PCS conference sends its solidarity to Cuba

Campaign News | Thursday, 30 May 2024

At their recent annual conference, the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), and in particular their Young Members’ Network, expressed its solidarity with Cuba following their chair and vice-chair’s recent visit to Cuba. Simmeron Katbmana and Louis Radforth took part in CSC’s Young Trade Unionists’ May Day Brigade this year and have returned committed to helping build support for Cuba and for CSC in the union.

The Young Members’ Network’s fringe event this year was dedicated to Cuba and what PCS members can do to show their solidarity. The well attended fringe saw Michel Rodriguez Alonso, First Secretary at the Cuban Embassy provide an overview of Cuban history, describe the current problems the nation is facing due to the blockade, but also give a message of hope. “With all these difficulties, we continue to move forward”, he told attendees. “We try to adapt to the circumstances, to create a Cuba that stands in solidarity with the rest of the world and that tries to be a country that stands for the prosperity of the population.”

The young members recalled their experiences in Cuba and the impact the brigade has had on them. “This trip gives you perspective. The Cuban people are resilient - the difficulties that Cuban people face… you can’t begin to comprehend the ways it affects their lives, but they carry on”, Simmeron explained. Louis told attendees how witnessing first-hand Cuba’s achievements and its commitment to internationalism have impacted him. “No matter the adversity - the Cubans look outwards. They show solidarity with other people across the world. They want to build on the gains of the Revolution. It gives you a lot of inspiration for what we can achieve here.”

CSC also ran a busy stall at conference, with lots of delegates signing our open letter to the US Ambassador, calling for Cuba’s removal from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. PCS General Secretary Fran Heathcote also visited the stall to express her solidarity and reaffirm the union’s support for CSC and our work campaigning against the blockade.

If you want to find out more about our Young Trade Unionists' May Day Brigade, please contact Campaigns Officer Tariq Anderson at campaigns@cuba-solidarity.org.uk

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