Viewing from September 2021

The European Left Rejects The European Parliament’s Proposed Resolution Against Cuba
News from Cuba | Thursday, 16 September 2021
THE EUROPEAN LEFT REJECTS THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT’S PROPOSED RESOLUTION AGAINST CUBA In view of the new resolution against Cuba proposed in the European Parliament today, 16 September 2021, the European Left considers that this resolution constitutes an unacceptable interference in the internal affairs of a country. This is intolerable and therefore ... read more

Draft of Cuba's new family code opens door for gay marriage
News from Cuba | Thursday, 16 September 2021
Cuba has released the draft of a new family code that would allow same-sex to marry and adopt as well as give children greater participation in decisions that affect them The draft of a new family code for Cuba released Wednesday proposes allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt as well ... read more

British donors help Cuba’s COVID-19 vaccination programme
Campaign News | Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Recent photographs received from Cuba show how some of the £95,000 raised by supporters of CSC’s COVID-19 Medical Appeal is helping Cuba treat and vaccinate its people during the pandemic. The images are of health workers at a policlinic in Camagüey taking samples using crytotubes purchased with funds from the appeal. ... read more

British government’s position against the US blockade is clear says Foreign Office minister
Campaign News | Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Wendy Morton, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office replied to a parliamentary question on the US blockade of Cuba this week.Zarah Sultana, British MP for Coventry South, put a written question to the Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, asking what recent steps he had “taken to encourage ... read more

WATCH-Solidarity with Cuba:resisting 60 years of blockade & intervention (TUC Congress Rally)
Campaign News | Tuesday, 14 September 2021
If you missed the TUC Congress Solidarity Rally on Monday 13 September, you can watch it here. Featuring: Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, General Secretary, Cuban Workers Central (CTC) Her Excellency Barbara Montalvo,Cuban Ambassador, Niurka Gonzalez Obera, General Secretary, Cuban Education Union (SNTECD) Santiago Badia Gonzalez, General Secretary, Cuban Health Workers Union (SNTS) Navendu Mishra, Labour MP ... read more

Cuba Leads Global COVID-19 Vaccination Per 100 inhabitants
News from Cuba | Thursday, 9 September 2021
Cuba is the first country in the world to immunise children over two-years-old against coronavirus. As of 5 September it also became the country with the highest daily number of COVID-19 vaccines administered per 100 inhabitants, according to the Oxford University's "Our World in Data." “This data shows the feats of our ... read more