Cuba's achievements in health celebrated at TUC Congress

Campaign News | Monday, 16 September 2024

Some of the panellists at the TUC fringe meeting: Fran Heathcote, Alex Tarrier, Sarah Woolley, HE Ismara Vargas Walter, Kevin Courtney and Graham

Some of the panellists at the TUC fringe meeting: Fran Heathcote, Alex Tarrier, Sarah Woolley, HE Ismara Vargas Walter, Kevin Courtney and Graham

As Cuba grapples with its most profound economic crisis since the early 90s due to the tightening of the blockade, its world-renowned health system, and the health of its people, is suffering. Delegates at TUC Congress in Brighton gathered at the Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s fringe meeting to celebrate the island’s health system, stand in solidarity with its health workers and their astounding achievements and commit their support for the Cuba Vive medical aid appeal.

PCS General Secretary Fran Heathcote decried the blockade as a “cruel, inhumane and unjustifiable policy that has virtually no international support.” Highlighting the real-life impact of US sanctions, Fran told delegates that Cuba’s infant mortality rate had sadly risen in the past few years- from five deaths per 1000 births, to 7.5 per 1000. She pledged PCS’s continued solidarity with the Cuban people and continued support for CSC. CWU Regional Coordinator for Wales Graham Colk also championed the work of CSC in the struggle against the blockade.

Following a visit to Colombia on a trade union delegation, GMB President Barbara Plant spoke about the crucial role Cuba played in bringing peace to that country and the absurdity of Cuba’s designation as a state sponsor of terrorism as a result of hosting peace talks. Quoting a former Colombian President, Barbara said Cuba should be applauded for the crucial role it played in helping to end decades of conflict and facilitate reconciliation in Colombia and should not face sanctions for having done so.”

National Officer at the FBU Riccardo la Torre, whose family are from the south of Italy, recalled his feeling of hope when he witnessed Cuban doctors and medical workers arrive in Italy to provide assistance as the health system struggled to cope. “The guiding principles of Cuba’s internationalist medical workers”, Riccardo said, quoting one of the many doctors that are still working in Calabria, “are solidarity and humanity.”  

Alex Tarrier, a lawyer with Thompsons Solicitors, reflected on his time in Cuba on CSC’s Young Trade Unionists’ May Day Brigade. Alex witnessed first-hand the stark shortages that are affecting every health institution in the country. “The shortages are to such an extent that they are forced to sterilise and re-use surgical gloves”, he told attendees. His time in Cuba instilled has inspired him to actively promote the work of CSC and solidarity with Cuba. “Just as Cuba has extended his solidarity with millions across the world, our duty is to return that to Cuba.”

Addressing her first audience at TUC Congress, Cuban Ambassador Her Excellency Ismara Vargas Walter thanked the British Trade Union Movement for its long and principled history of solidarity with her country. She encouraged all in attendance to throw their support behind the Cuba Vive appeal. “Every single medicine, every bandage, every piece of equipment is very much needed in my country right now”, she told guests.

CSC Chair Kevin Courtney closed the meeting emphasising the human impact of the blockade on ordinary Cubans. Kevin highlighted that in 2022 alone, 67 pharmaceutical firms refused or did not respond to MediCuba’s requests for medicines and cancer and stroke patients. As Bob Schwartz of Global Health Partners in the US said, “I have met mothers and fathers who see their children die from cancers that would be and could be treatable if it were not for the fact that Cuba cannot buy chemotherapy drugs from American companies.”

Kevin thanked all the unions that have supported and sponsored the appeal so far. Eight UNISON Regions including North West, Northern, Scotland, Northern Ireland, West Midlands, South West, Wales, Eastern, the CWU, FBU, RMT, ASLEF, Unite, the NEU and many branches across the country are behind it, with over £90,000 being raised already. He urged all delegates to take the message back to their unions to support the appeal and support the campaign to end the blockade on health.

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