UNISON – support for medical aid appeal continues to grow
Campaign News | Sunday, 16 June 2024
As the Cuba Vive Medical Aid fundraising appeal, launched with the support of seven UNISON regions, passed the £80,000 mark, CSC were at UNISON’s National Delegate Conference to speak to members and branches about the current difficulties Cuba’s health system is experiencing and the importance of supporting the appeal. Kevan Nelson, UNISON’s Assistant General Secretary, chaired a packed fringe meeting exploring the union’s long history of solidarity with Cuba and its health workers, the experiences of young UNISON members in Cuba, and the pressing need for further support.
Though unable to attend in person due to the election campaign, Kim Johnson (reelected MP for Liverpool Riverside and former UNISON activist) sent greetings via video message. “As a Member of Parliament, I’ve been proud to show my solidarity with the Cuban people wherever I can,” she told guests. “Internationalism has always been at the heart of our movement and just as revolutionary Cuba has always looked outwards – providing support and solidarity with other oppressed peoples of the world – it’s down to us to extend that same solidarity to Cuba.”
UNISON young member Starr McGibbon spoke about the impact participation in the 2024 May Day Brigade had on her. “I fell in love with the country within 24 hours and it was genuinely one of the richest experiences of my life… I met some of the most amazing people from Cuba, from other trade unions, and from other countries around the world and it has inspired me and changed me as a person.”
Rigoberto Zarza Ross, European Director at the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), told attendees that before 1959, Cuba was merely “another star on the flag of the United States… a neo-colony of our neighbour to the north.” However its Revolution, Rigoberto said, asserted its right to exist as an independent, sovereign nation. He thanked UNISON members for continuing to stand by Cuba in its struggle to maintain its independence and said, “with the support of our friends around the world, like yourselves, we will never give up on our Revolution.”
UNISON NEC member Micaela Tracey-Ramos described how she witnessed first-hand the successes of Cuba’s health system during a UNISON North West delegation to Matanzas. “What I saw in Cuba, comparatively to Britain, was a health care system that focuses on preventative care and primary care in the community, with some of the best health indicators in the region and in the world.” However, recent years have seen huge challenges given the intensification of the blockade and those indicators and the health and wellbeing of the Cuban people are suffering. “Cuba and its health workers have given so much to the rest of the world, we have a duty to return that solidarity. We must do everything we can to support this Cuba Vive appeal,” she urged her fellow members.
A short video exploring and celebrating how Cuba trains Palestinian medical students at the Latin America School of Medicine in Havana gave attendees an insight into Cuba’s commitment to medical internationalism, as well as the ties of friendship that exist between those two nations.
CSC Director Rob Miller concluded the meeting, encouraging UNISON members to take the message back to their branches and regions to support the Cuba Vive appeal in whatever way they can. As he told delegates, the shortages in medicines and supplies being inflicted on Cubans as a result of the intensification of the blockade are “a matter of life and death.”
Over the week, scores of UNISON members visited the CSC stall to sign up as members, get their branch affiliated and find out more about how their branch can support the Cuba Vive appeal.