Cuba fighting COVID-19 and the US blockade / Cuba lucha contra Covid-19 y el bloqueo de Estados Unidos

Your Messages

To our Cuban comrades, as ever I am humbled by your humanitarian assistance at this time of crisis. Your selfless acts of kindness are a beacon of hope to us all across the world, particularly when you continue to fight against the abhorrent illegal US blockade. I call on the British Government to to urgently request the US Government to cease the illegal blockade with immediate effect. The Cuban people have helped us in our time of need we must do the same. Viva Cuba!

Paula Barker MP (United Kingdom)

El bloqueo de USA a Cuba es cruel, inmoral e ilegal y tipifica como genocidio contra todo el pueblo cubano. Mantenerlo en medio de una pandemia,es un crimen contra la humanidad. Condeno a EEUU con todas mis fuerzas y me uno a ustedes para exigir el fin del bloqueo a Cuba.

Graciela Ramirez Cruz (Argentina)

The internationalism of the doctors from Cuba who have gone to fight the virus in Italy is inspirational.

Jeremy Corbyn MP (United Kingdom)

It's impossible to sum up in a few lines Cuban solidarity misisons abroad since the beginning of the Revolution. Undoubtedly our current actions show the best of ourselves and our moral commitment with humankind. Cuban medical brigades assisting the most affected, the support provided to the MS Braemar cruise ship passengers, fuel provided to a Condor flight in need, nothing ..... that a friend in need is a friend indeed and that is Cuba. This is despite Mr. Trump and his government trying to minimize our achievements and make us disappear from earth. They are sure that they can not handle the Cuban example and our legacy to the people of the world. Thank you CSC for carrying out an initiative like this. You are best voices of Cuba at this time.

Fernando Gonzalez Llort (Cuba)

The Cuban government altruistically gave an offer of safe haven to passengers of the stricken British cruise ship MS Braemar allowing it to dock in Havana when many other countries had refused. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab publicly thanked Cuba for this assistance in a statement to the UK parliament. Cuba has also offered its anti-viral drug Interferon Alpha B available to nations around the world to help in the treatment of patients infected with COVID-19. Time for the international community to reciprocate and to lift the U.S. imposed blockade and end the embargo at the very least on a temporary basis.

Grahame Morris MP (United Kingdom)

Despite suffering the effects of a 58 year-old brutal blockade by the United States, Cuba has always shown solidarity to others in need. Now we have a chance to show solidarity with Cuba and help the Cuban people in their fight against coronavirus at home and abroad. The blockade should be suspended immediately on humanitarian grounds to allow for vital medical equipment to be delivered to the country, but it should end permanently on moral grounds.

Len McCluskey - General Secretary, Unite The Union (United Kingdom)

Muchas gracias Cuba y su comunidad médica, son un ejemplo para el mundo. La educación y la salud son los activos más valiosos de un país y no deben ser para beneficio de mercaderes de la muerte, lección dolorosa que enseña la actual pandemia.

Carlos Correa Gómez (Colombia)

This is a time of compassion, and of understanding the common humanity which unites us all. Lifting the genocidal sanctions against the Cuban people would be the right thing to do, and would open the doors to a better world.

René González Sehwerert (Cuba)

La lucha del pueblo cubano por su independencia y libertad forma parte de las epopeyas históricas que nunca se olvidarán. Mas pronto que tarde el bloqueo criminal imperialista contra Cuba será derrotado. ¡¡Cuba Vencerá!!


Cuba ejemplo de amor, Cuba que linda es, Cuba quien la defiende la quiere más

Marvin Modesto Duartes Castillo (Nicaragua)

Sean solidarios al menos en esta pandemia mundial y eliminén este vergonzoso bloqueo

Manuel Jesús Cano Martin (Spain)

Basta ya de ese bloqueo inhumano.

Anibal Cruz (Puerto Rico)

the relentless economic cruelty of sanctions against Cuba is so cowardly. What is Cuba’s crime? The determination to own their own country, but to share their exemplary medical expertise with those in need around th world? This era of U.S. re-conquest by trying to starve other people back into submission is not just deeply misanthropic. It shames us all.

Robert Wyatt (United Kingdom)

Solidarity at this difficult time against the ongoing wickedness of the American blockade. Appreciation of your humanitarian efforts.

Rt Hon Brian Wilson (United Kingdom)

I was very grateful to Cuba for enabling me and other passengers to be repatriated to the UK from their island, having effectively been stranded in the Caribbean on the MSN Braemar with some COVID-19 persons aboard. The lifting of the US blockade is long overdue - Cuba has so much to offer the world, it's time to close the book on the past.

Christine Wickham (United Kingdom)

I as a Basotho i have saw how Cuba is showing solidarity with another country, please US just blind your eyes to Cuba kindly regards M.S.moramang

Mothuntsane Solomon Moramang (Lesotho)

During times of Covid 19 when Cuba promotes best of its medical practice to the world we receive as a price more hostility from USA government. Blockade must be lifted now and forever. We call good will peoplle all over the woerld to support this initiative and raise their voices in favor of Cuba.

Noemi Rabaza Fernandez (Cuba)

It was only through the generosity of Cuba that I got home from my cruise

Deborah Laycock (United Kingdom)

This horrible virus does not see borders. We need to respond to it mobilising resources from every country. End the blockade on Cuba to aid the fight against the virus.

Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary National E (United Kingdom)

A huge thank you to the Cuban people and government for showing the way in international cooperation to fight COVID-19 across the world. They do this while other governments in Europe and the USA squabble amongst each other, refusing to collaborate, and trying to deny others access to life-saving medicines, medical staff and equipment. Cuba shares its Interferon drugs to fight the coronavirus with other countries, while Trump strangles the island with and economic blockade and asks other countries not to accept Cuban help. At the same time, Trump attempts to buy *exclusive* access for the USA to any vaccine that may be discovered. Cuba shows another world is possible, where health is more important than profit.

Professor Helen Colley (United Kingdom)

El bloqueo a Cuba es inmoral, ilegal e ilegítimo. Es un símbolo del poder que repudiamos en el Mundo. Adelante valiente pueblo cubano.

Xavier Checa M. (Ecuador)

Put the past behind. Let love lead.

Pastor Chris Okwuy Animalu. (Nigeria)

Cuba tem demonstrado total solidariedade a todos os países em todos os momentos de emergência médica mundial. Chega de bloqueio. Chega de injustiça.

Vilena Soares (Brazil)

WE were stranded on the Cruise ship, Braemar in the Carribean searching for an island to allow us to land and fly home to UK. Others refused but Cuba came to our rescue, Thank you very much.

Margaret Moore (United Kingdom)

Cuba have been an example to us all through the Covid-19 crisis. I’m proud to have signed the letter calling on the US government to lift the blockade and allow Cuba to fight COVID-19 at home and abroad. 

Kate Osborne MP (United Kingdom)

La Central Nacional de Trabajadores de Panamá se solidariza con el noble pueblo cubano y sus gobernantes por el apoyo a paises en momentos dificiles para el mundo durante la pandemia del coronavirus . Con sus investigaciones cientificas siempre dispuestos a compartir con la humanidad . Viva la solidaridad y el internacionalismo cubano. No al bloqueo comercial y economco a Cuba. ! Exigimos su liberacion ! Luzmila Sánchez Cosio Secretaria de Relaciones Internacionales de la CNTP - Panama

Luzmila Sánchez Cosio (Panama)

Thank you for all the help you have given Italy. My son, grandaughter and daughter in law live there!

Judith Stephenson (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for helping to get my Dad safely home after his journey on MS Braemar.

Russell Wood (United Kingdom)

Thanks to Cuba. I was a passenger on the Braemar recently. Several Commonwealth countries refused to help as did the USA. Only Cuba saved us.

Michael Wood (United Kingdom)

Fue un placer ayudar a los británicos. Estén convencidos que lo volveríamos a hacer cuántas veces fuera necesario a uds y a cualquiera que lo necesite. It was a pleasure helping the British. Be convinced that we would do it again as many times as necessary for you and anyone who needs it.

Gilberto Javier (Cuba)

As a former MEP I visited Havana and met Fidel Castro and the Cuban people in 1995 and have seen the solidarity the Cuban people have given to the world. We need to end the boycott now!

Hugh Kerr (United Kingdom)

When I visited Cuba with a parliamentary delegation in 2005, we saw the fantastic work of their biotech sector & their support for medical students, including some from USA who couldn’t afford fees at home. We were also told that, due to the US blockade, they were forced to pay premium prices for medical equipment sourced from abroad. Please get Trump to return to the sensible policies operated under Obama.

Lynne Jones (United Kingdom)

La solidaridad es la ternura de los pueblos... Basta de bloqueo!

Eduardo Silva (Spain)

Having left Havana on 26/3/20, I can say that all Cubans who interacted with us and other foreign nationals were kind and helpful, despite being concerned for their own wellbeing. Even though basic essentials are hard to come by, mainly because of the ongoing blockade, we were given hand sanitizer, soap as well as generous portions of food at meal times. In order to return these numerous acts of kindness, I call on the UK government to lead the way in bringing pressure on the Trump regime to end the draconian and petty blockade. To the people of Cuba, muchos gracias and hasta la Victoria siempre!

John Seggie (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a beacon of hope for humanity. Lift the blockade!

Ronnie Kasrils (South Africa)

I am an Italian National living in UK. Thanks to Cuba for the unconditioned support and loving care you offered to my people in the country and to many other countries in the world. That's what socialism is as well! Where are all the "European" friends, and the countries from the western block in times of emergency and pain? Thanks CUBA!

Samuele Matteucci (United Kingdom)


Maxine Peake (United Kingdom)


Moshe Roseshter (Palestine)


Mike J Kirby, Scottish Secretary, UNISON, (United Kingdom)

Blockade is a slow genocide. It kills people's abilty to feed themselves, to get education, medicine and health facilities and kills the abilty of society to create, invent and prospher and thus slowly killing and exterminating a Nation. I ask USA to stop its terrorism against Cuban people and others. It is about time the World unite against USA's unilateralism, greed and belligerence.

Selamawit K (Ethiopia)


Apsana Begum MP (United Kingdom)

At the UN General Assembly in 2019, one hundred and eighty seven countries called for an end to the US blockade of Cuba. The British government voted against the blockade. In recognition of Cuba's outstanding humanitarian efforts, the British government must declare its intention to actively oppose the US blockade and refuse to collaborate with the US administrations continued victimisation of the people of Cuba.

Bernard Regan, National Secretary, CSC (United Kingdom)

As a former professor invitado who taught post graduate courses at CUJAE in the 70's I know Cuba very well and have always regardred it as a shining light of philanthropy, peace and justice against the black shadow of the USA which has imposed an illegal embargo on Cuba, consistently and repeatedly condemned by nearly all members of the UN Geaneral Assembly. If President Trump has any brain he ought to realise that now is the time to reverse that.

Dr Phillip Willey (United Kingdom)

Cuba has acted with outstanding integrity in supporting the humanitarian efforts to fight COVID 19. The US blockade is inhuman and the UK should demand that it ends. Whatever anyone’s personal views in President Trump are, his actions are quite simply wrong. My view on him is pretty uncomplimentary and I am not alone in that view. Please show him that the UK will question his actions.

Karen Lee (former MP for Lincoln and Chair of the (United Kingdom)

End the blockade and allow Cuban medical science to help end this crisis

Neil Findlay MSP (United Kingdom)

maja welin (Sweden)

Beatriz Miceli (Sweden)

John Dolve (Sweden)

jana yasin (United Kingdom)

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KevinChala (Trinidad and Tobago)

Laurence Brown (United Kingdom)

Kerstin Olerud (Sweden)

Solidarity from Norwich & District Trades Union Council.

Dave Kent (United Kingdom)

A United World have to condemn the Us sanctions against Cuba!

Hans Skagerlind (Thailand)

Please make sure such an amazing cuntry which provides so much medical help to the world does not go into a terrible crisis!

Anna Silina (United Kingdom)

Janette gluckstein (United Kingdom)

Janette gluckstein (United Kingdom)

Jorge Martin (Canada)

Merci Cuba d’avoir résisté toutes ces années à l’impérialisme américain. Nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous et nous travaillons à vous libérer de leur emprise économique et culturelle !

Georges Savard (Canada)

Simón Herrera (Uruguay)

Kieran Ward (United Kingdom)

Hasta la victoria siempre.

william balgera (Italy)

Camila Martinez Högvall (Sweden)

Its hard to imagine that the blockade is still in place, that in itself is "criminal". While we continue to do trade deals around the world with countries and Leaders that breach human rights how can we justify this archaic decision?

Louise Andrews (United Kingdom)

Jose Ferrer (Sweden)

Goblot Cahen Catherine (France)

Mucha fuerza desde Catalunya!

Jordi (Spain)

Voula Theodor (Sweden)

Jan Wallinder (Sweden)

(United Kingdom)

Cecilia Cornejo (Sweden)

Cubans are my friends too.

Allan Westermann larsen (Denmark)

Marouan Bakour (Netherlands)

Andreas Björklund (Sweden)

Solidarity is the tenderness of the peoples.

Thorsten Reiter (Germany)

I wish Usa hippocrats became free of their horrible so called religion, kuklux klan nationalists liers invader and more! Amen

celia linde (Sweden)

At the time when the Republic of Cuba is spearheading a global campaign to combat the global coronavirus pandemic, the US's action against this marvel island is not only a violation of international protocols, but also counter-productive to the United States's interest in combating the virus at home.

Wael Gharbiyeh (Canada)

jan mellring (Sweden)

Xavier (Spain)

Karina Curry (United States of America)

Patricio Maturana Mouras (Greece)

Christopher Albone (United Kingdom)

Alison (United Kingdom)

Antonio Bustinza (Bolivia)

Viva Cuba!

sonja bohr (Sweden)

Stop the blockade on Cuba

Eva Nyman (United Kingdom)

Bev Worrall (United Kingdom)

Alberita (Sweden)

Ebba Franzén (Sweden)

Simone Day (United Kingdom)

Karl linder (Sweden)

stefan Bergström (Sweden)

As people use to say: true friends show up in the most difficult situation to give you hope.

Gabriel Pérez García (France)

When political gains overthrow human lives, that motive is never worth it.

Maria (United Kingdom)

Giuseppe Magazzù (Italy)

Peggy Breckin (United Kingdom)

Evelyn Beinart (United Kingdom)

Rolf Gustafsson (Sweden)

Rory Charleson (United Kingdom)

Mr. Hoffman (United Kingdom)

Lucy Poet (United Kingdom)

Coral Houtman (United Kingdom)

Båf (United Kingdom)

Paul Thorne (United Kingdom)

Dafydd Owen (United Kingdom)

Frank Mcentaggart (United Kingdom)

Nima (United Kingdom)


Sean Davey (United Kingdom)

Andrew Bowie (United Kingdom)

Catherine Merriman (United Kingdom)

Rhonda Munnik (United Kingdom)

Veronica Ruth (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuban medical workers for your solidarity!

Clara Nankler (Sweden)

Clare Ruhemann (United Kingdom)

Sue Konieczny (United Kingdom)


isabel (United Kingdom)

Thank you a thousand times to Cuba for showing how human beings can treat their fellow humans. This is the model all governments should follow.

LINDA RUHEMANN (United Kingdom)

Christopher Ellis (United Kingdom)

I’m asking for the US blockade to be lifted to help Cuba fight the coronavirus at home and abroad. Cuba has shown international solidarity to Britain and other countries during this global pandemic, now is the chance to show appreciation.

Carolyn Storer (United Kingdom)

Tim Munton (United Kingdom)

Michael (United Kingdom)

John Ellis (United Kingdom)

Julie Brownbill (United Kingdom)

The Cuban people clearly give what they can, and should receive what they need. Stay strong Cuba, as you give hope in these dystopian times.

Paul J Brownbill (United Kingdom)

Deborah James (United Kingdom)

Sam Oliver (United Kingdom)

Solidarity Cuba!

Irene Brennan (United Kingdom)

Sarah Bennett-Green (United Kingdom)

to hell with imperialists

Olf (Sweden)

Don't talk about freedom whilst you have your hands around the throat of a small country that poses no threat to anyone.

Hamish Coubrough (United Kingdom)

Björn Strandberg (Sweden)

Anne Spooner (United Kingdom)

The British Government could learn a lot about making a decent, caring society from the top.

Mike Lehan (United Kingdom)

Can't see change under trump but hopefully he won't get in again

Melanie (United Kingdom)

Julie Arnold (United Kingdom)

Debra Carpenter (United Kingdom)

Chris Strachan (United Kingdom)

Ulf Svensson (Sweden)

Alan Ford (United Kingdom)

cathie allen (United Kingdom)

Paul (United Kingdom)

Cubans have shown great strength of character: supplied global crisis points with doctors and medical support; are Covid free and working on a vaccine; pose NO threat to the belligerent USA: Time to stop persecuting good people and loft all embargoes.

Gill McCall (United Kingdom)

Hannah Smith (United Kingdom)

If there is one constant throughout human history, it is that cruelty begets cruelty. In the information era we live in it is increasingly easy to identify those who hide behind the figureheads and pull the strings of empire. I can only advise the politicians who enjoy immense salaries and benefits as part of the british government that, if I were you, I would strive to make myself known as a figure of kindness, rather than as an obstruction of basic human rights.

Joel Wheatman (United Kingdom)

Kyoko Hirogami (Japan)

Kevin Rowlands (United Kingdom)

How long is it reasonable to hold a grudge? The people on that island will never bow to tyranny so why persist by punishing new generations of children.

Brian Massey (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba for their humanitarian efforts, something the rest of the world needs to respect.

clint guttridge (United Kingdom)

The human race should join together to fight this pandemic, it`s a benefit to us all that we keep it under control in all areas throughout the world

colin (United Kingdom)

Lisa Oxley (United Kingdom)

Sue Andrews (United Kingdom)

Erykah (United Kingdom)

Jim (United Kingdom)

Paula Hawken (United Kingdom)

Miguel Santos (United Kingdom)

Julian Ladbury (United Kingdom)

Peter Panayi (United Kingdom)

Debbie Hillyer (United Kingdom)

Be fair

Ken Elmer (United Kingdom)

Anton Hoenderkamp (United Kingdom)

Tirval Scott (United Kingdom)

Griffin Madill (United Kingdom)

Karim Slimane (United Kingdom)

Leo Mickleborough (Australia)

Nicholas Chapman (United Kingdom)

Pete Adams (United Kingdom)

Stephen Churchill (United Kingdom)

Krystle (United Kingdom)

Suzanne Dolan (United Kingdom)

Winston Monteith (United Kingdom)

Antonio Gonzalez Martin (United Kingdom)

Tanya Suleman (United Kingdom)

Thomas hemmings (United Kingdom)

Joy Millward (United Kingdom)

Paul Ames (United Kingdom)

Francesca Fortuzzi (Italy)

Linda Mansfield (United Kingdom)

Derek Robinson (United Kingdom)

Eamon Feeney (Australia)

Gaynor Morgan (United Kingdom)

M gul (United Kingdom)

Larisa (United Kingdom)

Jeremy Hadwin (Canada)

Margaret Egerton (United Kingdom)

Cuba has done so much for other countries , it’s time we helped support her!

Nabina Mitra (United Kingdom)

Bridget Dunne (United Kingdom)

Lily Blyth (United Kingdom)

Alexa (United Kingdom)

The Soviet Union is gone dear brits. There's no need to sanction aspiring and successful countries over ideological feuds.

Ali Ewais (Egypt)

Aaron Barley (United Kingdom)

Jordan kirkland (United Kingdom)

Cuba sent a lot of medical aid to Europe to help us with the COVID 19.

Marion (United Kingdom)

Wesley Vilela Franco Bernardo (Brazil)

For Cuba: The world owes you a lot for what you have done in this pandemic and for all your past efforts.

Gerald Hoskin (United Kingdom)

Cuba remains a shining example of what socialism can achieve, solidarity

Jack Thornton (United Kingdom)

Donal Hughes (United Kingdom)

Mark Bobbitt (United Kingdom)

Richard Coales (United Kingdom)

Claire Voyce (United Kingdom)

John Fry (United Kingdom)

Casey (United States of America)

For the wonderful people of Cuba that I met last year, for the spirit of The Chee !

DAHBI (Morocco)

Gemma Key (United Kingdom)

Pavlina Jackson (United Kingdom)

Carys (United Kingdom)

Simon Midgley (United Kingdom)

Fintan McCarthy (United Kingdom)

Mike Collingham (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for your moral leadership and recognition of humanity without borders or prejudice.

Sharon Trew (United Kingdom)

Carl Illingworth (United Kingdom)

Myles Deacon (United Kingdom)

Chris Burrey (United Kingdom)

Cuba as a country has suffered long enough under the sanctions imposed by US and UK governments, it is a proud nation and has stood strong against the most powerful countries in the world and one should admire it's stoicism in the fight against capitalism and take it's lead on education and health services to thrive under extreme impositions.

John McCormick (United Kingdom)

Sarah Gilroy (United Kingdom)

Scott Dixon (United Kingdom)

Chris Longworth (United Kingdom)

David Stewart (United Kingdom)

Donald MacKay (United Kingdom)

Daniel Barker-Wyatt (United Kingdom)

Duncan Calvert (United Kingdom)

Flavia Bertini (United Kingdom)

Josephine Souter (United Kingdom)

Amy-Grace Whillans-Welldrake (United Kingdom)

H peters (United Kingdom)

Help to Cuba for humanity, for innocent people and for a happy future.

Gianpaolo (Greece)

Michael Clarke (United Kingdom)

Ben Harrington (United Kingdom)

Beryl Ihenacho (United Kingdom)

Ruth Smith (United Kingdom)

Alison Bowry (United Kingdom)

Viva 🇨🇺 Cuba

Luali (United Kingdom)

Ian Christian (United Kingdom)

Mark McGuinness (United Kingdom)

Tara Crawford (United Kingdom)

Eric Brooker (United Kingdom)

Jennifer Milward (United Kingdom)

Norah Prance (United Kingdom)

Mark Wren (United Kingdom)

The blockade and sanctions of Cuba are digraceful and must be lifted as soon as possible. The people do not support these vindictive and self serving measures - the owners of the largest monopolies and politicians working with them are the ones behind this, because they feel threatened by the political ideals espoused by Cuba. Lift the sanctions.

Evgeny Lipatov (United Kingdom)

Julianne kodurand (United Kingdom)

Adeboye Fadero (United Kingdom)

Shams Pirani (United Kingdom)

Ben Lefebvre (Canada)

Jadzia Weedon (United Kingdom)

Steven (United Kingdom)

Tomás Nery (Portugal)

Beth gowland (United Kingdom)

Anita Gill (United Kingdom)

David Nicholson (United Kingdom)

barry williamson (United Kingdom)

Samiha Rahman (United Kingdom)

Alison Brown (United Kingdom)

Roger Flatt (United Kingdom)

charlotte sometimes (United Kingdom)

The Cuban people work to survive with very few resources and deserve the respect and support of the international community.

Ruth Aidee (United Kingdom)

Peter Bibb (United Kingdom)

Guled Mohamed (United Kingdom)

Julia Degroot (United Kingdom)

Gar James (United Kingdom)

Scott Forsyth (United Kingdom)

Ana Claudia Corsini Bernardo (United Kingdom)

Margaret Oldfield (United Kingdom)

Rosemary Boon (United Kingdom)

MARION Hand (United Kingdom)

Dilwyn Edwards (United Kingdom)

Given the response of this Nation during the current crisis please consider removing the blockade. The people of Cuba are also suffering through this pandemic. It’s time for change.

Veronica Milsted (United Kingdom)

Fiona Hermansson (United Kingdom)

Maureen Luke (United Kingdom)

Ms Zaynab Martin (United Kingdom)

Laurence Shone (United Kingdom)

Get Boris out; make right wing, neo liberal Governments a mistake of the past.

Keely (United Kingdom)

Cuba deserves better, this continued blockade is outrageous and outdated, imposed by bullies.

Abi Bach (United Kingdom)

Solidarity to the people of Cuba

Amanda Knopp (United Kingdom)

Tracy Collins (United Kingdom)

Katherine Scott (United Kingdom)

Andrew Cuthbert (United Kingdom)

Kerry gilsenan (United Kingdom)

Please wake up world. No blockades!

Joseph (United Kingdom)

Sarah (United Kingdom)

Ross McNally (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with people of Cuba and their wish to live on their terms and not as vassal state to the empire to the north

Mick Stubbs (United Kingdom)

kris (United Kingdom)

Clara (United Kingdom)

Sophie Fernley (United Kingdom)

Jacob (United Kingdom)

Sean Tapsell (United Kingdom)

Cuba is amazing - great medical service, great music and dancing but often empty shops due to the US policy

nannette (United Kingdom)

Niamh Cunningham (United Kingdom)

Always in Solidarity with Cuba ♥️ Viva Cuba

Anissa Nain (Mauritius)

America is weak and needs to be stood up to regarding international relations

Eloise Arnott (United Kingdom)

Grace Maryon (United Kingdom)

Joana kentsbeer (United Kingdom)

It’s absolutely time for the UK government to show solidarity and make a humane positive change. One of many showing solidarity with Cuba.

Sacha Austin (United Kingdom)

veronica ghobert (United Kingdom)

Joanna Caron (United Kingdom)


Sidi Brahim (Western Sahara)

Ben Davies (United Kingdom)

Oliver Mattock (United Kingdom)

Obama had 8 years plus executive power to do this but did not! Why? Please share!

Sandi (United Kingdom)

Christine Ellis (United Kingdom)

peggy watson (United Kingdom)

Verity Allely (United Kingdom)

Jonny Whitehouse (United Kingdom)

Todd Waugh (United Kingdom)

Katie Costello (United Kingdom)

Sally Gray (United Kingdom)

Louise Hadcroft (United Kingdom)

Mary Flannery (United Kingdom)

Laura Allen (United Kingdom)

Muneeba (United Kingdom)

Simon Hicks (United Kingdom)

Wojciech Nestorowicz (Netherlands)

Solidarity to the people of Cuba, justice MUST prevail over US imperialism!

Rose Ryan (United Kingdom)

Michael J Nangle (United Kingdom)

Gonzalo de Pablo Fernández (United Kingdom)

George Green (United Kingdom)

Rodigeur (United Kingdom)

Fahad Farooqui (United States of America)

Jude Winnall (United Kingdom)

Richard Jones (United Kingdom)

Over decades, Cuba has given so much to the rest of the world despite its limited resources. The blockade against Cuba is unjust and give the world a very poor impression of the West and the USA in particular. It is time for all sanctions against Cuba to end.

Dave Peck (United Kingdom)

I don't know how else to express my support for the Cuban people. But we must show support for a small nation with such a big heart.

Viv Carter (United Kingdom)

David Pettigrew (United Kingdom)

Wayne Foreman (United Kingdom)

Joanne Spearman (United Kingdom)

Michael Riley (United Kingdom)

lisa Marie abbott (United Kingdom)

Judith Blaker (United Kingdom)

Meriam Mabrouk (United Kingdom)

Rory Taylor (United Kingdom)

Emma Lewis (United Kingdom)

Jeanette Murphy (United Kingdom)

Noor (United Kingdom)

Joshua Walker (United Kingdom)

Kasia Bradley (United Kingdom)

The US must stop its warmongering and interference in the political leadership of other countries. It is obvious the US agenda is other countries resources they seek to acquire by any means.

Ann Lawrence (United Kingdom)

Saki Choudhury (United Kingdom)

Liam Miller (United Kingdom)

Alizja Conteh (United Kingdom)

Cuba has behaved generously providing health care to those in most need - let’s return that kindness to them!

Theresa Tomlinson (United Kingdom)

Susan Webb (United Kingdom)

Joanne Simpson (United Kingdom)

Patrick (United Kingdom)

Sian Rowles (United Kingdom)

ron etchells (United Kingdom)

Alexander (United Kingdom)

Wendy Anderson (United Kingdom)

MS PHILIPPA SMITH (United Kingdom)

carlos (United Kingdom)

jan north (United Kingdom)

Cuba needs our support against the US blockade.

Paula Pyrkotsch (United Kingdom)

Compared to other Latin American countries, the welfare, life expectancy, literacy and cultural wealth of the ordinary Cuban is remarkable. I can’t help thinking Cuba has been punished for demonstrating that there is an alternative. I hope the good work continues.

George Dawson (United Kingdom)

Cuba needs our support!

Hannah (United Kingdom)

Geoff Taylor (United Kingdom)

Magda McQueen (United Kingdom)

Stop this failed and immoral blockade now.

John (United Kingdom)

John Hutchings (Spain)

Hayley oxlade (United Kingdom)

Joanne Tully (United Kingdom)

Derek (United Kingdom)

Sue (United Kingdom)

Lauren floyd (United Kingdom)

Julia Cameron (United Kingdom)

Nash Popovic (United Kingdom)

Nick Kouyoumdjian (United Kingdom)

Tomoko Plant (United Kingdom)

Rona Topaz (United Kingdom)

Jo Watkins (United Kingdom)

Give Cuba a chance. Don’t follow Trump because he’s wrong

Rita Allison (United Kingdom)

robert peacock (United Kingdom)

Alyce Tyrrell (United Kingdom)

Steve Pinhorn (United Kingdom)

Daniel Washington (United Kingdom)

Christopher White (United Kingdom)

Now is the British governments' chance to show a humanitarian spirit rather than allowing petty political differences and allegiances w/ war criminal bullies to risk and ruin lives.

Josh Andrews (United Kingdom)

Godfrey McIvor (United Kingdom)

Norma Frye (United Kingdom)

Sami (United Kingdom)

gene o'sullivan (United Kingdom)

The Cuban response to the crisis has been amazing, considering the hardship forced on their people by the American blockade.The world must show its gratitude to Cuba by demanding that the US end the blockade now.

Tim (United Kingdom)

Nyla (United Kingdom)

Pei Wu (United Kingdom)

Lorna Beavis (United Kingdom)

Ian Clarke (United Kingdom)

Julie Greenwood (United Kingdom)

Sandra McKeown (United Kingdom)

Syed W H Shah (United Kingdom)

Norman Adamson (United Kingdom)

Kate (United Kingdom)

Greg Kyriakides (United Kingdom)

Dave Burnett (United Kingdom)

J Gilbey (United Kingdom)

keith perrin (United Kingdom)

Stephen Collins (United Kingdom)

The world needs more altruistic thinking.

Joe McDonough (United Kingdom)

sarah j davies (United Kingdom)

We must end this injustice. If you ever hear someone say socialism doesn't work, remind them; remind them of the third party, the country with the world's biggest army, and the most imperial influence, which stops at nothing, not at international law, and not at antidemocratic coups or mass human suffering, to bring these socialist nations and movements down.

Berend Jansen (Netherlands)

Tony Megahey (United Kingdom)

madeleine Berks (United Kingdom)

Caroline Brookes (United Kingdom)

Billy Moir (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for your international solidarity.

Elizabeth Lee (United Kingdom)

Kathy Harrop (United Kingdom)

Sally Manders (United Kingdom)

Wayne (United Kingdom)

Yvette Wallace (United Kingdom)

Saleem Akbar (United Kingdom)

June Gosling (United Kingdom)

Gary Farnsworth (United Kingdom)

Hallam Cooper (United Kingdom)

Rachael (United Kingdom)

Gavin Kerr (United Kingdom)

Amy Large (United Kingdom)

Steve Little (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba who despite suffering the injustice of the blockade and having no other reason than brotherhood to try and help the rest of the world does just that.

Esme Kennedy (United Kingdom)

Support of this blockade just further adds to the suffering of ordinary Cubans. Especially in times of covid, we should show extend help to the Cubans as they have helped in many nations on their hour of need.

Kathleen shah (United Kingdom)

nic altimimi (United Kingdom)

Geoff Austin (United Kingdom)

anna silvani (United Kingdom)

Elizabeth Maiden (United Kingdom)

James Mulligan (United Kingdom)


Sharon cove (United Kingdom)

Alex (United Kingdom)

George Garside (United Kingdom)

Virginia Bevan (United Kingdom)

Edward Neale (United Kingdom)

Sarah (United Kingdom)

Noelio Flores (United Kingdom)

Noel Sritharan (United Kingdom)

Ben Black (United Kingdom)

Simone Rossi (United Kingdom)

Sarah Allen (United Kingdom)

Tom Evans (United Kingdom)

Geoff J Skilling (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a great country with great conditions, it’s free healthcare system has to led to Cuba having some of the best doctors in the world, it’s free education system where every child can go to school, it has done many more incredible things, I ask whoever this goes to, lift the trade embargo off of Cuba and let it prosper

Eunan (United Kingdom)

Kate Moxon (United Kingdom)

Paul P Curtis (United Kingdom)

Greg Clinker (United Kingdom)

Juliette (United Kingdom)

Mr Miles Spackman (France)

Having holidayed in Cuba I can only say I thought it was a marvelous and friendly country.

Bill Voyce (United Kingdom)

Kenneth Owens (United Kingdom)


Tom Pierce (United Kingdom)

Ronald Archer (United Kingdom)

Veronika Damiani (United Kingdom)

Angela Robinson (United Kingdom)

It is absolutely outrageous that this blockade is still in place. There's absolutely no reason, threat or excuse for the US or any other country has for the blockade. It is a sign of utter impunity at the expense of people's lives. One cannot call themselves democracy if they punish other people like that.

Constantine Talalaev (United Kingdom)

Bob Jamieson (United Kingdom)

Alys McCarthy (United Kingdom)

Connie O’Neill (United Kingdom)

Eddie cooke (United Kingdom)

We must stand with Cuba it is the decent and humane thing to do. Feel the love 💕

Sheila (United Kingdom)

Luke Dobson (United Kingdom)

Darryl (United Kingdom)

David Blessing (United Kingdom)

Gillian Hudson (United Kingdom)

John Lane (United Kingdom)

Andrew Evand (United Kingdom)

Ray Moore (United Kingdom)

Mayah Kadish (United Kingdom)

Christine Brown (United Kingdom)

Jo Scott (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a credit to the international community, which is more than can be said for Trump. It deserves better than this blockade which simply vindictive and based on little more than Trump's childish determination to overturn yet another Obama initiative.

Greg Myers (United Kingdom)


Barry Quinn (United Kingdom)

Sharon Maunder (United Kingdom)

Chloe Bailey (United Kingdom)

Mairead Reddin (United Kingdom)

Lloyd Mann (United Kingdom)

Amy (United Kingdom)

Jim Morgan (United Kingdom)

Keith Midgley (United Kingdom)

Please treat Cuba fairly

Tracy Richards (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a country where social justice is important, with one of the best health service in the world where no one is excluded .

JamesMacfarlane (United Kingdom)

elizabeth cornish (United Kingdom)

Gordon Bradley (United Kingdom)

Mark Thomas (United Kingdom)

Janet T Beckett (United Kingdom)

Hannah (United Kingdom)

Janet (United Kingdom)

UK stop being the US lapdog.

Gareth Jones (United Kingdom)

Liam Godden (United Kingdom)

viva la Cuba

Kyle walker (United Kingdom)

Elaine Black (United Kingdom)

Mark godfrey (United Kingdom)

Lauren Gore (United Kingdom)

Stephen Almond (United Kingdom)

Danial Nash (United Kingdom)

David Morgan (United Kingdom)

Meghan Brooks (United Kingdom)

Barbara Brown (United Kingdom)

Gillian Nielsen (United Kingdom)

Amber (United Kingdom)

I demand that the UK government urge the US to end the blockade.

Darren Furniss (United Kingdom)

Beth Finegan (United Kingdom)

Clive Ward (United Kingdom)

Sten Rea (United Kingdom)

Sarah Jones (United Kingdom)

Robert Donaldson (United Kingdom)

Martin Sear (United Kingdom)

Imran Bashir (United Kingdom)

Peta Jessemey (United Kingdom)

Jack Clamp-Welbourn (United Kingdom)

Amy (United Kingdom)

Lawrence Monk (United Kingdom)

Michael O’Brien (United Kingdom)

Lynsey Elms (United Kingdom)

Harry Collin (United Kingdom)

Glynis Terry (United Kingdom)

Dr Alpesh Maisuria (United Kingdom)

Eilidh (United Kingdom)

Ian Charles Mitchell (United Kingdom)

Do the next right thing

Kellyann Moreton (United Kingdom)

Carly Davies (United Kingdom)

Victoria May Hodgson (United Kingdom)

PAUL WOODIER (United Kingdom)

Lea Marshall (United Kingdom)

Asha Raval (United Kingdom)

David Jennings (United Kingdom)

Kyron Taylor (United Kingdom)

Jack (United Kingdom)

Martin (United Kingdom)

Solidarity Cuba 🇨🇺 ✊🏼

Ché Baker-Barker (United Kingdom)

Della Simons (United Kingdom)

Stella Osborne (United Kingdom)

Peter Chalk (United Kingdom)

Lewis Ersser (United Kingdom)

ann whyte (United Kingdom)

Darren Middleton (United Kingdom)

Dave edwards (United Kingdom)

Stephen Keeler (United Kingdom)

Janet Addison (United Kingdom)

Jemma Evans (United Kingdom)

Harry Mangham (United Kingdom)

Brendan Bradley (United Kingdom)

Fatmeh (United Kingdom)

Anne bergqvist (United Kingdom)

Jayne (United Kingdom)

Josephine Richards (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a wonderful country. I visited 10 years ago and loved the country and the people

Julie cornwall (United Kingdom)

Stewart Taylor (United Kingdom)

Nicole bradburn (United Kingdom)

Kieran Joyce (United Kingdom)

Patrick McFlynn (United Kingdom)

Lakshita (India)

Toni Bolam (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with the people of Cuba

Kiara (United Kingdom)

John Fielder (United Kingdom)

Phil Tucker (United Kingdom)

Hayden Cornmell (United Kingdom)

Sam (United Kingdom)

Sandra MacAskill (United Kingdom)

Brian Butler (United Kingdom)

Jaska latham (United Kingdom)

Ben Sharp (United Kingdom)

David Fahy (United Kingdom)

luke (United Kingdom)

Ryan Alexander Ehlers (United Kingdom)

Bridget Pinnock (United Kingdom)

Nathan Taylor (United Kingdom)

Sara (United Kingdom)

Marti Bowley (United Kingdom)

Terence Stephens (United Kingdom)

Chloe Naylor (United Kingdom)

Maria Griffiths (United Kingdom)

Owen G (United Kingdom)

Edward (United Kingdom)

Ian Smalley (United Kingdom)

Karen Rue (United Kingdom)

Maurizio Sorge (United Kingdom)

Eric Webb (United Kingdom)

Riccardo Tamani (Italy)

Amir Fathi (United Kingdom)

Kate Vasey (United Kingdom)

Martin Jones (United Kingdom)

Paul Mcgarry (United Kingdom)

Torr (United Kingdom)

Alicia (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade - pursue friendship instead, with a nation that can be a force for good in the world. We are all human.

Chris Handy (United Kingdom)

Martin Doyle (United Kingdom)

Acknowledge a Country who puts people first, and are willing to assist anywhere in the world it can make a difference. An appropriate response would be to help Cuba, stop the blockade now.

Kathrene Perry (United Kingdom)

Roger Kerfoot (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Mason (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba always, thank you!

Clara Borgerth (United Kingdom)

Bill Nightingale (United Kingdom)

GREGORY HARDING (United Kingdom)

Joanne black (United Kingdom)

Kevin Mongan (United Kingdom)

Lorraine Jones (United Kingdom)

Giuseppe Casnati (Italy)

Steven Parker (United Kingdom)

Michael Oakes (United Kingdom)

Andy Platt (United Kingdom)

Cherise (United Kingdom)

Clare Matheson (United Kingdom)

Aiden Schutte (South Africa)

Sandra Fay (United Kingdom)

Stephen Latham (United Kingdom)

Peter Morgan (Singapore)


Rickdeep perdesi (United Kingdom)

Harry Gleed (United Kingdom)

In an uncertain time, we should not only extend gratitude to Cuba, but also friendship. Cuba is a highly-developed, resilient, and well-educated society that would be invaluable to the UK in times of Brexit uncertainty. Solidarity to the Cuban people.

Jake Wright (United Kingdom)

Samantha King (United Kingdom)

Louise Raw (United Kingdom)

Solidarity & thank you.

Michael Westcombe (United Kingdom)

Jon jones (United Kingdom)

Cuba is admirable in its struggle against capitalist exploitation and it support of Countries around the world during this time of crisis. Times like these are seen as opportunities for exploitation by entrepreneurs, or a time to prey on the vulnerable by capitalists. Cuba, you are the Moral compass of the world . !Viva Cuba!

Gail MacVicar (United Kingdom)

oscar de la jara (Chile)

Susanne af geijerstam (Sweden)

Gunhild Wallenius (Sweden)

Lisa Strömfelt (Sweden)

Ola Olin (Sweden)

Long live solidaritet with Cuba!

Gunnar Blommé (Sweden)

Jorge Castillo (Sweden)

KJELL H Randehed (Sweden)

Torsten Carlsson (Sweden)

Read Letter (India)

Bwana Payeye Kizito (United States of America)

Richard Jones (United Kingdom)

Cuba you are a beacon of light in this world of greed. Is it us who should be following your examples of true selfless humanitarianism.

Danny Murphy (United Kingdom)

Lars Göran Wadström (Sweden)

Adrian Chapman (United Kingdom)

Philip Wilson (United Kingdom)

The selflessness of the Cuban government cannot go unnoticed any longer. They are willing to jeopardize the health of their own citizens to save the lives of fellow humans; in many countries which disagree with their politics. The UK/US must ensure they also fulfill such a duty to remain on the correct side of history.

Benjamin Croxford (United Kingdom)

Ida (Sweden)

Iwona (United Kingdom)

Iwona (United Kingdom)

Inga-Lill Engström (Sweden)

Stop the blockade.

Ibadete (Sweden)

I would like to express my sincere support for my comrades in cuba. Despite years of enduring an illegal blockade by the US, cuba has remained resolute in supporting oppressed people throughout the world. Long live Cuba.

Alan simmons (United Kingdom)

Everyone deserves access to life saving and quality improving medical care, assistance or aid.

Kelly Browning (United Kingdom)

Tania Hernandez (Sweden)

america should hang its head in shame.

john burgess (United Kingdom)

Jose Esparza (United States of America)

i have been to Cuba and met the most kindest people on earth. please let them have what they need to survive. this is a new world and we should all be supporting each other no matter where they are. leave the past in the past and start a new world today.

elisabeth burgess (United Kingdom)

Alain MAUBRAC (France)

Liselotte Edgren (United Kingdom)

Jörgen Jensen (Sweden)

beziau diawara (France)

Bosse Strömbäck (Sweden)

Anneli Karihtala (Sweden)

Ine Janssen (Netherlands)

Andrea Diaz (Argentina)

Christine MacDonald (United Kingdom)

Cuba has done amazingly well during the COVID-19 crisis. Despite the continued pressure on its resources from US sanctions. They deserve our support. Limited as it is likely to be.

David Martin (United Kingdom)

The shameful blockade must end!

Örjan Appelqvist (Sweden)

Peter Udvardi (Hungary)

Sven Broqvist (Sweden)

Christine Bowen (United Kingdom)

Erik Backlund (Sweden)


Pia Pettersson (Cuba)

Erika Almvall (Sweden)


Carmencita Nilsson (Sweden)

Toby Ross (United Kingdom)

Regardless of it's morality, the time in which embargoing a country for having anti-capitalist government is even a viable option is running out. With increasing pressures of resource depletion, habitat destruction, poverty, & the threat of nuclear annihilation, anything other than global solidarity is a death sentence. To embargo Cuba is to choose doom.

Huckleberry Palmer (United States of America)

Tilly Heigh (United Kingdom)

Eugenia Catanese (Italy)

Phil Mitchell (United Kingdom)

Raymond Moore (United Kingdom)

Anthony Bardos (United Kingdom)

Raffaele Ligori (Italy)

The unwarranted blockage risks the lives of not only the people of Cuba but those of countless countries around the world where Cuban medics have provided aid and look to continue to assist at a time when the pandemic continues to claim lives across the globe

John Adshead (United Kingdom)

Julian Ross (United Kingdom)

Alex Nightingale (United Kingdom)

The US blockade has gone on long enough- free Cuba now!!

Ruth Shelton Jones (United Kingdom)

Reema Ismail (United Kingdom)

Debbie Thompson (United Kingdom)

David Rees (Ireland)

Karla West-Bohey (United Kingdom)

Sandra Rowland (United Kingdom)

Paul Chynoweth (United Kingdom)

Karl Goodwin (United Kingdom)

Berkan Celebi (United Kingdom)

Caroline Cansdale (United Kingdom)

Eva (Sweden)

John Knock (United Kingdom)

Svenne Larsson (Sweden)

Svenne Larsson (Sweden)

Jeremy Lax (United Kingdom)

rune nilsson (Sweden)

Tommy Marklund (Sweden)


Juan Carlos (Sweden)


Katarina (Sweden)

Anne Katherine Mayo (United Kingdom)

Ulrika Martinez (Sweden)

... the enemy is a virus. we need to work together to defeat a viral pandemic

David Marshall (United Kingdom)

We should respect other countries rights to govern themselves.

Andrej Berntsson (Sweden)

Bengt (Sweden)

Hans Bergman (United Kingdom)

Malin Eriksson (Sweden)

Viva Cuba libre!England,Fuck you US puppet without integrity and Honor.

jose fernandez (Sweden)

Alison Cotterill (United Kingdom)

Louise Anido (Sweden)

Christine Bridger (United Kingdom)

Richard Lowrie (United Kingdom)

Once again the Cuban people show that another world is possible! A shining light !!

Wendy McEntee (United Kingdom)

John Cowley (United Kingdom)

Mia Stone-Molloy (United States of America)

Bert Thuresson (Sweden)

I love cuba

Kerstin Larsson (Sweden)

Cecile Ajinca (United Kingdom)

Steve Adderley (United Kingdom)

Rhonda Qually (United Kingdom)

Paul Fultz (United States of America)

Lea Kambskard-Bennett (United Kingdom)

Bella Bennett (United Kingdom)

helen sverkel (Sweden)

Johan Alriksson (Sweden)

Per Lötberg (Sweden)

Mats Östensson (Sweden)

Ingvar Folkesson (Sweden)

Covid is a humanitarian crisis anywhere it occurs. The US is acting against humanity in denying the Cubans access to medical supplies and other resources necessary for responding to the crisis. Please stop this.

Amy Pao (Hong Kong)

Let Cubans live!

Lucas Bento Gonçalves (Brazil)

Corey F. Kilgarriff (United States of America)

The U.S. trade embargo against Cuba should not exist. It has especially cruel effects on the Cuban people during the covid 19 pandemic! This embargo must be eliminated! Lucy L. Grimes, Harvard University honors graduate and American Citizen

Lucy Grimes (United States of America)

Lena Samuelsson (United Kingdom)

Leve Kuba!

Mats Mogren (Sweden)

Matti Holstein (Sweden)

Annelies Lindblom (Sweden)

Benjamin Berglund (Sweden)

Birgitta (United Kingdom)

Tekla Glaser (Sweden)

Dan Elvelind (Sweden)

Laura McFall (United Kingdom)

Carol (United Kingdom)

Grainne Maginnis (United Kingdom)

Peter Johansson (Sweden)

Gerard Devlin (Ireland)

About time to stop bullying a Country that treats all its citizens as equals , in fact one should follow its example .

Judd (United Kingdom)

Roger Svensson (Sweden)

Marie-Kirstine Andersen (Denmark)

Stefan Lindholm (Sweden)

Dennis Olsson (Sweden)

Carmen Sepulveda (Sweden)

Loreto Labbé-Reveco (Sweden)

Immediate end to the criminal blockade against the people of Cuba!

Eduardo Rueda (Sweden)

It’s really long overdue like maybe 58 years for this embargo to end. Please make it happen. Thank you

Steven Goldman (United States of America)

Anders Allgulin (Sweden)

Ulla Olsson Engström (Sweden)

Jaime (Spain)

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Bryan Kirkup (United Kingdom)

Gunilla Wickman (Syria)

Reginald Hendrickse (United Kingdom)

Alex Al (Sweden)

Christina Yttergard (Sweden)

Lars Garpenfeldt (Sweden)

Por el derecho a decidir su propio destino, Cuba soberana, humanista y solidaria!!

Lupe Diaz (Sweden)

The Cuban people have the right to choose the form of Government that they feel is in their best interest. I support that right and the peace-loving people of Cuba.

Sally-Ann Richards (United Kingdom)

Alicia Molina (Sweden)

Reimond Emanuelsson (Sweden)

Urban Näslund (Sweden)

My boyfriend is Cuban and in Cuba and I have not been able to see him for months, but speaking to him daily has given me insight into the pressures and many limitations they are facing. They have a serious lack of food, a lack of affordable food - seeing as many have lost their jobs and are unable to afford the rates of food at the best of times - and a lack of medical products. The low amount of food is scaring everyone, with fights and arguments breaking out as people become more and more desperate. They don’t even have access to the basic food on their food rations. And due to the American Embargo, they are going to continue to suffer and continue to starve due to nothing being able to come into their country. SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE. They are humans and they need our help! Thank you, Victoria x

Victoria (United Kingdom)

Lisbeth Henricsson (Sweden)

Per-Gunnar Linnér (Sweden)

Liam O'Hare (United Kingdom)

It’s not very charitable of me, but I almost wish the dreadful virus would plague Mr Rick Scott. And the rest of the US government while we’re about it. Supposed to be a Christian nation? They just cannot have a humanitarian bone in their miserable collective bodies, And surely GM treated chaff only solidly between their ears. And because of that , the people will suffer.

Myra Sands (United Kingdom)

Bert Hoflund (Sweden)

Caroline Ayerst (United Kingdom)

Maurice Regan (United Kingdom)

The Cuba help is marwelus!!!!

Åke Nyström (Sweden)

Dave Goold (United Kingdom)

Joanie Wind (United States of America)

Kerstin Nilsson (Sweden)

My godson is training to become a doctor in Cuba. Having visited the country have seen first hand the outstanding training given to students

Sheila Davies (United Kingdom)

Greg Timony (Ireland)

Praying that the hearts of the US leaders will be changed so they will do the right thing to save lives not only in Cuba but right here at home. It is sad when a president puts profit and personal gain over the lives of Millions.

Vatrice Lanier (United States of America)

To the Cuban people: thank you for your humanity. To the UK Government: Use your influence with the President of the USA to end the inhumane blockade of Cuba and save lives.

Jenifer DevlinTo the Cuban (United Kingdom)

Lars-Evert Holm (Sweden)

Phuong (United States of America)

marylin potter (United Kingdom)

Irene Henson (United Kingdom)

Archangel Michael (Cyprus)

Nahuel Alexis Durante (United Kingdom)

Heartfelt thanks for your generosity and shining example of international solidarity

Carole Maddern (United Kingdom)

Joseph Oddy (United Kingdom)

Rory Foy (United Kingdom)

Aidan Carroll (United States of America)

Kjell af Forselles (Sweden)

Rolf Selin (Sweden)

Long overdue. The days of Colonial Empire building are over. Free the average Cuban from hardship and suffering. They have proven they will not bow to tyranny of any form.

Richard Alan Kemp (Australia)

Viva Cuba

Margareta Fritz (Sweden)

Dick Westlund (Sweden)

Dolores Maroto (United Kingdom)

veronique wechtler-malcolm (United Kingdom)

Kristina Hallberg (Sweden)

Lars Simmons (Sweden)

There is nothing humane about a blockade. There is only the military and economic interests of the few, to punish a whole country's people, for a disagreement in opinion. Petty politics at best; willful suffering in reality. All UK Governments should be ashamed of continued support for the blockade, for with one hand they celebrate their accomplishments in human rights, on the other they take away those rights from others. Par for the course with the British Empire, of course, or what remains of it in the imaginareum of the ruling classes. So disconnected these from the people that they cannot imagine the harm their policies do.

Ian Cooke-Tapia (United Kingdom)

John Hultberg (Sweden)

Facundo Martin Nosach (Argentina)

Lars Hansson (Sweden)

Amanda Moreira Asplund (Sweden)

Eva Leonie (Sweden)

AnnaKarin Karlsson Lidman (Sweden)

Peter Medin (Sweden)

Håkan Olsson (Sweden)

Alex Hunton (New Zealand)

Agustina Mucci (Uruguay)

Björn Lindquist (Sweden)

Per Hörberg (Sweden)

Christer Lindsjö (Sweden)

sovereignty for all

Chad Skeers (United States of America)

Elsie Antonssob (Sweden)

Guje Höglund (Sweden)

Viva Cuba Libre!

Jannik Brijani Winter (Sweden)

Karin Johansson (Sweden)

Monica Armentero (Spain)

Mårten Eklöf (Sweden)

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floalty (Latvia)

Oleg (Russian Federation)

Kari fribacken (Sweden)

Bernar Thimonier (France)

Peter Doland (Sweden)

Mikael Ask (Sweden)

Terence Philip Smith (United Kingdom)

Lars Bylund (Sweden)

Rolf Holmgren (Sweden)

Mari-Ann Nilsson (United Kingdom)

Please take action!

Eva Cecilia Lindh (Sweden)

Iliana (Cuba)

eva magnusson (Sweden)

Louise Kendrick (United Kingdom)

Brian McLelland (United Kingdom)

Cuba no está sola.

Léa El Azzi (Lebanon)

Anette Henßler (Germany)

Love Lindén (Sweden)


Milka Ashlund (United Kingdom)

Jennifer (Spain)

Lars Ekenryd (Sweden)

Gordana Crnogorcevic (Sweden)

agnes (Sweden)

Rifqa Al-wadi (Sweden)

Bo Rudolfsson (Sweden)

Irene García (Spain)

Viva cuba

Torsten olsson (Sweden)

I am pleased to see that British government stand Up for Cuba.

Sven-Olov Zetterström (Sweden)

Johan Engloo (Sweden)

Mario Pastor (Sweden)

Agneta Samuelsson Bostadsbolaget (Sweden)

Karin Stenvall (Sweden)

monica sjölin (Sweden)

Maria von Wachenfeldt (Sweden)

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floalty (Latvia)

The Cuban people do not have to think about how to be because they are born from within. The people of Cuba and their example, for many years show that "the bread of the poor, if it is distributed, tastes better!” Siempre Cuba! Elías Morales, Antonio Gades Company!

Elías (Spain)

Janet PEGUERO (United Kingdom)

Martin Lööf (Sweden)

Birgitta Bell (Germany)

Elaine Di Campo (United Kingdom)

Yakov (United States of America)

No lover of the Cuban government but i must say this ridiculous US embargo has gone on for far too long. The Cuban people are the victims in all of this peacock feathers politics, some high horses should dismounted and the various, of which there are more than some, factions should get together and start making sense. Most countries would have crumbled in the face of this remorseless meanness, but the wonderful, strong and resourceful Cuban folk have not.

richard weston (United Kingdom)

Noura almegrahi (United Kingdom)

Natasa baykal (Sweden)

Håkan Gustafsson (Sweden)

The US government fights other nations as well as it's own people, to keep power and money for themselves. The Cuban government and it's people stans united in the peaceful fight for solidarity and socialism. It's time we all understand who's example we should follow!

Sara Jonsson (Sweden)

Gudrun Spilsbury (Sweden)

Remember the Braemar

Henry Morgan (United Kingdom)

Ingela Larson (Sweden)

Angela Fortini (Brazil)

Kerstin Ericson (Sweden)

Bengt nyholm (Sweden)

Perdana Halim (Indonesia)

William Collier (United States of America)

Helmut Brånalt (Sweden)

Kjell Fohrman (Sweden)

Admirable initiative to end the US blockade. This madness has to stop. What kind of nation maintains a blockade at times like these? Horrible and not the trait of a great country. My thoughts, prayers and financial support to Cuba and its people.

Gustavo Molé (Sweden)

Sri Nimpuno (Sweden)

Staffan Emriksson (Sweden)

Boycott USA instead, warcriminals

Mertz Laakso (Sweden)

Anita Novo (Denmark)

We should all value humanitarian & peaceful actions & actively support all people taking such actions. I was on a cruise ship at the beginning of the year & was appalled by the actions taken by some countries to deny help to other passengers of ships that were infected by Covid 19. The Cuban people rescued the passengers of the Braemar, as they have helped so many other people so many times, without concern for their own safety or financial situation.

Lindsay Barnes (United Kingdom)

Rune Persson (Sweden)

Lena Lindberg (Sweden)

Rohit (India)

Daniel Quinlan (United Kingdom)

Robert Walstad (Norway)

We need socialism in this country all workers must unite under the scarlet banner unite commrades

Adam Burns (United Kingdom)

Víctor Manuel Guadarrama Prado (Mexico)

Kjell (Sweden)

Deniz Ozkil (Netherlands)

Janne Notstrand (Sweden)

Björn Elisson (Sweden)

Ernesto Lima (Cuba)

Jonathan Odur (United Kingdom)

Eugene Deak (Canada)

Maria Fernandez (Sweden)

April Bush (United States of America)

Leif Ryding (Sweden)

Bertil Kilner (Sweden)

A la Victoria Siempre 💪🏽

Carmen Icaceta (Sweden)

Cuba will triumph over this anachronistic form of imperialism. There are many people in Britain who stand with you in solidarity, especially in this difficult time

Edward Routh (United Kingdom)

Maria C Westphal (United Kingdom)

Jan wadebro (Sweden)

Gladys Palacios (United States of America)

To the British government:Please act decently, give the Cuban people a service in return! The US blockade has to be lifted.

Ole Backström (Sweden)

andy (Finland)

Ulf Lundström (Sweden)

Lift the blockade against Cuba and let the country get oppotunity to defeat corona and other diseases, in the name of humanity.

Inger Söderberg (Sweden)

This cruel embargo continues to endanger Cubans and the world without the informed consent of the people of the US

Jonathan Davis (United States of America)

I have never seen such stupidity come out of the mouth of babes.

Mac B (United States of America)

Luis A. Buatois (Canada)

Cuba needs the world to stand against the bullying of the USA it's people are suffering

Gwen stow (United Kingdom)

Natasha Polomski (United Kingdom)

Hoger Aspviken (Sweden)

Lars Drugge (Sweden)

Conny kallberg (Sweden)

Leif Persson (Sweden)

Gerry Bruckner (Germany)

Carl-Henrik Månsson (Sweden)

Ana Maria Sabio (Sweden)

Bo Harringer (Sweden)

Fuerza Cuba

Kenneth (Sweden)

Ulf Lofdal (Sweden)

John Nielsen (Germany)

shane murphy (United States of America)

Soren Hjertqvist (Sweden)

Ignacio Portillo (Spain)

Thomas Glans (Sweden)

Ulf Brunne (Sweden)

Omiros Pantazis (United Kingdom)

I stand with Cuba and the Cuban people - and against the criminal US blockade.

Stephen Hackett (United Kingdom)

Daniel Arturo Casals Amat (Cuba)

Los mexicanos estamos muy agradecidos con el pueblo cubano por su ejemplo de solidaridad internacional, sobre todo en la pandemia del COVID 19. Nos unimos a la Campaña de Solidaridad con Cuba y exigimos poner fin al bloqueo de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.

Humberto Ruiz (Mexico)

Eddie Hayes (United Kingdom)

End the cruel sanctions.

Samuel Lawson (United Kingdom)

Cuba is an example, all the nations need to learn from.

Sagar Malhotra (India)

Stop Trump in his criminal war against Cubans and his own people And Support the Cubans Humanity in the pandemi!!!

Ninni Winkler (Sweden)

Eric Osterman (Sweden)

Denis Mollison (United Kingdom)

Cosmin Adrian lazar (United Kingdom)

Mercedes Fonfria (United Kingdom)

Owe Ohlzon (Sweden)

Maria Vasquez-Aguilar (United Kingdom)

Ayla Estreich (United Kingdom)

Carlos Rascón (Mexico)

Fight on compas! Viva Cuba 🇨🇺

Leah Luna Mancini (Italy)

Hannu Lintunen (Sweden)

Eleni Adam (Greece)

kenneth börjestål (Sweden)

Eva schmidt (United Kingdom)

Gracias Cuba. Tu solidaridad pone en evidencia la mezquindad de los poderosos. Pero más temprano que tarde, se hará justicia. Hoy, sería un aporte que los aliados del bloqueo reaccionen y se animen a disentir, en vez de continuar arrodillados y actuando como esbirros.

Negro Julio (Uruguay)

Göran Jansson (Sweden)

Cuba! Venceremos!

Christer Björk (Sweden)

Riad (United States of America)

Por dignidad humana, por reconocimiento a la lucha y perseverancia de un Pueblo, se debe poner fin al Bloqueo.

Ricardo Carmona (Colombia)

Thanks Cuba for your heroic international humanitarian contribution to several countries affected by the covid-19 pandemic despite the criminal, economic, commercial and financial blockade and the continuous attacks by US imperialism against the dignity and sovereignty of the Cuban people. These attacks are conscientious and unscrupulous acts of state terrorism, planned to directly affect the entire population of Cuba right to be healthy and the right to life. US criminal acts affect children, the elderly, women and men. Cuba in a dignified and heroic way has resisted these attacks for more than 60 years and does not bow. With the efforts of a conscious, dignified and sovereign people, Cuba produces what they need and they share with the world what they have, such is the case of the international brigades, a unique gesture of humanism and solidarity! Cuba exercises its legitimate right -as a sovereign state- of self-determination and non-intervention in internal affairs of other countries. Cuba defends the right to live in peace, justice, friendship and solidarity between all the peoples of the world... Say NO to the US media campaign of lies and discredits against the Cuban internationalist health brigades! No to armed attacks on Cuban diplomatic personnel in the United States! Condemn the United States for adding Cuba and Venezuela to the list of countries that do not collaborate in the war against terrorism! End economics sanctions! End the criminal blockade now! Long live international solidarity! Nobel Prize for Cuban Medical Brigades! Long live the heroic Cuban people! Long live socialist Cuba!

Mayo Bustos (Norway)

Jan-Erik Sørenstuen (Norway)

Peter Sahlberg (Sweden)

Jan Beijer (Brazil)

Olof Petersson (Sweden)

Vanja Gustafsson (Sweden)

Susan Barnard (United Kingdom)

Patricio pavez cortes (United Kingdom)

Jennifer Hurstfield (United Kingdom)

Mats Larsson (Sweden)

Steven Smith (United Kingdom)

Kristina Ehrner Vilhelmsson (Sweden)

A global pandemic needs a global response and all peoples working together for the benefit of all. The politically-contrived blockade against Cuba is an anathema to international co-operation and mutual respect. The United States by its continued enforcement of the blockade, appears heartless, without a moral compass, and intellectually a new "Emperor without clothes".

Stuart Smith (United Kingdom)

Tina Karlsson (Sweden)

Johan Karlsson (Sweden)

Cuba has proven solidarity many times, with south africa, when there was much Ebola in africa and now with corona just to give a few examples. USA:s blockade is just for forcing there neo liberal politics to other countries. Break the blockade

Johannes Löfström (Sweden)

Lars Goran Wadstrom (Sweden)

Bo Wennerbeck (Sweden)

Mats Fahlberg (Sweden)

It is a shame for the internstional community that the US-blockade, a cynical crime against the rule of international law and against the Cuban people, is allowed to exist.

Henning Süssner (Sweden)

Jan Fransson (Sweden)

Rasmus Nilsson (Sweden)

Cuba siempre!!

Christer Myrén (Sweden)

Joakim Persson (Sweden)

Half my life (33 years) I've lived in Mozambique and seen the Cuban doctors and teachers support the country's struggle for a better future. Thousands of Mozambicans has been educated in Cuba since the independence 1975. Cuba fight for the poorest in the world with education and not bombs!

Martin Magneli (Sweden)

Afshar (Sweden)

Gunnel Thörn (Sweden)

Cissi Svärdström (Sweden)

César Caprioli (United Kingdom)

krister Rehn (Sweden)

Tove Johnson (Sweden)

Stella Huber (Sweden)

Viva Cuba Libre✊🏻🇨🇺

Thomas Dahlén (Sweden)

Venthan Perinpan (Canada)

Jonathan Granström (Sweden)

Thomas Gyllander (Sweden)

David Amado-Blanco González (United Kingdom)

Simon Fors (Sweden)

Linnea (Sweden)

John Patron (Sweden)

Joel Sandström (Sweden)

Börje Udenius (Sweden)

ana buljan (Croatia)

Lars Bringner (Sweden)

Marcin Gruchała (Poland)

Jonathan Berry (United Kingdom)

Carolina Munoz (Sweden)

Lars Brännberg (Sweden)

I support Kuba !

Lasse Antonsson (Sweden)

Thanks for your insistence.(from a Chinese oversea student)

Boen (China)

Ami phillis (United Kingdom)

Elzbieta Karasinska (United Kingdom)

Jess Cook (United Kingdom)

Dhevdhas Nair (United Kingdom)

US should respect other countries autonomy as they show respect for ours.

Cindy Johnson (United States of America)

Jenifer Brooks (United Kingdom)

Nothing has to be added. Please!

Kjell Corneliusson (Sweden)

Mel Yiasemide (United Kingdom)

Winifred heaps (United Kingdom)

Marci Webster-Mannison (Australia)

End the blockade.

Alan Maki (United States of America)

América Alarcón Rojas (Sweden)

Franz Hollerauer (Germany)

Barbro Forsander (Sweden)

Scott (United Kingdom)

Mahmut Özyildiz (Sweden)

Janice Rozas (Sweden)

Brave Cuba you get my support

Dave Bragg (United Kingdom)

carol (Spain)

Kari Smith (United States of America)

Mario Felipe Salas (Colombia)

Cuban citizens, like everyone across the world, deserve access to medicines as well as vital ood and equipment.Anyone who denies them this is supporting murder and serious poverty and injustice. Let nt your government be amongst them.

J A Dougherty (New Zealand)

Judy McCool (United Kingdom)

Dimpho Radebe (Canada)

Margareta Vogel (Sweden)

cristina nagy (Argentina)

Nikhil Shimpi (United States of America)

The Cold War ended nearly 30 years ago. The United States should end it's geopolitical game and end the illegal blockade on Cuba.

Tom Agass (United Kingdom)


Lennart Börjesson (Sweden)

Mark Leach (Ireland)

Stefano Acerbo (Italy)

Irene Pajon Leyra (Spain)

Anna Salietti (Spain)

Break the US trade terror to friendly countries!

christer svensson (Sweden)

All This years. How is it possible? Stop the blockade NOW!

Barbro Örjeheim (Sweden)


Mercedes Hueso Mateo (Spain)

Cuba is not criminal,the blockade is criminal

sten-erik andersson (Sweden)

KIcki Höglund (Sweden)

Remember the warm-hearted reception the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall enjoyed last year in Cuba!

Helmut Goldenstedt (Germany)

Lift Blockade. Grateful to medical teams

Edna Alvarado (United States of America)

Jose Perez (United States of America)

Zoila Rodriguez (United States of America)

In hopes that my government can find compassion for others in this momentous time. In solidarity with my Cuban brothers and sisters!

Jim Martin (United States of America)

Staffan Daimar (Sweden)

Do not continue to support the bullying & terrorising of this nation

Linda Buchanan (Australia)

Daniel McKay (Australia)

Please continue in your effort to aid Cuba, by getting the USA to stop the blockade ASAP. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s inhumane to block aid to Cubans. Recently one of my cousins died of dehydration and hunger. PLEASE!!!! Cubans need food and medication. PLEASE!!!

Maximiliano Sanchez (United States of America)

Dan Dahlberg (Sweden)

Ennis Glendon (United States of America)

Julián VallejoMorales (Belgium)

Hasse Lundqvist (Sweden)

Rolf Nilsson (Sweden)

Parvathy (United Kingdom)

The blockade that the United States operates, especially against Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and Iran, etc., is illegal under international law. The blockade is inhumane and helps to weaken people's lives and health. The United States threatens a whole world. People should stand upright against the monster of imperialism. Solidarity or death. Ketil Ervik.

ketil ervik (Sweden)

Carmen Icaceta (Sweden)

Kathryn Gaffney (United Kingdom)

Jan Erik Lindblom (Sweden)

Habiba Noach Herce (United Kingdom)

Berndt Sandberg (Sweden)

Mis mejores deseos para combatir el corona virus en Cuba país al que admiro por su lucha y su resistencia.

Margarita Herce (Spain)

The embargo vulnerates right of health of Cuban People’s meanwhile the are helping the world, sending doctors where the are required. Stop Embargo!

Víctor Pardo (Spain)

Peter Mellgren (Sweden)

Carmen Campos Gan (Spain)

Maurice Breuer (Germany)

Sade Shireen Gawanas (Namibia)

Ilhan Kellecioglu (Sweden)

Adelaja Odukoya (Nigeria)

Bruno Gastal (Brazil)

No matter if you believe in capitalism or communism, do put peace first! It might be superintelligent, considering where escalation of conflicts might lead us all. The Doomsday clock is 100 seconds from midnight. And that is why you should give energy to the ones making peace happen! It might not only save the entire planet, when you begin to do the peaceful thing, but also yourselves. You all have enough money and power, some few very much, others have distributed it well among its citizens. This is evident, but will you have a good obituary testimony if you cannot reach World Peace? Aim for it! Imagine World Peace!

Martin Gustavsson (Sweden)

Louis Van Steene (United Kingdom)

Raquel Marín Piniella (Spain)

Carolina Alvarez Martinez (United Kingdom)

Josep Verger (Spain)

klas Hallberg (Sweden)

Adrian Ross (United Kingdom)

Adelaida Pardo (Colombia)

Julian (France)

Being unable to agree with all elements of another nations political leadership should not mean the collective punishment of the people living under it. I am a UK national who would like one day to think about a mature politician would emerge who would understand the distinction between these two parts of a society, hence getting my vote.

Jon Lindsay Miles (Spain)

Nora Bendersky (Israel)

Tal Bowen (United Kingdom)

Tom Flaws (United Kingdom)

Monika Björnson-Rzewuski (Sweden)

Saúl (Spain)

Peter Nestler (United Kingdom)

Liliana Pozzati (Spain)

Lucy May (Germany)

Maria Dolores Calvente (Spain)

Verónica Danielsson (Sweden)

the only threat of Cuba is that Cuba is a threat of the good example end the blockade

Joan Elizabeth Russow (Canada)

Caroline ghali (United Kingdom)

Mercè Arrufat (Switzerland)

Stop blockade!! Green go home!!!

Jordi Torné (Spain)

Sverre Launy (Sweden)

Lena Högberg (Sweden)

Long live The socialistisc Cuba

Jan löfgren (Sweden)

Renee (Netherlands)

Kathy Grant (United States of America)

Christian Stephan (Spain)

Camilo J Santacruz (United States of America)

Mark Smith (Australia)

John David Short (United States of America)

Swapna Gopinath (India)

Chuck (United States of America)

Let take a chance on Cuba, lift the blockade and see what happens.

David Ribes (Spain)

Nath Rodriguez (Spain)

Eloísa Rodríguez Vida (Spain)

Graciela BURIAN- ROJAS (Sweden)

Lucas Barcelo Ibarra (Australia)

Alexandre Alves (Brazil)

Victoria (Spain)

Cristina Santos (Portugal)

Iñigo Mikeleiz Berrade (Spain)

Fran Luco (United Kingdom)

William (United States of America)

Stefano Bifulco (Italy)

Silvia Gómez Ruiz (Belgium)

Guy Bärs (Norway)

Alba Machado de Sá (Brazil)

Maria Sola (Australia)

José Leme Galvão Junior (Brazil)

Dulce M (Spain)

María José de Rivas (Spain)

doretta neumann (Germany)


Ilse Paustian (Denmark)

Eduardo Picazo (Spain)

Emiliano Velazquez Sánchez (Mexico)

leopoldina pina de almeida (Portugal)

Gretel (United Kingdom)

William Ralston (United States of America)

Ricardo sepulveda (Sweden)

Shaul Ferrero (Switzerland)

Thank you from a grateful South African

Sunny The Solar Guy (South Africa)

María José García (Spain)

Jose Emiliano Marquez-Garcia (Mexico)

Thomas (Spain)

Jan Valendin (Austria)

Maria Inés Cuervo (Austria)

Carme Martín Oyonarte (Spain)

Bosmat Gal (United States of America)

Elena Pinillos Bartolome (Luxembourg)

Luz Alcaide Miquel (Spain)

Ruth Noemi Pragier (Israel)

Mercè Solà Gussinyer (Spain)

Julian Miranda Monge (France)

Dear Comrades , Your assistance to those less fortunate always amazes me We are with you today , tomorrow and forever ¡Viva el pueblo cubano!

David (United Kingdom)

Scott James (United Kingdom)

Amelia Rancaño Azcarate (Spain)

Martin Seger (Sweden)

In Solidarity

Kandis Jordan (United Kingdom)

Alba Gonzalez Villa (Spain)

taira karlsson (Finland)

Jose Maria Menendez (Spain)

Alejandro Romero (Spain)

Rafael Márquez Anaya (Spain)

Onore a Cuba e al popolo cubano. Anche in Italia abbiamo avuto l'onore di ricevere l'aiuto volontario e disinteressato delle brigate Henry Reeves a Crema e a Torino. Amore puro, solo togliendo il bloqueo possiamo ringraziare!

Sabrina Carli (Italy)

Andre Kloos (Germany)

Leif Oldenburg (Sweden)

why would a gubernamental force make the lives of normal innocent citicens harder? when we know is not like they have a choice?

maria vanoli (Costa Rica)

Emil Segerbäck (Sweden)

Ingeborg Skov Høye (Norway)

mehmet tas (United Kingdom)

Jorge Esteban Hernández Gutié (Mexico)

Mariana González (Argentina)


Leonardo Candian Moreira (Brazil)

Melanie Leemon (Australia)

Andrew Karnot (United Kingdom)

Brenda Wegener (Australia)

Marcelino Jorge Iglesias (Spain)

Raúl Buendía Ureñ (Costa Rica)

Carla (Brazil)

María Lopez (United Kingdom)

Ana Fernández (Spain)

Michael P Cowtan (Canada)

Julieta Pierani (Argentina)

Betsabé Ruiz (Mexico)

All the countries in the UN (but USA) voted for suspending the blockade. It's time to get it done! Cuba needs it!

Léa Costa (Brazil)

Tom G. Griffiths (Norway)

Shlomit Ferguson (United Kingdom)

Kathy (United Kingdom)

Manuel Castro (Colombia)

With solidarity and Love to my homeland: To all of those that are trying to stop this non sense of oppression. Finally this could be the be the start so many years of damage to our nation... I/ my family is a living proof of how damaging and reckless as the years gone by and mostly recently this “sanction” are.. Let’s STPOP ones and for all.... let’s STOP and don’t let him rule anymore about who can or can’t make business with Cuba. I know is not going to be an easy battle but I stand for my country no matter where I live,,,, What else can that government can throw to Cuba, STOP interfering in our way of living and how other countries can make business with US...

Dana M Rondon (United Kingdom)

Marinalva Victor (United Kingdom)

Nuni Tal (Israel)

dina hecht (United Kingdom)

Darren Moore (United Kingdom)

Lars Hejll (Sweden)

A few years ago(2013) I read Professor Piero Gleijeses's book entitled," Visions of Freedom - Havana, Washington, Pretoria and the Struggles for Southern Africa - 1976 - 1991". Great read and worth the effort.

Mr. Blair M. Phillips (Canada)

Lev Grinberg (Israel)

Mark Hutchinson (United Kingdom)

Emily MacKinlay (Ireland)

Mikey Rose (United Kingdom)

Manuel López (Spain)

Manuel Rodríguez Carreira (Spain)

Alex Thompson (United Kingdom)

Larissa Payne (Australia)

Antti-Veikko Labbas (Finland)

Alexandra Lopoukhine (United Kingdom)

Mahmoud Nasr (Egypt)

Pedro Manuel Simões Raposo Ribeiro (Portugal)

David Rendo García (Spain)

Zulema Royo Fernández (Spain)

Lee Ray (United Kingdom)

Anneke van Kluijve (Netherlands)

Marnix Koppenaal (Netherlands)

Manuel Lira (United States of America)

Roberta Rezzara (Italy)

Néstor Rodríguez Miranda (Spain)

Anika Agebjörn (Sweden)

Cihan Ersoy (Turkey)

Brennan Kidd (United States of America)

Calum murray (United Kingdom)

Bibiana (United States of America)

Carlos Toledo (Austria)

Alejandro de Ita Sanchez (Mexico)

Diego Sordini (Italy)

Danny Laverty (United Kingdom)

Helen (Australia)

Kristijan Markoc (United Kingdom)

Vaskar Siddique (United Kingdom)

Carole Strong (Australia)

alfonso montero (Spain)

Noemi Alicia Di Carlo Balzano (Spain)

Dave Postles (United Kingdom)

Ignacio Pascual Sánchez (Spain)

François Montagnon (France)

Stephanie Robinson (Australia)

Stuart Wragg (United Kingdom)

Milene Nelson (Germany)

It is time to stop the US embargo.

Federico Drago (Italy)

Demian García (Mexico)

¡Solidaridad con Cuba! ¡Hasta siempre la victoria!

Ashley Payne (United States of America)

Stig-Lennart Johansson (Sweden)

Jannike Bahlenberg (Sweden)

Martinetti Raphaël (France)


Gunilla Bergquist (Sweden)

Anne (Sweden)

Roberto Fernández (Cuba)

Shalome (Canada)

Fernando Medina (Sweden)

Jenny Danielsson (Sweden)

Rick Williams (United Kingdom)

Mats Kyhlbäck (Sweden)

Andy Thirsk (United Kingdom)

Lesley Davies (United Kingdom)

Solveig Hell (Sweden)

Ulla Ringström (Sweden)

Ken Wilde (United Kingdom)

Robert Tonge (United Kingdom)

Margareta Förssell (Sweden)

Rune Dersell (Sweden)

gittan wågström (Sweden)

It's about time USA dropped the blockade and allowed the people of Cuba to have a better life

Roger Lumley (United Kingdom)

Christine Chesterman (United Kingdom)

No al bloqueo.

Rogelio Alfaro (El salvador)

A S Kenward (United Kingdom)

Jan Osterley (United Kingdom)

(United Kingdom)

Mike Webber (United Kingdom)

help cuba please

maria victoria romero rosabal (United Kingdom)

Geoff Oliver (United Kingdom)

Eva Bjurholm (Sweden)

Viva Cuba libre y soberana.

Christian Melo (Sweden)

continuemos la lucha con este enemigo virosico. hay mucho por hacer aun, no importan la locura ylla idea genocida.vivan la tierra y sus sueños

maria daluz (Brazil)

Staffan Ekbom (Sweden)

Gunnar Svensson (Anguilla)

Carlier Anne-Marie (France)

Lars Westman (Sweden)

Margareta (Sweden)

Heather Jordan (United Kingdom)

Please do end this shameful bullying of this small island!

Kristina Hillgren (Sweden)

Defend the rights of the Cuban People and State!

Mikael (Sweden)

You have my support, we are all one!

Terence Kelly (United Kingdom)

Rolf Christianson (Sweden)

Rine Mansouri (Sweden)

Ingemar Lund (Sweden)

Glenn Wadell (Sweden)

Arash Aeineh (Sweden)

Ulf Lofdal (Sweden)

Marcel Yman (Sweden)

I don't understand why Canada hasn't filled in the need created by US policies.

Lynne Thiele (Canada)

Good Luck!

Moniqa Ghookassi (Sweden)

Free Cuba from the imperialistic blockade,HLVS

Eduardo Olave perez (Sweden)

David Moran (United Kingdom)

Marianne Castellano (Sweden)

Monica Dahlby (Sweden)

Maud Hedin (Sweden)

Christer Johansson (Sweden)

Jacqui Swinburne (United Kingdom)

John Swinburne (United Kingdom)

Thank you to Cuba for showing decent, human behaviour to the world. I am not surprised but I am sure many people will be.

Sue Lewis (New Zealand)

Björn Håkansson (Sweden)

Yvonne Sundqvist (Sweden)

Show you still have a spine. Put the pressure on Uncle Sam.

Pavlo (Sweden)

Gunnar Kreku (Sweden)

Thank you Cuba for your solidarity and the humanity you show every day sending your doctors and nurses to the poorest countries and even to the rich countries as Italy and Spain who didnt even care to manage the basic needs for their people. You are a model for what matters in life

Ilektra theopoulou (Greece)

Lennart Jönsson (United Kingdom)

I’m from Sweden.

Hålan Wardström (United Kingdom)

Dimitra Theodoridis (Sweden)

Cheryl Feehan (Canada)

René Vázquez Díaz (Sweden)

Emily Bierek (Sweden)

J Callaghan (Canada)

Conny Carlsson (Sweden)

Sonia Fransson (Sweden)

Anders Svensson (Sweden)

PEO Vikström (Sweden)

Stefan Sjur (Sweden)

Sven-Eric Holmström (Sweden)

Sergio Bruno (Sweden)

Bassam Jawad (Sweden)

Markus Andersson (Sweden)

Ulla (Sweden)

Leif Törnqvist (Sweden)

H-G Persson (Sweden)

Bengt-Åke Wadell (Sweden)

Roger Borjesson (Australia)

Mick Rusling (United Kingdom)

Anette Logeke (United Kingdom)

Unfortunately the UK = USA

Jozsef Kristofi (Hungary)

Micael Rombin (Sweden)

Matt (United Kingdom)

Rafa Gómez (Venezuela)

Darko Antic (Netherlands)

Pls help cuba to prevent corona

Manjula Hewawasam (Sri Lanka)

Annica Svensson (Sweden)

Anita Esaiasson (Sweden)

Peter Rosenberg (Sweden)

Lennart Wiborgh (Sweden)

End the USA run terrorist blokade against the Cuban people, and socialist nations!

Peter Christensen (Denmark)

Faye Rebelo (Canada)

Stig Arvidsson (Sweden)

Claes Ringqvist (Sweden)

Jag tycker att det är fullständigt orimlig, godtycklig och oförskämd att under den vidrig förevändning att skapa demokrati i ett annat land genom att införa motbjudande och rättsvidriga unilaterala tvångsåtgärd som står tydligt mot den internationell rätt, samtliga länder som agerar lydstater till förenta staterna, i detta fall de europeiska länder måste ha en gnugga självständighet även hut kroppen och inte följa något befallande från den första terrorist land som skenhelig kallas sig för den första demokratin på hela jorden; stoppa blockaden en gång för alla, Europa måste sluta med den löjliga tjafset, för det enda som dem gör är att utsätta miljoner människors liv till djup kränkning av sina samhällsrättigheter, varje land har sin egen rättighet att bestämma själv vilka politiska, sociala, ekonomiska och samhälleliga åtgärd att tillämpa utan den fräcka intrång av länder som utövar och vill införa mot alla odds den förödandet och destruktiv marknads diktaturen.

Alejandro González Nieto (United Kingdom)

Stefan Engberg (Sweden)

Long live the Cuban revolution!

Håkan Olofsson (Sweden)

Lars Erik Gunnar Widmark (Sweden)

Raquel camara (Canada)

Millie Craggs (United Kingdom)

Cuba has needed our support for years. Now, in this critical world state it is even more important!

John Steggles (United Kingdom)

Pete Strauss (United Kingdom)

Cuba si bloqueo no

John chilvers (United Kingdom)

Tom Wilby (United Kingdom)

Thank you to all those Cubans who have demonstrated that they best way to respond to persecution or oppression is by showing love and compassion!

Nicky Bull (United Kingdom)

clive haswell (United Kingdom)

Rosalind (United Kingdom)

Peter Andersson (Sweden)

Gayan Sanjeewa (Sri Lanka)

Bengt Svensson (Sweden)

Petros koumoundouros (Greece)

Tommy Johansson (Sweden)

Johan Löf (Sweden)

Anne Tallentire (United Kingdom)

Christine S. Pichler (Norway)

Stop a quba

Pramalal (Sri Lanka)

marianela orozco (Cuba)

Dayra Blandon Sandino (Nicaragua)

Tim Jones (United Kingdom)

Pat Morrison (United States of America)

Phillip Callaghan (Canada)

Cuba’s people’s has been suffering years of years with economic blockade, which in practice violate the humans rights charter. Is time to make justice for Cuban people !

Ana G. Cospin Soberanis (Norway)

Gabby Taylor (United Kingdom)

FM (United Kingdom)

Elaine Kerrigan (United Kingdom)

This country has helped so many others its time to return the favour and help them!

Susan Purdie (United Kingdom)

Brendan Quinn (United Kingdom)

Idilia Guerra (Norway)

Maria Orieta (Norway)

laura (United Kingdom)

Connor McFarlane (United Kingdom)

Lars Erik Carlberg (Sweden)

Thorbjörn Johansson (Sweden)

Vivien Ashley (United Kingdom)

Daniel Hunt (United Kingdom)

Frances Henderson (United Kingdom)

Maria (United Kingdom)

Will Cressey (United Kingdom)

Emma ottanelli (United Kingdom)

Lone Möller (Switzerland)

Charles McCormick (United Kingdom)

Bill Hamilton (United Kingdom)

Stig Hansen (Sweden)

Daniel Veness (United Kingdom)

I have visited Cuba and found a warm welcome. They are not aggressive and present no threat to the USA. Chris

Chris Steed (United Kingdom)

Ingrid Nilsson Norén (Sweden)

Maria rodriguez (United States of America)

A blockade on trade and emergency supplies has no place during a global pandemic, nor during ordinary times, however, it is crucial that the UK does everything in its power to ensure that fundamental human rights can be met. Cuba has demonstrated immense international solidarity in terms of medical care, if the UK remains silent, it is complicit and has blood on its hands. Solidaridad con Cuba! Que terminare pronto!

Betty Henderson (United Kingdom)

Lisa Howell (United Kingdom)

Elliot (United Kingdom)

James Vernel (United Kingdom)

Michael Dawson (United Kingdom)

Stop the blockade.. stop US blockade..

Zoë Moore (United Kingdom)

Shocking way to treat people trump should be jailed

liam docherty (United Kingdom)

Dag Rossander (Sweden)

It is time to end the criminal blockade against Cuba. The United States continues to be mistaken with the dignity and courage of the Cuban people and its government, who with their attitude, the only thing they deserve is admiration, respect and solidarity.

Raul Raschetti (Sweden)

Amanuel Zerayacob (Ethiopia)

Helen Perkins (United Kingdom)

Craig (United Kingdom)

Jon Purdom (United Kingdom)

Tam Docherty (United Kingdom)

Majella Baxter (Ireland)

Justiz and Freedom are the base of Peacefull Developement which every Human have the right to enjoy and every country in the world have to Respect it. We have the Problem, that American and its alliance, becouse of there Industries or followed by them, doesnt want to Respect it.We want them to stope, Human Peacefull Existenz and Developement to Respect and allow. Always, Everywhere in this World!

Istem (Germany)

Hans Petersson (Sweden)

Dennis Beddoe (United Kingdom)

Leandro de Souza Pereira (Brazil)

Rhi B-W (United Kingdom)

Ian Walton (United Kingdom)

Myra Sands (United Kingdom)

It is deplorable for the USA to prevent the Cuban people from accessing vital medical and hygiene supplies to fight the effects of the coronavirus which has killed Cubans just as it is killing Americans and British and others. Despite these imposed shortages the Cubans have selflessly given medical aid to Italy, and also helped British people, by allowing passengers to disembark from a cruise ship in March when the USA and others had refused to help them. I believe Dominic Raab as Foreign Secretary spoke about this to Parliament. For many years the UN has voted by a vast majority to condemn the US blockade of Cuba, but the USA has ignored the UN consistently, and no action has been taken against it. Today there is a global pandemic of coronavirus and we should be helping each other, not persist in 50 year old political feuds as the USA is doing. Cuba is a shining example of giving what assistance it can, both to Italy and Britain. Britain should demonstrate its gratitude and demand that the USA lift the economic blockade.

Lesley James (United Kingdom)

Emmanuel Clancy (Ireland)

Paul Cudby (United Kingdom)

The Empire has blockaded Cuba since 1962! The damage amounts to over $800 billion US dollars. Cuba now needs to be able to fight Covid 19 both at home and abroad. The Empire has voted against a request by the UN General Secretary for a "ceasefire" globally so all the world can focus on the virus. This will result in the deaths of innocents including Cubans. Thankfully, China and Russia have come to Cuba's aid as much as is possible for them, given the US illegal blockade. USA: END THE BLOCKADE. DO THE RIGHT THING.

Michael O'Neill (Canada)

John dixon (United Kingdom)

Danny Freeman (United Kingdom)

Stefan Lindholm (Sweden)

Pernilla Gård (Sweden)

Glen Hamilton (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for all you have done to help other countries now and in the past.

Maggie Smith (United Kingdom)

Michael Riley (United Kingdom)

Edward Dennis (United Kingdom)

Samuel (Ethiopia)

Please help stop the illegal blockade!!!

Jamie Aubin (Canada)

Gilberto Hernandez Pérez (Cuba)

Do the right and just thing for the tremendous people of Cuba Conor mc carthy Unison Belfast

Conor mc carthy (United Kingdom)

Dennies Johansson (Sweden)

John Gilbert (United States of America)

Lawrence Welch (United Kingdom)

Sam Hall (United Kingdom)

Mick Walbank (United Kingdom)

enough of sanctions against Cuba. been doing it since 1959. why? the cuban people can get along with the United States.

david carroll (United States of America)

Steven Grant (United Kingdom)

Maria Regazzoni Rapp (Sweden)

Margaret Devenney (Ireland)

Thankyou Cuba

Anna Hutchison (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba!

Marialina Ballesteros (Cuba)

Simon Francis Stevens (United Kingdom)

George McLean (United Kingdom)

Christine Bleach (United Kingdom)

Alan cairns (United Kingdom)

Fiona Montgomery (United Kingdom)

Sheryl Wilson (United Kingdom)

The Cubans have shown humanity to many countries. It's time to repay that.

Marie Christie (United Kingdom)

Cuba went unselfishly to help other countries in this crisis seiously hang your head in shame and lift the sanctions

Deirdre finnegan (United Kingdom)

Hugh Daniels (United Kingdom)

Marino Riosa (United Kingdom)

Let us be on the right side of history and stop the unjust US blockade of Cuba.

Kristian Harry Evans (United Kingdom)

Ratnam Ganesh (Canada)

Joe Trainor (United Kingdom)

Ann mcquillan (Ireland)

Trish Deeny (United Kingdom)

Brenda Jamieson (United Kingdom)

steve ryan (United Kingdom)

Lucy Kay (United Kingdom)

Mar Rowe (United Kingdom)

Robert Macmillan (United Kingdom)

Colin McClary (United Kingdom)

David McKnight (United Kingdom)

Nigel Power (Thailand)

Rod Crabbe (United Kingdom)

Sten Lundmyr (Sweden)

Nisansala Silva (Sri Lanka)

Prageeth Athauda (Sri Lanka)

My personal feeling is that we people on earth are friends and I would like the British Government to help and convince the US Government to give the Cubans the right to commerce with any country,in other words to end the blockade.

Monica Karin Maria Svensson (Sweden)

Haydee Escalante-Diaz (Sweden)

Ola Nilsson (Sweden)

Rolf Örjefelt (Sweden)

Maj Widäng (Sweden)

Roger Falk (Sweden)

Henry Ascher (Sweden)

Arne Lundgren (Sweden)

Thomas Persson (Sweden)

johnny (United Kingdom)

Cecilia Molnar (Sweden)

Bo Svensson (Sweden)

Ingeli Aalto (Sweden)

Asta Eriksson (Sweden)

It give US hope that Cuba, this small countr, whith its own problems, will help other countries. Thank you!

Agneta Svennebring (Sweden)

Stop the blockade against Cuba at once.

Staffan Myrhage (United Kingdom)

Sivert Kaverén (Sweden)

Diaj Hermansen (Sweden)

Love Cubalife

Pär Gustavsson (Sweden)

Tomas Lindblom (Sweden)

Galatians 6:2 "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ"

Dr Sargon Thomeh Shirabad (Sweden)

Matthew 7:12  "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."

Rabbela Bet Hatami (Sweden)

Support Cuba against aggression

Uno Kenstam (Sweden)

Marie Baude (Sweden)

Gunnar Axelsson (Sweden)

Gale Stewart (Canada)


Manuela D'Uffizi (Italy)

I Think this blockade from USA against Cuba is really unfair. I want you to suppurt Cuba and help them to buy what they need. Greetings Berit

Berit Palmdahl (United Kingdom)

Please take urgent action through all available channels to enable Cuba to access medical equipment and resources to fight Covid-19. This is the least the UK can do to thank Cubans for the help they provided to stranded British citizens in March.

Paula Orr (United Kingdom)

Bengt Persson (Sweden)

Harry Pettersson (Sweden)

Bengt Johansson (Sweden)

Susanne Kilner (Sweden)

Hur kan Sverige acceptera att USA terroriserar Cuba särskilt under en Corona pandemi och särskilt när ett u-land som Cuba förmår hjälpa Italien under pandemin. Shame on you Sweden!!?React now! Or I will emigrate to Cuba! Rolf Berndtson Jönköping Sweden

Rolf Berndtson (Sweden)

Kurt Miettinen (Sweden)

Robert Nilsson (Sweden)

Stop the American terror against Cuba!! Stop the Cuba embargo!!

sackis zaimis (Sweden)

Charles Flynn (United States of America)

Sonja Persson (Sweden)

Eva Jaksjö (Sweden)

Kent Heijel (Uganda)

Gunilla Rahm (Sweden)

Hjordis Fohrman (Sweden)

Solidarity with the Cuban people from Sweden!

Albin Irgens (Sweden)

Anna Grönberg (Sweden)

Tove Östergren (Sweden)

Jared McCann (United Kingdom)

Anders Claesson (Sweden)

Cuba salva vidas. Terminar con el bloqueo

Claudio Alvarez (Sweden)

Eva Laurin (Sweden)

Stop US blockade !

Östen Andersson (Sweden)

Eva Rapp (Sweden)

Kent Sarmark (Sweden)

lars erik backman (United Kingdom)

Sven Dahlgren (Sweden)

Eva Sjöblom (Sweden)

Börje Eriksson (Sweden)

Ralf Backström (Sweden)

Carita Åkesson (Sweden)

Hans-Göran Sivert Axelsson (Sweden)

alex devare (United Kingdom)

USA is obviously a fascist country

Venni Salmi (Sweden)

Ann Hammar (Sweden)

Sauli Aalto (Sweden)

Aleksandar Prazic (Serbia)

Eva Glader (Sweden)


Björn Berggren (Sweden)

Luchín Castro Solís (Sweden)

peter börjesson (Sweden)

Leif Nordstrom (Sweden)

Ingrid Cronberg (Sweden)

Maritza bahamondes (Sweden)

Help Cuba help the world against the pandemic covid-19! Stop the US-dominated blockade against Cuba and other countries suffering from this illegal action. Bring the US leadership to the International court in the Hague!

Martin Arovén (Sweden)

Ragnar Karlsson (Sweden)

Lift the blockade now!

Leif Landquist (Sweden)

Birgitta Norlin Nyren (Sweden)

Påskrivit och delat

Juan Carlos Sepulveda (Sweden)

June Abbott (United Kingdom)

Sune Marklund (Sweden)

Andreas mångberg (Sweden)

In these difficult times people around the world should support each other. Cuban doctors help more than 20 countries in fight against coronavirus. Cuba was also the only country which helped passengers of the British cruise ship MS Braemar, while other countries, including the US, refused. However, despite Cuban humanitarian actions, the United States continue to bring economic pressure and try to deny others access to Cubans medicines and doctors. The world community should unite against the US inhuman and inexcusable blockade.

Scott James (Italy)

arne andersson (Sweden)

Ulf Nilsson (Sweden)

Björn Boring (Sweden)

Bertil Olsson (Sweden)

Gunnar Silvermo (Sweden)

Jan Durham (United Kingdom)

Stan Abbott (United Kingdom)

Romey Chaffer (United Kingdom)

Annica Albertsson (Sweden)

Uf Norenius (Sweden)

Björn Bergfeldt (Sweden)

Jan Englund (Sweden)

Fighting for Cuba!!!

Kitty Cook (United States of America)

Lars Steiner (Sweden)

Eva Boström (Sweden)

Catherine (United Kingdom)

Isela sanchez (Sweden)

Simon Watson (United Kingdom)

Laura McDonald (United Kingdom)

ingela brymér (Sweden)

Kersti Lachenardiere (Sweden)

Steven lucas (United Kingdom)

Thank you, Cuba. The US blockade must end; it is unjustifiable and inhumane.

Pete Winstanley (United Kingdom)

I doubt if the British Government has the inclination to go against Trump but if it has any morals and humanitarian values lurking somewhere it should do so and SUPPORT CUBA.

David P Jones (United Kingdom)

Gergina Angelova (Sweden)

Thomas Larsson (Sweden)

Elena Gutierrez (Sweden)

Siempre con Cuba!

Eva Björklund (Sierra Leone)

The blockaden shall never be doing. Therfor take this away now

Oscar Gomez Denis (Sweden)

Örjan Albihn (Sweden)

Anders Östlund (Sweden)

I have had the pleasure of visiting Cuba and it’s lovely people. I wish the people of Cuba nothing but love.

Amy smith (United Kingdom)

Covid-19 can only be defeated through international co-operation and solidarity. Now is the time to repay Cuba for its international humanitarian actions over many decades

Vin McIntyre (United Kingdom)

Be human

Tommy Andersson (Sweden)

Lena Dominelli (United Kingdom)

Callum Jackson (United Kingdom)

Mary Robson (United Kingdom)

Solidarity the all of Cuban people

David Timlin (United Kingdom)

I hope that you still can be the model for the world

Ulla Björklund (Sweden)

To make a victim of Cuba in a time of Pandemic is an anti-humanitarian Act. I appeal to the President of the United States to show compassion in the face of the terrible disease affecting the world. No man is an island and neither is Cuba to the Coronavirus which knows no borders or boundaries.

Jacqueline Levitas (United Kingdom)

We appeal to the Trump administration to lift the blockade today.

Ralph Clayton (United Kingdom)

Louise Billingham (United Kingdom)

Tomas Lindgren (Sweden)

Geralyn Meehan (United Kingdom)

I have always admired the way Cuban doctors generously help beyond their borders in time’s of crisis. It would be only fair to help them at this Corona emergency time.

Fleur Griffiths (United Kingdom)

Daniel Barrett (United Kingdom)

In these unprecedented times, it's more important than ever countries around the world work together to guide us through. Cuba and the Cuban people should be shown the same compassion and support as any other nation would expect.

John Hardman (United Kingdom)

Kent Aulin (Sweden)

Ingegerd Rodén (Sweden)

In the name of humanity, life the blockade on Cuba - help those who have helped so many others.

Richard Smith (United Kingdom)

Ximena (Sweden)

May Lyn (Malaysia)

Gerd Pettersson (Sweden)

Kurt laurin (United Kingdom)

Gil Tarschys (Sweden)

Stop the USA blockade

Margareta Kreuter (Sweden)

In Mozambique we would not manage our hospitals without the help of many Cuban doctors that are working here. I have never heard any Cuban doctor complain over the amount of work they have to do because this is a country that does not have enough doctors! Moçambique is very grateful for the Cuban support!

Martin Magneli (Mozambique)

Whilst so many countries export arms, nationalism and fear, Cuba only exports love, internationalism and solidarity. In these terrible times you, ie Cuba give us hope that there are good people in the world and common sense socialism will eventually triumph.

Peter Whalen (United Kingdom)

Owe Fred (Sweden)

Åse Pedersen (Sweden)

Hasse Malmsten (Sweden)

Lars-åke Johansson (Sweden)

Gabor Tiroler (Sweden)

Please work for a stop of the blockade against Cuba. It´s a crima to blockade medical help.

Benny Nilsson (Sweden)

Alice Lock (United Kingdom)

Ximena Serrano (Sweden)

Christer Carneby (Sweden)

Thomas Wikholm Estati (Sweden)

Bo Erik Johansson (Sweden)

Hjalmar Lejon (Sweden)

Åke Persson (Sweden)

Love Puke (Sweden)

Örjan Mattsson (Sweden)

Premrajmohan (India)

Monica Andersson (Sweden)

Marcelo Suarez (Sweden)

Alejandro Suarez (Sweden)

Benny Åberg (Sweden)

Gert Nilsson (Sweden)

Cuba is: Pepple demokracy working class power. We have to get our solidarity to the people of Cuba✊

Pavlos Xanthopoulos (Sweden)

Gracias por su solidaridad ante esta histórica y pesada carga que lacera sensiblemente a nuestro pueblo.

Rovic (Cuba)

Mobasher Yousefi (Sweden)

Christiane McKeown (United Kingdom)

Lisbeth Henricsson (Sweden)

¡Hasta la victoria siempre!

Monaliza Albiar (Philippines)

Benny Andersson (Sweden)

Lena Brunzell (Sweden)

Maud Fornander (Sweden)

Luis Manuel del Valle (Cuba)

Michael Runvik (Sweden)

Daniela Dominguez Damiani (Germany)

Damiani (Cuba)

I have insisted Cuba twice and have met some very nice people. This is not a post to agree with their government but I support humanity towards the people.

Susan Rowe (United States of America)

Ola Fransson (Sweden)

Unni Brandeby (Sweden)

Leif Persson (Sweden)

You sold military airplanes to the Batista regime back in 1958. Now it’s time to stand up for the sovereign state of Cuba and the Cuban people’s’ rights to get access to medical technology, medical equipment, medical supplies, medications, food and fuel.

Hans Cronander (Sweden)

Viva Cuba!

Mirna Castro (Sweden)

Angel Sánchez (Cuba)

Bo Hansson (Sweden)

Göran Rosén (Sweden)

Catherine Strong (United Kingdom)

henrik tofte rasmussen (Denmark)

Fred Slough (United States of America)

Larseric Bergqvist (Sweden)

Johnny Kristoffersen (Sweden)

To the cuban people: Never give up!!! You are the winner at the end

Magnus Sköldebäck (Sweden)

Lars Sköldebäck (Sweden)

Jörgen Karlsson (Sweden) (United States of America)

Benny Vesterby (Sweden)

This sixty years of US blockade,have made the Cuban people a stronger people, but this pandemic puts the most vulnerable at risk. We need to have access to medicine, food is a matter of humanity. We are at war without access to ammunition.

Claudia Flores Villa (Cuba)

Thank you Cuba for being kind with your medical teams and helping other countries in need.

Barbara Oleksak (Canada)

Elio Delgado Legón (Cuba)

Alejandro Rodríguez PIna (Cuba)

Carlos Miguel Pérez Reyes (Cuba)

Morgan Skönvall (Sweden)

Ernesto Pedroso (Cuba)

British government! Thanks, I am a Cuban citizen!!

Ignacio Pascual Díaz (Cuba)

David lovelidge (United Kingdom)

Cuba is dear to the hearts of all those who believe that we can build a future that is better than our past, standing as a beacon of sanity and humanity in the midst of the anarchy and barbarity of decaying monopoly-capitalist imperialism. No matter what the vicisitudes of the struggle, the Cuban people are on the right side of history, since the future belongs to socialism. Venceremos!

Joti Brar (United Kingdom)

Barb Jaarsma (United States of America)

18 March 2020 is not so long ago that the British government can forget that Cuba allowed the British cruise ship MS Braemar to dock in Havana. Therefore the UK government should not be afraid to ask the U.S.A. to lift the blockade on Cuba.

Dave Buxton (United Kingdom)


Tim Hinckley (United Kingdom)

Solidarity to the people of Cuba.

Jonathan Edward Hinckley (United Kingdom)

Pratik Rao (Netherlands)

Long live the people of Cuba long Live!!!!

Sheila Williams (South Africa)

Keith Barlow (Germany)

Leif Robertsson (Sweden)

I am a US National/British Citizen who recently travelled to Cuba to participate in the British Embassy's annual 'British Week'. I am very concerned about the impact on the blockade on the ability of Cuba to access necessary medical equipment but also access a regular supply of food. In what has been continually been described as 'unprecedented times' surely there is no justifiable reason for continuing with the blockade. I am very worried about family and friends in the UK and the USA, but thinking about the situation in Cuba has given me most concern and sadness in recent days. Our ability to express compassion for all of human kind is everything just now.

Sarah Neely (United Kingdom)

alex (Cyprus)

tove (Denmark)

Birgitte Groth (Denmark)

Hardy Brandt (Denmark)

Louise Österlin (Sweden)

Paul Jacklin (United Kingdom)

Stephen Spencer (Australia)

Stefan Hallberg (Sweden)

Gilbert Garcia (United Kingdom)

End the blockade of Cuba now.

pat smyklo (United States of America)

Harikumar (India)

We have been fed erroneous propaganda about Cuba for decades. Having visited Cuba and seen this beautiful country and the friendly, optimistic and long-suffering people for myself, I am appalled that there is no co-ordinated international effort to bring about the cruel and inexcusable US blockade. It is time that long overdue gratitude and appreciation of the altruistic Cuban people by taking steps to suspend the blockade immediately, with a view to bringing it to an end for good.

Shirley Rogers (United Kingdom)

Barbara Shaw (United Kingdom)

Jarl (Sweden)

We should support Cuba despite what Trump says.

Graham Keene (United Kingdom)

Christopher Keene (United Kingdom)

Liz Kaufman (United States of America)

Nicoli Giuseppe (Italy)

curtis lashley (United Kingdom)

Willow allen (Indonesia)

Agneta Norberg (United Kingdom)

Bengt-Olof Andersson (Sweden)

Bernt Persson (Sweden)

Anna Kroona (Sweden)

Roger Styrbjörn (Sweden)

It is deplorable to allow one rogue nation (USA) to try to control the day-to-day business of an independent nation. Remove the sanctions against Cuba.

Joseph Joseph (Canada)

Visited Cuba 2 years ago and admire their commitment to helping other countries worldwide with medical aid

Ann Sturley (United States of America)

Marc Tourangeau (Canada)

Mathew k samuel (India)

Janie Valentine (United Kingdom)

Sven B. Svensson (Sweden)

Prasooj (India)

Jaleel Noor Muhammed (India)

Randi Vigil (United States of America)

Pelle Nordström (Sweden)

Inger Styrbjörn (Sweden)

Jim Maguire (United Kingdom)

Aina Theres Hummelsund Grønnerud (Norway)

Rita (United States of America)

Bhanu K (United Kingdom)

Daniel Odria (United States of America)

Joshua Horne (United Kingdom)

Shiyas Ca (India)

Solidarity with cuba

Mohamedhabeeb (India)

jackie stevens (United Kingdom)

Sissel Ellingsen (United Kingdom)


Please ask to USA for removing the human blocked against Cuba, please

Narayanan Thachat (India)

Ingar Roggen (Norway)

Remove blockade against cuba. This is unfair.

Shaju P S (India)

Sunil (India)

KvAshraf (India)

Sian Drinan (United Kingdom)

Jyothis sasi (India)

lillian makinen (Norway)

Karen Fisher (United Kingdom)

Marianne Jenssen Skifjeld (Norway)

Every Government have to think& act human beings base.

Sadikali c m (India)

Bravo to the Cuban government and the medical frontliners!

Maria Mercedes Godino (Philippines)

SP Somakumar (India)



Chandni Menon (India)

The americans USA are slithering snakes, can't be any lower misfits.

Harold gerber (United Kingdom)

Bonnie White (Canada)

Pam Mendelsohn (United States of America)

Anthony Pierre (Trinidad and Tobago)

Manojkumar (India)

Lift the Ban of Cuba

DEVADAS Selvaraj (India)

James Birney (United Kingdom)

Abhilash SR (India)

Vive Cuba

Robin getsug (United States of America)

Clifton Bain (United States of America)

Have spent many holidays in Cuba. Beautiful country and people. Have always been at the forefront in the help with humanity. Many thanks to them.

Jackie Maxwell (Canada)

Nicole Côté (Canada)

Ramanan nellicodu (India)

Red salute comrades ..

Radhakrishnan (India)

Christine Vaple (Sweden)

Vivi Sandström (Sweden)

Jithin (India)

It is high time that the United Nations take some drastic measures against the US, Cuba has suffered enough through this inhumane economic and social blockade against Cuba.

Mufundhisi (South Africa)

Viswann Nk (India)

Kabeer Paradan (India)

Shinoj (India)

Sulaiman (India)

Remove US sanctions on every country

Jithin P V (India)

Vaishnav k Vijayan (India)

Please stop blockade against Cuba.

Athul (India)

Renjith PT (India)

per-olov lennartsson (Sweden)

per-olov lennartsson (Sweden)

Ian Gold (United States of America)

Cuba needs help from the world. The country is out of food and medical equipment. The US Embargo is criminal and cruel.

Robyn Pomana (Australia)

Stop,all,blockades and sanctions....

Kim Chicago (Canada)

Fernando Anorve (Mexico)

Eduardo Salgado Reyes (United Kingdom)

This virus is a global pandemic. We need to arm ourselves globally to fight it

Miriam Binder (United Kingdom)

Stop the insanity stop sanctions on medical supplies

Bryan MIhalakis (United States of America)

Cuba Helps Other Countries In Times Of Crisis And Need, Help Cuba By Opposing The USA Embargo.

Charles Harding (United Kingdom)

Neelanjana Ghose (India)


shelley griffiths (United Kingdom)

Anne Barry (United Kingdom)

Jim Waldron (Ireland)

Maggie Kirby (United Kingdom)

RIGMOR Eik (Norway)

Dr. Frans B. Roos, Ph.D. (Thailand)

carmen soto-minder (United States of America)

Vivienne Kitcatt (United Kingdom)

Janet Morgan (Canada)

Jennifer Batten (United Kingdom)

Elsa Cruz Pearson (United States of America)

The US blockade is nothing short of inhumane. I stand strong with Cuba through this crisis, luchamos juntos!

Kamilia Heddache (Canada)

Anese (United States of America)

Elaine Barrett (United States of America)

Natalia Kassa (United States of America)

Joshua Ramos (United States of America)

Wendy Uriostegui (United States of America)

Thank you Cuba for being such a great humanitarian and courageous Nation. An example to the world. long live Cuba.

patrick kerrigan (United Kingdom)

Juliana Venning (New Zealand)

Please help the Cuban people!

Joy Johnson (United States of America)

David Schlenker (United States of America)

When will this end..US is cruelty is barbaric.

shirin Housse (United Kingdom)

Ernesto juarez (United States of America)

Ma. Antonieta Alvarez (Mexico)

Eva Blankenbiller (United States of America)

Aisling Kehoe (Ireland)

Sue McNulty (Canada)

Let Cuba aid in international fight to control CoVid pandemic End the blockade Let's move forward

Michael Page (United States of America)

Jessica Suire (United States of America)

We should have never been in the business of causing suffering and death of the Cuban people -- who have the right to choose the government they want. From the looks of it Cubans have more of a democracy than the Americans. I'm an American, so I should know.

Sally A. McMullen (United States of America)

Lift embargo

Bill Lugent (United States of America)

Emma (United States of America)

Cuba también necesita solidaridad en estos momentos difíciles.

Yoselin peña (Dominican Republic)

Rosanna Wyatt (United States of America)

Ignacio Calderón Osborne (United Kingdom)

Frankie (United States of America)

Justine Kenyon (United Kingdom)

Halima Lugent (United States of America)

sian Burnett (United Kingdom)

Abraham Rodriguez (United States of America)

Ruth Ann Rooks (United States of America)

Susan Rapalee (United States of America)

Patricia Bolduc (Canada)

To the USA dont be bastareds of the worlds you will win more fitting poverty and sickness than you ever will with embargos against people who have never put an embargo on your country or your people so make a humanitarian guesture at this time when the world needs to come together to eliminate Covid-19 dont be the bully boy on the block.

Roger Mitchell (Australia)

I stand here with everyone for the justice and humanity, peace and love and sending a great appreciation and recognition for Cuba's humanitarian actions.

Momoko Hanyuda (United States of America)

Isabel Estrada-Jamison (United States of America)

Andrea J Eckler (United States of America)

Melwyn Pereira (United Kingdom)

Sharon Holmes (Australia)

Alison O'Neill (United Kingdom)

Jack parkin (United Kingdom)

As always, Cuba is at the front when help is needed in disaster situations

R.T.Beach (United Kingdom)

Harold Tay (Singapore)

Jasmine Sorhaindo (Dominica)

This is the ultimate moment for the whole world to prevail on the USA and put common sense on the table.

Sarja Camara (Gambia)

Cuba is a great example of how to survive without America, if we all followed their lead the world would be a much nicer place

Tommy Mc Goldrick (Ireland)

Zoe Ma (Germany)

This is reprehensible beyond the ability of words to describe.

William Courson (United States of America)

This is in humane. Lives are more important than trade.

Lorraine Boyce (United Kingdom)

John Venning (Singapore)

Rudie Goldsmith (Ireland)

Franck Le Coroller (Canada)


Jude Willis (Canada)

Katy McLister (Ireland)

Dermot Delargy (Ireland)

Thank you Cuba for showing the world your humanity during this crisis, I’m sorry that the president of these US is not a true leader & can not have empathy despite the danger that is hanging over our heads. We are in this together may God protects your people.

Andrelle Aubourg (United States of America)

Who would possibly prohibit the flow of medical goods in emergency situations? Have all senators and congress members lost lifetimes of ethical education just because of one toddler trying to play president?

Henning Focks (Germany)

Sofia Larsso (Sweden)

We will help you!

Elise Kert (United States of America)

Lise Pacioretty (United States of America)

Life liberty & the pursuit of happiness God Bless US ONE & ALL!!

Jacqueline Thornton (United States of America)

Michael O. Johnson (United States of America)

Keli Brings (United States of America)

Stop the blockades

Lee Rene’ (United States of America)

Maureen Cook (Australia)

Shan Chan (United States of America)

This is a terrible human tragedy - we should not discriminate when it comes to sharing resources especially food and medical equipment.

Liz Packer (Australia)

Debbie MacIsaac (Canada)

Lorraine Reynolds (Canada)

Vaya el corazón de Cuba!

Joan Marcus (United States of America)

Eneida Nemecek (United States of America)

This is in humane. Help the people of Cuba. This not about government, this is about human being that need outside support.

Dayna Cakebread (United States of America)

Antonio Thomas (United States of America)

I know your country Cuba well and I know how difficult life has been and still is. The Cuban people are like no others I have ever known. They see through all adversity. In addition to their humanitarian efforts, they have given this world art, music, and dance. Yet that too has not been freely welcomed by our government. What is this about? Stubborn egos? In relation to this issue. I’m embarrassed to be an American

Paula Warren (United States of America)

Suspend the blockade on humanitarian grounds.

Jay M (Australia)

Rosemary (Canada)

Niall Brown (United Kingdom)

Erin Bradford-Davis (United States of America)

Geneviève Théorêt (Canada)

Enrique De La Cruz (United States of America)

Patricia Netschitowsky (Australia)

Ismael Medina (United States of America)

Humanity is what I support. There is no room for politics, in this world, today.

Sandra D. Harper (United States of America)

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Tabaka Osonduagwuike (United States of America)

U.S policy toward Cuba is counter productive, doesn't serve long term U.S. interest and is immoral.

harry heinz (United States of America)


Lisa hanel (United States of America)

This is crime against humanity. And the U.S. are worst Warmongers on this planet. The Empire it George Lucas's Star Wars, it's the U.S. You were ousted out of Cuba in the 50s, you tried invading it back. You failed. Get over it and stop that psychopathic blockade.

Daniel Lanoix (Canada)

Dominic Simpson (United Kingdom)

Brigid OConnor (United States of America)

Tania Palikarona (Greece)

Maritza Baida (United States of America)

Jacqueline Siegel (United States of America)

Sean M Fenley (United States of America)

That is not the time to allow more of Trump's criminal actions. The Cuban people deserve equal access to resources to fight against the pandemic. The world should support Cuba.

Hafid Mhidi Senhaji (Morocco)

Sue Alderson (United States of America)

Alex Turner (United Kingdom)

Forever grateful that Cuba sent doctors to Italy. The embargo is shameful and morally corrupt. We are all in this together!

Alessandra (United States of America)

Arja Tuukkanen (Sweden)

Ivor Jones (Portugal)

Lift the sanctions against Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea NOW! They overwhelmingly affect the population. Elites and government officials have assets which can circumvent sanctions.

Judith Pierre (United States of America)

Tomas Vidén (Sweden)

Luce Malbeuf (Canada)

Can't we all just get along!??!!?!??

Randy Jones (Belize)

Bohemia (Cuba)

Nico Mavedat (Germany)

Everyone needs help and we shouldn’t let help stop at borders only COVID-19 should be stopped and no one should have to see a loved one suffering from this virus that isn’t aware or country borders let alone cultures colour or creed. Please allow the amazing Cuban people to receive the ventilators

Carole D Silva (Australia)

Ray Silk (United Kingdom)

Stefan Kipfer (Canada)

The Cuban people deserve our support. Don't let the USA dictate such cruel and debilitating orders. Let's support the Cuban people, because it's the right and kind thing to do.

Diane Forsyth (Australia)

The whole US boycot of Cuba is outdated and should be abolished. Cuba is known for their highest medical care and is even doing all it can to help other countries in need. The US should be forced to stop their boycot of Cuban people. They should no longer suffer any disadvantage or shortage of anything and have access to food and medical supplies and import and export trading. The people should no longer be punished because of the political decisions made during the Kennedy reign. US should put a stop to their boycot once and for all. All countries must urge the US to do so.

Juliette Sluis (Netherlands)

Solidarity with our friends in Cuba

James Leigh c/o Unite Lancs Community NW/11500 Bra (United Kingdom)

True Civilization is where every man gives to every other every right that he gives to himself.

Gerard O'Neill (United Kingdom)

Dolores (Canada)

Te queiro Cuba :)

Richard Wilson (United Kingdom)

Sanctions are nothing but slow & "intended to be subtle" terrorism, and the U.S. is a master of it. I am ashamed of my country in this regard....

Jeffrey Stolz (United States of America)

Cuba forever!

Steen Holmgren (Denmark)

Viva Cuba

john Adams (France)

Julie Mayhew (United Kingdom)

David Mayhew (United Kingdom)

Do the right thing!

Adam Bosch (United States of America)

Love you Cuba!!

Savvas Georgiou (Australia)

Dave Wadsworth (United States of America)

It is obscenely immoral for the US government to deny ventilators to Cuban citizens who have been severely infected by Covid-19. We urge to USA to end the blockade immediately and to allow food to the Cuban people, without any conditions attached.

Helen Waugh (United Kingdom)

Ruth Charlton (United Kingdom)

Mirjana Radicevic (Serbia)

Parul Slee (United Kingdom)

Pedro Monteiro (Portugal)

govindan sundaresan (India)

Rick Kobus (Canada)

Paula Bourque (Canada)

Linda Elkins (United States of America)

Antonia Cronin (United States of America)

World is for all!!!

Mario Salas (Venezuela)

Why does such a powerful country have to make life miserable for ordinary Cubans. If only the US was receptive they could benefit from Cuba's medical skill. Stop fighting a 60 year old battle.

Joerg Ploesser (Canada)

Gabre McTair (Trinidad and Tobago)

Mira (United Kingdom)

Evan Fulmer (United States of America)

This is not the people. This is TRUMP!

robert golos (United States of America)

Kenneth H Ransome Jr (United States of America)

Cindy (United States of America)

Kevin McGuire (United States of America)

Cuba, we're with you. And we thank you for always, ALWAYS, being there for us in times of crisis. We admire you for showing up in countries all around the world whenever we need you, no matter what the danger to your doctors, nurses, pharmacists. Personalmente, le agradezco a Cuba, a sus medicos y sus enfermeros y enfermeras, a sus farmaceuticos, por su ayuda a mi pais natal, Haiti. Cada vez que necesitamos su ayuda, ahi estan. Mil gracias, hermanos. Onè, respè - Honor, respeto.

Rafaelle Roy (Canada)

Glenn (Australia)

Darlena Elisa Luppino Torres (United States of America)

Ian Sandars (United Kingdom)

S Vurdelja (Serbia)

Francis Duffy (Ireland)

Tim Cohen (Canada)

Sonia Williams (United Kingdom)

If this is true, then the idea the US pushes that they are a developed caring nation, has not a shred of evidence to support it. But then you look at trump and pence and you realise these are nasty small minded people and anyone who votes for them is likewise.

James Maidment (Ireland)

Message for the british government : Please it is time to give high visibility to the public of the criminal US blockade on Cuba

Stéphane Aurélio Leuba (Switzerland)

Ken Ross (Canada)

Joseph Ventre (United Kingdom)

Norman Horne (United Kingdom)

America is spiritually dead!

Isaac Siwale (United Kingdom)

Claudia Rojas Castellano (Spain)

Please put pressure on the US government to acknowledge there are INNOCENT PEOPLE living in Cuba who need medical help and food in this crisis just as in the rest of the world. Cuba isn't a threat to anyone. Lift the sactions.

Ángela Schumann (United Kingdom)

It's illegal, immoral, and serves no real purpose, it's only makeing Cubans suffer more. But it also unites the people in a deep resentment for the failing, morally bankrupt us government.

David Hanford (United Kingdom)

The embargo makes no sense, stop it!

Andreas Lankenau (Switzerland)

Carlos Manuel Álvarez Moya (Cuba)

Maureen (New Zealand)

Shelagh Taylor (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for your altruistic and heroic work in helping other countries during this pandemic, in spite of the ridiculous, inexcusable and stupid blockade imposed by Trump. I hope the UK will do the right thing and support Cuba.

Gerry Hunt (United Kingdom)

Rosemary Sales (United Kingdom)

Pat Kelly (United Kingdom)

Kathleen Silveira (Canada)

Alex Ledger (United Kingdom)

The unnecessary sanctions on Cuba must be lifted effective immediately, there is no material reason to put such sanctions other than decades old red-scare

Akin Askinoglu (United Kingdom)

Lise Baastrup (Denmark)

Basic forms of human solidarity must transcend contextual borders. Stop cynical politics and ensure human rights are preserved. All my best wishes to the Cuban people that so many cultural and historical lessons have given to the world.

jon las heras (Spain)

Everybody should united in the world. All the best for all who is fighting to cover-19 on front line.

Meryem Siemmond (United Kingdom)

Andreas Bieler (United Kingdom)

Nancy Corveas Carrasco (Cuba)

roberto (Cuba)

Dina R Garcia (United States of America)

Seguiremos ayudando a los países que lo necesiten a pesar del bloqueo genocida. Cuba salva. Mucha salud y suerte para los trabajadores de la salud que enfrentan la COVID 19 en Cuba y en el mundo.

Ana María García Ondarza (Cuba)

In Solidarity with the Cuban and Venezuelan people against the INHUMAN U.S. blockade. NW/1400/5 branch Unite the Union

Colin Gill, Branch Secretary (United Kingdom)

John Atkinson (United Kingdom)

Vicky Atkinson (United Kingdom)

Paul Firmage (United Kingdom)

Maureen O’Leary (United Kingdom)

Jack Czauderna (United Kingdom)

Fred Scarrott (United Kingdom)

Alexandria Nickerson (United States of America)

Ole Dave Johnny Jacobsen (Denmark)

RAY bolster (United Kingdom)

melanie chin (United Kingdom)

Pablo Ginarte (Cuba)

Kevin Flack (United Kingdom)


Pia Tchikai (Denmark)

Beatriz Crespo (Cuba)

Evelyn Amat Navarrete (Cuba)

Monica Madrazo Chávez (Cuba)

USA blockade against Cuba is a massive violation of the human rights of an entire nation. I was born under it. 45 years later I'm still suffering... and resisting!

Einard Blanco García (Cuba)

Yadira (Cuba)

We have the right to exist as a free and sovereign country, even when this inhumane embargo will cause shortages and prevent Cubans from being placed in the place that despite everything, we have earned through our efforts. NO MORE EMABARGO.

Yaimé Rondón Galguera (Cuba)

Joseph Mc Carthy (United Kingdom)

Natalia (Cuba)

I support fight against blockade for my country and for my family. Together we will succeed!!!

Yodira Perez (Cuba)

Luis Alard Lage (Cuba)

Gordon Davies (United Kingdom)

La solidaridad es principio básico de esta nación, es compartir lo que tenemos, no lo que nos sobra. Por eso,, quien se levanta hoy con Cuba, se levanta para todos los tiempos.

Suyen Rodríguez Pérez (Cuba)

Sean Hollinghurst (United Kingdom)

El bloqueo mata. Blockade kills

Zulaine Guerra Montané (Cuba)

Andrew Protheroe (United Kingdom)

Stop the injustice against the Cuban People !!! Learn from Cuba Solidarity. Doctors YES, Soldiers & Wars NO

Eduardo Rene (Spain)

Dainerys Infante (Cuba)

Arlhee Díaz (Cuba)

Daniel Amaro Gonzalez (China)

Eduardo Rodriguez (Cuba)

Noel Gabino Domínguez Alfonso (Cuba)

Carmen Caneiro (Cuba)

Yoana (Cuba)

Katia Zorrilla Caneiro (Cuba)

El pueblo cubano tiene que ser libre de construir su futuro. El bloqueo estadounidense tiene el objetivo declarado de destruir el socialismo cubano mediante la provocación del hambre y la desesperación. Los cubanos somo capaces de resistir cualquier agresión, pero eso no la justifica: el bloqueo estadounidense debe finalizar.

Ernesto Díaz Muñiz (Cuba)

Stop embargo

Alina (Cuba)

Jandry Fiallo Guerrero (Cuba)

Los cubanos merecemos respeto, paz y prosperidad por ser solidarios, capaces y dedicados. Apoyemos todos esta campaña contra el bloqueo!!!

Elizabeth Teresita Arias Valdes (Cuba)

Yadira (Cuba)

Geanny Sael Muñoz Pérez (Cuba)

Adriana Carr Perez (Cuba)

Cuban's people needs fight covid 19 like others countrys. With The comercial blockade it is impossible to buy equipment for doctors and patients. You need to stop it now!!!

Daliana Noa Heredia (Cuba)

Abajo el Bloqueo contra Cuba

Ramón Zamorano Marcelo (Cuba)

Thanks to the British government for this initiative and supporting my country Cuba!

Arianna Rojas (Cuba)

Collaboration, not isolation, is what the world needs.

Ernesto Chico (Cuba)

Oscar Medrano (Canada)

Donald Booth (United Kingdom)

Ana Victoria (Cuba)

Ivette Orosa Vázquez (Cuba)

Circe Mesa (Cuba)

Abel (Cuba)

Linda Haweas (United Kingdom)

Grethe Kyllingsbæk (Denmark)

Thank you Cuba

Kirsten Villadsen (Denmark)

Basta de violencia sistematica contra Cuba.

Yanina Romero (Honduras)

I support Cuba in its struggle to defeat Imperialism and to strive for Socialism in a Capitalist world!

Jonathan (United Kingdom)


Murdo Murray (United Kingdom)

malachi Walusimbi-kakembo (United Kingdom)

El bloqueo es genocida desde sus inicios y ahora en tiempos de pandemia lo recrudecen más. Es una situación dolorosa impuesta a Cuba desde hace 60 años.

Kimani Hernandez Garcia (Cuba)

Hazel Hughes (United Kingdom)

Mika Männikkö (Finland)

Lee Alsworth (United Kingdom)

hellmut rieck (Denmark)

To the British government, the blockade against Cuba does nothing but hurt the people of Cuba. Agree or disagree with the government there, the blockade doesn't affect them, other than their ability to provide for their population. To the Cuban government, I wish you luck in your struggle against rampant US imperialism. Cuba is a victim of circumstance and, even considering that, is doing surprisingly well for itself and I would love to see Cuba flourish as it should have done if the US didn't decide to try and starve the people to the point of desperation.

Jacob Sinclair (United Kingdom)

Ronny (Sweden)

This country needs food and PPE it’s wrong to deny that

Pat Lodge-Thomas (United Kingdom)

Thank you for this initiative, thank you very much for trying to help us, we know that we are not alone. Helping people traveling on the British cruise ship MS Braemar was an obligation for us, we cannot afford to fail in these things, let us not fail, we would do it a thousand times more. Solidarity is sharing what you have, not giving away what you have left over. Honestly, thank you all very much!

Raúl León Fabelo (Spain)

Karen Poulsen (Denmark)

Sissel Weholdt (Norway)

Amor para cada ser humano. Basta de condicionamientos.

Blanca Estela Fernández (Mexico)

This is above your pathetic politics. This is about humanity.

Rod Bridger (United Kingdom)

Jane Ashworth (United Kingdom)

Por mi hijo, mi familia, por mí, por Cuba: No más Bloqueo.

Elizabeth Reyes Tases (Cuba)

Please especially in these times there should be enough food and supplies in Cuba.

Nina Stulp (Netherlands)

It's time for the blockade to be lifted from Cuba. They are an inspiration to us all and it's time we helped them.

Sally Boyd (United Kingdom)

Will Thorpe (United Kingdom)

Vicki Lilley (United Kingdom)

Paco Rivera (United Kingdom)

Elizabeth Leighton (United Kingdom)

Cuba has helped countless countries and disaster areas by sending in Doctors etc. What about giving THEM a hand ?

jenny Backwell (United Kingdom)

Sue Sedgeley (United Kingdom)

In this time of crisis I would urge you to pressure the USA to lift the blockade on humanitarian grounds. These poor people are not only dying from the virus but of hunger too... let supplies through for pity’s sake

Elaine McBain (United Kingdom)


Nigel Singh (United Kingdom)

Having left the EU, the UK should demonstrate its stated desire for good relationships and trade with the rest of the world. We should build upon the foundations laid during the visit by HRH the Prince of Wales. An opportunity not to be missed for both our countries.

Richard Lock (United Kingdom)

Time to put aside political differences between countries and work together with the aim to save the human race.

Yamila Santos-Lock (United Kingdom)

Please lift the blockade, this is an historical grudge. The world needs to work together to beat this pandemic.

Patricia Mallinson (United Kingdom)

Gracias a Cuba por su solidaridad. Es injusto el bloqueo económico que padecen.

Richard Tafur (Colombia)

Caroline Shelton (United Kingdom)

Jesper Pedersen (United Kingdom)

Stay strong Cuba UK and all other Governments must send vital supplies of medical equipment to Cuba How much longer will you let the Trump administration take the law into its own hands and break laws - why are world leaders not challenging the USA ?

Linda Hind (United Kingdom)

Please pressure the USA to end the blockade of goods to Cuba

Jennifer Rowlands (United Kingdom)

Sharon Murphy (United Kingdom)

I visited Cuba many years ago as part of a work brigade with the CSC and owe my life to a Cuban doctor. The British people are longing for our politicians to stand-up to the likes of Donald Trump. He has no support here. As a British citizen, I urge my government to express solidarity with the Cuban people and accept their hand of friendship. Speak out against the blockade. US hegemony and its aggressive economic policies must be confronted. History will not judge us kindly if we fail to act.

Scott Alsworth (United Kingdom)

David Finney (United Kingdom)

Please help these generous hearted Cuban people.

Ann Roberts (United Kingdom)

Iain Smith (United Kingdom)

Jennifer Cometson (United Kingdom)

Rick Hutchinson (United Kingdom)

Please stay strong and I really hope this helps. I have a great affinity for the wonderful Cuban people and feel ashamed for them that something like this can be happening in this time when humanity should be at it's strongest as we are all in this togther as one World to beat the Coronavirus. Please help end the inhumane blockades against Cuba.


Deborah Clarke (United Kingdom)

I urge the British Government to continue in its recognition of Cuban sovereignty and do all it can to continue trade relations.

rita machin (United Kingdom)

Please help this wonderful country

Jane Sellars (United Kingdom)

Jan Howe (United Kingdom)

Christina Dennis (United Kingdom)

It is appalling that people can be treated this way just because the beliefs of their government do not agree with those of the United States. At one time in the past, Cuba may have been a threat to the US. It is certainly not now. This misery should not be perpetuated just because of a vendetta from rich Cuban exiles in Miami.

Nigel Anderson (United Kingdom)

Kieran Foody (United Kingdom)

Edward Greenwood (United Kingdom)

Michele Ross (United Kingdom)

Kate Alexander (United Kingdom)

Dan willis (United Kingdom)

Hector Munoz (Australia)

Love and kindness to each other should be top of anyone' s priority list. The US blockadeis cruel.

Jo Carroll (United Kingdom)

Christa Hilke (Germany)

Bettina Østergaard Nielsen (Denmark)

joachim kayser (Germany)

Kolin Thumbadoo (Australia)

Tenemos que luchar juntos, y levantar nuestro grito para pedir el cese y pare del embargo.

Roberto casella (Italy)

Meine Hochachtung für das kubanische Volk; Weg mit den Sanktionen!

Gabriele (Germany)

Dear Cubans, Be safe and stay healthy. Love from United states

Nadja hammoum (United States of America)

Margaret Paterson (United Kingdom)

Covid-19 doesn't respect political boundaries. We the British people believe in pulling together and helping others when we can. The Cuban "blockade" is based on an antiquated threat and has no reason to be sustained in todays political climate.

edward burnell (United Kingdom)

Bruce Morgan (United Kingdom)

Tamsin Smith (United Kingdom)

the failed Empire fears lifting the Blockade. they are scared how even more a guiding light Cuba would become.VIVA CUBA.

John and Margaret Hodgins (Ireland)

Peter Cox (United Kingdom)

Helen Whalley (United Kingdom)

Tiziana Bertinotti (United Kingdom)

Vivien Ledertheil (United Kingdom)

Julie Tresadern (United Kingdom)

For the sake of common humanity end the Blockade.

roger spettigue (United Kingdom)

Alan (United Kingdom)

Y G MCDONNELL (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a beautiful country which I have visited on a Salsa Dance Holiday with Eagle Salsa Tours in May 2018. They have so much to offer as a place and a tourist destination. Help the local people to help themselves and remove the blockade now.

Pamela Terry (United Kingdom)

Kerri Sutherland (Canada)

During this pandemic all countries need to be able to pull together. And after the pandemic, the whole world will need to work harder than ever towards cooperation - not confrontation.

Gill Wright (United Kingdom)

John ashington (United Kingdom)

Gracias Cuba por su solidaridad , eso engrandece a su País.

Vallejos delia (Argentina)

Han Duijvendak (United Kingdom)

Silvano Olivieri (Italy)

Robert Murdoch (United Kingdom)

Gracias compañeros!!! La vuestra solidaridad es la victoria más grande de la revolución!

Samuele Frecchiero (Italy)

Jennifer Dear (United Kingdom)

Have a heart and see sense. Lives are being lost and you could help stop this.

Janet Wise (United Kingdom)

We either all work together or else we cannot put an end to this crisis. A message to every single country.

Jon Heal (United Kingdom)

Tim Barlow (United Kingdom)

Lorraine (United Kingdom)

Margaret Richardson (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba! Stay strong. The US is on it's way down. Things will get better.

Richard Levi (New Zealand)

Gillian Bailey (New Zealand)

Kelly D Kruse (United States of America)

dale frew (New Zealand)

David Kerr (United Kingdom)

Robert J Smith (United Kingdom)

Elizabeth Carrigan (Australia)

Julie Webb-Pullman (New Zealand)

Ian Dick (United Kingdom)

Louise Clarke (United Kingdom)

Tamara Millan (United Kingdom)

Eunice Bardsley (United Kingdom)

Kathryn Jewell (United Kingdom)

Gregory M Price (United Kingdom)

Stop being small minded.

Antony Howells (United Kingdom)

Paige Shepherd (United Kingdom)

Terence Parker (United Kingdom)

laura rumney (United Kingdom)

Lee Einer (United States of America)

Roy St Pierre (United Kingdom)

Jasmine Doherty (United Kingdom)

We are with you Cuba . xxx

Alicia Hall (United Kingdom)

Salvatore Nurra (United Kingdom)

William Campbell (United Kingdom)

Stuart Bretherton (United Kingdom)

A'man's a man for a that. ROBBIE BURNS.

Colin Gaskell B.S.C. (United Kingdom)

Luke Butterfield (United Kingdom)

Judith Page (United Kingdom)

Ralf Löfström (Finland)

Jim Page (United Kingdom)

Matthew Dolezal (United States of America)

Julien Guette (United Kingdom)

Diane Skidmore (United Kingdom)

David Crosher (United Kingdom)

Jenni Beaton (United Kingdom)

Malcolm Goodwill (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for everything you have to for the world amid this global pandemic. Your international solidarity will be remembered forever. Long live communism!!!

William Morrison (United Kingdom)

Ben Sheehan (United Kingdom)

Warren Knight (United Kingdom)

vic (United Kingdom)

Keiran Ligertwood (United Kingdom)

Robyn Pomana (Australia)

Zed Holland (United Kingdom)

Now is the time for international collaboration. Now is the time to end the blockade and the sanctions. In the name of all humanity.

Lisa Whistlecroft (United Kingdom)

Leah Martin-Scott (Australia)

Elaine Daniel (United Kingdom)

Paul (United Kingdom)

Deniss Protchard (Australia)

No más bloqueo

Darío de la guardia ibarra (Spain)

Elly-may Hamilton (Australia)

Please end the blockade against Cuba. It is in the interests of the US to co-operate with Cuba. The US would gain much by so doing.

Paul Youd (United Kingdom)

Tom Fryer (United Kingdom)

Roberto Ortiz (Australia)

Bart Hayes (Australia)

Shani Fitzgerald (Australia)

The Cuban people have been through enough. Please stop the Blockade

Dr Graham Holton (Australia)

Danielle Ray (Australia)

Comrades in Cuba, I am greatly pleased with your humanitarian practices. You are leading the world in your healthcare, education and social services. I am right behind you in your struggle against the imperialistic and human rights abusers, that being America. You have my full support and my only wish is to be able to visit Cuba one day and meet you all. Annette. Australia.

Annette Lovell (Australia)

Solidarnos !!

June JOHN (United Kingdom)

Rosemary Rosser (United Kingdom)

The blockade against Cuba has always been ideologically spiteful, but in the current crisis is inhumane and completely unforgivable. Please drop it immediately and let Cuba have access to the medicines, PPE, equipment, food etc. they so desperately need.

Janet Wade (United Kingdom)

It is unjustifiable that we live in a world, where those with the noblest deeds are punished most severely. End the blockade now.

Jakob Rønn Ingvardsen (Denmark)

This is no time to indulge in political machinations. Hunanity and simple common sense are far more important.

Ian Browne (Romania)

Ayudemos a sacar de la estigmatización y criticas de la derecha neoliberal. Trump enca b esa esa persecución. Sus cómplices en el mundo replican. Mientras los Pueblos son asistidos por los médicos cubanos.

Mary Acuña (Argentina)

John Michael Wood (United Kingdom)

Hang in there Cuba! We are still batting for you against US oppression and the stupidity and selfishness of some. If only we could get food and fuel to you all.

Pam Dean (Australia)

Cath Boyle (United Kingdom)

Lamprine Rantas (Australia)

Bryce Stansfield (Australia)

Fin al bloqueo contra Cuba

Caridad (Cuba)

Annabelle Harle (United Kingdom)

Tom (Germany)

Justine weiler (Canada)

Borgis Lohan (Chile)

John Cooper (United Kingdom)

Lindsay Barnes (United Kingdom)

The UK government should be telling Trump to lift the blockade - it was only Cuba that helped the British ship and has helped many others.

Leah Georgiades (United Kingdom)

My message to Trump: Don’t stop medical supplies reaching Cuba - it is grossly unfair grossly unethical.

S.G. Grant (United Kingdom)

Hilary Rosser (United Kingdom)

Jake McGeary (United Kingdom)

Michael Beavitt (United Kingdom)

William Fielden (United Kingdom)

Matthew Waddell (United Kingdom)

Jane woodin (United Kingdom)

Doreen Shaw (United Kingdom)

John Hemp (United Kingdom)

Cuba once again shows us how to act as international socialists. Their solidarity puts the US's vindictive behaviour to shame. Time for the UK Gov to show its gratitude, to step up and demand an end to the blockade.

Jane Rendell (United Kingdom)

The Cuban peoples’ solidarity, courage and generosity is a shining example of international socialism. Meanwhile, the USA has indulged in a petty and vindictive action that is a disgraceful crime against humanity.

David Cross (United Kingdom)

Tony Kyriakides (United Kingdom)

Jan Reddington (United Kingdom)

Jeanne meyers (Luxembourg)

Sixtina (France)

Navnit Jogi (United Kingdom)

Saludo y felicito al pueblo cubano por su gran visión internacional y solidaridad con los pueblos del mundo

Gustavo Gallardo Olmedo (Chile)

Without Cuba we are nothing. We must support every country around the World and be Internationalists as they are. The World must unite. We are one and we must end the illegal blockage against Cuba. They are an inspirational country who have done nothing but good for the World with revolutionary medical advances. We have to do this to help Cuba fight Covid-19 who in turn will help us.

Katie Ferola (United Kingdom)

Nicola Murphy (United Kingdom)

David Wood (United Kingdom)

Caroline (United Kingdom)

jan robinson (United Kingdom)

Cuba helped uk citizens by allowing them to disembark from a liner and I therefore respectfully request our government reciprocates by demanding an end to US blockade of Cuba.

Stephanie westmeckett (United Kingdom)

Mikala Hoff Skovgaard (Denmark)

Hanne Magnussen Malmer (Denmark)

Sara (United Kingdom)

Caroline Stelling (United Kingdom)

Brendan Derham (United Kingdom)

Shirley Johnston (United Kingdom)

Janet Captain (United Kingdom)

Susan Mackir (United Kingdom)

Cuba ejemplo de solidaridad en el mundo. Viva la revolución cubana

Ingrid Andrea Ferro Bozo (Chile)

B Frost (United Kingdom)

Please please intervene and stop this madness. Globally we are all in this awful situation together. All nations around the world should be united in their efforts to defeat this pandemic. All lives are precious regardless of where they are from. Shame on the USA 😡

Nicola Mckay (United Kingdom)

A lutta continua

Monica Morris (United Kingdom)

William Darmody (United Kingdom)

End the blockade now! Councillor and Registered Nurse Iain Mooney

Iain Mooney (United Kingdom)

Maurizio Sturam (Canada)

Stay Safe my Cuban friends

Frisch Jea-Claude (Luxembourg)

Dorothy Badrick (United Kingdom)

Jennifer Claudio (United States of America)

I was lucky enough to be in Havana four years ago, at that time an American cruise ship arrived, then the situation deteriorated again. It’s high time this injustice was brought to an end.

Keith (United Kingdom)

Jillian Smith (Australia)

Wennmacher-Weber Jacquie (Luxembourg)

De esta saldremos, viva cuba!!!

Hilda Marlene Ramón Nú&n (Cuba)

Dr Jenni Ramone (United Kingdom)

Jeni Vine (United Kingdom)

Catriona mc callum (United Kingdom)

When British nationals were stranded in the Caribbean with their ship affected by Covid-19, Cuba came to their aid in true human Solidarity. The UK should do the right thing and speak up for Cuba. During a Global Pandemic, no country should be denied access to medical supplies, especially Cuba whose Medical Brigades have been supporting so many countries

Nana Asante (United Kingdom)

Let's learn from Cuba and it's suffering. Let hate and cruelty melt away and the virus of compassion and solidarity prevail. Step up international community and do what's right.

Brenda O'Neill (Ireland)

Solidarity, from the Young Communist League in Scotland.

Michael Quinn (United Kingdom)

John Abbott (United Kingdom)

Jim Galloway (United Kingdom)

Peter Maitland (United Kingdom)

We all need to be helping one another at this time

Denis R.Underwood (United Kingdom)

We now need Cuban help more than ever. Please lift the sanctions on this amazing country.

Tim Carr (United Kingdom)

Ivan Gallardo (Germany)

Anna r (United Kingdom)

Sarah A (United Kingdom)

Ian Humphries (United Kingdom)

The pandemic has meant the world looks differently at everything... except it would seem USA’s punishment of Cuba. For the sake of us all lift the embargo.

Glen Williams (United Kingdom)

Toda la solidaridad para Cuba y su Pueblo !!

Anna M. Baez Green (Chile)

solidarity with our Cuban comrades.

brian leathem (United Kingdom)

Andrea Bellisario (United Kingdom)

Please use your influence to stop this atrocity by Trump.

Jean Bond (United Kingdom)

Steve Boulton (United Kingdom)

Joel Calvin (United Kingdom)

maire o'toole (United Kingdom)

Susan Galloway (United Kingdom)

It's time now that the good people of the U.S joined the rest of the world in kindness and love.

Paul & Hazel Gee (United Kingdom)

Karen Nicholson (United Kingdom)

Save cuba and the people that live there from America...

Ksren (United Kingdom)

We’re all in this together. What COVID-19 has shown that we’re living in a global society and everyone in the world is our neighbour and it diminishes and dishonours us if we ignore our friends in need, we all need to be Good Samaritans. We gave help to China who is now helping us. We need to help our friends in Cuba. Now!

Tim Ashton-Jennings (United Kingdom)

Dr Roslyn E Hope (United Kingdom)

Stay strong you deserve the same treatment as anyone else solidarity is the only way

Mary Hamilton (United Kingdom)

Dadia conti (United Kingdom)

Cveta Dukovska (United Kingdom)

Julian Newell (United Kingdom)

cathy (United Kingdom)

B Thomas (United Kingdom)

Gayle perry (United Kingdom)

Ça suffit les américains croient avoir tous les droits

Claudine rey (France)

Britt Johansspn (Sweden)

all thhe countries of the world should end the blockade as from today. this blockade is criminal.

Maria Gutierrez (United Kingdom)

Em (United Kingdom)

About time to stop this ridiculous thing...u.s. policy on the matter is totaly insane...offcoarse cuba should stop targetting u.s. diplomats with sonic weapons...seriously?

Allan Van hoecke (Belgium)

phillip sherry (United Kingdom)

The US Admin is getting help from China, let Cuba get it too!

Bernd Schumann (Jamaica)


Michael McKeon (Australia)

Respect for Cuba, Donald Trump should be ashamed of himself.

Ann Fadden (United Kingdom)

Conrad (United Kingdom)

I want the UK government to show some real and substantial compassion and help towards Cuba. Help to bring these illegal, immoral and politically motivated sanctions to an end. Cuba showed it's ceaseless Global Humanitarian Commitment again recently when it gave massive help to UK citizens on the Covid-19 stricken "Braemar" cruise ship.

Ian Tarbatt (United Kingdom)

Murielle Hargaden (United Kingdom)

Anna Compton (United Kingdom)

This is an international emergency. Denial of Aid by any country or individual goes against the laws of God and common decency. Cease the blockage lest Karma reaches the guilty one.

William McKenzie (Jamaica)

Fergus Maitland (United Kingdom)

Joserossell (Venezuela)

Annemarie Adams (United Kingdom)

Jarmila Reed (United States of America)

Ulla Eklund (Sweden)

Christine English (Jamaica)

The compassion and love they have shown the world during this pandemic shouldn't go unnoticed. Everyone should be helping each other as the Cubans have helped those in need themselves

Steven Smiles (United Kingdom)

Maggie Bray (United Kingdom)

María Elena (Cuba)

Shaun (United Kingdom)

Ian Roberts (United Kingdom)

Can’t le Payne (United Kingdom)

joshua burgin (United Kingdom)

alan (United Kingdom)

Noelle Boyle (United Kingdom)

Holly Mitchell (United Kingdom)

Paul Mellor (United Kingdom)

We're not going to beat this if we don't do anything.

Jacob (United Kingdom)

Alicia de Medina-Rosales (Luxembourg)

Cuba has been mistreated by the US for too long. It's government and people don't deserve this disrespect. As of now, during a global pandemic, I couldn't think of a better time to lift the US Blockade off Cuba and let the nation thrive whilst significantly giving it an advantage in the battle against COVID-19. This abolishment of the blockade will quite clearly be the benefit of other countries as well, since Cuba is already trying its hardest to assist other nations in this time of struggle.

Joseph Bray (United Kingdom)

Birgitha Bates (Sweden)

Lift the blockade now.

Kies danielle (Luxembourg)

We are all people around the world who need help. The poeple of Cuba are people humans just like us. They have problems with food problems with money. Why should they suffer more. They breath the same air as we all do. Help the Cuba

Laurie Dalglish (Canada)

Damian McGhee (United Kingdom)

Kath Arvanitaki (Greece)

Bernard Foy (United Kingdom)

Eloise Taylor (United Kingdom)

No al blocco!

francesco monterisi (Italy)

Stephanie Stevens (Jamaica)

Lisa Morris (France)

Alex McCallum (United Kingdom)

Dear Cuba We Feel immense Solidarity with you and admire your commitment in assisting other countries around the globe with your team of Doctors. Your Internationalism is extraordinary, your compassion, inspiring. I feel that our Government ought to hang their heads in shame for not supporting an end to the blockade against your Country. We feel a sense of outrage at the way the ruling class are treating you. We call upon ourGovernment to offer their full support in ending the blockade against Cuba as a matter of urgency.

Susan Jickells (United Kingdom)

Chris Walsh (United Kingdom)

Jordan Knight (United Kingdom)

Tara Morpeth (United Kingdom)


Johana Trujillo (United Kingdom)

Alison Rogers (United Kingdom)

The US blockade on Cuba is a patently unjust attack on the right to self-determination of another country - the UK needs to use its influence with the US to put an end to this enforced punitive impoverishment of the Cuban people. At this time of global crisis, particularly in light of Cuba's generous conduct, the blockade is just monstrous.

Louise King (United Kingdom)

Scott Newton (United Kingdom)

The Cuban government allowed the Braemer to dock, in full epidemic and in full emergency in Cuba. The least Britain we can do now is to help lift all blockades.

Marie Lynam (United Kingdom)

The trade blockade of Cuba by the USA is illegal and persecutory. It is based on years-old resentment of Cuba in gaining its freedom from the corrupt Batista regime that was at the time financially backed by the USA. Trump continues this bias and hatred towards the Cuban people, reversing the small changes brought about by the Obama administration. The USA and their method of financial imperialism towards Cuba is their way of compensating themselves ideologically for failing to gain the island as a quasi colony.

Nicolas Ruch (United Kingdom)

Malcolm Sanderson (United Kingdom)

David Nicoll (United Kingdom)

Gracias a todos los amigos que luchan por levantar el bloqueo injusto e inhumano del gobierno de los EEUU contra el pueblo de Cuba. No podemos rendirnos. Unidad y Solidaridad.

Maria Caridad Cabrera Cordero (Cuba)

Gustavo Adolfo Zelaya Herrera (Honduras)

Please help these beautiful people, after all they argue helping all over the world.

Claire Firth (United Kingdom)

catrin hughes (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a wonderful country

richard fryer (United Kingdom)

philip clark (United Kingdom)

Kathleen Webb (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade. Cuba has always and continues to support many other countries in times of need, so now is the time to enable Cuba to look after itself without the difficulty and additional cost due to the blockade.

Teresa Hill (United Kingdom)

SOLIDARITY !!!!!!!!!!

Terence Flanagan (United Kingdom)

Ron Powell (United Kingdom)

Cllr Nigel Ball (United Kingdom)

Kevin Turner (United Kingdom)

Michael Holmes (United Kingdom)

To the British government speak to the US government and demand they lift this illegal and immoral blockade. If they will not then unilaterally break the blockade, defy the US and lead the world in a joint effort to conquer the virus and help the Cuban people generally. To the Cuban people you are an inspiration, thank you.

David Tyrrell (United Kingdom)

UNISON Housing and Care Scotland Branch calls upon the UK government to show solidarity with and embrace the spirit of the internationalism that has been so overwhelmingly shared by our brothers and sisters in Cuba. The UK government must do this by pressing Trump and the US to lift their illegal embargo and allow Cuba and Cubans to continue their amazing work in exporting a true international response to this pandemic. This branch stands in solidarity with Cuba and Cubans across the world. Viva Cuba!

Paul Stuart (United Kingdom)

Now is the time to act in a humanitarian way, all countries need support without bias or blocks to free movement of lifesaving goods

carl murtagh (United Kingdom)

This is the humanitarian thing to be doing! US outdated politics count for nothing at such a time of global uncertainty. Keep the moral high ground and do the right thing by the people of Cuba.

Richard Calder (United Kingdom)

Doing the revolution proud. End the brutal blockades in place and help a country that punches above its weight to help countries in need.

Paul Campbell (United Kingdom)

Paul Campbell (United Kingdom)

Cecilia Hernandez (United Kingdom)

Mario Mondelo (United Kingdom)

Denis Garcia Hernandez (United Kingdom)

Paul Cook (United Kingdom)

Marc Prodger (United Kingdom)

Gavin Jones (United Kingdom)

Beth Wright (United Kingdom)

Natalie Samuels (United Kingdom)

During these unprecedented times, I just wish everyone would be kind to one another and help out any way possible. Please just be kind to one another ❤️

Linda Fockler (Canada)

Martyn Samuels (United Kingdom)

Sonia Vander vegte (Canada)

Cliff Samuels (United Kingdom)

Janice (United Kingdom)

I urge the British Government to do everything in their power to stop the sanctions imposed on Cuba. Solidarity to all the people in Cuba.

Sarah Welch (United Kingdom)

Lynne (Canada)

Katee (Canada)

Scott Mcilwraith (United Kingdom)

We love you little Cuba with a big heart. Lift the BLOCKADE.

Michael Thomas Rowan (United Kingdom)

Emmet Milne (United Kingdom)

At a time like this, we should all be helping others wherever possible, rather than deliberately preventing any country or people accessing the medical resources that they need.

Carol Cosgrove (United Kingdom)

Rhona McGregor (United Kingdom)

Many thanks to the Cuban people for your contributions and sacrifices Worldwide. End the criminal US blockade now!

Chris Topping (United Kingdom)

To the People of Cuba. We love you. Thanks for showing the world what Socialism is really about.

Paul (Ireland)

The Cubans are helping people all over the world. We must ensure they are fully supported by the U.K.

Jenny (United Kingdom)

Maureen Taylor (United Kingdom)

Jayne mcgibbon (United Kingdom)

Alistair Scott-Stewart (United Kingdom)

Graham Lindsay (United Kingdom)

Pamela Planchant (United Kingdom)

Stephen Thompson (United Kingdom)

Brendan O'Reilly (United Kingdom)

Robert Connelly (United Kingdom)

anthony watson (United Kingdom)

Carrie Binnie (United Kingdom)

Amrendra Paul Singh (India)

A Cassim (United Kingdom)

Carol Singh (United Kingdom)

Paul Bennett (United Kingdom)

Jimmy Locke. (United Kingdom)

William riggans (United Kingdom)

Tiegan (United Kingdom)


Andrew Kerry (United Kingdom)

Mike Hamilton (United Kingdom)

Bernard Yates (United Kingdom)


Juan Antonio Amil Lacurcia (Sweden)

It's time the UK government found some integrity. They've been America's useful idiots for far too long.

Rachel (United Kingdom)

No Mas Bloquero!

Malcolm Richards (United Kingdom)

Calum Baird (United Kingdom)

¡Viva la Revolution Cubana!

John Russell (United Kingdom)

John Rees (United Kingdom)

William Brown (United Kingdom)

Valerio Simoni (Switzerland)

Dave Townsend (United Kingdom)

Laura Smith (United Kingdom)


Solidarity to the Cuban people ✊

John Craig Reilly (United Kingdom)

Carmen Gómez Méndez (Mexico)

maria (United Kingdom)

I have much respect for your country and your way of life. You deserve better from the world.

James Barling (United Kingdom)

Bram Terryn (Belgium)

Adelante cuba

Mario Santiago (Mexico)

Apoyo a Cuba.

Carlos Flores (Chile)

Sally Kawamura (United Kingdom)

Dios los guarde y loa protega... De en la. Ausa

Deisy👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 o (Colombia)

Wayne Sntleben (Australia)

Barbara Carlisle (United Kingdom)

It is more important than ever to reach out and help all of humankind. No sanctions, blockades, no wars. Peace to all.

Kathleen Henderson (Canada)

Matthew Jukes (United Kingdom)

This is scandalous in this day and age

Billy bowes (United Kingdom)

End the blockade for humanitarian aid to get through to Cuba at this time of global crisis. They deserve our help.

Eirwen Stephens (United Kingdom)

Tom Fenton (United Kingdom)

anne paine (United States of America)

Catherine Maxwell (United Kingdom)

Te quiero Cuba xxx

Nina Clements (United Kingdom)

G. Osborne (Canada)

The blockade by the U.S.A on Cuba has taken a terrible toll on already poor people. It is inhumane.

Maggie Davies (United Kingdom)

Faih Yuri (United Kingdom)

Pat Maxwell (United Kingdom)

Caroline Yapp (United Kingdom)

Mary Maxwell (United Kingdom)

Inge Svea Larsen (Denmark)

Do the right thing and put politics aside in order to save lives. Jesus would condemn the blockade and sanctions.

Adam Christian Alfred Smith (United Kingdom)

John Nielsen (Denmark)

Cathy Taylor (United Kingdom)

In these times that the solidarity ties between peoples should be strengthened, I call on the US government to lift its sanctions on Cuba

Adam ROUBI (Morocco)

Soy cubano y se lo que nos causa el bloqueo. Amigos de otros países no se dejen engañar: el Bloque es Real.

Eduardo C. González Lerner (Cuba)

Owen Dennis (United Kingdom)

End the US embargo!

Mawr Gorshin (Taiwan)

Tom Wilson (United Kingdom)

Greg Macmillan (Australia)

Jorge Manuel Montesinos Serrano (Spain)

Shawniqua McAdams (United States of America)

Jeannine Raiche DeRoche (Canada)

Luke Nicholas (United Kingdom)

Una desgracia tener una pandemia peor que la que tenemos que se llama Donald Trump el está causando muchas muertes con su política de aislamiento de varios paises que no piensan como el mostremos nuestra solidaridad con Cuba, Venezuela,

Carlos muñoz (Chile)

Jesús Rodríguez Junco (Spain)

Stuart Gorman (United Kingdom)

Jane Margatet Micklethwaite (United Kingdom)

eva rodriguez (Spain)

barbara morris (Canada)

Shea Walsh (United Kingdom)

Melanie Cox (United Kingdom)

Kevin Coggill (United Kingdom)

Angie Macmillan (Australia)


Euan Walker (United Kingdom)

Keith Egerton (United Kingdom)

Martin Weller (United Kingdom)

John Kelly (United Kingdom)

M (United Kingdom)

Stephanie Winfield (United Kingdom)

Anne Driscoll (United Kingdom)

We are with you.

Anil Kumar (India)

Nihal canti (United States of America)

Angel "Kuri" Thomas (United Kingdom)

This is a time when we should turn outwards and support each other worldwide

Maggie Matthews (United Kingdom)

Your country has unjustly suffered from the cruelty of the United States. I am so mad at my country. I had hoped Obama's efforts would not be destroyed. Cubz have done a lot for the world, and the revolution has done a lot for the people of Cuba, considering health care and education.

Jean Balibrra (United States of America)

Annabel Crowe (United Kingdom)

John Jordy O'Neill (United Kingdom)

Hay que apoyar a Cuba, ello ayudan en todo lo que pueden a pesar del bloqueo, hasta cuando el abuso de EEUU

Gilda Salazarista Barrios (Chile)

Vive Cuba! Stop the criminal blockade now.

Belinda Kennedy (Australia)

Estoy con su lindo país x no al bloqueo, fuerza

Rossana (Chile)


Tanvir Basit (United Kingdom)

David Sallam (Denmark)

Mark (Canada)

Nina Goodwin (United Kingdom)

Thank you for helping the world fight this pandemic

Karen Capovila (United Kingdom)

Gill Spencer (United Kingdom)

Ryan Coley (United Kingdom)

Serena (United Kingdom)

Dean Peters (United States of America)

dmitrij vysniov (United Kingdom)

Britain needs to stand up shoulder to shoulder with Cuba in solidarity!

Gavin Dobson (United Kingdom)

C. deroche (Canada)

anastasios aroniadis (Greece)

Iván Alejandro Martín Bedoya (Spain)

John Macdonald (United Kingdom)

Yvette Hurley (United Kingdom)

Gaspar Neira (Chile)

Always there to help other nations with medical needs so we owe it to them to help wherever we can. End the blockade.

Lesley Aylett (United Kingdom)

Cruelty is unacceptable

Luc DeRoche (Canada)

carl mackenzie (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba libre antimperialista

Monica Serrano Nieves (Venezuela)

Michael Colley (United Kingdom)

Daniel Rowe (United Kingdom)

Gary Nixon (United Kingdom)

come ON , Britain : where is our integrity ??

lawrence maxwell (United Kingdom)

Philip Brown (United Kingdom)

Katie Goldfinch (United Kingdom)

Leopoldo Pinzón Moncaleano (Colombia)

End the us blockade and allow vital. Supplies to the Cuban people

Ann Muldoon (United Kingdom)

Carlos Flores Monzőn (Cuba)

David Mccall (United Kingdom)

K Brookland (Canada)

Cuba salva vidas!!! Pelo fim do bloqueio dos Estados Unidos a Cuba!!! Viva a cooperação médica internacional que Cuba presta ao mundo!!!

Silvana Gomes (Brazil)


Hold on !!!!!

Dirk Kruijt (Netherlands)

Felipe Serrano Lopez (Spain)

Dear Matt HANCOCK MP and Health Secretary, if we are indeed ‘all in this together’ - can we please include the people of Cuba in our efforts and pressurise US sanctions to be lifted in gratitude and respect for the help received from Cuba.

Sarah (United Kingdom)

Diane Leaver (United Kingdom)

Raúl Gonzalez Hernandez (Angola)

Henrik Stamer Hedin (Denmark)

Lift the criminal blochade

Osvaldo Cortes (United Kingdom)

I sincerely hope that that the powers that be have the consideration to cease this blockade immediately in the name of humanity, and act with consideration in the way that Cuba has when calamities have arisen across the world , only considering their wish to help those in need

Pauline Frazer (United Kingdom)

Darrelstan Ferguson (Jamaica)

jim watson (United Kingdom)

Carol Owen (United Kingdom)

I will always retain the memory of sharing accomodation with Cuban trained Doctors in Nicaragua.

Norman Lockhart (United Kingdom)

I am confident that my friends agree with my position in support of the Cuban People. The USA must end its unlawful blockade of Cuba.

John Bestevaar (Australia)

Hoy la Naturaleza y Dios nos esta diciendo que el mundo es uno solo y todos debemos vivir como hermanos ayudándonos entre todo Bendiciones a Cuba y que Dios permita a los gobernantes actúen con solidaridad

Lucía Figueroa Castillo (Chile)


Luíz Fernando Moser (Germany)

Marco den Breejen (Netherlands)

cuba keep safe keep well keep happy keep smiling love you cuba

sarah allen (United Kingdom)

jafar khadir (Canada)

amy fenton (United Kingdom)

ester manzanal (Chile)

Martin Leete (United Kingdom)

Deborah Foley (United Kingdom)

Jacob Wilson (United Kingdom)

Fiona Fletcher (United Kingdom)

Cuba has led the world in selflessly supplying solidarity aid for over 50 years as it is doing now in relation to Covid19. Now is the time to lift the blockade and allow the Cuban people to have free access to the supplies that they need for themselves.

Dr Aubrey Nunes (United Kingdom)

Britain should start trading with Cuba and look after our own interests not USA's.Usa would never put our interests first

Tony Demetriou (United Kingdom)

Ian Drummond (United Kingdom)

Jimmy Powdrell Campbell (United Kingdom)

Aspassia Salambassi (United Kingdom)

Judy ILAN (United States of America)

Edgar Botella Tormos (Spain)

Antonio-Sassarinis (Sweden)

joyce giblin (United Kingdom)

Mi solidaridad con esa bella isla revolucionaria de Cuba

Héctor Edgardo Palomino Gallo (Peru)

Christian Troger (Italy)

Billy Holland (United Kingdom)

Cuba has supported the development of first class medical care both within Cuba and beyond its borders, Cuba deserves help and assistance from the international community now. The US blockade is a crime against humanity.

Alexander Fitch (United Kingdom)

Stephanie de Schaller (United Kingdom)

maria gomez iglesias (Spain)

Catherine Phillips (United Kingdom)

Cuba has a long history of support to developing nations. We should standby them.

Ian Green (United Kingdom)

Ánimo al pueblo cubano, el imperialismo Yankee no podrá con la Revolución. Viva Cuba Libre y Socialista y Viva Fidel!!!!!!!

Vicente (Spain)

TRACY HILL (United Kingdom)

This isn't a time for politics, it's a time for unity and survival.

jack england (United Kingdom)

And don't wait two years before you take action. Governments usual tactics. Yes we'll do this (but not yet)

Kenn Elliott (United Kingdom)

Scarlett David-Gray (United Kingdom)

Now is the time to do the decent thing for all humanity.

Valerie Deschaller (United Kingdom)

David Price (United Kingdom)

Rachael Knott (United Kingdom)

Leni Rademacher (United Kingdom)

Lift the sanctions please and let these brilliant doctors do their jobs in this global pandemic. We’re aw joke tamsons bairns. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇨🇺

Pauline Thomson (United Kingdom)

Keep up your sterling work and stay safe

Kathryn Morris (United Kingdom)

Jacky Holliman (United Kingdom)

Ian Douglas-Todd (United Kingdom)

Lorraine Glasgow (United Kingdom)

Magdalene Grant (Spain)

Hasta la victoria siempre.

Rubio Adolfo (France)

Cuba is a wonderful country - you provide education and health care for your people unlike the UK and the USA. We spent a wonderful time travelling through Cuba in 2016 and will never forget how amazing it was. Thank you and we send you love and good wishes and stay well. Barbara King

Barbara King (United Kingdom)

Cuba’s Docs & health workers have been international hero’s - it’s time to repay that debt and lift the blockade

John Ingleson (United Kingdom)

Ian (United Kingdom)

Ann (United Kingdom)

Lesley Phipps (United Kingdom)

richard nicholson (United Kingdom)

Agustín Isidro (Spain)

James McGuinness (United Kingdom)

Geraldine Sherwood (United Kingdom)

Cuba is struggling during this pandemic. This, for the most part, is down to the blockade. End it and save lives.

Nicholas Parnell (United Kingdom)

Jacqueline Tichauer (Germany)

Arthur Newnham (United Kingdom)

Al Cathcart (United Kingdom)

Sonia Ramirez (United Kingdom)

Marc Hunter (United Kingdom)

Michael MacNeil (United Kingdom)

Heidi Nash (United Kingdom)

Una gran patria merece tener la oportunidad de tener la libertad de dar aun mayormente vida social garantizada a su pueblo.

keila carrizo (Venezuela)

Fuerza Hermanos Cubanos!!

Elna Morante Naranjo (Peru)

Cuba es salud y solidaridad


Toda mi solidaridad a la heróica y solidaria República de Cuba.

Ángel Enrique Sayago (Argentina)

Sergio Santos (Chile)

Creo que el pueblo cubano ha demostrado toda su solidaridad con todo el mundo...y se merece ser un país que sea reconocido y el levantamiento que ha sufrido por tantos años no es justo...

Geraldina Aguilera (Chile)

Richard Leach (Australia)

Its the Right thing to do.

Rosa Elvira (United Kingdom)

Rodrigo Alzamora (Chile)

Les Morgan (United Kingdom)

Alejandra Baigorrotegui (United States of America)

The British Goverment should help the Cuban people with the disaster that is the blockeade!Only because they are Socialist? Capitalism is dead!!! Viva Cuba

Maria Meneses (United Kingdom)

Gracias pueblo cubano.

Nydia Contardo (Chile)

María quezada (Chile)

Nicolas Kieffer (France)

Roxana Martín Ramos (Cuba)

David brockett (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba.

Leonardo Perucci (Costa Rica)

Ellen Meredith (United Kingdom)

Solidaridad con el pueblo cubano ejemplo para el mundo

Claudio Espina (Chile)

Leuten rojas (Canada)

Stop the blockade of Cuba NOW. USA what are you hiding?

Martin Gilbert (United Kingdom)

Freddy Anrique Venegas (Chile)

Paco hidalgo rivas (Spain)

Mi solidaridad con el pueblo cubano

Guacolda Sandoval campos (Chile)

This virus has no borders - well done Cuba for your humanitarian approach.

Amina Kasar (United Kingdom)

Augusto Serrano Olmedo (Spain)

Carolina Muñoz (Chile)

Todos a solidarizar y a defender a Cuba de la criminal agresión de los Estados Unidos!!!

Patricio Paniagua Giannini (Chile)

No más bloqueo a Cuba por parte de Estados Unidos a los artículos sanitarios esenciales, para proveer a sus hospitales y atender las necesidades vitales del pueblo cubano, frente al coronavirus.

Magaly Chamorro (Spain)

En tiempos de pandemia se debe ayudar a todos los pueblos desinteresadamente como lo ha hecho Cuba, enviando a sus médicos a distintos paises sin importar su tendencia política

Hernan Alejandro Muñoz Uribe (Chile)


Ernestina Novoa Carter (Chile)

When I was younger I had three marvellous holidays in Cuba. I hope our government has the strength to withstand Trump; the damage he is doing to Cuba is appalling.

Naomi Hull (United Kingdom)

Luis Montilla Torres (Spain)

Il faut aider Cuba! C'est un pays qui le mérite largement depuis des années!

Lourdes Pérez (France)

Estamos con ellxs, sus luchas son las nuestras, INJUSTO el bloque.

Virgilia Fuentes Álvarez (Spain)

Keep up the good work- when we in SCOTLAND get our independence we would hope to reject the policies of London and the criminal Trump

Jim Bainbridge (United Kingdom)

Rosabetty Muñoz Serón (Chile)

René (Chile)

Jesús de la Roza (Spain)

María Luz González Rodr& (Spain)

JOHN CAMPBELL (United Kingdom)

Nazaleen Mohaned (United Kingdom)

Bernardo Leiva aguilera (Chile)

Basta de bloqueo criminal al pueblo cubano!

Raquel Baeza (Paraguay)

acmaya clunes (Canada)


Jean-Samuel Weyeneth (Switzerland)

Jon Dunstan (United Kingdom)

Al Pueblo cubano mi afecto y respeto.

Ramón Díaz Casado (Spain)

Miguel Vidal (Chile)

Sebastián Polaina Ayllón (Argentina)

Tia Neal (United Kingdom)

Manuel (Spain)

Sergio A O Muniz (Brazil)

Maria Feeney (United Kingdom)

Irene Campbell (United Kingdom)

Efrain (Australia)

Manuel Córdoba Mesa (Spain)

The US needs to put humanity above greed and vengeance. The Cuban people are the kindest I’ve ever met and I will does ya support them.

Gail Mills (Canada)

Bob Thomson (United Kingdom)

While the world is in awe at Cuba's magnificent response internationally including to Europe to the Covid crisis Trump sees it as a further opportunity to try and destabilise Cuba by denying them the means to protect their citizens, the blockade must end now.

Keith Stoddart (United Kingdom)

Bravo Cuba in being in the front line in research and world-wide practical medical aid in the struggle against Covid-19.Many of us throughout the world recognise and are grateful for the efforts made by Cuba and are shamed at the lack of support coming from western countries.

jimmy keenan (United Kingdom)

Fuerza y aguante pueblo Cubano!!!

Hernan Aedo Marchant (Chile)

Mary Ann (United States of America)

Viva Cuba y la solidaridad de los pueblos

Maria Eugenia Alonso (Argentina)

Nunca perder el origen.

Carlos Aranda (Norway)

Dave Sherry (United Kingdom)

Gracias à la Solidaridad del PUEBLO Cubano

Elsa Vasquez (France)

Admiro la fuerza del pueblo cubano.


Richard Juby (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Wood (United Kingdom)

Giulia (Italy)

Susan Holland (United Kingdom)

Abajo el criminal bloqueo, viva Cuba y Fidel!!!

Dagoberto Hernandez Vasquez (Chile)

Robert Buntin (United Kingdom)

Mu Mc (United Kingdom)

Dylan Marshall (United Kingdom)

Ellen Hartmeijer (Netherlands)

Jodi (United Kingdom)

Bridget Heelan (United Kingdom)

Steven Johnston (United Kingdom)

jose valentin ramirez (Spain)

Mar ela Andrea Olavarria Sepulveda (Chile)

Viva Cuba!!!

Laura Ayala Cid (Mexico)

I want to thank the Cuban doctors and nurses for all of the support that they have given to the countries, including Britain in regards to the Coronavirus. I am also supporting of you against the United States blockade of Cuba.

Gillian Ross (United Kingdom)

I am a student murder and I really appreciate all what Cuban doctors are doing, thankyou so much for all your hard work!

Holly Ross (United Kingdom)

Néstor Castellanos (Spain)

James Fraser-Miller (United Kingdom)

Sara En Nadif (Italy)

John O'Brien (Ireland)

Jeremy Fell (United Kingdom)

Francisco David (Spain)

Thank you to the Cuban Government and people from a friend in the MN USA

sam (United States of America)

Stefano Quaglia (Italy)

In Solidarity

Alan Goodfellow (United Kingdom)

Mervin Román (Puerto Rico)

Antonio Ángel Pérez S&aa (Spain)

Agradezco infinitamente al hermano pueblo de Cuba, por haber educado GRATIS a mi hijo en la MEDICINA.

María Eugenia Uribe Casanueva (Chile)

Gracias, amigas y amigos cubanos porque su solidaridad, viniendo de un pueblo que vive con lo justo, es la demostración de su grandeza

Alfredo Márquez Barriga (Spain)

por un mundo sin bloqueos de ningun tipo,por un mundo mejor,por un mundo de hermanos

Victor Sepúlveda Villar (Chile)

Manuel Molina García (Spain)

Brien Young (Canada)

Ayudar a cuba

Nelson Sandoval villaseca (Chile)

Ana Reyes Velasco (Spain)

Cuban research and medical excellence is what we all need now. Please

Liz. Hull (United Kingdom)

Cecilia Ostornol (Chile)

Luis Carlos Bautista (Spain)

Ayudennos a terminar de una vez con esta politica genocida

Maria Elena Alvarez Ponce (Cuba)

Solidaridad por delante de otras consideraciones.

Antonio (Spain)

anne martinière (France)

Luz Marina Fornieles Sanchez (Cuba)

Michael mcmahon (United Kingdom)

María del Mar Hernández Nava (Spain)

gili fabrizio (Italy)


Mariano Rodriguez Garcia (Spain)

Miriela (Italy)

It is a time of freedom and friendship between the peoples, the blockade is enough. Long live Cuba and its people. Thanks to the British government for addressing this important issue more than ever now in the global fight against the virus. Together we are strong. Thank you! Es tiempo de libertad y amistad entre los pueblos basta ya bloqueo. Viva cuba y su pueblo. Gracias al gobierno Británico por la atención a este tema importante más que nunca ahora en la lucha mundial contra el virus. Juntos somos fuerte. Gracias!

Pablo (Italy)

MOHSIN ALI (United Kingdom)

Los pueblos han de ser libres, sin cadenas ni águilas imperiales merodeando la libertad, Cuba tiene y debe ser libre, como cualquier país, solo debe tributo a su propio pueblo, un pueblo culto, libre y soberano. Hasta victoria siempre

Francisco Fernández Moreno (Spain)

Alan Grant (United Kingdom)


Mario James (Jamaica)

The US blockade on CUBA is an abuse of power to influence decisions, and to break down the infrastructure of CUBA and the dignity and inner strength of the Cuban people. This tactic is to enable the US to move in and claim ownership. It's gone on too long. All the leaders of countries, including "Great" Britain, who are submitting to the US control, by not standing together to support CUBA, should acknowledge the help Cuba offered when you needed it. You must all demonstrate the courage to disband the blockade now. CUBA, does not wish to be owned. The Cuban revolution was clear. United Kingdom politicians, remember how Cuba helped the country in times of need. Do what is necessary to STOP THE EVIL BLOCKADE ON CUBA NOW.

Trish DaCosta-Solomon (United Kingdom)

Tamara Hermosilla (Chile)

Salvador Benavent Martinez (Spain)

Cuba deserves the same support it has offered to European countries. I over the Corona virus pandemic.

Vivien Shah (United Kingdom)

Bill Broom (United Kingdom)

Sadly, Cuba still suffers because most of the populations of the US and its allies have no appreciation of the cowardly and illegal actions of their governments, and they will feel deeply ashamed when the truth does eventually dawn on them. Ciwba sosialaidd am byth !!

Denver Thomas (United Kingdom)

Daylin crispi (Denmark)

Deborah Grinnell (United Kingdom)

María Antonia Maroto García (Spain)

We must help Cuba

ronald drewitt (United Kingdom)

Stephen Atkins (United Kingdom)

Catherine Adams (United Kingdom)

Donald Trump’s America seems hell bent on damaging Cuba just because it doesn’t agree with its politics. In times like these Global unity has never been so important and it’s about time the British Government and the rest of the World does the right thing. Support Cuba as it fights the virus by dismissing the US blockade who are no more then bully’s who are sulking after not getting their own way. Do the right thing now and save lives!

Alan Pewsey (United Kingdom)

Marella Fulvio (Italy)

José Manuel Fernández Gayoso (Spain)

They say "A leopard cannot change his spots",however, we must try to keep hope alive.

Cecil Bennie (United Kingdom)

Iam urging the west to practice what they preach about freedom

Umar (Nigeria)

Neal Kingdom (United Kingdom)

Dave Roberts (United Kingdom)

Flemming Hybert (Denmark)

Hanna Kirkegaard (Denmark)

Peter Gillard (United Kingdom)

Robin cant (United Kingdom)

Louise Ellis (United Kingdom)

T Glover (United Kingdom)

David James (United Kingdom)

Cuba, has been badly wronged and has helped the world throughout providing medical services via its doctors who risk their lives and expertise. The US is committing crimes against humanity all for imperial political reasons. Cuba, helped the UK when they needed it and no one else did in that instance. The UK owes them help now.

Eileen Gibson (United Kingdom)

Thankyou Cuba.

Linda Austin (United Kingdom)

Governments trying to steal N95 masks from their allies during this pandemic should be called out on such vile misdeeds.

Jeff Chislett (Canada)

Lewis James Ashurst (United Kingdom)

Luis A Figueroa (United States of America)

Keith Finn (United Kingdom)

George Dragon (United Kingdom)

Our humanity should always supercede our political beliefs

Stephen Ruitha (Kenya)

El mundo debe darse cuenta que el Bloqueo de los Estados Unidos contra Cuba es inadmisible para nuestro pueblo solidario y revolucionario, a pesar de las limitaciones y carencias que tenemos que enfrentar todos los días por ello, ahora tratan de someternos a causa de la pandemia que hostiga , no permitiendo que nos lleguen recursos médicos que tanto necesitamos.

Arelys María Echevarria Rodriguez (Cuba)

Ali (Bahrain)

Following the wish of rich cuban-exile nazis in Florida does not become either the UK or the USA. Cuba's foreign policy is faultless in comparison to the aggression of the West.

John-Albert Eadie (Canada)

Oriol cruces fernanadez (Spain)

Vamos Cuba, siempre sales adelante y tiene mi apoyo

Mónica herrera (El salvador)

Haste la Victoria siempre!

Ann Murray (United Kingdom)

Robert (United Kingdom)

Makda Araya (Germany)

Ana Prieto (Portugal)

David Wright (United Kingdom)

Eliana Vidal C. (Chile)

Solidarity with our comrades in Cuba - let peace and fellowship reign throughout the world.

Roger Sealy (United Kingdom)

Kadem Villamar (Chile)

La solidaridad es la ternura de los pueblos

Julián Ávila de la Casa (Spain)

Martha Young (United Kingdom)

Sophie Williams (United Kingdom)

Danny McAuley (United Kingdom)

John McGuinness (United Kingdom)

Edilsa Vega (Panama)

Lubna (Spain)

Erica Davis (United Kingdom)

Antonio Ortega (Spain)

Mark (United Kingdom)

andy pearson (United Kingdom)

Thomas nolan (United Kingdom)

All good wishes to Cuba in your endeavours in very difficult circumstances

Sheila Johnston (United Kingdom)

The Cuban people are the BEST in the world. My wife and I have visited this island nation 21 times in the last 7 years, and awaiting the time we can return. The U.S., under PRESIDENT OBAMA did the right thing with regards to Cuba. This nation needs help and President Obama was the right man to help out the Cuban nation. Unfortunately, the u.s. under drump is doing all it can to hurt this island nation. Cuba, please, please hold on, drump will be defeated soon and PRESIDENT BIDEN will take over where PRESIDENT OBAMA left off. On behalf of Canadian citizens, we admire, respect, are in awe, and love the Cuban people. Once this virus is contained, we will be making our 22nd visit to our second home. I will NEVER set foot in the u.s. Any country that votes drump is not a country I wish to visit. God bless Cuba and it's people. You are loved by your CANADIAN brothers and sisters. Stay safe my friends!

Warren Moore (Canada)

Nijel (United Kingdom)

Barry purdy (United Kingdom)

Thomas Stone (United Kingdom)

BRISSAUD Sophie (France)

Oscar Alfonso Sosa (Cuba)

Garret Byrne (United Kingdom)

We should be more like Cuba, end the sanctions now.

Sean Rodden (United Kingdom)

Cuba has shown that it is a giant in humanity and compassion helping those in need while others stood by. It is quite obscene that the USA is still continuing to impose sanctions on this noble nation and these should be lifted immediately at a time when Cuba is fighting the pandemic not only in its own country but also in countries like Italy . The USA should also lift all the other immoral sanctions it is imposing on countries like Iran, at this time of great suffering.

julia hammett (United Kingdom)

Michael Clark (United Kingdom)

Janet Granger (United Kingdom)

Sorry Cuba citizens that you are going through this.Your medical teams outreach to other countries is amazing

jean zeibak (United States of America)

The world needs wonderful Cuba Release the shackles now!

Martin Kerr (United Kingdom)

alyx whiting (United Kingdom)

Chris Murphy (United Kingdom)

Jamie Rowe (United Kingdom)

Bryan Goodwin (United Kingdom)

John Harris (United Kingdom)

Ariadna Aparicio (Spain)

Michael Ferrante (United Kingdom)

This is a crisis that goes beyond politics and historical rivalry. Political agendas should be put aside.

Aldana Juarez (United Kingdom)

Carlos Alberto Gonce Socías (Cuba)

Shirley May (United Kingdom)

Giulia Giorgetti (Australia)

Yenli Lemus Domínguez (Cuba)

Zen (Canada)

Estimadas compañeras y compañeros cubanos. Es un honor para mi dirigirme a ustedes, que como pueblo indomable en su lucha por su libertad, soberanía nacional y dignidad, le demuestran al mundo que es posible la solidaridad internacional entre los pueblos. ¡¡YANQUI, SACAS LAS MANOS DE CUBA!! ¡¡LOS PUEBLOS UNIDOS VENCEREMOS!!

César Edmundo Torres Chinchó (Chile)

Santos (Spain)

Blocking vital supplies at a time of global crisis due to the indiscriminate spread of a deadly virus is a crime against humanity in anyone’s book. Support Cuba and Cubans. They need our help now.

Alan Passey (United Kingdom)

Ma Trinidad Diaz (Mexico)

No al bloqueo contra Cuba, es inhumano.

Teófilo Guerrero Manzo (Mexico)

francesc queralt blanco (Spain)

Vuestra lucha es un eje Contra el capitalismo neoliberal

Luis (Spain)

My best regards to all passengers of the cruise that arrive to cuba last month with few passengers whith Covid 19. I hope they are safe now.End the blackade of Cuba.

Orestes González Caballero (Cuba)

Hasta la victoria siempre !! Venceremos !!!!

Grisel villamayor (Argentina)

Mike Brogan (United Kingdom)

la solidaridad es el amor al prójimo de los pueblos, Cuba Tiene derecho a existir y auto determinarse Que termine el bloqueo ahora

lUIS eDUARDO tORRES (Colombia)

Juan Manuel Morales Iglesias (Spain)

Keith williams (United Kingdom)

José Luis López Sado (Cuba)

Anna falina (United Kingdom)

Cuba siempre ha demostrado lo que es la solidaridad: compartir lo que tiene y no lo que le sobra. El bloqueo de Estados Unidos contra Cuba constituye un freno para el desarrollo de la nación y el bienestar de su pueblo. Sin embargo, la mayor de las Antillas no renuncia a sus valores ni cesa en su empeño de que primen en el país la igualdad social y de oportunidades.

Evelyn Corbillón Díaz (Cuba)

¡Viva Cuba Socialista!


Edward Power (United Kingdom)

Chris Long (United Kingdom)

Olga Lidia Morales Vilau (Cuba)

an de bruyne (Belgium)

Jorge Gutiérrez Menéndez (Cuba)

osvaldo gutierrez gomez (Cuba)

Ignacia Mª Aonso González (Spain)

Tudor Hammett (United Kingdom)

Alan Faulkner (Canada)


Jose Fernandez (Cuba)

Este bloqueo es un acto criminal contra el pueblo cubano que debería ser condenado por los tribunales internacionales y un arma que mantiene en estado de guerra permanente a Cuba. Mi admiración al pueblo cubano por resistir de esta manera constructiva, creativa, manteniendo todo lo que hacer al ser humano, un ser humano digno: educacion, cultura , sanidad, cuidado mutuo...... que en situación de guerra es algo inaudito.

Montse Heras Escudero (Spain)

Anne Thomas (United Kingdom)

Joana Ilieva (Cyprus)

Geoffrey Thomas (United Kingdom)

Cuba podrá ayudar al mundo con mayor efectividad si el bloqueo cesa. No al bloqueo!!!

Remedios García Álvaro (Spain)

Rosa Minguela (Spain)

Paul Hick (Australia)

Mi apoyo y mi solidaridad con Cuba, con sus médicos, y con su Revolución. NO al bloqueo, SI al internaciolismo.


Cuba has been helping other countries with medical care and medicine for many years. Despite the US embargo, they have managed to build an education and healthcare system that is free for everyone and surpasses in quality those of almost all western countries in the world. In times of need, Cuban doctors have been helping other countries with their expertise and experience in epidemics from the Ebola virus. When countries of the EU refused or didn't offer help to each other, Cuba was there to help. Supporting Cuba, even if you don't agree or like their government system, is only decent thing you can do, in these circumstances.

Aliftiras Vasilis (Greece)

Cuba is a shining example of what can be achieved.

William Sinclair (United Kingdom)

Roddy Keenan (United Kingdom)



Cuba has led the way in showing how to respond to this virus in terms of helping other countries. It is simply incredible at this time of international crisis that the Trump administration would continue with their blockade designed to create shortages for the Cuban people. My heart goes out to everyone in Cuba but especially my wife and family now quarantined in the little town of Gibara.



Luis Angel Blanco herrero (United Kingdom)

Luz Darriba Magadán (Spain)

Kathryn Shanks (United Kingdom)

Prayudi Setiadharma (Indonesia)

John Queripel (Australia)

Julio César Aguila Sánchez (Spain)

Thank you Cuba.

donacha o'dwyer (Ireland)

Magda Kyriazi (Greece)

Consuelo (Chile)

Ray metcalfe (United Kingdom)

Michael johnson (United Kingdom)

Wladimir torreblanca (Australia)


Alfonso Basadre Díez (Spain)

Robert Osborn (United States of America)

HITZ Stéphane (France)

Ana González Martin (Spain)

Mrs. Helen Jarvis (France)

Theresa Barker (United Kingdom)

Hoy, en diferentes lugares del mundo, los pueblos se convierten en testigos del internacionalismo y la solidaridad exhibidos por Cuba al responder a los pedidos de asistencia enviando equipos médicos a varios países. Esta respuesta humanitaria es una continuación de décadas de práctica desinteresada cuando los médicos y enfermeras cubanos acudieron en ayuda de países afectados por desastres naturales o epidemias. El bloqueo inhumano al pueblo de Cuba debe llegar a su final. Basta.

Maria del Carmen Puerto Thoukididou (Cyprus)


Nurul Abas (Malaysia)

francisco laguna palacios (Spain)

Phil cornelius (United Kingdom)

Reg Tassiker (United Kingdom)

Diane Illingworth (United Kingdom)

Geraint Hughes (United Kingdom)

Emma Chandler (United Kingdom)

I am disgusted at these inhumane measures implemented during a time of a Global Pandemic.

rose melvin (United Kingdom)

Paul Finch (United Kingdom)

Paul J Elliott (United Kingdom)

Kiara Zaugg (United States of America)

Arnaud Riche (France)

Thank you to Cuba for your solidarity & efforts to try to stop this covid-19. UK do all you can to lift this blockade on this country and stop divisions Trump is creating, we need to fight this together and share our resources. It's pointless getting rid of it in one country as it will only spread back to us again. We need to unite to fight.

Gaynor Lunt (United Kingdom)

J Peace (United States of America)

Serena Craigie (United Kingdom)

Tess (United Kingdom)

Abajo el bloqueo

Laura (United States of America)

Kathy McMahon (Australia)

Thank you Cuba for your kind medical assistance to Italy and others.

Barbara Fitzgerald (Australia)

Laura Rojas (Canada)

Michael Dominguez (United States of America)

Support Cuba!

mike birch (Australia)

Carmela Lavezzari (Australia)

Lynn Wood (Canada)

Longlive solidarity

Süleyman biber (Turkey)

Cuba's response to the Covid-19 pandemic as with its response to many past world-wide emergencies shows that Cuba is a country that is truly global in attitude and deed. We must bring this illegal financial war against Cuba to an end.

Peter Weitzel (Australia)

Michel Lasry (Canada)

Naveen Hussain (United Kingdom)

G Darnell (United Kingdom)

Clare Glover (United Kingdom)

Janet Morton (United Kingdom)

Marina Castellanos (Australia)

dursun uluk (Belgium)

nathan (United Kingdom)

Linda McDonald (United Kingdom)

This blockade must be lifted immediately; quite how it’s still in place during a world health crisis is truly shocking

Graeme Hulks (United Kingdom)

Stephen Mckee (United Kingdom)

Michael Hedges (United Kingdom)

Por favor acaben ya con este cruel bloqueo.

Maria fe corrochano del pino (Spain)

Joanne Rogers (United Kingdom)

Solidarity ✊

Phil (United Kingdom)

Hakan (Turkey)

jean lockwood (United Kingdom)

Suzanne Kerr (United Kingdom)

Amy Linden (United States of America)

Sue Howard (United Kingdom)

Caglayan Yildirim (Turkey)

Andrew Craig (United Kingdom)

help cuba fight covid-19 and the us blockade

bamshad (United Kingdom)

economic sanctions are the most evil act against humanity

maryam alkhudhairi (United Kingdom)

jamal sardar (United Kingdom)

Howard Webb (United Kingdom)

Stop this barbarism against the good people of Cuba. While you're at it release your economic grip from the throats of Iran, Venezuela, Nicaragua, etc.

Ian Walker (United Kingdom)

Hasan Hılmı Sezel (Turkey)

Joseph Maloney (United Kingdom)


Maia Jones (United Kingdom)

Ahmed Elfaki (United Kingdom)

Mariano Gil de Vena (Spain)

Linda Jensen (United Kingdom)


Janie McGovern (United Kingdom)

Ida Garberi (Italy)

Sheila Coltman (United Kingdom)

Samantha lewis (United Kingdom)

Kevin Barker (United Kingdom)

Tom (United Kingdom)

Abajo el bloqueo

Rigoberto Guillermo Espinosa Pichd (Cuba)

Kizzy Wapplington (United Kingdom)

Darren Wapplington (United Kingdom)

Lifting the blockade is decades overdue. Particularly at a time like this, no civilised nation would continue with this anti human policy. Please lift the blockade without delay.

Cecilia Cole (United Kingdom)

I wish to thank Cuba for its continued humanitarian aid around the world, and I condemn the USA's continued aggression against the Cuban people.

Stephen Harman (United Kingdom)

For goodness sake!

Dorothy Reich (United Kingdom)

William Wright (United Kingdom)

ışıl (Turkey)

The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted so many things, not least of which is the unhumanitarian blockade of Cuba, preventing medical supplies from being sent to the country. The vast majority of the world's countries think the blockade should be is time for the US to rid itself of it's paranoia and lift the blockade.

Malcolm Cole (United Kingdom)

fuensanta hernandez lopez (Spain)

These sanctions are illegal... when will countries stop bowing down to the US government and stand up for what is right? The British government should be ashamed for supporting these inhumane acts.

Andrea Corrigan (United Kingdom)

Kemba Hadaway - Morgan (United Kingdom)

Gillian (Switzerland)

Support for a country helping others in this crisis

Dolly Daniel (United Kingdom)

Colin Clews (United Kingdom)

Jack Corrigan (United Kingdom)

Lynn Conlin (United Kingdom)

peter harris (United Kingdom)

Warren (United Kingdom)

Bernard O'Reilly (United Kingdom)

All countries have a moral obligation to work together to fight this virus and to deny any country medical supplies at this or any other time is abhorrent

Philip Gilbert (United Kingdom)

Rosemary Sturge (United Kingdom)

David Corrigan (United Kingdom)

Eleonora Petrova (Bulgaria)

Please lift the embargo and scrap it altogether.

Sheila Harvey (United Kingdom)

"Siempre adelante, ni un paso atrás". José Antonio Galán Zorro. Líder de la Insurrección de los Comuneros, 1781, gestado en el Virreinato de la Nueva Granada.

Sergio Andrés Hernández Mart (Colombia)

Jacqueline Gruhn (United Kingdom)

John Linardi (United Kingdom)

Neil Anderson (United Kingdom)

Cuba is showing great humanity by sending doctors to countries struggling with the Covid 19 virus . It also assisted British people stranded on a Caribbean cruise ship yo get back home . The blockade creates hardship and shortage of important goods and is an unfair burden on the Cuban people .

Arthur West (United Kingdom)

Jane Hogan (United Kingdom)

John Lane (United Kingdom)

Naomi (United Kingdom)

JoAnne Jarvis (Canada)

Amber Nickleson (United States of America)

mick reavey (United Kingdom)

Good luck to the amazing Cuban doctors and the Cuban people..

Alison Assiter (United Kingdom)

Vlaudin Vega (Australia)

Liam Davis (United Kingdom)

clare stranack (United Kingdom)

DEVORA André (France)

Clare Hawley (United Kingdom)

Ian Caruana (United Kingdom)

Mark Newbold (United States of America)

Helen Sutcliffe (United Kingdom)

hands off Cuba; Stop the illegal sanction against Cuba. Stop squatting in Guantanamo Bay; Time to leave Cuba alone.No to US imperialism

Cheryl Sanchez (United Kingdom)

That wonderful 💖 country cuba is much better then the USA. They help countrys in need. The USA only think about them self, i mean the Goverment of the USA. Set cuba FREE from the hate of the USA.

Norma Laudahn (Germany)

Barbara Garattini (Italy)

John Niven (United Kingdom)

Giles Pearman (United Kingdom)

Geoff Dixon (United Kingdom)

Brian Paffey (Australia)

Steve Belk (United Kingdom)

Michael Barnes (United Kingdom)

Cuba's continued medical support for other nations should be recognised by the UN as a genuine service to mankind in times of severe crisis. The US should be censured for its unreasonable behaviour to its peaceful neighbour.

Patric Cunnane (United Kingdom)

Liz Screen (United Kingdom)

Alison Jermy (United Kingdom)

Michael Dawson (United Kingdom)

Brian Purdie (United Kingdom)

David Webster (United Kingdom)

June Waldren (United Kingdom)

I hope the uk would help Cuba this as gone on to long it seems there is too government that stop them one being USA put presser on them and give them there freedom of trade and rights

john higgins (United Kingdom)

Niels Jørgen Jacobsen (Denmark)

Sue White (United Kingdom)

Now is the time to aid and support each other

Bernadette McNally (Ireland)

gill hague (United Kingdom)

Maybe ALL the World "leaders" will stop being World followers of the USA and send this vicious,deplorable White House to Coventry so the rest of us can live in peace.

richard manser (United Kingdom)

Antony Silson (United Kingdom)

Jill Gough (United Kingdom)

Daniele giorgetti (Italy)

UK Government please do more to help dislodge this great injustice to the Cuban people.

Alaine Walters (United Kingdom)

Ingo Marowsky (United Kingdom)

Tricia Street (United Kingdom)

Karen Dietz (United Kingdom)

Pia Andersen (Denmark)

Frank (Denmark)

This inhumane blockade should have been lifted decades ago. As we all, internationally, struggle to deal with and contain the COVID-19 pandemic it should be blindingly obvious that it must happen now for everyone's protection.

Geraldine Machin (South Africa)

Cuba leads the way

Rob Street (United Kingdom)

Fiorenza Jones (Australia)


Alberto Anaya (Canada)

Siempre solidario con la Cuba revolucionaria y sabienfo de su internacionalismo practicado.

Pablo Quevedo Mejia (Venezuela)

Mon soutien au pays des braves


Helen Harris (Australia)

Steve Mackie (United Kingdom)

Pamela Harris (United Kingdom)

Willem Minjon (Ireland)

Tony McNicholl (United Kingdom)

Wendy Jones (United Kingdom)

ALI EMRANI (United Kingdom)

Paolo (Italy)

Lucía Vizoso (Spain)

Dawn Lam (Italy)

Andrés Acuña Bohó (Colombia)

Elizabeth Milos (United States of America)

Please help Cuba. I work in Nicaragua and Cuba is saving lives here. Their docs are amazing.

Kathleen Murdock (United States of America)

Freddy Nevison-Andrews (United Kingdom)

Cubs has consistently helped other countries with its medical expertise, despite having the embargo problems of its own. Cubs needs support against the ridiculous prevention of Coronavirus equipment supplies by USA. Time to step up and recognise the needs of smaller countries, who have supported others.

Chrissy Bush (United Kingdom)

Solidarity to Cuba ✊ for all the times you have sent assistance to foreign countries while your own country has suffered hardship

Glenn Hibbert (United Kingdom)

Blocking healthcare aid in the midst of a pandemic is criminal!

Scott Houldieson (United States of America)

Navid Anthony (United Kingdom)

Ciro Cozzo (Italy)

Stephen Assenheim (United Kingdom)

Levez vos mains sur le Cuba !

Faiza (Tunisia)

Assunta Luchetta (Italy)

Eirene Houston (United Kingdom)

This American blockade is against all reason and is working against attempts to stop the disease.

Frank Mullen (United Kingdom)

Dave Statham (United Kingdom)

As an Iranian-British citizen, I strongly support this open letter, demanding the UK government to join all the countries which wanted the US government to remove the inhuman sanctions on Iran, Cuba, Venezuela and the others in this really hard time.

Ghassem Golestani (United Kingdom)

Tessa van Gelderen (United Kingdom)

Sibusiso Yende (South Africa)

The US is in rapid decline, the UK would do well to pull its tongue out of their arse before the collapse.

Dom Byrne (Ireland)

Please use your influence. Global cooperation is needed.

Mary Roddick (United Kingdom)

Ian Whittaker (United Kingdom)

Neil Sharples (United Kingdom)

Solidarity to the people of Cuba

Helen Porter (United Kingdom)

Graham Ward (United Kingdom)

Robert LEROY (France)

Liz Sewell (United Kingdom)

Bobbie Petford (United Kingdom)

Margaret Vernon (United Kingdom)

Leon Remphry (United Kingdom)

I urge the removal of the US blockade of Cuba. At this time it is inhumane to continue this blockade. I congratulate Cuba for its humanitarian work across the globe. I hope that Cuba will receive the food, rule and medical equipment it needs. How vindictive to continue this blockade at this present time.

Dr Christine Hardy (United Kingdom)

Joyce Hill (United States of America)

Catharine Jenkins (United Kingdom)

Mostafa Golestani (United Kingdom)

Our humanitarian friends in Cuba deserve all the help, support and respect that they themselves offer generously to others worldwide. Please end this blockade and give them freedom to access what they need - especially at this time.

Carolyn Frea (United Kingdom)

Antonella Longhi (Italy)

Leigh Seedhouse (United Kingdom)

International solidaritet!

Jørn Schmidt Laursen (Denmark)

John Walford (United Kingdom)

Laurel Barton (Canada)

Roberta Villalon (United States of America)

Michael Teece (United Kingdom)

Mark O'Halloran (Ireland)

Abajo el bloqueo!!!!!!!

Diana María Pérez Lara (Cuba)

Gary Griffiths (United Kingdom)

The Cubans are some of the kindest people on the planet. Lift the blockade. Treat them with respect and dignity. Viva Cuba.

Ciara O'Halloran (Ireland)

Thank you for all that you are doing, solidarity my friends in Cuba

Mike Le Cornu (United Kingdom)

Thank you for all that you are doing, solidarity my friends in Cuba

Sheila Hammond (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba

Eileen (Ireland)

Ser solidarios y compartir lo que tenemos, son algunas de las cualidades que nos caracterizan.

Olga Alexis García González (Cuba)

Willie Haines (United Kingdom)

Àngel Campabadal (Spain)

Please let the Cuban medics continue with their gallant work. A lucha continua!

John F. Gately (United Kingdom)

Bernard Rossiter (United Kingdom)

Milo Morris (United Kingdom)

I call on the UK government to make urgent representations to the Trump administration to do the honourable thing and lift the unjust blockade of Cuba TODAY

Christina Lucey (United Kingdom)

Good morning, In 2018 I lived in the small city of Sancti Spiritus, Cuba, as part of a research internship. Even during this relatively stable time, the city experienced shortages of basic household items. This was evident to me while working in a microbiology lab that A) had no running water B) no access to a proper autoclave and C) limited access to refrigeration. Despite the challenging circumstances, the scientists that I worked with were more passionate and dedicated than any supervisor I'd ever had in Canada. There is no WAY That small Cuban cities like Sancti Spiritus can survive this pandemic without the help of our global community. Cuba needs the US government to lift this antiquarian blockade so that they can access the supplies and support that will help its people overcome this challenge.

Anna Westhaver (Canada)

Cyntia Mejia (United Kingdom)

Repay Cuba’s internationalism

John Taylor (United Kingdom)

Alejandra (Chile)

Mike Harrison (United Kingdom)

I urge the British Government with other European governments to ensure Cuba can purchase vesntilators to fight COVID-19 at home.

John Pinto (United Kingdom)

Cuba, I applaud your selflessness in helping other countries during times of crises

Sheryl thomas (United Kingdom)

Marion Lemery (United Kingdom)

Stop the blocked

Michele (Italy)

Liz Lyke (United Kingdom)

NaN McCurdy (United States of America)

Sibille Fest (Germany)

Jane Moody (United Kingdom)

Gina Constantinou (United Kingdom)

a global crisis requires a global response thank you cuba for stepping up to the plate always first in humanitarian responses worldwide totally unlike the u.s. with its illegal blockade which should be lifted we are in the 21st century now

christine ansell (United Kingdom)

Alex Blümel-Jordan (Germany)

Justin Culver (United Kingdom)

Alejandro Elgueta (Canada)

I sign to any Human rights ! Fredom og speech ! And find Cuba an international inspiration to other countryes❤️

Karin Alsgård Jensen (Denmark)

We, as Cubans committed to the well-being of the homeland and defenders of its sovereignty, call on all other compatriots, inside the island and abroad, to join us in condemning the blockade, which is a constant violation of the fundamental rights of all Cubans, it limits the nation's human potential, and impedes Cuba's economic development.

Associations of Cuban Residents in Canad&aacut (Canada)

chabbi mohamed najib (France)

Janet Giroux (Canada)

Paul Gayford (United Kingdom)

Rossen Kissiov (United Kingdom)

Sean Caryotis (United Kingdom)

The time is to lift this blockade, it hasn't worked and only causes suffering and makes the United States look like a bully. Let Cuba, as a sovereign nation, choose it's own direction not yours.

Paul Allen (United Kingdom)

Paul O'Sullivan (United Kingdom)

This is an international crisis, all Countries should work together to stop this pandemic, if not, it will only emerge again and again.

Rob Turner (United Kingdom)

Paul Levy (United Kingdom)

DAVID BREESE (United Kingdom)

Aldo (United Kingdom)

Michel DARRIBEHAUDE (France)

Please stand with the cuban society, they deserve it!!!

Anna Frieben (Germany)

Bente Thomsen (Denmark)

Rona Mackay (United Kingdom)

John Lessells (United Kingdom)

Jytte Svensson (Denmark)

Jean Oliver (United Kingdom)

Peace Handovsky (United Kingdom)

Mariannuziata Porcu (Italy)

Tommy Christensen (Denmark)

Rhonacunningham (United Kingdom)

Kim Linares (Spain)

I do hope that Cuba and other countries will defeat the virus

Peter Blondin (Denmark)

Adelante, compañeras y compañeros, por la humanidad, por la justícia, por la vida.

Antoni Ferret Soler (Spain)

Alan Perkins (United Kingdom)

En esta situación de emergencia mundial, más que siempre, el bloqueo contra Cuba y Venezuela es un ataque a la vida, a la dignidad de los pueblos, un crimen contra la humanidad. Gracias Cuba! Gracias médicos cubanos por la solidaridad y las curas que ofrecéis, pese al bloqueo, a todas las personas, en Europa y el mundo entero.

Patricia Manzo Apice (Spain)

Gordon Wilson (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockades, human lives are at stake. The USA is no better than any country and who’s the presss presss I can’t say the word Trump is lower than anyone, he’s all about himself. Cubans need help now as in immediately, human rights are being violated. God Bless Cuba, may the big guy upstairs keep watch over them and us with our prayers. Trump is the devil, they said the devil would walk the earth and have everyone believe in his lies...what more to say...he’s walking the earth, Trump=Satan

Ida (Canada)

Mi solidaridad y mi amor fraterno al grandioso pueblo Cubano.

Jesús Ramírez Barrer&aac (Mexico)

I'm a Cuban citizen. I have suffered daily harship caused by blockade since I was born. I acknowledge efforts led by the Cuban government to provide essential services to all Cubans despite limitations imposed by blockade, like free education, health care and access to culture and sports. It's a very appalling policy to try to bring a country to their knees by force because you disagree with its political system. Where is the freedom for that country and their citizens to choose their own path? Sanctions do not harm countries or governments but the people who lives in those countries. The Cuban people do not deserve to be punished by a foreign country to wich they haven´t caused any harm. UnBlockCuba now!

Dunia Martin (Australia)

Thomas Frith Cooke (United Kingdom)

Cécile Pemberton (Trinidad and Tobago)

Peter Wills (Australia)

Eben Dombay Williams (United Kingdom)

Jorge Rodrigues (Portugal)

Lift sanctions immediately! VIVA CUBA!

Ali Ibrahim (Syria)

Especially important as Cuba has shown such solidarity with others over Covid-19

Gay Lee (United Kingdom)

jørn sørensen (Denmark)

Sea Cullen (United Kingdom)

Irina (Russian Federation)

David Somervell (United Kingdom)

Lis Sørensen (Denmark)

Ann Howieson (United Kingdom)

Michele Mends-Ulzen (Canada)

Thanks again for your generosity and for your help, Cuba. Te llevo en mi corazón ❤️

Berta Banacloche (Netherlands)

The action of the US are inhuman and uncivilised.

Michael Sandilands (United Kingdom)

ian wright (United Kingdom)

Nina Jensen (Denmark)

For everything the country does for us and other countries around the world in times of need. Their professionalism, skills and knowledge are handed out whenever a country is in a time of crisis and without hesitation.

Rickie Ann Bartlett (United Kingdom)

Diane Regan (United Kingdom)

Hasta la victoria siempre

Mario Bolli (Italy)

Cianetti Bruno (Italy)

Becouse it's simple right!

Annamaria Scarficcia (Italy)


Paola Monottoli (Italy)

GIanfranco Puntato (Italy)

franchi lucio (Italy)

Majela Zayas Rodríguez (Cuba)

Eleanor Templeton (United Kingdom)

Koo Nakano (United Kingdom)

Tamara Sivanandan (United Kingdom)

allan bates (United Kingdom)

Es tiempo de Solidaridad. El bloqueo es inhumano y debe terminar ya.


Henry Ashurst (United Kingdom)

Sandra Reid (United Kingdom)

Julian Malcolm Gray (United Kingdom)

POS (Spain)

Sarah Teversham (United Kingdom)

Glen Burrows (United Kingdom)

Please end this crippling blockade now and return the hand of humanitarian help offered by Cuba. Thank You

Alan Youngman (United Kingdom)

Nick Goldreich (United Kingdom)

Celina Wilf (Denmark)

As a supporter of Cuba via our Trade Union Branch, I abhor the retrograde decision by Trump to go back on the relaxation of sanctions agreed by the previous USA Government.

John David Wallace (United Kingdom)

Paul Martin Gurnett (United Kingdom)

Eric Martinand (United Kingdom)

Only love can save humanity and the earth will give us the opportunity to live in it

Fidel Angel Cortina (United States of America)

Do not follow what ever US say. Let us be our own country and support Cuba in every way possible, specially at this moment of COVID-19. Cuba has always been there for the countries in most need and let us help Cuba now.

Mr Shirley Siriwardena (United Kingdom)

I have the privilege to have had a. Cuban mother who was forced to leave in the early 1930s with her family. I my self have been and still am a trade unionist and shop steward, ln Unison. Over the years l have followed the Cuban people's courage in resisting the Americn governments embargo and am proud to sign your patition. Yours in Solidarity ken Riley.

Ken Riley (United Kingdom)

Ronald van de kooij (Netherlands)

It is shocking that at a time like this, the US maintains its blockade against Cuba.

Chris Perks (United Kingdom)

Fish krish (United Kingdom)

claus raunholt jensen (Denmark)

Owen kinder (United Kingdom)

Megan Dobney (United Kingdom)

nicola schaefer (United Kingdom)

Diane Joy Tennant (United Kingdom)

Agnes Schmitz (United Kingdom)

David Postlethwaite (United Kingdom)

Jill Connolly (United Kingdom)

Alex Adetiba (United Kingdom)

Nils Kristensen (Denmark)

Marsha mary Chatman (Italy)


Ilse Paustian (Denmark)

Aine Ryan (United Kingdom)

Cuba took in and cared for some of our citizens stranded on a cruise so don’t they deserve more than a thank you?

Anne-Marie Miller (United Kingdom)

Trevor Wall (United Kingdom)

The US claims to be a Christian country now is the time to follow Christ example!!

Ruth Westwood (United Kingdom)

The actions of successive US administrations have been against international law i.e punishing the innocent population. This latest tightening of sanctions against the Cuban people I regard also as against international law but I go further and describe it as mass murder.

Tom Rowland (United Kingdom)

John Telford (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba! Hasta la Victoria Siempre

Annette Maguire (Australia)

Mark Taylor (United Kingdom)

Chris Pitts (United Kingdom)

Nicola Watts (United Kingdom)

Chris Ryan (United Kingdom)

Lesley Daly (United Kingdom)

Véronique (France)

Oranutt Narapruet (United Kingdom)

Ole Christensen (Denmark)

For humanitarian reasons lift the ban ,America due to their experience should concentrate their minds on this action .i am assuming there is any humanity in the white House. But Cuba will triumph over this ,viva the revolution. Graham fletcher

Graham fletcher (United Kingdom)

Even during the pandemic the US persists in its aggression towards socialist states even using the virus as a weapon. Yet Cuba came to the aid of many others including Italy where the EU singularly failed to support this and other struggling countries. Cuba is an example of an alternative to the countries of the world that have adopted neo-liberalism and aggressive Capitalism which create conditions where countries are ill-prepared to fight Covid19.

John Tyrrell (United Kingdom)

Jamie Lewis (United Kingdom)

Tony Brown (United Kingdom)

Riad Akbur (United Kingdom)

Susan Brewer (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba libre hoy y siempre! Por la libertad de los pueblos de América Latina y detener al asesino gobierno norteamericano.Boris don´t forget the help provided by Cuba to your people!

paola (United Kingdom)

Erna Eriksen (Denmark)

vigdis odiin (Norway)

I stand with Cuba

Can Aygın (Cyprus)

Cuba is the best country in the world! ❤️❤️

Michele Bucci (United Kingdom)

Jay Nombalais (France)

Verity Berrie (United Kingdom)

Manuel de la Rúa Batistapau (Cuba)

In the name of humanity offer assistance to the people of Cuba.

Terence Bayes (United Kingdom)

Jennifer M. Carpenter (United Kingdom)

Oscar Revilla (Spain)

Eden Bearshaw (United Kingdom)

Deirdre Canty (Ireland)

Margaret McMahon (United Kingdom)

Cuban doctors help thousands around the world - lift the blockade!

Pierre Marshall (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade!

Lisa (United Kingdom)

Alison Merriman (United Kingdom)

Rob Quick (United Kingdom)

Tom Davies (United Kingdom)

Jodie (United Kingdom)

denis lenihan (United Kingdom)

marilyn fontaine (Cuba)

Karsten Fogde (Denmark)

Linda Carver (United Kingdom)

Arne Knudsen (Denmark)

Miam Bech Nygaard (Denmark)

Jo Gordon (United Kingdom)

Manuel João Araújo (Portugal)

angela engle (United Kingdom)

Ellie POPPITT (Australia)

Gabriel Rojas (Cuba)

The Cuban Society deserves better. During my visit to Cuba, I was taken to The Medical Training Centre and for a small Island, their willingness to train other cultural peoples, brought tears to my eyes. Cease the Blockade, Please.

Judith Dark (Australia)

Un saludo desde Uruguay a el Pueblo de Cuba Internacionalista y Solidario !!!

Eduardo (Uruguay)

Ben Macfarlane (United Kingdom)

Jordan Turner (United Kingdom)

Mary Gerrard (United Kingdom)

Yasel Quevedo (Cuba)

Lauren Collins (United Kingdom)

Megan McCarthy (United Kingdom)

Bloqueo ha servido para demostrar la viabilidad del socialsmo. Pero es criminal y terrorista.

Dumer Oswaldo Chito Perea (Colombia)

Maxine Parker-Gallagher (United Kingdom)

Joe Evans (United Kingdom)

María Cristina Güena (Argentina)

Maximum collective effort across all countries is required, now more than ever, in view of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as addressing the causes and effects of climate change.There will be more viral threats ahead in years to come and climate change will continue to disrupt food supplies, cause floods and promote desertification. In the near term we can mitigate these and in the longer term we can successfully address these threats but not with sanctions, blockades and military threats.

Mike Martin (United Kingdom)

Karl Sinclair (Portugal)

Gordon Cunningham (United Kingdom)

US blockade contries who will not flatter US behaviour.

Jan Henningsen (Denmark)

Agnes Hamilton (United Kingdom)

At a time when we are confronting a global indiscriminate enemy it is neither reasonable nor humane to withhold essential medical supplies for political reasons. Please allow goods into Cuba

Roy Myers (New Zealand)

Noelle Kasparis (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a beacon of light in the international darkness

Sarah Hirom (United Kingdom)

Maire Daley (United Kingdom)

Resistir es vencer. ¡Mucho ánimo!

Manuel Ruiz Robles (Spain)

Clare St John (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade now!

Cath Cunningham (United Kingdom)

Helen Morrison (United Kingdom)

bobby Colvill (United Kingdom)

Russ Patterson (United Kingdom)

Preben Würtz Jensen (Denmark)

Gaston bisson (Canada)

Joanna bornat (United Kingdom)

Mary Noble (United Kingdom)

Please help the cuban people.

Linda Kelly (Canada)

Guadalupe Covarrubias (Mexico)

It makes sense to ‘ramp’ up the co operation . Cuba has given much to other nations in times of disaster. Help Cuba and encourage the USA to make the decision to end the blockade during the global Pandemic emergency to begin with,

Jill Woodward (United Kingdom)

Enid Riemenschneider (Denmark)

Ros Kane (United Kingdom)

Cuba sends doctors all over the world to help others now is the time to support them in these troubled times

Annette Brennan (United Kingdom)

Esperando que Trump pierda las próximas elecciones. Coraje.

Denis Doyon (Canada)

Charmaine Smyth (United Kingdom)

No hay que detenerse para luchar contra este bloqueo criminal e ilegal ! Solidarios con Cuba

Brigitte FAULQUIER (France)

Giorgio Ranalli (Italy)

Stop US Blockade against Cuba! Right Now!

Fabio José Raimundo Paz (Cuba)

Zulkafli Adam (Malaysia)

Sarah O'Byrne (United Kingdom)

Anne Karpf (United Kingdom)

Pauline Lambert (United Kingdom)

Laurance Simon (United Kingdom)

Ann Griffin (United Kingdom)

Professor M G Davis (United Kingdom)

Kathy Bor (United Kingdom)

Kevin Johnson (United States of America)

Barbara Anderton (United Kingdom)

Eva Hadjidemetri (United Kingdom)

John Clarke (United Kingdom)

Cuba has given great humanitarian and medical help during this crisis and in return it deserves to have the blockade lifted.

Linda Thornton (United Kingdom)

Catherine Sikakana (United Kingdom)

I urge all Britain to sign especially in light of Cuba s assistance to the British stricken cruise liner

Ronald Sinclair (United Kingdom)

Nicole James (United Kingdom)

Stephen Thornton (United Kingdom)

Simon O'Keeffe (United Kingdom)

Elena Psarra (Germany)

Theresa Bates (United Kingdom)

Roberto Rossetto (United Kingdom)

Alan Hutcheson (United Kingdom)

Cuba would help any country in the world. It’s a tragedy of an excuse for s president of the USA

Mo Spires (United Kingdom)

Shirley Sharp (United Kingdom)

Viva cuba libre!!!!

Danilo (United Kingdom)

Stuart Wright (United Kingdom)

Bill Byrd (United Kingdom)

A continuación de la hazaña con el Inter- feron Alfa-2B, por favor que sigan in- vestigando en el combate a las enferme- dades infecciosas agudas virales, apro- vechándose incluso de la casi ausencia de las multinacionales farmacéuticas occidentales de este sector desde hace 15 años.

Philip Janssen, 'Azarías' (Germany)

Thank you Cuban people for your stoicism. I ask my government to stand up to this spiteful attitude to Cuba.

Jeremy Townsley (United Kingdom)

Jack Curran (United Kingdom)

alice hull (United Kingdom)

This is not the time to settle political scores. Cuba needs supplies to survive. Please lift the embargo and show the human face of the UK to the world!

Marina Townsley (United Kingdom)

Nicholas Connors (United Kingdom)

Eleanor Clark (France)


The embargo to Cuba is a case of international bullying that has become normalized due to its extent. During the last 60 years no one but Obama has tried to step towards a resolution of such oppression. Enough imperialism. Let Cuba flourish and fill the world with their immense talent.

Angelo Urzua-Milla (United Kingdom)

Sinan Ersoy (United Kingdom)

Cuba was so inspirational sending help to others The very least the US can do is end the blockade

jane deighton (United Kingdom)

Irene Sedler (United Kingdom)

Jeffrey Alvarez Massón (Mexico)

Kathy (United Kingdom)

Iñaki Martinez (Spain)

No hay un pais en el mundo que como Cuba, expresa siempre una verdadera solidaridad, con los pueblos del mundo.

Alvaro Sierra (Colombia)

Elizabeth Maskery (United Kingdom)

Cuba needs medecin and medical treatments like everyone. K.

katia hristoforova (Belgium)

Michael Clare (United Kingdom)

Daniel scortini (United Kingdom)

Irena Fick (United Kingdom)

Thomas Riddell-Webster (United Kingdom)

Viva cuba

Eddy Góngora Sánchez (Cuba)

A shining example of hope and resilience in what is currently a somewhat bleak world ravaged by capitalism.

Morien Morgan (United Kingdom)

Carl (United Kingdom)

Cuba - siempre en mi corazón UK Government - show some humanity and courage and don’t allow the US’s nasty extraterrestrial tentacles to strangle you!!

Irene Rial Agra (United Kingdom)

we are all Cubans

Mohamed Bounechada (United Kingdom)

john morris (United Kingdom)

Polly Maloney (United Kingdom)

Peter Kennedy (United Kingdom)

Donatella Soldi (United Kingdom)

Sue Jarvis (United Kingdom)

Birgit Schoer (United Kingdom)

Callum Haslam (United Kingdom)

Gail Wagstaff (United Kingdom)

Jo (United Kingdom)

Steve Palmer (United Kingdom)

Dr Richard Hull (United Kingdom)

Julio César Serra Rodriguez (Cuba)

sergio CONTRERAS (United Kingdom)

Martin Alamo Febles (Spain)

Rebecca (United Kingdom)

MIKE CHANTLER (United Kingdom)

Alexi Dimond (United Kingdom)

Ana Lopez (United Kingdom)


Loly fuentes rodriguez (Spain)

Kenza Afnoukh (United Kingdom)

This illegal blockade on a the peaceful nation of Cuba is a stain on the character of the world community, Cuba has never attacked another nation, used biological or chemical weapons, or state sponsored terrorism, during the recent crisis the Cuban government have as they always have done sent medical aid and specialist doctors to every corner of the planet, Cubas crime is to run its country on socialist principles which is the choice of the Cuban people.

Mark Kean (United Kingdom)

Cuba cares for its people first & foremost & deserves a level playing field to do so. The US Blockade against Cuba is totally immoral. The US Govt just wants to cripple the Cuban economy at any cost so it can remove the legitimate socialist govt of Cuba & replace it with a puppet Govt run by the US. Play fair. Oh that's right , we all know that the US plays by its own rules even if it means genocide in other countries. Lift the Blockade now!


Por favor apoyen nuestro ruego.

Juan benito martinez lastre (Cuba)

Gracias médicos cubanos por lo mucho que hacen para todo el mundo!!!

Ana Manildo (Argentina)

Gabriela Chase (United Kingdom)

Please end this blockade, by preserving the blockade you're stopping essential supplies from getting to the Cuban people. Please end this injustice.

Daniel William Smith (United Kingdom)

Deepa Pathi (United Kingdom)

PETER MACMURDIE (United Kingdom)

Patrick O’Brien (United Kingdom)

Rosie Strachan (United Kingdom)

Chris (United Kingdom)

The US Blockade is only in place because the Cuban people have the courage to try a fairer political system (Socialism). So of course a lot of people with money and power don't like that. The World must come together and strongly defend Cuba's right to self-determination and combat this US selfish action.

Darryl Sugg (United Kingdom)

Peter Marsling (Denmark)

Sarah Haverly (United Kingdom)

Jan Plummer (United Kingdom)

Cuba and the Cubans deserve better, it's time to open our arms to help them like they helped us.

Helen Glanville (United Kingdom)

America lift all sanctions against people Cuba

Kannan (United Kingdom)

Frank Andersen (Denmark)

Halah Salem (United Kingdom)

Pat Squires (United Kingdom)


Mauricio González (Australia)

Kim Van der Borght (Belgium)

In questo momento difficile per tutta l'umanita bisofna aiutare tutti I popoli soprattutto Cuba pwrche gli alimenti sono un bene di prima necessita .Forza Cuba ce la faremo

Garzillo Filomena (Italy)

Mikael Svensson (Sweden)

Liam Salopree (Canada)

Estados Unidos debe terminar inmediatamente con el criminal bloqueo impuesto al país más solidario del mundo. Fuerza mi Cuba, aunque soy argentino te siento tan mía como un cubano más.

Fernando Rivera Otero (Argentina)

Anne Sieg (Denmark)

master king (United Kingdom)

Yanet Batista Gallego (Cuba)

Siempre compartiremos lo que tenemos a pesar del bloqueo por mas de 60 años. !!!VIVA CUBA!!!

Luz Maria Benitez Moré (Cuba)

Solidarity with the people of Cuba

Craig Rae (United Kingdom)

Soy cubano me siento orgulloso .soy guimico farmacéutico.gracias a mi país viva cuba .viva nuestra Revolución . proletariados del mundo unidos es la hora de que. Todas las naciones nos unamos por el bien de la Raza humana y su experiencia gracias

Manuel López peña (Cuba)

José Grabiel Luis Cordova (Cuba)

Jorge emiliano gongora (Cuba)

Josu Ramos (Spain)

Luis Monroy Yañez (Mexico)

carl Dunlop (United Kingdom)

Marion Alcock (United Kingdom)

Kate Ferguson (Australia)

Joana Vicente Baginha Chanter (United Kingdom)


Gregory Beaumont (United Kingdom)

Abajo el bloqueo a Cuba

Ania Durán Martínez (Cuba)

Maria de Lourdes Baginha (Portugal)

Cuba has been exemplary of internationalism and solidarity since the revolution, and this is the very reason the imperialists hate it so. Working and poor people the world over must stand by Cuba's side.

Kyle (United Kingdom)

Please help Cuba in whatever way we can. It offers the world so much and in return, the world turns its back on Cuba. End the blockade and help Cuba now.

Jo Welch (United Kingdom)

Long live Cuba and United Kingdom,we will prevail together.

Héctor Estrada. (Cuba)

Tanya Zakrison (United States of America)

fuera yanquis de Cuba!!!!!


Charlie May (United Kingdom)

Viva la révolution cubana!! Ohala muchos pays siguen su ejemplo de Solidaridad y humanidad Alain pellegry cienfuegos

Alain (France)

Annmarie Hughes (United Kingdom)


Leonardo Chang (Mexico)

Oluwarotimi Ajayi (United Kingdom)

Athanasios Velios (United Kingdom)

Dean Cairns (United Kingdom)

Michael Hallinan (United Kingdom)

Jeremy Morris (United Kingdom)

Nosotros los cubanos siempre con la mirada en alto y al lado de nuestro presidente Miguel Diaz Canel

Adalis (Cuba)

Nihal Tissera (Denmark)

Gordon Cullum (United Kingdom)

I Call on the British Government to make an urgent represention to the U S to end its blockade immediately.

Gurnam Dhillon (United Kingdom)

Allan Jones (United Kingdom)

El gobierno cubano junto a su pueblo brindan solidaridad, unidad, paz, no queremos guerra, solo paz.

Jesús López Ferná (Cuba)

Ken Keable (United Kingdom)

Christopher Antony Menon (United Kingdom)

Elena Ramos Sanchez (Spain)

que le ayude maduro

habran (United Kingdom)

Kirsten Schelbeck (Denmark)

Raico Ruiz Sisto (Cuba)

Bev (United Kingdom)

Steve Newman (United Kingdom)

Melissa Soares (United Kingdom)

Erin Rizzato Devlin (United Kingdom)


Laura minghetti (Argentina)

No más bloqueo, luchemos unidos para lograr ese objetivo.

Yadira (Cuba)

Elisha Heslop (United Kingdom)

Michael McKrell (United Kingdom)

Have been to Cuba, lovely place, lovely people, hate to see them subjected to vindictive US sanctions.

Owain Holland (United Kingdom)

Chris Davis (United Kingdom)

Penny Welch (United Kingdom)

youre doing great sweetie x

Kara Cox (United Kingdom)

Sedda (France)

Sin bloqueo todos estaríamos en mejores condiciones y más preparados para sobreponernos a esta enfermedad. Nuestro médicos tendrían mejores condiciones para tratar los enfermos dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras. !ABAJO EL BLOQUE!

Yuri Cbabrera Silva (Cuba)

Mi mayor respeto por ser un ejemplo de dignidad, y solidaridad con los seres humanos.

Luis Del Riego De Los Santos (Mexico)

Solidarity with the Cuban People.

Aiden O'Rourke (United Kingdom)

Nathan Luckhurst (United Kingdom)

Miguel Angel (Spain)

Fuerza Cuba.

Sonia Martinez-Pérez (Canada)

Reagan Peters (United States of America)

M. Garrido Romero (Spain)

Jem Knight (United Kingdom)

It is criminal that the US blockades another country like this for so long. Stop it now!

Pippa Plevin (United Kingdom)

Baldeep (Germany)

James Austin (United Kingdom)

María Jesús Moduga Montoya (Spain)

Let’s all live together

Tony Geddes (United Kingdom)

Ileana Ramos Sánchez (Cuba)

LUIS MONTEIRO (United Kingdom)

Hanne Skovgaard (Denmark)

Sirse Irupe Carvajales (Canada)

Hannah Bellsham-Revell (United Kingdom)

sonian Kullar (United Kingdom)

Sarah Laddusaw (United States of America)

Marion Usher (United Kingdom)

Gracias y bendiciones por ser un país humanitario .

Violeta Ramirez (Mexico)

El bloqueo es antihistórico y antihumano.

Carlos lazo (United States of America)

Paul Taylor (United Kingdom)

Cuba has shown for years that another world is possible. its need now more than ever Smash capitalism one solution.. revolution

gary shatford (United Kingdom)

Vivian Aymeé Milanés Clavijo (Cuba)

larnie (United Kingdom)

FuerzaCuba que vamis a salir victoriosos como siempre porque no conocemos kaxderrita

José Alberto Cardona Fuentes (Cuba)

Byron Wakefield (United Kingdom)

Carmen Heredia (Canada)

Gerard McKernan (United Kingdom)

Un pais con herencia Taina, Africana, Europea, y Revolucionaria.

Carlos Aceves (United States of America)

Uniremos nuestras voluntades y nuestras manos para expulsar al imperio agresor de nuestras tierras,Cuba y Uruguay unidos como pueblos hermanos que somos !!!

Julio Hugo Olivera Fernandez (Uruguay)

El bloqueo contra Cuba es anti-ético, inmoral, anti-humano y constituye un engendro jurídico que viola, flagrantemente, las leyes internacionales.

Dr. Jesús Dueñas Becerra, So (Cuba)

Basta de bloqueo irracional.

Mario Johnston (Argentina)

Damian Madden (United Kingdom)

Jens Ring Bursche (Denmark)

Michelle Vieira (Denmark)

Ivonne Padilla (Puerto Rico)

Leah (United Kingdom)

Hands off Cuba!

john kenneth evers (United Kingdom)

Claudia Aranda Bellenger (Chile)

Cuba está soportando desde hace más de 60 años un bloqueo criminal por parte de EEUU. En estas circunstancias, frente a la pandemia, esta medida es más grave aún. ¿Cómo calificar la política de un país que niega a otro país el acceso a insumos esenciales para la salud de su pueblo? EEUU debe cesar esta política criminal ya. No puede impedir que otros estados hagan llegar su solidaridad al pueblo cubano. Es una cuestión de vida o muerte y así deberá ser juzgado ahora y más adelante por la historia. Paren el bloqueo ya. Contra Cuba. Contra Venezuela. Contra Irak....Crueldad y ensañamiento de un Estado criminal contra la vida de los ciudadanos de estos paises.

Lidia Beatriz Donnini (Argentina)

Stay strong Cuba. You have the support of the people from every corner of the earth. Your message and the values on which your country is built continues to resonate with the world - particularly the youth. This will end, and when it does, you will have proven that even through the internationally imposed economic adversity, compassion, internationalism and peace can and will prevail. With love from Britain, Joe.

Joseph Mann (United Kingdom)

Edgar Sosa (Mexico)

Amy Roe (United Kingdom)

Francisco Artiaga (Canada)

Fuerza Cuba 🇨🇺 el mundo está cin nosotros. ABAJO EL BRUTAL E INHUMANO BLOQUEO CONTRA CUBA.

Minelvis Alcolea Núñez (Cuba)

Lidia Lopez de la Cruz (Cuba)

Tony Crook (United Kingdom)

Rosa Moro (Spain)

Manuel Ramirez (United States of America)

Antonio (United Kingdom)

Janette Smith (United Kingdom)

Jatri (Western Sahara)

Alastair Smith (United Kingdom)

Andy Boyd (United Kingdom)

Jim Fay (United Kingdom)

Amable Fernández, (Spain)

James Rowlands (Australia)

No al bloqueo

Mara Cristina De Sant Anna (Brazil)

Your willingness to help others in need does you great credit and you deserve all the help you need to fight the virus in Cuba.

Colin Males (United Kingdom)

Had first hand experience of Cuban health service. Faultless.

George K (United Kingdom)

Todo mi corazón está contigo Cuba,patria amada,firmaré todo lo que sea preciso para que se levante ese cruel bloqueo.Fuerza a todos mis compatriotas,y a toda la humanidad.

Ala María Padrón Elosegui (Cuba)

Soy cubana y pido a todas las personas que se sumen al reclamo de cese del brutal bloqueo de los EU contra nuestro país.

Martha (Cuba)

abajo el bloqueo.

Halaen (Austria)

We must support those who by their direct medical action are showing solidarity between peoples around the world!

Cllr Daren Hale (United Kingdom)

This unprovoked and inhumane politically minded attack to create bad conditions for the Cuban people is unjust and must be stopped. Please support the Cuban people.

Chris Mitchell (United Kingdom)

Raul Pelegrino (Spain)

Desde Europa nos unimos a la lucha contra criminal bloqueo.

Alaen Cisnero (Austria)

Gracias al presidente de Cuba y a sus gente q bastante nos han ayudado q dios me los cuide y me los bendiga los queremos

María thais trillo (Venezuela)

María Justiz Guerra (Cuba)

Viva Cuba

Francisca Cruz (Cuba)

Darya von Berner (Spain)

Peter Kitchen (United Kingdom)

Fuerza Cuba!

Pedro Perez-Sarduy (United Kingdom)

John Rodgers (United Kingdom)

Nigel Shaw (United Kingdom)

Efrem Craig (United Kingdom)

Silvia Hirschi (Switzerland)

Abaixo o bloqueio

Olga Santos (Portugal)

Well done with the help you are giving to other countries.


Maria Grazia Donvito (United Kingdom)

Sarah Phillips (United Kingdom)

We should be grateful for the example given by Cuba in assisting those most in medical need throughout the world.

Carolyn Kagan (United Kingdom)

Fin del bloqueo YA

Carlos López (Spain)

The Cuban people are doing an incredible job helping other countries with their problems despite US condemnation and harrassent.

Frank Sprules (United Kingdom)

Naomi Hoyland (United Kingdom)

Sois los mejores, un abrazo

María Luisa Aznar Pina (Spain)

Mandy Banton (United Kingdom)

Cuba vencerá! Respect!

Maria odete Rodrigues Ferreira (Portugal)

Apoyar a Latinoamérica en sus luchas antiimperialistas, es apoyar la solidaridad entre los pueblos y sus culturas.

Manuel Iglesias Durán (Spain)

Abaixo que odeia! Avante CUBA! Somos contra o bloqueio!!!

Maria Odete Pais Gonçalves (Portugal)

Yenisel Plasencia Calaña (Netherlands)

Brian Troake (United Kingdom)

Tim Pluta (Spain)

Cuba's international solidarity in the face of the coronavirus puts Trump to shame. The blockade is counter-productive as well as being evil.

Matthew Screech (United Kingdom)

Wendy (Australia)

Nicasio Gaspar Bernal Gómez (United Kingdom)

Hugh Terry (United Kingdom)

I. walker (United Kingdom)

Carolina Navarrete (Canada)

Cuba es el símbolo y la práctica de todas las luchas por la salud, contra el hambre, por la dignidad, y por la igualdad en y entre todos los pueblos del mundo. Cuba es inspiración y es solidaridad como dice el texto de la carta. Mantener el bloqueo a Cuba es intentar cortar la fuente de esa solidaridad contagiosa. Es también sostener un genocidio calculado y programado en sus efectos contra Cuba y contra el mundo. Necesitaríamos un nivel más de las palabras de nuestra lengua para describir jurídica y socialmente este crimen de lesa y global humanidad.

Antonio (Spain)

Cuba vencerá

Ramón García Domí (Cuba)

Joyce Draffan (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba libre

Marjorie Montilla (Venezuela)

Helen Williams (United Kingdom)

Marta Donis Suarez (Cuba)

Solvej Petersen Olesen (Denmark)

José González (Cuba)

Colin Saunders (United Kingdom)

Araceli Morciego Reyes (Cuba)

El boicot económico de EU hacia Cuba por 58 años es ilegitimo e inmoral, 176 países han votado en la ONU por su levantamiento, en medio de esta pandemia la medida es una bajeza.

Alicia Monsech Segurado (Australia)

Viva Cuba libre.aiudemos este país a levantsrse!

Bonnie marteddu (Italy)

Vivianne Crothers (Sweden)

A wonderful country with many poor, but wonderfully generous people. They do not deserve the evil treatment they're receiving from the US.

Eileen Whitehead (Australia)

Luchar contra la injusticia es un deber de todo ser humano. Ningún gobierno tiene derecho a bloquear o sancionar a otro.

Carlos Suárez Porto (Cuba)

María Rodríguez (Mexico)

Solidaridad latina.

Thais Villalobos (Venezuela)

O meu pais è Galiza, non España, mais Cuba sempre!!!

Fredi Santalha (Spain)

Jeremy Rimmer (Canada)

Cuba Should be next nominated for the New bel Peace Prize for their international solidarity work

Bruno Di Biase (United Kingdom)

Fuerza Cuba. Energía positiva y buena vibra. Como siempre. Venceremos.

Rubén Pereira (Venezuela)

United States blockade is not fair. The peoples should be able to choose his own destiny. Please to respect our democracy as we respect yours

Angel A. Rodriguez (Austria)

Kevin Wallace (Canada)


Maria Pinto-bultz (Canada)

Por siempre acabemos con el egoísmo, el bloqueo es infrahumano y éticamente inaceptable en esta era moderna y en estos duros momentos en que se encuentra la humanidad.

Lensky Aragon Palmero (Cuba)

Todas las sanciones y bloqueos impuestos de forma unilateral a los demás países son ilegales, violatorios del Derecho Internacioal, de la Carta de la ONU, de los DDHH de los pueblos, por lo que deben considerarse de lesa humanidad y eliminarse definitivamente. Hay que hacer valer los dos pilares fundamentales del Derecho Internacional: autodeterminación de los pueblos y no injerencia en los asuntos internos de los estados.

Marlyst Fernandez L (Venezuela)

Sara M. Rose (Canada)

Es una infamia lo que hacen con el bloqueo a Cuba pero, además, en medio de la pandemia es un crimen de lesa humanidad. Basta !

Griselda Ramos (Cuba)

Y también dejen en paz a Venezuela

José Suez (Venezuela)

Emanuelle Bezerra Silva (Brazil)

Lizmary acosta lopez (Cuba)

Han ayudado a muchos...

Víctor Romero (Chile)

El bloqueo por más de 60 años es un genocidio contra el pueblo cubano

Alain Darcout Rodriguez (Chile)

Luisa Martínez Jimenez (Chile)

Ben Aitken (Australia)

amo mi pais porque soy como cuba con el corazon las ideas y lo poco que aprendo es la premisa y deber para los necesitados

yosmel (Cuba)



Eileen Siple (United States of America)

Gran Pueblo. Bendiciones

Guillermo Pino Urtubia (Chile)

Nexi záez (Venezuela)

Maria-Luisa Monreal (Canada)

Mary Jones (United States of America)

Apiyemos a Cuba no al bloqueo

Luis vilchez tuero (Peru)

Sira Beaumayne (Canada)

Yo amo a Cuba y me solidarizo

Lilian Guardado (El salvador)

Please lift embargo and santions to Cuba.

Daniel Gonzalez Ryzemberg (United Kingdom)

Abajo el bloqueo que tanto daño hace a nuestro país y por ende al pueblo.Cuba Salva y necesitamos que se acabe este bloqueo genocida.

Yanet Borrego Morales (Cuba)

Fuerza a mi pueblo cubano

Lisandra (Mexico)

Cuba socialism

José antonio ordoñez molina (Spain)

Alexander Kurth (Canada)


Benjamin Pugh (United Kingdom)

Dios bendiga a nuestros hermanos de cuba

Mirna Jessi luquez (United Kingdom)

Hjørdis Nielsen (Denmark)

Carlos Suarez Mendez (Canada)

María de Lourdes (Mexico)

claudia gerauer (Germany)

Barbara Dyce (Canada)

Dee Riley (New Zealand)


StevenD Flowers (United States of America)

The British Government can help people all round the World by getting the USA to lift the sanctions, and thus allow the superb Cuban medial service to play a leading part in defeating Coronavirus worldwide.

Hugh Kirkbride (United Kingdom)


Gonzalo Valles (Venezuela)

Roudgé (France)


Susana Quirós (Argentina)

Viva Cuba, Viva el Socialismo! Son un ejemplo de dignidad y solidaridad! Saludos desde México al pueblo Cubano! Ojalá y un día pueda estar en su hermoso país!

César Mauricio García Ord&am (Mexico)


Tony Cumberbirch (United Kingdom)

Morten Petersen (Denmark)

El bloqueo es inmoral y genocida. LEVANTEN EL BLOQUEO YA!

Julio A.G. Guethon (Cuba)

Martha Lorena Tijerino Haslam (Nicaragua)

Cuba mi hermosa isla estoy y estaré siempre contigo. #SeguimosEnCombate

Yoján Barbosa Rodríguez (Cuba)

Thomas Rag (United Kingdom)

noe (France)

Pilar (United Kingdom)

Ochievara Olungah (Kenya)

Murdo Maclean (United Kingdom)

Kaltun Elmi (United Kingdom)

Avery Raimondo (United States of America)

Natalia Diallutto (Canada)

Paulo (Brazil)

Please assist us in ending the US blockade of Cuba. At this critical time in human history, we need to extend grace and love to all nations. It is far time the US stops playing politics with the lives of the Cuban people. End the embargo. Thank you..

Mitchel Moore (United States of America)

Derek Hardman (United Kingdom)

non au blocus......Non aux ingérences dans les affaires intérieures de tous les pays...

robert aubin (Canada)

Catherine Rennie-Nash (United Kingdom)

Dios bendiga por siempre a nuestro hermano pueblo de Cuba. Nada ni nadie esa mas poderoso que el poder de Dios, mas temprano que tarde el imperio Norteamericano caeraá de rodillas pidiendo clemencia y perdon a Dios por todo el mal que a causado nuestros hermanos cubanos y estoy seguro que el bloqueo llegará a su fin.

Juan Francisco Cordoba Alfaro (Nicaragua)

Sean Connolly (United Kingdom)

Brianna scott (Canada)

Jorge luis Hernández. (Cuba)

Michael Mullen (United Kingdom)

¡Cuba sí, COVID-19 NO! Afuera Yanqui. El capitalismo es el virus.

Joseph Hancock (United States of America)

Jason Richards (United Kingdom)

Deborshee Sen (United States of America)

Pamela Huerta (Canada)

Rosalind miller (United Kingdom)

Dodie Ritman (United Kingdom)

Gordon Flowers (United Kingdom)

john mills (United Kingdom)

Alejandra Martinez-Perez (Canada)

Paul Bosson (Canada)

Teresa Murphy (United Kingdom)

STOP US barbarity!

Rick Newnham (France)

Fin del bloqueo ya.

Brenda Murillo (El salvador)

Geraint Lewis (United Kingdom)

Roy Bly (United Kingdom)

Es urgente quitar el bloqueo a la hermana república de Cuba

Víctor Enrique Nadales Mago (Venezuela)

Mark Kenny (United Kingdom)

Fuerza cuba, VIVA CUBA.!!

Jose Gonzalez (Ecuador)

Dr Richard Hull (United Kingdom)

Abajo el bloqueo. Ayuda para Cuba para así seguir adelante con nuestro apoyo a aquellos países que lo necesiten, somos humanos y a los humanos nos debemos somos internacionalista.

Luis Peralta Velázquez (Cuba)

Andrew Forsythe (Canada)

Dave Wilford (United Kingdom)


LACUESTA Philippe (France)

Marlon Silva Acosta (Cuba)

Luis Angel Merad Marziali (Argentina)

Hasta la Victoria Siempre

Abel E. Mejías Padron (Cuba)

Stop the blockade of Cuba, also all blockades are inhumane and innocent people are dying because American people are massaging Trumps Pathetic Ego.

Roy Davis (United Kingdom)

The Communist Party of Britain salutes the people and government of Cuba for their magnificent contribution to the international fight against COVID-19. Viva Cuba! Long live the socialism and solidarity of the Cuban people!

Robert Griffiths (United Kingdom)

Sergio Cortez (Argentina)

Elizabeth Wood (United Kingdom)

Hasta la victoria siempre!

Genaro Cruz (United States of America)

Miguel Cortés (Bolivia)

Let's fight together against the virus but first we need to become United as one. Cuba and USA people are brothers!!

Alejandro (Cuba)

Devi Dookhi (Guyana)

David Watson (United Kingdom)

Enough is enough. Stop the blockade of Cuba!

Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo (Cuba)

Carlos Silvio Menezes Santos (Brazil)

Carmela Pfaender (United States of America)

Los crímenes de lesa humanidad no perecen; llegará el día en que USA será condenada por la humanidad.

Luxiba García Argote (Peru)

Neil Seecharran (Guyana)

Bongiorno Alejandro (Argentina)

Alberto (Cuba)

Osmel (Cuba)

Looking forward to returning to see our Cuban friends as soon as travel restrictions are lifted ,🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇮🇪🇨🇺🕯️

Gerry Tracy (United Kingdom)

Per Eriksen (Denmark)

Madeleine Stocks (United Kingdom)

Stop the blockade on Cuba Basta ya de bloqueo a Cuba.

Eduardo Garbey Savigne (Cuba)

I have family in Cuba.

Inge Lise Bugge (Denmark)

DINA mistry (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba libre, solidaria e internacionalista! Así somos y seremos, con bloqueo o sin bloqueo.

Tania Gómez Peña (Cuba)

MIKE KING (United Kingdom)

Richard Ernest Hart (United Kingdom)

Levanten el bloqueo criminal contra Cuba, ya BASTA, es una política genocida.

Aurora Tumanischwili (Argentina)

Long overdue! Obama had begun to proceed with the possibility of opening doors towards this whereas the present regime, sadly, has removed that possibility.

Mike Hust (Canada)

Mucho animo y mi agradecimiento y solidaridad con el pueblo de Cuba

Javier Sánchez Tirado (Spain)

Gracias a Cuba desde Europa por su demostración de solidaridad. Mientras otros son conocidos en el exterior por su capacidad militar, Cuba es conocida por su capacidad sanitaria. Humanismo en estado puro.


Ana Maria Lujan O¨Farril (Cuba)

Mireille Levasseur (Canada)

robert l'heureux (Canada)

Angélica Ortega (Cuba)

Carmen Martinez Pin (Spain)

Eero Ojanen (Finland)

Ana Maria collado lizama (United Kingdom)

Salud al pueblo cubano!! Ejemplo de solidaridad!! La "historia los absolverá" y el mundo reconocerá la grandeza de ese pueblo que fue capaz de salir adelante a pesar de el bloqueo criminal. Viva Cuba!!

Esther Fajardo (Uruguay)

David Davies (United Kingdom)

Que sigan al pie las medidas de orientadas y saldremos adelante y el bloqueo es levantado seria más fácil para el gobierno ayudar al país y alos que lo necesiten

Eddy (Cuba)

Brian Wilson (United Kingdom)

Tom (United Kingdom)

Gabriella Di Bisceglie (Italy)

Human needs before sanctions. Please.

Sheik samsair (United States of America)

Marlyn (Guyana)

Abajo el bloqueo

Arleny Rodriguez (Cuba)

Jaqui Creamer (United Kingdom)

Stefano Marotti (Italy)

EEUU para el bloqueo ya, estamos en una emergencia epidemiológica y se dificulta comprar lo básico, alimentos y medicina.

Raúl Gomez (Cuba)

S Mohamed (United Kingdom)

Nuestro pueblo ha resistido durante casi 60 años el más injusto bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero impuesto por el imperio norteamericano. Sin embargo, la solidaridad de los cubanos, a pesar de todas las restricciones, siempre está presente. En tiempos de COVID-19 el corazón del personal médico cubano late junto a muchos enfermos, donde quiera que se solicite. #BloqueoNoSolidaridadSi #SolidaridadSalvaVidas

Otto Leonyd Medero Ungo (Cuba)

Abajo el bloqueo Arriba CUBA

Yusnier Oliva Mejías (Cuba)

Blockading anything but arms to any country is immoral.

Roy Kirby (United Kingdom)

Ewan Jobe (United Kingdom)

Alto al Bloqueo criminal contra cuba

Juan Reus (Puerto Rico)

Ann (United Kingdom)

Kevin Tulliver (United Kingdom)

Matthew sandilands (United Kingdom)

Filip Staszewski (Poland)

Tilly Mason (United Kingdom)

Jesús Solero (United Kingdom)

I stand with Cuba

Nqobizitha Mlambo (Zimbabwe)

CARLOS ROMAN (Puerto Rico)

Thanks for helping other unfortunate nations.your medical personnell are needed in this time of the worldwide pandemic

Randolph Mahadeo (Guyana)

Cuba has the right to help the world if they can . The Trump administration should have no say in their decision.

Greta Bethell (United States of America)

The Cuban people deserve to be treated as humanely as they have treated the citizens of many other countries, including the U.K.

Nick Bond (United Kingdom)

Hawa Jams (United Kingdom)

Cuba Libre

Manuel Rodriguez Mohedano (Spain)

Manuel Sanchez (Spain)

Donald trump stop being racist bully.

Kelly Reardon (United Kingdom)

José Rafael Vega Silva (Cuba)

Confío en la Revolución, sé que el bloqueo criminal impuesto a nuestro país, es una violación de los derechos humanos.

Danicelys Vidabut Soularyt (Cuba)

Lluís Guimerà Morilla (Spain)

Asger Thomsen (Denmark)

Laura Sanchez (Mexico)

Sergio Daniel Gimenez (Argentina)

jorge prieto (Cuba)

Graciela Montes de Oca (Uruguay)

Timo Höykinpuro (Finland)



Lester Enrique Pino Carrero (Cuba)

Mercedes Versaci (Argentina)

Gerald Davies (United Kingdom)

Ron Bell (United Kingdom)

Roland Armbruster (Germany)

Ingeborg Kasprik (Germany)

Isabella Servidio (United Kingdom)

Vidal Gómez (Spain)

Gordon McManus (United Kingdom)

I strongly protest that the USA are still implementing the trade embargo on Cuba, espescialy under the present conditions of the pandemic. Cuba is assisting many other countries throughout the world with medical teams, as poor as the country is its self.If a nation as small and poor as Cuba can set such an example, why can`t the richest nation on earth do the same?

Steve Hunter (United Kingdom)

Anabela Maria Neto de Matos (Portugal)

Yunier Palma (Congo)

Merci et courage Cuba - Vive l amitié France Cuba

Jollant (France)

Fuerza Cuba

Daya Imilsis Maturell Alzola (Cuba)

Francisco Javier Mestre Marcotegui (Spain)

Time to put an end to this criminal US blockade on Cuba. It has caused so much harm and continues to deny Cuba, and other countries under similar blockades, access to much needed medical supplies and funds.

Marlene Obeid (Australia)

Mr Trump lift the blockade and help the world

john catlin (United Kingdom)

Rosa Ramos (Spain)

We call on the British government to do everything possible to get the Blockade of Vuba by the United States lifted. Cuba has only done good in the world, with its doctors going to many countries to help fight disease in emergencies. Now Cuba needs our help in the pandemic crisis. We must stand by them.

Carol and Dave (United Kingdom)

Karen Wilson (United Kingdom)

Janet Cobb (United Kingdom)

Vladimir Augustin (Belgium)

quiero que los medicos cubanos ayunden a la humanidad

diego picon martin (Spain)

graciela Baquero Ruibal (Spain)

Viva Cuba socialista carajo!!

Ignacio (Spain)

Benjamin Gottberg (Denmark)

Cuba vencerá PATRIA O MUERTE

Manuel (Spain)

This unjust blockade must be lifted completely. Now! While this virus is around the Cuban people need medical supplies and the Cuban doctors need to continue to do their CV humanitarian work overseas. THen after this virus dissipates the blockade must continue to be lifted so that daily shortages of food and basic necessities can be addressed in Cuba. Viva Cuba for doing what you have done under such dire circumstances.

Glenda James (Australia)

Tamara Forbes (Spain)

Cuba lleva resistiendo durante sesenta años el cruel bloqueo de EEUU y a pesar de ello, no han escatimado esfuerzos a la hora de ser solidarios y mandar ayuda de profesionales allá donde hiciera falta. Es la hora de acabar con ese criminal bloqueo y devolver al pueblo cubano un poco de su gran generosidad. POR EL FIN DEL BLOQUEO. CON CUBA SIEMPRE

Teresa Cardeñosa Pastor (Spain)

Peter Lacy (United Kingdom)

Viva El pueblo de Cuba. Resistencia.


Maira Rodríguez Fernández (Cuba)

Tim Squelch (United Kingdom)

Tony Kinsella (United Kingdom)

Fins del Bloqueig ya !!!

Joaquin (Spain)

Dara Murphy (Ireland)

Basta la Victoria siempre

Vergnes renee (France)

Bethany Elen Coyle (United Kingdom)

Philippa Morgan (United Kingdom)

Bror Persson (Sweden)

Adrian Banham (United Kingdom)

solidaridad con cuba! ¡Termina el bloqueo!

Kier Sinclair (United Kingdom)

Mark East (United Kingdom)

We’re all people. Worth all the same to someone

Ruth Hanslip (United Kingdom)


Nadia Jama (United Kingdom)

Sebas Parra (Spain)

Jennifer O’Neal (United Kingdom)

Sí se puede.

Pilar (Spain)

Jezabel Pendás (Spain)

AnnSofi pettersson (Sweden)

Cristobal Cuenca Lara (Spain)

Vicenta Helices Pacheco (Spain)

Ciaran mc kermott (Ireland)

Keith Reeves (Canada)

Louise Allen (United Kingdom)

Everyone has the right to decide their own destiny, viva Cuba!

Nasra Elliott (United Kingdom)

Lilia ZUECK (Mexico)

Stop these inhuman restrictions on Cuba and it’s People now

Edward Scott (United Kingdom)

Iain Roxburgh (United Kingdom)

Cuba es un país muy solidari. Merece respecto y vivir sin bloqueo

Marta Martínez Garcia (Spain)

David Curran (United Kingdom)

Teresa Vidiella (Mexico)

Ana Hernandez (Cuba)

Que Viva Cuba ! Deseamos que levanten el bloqueo contra Cuba y termine el abuso de los Estados Unidos y su mafia contra paises mas pobres que no le hacen daño a nadie.

Eralys Fernandez Mendez (United Kingdom)

Es hora de que la permacultura sea una asignatura mas en las escuelas ,desarrolla amor ,inteligencia ,salud y economia ,te amo cuba socialista

Enisleidy Rosales (Cuba)

anthony j valderrama (United States of America)

Amaury Sotolongo Fernández (Cuba)


Maria Cristina Fuentes Zurita (Mexico)

We are people of the world & we need each other’s cooperation- we depend on each other to make the world a safer and better place. Solidarity with Cuba & it’s people.

Steve Cason (United Kingdom)

Nora Lucia Ibarra (Argentina)

Mateo (Cuba)


Daniel Figueroa Rodríguez (Cuba)

Es una razón de justicia contra un crimen de genocidio.

Eduardo González García (Cuba)


Kyuban (Cuba)

Luis Herrera Montero (Ecuador)

Yadira (Cuba)

Son un pueblo digno, ejemplares, humanos, fraternales e inteligentes. Estamos con ustedes, son la luz para la humanidad.

Rafael Lorenzo Martín (Argentina)

Toda solidariedad a Cuba!

Cleanto Beltrão de Farias (Brazil)

miguel giribets martínez (Spain)

Julie Walker (United Kingdom)

Rob Lundie (Australia)

Pablo (Argentina)

El bloqueo contra Cuba es genocidio.

Sofia Calcuta (Cuba)

Lo que brilla con luz propia nadie lo puede apagar, su brillo puede alcanzar la oscuridad de otras costas

Víctor Xiunel Mendoza Escamilla (Mexico)

Yuniesky coca (Cuba)

Maya Zein (Canada)

Soy solidario con el digno pueblo de Cuba, pueblo altivo, solidario y soberano. Que nuestra acción conjunta permita que Cuba tenga la libertad que se lo ha ganado a pulso. Me siento honrado de poder participar en esta acción. Hasta la victoria siempre!

Miguel Angel Gualoto Oñate (Ecuador)

Mercedes Valentin (Cuba)


Ciro Miguel Labrada Silva (Cuba)

Peter Ross (Australia)

Pedimos que se nos quite el bloqueo genocida, impuesto por el despretigiado gobierno de los EEUU. Cuba siempre ha demostrado que queremos paz, amistad y amor. A todas las personas buenas y solidaria, observen la incapacidad y la falta de sentimiento del presidente Trump, que no puede resolver los problemas en su propio pais y quiere llevar a la desgracia a otros paises.

Andres Felix Chang Guillén (Cuba)

Os EUA roubam equipamentos enquanto Cuba oferece ao mundo sua medicina humanitária neste momento crucial. Obrigado Povo Cubano.

Luciano Rios Ferreira (Brazil)

Patrick Mooney (Australia)

#LasSancionesSonUnCrimen #NoMásBloqueo

Rosario Rodríguez Remón (Cuba)

Nisha Mortensen (United States of America)

Los pueblos deben ser solidarios entre iguales cuidarse los unos a los otros

Manel Blanco Quero (Spain)

Fin al criminal bloqueo yanqui contra Cuba !!!

Patricio Fuentes Gomez (Chile)

Daniela Holmes (Germany)

Thiago Marçal Anunciaç&a (Brazil)

Ningún país tiene derecho a bloquear a otro olo porque se independizó

EDGARDO (Mexico)

Elizabeth Perry (United Kingdom)

Jayne (United Kingdom)

Maria Elena Sanchez Azuara (Mexico)

Cuba es la luz de mis días, patria adorada que merece por siempre estar de hermana para el mundo, que nadie la bloque, la agreda o la menosprecie, se a ganado el respeto de todos, no al bloqueo genocida contra su pueblo

Estrella Gonzalez Molina (Trinidad and Tobago)

Cuba libre!!

Lorena Victoria Esparza Ruiz (Mexico)

Con bloqueo o sin bloqueo venceremos.

Victor Bonome (Cuba)

For the sake of all humanity. STOP NOW ☘️

Martin Murphy (United Kingdom)

Alison Thorne (Australia)

Felipe Avalos (United States of America)

Angie Randell (United Kingdom)

Once again, Cuba shows the way, displaying international solidarity and selflessness in this unprecedented global crisis. Viva la revolucion y muchas gracias!!!

Robert Clark (United Kingdom)

Alejandro Espinosa (Mexico)

Fuerza, Solidaridad Cubana. Así es Cuba

Alina (Cuba)

Rosa S (United Kingdom)

fiona macfarlane (United Kingdom)

Son ustedes un ejemplo de Dignidad, Honor, Esfuerzo , Vitalidad, Coooperación, Preparación... ¡¡¡Fuerza Cuba¡¡¡

María Luisa Molina Del Sol (Spain)

Creo que Cuba se merece respeto y agradecimiento,y por supuesto no estoy de acuerdo con el bloqueo,Nadie es más que nadie,y nadie debe meter las narices en un país que no sea el suyo.

Montserrat pintor Barreiro (United Kingdom)

Andrew MacFarlane (United Kingdom)

Nieves baldaccini (Argentina)

Me solidarios con el pueblo cubano a levantar el bloqueo de parte del imperialismo yanqui

Jorge Córdova Melgarejo (Peru)

Hace falta comida sin proteina nos vamos a infermar todos

Marco maiorelli (Italy)

Yelin Caula Silveira (Cuba)

James Carey (United Kingdom)

Douglas Carr (United Kingdom)

Jacinto A Jimenez Carlo (Puerto Rico)

Iris Valdes Garcia (Cuba)

Quien el bloqueo ya!

Adalis Granado (Cuba)

Stephen Lewis (United States of America)

Abajo el criminal bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba!

Aldo Cabrera Bermudez (Cuba)

Contigo siempre querida cuba

Beatriz Hernández Sandoval (Mexico)

Ivan (Slovenia)

Una idea justa en el fondo de una cueva puede más que un ejército de piedras. Stop al bloqueo imperialista a Cuba socialista ya.

Antonio López Rguez (Algeria)

Leo Jørgensen (Denmark)

Viva cuba

Orlando Enrique Morell Agüero (Cuba)

Lisa Kahlen (United Kingdom)


Rosa Hachemi (United Kingdom)

Siempre con el pueblo Cubano y su revolución, viva Cuba.

Benjamin García Alvarez (Spain)

Desde la ciudad de Barcelona, en Cataluña, España nos solidarizamos con la lucha histórica del pueblo cubano contra el criminal bloqueo del imperio yanquie.

Carlos López Gulías (Spain)

El bloqueo a Cuba es criminal

Alessandra Moncalvo (Uruguay)

Omar TCHEKIK (Algeria)

Mario Hernandez (Spain)

Ronan Stenson (Ireland)

Odaima (Spain)

Cuba is a wonderful country and had gone through many difficulties since the time of Cuban Revolution. I personally appreciate this initiative because Cuba isn't a country that terrorize but it is the country of great leader Fidel Castro and always help. I request to British and US government to take care that island.

Aadarsh Meer (Pakistan)


Lázaro Bustio (Mexico)

David avalos (Chile)

Gonzalo (Spain)

Viva Cuba l

Bert McCann (Ireland)

Claudette (Mexico)

The blockade is a disgrace. Lift it now

Karen Reissmann (United Kingdom)

El bloqueo económico de los Estados Unidos a Cuba Es una política cruel e injusta .

Barbaro Maikel (Cuba)

Leticia Villegas García (Mexico)

Clara Campos (United Kingdom)

Pedro Jimenez (Spain)

Martin Carslake (United Kingdom)

Carmen Adriana Antonio Pérez (Mexico)

Lagarde (France)

Viva Cuba libre!!!! H. L. V. S!!!!

Mabel (Argentina)

Jonathan Wilde (United Kingdom)


Adolfo Morales Valladares (Mexico)

Cuba has helped others with medical aid. it's selfish, inhuman, brutal and unethical not to help them now. Where's Britain's pride, bought by the USA? Shame!

Geraldine Cowan (United Kingdom)

Mary Quinn (United Kingdom)

Jodi (United Kingdom)

El pueblo de Cuba resiste.

Marcel Darío (Cuba)

Jose (Mexico)

Beryl (China)

Estados Unidos le debería pagar a Cuba por cada año que los ha criminalmente bloqueado, cantidad que debe ser determinada por una corte penal internacional. Es el imperio más parasito y antihumano de la historia humana.

Octavio Bravo (Mexico)

Emilio (Chile)

Todo mi apoyo al pueblo cubano que se ha mantenido firme en sus convicciones a pesar de un duro bloqueo, es hora que EEUU libere a cuba, viva cuba libre

Raquel Rodriguez (Spain)

Emily Perretti (United Kingdom)

Pedro Tostado Sánchez (Spain)

Cuba has shown compassion to those that endorse this unjust blockade. It is time to end the Blockade now

Richard Rudkin (United Kingdom)

David Neilson (Germany)

Mi apoyo total al levantamiento del criminal bloqueo de EEUU a Cuba.

Gilberto Diaz (Cuba)

Antonio Viña (Spain)

Kenia María Gómez Hern&a (Brazil)

Gracias al pueblo cubano por su solidaridad con el mundo ante la pandemia

Vianey Bolaños (Mexico)

Cuba es ejemplo de Solidaridad y siempre estaré a su lado. “patria es humanidad” está más presente que nunca.

Harold Giovanny Espinel (Colombia)

Merce Escayola Cabrejas (Spain)

joaquin (Spain)

Julio (Uruguay)

La vida no vale nada Si yo me quedo sentado Después que he visto y soñado Que en todas partes me llaman La vida no vale nada Si escucho un grito mortal Y no es capaz de tocar Mi corazón que se apaga.

Gabriel Delgado Damiany (Chile)

Firmo porque se levante un atropello que el mundo ha cometido y el silencio y la ignorancia ha sido su cómplice.

Ilian Blanco (Mexico)

Jesper Petersen (Denmark)

Citlali Nicuei (Mexico)

Ayude a Cuba a luchar contra COVID-19 y contra el bloqueo de los Estados Unidos.

Kayser (Mexico)

Soraya Hernández (Mexico)

Fraternal greetings to the people of Cuba. May you all keep safe and stay well.

Paul foley (United Kingdom)

YAZMIn YAZAREt RILLo Carbajal (Mexico)

Grande Cuba, gracias por todo el apoyo que le han brindado al mundo, dando muestra de fraternidad y solidaridad siempre

Viridiana Ortiz Constantino (Mexico)

Cuba es un gran país, solidario con todos los países a pesar de todo el bloque económico.

Rubén Coronel (Mexico)

Continuar en contra del imperialismo yanqui

Marco Antonio Leyva piña (Mexico)

Germán Perez (Spain)

José Manuel Gutiérrez Fiallo (Mexico)

the blockade to Cuba is a crime against humanity and must be stopped!

Clara Ferri (Mexico)

El bloqueo de USA a Cuba es cruel, inmoral e ilegal y tipifica como genocidio contra todo el pueblo cubano. Mantenerlo en medio de una pandemia,es un crimen contra la humanidad. Condeno a EEUU con todas mis fuerzas y me uno a ustedes para exigir el fin del bloqueo a Cuba.

Lazaro Bueno (Aruba)

Declaro mi infinito agradecimiento y admiración al pueblo y gobierno de Cuba por su cooperación para luchar contra el COVID-19 en todo el mundo. Cuba actúa con altruismo mientras que otros gobiernos en Europa y los EE.UU., compiten entre ellos por el acceso a medicinas y equipos médicos. Cuba comparte sus valiosas medicinas como el Inteferon con otros países y envía a sus propios médicos a donde necesitan su ayuda. Por el contrario Trump pretende apoderarse de forma indecente e inmoral de cualquier vacuna que se llegue a descubrir, y en su deliriomegalómano llega hasta a amenazare a la OMS. Cuba nos muestra que otro mundo humano y solidario, en el que la salud esté antes que la ganancia, es posible.


Iguaibiliguiña Hedman (Panama)

Simon Jenkins (United Kingdom)

Ni siquiera más de medio siglo de bloqueo, a servido para doblegar la voluntad y la dignidad del pueblo cubano, por una potencia genocida, gobernada por corporaciones y psicopatas , con la total indiferencia de los gobiernos occidentales. Hoy más que nunca deberíamos parar, las tropelías y abusos de Estados Unidos y sus socios, que ante una situación trágica de pandemia mundial , siguen manteniendo el bloqueo y las sanciones a países que no se someten a sus dictados, aunque estos países estén destrozados por sus bombas o hambrunas impuestas, a lo que hoy se suma el covid19. Pido el levantamiento inmediato de cualquier tipo de coacción, bloqueo o sanción a Cuba y los demás países, sometidos a este sangrante, silencioso y perverso genocidio.

Manuel (Spain)

please help Cuba a very resourceful small nation which needs the help of its bigger neighbour

paul Mcloughlin (United Kingdom)

Belem Mendoza (Mexico)

David Thompson (United Kingdom)

René Castillo. (Mexico)

Manel Navarro Castillo (Spain)

julio (Spain)

Que se ponga fin al bloqueo en Cuba de inmediato.

Francisco Pizcueta (Spain)

Barry Kennedy (United Kingdom)

Frederik Friis Jensen (Denmark)

Alba (Spain)

Jo Maguire (United Kingdom)

Torbieto (France)

Que termine el bloqueo no solo por este momento, debe terminas para siempre y dejar que Cuba elija su camino aunque no les guste a muchos que los pueblos decidan por si mismo

ALEXIS (Chile)

Alfonso Martínez (Spain)

Marcelo chiralt (Argentina)

gracias por el ejemplo ,pueblo y gobierno cubano

gustavo e di tommado (Argentina)

Shyamala Madhav (India)

Si Church (United Kingdom)

Francisco Barreira Vázquez (Spain)

Por el fin del bloqueo genocida ya

Carmina (Spain)

Ramón Pedregal Casanova (Spain)

Eddie McGuire (United Kingdom)

David Evans (United Kingdom)

Aguante la heroica resistencia y sigan siendo ejemplo para el mundo , con la inspiración de Fidel.

Horacio Fidel Zabala (Argentina)

Veronica Bellver (Mexico)

Rickard Efvergren (Sweden)

El bloqueo contra Cuba por parte de Estados Unidos es inmoral, ¡Basta de bloqueo a Cuba!

Mario Rojas (Mexico)

If there ever were any compelling arguments in support of the blockade of Cuba, and there were not, then even those would surely be irrelevant when the world is faced with such a universal catastrophe and Cuba has been nothing except positive in its response. This is political retribution by the US wealthy elite gone mad.

Vince Mills (United Kingdom)

Levanten el bloqueo a Cuba

belen sola (Spain)

Maria F (Spain)

marianela (United Kingdom)

Cuba merece que levanten el bloqueo y poder hacer frente a la pa Denia de la que ningún país quedará libre.

Luciana (Spain)

Siempre estaré al lado de mi país, Cuba.

Orlando Castro Negrín (Argentina)

Yaima Tundidor (Cuba)

M. Àngels Grau Añó (Spain)

Hasta la victoria!! Siempre

María Carmen Martínez (Spain)

Sonia Vázquez (Spain)

Ethel del Gaiso-Schaa (Sweden)

Antonio Lores (Spain)

Alejandro Gómez (Spain)

Di Tommaso dardo roman (Argentina)

Viva Cuba libre y solidaria!!!

Edgar (Argentina)

Basta de bloqueo criminal a Cuba!

Laura Aliaga (Argentina)

Alex Fruto (United States of America)

Los apoyo en la distancia

María Lorenza Ruiz Paredes (Argentina)

Donde la rapacidad, el robo y el terrorismo se han entronizado, el oasis cubano es un ejemplo de solidaridad y fraternidad entre todos los pueblos del planeta. Gracias por tu ejemplo, gracias por tu solidaridad. Ha llegado el tiempo de extender el internacionalismo de todos los trabajadores del mundo para cambiar el sistema global y construirlo de acuerdo a nuestros intereses.

Ricardo Acuña (United Kingdom)

Debra Bornhuse (Canada)

No existe fuerza en el mundo capaz de aplastar la fuerza de la verdad, las ideas y el amor a los demas.. Gracias siempre CUBA SOLIDARIA

Marcelo Di Tommaso (Argentina)

chris priest (United Kingdom)

Basta ya

Marco Diotallevi (Italy)

Fueron siempre el faro que iluminó a muchas generaciones y los siguen siendo. Amor infinito por ese pueblo.

Ernesto Salgado (Argentina)

Mikael Hallberg (Sweden)

Julio Manduley (Panama)

Suerte Cuba

Facundo Barja (Argentina)


Constantino Enguidanos Ruiz (Spain)

Gideon Sassoon (United Kingdom)

Miguel Navarro Perez (Spain)

Lutando sempre junto aos irmãos e irmãs cubanas

Tânia Guerra (Brazil)

María Gisbert Sorolla (Spain)

Pantaleon Riquelme (Argentina)

Yuri Melian Jorgen (United Kingdom)

Es mucho tiempo que dura el bloqueo Y ningún país tien que bloquear a otro país

Lidia cairols (Spain)

Andrea DAddino (Argentina)

Rodolfo Leon (Spain)

Christine Devaney (United Kingdom)

Carlos (United Kingdom)

Luis Valdivieso (Argentina)

Mats Werning (Sweden)

Gracias siempre

Marina Colomba CAFFERA (Argentina)

Abajo el bloqueo economico y financiero impuesto por los EE.UU. a Cuba,Venezuela e Iran. Unamonos todos en la lucha contra la pandemia. La solidaridad es imprescindib le para vencerla.

pilar ramirez Vega (Cuba)

Lorene Hamilton (Canada)

Marlene Yanet ainie (Argentina)

SHAME! This is when all states need to work together, it is not a moment for vindicive actions.

Viv Ring (United Kingdom)

Fernando Di Tommaso (Argentina)

El bloqueo es un acto criminal, es genocida. Se deben respetar los derechos humanos. Por el levantamiento inmediato YA.

Horacio Linares Gómez (Spain)

Inger Johansson (Sweden)

Viva Cuba libre del imperialismo de los EE.UU.

jorge moragues penella (Spain)

A l'instar, de millions d'algériens et de millions d'hommes libres de ce monde, nous adhérons à l'appel de la levée de l'embargo inhumain contre le peuple cubain ami

Messaoudi Mehdi (Algeria)

I idea of a blockade being a political move to somehow change a country's way of doing things, especially in Cuba, has long passed. Cuba would flourish if they could trade. They have the right values. The US blockade of Cuba is completely outdated and needs to change. So is the fascist state of the US with Trump at the helm!

Barbara Berger (Canada)

A E Schultz (United Kingdom)

Elvira (Spain)

Nuria Martínez López (Spain)

Luis Dante (Argentina)

Desde Galiza, un venezolano solidario.

Xosé Currás (Spain)

Linda Chover (United States of America)

Manuel Martín Rubio (Spain)


Milton Rojas Torroja (Chile)

Es una vergüenza para el Derecho internacional, y para los estados y gobiernos gregarios de los USA, esta agresión sistemática bajo la aberrante justificación de un supuesto derecho "autoconcedido" a la injerencia en los asuntos internos de otro país para condicionar o decidir sus sistema político. Los propios ciudadanos norteamericanos que eligen a su gobierno deberían preguntarse si admitirían que otro estado intentara intervenir en su organización política interna. Solidaridad con el pueblo cubano y reconocimiento a su derecho a vivir en paz y de acuerdo con su su sistema político y a no ser agredido por ningún otro estado. Contra el embargo y el bloqueo ilegal, inmoral y criminal que debería avergonzar la comunidad política internacional y que desde luego avergüenza a los ciudadanos de bien de todos los países del mundo. (J. Martí, abogado, España)


Tenez bon les amis, nous sommes avec vous. Hasta Siempre. Muchas Gracias CUBA Richard Labévière

Richard Labévière (France)

Lift the blockade!

Mylen Pombo Tanda (Cuba)

Walter Tavener (United Kingdom)

Amo a mi Cubita la bella y a mis familiares y amigos por eso reclamo el cese del bloqueo . Fuerza Cuba.

Maricela Salazar Revilla (Germany)

Thank you for your awesome humanitarism. Hope things get better for Cuna.

Joan Fournier (Canada)

Younes Bensaada (Canada)

Alberto Rodriguez (United States of America)

Cuba es un ejemplo de internacionalismo solidario. Un faro que ha alumbrado en medio de la oscuridad del mundo. Siempre estaremos con Cuba.

Purificación González de la (Spain)

El perverso bloqueo a Cuba sólo es demostración de falta de humanidad y desconsideración hacia millones de seres humanos. Mi irrestricto apoyo y amor por la Cuba Solidaria y Humanitaria que con sus acciones enaltece aún más su altura moral !!

Pamela Figueroa Pizarro (Chile)

Sandra Ávila Rodríguez (Spain)

Coral (Mexico)

Jacqueline Wearn (United Kingdom)

La levée de l'embargo contre Cuba est un devoir moral et humaniste en ces temps difficiles. L'engagement de Cuba contre les pandémies à travers le monde montre de manière éclatante où se cultive l'altruisme et où se vautre l'acharnement et le mépris.

Ahmed Bensaada (Canada)

Fin al brutal y genocida bloqueo de los Estados Unidos, contra el más solidario país del mundo, Cuba.

José Luis Basulto Ruiz (Spain)

Abajo el Bloqueo a Cuba ! No al genocidio!

Veronika mastrapa (United Kingdom)

Please help the Cuban people during these bad times.

Andrew Griffiths (United Kingdom)

Annia Pérez (Cuba)

A pesar de todo, mis pensamentos están siempre con Cuba. Quiero y respeto a todos mis amigos allá y a la Revolución Cubana. Besos y abrazos desde El Hierro, Islas Canarias, España. Elisa

Elisa Bird (Spain)

Viva Cuba,gracias por su solidaridad .

Eduardo (Puerto Rico)

john c johnston (United Kingdom)

Conner nickols (United Kingdom)

The Cubans have proved themselves to be superior beings.

Steve O’Neal (United Kingdom)

Irma Cabral Valtierra (Mexico)

Viva la revolución Cubana!!!!

Ramón Fernández Leal (Spain)

No al bloqueo criminal

Claudio Rivera (Dominican Republic)

teresa renata (France)

Sam (United States of America)

Estados Unidos ya está perdiendo hegemonía, es tiempo de rescatar nuestra humanidad de su influencia, viva Cuba

Carlos (Mexico)

Annapurna Menon (United Kingdom)

Nil Rioux (Canada)


Por el gobierno decente y solidario que hay en estos momentos en el mundo, viva Cuba libre revolucionaria y solidaria. Gracias por su ejercito de batas blancas que está siempre en los lugares donde mas se necesita.

Angel Santiago Méntrida Pisano (Spain)

Cuba es un ejemplo de humanidad, dignidad y futuro. Siempre con ustedes, aprendiendo del pueblo cubano y con Fidel en el corazon y en el pensamiento. Hasta la Victoria siempre. Gracias Cuba! No al bloqueo criminal!

Sara Rosenberg (Spain)

Manuel Pardo (Spain)

Isabel (Cuba)

Abajo el bloqueo económico financiero y comercial de Estados Unidos🇺🇲 contra Cuba 🇨🇺

Carlos Rafael Bermúdez (Cuba)

Neil Macleod (United Kingdom)

Pablo Jorda Alvarez (Spain)

Gracias a Cuba, a su pueblo y su revolución. Es hora de terminar con ese inhumano, infame, cruel e injusto bloqueo

Humberto Robles de Leon (Mexico)

Francis Pierce (United Kingdom)

Albert de la Hoz Bofarull (Spain)

Nicola Haddon (United Kingdom)



Leave Cuba to its own devices!!

Raymond Mennie (United Kingdom)

Rhonda (Canada)

I find it hard to believe than anyone could prevent essential medicine about coronavirus going to Cuba with a blockage. I can only hope decency prevails in the end.

margaret Chatfield (United Kingdom)

Jorge Castro (Cuba)

Mickey Wilson (Canada)

Freddie Brown (United Kingdom)

Aniel Sanchez Puente (Cuba)

Adrija Dey (United Kingdom)

Ivonne Fernandez (Canada)

Hasta la Victoria Siempre

Ryan (United Kingdom)

Duc To (United Kingdom)

Mari Ángeles Ramírez (Spain)

Leanne Zylstra (Canada)

Elizabeth Norfolk (United Kingdom)

You are an inspiration.

Maaria Valentina Dunmow (United Kingdom)

Yeh Jia-Bin (Taiwan)

Elaine (Cuba)

Yusef jama (United Kingdom)

jyotsna judah (United Kingdom)

Riva (United Kingdom)

Kent Jacobsen (Denmark)

Barbara Blanche (United Kingdom)

GholamMustapha (United Kingdom)

GED Murphy (United Kingdom)

Patti Coke (United Kingdom)

Viva la revolucion!

Sequoyah Dominik (United Kingdom)

Rainer Nödel (Germany)

K Richards (United Kingdom)

Cuba is love.

Belinda Sánchez (Cuba)

Kim Kristensen (Denmark)

Stop the embargo now

Norman Rapholo (South Africa)

Sunbjort Petersen (Faroe Islands)

Keith Tomey (United Kingdom)

Paul Touhey (United Kingdom)

Louise osborne (United Kingdom)

Thomas (United Kingdom)

Inna Burmashova (Kazakstan)

I completely respect you for your activity as to medical care for other countries, besides your own population. hasta victoria sempre Hellen Gade

Hellen Gade (Denmark)

Paul (United Kingdom)

Irina do carmo (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba, always helping other countries & their people regardless of politics, never sending bombs, just sending help in all disasters for so many years.

Peter Bond (United Kingdom)

Rod webb (United Kingdom)

Debbie Jacques (Canada)

It has been the longest siege in my lifetime,besides Gaza,finish these dirty policies in our name

Carolina Popow (Portugal)

edna rooth (South Africa)

Sarah chidwick (United Kingdom)

Anthony Baker (United Kingdom)

Cuba is renowned for its outstanding medical education and for sending its medics to aid third world countries in times of crises. It is now time for us to help them.

David Irving (United Kingdom)

Mark Goddard (United Kingdom)

Lynn Gatherer (United Kingdom)

Alexander Poryvai (Russian Federation)

B. Xristof (Greece)

Michael Fern (United Kingdom)

Up Cuba

Scott Quinn (United Kingdom)

Bill Paterson (United Kingdom)

Richard Shillcock (United Kingdom)

George Murdoch (United Kingdom)

David Wilson (United Kingdom)

Diane Erasmuson (United Kingdom)

Pedro Conner (United Kingdom)

Matthew Horne (United Kingdom)

Solidarity for Cuba

Gareth Jameson (United Kingdom)

Zaid Nuaman (United Kingdom)

Huw Williams (United Kingdom)

Ray Bergmann (Australia)

Frieda van de Poll (United Kingdom)

Unite Northampton

Kristian Carter (United Kingdom)

Steven White (United Kingdom)

Emma Grogan (Australia)

Jessica (United Kingdom)

Lloyd Akers (United Kingdom)

# Solidarity with Cuba ✊

Theresa (United Kingdom)

Millie Apedo-Amah (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba who have sent doctors all around the world for decades and decades, to help with issues all over the world. Who offered America help during Hurricane Katrina (which was refused). Time to stop the barbaric blockade.

Morgan Davies (United Kingdom)

Jill McLoughlin (United Kingdom)

Ron guy (Australia)

Cuba is a great example of how much good ALL our countries could do

Richard Crook (United Kingdom)

Robin Bazalgette (United Kingdom)

Jonathan White (United Kingdom)

Workers of the world unite!

Lucian Branescu-Mihaila (United Kingdom)

We are with you, brothers and sisters.

Paul McMillan (United Kingdom)

Alan Jackson (United Kingdom)

Damien Stapleton (Australia)

Deborah Stockdale (Ireland)

David Connor (United Kingdom)

Covid19 is a human tragedy we must all support one another . Please support removal of sanctions NOW , Cuba is UK, UK is Cuba .

Margaret Ruane (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade, end the sanctions. The world needs Cuba and its medical experts.

Mary Adossides (United Kingdom)

Remove blockade solidarity with Cuba.

Ian Allen (United Kingdom)

Marino Selles Noguera (Spain)

Ximena de la Barra (Spain)

Where’s the empathy of the Worlds ruling class

Paddy (United Kingdom)

Olwenn Martin (United Kingdom)

Rosie Drinkwater (United Kingdom)

Ruth Hayes (United Kingdom)

Mick Glossop (United Kingdom)

Daniel Joseph (United Kingdom)

Kathleen (United Kingdom)

Kulbir singh kakar (United Kingdom)

Geoff Brown (United Kingdom)

The blockade is immoral and illegal. Our people have suffered too much and it is time for this unjust blockade to be lifted! Thanks for your efforts!

Jose Luis Catala Martinez (Cuba)

Can we please channel some aid to this country.

Paul Box (United Kingdom)

Gwenan Richards (United Kingdom)

Simon Burgess (United Kingdom)

Stephanie Hedgecoke (United States of America)

Please consider the morality of this blockade. Cuba is not a threat to the US or other countries. The global fight against Covid19 requires historical ideologoes to be put aside. End the blockade so Cuban authoritis can care for the health of the people ss well ss providing medical support to other counties in dire need at this time.

Lesley Osborne (Australia)

William Miles (United Kingdom)

Al McComb (United Kingdom)

Tony Cisse (United Kingdom)

Michael Hanna (Australia)

George william Ellis (United Kingdom)


Linzi Bagshaw (United Kingdom)

Carlos Méndez (Mexico)

I believe it is time for the efforts of cuba to help others in emergencies should be recognized. Guantanamo should be handed back and american blockade lifted. Times have changed

Alan mackenzie (United Kingdom)

Arthur Speight (Ireland)

John Keogh (United Kingdom)

Sandra Roberts (United Kingdom)

Jackie Chappell (United Kingdom)

Maxine Crompton (United Kingdom)

Dawn Allen (United Kingdom)

Graciela de los Santos (Spain)

Jytte Mathiesen (Denmark)

Brandon (Canada)

Matt (United Kingdom)

Cormac Harrington (New Zealand)

Maria Styrman (Sweden)

At a time when Cuban doctors are selflessly traveling to many countries in solidarity with the peoples of the world,the inhumanity of this illegal blockade is a human rights abuse.Shame U.S.and it's leadership.The true devil's of the world.There is nothing Christian about the blockade.The work of the devil.Utterly inhumane at this time of supposed Christian commemoration of injustice.REMOVE THE BLOCKADE in the name of HUMANITY.

Tony Lawler (Australia)

Cuba is a good example of socialism for our planet and needs support and deserves much praise.

Mick Fensom (Australia)

Angel Joseph-Gordon (New Zealand)

Jan Wallin (Sweden)

Noelene Mann (Australia)

Sharon Cartwright (United Kingdom)

Sharron Cooke (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Shepherd (Canada)

The blockade is not a petty fight against two governments. The blockade negatively impacts the everyday lives of so many good Cuban people. People just like you and me. Choose to be on the right side of history. You have that power and you can use it.

Maggie Pearson (United States of America)

Julien b (Canada)

Maz (Australia)

Tapas Sapre (India)

Mike Nestor (Canada)

kristi m wilson (United States of America)

We need international cooperation to fight the coronavirus and lifting the sanctions on Cuba is well overdue. Their health expertise is always generously offered around the world and could save lives in the US which through their chaotic health system is wreaking havoc on so many of its citizens.

Jo Errey (Australia)

Anne Finnanger (Norway)

Christine Small (Canada)

Kalpana Naganath (India)

I hope Cuba moves further towards democracy. With good elected leaders a democracy in Cuba can be a blessing for the people.

Peter Grullemans (Australia)

John Pawson (United Kingdom)

Liam Gurl (United States of America)

Mary Mbema (United Kingdom)

Naila (United Kingdom)

David Beauvais (United Kingdom)

Chris Broad (United Kingdom)

Nick Deane (Australia)

Lynn Deringer (Canada)

Martine Bourdeaj (Canada)

Christina Hespe (United Kingdom)

People are most important

diane (United Kingdom)

Elizabeth Vongvisith (United States of America)

Mayo Toruno (United States of America)

Helder Pires (Brazil)

Helen Stott (United Kingdom)

Andrea Rice (United Kingdom)

Mary Campbell (United Kingdom)


Naresh Chauhan (United Kingdom)

Caterina Lai (United Kingdom)

Luiz Bernardo Pericás (Brazil)

They helped us. Now it's our turn to help them so come on British Government do your job

Paulette Westbrooke (United Kingdom)

brian Mccluskey (United Kingdom)

John Stigar (United Kingdom)

Carole Christie (United Kingdom)

Rich Potter (United States of America)

victoria Lewis (United Kingdom)

I call on the British government to make urgent representations to the Trump administration to lift the blockade on Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua today.

Clara Irazabal (United States of America)

Amanda Delahunty (United Kingdom)

Please show compassion to these beautiful people .

Donna Hall (Australia)

Annika Miller Jones (United Kingdom)

The outrageous, ongoing sanctions make the US complicit in COVID-19 deaths and avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation in Cuba and Iran.

Gideon Polya (Australia)

Tamar Diana Wilson (United States of America)

Braden (United Kingdom)

David Gartshore (United Kingdom)

Joe Hallett (United Kingdom)

Keith Evans (United Kingdom)

Chris Evans (United Kingdom)

Viv Pribram (United Kingdom)

Teresa Williams (United Kingdom)

We always appreciate Cuba and its solidarity for the majority needy groups. I stand with you for justice, Blockade is criminal against humanity

Tumbu Ladislaus (Tanzania)

Cuba: stay strong Britain: do the right thing

Steve Holland (United Kingdom)

Leonardo Morgado (United Kingdom)

Support Cuban people and end the blockade.

Stephen Agnew (United Kingdom)

Ollie Burrow (United Kingdom)

David (United Kingdom)

Gary Peacock (United Kingdom)

John Upright (United Kingdom)

Ed Burrows (United Kingdom)

Solidarity Comrades

Steven Peacock (United Kingdom)

Karen Naifeh (United States of America)

Ian Paul (United Kingdom)

Sai Brace (United Kingdom)

Hilary (United Kingdom)

Peter Taylor (United Kingdom)

Yanet Bello (Cuba)

david middle (United Kingdom)

russell hawes (United Kingdom)

James King (United Kingdom)

Viv Taylor gee (United Kingdom)

Tom (United Kingdom)

John Strover (United Kingdom)

Victoria Walker (United Kingdom)

Petter sommerfelt (Denmark)

Nerina Vaughan (United Kingdom)

Anita Johansen (Denmark)

No wars No sanctions

Diane Keefauver (United States of America)

Liudy Garcia Hernández (Cuba)

Jean Kenny (United Kingdom)

Paul Brennan (United Kingdom)

Jacqueline van Wegen (Netherlands)

Viva Cubano.

Stuart Brown (United Kingdom)

Ates (United Kingdom)

Timothy Robinson-Trudel (Canada)

Dariel (Netherlands)

Please do all you possibly can to open up Cuba, allowing the country to release medical professionals to assist those in struggle Worldwide

Steve preddy (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba libre!

Ruben Nieto (United Kingdom)

Sabrina Prommersberger (Germany)

End the blockade now!

Olivia Siu (United States of America)

sheila ramsdale (United Kingdom)

This is a time for countries to work together. The blockade will cost lives.

Nick Walker (United Kingdom)

The ongoing blockade against cuba has always been a dispicable act, and the current virus crisis makes even clearer how blockades and international sanctions against countries hurt regular people and should be revoked.

ajna fern (United Kingdom)

Anthony Stathers (United Kingdom)

Judith Wardle (United Kingdom)

Seamas Keenan (Ireland)

Jilly Morton (United Kingdom)

Amy sutherland (United Kingdom)

Scott McGregor (United Kingdom)

Dailin Bolet (Cuba)

Please help the people of Cuba fight this Coronavirus

Margaret McCulloch (United Kingdom)

Robyn Dutton (United Kingdom)

Michael Saunders (United Kingdom)

We loved Cuba and the doctor who helped our daughter was brilliant and pointed out that there was 1 doctor to every 6 yes six Cubans! The USA needs to get out ASAP.

William Peter TENNANT (United Kingdom)

Ann-Kristine Westwood (United Kingdom)

Helen Sykes (United Kingdom)

Stay strong Cuba, we’re with you✊🏻✊🏼✊🏾✊🏿

Nikki Wray (United States of America)

Time for governments to show some compassionate leadership in re-opening trade after attempts made during the Obama administration

Regnal H'Weit'en (Canada)

Andrea (Lithuania)

Isaack Katanda (Tanzania)

Amy Jackson (United Kingdom)

Gabriel Venter (United Kingdom)

Humanitarian needs must come first

Sylvia Christine Card (United Kingdom)

Bert Schouwenburg (United Kingdom)

Monica Kendall (United Kingdom)

Please help Cuba and make it known that you want the Blockade lifted.😡

Dorothy Cleminson (United Kingdom)

william greig (United Kingdom)

Anthony (United Kingdom)

Mary Newbold (United Kingdom)

Paul Denton (United Kingdom)

Mark Jones (United Kingdom)

Manoel Chanquion (Netherlands)

Alan Harman (United Kingdom)

Kajsa Anckarstrom (United Kingdom)

Neil Singh (United Kingdom)

Maggie Dodson (United Kingdom)

Good luck Cuba

David Wilson (United Kingdom)

Francois Guesdon (United Kingdom)

ΣΤΑΥ&R (Greece)

Ivor Dembina (United Kingdom)

Catherine Gillo (United Kingdom)

Jo clay (United Kingdom)

Emma Ross (Canada)

Britain just do what's right

Kevin Bonham (United Kingdom)

Nilce (Cuba)

No more regime change wars and lift the sanctions.

Christine Thompson (Canada)

Alexander Swanson (United Kingdom)

Cuba stands with us in the UK in this crisis. Helping out where other nations refused. Thank you Cuba. Lift the blockade on Cuba. The U.S. SOLIDARITY CUBA

Kevin John Rathbone (United Kingdom)

Jim Clark (United Kingdom)

Pauline Wood (United Kingdom)

Dennis Charman (United Kingdom)

Trevor Wayman (United Kingdom)

Margaret Landers (United Kingdom)

Eric Hufkens (Belgium)

Human decency calls for empathy and grace internationally at this terrible time

Denise Chaplin (United Kingdom)

Garry (Ireland)

Hannah Wilson (United States of America)

Gina Stewart (United Kingdom)

Cuba, you are amazing people and have far better standards of compassion, even towards your enemies, than America has ever shown, even to the people in their own country!!

Christine Sibley (United Kingdom)

#ElBloqueoMata #BloqueoNoSolidaridadSí

Sandra Gutiérrez Gómez (Cuba)

Cuba. A shining light in a dark world.

Austin Sibley (United Kingdom)

Janette a Raffino (United States of America)

Frances Leach (United Kingdom)

Neal Halforty (United Kingdom)


Nieves del Pino Rodríguez (United Kingdom)

Freya McLean (United Kingdom)

Ashiana Fraser (United Kingdom)

Sophie Martin (United Kingdom)

Karen Dow (United Kingdom)

Gemma Key (United Kingdom)

Since the revolution Cubans have been posted worldwide to tackle medical issues and oppression. It is only right that the people of Cuba receive the necessary aid from the international community in recognition for their help over the last century.

Paul Brown (United Kingdom)

Darrel Delaronde (Canada)


Punishing a poor country which does so much to help other countries in need, goes against all decent values. The UK MUST prioritise acting humanely above political manouevering, especially now, when all our lives are in danger, when the world is so obviously just one people. We must all care for one another.

Alfreda Benge (United Kingdom)

Konrad Thomas (United States of America)

Eleni Alexiou (Australia)

Wil will over come !!! Cuba saves

Elizabeth Ribalta (Cuba)

Barry Murphy (United Kingdom)

Crystal (United Kingdom)

Peggy (United Kingdom)

Marlene Gill (United Kingdom)

Barry Keightley (United Kingdom)

Margaret Rodgers (United Kingdom)

Gratitude in abundance to the Cuban medical staff for all that they do during humanitarian Crisis's. To the British government, its time to get off your knees and stand up and be counted where US sanctions against Cuba are concerned.

Maria Stavrides (United Kingdom)

Mark Jeffrey (United Kingdom)

Darren Turner (United Kingdom)

Eero Turkka (Finland)

Michael McCartney (United Kingdom)

Ann Brennan (United Kingdom)

Carlos Garana (United Kingdom)

Garry (United Kingdom)

Samantha (United Kingdom)

Jackie Dockery (United Kingdom)

Howard barr (United Kingdom)

Sarah D'souza (United Kingdom)

Neil Moorcroft (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade on Cuba now! Hands Off Venezuela!

Barry Weisleder (Canada)

Eduard Serrano Calaforra (Spain)

Adam Mason (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba! Viva the spirit of Internationalism!

Richard Pakleppa (United Kingdom)

Eugene Fitzpatrick (United Kingdom)

Nicole Melnick (United States of America)

Mr R Adam (United Kingdom)

Nina Yogasundram (United Kingdom)

Amparo Arocas (Spain)

To Cuba you are an inspiration, thank you.

Mike Millar (United Kingdom)

#CubaSalvaVidas #ElBloqueoMata

David Rodríguez (Spain)

Catherine MacKay (United Kingdom)

Alex Burnett-Scott (United Kingdom)

Andrew Smyth (United Kingdom)

Pete Cavanagh (Ireland)

Maurilio Fonseca (Brazil)

Matilde Roda (Uruguay)

Angelo Pilan (Italy)

Peter (United Kingdom)

Austin Jones (United Kingdom)

John Trotter (Australia)

Addy Petersen (Denmark)

It’s ridiculous to have blockade against Cuba. They have helped all Countries in the fight against this terrible virus. It’s time for America to stop punishing countries who don’t agree with their politics. The only people who lose are the ordinary everyday people. The rich won’t even notice because they have the money to buy whatever they want.

Kathleen Charles (United Kingdom)

Namita Money (United States of America)

I respect and admire Cuba's humanitarian generosity.. not only has Cuba been sending medical teams to crisis areas but provides training for new medical personnel such as the hundreds of new Timor Leste doctors when Timor had only, literally, a handful of doctors on independence. The US sanctions , supported by western government, are a crime against humanity and now is an opportunity for the UK government to redeem its integrity by advocating the immediate end of the sanctions.

Dr Vacy Vlazna (Australia)

Erika (United Kingdom)

Your integrity, strength and wisdom set a global example, remind us what human beings are capable of.

Diana Binstead (United Kingdom)

Hennessy Garcia (United States of America)

The blockade of Cuba and other nations by the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic is an act of bioterrorism.

Marcel Hatch (Cuba)

Liza Rathbone (United Kingdom)

Anyone pursuing this blockade has no humanity whatsoever. Let them know history will not look kindly on this act.

John Scorah (United Kingdom)

Joel Allen (United Kingdom)

caemnat (Ireland)

Cuba has shown so much solidarity with the world it is time to end this criminal blockade against Cuba. Solidaridad con Cuba!

Mario R. Fernandez (Canada)

Help the Cubans, they help all. Lift the embargo

Jean McAulay (United Kingdom)

Margaret Brickland (United Kingdom)

Sarah Najade (Sweden)

David Searle (United Kingdom)

David Bell (United Kingdom)

Hughton Campbell (United Kingdom)

Finlay Stevenson (United Kingdom)

Can we please have a change from spiteful and childish behaviour? This is one wor!d.

Jude Powell (United Kingdom)

Lift the Blockade already!

Goldie Osuri (United Kingdom)

Peter Gallagher (United Kingdom)

Anders Hamre Sveen (Norway)

Fidel German Garcia Garvia (Cuba)

The continued economic isolation of Cuba driven by the US is wrong, based on historic, political grievances that make no sense in the 21st century. Please help lift the blockade now.

Mark Finney (United Kingdom)

We owe the people of Cuba so much , we can not consider ourselves a decent society if we do not do everything we can to bring the blockade to an end

Olive Smiles (United Kingdom)

Katrina Allan (United Kingdom)

atakan silay (United Kingdom)

Jens Mammen (Denmark)

Patricia Linden (United Kingdom)


Martha Metzger, FG BRD-KUBA Augsburg (Germany)

Matthew Mackie (United Kingdom)

Kathleen Dunbar (Ireland)

Ryan Brogan (United States of America)

Denise Cassata (United Kingdom)

Time to help Cuba and ignore the blockade! We owe it to them!

Sandra Brierley (United Kingdom)

Angela Cronin (United Kingdom)

Frank Russell (Australia)

Michael Harkin (United Kingdom)

Jobie Budd (United Kingdom)

Raquel Araujo (Brazil)

Paul Fenney (United Kingdom)

Steven Bedford (United Kingdom)

Robert H Birch (Australia)

Jörgen Linder (Sweden)

Elizabeth Cox (South Africa)

Time for the USA to abandon all it's sanctions.

Denis Doherty (Australia)

Richard Hunt (United Kingdom)

Help the Cuban people combat the deadly corona virus by removing the blockade now. Many thanks to the Cuban workers who risked their lives to help stranded British citizens.

James Dolan (United Kingdom)

paul heywood-smith (Australia)

Lawrence Buchan (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade.

Douglas Smith (United Kingdom)

Fuerza pueblo hermano cuba!!!! Hasta la victoria siempre!!!

Ernesto Nicolás Crisul roda (Uruguay)

Phill Dowler (United Kingdom)

Tate Hering (United Kingdom)

You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Stop Trump ! Stop NATO ! Stop Heiko Maas and the German Government !

Franz Egeter, FG-BRD-KUBA-Augsburg (Germany)

Mick Whelan, General Secretary, ASLEF (United Kingdom)

Eirik Kobbeltveit (Norway)

Oliver Jarvis (United Kingdom)

Zafar (United Kingdom)

Iain Duffin (United Kingdom)

Catherine Burgos (United States of America)

Mark Serwotka, General Secretary, PCS (United Kingdom)

lise (United Kingdom)

Lee Coveney (United Kingdom)

US Cruelty in maintaining this blockade must end.

Stuart Rees (Australia)

Kay cotton (United Kingdom)

Do the right thing, UK!

guido cusani (United Kingdom)

Lift the US blockade end the economic sanctions

Elizabeth Hulm (Australia)

The inhumane US blockade is a violation of the human rights of all Cuban people.

Vinnie Molina (Australia)

Paul Adams (Germany)

Tim Spencer (United Kingdom)

Cuba sends highly trained medical teams around the world to help nations fighting this pandemic. The very least Britain could to do to help is support Cuba against the US inhumane sanction. Show some grit and independence, Britain!

Elaine Mullings (United Kingdom)

Mike Martin (Australia)

Jim Halloran (United Kingdom)

Dominic (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a country with impeccable morality.

Marta Balan (Australia)

Joseph Nicholas (United Kingdom)

Majid Nasim Ahmad (Pakistan)


vinay mani (United Kingdom)

Thomas Pringle (Ireland)

Richard Maw (United Kingdom)

Monique Knaap (Netherlands)

Brendan McAleer (United Kingdom)

Attilio Cucchieri (Brazil)

jill stallard (United Kingdom)

From Scotland.

Lorraine Glass (United Kingdom)

Wayne Baxter (United Kingdom)

Peter Nogueira Darroch (United Kingdom)

Sary Zananiri (Netherlands)

Neha Shah (United Kingdom)

Kim Holm (Denmark)

Hüseyin Özgür (Turkey)

Alain Dietrich (Switzerland)

Lydia Fiddes (United Kingdom)

Faiza Mahmood (United Kingdom)

Katy simon (United States of America)

Thank you Cuba

Marion Cromb (United Kingdom)

Mangala.N (India)

Please end the blockade, it is unimaginable that it would continue during CV19. If you do not press the US to end this blockade now you will go down in history as responsible for the deaths of Cuban people, a people who helped British families reunite when no one else would. Don't leave the Cuban people to fight this with one hand tied behind their backs. How can that be fair?

Sophie Shaw (United Kingdom)

Geoff (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba, your generosity and grace is something we can all learn from.

Jess Evans (Australia)

ORIETA HEVIA (Australia)

Isabel Nataly Granados Hidalgo (Finland)

In addition to being immoral, the oppressive blockade has long been a stain on America’s global image.

Mauri Saalakhan (United States of America)

Tim Anderson (Australia)

John Brand (United Kingdom)

ian rhys morris (United Kingdom)

Fiona Hanna (United Kingdom)

The ban shouldn't be there in the first place. All bans should be lifted, instead it is a time for international solidarity and help.

Yogeshwar Prasad (India)

Pirkko Turpeinen-Saari (Finland)

Keisha Nembhard (United Kingdom)

Egypt Payne (United Kingdom)

Angela Gago Grau (Spain)

Nicola Monro (United Kingdom)

Jane Hughes (New Zealand)

simon calder (United Kingdom)

Rebecca Light (United Kingdom)

Geoff Taylor (United Kingdom)

Angela Leighton (United Kingdom)

Thus is a country that puts it's citizens' health first despite limited resources. Please do what you can to support them.

Alison Nirris (United Kingdom)

Andrew Greig (Australia)

Louise Harding (United Kingdom)

Akmal yaqoob (United Kingdom)

A C Baker (United Kingdom)

help cubans! they deserve it! do no let them suffer because of past

blanka mikulajcikova (Czech Republic)

petra horka (Czech Republic)

Azar (United Kingdom)

thank you Cuba!

jacqueline buswell (Australia)

Ludwig Rucker (Germany)

Tom Banks (United Kingdom)

Encarnación Vidal Ruiz (Spain)

Eamon Rooke (United Kingdom)

Charlotte Moncrieff (United Kingdom)

Salome Rocha (Australia)

Cuba has always been there for South Africa

Simone (South Africa)

Thomas Cochrane (United Kingdom)

Bethan (United Kingdom)

Garry Harding (United Kingdom)

Chana Moshenska (United Kingdom)

Allan McAllister (United Kingdom)

Craig Parnell (United Kingdom)

max middleton (United Kingdom)

Gabriela (United States of America)

My message for the British government as an Indian citizen (Commonwealth nation) is to please help the nation of Cuba in terms of basic needs and other health services during this pandemic and crisis.


Gaston (Mexico)

Robert Phelan (United Kingdom)

Nick Emanuel (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Wyatt (United Kingdom)

Kristina Johansson (United Kingdom)

James Brickley (United Kingdom)

Paolo (Spain)

Stefan Kirch (Germany)

Jos (United Kingdom)


Anna Marie Q. Manampan (Philippines)

We are stronger together. We are better together. Let’s get through this tragic time, together.

Sevilay Wheeler (United Kingdom)

Dawn Smallwood (United Kingdom)

Amanda King (Australia)

Lets move forward

pamela (United Kingdom)

Tobias Bavnsgaard (Denmark)

Aicha Belabbes (United States of America)

The U.K. must act on the world stage according to its own interests and character.

Casandra Frantz (United States of America)

Br John Walker msc (Australia)

End the blockade now. To think that a system like this is in any way acceptable is almost beyond belief. Sixty years on, grow up! Get over it!

Walter Sloss (Australia)

Jessica Stevens (United States of America)

My heart is always with you, my Cuban friends and family. No more blockades in the 21st century!

Natalia Torres Hernández (Colombia)

Tim Edwards (Netherlands)

The US blockade against Cuba is illegal and immoral and has now elevated to genocidal due to this Global pandemic. The system in the US failed the people of New Orleans when Cyclone Katrina hit in 2005 and it is now failing the people of New York and other US cities. LIFT THE BLOCKADE NOW Stop being the neighbourhood bully US and learn some international citizenship from Cuba

Rob Parnell (Australia)

Cubs has been generous in sharing their skills with othe countries. Please everyone it is time to come to the aid of Cuba.suppory them now in their time of need by pressuring the USA TO LIFT THE BAN AND OPEN IT FOR MUCH NEEDED SUPPLIES TO GET TO THE CUBAN PROPLE.😌🙏😌

Pearl Wymarra (United Kingdom)

Djamila (France)

Adam Pokrasky (United States of America)

Chris Traynor (United Kingdom)

Walter (United States of America)

Llauren (United States of America)

Sharn Waldron (United Kingdom)

Please take a more balanced view of Cuba which is a country offering a huge amount of health support to other countries.,

Liz (United Kingdom)

We visit this country with such kind people. Please help them, they have nothing to begin with. This will devastate their country

Lita Mennaman (Canada)

colin moran (United States of America)

Helen Spedding-Lowe (United Kingdom)

I thank the Cuban government for sending their medics to far off regions all over the world to help in fighting the Covic -19 pandemic.

Mrs Marguerita Johnson (United Kingdom)

Carlo Pratt (United Kingdom)

Ali Kazak (Australia)

Fsther Claude Mostowik msc (Australia)

Amanda Dorter (Canada)

Peter Murphy (Australia)

A friend has reminded me that in the 1960s & early 70s Cuban posters such as these see link below) used to adourn the walls of the University of Queensland Student Union Building. Solidaridad! See

Ian Curr (Australia)

Cuba has helped out in other countries and the people are beautiful. This blockade is criminal and it is timed it stopped.

Ngaire Gallagher (Mexico)

Yarima Gavilan Herrera (Australia)

Loreto De Diego (Canada)

Derrick Scott (United Kingdom)

John Gerassimo (Canada)

Balaji (India)

Cuba helped a lot of countries, so we have to help Cuba back!

Rosalba Paris (Australia)

Ama-louise Browne (United Kingdom)

Ines Dupupet (United States of America)

Nicola Jones (Canada)

Muhammad Asif (Pakistan)

Karen Young (Canada)

Susan Kilgarriff (United Kingdom)

Heidi Kinsey (United States of America)

William Ditchburn (United Kingdom)

Scott Walters (United States of America)

Edward McDougall (United Kingdom)

Joe (Canada)

Stephanie ruona (United States of America)

Actualmente hay muchos bloqueos y sanciones económicas promulgadas por el imperio en contra de países como Cuba, Venezuela, Irán y Siria. Amenazan no sólo la salud de los países directamente afectados a través del acceso restringido a medicamentos y equipos esenciales, sino también al representar una amenaza a todo el mundo. Tal falta de recursos restrinje severamente a los países bloqueados a lidiar con la actual crisis COVID-19. Por consecuencia debilita la respuesta global. Este es el momento en que los pueblos del mundo deben unirse en solidaridad, para luchar contra estos bloqueos viciosos e inhumanos. Nos interesa garantizar que todas las naciones tengan acceso a los recursos que necesitan para responder a la pandemia. Cuba ha sido ejemplar, una vez más. El mundo está en deuda permanente con la Revolución Cubana.

Viviana Ramírez (Chile)

Leo Adams (United Kingdom)

Deborah Durnan (Australia)

Now is the time to abandon the meaningless restrictions and prejudices of the past, if we are to survive not only coronavirus but the coming climate crisis we must move forward with the strength to admit wrongs and the imagination to create rights.

Catriona Goss (United Kingdom)

linda cooper (United States of America)

Beverley Buxton (United Kingdom)

The United Nations, the World Health Organisation and World Trade Organisation must take a stand against all blockades and economic sanctions that are currently in place against countries like Cuba and Venezuela. This is more urgent now than at any time in living memory, given the global pandemic. Despite the billions of dollars in revenue denied to Cuba because of the US-Israeli-sponsored blockade, Cuba has been exemplary in providing medical, biomedical and pharmaceutical assistance to China and Italy. This places Cuba along with China on the front line of global defences against the Coronavirus. The Cuban-developed drug Interferon Alfa 2B (IFRrec) has proven successful in China in reversing the Coronavirus crisis, in combination with other medications: see for instance and This in turn will have a domino effect on retarding the spread of the virus worldwide. More than ever the peoples of the world need to unite to stop this heinous blockade and force the US and Israel and others guilty of genocide to pay reparations for their crimes. If not now, when?

Dr Robert Austin (Australia)

Mathew griffiths (United Kingdom)

Julie Rough (United Kingdom)

Ciaran McElhatton (United Kingdom)

Matt Scott (United Kingdom)

Hannah (United States of America)

isabelle morris (United Kingdom)

Sanita Vetra (United Kingdom)

Dominic Petoud (United States of America)

John K. Saynor (Canada)

Well done Cuba you have my Respect, Thank You

Arnie Brown (United Kingdom)

James Woodrow (United Kingdom)

Exijo el cese inmediato del criminal e inhumano bloqueo a Cuba.

Marlene Lovio Duaz (Cuba)

Lorraine Miller (United Kingdom)

James Welch (United Kingdom)

Maryan (United Kingdom)

Put the humanitarian needs of people first - end the blockade of Cuba. 58 years is a long time to harbour a grudge. Time for some loving kindness in the world. This would be an excellent start.

Deane Banning (United Kingdom)

Valerie Keaney (United Kingdom)

Cuba is 103 miles off our Florida coast. We should be working with them, not against them. I love the Cuban people

David Larson (United States of America)

Mark Dixon (United Kingdom)

William Harrison (United Kingdom)

Balbeer Singh (United Kingdom)

Andrew Saunders (United Kingdom)

Aamir Merchant (United Kingdom)

The people of Cuba have once again sacrificed for the simple sake of compassionate humanity—it is absolutely right that we utilise every diplomatic tie to pressure the US into finally ending its inhumane blockade, so that this bright example of international community may enjoy its liberty without the enmity of nations who should embrace them as a friend.

Luke T. Batten (United Kingdom)

Felicity (United Kingdom)

Heraclito morel (Dominican Republic)

S Khan (United Kingdom)

Milan Satcher MD MPH (United States of America)

Joe Bishop (United Kingdom)

Kirsty McNaught (United Kingdom)

saludos Every Cuban man, woman and child has been affected by this embargo for over 60 years. Criminal, cruel and illogical. This us not about bringing down a regime. It is about punishing a people for taking a different political path. All modern western democracies incorporate communist and socialist ideals in their political systems. They are turning to those ideals now more than ever in this international health crisis.

Fiona Wilson (Australia)

Vikki Bissette (United Kingdom)

Katerina Jackson (United Kingdom)

Get it done you bunch of Tory rats.

paul rae (United Kingdom)

Tom Thomson (United Kingdom)

Jacob Thompson (Canada)

Rebecca Courtney (United Kingdom)

Malcolm Evison (United Kingdom)

Richard Gibson (United Kingdom)

Struan (United Kingdom)

Reice (United Kingdom)

Paul Argotte (United States of America)

Karen Glover (Canada)

Tenaya (United States of America)

Giulia Cremasco (Canada)

Diane C (United Kingdom)

Molly Meinbresse (United States of America)

Grayson Gautier (United States of America)

Please help to end the 58-year old criminal United States blockade to Cuba and the blockade to other countries, which causes daily shortages of food, fuel and other basic necessities.

Maria Oliva (Canada)

Ahlam (Spain)

Dagmar Duardo (Cuba)

Jeremy Neville (United Kingdom)

Si Por Cuba

Peter Hood (Australia)

Florian Lis (Germany)

Faiz Cebiroglu (Denmark)

Corey McPhail (United Kingdom)

Johan Verhoeve (Netherlands)

Cathie Thomson (United Kingdom)

Jean Urquhart (United Kingdom)

Solimar Nogueira-Darroch (United Kingdom)

Aubrey Evans (United Kingdom)

Viva la revolucion! Solidarity from India.

Goutham R (India)

Serious questions and actions should be taken against any country who uses its politics as a beating stick during a pandemic

Derek O Haradiala (Ireland)

Anna Müller (Germany)

Imani Teague (United States of America)

Paul Holleran (United Kingdom)

Clint Bowers (South Africa)

Lucy Duffy (Ireland)

Cuba does not deserve to be treated this way. Blockade is criminal, sanctions are a form of war. The Cuban people has shown wonderful spirit of solidarity with the citizens of many countries of the world. Let's put a stop to US criminal blockade! Viva Cuba

Nora Fernandez (Canada)

Rolando Peralta (United States of America)

Mohammed Masud Danmanga (Nigeria)

Hasta la victoria siempre Viva Cuba Viva la revolución

thomas lenke (Germany)

Best wishes for the cuban people.

Henriette Kathrine Henriksen (Denmark)

La Brigada Henry Reeves, cuya misiòn ha sido la de salir a APOYAR, AYUDAR Y SALVAR gente en el mundo, es la mejor carta de presentaciòn que posee el gobierno cubano ante el mundo, mostrando con esta brigada de que el gobierno y pueblo cubanos son SOLIDARIOS Y NOBLES aùn en contra de los bloqueos de los que han sido y son objeto desde hace casi 60 años. NO MAS BURDOS E INHUMANOS BLOQUEOS AL PUEBLO DE CUBA.

Guido Rodriguez (Switzerland)

Catrin Slade (United Kingdom)

Maria Julia Larralde Gongora (Cuba)

Annette Doyle (United Kingdom)

Barb Andrew (Canada)

caroline kuyper (Ireland)

Henrik Rasmussen (Denmark)

mehadi nuredin (Sweden)

Hugo Reynoso (Germany)

Paul Tonks (United Kingdom)

Julia Zvobgo (Netherlands)

Carol Smith (South Africa)

Steve Hardie (Canada)

We have resisted a blockade of 60 years, the longest and cruel sanction that a people has suffered in history. Stop Now! Cuba only offers love and shares what it has, solidarity and internationalism is part of our DNA, we will continue doing it for ever! The US has to lift the blockade, our people do not deserve more suffering! Long live Cuba!

Gilda Chacon (Cuba)


ثويبة (Ireland)

Ivania Olivares (Canada)

Gracias Cuba hermosa Isla Solidaria con el Mundo Basta de ése bloqueo asesino¡¡Larga vidaa la Revolución Viva Fidel El Che y Raúl.

Nora Ester Pereyra (Argentina)

Alan Hynd (United Kingdom)

US Government and British Government Hands off Cuba and the rest of the Socialists Countries Now!!!! Civil Action 1:19-cv-10233-WGY.

Berta Hernandez (United States of America)

Raymond Smith (United States of America)

Please do what your gov can to encourage USA To Liift sanctions against Cuba which Is currently struggling with Coronavirus amongst its People

Mairead maguire (United Kingdom)


Carlos Orlando manrique Fernandez (Cuba)

Susannah Morgan (United Kingdom)

Andreas Daugbjerg (Denmark)

Cuba hasn't done anything wrong to be blocked, they're a fair country which we should collaborate with.

JSStellingwerff (Netherlands)

James Robertson (United Kingdom)

Alejandro zuniga (Australia)

Angela Clark (United Kingdom)

Donald Walker (Ireland)

Zoe Allan (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba! Cuba es bueno! De Dinamarca.

Lone Toften (Denmark)

Paco Castro Berrojo (Spain)

Lift the blockade in the name of humanity

Christina Martin (United Kingdom)

arthur scargill said the world needs to impose sanctions against the usa and give those bastards a taste of their own medicine the same goes for zionist israel.

john cooper (United Kingdom)

Le deseo al Primer Ministro ingles que se ponga bien

Pablo Valdés Perez (Cuba)

Carl Eric Johnson (Sweden)

Brigitte Crumpler (United Kingdom)


Oliver Edwards (United States of America)

Julian R Pollock (United States of America)

Well done Cuba and thank you for the assistance you are providing around the world during this pandemic. Lift the sanctions immediately. The US and its supporters are looking even more like chumps right now.

Brendan Gallagher (United Kingdom)

Ernesto López (Spain)

We are with you Cuba and support all your wonderful people in it! 👍🙏❤

Andrea Spina (Canada)

Gunhild Hartung (Germany)

Mike Carver (United Kingdom)

Mara (United Kingdom)

Gary Denman (United Kingdom)

Time of wars and enemies is over. Think about love.

Kamal Ouad (Denmark)

Big thanks to the Cuban government and people for their longstanding dedication to giving medical support to other countries.

Roan Lill-Bovill (United Kingdom)

Trevor Tucker (United Kingdom)

Cuba's government is certainly not perfect, but the people don't deserve to be punished. People are people, and deserve life everywhere and anywhere.

Michael Jacoby Brownb (United States of America)

Sarah Whitney (United Kingdom)

Shannon Deem (Canada)

Gisel Monzon Larralde (Cuba)

Chaiyra priaya (India)

Luis Ortiz (Puerto Rico)

Jasmine (United Kingdom)

Pablo Gomez Smira (Argentina)

Viva la Revolución Cubana!🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

Caellan Van Heerden La O Rivera (South Africa)

Juhani Kuusinen (Finland)


Valeriy Arenov (Kazakstan)

Tom Danning (United Kingdom)

José A. Guevara (United States of America)

Cuba libre de bloqueo.cuba libre de sanciones. Cuba libre y soberana por siempre y para siempre

Elsy Sanchez Santiago (Venezuela)

Steen Bonde (Denmark)

Samantha Edwards (Canada)

Anna Kellerup (Denmark)

Alexander Terrero (Dominican Republic)

Cuba lo necesita!!!!

Margot fuentes brito (Cuba)

Hadeler, Kristina (Germany)

Mat Coward (United Kingdom)

Joe Weaver (United Kingdom)

Johnny Christiansen (Denmark)

Gracias heroes!!! Viva Cuba!!! Cuando el imperio y los paises capitalistas los bloquean y demonizan su lucha y a los communistas ustedes prueban que solo asi secsalvara el mundo. END THE BLOCKADE!!!!

Tais Yanez (United Kingdom)

Minville Jean-René (Canada)

Andréa Paiva (Italy)

In solidarity

GRAY ALLAN (United Kingdom)

Alex Harvey (United States of America)

Nikolai Waldenmaier (Austria)

Darwin Holmstrom (United States of America)

Junior McDougall (United Kingdom)

Reinaldo Suárez Santiago (Cuba)

Ili Ariane Birkeland (Norway)

Hanspeter Schötz (Germany)

Julian Mello (United Kingdom)

Linda Eileen Roberts (Belgium)

Michele Hall (Canada)

richard scholfield (United Kingdom)

For God's sake just do it this is a crisis

Karen (United Kingdom)

Dear Cuba, thank you for your compassion, this blockade must be lifted.

Emily Hepburn (United Kingdom)

Daniel Maurice Teune (Germany)

Anita corpus (Russian Federation)

lavona George (South Africa)

Irayda Oviedo Rivero (Cuba)

George Purvis (United States of America)

Ollie (United Kingdom)

If the US refuses to help then our British government should extend our hand to the Cuban government. Especially in light of the 3M export gaff that has come to light through the whitehouse. This is a way to retaliate in a moral way which saves lives.

Anthony Bartlett-Fletcher (United Kingdom)

Sólo quería decir que como comunicador pretendo ayudar al pueblo cubano en todo lo que pueda. Saludo revolucionario y latinoamericano

Gerardo (Argentina)

Aya (Netherlands)

Please lift US blockade against Cuba now!

Jaime Coreas (Canada)

Oliver Hynes (United Kingdom)

Cuba's health internationalism is an inspiration to us all, & even more so at this time of the #COVID19 crisis. Show your solidarity and tell Trump to end the illegal, murderous blockade.

Ken Livingstone (United Kingdom)

Gerry Masterson (United Kingdom)

Aril Drøsdal (Norway)

Andrea Lang-Pariyani (Germany)

El Pueblo unido jamas sera vencido!

Lucas (United Kingdom)

Bob Boughton (Australia)

Thank you for continuing to show kindness to a world that hasn't shown so much kindness to you.

Lois Boreham (United Kingdom)

Jennifer Pugh (United Kingdom)

Mitchell Rooney (United Kingdom)

Jeff (Spain)

Mariann S Nilsen (Norway)

Carlo Palumbo (Canada)

Stewart mcgill (United Kingdom)

Let Cuba do what they do they care about not just their own people but the global people. So just leave well eeeenough alone and get everything sorted you waste of time people

Conor Ryan (United Kingdom)

Joshua Todhunter-Newman (United Kingdom)

Linda Magtengaard (Denmark)

Global solidarity is vital and can’t be a one-way act.

Dela Anderson (United Kingdom)

Francie Mollow, MP for Mid Ulster (Ireland)

We need to work with Cuba, which values ​​human life most.


Paul Maskey, MP for West Belfast (Ireland)

Danny Jennings (United Kingdom)

Finn Hjord (Denmark)

Brigitte Renkl (Germany)

Keep up the good work comrades

Reg Green (United Kingdom)

Martiien de Man (Netherlands)

Hans (Germany)

Juan Jose Jhon Mendoza (Canada)

Prof. Dr. Hannes Wandt (Germany)

Chris Hazzard, MP for South Down (Ireland)

Michelle Gildernew, MP for Fermanagh and South Tyr (Ireland)

Liam Anthony Patrick Marley (United Kingdom)

Annie wulff (Denmark)

The Cuban doctors, nurses are a powerful reminder of how a healthcare system should work, you should be proud of them, their attitude willingness to help all over the world is just brilliant, excellent.

Derek Fallon (Ireland)

Sven Törnblad (Sweden)

Margaret Spohrer (United Kingdom)

Aysegul Vaizoglu (Turkey)

Charlotte Renkl (Germany)

John Finucane, MP for North Belfast (Ireland)

Jose Antonio Nobrega (Portugal)

Antonio E. Paris (Philippines)

Alistair Palmer (United Kingdom)

Launch the socialism bomb-doctor!

Bouvier (France)

Astri Azora Kjeldstadli (Norway)

Mick Cash - General Sectreaty, RMT (United Kingdom)

We are a global community and we need to act like one especially now. The continued block to trade with this impoverished nation is cruel and unnecessary

Paula Knott (United Kingdom)

Paul Levett (United Kingdom)

Cuba's government has its flaws but the people are deserving of help. It's a poor but proud country. Please do what you can to help particularly in the realms of medical and food supplies.

Jerry (United Kingdom)

Please take a principled stance against the ongoing illegal economic blockade against Cuba. Given the international humanitarian emergency the continuance of the blockade which includes blocking delivery of ventilators to Cuba is simply a form of barbarity based on dubious ideology. Please help the people of Cuba, and work to stop the blockade. Thank-you.

Martin Southwood (United Kingdom)

Chris Matheson MP (United Kingdom)

Magiesha Maheswaran (United Kingdom)

Dave Ward - General Secretary, CWU (United Kingdom)

Mickey Brady, MP for Newry and Armagh (Ireland)

Órfhlaith Begley, MP for West Tyrone (Ireland)

Allan Brack (United Kingdom)

Goddamn all fascist racist USA vermin.Strength and power to the Cuban people.

Gregory Branum (United States of America)

scott murgatroyd (United Kingdom)

Luuk Opheij (Netherlands)

Inês Severino (Portugal)

Danielle Doyle (United Kingdom)

Rhianna (United Kingdom)

Bronwyn Silver (Australia)

Melisande Fitzsimons (United Kingdom)

Marc Van den Bosch (Belgium)

Jacqueline Khoyer (United Kingdom)

This is a crime against humanity and a people who have done more than any other to help those in countries not their own.

Linden Ash (United Kingdom)

Rachel Cullar (United States of America)

Anna Machina (United Kingdom)

Nick Woolley (United Kingdom)

Disease is indiscriminate, has no political partiality, and is the common enemy of all of the human species.

Fintan Vallely (Ireland)

Agnes Ked (United Kingdom)

Cuba are world leading medical experts and this vanity of American hatred will cost lives that are not merely statistics but people who need help. Inaction is killing people and the embargo is a a repugnant reminder of us hate.

Shura D Joseph-Gruner (United Kingdom)

Chris Antunes (Netherlands)

Jennifer O'Leary (United Kingdom)

Amanda Perry (United Kingdom)

Cuba has provided medical training for many South American countries i.e.has helped train doctors and nurses etc. and also sent medical staff to countries hire by disasters including Ebola. Yet the USA continues to disparage Cuba and continues to prevent the export of vital goods to Cuba by maintaining an embargo.

Madeleine J C Massey (United Kingdom)

Andrea wild (United Kingdom)

Phil Brand (United Kingdom)

Sam Braybrook (United Kingdom)

Hands off Cuba!

Lynne Tanner (United Kingdom)

Roberto da Silva (Netherlands)

During times of COVID 19 when Cuba promotes the best of its medical practice to the world, we receive as a price more hostility from the USA government. The blockade must be lifted now and forever. We call goodwill people all over the world to support this initiative and raise their voices in favor of Cuba.

Felix Alberto Hernandez Diaz (Australia)

Julie (United Kingdom)

Kyungwan Ryu (South Korea)

Paul Campbell (Australia)

Annabel Durston (Spain)

Cleo Eliza (Netherlands)

Simona Ricotti (Italy)

Åke Andersson (Sweden)

Thilo Papacek (Germany)

Having worked along side its medical professionals in Namibia I know first hand how Cuba models of the spirit of internationalism in healthcare.

Kate Mukungu (United Kingdom)

We are all brothers and sisters...let's act accordingly and in solidarity with each other in every sense.

Robert wilkins (United Kingdom)

Susan Crook (United Kingdom)

Enough! They are human beings! This is a crisis! I am sooo ashamed of this country!

Angela Wade (United States of America)

Adriano Peris (Italy)

Vidar Edvardsen (Norway)

Ramalingappa (India)

Please help Cuba

Vibeke Rygård (Denmark)

Martin (Germany)

Fredi Gentz (United Kingdom)

Maria Viteri (Ecuador)

may the block aid be lifted

dave ebel (Canada)

María Lourenzo (Spain)

Sonja Otto (Norway)

Karl Gunnarsson (Sweden)

Jorge Capelán (Nicaragua)

Basta de agresiones a Cuba! No al bloqueo económico!

José Gutiérrez (Mexico)

Christopher Holager (Norway)


Jamie Healy Gelletlie (Ireland)

Tom Morawetz (New Zealand)

Troy Parker (United States of America)

Joshua vagg (United Kingdom)

Thank you for your support ✊

Branden (United States of America)

Paulo Queirós (Portugal)

Amanda O’Brien (Australia)

Dorothy Wick (Mexico)

Hudson (Brazil)

Poul Mikael Allarp (Denmark)

You are all an inspiration. While this is, of course, an act meant to support as many people as possible, the Cuban people should make asks clear: to have countries that are being supported by their aid to advocate for this in return. It's only right and fair.

Jonathan Montero (United States of America)

Marie sarrazin (Canada)

Thomas Riggins, PhD (United States of America)

We love you Cuba💙 You don’t deserve what’s happening to you 🇨🇺

Courtney Rogerson (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuban friends for your extra ordinary work around the globe and the best wishes for the fight imperialist force.

Sunil suwal (Nepal)

Gail Jeffrey (United Kingdom)

Femi Aborisade (Nigeria)

for the love of god let CUBA BREATHE

Tom Scott (United Kingdom)

The economic blockade against Cuba is illegal and criminal, the international community has demanded several times its end. It only causes suffering to the Cuban people. It should stop now!

Patricia Flechilla (Cuba)

Arthur Lazdzin (Canada)

#TheBlockadeKills #UnblockCuba #SolidaridadSalvaVidas #CubaSalvaVidas

Victoria Alegría (Cuba)

Dympna McGlade (United Kingdom)

Jenna (United States of America)

I can't believe the US government still put it's political interest over humanity.. it's very disgusting...

riko (Indonesia)

Romulo Mario Lopez Benavides (Brazil)

Viva Cuba

steve redman (Canada)

Stay strong, stay true.

George Walker (United Kingdom)

Terry simmons (Canada)

Danielle (Canada)

Engin Kayaoglu (Cuba)

Please, it s not about politics, its about LIVES, cuba its a country like any other, deserves respect at all.

Erick Domingos (Brazil)

Gabriella Kallo (Canada)

James Nicolas Mathews (New Zealand)

Annelis (Sweden)

Rachael Ibrahim (United States of America)


US government stop all US block

ibrahim Kayan (Canada)

Marie o reilly (United Kingdom)

Jane Edwards (United Kingdom)

Now is the time to come together and show our intelligence by pulling all our strengths together and put aside differences. Cuba have already extended the hand of friendship and are helping greatly to find a cure for covid19 and I thank them greatly.

Bernadette Hopkins (Ireland)

This is a time for compassion and solidarity, not for opportunistic politics. Lift the Cuban embargo. Let's not forget the situation of Gaza.

Emma Calderin Perez (United Kingdom)

daniel michaud (Canada)

Svenja Kraemer (Germany)

Samantha Eldridge (United Kingdom)

This is an international crisis when divisions should be set aside in the name of humanity.

Ian Bussey (United Kingdom)

Phyllis Fitzpatrick (United States of America)

Kirsten Nussbaumer (Denmark)

Deborah Shelton (Canada)

Jay Kramer (United Kingdom)

Benny Dawson (United Kingdom)

Omer Kirdar (United Kingdom)

Maureen Homewood (United Kingdom)

Johanna Ingeborg Ulrich Aamand (United Kingdom)

the imbargo is not humanitarian...its just not right

Linda Robitaille (Canada)

End the blockade. Solidarity Forever

Joe Flynn (United Kingdom)

Bonnie Reinhardt (Canada)

Viva Cuba!

Mark McDonald (New Zealand)

Ruairi Lennon (United Kingdom)

Maggie Kurasiewicz (Canada)

Desde New Zealand al gran Pueblo de Cuba. En estos tiempos de gran incertidumbre para el mundo entero a causa del covid-19. Que mejor ejemplo de solidaridad y valentía a demostrado al mundo este peque~no gran país, es el vivo ejemplo de la parábola del Samaritano. Una gran refleccion par la Semana Santa. Al mismo tiempo hago un llamado a todos esos países del mundo que apoyan esta salvaje bloqueo y sanciones contra el pueblo de Cuba, encabezada por EEUU, hasta cuando

Margot McDonald (New Zealand)

Andreas Kjeldsen (Denmark)

Irené Murphy (United Kingdom)

Lynda Stephenson (United Kingdom)

Cuban medics in Italy, Andorra and nearly in Spain .... Cuba has piece of mind in this global pandemic.

Tracey Cotelo Knight (Spain)

Susan Zimmerman (United States of America)

Rhona Jack (United Kingdom)

Ruth Lawton (United Kingdom)

Lu-Ann Kearns (South Africa)

lift the US blockade!

Jef Vanhemel (Belgium)

Jo (Australia)

Teri Slatter (United Kingdom)

Cristina Márquez (United Kingdom)

Lorna Peters (Canada)

Jayne TATLOW (United Kingdom)

Victoria Laderoute (Canada)

Carla Mitchell (United Kingdom)

Baris (United Kingdom)

Hands of Cuba End the criminal blockade Now

Juan Carlos Marsan Aguilera (Cuba)

This should not me an embargo, this is humanitariIan!!!! Let Cuba get the help they need too!!!

Monika Abos (Canada)

Christopher Barnes (United Kingdom)

Helga Kis (Canada)

Inge klitgaard (Denmark)

Arne Sjögren (Sweden)

Brian Sweeney (United States of America)

john (United Kingdom)

Janie Furner (United Kingdom)

Ilja (Netherlands)

George keenlyside (Australia)

Helge Øystein Medbøen (Norway)

Hope this works ❤️

Jackie Morash (United Kingdom)


Cuba should keep the struggle for internationaism and solidarity. Victory is certain!

Femi Falana SAN (Nigeria)

Elizabeth Burgess (United Kingdom)

Margaret Smith (United Kingdom)

Suzanne Edwards (United States of America)

Please remove the blockade, it only hurts Cuban and U.S. citizens. It doesn't effect the government of either of the countries. We all want the blockade gone, it's obvious it doesn't do anything but hurt average Cuban citizens and U.S. citizens. Enough is enough! Remove the damn blockade.

Lucas Suarez Field (United States of America)

The quarrel between the United States and Cuba is between the US and Cuba governments -- not between the US and the Cuban people. They are fellow human beings who need and deserve our help.

Erika Gottfried (United States of America)

antonella (Italy)

Solidarity will Lille Covid-19

Yvon Lévesque (Canada)

Lisbeth Daugbjerg (Denmark)

The blockade against Cuba is the biggest war crime against the Revolution !! Long live Cuba !!

Marten (Netherlands)

Harriet carroll (United Kingdom)

Huseyin Yesil (United Kingdom)

S.Polman (Netherlands)

Evelyn piriano (Canada)

Gary Holding (United Kingdom)

Teresa Mahoney (Canada)

Max Van de Poll (United Kingdom)

Piotr Glodowski (United Kingdom)

Keep up the effort. Bravo!!

Elliot Feldbau (United States of America)

I'm an American citizen and I am disgusted by the acts of terrorism throughout the world, and on American soil, committed by the Trump administration. I believe in global leftist solidarity, and I am grateful for the decisive and charitable action by the Cuban government. Unfortunately in the United States, voter suppression and corruption is rampant in our democratic system and the mainstream media. If there was no corruption, Bernie Sanders would be the front-runner in the Democratic party, the Socialist policies he advocates for are extremely popular in America, even throughout the more conservative states. The fact of the matter is, Sanders has a greater number of strong supporters than any candidate in United States history. If the USA guaranteed healthcare as a human right to its citizens, the USA would have mitigated the Covid-19 crisis much more effectively.

John Henry Miller (United States of America)

Enough is enough!

Cesar Caldito (United Kingdom)

I pray that the hostilities come to an end so that Cubans can live through this pandemic.

June Safran (United States of America)

Tony Mullan (Ireland)

Emma Blaack (United Kingdom)

Nancy Femmer (United States of America)

Please show some humanity, this is people's lives that you are playing with!!!

Lisa Merru (United Kingdom)

matthias precht (Germany)

Mr Rik Mullins (United Kingdom)

Hayley Ansell (United Kingdom)

Lennart Hermansson (Sweden)

Kathleen King (Canada)

Helen richards (United Kingdom)

Jon Christian Ottersen (Norway)

stuart english (United Kingdom)

Louise K Larsen (Denmark)

Please, this about public health not politics!

Laura Segura (Costa Rica)

This blockade is inhuman, degrading and risks people’s lives. This savage behaviour must be resisted because there is no valid reason that is current or relevant, Cuba has not acted against the USA in a way that would warrant this continued hostility.

Tara Staines (United Kingdom)

David Tholander (Denmark)

Thank you, Cuba

Nina Monsen (Norway)

Natalie Moseley (United Kingdom)

M Dudun (Canada)

Bill Shields (United Kingdom)

Mieke Rutjens (Netherlands)

Gerard Rutjens (Netherlands)

Mr R W Reader (United Kingdom)

Simone Rowland (United Kingdom)

Elieza Meneses Ruiz (Cuba)

Jacqueline lewis (United Kingdom)

Terri Dedrick (Canada)

Nick Hart (United Kingdom)

A time for people not politics.

David Mizrachi (United Kingdom)

Sarah Cullum (New Zealand)

Gonzalo Ruiz Lorente (Spain)

Michelle Cook (United Kingdom)

John Guntner (United States of America)

Richard mckee (Ireland)

Stop hindering Cuba's humanitarian aid missions

Ray Hall (United Kingdom)

Nadine Poseck Howard (United Kingdom)

Tony kennedy (United Kingdom)

Gemma mullan (Ireland)

Thank you Cuba and Great Britain for helping the world.

Talula Guntner (United States of America)

Alphonso Osbourne (Antigua and Barbuda)

America Vera Burgos (United Kingdom)

Richard Dale (United Kingdom)

Jaime javier veiga alonso (Cuba)

Lisa kirk (United Kingdom)

viva cuba

jahangir mohebi (United States of America)

Martin Hogg (Canada)

Ann Marie Smith (Antigua and Barbuda)

Ms Nicola Paton (United Kingdom)

Julie (Canada)

Sekou Luke (Antigua and Barbuda)

Yakov (United States of America)

Mags Higgins (United Kingdom)

Lisay Benjamin (Antigua and Barbuda)

Ted Emanuel (Antigua and Barbuda)

Rada Lewis (United Kingdom)

Go Cuba US can do one

Jean Hartley (United Kingdom)

David Simon (Antigua and Barbuda)

With you always in solidarity with your amazing people

Gill Henderson (United Kingdom)

If not now when ??

Lance. Nicholas (Virgin Islands (U.S.))

Lena Hernández Portales (Cuba)

lift the blockade

Victor Fenick (United Kingdom)

Aurelie (France)

Karla Rodríguez Pestana (Cuba)

Please get the USA to lift its sanctions off Cuba 🇨🇺

Joseph Bell (United Kingdom)

Emma Thompson (United Kingdom)

Ulf Brunne (Sweden)

Deborah Beaton (Canada)

Stop the blokades of Cuba. It is horible that it still eksist.

Claus Persson (Denmark)

Jim Milan (United Kingdom)


Miriam Vasquez (United Kingdom)

Josefa Parrondo (Germany)

No Al Bloqueo !!!!! Si A La Vida !!!!!

Ener Herrera Rodriguez (Cuba)

Martha Joanne Steele (United Kingdom)

As former president (2010-2011) of the Caribbean Studies Association, U.S. citizen, and fellow human being I want to thank Cuba's government for sending medical teams to several neighboring countries in the Caribbean to help with the corona pandemic. The persistence of the U.S. blockade in this global crisis is short-sighted and quite simply despicable. I stand in solidarity with the Cuban people and hope that alternative ways can be found to support delivering essential medical goods to the island!

Holger Henke (United States of America)

Barbara Martin (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a coun6of beautiful people and at this time of crisis tgus blockade needs to be stopped so vital aid can be received

Elaine White (United Kingdom)

Kampen slutter først når vi har sejret!!!

Per Hørning (Denmark)

After six decades, the United States ought to realise that the Cubans will not give in to its pressures nor betray its historical duty to humanity. The blockade is inhuman.End it NOW!

Owei Lakemfa. (Nigeria)

Deborah yapicioz (United Kingdom)

Ochiaka Ugwu (Nigeria)

chiara (Italy)


Amilcar Cabral Ideological School (ACIS-M) Movemen (Nigeria)

The economic blockade of Cuba is inhumane. End it now.

Vivian McCaffrey (Canada)

diane dayson (United Kingdom)

Elly Otten (Spain)

Craig Hennessy (United States of America)

Seppe jansen (Belgium)

birgit victor hansen (Denmark)

Claudia Escobar (Mexico)

Joe (United States of America)

Alisbel Hechavarría Isaac (Cuba)

¡Más salud, menos bombas!

Herson Veroy (Honduras)

Jill Howarth (United Kingdom)

Inhumane attitude. Stop the blockade !

Felicity Berry (United Kingdom)

Sarah pickett (United Kingdom)

Jesús Véliz Ramos (Peru)

Sarah Felskov (Denmark)

Paul Kershaw (United Kingdom)

Patrick Slattery-Steele (United Kingdom)

Karlo Mikić (Croatia)

Tara Swift (United Kingdom)

Eileen Black (United Kingdom)

AW (Netherlands)

I am very impressed at the work Cuba is doing for all the other countries around they are really brilliant and they should not be sanctioned for anything the good they are doing far outweighs anything else

Violet Murray (United Kingdom)

Maria Kyriacou (United Kingdom)

Bev Gosling (United Kingdom)

A huge thank you to the Cuban people and government for showing the way in international cooperation to fight COVID-19 across the world. They do this while other governments in Europe and the USA squabble amongst each other, refusing to collaborate, and trying to deny others access to life-saving medicines, medical staff and equipment. Cuba shares its Interferon drugs to fight the coronavirus with other countries, while Trump strangles the island with and economic blockade and asks other countries not to accept Cuban help. At the same time, Trump attempts to buy *exclusive* access for the USA to any vaccine that may be discovered. Cuba shows another world is possible, where health is more important than profit.

Regula Bauer-Toberer (Switzerland)

End the blockade! Solidarity with Cuba.

Fred Hall (United Kingdom)

Saoirse Johnston (United Kingdom)

Annemarie Mc Vicker (United Kingdom)

Miriam Suárez (Cuba)

Svend Jørgen Augsburg (Denmark)

Please help my second home.cuba dosen't deserve whatben doing to them.cubans welcome you with open arms.Trump is an idiot and shouldn't be the president.

Angela Richards (Canada)

El mundo os contampla orgulloso. Gracias por el altruismo. Los médicos y todo el personas de la salud MERECEN NUESTRA REVERENCIA Y RESPETO. !!!!!!ELLOS SON NUESTRO ORGULLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugo (Cuba)

Nigel Bayton (United Kingdom)

Please stop the blockade on Cuba at this dangerous time. Cuba is senting medical to lots of countries to help with this crisis. We should be big enough to respond positively to their needs.

Brenda Callaghan (United Kingdom)

Amed Santana (United States of America)

Steven Perkins (United Kingdom)

Darren Robinson (Canada)

I love Cuba. Been there 4 times in the past 5 years. I would hope the USA sees the help Cuba is giving and put things aside and help any country it can during this time. Canada has reached across its borders to help the USA I believe Donald Trump should see this and do his part.

Paul Brouillette (Canada)

Ivi-Emilie Panayiotou (Norway)

Mark Wardell (United Kingdom)

Lyn Buckley (United Kingdom)

All countries should be working together

Lynsey Myers (United Kingdom)


Frederic Morgan (United Kingdom)

Michal Iskrzynski (United Kingdom)

Alex McKean (United Kingdom)

We must choose leaders that build bridges not walls, that unite not devide, Great Britain can be the example country in ending this failed emperialist blockade.

Sjoerd van de Wal (Netherlands)

Julie Pickard (United Kingdom)

Marco Cornetti (United States of America)

George M (Greece)

Time for the move. The embargo imposed on Cuba is not only immoral and unsustainable, a shame as any act of this kind imposed by a superpower on its weaker neighbour, but it also hurts the intereses of the American people and the healthy and equal development in our own geographical area. If you make your neighbour poor, as done for the past 58 years, you make yourself poor …!!!

Manuel Perera Chang (Germany)

The Cuban people deserve access to amenities at all times and a fair Cuba. The oppression must end, the world is getting fed up with seeing poverty where there should not be.

Lauren (Canada)

There is no justification for the continued economic restrictions on Cuba 🇨🇺 at this critical time of coronavirus and beyond.

Constancio Hishiyukifa Mwandingi (Namibia)

I have support to any campaign.

Brendan (United Kingdom)

Please help the Cuban people, they are so lovely and it’s time we gave them a helping hand

Alison Kerr (United Kingdom)

I have been traveling to Cuba since 2013 as a Group Travel Leader Cubans are kind and generous and many are super smart due to a great education that is offered to everyone. We need the benefit of their knowledge. Trump has made it near impossible for me and 100's of other Group Leaders to take groups to Cuba. Tourism was definitely bringing about change. Cubans had opened businesses that cater to tourists. Historical towns were being overhauled and buildings renovated, hotels were being built, cables for internet installed and more young people studying hotel management and languages so as to work in tourism.Now they have been cast backwards about 30 years. The company I work for directly supported everyday Cubans in the Arts and Agriculture as well as little private families who would host coffee and a talk about life in Cuba.As for me and my colleagues we often packed very little travel clothing in our suitcases preferring to fit in supplies such otc medicine for colds, flu, pain and arthritis, vitamins as well as childrens low dose medicine. We packed art supplies for schools and strings and reeds for musicians. Both Mens and Ladies hygiene products, soap and other things which are hard to find on the island. On a personal note I had quite a good supply chain of annimal med arriving in Cuba every time I traveled there. With support and donations from past group travelers, I packed pet food, dog/cat flea and tick drops, worming pills and special shampoo for mange. I also packed many tubes of worming paste for horses. All these everyday things should not be missing Please lift this redundant embargo and show the Cubans some love back they don't deserve to go without vital supplies and suffer hunger.

Beverley Citron Abreu (United States of America)

Imani Kinshasa (United Kingdom)

The blockade must be lifted to help Cuba not only by pandemic. It is humanitarian help and the blockade only affects the cuban people and not the governors

Maritza (Brazil)

The Blockade is an act of war.

Joel Hernandez (United Kingdom)

Claire Aubin (Canada)

Daphne Willems (Netherlands)

Stella (Greece)

Jodi Sonoda (Canada)

Matt Wrack - General Secretary, The Fire Brigades (United Kingdom)

Ridiculous in a time of world crisis the US behaves like this. Solidarity!

Dave Godson (United Kingdom)

Please help remove economic blockade of the USA against Cuba

Gerson "Mosquito" !Gaoseb (Namibia)

Alison Raeper (United Kingdom)

Jørn Lehmann Petersen (Denmark)

Ken Burton (Canada)

Vibeke jeppesen (Denmark)

Beatriz Diaz (United States of America)

Geraldine McCormick (United Kingdom)

Kevin Sparrow (United Kingdom)

Damhnait Kelly (United Kingdom)

Alan Maddocks (United Kingdom)

Helle Bruun (Denmark)

Susan Vods (Sweden)

Stop the sanctions. To not do this at a time like this is pure evil.

Scott Goldie (United Kingdom)

Roberto M. Basanez Gonzalez (Cuba)

Rosalba Favalli (Italy)

Samuel (United Kingdom)

Øistein Bergli (Norway)

Patrick Tvedt (Norway) misiva lleva la expresión y sentimiento generalizado de los PUEBLOS DEL MUNDO que condenan el criminal bloqueo del imperio del mal contra la ISLA DE LA DIGNIDAD,...!FUERZA E INGENIO PUEBLO CUBANO!!!,...

Fredesvindo Rojas Vásquez (Peru)

Denise Blum (United States of America)

Christopher battersby (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a peaceful and humanitarian country which has time and again provided assistance to nations across the world at their time of need, often in the most dangerous of circumstances. It is long overdue that the illegal US blockade against the peaceful people of Cuba was lifted and I urge the British government use its influence to end this outrageous and criminal 58-year long blockade immediately.

Archie MacKay (United Kingdom)

Margarida de Sousa Gomes (Portugal)

Thank you comrades for showing the world compassion and kindness. Without a imperialist nation keeping you under Cuba would thrive even more than it is doing so now ✊

Phil Cosgrove (United Kingdom)

Nadia Favalli (Italy)

Andrew Beck (United Kingdom)

Rafael Fernandez (Cuba)

Guilherme Teixeira Battistini (Brazil)

Ron Booth (United Kingdom)

anita antonsen (Norway)

Aleksander Andersen (Norway)

Christian Bianchi Strømme (Norway)

Kaj Gustafson (Sweden)

Ambrose Andrews (Australia)

Peter Keenan (United Kingdom)

Cuba sent there best to Italy return the favour

Avon mckernan (United Kingdom)

Marryanne Christodoulou (Australia)

Pauline Suarez La Pera (Canada)

Acácia C. Reis de Andrade Brito (Brazil)

This senseless nut political boycott of Cuba must stop.

Tony grahamr (United Kingdom)

Lynn Ralph (United States of America)

john larsen (Denmark)

Steve Sugden (United Kingdom)

Cuba has once again proved itself a paragon of internationalism and solidarity. In recent days the island has sent highly skilled medical brigades to many countries including Italy, Grenada, Jamaica, Nicaragua and Venezuela to support foreign health services overwhelmed by the scale of the crisis.

Soledad Poseck (United Kingdom)

mihir chakraborty (India)

Richie (Ireland)


Carmen Rios (Denmark)

Renata delvalle (United Kingdom)

Tom Marchesi (United Kingdom)

Erika (Germany)

andy pitts (United Kingdom)

Help each other we are all in this together, there should t be a them and us situation anyplace. !

Lee Archibald (United Kingdom)

Health before profit, well done Cuba

Graham Askew (United Kingdom)

Cormac O'Neill (United Kingdom)

angel segura (Spain)

Scotland supports Cuba

Doreen Mackay (United Kingdom)

The US empire will fall before Cuba, I think!

Dave Massingham (United Kingdom)

Tina Odenbaugh (United States of America)

Julie Cardenas (United States of America)

Where other governments have let the world down, Cuba has shown us the zenith of international solidarity, assisting the seaborne MS Braemar and sending medical teams all around the Caribbean, including the Commonwealth realm. For that, Cuba has the thanks of people all over the world, including myself. This is a favour that ought to be repaid. The United Kingdom left the EU to exercise its sovereignty, now is the time to exercise that sovereignty and act independently. The United Kingdom must assist Cuba.

Joshua Brady-Arnold (Ireland)

Andre Cleophas (South Africa)

Roz Hopkinson (United Kingdom)

Gracias pueblo cubano por su generosidad y solidaridad. Y el pueblo unido Jamás será vencido!

Anders (Denmark)

Lotte Bech (Denmark)

Frances Allen (France)

Neil Blundell (United Kingdom)

These exceptional times call for brave decisions ~ don't be wimpish!

Peter King (United Kingdom)

Solidarity to our comrades in Cuba 🇨🇺 To the UK government don't let the USA control your level of involvement with a great nation.

Barry Farmer (United Kingdom)

Terry Bowles (United Kingdom)

Matjee Phasha (South Africa)

Anne Tirner (United Kingdom)

Gracias Cuba por tu empatia Stop violazione DIRITTI UMANI STOP BLOQUÉO

Canopi Chiara (Italy)

Robert Oliver (United Kingdom)

Lovemore C. K. Gwati (Zimbabwe)

Ammer Shah (United Kingdom)

Regula Winkelmann (Switzerland)

Just look at how they have been helping other countries who are struggling. This is absolutely an abuse of their generosity and their human rights. It is shameful, and will not be forgotten when the virus is over. .

Liz Leachman (United Kingdom)

Rasmus Precht (Germany)

Rudolf Schär (Switzerland)

So grateful that humans like you still exists on planet earth. Thank you for your love and support worldwide! I am from Greece and my mother is in hospital in critical condition. Is there any possible way oh having the drug that you found for covid19 here in greece for my mother and the rest of the beloved ones that are being hit by covid19 ? Thank you in advance. Keep up the excellent work that you do!

Dimitris millas (Greece)

Kathy (United Kingdom)

Shelley Boyce (Canada)

Tessa Liebschner (United Kingdom)

petros m poulmentis (United Kingdom)

Sune Dalgaard Christiansen (Denmark)

Terry Wardle (Spain)

While we rightly clap NHS workers, let us also remember the Cuban medical brigades and support their government to be able to support them, by lifting this illegal blockade.

Philip J Broadhurst (United Kingdom)

Cuba has consistently proven itself to be a model society that responds constructively to all neighbour states within the international community of nations.

Michael Cavanagh (United Kingdom)

Gloria Manzo Valencia (Mexico)

Alex McKendrick (United Kingdom)

Viva la Cuba!

Robert Green (United Kingdom)

Elizabeth Fairhurst (United Kingdom)

simon phillips (Australia)

Jon Barrenechea (United Kingdom)

All countries must work together, nobody should be discriminated against.

Bill Hughes (United Kingdom)

Angela Bowler (United Kingdom)

No bloqueo hacia Cuba

Norge Sanchez jaca (Norway)

James Rodie (United Kingdom)

Thank you, Cuba, for your help around the world.


Robert Heritage (United Kingdom)

Marc McCarthy (United Kingdom)

Frederique Guery (United Kingdom)

Manikandan (India)

To HM government - there is no reason for this blockade of Cuba to continue. Please use your influence with the US to press for its removal. The blockade causes untold hardship for the people of Cuba and in this present pandemic, it is a crime against humanity because they are unable to get the medical aid and equipment they need to protect themselves from infection. To Cuba - you are a shining light in the world, your doctors and your practical aid given to countries, some of which are hostile to you, is an example to everyone of how we should live.

Carol Stavris (United Kingdom)

John Moses (United Kingdom)

Ivan Hersland (Denmark)

End the criminal US blockade

Chad Goodwin (United Kingdom)

Gregory Douglas (United Kingdom)

Pete Foley (United Kingdom)

Siobhan Hanley (United Kingdom)

Leila Iñigo de la Cruz (Netherlands)

Hilary Corton (United Kingdom)

UK government really needs to stop holding the bully's coat while he duffs up brave Cuba

Sharon White (United Kingdom)

Cuba leading by example!! Thats how we do it, we do what we say humbly to help others wake up!

Jose Carlos Urra Llanusa (Netherlands)

DAUPHIN Michel (France)

If the British Government cares for the people they Govern then they must support the lifting of the US blockage of the island of Cuba. In time of peril for Britain and the whole world Cuban medical personnel have selflessly offered help where it is needed.

Mary Nelis (United Kingdom)

Carlotta (Netherlands)

Alan Waugh (United Kingdom)

Preety Patel (United Kingdom)

Duncan Graves (United Kingdom)

Stay safe my friends!

Carl Smith (Canada)

Laurence Mitchell (United Kingdom)

Karl Gabriel A. Bonifacio (Philippines)

Clare Goodess (United Kingdom)

Jon Greenwood (United Kingdom)

Gitte Walter (Denmark)

ruby lescott (United Kingdom)

Carsten Roland Birkbøll (Denmark)

Stina Eriksen (Denmark)

It is ridiculous that medical and ppe equipment are being blockaded when it is vital to the protection of everyone offering health care and to mitigate the spread of the virus.

Gina Temple (United Kingdom)

Iain Munro (United Kingdom)

James Linsey (United Kingdom)

Terje Møll (Norway)

Matthew Jukes (United Kingdom)

John Berg Larsen (Denmark)

Pauline Collins (United Kingdom)

Christopher Hendricks (United States of America)

Mick (United Kingdom)

Cinzia Castania (Italy)

Lisa Randall (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba

Hipólito (United Kingdom)

Austin H (United Kingdom)

Kjell Johnson (Pakistan)

Sue Bigg (United Kingdom)

Irene Sørensen (Denmark)

This is a very contagious disease, we are all in this together, if we don’t it will Only exacerbate The problem

Pete Wade (United Kingdom)

History will absolve us

Sankara Che (Kenya)

Mike Hares (United Kingdom)

Abigail McQuatters-Gollop (United Kingdom)

Daniela Teroni (Italy)

Barbara Wood (United Kingdom)

Diya (United Kingdom)

Monika Lutzhöft (Germany)

Sian Davies (United Kingdom)

Ole Nors Nielsen (Denmark)

suna aslan (Turkey)

Michael hastie (United Kingdom)

Suzanne King (Australia)


Claudio Cavaliere (United Kingdom)

Cuba has shared its people and resources in a time of global need; it is time to repay that generosity.

Mark Fitzsimons (United Kingdom)

Dermot Kelly (United Kingdom)

It's time for the USA to finaly admitted the atrocities it committed against the Cuban people. Viva Cuba and it's people who stood again it all showing the world an example of governance. Very few countroes in the rotten to core western world are even close to get what Cuba achieved having so little.

Joanna (United Kingdom)

Philippa Veriava (South Africa)

Fiammetta Giordani (Italy)

Mogens Høgsdorf (Denmark)

Cuba needs medical supplies and it’s mef staff are helping others with the Corona virus Lift this vindictive blockade

Dr Josephine Alleyne (United Kingdom)

Honnie Tang (United Kingdom)

Cuba you are amazing with a capital A.........Britain, USA i am saddened and totally appalled at your relentless pestering of an incredible generous and yet third world country. What pointless actions you are giving Cuba and for what gain????? How many Doctors are we sending to Italy, Jamaica or St Lucia.......we can't even cope with our own country and Cubans have no supplies or FOOD.......get real, wake up. What are ~YOU scared of???????

Rosie Babington (United Kingdom)

Emmanouela Mandalaki (France)

Susan Morgan (United Kingdom)

David Hingley (United Kingdom)

Richard willshaw (United Kingdom)

This global pandemic is a fight against an unseen common enemy for this reason the blocade should be lifted in order for the world to fight the pandemic as one united world

Emma Garson (United Kingdom)

Allow cuba to aid itself and others by lifting the blockade against them by the USA

Nivai Nduka (United Kingdom)

Kevin Mackin (Ireland)

Caroline Hickson (United Kingdom)

Shelagh hewitt (United Kingdom)


Isabelle Vanbrabant (Belgium)

In solidarity

Stephen Marais (South Africa)

Elias de Oliveira Granja Junior (Ireland)

Erdal Sari (Australia)

Helen O'Sullivan (United Kingdom)

George Rendall (United Kingdom)

Martyn Ahmet (United Kingdom)

Suzanne Hooker (United Kingdom)

Dubéros (France)

Pete Davies (United Kingdom)

US should stop this nonsensical blockade against Cuba. Cuba is one of the few countries that are helping other countries in the midst of this Covid-19. We salute Cuba for its international solidarity with countries being devastated by Covid-19. America should do the same!

Khethiwe (South Africa)

Hands off Cuba.. I remember seeing that slogan as grafitti when I was a child. Almost 60 years later and it is still relevant. Hands of Cuba

Mike Crome (United Kingdom)

Debbie boyd (United Kingdom)

carolyn pickering (United Kingdom)

Susanne Hansen (Denmark)

No matter what your politics, this is about basic human kindness.

Irene Boardman (United Kingdom)

Hidayat Purnama (Indonesia)

Fabrizio Nardini (Italy)

Andy Lock (United Kingdom)

Sven Tanggaard Laursen (Denmark)

Mel Guilfoyle (United Kingdom)

Karim megatli (United Kingdom)

It’s way past time that the cruel and illegal blockade was ended. In solidarity

Ian Sharpe (United Kingdom)

Ifan Webb (United Kingdom)

Paul Soto-Kelly (United Kingdom)

Sunay Rodriguez (Belgium)

Cuba do amazing things all over the world with little or zero recognition. The very least they deserve is for the blockade to be lifted immediately and without pre-conditions.

Chris Smith (United Kingdom)

Lars Walter (Denmark)

Elaine Symonds (United Kingdom)

Val Johnson (United Kingdom)

Laura Patarini (Italy)

Robert Poole (United Kingdom)

Elisabetta De Persio (Italy)

Annalisa Severi (Italy)

Tan Hickey (United Kingdom)

Maggie Mellon (United Kingdom)

wonderfull solidaryty

søren zeeberg nielsen (Denmark)

Kjeld Jørgensen (Denmark)

Angela Filippi (United Kingdom)

Vibeke Lund Sonne (Denmark)

Uffe Feldfoss Petersen (Denmark)

Cuba is a beacon of how all our societies should behave. The US blockade must end

Deborah Foster (United Kingdom)

Karin Overtoom (Netherlands)

Silvia Cascianelli (Italy)

Karen watson (United Kingdom)

Tue Tortzen (Denmark)

We are living on the same planet and the members of human species.

Emel Oybak Dönmez (United Kingdom)

Time to stand up to repression England...just watched a movie"A united kingdom"watch it & rethink Cuba. I'm feeling for you Cuba, one visit & I love you forever

wishes goodearth (Australia)

Deniz Çerçioğlu (Turkey)

Nancy Jackson (Canada)



Cuba, que linda es Cuba, ora que es libre la quiero mas!

Marina (Italy)

Mario Gooden (Jamaica)

Paola Scaramazza (Italy)

Colin Byrne (United Kingdom)

Michael R Patton (United Kingdom)

Jacob Jensen (Denmark)

Runi Bergset Hoff (Norway)

Maria (Norway)

Aslı inel (Turkey)

Sherry Rasmussen (Canada)

Eva Due Kristensen (Denmark)

Kyungwan Ryu (South Korea)

Lars-Otto Hansen (Denmark)

Justin Diffey (United Kingdom)

Reiner Hofmann (Germany)

Karen Jose (Canada)

Maja Vitaz (Serbia)

Eva (Italy)

Monika Kostera (Poland)

Michael Liesk (Denmark)


Tony Caleary (United Kingdom)

Karen Holte (Denmark)

To maintain this blockade is inhumane at the best of times.

Tauel Harper (Australia)

Freddy Wedel (Denmark)

We need to unified against the virus - not each other.

Sheryl (Canada)

I have loved my visits to Cuba, and hope to return as soon as possible. Be strong, be safe. The world is changing and you will be treated better.

Nancy McLaughlin (Canada)

All right thinking govts must stand beside Cuba against US sanctions are any time but especially at this time of a globalthreat to humanity!

John Fields (United Kingdom)

Abel Rodriguez Cabrera (Mexico)

Richard Magner (United Kingdom)

Cathy murray (United Kingdom)

Cuba has shown international solidarity to Britain and other countries during this global pandemic, now is our chance to show our appreciation.

Hsien Harper (Australia)

siyuan yin (Canada)

Mary Brown (United States of America)

Please. For God's sake!

Catherine Davis (United States of America)

For global peace and serenity.

Lynda Bolster (Italy)

KARENN REETER (United States of America)

Gabriel (United States of America)

Tammy Rodriguez (United States of America)

John Palomino (United Kingdom)

Queridos hermanos Cubanos Yo soy entre muchos Estadounidenses que estamos avergonzados de nuestro presidente e nuestro gobierno y su historia de crueldad hacia America Latina y Cuba en particular, y de lo que aparece a haber un movimiento en desarrollo de nacionalistas fascistas. Estas acciones recientes de nuestro gobierno de bloqueo de PPE destino para Cuba no refleja los deseos de lo que espero con toda la corazón se queda la mayoría de la gente aquí. Nuestra última esperanza es que por algún milagro consigamos, a pesar de la supresión del votante, a pesar de la fraude electoral, y a pesar de la corrupción en nuestras ambas partidas políticas que ha llegado a ser MUY BIEN descarada, consigamos elegir el único candidato presidencial que represente los deseos y valores de la mayoría del país, el revolucionario Bernie Sanders. Pero ellos, los democrats y los republicans juntos, quieren pararlo a cualquier costo. Si hacer fracasar la Cuba porque el Sanders ha alabado la Cuba por su éxito con su sistema medico (a lo menos comparado con lo nuestro), que así sea. Si hacer fracasar la Cuba para que las estadísticas de los EEUU parezcan mejores comparadas con un país comunista, que así sea. Es un juego para ellos. No les importa si es muerto para otros. ¡Buena suerte mis hermanos! Espero un día visitar Cuba. Parece un lugar y una gente superlegal.... Y me encanta Buena Vista Social Club.. Voy a escucharlo ahora. ¡Hasta siempre! Sinceremente, un americano blanco típico que por casualidad habla español Samuel Thomas Winnick

Sam Winnick (United States of America)

Ailyn (Cuba)

Steffen Schjorring (Denmark)

Joan. Moffatt (Canada)

Songul yucel (Turkey)

Sidsel Hansen (Denmark)

Ya Basta....We are all together.🇨🇺

MaritzA Giberga (United States of America)

Deirdre Whalen (Canada)

Valeska Acosta (United Kingdom)

Thanks to the Cuba government

Badmus Ahmod (Nigeria)

Brennan King (Australia)

Please help our fellow man. This is a crisis. You must help Cuba.

Lynda Flewelling (Canada)

Alice Shing (United Kingdom)

This embargo is killing innocent people!

Cheryl Sennett (United States of America)

seyhun çelik (Turkey)

Thanking Cuba for all the medical assistance given over the years internationally + now over the Corona virus epidemic/ pandemic! True solidarity by Cubs - blockade by US unjust bullying!

Stephen Kspos (United Kingdom)

Pat Kehoe (United Kingdom)

William Wagner (United States of America)

Maria (United Kingdom)

Berta Saldías Aldunate (Greece)

Do they still fear Cuba? Or do they have a deeeep lack of humanity?

Danilo Renzulli (Italy)

Susana (United Kingdom)

Andrew Williamson (United Kingdom)

Lucia Caiazza (Italy)

Celina Campos (Costa Rica)

The brutality of the the US government under Trump is obscene!

Philip Chambers (Canada)

Alison Gray (United Kingdom)

This embargo is outrageous and cruel. Enough. We are all human beings and we must come together to fight our common enemies, COVID19 and the Climate Emergency.

E. Carlson (United States of America)

Just let them have it please, thanks.

Ingamar Ramirez (United States of America)

David Edghill (United Kingdom)

Kate Vinen (Australia)

I deeply wish and hope that all governments worldwide supporting the cruel US sanctions will hopefully go down the drain as a result of changes which hopefully will be initiated in peoples minds worldwide - firstly inside the US.

norbert sindermann (Germany)

Solidarity for healthy common wealth of nations.

Nasser Baston (United Kingdom)

Please help!

S Rasheed (United Kingdom)

Marjorie Ratcliffe (Canada)

Helene-Marie Sandberg (Denmark)

Gerald Good (United Kingdom)

greg kelly (Canada)

Meg Hyder (United Kingdom)

Karen Jazmín Fernández Romer (Peru)

Lorraine Walton (United Kingdom)

Sheree (United Kingdom)

Open space to the new humanity.

Mevlut Erk (Turkey)

Daniela Ancillotti (Italy)

Respekt Cuba and all other contries rights to selg determination.

Kirsten Ruud (Norway)

Amaia (United Kingdom)

Kate Price (United Kingdom)

Helen Yuill (New Zealand)

Valentina Vitali (United Kingdom)

Tony woodhouse (United Kingdom)

Martin daigle (Canada)

The Cuban people should know that we stand with them, even if our imperial or vassal regimes do not.

Clifford Luyt (Canada)

Gabriella Bentivegna (Italy)

Viva Cuba Socialista! Gloria Eterna a Comandante Fidel Castro! Many people of Trondheim and all over Norway support the Cuban Revolution and every effort the make to help humanity in crisis!

Vegard Thonstad (Norway)

Cuba help Italy by sending medical staff to help Italy’s pandemic crisis ... in turn do not be cruel to Cuba.

Pip Clem (United Kingdom)


Thank you for being so generous in helping others. We, in Canada,appreciate what you so and believe the U.S. president Trump,is a terrorist.

Rita Beraro (Canada)

On humanitarian grounds please think of people's lives nothing else is more important.

Tanya Richards (United Kingdom)

Ruth Margerison (New Zealand)

Kyle Williamson (United Kingdom)

Somos un pueblo solidario,no le hacemos daño a nadie,sufrimos por el bloqueo,help

Dulvis (Cuba)

No bloque, libre Cuba

Ayhan Erdoğan (Turkey)

Timur Yusef (United States of America)

Everyone during in a pandemic is a human, irrespective to the country of origin. The illegal embargo of the US must end, and the UK Government should do all it can, to help the cuban people in their hour of need. We must remember, the Cuban government, treated and allowed to dock a British Ship, with our citizens on. We must return the favuor, and ensure the Cuban people can access the technology, and medical equipment needed to combat this virus.

Dean Ismay (United Kingdom)

Malgorzata Jakacka (United Kingdom)

Stay true Cuba because I love you too much!


Jorunn Kalvik (Norway)


Teresa Bozzi (Italy)

Mélodie hauser (Switzerland)

Lee Zaslofsky (Canada)

Paola D’Ettole (Italy)

Jayne Gerrard (United Kingdom)

nick flynn (United Kingdom)

David Gimenes (Brazil)

Ann Bodnar (United States of America)

Ann heidi (Norway)

Federica Farina (Italy)

My name is Vivian Y. Stuart. I am a retired medical professional as a college educator and in the field of Microbiology. I have known about the wonderful humanitarian work Cuba has done for many years. I'm so grateful for the work Cuba has done in Africa and other countries fighting severe diseases. I am asking as an American citizen to the U.S. Government to lift the sanctions on Cuba immediately. Thank you very much.

Vivian Y Stuart (United States of America)

Francesco Palmeggiani (Italy)

Tanja Bjarkøy (Norway)

jamilla gibbs (United Kingdom)

Lucy Thane (United Kingdom)

Victoria (United States of America)

Angela Ayton (United Kingdom)

Mary Davies (United Kingdom)

Claudia (Brazil)

Isabel woods (United Kingdom)

ingrid Strøm (Denmark)

Sue tamburrini (United Kingdom)

Vera (Brazil)

Bradley R Oliver-Lovell (United Kingdom)

Gabriella. Raffaelli (Italy)

Margrethe Pedersen (Denmark)

USA kills a lot of people with their blocked

arnfinn monsen (Norway)

I would like to thank the Cuban government and the medical stuff for the precious help they gave here in Italy to fight the epidemic. Thank you.

Emanuela Angelini (Italy)

Roger James (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba! Stay strong.

Helen Loveridge (United Kingdom)

Fiammetta (Italy)

Margaret (United Kingdom)

Paola (Italy)

i hope population becomes test for corona in cuba

Jens peter lange (Greenland)

K Woodman (United Kingdom)

Kerri (Canada)

Gladys Bahamonde (Belgium)

Tim McDermott (United Kingdom)

Antonio Marinelli (Italy)

jeff (United States of America)

Sherifah (United Kingdom)

Yamila Coba Quetglas (Cuba)

Cuba is a great place to visit. The people are so friendly.

Don Bosley (Canada)

Cuban Humanity will live forever while Trump-inspired inhumanity will incur it's well deserved ignominy. Cuba Si. Trump NO

Mick Stevens (United Kingdom)

Alison McGillivray (Canada)

Jon Dale (United Kingdom)

Larissa Avelar (Norway)

Philip Harte (United Kingdom)

For gods sake this is no time for stupid blockades. Help Cuba the way they help people all over the world. Its not much to ask.

Jane Jackson (Ireland)

John Beresford (United Kingdom)

Maria Anjos (Portugal)

Marta Lugli (Italy)

Virginia Barghini (Italy)

Alejandro Albornoz (United States of America)

Elena López Aguiló (Argentina)

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi (United Kingdom)

Archana (Norway)

Henrik Diness andersen (Portugal)

Adina Calin (Canada)

We are in this together, all nations, all people.

Martin Corbin (United States of America)

Louise Lanoie (Canada)

Margaret de Gruchy (United Kingdom)

Don't do to another what you would now want done to yourself.

Elizabeth (United States of America)

Ana Cabal (Belgium)

We are to remain focused on the American safety. We are not to cause harm or block relief between foreign countries. It is none of our business, Mr. Trump. If anything we should increasing support by reducing but monitoring restrictions.

Brandy Wright (United States of America)

James Mitchell (United Kingdom)

Lis Sobol (Denmark)

It is time for the USA to leave behind their embargoes. Let Cuba prosper.

Wendy Bradley (Canada)

Ole Martin Kolberg (Norway)

Raj Gill (United Kingdom)

Trish Anderson (New Zealand)

Ann Williams (United Kingdom)

Stop bullying US

Jeremy stanford (United Kingdom)

Lucy Baker (United Kingdom)

Deva Palmier (United Kingdom)

Birgit Ludwig (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba libre del embargo

Marcelo Beré (Brazil)

Erika Goldring (United States of America)

Cuba thank very much

Irene Calesini (Italy)

Katy (United Kingdom)

Sue Tagg (United Kingdom)

Trump needs to be less petty over this. Does he want a reservoir of infection just off the U.S mainland, if he gets things under control at home?

Zoe Roberts (United Kingdom)

Stay strong Cuba, and I hope to god you guys get the help that is needed to fight covid 19 we are all in this together ! Prayers.

Kristina (Canada)

Gülsüm Aslan (Turkey)

Mariana Casanova (Portugal)

Justice and morality is with Cuba; and criminality wth USA!

Dan Thea. (United Kingdom)

I think that the USA blokade of Cuba is a scandal when we are talking about medical supplies during the Corona cricis

Helmer Nymark Andersen (Denmark)

Pete Jones (United Kingdom)

Antony Melville (United Kingdom)

Mary Addleton (United Kingdom)

Helen De Witt (United Kingdom)

Daniela Colamedici (Italy)

Andrea Cantini (United Kingdom)

We all are fighting against common enemy to save sapiens on our common planate. Keep away ideological differences and join hand into hands.

Saeed-ur-Rehman (Pakistan)

Ciarón mc Donnell (United Kingdom)

Sanctions against Cuba are an international disgrace.

Jonathan Bezeau (Canada)

Michael High (United Kingdom)

Francesca Micheletti (Italy)

Warren Hoffman (South Africa)

at this time which calls for international solidarity - it is purely ideological and anti-humanitarian to continue the blockade

Dr Muir Houston (United Kingdom)

anna (Italy)

For Gods sake have empathy !

Val Fishman (Canada)

Alex Schaub (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for your generous spirit

Jane cox (United Kingdom)

Jan Fjeldstad (Norway)

We are with you in your struggle against the imperialist regime.

John Schuurman (South Africa)

Help theses people.

Dottie (United States of America)

Max Kane (United Kingdom)

vanda scarpelli (Italy)

stacey thain (United Kingdom)

Patricia Ashby (United Kingdom)

Stop this unconscionable blockade of Cuba ! You are killing innocent souls for delusional politics.

Richard Walsh (United States of America)

Tine Christensen (Denmark)

Joan Margrethe Hegelund (Denmark)

Carole Yeo (United Kingdom)

Do the right thing

James Ritchie (United Kingdom)

Cecilia Santi (Italy)

Tanja Nordang (Norway)

It is a shame that Cuba still suffers for the obnoxious and absurd embargo

giampaolo (Italy)

Elena (Italy)

andrea filippi (Italy)

jim globe (Canada)

The rich G7 counties should take note of the excellent work done by Cuba in the developing countries and when the dust has settled, they should build strong trading and cultural links with Cuba. They should work to remove the blockade by the United States of America.

Michael A. Edwards (United Kingdom)

Bjørg Tveter (Norway)

Canada loves Cuba !

Christophe Michaud (Canada)

The blockade is criminal and purely ideological.

Renata Medeiros Mirra (United Kingdom)

Costantino (Italy)

Bonnie Good (Canada)

Karsten Karstensen) (Norway)


Ricardo Guadarrama Luyando (Mexico)

Everybody is entitled to medical care is this hard time. My prayers are all with you.

Alain Sylvestre (Canada)

Lillian Drange (Norway)

Christine Howden (United Kingdom)

Birthe Reinau (United Kingdom)

Cuban people showed immense solidarity with other people and other country, like Italy, sending their medics to help. Blockade against Cuba must stop. this is the minimum that should happen! Stefano

Stefano Ba' (United Kingdom)

Help cuban people,please.

Arisleyda Clarke Carter (United Kingdom)

If we can work with Middle East, Asia, Russia,why not Cuba? I see more advantages if we join interests. I do not fear Cuba.

Richard Randall (United States of America)

Thies Gehrmann (Netherlands)

Mary McVeigh (United Kingdom)

The Trump administration has no humanitarian interest as evinced by their treatment of their own population let alone those of other countries. I think we should add the demand to lift sanctions on IRAN also.

pamela blakelock (United Kingdom)

Simon Childs (United Kingdom)

Mark McVann (United Kingdom)

Snoeckx (Belgium)

It is time to end the US blockade against Latin American and other states forever. Finally accept the sovereignty of these states. Solidarity Greetings Brigitte Oftner - Austria

Brigitte Oftner (Austria)

Christian Steinmayr (Austria)

Humanity is more important than stupid politics, no life form should be seen as less than or a number in a conflict.

Marcus J Green (United States of America)

Fernando Barroso (Brazil)

El bloqueo mata. ¡Abajo el bloqueo!

Jose Estevez (Cuba)

it is about time to raise the blokade

linna juhl hansen (Denmark)

Caolán Ó Machail (United Kingdom)

Sally (United Kingdom)


Jeferson JP (Brazil)

Kirsten Maria Magelund (Denmark)

Tamer Güleç (Turkey)

Megan Wang (United States of America)

Lietys Blair (nee Peña Sochay) (United Kingdom)

Brian Moucka (United States of America)

Be human,be solidair....stop it....

Mara Gonzalez (Netherlands)

Deborah Filson (United Kingdom)


MarvinE Crenshaw (United States of America)

Nina Elisabeth Dahl (Norway)

To my friends and comrades in Cuba I send fraternal greetings, thanks and solidarity at this time, as ever you are on the frontline fighting for dignity and humanity. I salute you!.....peaceluvxxxxxxxx

Colin Bartie (United Kingdom)

Paul Litobarski (United Kingdom)

Shame on the USA

Jan Francis (Netherlands)

Jessica (United Kingdom)

Heide Humburg (Germany)


Elaine Morrison (United Kingdom)

Aashim Aggarwal (Canada)

S.-R. Groulx (Canada)

Estoy en contra de este bloqueo criminal,genocida,mezquino contra Cuba.Que se puede pensar en este situation de pandemia,una potencia mantenga un bloqueo contra la solidaria Cuba.ABAJO EL BLOQUEO.....VIVE CUBA LIBRE

Bernardo Gonzalez Martinez (Cuba)

Kelly Harrison (Ireland)

For the country that invented Interferon, and that sends doctors all over the world, to be prevented from accessing other necessary treatments for Corona virus is unconscionable.

Deenna Stryker (United States of America)

En cette période difficile pour la planète entière, nous devons unir nos forces et nos ressources. Les Etats-Unis doivent faire leur part et cesser ce comportement égocentrique. Nous sommes tous à un moment où la planète doit faire fi de ses rancœurs et s’unir contre ce virus

Nicole Payeur (Canada)


Angelisa Blomquist (United States of America)

Rosie Mctaggart (United Kingdom)

In the face of a pandemic politics and agendas should be set aside to help humanity worldwide.

Dan Lessard (Canada)

Elvis Wisdom (Sweden)

End the Blockead ! It's enough !!!!!


Hasse Thornberg (Denmark)

Debra Parker (United Kingdom)

Jacob (United States of America)

Jessica Chern (United States of America)

Cody Fan (United States of America)

Bente olsen (Denmark)

Klaus Peters (Germany)

nil rioux (Canada)

How can the US continue sanctions at a time like this , Cuba trains some of the world’s best doctors ,this is time for co operation on all sides

Caroline Marzo (United Kingdom)

Colin coughlin (United Kingdom)

Cuba, Muchas Gracias!!!

Alfred Jr Porras (United States of America)

Alexis (Spain)

Josephine Wright (United Kingdom)

usa proving a multipolar world is needed

Chris Hobbs (United Kingdom)

matthew Weston edwards (United Kingdom)

Feryal Halatci (Turkey)

Maria Hansson (France)

Türkü Naz Altınay (Turkey)

Tyler Hill (Canada)

Nuestra lucha de siempre! Lograremos!

Maurizio Panichelli (Italy)

Julie Botten (United Kingdom)

Omar Rodríguez Comes (Cuba)

pierre mackay (Canada)

I give Solidarity to my Cuban comrades! ❤️

Neil Simpson (United Kingdom)

Anton Thomsen (Denmark)

Cuba's actions are heroic and show what can be done with a humanitarian approach.

Peter Latham (United Kingdom)

Please help Cuba and there beautiful people!! 😍

Anneke knip (Netherlands)

Ian McDonald (United Kingdom)

Robert Frechette (Canada)

Anne McCormack (United Kingdom)

Marta Figueiredo (Portugal)

Sara Espino (Mexico)

Viva Cuba

Niels christensen (Denmark)

Mike Tregent (United Kingdom)

Makanti Mabala (United Kingdom)

Be human and support Cuba's humaniratian efford!

Zennure Durukal (United Kingdom)

Glenda (Canada)

We would all do well to follow the example set by Cuba to the rest of the world. Their spirit of generosity is wonderful.

Dianne Hayes (United Kingdom)

The illegal US Embargo must end. Its only effect is to interfere and to cause nuisance. We are facing a global pandemic, and so barriers to providing effective treatment and medical care simply cannot be allowed to stand.

Katie de Kauwe (United Kingdom)

Kyle Bilik (Virgin Islands (U.S.))

Please support Cuba in any way possible They deserve it

bridget thompson (South Africa)

Medical aid should not be blocked!

Sabrina Gomes (Canada)

Becky Manson (United Kingdom)

Karin van Houten (Netherlands)

Cuba has been a shining example on so many fronts to the rest of the world. What is America afraid of beyond the good example? Trump should try making America GOOD again instead of making it great again. Alas there was such a time when Wallace and Roosevelt ran America

Gary Wilfred Gillot (United Kingdom)

Yvette McNab (United Kingdom)

Jena Dahlke (United States of America)

Hanne Eriksen (Denmark)

Ethan Patterson (United States of America)

gülten tuz (Turkey)

Peter Mal (United States of America)

Line Lamer (Canada)

It is an embarrassment to the American People that our country is so petty that in a time of great world emergency that our “so called” president would deny ANYONE aid. This is not the great country I grew up with. People are people, no matter where they live, what color they are or what government they live under. A weak and petty child is preventing people from dying HERE and abroad, shame

Jeff Bague (United States of America)

In solidarity!

Denise Benetello (United Kingdom)

Please support the Cuba

Richard Chapman (United Kingdom)

Ross Graham (United Kingdom)

Rod Whitworth (United Kingdom)

USA murdering their own population and in the same time, paying atention into harm Cuba and other Countries

magdalena jitrik (Argentina)

Shaun Anderson (United Kingdom)

Vlademir Lucio Ramos (Brazil)

Elizabeth Rose (United Kingdom)

Siobhán O Connor (Ireland)

Jose Bella (Spain)

Eva Luetchford (United Kingdom)

Stop the US Embargo. This is criminal especially under the current crisis

Alessandro Benedetti (Cuba)

Rosario (Spain)

Clea johnsen (United Kingdom)

The USA has been bullying many countries just because they don't agree with them. It's time for the rest of world to put their Foodtown and if need be isolate USA on their own so they stop this bully behaviour. Together we can do it!

Conrad Azzopardi (Malta)

Wish you all well and thanks for your support 👍🏻

Ea Matzon (Denmark)

Maria Mahoney-Picton (United Kingdom)

Cem Hevallo (United Kingdom)

Milena Nagel (Germany)

Karl (Denmark)

Yes Cuba

Fábio (United Kingdom)

Just want to support the Cuban people

Teresa Heeks (United Kingdom)

Eduardo Cornelio (Cuba)

Wilma ludlow (United Kingdom)

Colin Miller (United Kingdom)

Berit Brandseth (Norway)

Leo Sykes (United Kingdom)

Carolina Luyando (Mexico)

Brian Campfield (United Kingdom)

We all know the reasons why this organized criminal US Gov are doing this; its a rather old thing they do and has to do with their Imperialistic inhumane way of Forein Policy , with their ABSURD illusion of World dominance, but they want to stick to it [ because its also very rpofitable along the way ]. They are the epitome of hyper neoliberalism with a CEO at the wheel.

Stephan Reisig (Netherlands)

chris bennere (United Kingdom)

For the good of both people and a show of solidarity in these difficult times we have and to be had.

Alex Beckmann (Denmark)

roger kelly (United Kingdom)

Brian Little (United Kingdom)

Jan mathisen (Denmark)

Patrizia Pennuzzi (Italy)

UK: Message for the US. Please release the much needed resources and medical equipment so needed by the people of Cuba. It is required for the mitigation of the effects of the international pandemic brought about by Covid 19 virus. Cuba has always assisted countries in need by sending their medical doctors wherever help was required. This included my own country South Africa. Please waive the long standing US Blockade on Cuban goods in this instance.

Mercia Davids (South Africa)

Suzanne Frijling (Netherlands)

stuart quinn (United Kingdom)

Allan MacAskill (United Kingdom)

Jon ball (United Kingdom)

Sue king (United Kingdom)

Ujitha the de Zoysa (United Kingdom)

We are ALL in this together

Peter (Canada)

The island’s altruistic response to the global emergency continues a long history of Cuban humanitarianism. In the last 56 years 400,000 Cuban health workers have responded to natural disasters and helped build health services in 164 nations. We call on the British government to make an urgent representation to the US to end its blockade immediately, or at the very least to temporarily suspend it to allow vital supplies of food, fuel and medical equipment to the Cuban people. The Cuban people supported the British people in a time of need. This is a chance to demonstrate our appreciation.

Peter (United Kingdom)

Hélène Fyfe (Canada)

Jim McGuigan (United Kingdom)

Susie slade (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade on Cuba, the Cuban people deserve the support of the world, they have given their support to other countries without question or hesitation. The people of Cuba are our fellow human beings, humanity has no borders.

Val Moore (United Kingdom)

Ursula (United Kingdom)

Mary (United States of America)

Enough of this embargo!!! It’s time to let the past go! Other communist countries don’t have the same restrictions yet this tiny little country is still a “threat” to the USA?!? Lift the embargo’s and help these people out!!!

Samantha Emo (Canada)

Cian Woodward (United Kingdom)

John Sørensen (Denmark)

Allen Langley (United Kingdom)

In Solidarity with the Cuban people. The time is now to remove this blockade. Enough is enough. Those who were involved with the cuban missile crisis have passed, and it's time to allow Cuba to her back to normal life in the global economy.

Mark Golding (Canada)

Amanda (United States of America)

Martin Arovén (Sweden)

Dennis Smith (United Kingdom)

Jeremiah Walton (United States of America)

This blockade was inhumane and stupid at its origination and will take smart and caring humans too overcome the stupid and inhumane policies of the U.S.government.

John Lefavour (United States of America)

Christine Adlen (United Kingdom)

No al bloqueo

Marta villar (Argentina)

Ingrid E Ingalls (United States of America)

Amy Kelly (Canada)

Jayashree Manikandan (India)

I'm with Cuba. #Laal_Salaam

Ismail Zabiulla (India)

Luisa Leyba (Mexico)

Alejandra Herrera Mancilla (Chile)

Kim Johnston (Canada)

Bennett Moore (United States of America)

Chris Carter (United Kingdom)

Chris Meggat (United Kingdom)

Joy Smith (Canada)

Erica Jolly (Australia)

Søren Kolind (Denmark)

Jack Dunn (United Kingdom)

Keith Winterton (United Kingdom)

The wonderful country of Cuba and its people set an example to us all. It is time that the US lifted their embargo.

Erica Moores (United Kingdom)

Audrey Kankiewicz (Canada)

Caroline bernier (Canada)

Greetings and solidarity from London. Many happy memories of visiting Cuba. Including benefiting from your superb health care system. Your altruism in the midst of this crisis has been an inspiration to all. I hope for the day when the US will turn the page and lift this inhumane and unnecessary blockade. Peace and health to all.

Richard Burgon (United Kingdom)

It is high time that the amazing contribution of Cuba to global peace and welfare is recognised and much more pressure brought to bear on the US to end their illegal blockade. If every country emulated Cuba, what a happy, productive and sustainable world we would have.

Tess Green (United Kingdom)

So sad the Trump is President and won’t support part of our own country

Sue MacDonald (United States of America)

james wood (United Kingdom)

Barry Bartram (Canada)

solidarity with the Cuban Population.

Manfred Kucht (Germany)

Helle Storgaard (Denmark)

Solidarity for those who showed solidarity so often.

Heinz-Juergen Krug (Germany)

Cuba arriba

Amaury linares Méndez (Cuba)

Peter D'Gama (Canada)

durıye ilhan (Turkey)

John Puntis (United Kingdom)

Bronwen Kaplan (South Africa)

Pl.Strive to remove all types of blockades against cuba

Raveendra (India)

Ummuhan Aslan (Turkey)

Viva Cuba!

Nikolai S. C. Aamand (Denmark)

Phil Smith (United Kingdom)

Laura Heeks (United Kingdom)

Andrew Butchers (United Kingdom)

Please end this criminal embargo, show your humanity and be humble

Andy Peet (United Kingdom)

Ana Maria Uribe (Mexico)

Lift the embargo of this beautiful country! It’s time for Cubans to have access to the amenities of the rest of the free world. They have proven to be one of the most humanitarian examples of the world and deserve to have access to needed goods. After surviving all these years under the embargo, it is clear that the US will never own them, which is which is what I believe to be the underlying objective here. LET THEM BE AND END THIS!!!!

Louisa Sheppard (United Kingdom)

Satya (India)

Michael (Canada)

Carys Pennant (United Kingdom)

Anna Sardesai (United Kingdom)

Kevin Chase (Canada)

Angel Gonzalo Puentes (Cuba)

Solidarity From One Country to Another ✊

Anna Mc Ginley wright (United Kingdom)

Thomas Ter-Borch (Denmark)

Brian Sherman (Canada)

Liz Cutter (United Kingdom)

J. Andrew (United States of America)

Henriette Rolighed (Denmark)

Please help these people!

Darlene Carter (Canada)

cara reed (United Kingdom)

Elda Luyando (Mexico)

yasmin braunhofer (United Kingdom)

Manon (Canada)

Mike Osment (United Kingdom)

tadas zaronskis (Lithuania)

George (Canada)

drean gram (Spain)

Cuba, the most friendly, educated people, country I've visited. Although being 'blockaded' for years, still sends its best doctors to other countries to help. Its about time the US government recognised that and stopped treating them like 'criminals'.

Tim Bond (United Kingdom)

Ronell Grobler (South Africa)

Its the time for humanity to Stay together... Lift the Global blockade against cuba..

Stalin (India)

R Davies (United Kingdom)


Odhran Peoples Shiels (Ireland)

Juan Gómez (United States of America)

Cinzia Cordella (United Kingdom)

Bernadette tucker (United Kingdom)

Please assist the Cuban people they are part of the global world same as any other Country. Not to mention they are humble kind and brilliant. Please in the name of humanity help them. They deserve to be treated with respect as they certainly give it. The USA has no right to stop their need for supplies to survive . Get rid of Trump he is the devil. Get the life living help to these Cubans.

Denise Booth Ray Koziel (Canada)

Lisbel Rojas (Spain)

Mariateresa Coppola (Netherlands)

Matthias (Netherlands)

Ali Mohamed Assabri (Yemen)

Rhona McCord (Ireland)

Ozgur Develioglu (Turkey)

Angela M Allred (United States of America)

It’s time we help them in a crisis! Bringing small supplies with us as we visit there simply isn’t enough! Perhaps without a blockade they would’ve been capable of helping the rest of the world (and themselves) far beyond what they are currently capable of doing... imagine what they could be capable of accomplishing, given what they’ve accomplished with limited supplies and support!

Gloria King (Canada)

It is time to change how you manage the world just by working on understanding, cooperation and solidarity as the key words on geopolitics.

Eduardo Medina Nodarse (Cuba)

Merete Raaschou (Denmark)

The Cuban people also have a right to access to supplies to keep them safe during this pandemic.

Shari Laird (Canada)

Tom (Canada)

Nicoleta Atanasiu (Norway)

I see that President Trump Is more interested in the US Economy/Money then Life itself. Sad case for a leader. Acting more like a dictator then a leader! I ALSO FEEL FOR THE AMERICANS!

Marty Frenette (Canada)

Help the world!

Denise Rehel (Canada)

Åsmund Ukkelberg (Norway)

End the brutal blockade of Cuba.

Jim McIntyre (United Kingdom)

Keep fighting the good fight the world is watching and know you stand with them

Naison Montalvo (United States of America)

Chris hoy (United Kingdom)

Catherine Tannock (United Kingdom)

Murat Göçmem (Turkey)

Douglas Dickson (United Kingdom)

This is wrong in so many ways

Sandra Bouchard (Canada)

Diana Heeks (United Kingdom)

Albrecht Geißler (Germany)

John Williams (Dominica)

Lee shepherd (United Kingdom)

Grahame Nicholls (United Kingdom)

Josephine (United Kingdom)

Linda Clair (United Kingdom)

Cuba has been one of the most damaging and long-running failures of US foreign policy which President Obama had taken steps to repair. Lifting the embargo is the least that can be done.

Michael Bell (United Kingdom)

Tatiana Largo (Chile)

Patricia Flynn (United Kingdom)

Egon Laugesen (Denmark)

Claire Wormald (United Kingdom)

abdul paliwala (United Kingdom)

These are good people and deserve our help.

Darlene Rogers (Canada)

Susanne Urs (Denmark)

Michael Preisler (Denmark)

President Trump please lift this embargo off Cuba these lovely people need to get help and you are preventing it you are only hurting the population not the government.

Alan Dean (United Kingdom)

Johanna Albrecht (United States of America)

The Cubans let aBritish cruise ship dock when the Americans turned it away so time to repay to the deed

Ken Baker (United Kingdom)

Jorge Borges-Ibanez (United Kingdom)

İlkay Kireççi (Turkey)


Serdar (Turkey)

mustafa özbek (Turkey)

Janet Mace (United Kingdom)

Gareth Murphy (United Kingdom)

They have done so much all over the world . Compassionate people

John Ashmore (Canada)

Cuba has never deserved this treatment - outrageous!!!

leslie hetherington (Canada)

Allan Stoklund (Denmark)

Cuba has suffered too long and too much under the illegal US blockade, while UK governments have remained silent and done little to help. As the US corners the market on respirators, etc, the UK government should offer all help to the Cubans in return for their help to UK cruise ship passengers, the people of Haiti and many more.

David and Ann Morton (United Kingdom)

Luella Benedetto (United States of America)

Suzanne Hughes (United Kingdom)

kate mariat (United Kingdom)

Whilst Cuba sends doctors around the world, and even offered the United States medical aid following 9/11, the USA stays true to its misanthropic, nasty and evil empire form. If you want to wins hearts and minds, then you need to reverse decisions like this.

Gregory Topalian (United Kingdom)

Debi I’Anson (United Kingdom)

Siobhan Farrell (Canada)

Viva Cuba! Patria o Muerte Vencerá!

Ernesto Coloma (Finland)

Lisbeth Søegaard (Denmark)

Please help the Cuban people in this time of need! Regardless of your political views now is not the time to argue politics. Stop the embargo stop suffering and save lives!!

Orlando (United States of America)

Sean W (United Kingdom)

Richard Jones (United Kingdom)

Elly Barstad (Denmark)

Dean Memery (Ireland)

Gunna Wrønding (Denmark)

Phil (United Kingdom)

Rachel Harriss (United Kingdom)

Lesley Mathews (United Kingdom)

Rebecca Svensson (Denmark)

Jamie Murphy (United Kingdom)

Shari (Canada)

John Cooney (Philippines)

Senem Fırat (United Kingdom)

Desmond Rakhaly (United Kingdom)

Terry Yarnell (United Kingdom)

Allison Nicol (United Kingdom)

FIONA SHAW (United Kingdom)

Ronny smith (Canada)

Donna Hatchell (United Kingdom)

Kat Power (Canada)

To the cuban government and people you deserve great respect and have my utmost gratitude for all your support around the world and its about time the world stepped in too help and support you in your hour of need from myself and the rest of the u.k i would like too say thankyou and i really hope the u.s government help you and the rest of the world support you.

Barry cummings (United Kingdom)

Alison Wear (United Kingdom)

How can Western countries, that proclaim their humanitarian principles, behave so vindictively at this time of universal peril?

John Garrett (United Kingdom)

Inger Ljostad (Norway)

Thai hew (Canada)

Hanne Svensson (Denmark)

Anna-Marie Zama (Denmark)

Sorry Cuba :/ not cool

Kevin Patrick Weldon (United States of America)

Viva la gente cubana! It’s well past time that the UK government acted to end the blockade.

Jim Farrell (United Kingdom)

Edward Burt (United Kingdom)

Christopher Rodriguez (United States of America)

art kent (Sweden)

Cuba has done so much for the health of the world that it deserves more support now and an end to cruel sanctions against it in the name of humanity

wendy morgan (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for the medical help you are giving to those most in need. GB government - please note the humanitarian effort Cuba is making in this time of world crisis and lobby the US to end the blockade

Rev Jude Bullock (United Kingdom)

Sarah Burnett (United Kingdom)

Caroline Reid (United Kingdom)

Özgür Çelik (Turkey)

I have been to Cuba, they are lovely people and they deserve so much more. America needs to lift this embargo and allow this country the freedom to develop and proper, especially at this time when everyone is struggling with this horrible virus!

Jane Herbert (United Kingdom)

Jasmine Belle (United Kingdom)

peter reilly (United Kingdom)

Sergen AKAR (Turkey)

Eleni Grivellis (United Kingdom)

João Lafuente (Portugal)

Maja Foegh (Denmark)

Jennifer (United Kingdom)

I had hoped for this pandemic to make us more humane

Maggie King (United Kingdom)

Miranda Melville (United Kingdom)


John Murph (Ireland)

Someday, everybody will learn to live together with peace and respect 🙏

Bulent Cebi (Turkey)

Margaret Robson. (United Kingdom)

In these uncertain times, all countries have to learn to work together and support each other.

Terry Riley (United Kingdom)

David Pearce (United Kingdom)

Jackie Jackson (United Kingdom)

Rebecca David (United Kingdom)

Yaşasın halkların özgürlüğü

Münevver (Turkey)

Richard Outram (United Kingdom)

We are all human Be kind Support everyone world Stop the selfishness and become as one! one Love ❤️

David Dillane (Canada)

Benjamin Williams (United Kingdom)

Lesley McGuigan (United Kingdom)

Jørgen Strøm (Denmark)

Alex H (United States of America)

Patrick (Greenland)

Semih Yenigul (Turkey)

H (United Kingdom)

Emin Sami Ilgazlı (Turkey)

Ahmet Arıkan (Turkey)

TONY MORAN (United Kingdom)

Dorthe Møller (Denmark)

Tony (United Kingdom)

Pär Letell (Sweden)

Sharon (United Kingdom)

Jos Goedkoop (Netherlands)

Jesper Mobeck (Denmark)

Humanity needs each other, no embargo and obstacles ... free cuba ..

Fehmi AKPINAR (Turkey)

Demet Yükseler (Turkey)

Ron Fox (United Kingdom)

Cuba needs our support ...

Brenda Slauenwhite (Canada)

We are all in this together, one world.

Daphne Luce (United Kingdom)

David Beatty (United Kingdom)

I'm so sorry, I'm speechless and sad about how this amazing country and Its wonderful people are being treated by the privileged west.

steve (United Kingdom)

PLEASE remove blockade from this wonderful country

Barbara Tyas (United Kingdom)

FatmaGençYakışkan (Turkey)

Hanne Sessingø (Denmark)

Elaine summerwill (United Kingdom)

Please help Cuba move into the future

John Dixon (United Kingdom)

Berit Bro (Denmark)

Chris Hedges (Ireland)

Sally Rogers (United Kingdom)

Pongan fin al Bloqueo contra Cuba, basta ya

Waldo Salomon (Denmark)

MJ (Belgium)

Stop this embargo now. It is wicked and callous.

Carol Burt (United Kingdom)

Adem Adem (United Kingdom)

Klaus Schulte (Denmark)

Tayyar sedef (Turkey)

Covid-19 is just a virus, capitalism is the pandemi

Zeynep Türkmen (Turkey)

Anthea Davids Thomas (Ireland)

Yasasin Halklarin Kardesligi

Kazim Sadikoglu (Turkey)

Marianne Eiberg Jørgensen (Denmark)

Kim Jens Frederiksen (Denmark)

Karl Spires (United Kingdom)

Umut Can (Turkey)

Global solidarity is called for to tackle this pandemic. Blockades, sanctions and hostility will result in the avoidable deaths of the millions innocent.

John Lloyd (United Kingdom)

Peter Whitby (United Kingdom)

John James (United Kingdom)

Hope enough Will support and sign this hope for humanity ‼️ All The Best Flemming

Flemming Hardy Olsen (Denmark)

Mark Savage (United Kingdom)

American tyranny must be rejected. The world must say to the Americans, no more illegal blockages like that placed on Cuba

Stephen Kember (France)

Meredith Neeson (Australia)

Maggie Hartford (United Kingdom)

I'm blessed to have been able to visit Cuba some years ago and saw first hand how they were living in Havana with very little choice on their supermarket shelves. The people were warm and welcoming and it is a beautiful place which deserves assistance in this extraordinary situation. Please urge Trump to lift the blockade now.

Alison Dark (United Kingdom)

Richard Ratajczak (United Kingdom)

Kevin Patrick McCann (United Kingdom)

Jonni Andersen (Denmark)

Theresa Olesen (Denmark)

Nihan San (Turkey)

Power to the Cubans - lift the blockade - the world will benefit!

Leigh Harding (Australia)

andy gibson (Ireland)

Irene (United Kingdom)

Trevor Grewar (United Kingdom)

Eoin Ryan (Ireland)

Roy Dunnett. (United Kingdom)

Humanity must prevail during these uncertain times

Clare Pitts (United Kingdom)

Karina Sartor (Denmark)

In solidarity with the people of Cuba and the UK, I denounce this horrible act of inhumanity by the Republican administration who has a strangle hold on our country and is doing everything in its power to make a very bad situation worse. Trump's inhumanity is deadly, and most of the US citizens feel much more in common with the people of Cuba and the UK than we do with the Trump regime. President Trump, stop being so horrible and lift the blockade on Cuba and lift all sanctions against people all around the world.

Margaret McGonigle (United States of America)

Per frese (Denmark)

Thank you for your brilliant proletarian internationalism

Penny Wright (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba!

John Pickering (United Kingdom)

Engin Güneysu (Turkey)

Rose Ruiz (France)

Cristina Della Valle (Italy)

U.K. support Cuba who helped Cruise ship and acted in a humanitarian way - USA should be humanitarian. Way too

Janet Rogerson (United Kingdom)

Linda Phillips (United Kingdom)

Phil Watt (United Kingdom)

Volkan (Turkey)

Elena Arias (Spain)

Janet drain (United Kingdom)

Tamara Rego (United Kingdom)

İnsanlık dışı onlarca yıldır uygulanan ambargo haksızdı. Şimdi salgın hastalık var iken devam etmesi ayrıca vahşettir. İnsana değer verin ! Aslında kısaca söylenecek söz, " İNSAN OLUN " o zaman ambargoyu süresiz kaldırma zorunluluğunu hissedersiniz.

ÜNAL B. (Turkey)

Cara (United Kingdom)

As the world fights an international battle against the coronavirus pandemic, Cuba has once again proved itself a paragon of internationalism and solidarity. In recent days the island has sent highly skilled medical brigades to many countries including Italy, Grenada, Jamaica, Nicaragua and Venezuela to support foreign health services overwhelmed by the scale of the crisis. On 18 March the Cuban government offered safe haven to passengers of the stricken British cruise ship MS Braemar allowing it to dock in Havana when many other countries had refused. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab publicly thanked Cuba for this assistance in a statement to the UK parliament. It has also made its anti-viral drug Interferon Alfa-2b available to nations around the world to help in the treatment of patients infected with COVID-19. The island’s altruistic response to the global emergency continues a long history of Cuban humanitarianism. In the last 56 years 400,000 Cuban health workers have responded to natural disasters and helped build health services in 164 nations. This includes sending medical brigades to Pakistan in the aftermath of the Kashmiri earthquake (2005), to Haiti to assist with the devastating cholera outbreak following the earthquake (2010), and to West Africa in the region’s fight against Ebola (2015). Cuba has also trained 35,613 health professionals from 138 countries at its Latin American Medical School since 1998. At the same time the island has suffered the effects of the 58-year old criminal United States blockade which causes daily shortages of food, fuel and other basic necessities. Last year the cost to the Cuban health sector alone amounted to more than $104 million. As we write, Cuba is itself combating the spread of coronavirus within its own population and needs access of medical equipment and resources to safeguard the well-being of its most vulnerable citizens. Cuba has always put the humanitarian needs of people first, regardless of borders or politics. At this time of international crisis, the US blockade is criminal, not only for its impact on the Cuban people, but also for hindering their ability to assist in the worldwide battle against the virus. The Cuba Solidarity Campaign sends its eternal gratitude to the Cuban medical teams for their inspirational example of global solidarity. At the same time we call on the British government to make an urgent representation to the US to end its blockade immediately, or at the very least to temporarily suspend it to allow vital supplies of food, fuel and medical equipment to the Cuban people. The Cuban people supported the British people in a time of need. This is a chance to demonstrate our appreciation.

Cansu yilmaz (Turkey)

Jeremy White (United Kingdom)

Mary Oliver (United Kingdom)

Carol Ewartp (United Kingdom)

Giorgia Muffato (Italy)

Michelle Lowe (United Kingdom)

Hana Fiserova (United Kingdom)

Lisa Zychowicz (United Kingdom)

Bernard King (Spain)

Desmond Booth (South Africa)

Deborah Coverdale (United Kingdom)

Give and release cuba its medical supplies to help fight COVID9

Mohammad Omar (Sweden)

Sarah Ferrari (United Kingdom)

Gerard McCarthy (Ireland)

Ghazal Haqani (United Kingdom)

flemming jakobsen (Denmark)

Danielle (United Kingdom)

Imdad qazi (Pakistan)

Laura Beddini (Italy)

Elaine Hayes (United Kingdom)

Urgent action needed! Thank you so much indeed.

Rose Beerhalter (Germany)

Gina (United Kingdom)

Suzan Biçmen (Cyprus)

Lucia Poliakova (Ireland)

Ozgur Koroglu (Turkey)

Gianni Sommei (Italy)

Janice Mayer (United Kingdom)

Philip McCarthy (United Kingdom)

Gunn Felldal (Norway)

Bill Beaumont (United Kingdom)

Dave Palazzo (Canada)

Ian MacFadyen (Canada)

Clare Dorothy (United Kingdom)

Susanne Stage

Susanne Stage (Denmark)

Caroline Close (Australia)

She Kennedh (United Kingdom)

Pierre-Yves Roten (Mauritius)

Steffi Diez (Germany)

Jane Howson (United Kingdom)

Shane Martin (Australia)

Maria (United Kingdom)

Germana Alfaro (Spain)

Edward Miles Stapleton (United States of America)

Alana Heaney (United Kingdom)

Please put aside all the political disagreements. We are all the same people fighting this virus irrelevant of where we were born. Covid 19 is indecrimnate and does not understand borders, it will attack wherever. Please help the people of Cuba now to fight this virus.

Julie Dyson (United Kingdom)

mo mason (United Kingdom)

Deniz benli (Turkey)

Veronica Campanile (United Kingdom)

Pia Møller Madsen (Denmark)

Tarık Özturk (Turkey)

Korkmaz Ünal (Turkey)

Cuba leads the way on humanitarian solidarity because they put people first. I look forward to the day when this is a common action on behalf of all nations

lynda walker (Ireland)

Susan Thomason (United Kingdom)

Cathrine Bruaset (Norway)

It's time to stop sanctions against Cuba, these only hurt the poorest in Cuba and like Vietnam they deserve more.

Patrick Fitzpatrick (United Kingdom)

For the humans

Ersin (Turkey)

Heather Cargill (United Kingdom)

Give Cuba aid!

S Cloherty (United Kingdom)

Ece ayaydın (Turkey)

Diana Candelo (United Kingdom)

Kurt Nielsen (Denmark)

Evin koç (Turkey)

Camilla Holmberg (Sweden)

Eric Barnes (United Kingdom)

James nimmo (United Kingdom)

Pleases help Cuba by urging to US to stop the blockade whilst they need supplies .

Jen Stewart (United Kingdom)

Gill Heritage (United Kingdom)

Mona Mikkonen Brandt (Denmark)

Canan (Spain)

Gerhard Drexler (Austria)

Luciano Muffato (Italy)

Nancy mantell (United Kingdom)

anders christian hørby (Denmark)

Long admired the Cuban Health service and the global help they have given. Please now help them in their hour of need.

Mairi Brahim (United Kingdom)

Mark Luetchford (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a beautiful country that help a lot of pour countries with medical help and doktors! I am against USA's blockades of all socialisttic inspired countries !!! Let's blockade USA !!!

Regula Maltry (Denmark)

David Bingham (United Kingdom)

Michael Quander (Germany)

Catherine Shippey (United Kingdom)

Mike Patter (United Kingdom)

Klaus Frank (Denmark)


Gulcan Sen (Turkey)

Lyndsay Gittins (United Kingdom)

Susan Ralph (Ireland)

Thanks to Cuba for your assistance and altruism. Shame on the USA for it's usual bigoted attitude.

Dez Jones (United Kingdom)

Even if US is not going to follow I hope YOU and the rest of the world will not listen to Trump in this matter. Please Do not let Trump rule the world. Together we could Do it!!! I I have been to Cuba 78 times -please help the people in Cuba!!!!! The blockade must end Now!!!!!!!

Charlotte Rickard (Sweden)

Margaret Connell (United Kingdom)

Ove Andersen (Denmark)

Nicky (United Kingdom)

Carmen Arancibia Hernandez (Canada)

Thank you for your help to Italy 🇮🇹

Denise (Italy)

Carol Ridge (United Kingdom)

Dennis Pillay (South Africa)

Anja Hansen (Denmark)

Fiona Ogg (United Kingdom)

Anne Sanders (United Kingdom)

In these very difficult times, the world needs to be coming together to help each other.

Ben Gilby (United Kingdom)

Cuba continues to selflessly help other nations yet we accept an American sanctions that have no grounds to be there apart from an historic grudge. Let supplies through for the sake of humanity and relations. They Have helped us And many more too. Time to reciprocate.

David Timms (United Kingdom)

Annie Burrett (United Kingdom)

lars kromstn (Sweden)

Benedikt Graf von Merveldt (Germany)

Maria (Australia)

Helen Irving (United Kingdom)

merlin young (United Kingdom)

Selcuk Odabaş (Turkey)

Ruby Cox (United Kingdom)

Martin O’Rourke (Ireland)

Qaqambile Menze (United Kingdom)

Susan Shepping (United Kingdom)

Küba, bu küresel salgın sırasında bir çok ülkeye dok5or göndererek uluslararası dayanışma gösterdi. bu nedenle küba'ya uygulanan ambargo derhal kaldırılmalıdır!!!!

ilkay apaydın (Turkey)

Daniel (Germany)

Sorry Cuban people we wish this has never happened. Aluta continua, let the freedom. Cuban revolution triumphed at the end of it all

Nceba ndyalvan (South Africa)

Ali (United Kingdom)

Natalie bell (United Kingdom)

Helen Holden (United Kingdom)

We have seen through the media that Cuba has provided much help and expertise at this time, to many countries. It’s time to leave whatever old old grievances behind (whatever these may be..even just for now?) and to move on in a grown up, reasoned, intelligent and positive way, showing maturity and fairness (..not to mention gratitude...and admiration). Lift the darn blockade for goodness’ sake.

Barbara Joyce (United Kingdom)

Kwasi Agyemang-Prempeh (United Kingdom)

Emilio prosperi (United Kingdom)

Please use all powers of persuasion at your disposal to encourage a just and humanitarian shift of policy . Thank you

Madeline Strong (United Kingdom)

Christoph Benn (Germany)

Paul Hillman (United Kingdom)

Gülten madenli (Turkey)

Andrew Hall (Australia)

inger bertelsen (Denmark)

Val Henderson (United Kingdom)

Jannie Lindholm (Denmark)

Freedom to cuba

Turan Dalbudak (Turkey)

Paul Anthony Quinn (Ireland)

Vips Albertsen (Denmark)

It's imperative for the US government to realize that, that is inhumane to humanity and that they need to change such habit which is contradictory and an offense in the international law.Am such if they were in Cubans shoe they would not like to be treated in such way.

Temidayo Oshin (United Kingdom)

Anja Dybris (Denmark)

Please lift the sanctions. Is a criminal act against humanity!

petra dimitrijevic (United Kingdom)

Michael Henry Beatty (Australia)

Joyce Robertshaw (United Kingdom)

Hatice ünder (Turkey)

Angie Greenhalgh (United Kingdom)

Ana Salazar (Netherlands)

I appreciate their commitment, and service.

Ramachandra H M (India)

The British gouvernment must help Cuba

Mohammed Boudihi (Morocco)

Bodil Heino (Denmark)

Fabio Faina (Italy)

Coral Bailey (United Kingdom)

Iram Seif (Norway)

David Taylor (United Kingdom)

Mahmut (Turkey)

Nurtan Sertac (Turkey)

Abdi Osman (Somalia)

Z. Pochee (United Kingdom)

Kat Sumner (United Kingdom)

Hugo (United Kingdom)

oezdemir oktay (Germany)

Inger sohn (Denmark)

Natallia Lapitskaya (Denmark)

Antony Rayment (United Kingdom)

End this unjust blockade!!!!

Klaus Ebdrup (Denmark)


Liv R Thomassen (Norway)

Mensaje para los compañeros y las compañeras Cubanas por una José Martí brigadista 1984: que mantengan sus esfuerzos para la salud de la humanidad y sigan orgullosos de los éxitos de la revolución Cubana.

Alison Cullum (United Kingdom)

Arne Pedersen (Denmark)

Peet Coetzer (South Africa)

Anthony Luckman (United Kingdom)

Hayriye CANPOLAT (United Kingdom)

Marith Holmgren Sander (Norway)

Dolcey Campbell (Canada)

Lena Bidstrup (Denmark)

Peter Goodsell (United Kingdom)

dave farmer (United Kingdom)

Lennart Gusafsen (Denmark)

Cuba is not a threat for humanity unlike the countries who is applying embargo for Cuba. Stop embargo ✌

Kutluhan Odabas (Germany)

I urgently want the unjust embargo on the Cuban people to be lifted.

OgHan Odbs (Turkey)

USA get over yourselves. Stay away from 1960s policies. Bring Cuba along like we did with Eastern Europe.

Ian A Cheetham (United Kingdom)

Annalisa Contrafatto (South Africa)

Lars Emanuel (Denmark)

Poul Bjørn Berg (Denmark)

Bamikale Shonubi (Germany)

Erol Erkılınç (Turkey)

Barbara Ciccognani (Italy)

Geoff Herrington (United Kingdom)

antwon Gib (United Kingdom)

The hypocrisy is striking. End the blockade.

Liam McGuire (United Kingdom)

I hope that the government will listen and help these beautiful people that are always so happy to help others. I personally have a doctor friend (internist) that would be more than happy to help other countries such as the US or Canada as he has already helped out in Venezuela for 2 years and Africa, he's a well know sought out doctor that I would trust with my life.

Carol Turner (Canada)

Cindy twinberrow (Canada)

Minoli de Soysa (Sri Lanka)

Fiona Jones (United Kingdom)

Cuba has suffered enough. What more does the U.S. want from a country with a crumbling infrastructure and no economic hope? The best way to influence Cuban culture/people is to diplomatically and respectfully do the most basic form of communication; talk. The embargo at this point is vindictive, hateful, and ungodly! Nearly everyone involved in the original conflict is dead or obsolete; it's time to act as adults and leave the past...

Jamelle Newsome (United States of America)

Marja Schoon (Netherlands)

Lift sanctions against Cuba

Anwar Omar (South Africa)


To Cuba ,the world needs to learn from Cuba ,i have huge admiration for your stance against capitalism over many years ,long live Cuba ,don't ever let the US into your world it will end everything that is to be admired in Cuba .,i don't wish to comment to Great Britain as they are no better than the US ,they colonised our country to the detriment of all indigenous communities to this day .

Helen Baker (New Zealand)

Simon Bauer (Germany)

Now is the time.

Toon Cappuyns (Belgium)

Katty Eskola (Sweden)

Britt sommer (Denmark)

Ruairí MacLeanachain (United Kingdom)

ZL Sangweni (South Africa)

Enough is enough!

Maire (Canada)

arif efe (Turkey)

Lindsey Collen (Mauritius)

mark hutton (United Kingdom)

Satkar Umara (Indonesia)

Chris O Dowd (Ireland)

Stay fight, Cuba more than WHO ini

Munirul Palawai (Indonesia)

Have mercy on Cuba Fight global pandemic together.

Han (Australia)

Shosh Morris (United Kingdom)

Margo Beilby (Australia)

Patrick Cummins (Canada)

Cuba proud

Edward Sykes (Canada)

Johana Trujillo (United Kingdom)

Yoalber López (Cuba)

Please help Cuba.

Sharon Jackson (Canada)

Suzanne Parker (Canada)

The world needs to urgently unite against a pandemic.

Lim Wee How (Malaysia)

Jane Haslegrave (United Kingdom)

Joan E Forsythe (Canada)

Barry Baker (New Zealand)


Neşe Güneş Alpak (United Kingdom)

Menderes bulut (Turkey)

Lois Yelland (United Kingdom)

Karima (United Kingdom)

Peter Allies (United Kingdom)

It is time for this shameful blockade to stop and the British Government should publicly denounce it and use all of its diplomatic channels to put pressure on the Trump administration to bring it to an end.

Neil Anderson (United Kingdom)

Sandra Stockwell (Australia)

Shirley Nicholls (United Kingdom)

USA stop denying the world medical supplies:

Ann White (Australia)

Stavros George (Australia)

a country like Cuba in this day and age needs this or its past held against them , if they need the help we should be there to provide , i know they would be the first to help us if they could and had the needs too, please help them where you can

steven homewood (Ireland)

吳孟書 (Taiwan)

deniz ozyurt (Turkey)

My deepest respect and honour to all doctors and nurses on the front line!

Patricia Rios (Australia)

#nomasbloqueo #Cubalibre

Itzel Perez (Mexico)

Fim do bloqueio contra Cuba

Sergio Araujo de Andrade (Brazil)

Chandrakanth Natekar (India)

Patrick Fox (United Kingdom)

Steven Rae (United Kingdom)

Culture of solidarity is fully demonstrated daily by Cuba, and the culture of hatred by the US. Which will you choose?

Leni Villagomez Reeves (United States of America)

Michelle B (United Kingdom)

Lennart Mattsson (Sweden)

Camila Pineiro (United States of America)

Ruth Dean (United Kingdom)

Alex Salmon (Australia)

Ahlam (Yemen)

Nicole Ledain (Jamaica)

Ahmed al haddad (Yemen)

Solidarity between peoples is not blocked Down with the genocidal blockade imposed by the United States

Sergio Eduardo Courel (Brazil)

Julio Martínez (Honduras)

Ingrid (Canada)

Dean spencer (United Kingdom)

Lives are precious!.Show compassion as they have in time need!,

Heather Palm (South Africa)

Margaret Gleeson (Australia)

Cuba is an amazing country. They have sent there doctors over to Italy to help out. We should all be sticking together through this. Its peoples life's... Not money

Jack Humphries (United Kingdom)

Barry Healy (Australia)

Maruti Ambiger (India)

Justo y necesario

Yamirka Rodriguez (Cuba)

Anna Jessup (Canada)

Giselle McLaughlin (United Kingdom)

Inger-Johanne Aspaas (Norway)

Soma sira (India)

A N Mukunda (India)

emre dilli (Turkey)

Not the time for ideological claptrap now. Helping fellow humans time!

Ligia Luckhurst (United Kingdom)

Volkan Ersoy (Turkey)

Cuba's generosity is an example to us all. Thank you, muchisimas gracias a ustedes, Shayna

Shayna Hornstein (Canada)

Joe (New Zealand)

Dean Wharton (Australia)

steve williams (Australia)

Huimei Fu (Taiwan)

Humanitarian concerns should take priority. Please do the right thing and lift these sanctions.

Errol L Bennett (United States of America)

Ihsan eke (Turkey)

Nikos Skouroliakos (New Zealand)

Cosette (United States of America)

Eden Hackett (United States of America)

Stay safe

Steven Finafrock (United States of America)

Cuba's people are generous and humanitarian in nature, they deserve to have access and support to basic necessities and aid sent to them from around the world - Please helped the inhumane blockade against Cuba NOW... its 2020... HELP CUBA

Natalie Stansfield (Australia)

Joanna jacobs (United Kingdom)

Lift the Blockade on Cuba! Respect Cuba's independence!

Andrew Barry (Canada)

Can Kaya (Canada)

Time to stop hurting the good people of Cuba...

John Higgins (United Kingdom)

Cuba is helping the world. It's time to help Cuba. Lift the sanctions now!

Joseph Hancock (United States of America)

Tiago Silva (Brazil)


Amanda Esther Vázquez Blanco (Cuba)

I support..


Lidia Lopes (Brazil)


Angie Kim (United States of America)

Al Long (United Kingdom)

End the injustice against 🇨🇺 Stop 🇺🇸 Hegemony on 🇨🇺

William James (Canada)

Aretha Moore (United Kingdom)

Yanks in solidarity with Brits in solidarity with Cubans

Barry Bless (United States of America)

Kate Jones (United Kingdom)

The reversal by Donald Trump to undermine improving relations between Cuba and the USA was based on pure spite and twisted ideology. THE UK should ignore President Trump and seek to build cooperation between our two islands.

Dave Sheekey (Thailand)

Fiona Goldie (United Kingdom)

Gloria Fisico (Canada)

Ian davies (United Kingdom)

Alina García Rivero (Cuba)

We are with you

D.M.Nadaf. (India)

Per Hansen (Denmark)

Abajo el bloqueo

Cem Turk (Turkey)

I totally support Cuba in all things. Prior to Castro the nation was a plaything of America with agricultural exploitation, women being forced into prostitution by financial necessity and a great lack of education and healthcare. Look at Cuba today and how much it has overcome. The west slanders Cuba saying that it persecutes Christian churches when the opposite is the case. The uneducated in the West lap up every word.

Lorna Gweneth Cameron (Australia)

Dioel Navarro López (Cuba)

Jen Wilson (New Zealand)

Delia Navarro López (Cuba)

Susan Caldwell (Canada)

Giorgi Jorge luis (United Kingdom)

Maciel González Navarro (Cuba)

Lone Jensen (Denmark)

Jorge Delgadillo Rodríguez (Mexico)

Carlos Cruz (Mexico)

Shaik sha Khadri (India)

Berta Santana (Brazil)

Diana Aurora Munoz lopez (United Kingdom)

Brenda Shebib (Canada)

Hasta la victoria siempre!

Milica Starinac (Serbia)

Richard (United Kingdom)

BodilSværen (Norway)

Delia Lomax (United Kingdom)

Viviam Seguin (Canada)

Karen Marie Stokbro (Denmark)

Julie Wolenski (United States of America)

Gabriela Andrasikova (Slovakia)

Alejandro Carías (Honduras)

Allan Depari (Indonesia)


Janet Genovy (Canada)

Anne Monaco (Canada)

Alia Karim (Canada)

Shame on the US for continuing this embargo. The US would do well to show as much compassion as the people of Cuba

Rod Osborne (Canada)

It's really sad how somebody can be so pure in evil. Love for Cuba <3

Milan Kostic (Serbia)


Stephen Barnes (Australia)

Anthony Phillips (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a beautiful country full of beautiful, vibrant, resourceful and proud people. Please give them a fair chance to combat Covid19 by insisting that the US relaxes their embargo on medical supplies now for the sake of humanity!

Gary Prince (United Kingdom)

Cllr Barry West (United Kingdom)

Johan Jaspers (Belgium)

Signing in gratitude for the decades of health education and supplies Cuba gave to Timor Leste and other peoples struggling to emerge from colonialism and for the skills it developed in sustainable agriculture and is now (or was before COVID-19 postponed things) sharing with a world preparing to move beyond oil. Thank you, Cuba.

Penny Parrish (Australia)

Cuba has helped other countries and it is inhumane that help to them on fighting the virus is denied

Mary Arlidge (United Kingdom)

Brian Hungerford (Australia)

In these dire times it is necessary to put aside political positions and act in a humanitarian way to save lives. This is a global issue and anything countries can do to save lives should be done.

Patricia Martin (Australia)

Marlene pozo (Netherlands)

val Brown (United Kingdom)

Pat Steene (Canada)

Aidan O’Rourke (Canada)

Richard L Giovanoni (United States of America)

Put people before politics!

Krys Georgiadis (Australia)

Dan Marshall (Canada)

Katya Bleszynska (United Kingdom)

Patricia Martin (United Kingdom)

Dorothy Rissel (United States of America)

Aline Rosa Alves (Canada)

Ya el mundo cambió y nada será como antes. Ningún país gobierna sobre otro, porque somos un sólo pueblo, la raza humana.

Ramón Ramírez Ruiz (Cuba)

Fintan Moore (Ireland)

John Seay (United States of America)

Ingvild Aspaas (Norway)

Raffaela Donati (Canada)

Mollie Collins (United Kingdom)

Karen Shipp (United Kingdom)

We are living an unprecedented world crisis. All economic embargoes should be ceased immediately. Any other option should be considered a crime against humanity.

Fidelia Torres (Canada)

We have homelessness, crime and drug addiction here that a country like Cuba which has suffered 70 years of sanctions has not. No one knows what they have until it is gone. I wish Cuba did not suffer so much and it's people endure for so long. But to be poor and badly educated in the UK is a fate not many in Cuba would wish for. To see our disturbed, sick and homeless beggars who grow year on year may give us all pause for thought. Solidarity with Cuba from the UK

Alexander Jamal (United Kingdom)

Laura Harris emery (Canada)

Inka Persson (Sweden)

Barry Selkirk (United Kingdom)

Surjit Sahota (Canada)

Hanne Siristuen (Norway)

Jeremy Hinton-Smith (United Kingdom)

Wayne (Canada)

Laura (Canada)

Musetta (United Kingdom)

Colin De Freitas (Trinidad and Tobago)

In solidarity with the people of cuba!

Hayden (Australia)

Hanne Klementsen (Denmark)


Graham Mason (United Kingdom)

Cuba has been generous at this time e of crisis. Sanctions are an act of war. We have no need of ongoing war with Cuba.

Mhairi Matheson (United Kingdom)

Elaidis (Canada)


Wilhelm Nussbaumer (Denmark)

Ruben Contreras (Venezuela)

Kirsten Lunde (Norway)

Harvey Craig (Canada)

Maggie Frame (United Kingdom)

Marianne Elmgren (Finland)

CUBA is a strong and great nation. They help other nations. They have helped European countries a lot. Particularly the uk. Support this little and very special nation.

David Dicker (United Kingdom)

Athene Crouch (United Kingdom)

Shannon (Canada)

Anne Morra (Canada)

Annie Stables (United Kingdom)

Indira Siewsarran (Trinidad and Tobago)

Long live Cuba

Dermot Shaughnessy (United Kingdom)

Sara Calvo (Spain)

Kirsten Weidmann (Denmark)

Terry McEvoy (United Kingdom)

Erin Hornsby (United Kingdom)

I LOVE Cuba! Beautiful people.

Kelly Kupczyk (Canada)

Michelle Pointer (United Kingdom)

This kind of bullying is completely inappropriate right now. Quite simply we will all die if we don't lend a helping hand. SDF

Sharon Dale Fuller (Canada)

We can learn much from our neighbours.

Brian J Ellis Sr (United States of America)

Fiona Sanders (United Kingdom)

Sarah smart (United Kingdom)

Dinah macjay (United Kingdom)

Jane Taylor (Spain)

Kirsi Alfonso (Finland)

Dawna StPierre (United States of America)

Maria Solem (Norway)

Jennie Twydell (United Kingdom)

Kamila (United Kingdom)

K. Upjohn (France)

Hartmut Uhden (Germany)

To prevent a country and it's people accessing the equipment and supplies they need to care for themselves during the current covid 19 pandemic is appalling and inhumane.

Alison Auger (United Kingdom)

Rehana Minhas (United Kingdom)

Guy Bishop (United Kingdom)

Barbara Habbishaw (United Kingdom)

Peter Moeller (Germany)

Roderick Macdonald (Canada)

Claudia Andreatta (United States of America)

Gordon Habbishaw MA (United Kingdom)

John McGrory (United Kingdom)

Sue Power (United Kingdom)

Please do not blindly follow the 'big boys' sanctions. Please stand up and follow your own hearts and support Cuba when it needs it, like they supported us.

Amanda Fenton (United Kingdom)

Dominic MacAskill (United Kingdom)

Dr. Srećko Vojvodić (Canada)

Cuba and the people are wonderful! Amazing hearts and helpful people!

Amanda Ross (Canada)

Benjamin O’Hara (United States of America)

James Thompson (United Kingdom)

Love what Cuba do. Superhero nations emerge in this crisis. Thank you Cuba. You’re an inspiration. Now - how can we show our appreciation, do you think, British Government?

Sarah (United Kingdom)

Alejandra Navarro-Woods (United Kingdom)

Acknowledge the generosity of CUba and the skill of its medical staff.

Janet Russell (United Kingdom)

Aya Noehr (Denmark)

David Edmunds (United Kingdom)

kari hervold (Norway)

Gary Dutton (United Kingdom)

leslie jones (United Kingdom)

The Cuban people need help! They are the most giving, loving people who deserve way more than what they have! Please help them.

Shari Vezeau (Canada)

Supporting Cuba at this time when they are helping others is the decent thing to do.

Sally Panter (United Kingdom)

Marilyn Eldred (United Kingdom)

Jules TENNICK (United Kingdom)

Nikola Benčević (Croatia)

Darryl Hillgrove (United Kingdom)

Amy Share-kissiov (Germany)

Stephen J Bennett (United Kingdom)

Was in Cuba for 3 weeks from early march 1week in Havana,the most friendly helpful and happy people I have on £25 a month,but they survive. Certainly opened my eyes.What trump has done shows you what a ???? He is. If that is a socialist country then bring it on. There outlook is everybody is entilted to free health rich or poor. To all Cubans stay strong and United and hope to see you soon

A witcomb (United Kingdom)

Justin o flaherty (Ireland)

Amanda Harmet (United Kingdom)

Ian Holton (United Kingdom)

John Faulkner (United Kingdom)

Eleanor lanigan (Ireland)

Terry Hoad (United Kingdom)

viva cuba viba fidel

Brenda (Denmark)

Christine COMPERE (Belgium)

Stay at home Trump and leave our beloved Cuba alone

Patrick McGovern (United Kingdom)

Valentina Ruggiero (Italy)

Jill Studd (United Kingdom)

foro latinoamericano (Sweden)

Linda Harmsworth (Canada)

Kieran McGregor (United Kingdom)

Niels Erik Pøhl Nielsen (Denmark)

Work together. Please.

Anita McConnell (United Kingdom)

Gianna Giacomello (Denmark)

Henrik Oernebjerg (Denmark)

Patrick O'Reilly (United Kingdom)

Bo Johansen (Denmark)

I want the UK government to put as much pressure as possible on the US Government to drop the blockade NOW. This has gone on far too long - leave the Cubans to run their own country in their own way. Too many Cubans are suffering ....

Mary Gatehouse (United Kingdom)

Stop sanctions on Cuba

Leslie wray (United Kingdom)

Peter Rasmussen (Denmark)

Cuba Si

Bob Turner (Australia)

Julia Silezin (United Kingdom)

This criminal blockade must be lifted now

Uriah Bennett (United Kingdom)

Viyaasan Mahalingasivam (United Kingdom)

Aileen Matheson (United Kingdom)

Angie (United Kingdom)

Michele Spiller (United Kingdom)

Kirsten Schou (Denmark)

Ingrid Saalfeld-Köster (United Kingdom)

Maurice Foisy (United States of America)

penny d jones (United Kingdom)

End this ridiculous blockade.

Janet Ross (United Kingdom)

Andrew Siddons (United Kingdom)

Chris Butters (United Kingdom)

The Cuban government is a shining example of international solidarity and it's policy should be both respected and emulated by other far richer countries.

Jim McDaid (United Kingdom)

Paul BLANJEAN (Belgium)

John Mededovic (Denmark)

Please help these people who have no issues helping other countries.

Ellen Peddle (Canada)

Soares Leitão (Portugal)

Stay safe ❤️ We live our Cuban friends

Brenda Blondin (Canada)

Maria de Lourdes de Medeiros Kain (United Kingdom)

Niels Lauridsen (Denmark)

Anja de Bruijn (Netherlands)

The self-centred populist leaders of 'civilised' countries have been shamed by the selfless internationalism of the Cuban people. Sincere thanks.

Dr Simon Morpeth (United Kingdom)

Hasta la victoria siempre

Caoimhin stanton (United Kingdom)

Gabriel Cartier (Canada)

Thomas Siemon (Germany)

Svangestel (Belgium)

john matheson (United Kingdom)

Glenny Thomas (United Kingdom)

Please stop Cuba being treated in such a way.

Charles Willcox (United Kingdom)

Have a heart.

Jill barrett (United Kingdom)

Leo Han (United States of America)

Denny Elliott (Canada)

Don (Canada)

This should not be allowed

Karen willcox (United Kingdom)

Martin Woolley (United Kingdom)

Laura Purdy (Canada)

Lorraine vallee (Canada)

Mame Mor Ngom (Italy)

Please support this petition, it’s worthy and important.

Keith holleyman (United Kingdom)

Humanitarian aid; especially medical support to fight this pandemic, should transcend ideological differneces.In this regard, Cuba's recent example in giving much needed medical support to Italy should be a cause for celebration. What a grotesque travesty of justice it is, that in midst of the horrors of the Covid-19 pandemic, that Cuba continues to be burdened by the now obviously redundant thinking the twentieth century's Cold War, in its fight against this.

Matthew Diskin (Ireland)

Paz y alimento para Cuba q quiten el Bloqueo los EEUU. Q tengan más humanidad con Cuba.

Arnulfa (Spain)

GORA CUBA " solidaridad no es dar lo que te sobra sino compartir lo que tienes" eskerrik asko Cuba!!!

Jesus Oñate Gonzalez (Spain)

Philip Hjorth (Denmark)

Amanda Boxer (United Kingdom)

Nigel Bailey (United Kingdom)

Jorge Aros (Mexico)

Susan Jones (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with the Cuban people and ther world wide medical missions

Rob (Dominica)

Por favor ya basta!!! Cuanta maldad, hay seres humanos que como todos necesitan ayudan en Cuba. Nuestras familias amigos y las personas(niños, ancianos y demas) de Cuba no tienen culpa de nada.. Ayuda a Cuba en el amor de Dios!!

Yaimara Soto (Sweden)

Desbloqueio Cuba já

Jonnhy Cantarelli (Brazil)

Rhea (United Kingdom)

George Decsy (United States of America)

Everyone deserve a second chance.

George (Netherlands)

It’s always an inspiration to see Cuban medical professionals go wherever they are needed around the world to help. Lift the embargo and let the Cuban people fight this cruel virus at home.

Joy Johnson (United Kingdom)

Carlo Muzi (United Kingdom)

Kim bennett (United Kingdom)

Allison Albo Zambrana (United Kingdom)

Keep up the good work

Joel O'Farrill (Netherlands)

Katrine Ekeland (Norway)

B Brand (United Kingdom)

Sybille riepe (Germany)

Unblock Cuba

Luz Marina (Netherlands)

Paula Clarke (United Kingdom)

Anneke Maarleveld (Netherlands)

Antonio Leon (United States of America)

Nachiketh (United States of America)

Susan Colley (Canada)

Rita A.Suermondt (Germany)

Mark Hetherington (United Kingdom)

Ton Hosemans (Netherlands)

Cuba is a star!

Sarah Barratt (United Kingdom)

Sandra Roberts (Canada)

Indira Perez (United States of America)

Marcel Gierth (Germany)

Michael Midghall (United Kingdom)

Diane (United Kingdom)

It is Time to help this tiny Country,of Cuba to show the world we care, not just go there and enjoy the sun and friendly people, Help and keep the world peace,be happy as long as you can because of unforeseen thinks can wipe out people from the earth in second or slowly like Corona Virus,over millions has died already, this is a wake-up call for us!!!

steven Josef kiss (Canada)

Hanah Svane Wilder Damgaard (Denmark)

Katharine Carty (United Kingdom)

Jérôme kinzel (France)

frances quinlan (United Kingdom)

I believe in Global solidarity unlike the USA. We are all one and bleed the same colour. United we stand Divided we fall.

Kim Nixon (Canada)

Lisbet Christiansen (Denmark)

Ara Krikorian (United Kingdom)

Sidney (South Africa)

Eva y (Sweden)

jane (United Kingdom)

Richard Furaha (Canada)

Yaima Ortiz (Sweden)

Lesley Bees (United Kingdom)

Per Larsen (Denmark)

Jenny Barlow (United Kingdom)

Trump is a festering arse.

Steve Caskey (Canada)

Vayshali Sehra (United Kingdom)

Cristina navarrete (United Kingdom)

Well done Cuba

Joyce. Lynch (United Kingdom)

J E Stewart (United Kingdom)

Torhild Jevanord Kjoss (Norway)

Liz Payne (United Kingdom)

Hugo A. R. Astaphan (Dominica)


Raul Milhano Teles (Portugal)

Phil Chesterton (United Kingdom)

Luis Romeo Segura (Norway)

Brenda cassidy (Canada)

Apoyar a Cuba en su lucha contra el bloqueo es luchar por el derecho a la propia determinación de los pueblos a ser soberanos e independientes, es luchar por el bien de la humanidad. Es luchar por una causa justa y de sentido común.

F. M. Freyre H. (Netherlands)

Rinella Cere (United Kingdom)

Roseanna T McPhee (United Kingdom)

Cuba, your country is a model of selflessness and internationalism. Solidarity !

Bryn Jones (United Kingdom)

k zahn (United Kingdom)

Eduardo Ernesto Leal Menendez (United Kingdom)

Simona Vranova (Czech Republic)

L Barnes (United Kingdom)

Fatima Jaffer (Canada)

Paul Brady (United Kingdom)

Madeline eagle (United Kingdom)

Giuliano Valeriani (United Kingdom)

jon rimmington (United Kingdom)

Daniel Gonzales (United States of America)

Chris swift (Canada)

Ask USA to Be human, and let the amazing, heartful people of Cuba have a chance. Socialism is not dangerous. Greed, hate and non-sustainable living is dangerous. Let’s move on together. Take care, Cuba.

Alice Vrou (United Kingdom)

Margaret Manning (United Kingdom)

Jena Bjerregaard

Jena Bjerregaard (Denmark)

Tony Grieve (United Kingdom)

Albert, Silke (Germany)

Spike Humphrey (United Kingdom)

Jim Ramsay (United Kingdom)

Joan Williams (United Kingdom)

Michael Doherty (United Kingdom)

Brian Walford (United Kingdom)

Elisabeth Hjøllund (Denmark)


david brown (United Kingdom)

Sylvia (United Kingdom)

H. Klein Gunnewiek (Netherlands)

simon kennedy (Ireland)

Émile Brun (Canada)

Lift the blockade!!! Cubans has been helping other countries to battle pandemic- not only now, but in the past as well! They deserve the blockade to be lifted for their helpfulness, cheerfulness,friendliness and solidarity! They are welcoming us to their homes, treating us as royalty... it is not fair to tighten them and not show them “rest of the world” and our kindness

Marci (United Kingdom)

Jennifer Cartier (Canada)


David Cull (United Kingdom)

Stop aux crimes des USA et de leurs complices contre l'humanité, à Cuba comme ailleurs !!!

Alain Halleux (Belgium)

Francesca Cunningham (United Kingdom)

Cuba has a strong history of helping other countries during medical emergency. Even during this pandemic they sent help to Italy. Under the current circumstances we must do all we can to support international cooperation.

Silvia Paracchini (United Kingdom)

Barbara Thomas (United Kingdom)

It times of unparalleled crisis such as we face today and for the foreseeable future, it is essential that the British government urges the American government to lift the blockade upon Cuba so that Cuba can tackle Covid-19 and assist in the worldwide fight that we currently face.

Ross McCool (United Kingdom)

julian howarth (United Kingdom)

Katrina (United Kingdom)

Johanna maasland (Netherlands)

I comeback from Dennark

Peder Agger (United Kingdom)

Enough the unadjusted block on Cuban Population

Amen Bawazir (Yemen)

Miranda Herman (United States of America)

We are all one family, it's time this rift is mended. Recently in a hospital I attended there were NO syringes as a result of the blockade. Come on!!!!!

Phil Simpson (Cuba)

Joaquim Liberal (Portugal)

Adam Russell lell (United States of America)

Sebastian Roberto zMicolo (Argentina)

Karlijn de Bruyn (Netherlands)

Please do the right thing which the US certainly is not. Do not support what is clearly terrible bahaviour by the US. Thank you.

Mary Butler (United Kingdom)

Linda Coyne (United Kingdom)

Teresa MacKay (United Kingdom)

Sue Peachey (United Kingdom)

It is clear that Cuba is a world leader in health care and biotechnology. Let's move forward and leave this sordid past behind us and serve us all.

Rick Moniz (United States of America)

Jessamy Selwyn (United Kingdom)

Karijn Kakebeeke (Netherlands)

Marije Oosterhek (Netherlands)

Boris Jelstrup Andersen (Denmark)

phil badiz (United Kingdom)

Gina Skelly (United Kingdom)

Kay Hinde (United Kingdom)

Bitt Juul Jensen (Denmark)

Abajo el Bloqueo a Cuba. Cuba necesita ayuda. No hay comida. Nu pueblo Y mi familia la necesita. Son persona muy humana Y mij buenas. Son mi gente los mal. Por favor quiten el bloqueo a no tierra. La bellisima CUBA

Raydelin Delgado Miranda (Netherlands)

Ton de Bruijn (United Kingdom)

Oddbjørn Arntsen (Norway)

Vilmairin (United Kingdom)

Giselle Micolo (Netherlands)

There should be no thought about this, these Cuban people need our help and they deserve it. They didn’t question anything when doctors from Cuba went to Italy to fight this pandemic. Enough is enough with sanctions, it’s time to help because this shit is real...

Steve Tivey (Canada)

It is time it is inhumane to leave Cuba suffering without food, supplies and common decency. Cuban people need relief and they need it now!

Margaret currie (Canada)

Kim de Bruyn (Netherlands)

Jean Gordon (United Kingdom)

moelwyn thomas (United Kingdom)

Mari Ora (United Kingdom)

Colin Richards (United Kingdom)

Tracy (United Kingdom)

Elaine (United Kingdom)

Rosemary Connell (United Kingdom)

Ellen Ryg Olsen (United Kingdom)

Please stop this inhuman blockade!!!

Caridad (Netherlands)

Cynthia Longo (Canada)

Andrew Thomas (Jamaica)

End The Blockade

Brett Dennison (United States of America)

Americans must wake up and realize their blockade of Cuba has brought absolutely no benefit to them over the years, but has caused undue hardship to the Cuban people. Perhaps COVID-19 is a wakeup call to all humanity that nature does not discriminate, that we are aa one people, that we need each other to provide an effective fight against a threat to human lives.

Fyzool Mohammed (Canada)

Yoel Avila (Germany)

We support you!!!

Dr Dori Fatma Yusef (United Kingdom)

Angela Kaluza (Germany)

zey mtr (Italy)

Hello STOP the US blockade of Cuba best regards Johnny Mortensen Denmark

Johnny Mortensen (Denmark)

Renate Greve (Germany)

Marius Lyhne-Knudsen (Denmark)

Connor Schoen (United States of America)

Cuba has been under a constant embargo from the USA since 1959. Their Health Care system is incredible bearing in mind they have had their hands tied behind their back for generations. Their medics have always been available to other countries in times of crisis.

Kenny McIntyre (United Kingdom)

Cuba is an example to the rest of the world with regard to solidarity and support. Unlike the U.S. government who only seek to punish others.

Ann Marie Kerrigan (United Kingdom)

M Leveret (United Kingdom)

Grahame Robert Harwood (United Kingdom)

Brenda lakay (South Africa)

Jonathan Holt (United Kingdom)

Deb S (Canada)

Karen Marie Moeller (Denmark)

To the British Government, repay the Cuban people

william summers (United Kingdom)

Harry Greenwood (Canada)

Christian Juhl (Denmark)

Margie (Canada)

Patti yonev (Canada)

Viva Cuba Viva Cha Viva Fidel

wadzy (Australia)

The British government has the power in its hands to stop this cruelty on the Cuban people caused by the US blockade. Cuba helped our people. We have a duty to help them.

Alison Coulthard (United Kingdom)

Long live Cuba We are with you and will be always with you in your fight for normal human rights..

Obaid Jaigirdar (United Kingdom)

Barrie Rogerson (United Kingdom)

Damien Holloway (United Kingdom)

Andy Howarth (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba.

Frank Rasmussen (Denmark)

Do the right thing

David Shaw (United Kingdom)

Morten Schmidt Kjeldsen (Denmark)

Janus Hvid Hillgaard (Denmark)

Stay human

Waltraud Schauer (Austria)

Philip Beverley (United Kingdom)

Kim Willis (United Kingdom)

Sean Clinton (Ireland)

Joshua Hill-Walsh (United Kingdom)

Fabiola Lizama (Canada)

enough is enough God would want us to help each other not taken and hurt each other

Hunter Troup (Canada)

Please Britain help, support and enable Cuba

Jane Colesby (United Kingdom)

Per Aggersbo (Denmark)

Mike Caffrey (United Kingdom)

« Unité, solidarité et fraternité ! »

André CLOUTIER (Canada)

Pia Andersen (Denmark)

Syssan Rønde (Denmark)

Pamela White (Canada)

Lift the blockade against Cuba.

Sandra Bakutz (Austria)

Susan Singleton (United Kingdom)

Savanah Wille (Canada)

Alan Stuart (France)

Samuel De Loenen (Belgium)

Remove the blockade once and for all!

Nazim-Yoldas Sesen (Canada)

Nick Francis (United Kingdom)

Another way is not only possible but also surely recognised by all as necessary.

Greta Akpeneye (United Kingdom)

LIeve (Belgium)

Noel Hurley (Ireland)

Rob Courtney (United Kingdom)

Helen Robinson (United Kingdom)

Matthieu pottier (France)

Linda Forrest (United Kingdom)

Marica Neilands (Canada)

Like Margaret Thatcher who wages war and censored the Christ, Lord Maitreya, from being interviewed on BBC t.v. in 1982; Donald Trump is yet another fascist leader who divides people in order to rule them!

Alan John Collins (United Kingdom)

In the name of HUMANITY lift the blockade NOW !!!!

Danny McBrearty (Ireland)


Juan Carlos Sepulveda (Switzerland)

carmen (Venezuela)

Gemma Cobby (United Kingdom)

Stop the blokade of Cuba Yours Per

Per Nørgaard Kristensen (Denmark)

Margaret Ling (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with the proud peoples of Cuba xxx

Sian Cartwright (United Kingdom)

Lars Nielsen Sødergren (Denmark)

I thank the Cuban People for providing medical aid to many other countries, and I urge Britain and all other countries to aid and support Cuba !

bobby joe dresdner (United States of America)

Many of us in the USA disagree with this blockade and speak out in solidarity with Cuba. As a US citizen and doctor, I apologize for this abhorrent behavior from the politicians who ultimately make these decisions.

Andi Croce, DVM (United States of America)

Evita Panteli (United Kingdom)

Manfred Klingele (Germany)

Keep on Trucking!!

Alexander Cunningham (Colombia)

Roberta Lutes (Canada)

Adnil (United Kingdom)

Cuban people NEED the blockade to be lifted so that they have the same chance as the rest of the world to fight Covid 19

Fay Graham (United Kingdom)

Michael Prochak (United Kingdom)

Sally Searby (United Kingdom)

Kate Helsby (United Kingdom)

Jane Samson (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba

Tony Caccavone (United Kingdom)

I am with cuba

Chandrashekar (India)

Gerardo Lopez (United States of America)

Sue Johnston (United Kingdom)

Laetitia gourmelon (United Kingdom)

Tonya Kloc-Francis (Canada)

Ida stevns matzon (Denmark)

Tom Coughlan (United Kingdom)

Stop the blockade

Bobby Kelly (United Kingdom)

Larry Anders (Canada)

Marquis (United States of America)

Human solidarity for ever!

Diana Francis (United Kingdom)

Eleanor Lakew (United Kingdom)

Ridley Venables-Llewelyn (United Kingdom)

for the health and future of Cuba please listen to Cuban people

robert bunce (United Kingdom)

Collin (United Kingdom)

Jackie Bartram (United Kingdom)

My wife is Cuban, I have never known a more besutiful people who truly care for others. The US are trying to bring Cuba to their knees, begging. It will never happen.

Chris Cheetham (United Kingdom)

Keep your nose out of other peoples business.

Ryan Ward (United Kingdom)

Karin Paulsen (Sweden)

carol jackson (United Kingdom)

Please help my Cuban friends

Deborah mcrae (Canada)

There should be NO blockade anyway. Talking and understanding goes much further then stroppy teenage behaviour that sadly has generally been a US Foreign Affairs activity.

Tony Barnes (United Kingdom)

Alannah (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a shining example of the kind of compassion the entire world needs. Stop penalizing them because they believe in different politics than the US. The whole world believes in different politics than the US!

Kim Zander (Canada)

One good turn deserves another

Sid Cullen (United Kingdom)

Marie Luise Könneker (Switzerland)

Peter Ussing (Denmark)

Jo Walton (United Kingdom)

il blocco a Cuba dimostra l'ipocrisia di tutte le dichiarazioni di solidarietà e rispetto dei diritti umani tanto comuni negli USA e nella UE. Che DIMOSTRINO DI ESSERE UMANI: lasciate che Cuba possa essere rifornita di carburante, che possa comprare nel mercato internazionale quel che serve, e magari che possa anche vendere

anna serena bartolucci (Italy)

Dorion Griffiths (United Kingdom)

Marjorie Schurman (Canada)

This should be a time where we put politics aside to help people in need.

Susan Wellisch (Canada)

Gloriamarie Amalfitano (United States of America)

I wish the people of Cuba well. It is disgusting especially in times like these, that citizens should be left to suffer or die because of a power crazy President. My daughter had her honeymoon there, she said the people were so lovely and couldn’t do enough for them, to make their honeymoon so special. The world should be pulling together to fight Covid Virus not human beings.

Susan Cole (United Kingdom)

Peter Mandrup Joergensen (Denmark)

Bernadette Hanley (United Kingdom)

Jens Voldby Crumlin (Denmark)

IAIN Chalmers (United Kingdom)

Austin Samson (United Kingdom)

Audrey Danderson (United Kingdom)

Mira Glavardanov (United Kingdom)

Philip Jones (United Kingdom)

Please demonstrate your sense of humanity for the ordinary people of Cuba . Thank you .

jack weston (United Kingdom)

Sarah Pink (United Kingdom)

Signed. Help these wonderful people. They would do anything for you. It is time to let this go!

Cheryl Johnson (Canada)

Jonathan Clewley (United Kingdom)

This is time for international cooperation

Nigel Barnes (United Kingdom)

Niels Henrik Hjøllund (Denmark)

Support the Cuban people in their fight against this virus which sees no borders.

Stewart Weston (United Kingdom)

Araceli Nava (Mexico)

Teresa Woodyatt (United Kingdom)

Nicola James (United Kingdom)

USA. These are difficult times and it is time to be generous and acknowledge the damage that was done must end now.

Alcira Pinto (United Kingdom)

Rocio (Paraguay)

Brenda Zulian (Canada)

Kaitlyn Keller (United States of America)

Do the right thing for Humanity

Gerry Maher (Ireland)

In solidarity with Cuba, and in opposition to the USA and their continuing inhumane and bully boy behaviour.

Mark Gray (United Kingdom)

Mair (United Kingdom)

Corvez (France)

Charles (United Kingdom)

Christine (Denmark)

Addie Engebretson (United States of America)

Beth Gad Olsen (Denmark)


Margaret ANN Canavan (United States of America)

Leanelle (United States of America)

Cuba is a great example to everyone around the globe of a country that really takes care f its people. The west should learn from it! I'm sure the Italians will!

Howard Parker (United Kingdom)

Simon Tambling (United States of America)

John Harris (United Kingdom)

Please help the Cubans and get Canadians on board

Paula Turner (Canada)

Illness is not political, this is a human crisis, not a political one. The whole World should be united in order to find a cure and share information and advise.

Jak Milroy (United Kingdom)

Owe Rasmussen (Denmark)

Paulette Clark (Canada)

Sanction at any time are violations of sovereignty and human basic rights.

gilda morkert (United States of America)

Lucas (Canada)

Kis Boel Guldmann (Denmark)

Mary Rasmussen (United Kingdom)

Elisabet Sausjord (United Kingdom)

Please Act!

Angela Grosse (Germany)

Carsten Bo Hansen (Denmark)

Ruth Swirsky (United Kingdom)

Ulla nygaard (Denmark)

Stephen Williams (United Kingdom)

I am a British national resident in Cuba. My family experience daily the human consequences of the illegal American blockade. The daily struggle to buy food in the shops,fuel to power industry, medicines and basic household items. Despite

Andrew Balcon (United Kingdom)

No USA blokade versus Cuba or no one! That goes for Iran and others to.

Mikael Junker (Denmark)

Santa Maria White (United States of America)

Please assist these beleaguered people who even with their limited means have been so generous to other nations in their need for medical assistance. They pose no danger to other nations, rather can be key to rebuilding failed states in the Caribbean and Central America.

Ann M. Irving (Canada)

Jane Daly (United Kingdom)

Amalia (Cuba)

mona kaluza (Germany)

One world one workingclass 💪

Klaus Jensen (Denmark)

Wendy cooper (Canada)

Bhishma Patel (United Kingdom)

Diane Randall (United Kingdom)

Jeff May (United Kingdom)

Richard Alcock (United Kingdom)

Sandra Kerr (United Kingdom)

Cuba i am overwhelmed by your solidarity and service

Darshan Jayanna (India)

Gerard Van Mossevelde (Belgium)

Hans Lunde (Denmark)


Thank you Cuba for all you have sacrificed in the name of humanity. We salute you!

Heba Babiker (United Kingdom)

Cslville Dunnon (United States of America)

Issam Sabbagh (Lebanon)

Michael Haszko (United Kingdom)

Nicola Wearmouth (Belgium)

Steen Andersen (Denmark)

Paula (United Kingdom)

Having been to Cuba I was very impressed with the solidarity of the people. It is criminal, and that's putting it mildly what America are doing to Cuba, especially with the corona virus crisis.My heart goes out to you.

Peter Taylor (United Kingdom)

Christos (United Kingdom)

Dot Allan (United Kingdom)

Fidel Alejandro Basulto Carrillo (Cuba)

Bernhard Plibrsek (Austria)

Terry Miles (United Kingdom)

Monica Marquez (United Kingdom)

MARY Hanley (Canada)

During a global crisis it's time to show solidarity and unite across disagreements

Bernr Rygg (Norway)

Fay Tarbox (Canada)

glyn mills (United Kingdom)

Paulo Maia (Portugal)

We are all in this together. No country has a right to do everything possible to protect its citezens

Catherine Clarke (United Kingdom)

Umesh Hiremath (India)

Annie Pike (United Kingdom)

Vidya (India)

verner brems (Denmark)

Branca Gonçalves (Portugal)

Per Nielsen (Denmark)

Natalie Benelli (Switzerland)

Cuba benefits it's own people and those of the world.The threat to the overbearing USA is rightly taken seriously as the Cuban social, education and health system provides a better and fairer life on more limited resources than does the government of the USA.Cuba is living proof of what a decent socialist society can achieve. And therein lies its threat.

Celia Foote (United Kingdom)

Arash Irannejad (Denmark)

Pigarev Sergei (Russian Federation)


Sally Bruce (United Kingdom)

Phyllis Hoyte (Trinidad and Tobago)

José Salas (Mexico)

AJ Tear (United Kingdom)

Dorcas Haller (United States of America)

Erik Insula (Denmark)

michael trier jacobsen (Denmark)

Arvid Haga (Sweden)

Erika (Italy)

Peter Waller (Spain)

Bertrand Guibord (Canada)

J. Fresco (France)

Tim Watson (United Kingdom)

I believe the Cubans to be the most generous people out there. They are not selfish and cruel. They are out there doing there best to help others outside of there own country. They have proven that time and time again. They have some of the best doctors. Trump is out there for himself and only himself. No matter how much the Cuban people prove themselves, it is never enough for Trump. That man should be voted out as soon as possible. Sooner than later.

Susan Beuk (Canada)

Pat Hogan (Canada)

Inger Lumholt (Denmark)

Renuka Ramanand (India)

Giulio Nicolò Corvalan (Argentina)

Carole cilia (United Kingdom)

Cuba. The nicest people I have ever met and enjoyed their company.

Don Mayor (Canada)

Christine Henry (United Kingdom)

whole world needs to get together to help each other cope with the effects of this pandemic . Thoughts with you all

YCDavies (United Kingdom)

Please act with compassion and humanity and lift the blockade on Cuba. Many thanks.

Rose Callaghan (United Kingdom)

Shawn Hayles (United Kingdom)

Lavínia Kelly Barros Silva (Brazil)

Stefanos Ploumis (Greece)

Ophæv blokaden

Birte Pedersen (Denmark)

Nicholas Stevens (United Kingdom)

bob shyrer (United States of America)

Peter Plesner (Denmark)

Maria Paula de Queiroz Jorge Machado Aires Pereira (Portugal)

Thank you for sending your doctors to Italy, we won't forget. No comment for Trump's decision, simply a shame

Silvia Rossi (Italy)

miles fielding (United Kingdom)

Thankyou to Cuba for your true internationalism! Other countries should accept the consequences of ignoring the blockade in order to also participate in reciprocal, honourable, internationalism.

Marion Endicott (Canada)

It is not a time for sanctions. It is yhe time to unite our good will in order to fight with this global disaster.

Sergey Gaponov (Canada)

Kim seary (United Kingdom)

Mimosa percy (United Kingdom)

Lynn Strother (Spain)

German Hernandez (Mexico)

Ole Timotej (Denmark)


Subbu (India)

Lukas Venclik (Czech Republic)

Janet (United Kingdom)

Birgit og Kristian Madsen (Denmark)

Ulla Præstgaard (Denmark)

bjarne frøslev (Denmark)

Anne Mette Markussen (Denmark)

Diane Dolan (New Zealand)

Paulo (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for all you have done and are doing. British Government please act now and urge the US administration to lift the blockade. This is a world-wide emergency.

Naomi Kenny (United Kingdom)

Alexey Ranchinski (Canada)

Mary carlin (United Kingdom)

End the American

David cureton (Canada)

Steph (United States of America)

Bo Madsen (Denmark)

Abnar Phakula (South Africa)

Jacquie Shelemey (Canada)

John O'Neill (United Kingdom)

Mike Barton (United Kingdom)

Nancy Gail Klassen (Canada)

Margit Bjerregaard (Denmark)

Stop pandering to the USA. Where I come from we are taught to stand up to bullies!

Philip Gage (United Kingdom)

Cuba has shown all of us what it is to be human (Ubunt). Let us return this colossal gesture of humanness to Cuba.

Steve Mochechane (South Africa)

Mircea Barbu (Sweden)

Carlo Hermansen (Denmark)

Julian lousada (United Kingdom)

Trine Dahlquist Hopps (Denmark)

Chris Carr (United Kingdom)

David Caparroz del Olmo (Spain)

Patricia White (United Kingdom)

Devon Roach (Canada)

Please respond to cuba

Swethendra (India)

Brendan O'Brien (United Kingdom)

Bryn Gosney (United Kingdom)

Hanieh Shakeri (Canada)

Jan Chester (United Kingdom)

Viral Trumpism Cannot Infect the Cuban Internationalism ​​​​by Antiguan Graduates from Cuban Universities The internationalist spirit of the Cuban Revolution, which has become established policy, can be traced right back to the very beginning of the revolutionary process. When Fidel Castro came to power with the triumph of the Rebel Army, on January 1st 1959, there were dire health conditions in Cuba, especially in rural areas, just as there were widespread poverty and illiteracy. Of the few young people from poor families, who had got the opportunity to study medicine, there were those who were waiting for five or more years, to save enough money to pay for graduation. It was the revolution that allowed them to graduate free of cost. Several doctors, who were members of elite families, left the country, rather than participate in a new, socialized healthcare system. It was therefore necessary to train as many doctors as would be needed. But the Cuban revolutionary leadership was never just concerned about Cuba. Theirs was the cause of human dignity. The immortal Ernesto Che’ Guevara, a medical doctor from Argentina, and who gave his life in Bolivia, while fighting to liberate the people of that country, was a passionate humanist and internationalist. Che’ gave up his position in government, and role as head of the Central Bank of Cuba, to be a guerilla fighter and doctor on the African continent, among those struggling to liberate themselves from colonialism and white supremacy. That was in the true spirit of uplifting all humanity. Today, as part of the revolutionary commitment born of that great internationalist vision, Cuba has positioned herself in the forefront of healthcare, not only for her own citizens, but for people around the world. Thousands of young people from around the world, primarily the Third World, have been trained as medical doctors in Cuba, and Cuban doctors can be found working around the world. All of the above has been accomplished by the extraordinary effort and revolutionary generosity of a people blockaded economically and financially, and under constant threat and hostility. The Cuban government and people know what they have had to do and what they must do for the survival of their revolution and for its internationalist thrust. The Cuban professionals fulfill their internationalist missions with great enthusiasm and pride. We therefore reject and soundly denounce the repeated pronouncements made by the evil and inept Trump regime, in an effort to vilify the Cuban leadership and to demean the internationalist engagements of the Cuban professionals. At this time, when the wealthiest nation in the history of the world finds itself in a deep health crisis which it should have averted; lacking the material preparation, the organization or the social capital, to deal with COVID-19, its leaders choose to be shamelessly loud in pouring scorn on Cuba, a little blockaded and struggling island in the Caribbean, that is coming to the rescue of even countries in the developed world. Old people in this country would say, that they are taking shame and making fight. SHAME ON THE TRUMP REGIME! LONG LIVE THE INTERNATIONALIST SPIRIT OF THE CUBAN REVOLUTION.

James Knight (Antigua and Barbuda)

Pernille Grumme (Denmark)

Dieter Ammer (Germany)


H B PUJAR (India)

Please let’s be kind to each other! No blockades, no kicking anyone while we are all just scrambling to get on our feet.

Ditte Kaas (United States of America)

Laura Vera (Nicaragua)

Eileen (United Kingdom)

David Wallace (United Kingdom)

Dee Williams (United Kingdom)

Florian (United Kingdom)

Michael Neumann (Denmark)

Agnethe Eggen (Norway)

Keep standing up against a cruel USA hope the world support you! Support the brave people against a superstate!

Paul Kristian Grytan (Norway)

Thanks for your doing so well in this critical situation!

Hans Nebel (Dominica)

Rayleen Tarbox (Canada)

Georgia Mulley (United Kingdom)

Helle Engelund (Denmark)

Peggy Simpkins (Canada)

Veriana de Fátima Rodrigues Cola&cc (Brazil)


Val Vizor (United Kingdom)

US to end its blockade immediately, to allow vital supplies of food, fuel and medical equipment to the Cuban people.

Torben Conrad (Denmark)

I now Cuba . This Government as Distributing help all people equal Thank you so much Cuba I love you

Jyothi k (India)

Gregorio Kohon (United Kingdom)

Julie roy (Canada)

Nina Norton (Norway)

Humanity should be at the forefront, not politics & prejudice.

Viv Roberts (United Kingdom)

Shripad Bhat (India)

We need Cuba; Cuba needs us. LIFT THE BLOCKADE NOW ! In solidarity & internationalism we act,

Annemarie Schone (United Kingdom)

The world should leave politics aside to fight this virus that is destroying the world and creating havoc with the economy and family life. The world should thank efforts that some countries take in the fight against the virus and punish those countries that steal medical supplies meant for other countries.

Anthony Pereira (United Kingdom)

Agnes George (Canada)

Elizabeth Briemberg (Canada)

Duncan Hamilton Lewis (United States of America)

Frauke Nagel (Germany)

Aicha (United Kingdom)

Michael Mill (United Kingdom)

Claire Mill (United Kingdom)

Patricia Hughes-Fuller (Canada)

Carlo Sesto (Italy)

Josh Fincke (United States of America)

Jill (United Kingdom)

I don’t want to jinx this but we are dealing with trump.

Norm Glennard (United Kingdom)

Model country cuba

Yamanoorappa Naganooru (India)

Jorge (Cuba)

Sasja simonsen (Denmark)

Maya Nielsen (Denmark)

Juergen Bader (Germany)

Thomas Hauger (Denmark)

John Fowden (United Kingdom)

Deborah Wright (France)

We’re talking human lives not politics here, people!

Susan G. (United States of America)

Peter Lipman (United Kingdom)

Long live Cuba!

Leon Pool (United Kingdom)


Camilo (Spain)

I ask the US government to stop the blockade, especially of food and medicine. The blockade of Cuba is a serious crime against humanity and the Cuban people. They have their fully right to live without oppression from a superpower

Jørgen Møller (Denmark)

Sean (Canada)

Peta Webb (United Kingdom)

Sarah Spanggaard (Denmark)

I've met people who worked to counter the blockade that this country lived through during WWII. We survived because others empathised with us. We need to empathise with others now.

JAMES LANYON (United Kingdom)

Ryan Cooper (United Kingdom)

Dan Hopewell (United Kingdom)

kath Sainsbury (United Kingdom)

Hasse Grandjean (Denmark)

Nicole Hobson (United Kingdom)

Robin Hanford (United Kingdom)

Al Hunter (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba. Thank you for all that you do and lift the blockade

Anne Fisher (United Kingdom)

Lakmal Senevirathne (Sri Lanka)

Amy Stack (United States of America)

Politics irrelevant humanity stand together

Delyse Leslie (United Kingdom)

Minna Skafte Jensen (Denmark)

We should be helping out each other in these hard times, not strangling with an embargo, it hasn't worked in the last 60 years, it won't work in the next - Cubans are strong and will never bend the knee. What'sup with this facination with cuba when there are other countries that pose more of a threat. Cuba, sigue, eres un ejemplo de un paiz que nunca se doble a la voluntad de los estados unidos, te felicito.

Jonathan Aceituno (Canada)

Gabriella Muratori (Italy)

Susanne Hoffmann (Denmark)

Henning Nielsen (Denmark)

Madeline Watson (United Kingdom)

Tuseth-Kraft, Frøydis (Germany)

Cuba has an exceptional health service and global solidarity is the priority

Bob Williams-Fndlay (United Kingdom)

Gorana Pecotic (Malta)

Ken Bruun (Denmark)

During times of Covid 19 Cuba promotes best of its medical practice to the world. Blockade must be lifted now and forever. I call good will peoplle all over the woerld to raise their voices in favor of Cuba.

Валентина Всеволодовна Гла (Russian Federation)

Craig Frederickson (United States of America)

Alfredo Fernandez (United States of America)

Brian Dodgeon (United Kingdom)

Ulla Bang Kristensen (Denmark)

John Headon (United Kingdom)


n k mohan ram (India)

Henrik Stabel (Denmark)

Glenys Turner (United Kingdom)

Juana Acosta (United Kingdom)

Anders Bjerre Mikkelsen (Denmark)

YVONNE GREY (United Kingdom)

Ellos han ayudado en esta pandemia y es necesario ser solidarios con quien nos dió la mano. Dejar el lado político.

Zaida Torres (Mexico)

Fidel Narvaez (United Kingdom)

Andrew Cairns (United Kingdom)

Gabriella Costello (United Kingdom)

Cuba - the shining beacon of how it is possible to live another way for its people. When will the british government act with honour and integrity against US domination!

Jane Hinde (United Kingdom)

Anna Mauset (Norway)

Thommi Nielsen (Denmark)

Dimitri Lascaris (Canada)

Paula Darwish (United Kingdom)

Salute to Cuba.

Roopa K (India)

Anne Clune (Ireland)

Service is salvation.. ಬಸವಣ್ಣ.Basavanna a social reformerof 12th century.

Chandranna Nayaka (India)

Cuba has always supported South Africa in times of medical crises. I salute them.

Dave Miller (South Africa)

Janine (United Kingdom)

Susan De Pasquale (United Kingdom)

Kathleen cruise (United Kingdom)


Amazing people in this country’s

Amos Broomfield (Canada)

Susan Hart (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade and sanctions against Cuba!

Mpho Molefe (South Africa)

Veerendra Ravihal (India)

Maria Smith (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba....End the lives......

Nicky Higgins (United Kingdom)

Becky Roque (Canada)

PETER BELL (United Kingdom)

Marianne Stockmarr (Denmark)

Simon Bisgaard (Denmark)

Thank you Cuba (the people and Government of Cuba) for helping the rest of the World deal with this crisis. And for showing us that a better world is possible.

Matija Tomac (Croatia)

Jan Pritchard (United Kingdom)

Stay strong United we stand

Goran (Canada)

We must unite in our world effort to fight Covid-19! This is not the time to prevent medication being delivered or delayed!

Jane Gray (United Kingdom)

Have courage Cuba. You have been fighting this blockade since the beginning of the Revolution. You will win because you are right.and because so many are on your side. We love you and admire your strength of purpose. Viva su revolucion socialists.

Maureen Chughtai (United Kingdom)

solangel rodriguez (United States of America)

Ganesh Sathyamoorthy (United Kingdom)

Susan Pashkoff (United Kingdom)

Karen Attwell (United Kingdom)

Sue Johns (United Kingdom)

Ninja Ea Lund (Denmark)

Dr Dave Madill (United Kingdom)

It is time to take act for helping the people of Cuba. They suffer since a longtime. Think of babies and old persons, it is is enough.

Fadi Ali (Canada)

Show that you are a human being. Mister Trump

ULF MATZON (Denmark)

Ingrid Sviggum (Norway)

Pam Bernardo (South Africa)

Tunia Erler (Germany)

Keep doing the good work!!!

Eva Morales (United States of America)

bob toth (Canada)

Cuba ever green, long live socialism

Janardhana S.N (India)

Karen Klein (Denmark)

Mette lund Egholm (Denmark)

I am with cuba

Azeez kirugunda (India)

Hands off the Cuban people

Ibrahim Khalil CHIBA (Tunisia)

Hilary Price (United Kingdom)

Good old Cuba, showing the rest of the world how it’s done. Again.

Kate withers (United Kingdom)

Michael Schuhe (United States of America)

Robert (Canada)

This is a time of pulling together for the sake of humanity, please help overturn this disastrous decision, and send help to Cuba.

Ann Smith (United Kingdom)

It's my pleasure to stand with Cuba now. It's not acceptable right now to hear that: US policy stopped a Chinese shipment of COVID-19 testing kits and ventilators reaching in Cuba. All human being around the world is in crisis. COVID 19 is not the pandemic killing virus only, it's a message from Almighty Allah to the world for being good human also. Everyone should assist others by supporting from any form. Should not make barrier to any human by any policies. Remember, it's the time to be a good human. Death is moving around us and anytime can attack anyone.


Camila Mujica (United Kingdom)

Mildred LaBeur (Uzbekistan)

Jocelyne Boudreau (Canada)

Hugh Mackay (United Kingdom)

George Maranos (Greece)

Solidarity with Cuba!

niels stockmarr (Denmark)

Greta Alegre (Belgium)

Donnie (United Kingdom)

Tracey Bauman (Canada)

Lori Cosentino

Lori Cosentino (United Kingdom)

M (United Kingdom)

Pina (France)

For True Freedom and Democrasy.

Per Ejnar Viberg (Denmark)

Julia karstegl (United Kingdom)

Declan White (United Kingdom)

Wilhemina worboys (Canada)


Louisa (Saint Lucia)

bjarne larsen (Denmark)

In time of crisis it is not wise to attempt to score petty political points.

John McGarrachan (United Kingdom)

R.D.Philip (India)

Ingemerete Schütten (Denmark)

MATEU raymond (France)

Alexander Hidalgo (United States of America)

Vivian Currie (Canada)

I Stand with Cuba...

Vithal Dalawai (India)

Birgit Buhl (Denmark)

Juliana Campo (Colombia)

Lynda Goumaïda (Canada)

John Daniels (United Kingdom)

Ella Wagemans (Belgium)

Karim Essahli (Norway)

Bernd Vahl (Denmark)

Maya Klasen (Germany)

Please help Cuba🙏🙏🙏

Anne Kroigaard (Denmark)

Channakeshava G (India)

Poul Eck Sørensen (Denmark)

Niels Winther (Djibouti)

Esperamos que la solidaridad humanitaria que muestra ustedes los cubanos a la humanidad pueda ayudar a cambiar la política de Estados Unidos. También esperamos que Gran Britania ofrezca gracias a Cuba en forma concreta de solidaridad con Cuba presionando a su aliado al otro lado del Atlántico a levantar el bloqueo uniéndose con la gran mayoría de países del mundo.

Bruce Hobson (United States of America)

Maria Odete Correia (Portugal)

Stop playing politics in times of desperation

juliana Henao (United States of America)

Corinne Male (United Kingdom)

Thank you for taking the lead on this.

Janet Givens (United States of America)

Ebbe Riis Klausen (Denmark)

Lallan Schoenstein (United States of America)

Fran (United Kingdom)

The US blockade is immoral and should be ended immediately

Benjamin Wood (United Kingdom)

It was very heartening to hear of the generous help given to Britain by the Cuban government, they have shown how nations should work together during this global crisis. The US blockade is criminal but it has also always felt like an act of spite and vengeance because Cuba would not allow themselves to be invaded by the US. This attitude is very old and very inappropriate at this time. I earnestly hope for a more humanitarian attitude from the United States.

Susan Roberts (United Kingdom)

It is time for the rest of the World to ignore the blockade and open up all trade and other links with Cuba, in line with the UN vote which has been consistent over many years now.

DAVID EATOCK (United Kingdom)

Fionnuala wykes (United Kingdom)

Ian Beattie (United Kingdom)

Tommy Damgaard (Denmark)

Chris Previtera (United States of America)

Asger Sandal Jeppesen (Denmark)

Fight Covid-19 - not Cuba. Stop the blockade

Ole Bach (Denmark)

Harry (Canada)

Cuba has played a vital role in medical aid across the globe its time to support CUBA now ,stop the USA sanctions.

Nicola (United Kingdom)

Kenny clegg (Canada)

Nadim Sarwar (United Kingdom)

Bijan Kholghi (Germany)

Johnnie Hunter, General Secretary, Young Communist (United Kingdom)

Robert Griffith (United Kingdom)

Pat Jeffries (Canada)

Dag Hagen (Norway)

Amanda Rodriguez (Cuba)

Achutha (India)

Cuba, you have always been an example of solidarity and resistance. Thank you so much for all!

Débora Alexandre Santos (Brazil)

Peter Nansen (Denmark)

Eigil Møller (Denmark)

Help the World an Cuba

jørgen fris frederiksen (Denmark)

Angharad higgins (United Kingdom)

Vicky Grandon (United Kingdom)

Lesley Dear (United Kingdom)

Cuba it's peaceful country.

Abubakkar siddiek Kalladka (India)

Shona campbell (United Kingdom)

Bruce Lloyd (United Kingdom)

Christel Erschens (Denmark)

Richard Feltham (Canada)

Robert Fitzgerald (Canada)

Heather Robinson (United Kingdom)

Peter Graham (United Kingdom)

Susanne Proven (United Kingdom)

Cormac Begley (United Kingdom)

#I_Stand_With_Cuba #SetBack_US_Blockade


Elma Lindberg (Denmark)

Rolf Diez (Germany)

Britt Kreutzmann (Norway)

Urge upon all the countries who have slapped sanctions on Cuba,merely because its a people country,to immediately withdraw sanctions against Cuba and it's peace loving people

Mallikarjun b sajjan (India)

All Removed ban from quba

Amanulla (India)

Gina Nicholson (United Kingdom)

Stephen J Isaac (Virgin Islands (U.S.))

Cora Forsyth-Muris (United Kingdom)

Stacey Anne Morgan (United Kingdom)

Brinley Hodges (United Kingdom)

Blockading Cuba at a time of this international health crisis is unforgivable.

Lionel Caplan (United Kingdom)

Henryd Jones (United Kingdom)

Stephen McGuckian (United Kingdom)

dan foged (Denmark)

Komyka Eaddy (United States of America)

Karen Donnelly (Italy)

I knew about Cuba's highly skilled medical team were sent to the countries in Europe to help the victims affected by Coronavirus. No other countries would do like Cuban so they should be recognised and praised.

Takee Glancy (United Kingdom)

America should forget old hostilities as Europe has. America fears comparison with Cuba's better world, where an altruistic Health Service gives the poor the best care in the world without Health Insurance.

Joyce Hallmark (United Kingdom)

All the best

Anita Petersen (Denmark)

Maria Antonieta Matos Monteiro (Portugal)

Adriano Miranda (Portugal)

Carrie Holder (Canada)

Maria Kristoffersson (Sweden)

Mark Zwager (United Kingdom)

Susan Bara (United States of America)

Graham (Ireland)

H. Kalalahti (United Kingdom)

Oddi Diaz (United States of America)

Brian Denny (United Kingdom)

Cuantos años de agresion imperialista!No Pasaran!

Dave Watson (Norway)


Liam Hanley (United Kingdom)

Jakob Frerichs (United Kingdom)

Tue Magnussen (Denmark)

ThAnks to all cuban medical personnel helping out abroad

Richard Dicker (Canada)

Shivakumar M S (India)

Its great job.

Bhuvana Hiremath (India)

Jan Kjærgaard Hansen (Denmark)

Nikola Streker (Canada)

Matúš Ivan (Slovakia)

Jesper Brohm Hansen (Denmark)

It's to time for the World to UNITE against all the wrongs of our earlier Political Leaders. Let's Unite for the Cause of Protecting the World, let's Stop Evi War Mongers and Dividers.

Sultan Beary (India)

Vaishnav Yogabalakrishnan (United States of America)

Hugo Santos (Portugal)

Peter Bendtzen (Denmark)

Mona Dahlquist (Denmark)

Mette Juul Isaksen (Denmark)

Support the humanitarian stance of Cuba and the safety of its people. Please ensure the blockade is lifted now.

Catherine Midwinter (United Kingdom)

Tor Kristian Pedersen (Norway)

Saul Belmar (United Kingdom)

Praying that through God’s Amazing Grace, the USA will be moved to do the RIGHT thing. Stay strong, Cuba!

Velma Dunn (Canada)

Thorbjørn Hoffmann (Denmark)

Natasha Thomas (United Kingdom)

Flemming Vestergaard (Denmark)

Jamie Lang (United Kingdom)

Marg Arnone (Canada)

Edwin Avontuur (South Africa)

Stephen (Canada)

Mauricio Valdivie Gil (Canada)

Charya Hilton (United Kingdom)

Jayne Fisher (United Kingdom)

Long live Humanity

Raju (India)

The U.S.has not problem with Vietnam a Communist country where thousands of Americans died. Why keep up an almost 60 year vendetta against Cuba?

Sandra Rae (Canada)

Craig Loyst (Canada)

Graham Knight (United Kingdom)

Allan Rasmussen (Denmark)

I have been in Cuba for 4 months teaching English on a volunteer basis. The warmth and generosity of the Cuban people in normal times is amazing. With this crisis it has increased. I have traveled the world and Cuba is by far the most peaceful and safe country I have ever been in. When the government here talks about international solidarity I can assure you it is not propaganda. It is reflected in the people here every day. I have been teaching English to doctors that have been kicked out of foreign countries on the orders of the Americans. I have spoken with hundreds of doctors and nurses and none feel that they are treated as "slaves" as the Americans claim. The illegal US embargo has denied life saving medicine for years. It is virtually impossible to get heart or blood pressure medication let alone simple things like hydrogen peroxide. The embargo is not just making people suffer it is killing people. The world needs to unite and tell the Americans enough is enough. Cuba reaches out to help other nations in time of need with doctors. The Americans send bombs. Please help end Cuban suffering Thank you

Gordon van humbeck (Canada)

Many thanks to the Cuban people for all your humanitarian work around the world. We are very grateful.

Margo Muris (United Kingdom)

Diana Grierson (United Kingdom)

Viva la revolution!!!!!!

Nikos vlassis (Greece)

Mikael Winblad (Sweden)

Kate Hurley (United Kingdom)


Mette Thagaard (United Kingdom)

Julie Eastwood (United Kingdom)

I support, with great pleasure

channels t.s. (India)

Please re

Javier Hernandez (United States of America)

Peter Jones (United Kingdom)

Mary Catherine McCarthy (Canada)

Andres Campo (Germany)


Heather Burnham (Canada)

Poul Husum Sørensen (Denmark)

Helena Garrido Oliva (Sweden)

Isabel Goercke (United Kingdom)

Else Dam (Denmark)

piease sort out the problem

MAIREAD WHITE (United Kingdom)

Please lift the embargo-Cuban people have suffered enough!

Doriann Forrester (Canada)

JUDY (Canada)

Adrian Perry (United Kingdom)

Elda Prince (United States of America)

Thomas Nissen (Denmark)

richard miles (United Kingdom)

Cari Binet fauvel (United Kingdom)

God Bless Be Safe Believe Please help these beautiful giving people

Dianne Keith (Canada)

Malathi bhat (India)

Jon Fraser (United Kingdom)

Annette Munnelly (Ireland)

Nicholas Wroughton (United Kingdom)

Lynn Ball (Canada)

Lucas Armstrong (New Zealand)

Mshel Sinnott (United Kingdom)

David Lindsay (United Kingdom)

Dr Carol Norris (United Kingdom)

Clare (United Kingdom)

David Eldridge (United Kingdom)

We have suffered enough during this 60+ years of blockade.

Ricardo Garrido Oliva (Sweden)

Roman Podolian (Ukraine)

Bo Møller (Denmark)

David Beauchemin (United States of America)

Covid19 affects young, old, the sick and healthy. It knows no boundaries neither should governments at this time

Samatha Frewin (United Kingdom)

Marília silva (Portugal)

Margit gissel (Burundi)

Have been to Cuba 12 times, these are very generous, genuine people always willing to give you a hand when they in fact are the ones needing it the most. This is shown in the above article stating how much they have helped many countries in times of disease and disaster. I so wish that this anti-viral drug they have makes it world wide and in turn CUBA gets the honor and recognition to have saved the world in this pandemic. Would love to see the day USA have to eat their words! Cuban have suffered enough!

Denise (Canada)

Merete N. Christensen (Denmark)

Christine Rouhaud (United Kingdom)

Iona Price (United Kingdom)

Ursula Dotzki (Germany)

Lene (Denmark)

Canada stand with you, Cuba!

Sarah (Canada)

Sure Cuba must have mine and world vide support.👍

Marianne Albertsen (Denmark)

Coralee Patton (Canada)

Sheila Fuentes-Ror (Canada)

Cheri Class (United Kingdom)

Anne Guri Oloughlin (Norway)

Esme Hookway (United Kingdom)

Kathryn Summerfield (United Kingdom)

chris paskiewicz (United Kingdom)

Carol Lasbrey (United Kingdom)

Anita Foley (United Kingdom)

Anna McNally (United Kingdom)

Lasse Piil Pertou (Denmark)

Ronny Feuk (Sweden)

Jørn Ralph Hansen (Denmark)

Never give up or give in . Viva Cuba

Hazel Friar (United Kingdom)

The time is now for the US to end sanctions against Cuba and to join Cuba and the international community to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and arise to a new normal of internationalism--a respect for the independence and dignity of all nations.

Barbara Humphrey (United States of America)

Stephen Sweet (Canada)

Ellen cooper (United Kingdom)

En 2020, c'est un génocide de laisser un peuple mourrir.

Renelle Bergeron (Canada)

Lennart Odhström (Spain)

Ole Elkær (Denmark)

Danielle Guay (Canada)

No more US blockade

Ali Alang (Denmark)

Claus Westergreen (Denmark)

All the best Cuba

Dr Lakshman (India)

Lizette Lassen (Denmark)

Michael N. Landis (United States of America)

Arne bjormyr (Norway)

Palle Yndal-Olsen (Denmark)

Luc dubé (Canada)

Alan stanley (United Kingdom)

Øivind Larsen (Denmark)

Keith Ellis (Canada)

Marlene phillips (United States of America)

Remember Fidel !!!!!

Leslie Beswick (United Kingdom)

Joanna Jellinek (United Kingdom)

Julian Vignoles (Ireland)

Barbara Sangoyemi Eaton (United States of America)


Gilles Beaudoin (Canada)

Eirik Thomas Kemi (Norway)

Leif Mikkelsen (Denmark)

Helen Grafham (United Kingdom)

Maria Villa Vine (United Kingdom)

Holding onto sanctions not only jeopardises Cuba, but also the US and ourselves;, we could use their help and support. We are all in this together.

Hilary Rock-Gormley (United Kingdom)

Anne Edwards Krenchel (Spain)

We need as much help as we can get! The Cuban middle crisis is over. End the Cold War!

David R Hirbert (United States of America)

Kåre Bluitgen (Denmark)

Krista Sørensen (Denmark)

philip fahey (United Kingdom)

Sol Mera (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Havard (United Kingdom)

Klaus Fink (Denmark)

Chank you, Cuba!

Siri Sylvest Hansen (Denmark)

Amanda Crees (United Kingdom)

The international community should be working together to save lives, not putting politics first.

Alison MacBride (United Kingdom)

Cuba ❤️

Renuka (India)

Steen Kjærsgaard (Denmark)

Cuba.. we are with you. Stand up, fight and we will overcome.

Ronnie Turus (United Kingdom)

Cuba I love you . I will be back soon

maria vella (United Kingdom)

Jane Gale (United Kingdom)

Pat Connors (Canada)

george f saunders (United States of America)

Cuba is one of my favorite countries. Been there 6 times, last time with my own SY Rozinante ll. 1915/1916, 7 weeks. Stones playing and talking to the people in Spanish, Havana Moon! Have a lot of friends there and a bicycle. Nice people and very, very little criminality. The Cuban government take care of their people in an optimal way. Optimal because Cuba are constantly under “attack” by the US and some other Countries that have an embargo/sanctions against the country. In spite this Cuba is in the top helping other countries in health and other issues. Long live the Cuban revolution and their heroic people!

Bjørn Harald Jordan (Norway)

I Support Cuba

Dr Shobha Rani (India)

Charlie (Denmark)

Steen Lund (Denmark)

Sarah Couture (United States of America)

Steffen Hjøllund (Denmark)

Ursula Haller (United Kingdom)

Abdelhamid AMINE (Morocco)

Arne hansen (Denmark)

Agneta Timotej (Sweden)

shanta Rao (India)

Lift the USA blockade on Cuba

Jim Kendall (United Kingdom)

Robert johnson (Canada)

Anne Marie Lohmann (Denmark)

Keith Bolender (Canada)


Gitte Pedersen (Denmark)

Long live international solidarity!

Bo Winding (Denmark)

Maria Wetherington (United States of America)

ulla hansen (Denmark)

James M Brennan (United States of America)

Manjunatha R (India)

Raymond Vanderlooy (Belgium)

Beth Nielsen (Denmark)

Christine Cushing (Canada)

Zoe (Greece)

James Gray (United Kingdom)

Mette Hanning (Denmark)

Robert Huish (Canada)

Anitha M G (India)

Thomas (Denmark)

Joan Bishop (Canada)

Gustavo Pimenta (Portugal)

Inge Staldvik (Norway)

Geoff Grinnell (United Kingdom)

There is no better country and no better people in the world. Please help them.

Colin Morris (United Kingdom)

Gill Hitchcock (United Kingdom)

Rupert Ward (United Kingdom)

Rebecca Amiel (United Kingdom)

Elise Crozier (United States of America)

Viruses have no frontiers or ideology

Paul Midwinter (United Kingdom)

Hasta La Victoria. Siempre, Amigos Cubanos!!

Jacques Courrier (Denmark)

Susanne Nielsen (Denmark)

My salute to the brave and admirable nation of Cuba. The humanity is so proud of Cuba, for the fight against “The US Virus, “The Biological Weapon Corona”, beside China. For the VICTORY for the medical discoveries in China and the vast treatment. The success achieved was not only salvation of the people’s lives, but also against the Virus maker, The USA. Long Live Cuba

Farah Notash (Austria)

Hans Jørgen Fjeld (Norway)

Karen Sexsmith (Canada)

Aimee Penman (United Kingdom)

Else Sørensen (Denmark)

Brian Frantz (United States of America)

Andy M (United Kingdom)

Meinir Huws (United Kingdom)

Anton Hinds (United States of America)

Greg Hughes (Canada)

Gunnbjørn Lundquist (Norway)

Margaret Handley (United Kingdom)

it's an atrocity the way the USA try to bully our Cuban friends just because it’s not what Uncle Sam likes. It’s also about time the uk grew a pair and stopped being their puppet

Stephen Millar (United Kingdom)

mhari Sharkey (United Kingdom)

Susan Jenord (United Kingdom)

Thanks YOU all for being a selfless & humanitarian spirit of God true & divine Love of Goodwill, for the people in NEED. That's huge & big of all you. When you have families, yourself, life itself. Yet your doing God & this world justice, When you give back this way. Always know your purpose for life & why you were created in the beginning. You were designed by the Best. And God has given you all a gift & skills to lead. Thank YOU for your Big ❤ & kindred spirits. Keep going & doing what you do best. No matter whose trying to stop it. They can't & won't stop "God Plan" I'm praying for you ALL & very Proud of you for all you're trying to do in making a change. Be safe & more than bless. Respectfully Bonnie,

Bomnie McKinnon (United States of America)

Gagan (India)

Søren Zeuth (Denmark)

Zavier Lawson-Smith (United Kingdom)

Susanne Wind (Denmark)

Kim Landry (Canada)

Sven Tarp (Denmark)

Nagesha N (India)

Peace and development in this world, depense on recardnisien of corntrys inddependense and rigth too chose their own solutions.

Ole Soeborg (Denmark)

Long live socialism, Revolutionary greetings to the Cuban people

Krishnegowda T. Lingaiah (India)

Gyvel kallan (Denmark)

We in the UK have much to learn from the equality and principles of universalism Cuba promote. It is the mark of a civil society to look after everyone.

Bob Diamond (United Kingdom)

Mikael Betzer (Denmark)

Dawn Latimer (Canada)

I Support

Parashuram Tahashildar (India)


Guylaine Lefebvre (Canada)

Bel Clarke (Australia)

The great country doing humane service to the mankind. Hats off Cuba of Fidel Castro.

MG Chandrashekharaiah (India)

Anders Kristensen (Denmark)

I am supporting this call for the removal of the US blockade against Cuba because I strongly believe that it is immoral to maintain in the face of the global COVID 19 pandemic, not least because Cuba as a nation has always shown commendable international solidarity to other nations

Angela Hadjipateras (United Kingdom)

Chetan Someshwar (India)

Martin Hjorth Rosenquist (Denmark)

Jan corbin (United Kingdom)

Ole Astrup Nielsen (Denmark)

Help Cuba, help the world!

Ana Maria Brito Jorge (Portugal)

Marianne Maass (Denmark)

Siddaiah B (India)

The Cuban people are setting an example to the world of how we could live. The humanity and unselfishness, and the way they are standing up to the United States bullying, should shame us all.

Brendda Wishart (United Kingdom)

Jacqueline Brown (United Kingdom)

Jørn Arnesen (Norway)

Axel Fjeld (Norway)

Monica Small (Canada)

Birgit Sørensen (Denmark)

Norma Plaisted (Canada)

solidarity with and responsability for all people. Governments to be kept responsible

Anne Behr (Denmark)

The British government should be doing something to help the Cuban people.

Carole Richardson (United Kingdom)

Paul Wainwright (United Kingdom)

Stay strong Cuba.History will absolve you.

brian hancock (United Kingdom)

Diwakar S (India)

I am a South African. We feel for the British people. Your irresponsible government acted too late re virus. A case of profits before people.

M.B. Juggernath (United Kingdom)

Andrea Stanton (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade! NOW!

Marianne Svendsen (Norway)

Donald Phillips (Canada)

Robert young (United Kingdom)

Gro Hareide (Norway)

James Moss (United Kingdom)

Cuba is the first country to reach out and help others - how many Doctors did they send to Italy? - they are a top country in medical research we may need their help!! Stop being So Ignorant and Cruel

Jeanne Kimbell (Canada)

Jan Strandberg (Denmark)

Jürgen Franke (Germany)

It will hopefully be lifted soon

Norah Phillips (Canada)

Eleni Palazidou (United Kingdom)

Paul Pugh (Canada)

Opto por Cuba la gran Nación humanitaria

Marta Arangoa (Argentina)

United with citizens of Cuba!

Alison Lawson (United Kingdom)

Deanna Denis (Canada)

Poul S. Christensen (Denmark)

Fred FURLONG (Canada)

Zaquira Lawson (United Kingdom)

Mette Pilegaard (Denmark)

Kurt nielsen (Denmark)

Vijoo Krishnan (India)

Thinking of you all in Cuba

Steve Richardson (United Kingdom)

Vijay (India)

Vivian Martin (United Kingdom)

ron ridenour (Denmark)

Speed is of the essence.

Malachi Kelly (United Kingdom)

Jeppe Petersen (Denmark)

Tristan Wright (United Kingdom)

Aleth Mortensen (Denmark)

Please make representations to the United States Government to lift the blockade on Cuba!

Jerry O'Reilly (Ireland)

Let’s help our Cuban friends and family please ❤️

Terri Delaney (Canada)

Janne Foghmar (Denmark)

Eshanye K.P (India)

Eglantina Monteiro (Portugal)

Brett Christianson (United States of America)

Mike Squires (United Kingdom)

Jørgen Flyr (Denmark)

Alun Williams (United Kingdom)

Graeme Cooper (United Kingdom)

Velon John (Saint Lucia)

Kevin Reynolds (United Kingdom)

Loranne Vallely (Ireland)

Sanctions against Cuba is terrible at the best of times. It is truly barbaric at this time when Cuba, just as the rest of the world, is facing the worst health and humanitarian crisis in a century.

Dennis Nancoo (Canada)

Trevor Pull (United Kingdom)

Filipe Sousa Neves (Portugal)

Anne-lise ekvall (Denmark)

N blyth (United Kingdom)

Hans Martin Andersen (Denmark)

Bjarne Rasmussen (Denmark)

Ingrid Seidenfaden (Denmark)

Norman Halford (United Kingdom)

Satish Patil (India)

Maria do Ceu Cunha (Portugal)

Yaqub Hanif (United Kingdom)

Lift Blockade against CUBA. Allow it to serve the humanity much further.

Prakash K (India)

syl (United Kingdom)

Lone gelting (Denmark)

Douglas Stem (United Kingdom)

Katherine Kiernan (United Kingdom)

Lindy Gregg (United Kingdom)

As the world fights an international battle against the coronavirus pandemic, Cuba has once again proved itself a paragon of internationalism and solidarity. In recent days the island has sent highly skilled medical brigades to many countries including Italy, Grenada, Jamaica, Nicaragua and Venezuela to support foreign health services overwhelmed by the scale of the crisis. On 18 March the Cuban government offered safe haven to passengers of the stricken British cruise ship MS Braemar allowing it to dock in Havana when many other countries had refused. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab publicly thanked Cuba for this assistance in a statement to the UK parliament. It has also made its anti-viral drug Interferon Alfa-2b available to nations around the world to help in the treatment of patients infected with COVID-19. The island’s altruistic response to the global emergency continues a long history of Cuban humanitarianism. In the last 56 years 400,000 Cuban health workers have responded to natural disasters and helped build health services in 164 nations. This includes sending medical brigades to Pakistan in the aftermath of the Kashmiri earthquake (2005), to Haiti to assist with the devastating cholera outbreak following the earthquake (2010), and to West Africa in the region’s fight against Ebola (2015). Cuba has also trained 35,613 health professionals from 138 countries at its Latin American Medical School since 1998. At the same time the island has suffered the effects of the 58-year old criminal United States blockade which causes daily shortages of food, fuel and other basic necessities. Last year the cost to the Cuban health sector alone amounted to more than $104 million. As we write, Cuba is itself combating the spread of coronavirus within its own population and needs access of medical equipment and resources to safeguard the well-being of its most vulnerable citizens. Cuba has always put the humanitarian needs of people first, regardless of borders or politics. At this time of international crisis, the US blockade is criminal, not only for its impact on the Cuban people, but also for hindering their ability to assist in the worldwide battle against the virus. The Cuba Solidarity Campaign sends its eternal gratitude to the Cuban medical teams for their inspirational example of global solidarity. At the same time we call on the British government to make an urgent representation to the US to end its blockade immediately, or at the very least to temporarily suspend it to allow vital supplies of food, fuel and medical equipment to the Cuban people. The Cuban people supported the British people in a time of need. This is a chance to demonstrate our appreciation.

shiva shankar banagar (India)

Appreciate your support to the world community to fight Covid19! Let's end the US blocade against Cuba and do end of other countries in the world!

Arne Lennartz (Denmark)

alain (France)

Pia Gaff (Denmark)

This is a time to reunite and help everyone. Trump is behaving in a selfish, disgusting, childish and irresponsible manner. As he's trying to do with 3M. Trump is making Americans look bad around the world. Grow up. I travelled to Cuba approx. 40 times. I love the country and the people. They are always willing to help. Right now they're putting medical teams at risk to help. Thank you for stepping up. Trump can learn a few things from you. Be safe.

Sam Carella (Canada)

in solidarity with Cuba

Aksel V Carlsen (Denmark)

It’s only decent and with respect to other humans in a time of great need. That we make sure that those less fortunate have every right to life.

Oliver Kelly (United Kingdom)

Stop US blockade on Cuba it is criminal !!!!!

Mick Williams (New Zealand)


Kelli Selkirk (Canada)

Alice Nutzhorn (Denmark)

Madison Oliver (Canada)

nick westfold (United Kingdom)

M S Raja (India)

Paul Goldsmith (United Kingdom)

Luís Pinheiro (Portugal)

¡Basta de politicas imperiales! Somos y seremos indep

Angel Emilio Castañeda Hevia (Cuba)

Sharanu hampi (India)

I salute Cuba for its achievements. I support its fight against imperialism.

Vimala.k.s (India)

william adams (Canada)

Gracias Hermanos! Viva Cuba!

Paulo Cersosimo (Germany)

Clive Zyborski (United Kingdom)

elizabeth laird (United Kingdom)

We can show totally solidarity to Cuba and demand stop the Blockad against Cuba. The Cuban solidarity are total to the World

Betty Möller (Sweden)


Donna Rodgers (Canada)

Carolyn Nicoll (United Kingdom)

Rajeshwari (India)

Louise Goudé (France)

Jaykumar HS (India)

Dr.vijaya (India)

Annie Brousseau (Canada)

Jonas (Belgium)

José Ribeiro (Portugal)

I request Britain government to urge USA to lift the sanction against CUBA.

Balakrishna Shetty (India)

Oliver Coles (United Kingdom)

Mo McRae (United Kingdom)

John B Vallely (United Kingdom)

Paul Saunders (United Kingdom)

Remember - we are all in this together!!!

Fran Couchie (Canada)

We are all humans on this globe.

ronald wittevrongel (Belgium)

Please, give a break to a pacific country like Cuba.

Serge Lemire (Canada)

Charles dibley (Canada)

Im from Canada and the US blockade is a human rights violation and just plain inhuman on its best of days not to mention at this time of global need. Quit being the bullies of the world and lift the blockade , how about some of that freedom the US jams down the worlds throat provided for Cuba to make its own choices.

Ed Garvey (United Kingdom)

This crisis is international. We must act internationally.

Simon Medaney (United Kingdom)

Harish (India)

Sabitha Bannadi (India)

Sathya (India)

Jane kelly (United Kingdom)

Julie (United States of America)

Chea Beale (Canada)

Ilaria Schiavo (Italy)

Melanie Carson (Canada)

I am with the campaign

Kiran Bhat (India)

Raghu B.K (India)

I have the greatest respect for Cuba. The Cuban people have show through out the last sixty years their humanity for the oppressed and suffering of others. The least the US government should do is stop the embargo.

Karen Stansbery (United States of America)

Sheena Vella (United Kingdom)

The world salutes you. We remember Fidel and CHE always

Simhadri Rao (India)

Every Country in the World has to pull together to get out of this horrible current situation. At the end of the day, we are all Human Beings.

Kathleen Marsden (United Kingdom)


Kenneth M Feigelman (Canada)

Bethan Miles (United Kingdom)

We in the U.S. also invite you all to join in signed the petition "Steven Hahn: FDA expedite review and approval of lifesaving Cuban antiviral for COVID-19" by adding your name to:

Arthur Heitzer (United States of America)

valerie archer (United Kingdom)

Louis Cazeau (United Kingdom)

With Solidarity

Naveen Kumar (India)

Kimberley Steele (Canada)

Heidi Youngman (United Kingdom)

Frank Soule (Canada)

Camille Curtis (United Kingdom)

Dear Boris Johnson. Please press the US to end the blockade of Cuba. Coronavirus is a global health emergency. The blockade is wrong full stop. The Cuban people should not be made to suffer.

Peter Tatchell (United Kingdom)

Lola Dulon (Belgium)

All the best

Bhavya (India)

Marie Karr (Canada)

Karen Waldron (Canada)

Laura Sitkin (United States of America)

Stopping doctors helping people in other countries is not just an act of political spite, but will result in people dying who might have lived if they had received treatment.

Hugh Lanning (United Kingdom)

Srijan Someshwar (India)

Evelyn von Sichartshofen (Canada)

Stop the blockade now!

,Mary (South Africa)



Mark Burns (United Kingdom)

H Breakwell (United Kingdom)

Manuela Monteiro (Portugal)

F Germain (United Kingdom)

To Cuba: Many thanks to the Cuban people for their humanitarian acts & unconditional kindness. To British Gov't: Please help stop the USA Embargo now & forever.

Frances Beaulieu (Canada)

This is a humanitarian crisis and everyone needs support

Eddie sheehy (United Kingdom)

Long live cuba

T Yashavantha (India)

Rachelle Smith (United Kingdom)

Be Safe and Take care

Ruth Collette (Canada)

Sheila Robinson (United Kingdom)

Let’s reach out to all countries during this epidemic

Joan Mooney (United Kingdom)

Richard Setka (Canada)

Derek Hefley (United States of America)

Milton Gougoulias (Canada)

Debby Monkhouse (United Kingdom)

Anne Webster (United Kingdom)

Philippe Bruyninckx (Belgium)

Sara Hall (United Kingdom)

I truly hope your pleas will be heard by all those countries who Cubans have helped provide vital humanitarian help for many years especially in the field of medicine

Anne Evans (United Kingdom)

Llifon Foulkes (United Kingdom)

Chiara (Italy)

Margaret Hainey (United Kingdom)

Piara taggar (Canada)

Chloe (United Kingdom)

Fred McDonald (United Kingdom)

Tim Richards (United Kingdom)

Helena Nystrom (Sweden)

IAM a Trump supporter. However I strongly disagree with this blockade of covid 19 supplies. In addition to the politics of 6 decades that hurt innocent people. Relationship with Cuba must change! Let me know how I can help. Thanks

Troy Vay Young (United States of America)

Charlie Baker (United Kingdom)


paul adriaanse (Ireland)

kate scott (United Kingdom)

Please help, they are beautiful people here and deserve a fighting chance!

Eleanor Murphy (Canada)

Rana Bose (Canada)

Love Cuba 🇨🇺♥️

Bianca Gagné (Canada)

Veronica McManus (United Kingdom)

Abdul Gafoor (India)

Llion Jones (United Kingdom)

Elayne Windsor (Canada)

Rowena Luke-King (United Kingdom)

Yannis Tsal (Greece)

Solidarity and peace to the people of Cuba.

Brian Walter (United Kingdom)

Natalya (South Africa)

Eric Noi (United Kingdom)

Des Conway (United Kingdom)

Agatha Beaulieu (Canada)

Samantha Young (Canada)

MC (United States of America)

Chris Whale (United Kingdom)

Martin Dutton (United Kingdom)

Robat Idris (United Kingdom)

James Harkness (United Kingdom)

martine minne (Belgium)

Mark Weinstein (United Kingdom)

Iliana Figueredo (Sweden)

Banjagere Jayaprakash (India)

Lily (United Kingdom)

Essential we all work together in the fight against Covid-19.

Robert Buckingham (United Kingdom)

Carmel Quinlan (Ireland)

For values of humanity: Stop the economic, financial and trade terrorism against Cuba ! At least NOW !!

Peter zenker (Germany)

Sara McGuinness (United Kingdom)

James Hayden (Ireland)

Donna Daley (Canada)

Poppy James (United Kingdom)

Tom Pate (United Kingdom)

Graciela McKenna (Spain)

Brenda Theedam (United Kingdom)

Wreckless stupidity at the best of times, but now!!!!!!

Aisling (Ireland)

Daniel Mccormick (Canada)

Virginia Albert Poyotte (Saint Lucia)

Shashi Sampalli (India)

Cormac O'Neill (Ireland)

Claude (Switzerland)

Logan Johnston (Canada)

Show some solidarity in these covid-19 times please. For once put your fear aside.

jan tengrootenhuyzen (Belgium)

Steven Walker (United Kingdom)

Linda Lamont (United Kingdom)

I appreciate Cuban doctors efforts in combating pandemic Covid-19 world wide

John Sebastian D'Cunha (India)

End this cruel US blockade against Cuba now. Facilitate the roll out of Interferon Alfa-2b

Dylan Morgan (United Kingdom)

Carolyne Cormier (Canada)

roy mayhew (United Kingdom)

Treat Cuba fairly!

Dr Bruce Scholten (United States of America)

Anne Littlefair (United Kingdom)

David Greenhalf (United Kingdom)

robin mcelhone (United Kingdom)

Van camp marc (Belgium)

Abdul Rauf (United Kingdom)

nainakn (India)

Carola Wollweber (Germany)

Wanda (United Kingdom)

Sanctions KILL.

Linda Lee (United States of America)

Solidarity greetings to all our Cuban brothers & sisters.

Brendan McFarlane (Ireland)

Thales Rodrigo (Brazil)

Tatiana Costa Mendes (Portugal)

martin mcdermott (Ireland)

Marisol Rodriguez (Sweden)

To the British government Please encourage the United Nations to lift the Blockade on Cuba if the USA block it again but almost all the other countries support the lifting then the UN should tell USA that they can’t stop international companies from trading or visiting Cuba. Regards Hazel Hannan

Hazel Hannan (United Kingdom)

Meirion Williams (United Kingdom)

Zulmira Aurea Cruz Bomfim (Brazil)

Gerard (United Kingdom)

David Bidwell (United States of America)

Jyothi A (India)

Ian Moncur (United Kingdom)

Kate Arnot (United Kingdom)

Thomas Moss (United States of America)

Chris (United Kingdom)

Zoubida EL Arrougui (Morocco)

Tamila Gámez Garcell (Iceland)

lesley SAUNDERS (United Kingdom)

Cuba must be allowed to have the right to self-determination and continue its international contribution in the battle against the virus and it's own people.

John Boyd (United Kingdom)

Sofia Cameira (Portugal)

ola pettersson (Sweden)

I won't pretend to know the historic reasoning behind the US-Cuba blockade but, whatever the perceived justification, surely a temporary suspension is in order.

Andrew Russell (United Kingdom)

Veronica Ekeke (Sweden)

Chris Owen (United Kingdom)

Trump is temporary, Cuba lives on as an example to the world.

George Hamilton (United Kingdom)

Audrey Simpson (France)

Ian (United Kingdom)

David J Frank (United States of America)

Melva Hoyos (Canada)

Alejandro Palestro (Sweden)

Gisella Miric (United Kingdom)

Suresha B (India)

J'aime Cuba et son sympathique et courageux peuple, j'y ai passé des séjours inoubliables et je sohhaite de rout mon coeur que les EEUU cesse ses bassesses et les laisse vivre en paix. VIVA CUBA.

Philippe Bosom (Canada)

Cuba practices solidarity, UK and other countries must do so as well

Jamie Marsh (United Kingdom)

Gillian McBride (United States of America)

Don Quinn (United Kingdom)

BARBARA AC HANSEN (United Kingdom)

Marta Sevastjanova (Latvia)

Hilary Povey (United Kingdom)

Martin Phillips (United Kingdom)

Cuba has been at the forefront in developing effective healthcare for all and in doing world class research on biomedicine. It is to Cuban scientists that we owe one of the drugs used in treating coronavirus, in the Interferon class. It is counter-productive to threaten Cuba's contribution and health security with an illegal and totally unnecessary blockade. This must be lifted now as a matter of urgency.

Dr Mark H Burton (United Kingdom)

Chris Kitchen (United Kingdom)

Glen Hume (New Zealand)

Debz Robinson (United Kingdom)

Nous sommes en 2020... toute cette hargne politique devra stoppée la maintenant. Les cubains, n ont pas demandé cette situation c est vraiment une guerre de gros bras politiques qui affecte les locaux. J ai vu de mes yeux les epiceries, les pharmacies, et vraiment cette guerre politique porte les cubain a vivre dans la pauvreté, en manque de tout incluant les bien necessaires. CA SUFFIT! Aidons les aujourd hui et chaque jour par la suite.. contrevenons au blocage des USA qui est inhumain.

Gisele L’Ecuyer (Canada)

Luc Valter (France)

Jorge Manuel Lorga (Portugal)

Jackie Reed (United Kingdom)

John Morland (United Kingdom)

I would like the British Government to make an effort to persuade the US Authorities to lift this horrible blockade.

Mike (United Kingdom)

Anil Huliya (India)

Lewis Donaghy (United Kingdom)



Foteini Georgakopoulou (Greece)

Lindsay (United Kingdom)

Abi Hindriks (United Kingdom)

Maria Elzbieta Blair (United Kingdom)

Billy Bradley (United Kingdom)

Andrew Collins (United Kingdom)

Walter Brooker (Canada)

I support the petition demanding withdrawal of sanctions against Cuba.

Suman Priya Mendonca (India)

John Beech (United Kingdom)

Claúdia dias (United Kingdom)

Achim Rollhaeuser (Greece)

Alan Hird (United Kingdom)

Stop US aggression on Cuba

Joan Cutting (United Kingdom)

Stop this blockade and help my family in cuba , thanks to Trump we can no longer send money with western union to help them They are being left to die Stop

Anita (United Kingdom)

Tiernan Kelly (United Kingdom)

Mel (United Kingdom)

Michael John Haynes (United Kingdom)

Joyce Bastian (United States of America)

Susan Kortlandt (United Kingdom)

Alex Lines (United Kingdom)

Mark Chaplin (United Kingdom)

Liz Curran (United Kingdom)

Mackie McHeath (United Kingdom)

Sam MacGibbon (United Kingdom)

Shobha (India)

Kieran Lennon (Ireland)

Wei Chun Kua (Canada)

carol fitton (United Kingdom)

Sue A Sells (United States of America)

Sally Meadows (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba

Stuart Baird (United Kingdom)

Raymond Howard (United Kingdom)

This is not the time to force a country to your way of thinking Trump! USA is the bully in the school that obviously needs discipline.

Carol Strachan (Canada)

While Cuba offers medical assistance and humanitarian support to the wider world their own citizens are now suffering acute food shortages as a direct result of the increasingly ferocious blockade of the current American administration. This should cease, now is a fine oppurtunity for the UK Government to offer support.

john curtis (United Kingdom)

Stephanie Clench (United Kingdom)

Viktor Schell (Germany)

Livan Hernández García (Spain)

Peadar O Ceannabhain (Ireland)

All nations should support each other and especially so at times of need. This is certainly a time of need for the whole world. Coronavirus does not recognise borders or blockades and nor should governments. I call on the British government to something to help end the US blockade and allow necessities to move freely to Cuba

Michelle Moore (United Kingdom)

The British Government should never support actions that break international law.

Peter McNee (United Kingdom)

Richie (Canada)

FM (Australia)

James Hazelwood (United Kingdom)

kasper Libeert (Belgium)

Aysha (United Kingdom)

Many agree that this time is right to use our 'special relationship' with the USA to convince President Trump to stop this unecessary embargo. Cuba has supported many people across the world and urgently needs PPE like any other country. They deserve our support.

Lee Beth (United Kingdom)

Brent Cutler (United Kingdom)

supporting the cuban people, and their valid efforts to help others in the time of need. Cuba está en nuestros corazones, larga vida al pueblo cubano

Christoph Andreas Torlinsky (Germany)

it's the Cuban people being hurt by the sanctions, not the government, compassion and the right for basic human needs should be our priority for these poor people

Julia Warner (United Kingdom)

Prashanth SP (India)

mike Kerins (United Kingdom)

Dane A White (United States of America)

Patricia Pop-Ghe (Germany)

The embargoes are totally politically driven especially in this US election year. Even the Democrats are hiding in the bushes and not mentioning the Obama attempt to build relations with Cuba. Dems know that this would be their death knell should they promote closer relations & easing embargoes. Republicans of course want to maintain their hold on Florida, & they know that they can only do that by keeping the huge X-Cuban voter population on side. Amazing how President Trump has been able to cozy up to Russia, China, North Korea, & Saudi Arabia, but so far refuses to work with one of America's closest neighbors. A very sad predicament for the wonderful Cuban people. 

Bob Budge (Canada)

Please, think human♥️

Outi Pesols (Finland)

Tim Edwards (United Kingdom)

Sara Greenhalf (United Kingdom)

Tim Wright (United Kingdom)

Tania (United States of America)

Héctor F veloz (Dominican Republic)

Sheree Peaple (United Kingdom)

Mary Quinlan (Ireland)

I support Cuba.It served humanity during corona tuff time.

Aishwarya (India)

Gulabi Bilimale (India)

In the name of humanity, end your blockade now. This is too petty and steeped in history to have any meaning now.

Jill Govier (United Kingdom)

Wiltshire Unison Branch urges the British Government to make the strongest representations to the US to end the blockade immediately.

Mike Osment ( Branch Secretary -Wiltshire Unison ) (United Kingdom)

Please help cuba

Phillip Cushing (United Kingdom)

Let's learn from this and build a kind, generous world which benefits all humanity

mary dwyer (United Kingdom)

Tom Prince (United Kingdom)

Kevin Phoenix (United Kingdom)

Jocelyne Jean-Baptist (United Kingdom)

Humanity over politics.

Mohamed Abdi (Germany)

Leona Ticha (United Kingdom)

Josune Arzalluz (United Kingdom)

Philip Thomas (United Kingdom)

Ambareesha v (India)

Manjula Subrahmanya (India)

Alyson Williams (United Kingdom)

Angela Kehoe-Jones (United Kingdom)

Viva la Cuba

Sylvia Puls-Mutze (Germany)

Steffen root (United States of America)

Rachel (United Kingdom)

Cuba has always been a humanitarian country - thank you. This blockade must be stopped, to help the Cuban people.

Ruth Bender (United Kingdom)

Johannes Broll (Germany)

Sally Richardson (United Kingdom)

Angel Roberto Reyes Varona (United Kingdom)

Full support to the people and government of Cuba!

Yolaine Maigrot (France)

Jo Hall (United Kingdom)

Lift all sanctions now and for all time,it’s 2020 for f—ks

Gary Stretch (United Kingdom)

Full support to the people and government of Cuba!

Yann CHERRUAULT (France)

The blockade was lifted during the Obama administration, and nobody cared. There was no reason to reinstate it, except to try to please some die-hard 1% of Americans who are rabidly anti-Cuba. Hurting everyone who lives in a country just because you disagree with their form of government is cruel, and blocking even medical supplies from getting through is unconscionable. I support lifting the blockade.

Daniel Narvaes (United States of America)

Marianne Gagnon (Canada)

Michael Tucker (United Kingdom)

Robert Mc laughlin (Ireland)

robert wight (United Kingdom)

We’re all in this together we must protect the human race at this time there are no boundaries!

Jack Young (United Kingdom)

claudia Martinez Mullen (South Africa)

Belona Greenwood (United Kingdom)

Eve Turner (United Kingdom)

Julia Mansbridge (United Kingdom)

MORAG (United Kingdom)

Orfeu Bertolami (Portugal)

Pushpa Surendra (India)

Roy Henrik Eriksen (Norway)

Sandra Pointel (United Kingdom)

I think that this epidemic demands full international solidarity with all UN members and beyond in order.

David Brown (United Kingdom)

Edwin Gratrix (United Kingdom)

Dan Bartlett (United Kingdom)

Follow José Martí's message of the right to human dignity for all !

Margaux Ouimet (Canada)

John Lloyd (United Kingdom)

ALAN ROSE (United Kingdom)

Rosie Stewart (United Kingdom)

Luke Chester (United Kingdom)

Remi Legendre (Canada)

Bartek (Poland)

Craig Minton (United Kingdom)

Tony Dennis (United Kingdom)

Christopher Kinghorn (United Kingdom)

Giovanna Lewis (United Kingdom)

Alison Malo (Canada)

Eric Raúl Suarez lloga (Germany)

David Watson (United Kingdom)

Rod Fawcett (United Kingdom)

Conceição Nogueira (Portugal)

Thank you Cuba for all you do to help other people and countries you are all legends

Diana Wright (United Kingdom)

Mike Webb (United Kingdom)

Ajay varma alluri (Indonesia)

Jean Roberts (United Kingdom)

Dorothy Edwards (United Kingdom)

jean burrell (United Kingdom)

James O'Sullivan (United Kingdom)

Tina L B (Sweden)

Douglas Rasmusson (France)

Britain owes is time to pay back. demand that the US lift the blockade that has stifled economic development in this small Island. Guba has shown an international spirit, it is time for us to do the same. refusing help to Cuba at this time would shame us.

royston maldoom (Germany)

Shreoshi Bhattacharyya (India)

vincent kehoe (United Kingdom)

Dot lewis (United Kingdom)

Phil walden (United Kingdom)

Pat Heron (United Kingdom)

Liam O'Donoghue (United Kingdom)

Phil Turner (United Kingdom)

Lourdes Gonzalez (Sweden)

Edwin Hotten (United Kingdom)

We are all in this mess,please help these people while this is going on.Its the ordinary people with no control over events who suffer.

John Mcglade (United Kingdom)

Trish Curtis (United Kingdom)

Tom Rosenbaum (United Kingdom)

George White (United Kingdom)

Christopher Richardson (United Kingdom)

Lingaraju (India)

Laura Duggan (Ireland)

Linda Gray (United Kingdom)

Simon Brennan (Australia)

Stop US-Terror and Crimes against Humanity!

Sam Wanitsch (Switzerland)

Charles Ramsey (United States of America)

Lorna Reith (United Kingdom)

Tania Rosa Mesa (Israel)

Revolution long Live...

Mahantesh (India)

Vina Lindley (United States of America)

Christine (United Kingdom)

P. Beveridge (United Kingdom)

Ricardo sepulveda (Sweden)

Hugo Sandoval (Norway)

Pat Woods (United Kingdom)

Robert Bodels (United Kingdom)

Paul Woodroofe (United Kingdom)

Susan Rumsey (South Africa)

Wil Driessen (Netherlands)

Teresa Cherwaty (Canada)

Judith Reilly (United Kingdom)

Stay strong Cuba, there are countries that will come and help

Grahame Jones (United Kingdom)

Kariswamy.K (India)

We are always with Cuban people.Pls withdraw American sanction from Cuba&North korea specially in this situatio.

Sheikh Mohd.Rafiqul Islam (Bablu) (Bangladesh)

Do the needful

Govind Raaj (India)

Petr Kadlec (Czech Republic)

Put humanity before politics! It is a pandemic! What happens in a country will affect all other countries!

Howard Michels (United Kingdom)

Bernard Parkes (United Kingdom)

Cuba shows the world again how a medical reaction to a health crisis should be. It's human kindness along with medical professionalism and pragmatism really does work. Though financially impoverished by trade embargoes for over half a century Cuba continues to lead the way in providing medical aid worldwide.Whatever the crisis. Please UK government pull you figure out and follow the example of Cuba.

judith (United Kingdom)

Jean Tate (United Kingdom)

We have stayed in Cuba and we loved both the country and its musical people. If Great Britain can help them at this tragic time for the world ...let us do ALLwe can to help them . Have courage wonderful Cuban people! Let your spiirits and wonderful happy characters help you survive this world tragedy!

Christine Elizabeth Maddison (United Kingdom)

arwel roberts (United Kingdom)

sandhya rani (India)

Cuba really great country

Lakshmi.bavge (India)

Ginny Clark (United Kingdom)

Hema (India)

I urge the British government to put pressure on Trump to end this immoral blockade immediately to allow aid to reach Cuba, while they are sending their doctors around the world to help save lives. Shame on you Donald Trump, where's your humanity?

Gail Chappell (United Kingdom)


Christina Cherry (United Kingdom)

Wolfgang Mix (Germany)

Margaret Brehony (Ireland)

Harriet Quiney (United Kingdom)

Denise Dear (Canada)

E Brucha (United States of America)

Charles Mackin (United States of America)

Mike Wood (South Africa)

ko geldof (Netherlands)

Anthony Bourquin (United Kingdom)

Caroline (United Kingdom)

Bridget (United Kingdom)

Anne Castino (France)

COVID-19. Is a world health issue, not a political one. Put pressure on to remove the embargo

Dave hellon (United Kingdom)

Xavier Velastin (United Kingdom)

Luc Brusselaers (Netherlands)

Alan Kellegher (United Kingdom)

I support lifting the US Van on Cuba as we are one world fighting CV together.

Clare Chapman (United Kingdom)

Ron Graves (United Kingdom)

Carolyn Williams (United Kingdom)

Rajeshwari M (India)

Why on earth continue to impose sanctions on a tiny country that clearly is no threat to the USA - We are told the cold war is over yet the the mighty USA continues to act otherwise. Please lift the unnecessary sanctions

Leo Redpath (United Kingdom)

Yvonne Robins (United Kingdom)

This is shocking and criminally wrong. Cuba should be applauded for all they do to help others not still punished by the United States. Everybody should force the USA to back down.

Dorothy Kellegher (United Kingdom)

Bojana Miljic (Denmark)

Cuba have led the way in responding to this crisis, it is time this inhumane and unjust blockade was lifted for good.

Del Pickup (United Kingdom)

Now, due to the global pandemic, politics must be left aside.

Alex montiel (United Kingdom)

Please stop these dangerous and provocative actions. Dave

david wield (United Kingdom)

60+ years of hurt for what? Please act humanly and lift the embargo

Gary Petersen (United Kingdom)

Diana Kingsnorth (United Kingdom)

David Hinde (United Kingdom)

Roel Sergeant (Belgium)

Solidaridad con Cuba siempre

James Cotgrave (United Kingdom)

Alan Coles (United Kingdom)

The survival of Covid-19 must now be the top priority for Cuba - the British government should support Cuba to receive the essentials required to deal with Covid-19 these should not be subject to the blockade on humanitarian grounds.

Elaine Fletcher (United Kingdom)

Barbara Christie (United Kingdom)

Mar Craig (United Kingdom)

David Horsley (United Kingdom)

Patrick Black (United Kingdom)

Wendy Franco Carballo (Poland)

Amanda Sackur (United Kingdom)

María (Spain)

Shannon Carter (United Kingdom)

Ruben (Belgium)

Shameful and soulless to hold innocent people hostage. How can America be great again when being led by someone so ignorant, self-centered, trivial and childish?

TAN PIN HO (Singapore)

Gabriella O'Neill (United Kingdom)

Carol Mathews (United Kingdom)

Erika (United Kingdom)

Carlos Rodriguez (Norway)

Kris sturrock (United Kingdom)

Please STOP this inhumane treatment

William O'Hare (United Kingdom)

Judy Mallaber (United Kingdom)

Wolfram Bielenstein (Germany)

time to stop american imperialism

Neil Bower (United Kingdom)

Zetha (Indonesia)

robert morris (United Kingdom)

Yves FARAUD (France)

catherine cosgrove (United Kingdom)

Please end this madness now. Cubans are suffering and yet their Doctotors currently help in Italy and Spain fighting the Coronovirus. Cuba has proven itself to be a humanitarian country with equitable policies for the population. The UN vote was for lifting blockade in all nations except US and Israel who have vestede interests in suppressing Cuban Government. It has gone on long enough STOP nw Gwen Vardigans

Gwen Vardigans (United Kingdom)

Mike Frost (United Kingdom)

Mona Nastari (United Kingdom)

The best ideals of humanity link the Cuban and British people.

Bryn Rowlands (United Kingdom)

Magdalena Hohl (Switzerland)

Rosemary Evelyn (United Kingdom)

Ciaran de Baróid (Ireland)

Stand up for what is right.

Steve Dougall (United Kingdom)

Sharon Wadwell (United Kingdom)

Luyanda mthembu (South Africa)

Alan Borrie (Canada)

James Allenby (United Kingdom)

In the midst of this world wide crisis please stop making life more difficult for citizens of other countries.

Brendan Morgan (United Kingdom)

This is no time for blockades.

Stephen Rennie (United Kingdom)

Mary Jones (United Kingdom)

jane rogers (United Kingdom)

Nina Repovz (Slovenia)

Oisín (Ireland)

Marc Bilbao Asensio (United Kingdom)

Please help Cuba thank you

Sue (United Kingdom)

Kim (Netherlands)

Peter Gray (United Kingdom)

Philip Newton (United Kingdom)

Peter Casey (United Kingdom)

Theresa Ellis (United Kingdom)


Leslie Gillot (United Kingdom)

Karuna Maharaj (Australia)

I condemn the sanctions against Cuba and i urge the global community to raise voice against it . the blockade should be taken out immediately

G N Mohan (India)

I do not believe in -isms. I believe in people. For people to do right we must forgive and care. Now more than ever in our recent global history we must care for people.

Nich gedye (New Zealand)

Barbara Patilla (United Kingdom)

Brian Turley (United Kingdom)

Txus Cantalapiedra Miguel (Spain)

Solidarity to Cuba!

Benjamin Peter Clements (United Kingdom)

anne hartnoll (United Kingdom)

Paul Selman (United Kingdom)

I urge the British goverment to step in and challange the US on these sanctions in this time of need. It will kill people.

Dean Birch (United Kingdom)

Paul Middleton (United Kingdom)

John Romagnoli (United Kingdom)


Jane Chandler (United Kingdom)

Jacquelyn Burchfield (United States of America)

José FERNANDES (France)

eduardo gomez (Canada)

A thank you to our Cuban brothers and sisters and solidarity with the Cuban government in their support for all those fighting the Covid 19 virus.

Jim Malone (United Kingdom)

Diagnora Tiamo (Canada)

Wilfred (Canada)

Nick Matthews (United Kingdom)

Ian Parker (United Kingdom)

Fiona (United Kingdom)

Bhavini Patel (United Kingdom)

The whole world should follow my example and apply the same blockades and boycots to TRUMPLAND as they apply to Cuba and also spread around the world.

Ron Yarwood (United Kingdom)

Efthimios Manolis (Greece)

Sean Stanton (United States of America)

Mr Anand M Pillai (United Kingdom)

Margherita Bertani (Italy)

Ruari (United Kingdom)

Jerry Hawkins (United Kingdom)

Trevor Callaghan (United Kingdom)

Joanne (United Kingdom)

Thomas Heuvelmann (Germany)

Rob Pinder (United Kingdom)

Aidan Ratchford (United Kingdom)

Simon Meddick (United Kingdom)

Richard Robins (United Kingdom)

The UK Government should be leading the campaign to change the US position. We were happy to ask for Cuba’s assistance in getting our nationals home. The UK and all other world governments now need to show they are not just puppets to the US and collectively force the US to abandon its embargo or face economic isolation themselves.

Neil Holden (United Kingdom)

We are all in it together

Clive Jackson (United Kingdom)

The British Government should have the guts to tell the USA that its blockade of medical supplies to Cuba is a totally immoral.

John McKenzie (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba

Gillian Dalley (United Kingdom)

Andi Turnee (United Kingdom)

Elia Hogbrand

Elia Reyes Rodriguez (Sweden)

Je suis avec vous peuple de Cuba

Cordeau, Francine (Canada)

Jon Gutteridge (United Kingdom)

Andrew Dyer (United Kingdom)

Stewart Cook (United Kingdom)

Richard Banks (United Kingdom)

To end attack agains other country like Cuba. This illegality must end . Yanks go home !!!

CARLOS GONZÁLEZ (United Kingdom)

Wim Leysens (Belgium)

¡Estamos contigo!

Miles Wetherington (United States of America)

End the blockade now.

mike newman (United Kingdom)

Stay strong Cuba there are good people who want to help.

Martyn Woolvine (United Kingdom)

Ismene (United Kingdom)

Melba (United Kingdom)

Ozan (United Kingdom)

Margaret Petersen (United Kingdom)

The Cuban people are amazing, it's a country that has an truly fantastic health system under difficult circumstances and its humanitarian efforts to other countries in times of need should be applauded and rewarded. End the blockade now, if we can sell weapons and trade with countries with disgraceful equality issues, we can help a country who ensures equality to its people to get the supplies it needs, food, medicine, equipment etc.

Dawn Nicholson (United Kingdom)

Anthony Hobbs (Ireland)

Fiona English (United Kingdom)

Cubans are supporting the struggle around the world and being utterly selfless about it. The UK Govt. must campaign to end sanctions, not just for the duration of the pandemic but for all time.

Paul Clyndes (United Kingdom)

Tina Lecoyte (United Kingdom)

Marc kaspers (Netherlands)

Gracias companeros por todo sus esfuerzos contra Corona virus. Con amor y solidaridad. ✊🏼

Kate Whittle (United Kingdom)

At a time when the world is facing a pandemic of such magnitude It’s a disgrace to know that the United States refuses to lift its economic embargo when the world, including Cuba, is crying out for PPE and medical equipment. I call on the British Government to do all it can do to press the US to lift this embargo.

Michael Folliard (United Kingdom)

La patrie c'est l'humanité!

Page Jean-Pierre (France)

Deni Liza (United Kingdom)

Rebecca Moon (United Kingdom)

Please stop this blockade. Help the Cuban people. All people have human rights, The Cubans are no exception. This is socially, economically and morally reprehensible to act in this way. Stop the blockade.

Ruth Lingley (United Kingdom)

Philip Bisatt (United Kingdom)

James Gibb (United Kingdom)

Peter Robbins (United Kingdom)

Linda Davidson (France)

Esther Roycroft-Boswell (United Kingdom)

DANIEL BUCKLAND (United Kingdom)

Keith Bennett (United Kingdom)

CUBA is supplying skilled Health Care Workers internationally and have done for many years which every country has welcomed. It is a bit rich for countries who turn their back on CUBA at a time when they need our support. It time for the British Government to show solidarity with CUBA by way of insisting that the US blockade is lifted immediately or at the very least a temporary suspension of the Blockade in put in place.

John Regan (Ireland)

Please let's use our 'special relationship' as a nation and your special influence as a government to convince Trump to stop this anachronistic embargo. Cuba urgently needs PPE like any other country. They also deserve our solidarity. Thank you

Peggy Vassiliou (United Kingdom)

Andrea (Croatia)

Michael Paling (United Kingdom)

Tim W (United Kingdom)

Karyn Dunning (United Kingdom)

Jon Roser (United Kingdom)


Stephen Brigitta (Belgium)

Omar Latif (Canada)

Chris Saunders (United Kingdom)

Sara Kortsch (Germany)

Please help save lifes

Paul Gibson (United Kingdom)

Angus Hebenton (United Kingdom)

Michelle Fraser (United Kingdom)

Alessandra Pasquarelli (United Kingdom)

Ari Sulopuisto (Finland)

Alessandra Pasquarelli (United Kingdom)

Dave Harvey (United Kingdom)

Faye Carey (United Kingdom)

David (United Kingdom)

Dr Huw (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with the Cuban people

Ruth Davies (United Kingdom)


Tony BURKE (United Kingdom)

Celia Poole (United Kingdom)

Bill Gilby (United Kingdom)

This medical blockade shames a nation most of the world admires and the UK must be a critical friend.

Grant Donohoe (United Kingdom)

Lisa Howell (United Kingdom)

I hate Republicans so much

Guido Schonkeren (Netherlands)

sam ejim (United States of America)

Mathew Bailey (United Kingdom)

R C P Wells (United Kingdom)

June Turnbull (United Kingdom)

Rod Martin (United Kingdom)

Liz Bissett (United Kingdom)

Tom Wilson (United Kingdom)

Lynne Myall (United Kingdom)

Tarlochan Kaliroy (United Kingdom)

Elizabeth Ramsden (United Kingdom)

Suany (United Kingdom)

Erica Gregory (United Kingdom)

Neil Wilkinson (United Kingdom)

Richard walker (United Kingdom)

Kevin Crisp (United Kingdom)

Phil Fichera (Canada)

Revd Ijeoma Ajibade (United Kingdom)

Thank you for your help, Cuba! And to all other governments: Please let Cuba help other countries and therefore end the blockade. This blockade in fact kills people all over the world, now more than ever.

Ines Ruesch (Switzerland)

D Heard (United Kingdom)

Marius Reika (Lithuania)

Caroline Welch (United Kingdom)

Barbara Scott (United Kingdom)

solidarity at the first place all over the world

christine bekaert (Belgium)

The people of Cuba deserve the solidarity and support of the British people at this very difficult time for us all. As we fight for our lives and the lives of others it is unconscionable that the Cuban people should suffer in addition from the blockade imposed by the USA. This is a time for the British Government to use its good offices to make representation to the Trump administration to, at the very least, suspend the blockade. Let us fight the global pandemic together.

Max Hyde (United Kingdom)

Why does the USA bully the rest of the globe? Why do we allow them to get away with it? Enough is enough.

Hanora Brennan (Ireland)

Imke Alma (Netherlands)

Barbara Willis clark (United Kingdom)

Deborah Hall (United Kingdom)

Hugo Wils (United Kingdom)

Paul Fleming (Ireland)

Arthur Hughes (United Kingdom)

Cuban support for human rights has stretched over many decades. The blockade has been voted down by the UN now multiple times and is clearly illegal. Stop this brutality and respect this nation's right to self-determination.

Natalya S Minney (United Kingdom)

John DALY (United Kingdom)

G F Bowman (United Kingdom)

Steve Lonsdale (United Kingdom)

Patrick Neale (United Kingdom)

igor jurisic (Slovenia)

Chris von Christierson (United Kingdom)

Bethan Monahan (United Kingdom)

Please help them and pressure Trump to behave reasonably for once. It is tantamount to a war crime not to.

Lynne Woodworth (United Kingdom)

Katy Coxall (United Kingdom)

Ann Stace (United Kingdom)

Lynne Davies (United Kingdom)

Mrs Julia Eynon (United Kingdom)

Rachael Boothroyd (United Kingdom)

Makes me sick to my stomach to be a US citizen and even remotely connected to this.

Michael Chavez (United States of America)

Politics should not be involve in humanitarian aid

dave gordon (United Kingdom)

Jacquie Charlton (Canada)

Wren (Hong Kong)

Andrew Pearson (United Kingdom)

Paul Crofts (United Kingdom)

Solidarity is key in fighting this pandemic. The US needs to release its stranglehold on Cuba.

Ivette Velazquez (United States of America)

Cuba vencera

Emil Angelov (Bulgaria)

Susan Jane Brown (United Kingdom)

the illegal blockade should be ended and normal diplomatic relations restored

Daniel Mc. Dermott (United Kingdom)

Thanks Cuba for sending your medics to Milan in March 2020, we are so grateful

Denise paparoni (Italy)

John Hurrell (United Kingdom)

Michael Zeuske (Germany)

Jude Murphy (United Kingdom)

America heaps more shame on it's self and all who refuse to show compassion to Cuba and its people

Joseph O'Dell (United Kingdom)

Gordon Cowan (United Kingdom)

Jeannette Arduino (Greece)

Mike sargent (United Kingdom)

Martina Doyle (Ireland)

Steve (Canada)

Scott Freeman (United Kingdom)

Beautiful country and beautiful people

Maureen satchell (United Kingdom)

TONIA ILIA (United Kingdom)

Donald Mccleary (United Kingdom)

Ilona Aronovsky (United Kingdom)

Dorothy Dimberline (United Kingdom)

Marissa (Netherlands)

Cuba stands as a beacon for common humanity and International Solidarity, time to end the illegal blockade and reciprocate these ideals.

Malcolm (United Kingdom)

Mark JAckson (United Kingdom)

Caroline Matthews (United Kingdom)

Nigel Jenner (United Kingdom)

Ruth Smith (United States of America)

Andrew Kewell (United Kingdom)

tony evans (United Kingdom)

Thanks NSH for what they doing. Thanks for this help to countries in need the Uk government.

Elgar Aguilar Hernandez (United Kingdom)

Martina W (Italy)

John Coates (United Kingdom)

It’s one world we are all living on. Impossible to not affect one another wherever we are on it. Please can’t we all work together for the common good.

Philo Marmion (United Kingdom)

Volker Hermsdorf (Germany)

Elizabeth Stitt (United Kingdom)

Karl-Martin Trauth (Germany)

George McGregor (United Kingdom)

Go home Ami, Ami go home!

Hans-Rainer Bergmann (Germany)

Joan Thomas (United Kingdom)

Julie Robinson (United Kingdom)

Gözde Somel (Turkey)

Joe Walsh (United Kingdom)

Cameron Farrow (United Kingdom)

colin broom (United Kingdom)

Annette Bachop (New Zealand)

Michael Katz (United States of America)

Julie Christie (United Kingdom)

Jackie Lederer (United Kingdom)

Lyn Eynon (United Kingdom)

I am supporting Cuba and her Medical heplp to 37 countries

Dr. M Jahangir khan (Bangladesh)

Catharine Smith (United Kingdom)

Susie Daniel (United Kingdom)

¡Viva la revolución cubana!

Arturo Mendoza Castorena (Mexico)

Cuba has acted impeccably in this crisis. They deserve support

Karyn (South Africa)

Miriam Mendez (United Kingdom)

`ken ferguson (United Kingdom)

Gerald Clark (United Kingdom)

Vaughan (United Kingdom)

Anders Svensson (Estonia)

Thanks for the opportunity given my brother and sister to study medicine in the country

Netina Finau (Tonga)

Sean Linton (United Kingdom)

We must not lose our humanity especially in a pandemic. It has to include every country.

Pam Zinkin (United Kingdom)

Laura Jarvis (United Kingdom)

Paul Thomas-Moore (United Kingdom)

H skarbek (United Kingdom)

Suilen Perez Sera (United Kingdom)

Manuel Lleonart Maestro (Spain)

I hope that this blockade will be lifted, and that Cuba can get the aid that they need and deserve.

Myles Liu (United States of America)

John Barugh (United Kingdom)

Jack Melton Bradley (United Kingdom)

#quédateencasa Quiero volverte a ver ❤️🇨🇺

Heidi Skeie (Norway)

Suraj Jora (United Kingdom)

Tim Redmond (Ireland)

Lars Lundkvist (Sweden)

Estevao (Portugal)

James Grealy (United Kingdom)

Lorrainemccluskey (United Kingdom)

Carina Kreku Hofvander (Sweden)

Help and support is required not sanctions. Iran is another talking point. Unite world end this injustice now.

Archie Linton (United Kingdom)

We’re all in this together. One love

Paula (Canada)

Metka Roj (Switzerland)

Allysha Sewradj (Netherlands)

Susan Fairweather (United Kingdom)

In the end, we’re all just people. We need to help eachother through this.

Candy (Sweden)

All mankind in this together.

Llewellyn Herbert (United Kingdom)

Claudio Braxmaier (Germany)

Viva La Revolution Cubana!

Maurice Peret (United States of America)

Cuban comrades we are with you, no surrender

Elias Dimetros (United Kingdom)

We are all in this together. Do the right thing and put politics aside.

Carl Olsen (Canada)

Leila mimmack (United Kingdom)

Patricia Turner (United Kingdom)

Jo Ann Gordon (United States of America)

Cuba poses no threat to the USA but rather a shining example of international heroism in its constant battle to support other nations.

Corinna Chute (United Kingdom)

Hugo Escalante (Finland)

Toril Drøsdal (Norway)

The “freedom” the Cubans need, is from the US Embargo. I’ve been to Cuba three times with Witness for Peace, and I hate that my government chooses to make policies that lead to suffering instead of prosperity in this world.

Linsey Moddelmog (United States of America)

Mathys Bruining (Netherlands)

Barbara Welford (United Kingdom)

Shane North (United Kingdom)

Danielle Fatica (Canada)

Jean Ferrol (United Kingdom)

Alex Morley (United Kingdom)

Nick (United Kingdom)

Jason chamberlain (United Kingdom)

George Walker (United Kingdom)

Angela Ridley (United Kingdom)

Andrew Hedgecock (United Kingdom)

Cuba is helping European countries in the fight against Covid-19. It is only fair that other countries help them too

Marta Fernandez Golbano (United Kingdom)

The world needs to heal. The kindness and support from Cuba should not be ignored or denied. Forcing people to suffer should be a crime.

Sue b (Canada)

In this time of death and destruction it is basic human decency that we should help oureduce fellow human beings in Cuba who despite sanctions are still sending their medical expertise to different parts of the world. We must all stand together.

Andrew Laurent (United Kingdom)

Allies (Netherlands)

Aino Koskinen (Finland)

Valerie Bethell (United Kingdom)

Helen Willis (United Kingdom)

India Gomez (United States of America)

We are ALL in this together!

Barbara Elizabeth Tomaz (Brazil)

Gracias por todo.

Pierre Clark (France)

Li (United Kingdom)

Lucas (Netherlands)

Jane Austin (United Kingdom)

Sandy Alton (United Kingdom)

Muhamad Adnan (Pakistan)

Tyler Eaddy (United States of America)

Francisco (United Kingdom)

Frode Henriksen (Norway)

Iris Bosma (Netherlands)

Stuart Cragg (United Kingdom)

To all my honorary canadian family yes my cuban family we here in canada love you and miss you xxxxx

janet Nancekivell (Canada)

Cubans "Stay at home to stop spreading the disease and safe lives."

Elena Teresa Barnes (United Kingdom)

Kevin Wright (United Kingdom)

Philippa Pettitt (United Kingdom)

This has got to stop!!!

Cathy Meijer (Netherlands)

Cuba always sends medical aid to wherever it's needed in the world. The least we can do is ensure they get the coronavirus supplies they need

Kathy McGowan (United Kingdom)

As a US citizen this is beyond infuriating. Our leadership needs to be impeached and jailed for these crimes. I do not doubt that we're going to pick a fight we can't win and would not blame the people fighting us. This administration is a complete disaster and I hold every person I know who voted for them accountable.

July Flanakin (United States of America)

Pablo Hendrickd (South Africa)

Stop this appalling blockade

Ian Sexton (United Kingdom)

Robert L Andrews (United States of America)

Help Cuba plz

Kerry Mullen (United Kingdom)

Have some humanity. Help Cuba like they're helping Gambia with Dr's.

Ginger Badjie (Gambia)

Serwan (Australia)

we should appreciate how the Cuban people are wanting to help. Cuba is my home country and it needs help

Cristian Shearer-Felipe (United Kingdom)

Marie Day (United States of America)

Beverley Trenholme (United Kingdom)

Jane Kerr (United Kingdom)

We as a world of decent people should stop this bulling by the USA

David LeatherBarrow (United Kingdom)

I cannot believe that the world would stand by to allow this blockade of medical supplies and aid. Surely in a time of pandemic we should all come together for common cause,the health of the world, not condemning families to starve and fall ill without support. As a human being I would always reach out to help another less fortunate;will the British government?

Kei Bell (United Kingdom)

Ann Bliss (United Kingdom)

Lift the sanctions against cuba at least temporarily if not permanently.

Navdeep (Canada)

Fons Vanoverbeke (Belgium)

An enormous thank you to Cuba for your help and assistance to many countries worldwide. Too bad the supposed greatest country in the world, U.S.A.( What a laugh), can't do the same.I💖Cuba...

Mrs. Muriel E. Hill (Canada)


Mary Fletcher (United Kingdom)

María Cardona (Colombia)

Dorian Gouzou (France)

Mike Tait (United Kingdom)

Bo jackson (United States of America)

Andrea Suarez (Canada)

Candice eales (United Kingdom)

Cuba leads by example. Please do everything you can to end the inhuman blockade.

Robert Muscutt (Germany)

Ferrol cheyne (Australia)

Chris Baker (United Kingdom)

gerard maxwell (United Kingdom)

Robin (Canada)

Cecile Gisclon (France)

Lift the embargo, dont letinnocent people suffer, the very ones that sent people to help our nations . Trump is an ass.

Lisa Slater (United Kingdom)

Nadia Abeci (Italy)

christina Degand (Belgium)

Darren Sweeney (United Kingdom)

Mark R Glass (United States of America)

Angela Laing (United Kingdom)

Fatema Zahra Rashid (Netherlands)

Fight on comrades, the flame of revolution will never burn out.

Nguyễn Lê Quang Hòa (Viet Nam)

Stop the embargo. Stop the suffering of the Cuban people. There is lack of everything.

Rudi Willems (Netherlands)

Sarah Hunt (United Kingdom)

Jani Laamanen (Finland)


Paul Taylor (United Kingdom)

Do what Cuba does by sharing their Doctors,it's not about politics it's about helping humanity that is currently experiencing a global crisis of life and death.

Stephen Davis (South Africa)

Dylan Hayes (United States of America)

Robert Holden (United States of America)

The draconian embargo on Cuba-the only nation having a humanitarian concept must be lifted as early as possible.For this we

ANIL K N (India)

Felix Eve (United Kingdom)

Jay Harrison (United Kingdom)

Cuba I love the land, the people and their system. USA only destroy with their foreign policy. Brittons : act like you should do. Stop the blockade . UN voted so many times to stop thus only USA & Israel blocked the votes . Shameless.

Gerard van ewijk (Netherlands)

Humsnity at its peak.

Teresa Farelo (United Kingdom)


Isidro olave (Australia)

Christine (United States of America)

Roberto Gonzalez Cabezas (Sweden)

Please lift the Cuban embargo. Stop this blind reversal of everything President Obama did right.

Christopher J Grillo (United States of America)

Lawrence Harrison (Gibraltar)

Eugen Brasoveanu (Romania)

Carmelina (Mexico)

Mary anne flood (United Kingdom)

Richard Manson (United Kingdom)

Not time to play political games.... especially now... we need to be working TOGETHER!!!

Thérèse Girard (Canada)

Yoshihiro Someya (Japan)

Please do this now. It’s an emergency.

Debbie grue (United Kingdom)

This embargo is obsolete and cruel.

Fawn Yacker (United States of America)

This is a humanitarian crisis, together we can beat this. We must show Trump this is not the way to behave

Daniel Williams (United Kingdom)

Biddy Tawlence (United Kingdom)

Ali Burnett (United Kingdom)

World stads behind you CUBA.

Jacek Bandura (United Kingdom)

Sohane Mousseid (United Kingdom)

Anne (Denmark)

Señor Donal Trump ,le pido que deje de ser tan cobarde respete el derecho del pueblo cubano,y

Osman Exposito (United States of America)

Bobbie Del (United States of America)

John abb (Australia)

Adrian (Argentina)

Kim Shead (United Kingdom)

Andrew laverty (United Kingdom)

The people of Cuba deserve better than this. The Trump regime will have the blood of thousands of Cuban citizens on it's tiny hands. This is a violation of human rights and it cannot be tolerated.

Chandler McEvilly (United States of America)

Amalia Arvaniti (United Kingdom)

Rick Dalgetty (United States of America)

Snorre Winther (Denmark)

David (United States of America)

Jonathan Duke (United States of America)

Please help our dignified, and graceful friends in their time of need. What we do now as people will show the world what kind of human beings we truly our in this time. This is our test because the virus has no borders. It is not selective in who it affects. So we as a nation must show our responsibility as to how human and compassionate we are.

Jonathan Wilson (United Kingdom)

Krysta Wordock (Canada)

End this now

Lesley Parsley (United Kingdom)

Get the U.S. stop this violation of Human rights! Enough is enough!

Mark Melkonian (Canada)

We are all children of this earth. Blocking countries from receiving PPE of most importance tells the world we are selfish and not humanitarian. Working together is what will stop this pandemic.

PC (United States of America)

Having spent sometime in Cuba for an introduction into Cuban music, I had the privilege and honour to learn about the people and culture. I fell in love with Cuba. The governments of this world should TELL America to lift the blockade! Thank you Cuba for everything you bring to the world, your passion, vibrancy, art/music medical assistance and your solidarity!

Nick Smith (United Kingdom)

Emily Somer (United States of America)

Ewa Piskorz (United Kingdom)

Basta ya de tanta maldad co el pueblo cubano, con esas acciones no perjudican al gobierno, solo perjudican al pueblo....somos humanos todos, es momento de ser solidarios, si por casualidad el gobierno republicano conoce esa palabra

Rosalba (Antigua and Barbuda)

Britain please show the world you have morals and the fortitude to stand up and be counted by condemning this illegal and fascist behavior engaged by the USA

Jeremy Harris (Australia)

Bruce Hubert (Canada)

Estamos contra el bloqueo ....

Amelia Betancourt Canavan (United States of America)

USA government is a disgrace to humanity Cuba has shown such solidarity to others the difference between capitalism and socialism

Cathy pedersen (United Kingdom)

Breda (Ireland)

Meya Hsu (Taiwan)

When the world is in pain and the US acts like a 5 year old baby, shame on the mighty British Empire on not standing up. Are you guys afraid they'd throw more tea in the ocean now?

Ashwin Krish (India)

For the love of all people

Andrew P Peyton (United States of America)

Travis W. Miller (United States of America)

Errol Kaylor (United States of America)

Mags O Brien (Ireland)

Delila beaton (Canada)

Fatima (United Kingdom)

David Sanchez (United States of America)

Christoph Lange (Sweden)

Jaime Cruz Jr (United States of America)

Shirani James (United Kingdom)

Phil Cyr (Canada)

Stop Trump!!

Shannon (Canada)

Anastasios Raissis (Greece)

Rosalía de la Vega (Mexico)

Thomas Tomakich (United Kingdom)

Ali (Canada)

Elena Buffa (United Kingdom)

This is sociopathic to use a time as this pandemic to block essential medical equipment from arriving to Cuba, a gift from China to help the Cuban people. People. Will.die because of this. A show gasping death because of this medical equipment blockade. And for what? To prove a point?

John Valenzuela (United States of America)

Lester Yagoda (United States of America)

Robert (United States of America)

No firmar sería ser cómplice de un crimen de lesa humanidad.

Alexander Antialón Conde (Peru)

Alexandre Marcos (Brazil)

Stay strong Cuba is my love i will fight to the death to help her a great man once said give me homeland or give me death Fidel Castro viva Cuba and viva le Revolution

Lloyd w Forde (Canada)

Homero Andrade (Mexico)

D. Pellegrini (United States of America)

Carlos Osorio (Colombia)

Jerica Tripp (United States of America)

Sandra Powell (United States of America)

I think that this has to stop just because the Florida Politician is Republica Marco Rubio....and he is licking Donald Trumps Balls and DT has to thank him in a Huge way to make the people of Cuba Suffer. The UN should get involved in this, WHO and an embarrgo of supplies to the USA from other countries. If it was possible.

Gerald Sullivan (Canada)

Carol myers (United States of America)

Please give the Cuban people more freedom, I will be praying for the president of the United States to have a conscience.

Lourdes M Marrero (United States of America)

Paulo Haller (Chile)

Carly Anne Stoller (United States of America)

The politics of hate needs to stop

Ramon morfa (United States of America)

Ciara (United States of America)

Stephanie Gioskos (Australia)

Carlos Francisco López Mejía (Guatemala)

Viva la Revolucion,Trump should not be Precidente any more, he is a animals and he had to pay for all injustices that he put to Cuba. / Viva Cuba.

Camilo Guerra Alarcon (United Kingdom)

Joanna Ruffin (United States of America)

Jeroen Rijken (Canada)

Liz Tomazic (United States of America)

Corey Davis (Canada)

Cuba Libre.Which means free Cuba. Sanctions against Cuba should be lifted and the Socialist government should lighten up at the same time. If the government would leave the extreme left and move more to centre. Sanctions would lighten.

Wayne Hagel (Canada)

Bryn Scharenberg (United States of America)

Melissa johnson (Australia)

Abajo el Bloqueo injusto y genocida contra Cuba.

Elizabeth Torres Idavoy (Cuba)

Alex Nagel (United States of America)

Vincent Alacchi (Canada)

There should be no man made barriers during a crisis. Please release these supplies. I’m begging you. Help others so they can help us when we need the help. We’re all the same flesh and blood. Please everyone stand together and do the right thing.

Sara (United Kingdom)

Stuart Hallam (Australia)

Gavin Ralbag (United States of America)

Cameron Miller (United States of America)

Karen Lopez (United States of America)

This has lasted generations and has not accomplished anything nor does it do anything for the American people and the world. Put a stop to this childish nonsense.

Justin Sousa (United States of America)

Trent (United States of America)

Barbara J Maggiani (United States of America)

Ian (United States of America)

James Amburgey (United States of America)

Brian Platt (United States of America)

David Diaz Sanchez (United States of America)

Alejandro Munoz (United States of America)

Lisa Toellner (Canada)

Once again, my Country (Merica) is letting INNOCENT people die because of some outdated and pointless political stance!!! I offer my apologies on behalf of Satan’s Orange Left Testicle ruining ( did I mean running?🤔 NO! I did not) the great country of America! Thank-You for fighting for the citizens of Cuba! Once more...REALLY sorry for our leader Kim Jong Trump!

Jonathan Miller (United States of America)

Jan Robertson (Canada)

Luke meier (United States of America)

Robert Gomez (United States of America)

Cuba is showing the world how to fight Covid-19 with love and solidarity - despite a criminal blockade by the U.S. government.

Alison Bodine (Canada)

Ross McPherson (United States of America)

L. Mallette (Canada)

Nicholas McMastee (Canada)

This should be a humanitarian effort from all nations. Cuban medical personnel have, on numerous occasions, travelled to other countries to assist in much need medical aid. We should help all people, no matter their race, nationality or political persuasion

Edward Mutchnick (United Kingdom)

Eileen Lavin (Canada)

Alvina Lai (Canada)

Eduardo Cabrera (Mexico)

Please help the Cuban people get through these trying times

Amber Nolan (Canada)

Brenda WIeringa (Canada)

Grayson Loudon (United States of America)

Omar (United States of America)

José Gerardo Méndez (Mexico)

Carlos Terán Durán (Mexico)

Jeff Baker (United Kingdom)

Alicia Mendez Montaño (Mexico)

As a US citizen, I don't see why this old embargo remains intact. The Cold War is over. And more importantly, we are now facing a global crisis. And our world is indeed becoming more and more global every day. Nationalist and isolationist policies are stuck in the past, mired in old prejudices - today little more than superstitions of alleged foreign Boogeymen. It's all horseshit, is what I'm saying. Help the Cuban people. Help all the people. We need help too. Now is not the time to hoard our shit like Nationalist Dragons.

Mike Bowman (United States of America)

Anthony Cameron (United States of America)

Fabrice Lavier (Canada)

María Magdalena Yamada Gonzá (Mexico)

Jessica Kuran (Canada)

VIviana Dantorie López (Mexico)

They deserve to have medical equipment .

Stephanie (United States of America)

Daniel Nemec (Czech Republic)

VIctoria Carrillo Camacho (Mexico)

Rassie Stark (United States of America)

Verónica Ruiz Sandoval (Mexico)

Ignacio Tirado Millán (Mexico)

Steven Hadfield (Canada)

Alexis Bowman (United States of America)

María del Socorro Solís (Mexico)

Talmasha (United States of America)

Rosa Navarrete (Mexico)

Rocío Magaña (Mexico)

Rodrigo Pérez Vargas (Mexico)

It is unfair that for many years the people born in Cuba have to suffer and not be able to experience a lot of the things that are basic necessities in the world. They lack internet, access to medical and study materials and to top it all off food. It is sad that a lot of the things everyone else takes for granted are nothing but a dream for those unfortunate enough to be Cuban. My mother is Cuban and I was raised with her in a Cuban household in Havana, and although I was raised with better opportunities and chances of self bettering it always made me sad that the idea of having the best possible life only cake if I left the place I called home. We do not have the possibility to aspire to a future in which we can say proudly that our hard work and years of study in our country only makes us realize more and more how unlucky we are to be born there. I personally believe that the blockade is an unfair way to resolve the decisions of those in powers. It is unfair to punish the Cuban population that lives in misery and experiences more every single day for the ideology of the leaders. Why is it that a Cuban kid has to wake up and think “it’s unfair why was I born here” why can’t a Cuban kid wake up and make all their dreams come true at their home. I wish for a cuba with open borders. I dream for a world that treats a country that blindly helps those in need without look at it through the discriminatory lens of politics. I wish for a cuba that can show the world that it lacks and has lacked their basic necessities for more than 30 years and it still has people that are giving and hopeful and are willing to put all the hardships they’ve experienced to a side when a true crisis comes. It sadness me to live in a world we’re a country that struggles does its best to aid and the “biggest” and “best” country in the world does nothing but make it harder. Thanks to whoever reads this. I am a young student and I know that there is nothing I can do by myself I wish that my voice as well as that of the ones who know what living in the conditions this blockade has created to be heard. It has been more than half a century don’t keep punishing the people that struggle day to day to bring food to their table.

Christopher Rodin (Chile)

Lauren Evans (United States of America)

Oscar Daniel Moreno Martínez (Mexico)

Moisés Pérez Priego (Mexico)

Martha Evelia Rodríguez (Mexico)

Trump is a disgrace. I am sorry.

Alexandria Raske (United States of America)

María de Lourdes Ramos (Mexico)

Ana Paula de la Torre (Mexico)

María Magdalena Ruiz Rivera (Mexico)

Norma Leticia Pérez Trigueros (Mexico)

Laura Pérez Peña (Spain)

Nicholas Gahan (United States of America)

Cuba's contribution to fight against covid-19 can't be described in words. It is the only country in this world which has been sending their doctors and medical teams to several countries to help them to fight against the deadly virus whereas the other countries are busy to protect their own citizens. Cuba is the only country which has allowed a British cruise ship MS braemer to dock in it's port Havana when most of the countries refused including the developed nations. So Cuba must not deserve the blockade of united states which causes daily shortage of food and other essential commodities. I humbly request the British Government to talk to the US Government to end the unfair blockade as soon as possible.

Indrayudh Das (India)

Laura Peña (Mexico)

Adolphus Dennis (United States of America)

I stand with cuba

Vahid salem (United States of America)

Ishaq Smith (United States of America)

Laura Diaz (Mexico)

Michelle Pyles (United States of America)

Indira Cristina Samaniego tirado (Mexico)

isis busto (United States of America)

Javier González Covarrubias (Mexico)

We are all humans. Please let the Cuban people receive the help they need.

Kyle W Wollman (United States of America)

Mónica Ivette Rivera Gómez (Mexico)

Kara White (United States of America)

Julian Dixon (United States of America)

Oscar Ivan barragán Perales (Mexico)

Janine Garcia (United States of America)

Richard (Canada)

On the authority of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudree (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]

V. Eaddy (United States of America)

Collin Kelly (United States of America)

As an American the least I can do is apologize and vote. I will continue to resist and stand with the rest of the world. I am sorry.

Becky (United States of America)

An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere

John Kowalewski (United States of America)

Frida Sviland (Norway)

Mariah h (United States of America)

Jim (United Kingdom)

This is an international crisis. It is in the interest of the United States if America to support an international effort to save lives during this pandemic. Though the Trump administration is not up to any humanitarian task, even within the States itself, many YS citizens do not support this blockade of Cuba.

Edith Kenna (United States of America)

Scott Varcoe (Canada)

Fuck Donald Trump and the US fascists

Michael Oscarson (United States of America)

Gisela BroderickHis people will die without this h (United States of America)

I'm sorry the US administration is treating Cuba this way. Trump has made my country more vain and narcissistic as ever.

J. Michael Blakely (United States of America)

What the fuck

Vitaly Kopilevich (United States of America)

Carlos Vializ Jr (United States of America)

Peter Carver (United States of America)

Camilo Chao (United States of America)

Maria Isabel Cárdenas (Mexico)

Maria Isabel De la Cruz Lopez (Mexico)

Gerardo Beltrán Dantorie (Mexico)

People are people. This virus does not see race, ethnic background, or border. Neither should we.

Anthony Furr (United States of America)

Rachel Garon (Canada)

Francia Larios Nila (Mexico)

Alex Flynn (United States of America)

Joe schmoe (United States of America)

Emma Leonor Márquez Gil (Mexico)

deborah beinlich (United States of America)

Mercedes Hernández Torres (Mexico)

Aldo (United Kingdom)

Mario Magaña (Mexico)

Daniel Loera Morales (Mexico)

Robert Barney (United States of America)

Filiberto Martínez (Mexico)

Hannah Farthing (Australia)

César Arturo Aguilar Zaragoza (Mexico)

Carlos Alberto Cervantes Abrego (Mexico)

Gloria Dominick Martínez (Mexico)

Trump stick to what your good at, hotels, you haven't a clue how to run a country

Gerard Levoir (United Kingdom)

Zeljko Cipris (United States of America)

Concepción Cristiana Dantorie L&oac (Mexico)

Catherine Carver (United States of America)

End the barbarism. Give the commies a chance to develop for once.

Boris Smith (United States of America)

María Auxilio Nuñez Olivares (Mexico)

Melissa (United States of America)

James Cooper (Singapore)

María del Rosario Tirado Mill&aacut (Mexico)

Sure hope this is fake news

Howard beuhler (United States of America)

Ron Tomlinson (Canada)

This embargo and these sanctions have gone on for far too long, and continue to stymie the self-determination and well-being of the Cuban People. They should never have been enacted in the first place, and now it is well past time for them to be lifted.

Ryan C. Cone (United States of America)

max (Chile)

Carlos Alberto de la Cruz López (Mexico)

Carlos Alberto de la Cruz López (Mexico)

María Arcelia Lopez Álvarez (Mexico)

Leticia Lopez Lopez (Mexico)

Hang in Cuba. You have never let the barbaric USA win before. Hopefully China can find some way of getting this important cargo to you.

Rita Kiker (Australia)

Minerva Lopez Lopez (Mexico)

Working together should be the goal. Stop punishing a place for stuff that happened before half of the world wasn't born yet.

James Makula (United States of America)

Carlos Alejandro Moreno de la Cruz (United States of America)

K Luna (Puerto Rico)

Spenser Landis (United States of America)

Victoria de la Cruz López (Mexico)

Fuck Donald Trump, give Cuba their masks.

Miles Camiener (United States of America)

Elvia del Real Becerra (Mexico)

Lorena de la Cruz López (Mexico)

Cmon bruh

Ernest James Royer Jr (United States of America)

Alexandra Gutiérrez de la Cruz (Mexico)

Janice (Canada)

It’s time.

Alka Hingorani (United States of America)

John Mehlhopt (New Zealand)

Alexa Gutierrez de la Cruz (Mexico)

Daniel Hopkins (United States of America)

Alexandra Gutierrez de la Cruz (Mexico)

Yessenia López Jacobo (Mexico)

Eduardo Gutiérrez Camacho (Mexico)

Es por humanidad ayudarnos todos. No podemos seguir separados, siendo egoístas con quienes menos tienen. Que esta pandemia nos haga hermanos

Lorena de la Cruz López (Mexico)

Priscilla Gutiérrez de la Cruz (Mexico)

Chervaughn Jacob Quow (Trinidad and Tobago)

Lets help Cuba from the economy block U.S.A. has on them

Alexandra Gutiérrez de la Cruz (Mexico)

Cesar Pulido (Colombia)

Ethan Ciolfi (Canada)

Kai (Australia)

Jessica Myers (United States of America)

Tyler Struck (United States of America)

Haleigh Ray (United States of America)

Peggy (United States of America)

All the best from Australia Cuba you are heroic and always there when needed even at the tyrants doorstep

Stephen Brown (Australia)

This is inhumane. Please allow much needed medical supplies and equipment into the country. We must act now or else more people will die. Please consider making an exception.

Janice James (Canada)

Humanitarianism should never be held hostage by politics.

Alexander Merritt (United States of America)

Ben Breitinger (United States of America)

David Bailey (Canada)

Angelina Diaz (United States of America)

Our hearts are with the Cuban people. It is time for this world to live as one and fight this virus together.

Jeff Thomas (Canada)

Justin Blake (United States of America)

Laura Owens (United Kingdom)

María Angelica Arellano (Chile)

Iain Mackenzie (United Kingdom)

Sergio Rainier Islas Montoya (Mexico)

Aamir (United States of America)

This is criminal and back stabbing considering they are helping us.

Manjyot Singh Sandhar (United Kingdom)

Deborah Lee (United States of America)

¡Resistid, hermanos! El imperio caerá

Alan Medeiros Maziero (Brazil)

Dan Goldman (Canada)

steve cARR (United Kingdom)

The US , or rather the current US administration, are evil. They act like pirates intercepting and seizing others medical supplies? (NOT just Cuba)

Randall Compton (Canada)

Alexander Paver (United States of America)

Cornelia van der Kuur (Canada)

Carolyn (United States of America)

Waruna Karunadasa (Australia)

Enough is enough. Cuba provides aid to countries all over the world. America’s policies are outdated and oppressive.

Amanda Joaquim (Canada)

We are with you ❤️

Bobby Asgari (Canada)

Élisabeth Gagnon-Brule (Canada)

At a time when the entire world is on its knees trying to fight this virus, to disrupt a crucial shipment of medical needs to Cuba because of this insane embargo is at best in humane!!! These are not supplies that have anything to do with the States so for once mind your own damn business!!!

Andrea Gerrard (Canada)

Walter Baranow (Australia)

We all in this together..Please but all hostility aside and lets fughr this as one. Covid-19 does not care about democracy Colour race gender. Please lwts fight as one..One world

Sheila Linton (United Kingdom)

One day the whole world will learn of the American Government’s crimes against humanity .

Ian Fitzpatrick (United Kingdom)

sara (United States of America)

Hillary Deskin (United States of America)

Alejandro Esquivel (United States of America)

Nichelle (United States of America)

Darlene Calderon (United States of America)

Patricia Hovey (Australia)

We need to stand together as one. This unnecessary blockading needs to end.

Marco Alarcon (United States of America)

Pablo Gomez (Spain)

Donnie Dean (United States of America)

Solidarity from The Workers Party of Ireland.

Jake Cullen (Ireland)

Barbara Szpond (United States of America)

Robert Atkins (United Kingdom)

Anamarys Leon Rivero (Argentina)

Victoria Kelly (United Kingdom)

Nerina Martorano (Canada)

Catherine Dostaler (Canada)

Robert Torres (United States of America)

Ramon Brizuela (United States of America)

Economic sanctions are a crime against humanity!

Craig Wills (New Zealand)

End the most inhumane and barbaric blockade now!

Asim Shah (United Kingdom)

Wayne Melvin (Canada)

Is time to stop this wrong action to blockade a human and solidary people, friendly and nice.

Armando Garcia (United States of America)

Frank (Australia)

kaue carvalho (Brazil)

Carmen Malpica (United Kingdom)

DAMIAN DIAZ (United States of America)

Hasta la victoria siempre

Heather Cheyne (United Kingdom)

Benoît Coste (France)

Esmeralda (United States of America)

Josh Montrenes (United States of America)

Eduardo Diaz (Canada)

Cuba is an amazing country

Brad Shiell (Canada)

Alain Graveline (Canada)

Carlos (United States of America)

Alberto (Canada)

Melissa Evans (United Kingdom)

End the blockade

David Turner (Canada)

sandra prue (Canada)

Natalie Flores (United States of America)

Carlos Achong (United States of America)

Sending warm comradely greetings to the incredible people of Cuba. We send you our gratitude for your generosity of spirit, your humanitarian support and for your medical expertise which you are always the first to share with those in need, way beyond your shores. Bless you.

Vivienne Sanassy (United Kingdom)

Humberto da Silva (Canada)

Rubens (Canada)

Patricia Garnet (Australia)


Emanuel Galvan (Argentina)

Liz Reyes Estopiñan (Canada)

Please do what you can to lift the blockade, it is truly a crime against humanity and all the more so in the times of this pandemic.

Robert Urbaniak (Australia)

Evert Noyola (United States of America)

We are all in this together, regardless of ideology. Don’t be foolish USA, Cuba is on your doorstep, borders do not stop viruses.

Carol Rylance (Australia)

marco moscardini (Italy)

Sarah Camplin (United Kingdom)

Reg Brehaut (Canada)

Alison Campbell (United Kingdom)

Jesus (United States of America)

Birgitte Warburg (Denmark)

Tim Leadbeater (New Zealand)

Sandra Castillo (United States of America)

We are all in this together. It needs to stay that way.

Dawn Chaffey (United Kingdom)

Terry Calvert (United Kingdom)

I think this is totally discussing... I have a little boy and wife in Cuba Mr. Soon to be gone TRUMP 😡

Tim Justin (Canada)

Alberto Abella (United States of America)

Milan Cordasevic (Canada)

What Trump is doing is absolutely crazy and unacceptable. Help save Cuba

Vera Jitari (Canada)

Erskine Edwards (United States of America)

Anthony Frankish (Italy)

Damien Beacom (Ireland)

John O'Dowd (New Zealand)

Pete Fraser (United Kingdom)

Robert Carroll (United Kingdom)

Vikki Dugdale (United Kingdom)

William binghsm (Canada)

Dessy Camacho (United States of America)

Now is a time for compassion !

Carl & Janey Vanin (Canada)

Elizabeth Brooks (United States of America)

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Markus Franke (Canada)

Charlene A Cox (Canada)

Shae-Lynn Pugh (Canada)

Barbara Ulrich (Canada)

Eileen Röder (Ireland)

It’s about time

Annick Cadotte (Canada)


Hazar saaydeh (United Kingdom)

For goodness sake in a time of crisis the whole world needs to pull together politics be damned!

Kathy Bishop (United Kingdom)

Mirta M Maltes (United States of America)

Fiona Woods (Ireland)

Luis Aleman (United States of America)

Anusha (India)

Steve Thomas (United Kingdom)

This is beyond politics. The people of Cuba deserve to receive all the help they can get.

Veronica Naylon (Australia)

Stop Trump in his inhumane tactics, denying medical supplies to the innocent people of Cuba, in which he intends to use a global pandemic for his own political gain. If he feels he needs to continue fighting Cuba 60 years on then let the fight be fair. Him Directly contributing to pain, suffering and ultimate deaths of an innocent people by denying medical supplies shows this 'man' to be a sociopath of a playground bully not a credible world leader to be respected. That the UK government, the European governments and the UN allow this injustice to continue is intolerable and the shame on these bodies if they don't act against this dangerous bully.

Paul Hart (United Kingdom)

Ali JaffarZaidi (United Kingdom)

It's sad that a super power would stoop to such depth during a time of crisis. Where is your heart. Don't be a BEAST OF PREY!!

Goddard Darcheville (Saint Lucia)

Stopping medical supplies or personnel is unacceptable under any circumstances, this is disgraceful behaviour by governments that pretend to be civilised and righteous.

Jessica Butt (United Kingdom)

Helms Burton Act is named after Senator Jesse Helms, a Republican from North Carolina. Mr. Helms was an unapologetic and proud white supremacist until the day he died. He was the main author of the Helms Burton Act. It's time for this document to be repealed and for us to admit it had its foundations in racist ideology. The only reason it exists today is because it has Jesse Helms name in it and the Heart of Dixie is still beating to the rhythm of oppression and dreams of a separatist utopia. The vast majority of Americans want normalized relations with Cuba. There's a small but vocal minority who fear more "browning of America" if Cubans are allowed to travel here freely. The old, white, American South can't die off fast enough for me. Make no mistake about it, they are dying off.

William Alford (United States of America)

Let's trade with Cuba

Alan Gunn (United Kingdom)

Ashley Gomez (United States of America)

I stand behind the people of Cuba in their fight to win this germ war. I plead with Americans to put pressure on the white house to do the right thing

Gordon Baillie (United Kingdom)

Down with the Blockade!

Adam Wissen (United Kingdom)

Isaias solis (United Kingdom)

Viva La Cuba! We are with you! Love from England! Message from the British Government.........Sort this shit out!!!

Lynn Jefferson (United Kingdom)

Brandi Burns (Canada)

Shirley Ann Rogers (United Kingdom)

Kerry Pountney (Canada)

David Kenneth Thomas (United Kingdom)

Britain must shame the US government into allowing medical aid into Cuba. It is tantamount to murder to forbid medical aid.

Audrey (United Kingdom)

Thanks Cuba and we are one with you.

Luise Pearson-Bernoth (Australia)

It is time to set politics aside and help each other. We will get through this together. I have family in Cuba but even if I didn't, I would still want to help.

Ruth Kirby (United States of America)

Jane Lowry (United Kingdom)

Nury Dominguez (United States of America)

Martina Bublakova (Czech Republic)

Ralph Ricardo (United States of America)

We need maximum international cooperation to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but the government of the USA is refusing to allow a consignment of medical aid from China to enter the Cuba. I'm calling on the British Government to put pressure on its counterparts in the USA to lift the blockade during this crisis in the name of common humanity.

Pauline Fraser (United Kingdom)

Gracias a todos los profesionales de la medicina que Cuba está brindando al mundo para ayudar durante esta pandemia. Infinitas gracias!

María de los Ángeles (Uruguay)

Peoples lives need to come first

Wendy bailey (United Kingdom)

Release the embargo which is the only true thing causing harm to Cuban Nationals.

Lydia M Ruano (United States of America)

Jacqui Lovell (United Kingdom)

Richard Read (United Kingdom)

Lindsay Tipping (Canada) least do one thing right. Lift the embargo. To all my wonderful friends in Cuba I love you and your country. My prayers and heart are with you.

Deby (Canada)

Margaret Norcross (United Kingdom)

Chris mitchell (United Kingdom)

I’m cuban and my people are some of the best people in the world they’ve gone through hell

Kevin Gomez (United States of America)

Dr Steve Eaves (United Kingdom)

I'm pray for Everyone .but enough Cubans are people too and always giving .Enough Trump.

Susan y (Canada)

Please do all you can to ease the suffering of the lovely Cuban people.

Ann White (United Kingdom)

Carmen Bolton (Australia)

Denise (United Kingdom)

Patricia Ogilvie (Australia)

My wife and I travel to Cuba 2 or 3 times a year. The doctors there pretty much saved my wife's life by giving her antibiotics for a bowel infection that for 6 months our doctors couldn't figure it out. It took the Cuban doctors 10 minutes to figure out what was wrong with her. We would be there right now as we always go there for her birthday. We love the island and the Cuban people so friendly and nice. I can't stand Trump he is one of the stupidest president ever. I wish Canada would tell the United states to fuck off. I have zero respect for American's

John Houston (Canada)

David Blair (United Kingdom)

Please help cuba, they really need it.

JUAN CARLOS GOMEZ (United States of America)

Justicia con el pueblo Cubano, que ah soportado este bloqueo por 60 años y ante una tragedia mundial pone todos sus recursos para ayudar sin mirar a quien

Hector Fabian Gil (Argentina)

Colin Donaghy (Ireland)

Bill Waddell (United States of America)

Karen Janigan (Canada)

Nilda (United States of America)

We are all humans, don't act like animals

Mohamed mourad Zahabi (Canada)

Eleni Vamvatsikou (Canada)

my choice of vavationing,there are other countries that are worst than cuba in surpressing their people

jose machado (Canada)

Thank you to Cuba for your courageous humanitarian solidarity that does not depend on Western approval. Your generosity, selfless bravery and quietly triumphant spirit is one we all aspire to!!! Hope the world begins to celebrate the incandescent light you always have, and continue to shine on the world.

Mishaal Theba (South Africa)

Dayana (Canada)

It is absolutly obscene that the ccUS is continuing this 58 year old embargo and blockade against the Cuban people especially at this time when the world needs solidarity to fight the common enemy that Coronavirus is. I demand, as a British citizen, that the British Government shows true leadership in condemning America's continuing brutality against the Cuban people and demands it lifts the blockade to assist the Cubans in combating this multinational disease.

Vincent Felton (United Kingdom)

VB (United Kingdom)

Sanad (Canada)

Marios K (Greece)

Valerie Clay (United Kingdom)

Sarah (United Kingdom)

This is not a time for political madness start lifting thé ambarco

André Roy (Canada)

Many of us in the United States believe a majority of Americans do not support the current policy exercised toward Cuba by the United States.

Robert Bozina (United States of America)

Peace Love and Cuba ! One world

John Soutar (United Kingdom)

George S Davies (United Kingdom)

Fin al bloqueo que ya es Genocidio

Ana Iris Brea (Guatemala)

Yecenia major (United Kingdom)

Elda Figueira (Canada)

Nico Demie (Netherlands)

The blockades are only strangeling the Cuban people. You are depriving human beings of food and necessities for life.

Tomas Santana (United States of America)

Nicholas Cole (United Kingdom)

deve terminar todo o bloqueio, será uma vergonha não ser feito


Diane Porter (United Kingdom)

Robert Alft (United States of America)

pascual (United States of America)

Miguel Angel Sahagún (Mexico)

Robert Duffy (United Kingdom)

Cormac Kelly (Ireland)

maria guadalupe pineda (United States of America)

Doraine Lissack (Canada)

Yecenia (United States of America)

Andrea nally (United States of America)

Raúl Ernesto García (Mexico)

Cuba is a beautiful place with people just trying to survive at the best of times. This is the worst of times stop the U.S BLOCADE.

Ann small (United Kingdom)

Dimitrios Athanasiadis (United Kingdom)

William Young (United States of America)

Morgan Sng (Australia)

Frances Smith (United Kingdom)

Daniel Pérez (Mexico)

Kathryn Bulow (Canada)

William G. Prettie (Canada)

Cuba has done exceptional work for a number of years extending compassion, support and assistance and their expertise and medical aid to many around the world and including towards US emergency workers after 911 in their time of desperate need. Mr Trump and the US government needs to be reminded of this and to end the embargo against Cuba accordingly.

Kathryn Devine (Australia)

As the world fights an international battle against the coronavirus pandemic, Cuba has once again proved itself a paragon of internationalism and solidarity. In recent days the island has sent highly skilled medical brigades to many countries including Italy, Grenada, Jamaica, Nicaragua and Venezuela to support foreign health services overwhelmed by the scale of the crisis. On 18 March the Cuban government offered safe haven to passengers of the stricken British cruise ship MS Braemar allowing it to dock in Havana when many other countries had refused. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab publicly thanked Cuba for this assistance in a statement to the UK parliament. It has also made its anti-viral drug Interferon Alfa-2b available to nations around the world to help in the treatment of patients infected with COVID-19. The island’s altruistic response to the global emergency continues a long history of Cuban humanitarianism. In the last 56 years 400,000 Cuban health workers have responded to natural disasters and helped build health services in 164 nations. This includes sending medical brigades to Pakistan in the aftermath of the Kashmiri earthquake (2005), to Haiti to assist with the devastating cholera outbreak following the earthquake (2010), and to West Africa in the region’s fight against Ebola (2015). Cuba has also trained 35,613 health professionals from 138 countries at its Latin American Medical School since 1998. At the same time the island has suffered the effects of the 58-year old criminal United States blockade which causes daily shortages of food, fuel and other basic necessities. Last year the cost to the Cuban health sector alone amounted to more than $104 million. As we write, Cuba is itself combating the spread of coronavirus within its own population and needs access of medical equipment and resources to safeguard the well-being of its most vulnerable citizens. Cuba has always put the humanitarian needs of people first, regardless of borders or politics. At this time of international crisis, the US blockade is criminal, not only for its impact on the Cuban people, but also for hindering their ability to assist in the worldwide battle against the virus. The Cuba Solidarity Campaign sends its eternal gratitude to the Cuban medical teams for their inspirational example of global solidarity. At the same time we call on the British government to make an urgent representation to the US to end its blockade immediately, or at the very least to temporarily suspend it to allow vital supplies of food, fuel and medical equipment to the Cuban people. The Cuban people supported the British people in a time of need. This is a chance to demonstrate our appreciation.

Laura Virginia Mor (Argentina)

Katie (United Kingdom)

Support all human beings !

Deanna Broome (Canada)

Margaret O'Regan (Ireland)

When the world is crumbling and the USA fast tracks the end of the world 😡

Cat (United Kingdom)

Edward Bianchi (United States of America)

The Cuban people need our help and ther really do deserve it ...that’s it

jane andrews (United Kingdom)

Sean O'Sullivan (Ireland)

Gary Long (United Kingdom)

Simon Hargrave (United Kingdom)

Moegsien Hendricks (South Africa)

This Cuba-USA 'conflict' has gone on too long. When it started a totally different culture was in Cuba. Now Cuba seems more civilised and up-to-date than the USA. Time Trump came into the real world!

lewis wilde (United Kingdom)

Alan Andrews (United Kingdom)

Maximilian Ellis (United Kingdom)

Hasta la victoria siempre

Dr David Hurman (United Kingdom)

Keep fighting brave Cuba

Susan Hyett (United Kingdom)

The US has shown their ugly side. At a time where the world should be uniting, he is starving innocent people of not only supplies, but medical supplies. I will never visit the US again, THIS IS GENOCIDE.. WJERE IS THE UN??!!

Lee (Canada)

End the blockade. This is insane!

Grisell Riveles (United States of America)

The orange fool that's pretending to be out president doesnt give any fucks about anyone but himself. He needs to stop these blockades of humanitarian supplies to fight this evil virus.

Justin Smith (United States of America)


SIMON BULL (United Kingdom)

Andrew Sayers (United Kingdom)

Rivka (United Kingdom)

Santiago (Uruguay)

These people need our help,for god sake they have needs just like us.

Eleanor bell (United Kingdom)

Gary Prevost (United States of America)

gersel (France)

Please help Cuba as they have helped other countries.

Ginny Peszynska (United Kingdom)

María Soage (France)

The world is fighting the same battle! Get your priorities right Trump!!

Elaine Bell (United Kingdom)

Evan Reginald Klatt (Canada)

I truly wish the the USA would leave Cuba alone and other countries decry the USA embargo and sanctions on Cuba. Cuba is a beautiful place with wonderful, friendly people. We love Cuba very much.

Graham Hatton (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba!

Greg davidson (United Kingdom)

Cuba has sent their medical professionals to Italy to help, we must return the favour. The US sanction is a human rights violation. Cuba is almost completely ecologically self-sustainable and an example for us all. It must be preserved for humanity.

Ariege addien (United Kingdom)

Jenny Roberts (United Kingdom)

Emily Sue Rosner (United States of America)

Kia kaha

George Skuse (New Zealand)

Frank (Canada)

Les Fountain (United Kingdom)

Francis Liam McKinstry (United Kingdom)

I’m cuban, 25 years ago, I took a raft and risk my life to came to the USA, that should tell you how strong is my position again the cuban government, Still this is not any longer political, now is about humanity, is about give the cuban people a fighting chance again this pandemic. Plus anybody will tell you if you do something from 56 years without any result, please is about time you realize that doesn't work. But once again now is not about politic is about the whole humanity being together helping each other to fight this pandemic.

Alfredo Gomez (United States of America)

60yrs and still the spiteful United States of world terrorism is hanging on to this unjust embargo we the British people ask for the embargo to end now

Robert Relf (United Kingdom)

Mirands Van Asch (Australia)

Una McIvor (Ireland)

Thank you to the Cuban gov't for their continued support and humanitarian efforts world wide and thankfully the UK has recognized Cuba for what it has done for its passengers. Please help stop the US' blockades by standing up to them and their political pressure! Lianne

Lianne Lefebvre (Canada)

now is not the time for politics. Be a human being and help them survive

Laurie Chester (Canada)

Maria (Canada)

Malgorzta Gresle Salecka (United Kingdom)

Elin Sneve (Cuba)

Tony Judd (United Kingdom)

Anthony Judd (United Kingdom)

Selina Wilson (United Kingdom)

Catherine Tapner (Canada)

Ra Pagr (United Kingdom)

Nayeli Rodriguez Briones (Mexico)

Martyn Murphy (United Kingdom)

Glenys hudson (Canada)

Sandra Riddell (United Kingdom)

Marc Steinbecher (Germany)

Genevieve wilson (Canada)

Cuba has been our holiday destination for the past 12 years, the people are very nice and when president Obamah was in power he saw the good in them and the countries started to talk until the power hungry Trump came into office! Get rid of this embargo, the quarrel was with the early Castro movement, not the present day government!

Andy Bright (United Kingdom)

Joe (United Kingdom)

Love you all . We are human beings and we need to be together.

Tania Manzur (Mexico)

Dyrinda Arthur (United Kingdom)

Ken Rogers (United Kingdom)

Jesus (United States of America)

Yuri Ramkissoon (South Africa)


Derek cheyne (United Kingdom)

Stefanie Tanz (Germany)

I have visited Cuba on two occasions, and greatly admire the people and their nation.They want to live in peace and harmony with the world. They are not a threat.

Neil wilson (United Kingdom)

Arash Ahmadi (Germany)

Laura mcgreevy (United Kingdom)

Simon Boxley (United Kingdom)

Penny broomsgrove (United Kingdom)

Carmen SALE (Italy)

Megan Khodl (United States of America)

The Cuban drug Alpha-2B has been effective in treating COVID-19 patients. Failure to drop the embargo against Cuba now will mean that patients will die because they aren’t allowed to use Alpha+2B.

Steven Halpern (United States of America)

Becs Griffiths (United Kingdom)

How can you let these poor people die? Now is not the time to be trying to make a stand. It’s a crime against humanity

Gen Nicolle (Canada)

The British government must pressure the USA to end this illegal blockade, also the UK must cooperate with Cuba on medical research high could be mutually beneficial.

Stephen Getty (United Kingdom)

Clare Ferry (United Kingdom)

Jose (Spain)

leslie savage (United Kingdom)


End the blockade! Lift travel restrictions! Open trade w/ Cuba! Follow Cuba's example of Socialism! Recognize Cuba's sovereignty & human solidarity!

Daniel Keiser (United States of America)

Stephen Carlill (United Kingdom)

Gerry Corr (United Kingdom)

Rosa alonso (Spain)

Gerald C Daub (United States of America)

Michelle Smith (United Kingdom)

Sarah Ness (United Kingdom)

richard chilton (United Kingdom)

USA has never been at war with Cuba. The time to end this cruel punishment is now

Bonnie Satten (Canada)

Elizabeth Hamilton (United Kingdom)

Lyle Brydges (Canada)

Jennifer (United Kingdom)

Lorraine Pattie (United Kingdom)

Barry Irwin (United Kingdom)

Evette Campbell (United Kingdom)

Katie plumridge (United Kingdom)

Enough is enough. Please act, most of Cuba knows nothing of 1962 revolutions, just the pain it causes ever since

Wayne Wilson (United Kingdom)

This horrible virus doesn't recognise race,colour,religion or international borders, the People of Cuba have shown the way by sending doctors to assist other countries whilst their own people are fighting this virus aswell. The Cuban people need access to medical equipment but this is being hampered by the cruel/illegal blockade in place by the Americans, we can only hope that the British government call on them to end these restrictions and allow the people of Cuba to help not only themselves but others worldwide .

james rogerson (United Kingdom)

Susan MacRae (United Kingdom)

Cuba has taken care of its people since independence. The Cuban people are provided with basic essentials to live a good life. USA has no business to interfere. We’ve just seen with the Corona crisis what whimps the USA really is

Janey Juggernath Ramkissoon (United Kingdom)

Rose Seabury (United Kingdom)

If we trade with countries we see as hostile surely we can trade and help Cuba. The thing getting in their way of being a flourishing country is the US and the UK. It seems we want to control the world to suit us. Why don't we honestly help for this occasion.

stephen baxter (United Kingdom)

donna griffiths (United Kingdom)

Ann Martin (United Kingdom)

Keep up the good work Cuba, I know first hand the way you have sent medical staff all over the world for many years. British Government. Look at what Cuba are doing, please talk to the USA to end or lift this blockade immediately. Saving lives is the most important thing in the world at the moment

Ken Nixon (United Kingdom)

Alfred L. Marder (United States of America)

The Cuban people deserve better. Reject the bitter US blockade.

Winifred Kelly (United Kingdom)

John Mehana (New Zealand)

james rogerson (United Kingdom)

Cuba, ejemplo para el mundo. NO AL BLOQUEO

Mª del Carmen Rosanes Anaya (Spain)

Matt Cowan (United Kingdom)

Barbara St.Aubyn (United Kingdom)

Jane lawson (United Kingdom)

Claire oliver (United Kingdom)

Paula Di Bona (United Kingdom)

It’s needs to be ended now. Look at what Cuba are doing during this global pandemic. Instead of staying at home they are flying into the face of dangerous in the worst hit countries to help people not knowing if they’ll catch it or not. To the Cuban people that’s their greatest strength caring in times of panic. Let’s bring and end to this blockade and let the Cuban people flourish like never before.

Stephen gribben (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba

Martin Horton (United Kingdom)

Noemi (China)

James Lupton (United Kingdom)

End the BLOCUS now!

Nadine (France)

Dean Fowler (United Kingdom)

This is aimed at the American government: lift the current blockade on the delivery of PPE equipment to Cuba. If you dont you are achieving a new low in your already poor humanitarian behaviour

jon gutmanis (United Kingdom)

Cuba do what it take to stop being a victim of usa world dominance UK need to grow up we found usa stop being there gophers we don't need them or him donald take a dump

Glen biggin (United Kingdom)

Maria Campbell (United Kingdom)

From SWOP with Love and Justice

Mik (United States of America)

carolann smith beeby (Canada)

Worldwide pandemic lift sanctions now !!

Tony Mcallister (United Kingdom)

Ellen Shatter (United States of America)

Brian Thorbjornsen (United States of America)

john fraser (United Kingdom)

Sally Cattouse (United States of America)

Sarah Hall (Canada)

Janet Harper (United Kingdom)

Mayelin Perez (Spain)

Graham Yarr (United Kingdom)

Ellie- Mae Brophy (United Kingdom)

Leeann mcleish (United Kingdom)

Action now!

Shoda Rackal (United Kingdom)

Sarah (United Kingdom)

Patricia Duncan (United Kingdom)

Fuerza cuba ♥️

Franco (Mexico)

Angela Smith (United Kingdom)

Lynn packer (United Kingdom)

Tango man gone tonto!!

Roslynn (United Kingdom)

Christine Gray (United Kingdom)

We are all in this together. All human life is precious.

Tony (Canada)

Karin (Netherlands)

Kelly Fellowes (United Kingdom)

Denise McGonigle (United Kingdom)

Dermot Dawson (United Kingdom)

Liuba (Canada)

Jean Smyth (Canada)

Please help Cuba, the people are fantastic and caring, and always help others

Susan hill (United Kingdom)

Cuba has shown the world compassion amid the corona crisis and should be fully supported against the disgraceful stance of the vindictive Trump administration. The British Government should actively help Cuba and take a strong humanitarian stance against America's outdated and frankly ridiculous position.

Rick Rogers (United Kingdom)

Thaks to the British government, every human diserve the live, Cubans too.

Dariel Pouza (Cuba)

Teresa Bass (Canada)

Lana wood (Canada)

Andrea Walker (United Kingdom)

Peter Crouch (United Kingdom)

Michael Ladson (United States of America)

Julian Allam (United Kingdom)

Hamish Kirk (United Kingdom)

I know that capitalist countries hate to admit that socailism works but in this time of ultimate danger for the world's people isn't it time to put politics aside in the cause of humanity.

Ann Craig (United Kingdom)

Amili Lumumba (United States of America)

Anna Bell (United Kingdom)

Barb (United States of America)

Jim Clark (United Kingdom)

Jan Appelkvist (Sweden)

Rachel Smith (United Kingdom)

Chris (United Kingdom)

U.S. please put aside differences during corona virus

Caroline wilcox (United Kingdom)

Rosa María Jurado (Mexico)

Chris Gill (United Kingdom)

Thanks for support. Gracias por el apoyo.

Miguel (Cuba)

david graham (United Kingdom)

Denise Lamezon (Canada)

Emma Rhodes (United Kingdom)

Brian Cowling (Canada)

John (United Kingdom)

Ling Li (China)

John Sheridan (United Kingdom)

Wishing health happiness longevity freedom and great thanks and Solidarity to Cuba

A.C (United Kingdom)

Monica Cano-Villaverde (United Kingdom)

We hail the beautiful spirit of internationalism exhibited by Cuba in the fight against Coronavirus! Cuba has a long and laudible tradition of sending its doctors to assist wherever they are needed throughout the world. We call on the U.S. to lift the blockade on Cuba!

Nadrat Siddique (United States of America)

Elaine Blaydes (United Kingdom)

Cuba is aiding the World in the fight against Covid-19, especially those unable to help themselves. It is immoral to persecute them.

Bob McNair (United Kingdom)

We need to help others in this terrible time.

Patricia King (United Kingdom)

Laurie Baldock (Canada)

Imogen Stidworthy (United Kingdom)

As a young cuban woman I demand to the US government to lift the blockade!

Yanet Ledesma Estupiñan (Cuba)

M Statham (United Kingdom)

Please support Cuba, please recognise her strengths, her right to self-determinations and the amazing support she provides to other countries in need. For Gods sake accept that Cuba isa country that has a rightful place in the world, within all that world's diversity. Please.

Sue Hingley (United Kingdom)

Julie Cameron (Canada)

Please stop Trump enforcement of his bias against Cuba because it's government has a different ideology from his greedy, money driven mentality.

Kathleen Lippoldt (United Kingdom)

Cuba has consistently provided solidarity to countries with health crises in every part of the world. This something to be celebrated and supported! This is a badge of civilised behaviour. Please support this call!

Maggie Chetty (United Kingdom)

Unblokaed Cuba

Miguel Ángel Hernández C& (Cuba)

Norine (United States of America)

Aleksandra Mulalic (Canada)

The blockade has always been criminal now it's an attempt at genocide

Gary Mueller (United States of America)

Nicholas Portales (United Kingdom)

Laura Street (United Kingdom)

Cuba allowed MS Braemar to dock in Havana. We now have to show solidarity with Cuba against the viciousness of the American government. Come on, British Government, do the right thing. Put pressure on the US to lift the sanctions immediately.

Rowena (United Kingdom)

To The British government. You should be applying maximum pressure on the USA to lift the dispicable embargo on Cuba. The corona virus is a threat to all humanity and cuts across all political spectrums.

Ralph Eyles (United Kingdom)

Amelia (Canada)

Elizabeth Lee (Canada)

Stop it now.

john laursen (Denmark)

Peter wise (United Kingdom)

Frances Heneghan (Ireland)

Love & solidarity from London! 💜

Wendyl Harris (United Kingdom)

Welwyn Symons (United Kingdom)

Lyndsay Cox (United Kingdom)

Jean-Luc GERGES (France)

Uncalled for and shameless petty politics in a time of international crisis. End the blockade!

Daniel Berry (United Kingdom)

Katie Spengler (United States of America)

Kate Dickie (United Kingdom)

Allan Mcleod (United Kingdom)

Sarah Hall (United Kingdom)

Jessica L Thompson (United States of America)

Suvo (Bangladesh)

Major Steadman (United Kingdom)

Cuba allowed one of our cruise ships to dock with covid 19 patients on board. I urge the British government to do the right thing. Be British, don't just talk about, push to get these sanctions lifted.

John beggs (United Kingdom)

George Laparidis (Greece)

May we manage to finally lift this crippling and hateful embargo. Thank you for your solidarity around the world and for acting according to your values.

Brittany Basel (United States of America)

Tracy Emess (United Kingdom)

Antonia Somerset (United Kingdom)

Sue Marchiolli (Canada)

Maggie Day (United Kingdom)

Rebecca (United Kingdom)

Catherine Ward-Langman (United Kingdom)

Carolyn RAMOS (United Kingdom)

Janev Mehmet (United Kingdom)

El Bloqueo de Estados Unidos hacia Cuba es criminal y debe cesar, como lo ha venido reclamando cada año en la ONU (casi por unanimidad) todos los países del mundo. El Bloqueo y su aplicación extraterritorial, impacta negativamente en la población y en cada esfera de la vida económica y social del país. Gracias a todos los amigos que nos acompañan y apoyan en esta justa lucha.

Enrique Yedra Blanco (Cuba)

Ian Windross (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba you're awesome Ps fuck the tories keep socialism away xo

Brent Waltham (United Kingdom)

Lorraine Gill (United Kingdom)

Ciaran McCloy (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba Viva socialism

Comrade Bolakale (Nigeria)

Monika Mueller (United Arab Emirates)

henri belenguer (France)

Liam Collins (United Kingdom)

US blockade is criminal and barbaric, stop it now!

Joseph O'Regan (Ireland)

Patricia Alonso (Spain)

Jeannin (France)

We have all seen the international solidarity shown by the Cuban people to the people of Italy in the struggle against covid -19 Surely Cuba deserves all our support in its struggle to survive including the support of Europe and even the United Kingdom

AUBREY WALTER (United Kingdom)

Thomas O’Reilly (United Kingdom)

Marie Fitzpatrick (United States of America)

Irene Scott (United Kingdom)

Tsultrim (India)

Hannah Toledo Smith (United States of America)

¡Estados Unidos es la vergüenza del mundo!. En estos tiempos de pandemia, cuando muchos de sus nacionales padecen la Covid-19, Trump, en vez de luchar a brazo partido contra la enfermedad, refuerza el bloqueo contra Cuba, instiga a los países para que no acepten la ayuda médica de esta isla e intenta atacar a Venezuela. #NoMasBloqueo.

Juan Carlos Castellón Véliz (Cuba)

Jayne Ball (United Kingdom)

Etta Ettlinger (United States of America)



Anne Jamieson (United Kingdom)

Deborah Lehman (Canada)

Bárbara Iglesias Lima (Cuba)

Catherine Meenan (Ireland)

Margaret watts (United Kingdom)

Abdullah Hattab (Yemen)

Anita Thomas (United Kingdom)

Claudia Almeida da Silva (Brazil)

Maria Clotilde Rossetti Ferreira (Brazil)

Dr Eleanor Hyland (United Kingdom)

Sue Keegans (United Kingdom)

Despina Laparidou (United Kingdom)

Please help

Kirsty long (United Kingdom)


Kelly (United States of America)

Cuba, your humanitarian help over the years is amazing! We stand with you now. We deplore the disgusting behaviour of President Trump in this hour of need.

Philip Miles (United Kingdom)

Gaye Allen (United Kingdom)

Stefanie Ginsburg (United States of America)

Alan Hurley (United Kingdom)

Aaron Coles (United Kingdom)

Edith Reynoso (Mexico)

Kevin Kelly (United Kingdom)

Valerie Hampshire (United Kingdom)

Juan Gonzalez (Canada)

Please help the people of Cuba. They have suffered long enough, they are struggling to get basic aids like paracetamol and ladies sanitary products. We take everything for granted. Please help these beautiful people inside and out. So happy and kind .Thank you for listening. JULIE PLATER

Julie Plater (United Kingdom)

Jennifer McGahey (United Kingdom)

Noel Hamill (United Kingdom)

Agnes McCullagh (United Kingdom)

Cubana residente en Francia, mi segundo pais. Del covid19 no se conoce su origen, pero traspaso las fronteras de todos los paises sin "pasaporte, sin cané de identidad ni carné de estancia, no es rico ni pobre, no tiene raza, ni religion". Lo venceremos con union. BRAVO y GRACIAS a ustedes por esta solidaridad con Cuba.

Zoe Plochet Bonne (France)

Ruthana Christofides (United Kingdom)

The world needs to turn its backs on oppressive US policies. The people of the world are watching closely and we will not forget who stood for justice and who stood against it.

Nancy (United States of America)

Andrew Coles (United Kingdom)

Richard Grimes (United Kingdom)

Message for the UK Government: Please pressurize the U.S. Government to allow medical aid in to Cuba. The Cuban Government allowed MS Bramer to dock in Habana to enable British Citizens to fly home from there during this pandemic. We should support them now! Message for the Cuban Government and people: We are with you!

Kathryn Coles (United Kingdom)

William T. Whitney Jr. (United States of America)

Margaret Murphy (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba NOW

Jonathan Pitts (United Kingdom)

Shaun Earley (United Kingdom)

Jacqueline Valencia Ramos (France)

Up the Revolution Comrades

Mary Catley (United Kingdom)

As an African (born in America), we know that whenever Africa called, Cuba answered! We will forever be indebted to, and defenders of, the Cuban People, and the Cuban Revolution!

Chawki Irving (United States of America)

Up the Revolution Comrades

Bryn Waters (United Kingdom)

Kelly Grunow (Canada)

Sharron Haigh (United Kingdom)

Lucy Barnes (United Kingdom)

Melih Erolus (Turkey)

Joseph Jamison (United States of America)

C Hawkins (Ireland)

Cuba continue with the solidary with other Nations

Mungai Mbuthi (Kenya)

Liz Capewell (United Kingdom)

This is the most Humanitarian NATION ON THIS PLANET they don't make rules to only help very rich ,the are much more humane than America ,Americans should all think SHAME on THEMSELVES,also the EUROPEAN UNION should think SHAME at what they are doing with Iran at the behest of AMERICA,the quicker we kick AMERICA out of our business the better . they are doing

Agnes Stevenson (United Kingdom)

Peter Kelly (United Kingdom)

Scott Kelly (United Kingdom)

Fergal Quinn (United Kingdom)

Stop the stranglehold on Cuba.

Stephanie Mathivet (United Kingdom)

Thanks to every people and Gobernment helping Cuba and helping World to Safe Planet AND Life, Living all in Peace


g carroll (United Kingdom)

Joyce D'Silva (United Kingdom)

Brian Marden (United Kingdom)

Felix (Mexico)

Je demande la levée du blocus honteux contre Cuba et le peuple Cubain

René Lapallus (France)


Gee Melville (United Kingdom)

Rafael Alves Lima (Brazil)

Mairi Bauchop (United Kingdom)

Valentina Viganò (Italy)

Roger Jones (United Kingdom)

Joseph seary (United Kingdom)

Karen Saunders (United States of America)

Alison (United Kingdom)

Lars (Sweden)


VANESSA NYE (United Kingdom)

Jason Cassar (United Kingdom)

Ann McAvoy (United States of America)

Kerrie owens (United Kingdom)

I will always support Cuba.

Sylvia (United Kingdom)

Maria Ponciano (United States of America)

Marie (United Kingdom)

Steve Irwin (United Kingdom)

Tamara (Croatia)

To the British Govt: Use your influence with President Trump and get this cruel ban on Chinese aid to Cuba LIFTED. To place such sanctions on Cuba at this time of global Covid-19 crisis is absolutely unforgivable, even criminal.

kate clark (United Kingdom)

Cath Jones (United Kingdom)

Sean solidarios al menos en esta pandemia mundial y eliminén este vergonzoso bloqueo

Luis Francisco Jacomino Suárez (Cuba)

For this illegal blockade to be still implemented in the face of a world epidemic is disgusting. The US calls itself a democracy?? Viva Cuba!!


Helen Stirling (United Kingdom)

jimmy Farrell (Ireland)

Brian D'Arcy (Ireland)

Cuban medical personnel should be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for the current and past (from 1963 and including 2013-15 work in West Africa) heroic actions to provide needed health care in crisis and normal situations. End the blockade, return Guantanamo to Cuba, end travel restrictions for U.S. citizens to Cuba, and stop the ideological and other attacks on Cuba.

DR. MARK GINSBURG (United States of America)

We have visited Cuba & have met their lovely people. Despicable that Trump is behaving in this manner

Ann Hazell-Smith (United Kingdom)

Kate Kiernan (Ireland)

Good luck Cuba. The British Government must strongly condemn the actions of the US administration.

Lee Shepherd (United Kingdom)

Emma Jesse (United Kingdom)

Kath Harper (United Kingdom)

Cuba comes to everyone’s aid at a time of need. Now is the time to recognize that. Only humanitarian action to take

Gill Cina (France)

IRIS COGGER (United Kingdom)

Do the right thing for once - lift the blockade

Lindsey Baker (United Kingdom)

Please show your humanity towards Cuba and her people.

Adam Flude (United Kingdom)

Ingrid Green (United Kingdom)

We need to fight all together for life without discrimination

Blanca Diaz (United Kingdom)

Lin Yan (China)

god bless both of you!!!

david platt (Canada)

To our government in the UK 'Please pressure the USA and its representatives to assure safe passage of vital supplies of health equipment in the face of the Covid19 pandemic to.the people of Cuba'

Patricia Hughes (United Kingdom)

Hasta la Victoria Siempre ✌️

Serpil (Turkey)

Please stop Trump being such a bully.

Steve Richardson (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba!

Jonathan Flanders (United States of America)

Konor Ceenan (Ireland)

Jason McCormack (United Kingdom)

Franklin Davis (France)

Rosalind Beauhill (United Kingdom)

Dennis Bickerton (United Kingdom)

Robert Robinson (United Kingdom)

Loreta Di bitonto (United Kingdom)

This is urgent.

Robin Faye (Canada)

Trevor blackman (United Kingdom)

Grow up America stop being like a petulant child

Michael Power (Ireland)

Trinidad Catalan (United Kingdom)

Henrik Berg (Denmark)

How can we let a little insignificant man like Trump try and destroy the people who have done nothing to hurt him, especially at a time like this.

Shirley McCormick (United Kingdom)

Julie (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for all the help an medical aide you give to countries all over the world.

margaret mc kee (United Kingdom)

Erica VanLuven (Canada)

Sandra (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Murden (United Kingdom)

Why are we backing and in the pocket of a maniacle leader like trump.? Who does he think he is? Better people and countries have tried to take down Cuba and failed and trump will be the latest and it will all come back to bite him on his arse

Garvin Clarke (United Kingdom)

Tim Hamilton (Canada)

Yadira Hernandez (Argentina)

Derek Tatton (United Kingdom)

Anthony Reyes (United States of America)

Malcolm Sacks (United States of America)

Bonnie Doyle (Canada)

Manon Leclerc (Canada)

Luke Daniels (United Kingdom)

Jason O’Donnell (United Kingdom)

Renee (United Kingdom)

linda carpenter (United Kingdom)

Solidarity to all of Cuba. They have always offered expert advice,help and humanity wherever in the world crisis happens not least with the present Covid19 Pandemic. What the US is doing is inhuman. Lift the embargo!

Brian Holmes (United Kingdom)

Long Live The Cuban Internationalism.

Khayalethu Sebastian Hamana (South Africa)

Janet Hensey (United Kingdom)

Cecilia elliott (United Kingdom)

Stop the blocus de. It is evil

Nadia Lemoine (United States of America)

Dawn walters (United Kingdom)

The US blockade against Cuba is a shameful policy. Stop it NOW!

Antonio Morales-Calvo (Canada)

Pam goddard (United Kingdom)

Darren Richardson (United Kingdom)

Marta Ziolkowska (United Kingdom)

If America do this blockade during the crisis of humans in the world. They are the most important enemy in the world. They have to be equally treated with Covid 19 Virus

Nandha Kumaran (India)

Cuba, the most humanitarian country on the planet. No pasaran to covid

Francis Whitelaw (United Kingdom)

Jelana Stevic (United Kingdom)

Andrew Painton (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba, I am so grateful for you generosity and I work with a group in Massachusetts to lift the embargo. Emily Greene

Emily Susan Greene (United States of America)

Honorio Moran Coello (Ecuador)

I am absolutely disgusted by President Trump’s actions. It is a disgrace that he is preventing vital medical supplies to Cuba and world leaders ought to apply pressure and sanctions to the USA for this. I have recently returned from Cuba and never have I come across such kind hearted, generous people. It is basic humanitarian aid we’re talking about here. Dominic Raab: I urge you to coordinate a worldwide response to this to allow shipments to get through..

Debra Rogers (United Kingdom)

Think of the children

PHIL THOMAS (United Kingdom)

Janice page (United Kingdom)

Dave Downing (Canada)

Jeff Putterman (United States of America)

Karen Hepburn (United Kingdom)

Alisa cortez (United States of America)

Kathleen Ernst (United States of America)

Gerald R Wright (Spain)

Guillermo lottero (Argentina)

Wonderful, educated people that would thrive without the embargo!!

Frank Kirby (Canada)

Janice Lewis (United Kingdom)

I plead with you to stand up and end the blockade on Cuba It is the humane thing to do . Please for the cuban people they have suffered so much . My country will not help so I ask that you will . God Bless

chy adams (United States of America)

Jose Angel Riveaux (Cuba)

Debra Hughes (United Kingdom)

Julie Sullivan (United Kingdom)

randi (United States of America)

Françoise CORDOMI (France)

Ana Herrera (Cuba)

Linda Dando (United Kingdom)

thierry lambert (France)

This is a time for humanity to pull together, to help one another as Cubans always have, and not for a brutal, devil take the hindmost approach. Help them, for God's sake!

Peter Clapham (United Kingdom)

Clara (United Kingdom)

ian dimmock (United Kingdom)

Gillian Vega (United States of America)

We have to support Cuba!!

Jacquie cross (United Kingdom)


Alain Fleitas (Cuba)

John innes (United Kingdom)

Luci Murphy (United States of America)

Carole Kinnell (United Kingdom)

Lisa Stanton (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for all the humanitarian work you do. Loving wishes to all Cubans.

Maureen Bailey (United Kingdom)

Nancy Jakubiak (United States of America)

If this epidemic has proven anything it is that we depend on each other. Whilst Cuba sends out medical aid no questions asked. The US is again throwing its toys out of the pram! because Cuba is a regime they disapprove of. Who made you the world police who can tell everybody else who should govern them? Now is NOT the tuime for politics but to help each other and maybe find some common ground.

Eunice Wormald (United Kingdom)

The sooner there is a currency that bypasses $US - the better.

Nina Heaton (United Kingdom)

Having conducted in-depth research in Cuba over several months, I have experienced a first hand the devastating impact of the US embargo. The Cuban people are lacking the vital food and medical supplies that we take for granted. I urge the British Government to use its influence on the US and contribute to the cessation of the blockade.

Dr Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt (United Kingdom)

Lisa Hartley (United Kingdom)

José Enrique Ortiz Piñeda (Cuba)

Ana Talbot Meling (Ireland)

Edith Martin (United Kingdom)

Julia Sturges (United Kingdom)

Rhoni Summerton (United Kingdom)

Sarah (United Kingdom)

Caroline Rawstron (United Kingdom)

Elaine Hutton (United Kingdom)

Deniza Bogiqi (United Kingdom)

Ann (United Kingdom)

The USA can't stick the Cubans that have the best medical system in the world.

Hendrik van Wyk (South Africa)

Mireia (Spain)

Hasta la victoria siempre.

Ann Jamieson (United Kingdom)

Cassez (France)

Julie Richards (United Kingdom)

Martin Ketley (United Kingdom)

Jane Stewart (United Kingdom)

Isobel Allen (United Kingdom)

Chloe James (United Kingdom)

Derek Kotz (United Kingdom)

Another world is possible. Cuba continues being an example fir us all. End the US blockade against Cuba. Our lives depend on it!

Kathe Karlson (United States of America)

Alexandra Kopachkov Fumero (Cuba)

BRIAN O'connor (United Kingdom)

Cristel Amiss (United Kingdom)

Please lift the blockade. This is not time to hurt people more!!!

Lena Bowling (United Kingdom)


CHRIS TRANCHELL (United Kingdom)

Dan Read (United Kingdom)

Ariane Benmergui (Canada)

carolyn webber (United Kingdom)

The British government should pressure the USA to comply UN General Assembly resolutions, passed every year since 1992, condemning the ongoing impact of the embargo and declaring it in violation of the Charter of the United Nations and of international law.

T O'Toole (United Kingdom)

Brian Clark (United Kingdom)

The USA shows itself to be an insular, selfish country. Show some humanity.

Pat Hill (United Kingdom)

Ramon Morales (United States of America)

Celyne Fourniet (Canada)

Lift all sanctions to save lives

Lalitha (Australia)

James Ward (United Kingdom)

winifred layton (United Kingdom)

Blockade is a shame

Job Patrick (France)

Cuba deserves the medical aide because Cuba helps make our countries live.And yes, it is a basic human right. Viva Cuba!

Angeli Marie L. Casauay (Philippines)

Jerry R (Canada)

Hector (Canada)

Cherry (United Kingdom)

Mike keane (Ireland)

Deborah Hobson (United Kingdom)

Americas actions towards Cuba are a disgrace, Americas actions towards Venezuela are a disgrace, the land of the free is a sick joke.

Roger Arthur (United Kingdom)

Please, end the blockade against Cuba. Now Cuba is helping the world, The world needs to press USA to end this genocide asap.

Ana Hurtado Martínez (United Kingdom)

Stephen Long (Ireland)

Maggie Ryan (United Kingdom)

Lebleu (Belgium)

Josee Bertrand (Canada)

Viva Cuba

Prof. Dr. Barbaros YAMAN (Turkey)

Christine Brandon (United Kingdom)

Lizette Rullan (Puerto Rico)

Kirk M Halgren (United States of America)

Support Cuba's international efforts to combat virus-- and China's!

Ron Woodwark (United Kingdom)

Amy Housel (United States of America)

Veronica (China)


Lin Lin Shaffer (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba!

Wendy Roberts (United Kingdom)

Guillaume Rivaud (United Kingdom)

Rich Simcox (United Kingdom)

we British should not behave like the twerp trump and his ilk

colin kendall (United Kingdom)

Georgia (United Kingdom)

Gary Jones (United Kingdom)

Don’t let this cruelty continue . USA bullying tactics must be stopped

Pat moore (United Kingdom)

Maritza Garcia Castro (United States of America)

Sam Davies (United Kingdom)

Carmen Andall Woodroofe (United Kingdom)

Natalie page (United Kingdom)

Kalhara Paranagamage (Sri Lanka)

Sandra (United Kingdom)

Archie H. Linton (United Kingdom)

Paul Henry (Ireland)

The British government have failed to act to support its citizens in this crisis. They are self serving elitists with a sense of entitlement with no compassion or understanding of people from a lower economic background. All they care about is their economic wellbeing. People are dying and the whole world needs to act together to overcome this virus. It is deluded to think anyone is above any risk.

Gary Cohen (United Kingdom)

José París (Spain)

Support Cuba as they been helping everyone internationally in times if crisis we must help each other.

Alper (United Kingdom)

Peter Rainsbury (United Kingdom)

Simon Johnson (United Kingdom)

Marilyn Foster (United Kingdom)

Thank you for the help you are giving to the world.

Ruth Dineen (United Kingdom)

Pam manns (United Kingdom)

Melissa Zombor (United States of America)

Tom Finnemore (United Kingdom)

Mavy Aguilera Sánchez (Cuba)

Luis Fernando Medina (Colombia)

Mi gratitud y apoyo al pueblo cubano.

Teresa Naranjo Henao (Germany)

Brian Simmons (United Kingdom)

Alex Kelly (United Kingdom)

Maggie Barth (United Kingdom)

Dave Carlin (United Kingdom)

Yasmin Aboulela (United Kingdom)

Dave auger (United Kingdom)

Pawan Karki (Nepal)

Thomas Knowles (United Kingdom)

Joanne Rodriguez (United Kingdom)

Jessica Bain (United Kingdom)

Grainne Boyd (Ireland)

Viva Cuba

Paul conway (United Kingdom)

David Ramm (United Kingdom)

caroline murray (New Zealand)

Laura Burgess (United Kingdom)

Anna McCormack (Australia) Sanctions are imposed by the United States and its junior partners against countries that resist their agendas. They are a weapon of Economic War, resulting in chronic shortages of basic necessities, economic dislocation, chaotic hyperinflation, artificial famines, disease, and poverty. In every country, the poorest and the weakest – infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly – suffer the worst impact of sanctions. US imposed sanctions, violate international law and are a tool of regime change. They impact a third of humanity in 39 countries. They are a crime against humanity used, like military intervention, to topple popular governments and movements. They provide economic and military support to pro-US right-wing forces. The US economic dominance and its +800 military bases worldwide demands all other countries participate in acts of economic strangulation. They must end all normal trade relations, otherwise they risk having Wall Street’s guns pointed at them. The banks and financial institutions that are responsible for the devastation of our communities at home drive the plunder of countries abroad. Many organizations have been fighting Sanctions and Economic War for some time. NOW is an opportunity to combine efforts to raise consciousness on this crucial issue. This broad campaign will include protests and demonstrations, lobbying, petition drives and all forms of educational efforts.

Tim Sijben (Netherlands)

USA you cannot defeat us. It may take time but people always win.

Dennis Brett (United Kingdom)

Zoë timpson (United Kingdom)


Hindi Chatha (United Kingdom)

Annette Massey (United Kingdom)

Philip Gallon (United Kingdom)

Stephen Sheach (United Kingdom)

“Not even in times of a pandemic are Cubans allowed to breathe easily,” Cuba is a jewel of an island cut off from the rest of there world. It has among the highest literacy rates in the world, Cuban doctors are one of their best exports but they maintain a high dr patient ratio and universal coverage. No one starves. Trumps embargo for them to receive donated Chinese aid to protect Cubans citizens at a time of crisis will be judged as a merciless and hateful act and human rights abuse

Sonia saxena (United Kingdom)

Caroline Bradley (United Kingdom)

Please see what Cuba do for the world and this poor impoverished island need our help, the blockade is inhumane.

Lindsey Metcalfe (United Kingdom)


Hazel Underwood (Spain)

Sean Leggatt-Bulaitis (United Kingdom)

Siva (India)

Bow Weir (Ireland)

Eileen Crowleu (Ireland)

Maia (United Kingdom)

Danielle Ricci (Canada)

We are all one, indivisible family. Our species is facing the most significant challenges ever requiring expanding the exercise of our in-born intelligence with clarity and coherence. To live with A Sacred Regard For All Living Things is the way we must go if we are to survive. Our indigenous ancestor's intrinsic understanding lights the way by basing ALL choices made about how we live on Mother Earth in terms of the needs of the seventh generation yet unborn.

Dave Ratcliffe (United States of America)

Martin McNulty (United Kingdom)

now must be the time to reject the uS embargo. Our government should get the WHO to force the uS to act for the benefit of all humanity

genia browning (United Kingdom)

Be strong

Peter McCue (United Kingdom)

Tamara shaffer (United Kingdom)

Claudia Koch (Germany)

Cassia House (United Kingdom)

Christopher Lloyd (United Kingdom)

Lytton Page (United Kingdom)

Petter (Brazil)

Wolfgang Koch (Germany)

Gabrielle McKenna (Ireland)

Don't allow the USA/Trump strong arm Cuba!

Paul Weeks (Canada)

A jones

Angela Jones (United Kingdom)

Erik Geelhoed (United Kingdom)

Isaac Shaffer (United Kingdom)

Dean Taylor (United Kingdom)

Eddie Lopez (United Kingdom)

May Hughes (United Kingdom)

Fiona Moran (United Kingdom)

John Millington (United Kingdom)

USA please lift the blockage on Cuba! It is only hurting our fellow men, women and children!

Lydia Valanti (United States of America)

Louis Woodrow-Bennett (United Kingdom)

Our government needs to run this blockade and send aid now. This is barbaric.

Mike Buckingham (United Kingdom)

Charles burnett (United Kingdom)

To the British government, Please make humane decisions and stop punishing a country that puts its people over private business interests. Help them and stop the blockade. It's the right thing to do, morally and historically.

Deedee slye (Canada)

Does this man have no humanity at all during this terrible global crisis

Alan Charles (United Kingdom)

Vicki Hickman (United Kingdom)

Dr. Jack Fawbert (United Kingdom)

John Cumiskey (United Kingdom)

Michael Parker (United Kingdom)

How is it that a country which shares it's medical resource freely can be subject to a blockade based on events more than 50 years ago to deliberately impoverish its population? We must call on the USA to act in a humanitarian way or we are complicit.

Debbie Wood (United Kingdom)

J.B.Price (United Kingdom)

Margaret Dougherty (Canada)

CUBA !!!!! YOU ARE EXAMPLE TO US ALL. I send love and hope that all Cubans flourish and prosper always, you are truly wonderful.

Kim Chenoweth (United Kingdom)

Carmen Beatriz Polanco Fuentes (Cuba)

Thank you to Cuba for not only helping the uk but other countries in need. While the USA remains ignorant, your doctors will be remembered as heroes.

Jake Bell Watson (United Kingdom)

Barbara Toorchen (United Kingdom)

Staffan Losten (Sweden)

Chris Keates, General Secretary (Acting) NASUWT (United Kingdom)

Walter Cullinane (Ireland)

Please do the right thing, Please.

john davies (United Kingdom)

Cubans have suffered long enough

Heather Brown (Spain)

Dermot Hickey Toorchen (United Kingdom)

Robert Steel (United Kingdom)

Pat Mccarthy (United Kingdom)

Dear Cuba, you are an inspiration to so many people around the world. Viva! ✊🏼

Carla Keegans (United Kingdom)

Dr Ulf Karlström (Sweden)

The US must show compassion to innocent Cubans and the UK govt must use any influence it has to encourage the USA to lift the embargo, even temporarily

Lynne Scannell (United Kingdom)

Isobel Robinson (United Kingdom)

H.M. van Vuuren (Netherlands)

Peter Daintree (United Kingdom)

Keep up the good fight.

Marjorie Bain (United Kingdom)

Ronny Flynn (United Kingdom)

Keith Reader (United Kingdom)

Valerie Urrea (France)

Len Herbert (United Kingdom)

Mimi J (United Kingdom)

Cathy Jarman (United Kingdom)

full support to Cuba. campaign against all US. embargoes and blockades.

roger miller (United Kingdom)

Alice Moore (United Kingdom)

America should stop all sanctions to all countries a permanently. But especially at this time & definitely to Cuba. Who are trying to help the world through this pandemic. After having helped previously with SARS & Ebola.

Heather Morrison (United Kingdom)

Jane Martin (Ireland)

Hannah Holmes (United Kingdom)

An official from UK also needs to sign and take action. USA.. Shame on you God bless you Cuban people. Stay inside, keep safe thus saving lives 🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺🇨🇺

Lesley Keegans (United Kingdom)

Solidarity and Internationalism is the only way we can defeat a invisible enemy .

john joseph mcinnes (United Kingdom)

John Abbott (United States of America)

Please in these difficult times take this opportunity to show that the USA has a heart. Stop blocking supplies to Cuba.

John Noble (United Kingdom)

It is a time for humanity to stand together

Nicholas J Millard (United Kingdom)

David Robertson (United Kingdom)

Johnny Ó Gallchóbhair (Ireland)

Respect, thanks and gratitude for your global international humanitarian support in times of natural disasters and Health pandemics.

Rhonda Finlayson (United Kingdom)

Stopping medical supplies is a crime.

Gerrard Sables (United Kingdom)

The Coronavirus crisis is a human crisis. The United States are killing innocent people with their inhumanity.

Jason Turvey (United Kingdom)

Ann Logan (United Kingdom)

As a member of Cuba Solidarity, I ask the U.S. to end this blockade immediately. Their utter contempt for Cuba is totally inhumane in the face of this international crisis!!

Sandra King (United Kingdom)

Karla Lotte Herr Heiduk (Germany)

Steve Thomson (United Kingdom)

omar badsha (South Africa)

There should be no sanctions anywhere in the world when lives are at stake

John Eden (Italy)

Tony Murray (United Kingdom)

Kym (United Kingdom)

Susann (Sweden)

Sue Lion (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with Cuba. I hope Trump stops his ridiculous vendetta.

Moira Kelly (United Kingdom)

Time for change Mr Trump, make history by doing the right thing, stop the blockade of Cuba Especially medical supplies.

Corinna Sorrell (United Kingdom)

end this barbaric blockade.

john flood (Ireland)

Stop sanctions to save lives Cuba Iran Venezuela now.

Greg Price (United Kingdom)

John Murphy (United Kingdom)

Eddie Carthy (Ireland)

Message to the British Government... If you can send kits to help Germany you have no moral right to contiue aiding the US in its blockade, and should repay the favour of Cuba offering safe haven to one of your ships in distress by helping them in return

Pol O'Maoleoin (France)

Philip Chambers (United Kingdom)

In solidarity with Cuba.

Alice Cooke (United Kingdom)

Lauren Gascoigne (United Kingdom)

Kristy Wilson (Canada)

Mairead Canavan (United Kingdom)

chantal gravelle (Canada)


Fazila Bhimji (United Kingdom)

Please allow medical aid into Cuba

Tina (United Kingdom)

Moira Pooley (United Kingdom)

Susan Walby (United Kingdom)

Sort your own mess out Mr Trump and others alone.

John Leary (United Kingdom)

Joya Ghose (United Kingdom)

Roy Filleul (United Kingdom)

To Cuba: you are a credit to yourselves and an indictment on richer nations with your compassion and solidarity. The British govt should apply as much pressure on the US to end this blockade now.

Barry Lawton (United Kingdom)

chris noone (Ireland)

USA should be shamed of their opportunism. It's time for her to drop it's aggressive foreign policies. ¡Cuba va!

Michael Mcbain (United Kingdom)

I believe we can learn so much from Cuba’s medical expertise. We need to share this at this time. The blockade must end , the world has changed,and I call on the UK government to support the ending of the blockade.

Nina Franklin (United Kingdom)

Please let Cuba help us!

Jenny Wilks (United Kingdom)

Abigail Forsyth (United Kingdom)


Brian Murphy (United Kingdom)

Karoliina Hämäläinenq (Finland)

Steve Brown (United Kingdom)

Stop this blockade

Catherine Tranter (United Kingdom)

Sheila Hilton (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba

Alessandro Arigliano (Italy)

Donald Goldhamer (United States of America)

Dawson Pugh (United Kingdom)

forest stewart (United States of America)

Deirdre Gossage (United Kingdom)

Gabrielle Cheung (United Kingdom)

Lebogang kontle (South Africa)

Marie GrInnell (United Kingdom)

Stop the oppression of smaller countries. It is time we all work together. Bullies are dangerous in all,walks of life.

Carolyn Davies (United Kingdom)

We are living in 2020 and it is time for the United States to step back and look what they are doing They should realise they are committing the largest act against human rights that any country has suffered. And 11 million people are suffering on a daily basis. Time for America's childish and immature acts to end. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA HAS THE POWER TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE, not to make it a worse place. AND IF NOT, THEN THE REST OF WORLD SHOULD STAND AS ONE ALONGSIDE CUBA AND SUPPORT AND HELP THEM.

Paul Pattison (United Kingdom)

Cuba Vencerá!! Stop the US blockade!

Pedro Pousada (Portugal)

Monica Yarra (United Kingdom)

Andy Graham (United Kingdom)

Isobel Lee (United Kingdom)

long live CUBA and the NHS

john smith (United Kingdom)

Linda campbell (United Kingdom)

All people are entitled to their human rights. They should not have to plead for meds and definitely should not be denied meds for a virus which is killing thousands around the wold

Charlotte Green (United Kingdom)

Anna Dubiel (United Kingdom)

I have visited Cuba three times and they deserve better than the treatment they are getting from the US!

Ian Coomber (United Kingdom)

Alison (United Kingdom)

Misan McFarland (United Kingdom)

Caroline Coombs (United Kingdom)

Jacqueline Carter (United Kingdom)

Anthony hart (United Kingdom)

The blockage is an ideological war which only harms ordinary Cuban people. The country of Cuba posses no threat to any nation. Whilst democracy isn’t a theme in Cuba we must not use that as a pretext to continue with the draconian meassures. End the blockade now, show the same solidarity and compassion the Cubans have given to the world.

Brett Morrison (United Kingdom)

Lindy Feneysey (United Kingdom)

Kathleen Roche (United Kingdom)

Cuba the pariah becomes the saviour. Well done. Kudos 🙏

Bertram Salo (South Africa)

Neus Gracia (United Kingdom)

Jeannette Franklin (United Kingdom)

Anthony James Bullock (United Kingdom)

Alan Stuart (United Kingdom)

Dilly Jones (United Kingdom)

Daniel Jameson (United Kingdom)

Judy Richards (United Kingdom)

Fi9na Roberts (United Kingdom)

We all need to look after each other. Now

Gary Shanks (United Kingdom)

Sam (United Kingdom)

Karen Walker (United Kingdom)

Angela Taylor (United Kingdom)

Barry Daly (United Kingdom)

Jane Mellor (United Kingdom)

Wendy Hale (United Kingdom)

Solidarity Cuba. Do the right thing Britain.

Rachel Dolton (United Kingdom)

We are all human beings and are supposed to be all in this together - we need to help each other fight this global threat and be human about it - otherwise none of us deserve to live.

Anthea Farrell (United Kingdom)

In the name of humanity, I call on the British government to make urgent representations to the Trump administration to lift the blockade of Cuba today.

Phillip Hallmark (United Kingdom)

ranjit roy (India)

To the US government. End the blockade and stop acting like children.

Jon Sharkey (United Kingdom)

End insane anti-Cuba policies!

D F R Whitbread (United Kingdom)

Mark Senior (United Kingdom)

Zoe Sellers (United Kingdom)

This blackmail must end

Stephen Loud (United Kingdom)

Cathy Power (Ireland)

Pamela (United Kingdom)

We are all in this together. There is no time for grudges.

Erica Brown (United Kingdom)

A. (United Kingdom)

Deiniol Skillicorn (United Kingdom)

We, the British should be supporting Cuba. For the USA to block essential supplies at this time is a crime against humanity, shameful; more so after Cuba offered safe haven for MS Braemar.

Lorraine Frances (United Kingdom)

It's time we all pulled together and shared! We are ALL human beings! Let us behave as human beings - caring and compassionate!

John Nicol (United Kingdom)

Irene Caird (United Kingdom)

Tracey Gurr (United Kingdom)

We do need international co-operation and solidarity to beat this pandemic. Cuba is playing its part, so should all other countries.

Richard Moore (United Kingdom)

Helen Houghton (United Kingdom)

Nicola (United Kingdom)

Gro-Mette (United Kingdom)

Milan Drakulic (United Kingdom)

Kath (United Kingdom)

Elaine comrie (United Kingdom)

Colette Chambers (United Kingdom)

Joan Irwin (United Kingdom)

Strongly support international humanitarian aid. Thank you Cuba for your brilliant record over the years.

Roger Gordon (United Kingdom)


Tracy Gilson (Canada)

Viva Cuba socialism the only way to end injustices and save the planet and humanity

Christian barnaby (United Kingdom)

COLIN (United Kingdom)

It really is time for fundamental changes in the Big Bully mentality. If not now, we can all look to the next worldwide emergency.

Mary Scott (United Kingdom)

Jp Diaz (United States of America)

For humanity’s sake please end the blockade people’s lives are threatened!

Terry Banfield (United Kingdom)

Lions attacked by asses.

R Scarborough (United Kingdom)

Daniel Hanna (United Kingdom)

Laura Coomber (United Kingdom)

Doug Buckeridge (United Kingdom)

C Spencer (United States of America)

Lyn Shew (United Kingdom)

It's time to end this blockade now.. 60 years overdue.

Jeremy Wright (United Kingdom)

Garry Strudwick (United Kingdom)

Cuba’s international humanitarianism is a beacon of light in the fight against Coronavirus. The USA is showing the brutal anti humanitarianism it’s sanctions against Cuba lead to, and the ruthless disdain for the lives of those who pursue a socialist means of sharing wealth.

Tom Hanley (United Kingdom)

Jackie Yems (United Kingdom)

Kirsty wake (United Kingdom)

Please, please remove the blockage and sanctions against Cuba. Cuba is not a violent country, they are promoting humanity projects.

Andile Mosha (South Africa)

Trevor Wilks (United Kingdom)

Henrietta (South Africa)

Viva my native Cuba! God is watching. Thank you UK for your support.

Maria Munoz (United States of America)

steve hirschhorn (United Kingdom)

Rupert Page (United Kingdom)

Thank you from an American who considers our current administration to be most inhumane and heartless.

Hallie Feldman (United States of America)

This is a worldwide medical and humanitarian emergency in which politics should play no part.

Mairead Tagg (United Kingdom)

Simon Shew (United Kingdom)

After fifty years of abuse committed against the Cuban people by our U.S. government, there had been nothing gained other than constant misery and poverty endured by the fine people of Cuba. Out odds high time to stop this obscured illegal blockade against the fine Cuban people.

Nizar ibrahim (United States of America)

Diane Lefley (United Kingdom)

D. Estrada (United States of America)

Sending solidarity from UK

Marlene Hutchinson (United Kingdom)


Chris Tiffany (United States of America)

Lewis Coyne (United Kingdom)

Caleb Granger (United States of America)

Walter J Ballin (United States of America)

Jerina Demolon (Belgium)

Fran Hendry (Canada)

I believe under the circumstances we should only be conserned about keeping all the people in Cuba safe and from spreading the virous as much as possible! Can we please put politics aside, if only at least until this pandemic is over!

Flower Peña (United States of America)

This time of crisis, there are no borders, we have to help each other, please show that the UK is still the Nation the world believes it is, and send whatever help we can to Cuba

John Lowe (United Kingdom)

Anne Jones (Australia)

Bonnie Rico (United States of America)

It's past time to end this inefectual, inhumane blockade

Eric Skup (Canada)

Sherry Byers (United States of America)

Bruce R. Allen (Canada)

Jesse (United States of America)

I want to thank the British government for recognizing the great efforts made by Cuba to help it's citizens. Cuba go's far & beyond what most countries in the world do to help other in times of great need such as in medical assistance. Even tough Cuba is a relatively poor country it still helps any other nation to the best of it's abilities.

Bruce Hale (Canada)

Michelle Pangindian (Canada)

Armando navarro (United States of America)

Marsha Tamblyn (United States of America)

End the illegal blockade on Cuba. People are dying

Rachel Barr (United States of America)

Daryl turcott (United States of America)

Maureen Gorsuch (United States of America)

It is time for the British government to show some common humanity and support to the people of Cuba. They treated Britain with decency and generosity, we need to do the same.

Paul Rechnitz (United Kingdom)

Finimo Kieribo (United Kingdom)

Angela Aguilar (United States of America)

For 61 years now, the name "Cuba" has been synonymous with humanity, compassion, and solidarity. LET CUBA LIVE!!

Carol Cross (United States of America)

I have recently returned from a delegation to Cuba and have seen first hand how much the blockade hurts the Cuban people. It is immoral and it must be ended. For Cuba: I love Cuba and the people. I learned so much about solidarity and love from them.

Deborah Niebuhr (United States of America)

Cllr Bill Shields (United Kingdom)

As always, a step above the rest! Cuba you continue to amaze me! Viva Cuba!

Jennifer Harrington (United States of America)

Mona Seredin (United States of America)

I add my name to the people who are urging the British government to send a strong message to the United States government to end it blockade on Cuba

Lynne Alton (Canada)

Hasta la victoria siempre

Osmay Moya Miranda (Cuba)

This is a battle against a virus. It shouldn’t be against different countries!

Alexandra Reuss (United Kingdom)

Anandi Ramamurthy (United Kingdom)

Willie Lesslie (United Kingdom)

El Pueblo unido hamas sera vencido.Dios los bendiga

Richard Pagan (United States of America)

Pedro (United States of America)

Mike Barnshaw (United Kingdom)

should be the golden rule, cuba is no harm to US, so our government in our name should not be causing them pain with an embargo

david paul (United States of America)

Minnesota Congressional members of Congress act on what you say you want. Introduce a resolution to end the US blockade on Cuba and travel restrictions on Americans wanting to go to Cuba.

Gregory Klave (United States of America)

Leo Reyes (United States of America)

Len Allen (Jamaica)

Sheniece Bunyan (United States of America)

basta! cuba libre!

silvia vianna la camera (Brazil)

Lift the genocidal sanctions on Cuba once and for all. Thank you Cuba for your medical missions around the globe, your ”army of white coats” are an inspiration. Solidarity ✊

Jaime (United States of America)

Cuba never ceases to amaze me with it social conscience and consistent social action. Such a small country bullied for years and still considered a threat? .. just does not make any sense at all. On top of that the US just enforced the blockade by refusing to be the delivery agent of much needed medical supplies during this Covid-19 pandemic. The blockade is just inhumane.

Sandra Brown (Canada)

Viva Cuba

Mark Currie (Canada)

marilyn frankenstein (United States of America)

Cuban revolution and subsequent socialism on balance remains something fellow socialists can be proud of and something which makes the U.S. and its sustained trade embargo the international disgrace it truly is, especially when Cuba always does its best to contribute whatever aid it can in support of international human well-being and rights

Alan Debenham (United Kingdom)

Fern Gratia (United States of America)

Betsy Irving (United States of America)

Viva Cuban. Viva solidarity. Viva Socialism

LM Santamera (United Kingdom)

Alex Leadbetter (United Kingdom)

John Rudiak (United States of America)

Sara Bahrehmand (United States of America)

Nicole J. Auffant (United States of America)

Stanley Kaster (United States of America)

Julia Morgan (Canada)

Ana Afonso (Portugal)

End the blockade

Joel Schwartz (United States of America)

Ray Michaeli (United Kingdom)

The US Government must lift the blockade immediately. It is unconscionable that a whole people are punished especially in this time of world crisis due to COVID-19. I urge the British government to call on its ally to act now.

Gloria La Riva (United States of America)

John M Gaige (United States of America)

Aurrera Kuba! Independentzia eta sozialismoa! Inperialismoaren suntsipena lortu harte! Besarkada internazionalista Euskal Herritik

Jon Andonegi (Spain)

Dawn wright (United Kingdom)

Douglas Spalding (United States of America)

Rhiannon Davies (Canada)

Hilda ailasdatter (Denmark)

Jose A Soler (United States of America)

Stephanie Mills (United Kingdom)

Dr. F Taylor (United States of America)

Terry Gallagher (United Kingdom)

During this time of global upheaval and our fight against a common enemy - Covid 19, it is time to DROP THE BLOCKADE

Deno De Ciantis (United States of America)

Aleksandar Radojcic (United States of America)

Haifa Miller (Canada)

roni garcia (Philippines)

Gabriel (United States of America)

¡Cuba sí, bloqueo no!

William D Mitchell (United States of America)

Scott Clifford (Australia)

Cuba--muchisimas gracias por la solidaridad con los trabajadoes en todo el mundo!

Gloria Rubac (United States of America)

Michele Robert's (Canada)

Esse embargo americano a Cuba é criminoso!

Maria Isis (Brazil)

Sandhya (South Africa)

Graham Maclellan (United Kingdom)

Patrick Thomas Sudlow (Portugal)

Stay strong

Shireen leacock (Guyana)

Tatia Ash (United States of America)

Gloria Sellers (United States of America)

Please make this stop. Cubans step up, every time, to send support and medical aid around the world in times of crisis. That the embargo still exists is disgusting. That it would be used now to keep aid from Cuban people is abhorrent, inhuman, criminal and should not be permitted. Make it stop. It is long past time that the rest of us just say “no”.

Sheila DeCuyper (Canada)

John Tilbury (United Kingdom)

by continuing to back trump and his illegal acts whilst knowingly putting many peoples lives at risk across the world then you are as culpable as trump the fool and complicit in the murder of many, one day you will be judged by the citizens of the world for your actions today

kyle austin (United Kingdom)

Margaret Gilpin (United States of America)

RICHARD CAMBRIDGE (United States of America)

Urge la colaboración a nivel mundial, queda claro, somos humanos y so.os hermanos

Sara Margarita Guadarrama Luyando (Mexico)

Leslie P Salgado (United States of America)

Peter Walford (United Kingdom)

Marion Pollack (Canada)

Jane Hotten (United Kingdom)

Susanne weston (United Kingdom)

Michelle Girard (Canada)

Please allow aid into Cuba, and end the embargo for good. It is inhumane and unnecessarily cruel. I stand with Cuba.

Rachel Dickerman (United States of America)

Coordinator Philippines Venezuela Solidarity Network (Phil-Ven-Sol)

Reihana Mohideen (Philippines)

Katie Munro (United Kingdom)

Lift this terrible embargo! Cuba is trying to help!

Sandra Ferguson (United Kingdom)

Daniel Zwickel (United States of America)

Sharon Wrobel (United States of America)

Bronach Anglin (Ireland)

Margareta Gustafsson (Sweden)

Alejandro Arana Bustamante (Mexico)

The global pandemic calls for global cooperation. The US had to lift this embargo. Thank you Cuba for your selfless help sent to the most badly affected cohntries. Respect.

Lucinda sewell (United Kingdom)

Zara (United States of America)

Christine Duffelen-Weller (United Kingdom)

Vamos Cuba!

sam hopewell (United Kingdom)

Bill Montross (United States of America)

Deborah Rushton (United Kingdom)

I will continue to support Cuba on all levels !

ARTHUR BRONSON (United States of America)


Marcela Galvan (Argentina)

Juan A. Olea (Colombia)

M Quinn (United Kingdom)

Sal Goztas (United Kingdom)

Evelina Pan (Canada)

Jerry Avise-Rouse (United States of America)

Elizabeth Falkenthal (United States of America)

Gillian de Wolf (United Kingdom)

Ammaprema Grace (United Kingdom)

Love and support to Cuba

Leigh-Ann Caron (Canada)

Angela Coleman (United Kingdom)

Cathy Ryan (United Kingdom)

sean paul (United Kingdom)

Antonio Arana Bustamante (Mexico)

Cuba is certainly one of the best countries I know of and the people who live there are second to none. What is being done to this country is very cruel and I join with you in hopes of changing the atrocities being used to demoralize the Cuban people.

Lorraine (Canada)

To the UK government: Donald Trump has rightly been called a sociopathic buffoon - and a globally dangerous one at that. You don't have to hang onto his coat tails. For once, do the right thing and back Cuba.

Shereen Pandit (United Kingdom)

Vegeir Larsen (Norway)

lisa (United Kingdom)

Have some humanity and support Cuba!

Sue Lefley (United Kingdom)

Ben Russell (United States of America)

I sign this gladly, in solidarity with a country which shows that humanity is not just a word.

David Forbes (United Kingdom)

larry skwarek (Canada)

The shining example of Cuban international solidarity is something we can all learn from - but now is also the time to reciprocate and show that same solidarity with the Cuban people. End the blockade now!

Oliver Little (United Kingdom)

Sasha Das Gupta (United Kingdom)

John Blewett (United Kingdom)

Cuba no merece tanto daño

Yanciel (Canada)

#CubaSalva |Viva Cuba!

odalys oriol miranda suarez (Cuba)

Petter Matthews (United Kingdom)

Stop the criminal embargo against this country!

Evan Larsen (United States of America)

Sue Stelfox (United Kingdom)

Heather (France)

Peter Vince (United Kingdom)

Cuba gives help. Give Cuba help.

Colin watson (United Kingdom)

Sarah Carroll (United States of America)

Walter Tillow (United States of America)

UK and EU must immediately respond to the US sanctions against Cuba by imposing similar sanctions on USA until all US sanctions on Cuba are withdrawn. This outrageous and shameful economic war on the heroic small Caribbean country must end now!

Hampus Cronander (Sweden)

Abdullah Suliman (South Africa)

David H Hawkes (United Kingdom)

YHAMIR CHABUR (United States of America)

Brian Garman (United Kingdom)


Jason Jones (United States of America)

This is completely unconscionable.

Sandy Katz (Canada)

Ben Ewing (United Kingdom)

The world work together while Trump continues his insane, inhumane power game. Thank you Cuba for your doctor's help and risking their lives in Europe.

Margaret Greig (United Kingdom)

Do the right thing

Steven Carter (United Kingdom)

Enid Ruiz (United States of America)

LH (United Kingdom)

Trevor (United Kingdom)

Steven Phillips (United Kingdom)

Well done Cuba, as always 💙❤️

Kathryn Arogundade (United Kingdom)

Andréia (Netherlands)

It's time to stop this foolishness...

Gary Fontaine (Canada)

Lucy duncanson (United Kingdom)

Adria (Netherlands)

Manuel Varo Barranco (Spain)

we have much to thank Cuba for showing how to be friend of all humaniy.

maurice Sharp (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for being generous and compassionate to those in need, just as you always are. May you stay safe.

Amanda Leon (United Kingdom)

Heather Rutherford (United Kingdom)

George Strunz (Canada)

Cuba and its people have struggled endlessly against the cruel USA embargo, many countries and many Americans deem this embargo to be unfair, inhumane and illegal. Please take a minute to sign the enclosed message, Support the Cuban People. Support Human Rights.

Ruth Larson (Canada)

Please sign and help cuba it is a country that is always in my heart not only a beautiful country but is full of amazing people that are trying to help during these trying times they need help too but are trying to give help as much as everyone else

Julie mcComish (United Kingdom)

If cuba needs assistance then they should get, no mater what.. This is not a political, or should i say it should not be a political problem its humanitarian problem, cuba and its people deserve the help for they are quick enough to give it,

wayne trumper (United Kingdom)


Demand the US end the blockade imediately.

Mia Stubbendorff (Sweden)

Steve Tunstall (United Kingdom)

We have been to Cuba a few times, the people are so kind and generous of spirit. They deserve to be cared for and treated fairly

Mick Gisbey (United Kingdom)

Ian Histed (Canada)

Sharon Bott (United Kingdom)

To Cuba a country I respect for the commitment to its people. It's policies of education & health and especially the happiness of its people. The bully boy tactics of the American government against Cuba and its people over the last 60 years, must stop.

David Bolton (United Kingdom)

Demand the US end the blockade immediately. The reasons are obvious

Mechthild Taylor (United Kingdom)

Dawn Smith (United Kingdom)

What message does blocking very much needed aid send in this time of crisis ? The message is cruelty and nothing less. These are challenging times for all of us. We have to pull together to combat this or we will never get rid of this virus or get it under control.

Vincent Pietromartire (United States of America)

Branca (Canada)

Shelagh McDougall (United Kingdom)

Having spent lots if time in cuba and having Cuban friends we love and support you x

Helen Douglas (United Kingdom)

British, US and Cuban people have nothing but love and respect for each other. It is our hopeless governments which spoil the world we live in, in our name. We must overthrow them and reach out to one another in solidarity against disease, want and injustice. Vive Che Guevara!

Bruce Whitehead (United Kingdom)

Colleen McConville (Canada)

Anna-Marie (Canada)

Lyn Wilson (United States of America)

Vermeulen. (Netherlands)

Tom kennedy (United Kingdom)

The US should end all economic sanctions, starting with Cuba..

Ann Montague (United States of America)

Muchas Gracas Cuba for your unwavering solidarity.

Brenda Durdle (Canada)

For UK government, please ask your US allies to put aside political differences and economic sanctions and put humanity first by lifting the blockade. For Cuba, thank you for all you do to share your medical expertise across the World.

Andy Munro (United Kingdom)

Jane Reynolds (United Kingdom)

Howard Armstrong (United Kingdom)

Paul Shepherd (United Kingdom)

Gem Drew (United Kingdom)

You will be responsible for the death of people who have done nothing wrong to you. It will be on your conscience, and weighed when your soul is examined.

Marjory Lucey Bowen (United States of America)

Many of us have enjoyed lovely holidays in Cuba. The people were delightful. Why are we persisting with the vindictive embargo? Are we just scared of the vindictive Trump? It is an outrage and it makes me ashamed that we haven't the guts to do what is right. Shame on you!

Sheila Moore (United Kingdom)

Lisette Johannsen (Denmark)

Cicely Gill (United Kingdom)

Josephine Slater (United Kingdom)

Jane Travis (United Kingdom)

The American government is behaing as it always has - like criminals! This racket has to be ended NOW!

Russell Matthews (United Kingdom)

Sangita Patel (United Kingdom)

Anna Marie carty (United Kingdom)

garry quintana (United States of America)

The blockade is a crime against the Cuban people and humanity.

Barry Ellman (South Africa)

With this action, the USA has shown a complete disregard for human dignity and human life.

Robert Clark (United Kingdom)

USA stop killing people and country's now. Shame on you.

Tevin (United States of America)

Roland Lam (United Kingdom)

Kevin (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba. I hope you win against this injustice.

Leeanna Hassen (United Kingdom)

Tony Tracy (Canada)

Charles I. Auffant (United States of America)

George Farmer (United Kingdom)

Chrissie Burdett (United Kingdom)

Celine (United Kingdom)

Dan Parks (United Kingdom)

Irène Hill (United Kingdom)

¡mantenerte fuerte! ¡el mundo está de tu lado! 💖

Julie LaSalle (Canada)

Francesca Morton Navarra (United Kingdom)

Help those that help the world

mohr raymond (Luxembourg)

Please end the blockade! With the world in the COVID19 pandemic, we all need to work together!

Iris Taylor (Canada)

Matthew Crighton (United Kingdom)

Ad van Beek (Netherlands)

Jean-Paul BATISSE (France)

Kenneth Nkadimeng (South Africa)

Jenny (United Kingdom)

Pamela Ireland (United Kingdom)

Keith Simpson (United Kingdom)

nora knight (United Kingdom)

John Furzeland (United Kingdom)

Peter Sheridan (United Kingdom)

Frank Roche (United Kingdom)

David Francis McCouaig (United Kingdom)

Spencer Shaw (United Kingdom)

Teresita Lopez (Canada)

Charlie Mower (United Kingdom)

Surely to God at a time like this every country world wide should be working together to try and help each other!

Michael Gilman (United Kingdom)

in these desperate times lets pause beat the virus then you can go back the way if you want

alan (United Kingdom)

The threat of a good example always shames social pariahs!

Danny Dayus (United Kingdom)

Marisol Archuleta (United States of America)

Stop allowing Trump to behave like a petulant toddler. It was long since agreed that neither the Cuban government nor it’s people pose a threat to any other country in the world. They go out of their way to support those in need (unlike the US government) and the politics being displayed by Trump and his cronies are inhumane, criminal and warped.

Helen Gardiner (United Kingdom)

Catherine Murphy (United Kingdom)

Please please support Cuba. The people are hungry!

Maureen Moss (Spain)

Now is the time for all countries, individuals to get it together and UNITE! United We Stand - Divided We Fall!


Karen Hubbard (United Kingdom)

Viva la solidaridad Cubana!!! Viva la revolución!!! Viva la humanidad del pueblo cubano!!!

Rebeca Anais Gregorio Sanchez (Mexico)

Michael Marchman (United States of America)

Help them!!!!!

Mark Perry (United Kingdom)

Antonio Vicente Carrillo Paños (Spain)

Jessica Weaver (United Kingdom)

Terran Clayton (Canada)

Jaiyeola (Nigeria)

Laurie (Canada)

Now we are all in the same ship. if the United States of America can receive help from Russia and China, at least they must show responsibility and empathy with Cuba. It's enough!Finish the blockade!!

Ricardo Raúl Lampugnani Rodrí (Spain)

Peter Wilcox (United Kingdom)

Rona Drennan (United Kingdom)

You have set an example to the nations on how humanitarian you are as a nation. Reaching out to help others when in need and for this I thank you deeply from my heart

Valerie Williams (United Kingdom)

Colette (United Kingdom)

Peter Matthews (United Kingdom)

Brian Lester (United Kingdom)

Ferd Wulkan (United States of America)

Felipe de Jesús Cervantes Pé (Mexico)

Please show some simple human decency.

Steven Farrell (United Kingdom)

Phil Coales (United Kingdom)

Cuba merece el respeto mundial y el fin del bloqueo que sufre.

Elizabeth Cordone (Chile)

Cuba is a shining example of international solidarity to support the people of the world. The doctors who travel to Italy, Venezuela, Nicaragua and all countries in the world despite the U.S blockade. It offered support to the USA during Hurrican Katrina, which the Bush Administration rejected. Rather than offering its own assistance, the Trump administration has even tightened the blockade against Cuba and imposed more sanctions against Venezuela. Who is the example of true solidarity for the people of the world? Viva Cuba!

Stuart Ryan (Canada)

The UK Government needs to learn a lesson or two from our Cuban comrades. Internationalism Solidarity Healthcare

Alex Ehrlich (United Kingdom)


Robert (United Kingdom)

Ziakou Katerina (Greece)

Fuerza Cuba por la vida

Miguel Mora Witt (Ecuador)

Tout le monde est important peu importe sa nationalité

Johanne Varin (Canada)

Lois Bolton (United Kingdom)

Caroline Lackey (Cayman Islands)

Valentina Pinto (United States of America)

To block aid that is potentially could save lives is a murderous act!

Liam Ó Duibh (Ireland)

During a worldwide pandemic in which millions may die, it's time to put aside political differences, work together as an international community, and end the sanctions.

Susan Triolo (United States of America)

Cuba sends medical help around the world. It deserves all our support.

Pauline Bryan Baroness Bryan of Partick (United Kingdom)

Gert Danneker (Sweden)

Karin Danneker (Sweden)

Stay safe!

Diane Rouillier (Canada)

I support this initiative from our friends of the CSC i Uk. They are best expression of solidarity with Cuba. Thank you for defending our right to live without blockade.

Gabriela Iser Cutiño (Cuba)

We should all unite as one, we're in this together, love you Cuba and stay safe

SusanFoster (United Kingdom)

During a worldwide pandemic from which millions of people may very well die is a time to come together in cooperation and to put political differences aside.

David Greenberg (United States of America)

Roland Pieters (Canada)

John Bray (United Kingdom)

To reciprocate the support the Cuban people have given the world requires that there be no blockade!

Caterina Skiniotou (United States of America)

Rhonda Ricci (Canada)

Mo Dsvirs (Australia)

Rodrigo Da Silva (United Kingdom)

Jane Ostrenga (United States of America)

Carl Parkinson (United Kingdom)

Rita Beraldo (United Kingdom)

Hands off Cuba. Sanctions kill. Viva Cuba libre.

Roberto Roibal (United States of America)

Viva Cuba!

Albert Grochowski (Poland)

Cuba is proof that another world is possible -- a world of solidarity and compassion for everyone.

E. Martin Schoz, MD (United States of America)

Stewart Seidel (Canada)

Andrea Banks-Staszak (United Kingdom)

Roxana Martín Ramos (Cuba)

Thomas Fraser (Canada)

This is theft of property, of protection, of lives. End this stranglehold on Cuba.

Christine McQuillan (Ireland)

R (United Kingdom)

Karina Chi (Mexico)

Obijah Greaux (United States of America)

Duncan macpherson (United Kingdom)

It's about Global Citizens working together to improve the health of humanity regardless of ideology or politics and this gesture from the Cuban Government is a gesture for the health of all so I welcome the British Government and Cuba working to address and solve this and other health apademics.

Timothy Mayo (United States of America)

Well done Cuba! As usual you put the rest of the world to shame!

Lesley Crawford (United Kingdom)

Avec vous, de tout coeur!


Alex Rimmer (United Kingdom)

Claudia rojo (Mexico)

Nalda Vigezzi (United States of America)

Roberto Schiano (United Kingdom)

Stephen BLAKE (Spain)

Tibor Tothpal (Ireland)

Agradecimiento, empatía, solidaridad y amor a Cuba! Libre!

Magnolia (Mexico)

Pam Oakes (Canada)


Luis ricardo Ramirez Garcia (Mexico)

Bill ORTMAN (Canada)

Thankyou and hasta siempre

Dave Smith (United Kingdom)

Fairuz Parker (South Africa)

Please help Cuba from the embargo on medical aid from China.

Mark Wilmshurst (United Kingdom)

I have always thought you were a wonderful country and if I were able I would live there!

Margaret Kerr (United Kingdom)

Mar (Colombia)

Brad L Robinson (Canada)

Maria de los Ángeles García (Mexico)

Cuba's international mission of solidarity has given hope to many indeed of medical attention infected with COVID19. Now, there is physical evidence that the medical brigades Cuba has sent across the globe. This is a non-discriminatory virus which needs non-discriminatory action. Yet, there are continued efforts to sever supplies sent from China to Cuba because of the blockage. The blockage needs to end now so that everyone infected or could be infected have a fighting chance. Being an indigenous person from the US, our communities have inadequate resources to handle this pandemic. Cuba's aid is crucial now more than ever. Julia Bernal from the Pueblo of Sandia Nation

Julia Bernal (United States of America)

irek staszak (United Kingdom)

Loosen the noose. Let Cuba live as it enables others to do so Thanks for the solidarity (& to UK for promoting this)

cynthia roberts (United States of America)

Angus Sproul (United Kingdom)

Abimael H. Noguez (Mexico)

Fanny Ortiz (United States of America)

Rebecca Smyth (United Kingdom)


Theodosia Batzanaki (Greece)

Deirdre Whelan (Ireland)

Donna Burton (Canada)

Cuba acts in solidarity with humanity. US acts to sanction and blockade humanity.

Lee Artz (United States of America)

It is oh so over due. Now is the time.

David Dean (Guatemala)

Phoebe Arrowsmith-Brown (United Kingdom)

Rosie Wild (United Kingdom)

Gabriela Mora (United Kingdom)

Andrea Nation (United Kingdom)

The Cuban people need as much help as any other country and do not deserve to be treated as low class citizens.

Jane Kwas (Canada)

Joel Sanz Hernandez (Cuba)

Jackie Dabbs (United Kingdom)


Janet bryan (United Kingdom)

Rena Leib (United States of America)

I pledge my solidarity with Cuba.

Issa Gariseb (Namibia)

Lisa Makarchuk (Canada)

Becky wood (United Kingdom)

In this pandemic Cuba have already won the hart and mind of the world. THE US MUST DO THE RIGHT THING, LIFT THE BLOCKADE NOW!

Banbose ShangoIn this (United States of America)

Ana María Maceiras (Uruguay)

Annie Hills (United Kingdom)

All humanitarian people call for the removal of the illegal U.S. blockade against Cuba and stand in solidarity with the Cuban-trained medical teams that treat the underserved around the world.

Arnold Kawano (United States of America)

Bob Guild (United States of America)

U.S. sanctions and blockades kill! The U.S. blockade on Cuba must be lifted now! #CubaIsHealth #CubaCooperates #CubaEsSalud #CubaEsSolidaridad

Tamara Hansen (Canada)

Jason Stevenson (United Kingdom)

Seriously, how can you do this at a time like this, lift all sanctions & help these people that have sent medical aid to country's all over the world.

William crozier (United Kingdom)

Jill Clark-Gollub (United States of America)

Stan Smith (United States of America)

Pam Bann (United Kingdom)

Nicola Sharp (United Kingdom)

Lewis Tunbridge (United Kingdom)

Lizbeth Vargas (Mexico)

Andrew Butterly (United Kingdom)

George Findlay (United Kingdom)

mari carmen (Spain)

Marie Barry (Ireland)

Help Cuba please

Maria mcbride (United Kingdom)

Rob francis (United Kingdom)

Leela Cubillo (United Kingdom)

Cuba's ongoing internationalism continues to be a model of solidarity for the countries of the world to emulate. Down with U.S. blockades everywhere.

Ben Lefebvre (Canada)

Es imperiosa la necesidad de terminar con el bloqueo inhumano a Cuba, país que ha demostrado su solidaridad con el mundo!

Geovanni Augusto Jaramillo Barros (Ecuador)

Harjan Bos (Netherlands)

We stand with you dearest ones - long live the revolution !

Susan Branch (United Kingdom)

Max hammond (United Kingdom)

Insist that China be allowed to deliver the shipment of tests to cuba now being held up by the U.S. embargo regulations

Merriam Ansara (United States of America)

Mary Shortall (Canada)

Lee Schlenker (United States of America)


Giel Senden (Netherlands)

Jade Zienkiewicz (United Kingdom)

Debbie Wild (United Kingdom)

No more blockade against the Cuban people. No more interventionist policy against the peoples of the world. The world claims unity and brotherhood among all human beings.

Yaudel Rodríguez Vento (Cuba)

Rick Armstrong (Canada)

Tsiaglis Xenofon (Greece)

Sheila allen (Canada)

Solidarity ✊

San Senik (United Kingdom)

Greetings, love and solidarity to the Cuban people! Cuba's international solidarity and medical assistance is a model that countries around the world should aspire towards. I hope to see the end of the evil blockade against Cuba end within my lifetime. Cuba deserves to prosper for all the good the Cuban people have done and continue to do for the world.

Shane Halliwell (United Kingdom)

Amy Richards (United Kingdom)

As a Cuban British, I urge the British government to play a decent role in confronting the Trump administration regarding the inhumane blockade imposes to the Cuban people. The solidarity and kindness of Cuban people should not be punished because they decided to stand for a sovereign country choosing their own way to build a sustainable development because the Cuban people believe that a different world is possible, more humane and kind to nature.

Miriam Palacios-Callender (United Kingdom)

Irene Spencer (United Kingdom)

This is immoral and evil when the Cubans have offered their support during these times

Frances Connell (United Kingdom)

Joanne Cooper (United Kingdom)

José Dominguez (Sweden)

Edgar E Hume IV (United States of America)

Alan Flute (United Kingdom)

Paul Bannon (United Kingdom)

Fontaine (France)

Cuba professionals, the medics the government are the first to help us and have nothing nor ask for anything in return. Let's do something for them. They are truly beautiful and amazing people. Please listen and support them.

Jo Lawrence (United Kingdom)

The time has come to lift the inhumane sanctions against Cuba. They are entitled to become one of the worlds partners, even if some influential governments oppose this. Those island people have struggled so much and do not deserve this injustice. They are always forward in offering help in disaster ateas of the world, sometimes denied by right wing governments but they put themselves (medics) at risk. This terrible world crisis of Coronavirus has put us all on the same level, time to accept a regime that has humanity in its sights ! Viva Cuba ........

Jacqueline hall (United Kingdom)

Gracias pueblo cubano por tu inmensa solidaridad con todos los pueblos del mundo!! Viva Cuba y su Revolución !!


Cuba has done nothing wrong and yet it’s treated like a leper it’s time that we should give assistance to the poor people of his wonderful country.

John mayo (United Kingdom)

Stephen Gillen (United Kingdom)


Tijn v Ewijk (Netherlands)

Please, please please, STOP the Draconian measures that are continually inflicted upon this beautiful Country and it's amazing people. Please lower your inhumane oppression and let's all HELP one and other. We are all in this together. COVID-19 #WEWILLBEATTHIS

Ian Jenkins (United Kingdom)

Emma Arctander (United States of America)

#AbajoElBloqueo Soy estudiante de Medicina y conozco de las carencias que por culpa del bloqueo sufre mi pueblo por falta de insumos para la producción de medicamentos, sin embargo somos capaces de producir medicina de gran prestigio que tampoco pueden ser adquiridas por el pueblo estadounidense. #NowIsTheTimeToLiftTheBlockade

Carlos Antonio Salinas Ramírez (Cuba)

Fin bloqueo al solidario Pueblo Cubano

Osvaldo Morales Barraza (Chile)

Karl Statton (United Kingdom)

Garth Tasker (United Kingdom)

Roberto choco fuerzacuba

Robertovillanueva (Canada)

Sandra (United Kingdom)

Nuestra Revolución siempre ha luchado por los derechos y el bienestar de su pueblo, esta es una buena oportunidad para que el gobierno de Estados Unidos enmiende todo el mal que nos ha hecho durante más de 60 años. Levanten las restricciones!!!! Abajo el Bloqueo!!! Viva la Solidaridad entre los pueblos de Estados Unidos y Cuba!!! #CubaSalvaElAmor, #NoMasBloqueo.

Aylen Lesmes Bonachea (Cuba)

Helen Astley (United Kingdom)

En estos momentos de pandemia, el bloqueo es más cruel e inhumano. Afecta a todos los cubanos y las cubanas, sin importar edad, religión, sexo o afiliación política. Es tiempo de unirnos en el mundo por un bien común. EEUU debe mostrar el lado humanística de su pueblo trabajador.#ABAJOELBLOQUEO

Sandra Yisel Ramírez Rodrígu (Cuba)

Catherine Heath (United Kingdom)

María Concepción Cabezas Car (Spain)

Trump only seeks the votes of Cuban exiles, Marco Rubio etc,. in Florida. USA already take the anti viral drugs from Cuba. "Mans inhumanity to Man"

Noel Lynch (Ireland)

adriana pérez (Mexico)

Hanako Franz (United States of America)

Jelena Mladenovic (Serbia)

I urge the British government to intervene and push for a suspension of the US blockade on Cuba.Cuba have sent help to many countries dealing with Covid 19. Only they would allow the Braemar to dock and disembark passengers so they could fly home to the uk In return i think it only fair we help Cuba and her people from this oppression from USA,it is the cuban people who have suffered continually from this embargo. Please help them as they have helped the rest of the world.

Ceris Dawson (United Kingdom)

Stephanie Muir (United Kingdom)

Gail Nayak (South Africa)

Cubans are the first to risk their lives for others. Let us please be there for them!

Carol Waldman (United States of America)

Cease immoral actions against sovereign states

Bruce Batchelor (Canada)

you should be ashamed

Lydia Thomas (United Kingdom)

Martin Doe (United Kingdom)

Please give Cuba a chance!

Prodeepta Das (United Kingdom)

David Topping (United Kingdom)

Janet Land (Canada)

helen marks (United Kingdom)

Jon Halsall (United Kingdom)

Louise houston (United Kingdom)

Basta con l'embargo.

Emanuela (Italy)

What madness is this!? Stop this insanity now!

Moira O'Driscoll (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba y su pueblo solidario

Mauricio Dimeo Coria (Mexico)

Francis Mallon (United Kingdom)

Help Cuba help us!

Paul Finlay (United Kingdom)

Angela Marsh (United States of America)

My fiancée lives in Cuba and is a Cuban National. This blockade is torture to our family,!please lift this blockade the country suffered enough and in this critical time we need their expertise

Ellysa arias (United States of America)

Christina Truscott (Canada)

Decrepit cold war US foreign policy kills Cuban people.

Sean Pogue (United States of America)

Sylvia Mack (Canada)



Angela Williams (United Kingdom)

Please help Cuba flight the virus with limited supplies they have they need United States to step on and help put out all differences aside and help them fight for people lives that’s what matters the most

Laveka Woods (United States of America)

Philip Hill (United Kingdom)

Theodora (Greece)

Please for the sake of humanity, help the PEOPLE of Cuba.

Norman Conrad (United States of America)

Henrietta Gowdie (United Kingdom)

José Miguel Vázquez Rodr& (Cuba)

Julio (Costa Rica)

Mathew Dale (United Kingdom)

Joanna Woodley (United Kingdom)

Humberto Concepción (Cuba)

¡Hasta la victoria siempre!

Lewis Akers (United Kingdom)

Lucila Monfort (Argentina)

#CubaSalva #CubaSalvaVidas #EndBlockade

Gabriel Torres Rodríguez (Cuba)

Rae Chapman (United Kingdom)

Jim Pelham (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Weiss (Germany)

Neftali Pool (Mexico)

christian roy (Canada)

Ellie S. (United States of America)

No country deserves to be exterminated by starvation and deseases. The embargo of the US Goverment against the people of Cuba is a flagrant violation of every Human right there is. Dont be part of it. Help to stop it.

Frank vazquez (Cuba)

Angela O'Donnell (Ireland)

Gracias a los amigos del mundo que promueven campañas como esta. Amor con amor se paga. Un abrazo

Yirmara Torres (Cuba)

Viva CUba!

Iñigo Martinez Zatón (Spain)

Pilar Garrido (Canada)

Miriam canf (Argentina)

#NoMásBloqueo porque son ya más de 60 años de estar violando los derechos humanos de los cubanos por parte del país más poderoso y agresivo del mundo: Estados Unidos de América

Edda Diz (Cuba)

Geoffrey Ramsden (United Kingdom)

Sebastian Aguirre (United Kingdom)

Isaura Cervantes (Mexico)

Izzy McQueen (United Kingdom)

Mohamad Haris (India)

Yankees go home!!!

Agus Widodo (Indonesia)

PALIN (France)

Stop the genocidal, cruel and absurd economic and financial blockade of the United States of America against Cuba! Cese el genocida, cruel y absurdo bloqueo económico y financiero de Estados Unidos de America a Cuba!

Fermín Rodríguez Hern&aa (Cuba)

This is just nother way for the americans to get masks and material for themselves as they do not have. I call this theft.

Nathaniel Peltier (Dominica)

Susan Baird (United Kingdom)

To the British Government Stand up and tell the USA they are wrong to do this don’t be silent.

Mick Murphy (United Kingdom)

John Turley (Ireland)

Denis Woods (Ireland)

Ana Vilma (Spain)

The humanity and generosity of the Cuban people in time of a world pandemic is truly humbling. Watching teams of Cuban doctors travel to Europe to help was incredible. It’s time that the blockade of Cuba is ended.

Mhairi (United Kingdom)

Maria Bonilla (El salvador)

Constanze chryssos (Germany)

Your solidarity inspires the whole world to do something about It.

Michelangelo Grieco Agüero (Costa Rica)

Basta ya de ese absurdo bloqueo, dejen que Cuba ayude al mundo y el mundo ayude a Cuba.

Antígona Soledad (Mexico)

Audrey (United Kingdom)

David Read (United Kingdom)

Peter Bird (United Kingdom)

Blockades now seem to be very silly. Surely this is a chance for all to forgive and forget ??

Robert A White (United Kingdom)

John Hayden (United Kingdom)

Barnabas-Francis macPhail (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba libre!

Paula Rebeca Córdoba Zumbado (Costa Rica)

Phil mc Cullough (Ireland)

Eileen Kelly (United Kingdom)

Ramadji (United States of America)

Pierce Gormley (Ireland)

Just think Cuban medical personnel would willingly come to the assistance of the NHS and work side by side with the staff here.

Ryvan Hurley (United Kingdom)

kimberley Ireland (United Kingdom)

Annette E Szumski (United States of America)

Ansaaf Mohamed (South Africa)

Good on 'e - again

Jim Carroll (Ireland)

Lina Vidal (Peru)

Berry (South Africa)

Victor Mohedano Torres (Spain)

This illegal, immoral and unjust economic blockade by the United States must be brought to an end, by force if necessary.

John Christopher (United Kingdom)

Hilary Williams (United Kingdom)

Levanten el bloqueo a Cuba 🇨🇺✊🏽

Christopher Laffosse Barrientos (Costa Rica)

If ever there were a moment for international solidarity instead of polarised alliance with the USA it is now. A chance for UK to lead and not follow

Holly aylett (United Kingdom)

The United States Government should allow the donation of critical medical supplies to reach Cuba. Where is the U.S. Government's humanitarian impulse?

Michael Norris (Dominica)

Robert Lorimer (Sweden)

Patricia Tennant (United Kingdom)

Mark Warin (United Kingdom)

Dorotea Rosa (Italy)

Siana Hughes (United Kingdom)

Celine Camerlynck (United Kingdom)

Even in these unprecedented times the US blockade seeks to harm the innocent people of Cuba. The Cubans have been proactive in supplying expertise to other affected nations Globally and yet must somehow still bow down to the US and Donald Trump. This blockade must end so that Cuba can receive these vital supplies and not be treated as an enemy of the world.

Marcus Baudet (United Kingdom)

Solidarity to our Cuban brothers and sisters

Jeff Davies (United Kingdom)

It is time the Draconian and murderous blockade and embargo on Cuba is ended once and for all. Cuba helps save lives around the world, you should take a leaf from their book.

Carol Lyon (United Kingdom)

Ravi Mistry (United Kingdom)

Paul Westwood (United Kingdom)

ruben (Spain)

PAOLA (United Kingdom)

Ravin Ramjit (Trinidad and Tobago)

Cormac O Briain (United Kingdom)

Cuba enche o peito de esperança

Vitor Inglez de Souza (Brazil)

Cambiemos de página a la historia ... Solidaridad con Cuba.

Rosalba Flores Ramos (Mexico)

Please help Cuba like Cuba is now helping Monserrat!

Emma Piercy (United Kingdom)

Shelley Heathcote (Canada)

Our organisation"Mothers against war Berlin Brandenburg" was from the beginning on, on the side of Cuba against the US-blockade.Now, Cuba has shown csolidarity with your country in the time of coronavirus. Because of it it is really time,that the British government makes urgent representations to the Trump administration to lift the blockade today.

Brigitte Queck (Germany)

Louise O’Hare (United Kingdom)

David Lloyd (United Kingdom)

Victor (Spain)

Tania del Ciello (Italy)

Lorenzo Zizzi (Italy)

The US and trump in particular are the lowest of the low who are interesten in themselves and nobody else in a time of global crisis. Cuba, on the other hand, has offered support and help worldwide! I know who I would choose to be with in any emergency.

Simon Ashley Cross (United Kingdom)

In the spirit of our greater humanity, please end the blockade on the Cuban people, they are a part of the world and deserve to be a part of our greater family of humanity.

Gerald La Touche (United Kingdom)

Stop the global injustices. Stop the Wars

Sadick Mohamed (United Kingdom)

Kevin Craigens (United Kingdom)

Please help Cuba - we are all in this together!

Gemma moroney (United Kingdom)

Martin Szyler (Australia)

Que viva el pueblo cubano y que viva su solidaridad internacionalista! Gracias Cuba, gracias Socialismo!

Diego Carrasco (Spain)

Gill Ottewell (United Kingdom)

Sylvia Velasquez (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba. It is shameful that the US empire should continue trying to cripple Cuba by maintaining its absolutely criminal blockade against the island during such a pivotal crisis in world history. The British government should absolutely speak out against this atrocious behavior. Stand with Cuba and the Cuban people. For a nation like Great Britain, which stands for democracy and justice, there is no alternative. This is no time for neoliberal aggression. Do not kowtow to US aggression. Do the right thing.

Michael Conroy (United Kingdom)

This is plain evil, and Satanic from a president and political system, mainly brought by so-called pro-life Christians. See to the good solidarity of Cuba and learn from them.

Ketil Thoreby (Norway)

Simon Harris (United Kingdom)

Cheryl Parry (United States of America)

Dan Carter (United Kingdom)

I convey my sincere solidarity to the people of cuba . Stay safe . Thank you for the doctors of cuba who have helped in this situation

Biraj Thapa (Nepal)

Chester Cornford (United Kingdom)

steven oneil (United States of America)

To the British government, stop being complicit in the illegal blockade of Cuba.

Nick Brownlee (United Kingdom)

Kilmeny Holleran (United Kingdom)

Thank you, Cuba, for your altruistic approach. We can all learn from you.

Jean Kelly (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba!

João Pedro Nardy (Brazil)

Barbara Buckley (United Kingdom)

Isabel Fernández Sánchez (Spain)

Janet Rudge (United Kingdom)

Laura Louise Hullah (United Kingdom)

Simon Walsh (United Kingdom)

At this time of international crisis we should all be coming to each other’s aid, in the same way that Cuba has come to our aid. Now is not the time for blockades!

N. Housham (United Kingdom)

Stewart Perkins (United Kingdom)

Carol Sayers (United Kingdom)

Lisa (United Kingdom)

Jane Smith (United Kingdom)

Paul Cowle (United Kingdom)

Corey Scott (United States of America)

Chris Stephens MP (United Kingdom)

Tamsin Dunwoody (United Kingdom)

Do the Right Thing!

Colin De Frritadr (Trinidad and Tobago)

Franco Consales (United Kingdom)

Gill Griffin (United Kingdom)

Robert O'Keefe (Australia)

Cuba is an example of solidarity and humanity! Abajo el bloqueo! Viva Cuba!

Julian (Sweden)

Anne Pollitt (United Kingdom)

Paul Wade (United Kingdom)

laura kelly (United Kingdom)

Julia Blalock (United Kingdom)

Christine Carlson (United Kingdom)

Cuba has been an example to the world -- US must now abandon its sanctions in these troubled times -- it's called humanity

Robert Larkins (United Kingdom)

Tea Jonsson (Sweden)

Ishmaelah Mikea (Australia)

Cathaoir Cassidy (United Kingdom)

This is disgraceful and tantamount to murder!

Bernie Woods (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba 🌹

Else Panayi (United Kingdom)

Christopher Emonds (United Kingdom)

¡Viva la Cuba!

J (Jamaica)

Ghayur Bangash (United Kingdom)

James Davies (United Kingdom)

Take the help we've been offered without looking at the politics

Terry Eaton (United Kingdom)

M. Pacariz (Germany)

BY supporting this noble cause, we are supporting humanity

Jose-Aristides Rodriguez-Chacon (United Kingdom)

Marina Maley (United Kingdom)

Aglaios Kairos (Greece)

George Dillon (United Kingdom)

Calum Sherwood (United Kingdom)

Louis Allday (United Kingdom)

Briony (United Kingdom)

El bloqueo... no mâs!

Regis Pare (Canada)

Glen Robinson (United Kingdom)

When Prince Charles and Camilla went to Cuba, they were welcomed as they would have undoubtedly been in Caribbean Commonwealth territories. The Braemar cruise ship was not allowed into port in those Commonwealth territories and support came from Cuba, allowing their limited resources to be directed towards the humanitarian priority of getting sick British people home. It is time this country identified humanitarian priorities and stopped cow-towing to the US. It is your job also as members of the UN Security Council to inhibit the actions of countries acting illegally and persecuting others. Only the US and Israel vote against the UN Assembly motion to end the blockade. It's about time the British government grew some and start to flout the US imposed rules as the US flouts international law. British government. You need to act

JACKIE CANNON (United Kingdom)

Gracias Cuba por tanto. Cuba libre de bloqueo!!!!

Xavier Ilich (Mexico)

Hongjian Luo (United Kingdom)

Eoin (United States of America)

Cuba - thank you for all of the help you have given others. Mr Raab, please support Cuba by adding the UK's government weight to this campaign.

Alan Cottle (United Kingdom)

Zarah Sultana MP (United Kingdom)

Jenni Britton (United Kingdom)

DAVID KERR (United Kingdom)

Anselma (Cuba)

Don Norris (United Kingdom)

D Beswick (United Kingdom)

Fresia Rojas (United Kingdom)

Fatima Swartz (South Africa)

Mario Piro (United Kingdom)

Comrades together, we are one or not at all.

Alistair Smyth (United Kingdom)

Let Cuba decide, please!

Jason Pullinger (United Kingdom)

Giorgio Riva (United Kingdom)


Every human being deserves a decent chance at survival.. I implore all governments to work together to defeat this virus, Cubans should be afforded the same chances as everyone else. Cut the red tape, breakdown the barriers and work together to ameliorate this human crisis Dave Cole

Dave Cole (United Kingdom)

Cuba is sending doctors in 12 countries to fight the pandemic COVID-19. Western countries are blocking them from having medicines for their own people. This is an unjust crime and has to be stopped immediately!

Samuel Iembo (Switzerland)

Jürgen Breustedt (Germany)

Ibrahim (United Kingdom)

Lisa Elwart (Italy)

Fiona (United Kingdom)


Arththy Arumugam (United Kingdom)

Rowan (United Kingdom)

Sinan Uğur (Turkey)

Iain Hysom (United Kingdom)

Please lift the blocaid

Christine perkins (United Kingdom)

Andrena (United Kingdom)

Frank Pring (United Kingdom)

Stop criminal us and british imperialism

Andrés Bryant (France)

June Hodgson (United Kingdom)

Shane Smith (United Kingdom)

Refie Hyusein (United Kingdom)

Montse Suárez Pérez (Spain)

Richard Cole (United Kingdom)

Juliet Price (United Kingdom)

Dave Merrett (United Kingdom)

Katie Perkins-Rees (United Kingdom)


Paco Castro Berrojo (Spain)

Cuba have shown compassion , humanity and solidarity to other countries throughout this pandemic. The world must thank them for these acts of compassion by standing up for them and demanding and end to this evil , vindictive blockade.

Barry Strain (United Kingdom)

Pat Turnbull (United Kingdom)


Rocio Osorio (Germany)

Gary butler (United Kingdom)

Vyomesh Thanki (United Kingdom)

We must allow Cuba to access what they need to fight this awful virus.

Louise Gisbey (United Kingdom)

Rebecca Fawkes (United Kingdom)

Susanne Kren (Germany)

What the people of Cuba have achieved, despite 60 years of brutal US sanctions, is utterly remarkable. Cuba is a shining example of compassion and common humanity in this time of global challenge. Thank you Cuba!

Lee Johnson (United Kingdom)

Col Walder (United Kingdom)

Rosemary Boothroyd (Australia)

The Cuban people have suffered enough. Please press the US government to let Cuba rebuild itself by not stopping other countries from trading or helping it. REmidn the US that there is no Communist threat in this day and age!

Hana Smith (Canada)

Charlotte (United Kingdom)

Harald Pacariz (Germany)

Kenia Denise Avendaño (Spain)

The Missile crisis and cold war are over, the time for the U.S to end this embargo is long overdue

Luke Marek (United States of America)

Debra McLoughlin (Australia)

roger jones (United Kingdom)

Bandi S Thanki (United Kingdom)

Thank you so much Cuba for your generous flow of humanity and skills to all those countries battling the pandemic, including to British tourists who needed help. Cuban doctors have also been sent to South Africa in the past, another commendable act of compassion. I personally stand with Cuba for its humanitarian behaviour. Britain has a duty to tell Trump to end this collective punishment of the Cuban people. What Trump is doing is surely not even legal. Are we too as a people in support of petty, cruel tyranny or are we better than this? I hope the latter.

Monique Buckner (United Kingdom)

Mustafa Erdogan (Turkey)

The help of Cuban drs has been invaluable in the global fight against the Coronavirus. It's time for the world to give something back. End the trade blockade with Cuba.

Kevin Patrick McFadden (United Kingdom)

Janine Brady (United Kingdom)

Linda (South Africa)

Evil of greed must stop.

Baruch Avraham (Israel)

Chris George (United Kingdom)

Kimberly Urrea (United States of America)

Mar (Mexico)

Μαρία (Greece)

steve lewis (United Kingdom)

Andrew Davies (United Kingdom)

Bryon Smith (United Kingdom)

Evangelos Psarianos (Greece)

Selda (United Kingdom)

Callum Joe Pogson (United Kingdom)


Zulema Armas Mojena (Cuba)

Paul Reed (United Kingdom)

Jude Dever (United Kingdom)

Phil Hodkinson (United Kingdom)

Ian Caulfield (United Kingdom)

Sandra Aguila (United Kingdom)

Shane Ralph (Australia)

Fella (Indonesia)

Cdiego nandayapa deciga (Mexico)

Paddy (United Kingdom)

Ying-Mei Chiang (Taiwan)

Viva Cuba libre

Walter Nandayapa (Mexico)

Todos los pueblos del mundo junto a Cuba..!!!

Luis Alberto Pasalagua (Argentina)

Abe Malek (Uzbekistan)


Paul Gallagher (Australia)

Ann-Marie JOHNSON (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba!

Ruth Payne (Canada)

Arzu barin (Canada)

End the blockade

Noel Washington (Australia)

Yunia Caballero Parra (United States of America)

Couldn't agree more with the letter above. Cuba has done so much for humankind around the world, they (at the very least) deserve thisq

Morga Jones-Williams (United Kingdom)

Hardev Sidhu (Canada)

Ricky Grimes (United Kingdom)

The American blockade of Cuba is unjust and inhumane, and needs to end immediately.

Craig Mankin (United States of America)

Md Abdul Alim (United Kingdom)

Jesse Dubreuil (Canada)

María Lavaggi (Canada)

Damiri (Indonesia)

Cuban healthcare is truly an inspiration. Imagine what its potential would be without the blockade. !Adelante Cuba!

Hugh (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba libre del bloqueo!!

Yalú Déciga (Mexico)

Annafi (Indonesia)

Basta de bloqueos criminales! Viva Cuba.

Gloria Ovalle Molina (Chile)

Marjanne Wielenga (Netherlands)

Gracias revolución cubana!! Combativo y revolucionario saludo!!. Fidel chavez y el Che Guevara viven!! La lucha sigue!!. Exigimos el desbloqueo a Cuba, a l@s gring@s!!.

Jose Henry Ramírez Carvajal (Colombia)

Dhanty (Indonesia)

Andres Amade (Argentina)

Sarinah (Indonesia)

Ozgur Ozel (United Kingdom)

Kerima Mohideen (United Kingdom)

Abajo el bloquo! Somos seres humanos,merecemos respeto.

Yoel Díaz Temprano (Cuba)

These people are an example to us all. Please treat them with humanity, and show that we are all in this together.

Kirsty Gascoin (Singapore)

El pueblo unido jamás será vencido, hasta la victoria siempre!

Pablo Irigoyen (United Kingdom)

Carol Byrne (Greece)

Emma keeley (United Kingdom)

Help for health in Cuba!

gonzalo pinto (Chile)

Marianna (Greece)

Sofie kleberg (United Kingdom)

Tsung-lin Wu (United Kingdom)

Jim Cochran (United Kingdom)

Elaine Fullaway (United Kingdom)

Denise Taylor (United Kingdom)

Ann Rupp (Germany)

This is been happen since I know and is only because all this Cuban who living in USA have a big vote for became a president?? I believe this is wrong is kids, mother sister and brother that we all have and is not human to close door to Cuba. A country that is always in 1st line to help and have humanitary. Please for GOD save stop this I love my friends family and I love my country!! ❤️ Is not about government is about been a loyalt citizen be human.

Judith (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade - it is overdue and affects first and foremost the cuban population

Kristin Eriksen (Norway)

Kathleen Periam (United Kingdom)

behrooz sooren (Austria)

Rochelle Guignard (Canada)

İnsanlık dışı abluka derhal kaldırılmalı!... İnsanlığın ve doğanın geleceği ve huzuru için; devletler olumlu bir yarış yapmak istiyorlarsa; bunun önü kesilmemeli. CORONA’ya karşı; ‘sosyal mesafe korunmalı’ diyoruz; sosyal adalet ve adaletli sosyal paylaşım içinde eşit mesafe korunmalı!... Küba nüfusu kadar evsiz insan, Amerika’nın sokaklarında yaşıyor, açlıktan ölüyor! Bırakın ablukayı da; insanlığın mutlu geleceği için BARIŞ içinde yarış yapın!... Bu haksız bariyerler, KÜBA’nın etrafından kaldırılmalıdır!...

Cagdas Ozan (United Kingdom)

Ben Davis (United Kingdom)

Briedge Higgins (Ireland)

Tamsin Treston (United Kingdom)

Toni Babourine (United Kingdom)

Sam Churchley (United Kingdom)

Elizabeth Allen (United Kingdom)

Matthew Gregory (United Kingdom)

Zoe Lawlor (Ireland)

Inhumano, ilegal el bloqueo contra Cuba. En medio de la pandemia es, además, un genocidio.

Griselda Ramos (Mexico)

Andrew Faizey (United Kingdom)

Matthew (United Kingdom)

Saul Bolton (United Kingdom)

Christine Hough (United Kingdom)


Colin Gardner (United Kingdom)

Barbara Hill (United Kingdom)

Clau dia Regina Malentaqui (Brazil)

Tanja (Netherlands)

Well done Cuba!! Other nations, especially the USA & UK, take note!

David Gascoyne (United Kingdom)

Christopher Irvine (United Kingdom)

David whitehead (United Kingdom)

PENELOPE Hallam (United Kingdom)

Matthew Cox (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a force for good

Andrew Lenwey (United Kingdom)

linda knowles (Australia)

Jack Chamberlain (United Kingdom)

Suki Sangha (United Kingdom)

Keith J Massam (United Kingdom)

Virginia Monk (Canada)

Simon Treen (United Kingdom)

F. Collier (United Kingdom)

Elizabeth Lindsay (United Kingdom)

Jack D (United Kingdom)

Julia Davidson (United Kingdom)

Christine Ruth (United Kingdom)

John Hirst (United Kingdom)

Iain Calman (Australia)

Nona (United Kingdom)

Mark Dunne (United Kingdom)

nancy hall (United Kingdom)

MOHSEN (United Kingdom)

David Shock (United Kingdom)

Leigh Pickett (United Kingdom)

Dylan Mills (United Kingdom)

Ian Sier (United Kingdom)

Hamja Ahsan (United Kingdom)

Sue eldred (United Kingdom)

Rosa Eldred (United Kingdom)

Th End the insane embargo against Cuba and the shameful pandering to the extreme right wing Cuban Americans.

Anthony Jenkinson (United Kingdom)

Maximillian Tierney (United Kingdom)

Kieron Cadey (United Kingdom)

Ava (United Kingdom)

Rachel (United Kingdom)

Imogen Arkwright (United Kingdom)

Martha Eldred (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for all the great work you have done in fighting this virus, many people all over the work appreciate the sacrifices of you health workers, bless you all

Dean Simon (United Kingdom)

Liliana Chachian (United Kingdom)

I condemn America's sanctions against Cuba and must be lifted immediately.

Chia J (Switzerland)

Eva Hatzaki (Greece)

Deb Warford (United Kingdom)

Kevin O’Grady (United Kingdom)

LEON CARTER (United Kingdom)

Είναι καιρός πια να σταματήσει αυτός ο αποκλεισμός γι'αυτούς τους Ανθρώπους γι'αυτήν την υπέροχή χώρα!!!

Κατσ&omi (Greece)

Benjamin SELBY (United Kingdom)

We all need to help each other exceptions or excused we are all human after all

Elizabeth Devereaux (Canada)

Eugene Williams (United Kingdom)

Gullu Turkoglu (Turkey)

George Gray (United Kingdom)

Eli Edwards (United Kingdom)

Louis Allaway (United Kingdom)

Abajo el bloqueo.

Camilo (Cuba)

Ann Hallam (United Kingdom)

Rachael (United Kingdom)

Maxine Bullen (United Kingdom)

Lee hunter (United Kingdom)

In Solidarity

Dawna Lee (Canada)

Stay strong

Scott Young (United Kingdom)

Help for Cuba👍

Gonul Dogan (United Kingdom)

Jemma Pimlott (United Kingdom)

Ashar Boyle (United Kingdom)

Holtkamp jürgen (Germany)

America has always targeted Cuba because Cuba threw out America's gangsters and wouldn't stand for American control. As a result, Cuba has superior health care, education, and music!

Lynn Allott (United Kingdom)

Leonardo Hechavarria (Cuba)

Nigel Smith (United Kingdom)

Christine Maurice BICKERSTAFF (United Kingdom)

Message for Cuba - thank you for sending your doctors all over the world to help with our current crisis!

Jeffrey Cramer (Canada)

Anyone that blocks medical aid to another country for political or idiological reasons is beyond contempt and should not be allowed to be a part of the human race.

Ray Allott (United Kingdom)

Hasta la Victoria siempre!

Terry White (United Kingdom)

Rina Rosselson (United Kingdom)

The world should be one to fight Covid-19 and Climate Change

Craig White (United Kingdom)

Caitlin MANDER (United Kingdom)

Ben Bethell (United Kingdom)

It’s inhumane that during this time of a global pandemic, the Cuban people are still subject to a political and economic embargo. This situation should be a time to support others and give our hand to save lives and not to subject them to ANY political views.

Leslie Rodriguez (United States of America)

Please encourage blockades to be lifted to save lives

Barry Pearson (United Kingdom)

Chantelle McLean (United Kingdom)

Mick Cumming (United Kingdom)

Daniel Hawkins (United Kingdom)

Yeniset Garcia (Canada)

If Cuba does develop the vaccine as has been suggested, the US will be the beneficiary form lowering the ridiculous embargo. Good luck! this is a necessary step and cngratulations for the initiative

Mary Farquharson (Mexico)

Ricardo Calderón (Honduras)

La labor del gobierno cubano y su pueblo ante la pandemia es de las más enérgicas y positivas. Tener un embargo económico contra Cuba es una injusticia y un crimen que debería ser denunciado en todos los ámbitos.

Ernesto Cisneros (Cuba)

Janette mclenahan (France)

Thomas Cogley (United Kingdom)

Fuerza Cuba!

Patricia Vena (Italy)

Kelly Salt (Canada)


Jean Phillipe Bechard (United Kingdom)

Michael Joinson (United Kingdom)

Thank you, Cuba, for you aid missions to other countries. Your doctors are the best. Stay safe, Cuba. Love from Canada.

Betty Cascanette (Canada)

If the world can not come together now on this matter, then what is the value of humanity ?

Martín Salaverri (Australia)

Mary sirett (United Kingdom)

Mark drinkwater (United Kingdom)

It is dreadful that the quarantine is still in place.

Rhona Barton (United Kingdom)

Cuba Si - Yankee No!

Georg Neubauer (Germany)

Jim McGinley (United Kingdom)

Simon (United Kingdom)

Gayan Sampath (Sri Lanka)

I love UK. Thanks for supporting us against Cuba's Blockade. #SomosCuba #SomosContinuidad #NoMásBloqueo.

alibey (Cuba)

Kevin Wilkie (United Kingdom)

Now is a good time to really understand how ridiculous a blockade is especially when understanding the humanitarian actions of the Cuban government.

Daniela De Armas (United Kingdom)

Kevin Wilkie (United Kingdom)

Lucia tambini (United Kingdom)

Shirley Hall (United Kingdom)

Annie Watson (United Kingdom)

Dale (United Kingdom)

Jo Hammond (United Kingdom)

Neil (United Kingdom)

Matt Lamb (United Kingdom)

Fatma özüpak (Turkey)

Annette oatway (Canada)


Kieran warner (United Kingdom)

Jo Tai (Taiwan)

Basil Groundsell (United Kingdom)

It's time for the oppression to end!

Joe McGovern (United Kingdom)

Tam McFarlane (United Kingdom)

Please use your influence to end the blockade of Cuba by the USA.

Guy Tiffin (United Kingdom)

Andy Noble (United Kingdom)

Nuestro profundo agradecimiento a los hermanos de la solidaridad británicos.El bloqueo es cruel e inhumano y cada día lo sentimos en nuestra piel. Llevamos en nuestro ADN el gen de la solidaridad que nos legó nuestro Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro, por eso no renunciaremos a los nobles gestos de humanismo de nuestro personal de Salud y de todo el pueblo de Cuba. José Martí, nuestro Héroe Nacional escribió: "Un premio es un deber. El premio está allá en el cielo: toda la vida consiste en merecerlo, y este premio que recibís, corona es hoy, pero juez sería mañana, si no cumpliérais con todos los deberes a que esta época de lucha y esta tierra llena de gérmenes obliga". "Toda la gloria del mundo, cabe en un grano de maiz". Sigan contando con nosotros.

Ana teresa Nápoles Disotuar (Cuba)

Sarah Cundy (United Kingdom)

Cuba's internationalist actions during the Coronavirus pandemic are exemplary and echo its many other occasions of providing medical assistance around the world in times of need. The British government must take a principled stand and call for an end to the blockade of Cuba now.

Cameron Matthews (United Kingdom)

Now is the time for the UK Government to join with others across the globe to demand the lifting of the blockade at this difficult time. Cuba has shown international solidarity to the UK and other countries during this global pandemic, now is our chance to show our appreciation.

Chris McGlone (United Kingdom)

Jane McIver (United Kingdom)

Erin Coughlin (United Kingdom)

Bring whatever pressure you have at your disposal on the USA to end the illegal blockade NOW

David (R4FBU) Williams (United Kingdom)

Julie Mantell (United Kingdom)

Ayse (United Kingdom)

kevin smith (United Kingdom)

holly ferguson (United Kingdom)

Lift the illegal embargo now to help the world-wide fight against Covid-19. And when it's all over, let it stay lifted. Stop ridiculous regime-change policies. There are more important things and Medicare for All should be top of the list.

Hilary Haynes (United Kingdom)

Sean Hillen (Ireland)

Cuba solidaria. Solo el socialismo es democracia.

Marco Villalta Rivera (United Kingdom)

Thomas Quigley (United Kingdom)

Tom O'Rourke (Ireland)

Tracey Bray (United Kingdom)

Jeanette Campbell (Jamaica)

Jessica Sparrowhawk (United Kingdom)

Dave Green (United Kingdom)

Wieslaw Kmiecik (Canada)

Gulistan (United Kingdom)

¿Donde queda el principio de soberanía y autodeterminación de los pueblos, los DD-HH, la vida? El bloqueo es criminal y terrorista...

Ramón Campos (Venezuela)

Debbie White (United Kingdom)

Preet kaur (United Kingdom)

Saladin Meckled-Garcia (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade! Cubans thank all the solidarity and support of the world for a better future.

Raúl cardoso (Cuba)

It’s time to lift the ban against Cuba, the Cuban people just want to live their lives, they are no threat to anyone. The American government should be ashamed of themselves with their pettiness.

Paul Bodley (United Kingdom)

Thomas Glover (United Kingdom)

There is no cure without solidarity

Sonia Cárdenas (Spain)

Saul Aguirre (United States of America)

robert bennett (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Edwards (United Kingdom)

This is a time for the world to come together and fight this virus. Blockading Cuba is a wasteful use of resources.

Joseph Perry (United Kingdom)

Heidi Fraser (United Kingdom)

John Lloyd (United Kingdom)

La solidaridad no tiene precio. CUBA ES FUENTE DE SOLIDARIDAD!!


Ms Marion Pencavel (United Kingdom)

Stephanie Boyle (United Kingdom)

Thanks to the CSC for the permanent solidarity. Cuba will mantein its solidarity contributions to humanity. Stop Blockade!

ibis Alvisa (Cuba)

All lives matter, we are all human

alanat (United Kingdom)

Chandra Ghosh (United Kingdom)

Martha Berger (Norway)

John Bickerdike (United Kingdom)

Ms Charlotte Mason (United Kingdom)

I am the author of six novels about northern working class life in Britain. Discovering how the Cuban people are helping fight the world coronavirus pandemic, has just inspired me to include story lines based on their humanitarianism over the years in my next novel.

Geoff Lee (United Kingdom)

Paddy Lillis (United Kingdom)

End the illegal and immoral blockade. Solidarity with the people of Cuba and with the socialist Republic of Cuba.

Michael Payne (Australia)

Dave Mitchell (United Kingdom)

Arlette Franks (South Africa)

The continuing isolation and demonisation of Cuba remains a great shame on an alleged democratic society, which continues to allow the USA to penalise countries who aim to support it, denigrating the work it does to support others.

Lesley Penn (United Kingdom)

Martin Küng (Austria)

Olivia Burns (United Kingdom)

Freedom for Cuba

Can (Germany)

Anthony Page (United Kingdom)

Sarah Mount (United Kingdom)

Cuba is hpoe for world against américain imperialism

Bijender singh (India)

Ronnie Draper, General Secretary - Bakers Food &am (United Kingdom)

Paul Spickett (United Kingdom)

Susan Sherratt (United Kingdom)

Mike Hassibi (United States of America)

Shelly Asquith (United Kingdom)

Andrew Wraith (United Kingdom)

Blockades that ultimately cripples a country's ability to defend the health of its population is barbaric and not worthy civilized nations. Despite many decades of cruel blockade Cuba is an example to other nations on how to deal with health matters, with a heavy emphasis on broad education and preventative medicine. Time to lift the blockade.

Carsten Klouman (Sweden)

Gary Clarkson (United Kingdom)

It is about time that the USA ended it’s stupid and vindictive blockade against Cuba. It achieves nothing of benefit to mankind but causes hardship and suffering to the ordinary people of Cuba.

Malcolm Souza-Lewis (United Kingdom)

Ian (United Kingdom)

Rona Heald (United Kingdom)

End the blockade

Kevin Rooney (United Kingdom)

Hennie (Norway)

Syada Dastagir (United Kingdom)

الدول مثلها مثل اﻹنسان تحتاج إلى الكرامة ، إلى الحرية .

abdelhafid benkaddour (Algeria)

Jarrod (United Kingdom)

Martin Page (United Kingdom)

john stirling (United Kingdom)

Monica Uden (United Kingdom)

Nazranah Riaz (United Kingdom)

Janet Daby MP (United Kingdom)

Thank you to the Cuban medics who have helped others around the world. The British Government must request the US Government to cease the illegal blockade with immediate effect. Solidarity with Cuba and the Cuban people.

Rachel Hopkins MP (United Kingdom)

Hannah (United Kingdom)

J’envoie mes sentiments de solidarité et meilleur vœux à Cuba. I also ask the British government to encourage the USA to show compassion to their neighbours by ending the blockade. I am a citizen both of France and the UK.

Mark Bennett (France)

Beverley Ring (United Kingdom)

Margaret Lavery (United Kingdom)

Cuba stands as a beacon of community wealth and cohesion from which the Western economies should learn and work to emulate.

Paul Burns (United Kingdom)

Thank you and God Bless to/for and help Cuba

Kevin Roden (United Kingdom)

Es vital que los médicos cubanos ayuden al mundo. Es hora de que termine el bloque.

Cate TUITT (United Kingdom)

Vivien Walsh (United Kingdom)

British Government please support Cuba’s claims unblock this Trade Embargo with USA. They have been very generous and kind in allowing their Doctors to travel to help Italy in this global CV19 crisis. So review and remove all embargoes and allow them free movements to trade freely.

Margaret Shea (United Kingdom)

Florian Grams (Germany)

Asuman Dehmen (Germany)

Ste Gilmore (United Kingdom)

James White (United Kingdom)

Greenland stands by you

Ole Heinrich (Greenland)

Sylvia Davey (United Kingdom)

The blockade serves no useful purpose. Please help to end it now.

Chris Kutesko (United Kingdom)

Emma fahy (United Kingdom)

Andy McDonald MP (United Kingdom)

Niese, Harald (Germany)

Dr. Bärbel Kunze-Niese (Germany)

Cuba is a shining example of our ' common humanity '. I hope the U.S.A shows theirs.

Kate Axford (United Kingdom)

Its time, long overdue, to put aside prejudice and value judgments. Cuba deserves to be treated like any regular country and enjoy same trade treatment. Its completely unfair, illogical and harmful to all parties, that a country like Saudia Arabia, has preferential status while Cuba isolated. Pls use this crisis, to restore commomsense and stop backing the US blockade!

Brigid (United Kingdom)

Bob Buchan (United Kingdom)

Jenny Reynolds (United Kingdom)

Patrizio Bucci (Italy)

Sue Burr (United Kingdom)

its nearly 60 years. The blocade should have ceased years ago. the world has moved on.

k woolley (United Kingdom)

Ian Lavery MP (United Kingdom)

When this pandemic is over I am sure the world will become a fairer place - a world where every person counts.

Michael J Saunders (United Kingdom)

End the blockade

Robert Hindson (United Kingdom)

Ken Whittle (United Kingdom)

Cuba is a sovereign and successful state and the UK goverment needs to stop being the US bitch in there efforts to bring the Americas under US control.

Henry Heading (United Kingdom)

Virginia Fassnidge (United Kingdom)

Paul White (Ireland)

Saadia (United Kingdom)

The unspeakable US blockade against Cuba must finally be ended

Amir Helalat (Germany)

Sezen Kizilgul Kartal (United Kingdom)

Russ Braithwaite (United Kingdom)

viva Cuba!

Siamak Moayedzadeh (Germany)

Brian Grogan (United Kingdom)

Ronald A Hanson (Canada)

Anthony Sakowicz (United Kingdom)

This childish games needs to stop. End the blockade and let Cuba help end the virus...

Herb Croken (United Kingdom)

Voirrey Faragher (United Kingdom)


Elenur (United Kingdom)

Keep up the good work you have a lot of support in the UK

Barry west (United Kingdom)

Paul Singer (United Kingdom)

Fatma unal (United Kingdom)

Pablo Navarrete (United Kingdom)

Richard Neville (United Kingdom)

Miriam Sommer (Germany)


Yanko (Indonesia)

Mark Swaine (United Kingdom)

Lift the blockade against CUBA by USA immediately.

Swati mishra (India)

Sean Wallis (United Kingdom)

Rosalind Austin (United Kingdom)

James Murray MP (United Kingdom)

If there's one thing Covid-19 has shown, it's that we're all connected. If all humanity is under threat, then it's curious all humanity doesn't stand together. We should support Cuba Solidarity Campaign's call to help Cuba whose medical ability has helped the world for decades.

NV (United Kingdom)

Stefania Raschia (United Kingdom)

Marisela Cruz (United Kingdom)

STOP Embargo

Sabine Trummheller (Germany)

Venceremos por siempre, compradres!

Tony Eriza (United Kingdom)

Joe Abou Khater (Lebanon)

Please let Cuba help and help them

Joyce Baggerman (Netherlands)

joseph simpson (United Kingdom)

Una Carnochan (United Kingdom)

Daniel (United Kingdom)

Meike Portegies (Netherlands)

Helen Beesley (United Kingdom)

Tony Oldfield (Australia)

Hania Aboukhater (United Arab Emirates)

Ravyn Straughan (United Kingdom)

Romina (Argentina)

Edilio Conde González (Italy)

Dr Kanchana N Ruwanpura (United Kingdom)

Hanady Merhej (Lebanon)

Alicia Mahon (United States of America)

Muata Greene (United States of America)

Rosie Chandler (United Kingdom)

Lynn Al-Qahtani (United Kingdom)

Dave Tee (United Kingdom)

Daniel B Smith (United States of America)

Jam Khursheed advocate (Pakistan)

Teresa Forbes (Canada)

José Hernández Palancar (Cuba)

together is the only way to beat this virus comrades

Paul Childs (United Kingdom)

Kenia Chini Ovara (Cuba)

Marii (Spain)

Suzanne Harte (United Kingdom)

Mary Bondin (Malta)

Caused of humanitarian help to Cuba's nation!

Hossein Moavenian (Australia)

Long live Cuba! Long live internationalism! End the blockade of Cuba ASAP!

Amador Navidi (Australia)

Wishes...your continuous service to entire community.

A. J. Khan (India)

Peter Godfrey (United Kingdom)

Gokul (India)

Nooh Lunat (United Kingdom)

Brenda Dempster (United Kingdom)

Por Cuba !!! #no aln bloqueo

Daniela Maceso (Argentina)

The british FCO should use their influence to do everything possible to lessen the bloquade at a time of global crisis. A pandemic is not the time to pursue political point scoring. Debemos eliminar las barreras

Shirley Cameron (United Kingdom)

Gabriel Montero Martínez (Cuba)

Andrea Peralta (Argentina)

Cornelia Weihe (Germany)

Priyantha Karunarathna (Sri Lanka)


Alan Pulverness (United Kingdom)

James Bishop (United Kingdom)

Darren (Canada)

Steve Jack (United Kingdom)

Fabienne de Quasa Riera (France)

Allow Cuba to be free to share their superior medical knowledge. They are not in the pocket of Big Pharma either.

Séamus MacConmara (Ireland)

Petrina slaytor (Australia)

Cuba is showing the world a different internationalism -- the one we wish to construct

David Barkin (Mexico)

Elvan Binici (United Kingdom)

David Lawrence (United Kingdom)

Jayne Liddle (United Kingdom)

Hanna Marjanen (Finland)

Briege Lynch (United Kingdom)

Support Cuba, support humanity

Timmy Friedrich (United Kingdom)

Roland Bishop (United Kingdom)

Rob Demaine (United Kingdom)

Bedriye ozturk (United Kingdom)

Gordon (South Africa)

Brian O'Connor (Ireland)

Andrew Dunn (Australia)

Doreen Watson (United Kingdom)

Angelica Mormando (Germany)

Elifsu ceylan (United Kingdom)

Linda (Netherlands)

Janet Llewelyn (United Kingdom)

Sasha (United Kingdom)

Atilay (Turkey)

Cuba’s remarkable achievements in its healthcare system just shows how succesfull they are and how much of an amazing country with good morals they have. Therefore there must be an end to this blockade in order to allow nations to co-operate inorder to overcome this pandemic. The UK government should also apply pressure on the USA to end these unnecessary policies. We must stand with the Cubans and show our solidarity. #endtheblockade

HELEN Binboga (United Kingdom)

Kathy Cooper (United States of America)

Wesley Schol (United Kingdom)

Brian Moss (United Kingdom)

Vedat (United Kingdom)

Calum (United Kingdom)

Dimitrios Doukas Soufleris (Greece)

Stephen Stewart (Canada)

Der Sozialismus wird siegen.

Manfred Eulenbruch (Germany)

Cuba are an altruistic example to the world! Muchos gracias, amigos! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍

Fergal McGuckin (United Kingdom)

Kasim Genc (United Kingdom)

Larry Tallman (Canada)

¡Viva Cuba!

Martin Kober (Germany)

M Fernanda Oliveira (United Kingdom)

Julie Robinson Southward (United Kingdom)

Lourdes Escalante (Mexico)

Irma mullaney (Ireland)

Bill Kelliher (United Kingdom)

Steve Sargeant (United Kingdom)

Borris for fuck sake do the right thing for once

Kevin Glackin (Ireland)

Kathleen (United Kingdom)

Iride Luzi (Italy)

andrew hommel (United Kingdom)

Blossom Harris (United Kingdom)

Diane Shea (Canada)

Adis Creagh (Cuba)

Tominke Christine olaniyan (United Kingdom)

Kez erkus (United Kingdom)

Ruth Randall (United Kingdom)


Abdurrahman sikirci (United Kingdom)

KEZBAN ALAN (United Kingdom)

Ruth Russell (New Zealand)

John A Mendoza (United States of America)

Starsky (Netherlands)

Please support them for Cuba.

Hariprakash (India)

Timothy Post (United States of America)

Mesut toprak (United Kingdom)

Beyhan Güngör (Turkey)

Nicole Luis (Switzerland)

ozer gul (United Kingdom)

John Canning (Ireland)

Help Cuba to help us!

Bernard Murphy (United Kingdom)

Rosalina Diaz (United States of America)

Melek bulbul (United Kingdom)

Jerry Evansq (United Kingdom)

Stefan Salzmann (Austria)

Stay strong Cuba, you are an example of what it is to be a good neighbour to people around the world in need of help.

carol jones (United Kingdom)

"British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab publicly thanked Cuba for this assistance in a statement to the UK parliament."; actions must speak louder than words.

Keith Alexander Grant (United Kingdom)

Stop the blokade!

Eirin Øien Brekke (Norway)

Sue Ward (New Zealand)

suna Tum (United Kingdom)

Claudia Oxer (United Kingdom)

Giorgi Jmuxaze (Georgia)

Monika (Germany)

End this old boys foolishness that hasn't been productive in any sense and is a disgrace the western world should be deeply ashamed of.

Sjoerd Wal (Netherlands)

Joachim Boes (Germany)

Ehsan Aktas (United Kingdom)

Evin kaya (United Kingdom)

Ciarán Ó Brolchái (Ireland)

These are a peaceful people willing to help others around the world when in need.

Frederick Doherty (United Kingdom)

Ulf Weiß (Germany)

I am with Cuba❤️

Emis (United Kingdom)


Sema (United Kingdom)

Semiha Bicer (United Kingdom)

Naciye Kara (United Kingdom)

Please support the Cuban people whose lives are so badly affected by the US blockade. They grow marvellous food crops but city dwellers find it hard to get fresh fruit and vegetables because there are not enough lorries or transport to take the food from farm to city.

Jennifer Jones (United Kingdom)

Sophie Graber (United Kingdom)

Asiye batmansuyu (United Kingdom)

Cathleen scully (United Kingdom)

Dr. Andreas Happe (Germany)

stephanie harrison (United Kingdom)

jean verner (Canada)

Semra Demirci (United Kingdom)

Elif (United Kingdom)

Ozgur Yildiz (United Kingdom)

Zenita (Denmark)

It's time the blockade ends anyway...but what possible justification of maintaining it now in a time of Coronavirus. Please act without delay...

SIMON ALFORD (United Kingdom)

Sarah Mackintosh (United Kingdom)

Rıza (United Kingdom)

Zeynep demir (United Kingdom)

Maryann Farkas (Canada)

Jules (Netherlands)

Maike Manecke (Austria)

Stop the blockade

Mey (United Kingdom)

Tor-Kjetil Flakstas (Norway)

Solidarity ccomrades.

Helen Erasmus (United Kingdom)

Maybe in the '60 of previous century the blockade made sense, but come on, this is 2020 and Cuban people don't ask for aid but for a fair treatment because they are suffering.

Bob Karman (Netherlands)

Kiymet Can (United Kingdom)

Birol Gurguroglu (United Kingdom)

Karsten Schröder (Germany)

Sven George (Germany)

Robert Lujan (United States of America)

Los cubanos nunca renunciaremos a la solidaridad, estaremos donde se nos necesite, de lo contrario dejaríamos de pertenecer a esta isla preciosa y "grande". Si por nuestros médicos, si por nuestros compatriotas, si por la humanidad.

Marled Posada Acosta (Cuba)

Stop sanctions in Cuba and all over the world U sa is a tyrantv

Mario dalli (United Kingdom)

God bless these people who are highly educated and always help fellow ship

James Handy (Canada)

Carol Stobo (United Kingdom)

vivekanand tripathi (India)

Victor Cuenca (Cuba)

Aligul (United Kingdom)

Juliet Gibbs (United Kingdom)

Doctors to save life’s

Ali Yilmaz (United Kingdom)

Yildiz (United Kingdom)

Naciye (United Kingdom)

The only human thing to do is to end the blockade and let nations help and co-operate to save thousands of lives.

Bill Adams (United Kingdom)

Selina (United Kingdom)

Pat (United Kingdom)

metin (United Kingdom)

Kuba daki baskilari ve ambargoyu lutfen kaldirin

Ercan kartal (United Kingdom)

Julie Lamin (United Kingdom)

I support Cuba all the time. American government should stop their inhuman activities towards other nationals.

Gouthaman Naganathan (India)

Let them help

Ayse (United Kingdom)


Kadir yilmaz (United Kingdom)

Zubeyde Aydemir (United Kingdom)

Aydın bereketoglu (United Kingdom)

Sally Greenhalf (United Kingdom)

Aslı kama (United Kingdom)

Words needed help.

Yalcin gilgil (United Kingdom)

Mahmut coban (United Kingdom)

Pınar bereketoglu (United Kingdom)

Emine Gulem (United Kingdom)

Sabine Lintschinger (Austria)

Gayal Tekin (United Kingdom)

solidarity with Cuba people and doctors. end of blockade.

Asli Demirel (United Kingdom)

Erwin Petzi (Germany)

Lucerne genier (Canada)

Trevor French (United Kingdom)

Olga Salanueva Arango (Cuba)

Time to end the inhumane blockade of a country that is showing yet again that it does not hesitate to lend the hand of friendship to those in need.

Peter Kavanagh (United Kingdom)

Lisa firth (United Kingdom)

John Cafferty (United Kingdom)

Ebrahim seedat (South Africa)

Lorna McAllister (United Kingdom)

Steve Donald (United Kingdom)

Sue Knowles (United Kingdom)

Alan Bornat (United Kingdom)

antonio jimeno bielsa (Spain)

S.Naganathan (India)

Eoin McNamara (Ireland)

Ritchie James (United Kingdom)

Jack Friesen (Canada)

Mary Fou (United Kingdom)

Cerith Griffiths (United Kingdom)

Helen Cooper (United Kingdom)

Kenny MacAskill (United Kingdom)

Jackie Pollock (United Kingdom)

Paresh Patel (United Kingdom)

Ghislaine Voyer (Canada)

Megan Quinn (United Kingdom)

Louise Regan (United Kingdom)

We need to support the people of Cuba now, in the way that they have always supported others. Exemplars of internationalism.

Stephen Bishop (United Kingdom)


Patsy O'Neill (United Kingdom)

Cuba is poor but rich in humanity. US rich but has little humanity!

John Wilkins (United Kingdom)

Valerie West (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for offering such a positive, outward-looking position in helping and engaging with other nations and their people. Sadly, I fear that efforts to alter the stance of the current US administration, which seems to take almost exactly the opposite view of the world, will fall on deaf ears. We can only hope that the current situation with COVID-19 and the aforementioned leadership (plus the damage they are doing) will soon pass, and that a better, more compassionate world society emerges in their wake.

Paul Day (United Kingdom)

The most amazing people.

Sharon Thomas (United Kingdom)

Sean lynch (United Kingdom)

Ann Doyle (United Kingdom)

I am Chairman of Tricontinental Solidarity Campaign, Global Farmy Group for Study of Cuba and Editor,publisher of The Daily Folk International, Bangladesh very earnestly request to US Government to withdrow Blockade against Cuba. We are very happy to see the helping hands of Cuban Doctors to the Countries of Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia. The help during the international crisis is undobtly should be praised. Our convening to US Government to left the Blockade in imediate time. It will be very cooperative in present situation. Rehards Dr. M Jahangir khan

Dr.M Jahangir Khan (Bangladesh)

Mark Wood (United Kingdom)

Peter Flanagan (United Kingdom)

Unblock Cuba!

Brigitte Schiffler (Germany)

I have been to Cuba and met the people. Cuba deserves a future.

Natalie Corfield (United Kingdom)

Martin Weston (United Kingdom)

Catherine Campbell (United Kingdom)

Gill Gillespie (United Kingdom)

Todd Blattner (Canada)

Jason Clarke (United Kingdom)

Charlie Hislop (United Kingdom)

Genia Gorna (United Kingdom)

Malcolm Scott (United Kingdom)

Take hands of Cuba you are a shame to the entire humanity USA.

Ashen Adithya Senavirathna (Spain)

kelly Liberet (Canada)

con Cuba siempre.!

viviana avila (Canada)

Martin Lynch (United Kingdom)

MAGANGA Kiss (France)

Eric Birznieks (United Kingdom)

Isabelle Riar (United Kingdom)

Please lift sanctions against Cuba. Cubans are helping where others don’t to fight coronovirus,. Don’t make it harder for them to do that.

Liz mcnulty (Canada)

As a Cuban citizen we felt very grateful to our government when it was decided to support Braemar passengers and provide all of them humanitarian assistance when every country refused to do it. As a common citizen affected by USA blockade to Cuba for years I humbly ask any person in the world to pressure USA government in this difficult time we live in. For Cuba,Covid 19 has a double negative impact due to USA hostility which is seen in every aspect of cuban daily life. Please, help us to spread our truth. Best of cuban nature has been provided to many citizens and countries affected by this pandemic. Cuba is known at present by example our doctors are given but also by resistance of opur people. Help us to raise pour voices againts blockade which is a inhuman act.

Rigoberto Zarza Ross (Cuba)

bon courage a vous tous--good luck t all of you--buena suerte a todos ustedes

fernand masson (Canada)

Marianne Fearnside (United Kingdom)

The US embargo to the cuban people should end.

Juan Enrique Tarafa (Cuba)

Μaria Paradeisi (Greece)

Judy Harper (Canada)

Uta Herrmann (Germany)

Elena Rodriguez (Spain)

Liz Hobbs (United Kingdom)

Evdokia Koutsopoulou (Greece)

Annmarie (United Kingdom)

Violaine Giovanelli (United Kingdom)

Raisa (Finland)

In this together, stand together, overcome together.

Rog Chahal (United Kingdom)

We should be helping the human beings of Cuba. They were quick to offer their unique and robust healthcare to the rest of us. Now we must stand with them. Put political differences aside. They are human beings. They should be allowed to run their country however they want to. They don’t want Western consumer fetishism.

John MacGregor (United Kingdom)

Anjum Khan (Canada)

America has no right to keep sanctions going at this moment in time . When humanity is under such ab threat . Everyone around the world are all working together ,but not the Americans . Shame on them .

Olga Ireson (Ireland)

Natasha (United Kingdom)

José Miguel Hernández (Cuba)

Lisa DeFontaine (United Kingdom)

Angela Chicken (United Kingdom)

Fatou Ceesay (United Kingdom)

Cuba offers great medical expertise around the world but is constantly hindered by US interference

Lawrence Speyer (United Kingdom)

The UK government must bring pressure on the USA to abandon it's petty policies, during this time, when we are all in danger. On race the human race !

Brian Corbett (United Kingdom)

To: Cuba’s Tormentors. Both you and those who dollars take to fool us with dystopian crap - Let’s clear the path of your blockade! Fidel!, Cuba!, the heroic “Henry Reeve!” - have to ashes turned your lies…. A Cuban doctor is there for you in hours of hard viral pain - a Bolivian who a hero shot can tell you this is so! “Guantanamera” said it all! - so, cultivate a “rose” for that ship you could have saved. As in Boston harbour once ago- you too cried; “Revolución!”

Luis Santamaria (United Kingdom)

Mode (United Kingdom)

Cuba have a fantastic and proud history of health care. The current enforcement of the US blockade at a time of global need is abhorrent. Lift the blockade now.

John Metcalfe (United Kingdom)

Jim Gavine (United Kingdom)

Frank Schwitalla (Germany)

margaret mound (United Kingdom)

With thanks and solidarity to the Cuban people and a heartfelt plea to the US administration to do the right thing at this time

Christine, Baroness Blower (United Kingdom)

Angelika Becker (Germany)

Anne Rogan (United Kingdom)

Jane Pitcher (United Kingdom)

Peyman Owladi (United Kingdom)

Keith Murdoch (Canada)

Susan Everson (United Kingdom)

Shame on the Trump administration. This is a humanitarian issue and should have nothing to do with politics.

William Aitken (United Kingdom)

Please act in a humanitarian manner towards Cuba by bringing an end to the cruel blockade, immediately. This tiny country is always amongst the first to respond to any crisis in any part of the world and now we can help it to fight this pandemic in its own country.

Joan Smith (United Kingdom)

Fadumo Abdi (United Kingdom)

Linda Topping (United Kingdom)

Penny Khader (United Kingdom)

Britain out of Cuba, Britain out of Ireland

Joseph McCabe (Ireland)

Ursula Ní Shionnain (Ireland)

Enough IS enough!

Norma Lewis (United Kingdom)

Suzanna Dolata (United Kingdom)

Grant Douglas (United Kingdom)

Mwansa Phiri (United Kingdom)

James Samuels (United Kingdom)

Vakas Hussain (United Kingdom)

Jonathan Tranter (United Kingdom)

Help Cuba fight the coronavirus at home and aboard. Don't listen to Trump.

Theresa Linda (Iceland)

Samar Tasselli (United Kingdom)

Gay Hatton (United Kingdom)

Esther (United Kingdom)

Kevin Orr (United Kingdom)

Faith (United Kingdom)

Sohail Zafar (United Kingdom)

Tom Wilson (United Kingdom)

The British government NEED to support CUBA They helped the British people as they help all nations .. they are an example to the world of humanity and solidarity Britain MUST show Cuba its appreciation

Debbie whitworth (United Kingdom)

Down with US and UK imperialism.

Corinne (United Kingdom)

Diane McLoughlin (United Kingdom)

Liam Mulhern (United Kingdom)

Jan Ponsford (United Kingdom)

Ruairi mulhern (United Kingdom)

Solidarity with the Cuban people from PCS union, Artists Union England and BARAC UK

Zita Holbourne (United Kingdom)

Helen Enevoldson (United Kingdom)

Viva Cuba and thank you for maintaining the international humanitarian exemplary role of Dr Che Guevara and spirit of Fidel Castro. Again you are leading the struggle to save humanity beyond borders. We implore the British Government who are applying the core principles which we describe as socialism in the fight against Coronavirus to apply pressure on the US Government and lift the economic blockade against Cuba. Let the world emerge from this pandemic as one . Let us acknowledge the Cuban Doctors and salute them along with our NHS and Social Carers.

Harsev Bains (United Kingdom)

Heil, Gottfried (Germany)

Mariela Kohon (United Kingdom)

Marco (Italy)

Jean Morgan (United Kingdom)

Jon Harris (United Kingdom)

One people, unless you deliberately prise them apart.

William Birtles (United Kingdom)

Lewis Waddingham (United Kingdom)

Margarita McGowan (United Kingdom)

Thank you Cuba for all you do. I did a Brigade some years ago and will never forget meeting all the hard working Cubans trying to live a life under sanctions from the USA. Trumps present acts to try and increase the sanctions during this pandemic is cruel and just shows what a despicable person he is. I urge the British government to show some humanity and put pressure on the USA to lift the sanction, not just for now but permanently

Catherine Jeffery (United Kingdom)

Lucy Firth (United Kingdom)

Please stop the blockade. This is no time for narrow-minded politics. It's about being humanitarian.

Alan Mumby (United Kingdom)

The UK has in the past shown a reasonable attitude to Cuba. In light of the current global crisis it is inhumane to retain economic blockades. I hope the Government will make the relevant representations to the United States.

Pam Flynn (United Kingdom)

Susan Marcus (United Kingdom)

Cooperation, not competition.

Valerios Christos Tzannis (Greece)

Máire Nic Oireachtaigh (United Kingdom)

Tim (United Kingdom)

chris jacobsen (United Kingdom)

Graham Jeffrey-Read (United Kingdom)

Bianca Maria Massi (Italy)

Please lift sanctions, show humanity and save lives

jol (United Kingdom)

Corbisier (Belgium)

Carlos Llanes (Spain)

Jane Watt (United Kingdom)

Kathryn Bowden (United Kingdom)

Cuba provides a vanguard exemplary standard to the world of global health expertise and support. This must be reciprocated by immediately ending the anachronistic blockade and totally unjust sanctions of vital necessities for it's people. The outstanding generosity of its stance in health is the currency of the future, other countries need to heed this or they will have little to offer he world that is worthy of est