Viewing from October 2024

Antonio Guiteras power station, Matanzas

CSC statement on power cuts in Cuba

Campaign News | Monday, 21 October 2024

The US government must end its 62-year-old blockade and additional sanctions against Cuba, which are hindering the import of fuel and parts to the country’s energy sector and exacerbating the island’s energy and economic crisis. Cuba is experiencing its largest blackout in recent years following the failure of the country’s main ... read more

Activists renew call for an end to the US blockade against Cuba as the Caribbean nation suffers electricity blackout

News from Cuba | Monday, 21 October 2024

ACTIVISTS renewed calls today for an end to the 64-year-old US blockade of Cuba after the government said that the restricitions were hampering efforts to fix a massive power cut. About half of the socialist island was plunged into darkness on Thursday evening, followed by all of it the following morning, ... read more

US complicity with violent acts against Cuba is strongly rejected - Declaration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba

News from Cuba | Monday, 7 October 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba strongly rejects a new US act   complicit with terrorist violence against Cuba. The US judicial authorities have decided to release Alexander Alazo, the individual who, on April 30, 2020, stood in the middle of the street and shot 32 rounds with a machine gun ... read more

Israeli Aggression in the Middle East Must Stop - Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba

News from Cuba | Monday, 7 October 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba expresses deep concern over the unfolding events in the Middle East, driven by the aggressive policies of the State of Israel, with military, logistical, and political support from the U.S. government. These actions have led to a dangerous escalation, further ... read more

Steve Turner, Paula Barker MP, Ismara Vargas Walter, Nazifa Zaman, Mary Kelly Foy and Rob Miller

Cuba vive y la lucha sigue - Labour Party Conference fringe meeting

Campaign News | Friday, 4 October 2024

At the Labour Party’s first conference in government since 2009, CSC hosted a successful fringe meeting, ‘Cuban Workers Under Blockade, in the conference venue, with Unite Assistant General Secretary Steve Turner chairing. “Health workers struggle with medical shortages, transport workers without fuel, energy workers fight to keep the country’s lights ... read more

Latin America 2025 date announced

Campaign News | Thursday, 3 October 2024

Tickets are now on sale for the 19th annual Latin America Conference which takes place on Saturday 8 February at Hamilton House, London. The conference is the biggest of its kind in Europe, bringing together academics, trade unionists, politicians, and activists from the UK, Europe and Latin America. The event ... read more

A Blockade on Cuba: Persistent and Pervasive

Campaign News | Tuesday, 1 October 2024

In a declassified government file from 1960, Lestor Mallory proposes the idea of a blockade on Cuba. He argues that this would be achieved through “denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of the government.” The ultimate goal ... read more

Cuban internationalism is proof that another world is possible

Campaign News | Tuesday, 24 September 2024

We publish here a speech delivered by BEN CHACKO to the Viva Cuba rally at Labour conference THE Morning Star’s motto is “For Peace & Socialism” and we are proud to celebrate Cuban internationalism, and proud too of our long association with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, which has done so much ... read more

From Kashmir to Colombia, Cuba’s medical internationalism continues

Campaign News | Monday, 23 September 2024

Despite cruel US sanctions, Cuba continues to offer global humanitarian aid and support peace processes, writes KIM JOHNSON MP, urging others to follow Unison’s lead in practical solidarity with the besieged socialist island ON September 23, I’m delighted to be speaking at a the north-west Cuba Vive Rally at the Casa ... read more

Some of the panellists at the TUC fringe meeting: Fran Heathcote, Alex Tarrier, Sarah Woolley, HE Ismara Vargas Walter, Kevin Courtney and Graham

Cuba's achievements in health celebrated at TUC Congress

Campaign News | Monday, 16 September 2024

As Cuba grapples with its most profound economic crisis since the early 90s due to the tightening of the blockade, its world-renowned health system, and the health of its people, is suffering. Delegates at TUC Congress in Brighton gathered at the Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s fringe meeting to celebrate the island’s ... read more