Manchester fundraising social for Viva La Educación


Saturday, 25 February 2023, 2:00pm

Manchester CSC are hosting a fundraiser to help raise money for the Viva La Educación appeal to send educational aid to Cuba in 2023.

Come along for a delicious meal, speakers, including Cath Bosswell and Vanessa Nelson from the NEU and the Cuban Ambassador, Her Excellency Barbara Montalvo Álvarez.

The Sportsman Inn,
57 Mottram Road,
SK14 2NN

Saturday 25 February 2023, 2pm - 5pm

Tickets £20

For more information, and info on how to purchase tickets, contact Sue Piper on 07981 925881.

If you can’t make it to the event but would like to support the appeal, please donate to Viva la Educación today.

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