Viewing from September 2024

Cuban internationalism is proof that another world is possible

Campaign News | Tuesday, 24 September 2024

We publish here a speech delivered by BEN CHACKO to the Viva Cuba rally at Labour conference THE Morning Star’s motto is “For Peace & Socialism” and we are proud to celebrate Cuban internationalism, and proud too of our long association with the Cuba Solidarity Campaign, which has done so much ... read more

From Kashmir to Colombia, Cuba’s medical internationalism continues

Campaign News | Monday, 23 September 2024

Despite cruel US sanctions, Cuba continues to offer global humanitarian aid and support peace processes, writes KIM JOHNSON MP, urging others to follow Unison’s lead in practical solidarity with the besieged socialist island ON September 23, I’m delighted to be speaking at a the north-west Cuba Vive Rally at the Casa ... read more

Some of the panellists at the TUC fringe meeting: Fran Heathcote, Alex Tarrier, Sarah Woolley, HE Ismara Vargas Walter, Kevin Courtney and Graham

Cuba's achievements in health celebrated at TUC Congress

Campaign News | Monday, 16 September 2024

As Cuba grapples with its most profound economic crisis since the early 90s due to the tightening of the blockade, its world-renowned health system, and the health of its people, is suffering. Delegates at TUC Congress in Brighton gathered at the Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s fringe meeting to celebrate the island’s ... read more

The unbroken solidarity between our movement and Cuba

Campaign News | Monday, 9 September 2024

Cuba’s designation as a ‘state sponsor of terrorism’ is inflicting incalculable damage on the country and its people, and leaving its health service in desperate need. KEVIN COURTNEY calls for one last push for the Cuba Vive medical aid campaign to get it over the line WHEN Joe Biden was running ... read more