Solidarity with Cuba front and centre at FBU conference

Campaign News | Thursday, 30 May 2024

FBU National Officer Ricardo la Torre, CSC Director Rob Miller, FBU General Secretary Matt Wrack, Aymee Diaz Negrin of the Cuban Embassy and FBU President Ian Murray

FBU National Officer Ricardo la Torre, CSC Director Rob Miller, FBU General Secretary Matt Wrack, Aymee Diaz Negrin of the Cuban Embassy and FBU President Ian Murray

The Fire Brigades Union (FBU) has a long history of support for Cuba - from being affiliated to CSC for over 20 years, to their messages of admiration and solidarity to Cuban fire service personnel in the wake of two tragic incidents on the island in 2022. Delegates at their recent conference in Blackpool heard from CSC about the current situation in Cuba and how FBU members could continue that tradition of solidarity by supporting CSC’s new medical aid appeal.

Aymee Diaz Negrin, Political Counsellor at the Cuban Embassy, thanked the union, telling all delegates that “the support your union showed to Cuban firefighters after the Saratoga explosion and Matanzas fire - that’s what solidarity means.” She informed conference of the present day difficulties in Cuba, with worsening shortages in everyday essentials being fuelled by the increasingly hostile US blockade.

Rob Miller, Director at CSC, then introduced Cuba Vive, CSC’s medical aid appeal which is aiming to break the blockade with shipping containers full of much-needed, life-saving medical supplies that the island is currently lacking. He thanked FBU North West for their sponsorship and a generous donation to the appeal and encouraged all delegates to do what they can to support.

FBU President Ian Murray and General Secretary Matt Wrack thanked Aymee and Rob for visiting, presenting some gifts on behalf of the union, and Matt Wrack reaffirmed the FBU’s support for CSC and their ongoing solidarity with Cuba in the face of the US blockade.

To find out more about the Cuba Vive appeal and how you can support, please visit the website here

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