Kingdom)
US presidents have come and gone but Fidel will live on forever!
Brian G (United Kingdom)
One of the worlds greatest, what a legacy history will judge him as that, no doubts!!
Tim (United Kingdom)
I am very sad to hear of the passing of Fidel Castro, a brilliant revolutionary leader. He was and is an inspiration. So sad that the US led suppression of his attempts to serve the people of Cuba caused so much chaos. In solidarity.
Phaedra McIntyre (United Kingdom)
Gracias por tu aportacion a la Humanidad. Tu compromiso ha saltado fronteras y obstaculos para llegar a todos los seres humanos
Montserrat Ponsa Tarres (Spain)
Enrico Soresini (United Kingdom)
His passing is a terrible loss. I hope that many nations will soon be led by his followers.
Devon JonesHis passing is a (United Kingdom)
A great Revolutionary has gone. Long live the Revolution
John Campbell (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was amazing in many many ways. We were lucky that he lived a very long life and gave us so much. We will all miss him.
Emily Furman (United Kingdom)
RIP el Comandante en Jefe. An inspiration for those who believe in national liberation, anti-imperialism, socialism, anti-racism and international solidarity. History will absolve you.
Peter Middleman (United Kingdom)
You will be missed by your people for what you achieved for them. Rest in peace.
Graham Keene (United Kingdom)
I am very sad. Peter
Peter Laherty (United Kingdom)
The leader who reflects the will of the Cuban People. He dictated to no-one. Love and respect to his family and the Cuban People. He was our Hero.
David Neve and Anne Hazlehurst (United Kingdom)
A brave, brave leader. Fidel and his brother Raul, stand alone as World leaders who have actually fought their own battles, unlike the cowards in power who get others to fight their battles for them. Fidel was a survivor of the most despicable and relentless campaign to remove him by successive US administrations, and by the economic throttling of Cuba and its wonderful people. Thankfully, the love and genuine affection of his people helped to lead him through externally imposed hardship. That he achieved all that he did, in spite of the deliberate obstacles placed before him was miraculous. Think what he could have achieved if he'd been allowed an even playing field. Fidel. The planet is so much poorer for your departure.
Jonathan Sansome (United Kingdom)
Your country is unique in the world because of the courage of your leader! Honor his heritage.
Boonen (Belgium)
You are a true inspiration to the world. You proved despite American imperialism and petty grudge, you can build a different type of society that puts free healthcare and education as its priority. Thank you and rest in peace comrade
Henry Fowler (United Kingdom)
organise educate control.keep the revolution alive!
Pete Webb (United Kingdom)
The Revolution will continue; this will be your legacy. RiP
Brian Carroll (United Kingdom)
We have been lucky Enough to visit your beautiful country twice. How inspiring it was to hear local people talk of their leader with such reverence. It is nothing like this in my country. Wa true man of the people. God bless you and rest in peace.
Kerry russell (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro restera dans l'Histoire comme l'exemple de la résistance inlassable ö la coercition impériale. J'adresse ö sa famille et au peuple cubain mes sincères condoléances et l'espoir que Cuba trouve sa juste place dans l'ordre mondial nouveau en train de naéreg;tre dans la douleur.
Alain Corvez (France)
Liz Hutchins (United Kingdom)
A magnificent life in the service of the working class
Matt Gordon (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Peter Collins (United Kingdom)
I have visited Cuba many times since my first visit in 1974 as a 'professore invitado' teaching masters level students at CUJAE, some of whom had fought alongside Fidel and Che in the struggle leading to the 1959 triumph of the revolution. It is obvious what benefits Fidel brought to the people of Cuba, in terms of health, education (not least literacy), culture, social justice, equality and elimination of discrimination. Despite his death he remains an inspiration to us all. Siempre es veinte seiz!
Dr Phillip Willey (United Kingdom)
David Platt (United Kingdom)
A great man, who will go down in history as a man who fought against the tyranny of imperialism and the death squads of dictatorism. Castro cared about his people and the world's opressed.
edward davies/christine davies (United Kingdom)
Your life, from the early beginnings, when you landed with your small group of guerrillas on the island, to helping the Cuban people realise the vision of a country run on its own terms and standing up to the United States, is truly extraordinary. And many other countries have benefited from your superb doctors and teachers. We need great leaders more than ever in the 21st century. You have accomplished your great task, my friend, and won't be forgotten.
Judith Chimowitz (United Kingdom)
Goodbye Comandante. RIP.
Christopher Brook (United Kingdom)
Siemen (Belgium)
Great man, great example!
Michael Barnes (United Kingdom)
Revolution never dies!!
Kerttu Vali (Finland)
Fidel inspired millions both inside Cuba Latin and South America and the wide Third World to take the power in their own Countries and in the process confront their own oppressors and exploiters! Great example of how Imperialism racism and oppression can be defeated and a better, more human focused society created.Yes-.Socialism does work its not just theories !
Rodney (United States of America)
The example set by Fidel will continue to influence coming generations. His work does not die with him.
Jo Hillgrove (United Kingdom)
Hermes Romy (Luxembourg)
Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba. Your loss will be felt by the people of the world. Fidel's internationalism, leadership and inspiration will live on forever.
John Gray (United Kingdom)
Kair Tolonen (Finland)
Farewell to a great leader,condolences to the people of Cuba.
Stephen Doe (East Timor)
Jose Luis Basulto Ruiz (Cuba)
Keith kivelehan (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace, Fidel, A True Revolutionary !
James Mullen (United Kingdom)
Thank you for helping to free Africa from apartheid. May your soul rest in peace.
Patricia Daley (United Kingdom)
R.I.E.P My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this precious time may God bless them. My thoughts are also with the people of Cuba hoping you can get another leader to the standards of Mr Castro.
Kylie Danning (United Kingdom)
May other peoples rid themselves of the tyranny of consumer capitalism and lives lives for each other as they do in Cuba. Long live Fidel as the power of a good example
Sarah shorter (United Kingdom)
Farewell to one of the twentieth century's great revolutionary leaders.
David Drever (United Kingdom)
Larry (United States of America)
Fidel, a very sad day, this world has lost a brilliant amazing person. I will miss you , my hero. X
Shane large-taylor (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro
Mandie Walton (United Kingdom)
The fight for equality, justice and the fight against greed and hate have lost one of its leading Comrades. The revolution lives on but we mourn the loss of one of its architects and inspirational leaders. Solidarity and No Pasaran!
Declan Clune (United Kingdom)
Rest now. Your legacy lives on.
Janice Mayer (United Kingdom)
With thanks to Fidel Castro, for remaining steadfast to the cause of socialism. Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba. Keep flying Fidel's flag!
Tony Briscoe (United Kingdom)
So sad the end of a wonderful life dedicated to the life of others.
Nadia Perkins (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel for your endless engagement and social care! The world should have a lot more of leaders like you, who take care for the 99% instead of taking care for the 1%. Your beliefs will live on in the minds of those who are committed to a social world! Hart boven hard -heart above hard. with love, Carola
Carola Vane Hove (Belgium)
The world seems a little darker and duller today. I pledge to carry on fighting for another world.A fairer,equal world for all people.Farewell Commondante. History has absolved you.
Steven Redfern (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences. Fidel, you fought a good fight against the occupying powers, the controlling might of the USA and other evil forces. I hope that your legacyis one of peace and goodwill to all men and may Cuba prosper.
Julian (United Kingdom)
sincères condoléances
IZORCE Gérard (France)
Farewell to a great man
Peter Kitchen (United Kingdom)
The world has lost an icon and one of its most charismatic, eloquent inspirational leaders of the revolutionary movement in the 20th Century.. The path illuminated by the Commandant -in-Cheif Fidel Castro Ruz, the outstanding leader of the Cuban revolution, staunch internationalist and architect of socialism will continue to inspire progressive and revolutionary people world over. Long live Solidarity with Cuba in defending and advancing the Cuban Revolution.
Harsev Bains (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the Cuban people on the sad loss of your great revolutionary. May he rest in peace.
Sylvester Cronin (Ireland)
His legacy will live on.
Helen (United Kingdom)
"Hasta la victoria siempre"
Ricardo Costa (Switzerland)
Hasta la victoria siempre, comandante. You lived your whole life for your country and the Cuban people
Helen Doig (United Kingdom)
Requiescat In Pace
T.P. Kamminga (Netherlands)
Fidel Castro was a great leader and Communist who successfully with the Cuban Communist Party built a socialist economy in the Caribbean. Preventing all attempts by US imperialism to turn Cuba back into becoming a plaything for the Yankee bourgeoisie. In Britain the working class movement mourns Castro, whilst the Trotskyists accuse him of being a dictator, and, the capitalist media pours out a barrage of lies and propaganda about him. The Cuban people have started 9 days of mourning for him, which demonstrates that he was admired and loved. He was respected across the world by the people, particularly in the oppressed countries of Latin and South America. In Comradeship, Mervyn Drage, member of UNITE the Union,Manchester Community Branch.
Mervyn Drage (United Kingdom)
The people of the world have lost a great Communist and son of the Cuban people. The part played in leading the fight for freedom in Cuba, Latin America and Africa and the Middle East, and the inspiration he brought to all decent people is an example that will always be respected, admired and is an inspiration to all peoples fighting for liberation from imperialism. I share your great loss.
Michael Costello PhD (United Kingdom)
Comrade , your bravery your compassion your vision will continue to inspire generations to come. The world is indebted to you in particular Latin America will en ale your spirit and compassion come back to life , my heart felt sadness for all the poor and the oppressed whowill feel a father of the revolution has left us . Viva la revolution long live the revolution
Peter (United Kingdom)
Kurt Wirth (Germany)
Ben Parker (United Kingdom)
The legacy of Fidel Castro will never be forgotten. His dedication to social justice and equality will be remembered eternally. RIP.
Alisdair Pickering (United Kingdom)
Faro y guía de internacionalismo y antiimperialismo. ¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Manuel Pardo (Spain)
Condolences to the People of Cuba on the death of your inspirational leader.
Tobias Abse (United Kingdom)
Always remembering a great Commununist
George Anthony (United Kingdom)
Lorenzo (Australia)
Condolences to the People of Cuba on the death of your inspirational leader.
Jane Susanna Ennis (United Kingdom)
Long live reviolution
Hareendra Nath M (India)
Viva Fidel! You will Always be in the hearts of millions.
An De Bruyne (Belgium)
I celebrate your life, Fidel. You made Cuba an inspiration to the gredy individualistic capitalist world and showed another way. And what a triumph the 'special period' was. And you never lived in a palace or acquired riches for yourself.
Frances Reynolds (United Kingdom)
A man who brought health & education to Cubans
Annette Thomas (United Kingdom)
A great leader hasses passed away. The struggle conyinues!
Tara McArthur (United Kingdom)
To the man who defied the vengeful spite of the USA for decades, and led his people away from a brutally corrupt government.
Francis Beckett (United Kingdom)
People of Cuba, My condolences and respect to a leader that for my years maintain the dignity of Cuba and was example to the world. With love and respect, Johana
Johana (United Kingdom)
Until Victory Always - I Salute You Commander Castro
Philip Bottley (United Kingdom)
It is a very sad news for us, we will miss the man who stand against the machine of killing. But he left CUBA strong and legend, despite the evil acts of USA, despite the decades of sanctions and blockaid. we hope CUBA will stay strong to carry on the development.. God Bless the Cubian..Rest in Peace Castro the real leader
ibtesam Yousif (United Kingdom)
The world is a much darker place now. However our beloved Fidel lives on in the heart of humanity. RIP Fidel.
Nancy Jakubiak (United States of America)
Ingrid Nilsson Norén (Sweden)
Your Inspiration will be a lasting legacy.
Jacky Carter (United Kingdom)
On behalf of Harlow Labour Party , a long standing supporter of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, I offer our deepest sympathy to all the people of Cuba at this sad time
Charlie Cochrane (United Kingdom)
Deeply saddened at the death of the leaderof a revolution that holds so much hope for us all. But the fruits of the revolution will continue and be a beacon for us all.
Denise Taylor (United Kingdom)
May the people of Cuba soon recover the land of Guantanamo Bay from the Americans.
Geof Freeman (United Kingdom)
R.I.P. Commandante. Your strength, integrity and inspiration to us all has inspired us to overcome the oppressors. Viva la Revolucion.!!!!
Stephen William Wallace (United Kingdom)
Nothing is impossible for those who fight.
Jarl Nilsson (Sweden)
Anne Speed (Ireland)
RIP! Fidel!
Carol jackson (Australia)
Asta la Victoria, SIEMPRE!
Pedro Nuno Pereira Rodrigues (Portugal)
History will indeed absolve Comrade. Fidel led a long life dedicated to the revolutionary struggle. He is an example to us all. He was a bulwark against imperialism. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Stewart Pettigrew (United Kingdom)
A real loss, and my thoughts go out to the people of Cuba.
Kate Hurley (United Kingdom)
Matti Laitinen (Finland)
Thank you for the enormous strength, courage, wit and determination to stand up against the ravages and oppressions of Global Imperialism - The Cuban people have had to endure all sorts of sacrifices that is without dispute, but I hope with the changes that are to come all is that is not in vain.
alice norris (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro has been a great man and a wonderful hero and he has done so much for his people and for many African countries. Fidel Castro introduced free health care and free education. I have always been impressed by Fidel Castro and how he changed Cuba from the time of Batista who was a tyrant.
Charles Turner (United Kingdom)
Fidel,siempre inspiraras. Gracias Comandante.
ANDY FRAMPTON (United Kingdom)
Tus ideas perduran
Martin Leete (United Kingdom)
You will be greatly missed Commandante. Hasta la victoria siempre!
James Taylor (United Kingdom)
¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Anders Svensson (Estonia)
A true fighter and internationalist Viva Cuba!
Diana Grierson (United Kingdom)
Tony Mondelaers (Belgium)
Condolences to the Cuban people on the loss of one of the great leaders of this or any other era. An inspiration to the rest of the world, often unfairly maligned. La lucha contua!
Dave Winder (United Kingdom)
marie-Franésect;oise Bavaud (Switzerland)
Condolences... Long live fidel
Jayasheelan m a (India)
Sylvain Piqué (Belgium)
Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba. The romantic revolutionary and apartheid campaigner has died. His legacy, a proud and independent Cuba with an education and Heath service that the USA can't boast of. Fidel was untouchable by the CIA and usa plots to invade and economic boycotts. Legend. Viva Cuba.
Niamh o brady (United Kingdom)
Robert Weber (Germany)
Red salute
Achu (India)
I feel sad at the passing of this great man. He has been an nspiration to me and many people for 50 years. My sympathy and living condolences to his family and the people of Cuba.
Maureen Bailey (United Kingdom)
It was a source of pride to live in his times, and a privilege to visit Cuba. Cuba's freedom must not be lost.
Imogen Forster (United Kingdom)
You are still are an inspiration to all mankind.
tony evans (United Kingdom)
ANlL KUMAR K V (India)
I am very sad . The communist world has lost the great leader. But Fidel's Cuba will live forever.
Nur Güleése (Turkey)
He was one of the greatest man of our century for me and my family!
Peter M. Richter (Germany)
It is with great sadness that I sign this book of condolence. Fidel Castro has been an inspiration to me. Cuba is a bright spark in an ever more dangerous greedy World. My hope is that the example of this great country will continue to go from strength to strength. This will be the fitting memorial to a very great man.
Nadia Ellis (United Kingdom)
Great man! Greatest! Cuban people, stay on his way, do not let capitalism destroy you!
Mesud Peco (Croatia)
Un dia triste para la humanidad, viva la revolucion cubana!
John Anthony Cassidy (United Kingdom)
Condolences on the loss of an inspirational leader and humanitarian. The achievements of Fidel, his cohort and the socially democratic movement they inspired are unique in history. Cuba has shown the world there is another way to organise society and its resources to the benefit of all and not the few. Be proud.
Julie Hale (United Kingdom)
A sad loss
John Wild (United Kingdom)
Thoughts are with the family and people if Cuba
Roz (United Kingdom)
Grudo Moris Fahsig (Germany)
A great leader ti his people......Inspirational
Steve Scott (United Kingdom)
Words cannot express the deep sense of loss at the death of Fidel Castro Ruz who was an inspiration to all those who believe that another world is possible. Fidel led Cuba's Revolution yet it will continue to live on in the hearts of the Cuban people. As we salute such a great revolutionary leader we pledge to continue the struggle against the US blockade and for the return of Guantanamo to Cuba. Be assured our solidarity is stronger than ever as our thoughts are with the people of Cuba at this sad time. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Fr. Geoff Bottoms (United Kingdom)
Cuba's struggle against the empire of chaos is an inspiration to those of us concerned about human rights, environmental and social justice and planteary resilience, only possible when capitalism is no more. Either we end capitalism, or it will end us. Fidel will always be in our hearts.
John lindblaf (United States of America)
Fidel Castro was,He is and will always be a great inspiration to socialists across the globe and particularly to us here in Africa... Our thoughts and prayers to the people of Cuba in this moment of trial... To his family and to all men and women who regarded Castro as their source of strength in the great struggle against all sort of oppression... Father Castro you will always be with us forever... Your legacy will never be forgotten... R.I.P commander... We love you
Matthew Mugaruka (Zaire)
With heartfelt sympathy to the people of Cuba. As we gathered in London for our annual Latin America conference 'Adelante' 2016 yesterday Nov 26th, memories of Fidel were honoured throughout the day. What an inspiration for us all going forward.
Sheila Amoo-Gottfried (United Kingdom)
Un ultimo abrazo Hasta siempre amigo comandante Muchissimas gracias por tu ejemplo Dr. Klaus Piel director de la HCH-Humanitécurren;re Cubahilfe e.V., Alemania
Dr. Klaus U. Piel (Germany)
As a former secretary of the Britain-Cub Resource Centre (predecessor to the Cuba Solidarity Campaign) I want to say that, under the incredible leadership of Fidel, I have been personally inspired for six decades to play my part in the struggle for peace, justice and equality, through two Jose Martiz Brigades, innumerable dealings with embassy staff, and friendships made with lots of Cuban people. Thank you Fidel!
Colin Groves (United Kingdom)
Fidels Werk und seine Botschaft sind unsterblich. Es lebe die Revolution!
Markus Heizmann (Switzerland)
En solidaridad
Leonie Rushforth (United Kingdom)
You did a lot of good. Much much more than most people. Your place in history is assured and you have provided a superb example to the world.
Sebastian (United Kingdom)
Mats Fahlberg (Sweden)
The world has lost a great man. Building a Healthcare system and Education system which are the envy of the world, he showed the hegemony of the USA to be nothing against a United People.
John McCrea (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a great man who achieved so much for the people of Cuba. He will be sorely missed.
Jean Wallace (United Kingdom)
A true inspiration to us all, more so now with rampant Capitalism on the rise. When people decide to throw off the shackles of Capitalist Fascism, they have a moral template to follow in Fidel.
Christopher Munro (United Kingdom)
To the peoples of the Republic of Cuba. All revolutionaries and class-conscious peoples of the world share your mourning of your dearest comandante. The man, Fidel has died, but his ideas, and vision, la revolución Cubana remain and continue to advance. Hasta la victoria siempre! Venceremos!
Nikolas Stanley (Canada)
r.i.p fidel castro.a great man who fought for his country and what he believed in..
john judge (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre comandante
Bernardine (Belgium)
Margrit Schlosser (Switzerland)
Really sad news.Fidel will always be there to inspire others.R.I.P.
Bob Walker (United Kingdom)
Power to the people. Communism is humanity. We continue to fight for a socialist society. Wherever we are in solidarity. Rest now comrade. Your legacy was also inspiration. We continue.
comrade Bobbie-Jo Treglown (United Kingdom)
Thanks for working with Che & so many others to show us all that another world IS possible!
Allan Todd (United Kingdom)
Anne Connolly (United Kingdom)
My thoughts are with the people of Cuba at this time and especially with the family and close friends of a man who will be remembered for all he did for Cubans .
louise homer (United Kingdom)
Kurt laurin (Sweden)
Contrary to the press in my country, which calls Fidel's passing away 'the end of a period', I am deeply convinced that Fidel Castro Ruz's life means 'the beginning of a period', where a new human being comes into existence, a human being able to build an era where the exploitation of man by man, comes to a decisive end.
Dirk De Zutter (Belgium)
My heart goes out to the people of Cuba at this sad time. What a man Fidel was and what a wonderful life he had. Viva Cuba.
Sandra Brierley (United Kingdom)
My love and thoughts to all Fidel's family and the Cuban people also to the friends of Cuba around the world.Solidarity and Long live the Cuban Revolution !
jane yates (United Kingdom)
End of an era RIP
Alan Cox (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante!!Un heroe para la clase trabajadora.
Patricia González Puente (Spain)
Bev Protheroe (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the family and friends of Fidel Castro and the people of Cuba may his legacy live.
Kevin Terry (United Kingdom)
Bad news. I feel for the lovely people of Cuba.
Patricia Hindson (United Kingdom)
I was in Cuba as a young merchant seaman in 1959. You inspired me then and have continued to do so.
Nicholas Butcher (United Kingdom)
It is with great respect for your bravery,courage and commitment to humanity that the world should remember you. I'm sure the Cuban people will continue your legacy.
Sandra Cuskin (United Kingdom)
My hero!
Dave Townsend (United Kingdom)
Frank protheroe (United Kingdom)
buenas noches Historia agranda tus portones entramos con fidel con el caballo
Carmina (Spain)
Rest in peace. Your legacy is assured
Stephen Stannard (United Kingdom)
Soutien au peuple Cubain qui croit en sa révolution et pleure son leader FIDEL .
GERENT Louis Janny (France)
Deepest condolences
Jacqueline Dougall (United Kingdom)
He will live on forever as the man who gave Cuba its sovereignty and dignity. His legacy will never die. Hasta la Victoria siempre.
Keth Bolender (Canada)
A great leader is gone. He was an inspiring man for me and his leadership will never be forgotten. Venceremos!
vera degens (Belgium)
With the passing of Comrade Fidel Castro, the world has lost a great leader, visionary and tireless fighter against oppression and exploitation. Commander Fidel was to the end a devoted teacher, a symbol of love for humanity, justice and democracy and an unshakeable inspiration to all those struggling for peace and socialism. Fidel Castro championed the interests of the people of Cuba and all the peoples of the world struggling for peace and social justice. Under his leadership, the Cuban people have demonstrated time and again the true nature of international solidarity. They have supported the liberation struggle of peoples across the continents for freedom from colonial oppression and the right to determine their own future unhindered by the dictates and interventions of US imperialism. They have shared across the globe the resources of Cuba released from the grip of private ownership and put at the service of humanity. His memory lives for ever!
Jamshid Ahmadi (Iran)
Let's hope Fidels message of solidarity resonates around the world. God bless him.
Andrew Protheroe (United Kingdom)
Viva Cuba!!!
Cornelis van der Meulen (Sweden)
The people of Cuba and indeed, the world, has lost a great man. A defender of his people and their country. A fighter, a leader, a force which could not be beaten or moved. He fought many times for his beliefs and died with those same beliefs intact, and with a lasting legacy to leave behind. The world will not forget you. I will not forget you. Viva Fidel! Viva Cuba!
Sean Hollinghurst (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre, Commendante! <3
J Malm (Sweden)
Alan Carr (United Kingdom)
Andrew Lugg (Canada)
Condolences to the people of Cuba at this deeply sad time. Your Commandante will forever be remembered the world over for what he and you together achieved for humanity, with bravery, dignity and persistence. As you say of Che, so we will say of Fidel: your example will live on and your ideas will endure. It is up to us all now to follow that example. With love and solidarity.
Sonia Routledge (United Kingdom)
An inspiring leader for Cuba
Dave Owen (United Kingdom)
¡Vivan Fidel!, Viva la revolución!, Largo Cuba en vivo!
Birgitta Falk (Sweden)
Hasta sempre commandante Affectueusement. Michèle
Tripon Michele (France)
Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution has been an inspiration to us.
Richard Bruckdorfer (United Kingdom)
History will remember your many achievements and the hope you gave to so many living under brutal and oppressive regimes.
Kate Tucker (United Kingdom)
RIP comrade
Andy Derrett (United Kingdom)
Fidel and Lenin will live forever in the hearts of the people alive
Nigora (Russian Federation)
Mi mas profundo pesame al querido pueblo cubano por la desaparicion fisica de Nuestro Comandante. HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE.
Chej Ramdan (Western Sahara)
Viva la revolucion
Andy Vidion (United Kingdom)
Oisín Sheehan (United Kingdom)
Daw dydd! Cydymdeimladau oddiwrth Cymru Cuba / Condolences from Cymru Cuba
Selwyn Williams (United Kingdom)
Rob Street (United Kingdom)
Fidel was the great example who together with his fellow comrades managed to mobilize a nation and a world community without borders to understand what it means to serve humankind. An achievement which inspires us all every day in the fight for a better tomorrow for all citizens and the planet we call home. Fidel never died and remember how privileged we have been to have seen him fighting for all these years. A luta continua!
Holm Hedegaard (Mozambique)
Wilfried Furian (Germany)
Taina Yli-Tainio-Martikainen (Finland)
The World lost a great leader, who never forgot the real need of his folk and country! He`s ideology for a better world, we will carry on. Solidarity! Viva Cuba and its people! Thank you for showing the way and never giving up your dreams for money and glory, your fight is still going on for a better world, we are many, who want to thank you. Rest in peace! Anna-Lise Nicolodi President of the Basler Women Organization for Peace and Progress
Nicolodi - Nielsen Anna-Lise (Switzerland)
The vision never dies.
Brian Roper (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre
jessica davies (United Kingdom)
Cuba's story of the little nation standing up to the big international reactionary forces is truly inspirational and the success of the people's revolution from a group of people on the boat from Mexico and what they had to endure. With Fidel's life and how he stood up to the threats to his ideas at University and the daring raid on the Moncada barracks. Why the true story is suppressed is still so threatening to the world but we need to carry on and we will never forget his words and the practicality of how they were put into action. People matter and work together in the Cuban model of internationalism. A great life Mr Castro. Viva Cuba!
Pauline Boyle (United Kingdom)
Leonora Robinson (United Kingdom)
sentidas condolencias a comandante Fidel
Ioanna Tiligadi (Greece)
A truly great revolutionary and international Socialist, and inspiration to us all he will be sadly missed. Sleep well comrade, and long live the revolution!
Dave Quayle, Chair Unite the Union's National (United Kingdom)
Very sad to hear of his passing. I sincerely hope America will leave Guantanamo and stop the stupid blockade - which has gone on far to long. Long live the Castro family the people wish to maintain the status quo.
Mike Kelly (United Kingdom)
Rest in eternal peace, El Comandante. Reunited with your Brothers We will fight on in your name.
Colette Riley (United Kingdom)
The struggle for freedom and equality continues... Fidel was an inspiration along the way. RIP
Jocelyn Gaskell (United Kingdom)
A true hero who will be greatly missed.
Barbara Patilla (United Kingdom)
Richard Magner (United Kingdom)
André Vreven (Belgium)
elaine keep (United Kingdom)
Thank you, Comrade Fidel, for the enormous boost you have given to all the freedomfighters, all over the world to never give up the fight for a human and fair life for everyone.
Jan Vandendriessche (Belgium)
A great loss but a greater achievement
Pat Larkin (United Kingdom)
Such sad news. Cuba and the World have lost a Revolutionary Leader. May you rest in peace Fidel. Hasta la victoria siempre Commandante!
Eve Moseley (United Kingdom)
Jean clark (United Kingdom)
Cuba has lost a great leader who will be missed by many.
Valerie seabright (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre Comandante!
Ma. del Camino Puente (Spain)
Fidel will live long in the hearts of all who fight injustice and imperialism around the world. Hasta Siempre Comandante.
Jim Dye (United Kingdom)
danke ,danke,danke companero Fidel,du bist gelbte internationale Solidaritécurren;t,hasta siempre victoria
Klaus Czyborra (Germany)
Alison Parfitt (United Kingdom)
Brendan Derham (United Kingdom)
If only others had the strength and visionary the world would be a better place thank you FIDEL RIP
Thomas Donnelly (United Kingdom)
Viva la Cuba! Syria support your strugel against American Imperialism for free Cuba.we are solidarity with you and we feel very sad of lose Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro ...
Imad Zaza (Syria)
Fue un tremendo ejemplo de que es el ser humano. Gracias Fidel por su vida extraordinaria - Raquel
Rachel Young (United Kingdom)
Eternally grateful for your shining example
Pauline Lybert (United Kingdom)
I am so sorry for your loss! You, the people of Cuba, are blessed to have had a leader like Fidel Castro! We honour his memory! All my respect, Commendante!
Annika Gullberg (Sweden)
Farewell to a great revolutionary leader who made Cuba probably the most 'moral' country in the world.
Marian (United Kingdom)
Nunca olvidaremos tu contribución a la dignidad humana, al combate por la libertad, la justicia y el socialismo. Hasta siempre, comandante.
Higinio Polo (Spain)
In solidarity with people of Cuba in their great loss who stood for the international justice , decolonisation of Africa . Rest in power comrade Castro . Laal salam (red salute ) from India .
Hasan Arun (India)
The salvation of his nation in the past and an inspiration for the world now and forever.
Mike Starke (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Milan Krajca (Czech Republic)
Gary Bamber (United Kingdom)
Matthew Baker (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Bisi Williams (United Kingdom)
Gracias Comandante...
Rafael Lucero (Canada)
An inspiration to millions around the world. He will be missed but the struggle continues.
Simon Meddick (United Kingdom)
Goodbye Companero Fidel. I hope you are with Che Guevara smoking cigars together and plotting a revolution up there. In my book, you were one of the most intelligent men on earth. What you have achieved is absolutely extraordinary. You were true to yourself right until the end. Few men have the courage of their beliefs. RIP Fidel Castro. You will be missed, Cuba will miss you, humanity will miss you.
Jocelyne Mas (France)
Viva la Revolution Commandantes
David O'Donnell (United Kingdom)
R.I.P to a legend of a man!
Suzanne Nicol (United Kingdom)
Rashmi (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel Castro....Your strength will live in the hearts of Cubans now and for generations to come. Peace be with all our Cuban brothers and sisters.
Vlad Batbalic and Yvette Tufuga (New Zealand)
He was and will continue to be an inspiration in our fight for peace, socialism, equality and social justice in the World.
David Eatock (United Kingdom)
As chair of Swedish Peace Council,Sweden, I express my deepest grief for Fidel Castro´s Death. He stood for Peace and Solidarity among people in the World.
Agneta Norberg (Sweden)
Sorry to hear of the loss of your inspiring leader,Fidel Castro. His leadership and ideals are also a loss to us all.
Saria Andrew (Canada)
Rest in Peace Solidarity with the people of Cuba
Mark thomas (United Kingdom)
From the early 1960's when I was in Secondary school I have been fascinated and inspired by the Cuban Revolution and its Leader Fidel Castro. I salute his Life and his achievements. RIP.
David PENFOLD (United Kingdom)
RIP Comrade
Richard Paine (United Kingdom)
Truly the end of an era.
Tim Wright (United Kingdom)
Commandante! Your name will always be associated with justice.
Anita Salvén (Sweden)
Your inspiration lives on
Anne Brown (United Kingdom)
Will be sadly missed.
Alistair kirk (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the family. A truly inspiring man who led his country to a revolution and change of politics and way of life. I hope there are more revolutions and changes to come in this world that will make it fairer, equal and safe for all.
Eleanor Mitchell (United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary and a great leader. R.I.P.
Peter Hall (United Kingdom)
Viva Castro.
michael (United Kingdom)
My deepest sympathy to the family of Fidel Castro and the people of Cuba.
Iris Taylor (Canada)
Ari Sulopuisto (Finland)
Thank you Fidel for making Cuba an inspiration for those struggling for freedom throughout the world
Martin Brown (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace. You proved it can be done.
Nigel Bowden (United Kingdom)
Oleg (Russian Federation)
John Shillabeer (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel.
Malcolm Wallace (United Kingdom)
Linda James (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel. You were and are an inspiration.
Noel Hannon (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante - another world is possible.
Gavin Morgan (United Kingdom)
A very special Man
eddie stinson (United States of America)
One of the saddest days. A great world leader has finally succumbed to life's natural cycle. There are few people in history who have made such an impression on so many and those who have fought for a better world. Thank you Fidel. Perhaps your dream that you were with Che is now a reality. Viva la revolucion. Hast la Victoria siempre.
Richard Bough (Canada)
Bowing my whole being in Red Salute to this Colossus who strode this planet...Fortunate to have breathed the same air , that he breathed, for 53 years...May his ideals and dreams continue to inspire , present and future generations..!!! Long Live the Revolution.!!!
Praveen Kumar T (India)
Working Class Hero
Phil (United Kingdom)
Mis sinceras condolencias al pueblo cubano por la partida del Comandante Fidel Castro. El no ha muerto porque sus ideas seguiran adelante.
Lovemore C. K. Gwati (Zimbabwe)
***Vamos levantando armas para liberarnos de estos desgraciados gabachos que nos explotan.*** (Luis Valdez) Viva la Revolucion.
Peter Duarnt (United States of America)
El compañero comandante es uno de los mayores ejemplos vitales de lo que es ser una persona concienciada, consecuente y comprometida con su pueblo y el resto de pueblos oprimidos. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre! ¡Patria o muerte! ¡Venceremos!
Salvador Albert (Spain)
Comparto en el dolor del pueblo cubano por el causante de un gran líder y ejemplo para la humanidad. Que sus logros y pensamientos nunca se desvanecen.
Jean Van De Maele (Belgium)
Deepest sympathy to Fidel's family and friends and to the people of Cuba. Hasta siempre
Tony Goss (United Kingdom)
Fidel will live in my heart - forever
Tord Lundgren (Sweden)
Good bye comrade Fidel your solidarity has helped many people to be free and achieve social justice world wide. RIP
Raj Gill (United Kingdom)
The last thing he wanted was to be one of a kind
Patrick Woodward (United Kingdom)
I share your sadness but also hope that Fidel's legacy will be that Cuba continues to share it's amazing achievements and example to us all that Another World Is Possible Hasta Siempre
Jenni Ford (United Kingdom)
Such a great inspiration! keep his ideals alive.. be strong, and don't let the Americans get you now! The time has come to be more aware than before. Wish you all the luck :)
Luke (India)
We'll never see your like again. Rest in peace. sir.
Marie (United Kingdom)
Se nos ha ido uno de los imprescindibles: Fidel luchó toda su vida y se ha convertido en paradigma universal para todos los revolucionarios y anti imperialistas. ¡Gracias por tu ejemplo, Fidel! ¡Hasta siempre, Comandante!
Alida Freites (Venezuela)
farewell Fidel Castro-the one of the greatest leader of twenty century may cuban people prosper on the course being created and fought by Fidel
James goodman (China)
RIP comrade Fidel, Cuba will miss you Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Frank Keogh (United Kingdom)
Dear Cuban friends, Accept my deepest condolences with your loss of one of the most prominent leaders of our time. I hope you were proud to call him your leader. Let his soul rest in peace.
Karin (United Kingdom)
Quisiera expresa mis condolencias al pueblo cubano. Fidel era, para mí, un símbolo enorme de coraje, solidaridad internacional y justicia.
Peter Barton (United Kingdom)
Pentti Airola (Finland)
A life of principle and total commitment, to celebrate and to learn from. A luta continua.
Margaret Ling (United Kingdom)
Muchas gracias ! Hasta la victoria sempre !
Godfried Verhamme (Belgium)
The spirit of the Cuban people is your legacy for the world .
Janet Edwards (United Kingdom)
Fra Cochrane (Ireland)
To the man who inspired billions to struggle for their rights, to struggle for the rights of the oppressed and the exploited, the man who stood like a bulwark against imperialism. We salute to you Fidel, you are a legend!!
Feroze Mithiborwala (India)
You live on in us all!
Daniel Jess (Germany)
T C Gunasekara (Sri Lanka)
The first time we went to Cuba was 1976-the same day as Pierre Trudeau our PM at that time.We have visited Cuba every year since then,infact we are going on Nov.30th-Dec.14th. We will be there to add our Condolence's with our Friends in Cuba. Fidel's life will go down in History for many years to come. So sorry and sad.
Harry & Margaret Hynd (Canada)
Big los for democratic world
Basheer varode (India)
RIP commander.
Will Perry (United Kingdom)
I extend my deepest condolences to the people of Cuba on the sad passing of Comrade Fidel Castro..hero of the revolution
Allen Gunderson (Canada)
Lousnak (Canada)
A true revolutionary hero. His example will continue to serve as an inspiration to people around the world.
R. Mark Hamilton (Canada)
Hayley McPhail (Canada)
Gone but will never be forgotten.
Faiyaz Alli (Guyana)
RIP great hero Fidel C
Winnie Eldrup (Denmark)
Miguel Giribets Martínez (Spain)
The world has lost a giant of a man.
Patsy Downey (Ireland)
Gran testigo de la historia gracias Fidel!
ANNA PARINI (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the people of Cuba. You, and the world, have lost a great man. in solidarity
Floyd Kermode (Australia)
Noi siamo orfani, adesso.
Anna Carmela Buble (Italy)
Comandante Fidel Castro, siempre estará en nuestros corazones. Usted fue un visionario, un padre para el pueblo cubano y un ejemplo para el mundo. A todos y todas los que perseguimos un mundo más justo nos toca seguir sus pasos y su ejemplo. Patria o Muerte! Venceremos!
Francisco Javier Vertedor Postigo (Spain)
Thank you from my heart for all your efforts and energy. The world needed you and you gave yourself to us and we have, for ever, a role model. You and your followers proved that the belief system you all fought for, works in practice and this gives the rest of the world something we so desperately need at this time, hope. I and my family will remember you as being astute, humble, committed, compassionate and courageous.
Margaret BH Paris (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the brave people of Cuba on the passing of your beautiful comrade, Fidel. He left his mark on our world and on our souls. Fidel, Presente!
Colleen Glynn (Canada)
I have ha the privilege of speaking to many people in many different parts of the world. I know what an inspiration you have been to all those who know, deep in their hearts, that how we treat the most vulnerable amongst us is the true sign of whether we are a civilised people. Your example will live on in my heart.
Jeni Vine (United Kingdom)
Condolences and solidarity to people of Cuba
Nick Bower (United Kingdom)
Alberto Rabilotta (Canada)
Our condolences and sympathies to the brave Cuban people who lost the leader of their long and enduring revolution, beacon for us of a world where cooperation comes first.
Streel (Belgium)
With sadness. In memory of the best of his work, with hope that the worst of his mistakes will be healed, and hope also that the people of Cuba may live with dignity, peace, liberty and justice in a world free from tyranny and fear.
Alex Mitcalfe Wilson (New Zealand)
Un amigo graduado en economía me decía que era prácticamente imposible para un pequeño Estado mantener su soberanía intacta: Cuba ha superado semejante desafío superando todas las expectativas y con creces. Para muchos de mis camaradas -militamos en el PC de los Pueblo de España- es importantísimo mantener referentes de Estados socialistas tan dignos como Cuba. "Dentro de la Revolución, todo; contra de la Revolución, nada". Hoy más que nunca es necesario que profundicemos más si cabe en la lucha para mantener en alto el formidable baluarte cubano erigido en clave internacional por y para la clase obrera. Y que otros pueblos recojamos el testigo, el listón que junto a Fidel, el pueblo cubano ha situado tan alto. Salud compañeros.
Andrés Rodrés (Spain)
A giant of world politics who will be remembered for generations to come for his exemplary and steadfast commitment to socialism, his people and the poor of the world. RIP comandante.
Martin Lawson-Smith (United Kingdom)
RIP Comrae. To peace and freedom for Cubans.
Niall (United Kingdom)
Veronica Sims (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre commandante
Bram Terryn (Belgium)
Dear Comrades It is with a great sense of grief and loss that I learned about the sudden demise of Comrade Fidel Castro on Friday 25th.November,2016 at the ripe age of 90 years.He was and will remain an epitome of revolutionary struggle in this modern world just at the doorstep of US imperialism. On behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mauritius,Mauritius-Cuba Friendship Society,the Mauritian nation and my own,I hereby convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family,the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and the illuminated Cuban nation. Our red salute goes to Comrade Fidel and the struggle continues to promote peace,justice and international solidarity. Long live Socialism. Dr. Lohmus Ramsurn President
Dr. Lohmus Ramsurn (Mauritius)
Adios Comandante...
Spiros (Greece)
An amazing leader Who will be missed
Annette Pateman (Canada)
ACHARD Jean-Paul (France)
Thank you, for everything you did. you will be missed. Things did not always went perfect, but you did the best that was possible.
Tine de Maeyer (Germany)
The German Freethinkers Association mourn the loss of an exceptional figure, the leader of the Cuban revolution and leader of the international working class, a dedicated proletarian internationalist and fighter for freedom. HASTA SIEMPRE COMANDANTE FIDEL!
Klaus Hartmann (Germany)
Go in peace comrade!
Ruth Appleton (United Kingdom)
Comrade Fidel will never die! He will always be the light guiding humanity to liberation. VIVA FIDEL!
Mark Window (Australia)
Deepest Condolences to the kind and brave people of Cuba. Always part of our life.
Pat Bredl (Canada)
A new gap forever. Some dreams will be elusive.....
Mahbubur Rahman (Bangladesh)
Dear Fidel, thank you for your struggles for justice, for your example. Your legacy will go on. The struggle will continue. You are for ever in our minds and hearts. You are for ever in our actions. May your spirit rest now and be reunited with the other greatest of Latin America. Hasta la Victoria Siempre. Venceremos!
Adela Brent (Australia)
Alex Pearson (United Kingdom)
Danielle Kies (Luxembourg)
An inspiration to all people in struggle.
Peter Middleton (Ireland)
El dolor embarga al pueblo cubano y todos Los pueblos del mundo, Fidel vivira por siempre,
Maria E. Gomez (Canada)
We are profoundly saddened by the death of a truly remarkable man, a revolutionary, and a defender of his people and indeed of all progressive, people around the world.
Jack and Janet Tarasoff (Canada)
Maire Noonan (Canada)
We mourn the loss of a great humanitarian and leader, Fidel Castro, and we thank him for his efforts to bring peace and justice to the Cuban people and to demonstrate solidarity around the world.
Aphrodite and Mason Harris (Canada)
Mis sinceras condolencias para la familia del comandante Fidel Castro Ruz y tambien para todo el pueblo cubano que pierde a su lider historico. Fidel Castro se va pero sus ideas de justicia social seguiran vivas en cada ser humano que anhela una sociedad mas justa. Hasta siempre comandante Fidel!
Javier Carrascal (Colombia)
Fidel Castro will forever live on in the hearts and minds of working people and those who wish to make the world a better place. His achievements as a leader far outweigh his mistakes. I express my condolences to the people of Cuba, a truly great man has passed away this weekend. I wish you all the best and hope for better relations between our two countries in the future. Know that many working people here in America are standing with you in mourning. Solidarity, Jordan
Jordan H (United States of America)
Stephen Brown (Australia)
In proud commiserations and solidarity with the people of Cuba at the loss of a great leader who achieved so much. We remember, we are inspired and we grieve as you grieve.
Scott Macdonald (United Kingdom)
Heros are immortals
Page Jean-Pierre (France)
Rest in paradise. Respect!
Nelsen Elsholtz (Canada)
jose hernandez carrion (Canada)
I join the Cuban people in mourning the loss of a monumental leader who contributed immensely to mankind's dream for a world where justice prevails.
Garnet Colly (Canada)
May God bless departed soul of Fidel Castro
Dr M Shahidul Islam (Bangladesh)
Solidarity with the Cuban people. Martin Jenkins.
Martin Jenkins (United Kingdom)
rest in power comrade fidel castro - the people of south africa are eternally grateful for the solidarity both spiritually and rhetorically but also materially that was offered to us in our struggle. fidel castro and the victory of the cuban communist party and cuban people will forever serve as an inspiration to the oppressed striving towards socialist revolution across the world, from here in canada to over in south africa. long live cuban socialism, long live the spirit of fidel and the cuban people.
shay lafontaine (Canada)
A Revolutionary may die, but his ideas will live on forever. Long live materialist dialectics.
Richard Sutherland (Canada)
With the passing of Comrade Fidel Castro, the world revolutionary movement of communists and progressives has lost a great leader, visionary and tireless fighter against oppression and exploitation. Comrade Fidel was to the end a devoted teacher, a symbol of love for humanity, justice and democracy and an unshakeable inspiration to all those struggling for peace and socialism. Comrade Fidel championed the interests of the people of Cuba and all the peoples of the world struggling for peace and social justice. Under his leadership, the Cuban people have demonstrated time and again the true nature of international solidarity. They have supported the liberation struggle of peoples across the continents for freedom from colonial oppression and the right to determine their own future unhindered by the dictates and interventions of US imperialism. They have shared across the globe the resources of Cuba released from the grip of private ownership and put at the service of humanity.
Behzad Navid (Canada)
The best tribute to Fidel would be to continue the revolution and resist takeover from the capitalist American economy.
Rhonda Sussman (Canada)
Castro was unquestionably one of the most important leaders of the Western Hemisphere and did much good for the people of Cuba, and even the world. I disagreed with many things he did and his repression of his critics, but he was FAR better than the majority of strong men in Latin America who were far more murderous and bloody. His fight against US imperialism was excellent throughout the world, and for that the majority of people in the world owe him a great debt of thanks. Nobody is perfect, so I do mourn his passing for all the good things he did in his life.
Randy Erb (United States of America)
You will be missed Capitan...our sincere condolences to the family
Irene & Mario Incaviglia (Canada)
My deepest condolences to the Cuban people. It is with great sadness that the world has lost such a beautiful and inspiring individual. Fidel dedicated his life to the advancement of those oppressed through the Cuban Revolution and extended this hope, internationally. A true revolutionary! His loss is felt by all who stand for social justice, worldwide. Venceremos!
Dawna Lee (Canada)
He was an inspiration to us all, challenging the world to examine the validity, the humanity, the justice or injustice of our actions and the actions of our countries. Indefatigable in the struggle, he was an example to us all. COMANDANTE FIDEL, PRESENTE
Adrianne Aron (United States of America)
My political father is gone, his spirit never ends. Hasta siempre comandante.
Ronny Struyf (Belgium)
Comrade Fidel is a hero and inspiration to all who struggle against exploitation and suffering. He died undefeated. I express my heartfelt sadness and solidarity with the Cuban people for their loss, but his legacy will live forever. Viva Cuba!
Brian Chorley (United States of America)
Compañero Comandante; Tu ejemplo de revolucionario, de estadista, de visionario, de humanista y tu mismo NO HAS MUERTO. Vives en los corazones de toda y todo revolucionario de Nuestra America y del mundo. VIVA LA REVOLUCION CUBANA Y FIDEL EN NUESTROS CORAZONES
Dionicio Barrales Leal (Canada)
Fidel Castro. Great Man for Cuba and the whole humanity. RIP
Georgina Torriente (Cuba)
Philip Beedie (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the Cuban people and all who mourn the loss of this great freedom fighter.
mike howells (United States of America)
My sincerest condolences on the loss of a great leader who was not afraid to face insurmountable odds in defence of his country and its citizens.
Henry Evans-Tenbrinke (Canada)
I was able to visit Cuba a few years ago. What you achieved despite the bulling of the spoilt child next door is amazing. Your legacy will live on.
Jacqueline Rose (United Kingdom)
Hasta lá vitória comandante
Maria Alencar (United Kingdom)
Sorry for your loss :(
Lyn (Canada)
A Great Leader has left the world. The HISTORY will never acquit thee. All of us how knows that an other world is possible loves You and we will miss You for the rest of our life.
Lars Göran (Sweden)
Aquellos que luchamos por un mundo mejor, hemos perdido fisicamente a un gran lider; pero sus ideas y su legado vivira en las mentes y en los corazones de aquellos que continuamos su lucha. Gloria Eterna Fidel. Josemaria Moran
Jose Maria Moran (Canada)
an inspiration to millions
tony o sullivan (United Kingdom)
Livio Di Celmo (Canada)
I feel the deep loss for the Cuban people in the death of their Commondante My sincere condolences to the Cuban people. Fidel Castro will be remembered by all of his supporters as a great visionary who put this vision into very successful humanitarian action on the ground, both in Cuba and the world. This is incredibly rare, and a magnificent achievement given the huge obstacles placed on Cuba by the USA. Viva la Revolution! Patricia McAuliffe
Patricia McAuliffe (Australia)
RIP Fidel. No return to capitalism! Solidarity with the Cuban people.For workers democracy and socialism in Cuba and across the world!
Malcolm Emmerson (United Kingdom)
A personal inspiration, you will be missed comandante.... Long live the revolution....
Chad McKinley (Canada)
Rajaa Gharbi (United States of America)
May Fidel's success in standing up to the imperialist super-bully and its allies so asto give sovereignty and dignity to his and other peoples continue for as long as it takes
Graham Bell (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro was always the most underrated man and america always had pre-conceived notions about him to fear socialism and i admire this man entirely. Love Shelly
Shelly Fabrizio (Canada)
Stephen Paulmier (United States of America)
a hero of anti-imperialism
Ken Stone (Canada)
Thank you, Fidel, for your constancy and vision. You are and will remain an inspiration to all those who struggle to bring equality and justice to the world. We are all better people for having had you in our midst. We will be forever grateful for your example.
Carol Cross (United States of America)
Los monumentos no mueren
Rafa Gomez (Venezuela)
Hasta La Victoria Siempre
Ana Juarbe (United States of America)
As Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has already noted, Fidel Castro was a great leader for the Cuban people. Canadians mourn Fidel and we share the grief of the Cuban people.
Lise Gotell (Canada)
Gloria eterna al comandante que condujo la revolución cubana. Y que ha venido a hacer el proceso mas justo y mas humano que se ha dado en toda la historia de la humanidad.
Joaquin Espinoza (Canada)
¡Hasta La Victoria Siempre, Fidel! -Isaac Saney, National Spokesperson, Canadian Network on Cuba November 26, 2016 - It was with great sorrow and very heavy hearts that the Canada-Cuba solidarity and friendship movement received the news of the passing of Fidel Castro, the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution. The profound sadness that we all feel in Canada is shared by the progressive, anti-war and social justice forces across the world. Fidel is an integral member of the pantheon of champions of the people who made an indelible contribution to the global struggle for liberation and emancipation. Fidel may be gone, but he lives on. Exemplifying the finest traditions of humanity, in the truest sense he belongs to the world. While the heart of Fidel may have ceased beating on the night of Friday, November 25, his legacy and work continue in the Cuban Revolution, a living example that a better world is possible. Fidel's life encapsulated the struggle of the exploited and oppressed. The legendary playwright Bertolt Brecht captured this essence when he wrote: "There are men who struggle for a day and they are good. There are men who struggle for a year and they are better. There are men who struggle many years, and they are better still. But there are those who struggle all their lives: These are the indispensable ones." ¡Viva Fidel! ¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Isaac Saney (Canada)
Fidel vive, porque las ideas son inmortales.
Eduardo González (Cuba)
Viva Fidel!
Elizabeth Pickett (Canada)
Mis pesames lo mas sentidos al valioso pueblo cubano !!! La lucha continua hasta cuando termine esto injusto vergonzoso bloqueo y la liberación de Guantanamo!! Hasta la victoria siempre!! Venceremos!!
Sergio Leone Gater (Canada)
Adiós! Yo no te olvido! Su ejemplo sigue siendo mi guía
Patrick Van Snick Lecovez (Belgium)
Peter (United Kingdom)
R. I. P. Fidel Castro. Long live the spirit, work, memory of Fidel Castro. Long live the Cuban Revolution.
Joan P. Gibbs, Esq. (United States of America)
El Commandante. The world has lost a great visionary. You had a beautiful vision for your beautiful country. And your vision burned a bright light in the souls of many around the world. In solidarity x
Sian Davies (United Kingdom)
Wilfred Jayasinghe (Sri Lanka)
se ha ido un hombre íntegro, ejemplo de dignidad, un ser que bregó por la continuidad de la especie. Ojalá que nadie olvide su legado. Fidel, Fidel cómo te vamos a extrañar
Marta Arangoa (Argentina)
As the producer of "Portrait of a REvolution" for New York's Channel 13 (NET) I wish to express my condolence for the death of Fidel Castro who was pushed to the Soviet Union by the then administration of this country that refused to meet with him when he visited the USA right after the victory of his Revolution. I was present when Fidel address a very large crowd of business people in New York wishing to establish contacts here. He was very well received by then but President Eisenhower refused to meet with him. He turned to the Soviet Union as his only other choice. Too bad!
Rodolfo Cardona (United States of America)
We in Taiwan (cubataiwan.blogspot.tw)render our deepest and enduring respects to Fidel, may he be rest in peace. Viva Cuba.
Chiensan Feng (Taiwan)
(Russian Federation)
Deeply saddened!!. Our hearts will carry the pain...but it will be with the pride of who we are today thanks to our exceptionally brilliant leader and friend, Fidel - Our inspiration and father of our revolution and beautiful country- We, the ones who have been lucky enough to have been born in Cuba got with us, for life, an important and inspiring story and legacy to give - We met Fidel and we are grateful to have been part of what Cuba is today. The principles taught under his guidance and care, are today more alive than ever in us the Cubans of today!. Thank you Fidel! Xx
Lisel Scott-MCfarlane (United Kingdom)
Lluís Aló (Andorra)
A visionary of his time, may his vision of the future survive.
Richard McDermott (Ireland)
Your inspiration resonates more deeply still, in these dangerous times.
Colin Anthony (Canada)
Hasta siempre comandante !!!
Cristina Fernandez (Canada)
Mike Treen (New Zealand)
Sincere condolences to the people of Cuba, you have lost a dear leader and a friend. Even thought this is a sad time, Fidel outlasted 9 US Presidents and survived 640 assasination attempts - Fidel beat the US CIA several times over and achieved what he set out to do, namely give the Cuban people independence, dignity and quality free healthcare and education. In that regard, Fidel won and the Cuban people won... Rest in peace and power El Commandante...
Phil Brand (United Kingdom)
Fidel fought for the poor people of the World to be free.
Noel Hibbert (United Kingdom)
A giant has fallen. Venceremos!
Ken Fuller (Philippines)
President Fidel Castro was "a person larger than life" rubbing shoulders with the greatest statesmen of the 20th century such as Nelson Mandela, Yassir Arafat, Hugo Chavez, Mahatma Gandhi, Muammar Gaddafi leaving a gap which only few can fill in history. Of the living greats Evo Morales and Barach Obama and perhaps Angela Merkel will be remembered long, but there are far too few visionaries. Besides statesman, Fidel Castro's small armed bandit defeated the US-backed Batista extremely unpopular puppet government with army by its band of just over 20 men. Despite later efforts by the USA to unseat President Fidel Castro he survived and retired from politics and died of natural death. His brother Raul Castro continues his beacon.
Veli Albert Kallio (Finland)
Juan Carlos Thomas (Cuba)
Hasta la victoria siempre.
Greta Akpeneye (United Kingdom)
Defend socialism, stay strong Cuba!!
Jonathan (Canada)
Well done.The fight goes on.
monica (Sweden)
So many monumental achievements
Gavan Butler (Australia)
Thanks Fidel. It is with deep sadness to learn of the passing, sadness that the ideals were not supported by the U.S. but also pride that you were able to survive and succeed in many areas.
Tom Howlett (United States of America)
My condolences to the people of Cuba on the loss of Fidel.
Tom Pyne (United Kingdom)
This brave and courageous man will be missed by so many of us.
Jess Alford (United States of America)
Very sorry to hear of the death the founder of the Cuban Revolution, he defended Cuba independence and upheld Cuba's path to Socialism Long live the Cuban Revolution Homeland or Death we will win. Venceramos!
Carl Richardson (United Kingdom)
I have been a socialist my entire life, and this man was my hero.
Sherri (Canada)
Mis condolencias
Sylvain (Canada)
Condolences in your time of grief for your leader. May you be inspired to move ahead to improve all life.
D Brockway (United States of America)
Great loss, RIP
suki mundra (United Kingdom)
Amazing life. Amazing Cuba.
Denis Rancourt (Canada)
Roberta Denise Sanchez (Canada)
My condollances to the Cubain people. It is a sad day
Serge (Canada)
Susan Harman (United States of America)
Presente Fidel! Venceremos!
Kevin Neish (Canada)
The Cuban Revolution has been the big inspiring story of my life as I was born in the same month that Fidel and his brave comrades sailed to Cuba on the Granma. RIP Fidel Castro one of the true giants of the 20th century who led and sustained a Revolution which changed the lives of the Cuban people and proved that another kind of world is possible. I was awarded the Cuban National Culture Medal in 2002 for my solidarity work with Cuban libraries and in 2003 I shared a platform with Fidel Castro at the Karl Marx Theatre in Havana. In 2004 I met his son at the World Gathering of Artists and Intellectuals in Defence of Humanity in Caracas. Fidel stood up to American hegemony and imperialism and in defence of the poor and the oppressed. As he once said 'I speak for those who do not even have a crust of bread.' He was a true revolutionary and an inspiration to those who continue to fight for social justice, peace and internationalism. Hasta la victoria siempre! Venceremos!
John Pateman (Canada)
Slan abhaile fear mor(safe home big man) You can now meet up with your great companero Ernesto Che Visiting Cuba will never be the same again but we will return Viva Cuba
Pearse McGovern (Ireland)
From Havana to Haifa, the Sierra Maestra to Soweto, our struggle continues, but it will never forget you. Sail on Comandante. Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Pete Morgan (United Kingdom)
Steve Neilson (United Kingdom)
catherine zeitz (United States of America)
What a loss at this critical time for the world
Paddy Kitson (United Kingdom)
Thank you for inspiring and for showing us that a better world is possible. You have our word that we will continue the struggle Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
sean smith (Canada)
Rest In Peace, Fidel!
Björn Bouvier (Sweden)
That your light will shine on all dark corners of the world.
Richard Grassl (United States of America)
My deepest condolences to the people of Cuba for the loss of Comandante Fidel Castro. His legacy of universal values for social Justice transcends the great Cuban Revolution and marks a clear path for our struggle wherever we are. I will miss the comfort of his presence but I will celebrate his life of dedication and solidarity with all human beings.
Nino Pagliccia (Canada)
You weren't perfect, but you were, are and always be an inspiration to millions of socialists around the world. What you did for Cuba, for socialism in Latin America, and for social justice in Angola and South Africa will never be forgotten. Rest In Peace Comrade ¡Hasta siempre comandante!
Sean Goral (United Kingdom)
Venceremos el commandante!
Keith Veness (United Kingdom)
A remarkable Man
Dr Rob Tunbridge (United Kingdom)
Richard Kanak (United Kingdom)
Now you have joined the immortals, Fidel! I will always remember the day, in December, 1969, when we cut cane in the fields of Aguacate. After dinner in the comedor, you answered our questions for many hours. During that question and answer session there was an aragon; the only light visible was the ashes at the end of your tobaco, as they danced up-and-down as you spoke. I will always remember that magical night. Thank you, Fidel! You have been an inspiration.
Michael N. Landis (United States of America)
Julio Arias (El salvador)
Gloria a quien la merece en todas las expresiones y dimensiones. El Comandante Fidel sera el eterno y vivo ejemplo a seguir por todos los pueblos que luchan por la Libertad..
Carlos Guillen (Venezuela)
Vuela alto comandante querido...
Patricio Fuentes Gomez (Chile)
My condolence to the people of Cuba for their and the world loss of the great Fidel Castro.
Elkhatim Abubakr (United Kingdom)
Your witness and deeds for the common good live on.Well done Comrade
Rev Brian Turner (New Zealand)
Verneigung vor einem grossen Mann und Revolutionécurren;r! Hasta la victoria siempre!
Peter Berger (Switzerland)
Long live the Cuban Revolution! Long live Fidel Castro!
Kim (United States of America)
I am terribly heartbroken for the people of Cuba on the loss of the beloved Fidel Castro. His ideas and word gave me courage and understanding since I was a boy. Long live the Revolution. With great love and respect, your comrade, David.
David Russell Fairn (Canada)
One of the great men of the 20th century has passed--a champion of the poor and oppressed.
Michael Pastorkovich (United States of America)
Sad to lose a great Socialist leader. He is great to Cuba and modern history. He loves Cuba and Cuba loves him. We will remember him forever Andy Yau Socialist with love 2016.11.27
Andy Yau (United Kingdom)
Remembering, with appreciation, respect and gratitude
Lesley Welch (United Kingdom)
Viva Fidel!
Alex (Canada)
My condolences to the family and people of Cuba...RIP Fidel, Hasta la Victoria Siempre
Sherri Buss (Canada)
The Hemingway Monologues/Hemingway on Stage: proud to have shared, dramatically, part of your love for Hemingway. In turn I hope to honour your legacy of appreciation for the arts and literature. And now...we all share our love for you. Now, both you and Ernest have moved into legend.
Brian Gordon Sinclair (Canada)
You will be sadly missed. You were a proud Cuban and through your efforts changed the lives of millions. Viva Fidel, Viva Cuba, Viva Revolution
Colin Argyle (Canada)
Dios lo tenga en Su Gloria!
Patricia Modarelli (Argentina)
Expreso mis sinceras condolencias al Comandante Raéordm;l Castro Ruz y a todo el pueblo hermano de la Repéordm;blica de Cuba por el fallecimiento de nuestro insigne Comandante Revolucionario Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz. Reconocemos que se cumplió sus propias palabras y ciertamente "la historia ha absuelto al Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz". ¡Viva Fidel! Y ¡hasta la victoria siempre,Comandante! El mundo siempre te recordará. Salud.
Nathan Alirio Eustache Vilaire (Venezuela)
I would like to send my condolences to the family, friends and comrades. Of a very brave revolutionary who has inspired many throughout the world and especially here in occupied Ireland. He set an example that will be followed in the name of all struggling and freedom loving people. Thank you and may he RIP.
paddy (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre Commandante RIP
Pauline Kilpatrick (United Kingdom)
Even with his death, Fidel gives birth to new victories of the Revolution all over the world. I admire, and I envy him.
John Gouvas (Greece)
Hasta la Victoria, Siempre...Fidel
Domingo Luis Russo (Argentina)
Comandante Fidel Castro: May you soul rest in peace. We will fight till the end.
Shih-Yu Chou (Taiwan)
Ignore the messages denouncing Comandante Castro; their views on freedom and human rights hold no weight. The world has lost one of its greatest revolutionary leaders, one who defied empire and sought to aid the people's struggle across the globe against imperialist subjugation. His message will always have a special place in my heart; it is now our duty to defend the honourable achievements of Castro and the Cuban revolución!
Adam (United Kingdom)
We shall continue to carry on all the ideals that Fidel stood and while we grieve we also extend our solidarity and condolences to the people of Cuba.
Lisa Makarchuk (Canada)
Nuestro Comandante vive hoy mas que nunca! Por Siempre Fidelista!
Rodolfo Sarmiento (United States of America)
Fidel had many detractors but to have kept the Cuban revolution alive despite a punishing US embargo for so many years and to have helped build the best health service and education system in Latin America is a tremendous achievement. I salute him and mourn his passing.
Hazel Roy (United Kingdom)
Al pueblo cubano: Mi solidaridad ante la pérdida de este hombre inmenso, generoso, amigo del mundo. Viva Fidel !Viva Cuba!
Amparo Ortiz-Acosta (Puerto Rico)
What a visionary man. Regardless of if you enjoyed living under his rule, the determinism to forge a different way to deliver and practice justice for humanity. He offered the world his courageous determination to seek out a path that counters the greed of capitalism.
Jenny (United Kingdom)
Steve Capri (United States of America)
He inspires the hope of revolutionary change to this day. He was truly a man of the people.
Benjamin Smith (United Kingdom)
Mis condolencias sinceras al pueblo cubano para la pérdida de su líder magnífico, uno de estadistas más destacadas del mundo en siglos XX y XXI
Zdenek Jemelik (Czech Republic)
Thank you Fidel, for everything.
David (Canada)
Diane Roebuck McNaron (United States of America)
Thank you for Fidel's gift of service to the Cuban People and to the world. May the Cuban people continue to be free and enjoy the sovereignty of their nation.
Paul Basker (United States of America)
Gloria eterna a Fidel y a la Revolución Cubana. Patria o muerte. Venceremos
Enrique Grant Val (Spain)
I will forever be in awe of Fidel Castro for freeing his people from the evil bonds of US slavery. Rest In Peace, dear Comrade.
Anna Parker (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, eterno comandante
Milton Santos Martins da Silva (Brazil)
Colleen Lundy (Canada)
My thpoghts go out to the Cuban people, who have supported their government throughout. The leadership will take strength in his message that a better world is possible. He now joins his comrades who gave their lives in fighting for the freedom of Cuba.
Barrie D Eckford (United Kingdom)
Mucho dolor Por una perdida irreparable !! Un genio inigualable que salvo a nuestra patria ! Seguiremos sus ideas , para Siempre , Comandante!!
Yamile (Cuba)
Long live Comrade Fidel Castro, long live Revolutionary Cuba, long live the immortal science. Rest in power. Red salute from Baltimore, Maryland.
Andrew Mayton (United States of America)
May you live forever in the hearts of your people
Ed Pomeroy (Canada)
Your country and revolution has always given me the faith that the people of this world could live in a way that is mutually beneficial to every human in existence. Thank you
Sam Brennan (United Kingdom)
My deepest condolences to the people of Cuba!!!! Fidel have died but his ideas will live on the conscience of all those who have fought for social justice and a more humanly world. Mis sinceras condolencias para el pueblo cubano!!! Fidel ha muerto pero sus ideas perduran en la conciencia de todos los que hemos luchado por la justicia social y un mundo más humano.
Alejandro Palacios (Canada)
Hasya siempre comandante!
marie garcia dupuy (Reunion)
Fidel, and the Republic of Cuba, was a major inspiration in forming my political outlook and beliefs. He may be gone, but his ideas and example will live on in the hearts and actions of millions. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
James Tanner (United Kingdom)
Cuba will miss your guidance. You rid Cuba of the tyrant and crook Batista and sent the mafia back over the water. You prioritised health and education for all. R.I.P. Commandante
Robert Burke (United Kingdom)
Acepten, por favor, mis más profundas condolencias, aunque bien sé que es imposible que muera Fidel Castro Ruz. Los espíritus que protegen a los que lo dan todo para el bien de la humanidad no van a permitir nunca que él muera. Keith Ellis
Keith Ellis (Canada)
Comparto el dolor del pueblo cubano en su duelo
jacqueline Roussie (France)
We had missed one of the best genius and a greatest man of the world!!
David Hickey (Ireland)
Comandante Eterno del Pueblo y la Revoulución Cubana: Tus ideas y ejemplo perdurarán a través del tiempo!!! Hasta la Eternidad Fidel nuestro!
William (Cuba)
United States of America
Terry Phillips (United States of America)
i prayed to st fidel today to let us struggle against capitalism in his shadow for all the days of our lives
ed cloonan (United States of America)
Duele tu partida física, pero tus luchas, tu ejemplo , tus ideas viven en cada revolucionario al que le enseñaste, que un mundo mejor es posible. Te amo Fidel!
Fedora Lagos Aguirre (Chile)
The struggle continues
Justin Gutmann (United Kingdom)
Rest in power,comrade Fidel Castro. May the revolution & your legend continue!
Karen MacRae (Canada)
I feel the sorrow of all Cubans.My sincere condolences to the immediate family and the people of Cuba.
Emma Ilona Szalay (Canada)
Comandante. You had a full and rich life in the service of the people. Your passing was on your own terms, like everything else you did. The world is sad to have lost you, but Cubans and their friends across the globe have benefited from your devotion and strength. Viva Fidel!
Tom Griffiths (United Kingdom)
RIP Fidel, you were a very brave. wise man
Pat Bough (Canada)
I offer my deepest condolences to the Cuban people.
José Alexandre Rosa (United Kingdom)
The world has lost a legendary inspirational comrade. viva la revolucion!!!
Greg Allison (United Kingdom)
My best wishes to Fidel's family and people at this time of sorrow. We have the privilege and consolation of knowing one of the greatest leaders and peacemakers of all time. His memory will last for ever.
Peter Harris (United Kingdom)
Long live the revolution!
Eric Noi (United Kingdom)
Andrew Cameron Morris (United Kingdom)
Marina Papadimitriou (Greece)
You so bravely did so much for the Cuban people. We should all be so good.
Hedda Haning (United States of America)
Fidel has been an inspiration to us all for over a half a century as to what true internationalism truly means, condolences to the Cuban people and the rest of the world
Nick Whitehead (United Kingdom)
Joan Andersson (United States of America)
Hemos perdido al lider que llevó a Cuba a ser querida y respetada en el mundo entero y a los cubanos la dignidad. En estos momentos Cuba necesita la solidaridad mundial. La pérdida de Fidel ha hecho que los cubanos hayamos recibido el apoyo fraternal de muchos amigos en el mundo en forma personal; una campaña como esta es muy importante para que los que no quieren a la Revolución Cubana sepan que ella tiene el apoyo y la solidaridad del mundo. Gracias! SALUDOS!
Eduardo Ortega (Cuba)
Aprendimos y seguiremos aprendiendo de nuestro Comandante querido Fidel Castro lo inmenso que puede llegar a ser un Ser Humano cuando es coherente, cuando ama a sus semejantes, cuando crea, cuando es un revolucionario y un Hombre Nuevo. Hasta la Victoria siempre, Venceremos. Con amor y ademiración profunda, seguiremos luchando a tu lado.
sara rosenberg (Argentina)
On behalf of unitetheunion members Manchester Manufacturing Branch I extend our sincere condolences to the Cuban People on their loss of a true revolutionary Comrade Fidel Castro. He will be remembered for his great solidarity with the poor people of the world and his support for their liberation. He will be sadly missed by all but his great work will carry on.
Dave Harrison (United Kingdom)
John Smith (United Kingdom)
Meus sinceros sentimentos a todo povo cubano pelo falecimento de um dos maiores lideres do século XX!Descanse em paz, Fidel!
Eliane Brum da Silva (Brazil)
Comandante Fidel, Presente!
Pancho Valdez (United States of America)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante Fidel - Siempre más allá...
stephen sefton (Nicaragua)
Viva Fidel. Viva Cuba. Venceremos
Fred Furlong (Canada)
All humans pass on.But ideas never die. Revolutionaries around the globe must continue the fight for a communist world that's what EL COMMANDANTE would have wanted. Viva cuba viva la revolucion.
Lillian julius ofole (United Kingdom)
We have lost one of the greatest men of all times.
Linda McDowell (Canada)
Fabiola Agudelo (Colombia)
Although we have known this great human's time was at hand, it is still a very sad day. Rest in peace.
eric hanby (United Kingdom)
A great revolutionary. I don't think I will see another like him in my life time.
Asma (Canada)
No has muerto Fidel, has partido a encontrate con el Che, Marti, Chavez, Bolivar y tantos miles y miles que han luchador por un mundo major. Hasta la Victoria Siempre Comandante
Sirse Irupe Carvajales Bresquet (Uruguay)
Condolences to Cuba
Lesley Taylor (United Kingdom)
RON Yarwood (United Kingdom)
Commandante Fidel Castro rest in perfect peace
Oke Maduegbuna (Nigeria)
With great sadness and profound respect we commemorate his passing.
cynthia roberts (United States of America)
Sympathies at a time of a great loss of one of the greatest humanitarians who ever lived.
Vivienne Kitcatt (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Compañero Fidel honraremos tu vida ejemplar en nuestra lucha por la independencia de Puerto Rico y en la lucha por la justicia social y económica desde las entrañas del monstruo. ¡Viva la Rvolución Cubana! ¡Viva el socialismo!
José A. Soler del Valle (Puerto Rico)
Hasta siempre Comandante. Gigante de la historia de los pueblos. Gracias Fidel, por el gran ejemplo que nos has dejado, por enseñarnos a luchar, por cambiar el mundo. Grande Fidel. Vivirás por siempre comandante! :'( <3
Katerina Annis (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Jeff Klein (United States of America)
Our sympathy.
Em Coffey (United States of America)
Condolences to a remarkable man who brought health and education to all his people despite all the economic hardships.
Caroline (United Kingdom)
Cubans think that they owe those of us who have supported their cause in the UK. Nothing could be further from the truth. Your integrity, honesty and socialism has been at times the only beacon in the world that has given us hope. We thank you Fidel and all of the Cuban people. Viva la revolucion, viva Cuba!
Roy & Gail Williamson (United Kingdom)
Some of my first words in 1962 were "Hands off Cuba". We'll done El Commandante for helping to keep Cuba strong and indepwndent throughout my life.
Martin Kennedy (United Kingdom)
My sincere condolences for the loss of a great revolutionary leader
John Pinkerton (United Kingdom)
Deepest condolences, love & solidarity to the People of Cuba!! What a huge huge loss for the world!! But what a contribution to Humanity, justice, anti-imperialist & Revolutionary Struggle!! So much respect for Commandante Fidel Castro!!! May his Revolutionary Spirit live on always!! x x x
Mairi-Ann Lowry (United Kingdom)
The revolution will continue! Rest in peace Comandente Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz
Jeff Callaghan (Canada)
Respect voor deze grote man. De wereld zal hem nog missen.
Stijn Keunen (United Kingdom)
A force for good in the Caribbeam. In spite of planned assassinations by the USA he died as he lived; marching to the beat of his own drum. Viva Cuba!
Joseph Kelsall (United Kingdom)
An inspiration.
Charlotte Garrett (Canada)
Arend Rietkerk (Netherlands)
Marcela Silva Soto (Argentina)
Condolence to his family. Thanks for all the good he has done for Cuba and the developing world. RIP Commandante Fidel.
E L Bennett (United States of America)
One of the gratest of history
Hugo Rangone (Argentina)
No nos moveran. Venceremos!
Ismael (United States of America)
Hasta la Victoria siempre ,comandante en jefe ,oredene , Siempre estaras con nosotros , porque los hombres solo mueren cuando mueren sus ideas .
Armando Pinero Estrada (Canada)
Hasta la victoria siempre
Jason Jones (United States of America)
A great man, and a great revolutionary leader.
Jane Thurlow (United Kingdom)
We have lost a great leader Fidel will be in our hearts forever RIP commandante
Carlos Nunes (United Kingdom)
Antonio Lauria-Perricelli (United States of America)
Commandante Fidel raised the practice of internationalism to the highest level imaginable, whether manifested by sending medical brigades around the world or in the assistance offered to Angola and Namibia in the overthrow of apartheid South Africa. The Cuban Revolution, founded and led by Fidel, inspired people everywhere to know that a better world is indeed possible. Long live his example!
Nancy B. Kohn (United States of America)
It has sai dthatle in dark 3rd world counties Fidel ek e was a beacon of light
Erno Rosenthal (United States of America)
A sad day but Mr. Castro was a true revolutionary and saviour to the Cuban people. An extraordinary man whose life was remarkable.
Deborah OConnor (Canada)
A tragic day for workers throughout the world. One of the greatest leaders and icons of the last century has passed on. He will be missed by many.
David Mark Young (United Kingdom)
Although Fidel passed away he will live on in our hearts. In this sad moment I am at the side of the Cuban People. Viva Fidel! Viva la Revolución Cubana!
Günter Belchaus (Germany)
Long live Fidel
Salvador Allende Monument in Sydney Inc. (Australia)
Fidel Castro's greatest achievement was inflicting a total military defeat on the most powerful military power in human history. He did this without firing a shot. In the annals of military history, no general has ever managed to win a war without exerting force on the battlefield: in military terms this is unprecedented. He made Cuba impregnable in the mind of this enemy. This, more than anything else, has allowed the Cuban government to assert its sovereignty for over 50years and, in the process, earn the respect of the free nations of the world.
Simon McGuinness (Ireland)
Deeply respected, sorely missed. Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Venceremos!
Rael Nidess, MD. (United States of America)
Raise a glass and celebrate the life of a great human being who made such a positive impact on the entire world.
Paul Bates (United Kingdom)
A tragic loss to the people of Cuba and the World. A true hero, loyal leader, man of deep and profound principles. The world should mourn your passing but celebrate your life. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Anne McCormack (United Kingdom)
Descanse en paz
Holly Horne (United States of America)
Adios, camarada. La esperanza sigue viviendo.
Martin Perfect (United Kingdom)
In memory of Fidel, just like that, a father for a whole generation of revolutionary Cubans. Till victory, always.
Olga Salanueva Arango (Cuba)
A great revolutionary figure. A great fighter for socialism. A great leader of the poor & oppressed.
Ian Buckley (United Kingdom)
¡Fidel sigue vivo, invicto! ¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Wunsch Joélaquo;l (Luxembourg)
Rest in Peace the historic leader of the Cuban people, in their struggle against the American blockade, Condolences to all the people who Fidel gave his life defending.
Jonathan Dale (United Kingdom)
I am so heartbroken that the world has lost Fidel when I know he had so much more to teach all of us. I woke up this morning realizing this would be the first day in my life without Fidel. He has made me feel less alone in how I feel about what is truly important in this world and what is worth fighting for. I will keep his message alive in my heart and in my work.
lauren Ornelas (United States of America)
Condolences to you.
Jane Rudon (United Kingdom)
An inspiration, witty and wise, a true father of his nation and his continent of nations.
Keith Reid (United Kingdom)
To the great president who dictated government FOR the people and BY the people. Al gran presidente que dictó al gobierno PARA la gente y POR la gente.
Ruth (Canada)
Rick Davis (Canada)
History did absolve Fidel. The world will remember his service to humanity forever. Hasta Siempre Commandante!
Mitchell Wells (United Kingdom)
To a man who meant so much to so many people, who gave hope to those that had none, that fought against the tyranny of imperialists and dictators and freed so many people from the shackles of squalor, rest in peace. To a decent man in an indecent world, hasta siempre, you are immortal.
Charlie Alexander (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre !!
Cloo (Belgium)
En Paz Descanse
Elena R Freyre Foundstion for Normalization of US/ (United States of America)
Fidel el revolucionario, nos ha dejado un legado de LUCHA. No hay otra posibilidad de rendirle homenaje
Ulysse URRIOLA (France)
Deepest sympathies to the Cuban people, who sacrificed a lot as Castro did to rid themselves of the 1% PIGS of the USA who enslaved their people. No system is perfect, but being whores to douche-bag asshole yankees might be the worst imaginable. Canada loves Cuba, and hopes for nothing but a wonderful future for the Cuban people, who got a big assist from Castro.
Lincoln (Canada)
Gracias Comandante por tu ejemplo, tu valentía, tu amor por la humanidad, un mundo mejor es posible! Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Arnold & Kathryn Hall-Trujillo (United States of America)
In memory of a man who pursued progress, the liberation of all humanity.
Ryan (United Kingdom)
Jenny Kassman (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre, Fidel
Jan McLachlan (United Kingdom)
Korkut Akın (Turkey)
Dania Batista Guevara (Armenia)
Your contribution to your country, wonderful Cuba, has been immense. Your legacy will live on. Forward to socialist revolution.
Carel andDavid Buxton (United Kingdom)
A great leader of the world. RIP
Jinn-yuh Hsu (Taiwan)
Thank you, Fidel, for your vision and courage.
Noeleen Grattan (United Kingdom)
Condolences, and with deep respect for all the many achievements Commandante Fidel Castro made for the people of Cuba and internationally.
Elizabeth and Mordecai briemberg (Canada)
JOHN CHRISTEY (United Kingdom)
Fidel, you have been an exceptionally brave leader and inspiration since as a young man you opted to fight for freedom and justice. You have been a champion of Truth in an age in which lies and deceit are remain powerful. History has already absolved you. Your legacy will inspire the future leaders in opposing the new greed and selfishness of global capitalism. RIP commander. Thank you for giving life meaning.
Ian Douglas-Todd (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre Comandante. - Mis sinceras y modestas condolencias a todo el pueblo de Cuba. - My sincere and humble condolences to all the people of Cuba. - De un cubano honorario. From an honorary cuban.
Benjamin W. Vergara-Carvallo (United Kingdom)
Celebrate 90 years of steadfast love for and dedication to the people of Cuba and the world. Celebrate resistance to the determined forces of capitalists in the U.S. and elsewhere to turn them around. Love you, Fidel! Love you Cuban people!
Carolfrances (United States of America)
You have given us so much, We will always remember your struggle and continue the struggle. You gave us hope for a better world, and you showed us CUBAN revolucion. VIVA FIDEL.
Betty Möller (Sweden)
Sincere condolences to the Cuban people on the loss of Fidel Castro. Your deeds under his leadership and the leadership of Raul have inspired people all over the world. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Pat Turnbull (United Kingdom)
Eres un héroe que has mejorado muchísimo las vidas de las ciudadanos cubanos durante muchos años. No ha sido perfecto y el embargo inmoral ha causado grandes problemas pero nunca has perdido la esperanza. Las mentiras de los enimigos de Cuba no van a cambiar la verdad. ¡Viva la revolucion!
Liam O'Hare (United Kingdom)
Sad to hear of the passing of Fidel Castro. A genuine 20th century hero, he fought for his beliefs and made his country, his people and the wider world much the better for it. A remarkable and inspiring leader, his life and achievements will continue to inspire others in the fight for a better world. Rest in Peace.
Craig Diggins (United Kingdom)
Gracias Fidel! Thanks Comadante
José Martines Rodriguez (Cuba)
Sad day
Michael Tynan (United Kingdom)
A terrible loss to the world. Our sympathies from Scotland.
Connor Boyd (United Kingdom)
Olaf Brühl, Berlin (Germany)
Fidel Castro was a great man and his legacy will live on.
Jim & Ev Manly (Canada)
Sincere condolences and solidarity to all the Cuban people for your loss.
Azim Hajee (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, comandante.
Natascia Zammarchi (Italy)
A truly inspirational and remarkable man and global force. His legacy will remain.
Julie A-Nartey (United Kingdom)
Hasta la vista, comandante!
Nara Ribeiro Filippon (United Kingdom)
Sad, a legend for socialism and equality. There were flaws, but nothing compared to what Cuba has been up against.
Sybil Cock (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with the Cuban people and all revolutionaries world wide. His t a hinge and memory will live on. Venceremos
Errol Sharpe (Canada)
Hasta siempre, comandante.
Massimiliano Maestri (Italy)
¡Fidel vive, la lucha sigue! ¡Hasta la victoria siempre! ¡Venceremos!
A great man, who transformed the world and inspired us.
Cath Attlee (United Kingdom)
Renate Schönfeld (Germany)
Thank You Fidel and Family
James McCorry (United Kingdom)
Fidel's life and his devotion to the people of Cuba and the creation of a better life there will stand forever as an inspiration to all struggling for freedom, equality and international friendship. salud Comrade Fidel
David Horsley (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro led the Cuban people to overthrow a corrupt dictatorship, resist imperialism and be an example of internationalism that is admired around the world. He he will go down in history as one of the greatest leaders of our times.
rick sterling (United States of America)
All members of the Victoria Friends of Cuba are sad to hear the new of Fidel Castro's death. His great legacy will live on!
virginia daniel (Canada)
Yo ofrezco mis condolencias a la familia de ex Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz y tambien con toda la gente a su alredador incluido en mis sentimientos ellos quien lucharon con el y todo el pueblo cubano
Roisin Kane (Ireland)
Condolences to the Cuban people on the death of a hero. Cuba, and the world, will miss him. Solidarity.
Ben Seifert (United Kingdom)
Gloria eterna a quien nos enseñó lo que es Patria, Resistencia, Dignidad y Coraje.
Mario Hernández Nodarse (Cuba)
In memory of a great revolutionary. Hasta la victoria siempre!
Professor Robert Arnott (United Kingdom)
My condolences to the Cuban people and all my dear friends there. A momentous loss of an inspirational world leader and hero. An intellectual giant, a man of true courage.
john curtis (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace Fidel. You have been an inspiration to so many people
Hazel Fuller (United Kingdom)
Mª Jeséordm;s (United Kingdom)
Amir M. Maasoumi (Canada)
The world has lost a great human being and will be missed by millions around the globe.
Larry and Helen Negrave (Canada)
La Asociación de Cubanos Residentes en Toronto "Juan Gualberto Gómez" expresa su profundo pesar por la pérdida física del Comandante en Jefe de la Revolución Cubana Fidel Castro. Enviamos nuestra solidaridad al pueblo cubano. Fidel nos deja su ejemplo multiplicado y su legado de que un mundo mejor no solo es posible, sino cierto.
Julio Fonseca Asociación Cuba (Canada)
Fidel Castro. A very great man who replaced the dictatorship of the Batista regime.The health service of Cuba seems so much more than the United States. Why did the U.S. try to overthrow so many more countries.
John Anderson (United Kingdom)
Ana blanco (Spain)
Always a figurehead, one of the few we could look up to and respect. Hopefully his work will carry on
tim buckley (United Kingdom)
I was very sorry to hear of the death of Fidel Castro and hope that the excellent work in education and health in Cuba will continue.
Veronica Matthew (United Kingdom)
The end of an era viva la revolution
Thomas McCoid (United Kingdom)
Viva la Revolucion Cuba! Much sadness from Sisters & Brothers and Comrades around the World - Peace and Socialism from England
Steve (United Kingdom)
A truly great human being, the like of which the world will never again experience. May the Cuban people never again lose their freedom.
Stephen Fawcett (United Kingdom)
He showed what could be achieved
Fran Choules (United Kingdom)
All my thoughts and prayers are with the family and the hole island of Cuba
Neal Rowell (Canada)
An inspiration to all who dare to be free, in defiance of all who would enslave. Even a mouse under the paw of the biggest lion in the forest can refuse and resist.
Paul Larudee (United States of America)
hasta siempre comandante
rosa bosch (United Kingdom)
George Kirkpatrick (United Kingdom)
Fidel will be missed as a great leader of the Cuban people and a great friend to oppressed people everywhere.
Chris Mackinnon (United Kingdom)
General secretary, Young Communist League Britain. My deepest condolences to the people of Cuba on this sad day. Fidel has been a great inspiration during my life and no doibt, many others. His passing brings with it deep sadness. More than that, his life's work inspires us and we should allow it to strengthen our resolve to continue working towards socialism and international solidarity. These things that Fidel worked so hard and so competently for. We should not be sad his life is over rather, we should be joyful that it happened. Until final victory comrades!
Owain James Roderic Holland (United Kingdom)
Peter Hollings (United States of America)
En este día doloroso para todos los pueblos del mundo, agradecemos a Fidel su ejemplo revolucionario y sus enseñanzas: «Revolución es sentido del momento histórico; es cambiar todo lo que debe ser cambiado; es igualdad y libertad plenas; es ser tratado y tratar a los demás como seres humanos; es emanciparnos por nosotros mismos y con nuestros propios esfuerzos; es desafiar poderosas fuerzas dominantes dentro y fuera del ámbito social y nacional; es defender valores en los que se cree al precio de cualquier sacrificio; es modestia, desinterés, altruismo, solidaridad y heroísmo; es luchar con audacia, inteligencia y realismo; es no mentir jamás ni violar principios éticos; es convicción profunda de que no existe fuerza en el mundo capaz de aplastar la fuerza de la verdad y las ideas.
Oscar Avellaneda (Colombia)
We have lost an inspirational leader. Long may his legacy endure
Sue Wyatt (United Kingdom)
An amazing spiret is no longer with us.
Dr Margaret (Jamaica)
Condolences to the people of one of the world's most humanitarian society.
Diane Watt (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences to Fidel's family and the Cuban people, my prayers go out to you all. Be brave and continue his fight. May God bless you all.
Richard Mustonen-Smith (United Kingdom)
Descansa en Paz Comandante y gracias por inspirarnos a pensar y creer que un mundo mejor es posible.
Carmen Ramos Castillo (United Kingdom)
A sad day. But a life fulfilled. Goodbye Fidel.
Clement Shaw (United Kingdom)
Merton and Sutton TUC wish to offer their condolences to the people of Cuba on the death of Fidel who along with the people of Cuba has been an inspiration to the world. We will continue the struggle to end the blockade. Fidel will be remembered as a man of the people. May he rest in peace.
Kevin O'Brien (United Kingdom)
Rosa María Cabrera Lotfe (Mexico)
A truly great man, human being and revolutionary socialist. He will never be forgotten, the struggle continues.
Eoin MacNeill (United Kingdom)
What a life!
Ian Roth (United Kingdom)
The togetherness shown by the Cuban people in the 60's and 70's under Fidel Castro's leadership showed the world that 'hasta vitoria siempre' was more than just a slogan it was a way of living and looking after the people despite all the obstacles put in their way by other countries in the world and made many of us realise that 'there truly is another way'.
John Brown (United Kingdom)
Fir the Victoria Friends of Cuba, I send a message of condolence to the people of Cuba. You have lost a great humanitarian and revolutionary leader. He with the support of the Cuban people has demonstrated to the world how to provide humanitarian aid to others in need while suffering under an illegal and unjust US blockade. He has also raised the literacy, health, and cultural standards of the poor and oppressed through out the world. Contrast Cuba's contributions to those of the USA: war on Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen; violent regime change in Grenada, Chile, Honduras, Afghanistan, Libya; murder from drones of innocents; support of oppressive regimes like Israel; and elections won by dollars rather than democracy.
Dr. Edwin E. Daniel (Canada)
Gone is a Great man who will never ever be forgotten. The world has lost a great compasionate leader. Socialism will never die just like our memory of you. Rest In Peace Fidel Castro. Semper Victorious.
gregor Macmillan (United Kingdom)
A great man sadly missed.
Michael Cook (United Kingdom)
Tim Geering (United Kingdom)
In memory of an inspirational and humane leader. Hasta la victoria siempre Fidel.
sylvia knight (United Kingdom)
Edward Vasquez (United States of America)
Farewell to a great leader, who has been the voice of integrity throughout my adult life. We will not be defeated. The struggle continues.
Diana Binstead (United Kingdom)
Sincere thanks to a great political figure who helped the revolution in Nicaragua over a period of several decades; and condolences to our wonderful friends in Cuba who have lost their great 'figura paterna'.
John Perry (Nicaragua)
So very sad!!! A true hero and inspiration for me and many others. Your tireless efforts for the benefit of others is not lost or forgotten. The fight continues! VIVA CUBA! HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE, FIDEL!!!
Mathew Bailey (United Kingdom)
Ali Mallah (Canada)
Johnny Roberts (Canada)
Ed Semmens (Australia)
Hasta Siempre from IWW Swansea
Joe Meredith (United Kingdom)
Viva el comandante! Viva Cuba! Viva Fidel. Hasta el amor sempre!
Raymond Howard (United Kingdom)
Stayed strong to your beliefs and principles RIP
peter foy (United Kingdom)
What a legacy he has left behind. We need Fidel's example even more today. Another world must be possible or mankind is doomed. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Nigel Braithwaite (United Kingdom)
I don't agree with everything you did, however, you stood as a bastion against the excess of Capitalism and fought for the advancement of your people.
John McAndrew (United Kingdom)
good or bad, your family still loved you. R.I.P
Tonya (Canada)
¡Muchas gracias Fidel! Toda que usted ha hecho fue, es y siempre será un ejemplo fuerte de lo que es posible.
Tammy A (United Kingdom)
Comrades all around the world are in mourning with the people of Cuba. The spirit of Fidel and the reveloution will live on.
Paul wade (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Fidel Castro. Your memory forever will live on
Colin broom (United Kingdom)
I was lucky enough to visit Cuba in 2005 and see this vibrant,resilient people. I wish Cubans well, it is for them only to decide their future and their future government.
Dorothy Sharkey (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria siempre
Janet Hargreaves (United Kingdom)
Fidel: faithful to the people, faithful to his vision of equality and progress. An example and inspiration to the world - he will never be forgotten.
Catherine Robinson (United Kingdom)
Sincere condolences.
Carol Jackson (United Kingdom)
Fidel embodied the hope and dream of a better world held in the hearts of millions. The man has passed, what the man stood for and achieved will never pass. Thank you Fidel for your inspiration - the world is that much the poorer without you.
Jude Bullock (United Kingdom)
Sleep softly Comandante. An inspiration, a visionary, an inheritor of Marti and Marx. You fought, inspired and led, taught your country to read, strive and dream. We are not diminished by your death but strengthened through your life. Another world is possible...
Professor Krista Cowman (United Kingdom)
A great man of principle who led his people with outstanding ideals of socialism. Spreading the communal spirit of Cuban hearts across the world. No other better example,than Cuban doctors humanitarian call to all parts of the world.A great man sorely missed
Martin Love (United Kingdom)
I have felt inspired my whole life from Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolutionary, not only me but it inspired a whole ideology. I am devastated with the news of Fidel's passing and we have lost a great hero and man of the people. Now more than ever we need to work to get the Cuban Blockade lifted. Fidel''s legacy will always be for me the fantastic healthcare and education he has provided for the Cuban people. Solidarity with the Cuban people and long live the revolution.
Jay Sutherland (United Kingdom)
R.I.P/ COMRADE you will never ever be forgot, Viva the revolution.
michael (United Kingdom)
Caitlin Bolton (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a remarkable man of great courage and insight, a true revolutionary and inspiration to the world, he will not be forgotten.
John Lanigan (United Kingdom)
William Murphy (United Kingdom)
Am deeply saddened by Fidel's passing. As leader of Cuba's revolution, he was and remains an inspiration to millions resisting imperialism and struggling for equality and justice. He played a key role in supporting the struggles for liberation in South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, Venezuela and Vietnam.
Bob Allen (United Kingdom)
In memory of a great revolutionary, a great leader of his people and country. The achievements and progress of Cuba, particularly in education and healthcare, are an example to us all.
Claire Marianne Copple (United Kingdom)
Fidel por siempre Cuba eres tu
Maria Herminia González (Cuba)
RIP, Fidel - you will be honoured as a hero of the people, along with James Connolly, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg and so many others in many lands. Viva la revolucion permaniente - Tiocfaidh ar La.
Coilin Macdomhnaill (Ireland)
I wish I could be there to celebrate the life of Fidel along with the citizens of Cuba. This an historic moment not only for Cuba but the world. Such a small country with a strong global presence because of your incredible revolution. Many people are still looking to you as a model of socialism. In Solidarity - Sandi
Sandra Brown (Canada)
An inspiration for so many...socialism can be achieved if the pepole are with you...God bless Comrade
Sean Hoyle (United Kingdom)
There are no words...
Kevin Carroll (United Kingdom)
Comandante por siempre presente
Camilo González (Cuba)
Rest in peace Comandante, another world is possible.
Paul Mulholland (United Kingdom)
Unidos en la Causa
ingvar Enghardt (Sweden)
Un simbolo de la lucha revolucionaria durante tantos anos de mi juventud y los anos pasados. Fidel era una inspiracion para millones en todas partes del mundo. Tenemos en Cuba en ejemplo de lo que se puede conseguir con la abolicion de la propiedad privada de las grandes empresas y la tierra. A pesar del bloqueo por EEUU Cuba podia desarollar un sistema de salud publica mejor que en EEUU. Existia la planificacion de la economia pero lo que faltaba era la democracia obrera. Saludos revolucionarios a la clase obrera cubana.
DARRALL COZENS (United Kingdom)
We won't allow his history and his legacy to be revised and misremembered.
Rachel Broady (United Kingdom)
Quién es el mejor ser humano vivo ahora que Fidel ya no está con nosotros? Descanse en Paz gran héroe de los pueblos. Hasta la victoria siempre.
Eric Coates (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace, knowing you accomplished a job well done. Salud comrade
Bob Sproule (United Kingdom)
Farewell comrade!
Brian Corbett (United Kingdom)
Having followed/supported and seen The Cuban Revolution first hand since Fidels first attempt to bring a better life to the Cuban people in 1953 he gave his valuable life to the country,with so much success.Rest in peace now PAPA.
Kenneth Orme (United Kingdom)
A brave man who fought to give his people a better life
alan webster (United Kingdom)
Sue (United Kingdom)
A great man who showed the way. May his legacy continue to show the way in these dark times. RIP
Mark Cunliffe (United Kingdom)
Alison (United Kingdom)
Viva fidel! A true hero of the people and one of the main reasons I still fight for a communist world based on the notion of "each according to their ability, each according to their need." Rest in power comrade, the world will be an emptier place without you.
Nathan (United Kingdom)
Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolution have been a shining light in Latin American. RIP Comrade Castro.
Mark Wardell (United Kingdom)
Deepest condolences to the family of Fidel Castro, the Cuban people, and all supporters of equality, and social and economic justice everywhere. Hasta la Victoria Siempre!
Jim Ennis (United Kingdom)
Niparun Nessa (United Kingdom)
Simon Korner (United Kingdom)
Cuba is and Cubans are amazing. You should be so proud. Viva la revolucion
Paul Hughes (United Kingdom)
Now more than ever we must take the best from what Fidel and Cuba have created - against all the odds he and the peoples of Cuba have been a shinning light and an example of what is possible. In a world torn by greed, war and 'false' bigotry workers of the world must rise, organise and build a mass movement capable of delivering food, freedom and fulfilment for all - once and for all!
Steve Jones (United Kingdom)
Fidel was a person who did great things in his lifetime to improve the conditions of many people, who stood strongly for his convictions during that time and fought bravely. He is a person who will be remembered well.
Kate Ferguson (Australia)
Frank (United Kingdom)
Hasta siempre, Fidel. Gorffwys mewn Hedd/Rest in Peace. (Cymru Cuba)
Mark Williams (United Kingdom)
You made a better world ! You will stay in our hearts
Sam macartney (United Kingdom)
With deep condolences to the people of Cuba
Marc Sinden (United Kingdom)
I have visited Cuba 3 times and have grown to be been impressed and moved by the pride in their revolution that the Cuban people I met conveyed to me. I have been impressed by their health service, their education system, but above all by their internationalism and their resilience. As such I have had the utmost respect for the person that have led them through this moral and humane journey In lasting memory of you and your achievement, lider Fidel Castro.
Keith Yule (United Kingdom)
Salud Comrade Fidel! Remembered ever, the work you started we pledge ourselves to continue until victory which will surely come.
Laurence Platt (United Kingdom)
Martin Schwander (Switzerland)
Greetings from West Wales, solidarity with the people of Cuba on their day of mourning. Deepest condolences to Commanadante Catro for his long struggle against the forces of imperialism and colonialism. R.I.P
Dave Rendle (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Austin McHale (United Kingdom)
Ann Skipper (United Kingdom)
A man of courage and vision who leaves behind a better world.
Debb Buchholtz (United Kingdom)
Fidel RIP. Cuba will continue, the humanitarian leader of the world
Carol Angharad (United Kingdom)
dead but never forgotten a true son of the people long live the revolution
michael daisley (United Kingdom)
Fidel - your place is assured in history. Cuba is an inspiration to us all. Hasta la victoria siempre
Richard Chilton (United Kingdom)
His policies on health care and education and Cuba's impact in the global south will never be forgotten. He leaves a legacy that will continue to inspire for years to come.
Ian Webster (United Kingdom)
You shook the chains of tyranny from your people and wrested your country from the hands of pornographers, gamblers and drug runners. You brought freedom through universal education, housing, health and employment. You were a shining example of progressive revolution. RIP Fidel Castro
Sean McGovern (United Kingdom)
Thank you Fidel and thank you Cuba for the unparalleled example you have set for the rest of the world. The ongoing success and resilience of the Cuban Revolution against incredible odds continues to inspire and bring hope to socialists internationally. The practical solidarity you showed other countries in times of difficulty will never be forgotten and regardless of the pathetic media lies about the work of Fidel Castro there are people determined to spread the truth and continue the fight in honour of Castro and oppressed people worldwide. All power to Castro, all power to Cuba. Love and solidarity forever.
Sarah Rogers (United Kingdom)
Graham Tranquada (United Kingdom)
At least he died a natural death and the capitalists bastards didn't manage to kill him! No matter how hard they tired. Don't mourn! Organise! Viva la revolución!
Arthur Shaw (United Kingdom)
A symbol of revolution throughout the world, a leader who successfully fought US imperialism to establish a planned economy and a high standard of education and health care, despite loss of Soviet funding and US embargo. The people of Cuba must continue to fight for workers' democracy.
Pam Bromley (United Kingdom)
I visited Cuba twice and was very impressed by what you achieved in such difficult circumstances. Hasta la vista , siempre!
Oliver Pardo-Roques (United Kingdom)
So sorry to hear the sad news!
Richard Carter (United Kingdom)
A very sad loss and the end of an era, but the legend will live on.
Zed (United Kingdom)
My dad Ian spoke to Fidel when they were planning the pan carribean union, what a shame it never came to anything. I still have photos he took of Fidel and Raul . Rest in peace big man, probably the last of the revolutionaries
Morag sangster (United Kingdom)
Farewell to the last great socialist leader. An inspiration to all
Peter Pinkney (United Kingdom)
Hasta Siempre, querido comandante. Viva la revolucion Cubana.
Jim Farrell (United Kingdom)
Somebody who I learnt about late in life, and someone who showed the world what is possible against impossible odds. I look toward Cuba and her people, and am often left bemused at what IT is that this amazing race of people possess, that so many of us do not. The world is poorer, for having lost Fidel!
STEVEN (United Kingdom)
Maggie Partridge (United Kingdom)
I am from Scotland. We are a country wanting liberation. I admired Fidel Castro for his strength of character. The intervention in Angola helped to get Madiba out of jail and weaken apartheid. Whatever people say about him he cleared out the Mafia from Cuba. We hope they do not come back to exploit and humiate you. It was always a dream of mine to travel to Cuba. So far I have not made it. Maybe one day. But Fidel and Che Guevara were always people I looked up to Fidel in my opinion was a great man
Angus Collins (United Kingdom)
A great revolutionary and an inspiration for the world. One of the towering figures of the twentieth century. Fidel's place in history is secure.
Martin Levy (United Kingdom)
I always admired him. Now I will miss him.
Patricia Newman (United Kingdom)
Thank you for all you did.
Joy and Don Pollard (Ireland)
An inspiration throughout my adult life.
Philip Livesey (United Kingdom)
Deepest Sympathy to all on the loss of your Leader
patricia hetherton (United Kingdom)
May he Rest In Peace and rise in glory
Keith Reeves (Canada)
A great role model to us all. R.i.p.
Maurice Byrne (United Kingdom)
Sarah Teversham (United Kingdom)
Richard Evans (United Kingdom)
Farewell Fidel. Amongst your achievements, you have left an amazing health care legacy that the world can learn from, and it will continue to support not only the Cuban people but some of the most deprived, vulnerable and at risk communities across the world. Karen xx
Karen Barford (United Kingdom)
Rest in Peace Fidel. You truly were one of the people and an inspiration.
Councillor Karen Lee (United Kingdom)
Rest in power comrade to all oppressed people worldwide.
Dan (United Kingdom)
Will be missed by us all.
Harry Smith (United Kingdom)
Anuradha (United Kingdom)
Ursula (United Kingdom)
Fidel, although I never had the honour of meeting him personally on my visits to Cuba, he has always been an inspiration and a guide in my work as a social action psychotherapist.
Sue Holland (United Kingdom)
Jane Hayball (United Kingdom)
I think we should celebrate a life that has contributed so much to so many people around the world, and whose example will continue inspiring people for generations to come.
karen lee wald (United Kingdom)
Best wishes to all the people of Cuba at this very sad time.
Lesley Daisley (United Kingdom)
What a great man.
jean balibrera (United States of America)
The last of the great revolutionaries
Joseph Meehan (United Kingdom)
We have been blessed to have lived at the same time of this great leader who has shown us through his actions that we must stand up for the rights and freedom of the majority of the human race Fidel Castro has left a great legacy for humanity. The legacy requires us all to stand up for what is right, just and fair so that all of humanity can fulfil their enormous potential whatever their race, sexual orientation or ability.
Barbara Ellis (United Kingdom)
Thanks for showing a better world is possible. Cuba Libre !
Tony McMullan (United Kingdom)
You created a true democracy, sharing wealth, improving living standards and showing that another world is possible.
Joyce Hallmark (United Kingdom)
You have been my insperation all my life RIP comandanty viva la revolution
Walter Hood (United Kingdom)
Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Comandante en Jefe, Ordene!
Pedro Perez-Sarduy (United Kingdom)
hasta la victoria siempre
Bruce Milne (United Kingdom)
A leader who touched the hearts minds and souls of many
Tom Sutherland (United Kingdom)
You leave a great heritage in public education and health
Ken Martin (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Comandante.
Neil Wilkinson (United Kingdom)
Ann barrington (United Kingdom)
Phil Rudden (United Kingdom)
Dave Leonard (United Kingdom)
I grew up wiht the Cuban revolution and remember well the Cuba crisis at the age of 20. Fidel and Che were my heros after Lenin and Trotsky. Long live the Revolution - Down with American Imperialism!
David Nissen (United Kingdom)
The revolution continues for Fidel and for the workers of the world.
Paul Philippou (United Kingdom)
Peter (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the family of Fidel and to the people of Cuba Hasta Siempre Comandante
Ann Farell (United Kingdom)
A Revolutionary, an inspiration. I read Fidel's book Capitalism in Crisis when I was about 18, it was a pivotal book for me. I underestimated Fidel a number of times before I began to understand him. My friends in Cuba and those who studied there have heavy hearts today. Hasta Siempre mi Comandante. You'll live on within each of us.
Richard Cole (United Kingdom)
We send our heartfelt condolences to the people of Cuba on the loss of their Revolutionary leader, Fidel Castro Ruz. We salute the memory of Commandante Fidel, who, with his companeros, led the Cuban people from poverty and illiteracy caused by colonialism and despotism to Independence and amazing achievement in the fields of healthcare, education and internationalism. Venceramos!
Oxford Cuba Solidarity Campaign (United Kingdom)
In gratitude for a life dedicated to Socialism and the self-determination of peoples which can never be at the expense of another. Your legacy is our commitment.
Brian Durrans (United Kingdom)
Liberation of the individual is paramount you went a long way to liberating this. Thankyou & bless your liberty.
Paul (United Kingdom)
Saddened to hear of the passing of one of my childhood heroes.
john moore (United Kingdom)
I was fortunate to hear the great man speak at the Karl Marx Theatre, Havana, on 26th July 2007. We have lost him when the world needs him now more than ever. We must all work extra hard to sustain the triumph of the Cuban revolution and go forward to end the illegal embargo, and to make sure Guantanamo is returned to the Cuban people. Hasta Victoria Siempre! Viva Cuba!
Dyrinda Arthur (United Kingdom)
Dr Fidel Castro was one of the inspirational leaders of my life. He showed how a socialist revolution could be sustained in the teeth of the opposition of the most powerful military industrial complex in the world. Hasta la Victoria siempre!
Chris Bartter (United Kingdom)
Joseph Jamison (United States of America)
Fidel Castro was a most remarkable man, Communist and teacher. His record speaks for itself. Here was a true internationalist, anti-imperialist and fighter for justice and peace. You will be sorely missed Comandante but your legacy inspires the Cuban people and progressive peoples around the world to redouble our efforts in the cause for humanity and for socialism and communism. Long live Marxism-Leninism! Long live the Cuban revolution! Hasta la victoria siempre! Condolences and in solidarity, Communist Party of Britain, Shropshire branch.
Jim Reekie (United Kingdom)
Thank you, you took them on....
Edward (United Kingdom)
A true revolutionary, a true leader, a great man !
Paul Ainsworth (United Kingdom)
May he rest in peace.
Dana Seiglie (United Kingdom)
RIP, Fidel. You were a great leader of your country. Your death will be a great loss to the Cuban people, and to Progressives around the world, but you did have a long and fruitful life. The world has lost a truly great man, but your legacy remains as a beacon of courage, truth and service to your countrymen and women. Meanwhile, back on the ranch, the US continues it's bloody 'Regime Change' wars and interventions. I hope you made your peace with God before you died.
Paul Barbara (United Kingdom)
lynne davies (United Kingdom)
You were an inspiration for many. What you did for health and education in your country was outstanding.
Matthew (United Kingdom)
Your steadfastness and commitment to your people has led to a country that is respected around the world for your international solidarity and willingness to help those who are suffering. And along the way, life for most Cubans has improved, too.
Evelina Pan (Canada)
A giant among men. Will be long remembered.
Lila Lent (United Kingdom)
Viva Comondanti !
brad oliver (United Kingdom)
You made us proud by standing up to imperialism.
Shiraz Durrani (United Kingdom)
Fidel was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th Century and refused to be beaten by the great imperialist bully.Long live the Revolution!
Michael Bailey (United Kingdom)
The most important political leader from a developing country in the 20th century... A man who taught us to analyze, to think. A person with a humanitarian vision that has saved the lives of millions and millions of people in the developing world, through an extraordinary programme of medical internationalism. We are so lucky to have had him with us...
John Kirk (Canada)
Jenny Bennett (United Kingdom)
Hasta luego Fidel
John Heddle (United Kingdom)
An inspiration, standing strong against American oppression for decades. Rest easy brother ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!
Andrew Tweed (United Kingdom)
Deepest condolences to a country I visited on the day Fidel stepped down and Rahul stepped up. Cuba is a country where me, my husband and daughter saw the healthest children and the lives of the cubans under a solidarity state free from greed and poverty but glowing in prosperity. My visit will always remain in my heart and the history that comes with the country that you fought to remain independant of Americas playground! Vie va Cuba.
nazia dar (United Kingdom)
Mando mis condolencias al pueblo cubano. Para mi Fidel fue una inspiración a partir de mi adolencia en las sesenta. Siempre sabia reconocer sus errors y siempre tenia la justicia social (y mas reciente ambiebntal) en su corazón y su mente. Junto con el pueblo logró mucho. Será presente siempre.
Mark Burton (United Kingdom)
A profound and inspirational influence on my life - as with many others. Ultimately left slightly wanting but I will always truly believe Cuba and much of the Americas (and the rest of the world) is better for your influence. Rest in peace.
John Rutter (United Kingdom)
What a sad end to a rubbish year - David Bowie, Lemmy, Leonard Cohen, Brexit, Trump - and now this. Obama at least started the normalisation of relationships. Sadly, Trump's reaction tonight suggest the clock may be turned back No pasaran! Viva la siempre revolucion!
David Murray (United Kingdom)
I studied 'Revolution' as part of my course at Essex University in the 1970s, and naturally the Cuban Revolution featured strongly. I have always had the greatest admiration for Fidel Castro - there are undoubtedly many unpleasant aspects to Castro's government, but there is no comparison with the previous Batista Government, and there is much of which to be proud, particularly in view of the difficulties caused by The Blockade. RIP
Annie Lindo (United Kingdom)
A great loss to all progressive people throughout the world. Fidel's legacy will on through the continuing achievements of the Cuban people.
Carole regan (United Kingdom)
El Comandante! An inspiration throughout my life. Long live the Cuban Revolution. End the USA blockade now!
Ivan Beavis (United Kingdom)
So sorry to hear of the loss of a good and truly remarkable person. My condolences to family, friends and the people of Cuba.
Annette Ford (United Kingdom)
A great man,representing a great country.
Perry Woodhouse (United Kingdom)
maggie richman (United Kingdom)
A giant among men, a superb revolutionary leader who was the worst danger US imperiaism could have, the danger of a good example. Long live the Revolution - Viva Cuba.
Andy Goodall (United Kingdom)
It is with great sadness that I heard of the passing of Fidel Castro he was truly a great leader.Stay strong and proud Cuba especially now that Trump leads the USA.
Maddy Holroyd (United Kingdom)
A giant among men, a superb revolutionary leader who was the worst danger US imperiaism could have, the danger of a good example. Long live the Revolution - Viva Cuba.
Andy Goodall (United Kingdom)
Viva La revolucion Cubana
James Clegg (United Kingdom)
A light has been extinguished in a dark, dark world.
Kevin Marsh (United Kingdom)
Condolences to the people of Cuba on the loss of Commandante Castro, his unflinching commitment to fighting capitalist imperialism and worker exploitation has inspired millions of the worlds people's to unionise, organise and win control of systems previously beyond their grasp. An inspirational leader, sadly missed by us all.
Jim Malone (United Kingdom)
Hoy no existen palabras para describir lo que siento... Solo me consoló con saber que Fidel cambio la historia para un pueblo también como un mundo y que nadien en la historia reciente ha cumplido lo que el a logrado con mejorar la cálida de vida para millones dentro Cuba y muchos en otros países. Nadien ha podido construir el sistema de salud y educación como el. Nos deja conocimiento y valor... No importa que celebran en Miami hoy, los que verdaderamente están celebrando son los millones de niños en Cuba que hoy se van a costar sin hambre en un país seguro. Ellos nos darán un futuro mejor y más brillante. El comandante no está físicamente, pero su humanidad, voluntad y amor corre por las venas de millones.
Paula (Canada)
A leader that will be forever remembered
Aida Birch (United Kingdom)
I send condolences and solidarity to the Cuban people on the sad death of Comondante Fidel Castro. R.I.P
Carole Heddle (United Kingdom)
You will all ways be remembered comrade Fidel
James Osullivan (United Kingdom)
Rest in peace Fidel.A true hero of the cuban people
James (United Kingdom)
gracias Fidel por tu ejemplo
Samuel Wanitsch (Switzerland)
Rest in peace Fidel Castro commander of the Cuban people refused to bend to US sanctions provider of education & health care to the Cuban people (all the people & not the privledged few)a man who deserves to rest in peace
Chris Taylor (United Kingdom)
"Hasta la victoria siempre"
Brian Mchardy (United Kingdom)
Cuba has shown to the world that another way is possible, thanks to Fidel Castro. May Raul continue to show the way.
Graham Horsewood (United Kingdom)
Hasta la victoria siempre comandante Fidel; your revolution has been my inspiration.
Michele (United Kingdom)
An inspiration now and always. Siempre hasta la Victoria.
Josh Hollis (United Kingdom)
Viva la revolucion
R Jackson (Ireland)
I've visited Cuba for 7 years on the run, goin back 5 years and I know the Cuban people love Castro, for what he did for his country and people I send my sincerest sympathy to the people I have met whilst I was there and to the people in general your country is a wonderful and sincere place love to Cuban' s
John riley (United Kingdom)
#Fidel cumplió y sobrecumplió su misión ampliamente. #Comandante, vuela tranquilo, vuela en paz, que la juventud cubana no te olvida y está aquí dispuesta a seguir tu legado! Sentimos el vacío del que pierde un padre, cercano, amoroso y sabio; pero que nos dejó bien formados, preparados para seguir su obra, fiel como él fue, frente a todos los riesgos! Le mando un gran beso y con él todo mi amor, pero también todo mi compromiso!
Jack Davissss (Angola)
Natasha (United Kingdom)