Viewing from September 2017

Cuba calls Trump's U.N. address 'unacceptable and meddling'
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 20 September 2017
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba on Tuesday slammed U.S. President Donald Trump’s latest comments about the island as “disrespectful, unacceptable and meddling,” while reiterating it was not involved in the alleged incidents that had harmed U.S. diplomats in Havana. The sharply worded Foreign Ministry statement came after U.S. and Cuban delegations met ... read more

Cuban Foreign Minister condemns Trump's aggressive UN speech
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Interview with Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, by Jorge Gestoso, Telesur journalist, at United Nations headquarters, September 19, 2017, Jorge Gestoso.- Mr. Chancellor, thank you for being with us. Bruno Rodríguez.- Thank you very much. Jorge Gestoso.- Your reaction to this morning's speech by Donald Trump. Bruno ... read more

Facebook Blocks Cuba's Mariela Castro After Post Urging Hurricane Aid
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Facebook blocked the profile of Mariela Castro, director of the Cuban National Center for Sexual Education and daughter of President Raul Castro after she published information of a bank account created to receive aid after the destruction of Hurricane Irma in Cuba. Mariela Castro said her post and her account were ... read more

Sixth Cuba-US Bilateral Commission meeting held in Washington DC
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 20 September 2017
The Cuba-US Bilateral Commission held its 6th meeting in Washington D.C., on September 19th, 2017. Ms. Josefina Vidal Ferreiro, General Director of the US Affairs Division of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs led the Cuban delegation, and Mr. John Creamer, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs in the ... read more

Hurricane Irma Appeal - Donate today
Campaign News | Tuesday, 19 September 2017
Thank you to everyone who has donated to CSC's Hurricane Irma Appeal. An amazing £45,000 has been raised to date (11 October) all of which will be sent to Cuba to help with relief and recovery projects. Make a donation here The category 5 storm was the worst to hit Cuba in ... read more

Britain's biggest public service union, UNISON, condemn Open University's ban of Cubans
Campaign News | Monday, 18 September 2017
UNISON, one of the UK’s largest trade unions, serving more than 1.3 million members, has issued a statement condeming the Open University for banning students from Cuba. The famous British educational institution’s ban on Cubans came to light when a Cuban PhD candidate was accepted by lecturers but later rejected ... read more

Blockade and ‘Hurricane Trump’ a threat to Irma recovery
Campaign News | Thursday, 14 September 2017
TUC Congress 2017 Cuba Solidarity Campaign fringe meeting report Teresita Vicente, Cuba’s Ambassador to Britain gave an update to TUC Congress delegates in Brighton on the devastating impact of Hurricane Irma, the strongest hurricane to hit Cuba since records began, which sadly killed 10 Cubans. "The US blockade of Cuba is ongoing ... read more

Trump quietly extends Cuba ‘trading with the enemy’ embargo — just as Irma pummels island
News from Cuba | Thursday, 14 September 2017
In a late Friday news dump, President Donald Trump issued a memorandum announcing the extension of the trade embargo against Cuba for another year just as Hurricane Irma was headed to pummel the island nation. The White House issued the presidential memorandum Friday, under the Trading with the Enemy Act on ... read more

Cuba in recovery
News from Cuba | Thursday, 14 September 2017
Authorities are working on the restoration of basic services to the population Following the passage of powerful Irma, with hurricane and tropical storm force winds affecting most of the Cuban archipelago, authorities and the population in general are focused on recovery efforts to restore basic services and repair the material damages. The ... read more

Cuba Puts the West to Shame
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Morning Star editorial, Wednesday 13 September 2017 CUBA has often provided a graphic systemic contrast in how a socialist society reacts to human suffering compared with the conduct of more affluent capitalist states. Its military volunteers flew to Angola in the 1970s to help defend the country’s independence against invasion by apartheid ... read more

Steve Ludlam, a true friend of Cuba
Campaign News | Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Cuba Solidarity Campaign Executive Committee statement On behalf of the Executive Committee of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign and all our members and affiliates in the UK, we would like to offer our deepest sympathy to Steve’s family, colleagues and friends. Steve was an amazing friend to all the people of Cuba. He ... read more

Cuba 'devastated' by Hurricane Irma, CARE Canada rep says
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 13 September 2017
It will be months, maybe even years, before Cuba recovers from the devastation wrought by Hurricane Irma, says a CARE Canada aid worker in Havana. “The storm was massive. Not only high intensity, but it was massive in area. It ran along the north coast, but it was felt across the ... read more

Cuba Solidarity Campaign Launches Fund for Victims of Irma
Campaign News | Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Morning Star: Ambassador warns of obstacles to rebuilding CUBA solidarity campaigners have launched a major appeal fund for those affected by the devastation of Hurricane Irma. Speaking exclusively to the Star, Cuban ambassador Teresita Vicente described the damage of the category-five storm and voiced her concerns about the Caribbean island’s recovery amid ... read more

Irma kills 10 people in Cuba
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 12 September 2017
Ten people have died in Cuba as a result of Hurricane Irma, state television reported on Monday. Irma passed over the northern portion of the Caribbean island over the weekend. Seven people died in Havana, the capital, mainly from building collapses, the broadcaster reported. The oldest victim was 89-year-old Nieves Martínez Burgaleta, who ... read more

Hurricane Irma appeal launched
Campaign News | Monday, 11 September 2017
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign extends its sympathy and solidarity to all those affected by Hurricane Irma which devastated many Caribbean islands this week. Cuban authorities are still assessing the full extent of the damage, but it is believed to be far worse than originally anticipated, with significant damage to infrastructure, ... read more
Appeal to Our Combative People - Cuban government statement on Hurricane Irma
News from Cuba | Monday, 11 September 2017
Appeal to Our Combative People Let us face recovery with the example of the Commander-in-Chief of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, who with his permanent faith in victory and strong will has taught us that there are no impossible tasks. Hurricane Irma, with its destructive force, lashed out at ... read more

Irma: Cuba sends hundreds of doctors to Caribbean islands devastated by hurricane
News from Cuba | Sunday, 10 September 2017
More than 750 health workers arrive in Antigua, Barbuda, Saint Kitts, Nevis, Saint Lucia, the Bahamas, Dominica and Haiti Cuba has sent doctors to several Caribbean islands ravaged by Hurricane Irma. More than 750 health workers have arrived in Antigua, Barbuda, Saint Kitts, Nevis, Saint Lucia, the Bahamas, Dominica and Haiti. They ... read more

Offbeat ER doctor from the Bronx rises above tragedy to forge unique career
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Cuba's Latin America School of Medicine (ELAM) enabled Arabia Mollette to study medicine for free on the island The first sign that Dr. Arabia Mollette is a physician like no other is the absence of the traditional white coat. Depending on the day and her mood, other signs might include neon ... read more

UK government awards Cubans scholarships for British universities, in contrast to Open University ban
Campaign News | Wednesday, 6 September 2017
This week the British Embassy in Havana announced that 16 young Cubans have received Chevening scholarship certificates, enabling them to study Masters courses at British universities, from Antony Stokes, the British Ambassador in Havana. “The group will soon depart from the island to study a one-year Masters course in their area ... read more

Hurricane Irma Cuba: Projected Path & Forecast
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Hurricane Irma is now a Category 5 hurricane and will be devastating to the Caribbean. Cuba is right in the storm’s path, with the latest trajectory showing Irma spending over a day above the 780-mile long island. The latest projections from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show the storm ... read more