Viewing from March 2015
Cuban Doctors Return Home After Treating Ebola in West Africa
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Hundreds of Cuban medical professionals travelled to the African region to help fight the deadly virus.A group of Cuban medical professionals who had been providing front-line medical attention in countries affected by the Ebola epidemic returned to Cuba Monday after a six-month stint in West Africa.The Cuban team was sent ... read more
Fidel Castro makes first public appearance for 14 months
News from Cuba | Monday, 30 March 2015
Cuba's former president and revolutionary icon Fidel Castro made his first public appearance in 14 months on 30 March when he met with a delegation Venezuelans on a solidarity mission to Cuba.The meeting occurred by chance when the group were visiting the Vilma Espin Guillois Educational Complex in Havana. The ... read more
Florida Senate votes to oppose U.S.-Cuba relations
News from Cuba | Thursday, 26 March 2015
Hard-line anti-Cubans in Florida support the blockade and oppose change in relationsTALLAHASSEE - In an impassioned speech Tuesday, Sen. Anitere Flores, R-Miami, asked her fellow senators to join her in opposing President Barack Obama’s recent decision to open up diplomatic relations with Cuba.All but one senator agreed.The measure, which also ... read more
U.S. removes entities linked to Cuba from sanctions list
News from Cuba | Thursday, 26 March 2015
The blockade remains intact and the amendment is in no way related to policy changes recently announced by President ObamaINTERNATIONAL media have disseminated with exaggerated fanfare news about a U.S. Treasury Department routine review of the so-called Specially Designated Nationals List, which is conducted regularly to remove companies and institutions ... read more
Cuban health workers who fought Ebola return home
News from Cuba | Monday, 23 March 2015
The health workers completed their mission in West Africa with revolutionary and medical ethicsTHE Cuban medical brigade is a united team. Recently, the tension has been reduced, and suitcases packed for their return home. The tranquil city of Monrovia, is not the same one they experienced during the first days ... read more
Cuba condemns US actions against Venezuela
News from Cuba | Friday, 20 March 2015
"Just as Cuba was never alone, Venezuela will not be either."On Monday 9 March the Cuban government condemend US government action to declare Venezuela a national security threat.In a statement that rejected the unilateral US actions against Venezuela the Cuba condemned the "arbitrary and aggressive Executive Order issued by the ... read more
Cuba Eradicates Syphillis, HIV Transmission to Babies
News from Cuba | Friday, 20 March 2015
Cuba set to become the first country in the world to eradicate Syphillis and HIV transmission to babies.The World Health Organization is set to confirm Cuba as the first country in the world to have eliminated the STI transmission from mother to child.Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) will ... read more
Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter - Volume 3, Issue 1
Campaign News | Thursday, 19 March 2015
Spring 2015 EditionThe Spring 2015 issue of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign's Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter is now available to read online. The newsletter contains the latest news on Cuba and CSC with particular emphasis on our work with trade unions. This is the first edition of the newsletter after ... read more
Raul Castro reaffirms full support of Venezuela in the face of US interference
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Cuban President Raul Castro said that the arbitrary, aggressive and groundless executive order issued by US President Barack Obama against the government of Venezuela, which declared the South American country a threat to US national security, reveals that the United States is capable of sacrificing peace and the course of ... read more
US-Cuba Talks on Restoring Diplomatic Ties End Abruptly
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 18 March 2015
The United States and Cuba have ended their third round of talks on re-establishing diplomatic relations as abruptly as the meeting was announced, with no breakthrough on sticking points and in an atmosphere of rising tension over Venezuela.A small group of American officials led by Roberta Jacobson, the top United ... read more
Cuban Doctors Successfully Conclude Ebola Mission in Liberia
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 18 March 2015
Liberian authorities acknowledged the work carried out by the Henry Reeve Cuban medical brigade that fought the Ebola Virus in that African nation, and which along with other forces, have helped Liberia advance towards its declaration as a country free of Ebola.During a farewell ceremony at the Palm Spring Hotel ... read more
Fidel sends message to President Nicolás Maduro
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 17 March 2015
The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution emphasizes the heroic attitude assumed by the Venezuelan people, as well as the exemplary discipline and spirit of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces in the face of U.S. sanctions:Honorable President of the BolivarianRepublic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro:As the press has reported, tomorrow Tuesday ... read more
Solidarity with Venezuela Concert
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Thousands of Cubans gathered at the University of Havana’s Grand Stairway to express their unconditional solidarity with Venezuela and opposition to U.S. aggression.The evening concert began with the two country’s national anthems - the Venezuelan heard in the voice of Commandante Hugo Chávez, via a recording made during the final ... read more
Final Declaration from the Extraordinary ALBA Summit
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Declaration of the Extraordinary Summit of the Heads of States and Government of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - People's Commerce Treaty (ALBA - TCP)We, the heads of state and government, representatives of the member countries of ALBA, gathered on March 17, 2015 in Caracas, Bolivarian ... read more
Raul Castro's speech at the Extraordinary Alba-TCP Summit in solidarity with Venezuela
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Esteemed Heads of State and Government of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America;Esteemed Heads of delegations and guests;Compañeras and compañeros:ALBA brings us together today to reaffirm our firmest support for the Bolivarian people and government in the face of the latest interventionist measures and threats from the ... read more
Cuba Report Card on the UN Millennium Development Goals
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 17 March 2015
By Fernando Ravsberg for BBC MundoSome of the UN Millennium Development Goals were already social achievements in Cuba. Photo: Raquel PerezHAVANA TIMES - I read in the Cuban press that the island has already met the “Millennium Development Goals,” set by the UN with a target for 2015. I didn’t ... read more
Poll Reveals Strong US Support for New Policy Toward Cuba
News from Cuba | Thursday, 12 March 2015
Majority of US public support ending the illegal blockade, reveals pollU.S. voters not only support normalising relations but also lifting of the economic blockade.A new national poll released Wednesday showed a strong majority of U.S. voters support the Obama administration's new policy toward Cuba and wish to see an end ... read more
RT's Breaking the Set Three Part Special on Cuba
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 11 March 2015
Three 30 minute programmes on Cuba available to watch onlineRT's Breaking the Set with Abby Martin produced a three-episode special series on Cuba, in light of the recent shift in US-Cuba relations.Part I takes an historical look at the relations between the US and Cuba; the context of the Cuban ... read more
Fidel Castro sends letter of support to Venezuela's Maduro
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 10 March 2015
Former Cuban President Fidel Castro has sent a letter to the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, in support of his government against the sanctions implemented by the US against the South American country:Dear Nicolás Maduro,President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:I congratulate you on your brilliant and courageous speech against ... read more
France hopes to shore up business with Cuba amid US policy shift
News from Cuba | Thursday, 5 March 2015
François Hollande this week announced he will be the first French President to officially visit CubaPresident François Hollande this week announced he will travel to Cuba in May. It will be the first official visit by a French president to the communist-run country, coming on the heels of a historic ... read more

Fidel meets the Five
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Fidel Castro described himself as being “happy for hours” on Sunday 1 March, when he met with the Miami Five for the first time since all the men were finally freed form US jails in December. In a letter which was published in the Cuban media on 2 March, the ... read more
Believing in Miracles: Interview with Gerardo Hernandez
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 3 March 2015
HAVANA - In the depths of his 16-year odyssey through the U.S. prison system, convicted Cuban spy Gerardo Hernandez was transferred to an underground cell at Lompoc Federal Correctional Institution that was known to inmates simply as “the cage.”As Hernandez recalls it, he was stripped to his underwear, cut off ... read more
Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba at the High-Level Segment of the 28th session of the Human Rights Council
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Statement by the H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the High Level Segment of the Twenty Eighth Session of the Human Rights Council. Geneva, SwitzerlandMr. President:The 842 million persons who suffer hunger in the world, the 774 million of illiterate adults and the 6 million ... read more