Viewing from September 2020

Trump administration tightens Cuba blockade with remittance crackdown
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 29 September 2020
THE Donald Trump administration is cracking down on remittances to Cuba in a tightening of Washington’s illegal blockade of the country. United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has added American International Services, a debit card issued by Cuban company Fincimex, to the restricted list, making it illegal to conduct financial ... read more

President Trump Bans US Citizens From Staying in Cuban Hotels
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Tourists will not be allowed to enter the U.S. with Cuban alcoholic beverages and tobacco. President Donald Trump announced new sanctions against Cuba that prohibit U.S. tourists from staying in 433 hotels on the island and returning to their country with Cuban tobacco or alcoholic beverages. "The Treasury Department will prohibit ... read more

News from Cuba | Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) is mobilizing €5.3 million to help the Cuban Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) tackle the Covid-19 pandemic. In practical terms, that has helped provide 76 ventilators, 180,000 protective kits and supplies to develop diagnosis tests.Even before the onset of the pandemic, AFD had allocated a ... read more

United in solidarity: building friendship & understanding between Cuba & UK
Campaign News | Wednesday, 23 September 2020
Why and how we stand together to defeat the blockade and US aggression against Cuba About this Event: with guest speakers René González, Miami 5 hero who spent 13 years in US prison (Cuba) Len McCluskey, General Secretary, Unite the Union (UK) Her Excellency Bárbara Elena Montalvo Álvarez, Cuban ambassador to the United Kingdom Ulises Guilarte ... read more

Speech by the president of the Republic of Cuba Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez at the General Debate of the 75th session of the UNGA
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Mr. Secretary General, Mr. President, A global pandemic has changed everyday life drastically. From one day to the next, millions of people get infected and thousands die even when their life expectancy was longer thanks to development. Hospital systems with high-level services have collapsed and the health structures of poor countries are ... read more

Fighting blockades & COVID-19: Why US sanctions in Latin America must end!
Campaign News | Monday, 21 September 2020
Hosted by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign Action Group and Venezuela Solidarity Campaign Hear speakers from Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela discuss the impact that US policies are having on their people and why we need to step up the campaign of solidarity and for the blockades and sanctions to ... read more

When it comes to international co-operation, Cuba shows the way
News from Cuba | Saturday, 19 September 2020
WHILE the world is suffering through the coronavirus pandemic, it has been truly inspirational to watch how the small island of Cuba has used its experience and professionalism to assist other countries in the fight against Covid-19. The virus affects people regardless of their nationality, and Cuba has shown just how ... read more

Cuba sends 'white coat army' of doctors to fight coronavirus in different countries
News from Cuba | Monday, 14 September 2020
HAVANA/LOME—At the start of Togo’s coronavirus outbreak, the small West African nation welcomed a team of 12 Cuban healthcare workers to tend to sufferers of the virus, boost its laboratory testing and help improve its hospital protocols. While the virus was overwhelming healthcare systems worldwide, the Communist-run Caribbean island boasted a ... read more

Coronavirus updates: reports on Cuba’s international response to COVID-19
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Coronavirus update Stories on Cuba’s international response to coronavirus As of 1st September, Cuba itself had confirmed 4,065 cases of coronavirus, with 95 deaths and 3,395 people who had made full recoveries. By the end of May, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign's emergency appeal had raised over £27,000. The money has already been transferred ... read more

Cuba: artistic education classes broadcast on TV for students living in places affected by pandemic
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 8 September 2020
This new cycle of television teaching activities was created by CNEArt and the National Art Schools in collaboration with the Faculty of Audiovisual Media of the University of the Arts (ISA) and the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT).Cuban Television is broadcasting classes for Artistic Education students who could ... read more

Cuban FM rejects US escalation against Cuba for electoral purposes
News from Cuba | Sunday, 6 September 2020
Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuban foreign minister, condemned on Wednesday the U.S. campaign to discredit Cuban health collaboration and its use as a pretext to tighten the blockade against the Caribbean nation. These moves are aimed at distracting attention, with an electoral objective, of the malfunctioning of the US to deal with ... read more

Biden slams Trump on
News from Cuba | Sunday, 6 September 2020
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden slammed President Donald Trump’s “failed” policies on Cuba and Venezuela during an interview with NBC’s local Miami station that aired on Sunday. "I’d try to reverse the failed Trump policies that inflicted harm on Cubans and their families," said Biden, adding that Trump "has done nothing ... read more

Cuban Foreign Minister criticises 'media blockade' around its record of fighting Covid-19
News from Cuba | Sunday, 6 September 2020
Country is the only one in Latin America to have a vaccine candidate, and developed 'wonder drug' that helped China overcome the pandemic CUBA’S Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez condemned a media blackout on the country’s progress against Covid-19 at the weekend. Mr Rodriguez pointed out that while Cuba is the only Latin ... read more

First flight with Canadian tourists arrives today at Cayo Coco
News from Cuba | Friday, 4 September 2020
They will stay at the Memories Caribe, Memories Flamenco and Playa Paraíso hotels, all of the Gaviota hotel group. According to a dispatch from the Prensa Latina (PL) news agency, the Jardines del Rey international airport, in Cayo Coco, will receive the first commercial flight that will arrive this Friday in ... read more

Cuba presents its COVID-19 vaccine to international health authorities
News from Cuba | Thursday, 3 September 2020
The meeting was held at the PAHO/WHO headquarters in Cuba and was attended by experts from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).Executives of the Finlay Vaccine Institute presented the progress of the Cuban COVID-19 vaccine candidate, Soberana 01, during an online meeting with authorities of the Pan American and ... read more

The atypical return to the classrooms in Cuba
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 2 September 2020
With a mandatory mask and received by health workers at the entrance, hundreds of thousands of students returned to schools in central and eastern Cuba on 1 September. Except for Havana―the epicenter of the COVID-19 epidemic on the island―and a few other towns, Cuba returned to the classrooms this Tuesday amid ... read more

The First Declaration of Havana
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 2 September 2020
In response to the US administration’s attempt to isolate Cuba, Fidel Castro delivered a series of speeches designed to radicalise Latin American society. The first was delivered to hundreds of thousands of Cubans in Revolution Square on 2 September 1960. It was a response from the people of Cuba to the ... read more

Marriott hotel chain abandons Cuba due to Trump's pressure
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 1 September 2020
The US hotel chain Marriott International abandoned its operations in Cuba on Tuesday due to the Trump government's pressure, the sector in Europe reported today. The Reportur newsletter adds that the withdrawal precisely materializes as of September 1 as an additional element to those already revealed by Washington against Havana, tightened ... read more