
Facts and Fact sheets
More background information on Cuba, the blockade, health, education, internationalism, Cuba's political system, trade unions, women, and LGBTI rights, including links to further reading and fact sheets.

CubaSí magazine
CubaSí is the quarterly magazine of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign packed full of news form Cuba, features, interviews, competitions, plus information about campaign activities in the UK and our latest tours and sales. All members receive the 40-page magazine mailed directly to their door four times a year. A selection of past articles are available on our CubaSi page.

Campaign leaflets
Electronic copies of our campaign leaflets to download. Get in contact if you would like us to send you paper copies.

The Miami Five
The Miami Five are five Cuban men unjustly imprisoned in US jails for more than 13 years for fighting terrorist attacks against their country. All five were finally released and returned home to Cuba in December 2014 as a result of talks between Cuba and the US and an international campaign for their release.

Music Fund for Cuba
The Music Fund for Cuba is a UK registered charity founded by CSC. It supports and nurtures young talent by providing equipment and support for education, music and performing arts on the island. Find out more here.

Cuban Culture
As well as organising our own cultural events, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign promotes Cuban cultural activities throughout the UK through the Cuba50 arts hub and also the Cuban Art Gallery which showcases and sells work by established and new artists.
Useful links
Web links for CSC local groups, other sources of news from Cuba and solidarity organisations in other countries.
YouTube Videos
Campaign and Cuba related short films, interviews and videos on the Cuba Solidarity Campaign Youtube site.
Flickr photo gallery
Check out our Flickr site for a selection of photographs from our UK campaigning and social events and tours to Cuba.