Cuban Internationalism, Young Workers and Solidarity with Palestine - panel and film screenings

NEU, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, LONDON

Saturday, 22 June 2024, 2:00pm

Cuba’s revolution and its commitment to internationalism continue to inspire new generations. Young trade unionists, who visited the country on recent CSC May Day Brigades, and others reflect on Cuba’s internationalism and the central importance of Cuba’s struggle in the fight for a better world and for a free Palestine.

with guest speakers

Micaela Tracey-Ramos: UNISON NEC, Brigade delegate in 2022

Nazifa Zaman: Unite WM Young Members’ Committee, Brigade delegate 2023

Freddie Seale: RMT Young Members' Committee Vice-Chair, Brigade delegate 2024

Sorcha Thompson: PSC Youth and Student Committee, researcher in history of solidarity between Cuba and Palestine

Chair: Ollie Hopkins, CSC Executive.

This public panel follows the CSC AGM from 10am-1pm which is also open to all.

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