Viewing from June 2018

Standing room only at the Unison NDC Cuba fringe
Campaign News | Saturday, 30 June 2018
“The Cuban revolution has always been about internationalism and solidarity”, Miami Five hero tells Unison delegates During his short visit to the UK, Miami Five hero, Fernando González, attended Unison’s National Delegates’ Conference in Brighton. Here he addressed the union’s Internally Rally on the eve of conference, alongside its general secretary, ... read more

Latin America Against Trump - join the protests
Campaign News | Tuesday, 26 June 2018
When Donald Trump turns up in Britain in July we must ensure that he gets a very clear message that the people of Britain and Latin America reject his view of the world and his imperialist ambitions against the countries of Cuba and Latin America. The recent horrific images of Latin ... read more

Fernando Gonzalez: ‘To strengthen the links of friendship around the world, that is our role’
Campaign News | Monday, 18 June 2018
The Miami Five hero talks to the Morning Star Along with the rest of the Five, Gonzalez was working in Florida monitoring Cuban exile groups planning terrorist attacks on his homeland when he was arrested in 1998. Like them, he spent 17 months “in the hole,” solitary confinement, before being convicted ... read more

Miami Five hero Fernando Gonzalez thanks British solidarity at RMT's Cuba Garden Party
Campaign News | Friday, 15 June 2018
MIAMI Five hero Fernando Gonzalez thanked the people of Britain last night in a moving tribute to international solidarity. Mr Gonzalez, who spent over 15 years behind bars in the US for his work against Florida-based groups planning terrorist attacks on Cuba, told the audience at the annual RMT-Cuba Solidarity Campaign ... read more

Cuban Doctors Assist Victims of Fuego Volcano in Guatemala
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 12 June 2018
The Cuban Medical Brigade has been working day and night to help Guatemalan medical teams struggling to handle the tragic event. Since the first moments of the eruption of the Fuego Volcano, the Cuban Medical Brigade (BMC) in Guatemala has been working day and night to help people who are ... read more

Why African-American doctors are choosing to study medicine in Cuba
News from Cuba | Monday, 11 June 2018
In the countryside of western Havana, during the fall, rickety yellow buses carry first-year medical students from the Latin American School of Medicine. Wearing short-sleeved white smocks and stethoscopes, they go door to door, doing rounds, often speaking to their patients in broken Spanish. “Even people whose houses I wasn’t ... read more

Maintaining active solidarity with the peoples of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua remains as vital as ever
Campaign News | Friday, 8 June 2018
On December 17 2014, president Barack Obama broadcast a historic announcement that the United States would reopen diplomatic relations with Cuba. This hinted at the possibility of greater changes to come in the long and difficult Cuba-US relationship. Obama went on to visit Cuba in March 2016 and all the signs indicated ... read more

Fernando Gonzalez Llort finally receives visa for entry clearance to Britain
Campaign News | Thursday, 7 June 2018
Miami Five hero will be visiting Britain this month After a long delay and a brilliant response by Members of Parliament, Fernando Gonzalez Llort has finally received his visa for entry clearance to Britain. He is now arriving on 13th June to speak to MPs, the Cuba Solidarity Campaign AGM, the ... read more

In sign of tougher policy shift, Trump appoints Cuba 'hardliner' to lead Radio and TV Marti
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 6 June 2018
President Donald Trump appointed Miami’s former mayor and self-described Cuba “hardliner” Tomás Regalado to run Radio and TV Martí, a sign that tougher U.S. policies could be in store for the island regime and its Latin American allies. Regalado’s appointment to lead the U.S.-funded broadcast network, which counters Cuba’s state-run media, ... read more

Cuba ‘sonic attack’ conspiracy theories and flawed science
News from Cuba | Monday, 4 June 2018
Science works best when qualified people can evaluate evidence without political pressure to draw poorly founded conclusions, say 15 neuroscientists and physicists in a letter published in The Guardian on Firday 1 June 2018. As neuroscientists and physicists we have no reason to dispute that US diplomats living in Cuba heard ... read more