Miami Five Freedom Tour dates
Campaign News | Thursday, 14 July 2016
Gerardo Hernández and René González to speak in Britain this summer

CSC is delighted to announce that René González and Gerardo Hernández will be coming to Britain for the Miami Five Freedom Tour this July.
The two members of the Miami Five and heroes of the Republic of Cuba will be joined by members of their families and Cuban journalists who will report on the tour.
Tour Dates
Saturday 9 July, 13.00, Durham Miners Gala
Durham RacecourseTuesday 12 July, Unite Policy Conference
Delegates and conference pass holders onlyWednesday 13 July – 19.00, Glasgow
Scottish Trades Union Congress, 333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow, G3 6NGwith: Grahame Smith, STUC, General Secretary,
Denise Christie, Chair, FBU Scotland,
Sam McCartney, Chair, Unison Scotland, International Committee,
Neil Findlay, MSP, Vice Convener, Cross Party Group on Cuba
Chair, Vicky Grandon, SCSCand music from Maeve McKinnon and Valentina & Voces del Sur
Thursday 14 July – 18.30, Manchester
Town Hall, Albert Square, Manchester, M2 5DBwith: Tony Lloyd (Interim Mayor of Greater Manchester)
Angela Rayner MP
Bob Oram (Cuba Solidarity Campaign)
Paula Barker (North West UNISON Regional Convenor)
Chair: Geoff Bottomsand music from Omar Puente
Friday 15 July – 12.00, Cardiff
City Hall, Gorsedd Gardens Road, Cardiff, CF10 3ND
with: Margaret Thomas, Unison Cymru/Wales Regional Secretary
Sue Lent, Deputy Leader of Cardiff CouncilFriday 15 July – 18.30, London
Mander Hall, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London, WC1H 9BDSunday 17 July – Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival
Dorchester Road, Tolpuddle, Dorset, DT2 7EH
Entry to all public events is free.
Join the celebrations - support the tour
We have managed to secure their participation at two of the summer’s largest trade union events, plus rallies in Scotland, Wales, London and North West England to ensure they receive the broadest possible welcome to Britain.
Volunteer: We need volunteers to staff stalls, give out leaflets and carry banners at the Durham Miners Gala and Tolpuddle Festival.
Publicity: We need individuals and organisations to help ensure the largest and best possible celebrations to show the Five the breadth of solidarity with Cuba.
Please forward this email to friends and colleagues and share the Tour on Facebook and Twitter. If you are able to help publicise or volunteer at any of these events please contact CSC on 020 7490 5715 or email
Donate: We need to raise thousands of pounds to pay for flights, travel, accommodation, and publicity materials.
Join: Now is the time to join CSC and help put an end to the blockade once and for all. Find out more on what members receive and how you can join online here.
Your support is vitally important to the success of the Freedom Tour. Please help in whatever way you can to give the Five the welcome in Britain that they deserve.
Find out more about the case of the Miami Five here
Thank you to all those who have donated to the cost of there tour. Click here for full details of all supporters and how to get involved.