Viewing from July 2019

Cuba trying to attract tourists and investors even as US clamps down
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 30 July 2019
HAVANA – Just after noon on a Thursday, a bomb left in an ashtray ripped through the lobby of the Hotel Copacabana. A metal fragment shot out like a ninja throwing star, as a medical examiner later described it, and struck Fabio Di Celmo, slicing through his jugular vein. Di Celmo, ... read more

Cuba is a safe country, but U.S. continues its attempts to manipulate reality
News from Cuba | Thursday, 25 July 2019
Yesterday, July 24, Cuba demanded that the U.S. government cease its manipulation of alleged health problems reported by its diplomatic staff in Havana, as a pretext to impose aggressive measures to harm our country, economy, and people. In statements to the press, Johana Tablada, the Foreign Ministry’s director for the United ... read more

Moncada: A victory of ideas
News from Cuba | Thursday, 25 July 2019
The July 26, 1953, events in Santiago de Cuba and Bayamo changed forever the direction of an entire country, and opened a new stage in the history of Our America History cannot be forgotten. At a time when U.S. imperialism and its regional allies are intent upon eliminating the idea that ... read more

ELAM graduates some 500 medical science professionals from 104 countries
News from Cuba | Thursday, 25 July 2019
HAVANA, Cuba, Jul 23 (ACN) Some 500 students from 104 countries who studied at the Latin American School of Medicine (ELAM) will be graduating this Tuesday as Doctors of Medicine at the Karl Marx Theatre in Havana. According to information provided by the Ministry of Public Health to the Cuban News ... read more

Cuban First VP: We come to pay tribute to Sandino
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 23 July 2019
HAVANA, Cuba, Jul 19 (ACN) We have come to pay tribute to Sandino, Carlos Fonseca Amador and the leaders who made Nicaragua's independence possible, said Salvador Valdés Mesa, First Vice-President of the Councils of State and Ministers, on his arrival in Managua, the capital of that Central American country. At the ... read more

Cuba boasts 9 doctors per thousand inhabitants
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 23 July 2019
HAVANA, July 22 (Xinhua) -- Cuba has one of the world's highest ratios of physicians to population, with nine doctors per thousand inhabitants, according to Cuban local media. The island country has more than 100,000 active doctors, the highest number in its history, Health Minister Jose Portal told Cuban News Agency ... read more

Cuban compassion: Training doctors for a Pacific island nation running out of time
News from Cuba | Monday, 22 July 2019
Kiribati. You may not know where it is. Pronouncing it is tricky (Ker-a-bas). It’s a small republic of 114,000 people spread out over 32 atolls in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, near the international date line and right on the equator. Palm trees line the white sandy shores. Turquoise water laps the ... read more

U.S. blockade is the main hurdle to achieve UN's Agenda 2030 in Cuba
News from Cuba | Monday, 22 July 2019
HAVANA, Cuba, Jul 18 (ACN) Rodrigo Malmierca, Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, said at the United Nations that the U.S. blockade is the biggest hurdle in Cuba for the implementation of Agenda 2030. This policy causes serious damage to the Cuban people and is the main obstacle to the ... read more

Cuba: Safest Country in Latin America to Be a Child and an Adolescent
News from Cuba | Thursday, 18 July 2019
The annual Save the Children report evaluates 176 countries using international indicators on infant mortality, access to education, nutrition, protection against harmful practices, such as child labour, child marriage, homicides and forced displacement. According to the new global report by Save the Children, today's children and adolescents are more likely to ... read more

Cuba passes electoral law, Reinstates role of Prime Minister
News from Cuba | Monday, 15 July 2019
Cuba has passed a new electoral law recreating the role of the prime minister which was abolished in the 1976 constitution. Cuba passed a new electoral law that restructures governance including creating the role of the prime minister and provincial governors while retaining the one-party system. The law which was passed Saturday ... read more

Planning for the future - AGM report
Campaign News | Tuesday, 9 July 2019
“We need to celebrate the achievements of the Cuban people, as well as campaigning to end the US blockade,” said Diana Holland, Chair of CSC and Unite the Union Assistant General Secretary, as she opened the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Cuba Solidarity Campaign in June. Gawain Little, Chair of ... read more

United for Cuba
Campaign News | Monday, 8 July 2019
Dr Enmanuel Vigil Fonseca received rapturous applause when he told a Unite fringe meeting “we have an abundance of dignity and solidarity. We will never give up our rights and we will never go down on our knees to the US.” Speaking at the CSC fringe meeting during the union’s Rules ... read more

UNISON reaffirms solidarity with Cuba in 60th anniversary year
Campaign News | Monday, 8 July 2019
Unison delegates reaffirmed their support for Cuba at their annual national delegates’ conference in June. Praising the country’s achievements in health, education and internationalism, conference also voted to call on the government to ensure British companies did not succumb to US pressure to reinforce the blockade by withdrawing investment. Moving the motion, ... read more

Stand by Cuba as Trump cranks up the pressure
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 2 July 2019
The Trump administration is now ramping up aggression against Cuba, writes Ken Livingstone in the Morning Star You might not have read much about in the so-called “mainstream” media, but the increasingly hawkish Donald Trump administration has recently announced the most severe economic sanctions against Cuba since the illegal US blockade ... read more

Fighting for the right to health
Campaign News | Monday, 1 July 2019
CSC was honoured to host Cuban medical brigade volunteer Dr Enmanuel Vigil Fonsecafor a jam-packed two-week tour in June 2019. In the last decade Dr Vigil has worked in Africa (fighting Ebola), Ecuador, Haiti, Peru and Western Sahara during humanitarian disasters as a member of Cuba’s ‘Henry Reeve International Team of ... read more