Diaz-Canel Denounces US Escalation of Aggressiveness

Prensa Latina | Sunday, 14 April 2019 | Click here for original article

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Saturday denounced at the People''s Power National Assembly (Parliament) the escalation of the United States'' aggressiveness against Latin American countries in its effort to build an alternative to savage capitalism.

When speaking at Havana's Convention Center at the closing of the third

extraordinary session of the 9th Legislature, Diaz-Canel warned that Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua are countering Washington's hostility, characterized by lies, threats and sanctions.

The supporters of the Monroe Doctrine in the (Donald) Trump administration do not accept the processes in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba. Prevented from keeping their promises of industrial recuperation and national greatness, they lie by assuring that three nations that fight against underdevelopment are threatening the powerful empire, he underlined.

Regarding the crusade to impose a regime change in Caracas, Diaz-Canel condemned that the US Government is trying to surrender Venezuelans by hunger and shortages.

That brave people are being robbed its financial resources, while they sharpen their teeth to devour the wealth with which nature endowed the sister nation in abundance, the Cuban president stressed.

Regarding Cuba, Diaz-Canel denounced the tightening of the economic, commercial and financial blockade in force for nearly 60 years, particularly with the enforcement of the Helms-Burton Act.

'What else can they do to us after 60 years of persecution, aggression and threats?' Diaz-Canel wondered at the Parliament's session.

The island cannot be surrendered and its people will defend their Revolution, he added.

'In Cuba, Cubans rule and, of course, Cuban women,' he stressed.

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