Latin America Conference 2025 announced

Campaign News | Thursday, 3 October 2024

The 19th annual Latin America Conference is the biggest event of its kind in Europe bringing together experts, academics, trade unionists, politicians, and activists from the UK, Europe and Latin America. The day will also feature films from the region, info and stalls from many UK-based organisations.

This year’s Conference is timely, coming as it does shortly after the inauguration of the new President of the United States. It has now been more than 200 years since the United States embraced the Monroe Doctrine, which demanded hegemony over the countries of its ‘backyard’. The people of the region are engaged in an ongoing struggle to free themselves from these chains and secure their independence and national sovereignty. The prize is control over their own future, determined by their own efforts, free from external interventions and aggression.

Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela are at the forefront of this struggle against US interventions and aggression. This year Cuba will have been living under blockade for almost 63 years and it is more important than ever that people across Britain and Europe understand the history of this ongoing struggle, and develop a solidarity that is powerful, respectful, and makes a real difference.

Recent conferences have attracted such speakers as Tariq Ali, Noam Chomsky, Dr Aleida Guevara, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Ken Loach, Alberto Juantorena, Olympic gold medallist, Walter Sandino, Robin Blackburn, , Prof. Ernesto Laclau, Frances O’Grady, Mariela Castro, and many others.

Last year’s conference was another fabulous event with over 300 people in attendance. We heard from over 50 speakers including leading parliamentarians and trade union leaders from the UK and Latin America. Delegates to Latin America Conference 2025 will be able to analyse the developments and challenges for people across the continent and develop a solidarity for progressive change that will be vital for the peoples of Latin America and beyond.

We hope that you will join us to make the Latin America Conference 2025 another successful event that will help empower and shape our solidarity movements over the coming period.

Saturday 8 February 2025 Time: 10am-5pm, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BB

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Programme details to be published at:

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