Viewing from November 2023

Chair of US Foreign Relations Committee sends positive message on US Cuba policy
Campaign News | Thursday, 30 November 2023
Ben Cardin, recently appointed as chair of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), has responded to questions from a CSC member on his approach to US Cuba relations. On 28 November, Senator Cardin wrote a full and far reaching letter which made clear his commitment to ‘an open and Bilateral ... read more

British Minister signs co-operation agreement in Havana
News from Cuba | Monday, 27 November 2023
The UK's Minister for the Americas & the Caribbean, David Rutley MP, arrived in Cuba for an official visit on Tuesday 21 November. During his trip he signed a new Political Dialogue and Co-operation Agreement (PDCA) between the UK and Cuba. The agreement set a framework for future dialogue between the ... read more

Denying the blockade of Cuba is madness
Campaign News | Monday, 27 November 2023
TO suggest that “Cuba is not suffering under a blockade,” as Ileana Fuentes of the Center for a Free Cuba did in a letter to the Morning Star (November 19), flies in the face of basic facts and mainstream global opinion.Even a cursory look at the nature of US policy ... read more

People’s court makes judgement against US Blockade
Campaign News | Thursday, 23 November 2023
A report on the International Tribunal on the United States blockade of Cuba by Bernard Regan, who attended on behalf of CSC. You can read the final ruling of the Tribunal here. An International Tribunal on the United States blockade of Cuba was held in the European Parliament in Brussels on ... read more

International Tribunal in Brussels rules that the blockade of Cuba violates international law
News from Cuba | Thursday, 16 November 2023
The International Tribunal against the Blockade of Cuba took place in Brussels on 16-17 November and ruled that the policy violates international law and the universal norms essential for peaceful coexistence. The Tribunal heard evidence on the impact of the blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba for more than ... read more

Cymru, Cuba, and revolutionary resilience
Campaign News | Monday, 6 November 2023
LUKE FLETCHER MS explains why Plaid Cymru extended solidarity to the embattled socialist island nation during the Welsh party's annual conference ON November 4 last year, a day after the US yet again opposed the UN general assembly’s resolution condemning the blockade on Cuba, I tabled a statement of opinion in ... read more
US and Israel isolated at United Nations vote
News from Cuba | Friday, 3 November 2023
On 2 November the United Nations General Assembly voted for the 31st consecutive year to approve Cuba’s resolution demanding an end to the US blockade. Support was overwhelming: 187 nations in favour and two against, the United States and Israel. Ukraine abstained. For more than 20 of the 31 years of ... read more

Ending the sanctions on Cuba
Campaign News | Wednesday, 1 November 2023
The governments of the world overwhelmingly support overturning these cruel and utterly unjustifiable measures — but the US still gets its way. On November 1-2, the UN general assembly will once again discuss and vote on Resolution 77/7 on the “necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by ... read more