Your Messages
Together with 58 of my parliamentary colleagues I signed Early Day Motion 1550 which supports the normalisation of relations between the US and Cuba by removing the island from the ‘state sponsors of terrorism’ list. I urge the US to accept the result of the vote in the UN General Assembly calling for an end to the unjustifiable long running economic and trade blockade and sanctions against Cuba that is causing such unnecessary hardships to the Cuban people. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to do the right thing and recognise the considered view of overwhelming majority of the international community in seeking to lift the blockade of Cuba with immediate effect.
Grahame Morris, MP for Easington (United Kingdom)
The USA has the temerity to accuse Cuba of terrorism... using that to tighten the blockade screws even further, and overriding the very slight moves made by Obama. What was the reason? Because there were ELN guerrillas in Havana. But why were they there? For peace talks with the Colombian government, supported by the Cuban and Norwegian governments. You really couldn’t make it up.
Kevin Courtney, Chair of Cuba Solidarity Campaign (United Kingdom)
It would be more accurate to describe Cuba as a state sponsor of peace given its historic role in hosting peace talks.
Paula Barker, MP for Liverpool Riverside (United Kingdom)
Mick Lynch, RMT General Secretary (United Kingdom)
There is no justification for keeping Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. I hope the US Government can do the right thing – take Cuba off the list, end the illegal blockade and move towards peace and cooperation.
Mick Whelan, ASLEF General Secretary (United Kingdom)
As Colombian President Gustavo Petro pointed out, Cuba’s placement on this list for its role in hosting Colombia’s peace talks is a profound injustice. I urge the United States to take Cuba off the list.
Kenny MacAskill, MP for East Lothian (United Kingdom)
Daniel Kebede, NEU General Secretary (United Kingdom)
John McDonnell MP (United Kingdom)
I urge the US Government to take Cuba, which has helped bring peace to one of Latin America’s most troubled countries, off the State Sponsors of Terrorism list.
Richard Burgon, MP for Leeds East (United Kingdom)
Gary Smith, GMB General Secretary (United Kingdom)
Rt Hon Diane Abbott MP (United Kingdom)
Sarah Woolley, BFAWU General Secretary (United Kingdom)
On behalf of the General Federation of Trade Unionists, we call for the cruel blockade to end and for Cuba to be removed from the SSOT list.
Gawain Little, General Secretary, GFTU (United Kingdom)
Ian Byrne MP (United Kingdom)
Ian Lavery MP (United Kingdom)
We should all join hands with Cuba in solidarity to end the inhumane, unjust US blockade
Claudia Webbe MP (United Kingdom)
Alex Gordon, RMT National President (United Kingdom)
Chris Law MP (United Kingdom)
Barbara Plant, GMB President (United Kingdom)
The continued US unilateral designation of Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism only serves to justify and extend the illegal and debilitating US blockade of Cuba. It is shameful that Cuba, which has played such a significant role in bringing peace to one of the region’s most troubled countries, and itself has been the victim of a number of acts of terrorism, should be placed on such a list.
Rob Miller, Director Cuba Solidarity Campaign (United Kingdom)
Cuba has suffered over sixty years of punishment for daring to make this beautiful country and the lives of its citizens better - to end poverty and to educate. It’s time for this injustice to end; it’s immoral, unjust and pathetic. End the blockade!
Andrew Hudd, ASLEF Vice President (United Kingdom)
There are no grounds for considering Cuba a terrorist state, or one sponsoring terrorism. There are many states who do fall into this category, but Cuba is not one of them. I write on behalf of the London Region of UNISON, Britain's largest Trade Union.
Phil Thompson, UNISON London Region (United Kingdom)
Steve Jones CWU NEC (United Kingdom)
The presence of Cuba on the SSOT list is costing lives and preventing Cuba from effectively trading with other nations. There is no evidence to support their presence on this list and in the names of justice and humanity, Cuba should be removed from the list.
Allan Eldred, CWU NEC (United Kingdom)
Steve Turner, Assistant General Secretary of Unite the Union (United Kingdom)
As a Cuban British I witnessed the pain and shortness of my family in Cuba. The US foreign policy toward Cuba is inhumane and we also suffered the financial restrictions of the unilateral inclusion of Cuba in the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, which unable us sending money to Cuba. The pressure is such that stimulate people leaving the country as I am myself part of the brain drain triggered by US blockade. Living here for more than 30 years made me very bitter towards your country when we suppose to be neighbours in science. I think that you can do something as I always believe that women understand better the needs of families Do something for the Cuban families Sincerely
Miriam Palacios-Callender (United Kingdom)
Ian Hodson, BFAWU National President (United Kingdom)
My family never been involved in any terrorist activities why should my ill mum and little nephews pay for something that they haven't done. America is the richest country in the world how can be Cuba a little country in Caribbean dangerous to you!!! Stop this madness and let our people to life in peace and prosperity.
Armando LaO Alvarez (United Kingdom)
Cuba is the victim of US terrorism rather than the sponsor of terrorism. The Cuban Five were unjustly imprisoned for fighting terrorism against their country which only sponsors international solidarity in the struggle for peace, equality and justice. End the blockade and take Cuba off the US State Sponsors of Terrorism List. Respect Cuba's right to self-determination!
Fr Geoffrey Bottoms (United Kingdom)
I'm sick to death with the US's bully boy tactics. GROW UP!
Mike Haseler (United Kingdom)
David Miall (United Kingdom)
Alex Wilkinson (United Kingdom)
Abdul Shaikh (United Kingdom)
Rebecca Bushnell (United Kingdom)
Sara Mahdi (United Kingdom)
Neil Parry (United Kingdom)
Joyce Still (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a symbol of freedom, resistance and resilience. It shouldn't be on a list of 'State Sponsors of Terrorism' but on the very top of a list for beacons of hope, justice and real change, promoting culture and education. It should be recognised as the ultimate solidarity force, using the excellence in medicine to provide help wherever needed and supporting the oppressed across the world. Viva Cuba!
Maria Christodoulou (United Kingdom)
Ella Smith-Gibbs (United Kingdom)
Elliott Brady (United Kingdom)
Dante Korjov (United Kingdom)
Tom Brown (United Kingdom)
Cuban people are suffering for so long, they don’t diserve and the USA never never achieved any victory with the sanctions
Alexandre Lima Herkenhoff (Brazil)
William Caddick (United Kingdom)
I'm appalled by the treatment of, sanctions and blockade against the Cuban people by the US Government. It's not humane. Please do the right thing and treat them as you'd like to be treated, with respect and decency.
Jenn Gollings (United Kingdom)
Tom Sutton (United Kingdom)
Bradley E Lorton (United States of America)
Robin (United Kingdom)
As a British expat living in Ecuador I was unaware that Cuba was added back to the ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ (SSOT) list by the US in January 2021. Subsequently I visited Cuba in September 2022 and am unable to get an online ESTA and cannot get a B1 or B2 visa in Ecuador as a third country foreign national nor can I visit England for 6-7 weeks twiddling my thumbs applying for a B1/B2 visa via the US Embassy in London. This is an insanse rule, I have not even stolen a milk bottle in my life yet I can't visit the US whose new President is a convicted criminal.
Brett Peters (Ecuador)
Mercedes Perez-Vites (United Kingdom)
Why is US so vindictive towards Cuba, what threat is tiny Cuba to mighty America? Wouldn’t a prosperous independent Cuba be less of a POTENTIAL threat?
Tom Beard (United Kingdom)
Ruth Clydesdale (United Kingdom)
Kathryn Clark (United Kingdom)
Elizabeth Story (Australia)
Mel Errington (United Kingdom)
We need to recognise that this is about political opposition to Cuba's politics, which is a legitimate position to hold, but using the excuse of terrorism is not, let alone an economic blockade based on a political position
Gareth Mostyn (United Kingdom)
It is an absurd to list a country that exports doctors as a promoter of terrorism.
Orlando Hill (United Kingdom)
Kuldip Kaur (United Kingdom)
Lynn Clark (United Kingdom)
After so many years, the US government has not yet understood Cuba is an independent and sovereign country, whose main target is peace, solidarity and welfare for every country and its citizens. Let Cuba live in peace.
Eduardo Garbey Savigne (Cuba)
I write as someone married to a Cuban citizen who regularly returns to visit and care for elderly relatives. The unjust and cruel measures by the US make it extremely to send money to relatives, and have created crippling shortages of food and essentials including medical supplies. This is having a profound effect on the weakest and most vulnerable in Cuba- is this the group that the U.S. is seeking to target?
Jon Burgoyne (United Kingdom)
Steve Jones (United Kingdom)
Kelly Sullivan (United Kingdom)
Kamenthrie (United Kingdom)
Claudia Merola (United Kingdom)
Please remove Cuba from the SSOT list.
Alpha Kane (United Kingdom)
Cathy Benson (United Kingdom)
Mira Glavardanov (United Kingdom)
John Unsworth (United Kingdom)
Marika Fusser (United Kingdom)
nahuel alexis durante (United Kingdom)
Jacqueline Amanda Moore (United Kingdom)
Abigail Johnson (United Kingdom)
Oliver Martin (United Kingdom)
Kes Allen (United Kingdom)
After a recent visit to Cuba, I have learnt a lot about education and believe the UK can make positive change to our own education system from learning from the Cuban people. We must demand Cuba is taken off the list!
Molly Gibson (United Kingdom)
Heather Rutledge (United Kingdom)
David Somervell (United Kingdom)
Leave Cuba Alone!
J J Ennis (United Kingdom)
Kathryn Phillips (United Kingdom)
John Clarke (United Kingdom)
It’s been over sixty years!
Todd Anderson (United States of America)
Steven Johnston (United Kingdom)
Solidarity to the people of Cuba. End this injustice and suffering.
Andy Baxter -POA United Kingdom (United Kingdom)
stop blokeo en Cuba.
Camilo (United Kingdom)
How can the mighty US be afraid of little Cuba. This has gone on for too long now. End it Cuba cannot harm you and doesn't want to
Terry Eaton (United Kingdom)
Keith Burke (Spain)
Eleanor Roberts (United Kingdom)
I am a tourist in Cuba right now and have been devastated and saddened by the impact of the USA blockade on Cuba , the poverty and hardship I have seen in a country so geographically close to the USA is sickening . This embargo needs to stop. It’s spiteful to continue this tit for tat mentality all these years after the bay of pigs. Please prioritiese this after the election. USA would benefit also from lifting the embargo , from tourists exchanges to local imports. Please withdraw the embargo , it will help so many vulnerable people and Cuba isn’t a threat anymore .
Julie Masters (United Kingdom)
The US empire is slowly crumbling. Many millions of people around the globe, including Cuba, will be relieved and delighted when it finally happens
Frank Winfield (United Kingdom)
Charlie Browne (United Kingdom)
Stella Nickolay (United Kingdom)
Lailah Peel (United Kingdom)
Eamon (Ireland)
Benjamin Martinez Miranda (United Kingdom)
Andrew McAskell (United Kingdom)
President Biden should follow the path of Barack Obama in this matter. Otherwise, he follows in the path of Donald Trump.
Julie Perry (Canada)
Starling Wilkie (United Kingdom)
Jibril Abdi (United Kingdom)
Michele Arcangelo (United Kingdom)
Euphemia (United Kingdom)
Neil Parry (United Kingdom)
I can't believe we are allowing this to happen to the Cuban people, it is barbaric to continue the sanctions, people (who had little enough to begin with) are dying, starving etc. 60 miles away from America and it's people are being left to die, it's appalling.
Rebecca White (United Kingdom)
Marco Papacci (Italy)
Jake Salmon (United Kingdom)
Hubert (France)
Ivano Iogna Prat (Luxembourg)
Sofia Iogna Prat (Luxembourg)
Nicola evans (United Kingdom)
Archie McEwan (United Kingdom)
61 years of blockade must end now. Cuba must be removed from the SSOT list and sanctions lifted. Cuba has much to offer the World and it's time it was allowed to grow. End the blockade.
Georgie Stagg (United Kingdom)
Franziska Witham (United Kingdom)
Tina (United Kingdom)
Please remove Cuba off the terrorism list. Open this amazing country up.
Gareth Davies (United Kingdom)
I think this is utterly deplorable. If the US stands for human rights, why on earth are they isolating the Cuban people and allowing children to starve? If Biden is truly divergent from Trump how come this was never reversed? What does the US stand to gain from this?
Callum Gubb (United Kingdom)
Toby Moss (United Kingdom)
Amanda Barton (United Kingdom)
Sam Cooper (United Kingdom)
Joshua Freestone (United Kingdom)
Paul Firmage (United Kingdom)
Daniel Cummins (United Kingdom)
Matt Wilson-Boddy (United Kingdom)
Diana Humphries (United Kingdom)
Andrew Wallace (United Kingdom)
Gloria Hanson (United Kingdom)
Gilly Anglin-Jarrett (United Kingdom)
Sarah Sweeney (United Kingdom)
David Burton (United Kingdom)
David Shannon (United Kingdom)
Kerry Baigent (United Kingdom)
Selina Musa (United Kingdom)
Kevin Lucas (United Kingdom)
James Harrison (United Kingdom)
Mike Folliard (United Kingdom)
Lynn Gillespie (United Kingdom)
Ronald Duncan (United Kingdom)
Alastair Long (United Kingdom)
Margaret McKee (United Kingdom)
Maura McKenna (United Kingdom)
Jo Rao (United Kingdom)
Jamshid Ahmadi (United Kingdom)
Liz Payne-Ahmadi (United Kingdom)
Vlad Shabnin (United Kingdom)
Scott Forsyth (United Kingdom)
Fiona Napier (United Kingdom)
Holly Harwood (United Kingdom)
Zaihera Chaudhry (United Kingdom)
Shirley Mensah-Bonsu (United Kingdom)
Juliet Allen-Charles (United Kingdom)
Russel Harland (United Kingdom)
John Campbell (United Kingdom)
Cally Harrison (United Kingdom)
Asta Kibelyte (United Kingdom)
Paulette Rennie (United Kingdom)
Paul Hardy (United Kingdom)
James Taylor (United Kingdom)
David Morgan (United Kingdom)
Alan Lloyd (United Kingdom)
Layla Samuels (United Kingdom)
Graham Stevens (United Kingdom)
Dawid Makuch (United Kingdom)
Alison Williams (United Kingdom)
Sharia Lindo (United Kingdom)
Claire Butlin (United Kingdom)
David Shamma (United Kingdom)
Elaine Daley (United Kingdom)
Emelia Paczesny (United Kingdom)
Michelle Powell (United Kingdom)
Lynn Pollard (United Kingdom)
Nathaniel Tetteh (United Kingdom)
Andrew Hewitt (United Kingdom)
Simon Martin (United Kingdom)
Katharine Bligh (United Kingdom)
Steve Cottingham (United Kingdom)
Sue Balbuena (United Kingdom)
Claire Morris (United Kingdom)
Jacob Sayer (United Kingdom)
Laura Smith (United Kingdom)
Maximilian Neal (United Kingdom)
Elaine Lawson (United Kingdom)
Joanna Pritchard (United Kingdom)
Saul Cahill (United Kingdom)
Raven Hart (United Kingdom)
Liam Davenport (United Kingdom)
Shaan Ali (United Kingdom)
Matthew Habasque (United Kingdom)
Matt Wootton (United Kingdom)
Dave Roan (United Kingdom)
Matt Hollinshead (United Kingdom)
Sasha Sadjady (United Kingdom)
Kelly Kelly (United Kingdom)
Kieran Kelly (United Kingdom)
We, the legislative body of the Dark Order, Support the call for the removal of the Cuban state from the SSOT list and applaud the resilience of the Cuban people in their struggle for an end to their wrongful addition to the aforementioned list. We urge you to consider this proposal with careful consideration and factorial judgement, yet we must warn you not to proceed with prejudicial partiality. We hope you will make the moral decision on this case, for your sake and the Cuban people’s. Signed with authority from the Grand Maegister
Legislative bureau of the Dark Order (United Kingdom)
Nikolai Klimanski (United Kingdom)
Chris Neville (United Kingdom)
Jamie Burns (United Kingdom)
Terry webb (United Kingdom)
Esther Pocock (United Kingdom)
Купить диплом о среднем образовании в Москве купить диплом мвд
Ernie (Iceland)
Tracy Hill (United Kingdom)
Lesley (United Kingdom)
Karen-Marie Andersen (United Kingdom)
Elizabeth Morris (United Kingdom)
Susan Galloway (United Kingdom)
Max Atkins (United Kingdom)
Mark Smith (United Kingdom)
Brenda Webber (United Kingdom)
Clare McAdam (United Kingdom)
Gary McVeigh-Kaye (United Kingdom)
Ewan Hawkins (United Kingdom)
Fred Sprague (United Kingdom)
Lauren Ekins (United Kingdom)
Keely Jones (United Kingdom)
Terry Dobbins (United Kingdom)
Jennifer Williams (United Kingdom)
Teresa Dempsey (United Kingdom)
Malka Billing (United Kingdom)
Annette Owen-Petkova (United Kingdom)
Steve Adderley (United Kingdom)
Emma Aston (United Kingdom)
Sarah Richardson (United Kingdom)
Ian Watkinson (United Kingdom)
Mandy Smith (United Kingdom)
Lauren Jai (United Kingdom)
Symon Hill (United Kingdom)
Fatima McCloskey (United Kingdom)
Lynne Snowdon (United Kingdom)
Dot Flanagan (United Kingdom)
Vera Bordacs (United Kingdom)
Vanessa Nelson (United Kingdom)
Anna Phillips (United Kingdom)
Charles Shaw (United Kingdom)
Asha Sangha (United Kingdom)
Gareth Edwards (United Kingdom)
Mike Pevitt (United Kingdom)
Julia Simpkins (United Kingdom)
Chris Hubble (United Kingdom)
Sheila Pandy (United Kingdom)
Tom Chibby (United Kingdom)
James Snyder (United Kingdom)
Rebecca Sheffield (United Kingdom)
Amelia Salt (United Kingdom)
Ann Seuret (United Kingdom)
Louis O'Rourke (United Kingdom)
Bruno Broniecki (United Kingdom)
Cristina Barge (United Kingdom)
Juliana Hall (United Kingdom)
Valerie Burlinson (United Kingdom)
Nina (United Kingdom)
Dave Ward CWU General Secretary (United Kingdom)
Phil Brand (United Kingdom)
Shafeeq (United Kingdom)
Nik J. (United Kingdom)
Lorraine Douglas (United Kingdom)
Hani Lazim (United Kingdom)
Denise Taylor (United Kingdom)
Ian Morris (United Kingdom)
Shakeel Goulthorp (United Kingdom)
Audrey Mullender (United Kingdom)
Andy Walkden (United Kingdom)
David London (United Kingdom)
Paul Smith (United Kingdom)
Tony Conway (United Kingdom)
Ian Morris (United Kingdom)
Vicky Cowell (United Kingdom)
Audrey Mullender (United Kingdom)
Denise Taylor (United Kingdom)
If a country should be put in this list, it should be USA and not certainly Cuba!
Lekha Walallawita (Australia)
Mike Jones (United Kingdom)
US-end the blockade now
Ann Green (United Kingdom)
Enough is enough. Remove all sanctions against Cuba. Cubans are doing much better than Haitian people despite the fact that there are long standing sanctions against Cuba.
sarath fernando (New Zealand)
Gamini Chandrasekara (Sri Lanka)
President Biden, you now have the opportunity to make a humanitarian gesture that could truly improve the lives of millions of Cubans by removing Cuba from its ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ (SSOT) list
Janakie Seneviratne (Sri Lanka)
Summer Oxlade (United Kingdom)
Keisha (United States of America)
All that leaving Cuba on this list does is drive a humanitarian crisis in Cuba. It is time to end this injustice by taking Cuba #off the list
Matthew Hobbs (United Kingdom)
Shauna joynson (United Kingdom)
Grace Ashworth (United Kingdom)
MK Anderson (United States of America)
Simmeron Katbamna (United Kingdom)
Nick Tarrier (United Kingdom)
Roy Watchorn (United Kingdom)
Cariad Morgan (United Kingdom)
Brandon Beauvais (United States of America)
Nahomy Barban Marlotica (Cuba)
Alistair Wells (United Kingdom)
Sebastian Anderstedt (Sweden)
Sophia Ashwell (United Kingdom)
Alex Marshall Thomson (United Kingdom)
Joanna Long (United Kingdom)
Alex Tarrier (United Kingdom)
jJrdan Andrew Whitehouse (United Kingdom)
The USA is a powerful nation. Cuba is a small Caribbean island and does not have the resources to export Terrorism. The USA does not need to fear Cuba.
Michael Vaughan (United Kingdom)
Paul Turner (United Kingdom)
Ali Lockham (United Kingdom)
Cecylia Wilde (United Kingdom)
Hasan Dodwell, Co-Director, Justice for Colombia (United Kingdom)
Steve Bambrough (United Kingdom)
Martyn Bowen (United Kingdom)
Mike Kehoe (United Kingdom)
Tanzeel Abid (United Kingdom)
Barrie Eckford (United Kingdom)
Connor Spence (United Kingdom)
Benjamin Perry (United Kingdom)
Jude Percival (United Kingdom)
Dan Ross (United Kingdom)
Alex Francis-Palmer (United Kingdom)
Mark Lockwood (United Kingdom)
Rebecca Jones (United Kingdom)
Chris Malkin (United Kingdom)
Felicity Brangan (United Kingdom)
Caroline Brice (United Kingdom)
There is no justification for this embargo to continue and I would hope it can be lifted without further delay
Angela Johnson (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with Cuba
Nichola Murphy (United Kingdom)
James (United Kingdom)
Andrew Holdich (United Kingdom)
P Salgado (Colombia)
Hello please everyone support Cuba
Arvin Arami (United Kingdom)
There is no justification for classing Cuba as a sponsor of terrorism. Take Cuba off the list. This review is long overdue. The US is 'friends' with other states who do fit the SSOT description, making the label arbitrary at best. Lift the blockade. Live in harmony with your neighbours.
Fiona Goldie (United Kingdom)
maria fernanda Oliveira (United Kingdom)
Ciara Geller (United States of America)
USA is a bad guy
Sadeel (Palestine)
Cuba are a democratic country who have the right to exist without terror threats from the US
Lynda Walker (Ireland)
Che Spencer (United Kingdom)
Take Cuba off the list
maureen lawless (United Kingdom)
Morris Brodie (United Kingdom)
Chris Skilbeck (United Kingdom)
Kevin Russell (United Kingdom)
The blockade and the SSOT listing are inhumane, completely unjustified, and just plain spiteful. Will you never learn that Cuba could be a very good friend.
Chad Goodwin (United Kingdom)
I recently visited Cuba and feel the Cuban people are being unjustly punished by US trade restrictions and worldwide sanctions from being on the SSOT list.
Betsy B Crockett (United States of America)
Elizabeth King (United Kingdom)
patricia fryd (United Kingdom)
Ordinary Cubans are suffering from being on the US's ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ (SSOT) list. Is this what US citizens want?
Janine Eagling (United Kingdom)
Terry Gray (United Kingdom)
Yes, it is long overdue ....HANDS OFF U.S.!!
Tadhg O C (Ireland)
Aubrey Nunes (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a pleasant place to visit, good health services, education for all, wonderful ballet, music and dancing, But its friendly and hospitable people have suffered long enough from the US embargo. I can see no reason why the US wants to punish the Cuban people, making their lives more difficult by banning them from receiving trade and assistance from European countries.
jay Ginn (United Kingdom)
Ann Goodburn (United Kingdom)
simon wallace (United Kingdom)
Ben Davies (United Kingdom)
Simon Turp (United Kingdom)
Susan swift (United Kingdom)
Ben Stevenson (United Kingdom)
Stuart Moir (United Kingdom)
Lucy Coleman (United Kingdom)
Ben (United Kingdom)
The blockade and designation of Cubas as a state sponsored of terrorism is neither based in ny facts and evidence nd are illegal
Ruth Styles (United Kingdom)
Kate Edwards (United Kingdom)
Leaving Cuba on the list makes the US look increasingly ridiculous - appropriate under Trump but not Biden who looks like he lacks the energy to right an injustice.
Brian Mack (United Kingdom)
Rosalind Meadow (United Kingdom)
Ciaran Ferry (United Kingdom)
Everything is possible now
J Morton (United Kingdom)
Every year the UN votes overwhelmingly for the end of the blockade. You know and we know that Trump put Cuba on the SSOT list because he hates their system of government not because there is any evidence of terrorism. Cuba has no designs on US democracy or power. It simply wants to live and to look after its people. Please help them do that.
Sheila Barton (United Kingdom)
Paul Grunnill (United Kingdom)
Henry Morgan (United Kingdom)
Gerry McMahon (United Kingdom)
Vivienne Makin (United Kingdom)
Rosemary Atwill (United Kingdom)
Monique (Switzerland)
Peter Godfrey (United Kingdom)
Alison Aiken (United Kingdom)
Lesley Phipps (United Kingdom)
Shelagh Cullity (United Kingdom)
Juan (United Kingdom)
Robert Kelly (United Kingdom)
Naomi French Wallace (United Kingdom)
CARYNE PEARCE (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not a terrorist country and it is completely wrong for it to be on the list.
Tess Green (United Kingdom)
Seymour Millen (United Kingdom)
Dona van Bloemen (United Kingdom)
Paul Turner (United Kingdom)
CRAIG PARR (United Kingdom)
Please, please, please, treat Cuba and it's people as your country would like to be treated by the rest of the world. Act like the Christian country your founding fathers would have you be and have compassion on a smaller country who cannot, and has no desire to, harm you.
Bruce and Pat Morgan (United Kingdom)
Ann Rosemary Gresswell (United Kingdom)
There is no justification for keeping Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. I hope the US Government can do the right thing - take Cuba off the list, end the illegal blockade and move towards peace and cooperation.
Kenneth Senior (United Kingdom)
Michael Harding (United Kingdom)
Philip Richards (United Kingdom)
Cuba is absolutely no threat to the U.S. and it is immoral to threaten another state on the grounds of who they are politically aligned to.
Bridget Maguire (United Kingdom)
It is inhumane to continue the blockade
Gary Griffiths (United Kingdom)
Cuba doesn't bomb countries and orchestrate regime change wherever it politically or economically suits them, like the US does. Cuba sends doctors and medical personnel all over the world to help those in need.
Nick Kelleher (United Kingdom)
It is not Cuba who is the terrorist state in this world - time to look at yourself in the mirror
Rhisiart ap Gwilym (United Kingdom)
Cuba strives and hopes to be a friend of the world and does not threaten it neighbours in any way.
Jason Hallsworth (United Kingdom)
Sue Dexter (United Kingdom)
Jeannette Nap (United Kingdom)
Martin Roger (United Kingdom)
Mike Webber (United Kingdom)
It is so unfair that Cuba are on this list. Cuba is one of the fairest caring and humane countries in the world along with other Latin American countries. Cuba has to contend with the blockade from America this list makes it worse
Sarah Allen (United Kingdom)
Patrick Connolly (United Kingdom)
Anne Mayo (United Kingdom)
Desmond Haughey (Ireland)
Geraldine Coyle (Ireland)
Its about time the USA experienced sanctions themselves and got a taste of their own medicine.
John Cooper (United Kingdom)
Daisy Mules (United Kingdom)
Niall McCarroll (United Kingdom)
Mac Glashan (United Kingdom)
Cuba continues to serve it's people; the people- all citizens of all countries- deserve their governments to be free to serve them to the best of their abilities. The cruel, senseless and thoroughly failed US blockade must end immediately, and USA needs to engage with the Cuban government as sovereign equals.
Paul Burns (United Kingdom)
Show some humanity end the blockade
Andy Bonner (United Kingdom)
Tom Crow (United Kingdom)
Jim Teague (United Kingdom)
Bill Shields (United Kingdom)
Diane Leaver (United Kingdom)
Ann Donlan (United Kingdom)
Denis Scrivener (United Kingdom)
Simon Warren (United Kingdom)
This is a pathetic inversion of reality. It's time for the US to cease its never ending persecution of Cuba.
Graham Paine (United Kingdom)
mervyn (United Kingdom)
Ian Fletcher (United Kingdom)
It's time the US accepted that their neoliberal, capitalist model is not fit for purpose and stop interfering with the running of countries they have no sovereignty over.
Jeanette Fletcher (United Kingdom)
Marion Ferguson (Australia)
Clemy McAvoy (United Kingdom)
Geraldine Flanagan (United Kingdom)
Neil Lazarus (United Kingdom)
Adrian Banham (United Kingdom)
Let Cuba Live Biden, or be remembered as the worst president in history!
Bob Oram (United Kingdom)
Lewis Jordan (United Kingdom)
stop showing the world what a cruel callous country the U.S.A. is
Alexander Cunningham (United Kingdom)
The USA Government should be doing all it can to help Cuba. Not trying to harm Cuba. to withhold life saving medication from people in need of medical help is inhuman.Lift the blockade and the terrorist label
W B Summers (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not a terrorist state. Remove from list
Dodie Ritman (United Kingdom)
É absurdo colocar a Cuba na lista de países terroristas
Ana Maria Garcia (Brazil)
The blockade has gone on too many years and caused so much suffering. Cuba is a communist country which is making more democratic choices to insure happiness for its people. We deal with Viet Nam. Why not Cuba? It certainly got rid of the party house Batista held at the educational, health of Cubans. Please stop the blockade.
Jean A Balibrera (United States of America)
Maria Antonia Preciado Cagigas (United Kingdom)
Paul Stygal (United Kingdom)
Christine Clifford (United Kingdom)
jeff slominski (United Kingdom)
Janice Millington (United Kingdom)
Jimmy Keenan (United Kingdom)
Please set a good example to the rest of the world: remove Cuba from the SSOT list
David Wells (United Kingdom)
I am writing to you to urge the US Government to remove Cuba from its ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ (SSOT) list, and end the ongoing 61-year blockade and the extra sanctions that inclusion on the SSOT list brings.
Steven (United Kingdom)
Dear Ambassador, There is no justification for putting Cuba on this teerrorist list. Please do the right thing for once. Thanks Ian Brigstock
Ian Brigstock (United Kingdom)
Stephen Fawcett (United Kingdom)
A country founded on settler occupation and brutal massacre of first nation peoples and slavery should not be blockading a country that by the will of its people fought against just that
Judith Bonner (United Kingdom)
I have never understood why Cuba was put on this awful list in the first place. I find its continuing presence an affront to humanity and a decent Country such as Cuba.
DAVID PENFOLD (United Kingdom)
Peter Rae (United Kingdom)
Carole Heddle (United Kingdom)
Sylvia Goldfarb (Canada)
Robyn Jones (United Kingdom)
Richard Thompson (United Kingdom)
There is NO reason for this to be maintained. Have the courage to follow Obama's reversal not the rantings of the criminally identified ex president Trump.
Dee Alarcon-McAllister (United Kingdom)
Jean Wallace (United Kingdom)
Gareth Jones (United Kingdom)
Tamara Sivanandan (United Kingdom)
Cuba continue to offer medical services in other parts of the world, time to have them back in the international human family
Revd David Haslam MBE (United Kingdom)
Rosemary McKay (Australia)
Cuba does not sponsor terrorism. Please remove Cuba from your list.
Noeleen Grattan (United Kingdom)
Patricia Hindson (United Kingdom)
Clive Howard (United Kingdom)
Rob Street (United Kingdom)
I am so sorry to see my Cuban fellow teacher and loyal friend since our meeting over 30 years ago still suffering from the effects if the U.S. blockade. Any respect I once had for the US is being replaced by concern and horror at the disregard its government has for international laws.
Gwyn Pendry (United Kingdom)
elizabeth lloyd (United Kingdom)
Could you also stop enabling genocide in Palestine please.
Tessa Caley (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a peace-loving country, one of whose main exports is humanitarian and medical aid.
George Grime (United Kingdom)
l forman (United Kingdom)
Alan Coles (United Kingdom)
Richard Lowrie (United Kingdom)
Ance Karlsson (United Kingdom)
Neil Bevan (United Kingdom)
Dave Hewitt (United Kingdom)
Sean McAdam (United Kingdom)
Neil Kend (United Kingdom)
Peter Olech (United Kingdom)
erik petersson (Sweden)
This is inhuman !
Hanyn Ali (France)
Dear Ambassador Jane Hartley, We are writing to you to urge the US Government to remove Cuba from its ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ (SSOT) list, a designation which we believe to be both unjust and inhumane in its impact on the Cuban people. As you will be aware, Cuba’s listing as an SSOT was implemented by President Trump on the eve of his departure from office in January 2021. Since then there have been numerous international calls to reverse the action. The presence of Colombian guerrillas in Cuba has been cited to justify the designation, however it is internationally accepted that they were there to participate in official peace talks sponsored by the Norwegian Government, which Cuba was hosting. In fact, following the ceasefire agreement with the ELN guerrilla group, former Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos called on President Biden to remove Cuba from the list, saying: “Cuba should be applauded for the crucial role it played in helping to end decades of conflict and facilitate reconciliation in Colombia, and should not face sanctions for having done so.” Since his election in 2022, President Gustavo Petro has also pushed for Cuba to be removed from the list and has called its continued inclusion a “profound injustice.” Not only is the inclusion on the list unjust, it also has a devastating effect on the lives of the Cuban people. It prevents Cuba from using international banking systems and makes it increasingly difficult to acquire basic necessities such as fuel, food, medicines and hygiene products. Forty-five international banks immediately terminated relations with Cuba when it was returned to the list. There are currently profound shortages in Cuba. Like many countries Cuba is suffering from the world economic crisis, the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, and relentless damage to infrastructure by hurricanes and floods as a consequence of global warming. Uniquely it must also contend with an ongoing 61-year blockade and the extra sanctions that inclusion on the SSOT list brings. Both undoubtedly cost lives in Cuba, and contribute to a humanitarian crisis which is fuelling increased migration from the island to the US. International travel to the United States suffers too. People from 40 countries, including the UK, now have to apply for a full visa if they have visited Cuba, rather than simply applying for an ESTA waiver. In the last year of this presidential term, President Biden has the chance to make a humanitarian gesture that would genuinely make a difference to the lives of millions of Cubans. Such a move would be welcomed by the international community which has been calling for an end to the blockade, and has voted for it in the UN General Assembly for 31 years running. As the brief period of cooperation between the US and Cuba under the Obama administration showed, both countries and peoples gain when a path of peace and engagement is followed. Yours sincerely, Smilla
Smilla (Sweden)
Andy smart (United Kingdom)
Tracey Alexander (United Kingdom)
Quinn Cao (China)
Warren Chambers (United Kingdom)
Kerry Price (United Kingdom)
this country is NOT a terrorist organization!
Malcolm Medley (United Kingdom)
Mark Billing (United Kingdom)
Elena Lopez (Ireland)
Please take Cuba off your Terrorist list as they are no threat to the USA
Keith Nicholson (United Kingdom)
Jayne Gale (United Kingdom)
Steven Johnston (United Kingdom)
mark carter (United Kingdom)
Peter Butler (United Kingdom)
Ben Wright (United Kingdom)
Jeanette Wiseman (United Kingdom)
Alex Cameron (United Kingdom)
Felicity De Motta (United Kingdom)
Teresa Vigay (United Kingdom)
Paddy Emond (United Kingdom)
Anthony Bullock (United Kingdom)
Our UK history in Northern Ireland demonstrates that the way forward is with negotiation. Condemning a nation to a slow economic death when in reality it poses no material threat to the US, is unwarranted. The US can do better.
Professor Rob Smith (United Kingdom)
Sarah Teversham (United Kingdom)
Dear Ambassador, Please let this unfortunate nation off y]the hook. Cuba's place on the "Terrorism"list is demeaning to the USA .
KEN WHITTLE (United Kingdom)
Alma Carballo (United Kingdom)
Liz Pitt (United Kingdom)
Ifan Salmon-Webb (Wales)
David Llywelyn Brown (United Kingdom)
Tobias Abse (United Kingdom)
Any Country/State that declares to be a democracy would with immediate effect remove CUBA from the Trump inspired SSOT.
steve murphy (United Kingdom)
Tim Oldham (United Kingdom)
Susanne Wind (Denmark)
Tom Bartlett (United Kingdom)
John Thompson (United States of America)
Linda Bartlett (United Kingdom)
Jenny Jackson (United Kingdom)
Alex Lines (United Kingdom)
Marsha chatman (Italy)
Pauline Fraser (United Kingdom)
harriet wood (United Kingdom)
Pete Rowland (United Kingdom)
Judy White (United Kingdom)
Mandla Zulu (South Africa)
Jane McIver (United Kingdom)
The Biden administration has provided no evidence of Cuba supporting terrorism in any way. 64 years after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, the United States is still waging an economic and media war against Cuba, both administrations of Trump and now Biden have weaponised the “State Sponsors of Terrorism” list to isolate Cuba internationally and justify continuing the genocidal American blockade #OFFTHELIST
John Taylor (United Kingdom)
Marzena Kochanska (United Kingdom)
Mr Mark Sayers (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a country famous for sending its doctors all over the world to help other nations. I am not aware of a single act of terrorism sponsored by Cuba but this designation is hurting the economy of Cuba and its citizens. Please remove it now.
Marian (United Kingdom)
David lovelidge (United Kingdom)
Brian Murphy (United Kingdom)
Rowena Harrison (United Kingdom)
Mike Kennard (United Kingdom)
There is no evidence of Cuba ever supporting terror, depite the more than two thouand attacks on the peaceful nation by the US and its subordinate state and proxis. It is long past time to end the embargo and attacks on a peaceful nation that have no basis in reality and defy international laws
jan japur (United Kingdom)
Please do the right thing, in a time of much disaster in the area of foreign policy by the Biden administration, unfortunately not divergent from the worst ideas
Janet Nye (United States of America)
Richard Howard (United Kingdom)
Stop the Blockade now - it does not work, you should now after 61 years!
paul adriaanse (Ireland)
It is hypocritical and inhuman for the corporate financed US Senate and House to support a blockade against Cuba. If any country should be blockaded, it is the US for its cruel actions against Cuba. It makes the US the country that sponsors terrorism, as the blockade is an act of terrorism that the US frightens other countries to support. Never forget that Cuba has graduated over 200 American students from the Latin American School of Medicine (LASM/ELAM). These students do not owe even a penny to Cuba nor to the US. Is that terrorism? Certainly not!!! Are the American politicians and those who financially support them the real terrorists? Yes, of course.
Joan Malerich (United States of America)
Cuba is a peace loving country which believes in humanitarian aid and international solidarity. Designation as a terrorist country is a travesty and has no basis in fact. This is causing massive hardship to the Cuban people.
Hilary Haynes (United Kingdom)
Dr Paddy Ladd (United Kingdom)
John Brown (United Kingdom)
Pippa Maslin (United Kingdom)
Ingrid O'Brien (Ireland)
The US might try not bullying other countries; there is such a thing as fair exchange.
Nish Pfister (United Kingdom)
It’s been quite a long time since Cubans are suffering from this unjustified blockade from USA. I would urge Biden government to withdraw these blockade and let Cubans have a peaceful and better life. Please Please do something better for Cuba during this Christmas period.
Shaukat Dhali (United Kingdom)
Kenneth Riley (United Kingdom)
Jimmy Rutledge (United Kingdom)
James Urpeth (United Kingdom)
Hello It's high time you showed us that you really are a democratic country with human values. For more than 60 years, you have been hurting the Cuban people because they chose to live differently than what you had in mind. I do not understand in the year where gays, lesbians, dogs, cats, and anything the first world can think about have been added to the human rights list, whereas the country that has done only helping get people out of the mess created by you USA (operating from the Indian Occupied Territory). Stop talking about Hitler when you have taken his place since 1945. History should be re-written. Same thing regarding the Palestinians issued. The sad world we live in because of you. I hope you have a heart and act when it is time. A cuban child or even a Palestinian child has done nothing to you. Shame on you. Superpower with no brain.
Madjid Mahrane (United Kingdom)
Cubans don't deserve the awful sanctions Trump imposed!
Carol Cross (United States of America)
61 years is long enough for 11,000,000 to be collectively punished.
Helena France (United Kingdom)
robert (United Kingdom)
Cuba fought against Terrorism since 1959 and it is an Insult for all Cuban People for the US to have Cuba on a Terrorist List.Also the Illegal Blockade against Cuba by the US Gov't has been condemned by the United Nations many times and should be lifted. The majority of People in the world wants this Illegal Blockade against Cuba lifted.
Stan Squires (Canada)
Frank glynn (United Kingdom)
Christopher Barnes (United Kingdom)
History will judge the actions of the USA very badly! But good things are ahead when China and Russia kick your puny arses!
Robert (United Kingdom)
Patrick Gavigan (United Kingdom)
Frances kelly (United Kingdom)
David M Dwyer (United Kingdom)
Hilary Corton (United Kingdom)
Cuba should never have been on the list.
Elizabeth Briemberg (Canada)
It is criminal to have Cuba on the list of terrorist countries. End the blockade NOW!!!
Lallan Schoenstein (United States of America)
Karen Jane Donnelly (Italy)
USA is bullying a small country in its determination to develop its own way forward. Your action over the last 60 year it outrageous, if not criminal. Remove the blockade and sanctions NOW.
Peter Kilvert (United Kingdom)
How does it profit the US to continue punishing Cuba? The country feared itself from an oligarchy and its people are hard working. They ask only to be fairly treated.
Ann Miller (United Kingdom)
Iris Biblowitz (United States of America)
Visiting the wonderful Cuba in 2024 again
Patrick McGovern (Ireland)
Mary Carlin (United Kingdom)
Gordon Cowan (United Kingdom)
Frank Cammock (United Kingdom)
Dave (United Kingdom)
Michelle Morris (United Kingdom)
For 61 years the US has shown a cavalier disregard for international law by the application of the Cuban blockade. Its removal is well overdue and there is no excuse for relations between the two republics not to be normalised.
Bert Schouwenburg (United Kingdom)
Kevin Amis (United Kingdom)
Stop punishing the citizens of Cuba.
Thomas Fenn (United Kingdom)
David Boyden (United Kingdom)
Gina Siddons (United Kingdom)
David (United Kingdom)
It's time that this cruel embargo is lifted 60 years is vile and counterproductive. Anyway Happy Christmas
Steve Ellison (United Kingdom)
Cuba helped many countries with healthcare during the pandemic, the give aid to other countries who need them, Cuba is no threat to the USA, remove trade embargoes
Lauren Denney (United Kingdom)
Marcus Johnstone (United Kingdom)
Monica Forster (United Kingdom)
To victimise a country purely because their political system is 'different' to yours is nothing short of CHILDISH. Don't forget, most of this was started by a rum company, not politicians.
Steve Harris (United Kingdom)
Adrian (United Kingdom)
Stephen Deans (United Kingdom)
Marcus O'Higgins (United Kingdom)
Sandra Rowland (United Kingdom)
Ian (United Kingdom)
Please remove this cruel blockade instigated by Donald Trump and remove Cuba from the SSOT list as the Cuban government does not sponser terrorism.
Carys Pennant (United Kingdom)
In solidarity with the people of Cuba,wishing for an end to the blockade and peace andjustice for all nations.
Beth Flynn (United Kingdom)
Alex Bird (United Kingdom)
Ian Spilsbury (United Kingdom)
Simone Nepa (United Kingdom)
Outrageous policy of the US!
Raymond Bolster (United Kingdom)
To quote former US President Roosevelt: “To reach a port we must set sail – Sail, not tie at anchor Sail, not drift.” This is the time to weigh anchor, and allow Cuba to finally "sail"
Karl J Claridge (United Kingdom)
James Hutchinson (United Kingdom)
Alan Kellegher (United Kingdom)
Cuba is great country, and compared with much bigger countries, causes little trouble. The bias against Cuba is historical and pointless.
Andrew Hodges (United Kingdom)
SSOT designation is clearly a political act to maintain the support of certain wealthy individuals and companies. The UK support indicates to the world that our government is a puppet of the USA.
Nicholas Bond (United Kingdom)
The over 60 year blockade and the supporting terrorism allegations from the USA is not just vindictive by hugely hypocritical given the number of illegal invasions,constant bombing and organised coups that the USA has continually carried out over this period
John McFadden (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not a terrorist State. Remove the blockade now
pamela gurner-hall (Australia)
Angela Picknell (United Kingdom)
Brian Parkinson (United Kingdom)
Karl Heard (United Kingdom)
john England (United Kingdom)
Simon Grainger (United Kingdom)
Michael Cou (United Kingdom)
Lindley Owen (United Kingdom)
Stephen Millar (United Kingdom)
Tony Brown (United Kingdom)
Cuba has suffered enough from the cruel and unjust sanctions and embargoes imposed on it because it wishes to adopt its own economic model that benefits all of its citizens. Cuba demonstrates to the whole world the true meaning of friendship and cooperation with other nations.
Brian Holden (United Kingdom)
John Coates Professional Engineer (United Kingdom)
Rufus Pickles (United Kingdom)
Stephen J Hackett (United Kingdom)
Linda Perks (United Kingdom)
Brian Dodgeon (United Kingdom)
Andree Duguy (United Kingdom)
It's time for rogue states like US, UK and Israel to step down
Jan Plummer (United Kingdom)
Different political views does not justify this blockade.It is about time the US grew up and realised people can be different,without being a threat.
U reeve (United Kingdom)
Richard Magner (United Kingdom)
You are better than this USA
John Hurlston (United Kingdom)
Best wishes.
Pete (United Kingdom)
The US is perueing an inverted, Luciferian Agenda, 'Speaking with forked tongue'. In reality the biggest promoter and instigator of Terrorism across the Globe, they talk of 'War Against Terror'. Just as they had their 'War Against Drugs' (yet they have for many years been the No. 1 Drug Trafficker in the world, from and before the Vietnam War, ContraGate, Fast and Furious etc., and Skull & Bones was created at Yale from the Opium Trade Profits. The US is in totally illegal Occupation of vast swathes of Syria, including it's oil producing regions, allegedly fighting ISIS, but in reality giving them a safe space to live and base their operations against the legitimate Syrian Government. And now you have a 'Pretender' 'President', foisted on America with a stolen Election, and so gormless he has made America the laughing-stock of the world. Meanwhile, Foreign Fifth Columns have infiltrated and now control the Deep State, destroying whatever was good in America, for their Globalist objectives. How the mighty have fallen! But they will fal even further come the Day of Judgement.
Paul Barbara (United Kingdom)
Gerwyn Moseley (United Kingdom)
Jozef Chavko (Slovakia)
Solidarity to the valiant Cuban people and their fight against the US blockade!
Maxine Sadza (United Kingdom)
Mr Robert Palmer (United Kingdom)
The people of Cuba do not deserve this continued long-term persecution. It makes the USA appear nothing less than a petty bully.
Professor Gwyn T Williams (United Kingdom)
Mr Alan B Tenanty (United Kingdom)
Amanda Cruddas (United Kingdom)
Cuba does not sponsor terror. Cuba sponsors medical aid.
Benny Nilsson (Sweden)
Sammy (United Kingdom)
Irene Sedler (United Kingdom)
Regina Olbrich (Germany)
Hellmut Naderer (Germany)
Ursula Naderer (Germany)
Stella de Garcia (United Kingdom)
Godfrey King (United Kingdom)
Peter Barton (United Kingdom)
James Faulkner (United Kingdom)
Riad Akbur (United Kingdom)
It's absurd that Cuba remains on the list and causes such tremendous hardship for ordinary Cuban people. Please reconsider this listing.
Martin Lawson-Smith (United Kingdom)
carolyne darmanin (United Kingdom)
Liz Elkind (United Kingdom)
Remove Cuba from your SSOT list, Mr. Biden. You know it is a cruel, vindictive and unjust label.
Andy Vidion (United Kingdom)
Derek Sayce (United Kingdom)
Nadia Perkins (United Kingdom)
It is surely time for the US to show some humanitarian compassion in the World
David Eatock (United Kingdom)
Nigel Yeo (United Kingdom)
Askaniusz (Poland)
Marianne Gaskell (United Kingdom)
Ryan G (Canada)
Karima Ben Ammar (Belgium)
Tyrese (Netherlands)
Clive Healiss (United Kingdom)
Jamie (United Kingdom)
Ryan Cove (United Kingdom)
Junie James (United Kingdom)
The people of Cuba pose no threat to the US. End the blockade and show Cuba the respect it deserves.
Matthew Merritt (United Kingdom)
Louis Malyon (United Kingdom)
Rowan (United Kingdom)
Marcus Chiang (United Kingdom)
Gail Wagstaff (United Kingdom)
Sue Bigg (United Kingdom)
Lauren Collins (United Kingdom)
Richard Carabine (United Kingdom)
Neil Alldred (United Kingdom)
This has gone on for too long. The US is sending billions of $$ to Israel to commit a genocide and has the audacity to say Cuba is a terrorist supporting state.
Marie Christie (United Kingdom)
Julie Boueiri (United Kingdom)
The US actually is a State Sponsor of Terrorism and it is sheer hypocrisy. Cuba has never stooped to this level to promote its interests.
Denver ThomasThe (United Kingdom)
Karl J Claridge (United Kingdom)
Robert Strafford (United Kingdom)
Matt Lea (United Kingdom)
Martina Riano Irazabal (United Kingdom)
Karen-Marie Andersen (United Kingdom)
Fred Rodgers (United Kingdom)
Solidarity to the people and Government of Cuba, who always show how great humanity can be!
Keith Heywood (United Kingdom)
steven goldman (United States of America)
I have visited Cuba three times now. First, when Castro was still fighting in the hills when I was on a ship loading sugar. The second & third times were as tourists (with my late wife) a few years ago. Cuba is a very peaceful country and deserves to have the ability to thrive in the world. The USA actions against Cuba are a stain on the USA reputation, and counter productive. Please ask you Government to redress this shameful policy.
Peter Ryerson (United Kingdom)
Harry John Smaller (Canada)
Tom Crow (United Kingdom)
Professeur Tony Chafer (United Kingdom)
Cuba's show of solidarity in sending doctors to disadvantaged nations during the pandemic was truly inspirational - just think what more they could have done without punitive economic sanctions to battle through?
Jordan Phizacklea-Cullen (United Kingdom)
Catherine Elliott (United Kingdom)
Lorraine Tye (Scotland)
Waseem Ahmed (United Kingdom)
Enough is enough. Give Cuba a chance to join us all.
Christopher Hewitt (United Kingdom)
Jo Allen (United Kingdom)
O (United Kingdom)
Cuba should not be on this list and it is a disgrace! Right to an Education is a human right and the US are hindering this right with this list and the blockade!
Patrick (United Kingdom)
Peter Halsall (United Kingdom)
Catherine Mackereth (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not supporting terrorism which is very clear and this unilateral decision is affecting not only tourism but also other ways that cuban people can be helped with it as they are currently living the worst crisis in decades. Please let’s help the Pueblo Cubano.
Miguel Aguilar Munoz (Spain)
Thomas Cameron Berry (United Kingdom)
Kevin Fitzgerald (United Kingdom)
Lorna Berry (United Kingdom)
Val Bodels (United Kingdom)
Garry Macphail (United Kingdom)
This injustice compounds the ongoing injustice of the illegal US blockade. Let Cuba live!
Stephen Bishop (United Kingdom)
Scott Ritchie (United States of America)
John (United States of America)
David Rowbottom (United Kingdom)
Adis Ledon (Canada)
Cuba has proved herself an ally and friend of the oppressed and exploited for the past 60 years. By contrast, the USA has been a sponsor of much of the world's oppression and exploitation. The time is long past that the USA should stop telling Cuba, "You should be more like us" and for the USA to try to be a little more like Cuba.
Lee Johnson (United Kingdom)
John Tobin (United Kingdom)
Gail Williamson (United Kingdom)
thomas dunn (United Kingdom)
Oliver Kianchehr (United Kingdom)
Kevin Harris (United Kingdom)
Paul Jacklin (United Kingdom)
Roy Williamson (United Kingdom)
Hannah Backhouse (United Kingdom)
Alan ROSE (United Kingdom)
Michael Quinn (United Kingdom)
Michael Ramsey (United Kingdom)
Nashir Bharmal (United Kingdom)
The inclusion of Cuba on the SSOT list not only harms the Cuban people, it also portrays the USA as a vindictive big bully. Is this really the image which the USA wishes to project?
D R Underwood (United Kingdom)
Arantxa Gaba (United Kingdom)
Damien Harrison (United Kingdom)
Gerry Grainger (Ireland)
Shirley Sharp (United Kingdom)
Mr Odhran Cassidy (United Kingdom)
Robert McKinney (United Kingdom)
John ingleson (United Kingdom)
Stuart Smith (United Kingdom)
Chris Hargrave (United Kingdom)
Please remove Cuba from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list - they are advocates for peace and should not be on the list. Also, please end the blockade which is causing so much hardship for the people of Cuba.
Sue Lowe (United Kingdom)
Jenny Lennox (United Kingdom)
RMT Dorset Rail Branch (United Kingdom)
The USA are out of step with most industrialised countries in treating Cuba in this way. I hope that they change their stance.
Hector Wesley (United Kingdom)
Take Cuba State Sponsors of Terrorism list and end the inhumane blockade. USA are the real terrorists amount of innocent children woman and men you have murdered SHAME ON THE USA
Paul Ames (United Kingdom)
Oliver Blensdorf (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not a country that backs terrorism, and never has been. It is about time this embargo is lifted, and allow Cuba to have free World Trade, and share the expertise it has with the rest of the World.
Les Beswick (United Kingdom)
Ollie Hopkins (United Kingdom)
Georgina Andrews (United Kingdom)
Paul Gaston (United Kingdom)
Evelyn Turk (United Kingdom)
Alan Webster (United Kingdom)
I really do not know why we are still appeasing Donald Trump, he is a source of deep and abiding embarrassment to Americans who wish the nutjob known as "The Donald" is busily bringing our country into a long-running comedy. End the blockade, ruin Trump's Christmas.
Carol Howard (United States of America)
Mike Rowley (United Kingdom)
I hope Cuba succeeds in getting off the list
Joseph Richards (United Kingdom)
Thomas Flaws (United Kingdom)
Co-operation not confrontation is only way forward for the world and homo sapiens
Bob Steel (United Kingdom)
Soledad Poseck (United Kingdom)
Patrick McLaughlin (United Kingdom)
Mike Adams (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a peaceful natuon that develops vaccines and sends doctors around the world, it's health service is amazing and second to none, it sets an example in education and health care for all nations to aspire to.
Paul Sumner (United Kingdom)
The USA must stop being a bully!! Respect for Cuba and the Cuban people is the only way forward!
Granville David Credland (United Kingdom)
In the UK, a country with similar political and social values to the US, we see the blocade of Cuba as an ideological one. An Imperial technique to influence the politics of another nation. Something that the US would have something to say about if another country, say China, did the same thing to it. I urge the US to set an example in a time where International Law is being ignored by so many countries around the world and end the embargo against the Republic of Cuba.
James Jeagar (United Kingdom)
Stuart Hyslop (United Kingdom)
Susie Plant (United Kingdom)
Kathleen Haldane (United Kingdom)
Andrew Coley (United Kingdom)
Elena Maraka (Greece)
Mathew Bailey (United Kingdom)
The small island of Cuba is not threatening United States citizens.
Kathleen M Hughart (United States of America)
Lynn Hemming (United Kingdom)
Benjamin Maydon (United Kingdom)
Action is needed now.
Kevin Flack (United Kingdom)
Anne-Marie Hickling (United Kingdom)
Alan Hunter (United Kingdom)
pekin platinel (United Kingdom)
Eric Fawcett (United Kingdom)
Sue McLaren (United Kingdom)
How do you justify Israel not being on the US State Sponsors of Terrorism List with it human rights abuses in Gaza while Cuba is still on it for merely hosting a mediator/negotiator from FARC during peace negotiations?
Darryl Sugg (United Kingdom)
Henry Emoni (United Kingdom)
There is no basis whatsoever for the US government to place Cuba on this list. It is NOT a terrorist country. Cuba is well known for its internationalism and as a host of peace talks. Inclusion on the list is having devastating consequences for the Cuban people. #Off The List to stop this injustice! End the blockade!
Dodie Weppler (United Kingdom)
Joanne Nicholson (United Kingdom)
Please, Please lift this embargo, before we the UK starve yet another nation and its people.
Mr Reg Green (United Kingdom)
Nevertheless Cuba is suffering from the world economic crisis, the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, and relentless damage to infrastructure by hurricanes and floods as a consequence of global warming, Cuba all the years was helping with it doctors in all the world to overwelm powerty and illness. As the leader of the "Mothers against war Berlin-Brandenburg" I demand from you at least to stop the ongoing 61-year blockade about Cuba ! Shame you for your doing all the years long to make sanctions against Cuba! This is not democracy,what you are doing, but hegemony ! Brigitte Queck
Brigitte Queck (Germany)
lauren Ornelas (United States of America)
Let Cuba live!
Dan Morgan (Chile)
Keith Maddison (United Kingdom)
Helen Gibbons (United Kingdom)
Gavin (United Kingdom)
Julie Mantell (United Kingdom)
Alan Martin (United Kingdom)
Carla Diego (United Kingdom)
Annette Ayling (United Kingdom)
please have some compassion
thomas fallows (United Kingdom)
End the illegal blockade. Viva Cuba. Viva peace.
Henry Fowler (United Kingdom)
Jodie Evans (United Kingdom)
Sala B (United Kingdom)
I would expect President Biden to remove all sanctions imposed on Cuba as the the good humanitarian man he is; we could all learn from so many things in Cuba, particularly the education system and health care.
Janet Ward (United Kingdom)
Ken Moon (United Kingdom)
Mairead Canavan (United Kingdom)
As a UK resident who has visited Cuba twice, I find it impossible that Democratic, principled Biden should continue to try to justify this cruel injustice. It is unjustifiable. Jane Hartley I am so hopeful that you can change this.
Ann James (United Kingdom)
Dear Ambassador Hartley, I am a United States citizen, also a resident and citizen of the UK. I am a friend of Cuba, have be there several times, and made many friends there. I am very aware, through personal contact, of the enormous difficulties the ordinary people of Cuba have in simply surviving, not to mention to have any kind of fulfillment in life. The barriers to their wellbeing are needless and avoidable. Above all, they are cruel. Please will you help by doing whatever you can to see Cuba removed from the SSOT list. Thank you very much, Kate Whelan
Kate Lissauer Whelan (United Kingdom)
Kevin Courtney (United Kingdom)
john morris (United Kingdom)
mark strawbridge (United Kingdom)
The blockade of Cuba by the United States of America was condemned again on 2nd November 2023 when 187 countries voted for the reolution submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations. Country after country - some speaking on behalf of large groups within the UN challenged the illegal and inhmane action resulting from the designation by President Trump of Cuba as a State Sponsor of Terrorism. It is time that President Biden listened to world opinion and ended this gross injustice inflicted on the Cuban people.
Dr Bernard Regan (United Kingdom)
When you consider the regimes, and their human rights records, that the US continues to maintain positive relationships with, the persecution of Cuba, just for having the audacity to want to follow its own path, makes no sense whatsoever.
Steve Sugden (United Kingdom)
It is entirely unfair and unrealistic to suggest Cuba is sponsor of terrorism. It is one of the most advanced societies in the southern hemisphere whose record of medical aid to other countries in crisis is second to none. Cuba is also an ecological role model in sustainability of global importance. I therefore request that the United States normalises relations with Cuba and sincerely hope you would help broker such a positive development in the region. Kind regards.
Robert Brown (United Kingdom)
Karl Heard (United Kingdom)
Remove Cuba from the SSOT list! For peace and prosperity between all nations.
Liam Wilson (United Kingdom)
David Waldon (United Kingdom)
Abbie Read (United Kingdom)
Jane (United Kingdom)
S barot (United Kingdom)
Despite being a "poor" country Cuba has outstanding performance in medicine, public health, education and the environment. Its generous contribution internationally to helping other countries, especially those in most need, exposes the continuing blockade as a shameful, vengeful policy unworthy of the U.S.A
Hannah Guymer (United Kingdom)
Jacqueline Griffiths (United Kingdom)
Karen (United States of America)
Angelika Becker (Germany)
This has gone on far too long, ordinary people suffering,
Michael Winton (United Kingdom)
It is ridiculous to have a country that has exported more medical support than anyone else in Latin America on a terrorist list.
Vince Mills (United Kingdom)
The USA is isolated and embarrassed by its past behaviour. Surely now is the time to start "walking the talk" as fewer and fewer countries support your position on more and more issues. Be strong and do the decent thing.
Jonathan Maytham (United Kingdom)
Please allow the extraordinarily resilient yet long suffering people of this island to develop their nation and society as they choose without imposing illegal economic and political measures against them causing untold hardship.
Barrie ward (United Kingdom)
John Seggie (United Kingdom)
Steve Mills (United Kingdom)
George White, Unite NW/64 Branch Secretary (United Kingdom)
Allow Cubas people to live normal lives without restrictions
Tim (United Kingdom)
Athina Xanthi (Greece)
Hugh McHenry (United Kingdom)
Sally Midlane (United Kingdom)
Murray Watt (United Kingdom)
Bill Broom (United Kingdom)
It's outrageous that Cuba is on a list of 'sates sponsors of terrorism', list, unilaterally and arbitrarily drawn by the United States government, justified on fabricated arguments. We dream of the day when Cuba, after the US unconditionally lifts the illegal blockade, is no longer an issue in US lamentable domestic politics.
Francisco Dominguez (United Kingdom)
My family and I have visited Cuba, the people there are so friendly. Only the USA and Israel voted at the UN to maintain the embargo. I find that utterly disgraceful.
Mark Campey (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a socialist country which has suffered terribly from awful sanctions from many countries. Sanctions should stop immediately, and Cuba should be regarded as a socialist country with every right to have productive relationships with other countries. ( I have been to Cuba, and listened to an incredible 4 hour speech by Fidel Castro , which was magnificent!)
Eleanor Lewington (United Kingdom)
Roshan Pedder (United Kingdom)
Please lift the SSOT Label and economic embargo from Cuba and let it breathe economically again.
Colin Gill (United Kingdom)
You are persecuting Cuba while protecting Israel even as it flouts international law. You know perfectly well that collective punishment is illegal even as Israel cuts off electricity, food, water and medicine to Gazans. The settlements Israel is building on Palestinian land are also illegal but you do nothing about it. Israel has just attacked an ambulance convoy while Blinken cries crocodile tears about civilian deaths. Your hypocrisy and double standards are shameful.
Matthew Screech (United Kingdom)
Yvonne Washbourne (United Kingdom)
Jane Irving (United Kingdom)
Leif Bergstrom (Sweden)
Kate Willan (United Kingdom)
Having visited Cuba and met many Cubans I have found then to be totally peace-loving and immensely humanitarian. Please remove Cuba from the SSOT list. Thank you.
Mike Dukes (United Kingdom)
David Hill (United Kingdom)
Teresa (United Kingdom)
Andrew Balcon (United Kingdom)
Silvio de Albuquerque Mota (Brazil)
Dear Ambassador, U.S. sanctions are in force in very many countries, stunting the lives of billions of people. This is not the way forward for the world. Cuba is no threat to your country but unfortunately has many enemies (ex-Cubans) within the U.S. Open your eyes to this injustice and revoke all the sanctions on the small island of Cuba.
Lydia Hill (United Kingdom)
John Strongman (United Kingdom)
It is a travesty for Cuba to be included in the U.S. government's list of State Sponsors of Terrorism. The sanctions that flow from this egregious act have caused prolonged damage to the Cuban economy and to the well-being of the Cuban people.Do the right thing: Remove Cuba from THE LIST and thereby restore Cuba's rights as a member of the commu.nity of nations.
Bryon Smith (United Kingdom)
Massimo Montinaro (Italy)
Jane Pamenter (United Kingdom)
Please end the inhumane blockade
David Cooper (United Kingdom)
Samuel Larsen Williams (United Kingdom)
Raquel (Spain)
Grant Cuba normal trading status as befits any peaceful nation
Patric Cunnane (United Kingdom)
Derek Stainsby (United Kingdom)
peter leefttink (Netherlands)
Carl Richardson (United Kingdom)
As an Irish Republican I also condemn your actions aiding and complying with the illegal settlement of Israel in Palestine on the genocide been carried out on the Palestinian people and their land! A free self determined independent Palestine most now be established as it is the Palestinians inalienable right to the land! Israel is the terrorist! Put them on your list!
Ronan Collins (Ireland)
I have utmost faith in the essential goodness of the American people. Ultimately I know commonsense and common good will prevail, it is only a question of when? Why not make it now? The whole world is waiting for the U.S. to redeem itself and put value to the torch that became a beacon to the world.
Feisal Mansoor (Sri Lanka)
Mark Chivers (United Kingdom)
John Brown (United Kingdom)
Sue Wailoo (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a stable neighbour of the US. It does not deserve to be designated as a SSOT. This designation too is hurting the people of Cuba.
Nigel James (United Kingdom)
Free Cuba
James Healy (United Kingdom)
Tim Weller (United Kingdom)
Richard L Giovanoni (United Kingdom)
Peter Kitchen (United Kingdom)
Philip Inglesant (United Kingdom)
Jackie Oversby (United Kingdom)
Paul Whitman (United Kingdom)
Pat Larkin (United Kingdom)
William Miles (United Kingdom)
End the Blockage, let Cubans live humanly and in peace.
Laura Meadows (United Kingdom)
Ambassador, ask yourself ,what is the definition of a bully? Israel,ofcourse and???
richard manser (United Kingdom)
John Johore (United Kingdom)
Eduardo Garbey Savigne (Cuba)
The US has never forgiven the Cuban people for having the temerity to show that another world is possible.
Phil Brand (United Kingdom)
Conor Keenan (Ireland)
David John Cole (United Kingdom)
Mark Dunne (United Kingdom)
Emy Thomson (United Kingdom)
Jennifer Gunn (United Kingdom)
Geraldine Anwar (United Kingdom)
Thomas Wilson (United States of America)
Declaring those with whom you disagree terrorists does nothing to protect people or advance the cause of peace, solidarity and progress. Cuba is not a perfect country - who would expect it to be given the terroristic embargo imposed on it - but it needs support and not demonization to continue to many of its impressive accomplishments.
David Jenkins (New Zealand)
Viva cuba
Dr Cheral Govind (United Kingdom)
Jelica Roland (Croatia)
Rowan Valvona (United Kingdom)
This is wrong and outrageous. Cuba is not a terrorist state. Cubans have shown unreserved empathy to many countries when they were in trouble and have always assisted to th best of its ability. Please remove Cuba from this list!
Lesley Ohene-Djan (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not alone. Most people in the world will continue to support the people and the revolution they defend. Let Cuba live in peace.
Adela Marina Brent (Australia)
Ridvan Harlicaj (United Kingdom)
Richard Ian Williams (United Kingdom)
John Heddle (United Kingdom)
The conflict in Gaza/Israel illustrates the importance of preventing war and ill feeling between nations. The problems faced by humanity cannot be solved by stronger nations dominating weaker ones. Now is the time for dialogue and reconciliation and an end to economic blockades.
Neil Griffiths (United Kingdom)
Craig Bolton (United Kingdom)
Mick Morgan (United States of America)
Jef Vanhemel (Belgium)
Workers of the world, unite! We have nothing to lose but our chains
Sebastian Peady (Australia)
Cuba sends doctors to most disasters, as soon as they can. How is that sponsoring terrorism? Surely this is breaking international law.
Jen Williams (United Kingdom)
Sebastiao Viola (United Kingdom)
Dave Rindl (United Kingdom)
Jonathan Dirks (United Kingdom)
Harry McAlister (Canada)
Anders Kilefors (Sweden)
Denise McDowell (United Kingdom)
Let justice and humanity prevail
Andrew Draper (United Kingdom)
John Lynch (United Kingdom)
Gill Spencer (United Kingdom)
Anthony Simmons (United Kingdom)
Hassan rezaei (United Kingdom)
Jerry Rivers (United States of America)
Mr john s perris (United Kingdom)
Bianca Lopez (United Kingdom)
Elaine Ellen (United Kingdom)
Wolfgang Hausmann (Germany)
Steve Hoyland (United Kingdom)
Steve Jeggo (United Kingdom)
richard hennessey (United Kingdom)
John Upton (United Kingdom)
Please consider this
Colin James Smith (United Kingdom)
anna coda (United Kingdom)
Eric Chipulina (United Kingdom)
Michael Quinn (United Kingdom)
I had the pleasure of visiting Cuba in 2015 and was very impressed by the warmth and courage of the people. It’s very shocking and shameful that a country should be put on this list when it is helping to broker peace. Please right the terrible wrong and injustice perpetrated by your infamous predecessor and take Cuba off this list. Please continue the work of President Obama to continue to try the to normalise relations between Cuba and the US.
Sarah Shorter (United Kingdom)
Eleanor Lakew (United Kingdom)
B Foy (United Kingdom)
richard kane (United Kingdom)
Please remove this country (Cuba) from its state sponsor of terrorism list because it is unjust and inhuman in its impact to this good and brave people.
Othman (Yemen)
Clare (United Kingdom)
A disgraceful blockade to a peaceful country, that is only the US imposing an ideological sanction. Stop US international bullying now!
James Harrison (United Kingdom)
Kate Whittle (United Kingdom)
Richard Clay (United Kingdom)
lynne davies (United Kingdom)
Sarah Simpson (United Kingdom)
Lis Gilager (Denmark)
Jordan Milner (United Kingdom)
Andrew Rogers (United Kingdom)
Dr Rosi Smith (United Kingdom)
Gavin George (United Kingdom)
Adrian Willmott (United Kingdom)
Sue Linton (United Kingdom)
Zarria Phillips (United Kingdom)
Jane Daly (United Kingdom)
Ian Neale (United Kingdom)
Maria westphal (United Kingdom)
Jamie Ritchie (United Kingdom)
It is simply a question of justice and equality for all. Cuba is asking for nothing more than the UK and other Western Countries take for granted, to live in peace alongside others with respect and dignity valued for all.
Bob Diamond (United Kingdom)
Yve White (United Kingdom)
Clair Gwilliam (United Kingdom)
Fiaz Rashid (United Kingdom)
shane large-taylor (United Kingdom)
The USA lives in the past with very old dogmatic useless rules We have all evolved , CUBA needs it's freedom now !!
Sergio contreras (United Kingdom)
Eddie Cassidy (United Kingdom)
Gary Hosgood (United Kingdom)
Roger Few (United Kingdom)
63 years and counting your economic blockade hasn’t diminished the desire of the Cuban people for self determination, the first sign of madness is to just keep on repeating your mistakes, you’re in a minority of 2.5, give it up and stop your dogmatic nonsense !!
Paul Ainsworth (United Kingdom)
Abajo el genocida bloqueo de los EEUU al pueblo de Cuba. Sáquennos ya de la lista de países terroristas. Cuba necesita paz para construir su proyecto.
Virgilio PONCE (France)
Helen Comloquoy (United Kingdom)
I have visited Cuba and the Cuban people are kind and welcoming. There is no logical reason why they should be on this list. Your President promised in his electioneering to improve relationships with Cuba.It is time he kept his promise.
Sue Ghany (United Kingdom)
Lee Foxall (United Kingdom)
Does the United States really want to be known among most of the world’s objective thinkers as a huge cowardly bully?
Eric Coates (United Kingdom)
It is about time the Unated Estate leaves Cuba and sotps interfiering in Cubaa's polical life. STOP THE BLOKADE OF cUBA
Blas garcia (United Kingdom)
Andrew Ferguson (United Kingdom)
Incredible how the US still holds grudges for events that occurred before most of its politicians were even born! Maintaining sanctions for more than half a century, is ridiculous,and it only harms the ordinary people.
Elaine Borges-Ibanez (United Kingdom)
Sarah Veitch (United Kingdom)
JULIE LAMIN (United Kingdom)
Sue Hyett (United Kingdom)
Kevin Curran (United Kingdom)
Kim Sterling (United Kingdom)
Please use the power you have to do all you can to end this inhumane blockade. It was conceived in a moment of tyrannical madness three years ago, and yet is still stripping away the possibility of a life of dignity from innocent citizens. It cannot go another year. Please.
Fiona Hutton (United Kingdom)
Caitie W (Germany)
Keith falle (United Kingdom)
Tony Foody (United Kingdom)
Because it the right thing to do
Torkwase Holmes (United Kingdom)
Matthew Stiles (United Kingdom)
Dorrine Marshall (United States of America)
David Horsley (United Kingdom)
Fiona Wild (United Kingdom)
Edward Davies (United Kingdom)
Allow Cuba to take its full role in global affairs. Cuba's doctors have given so much to the world's poorest countries
Awel Irene (United Kingdom)
Yelena (United Kingdom)
Fran Heathcote (United Kingdom)
I think the above says it all but I would be pleased if you did your best to pass this message on and hopefully gain Jo Biden’s attention. Thank you
Stuart Heath (United Kingdom)
Benjamin Burbidge (United Kingdom)
Jan Hennessey (United Kingdom)
David Howarth (United Kingdom)
The USA government claims to be a democratic country but supports many states that are far from democratic. Cuba is where health services are free as is education thus enabling people to meaningfully participate in democratic processes. Lifting the USA embargo would accentuate the positive features in Cuba.
Roy Mayhew (United Kingdom)
Ross Holden (United Kingdom)
In solidarity with Cuba and it's people !!!
Martin Bove (United Kingdom)
Helen Mcgreary (United Kingdom)
Mark Allen (United Kingdom)
Cecilia Burgos (Mexico)
Tim Adams (United Kingdom)
Eben Williams (United Kingdom)
Lindsay Rutland (United Kingdom)
Ambassador Hartley, I am a citizen of the United States, but I join with citizens of the United Kingdom in this request. It is absurd to list Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism. Please pass the message on to Secretary Blinken along with your strong endorsement.
Bill Stansbery (United States of America)
frances brackley (United Kingdom)
As a white Englishman I can say, the one country I can visit and have my wife and children walk about safely at any time day or night is Cuba. Only people with no real experience of the country can possibly say it should be on the SSOT. American politicians in need of the Cuban votes from the families who fled the revolution 70 years ago will lie and cheat to get those votes regardless of the damage done to innocent people. Time to grow up and drop the age old vengence for the embarrassment Fidel so justly caused you.
Alan McThredder (United Kingdom)
Mara Pinardi (Germany)
Donald Colman (United Kingdom)
Roger David Baverstock (United Kingdom)
Prem Davidson (United Kingdom)
It is now time to remove all restrictions on Cuba, a nation that looks after its people, providing an excellent education and a health system. With continued restrictions, I believe this peaceful country will tire of being victimised, which could add to resentment and effect its peaceful people. How much longer do the people of Cuba have to suffer being called terrorists? End these sanctions NOW. There is enough anger in this world, lets support Cuba in making sure the Cuban people remain peaceful.
Janice Winifred Green (United Kingdom)
Please remove all blockages to Cuba's progress. The only people suffering are ordinary people. Cuba is a peacemaker, sends medical staff to areas needing help and does not initiate or pursue warfare.
Jennifer Jones (United Kingdom)
Katie spalding (United Kingdom)
Matthew Goss (United Kingdom)
This is a vital component in creating the equity the world needs to create peace and stability.
Chrissy Merton (United Kingdom)
Paul Rutland (United Kingdom)
Robert Brinkworth (United Kingdom)
David Wain (United Kingdom)
As an academic working on Cuba for over 30 years, I implore you to put pressure on your government to create a more humanitarian approach to Cuba.
Par Kumaraswami (United Kingdom)
Enough is enough
Felix Flores Varona (United Kingdom)
Maureen (United Kingdom)
Jane Watt (United Kingdom)
Tim Turner (United Kingdom)
Liliana Frascati (Italy)
Cuba is NOT and SSOT, and should never have been designated as such. The continuing classification is unfair, unjustified and vindictive; please remove this sentence of extreme, unnecessary hardship.
james showers (United Kingdom)
Robert Poole (United Kingdom)
If you sincerely believe that countries have a right to self-determination then please do all in your power to end this inhuman action
Jim Lister (United Kingdom)
Cuba has contributed so much to the world, sending medical teams and doctors where needed in catastrophes. In turn other nations shoudl recognise Cuba's humanitarian help to the world and certainly off the State Sponsors opf Terrorism list.
Rae Street (United Kingdom)
Mark Sowden (United Kingdom)
Gareth Lowe (United Kingdom)
Helen Ball (United Kingdom)
Abigael Collins (United Kingdom)
Michael Bills (United Kingdom)
Frank Winfield (United Kingdom)
Francesco Sticchi (United Kingdom)
Mick Lane (United Kingdom)
kenneth borjestal (Sweden)
There is absolutely no evidence that Cuba is a sponsor os state terrorism. In fact its quite the contrary, so please remove them.
Carole Regan (United Kingdom)
Mrs Elspeth Clemernts (United Kingdom)
Teresa Macartney (United Kingdom)
Please! Do the right thing!
Darlena Torres (United States of America)
Jane de Alencar (Brazil)
Basta ya!
Andrew Shewan (United Kingdom)
Lena Eriksson (Sweden)
Glen Burrows (United Kingdom)
Denis Lenihan (United Kingdom)
We firmly believe that this designation on the United States State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list is unwarranted and outdated, and it has a detrimental impact on the lives of countless Cubans, including our own families. The distressing reality of food shortages, prolonged queues, and a critical lack of medicines has plunged the nation into the worst economic and humanitarian crisis it has faced in recent history. We urge you, Jane Hartley to reevaluate this designation. It is our sincere hope that by removing Cuba from the SSOT list, we can contribute to a brighter and more prosperous future for the Cuban people. We call upon the US government to take necessary actions to ease the burden on the Cuban population and facilitate their access to essential resources.
Cecilia Corzo (United Kingdom)
john nicholson (United Kingdom)
Come on. Cuba has suffered MORE than ENOUGH for all these years. Lift the sanctions. They are a shining example of what good healthcare, good education, for free can be. And, they send their highly skilled medical teams to other parts of the world to help. The American institution thinks America is great ? It's a disgrace. Do the right thing.
Annette Hutchison (United Kingdom)
Jeffrey Robinson (United Kingdom)
Nathaniel Pearce (United Kingdom)
Cuba hosts peace talks not terrorists. Please remove Cuba from SSOT list and end the blockade.
Kenneth Senior (United Kingdom)
The US position is absurd.
Nicholas Juss (United Kingdom)
Let Cuba live!
Marianne Schweinesbein (Germany)
Carol Wilson (United Kingdom)
Dianne Beck (United Kingdom)
I have just returned from an education visit to Cuba. This country is peace loving and has humanitarian values stronger than any country I have visited and including my own, the UK. This is evidenced on their support for other countries in need of their expertise e.g.sending top virologist to Italy in Covid crisis. Keeping Cuba on the SSOT list is not only an injustice but deeply insulting given Cubans humanitarian missions around the world. The US is not benefitting from continuing this spiteful blockade as it diminishes the US who likes to talk up values such as liberty and freedom but does not allow the small sovereign island of Cuba these rights. Shame on US and shame on Biden.
Nikki Ajibade (United Kingdom)
Colm McConnell (United Kingdom)
The United States must abandon it’s ridiculous Cold War mentality in regards to the inhumane blockade and subsequently the addition of Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism List.
Aaron Hand (United Kingdom)
My father had the honour of meeting Comandante Che Guevara, my son joined the harvest brigades in Cuba. The blockade is unjust, vengeful hence illegal under international positive law. Solidarity with the people of Gaza also means solidarity with the blockaded people of Cuba.
Dr Mehmet Ali Dikerdem (United Kingdom)
Warren McGiveron (United Kingdom)
Philip Bradley (United Kingdom)
Have a little of decency
Hugo Rangone (Argentina)
USA can show its true values by its benevolence
Joseph Hannigan (United Kingdom)
Phil Cosgrove (United Kingdom)
michael dolman (United Kingdom)
I am very concerned about this issue and the hardship it causes, especially to the most vulnerable members of Cuban society.
Jordan Lancaster (United Kingdom)
ian young (United Kingdom)
Mark Williams (United Kingdom)
Paul Draper (United Kingdom)
Shivakaran Sivanathan (United Kingdom)
The world now knows that Cuba is definitely not a terrorist state and neither does it fund nor support any terrorist group. All modern thinking states now think Cuba should be taken out of the straight jacket that over fifty years of sanctions by the USA has imposed on it.
George Dixon (United Kingdom)
Joseph Kelly (United Kingdom)
Jo Galazka (United Kingdom)
Please remove this embargo. We as teachers in the UK we cannot send any materials to help Cuban teachers. Please persuade President Biden to do this while he still can.
petronella Shutt-Schouten (United Kingdom)
Please take Cuba OFF the Terror list. The Cuban people have suffered enough for many years. Please show some mercy for their sake
George Cater (United Kingdom)
Liz Hobbs (United Kingdom)
Alice Lock (United Kingdom)
The immorality of Trump's decision and the continuing refusal to repudiate it by Biden are quite breathtaking and quite rightly despised by the vast majority of the world's people. Viva Cuba!
Lorraine Tillett (United Kingdom)
Gert Hillebrand (United Kingdom)
I request that you remove Cuba from the US State Sponsors of Terrorism. The pressure that the USA is exerting on Cuba is primarily at the expense of the population. Incomprehensible to me, since the USA always describes itself as the torch of freedom and democracy.
Bernhard Plibrsek (Austria)
Faye Curran (United Kingdom)
Sonya Andermahr (United Kingdom)
Dave Szollosy (Canada)
Do the right thing !!!
John Jackson (United Kingdom)
Karen Harvey (United Kingdom)
Alan Carr (United Kingdom)
I have a photo of Barack Obama and Raúl Castro in Cuba by my computor.
Peter Harold Smith (United Kingdom)
Keith Andrew Mallinson (United Kingdom)
I was fortunate to visit Havana alongside a group of nurses from New York. The United Nations overwhelmingly knows that the USA blockade is wrong. So did those nurses.
Mark Mizzen (United Kingdom)
Alan Hobbett (United Kingdom)
TREVOR PARSLEY (United Kingdom)
Bridie mc creesh (United Kingdom)
There is no good reason for the United States to subject the Cuban people to the hardship that the embargo that your country has placed on trade to Cuba. Cuba is not a sponsor of terror and it does not in any way endanger the USA.. It aids other countries. The people in this peaceful country are suffering because of the shortages of food, medicine and other necessities, that your country has caused. Remove the Blockade, Please!
Linda McDowell (Canada)
Chris Hunt (United Kingdom)
This is so overdue!
Margery Anne Wilson (United Kingdom)
Heather McNeil (United Kingdom)
Cuba doesn't deserve to be treated so badly by the United States. Why not work with the Cuban government for the advancement of both countries. Cuba now is a major vacation destination and also exports it's products to the UK and EU. Thank you ambassador for considering this campaign letter from myself and many others.
Paul Thomas (United Kingdom)
Gerard Rutjens (Netherlands)
Johnny kelly (United States of America)
Diana Grierson (United Kingdom)
Betty A Lotterman (United States of America)
The U S mean and spiteful policy in there interference in the lives of Cuban people must end.Who do you think you are ? ,your lives are no more important than any others in this world.
Paul Gee (United Kingdom)
Jan Marr (United Kingdom)
Stephanie Kasprowski (United Kingdom)
Raymond Howard (United Kingdom)
Remove this inhumane and draconian blockade.
Kareem Ghezawi (United Kingdom)
John Kristensen (Denmark)
Greg Hewitt (United Kingdom)
I visited Cuban to celebrate 100 years of Quakers in Cuba. The people were struggling but no one blamed the government but the blockade, so the 60 + years of blockade have kept the present Cuban government in power!
Roger Baker (United Kingdom)
Steven Phillips (United Kingdom)
This status that the USA gives Cuba, that of state sponsors of terrorism bears no credence in this day and age. It amounts to the collective punishment of ordinary and innocent Cuban citizens, some of whom I have met in Cuba and they are a lovely people. If anyone is the terrorist here it is the USA in perpetrating unnecessary harm towards the Cuban people. You create your own enemies with these types of oppressions, you idiots. It is your country that is dangerous, but you can’t just see it. The USA will end up destroying the world with your paranoid foreign policies.
Nicholas Ruch (United Kingdom)
Ruth Appleton (United Kingdom)
Let Cuba have the same possibilitis as other countrys. Stop the bocade!
Gil Tarschys (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a country which has always promoted and acted for peace in this world. Cuba is against terrorism in all its forms. The Cuban doctors travel the world to save lives in every corner of the globe where there is a natural disaster. The Cuban teachers bring education through their 'Yo si Puedo' literacy programme to help disadvantage people around the world to learn to read and write. President Biden, please show humanity and follow President Obama's example and take Cuba off the list of state sponsor of terrorism.
alpha kane (United Kingdom)
Brian woodward (United Kingdom)
Dougie Grant (United Kingdom)
Kevin Osborne (United Kingdom)
Tom Farrell (United Kingdom)
Alan Grant (United Kingdom)
Chris Remington (United Kingdom)
Surely the time has come to recognise the benefits of positive relations with Cuba.
David Raby (United Kingdom)
Dear Ambassador, Please heed the words of former Colombian President Santos and remove Cuba from the SSOT list. This humanitarian gesture by your nation can only facilitate the cause of peace and prosperity. Yours sincerely David Wallace
David Wallace (United Kingdom)
alan (United Kingdom)
Colin Beryl Fleet (United Kingdom)
Clive Walder (United Kingdom)
Andrew Leese (United Kingdom)
Stuart Salvara (United Kingdom)
Maire Verrall (United Kingdom)
David McCance (United Kingdom)
Amber McDonald (United Kingdom)
Nazifa zaman (United Kingdom)
Ori (United Kingdom)
Christine Parrott (United Kingdom)
peter reilly (United Kingdom)
Fin Deane (United Kingdom)
Stuart Reed (United Kingdom)
For too long have the Cuban people suffered. Enough is enough. Lift the Blockade.
Daniel Gregory (United Kingdom)
Judith Cazorla (United Kingdom)
Paul Stevenson (United Kingdom)
Cheryl Hucker (United Kingdom)
Vivian Otero (United States of America)
Caroline Michie (United Kingdom)
Would be glad to hear back. Thank you.
Marie Lynam (United Kingdom)
Andy Dykes (United Kingdom)
Ton Hosemans (Netherlands)
Henry Tufton (United Kingdom)
Paul Leon John Mackney (United Kingdom)
Imti Choonara (United Kingdom)
Ruth Rosenau (United Kingdom)
Geoff Crossley (United Kingdom)
It is a disgrace that the US Still treats Cuba as a terrorist state. Simply because it wishes remain independent from US interference. The US has for numerous decades facilitated vicious right coups and supported authoritarian states in the subjugation of its citizens across South American. All to maintain US hegemony and corporate power.
Gary Pitcher (United Kingdom)
Sue Merrell (United Kingdom)
this situation has gone on long enough
Jack Gilleece (United Kingdom)
Mr Jesse Pozniak (United Kingdom)
It’s been 60 years it’s time to lift this embargo.
Dan Christopherson (United Kingdom)
Andreas Thedieck (Netherlands)
Joern Janssen (United Kingdom)
Ms Una Walsh (Ireland)
John Swinburne (United Kingdom)
Wake up to a changing world otherwise you will be left behind
Les Havell (United Kingdom)
Chloe (United Kingdom)
Natasha Bednall (United Kingdom)
Colin Redmond (United Kingdom)
David Hoadley (United Kingdom)
Hilary Williams (United Kingdom)
Steven Johnson (United Kingdom)
Brigitte Genest (Canada)
Julie White (United Kingdom)
This blockade shows the nastiest side of USA politics. It should have been ended many years ago allowing Cuba to develop in the peaceful way it seeks.
Ray Bryant (United Kingdom)
Let Cuba live! Cuba is a victim of terrorism, not a perpetrator.
michael Chant (United Kingdom)
Avis Gilmore (United Kingdom)
This appalling illegal bullying must stop
Rog and Pam Wortley (United Kingdom)
Does the US not have anybody with any brains? Look back at how many disastrous decisions the US has made over the last 80 years or so - Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and probably Israel too. There is no reason for maintaining the Cuban sanctions other than ancient retribution!
Philip Meek (United Kingdom)
The effects of the blockade were already suffered widely but the inclusion of Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list, not for being terrorists or engaging in terrorist activities but for not aligning with the USA's preferred terror organisations, have etched that suffering deeply. It is cruel, inhumane and the designation of SSOT needs to be removed IMMEDIATELY
Jackie Cannon (United Kingdom)
It's about time that the USA stop hurting innocent victims just because you don't agree with their country's politics.
Annie Bevis (United Kingdom)
Karen McMichal (United Kingdom)
Katherine Campbell (United Kingdom)
graham Day (United Kingdom)
Remove Cuba from the US state sponsors of Terrorism list now.
Barry Weisleder (Canada)
Cuba wants peace. Why don't you?
Jill Owen (United Kingdom)
Kevin Donovan (United Kingdom)
I urge the US Government to remove Cuba from its ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ list. Inclusion of Cuba on the list is cruel, unjust and inhumane and has a devastating impact on the lives of Cuban people. Please demonstrate leadership and compassion.
Jackie Power (United Kingdom)
Jamie Dyas (United Kingdom)
Cese el bloqueo contra el pueblo cubano!!. Cese las ilegalidades y arbitrariedad contra un naciòn que siempre ha dado lo mejor de si Al mundo!!. Beenden Sie die Blockade gegen das kubanische Volk, beenden Sie die Illegalität und Willkür gegen eine Nation, die immer ihr Bestes für die Welt gegeben hat.
Odalys Silva (Germany)
Paul Pugh (Canada)
Steve Thompson (United Kingdom)
John Pinkerton (United Kingdom)
Lesley Kazan-Pinfield (United Kingdom)
In this present time when the the world is in crisis. Let us understand our political differences but let us remember that we are the human race after all and for our survival need to help and not continue to harshly boycott a country that is struggling to survive.
Vini Clarke (Australia)
Christopher Turpin (United Kingdom)
John Rogers (United Kingdom)
Ryland Morgan (United Kingdom)
Kathryn White (United Kingdom)
Peter Kelleher (United Kingdom)
Rachel Munoz (United Kingdom)
I was appalled but not surprised when Trump put Cuba on the SSOT list and when the Democrats and Joe Biden were elected fully expected a change of heart. Unfortunately for reasons I cannot understand this beautiful and friendly country is still suffering from a decision made by a far-right idiot who has been out of office for three years.
Graham Bernard Bates (United Kingdom)
Dave Farrell (United Kingdom)
Jayne Fisher (United Kingdom)
Zero Piraeus (United Kingdom)
John Chilvers (United Kingdom)
Mr Richard Syms (United Kingdom)
Jan O'Malley (United Kingdom)
Unshackle Cuba
Arthur Richardson (United Kingdom)
Dave Rendle (United Kingdom)
The US Government must remove Cuba from its ‘State Sponsors of Terrorism’ list. Inclusion of Cuba on the list is unjust and inhumane and has a devastating impact on the lives of Cuban people.
Will (United Kingdom)
Sarah Hirom (United Kingdom)
Ray Evans (United Kingdom)
Adrian Sanchez (United Kingdom)
PETER LAHERTY (United Kingdom)
PLEASE thgis is so cruel, illegal & wrong
Adam Samuels (United Kingdom)
Beck Harley Shillito (United Kingdom)
Six decades is too long to hold a grudge against Cuba. It is high time the USA lifted its sanctions or at least ceased to take economic reprisals against the countries that are willing.to forgive and forget that the USA was offended when a corrupt capitalist government was displaced by a people’s rebellion. After all isn’t that how the independence of the United States began its life.
Ted Bains (United Kingdom)
Tom (United Kingdom)
Twm Draper (United Kingdom)
Freddie Spencer (United Kingdom)
Let's go forward?
James Lovett (United Kingdom)
Cuba is a state sponsor of peace and solidarity NOT of terrorism
Ruben Brett (United Kingdom)
Alex MacDonald (United Kingdom)
Frank Stappaerts (Belgium)
Kevan Nelson (United Kingdom)
Tommy (United Kingdom)
Geir Hansen (Norway)
Libs (United Kingdom)
Cormac O'Neill (United Kingdom)
Marcus Jervis (United Kingdom)
It is political violation and arrogance and had/is not involved any terrorist activities but USA had and is doing all over world
Tar Atwal (United Kingdom)
Martin McKay (United Kingdom)
Let`s create a world worth visiting.
Peter Michael Dean (United Kingdom)
Ruby Joseph (United Kingdom)
Paula Brennan (United Kingdom)
Keith Hutchinson (United Kingdom)
Shane Halliwell (United Kingdom)
John Bowen (Ireland)
The vast majority of Cubans were not born when the USA imposed sanctions and cannot be held accountable for hosting Russian missiles at that time. So why continue the blockade? USA's complete disregard for the freedoms and opinions of others will become increasingly costly as you continue to lose power and influence.
William Barnett (United Kingdom)
Steven Cox (United Kingdom)
Give the beautiful Cuban people a break
Robert Martindale (United Kingdom)
Caroline Ayerst (United Kingdom)
Russell (United Kingdom)
It is outrageous that the USA continues to punish the Cuban people with it's illegal blockade, and that it ignores the UN resolutions calling it to cease.
Keith Obbard (United Kingdom)
Please do the right thing and end this injustice.
Glen Williams (United Kingdom)
The Rev John Kennedy Saynor (Canada)
With the stroke of a pen, the US government can make a positive difference to the lives of millions of Cubans. Now is the time to make this gesture.
Monica Brady (United Kingdom)
Michelle Smith (United Kingdom)
Solidarity with the people of Cuba
Declan Clune (United Kingdom)
Christine Clifford (United Kingdom)
im entirely in solidarity with the Cuban nation and the so-called greatest democracy is only making attacks on the Cuban people.at the same time as showing sympathy for the devastation in Gaza. stop the imperialism no no pasaran`
Mr Jeffrey Rawlinson (United Kingdom)
Tony Caleary (United Kingdom)
Lola Tomas (United Kingdom)
Simon Gulliver (United Kingdom)
Christine Randell (United Kingdom)
Former President Trump's laws against Cuba and its people,were and are an embarrassment to the US.It would be a significant step to start putting things right here.
Geoffrey Shears (United Kingdom)
Lizzie Karlsson (Sweden)
Hugh Mackay (United Kingdom)
Walter Pacchiani (United Kingdom)
To the US Ambassador Jane Hartley, When is the US going to give up its petty campaign against a country (Cuba). The Us excepts, supports and recognises some the worst tiranical leaders and regimes on earth.(why)
kenneth newton (United Kingdom)
Tim Wilkes (United Kingdom)
Gwyneth Francis (United Kingdom)
Be a human. Stop the suffering imposed on 11 million Cubans!
Zoltan Tiroler (Sweden)
Anna-Lise Nicolodi (Switzerland)
Colin Brazier (United Kingdom)
Tony Warner (United Kingdom)
Come on, Mr Biden, show sense as well as compassion!
Patricia Fairey (United Kingdom)
This action is vital
Frances (United Kingdom)
Mike Watkins (United Kingdom)
Martin Delaney (United Kingdom)
65 years is punishment enough. America has no rights to control any Sovereign Nation Leave Guantanamo putting YOUR criminals there is outrageous 98% of all UN voted you a dictatorship
Mike Kelly (United Kingdom)
Janice Needham (United Kingdom)
Laura McMenemy (United Kingdom)
Nathan Bolton (United Kingdom)
Dear Ambassador Jane Hartley I would like to also take this opportunity to urge President Biden and the American Government to lift these unjust sanctions that your Government has placed apon the cuban people . The American Government has political disagreements with the Cuban Government which we should work to resolve however imposing these cruel economic sanctions on the Cuban people does not make humanitarian sense . I have personally visited Cuba a number of times and was immensely impressed by their infrastructure re their health service and education system and how they continue to survive and support each other despite these cruel restrictions . However my key observation was that the ordinary people work together to help each other on an ongoing basis much as do ordinary people in the USA and throughout the world . We know that President Biden has made a great contribution to stimulating the American economy .Surely it is now time to also do this with your Cuban neighbour's ? Iain Reekie Scotland ( UK)
Iain Reekie (United Kingdom)
In the light of the routine arming of right wing forces, by the US in Central and South America and the shameless encouragement by your country of the most anti-democratic elements across the world, the continued allegations against Cuba are hypocritical nonsense!
Chris Walker (United Kingdom)
Jackie Simpkins (United Kingdom)
As well as harming the people of Cuba, this brings the US into scathing disrepute
Pat Mitchell (United Kingdom)
Stephen Fawcett (United Kingdom)
Claire M Copple (United Kingdom)
Paula Brady (United Kingdom)
Jenny Lennon-Wood (United Kingdom)
Michelle Laufer (United Kingdom)
This issue reflects badly upon the United States and its questionable foreign policy.
Billy (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not a terrorist country.
Massimo De Feo (Italy)
Christine (United Kingdom)
Jill Pack (United Kingdom)
Claire Jones (United Kingdom)
USA....it is time for you to join the real world...!!
Robert Rankine (United Kingdom)
The best way forward for the US and for Cuba is to co-operate - there are so many areas of humanitarian interest that can be progressed. Cuba should be taken off of any list suggesting that it sponsors terrorism. There are so many demands on the world's peoples that working in co-operation would help
Douglas Chalmers (United Kingdom)
susan holland (United Kingdom)
Take Cuba off the list
Jackie Yems (United Kingdom)
Sanctions are a means of war. Collective punishment is illegal.
Anthony Conway (United Kingdom)
Walter Tavener (United Kingdom)
Harry Collin (United Kingdom)
Call to stop demonizing and persecuting the people of Cuba.
guy chapman (United Kingdom)
James Sheppard (United Kingdom)
Lora Davies (United Kingdom)
Katy (United Kingdom)
Undo Trumps unfair designation of Cuba as an SSOT. It’s not warranted and causes immense damage to the ordinary people of Cuba.
Stephen Branscombe (United Kingdom)
Kevin Treweeks (United Kingdom)
Simon Brignell (United Kingdom)
Paul Cormican (United Kingdom)
President Trump is no longer in power. The policy should be reversed.
Jacquie Wilson (United Kingdom)
Keith Close (United Kingdom)
Please take Cuba of your terror list! They are no terrorists, they are an example of International Solidarity with the People’s of the world.
Gert Tjoelker (Denmark)
The position taken by the USA is unjust.Cubans are suffering because of this.I expected more from the Biden administration...very disappointed.
Mary Lynch (United Kingdom)
Cuba is not a threat to the West or the world order generally. On the contrary it has played an important role in humanitarian support through its doctors and medical support - in spite of its own poverty caused in part by the US embargo.
Penny Remfry (United Kingdom)
Manfred Groll (Germany)
Susan Michie (United Kingdom)
Colin Adams (United Kingdom)
Les Sheppard (United Kingdom)
John (United Kingdom)
Myra Berg (United Kingdom)
Michelle Bruce (United Kingdom)
Manuel Soler (Germany)
All Cuba's efforts are humanitarian, sending doctors and medical brigades to poor countries.
Brian Mitchell (United Kingdom)
Please remove Cuba from the list of terrorism
Christina Wendler (Sweden)
kick leijnse (Sweden)
Willie Renton (United Kingdom)
N Wearmouth (Belgium)
Please ask Pres Biden to remove Cuba from its state sponsor of terrorism. Cuba is not and never has been a sponsor of terrorism.
Sean sanders (United Kingdom)
It's time the people of Cuba Wer made free
simon Cotton (United Kingdom)
Owen W (United Kingdom)
The whole business of punishing the Cuban people for the political stance of its government will never bring about regime change. It is also illegal of course, and brings the USA into disrepute throughout the Latin American countries and beyond. A head-banging 61-year-old failure. Time for change.
Dave Morgan (Wales)
Pat Turnbull (United Kingdom)
Francis Choules (United Kingdom)
Listing Cuba on the State Sponsors of Terrorism List is profoundly unjust as the country does not sponsor terrorism and gross hardship is being caused. Listing Cuba inappropriately also undermines the integrity of the List itself.
Martin Stoolman (United Kingdom)
Ian Johnston (United Kingdom)
Cuba has done nothing to the decrement of any other state. One thing it has done is help other states by supplying them with medical aid and doctors.
Nick Yapp (United Kingdom)
Dan Chester (United Kingdom)
george hickman (United Kingdom)
I think this blockade is well past its expiry date and ought to be removed. Cuba is not a threat to the security of the USA
Arthur (United Kingdom)
The continuing inclusion of Cuba on the SSOT list is unnecessary and cruel, making it difficult to obtain basic necessities for the people of Cuba. please remove Cuba from this list.
Sheila Pevely (United Kingdom)
Kevin Patrick Michael McCann (United Kingdom)
The sanctions and the blockade are inhumane, draconian and harm the Cuban people. They need to end. Cuba has some the best healthcare and education in the world. The world would be a far better and more prosperous place if the Cubans can partake in it instead of being being frozen out.
Lisa Osborne (United Kingdom)
Michael Boyle (United Kingdom)
Adrian Banham (United Kingdom)
Wilfried Schubert (Germany)
Time to do it
Tony evans (United Kingdom)
Malcolm Souza-Lewis (United Kingdom)
The Cuban people do not deserve the hardships endured through the US blockade. As a professional horticulturist, who visited Cuba several years ago, I was so impressed with the warmth of the people, their resilience, and the energy and resourcefulness they put into overcoming the huge problems they faced. They give more to the world than many other nations.
Joy Larkcom Pollard (Ireland)
Please end the inhumane blockade.
Philip West (Australia)
Removing Cuba from this list is the right thing to do, and to do it right now!
Nigel Green (United Kingdom)
Carl Szmit (United Kingdom)
Please put an end to the pointless blockade that is harming the lives of millions of innocent Cuban civilians. If you want to see change in Cuba, sit around the table with Cuba's politicians and stop this policy of collective punishment of the Cuban people immediately.
Deborah Miles (United Kingdom)
Marion Birch (United Kingdom)
Per Lindahl (Sweden)
Graham Partridge (United Kingdom)
Put an end to the pointless blockade that is harming the lives of millions of innocent Cuban civilians. If you want to see change in Cuba, sit around the table with Cuba's politicians and stop this policy of collective punishment of the Cuban people immediately.
Matthew James Miles (United Kingdom)
Rose Hunt (United Kingdom)
Paul McMichael (United Kingdom)
David P Savage (United Kingdom)
Trevor Batchelor (United Kingdom)
It’s time to change the US policy on Cuba
Les Bayliss (United Kingdom)
Norman Charnley (United Kingdom)
The sanctions are cruel and unfair to the Cuban people.
Ronald E Fox (United Kingdom)
Cuba is one of the most humane societies and helped out even rich countries like Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic by sending emergency medical relief team.
Rational Medicine (United Kingdom)
Nelly Takla-Wright (United Kingdom)
Please end the suffering of the Cuban people. Cuba is not a terrorist state. I have visited the country twice and seen how difficult it is for people in the face of the US sanctions.
Barbara Lamplugh (Spain)
Cuba is always one of the first countries to send doctors and help when there are disaters and cotrastrophis in the world.
Andrew Kilmartin (United Kingdom)
Rem Drew (France)
Jo Hammond (United Kingdom)
Simon Gibson (Philippines)
Isobel Robinson (United Kingdom)
Cuba is the victim not the perpetrator of terror. Trump’s odious decision must be reversed.
Gerard Stilliard (United Kingdom)
Christine Bridger (United Kingdom)
Chris Richards (United Kingdom)
After all this time Cuba is not a threat to the US or any other country. Indeed they have in Cuba trained overseas students in health work and sent medical teams to many other countries. Their humanity should be recognised and their internal political system is their own responsibility.
Sonya Baksi (United Kingdom)
it's time to make a difference for the people of Cuba. Please remove Cuba from the SSOT list.
Angela Stewart-park (United Kingdom)
Sian Charnley (United Kingdom)
Leaving this designation in place is cruel, brutal collective punishment for a non-existent wrong-doing.
Richard Hull (United Kingdom)
Sylvia Hargrave (United Kingdom)
John Horsfall (United Kingdom)
Mark Hollinrake (United States of America)
Paul Micheal Selman (United Kingdom)
The world knows cubs and the Cubans aren't terrorists, do the right thing.
Rob Savage (United Kingdom)
I feel passionately about this. Please act immediately to lift the blockade of Cuba
Judith Mabbott (United Kingdom)
Michael Thornton (United Kingdom)
It is vital, in these difficult times, that the US ends its blockade of Cuba.
John Cowley (United Kingdom)
Dave Baker (United Kingdom)
I have happy memories of two visits to Cuba despite the difficulties imposed.
Christopher John Green (United Kingdom)
Walter Ronald Maclellan (United Kingdom)
Colin Groves (United Kingdom)
Juan Baeza (United Kingdom)
John Melrose (United Kingdom)
Eoin MacNeill (United Kingdom)
Margaret Ling (United Kingdom)
The vindictive decision by Trump to place Cuba, a peace promoting and international medical aid provider, on this list. Must be reversed immediately.
Sean Kettle (United Kingdom)
Nadia Ellis (United Kingdom)
Philip Weaver (United Kingdom)
Jenny Kassman (United Kingdom)
Keith Owen (United Kingdom)
George Wight (United Kingdom)
Paul Thorn (United Kingdom)
Paul Bates (United Kingdom)
Tony Wright (United Kingdom)
abajo el bloqueo sacar de la lista del terrorismo a cuba país humano soberano viva fidel
brenda castillo (Denmark)
Stephen Deans (United Kingdom)
The unjustified addition of Cuba to the list of State Sponsored Terrorism has caused more problems to the already struggling economy and therefore the suffering of the Cuban people. It is illegal and must be removed.
jenni Ford (United Kingdom)
Wolfgang Bailey (United Kingdom)
Johnathan Mark Sharpe-Smith (United Kingdom)
Alan Lloyd (United Kingdom)
Sue Bigg Bigg (United Kingdom)
Jean Ferrol (United Kingdom)
Nigel Smith (United Kingdom)
Hilary Stephenson (United Kingdom)
Susan Penny (United Kingdom)
Jose (Ireland)
This is truly unfair and unjust.
Julie Sheppard (United Kingdom)
Meic Frank Haines (United Kingdom)
Chris Purnell (United Kingdom)
Iain Trotter (United Kingdom)
Paul Crofts (United Kingdom)
Agnes Kory (United Kingdom)
The crippling effect of sanctions against Cuba is unjustified and cruel and denounced by many others worldwide. The US’ reputation is harmed by this stance.
Julia Worsley (United Kingdom)
Steve Farley (United Kingdom)
Dave Statham (United Kingdom)
Van camp marc (Belgium)
Jim Dye (United Kingdom)
No al bloqueo
juan jose rivas salas (Spain)
Bob Thomson (United Kingdom)
Peter Coxhill (United Kingdom)
Jane (United Kingdom)
Michael Carr (United Kingdom)
Caron Kirkham (United Kingdom)
please treat Cuba in a civilised way.
terry cooper (United Kingdom)
Ian Webster (United Kingdom)
Stephen McCloskey (Ireland)
Cuba is truly a phenomenal island. The people are the nicest that I have met..in my 71 years of life and, after having travelled widely and lived in Africa. Time has passed and, to hold grudges, is not a very grown-up thing to do. The World has moved on. Maybe America could be magnanimous, move on ..and take Cuba off this mean, small-minded, list. It is the honourable thing for a large nation to be seen to do.
Melissa Roberts and David Roberts (United Kingdom)
Nancy (United Kingdom)
Cuba has provided exceptional healthcare across the world. They are a sponsor of peace, not terror. End the blockade and let Cuba be.
James Kirkup (United Kingdom)
Tariq Anderson (United Kingdom)
Ruaraidh Dempster (United Kingdom)
Cuba as not been involved in any terrorism and should not be on this list please get it removed please
Roland Laycock (United Kingdom)
It's time to end these sanctions. Give Cuba a chance to trade fairly, tackle climate change and acknowledge all the medical assistance they provide to other countries.
Richard Moore (United Kingdom)
This blockade is completely unjustified. In the year of Cuba's presidency of the G77, and given how much Cuba has done to help many of the poorest in less developed countries, surely it is now time to take Cuba off the list.
Gordon Peters (United Kingdom)
Martin Leete (United Kingdom)
I am visiting Cuba in January despite the ban. I will be travelling to enjoy Cuba and lend support to Cuba in its struggle. I had planned to visit the US later in the year but that may not be possible with the ban/Visa restrictions. It is a shame that Cuba remains on the SSOT list given all the good it has done in the world.
Mike Hemmings (United Kingdom)
Keith Reid (United Kingdom)
Amanda Skull (United Kingdom)
Rhisiart ap Gwilym (United Kingdom)
It is astonishing and disgraceful that Cuba, a force for peace globally, should be on the State Sponsors of Terrorism list.
Mark H Burton (United Kingdom)
Mike J HARPER (United Kingdom)
Heather Rutledge (United Kingdom)
Cuba does not support or condone terrorism.
Ken Keable (United Kingdom)
Paul Brooks (United Kingdom)
Dear Ambassador Hartley, could you see your way to leaving Guantanamo as well. Thanks. Much appreciated.
James Ennis (United Kingdom)
Paul Hanson (United Kingdom)
It is unjust and immoral to keep Cuba on this list. Cuba has suffered enough, please work towards its removal as soon possible.
roger spettigue (United Kingdom)
Ray Barkley (United Kingdom)
Do the decent thing and end this US blockade. It cripples Cuba and the people of Cuba do not deserve this
Dorothy Kellegher (United Kingdom)
Having visited Cuba recently I saw first hand the impact of the US government position. Your government appeats and isnwidely understood to be attempting to starve a population into a regime change that you find suitable. This grotesque policy is causing real suffering. I implore you to lobby for Cuba to be removed from.the SSOT list. You know it is unjust and you know that this is the right move.
Jonathan White (United Kingdom)
Sam Hope (United Kingdom)
Dominic MacAskill (United Kingdom)
Cian McMahon (Ireland)
Cuba has never supported terrorism, it sends doctors to the global south, unlike the US that sends weapons.
Phil Brand (United Kingdom)
This is of the utmost importance to the Cuban people for humanitarian reasons. They have so much to offer but are blocked from making any progress.
Jenni Ford (United Kingdom)
Micaela Tracey-Ramos (United Kingdom)
jane cabrera (United Kingdom)
Thank you for supporting an end to the suffering of the Cuban People
Felix Sharpe Caballero (United States of America)
heather ann marcano (United Kingdom)
Stephen Smellie (United Kingdom)
Natasha Hickman (United Kingdom)
Please end this injustice and let Cuba develop in peace.
Jeff Searle (United Kingdom)
George Tsolakis (United Kingdom)
End the blockade against Cuba!
Trish Meehan (United Kingdom)