Viewing from December 2016

Ambassador thanks CSC supporters for hurricane support
Campaign News | Saturday, 31 December 2016
The Cuban ambassador, HE Teresita Vicente has sent a thank you letter to CSC supporters who donated to the Hurrican Matthew relief appeal. The categroy 4 hurricane, which struck the island's eastern provinces on 4 October, washed away bridges and roads, shut down electrical and communications services, and destroyed or damaged ... read more

Misty Copeland Visits Cuba, Where Brown Ballerinas Are The Norm
News from Cuba | Friday, 30 December 2016
“It’s just like, no, ballet is being done everywhere in the world. And it’s been done for a long time.” American Ballet Theatre’s principal dancer and bona fide queen Misty Copeland visited Havana, Cuba, recently to dance with professional dancers from the Ballet Nacional de Cuba. One of her most striking first ... read more

Cuban National Assembly Carries Out Fidel's Last Wish
News from Cuba | Friday, 30 December 2016
Cuban President Raul Castro opened the National Assembly in Havana Tuesday, where the country’s economy and how to pay lasting tribute to revolutionary leader Fidel Castro were on top of the agenda. The assembly approved legislation that will carry out Fidel’s final dying wish that will forbid the use of ... read more

Raúl: We are not going back, nor will we go back, to capitalism, this is totally ruled out
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 28 December 2016
The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution has bequeathed to us his example, his optimism, and confidence in victory. The best monument to his ideas and work is to make a reality of the postulates he outlined in his concept of Revolution, which he announced May 1, 2000, and ... read more

If they can do it in Cuba, What's stopping us here?
News from Cuba | Saturday, 24 December 2016
MARI BURTON wonders how the Cuban education system creates such confident students, yet in Britain the system is failing YOU’D be forgiven if, when asked to think of three words associated with Cuba, “education” wasn’t one of them. Indeed, speaking to friends and colleagues about my travelling to Cuba with teachers’ ... read more

Cuba denounces blockade at World Trade Organisation
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 21 December 2016
On Monday, December 19, Cuba stated before the World Trade Organization that the U.S. blockade remains in effect, with minimal changes noted in its implementation to date Geneva.—On December 19, Cuba highlighted before the World Trade Organisation (WTO) that the U.S. blockade remains in effect and is practically unchanged, and it ... read more

Guantánamo Naval Base, not to be forgotten
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 21 December 2016
President Barack Obama will shortly exit the White House, without keeping his promise to close the maximum security prison established in 2002 at the Guantánamo Naval Base GUANTÁNAMO, Cuba.— President Barack Obama will shortly exit the White House, without keeping his promise to close the maximum security prison established in 2002 ... read more

Twins for Gerardo and Adriana on eve of anniversary of Miami Five release
News from Cuba | Monday, 19 December 2016
Almost two years to the day that the three remaining members of the Miami Five were released and the US and Cuba agreed to re-establish relations, twins were born to Gerardo Hernandez and Adriana Perez. Gerardo, who spent 16 years in US jail for attempting to stop terrorist attacks against ... read more

Cuban Doctors From Medical Brigade Return from Haiti
News from Cuba | Monday, 19 December 2016
In 2005, Fidel Castro called for the internationalist medical team and since then 7,235 Cuban doctors have provided support and aid in 17 different nations. After two months of tireless humanitarian work in Haiti, a country ravaged by Hurricane Matthew, a team of Cuban doctors from the Henry Reeve Medical Brigade, ... read more

“Fidel and Chávez set the goals, the ideas, and showed the way with their enduring example”
News from Cuba | Friday, 16 December 2016
Remarks by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, during the act marking the 12th anniversary of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-Peoples’ Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), and the 22nd anniversary ... read more

Guantanamo revamp raises prospect prison will not shut
News from Cuba | Friday, 16 December 2016
Although Obama vowed to close the facility, multimillion dollar renovations including a new dining hall are under way. Though US President Barack Obama pledged to close Guantanamo Bay offshore detention centre in Cuba upon taking office, as time runs out on his administration that almost certainly will not happen. Although the number ... read more

Obama to press Trump to preserve Cuba detente - White House
News from Cuba | Thursday, 15 December 2016
By Matt Spetalnick and Timothy Gardner | WASHINGTON President Barack Obama will make his case directly to President-elect Donald Trump not to derail the recent U.S.-Cuba detente, the White House said on Tuesday, insisting that "turning back the clock" would be damaging to American interests and the Cuban people. Ben Rhodes, Obama's ... read more

Cuba and Venezuela Celebrate 12th Anniversary of ALBA Creation
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Cuban President Raul Castro celebrate the 12th anniversary of the formation of the historic regional alliance. On Thursday the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Cuban President Raul Castro will commemorate the 12th anniversary of the formation of the historic progressive continental alliance, ALBA, in Havana, Cuba. Originally ... read more

The encounter, two decades later
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 14 December 2016
This December 14 marks 22 years since Hugo Chávez’s first visit to Cuba This December 14 marks 22 years since Hugo Chávez’s first visit to Cuba and his encounter with the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro; an event which went beyond a simple friendship between two men, to radically ... read more

Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter Winter 2016 edition
Campaign News | Wednesday, 14 December 2016
The Winter 2016 issue of Cuba Solidarity Campaign's Trade Unions for Cuba eNewsletter is now out, which includes the latest news on Cuba and CSC with particular emphasis on our work with trade unions. This issue includes: - ¡Hasta la victoria siempre, Fidel! - Celebrate May Day 2017 in Cuba with CSC!- ... read more

Well organised recovery efforts after Hurricane Matthew
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 14 December 2016
A general overview of the recovery efforts underway in San Antonio del Sur, proves that the process is gradually advancing thanks to the support of residents, and especially campesinos and workers, who have been leading initiatives. SAN ANTONIO DEL SUR, Guantánamo — It is no wonder that Elena Laffita Bertot looks ... read more

Cuba and Google Sign New Deal for Speedier Service
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Cuba and the United States have forged a number of bilateral deals, but business ties have been slower to develop as the U.S. blockade remains in place. Amid ongoing normalisation of ties between Cuba and the United States, the government of the Caribbean nation signed a deal Tuesday with U.S. technology ... read more

EU signs historic deal with Cuba on political dialogue, cooperation
News from Cuba | Monday, 12 December 2016
The European Union has signed a historic deal with Cuba on political dialogue and cooperation, according to the EU Council. Cuba was the only Latin American country to lack such an agreement with the 28-member bloc. The deal was signed on Monday by the heads of EU member states, along with ... read more

Cuba: A Heartwarming Experience To Remember
Campaign News | Monday, 12 December 2016
NIPARUN NESSA reports on an NUT delegation to Cuba – where she was overwhelmed by the Cuban people’s warm welcome and genuine commitment to equality I was fortunate to be a part of the NUT delegation to Cuba at the end of October and was so impressed by the community spirit ... read more

Cuba wants to sign accords with U.S. before Obama exit: officials
News from Cuba | Monday, 12 December 2016
Cuba said on Wednesday it hoped to sign off on at least half a dozen agreements with the United States before businessman Donald Trump, who has threatened to derail detente between the former Cold War foes, becomes president on Jan. 20. Cuban and U.S. officials held talks in Havana to discuss ... read more

Che Guevara’s 1964 UN Speech Remains Wholly Relevant Today
News from Cuba | Sunday, 11 December 2016
Che Guevera spoke at the U.N. General Assembly on 11 December 1964. Today his words remain as relevant as ever (Transcript at end of article). “But the philosophy of plunder has not only not been ended, it is stronger than ever.” Those are the words of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, when he stood ... read more

Thousands pay tribute to Fidel in Namibia
News from Cuba | Friday, 9 December 2016
The posthumous tribute, held in the gardens of Namibia’s Parliament building, was broadcast live by channel NBC and saw the participation of the all senior members of government, the SWAPO Party and representatives of the diplomatic corps Windhoek.—Thousands of people attended a solemn ceremony in the capital – led by Namibian ... read more

Fidel Castro was a giant. A man of ideas. A man of action - Richard Burgon MP
Campaign News | Friday, 9 December 2016
Speech by Richard Burgon MP at the London Fidel Castro Memorial, 5 December 2016. "From its earliest days the Cuban Revolution has itself been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people.” The words of Nelson Mandela when he shared a platform with Fidel Castro on 26 July 1991 in Mantanzas, Cuba. Mandela ... read more

Cuba reaffirms willingness to continue working to improve relations with the United States
News from Cuba | Friday, 9 December 2016
Both parties also reaffirmed their willingness to continue building ties of peaceful co-existence and mutual benefit, during the fifth Bilateral Commission meeting, held December 7, in Havana This December 7, Cuba reaffirmed its willingness to continue working to improve relations with the United States and build ties of peaceful co-existence and ... read more

EU member states agree to normalise relations with Cuba
News from Cuba | Thursday, 8 December 2016
Ambassadors of the 28 member countries of the European Union agreed to sign a political and cooperation agreement this Tuesday, December 6, to normalise relations with the island BRUSSELS.—This Tuesday, December 6, the 28 countries of the European Union (EU) approved the signing, at the level of their ambassadors, of a ... read more

Fidel’s Legacy to the World on Theory and Practice
News from Cuba | Thursday, 8 December 2016
From his high school days into the 1950s, Fidel Castro familiarised himself with the writings and activities of José Martí, among other 19th-century Cuban fighters for social justice and independence from Spain. Fidel read all of Marti’s 28 volumes. He also studied the works and practical activities of Marx, Engels ... read more

‘Fidel Will Live On,’ Havana’s Envoy Tells Memorial Event
Campaign News | Wednesday, 7 December 2016
REVOLUTIONARY leader Fidel Castro was remembered at a moving memorial service organised by the Cuba Solidarity Campaign on Monday night. Ambassadors, trade unionists and politicians were among those who heard speeches, music and poetry as the life of the former Cuban president was celebrated at Congress House. Cuban ambassador Teresita Vicente led ... read more

EU-Cuba: Council opens new chapter in relations
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 7 December 2016
EU moves towards normalising relations with Cuba and ending the Common Position On 6 December 2016, the Council decided to sign a Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Cuba. The Council also decided to provisionally apply parts of the agreement. The agreement will be transmitted to the European ... read more

Fidel will take shape in us
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 7 December 2016
A young journalist writes about growing up with Fidel's presence I do not remember a day without a smile in Cuba. I was a child during the 1990s when there were barely a few hours of electricity a day, and food and clothing and much more was scarce. In the nights ... read more

Huge turnout at London Memorial for Fidel Castro
Campaign News | Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Over 600 people attended a Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC) organised memorial evening for the late Fidel Castro at London’s Congress Centre on Monday evening. Due to overwhelming public demand and high registration numbers, CSC changed the venue just days before the event to the Congress Centre to accommodate the huge numbers ... read more

Cuba’s challenge To Fairy Tale Of Western Virtue
News from Cuba | Monday, 5 December 2016
The media’s treatment of Fidel and Mandela has been very different, but the goal – rewriting history to maintain the crushingly exploitative and yawningly unequal status quo in the world – remains the same, argues BEN CHACKO THREE years ago, when Fidel Castro’s friend and ally Nelson Mandela died, the effusive ... read more

From Cuba with Love
Campaign News | Monday, 5 December 2016
British special educational needs co-ordinator MAGGIE MORAN reflects on Cuba’s educational provision for students Amor. Love. That is a word which, as a British special needs teacher, I cannot say has graced my head teacher’s lips during meetings about resources and support for my students. And yet, during one school visit after ... read more

‘Fidel, Fidel: Ever Onward To Victory’
News from Cuba | Monday, 5 December 2016
Cuba reaffirms its socialism as revolutionary leader is laid to rest REVOLUTIONARY leader Fidel Castro was laid to rest in Santiago de Cuba yesterday, ending nine days of national mourning. His ashes were interred at the city’s Santa Ifigenia Cemetery, where 19th-century independence hero Jose Marti and Fidel’s revolutionary comrade Frank Pais ... read more

‘What Marti Promised, Fidel Delivered’
Campaign News | Sunday, 4 December 2016
The caravan has not only provided an opportunity for Cubans all over the country to say farewell to Fidel, but it has also provided a time for reflection of the enormous gains that the revolution has achieved since Fidel made the original journey, wrtes OLLIE HOPKINS THIS weekend Fidel Castro returns ... read more

Do Not Mourn - Organise
News from Cuba | Saturday, 3 December 2016
Morning Star editorial from December 3/4 2016 Weekend Edition AS Fidel Castro is laid to rest this weekend, this paper will not be alone in reflecting on his life and contribution to the struggle. Across the world, Fidel will be mourned by those who owe him and the Cuban revolution a ... read more

Hasta Siempre Comandante
Campaign News | Saturday, 3 December 2016
“A GREAT man is great not because his personal qualities give individual features to great historical events but because he possesses qualities which make him most capable of serving the great social needs of his time, needs which arose as a result of general and particular causes” — GV Plekhanov. While ... read more

The Cuban People Still Need Our Solidarity
Campaign News | Saturday, 3 December 2016
The blockade is still in place and the election of Donald Trump poses new and serious threats to Cuba, warns ROB MILLER SUPERMAN is a fictional hero, but we Cubans have the pride of having a real hero like Fidel. That hero has greater powers than Superman, because he can move ... read more

Latin America Conference 2016: Continuing Fidel's legacy for a better world
Campaign News | Thursday, 1 December 2016
The 12th annual Adelante! Latin America Conference took place only hours after the death of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz. The passing of the Cuban hero certainly changed the mood of the entire conference, with speakers, guests and visitors clearly moved by the events, but many ... read more

Fidel's Remains On Their Way ToRest
News from Cuba | Thursday, 1 December 2016
Fidel's Caravan of Liberty sets off THE Caravan of Liberty carrying Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro’s ashes left Havana for their final resting place in Santiago yesterday morning. El Comandante’s mortal remains will follow as closely as possible the 500-mile route he took to victory from the eastern city to the capital ... read more