Viewing from February 2019

86% Votes For New Constitution in Cuba
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 26 February 2019
86.86 percent of voters ratified the new Cuban constitution while only 7.6 percent voted no during the referendum. Cuba's referendum on the New Constitution was announced Monday through a press conference. According to preliminary results, 85.86 percent voted yes for the new constitution. The vote took place Sunday in the country where ... read more

Labour Women in solidarity with Cuba
Campaign News | Tuesday, 26 February 2019
Cuba Solidarity Campaign ran a successful stand at the Labour Party Women's Conference in Telford. Many Labour women delegates joined CSC, requested speakers for their CLP meetings and found out more about the latest news in Cuba and the Cuba60 events taking place throughout the year. Dawn Butler MP, Shadow Women's ... read more

Venezuela will never be alone
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 20 February 2019
The history of U.S. wars shows with great eloquence that the use of force is the modus operandi of this country’s rulers. There is nothing new in the script now being used, except for the names of figures involved. Once again the pretext of humanitarian aid is fabricated to justify ... read more

Cuba responds to US threat of war in Venezuela
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 19 February 2019
Cuba's Foreign Minister has condemned a speech given by President Donald Trump to Cuban and Venezuelan ex-pats at the University of Miami in Florida on 18 February. Responding the US leader's remarks Bruno Rodriguez used his Twitter account to label Donald Trump's words as "offensive" and confirmed Trump’s "threat of military ... read more

African leaders reaffirm solidarity with Cuba demanding end to US blockade
News from Cuba | Friday, 15 February 2019
The African Union (AU) reaffirmed its solidarity with Cuba yesterday, demanding an end to the illegal six-decade long US economic blockade. African leaders gathered in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa adopted a resolution opposing the “economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba” for the 10th consecutive time. The 55 AU member states supported ... read more

Communications near full recovery
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Following the January 27 tornado, more than 1,200 telecommunications workers joined the recovery effort, and were able to repair 89.82% of the damage within eight days The day after a devastating tornado hit several Havana municipalities, some 13,000 telephones were reported out of service, for the most part in Diez de ... read more

It is imperative to halt the imperialist military adventure against Venezuela.
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Statement by the Revolutionary Government of Cuba. It is imperative to halt the imperialist military adventure against Venezuela. The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns the escalation of pressures and actions of the US government in preparation for a military adventure under the guise of a “humanitarian intervention” in ... read more

The revolutionary past, present and future of trade unions in Cuba
Campaign News | Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Far from being 'banned', the Cuban trade union movement has fought the class struggle in an unbroken line before, during and after the revolution, explains BERNARD REGAN JANUARY 2019 was the month that the Cuban people celebrated not only the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution but also the 80th anniversary ... read more

Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall to make historic Royal visit to Cuba
News from Cuba | Thursday, 7 February 2019
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are to make a historic visit to Cuba when they become the first members of the Royal Family ever to go the country. The couple will visit the Communist state as part of their tour to the Caribbean later in the Spring. The ... read more

"The policy is now regime change for Cuba" says former US diplomat
News from Cuba | Thursday, 7 February 2019
A former US diplomat with links to the CIA has warned that the situation in Venezuela could lead to a "confrontation" between the United States and Cuba. Vicki Huddleston, who was former Head of the US Interests Section in Havana in from 1999-2002, speaking in an interview to Intelligence Matters said ... read more

Cuban President verifies recovery efforts in Havana
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 6 February 2019
The President of the Councils of State and Ministers, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, toured areas of Havana hit by the January 27 tornado The Cuban people are inspiring. Despite the remaining debris, the electrical power that took a while to restore, the lack of gas and landline telephone service, the long – ... read more

NEU 2018 delegation to Cuba
Campaign News | Saturday, 2 February 2019
In October 2018, 25 teachers visited Cuba for a week as part of a solidarity delegation organised by the National Education Union (NEU) and Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC), where they visited eight schools, including primary, secondary, music and special needs schools and participated in a full programme including meetings with ... read more

Cuba's socialist ethos drives its educational triumphs
Campaign News | Saturday, 2 February 2019
In October 2018 DAISY MAXWELL was one of a group of teachers from Britain who went to see what they could learn from schools in Cuba During the October half term, I was lucky enough to be one of 25 teachers from the NEU to take part in a solidarity ... read more

CSC launches Havana Tornado Appeal with £2,000 donation
Campaign News | Friday, 1 February 2019
The British Cuba Solidarity Campaign has donated £2,000 to the relief appeal set up by the Cuban government following the shock tornado which ripped through five municipalities of Havana on 27 January. Donate online here Four people were killed and 195 injured in the worst storm to hit the Cuban capital for ... read more

Havana unites after tornado hits the capital
News from Cuba | Friday, 1 February 2019
Recovery efforts continue across the capital after a tornado ripped through five Havana municipalities on the evening of January 27. The weather phenomenon caused considerable human and material damage with latest figures reporting four dead and around 195 injured. Meanwhile total and partial building collapses, fallen trees and utility poles; broken ... read more

Sadness at the loss of Jeremy Hardy, supporter of Cuba and wonderful person and campaigner
Campaign News | Friday, 1 February 2019
We are all deeply saddened by the death of our good friend Jeremy Hardy. He was a wonderful person, a man of solidarity and action, and a great supporter of Cuba. Jeremy performed at a number of benefit concerts for the Cuba Solidarity Campaign including at the ‘I love Cuba’ cabaret ... read more