Viewing from April 2021

More than £22,000 raised for COVID-19 Medical Appeal
Campaign News | Thursday, 29 April 2021
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is grateful to everyone who has donated to the COVID-19 Medical Appeal which was launched on 13 April. In just two weeks we have raised more than £22,000. A huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far including friends from the Norwegian solidarity campaign, ... read more

British MPs sign parliamentary motion in support of normalising relations between Cuba and the US and ending the blockade
Campaign News | Thursday, 29 April 2021
Fifty eight British members of parliament have signed a motion in the British Parliament which calls on the British Government to promote international cooperation between the UK and Cuba and urge the Biden administration to normalise relations by removing Cuba from its ‘state sponsors of terrorism’ list and ending the ... read more

International Solidarity Meetings and virtual May Day parade from Cuba
News from Cuba | Thursday, 29 April 2021
Join the Cuban Workers' Federation and Cuban Institute of Friendship between the Peoples for a celebration of May Day and international solidarity on Friday 30 April and Saturday 1 May. Events will be broadcast live on the CTC and ICAP Facebook pages. Details below. Friday 30 April - International Meeting of ... read more

Remembering Chernobyl and Cuba's assistance to 25,000 affected children
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Statement by the delegation of Cuba at the special commemorative meeting of the UN General Assembly in observance of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. New York, 26 April 2021 Mr. President, Thirty-five years ago, the terrible nuclear accident at Chernobyl affected the lives of thousands of people, particularly in ... read more

Raul Castro: change with continuity
News from Cuba | Monday, 26 April 2021
As the first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party steps down, BERNARD REGAN assesses whether he has achieved his task of modernising the celebrated socialist nation. ON SUNDAY April 18 2021 Raul Castro Ruz stepped down as first secretary of the Cuban Communist Party. When he became the president of the republic ... read more

Today, Defense of The Revolution Rests with the Media
Campaign News | Monday, 26 April 2021
Víctor Dreke, legendary commander of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, called for those defending the Revolution to recognize that the battlefield of the 21st century is the media. The comments were made at a CSC online conference held on Thursday, April 22, commemorating the 60-year anniversary of the Bay of Pigs—Playa ... read more

Cuban trade unions invite you to join them for May Day - Together we shall win!
News from Cuba | Thursday, 22 April 2021
The Cuban Workers’ Federation (CTC) has issued a worldwide call for trade unions and solidarity organisations to join its virtual celebration of International Workers’ Day on Saturday 1 May 2021. Joining with the Cuban Institute for Friendship between the Peoples (ICAP) and other mass membership organisations of Cuba, the CTC ... read more

Cuba will begin mass vaccination programme this weekend
News from Cuba | Thursday, 22 April 2021
On 24 April the first stage of Cuba’s mass vaccination programme against COVID-19 will begin in Havana and authorities hope to have the entire population vaccinated by the end of August 2021.Family doctors offices ‘consultorios’ will become clinical sites for vaccine delivery. Each family doctor’s clinic in the city will ... read more

MEETING: Bay of Pigs 60 - celebrating 'the first defeat of imperialism in America'
Campaign News | Thursday, 22 April 2021
In 60 years the only change to US policy in Cuba & Latin America is tactics - speakers recall the invasion and discuss its legacy today Watch live on YouTube today: 6:30pm (BST) Or register to watch on zoom here with guest speakers: Victor Dreke Cruz Veteran of the Bay of Pigs & Cuban ... read more

Remembering the Martyrs of Humboldt 7
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 20 April 2021
Fructuoso Rodriguez, Juan Pedro Carbo, Jose Machado and Joe Westbrook were four young university students who took part in the attack on dictator Fulgencio Batista’s presidential palace on 13 March 1957. (For those who have visited Havana, this is the building which now houses the Museum of the Revolution – ... read more

The first defeat of imperialism in Latin America - Bay of Pigs 60
News from Cuba | Monday, 19 April 2021
Sixty years ago, Cuba defeated a US-backed invading force at the Bay of Pigs. Not only did it mark the ‘first defeat of imperialism in America’, but for the Cuban people it marked the beginning of six decades of heroic defence of their Revolution On 15 April 1961, simultaneous air strikes ... read more

Cuba Moves Into the Post-Castro Era
News from Cuba | Monday, 19 April 2021
On the 60th anniversary of the Bay of Pigs invasion, many US officials still can’t seem to accept a socialist country “under their very noses.” By Peter KornbluhExactly 60 years ago, as the CIA-led invasion force approached the Bay of Pigs, Fidel Castro declared Cuba a socialist state. “What the ... read more

What the Imperialists cannot forgive - Fidel Castro's speech in advance of the Bay of Pigs invasion
News from Cuba | Friday, 16 April 2021
Following the attack on Cuban airfields on 15 April 1961 to prepare the way for the Bay of Pigs invasion two days later, Fidel Castro’s gave a speech on 16 April to honor the seven Cubans killed during the attack. During the speech he talked publicly for the first time ... read more

Cuba's first nurseries celebrate 60th anniversary
News from Cuba | Saturday, 10 April 2021
On April 10 1961, the first three nursery schools (círculos infantiles) were opened in Cuba, an the initiative of Fidel Castro, and Vilma Espín as president of the Federation of Cuban Women. The first three circulos to open in Havana - Camilo Cienfuegos, Ciro Frías and Fulgencio Oroz - celebrate ... read more

Condolences on the passing of Gilda Chacón Bravo
Campaign News | Friday, 9 April 2021
CSC is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our dear friend and comrade Gilda Chacón Bravo, who died on 8 April 2021. As European Officer for the Cuban Trade Union Federation (CTC – Central de Trabajadores de Cuba) Gilda looked after hundreds of British trade unionists who passed through ... read more

Cuban Parliament thanks EU mediation to US president
News from Cuba | Friday, 9 April 2021
Cuba's Parliament has thanked the European Union (EU) for confirming it will ask US President Joe Biden to exclude Cuba from the list of states sponsor to terrorism. On Twitter, Vice President of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) Ana Mari Machado expressed her gratitude at the request of the ... read more

Win tickets to Cuba in our 2021 Blockade Buster Raffle!
Campaign News | Wednesday, 7 April 2021
With a fabulous first prize of two return flights to Cuba, why not try your luck in the CSC Blockade Buster Raffle? This draw is a fantastic way to support CSC and maybe win a great prize. 1st prize: TWO RETURN FLIGHT TICKETS TO CUBA (two economy class low season flight ... read more

Inside Cuba's race to vaccine sovereignty
News from Cuba | Thursday, 1 April 2021
The sign on the door was written by hand and the lights were turned off to save electricity, but inside the clinic Cuban doctors were administering what they say is a cutting-edge vaccine against the coronavirus. Despite a worsening economy and increased US sanctions, the communist-run island has pulled off a ... read more

EVENT: The ‘Year of Education’ Celebrating teachers and the 60th Anniversary of the Cuba’s National Literacy Campaign
Campaign News | Thursday, 1 April 2021
The ‘Year of Education’Celebrating teachers and the 60th Anniversary of the Cuba’s National Literacy Campaign NEU Conference fringe meetingWednesday 7 April, 3.30-4.30pm with guest speakers from CubaNiurka Gonzalez Obera, General Secretary, Cuban Education Union (SNTECD)Volunteer brigadistas of the 1961 Literacy CampaignplusKevin Courtney, Joint General Secretary, NEU Alpha Kane, Literacy brigades specialistKaren Parkin, ... read more

Against the odds, Cuba could become a coronavirus vaccine powerhouse
News from Cuba | Thursday, 1 April 2021
Cuban leader Fidel Castro vowed to build a biotech juggernaut in the Caribbean, advancing the idea in the early 1980s with six researchers in a tiny Havana lab.Forty years later, the communist island nation could be on the cusp of a singular breakthrough: Becoming the world’s smallest country to develop ... read more