Latin America Conference 2024

Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD (Nearest tube: Euston/Kings Cross)

Saturday, 27 January 2024, 10:00am

Come to the Latin America Conference 2024 to find out first-hand about the latest developments in the region and how we can offer solidarity.

Tickets £10 waged/ £8 unwaged. SORRY THE TICKETS FOR THIS EVENT ARE SOLD OUT NOW (03/01/24)

This will be the 18th annual Latin American Conference that we have organised. Recent conferences have attracted such speakers as Dr Aleida Guevara, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Ken Loach, Alberto Juantorena, Olympic gold medallist, Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Walter Sandino, Robin Blackburn, Tariq Ali, Prof. Ernesto Laclau, Frances O’Grady, Mariela Castro, and many others.

Bringing together experts, academics, trade unionists, politicians, and activists from the UK, Europe and Latin America. With info and stalls from 30+ UK-based organisations.

Latin America continues to show a better world is possible – putting the needs of people and planet ahead of corporate greed. The continent is shifting to the left – with progressive governments elected in recent years in Brazil, Bolivia, Honduras, Mexico and even Colombia. Yet the US Empire is continuing with its sanctions, blockades and illegal ‘regime change’ efforts against countries including Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. We can learn from and take inspiration from these mass movements across the region and show real solidarity in the struggle for sovereignty and

against neo-liberalism and US domination.

Speakers include:

More keynote speakers to be announced

Features over 20 seminars including:


LatinFilmFest24 featuring films, documentaries and special guests for Q&As

Latin America Conference 2024 is supported by a range of organisations including CSC, VSC, NSC, NEU, Unite the Union, TUC.

Follow us on facebook @LatinAmericaConference and twitter @latamericaconf

Programme to be published at

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