Viewing from October 2015

Cuban kids await 'do or die' cancer drug blocked by US trade ban
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 28 October 2015
The US embargo on Cuba, which the UN General Assembly formally condemned Tuesday, is not about international politics for Elizabeth Navarro. As far as she's concerned, it's just what keeps her daughter from getting the cancer drug she needs. Navarro's daughter Noemi Bernardez, seven, had a brain tumour removed in September. ... read more

Despite Resumption of Relations between United States, Cuba, General Assembly Adopts, Almost Unanimously, Resolution Calling for Blockade to Be Lifted
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 28 October 2015
In a near-unanimous recorded vote, the General Assembly today adopted, for the twenty-fourth time, a resolution on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba, despite resumptions of relations between the two countries.WATCH: See the while debate and UN ... read more

Full text of Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez at United Nations on the neccesity of lifting the US blockade of Cuba
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 28 October 2015
On December 17 last year, the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, recognized that the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed against Cuba had failed, is obsolete, has not met the originally envisaged goals and causes damages to the Cuban people and isolation to the US ... read more

UN Votes in Favor of Ending Cuban Blockade 191-2
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Once again, the United States and Israel voted against the motion to end economic sanctions. The United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of lifting the blockade against Cuba Tuesday, with only the U.S. and Israel voting against. The initiative has been backed by the majority of members for the last 23 ... read more

World Health Organisation describes Cuba’s health system as exemplary
News from Cuba | Friday, 23 October 2015
Margaret Chan, general director of the World Health Organisation (WHO), described Cuba’s public healthcare system as an example to be followed, emphasising its sustainability and ability to respond to emergency situations GENEVA.— Margaret Chan, general director of the World Health Organisation (WHO), described Cuba’s public healthcare system as an example to ... read more

New fines for French bank for its business with Cuba
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 21 October 2015
The total amount of the fine payable by the bank Credit Agricole $1,116 million Crédit Agricole is the second French bank to be fined by the US authorities for violating the blockade laws against Cuba. PARIS: French bank Credit Agricole agreed Tuesday to pay more than a billion dollars to the US ... read more

Cycling the Revolutionary Roads of Cuba in a Noble Cause
Campaign News | Wednesday, 21 October 2015
From November 7 to 17 a group of intrepid cyclists will be cycling the revolutionary roads of Cuba to raise money and musical equipment for the Abel Santamaria Special School for blind and visually impaired children. Lying on the outskirts of Havana, the school provides specialised care for 145 children aged ... read more

Jeremy Corbyn MP joins Quiz night for Cuba
Campaign News | Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Over 150 people took part in a pub quiz night for Cuba raising funds for the Abel Santamaria School for visually impaired children in Havana. The quiz night was part of the fundraising efforts of the intrepid group of cyclists who will cover hundreds of miles across the island in a ... read more

Corbyn Fights May On Miami 5 Visitor
Campaign News | Wednesday, 21 October 2015
28 MPs back effort to overturn ban on Cuban intelligence hero JEREMY CORBYN joined battle with Home Secretary Theresa May in the courtroom yesterday over her refusal to issue one of the Miami Five with a visitor’s visa. Ms May banned Rene Gonzalez from entering the country to take part in House ... read more

Major British conference discusses the future of US-Cuba relations
Campaign News | Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Solidarity activists, trade unions, academics, politicians and diplomats met in London at the weekend for a major conference on Cuba. The Cuban Futures conference was the first major British conference to discuss the future of Cuba-US relations since the announcements of 17 December that the countries would begin to normalise ... read more

Cubans vindicated by US policy change, says Gerry Adams
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 6 October 2015
The people of Cuba have been vindicated by the recent change in US policy towards the island, Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has said on a visit to Havana. Mr Adams met Cuban vice-president Salvador Antonio Valdés Mesa, other ministers and National Assembly leaders during his four-day visit. He also spoke ... read more

Labour Party Conference 2015 Fringe Meeting Report
Campaign News | Tuesday, 6 October 2015
“Anther World is Possible” were the words of Labour’s new Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP and Jeremy Corbyn MP, the new leader of the Labour party spoke of the need to “always put people's interest before profit” in his leadership speech at the Labour Party conference in Brighton. The theme of ... read more