Cycle Cuba Experience 2025

8-18 November 2025

The Cycle Cuba Experience is a fantastic way to experience Cuba, to raise money for essential educational equipment for young Cuban school children with disabilities and support the vital campaign work of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign at the same time.

Cycle Cuba 2022 group at the start of their challenge

Cycle Cuba 2022 group at the start of their challenge

Want a truly unique and memorable experience of Cuba?

Join CSC on the Cuba Cycle Experience and see the country as you never have before.
Cycle an exhilarating 355 km route in the west of the island, through a limestone valley and lush forests, ending the trip with a night in Havana.

The 10-day trip takes in an exhilarating  route from Soroa to Cayo Jutiás on Gulf of Mexico in the western provinces. We end the trip with a day in the capital Havana.
Pass through dramatic scenery and along quiet rural roads, explore Che Guevara’s secret underground HQ, with the opportunity to experience diverse Cuban culture close up.
Five cycle days plus a hike to Cuba’s largest cave system, with visits to a policlinic, school and community project, and to meet local trade unionists. From the finishing line return to Havana, the historic city, and celebrate a wonderful group achievement at a traditional Cuban restaurant.

The CSC Cycle Cuba Experience is especially unique amongst other sponsored cycle rides. Not only are the overall costs and minimum sponsorship lower than others, but CSC’s Cycle Cuba Experience also includes educational and cultural visits, and raises money to help end the blockade of Cuba and funds projects in the country itself.

Take part in the 2025 Experience and you will be supporting the work of Cuba Solidarity Campaign; raising funds for schools for children with disabilities, and you will deliver vital educational materials direct to the school – a highlight of the trip for many past participants.

You don’t need to be super fit, just healthy and active enough to ride a bike in warm weather and follow a basic training programme for a few weeks before you go. Past participants have ranged in age from 18 to 70, many of whom had not cycled any long distances before signing up. Taking part in the Experience is a great incentive to help you get fit too!

The total cost of the 10 day tour includes international flights, accommodation, a dedicated support team including a cycle tour manager, a fully qualified mechanic and English speaking local guide, all transfers, packed lunches on ride days, most meals, plus entrance to cultural and historic visits.

Participants are asked to pay a £200 registration fee + £2599 minimum level of sponsorship, which includes tour costs, plus single room supplement (£159 tbc).


Read a report of the Cycle Cuba Experience in November 2022 here

You can watch a short film made by one of the 2018 Cycle Cuba Challenge participants below.

Check out this video of the Cycle Cuba Challenge 2018

The mogotes of Vinales valley in western Cuba

The mogotes of Vinales valley in western Cuba

Waterfalls of western Cuba

Waterfalls of western Cuba

Abel Santamaria school for visually impaired, Cuba

Abel Santamaria school for visually impaired, Cuba

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