Viewing from November 2021

Protest in Cuba: Why it failed
News from Cuba | Monday, 22 November 2021
The news was…. There was no news. On November 15, the US media primed us for a repeat of the events of July 11 in Cuba — only more massive and more dramatic. In July, tens of thousands of Cubans took to the streets to express their frustrations with their government and, ... read more
Cuba’s bet on home-grown COVID vaccines is paying off
News from Cuba | Monday, 22 November 2021
Preprint data show that a three-dose combo of Soberana jabs has 92.4% efficacy in clinical trials. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Cuba decided not to wait on the rest of the world to develop vaccines. The United States’ 60-year-old economic embargo against the country, which prevents US-made products from being exported ... read more

Cuba's post-revolution architecture offers a blueprint for how to build more with less
News from Cuba | Friday, 19 November 2021
Around the world, there’s a conjoined crisis of climate change and housing shortages – two topics at the top of the list of discussions in the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. Construction and buildings account for more than one-quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. Meanwhile, according to a September report ... read more

Cubans definitely want change — but not necessarily regime change
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 17 November 2021
Cuban dissidents and their U.S. backers pushed for big anti-government protests this week. Why didn't they happen asks Medea Benjamin "If you build it, they will come," said Kevin Costner in "Field of Dreams." In Cuba, they didn't come. Dissidents on the island, with their U.S. backers, had been working feverishly ... read more

Denouncing actions of the U.S. embassy in Cuba
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 17 November 2021
LeoGrande warned that “the United States and Cuba are on a collision course over U.S. diplomats’ support for “democracy promotion” programs. In Back Channel to Cuba, LeoGrande and Peter Kornbluh stated that, under George W. Bush, funding for democracy promotion in Cuba not only skyrocketed, but it was the U.S. Interests ... read more

Lessons resume for all students
News from Cuba | Monday, 15 November 2021
More than 700,000 students return to school today in Cuba. All children over 2-years old have been vaccinated against COVID-19 with vaccines developed and produced in Cuba #CubaVive #LetCubaLive ... read more

Activists rally to defend Cuban embassy
Campaign News | Monday, 15 November 2021
SCORES of solidarity activists rallied to defend the Cuban embassy in London today as rightwingers staged an anti-socialist protest. US-backed counter-revolutionaries called protests around the world for today and tomorrow, and a handful turned up at the embassy, at one point trying to rush it. But their way was barred by ... read more
British trade unions speak out against US interference and aggression
Campaign News | Monday, 15 November 2021
TUC statement 15 November 2021 Solidarity Statement with the Cuban CTC Trade Union (en ingles y español) On behalf of our 5.5 million members in the United Kingdom, the Trades Union Congress reaffirms our strong bonds of solidarity and friendship with the Cuban workers organised in the CTC. The UK trade union movement ... read more

Support the Cuban people? Then fight the blockade
Campaign News | Monday, 15 November 2021
CUBA solidarity activists outnumbered supporters of the US-backed global day of anti-socialist protests many times over outside the country’s London embassy today. As Cuba Solidarity Campaign director Rob Miller pointed out, this reflects the situation internationally and in Cuba itself, where protests over shortages in July were rapidly exploited by the ... read more

Message from the Casa de las Américas to the friends of our region and the world
News from Cuba | Friday, 12 November 2021
As part of the imperial strategy of domination, which fights with blood and fire every emancipatory project, particularly in our America, Cuba is being viciously harassed by its historical enemy Once again we Cubans face a brutal onslaught from the Empire. At a time when the country begins to recover from ... read more

Cuba Solidarity Campaign statement against US intervention in Cuba
Campaign News | Thursday, 11 November 2021
The Cuba Solidarity Campaign condemns the actions of individuals, groups and governments that are attempting to destabilise Cuba by supporting, financing and co-ordinating protests around the world, and in Cuba itself, from 14-15 November. The US government has escalated its involvement with, and funding for, opposition groups both on and outside ... read more
Climate change, planning and the lessons we can learn from socialist Cuba
News from Cuba | Thursday, 11 November 2021
Campaigners and unions are right to call for an affordable, universal and comprehensive transport system as the only way to cut carbon emissions from travel. The fact is that without planned, co-ordinated responses at governmental and intergovernmental level with the powers to enforce them, we will continue hurtling towards climate catastrophe ... read more

Emergency protest against US aggression against Cuba
Campaign News | Monday, 8 November 2021
Sunday 14 November 1-2pmOutside the Cuban Embassy,167 High Holborn, London WC1 End US funding for intervention! End the US blockade! On Sunday 14 November the CSC groups will hold an emergency rally in London to protest against US intervention and attempts to destabilise Cuba. The protest will highlight the escalation of US ... read more

Guatemala: Cuban Medical Brigade Marks 23 Years of Cooperation
News from Cuba | Sunday, 7 November 2021
"In every place where I arrived, and there were colleagues from the BMC, I found optimism, work spirit, solidarity..." Former Health Vice Minister Adrian Chavez recalled. On Sunday, Guatemala's Coordinator of Solidarity with Cuba commemorated 23 years of medical collaboration in the Central American nation. The Cuban Medical Brigade (BMC) arrived ... read more
Pink Floyd Legend Roger Waters calls for U.S. to end "insane" blockade
News from Cuba | Friday, 5 November 2021
Acclaimed musician and Pink Floyd legend Roger Waters posted a video on Twitter yesterday celebrating the International Day of Support for Cuba and calling for the US to end the blockade of Cuba. Waters said, we need “the US to finally after about 3,000 years to drop their insane blockade of ... read more

Cuba under immediate threat from climate change
News from Cuba | Friday, 5 November 2021
Cuba’s delegation to Cop26 tells DR LAUREN COLLINS about the island’s approach to adapting to the effects of global warming, the challenges it faces and its hopes for the outcome of this crucial world summit IT WAS in 1992, at the Rio Earth Summit, that Fidel Castro said: “Humankind is at ... read more

Americans in UK protest US Blockade of Cuba
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 3 November 2021
A determined group of American citizens in the UK made a protest walkthrough London as part of their ongoing campaign against their Governmentspolicies on Cuba. The UK group, part of Democratic Socialists of America (the largest socialist organization in the United States), handed out hundreds of leaflets condemning the US ... read more