Get involved

Joining the Cuba Solidarity Campaign is the best way to support Cuba and keep informed about news from the island and events and activities in the UK. Find out more about our special membership offers.

Cuba Solidarity Campaign relies on the generous donations of supporters to continue fighting the illegal blockade of Cuba and campaigning for Freedom for the Miami Five. Any amount, no matter how small can make a real difference. Please support us today.

More than 500 national and local organisations and groups including trade unions, political parties and local groups are affiliated to CSC. Find out how you can help and become more involved in our work by affiliating your organisation today.

Visit Cuba
Discover the real Cuba away from the tourist trail with one of our unique solidarity brigades or specialist tours to Cuba. Visit our Cuba Travel Shop for a full details, dates and booking forms.

Our online shop has more than 370 Cuba related gifts and products on sale. Chose from Che Guevara t-shirts to Cuban coffee, classic political and film posters, books on Cuban history and current affairs, to art prints, cards and music CDs, plus much more.

Keep up to date
CubaUpdate is our monthly newsletter bringing the latest news from Cuba and the campaign right to your inbox. Be first to find out about special events and offers by signing up today. You can also keep connected via facebook, twitter and our RSS feed.

Take Action
Successful campaigns rely on the actions of our supporters. Whether you have a few seconds to take an online action, an hour to attend a meeting, or longer to organise an event in your area, there are many ways you can help us to support Cuba.

Trade Unions
More than 400 national, regional and branch trade union organisations are affiliated to CSC, find out if yours is one, the benefits of affiliation and how to make links with your sister union in Cuba by contacting us today.

Boycott Bacardi
Find out the truth behind the Bacardi brand, how it has not been produced in Cuba since before the Revolutionand how the Bacardi family have sought to undermine the Cuban revolution and prevent Cuba from selling its own brand Havana Club rum abroad.

Become a Friend of Cuba Solidarity Campaign
If you can afford a larger monthly commitment to our work, the Friend of Cuba Solidarity Campaign scheme offers 20% discounts on CSC shop items, invites to special events and Xmas gift packs.

Win monthly cash prizes with the 267 Club
Help the long term work of CSC by entering our monthly draw for cash prizes. The Club pays out four prizes of £25, one of £100 and a star prize of £267 every month. Join today to enter next month’s draw.

Local Groups
Cuba Solidarity Campaign groups are made up of individual members of the campaign who want to organise activities in their area. Find out it there’s a local group near, how to contact them, and how to set up a local group in your area.

Jobs and volunteering
If you can spare anything from a few hours a week volunteering in our north London office to an occasional day or evening helping out with mailings or events, please get in touch or click here for more details and job vacancies.