Viewing from April 2016

British Secretary of State visits Cuba
News from Cuba | Saturday, 30 April 2016
On Thursday 28 April, President Raúl Castro received UK Secretary of State Philip Hammond in Havana during his historic, official visit. During the cordial exchange, President Raúl and the UK foreign secretary confirmed what they both described as significant advances in ties between the two countries and broad potential to further ... read more

CSC Co-op Bank account closures raised in Irish Parliament
Campaign News | Friday, 29 April 2016
Finian McGrath, Independent TD, raised the issue of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign's bank closures by the Co-op Bank due to US blockade of Cuba legislation at Oireachtas (Irish Parliament). The Dublin North-Central Teachta Dála (TD), asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs the following Parliamentary question on Thursday 28 April 2016. Question No. ... read more

President of Ecuador Thanks Cuba for Help
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 26 April 2016
HAVANA, Cuba, April 23 (acn) Rafael Correa, president of Ecuador, asserted on Friday in that South American nation that Cuba is a champion of solidarity, while thanking the Caribbean island for its help after the catastrophic earthquake of April 16, as a consequence of which 587 people have lost their ... read more

14th Annual RMT Garden Party for Cuba
Campaign News | Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Wednesday, 15 June 2016, 7:00pm RMT Maritime House, Old Town, London, SW4 0JW CSC and the RMT invite you to celebrate freedom for the Miami Five and show solidarity with Cuba with friends from across the Labour and Trade Union movement – at the event of the summer. With live music, buffet, FREE ... read more

Cuban doctors killed in Ecuador earthquake honoured
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Quito.- On April 19, Cubans, Ecuadorians and members of the diplomatic corps paid tribute to the three doctors from the island who died in the earthquake which devastated the northwest coast of Ecuador on Saturday, April 16. They shall forever be remembered as members from the glorious army of white coats ... read more

International solidarity with Cuba on May Day
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Trade union friends from around the world will accompany the marches scheduled all across the island to celebrate International Workers' Day under the slogan: For Cuba: Unity and Commitment. Engineer Ernesto Freire Cazañas, head of the International Relations Department of the Cuban Workers’ Federation (CTC), speaking to Granma International, outlined some ... read more

The Cuban People will Win, Asserted Fidel at 7th PCC Congress
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 20 April 2016
HAVANA, Cuba, Apr 19 (acn) We should tell our brothers in Latin America and the world that the Cuban people will win, asserted the historic leader of the Revolution, Fidel Castro, in a special address at the closing ceremony of the 7th Congress of the Cuban Communist Party, in session ... read more

Three Cuban Doctors Die in Ecuador Earthquake
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 19 April 2016
At least 413 people are now known to have died in the earthquake, the country's government says and warned that the death toll could rise in coming hours. Cuban health authorities said on Monday that three doctors died in the city of Pedernales, the epicenter of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake ... read more

Cuba strongly supports President Dilma Rousseff and Brazil Workers Party
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 19 April 2016
HAVANA, Cuba, Apr 18 (acn) The Cuban Foreign Ministry issued a statement in support of the legitimate government led by Brazil´s Workers Party and President Dilma Rousseff. The statement reads that sectors of the Brazilian right-wing and oligarchy in combination with the local reactionary press have achieved, in the Chamber of ... read more

Cuba sends medical personnel to Ecuador following earthquake
News from Cuba | Monday, 18 April 2016
On Sunday evening, April 17, a brigade of the Henry Reeve International Contingent of Doctors Specialised in Disaster Situations and Large-Scale Epidemics left for Ecuador, backed by a search and rescue team, to provide assistance to the sister nation of Ecuador, following the earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale ... read more

Raul Castro Warns US Doing Same to Cuba but with Other Methods
News from Cuba | Saturday, 16 April 2016
"We must be alert, today more than ever," President Raul Castro said, warning Washington is determined to end Cuba's socialist revolution. President Raul Castro warned Cubans on Saturday that the United States was determined to end Cuba's socialist revolution despite restoring relations and a visit by President Barack Obama, saying one-party ... read more

Obama and the Cuban economy: Understanding what wasn’t said
News from Cuba | Thursday, 14 April 2016
I had the chance to participate in various meetings with the delegation that accompanied President Obama [to Cuba] and hear him speak three times; and now I feel a need to share my interpretation of what he said, and also what he didn’t say— since in politics what is left ... read more

Model motion: Solidarity with Cuba: time to end the US blockade
Campaign News | Tuesday, 12 April 2016
The campaign to end the US blockade of Cuba once and for all continues. A new model motion is available for trade union CSC affiliates that calls for the end of the over five-decades long US blockade of Cuba. Whilst CSC welcomes the opening of embassies in Washington and Havana ... read more

CSC and the Music Fund for Cuba host Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club after-party
Campaign News | Friday, 8 April 2016
Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club last show in Britain and CSC’s after show reception ‘Estoy Como Nunca’ – ‘I’m better than ever!’ was one of Eliades Ochoa’s opening songs at the very last concert of Buena Vista Social Club in Britain on 6th April. After 20 years becoming the most famous ... read more

CSC responds to worldwide media interest in Obama's Cuba Visit
Campaign News | Friday, 8 April 2016
CSC received many requests from international media outlets to comment on Barack Obama’s historic visit to Cuba and carried out interviews with several television and radio stations in Britain, Turkey, Russia and South Africa. Rob Miller, CSC Director, discussed the visit on Russia Today. Watch the interview here. Ollie Hopkins, CSC Campaigns ... read more

Is Normalisation With Cuba Irreversible?
News from Cuba | Thursday, 7 April 2016
That was one of Obama’s goals in his recent trip—and he made huge progress, charming the Cuban public and establishing a rapport with Raúl Castro. The day after President Obama ended his historic trip to Havana, Cubans turned on their TV sets and watched his surprise guest appearance in a skit ... read more

Cuba is an inspiration - Christine Blower: NUT Conference 2016 Fringe Meeting Report
Campaign News | Tuesday, 5 April 2016
100 delegates attended a packed Cuba Solidarity Campaign fringe meeting at the National Union of Teachers (NUT) Conference in Brighton over the Easter Weekend. Christine Blower, Retiring NUT General Secretary, who has been a stalwart supporter of Cuba and its world-class education system over the years, sent solidarity greetings on behalf ... read more

Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter Spring 2016 edition
Campaign News | Tuesday, 5 April 2016
The Spring 2016 issue of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign's Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter is now available for download here. The newsletter contains the latest news on Cuba and CSC with particular emphasis on our work with trade unions. This issue includes: - Miami Five Freedom Tour: Your help needed- NUT Fringe ... read more

Co-op Bank action: Write to your MP today
Campaign News | Saturday, 2 April 2016
In November 2015 the Co-operative Bank closed CSC’s bank account as a direct result of anti-Cuban US blockade policies. The Bank admitted the threat of fines from the US Treasury Department for processing Cuba transactions was the root cause of this action. CSC believes that the British government should uphold Britain’s ... read more