Winter Solidarity Brigade 2024

15 December 2024 - 2 January 2025

Discover the real Cuba and make a real difference with this amazing experience. Join a diverse group of UK and international volunteers at the International Centre near Havana for a unique opportunity to learn first hand about the realities of Cuban life.  

Book now for Winter Solidarity Brigade in Cuba 15 December 2024 - 2 January 2025 

18 days

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Now is an exciting time to be going to Cuba and the brigade gives a unique opportunity to speak to Cubans from all walks of life, see the reality of life under the ongoing US blockade, and learn about the country’s economic and social development.

Work alongside Cuban farmers, visit health, education, environment, welfare and cultural centres. With free time to explore the capital and lots of opportunities to soak up the culture, with dance classes and live music. 

The brigade is based at an international centre 25 miles outside of Havana. The accommodation is basic, sharing up to 4 people per room. 

Cost includes programme of talks, events and visits, accommodation, transport, food and preparation pack in advance of departure. You need to organise your own international flights but we can assist with this.

"It was a life-changing experience, a really wonderful, rich time in every sense. Humbling in the face of the blockade and its consequences – I will definitely go again, and encourage others to do so!” past brigadista

 To view photos and read reports from past Brigades or for more info please visit the Brigade section of the CSC website.


Winter 2024 Solidarity Brigade will visit Playa Girón, the site of the Bay of Pigs invasion, and UNESCO Slavery Route monument San Severino museum in Matanzas.

Winter 2024 brigade programme includes working in a rural area outside Havana alongside local farmers, as well as visits to museums and historical sites, plus talks on the current challenges of the US blockade, the economy, democracy and international solidarity.

They will visit an agroecological farm to learn about its sustainable circular economy and social-community approach, and find out about Cuban environmental policy and the implementation of the longterm nationwide environmental project ‘Tarea Vida’.

While in Matanzas province the brigade includes a visit to the San Severino Castle museum, an important monument in the UNESCO Slavery Route, and the Korimakao community arts project. The group will also visit a primary school and maternity centre, and meet representatives of the students union at Matanzas university.

Back in Havana they will meet representatives of CENESEX, to find out about their work in Cuba on sexual, reproductive and family rights. While in Havana to celebrate new year’s day, they will be able to attend a special gala of the National Ballet of Cuba.

With free time to explore the capital and soak up the culture, with dance classes, film screenings and music. Not forgetting some time at an amazing beach and a hike to the Rainbow Waterfall in Soroa.


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