UNISON NDC fringe meeting: End the blockade on health! Support the Cuba Vive medical appeal

Syndicate 3, Brighton Centre

Wednesday, 19 June 2024, 5:15pm

End the blockade on health! Support the Cuba Vive medical appeal

US sanctions are depriving 11 million Cubans of vital medicines and surgical supplies

Cuba’s commitment to health as a human right has helped the country achieve world-renowned health services for its people. Today, these achievements are under threat from the 62 year US blockade and increased sanctions.

Cuba’s dedicated health professionals struggle with limited resources. From surgical supplies to spare parts, paracetamol to sutures: items readily available here, are increasingly hard to come by.

Today’s shortages are unprecedented. After leading the region for many years, Cuba’s impressive health indicators are beginning to suffer. Shortages are costing live.

In response, CSC together with the Cuban health workers union (SNTS) and Unison regions from across the country have launched an appeal to send containers of life-saving medicines, surgical supplies and equipment to Cuba.

Help break the blockade on health. Come to this fringe to find out how you can support Cuba Vive to provide urgent medical aid for Cuba.

special guest from Cuba, Rigoberto Zarza Ross, Cuban Friendship Institute
Kim Johnson MP, Liverpool Riverside
Micaela Tracey-Ramos, UNISON NEC
Rob Miller, Cuba Solidarity Campaign director
May Day brigade young members
plus guests

Chair: Kevan Nelson, Assistant General Secretary

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