US fines company for Cuba trade

Campaign News | Monday, 16 October 2006

Cuba's Granma newspaper reports on latest victims

Havana, Oct 14 (Prensa Latina) The US blockade on Cuba took out a new victim, the Dresser Rand Group Inc, a New York-based company that the US Treasure Department fined $171,300 for trading with the island.

The information, published by Granma newspaper Saturday, is one of the "examples of Washington's extra-territorial trade sanctions of third countries in its policy of economic, trade and financial blockade imposed to our country."

The case of Dresser Rand Group Inc. was mentioned two days ago by Cuban Foreign Trade Minister Raul de la Nuez, during a debate at the Foreign Affairs Ministry.

That meeting had repercussions in several countries and is included in the program Cuban authorities are boosting to reveal effects of the blockade on the country s social and economic life.

The economic siege, since its application early 60s, has provoked Cuban economic losses of over $86 billion, government sources reported.

Through talks at school, work centers and neighborhoods by officials from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the document fosters the population s reflection on measures affecting the island economy, financing and trade.

Cuba will present at the UN General Assembly on November 8 a draft resolution demanding the end of that policy, termed genocide and with a marked extra-territorial nature affecting third nations.

Since 1992, when the resolution was approved for the first time, the international community has systematically condemned US sanctions on Cuba, and last year voting reached a record figure of 182 against.

To download Cuba's latest report on the effects of the blockade go to:

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