Viewing from September 2012
Día de la Cultura Cubana
Campaign News | Friday, 28 September 2012
Celebrate Cuba’s National Day of CultureSaturday 20 October 2012, Doors open 7.30pmWith big band live on stage:Raíces Cubanas featuring Omar Puente play authenticCuban salsa, son and charangaPlusDJ Green Papi - Oriente Star Sound - Cuban salsa & timba DJYuri Moreno - soulful superb singer from Santiago de CubaTiomolina - performs ... read more
Rene Gonzalez sends message to British supporters at Vigil
Campaign News | Monday, 24 September 2012
Rene Gonzalez, one of the Miami Five, currently on supervised release in Florida, sent CSC a message in advance of the US Embassy Vigil for all supporters in Britain, and especially all of those who went to the vigil on 18 September.September 15, 2012Dear friends and supporters from the United ... read more
Aleida Guevara tells Miami Five Vigil to “break the blockade of silence imposed on the truth”
Campaign News | Friday, 21 September 2012
Hundreds of activists, trade unionists and campaigners lay siege to the US Embassy in London yesterday to protest against the ongoing unjust treatment of the Miami Five by the United States. The Cuba Solidarity Campaign’s annual Vigil for the Miami Five has become an integral part of the British campaign ... read more
BBC World Service Interview with Aleida Guevara
Campaign News | Friday, 21 September 2012
Aleida Guevara gave an in depth and personal interview to BBC World Service's Outlook programme when she was in London with CSC this week. You can listen her to her memories of her father, speaking to 'Uncle Fidel' about his memories of Che, and how her mother kept his memory ... read more
Cuba health visit for MLAs Sue Ramsey and Jim Wells
News from Cuba | Thursday, 20 September 2012
By Marie Louise Connolly BBC Northern Ireland health correspondentStormont's health committee is to send representatives to Cuba to observe its health care system.Despite being regarded as a third world country, politicians and doctors say they hope to learn from the Cuban model which produces one of the highest life expectancy ... read more
Cuba health visit for MLAs Sue Ramsey and Jim Wells
News from Cuba | Thursday, 20 September 2012
By Marie Louise Connolly BBC Northern Ireland health correspondentStormont's health committee is to send representatives to Cuba to observe its health care system.Despite being regarded as a third world country, politicians and doctors say they hope to learn from the Cuban model which produces one of the highest life expectancy ... read more
Cuban Americans Lean Republican, Other Latinos to the Left, Poll Shows
News from Cuba | Thursday, 20 September 2012
The majority of Latinos favor President Barack Obama over GOP contender Mitt Romney, according to an exclusive Fox News Latino. There is, however, one glaring exception: Cuban Americans.While 64 percent of Mexican Americans and 67 percent of Puerto Ricans said they would vote for the Obama/Biden ticket come November, only ... read more
Cuba says ending U.S. embargo would help both countries
News from Cuba | Thursday, 20 September 2012
By Jeff Franks for ReutersBoth the United States and Cuba would benefit if Washington would lift its longstanding trade embargo against the island, but U.S. President Barack Obama has toughened the sanctions since taking office in 2009, a top Cuban official said on Thursday.The embargo, fully in place since 1962, ... read more
Cuba to present report on the blockade to UN
News from Cuba | Thursday, 20 September 2012
The economic, commercial and financial blockade by the US Government against Cuba continues and intensifies despite the growing and strong demand by the international community, in particular by the United Nations General Assembly, for its lifting.On Thursday, 20 September, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba will ... read more
MPs join Aleida Guevara in call for justice for Miami Five at parliament meeting
Campaign News | Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Aleida Guevara tells meeting that “solidarity is the best expression of tenderness of the people”Over 150 people - alongside a number of parliamentarians - crammed into a packed meeting at the House of Commons to hear an inspirational talk by Aleida Guevara, daughter of Che Guevara. She spoke about her ... read more
Unique opportunities to see the real Cuba this winter
Campaign News | Wednesday, 19 September 2012
In the Footsteps of Che Study Tour to Cuba8 - 23 November 2012See Cuba and explore Che Guevara’s role in the RevolutionHavana - Santa Clara - Trinidad - ViñalesFascinating programme of visits including Che’s mausoleum, Escambray mountains, historic sites, health care centres, schools, work places plus beach and relaxation time. ... read more
Who gets paid by the US government for internal subversion in Cuba?
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 19 September 2012
The National Endowment for Democracy, a US government funded organisation has just released its 2011 report. Set up by President Ronald Reagan in 1983, the NED overtly does what the CIA did covertly for years, through its "democracy building" programmes - promoting pro-US parties, economics and policies throughout the developing ... read more
Aleida Guevara interviewed in the Daily Mirror in advance of London meetings
Campaign News | Saturday, 15 September 2012
by Melissa Thompson for the Daily MirrorChe Guevara's daughter Aleida on growing up in her father's shadow - Mirror OnlineTo some he’s a cold-blooded executioner. To millions, he’s the revolutionary whose face has come to symbolise their own struggles against oppression.And to others, he’s just an image - the epitome ... read more

US Blockade on Cuba in Round Figures
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 12 September 2012
By Tay Toscano Jerez/Radio Cadena Agramonte. With the permission of mathematics and statisticians, I’d like to share with you some illustrating numbers which reflect the impact of the US blockade on the Cuban people. This does not reveal anything new, this only ratifies what millions of Cubans and people around the world ... read more
Last chance for justice for the Miami Five?
Campaign News | Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Natasha Hickman writing in the Morning StarFourteen years ago today, five Cubans were unjustly imprisoned in US jails for trying to stop violent attacks against their country.The Miami Five, who were infiltrating US-based terrorist groups when seized on September 12 1998, have since won the support of human rights, legal ... read more
Why Che's daughter fights to preserve his image as idealistic revolutionary
Campaign News | Saturday, 8 September 2012
by Tracy McVeigh for The GuardianShe has the eyes of her father, a gaze that became an emblem for the 20th century. She also has his deep sense of social injustice, but Dr Aleida Guevara has always had to share her "papi" with the world.While she doesn't mind the posters, ... read more
Statement by Cuban Foreign Ministry on Colombian peace talks
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 5 September 2012
The Cuban Revolution has had a historical commitment towards peace in Colombia and the efforts aimed at putting an end to the political, social and military conflict in that Latin American and Caribbean sister nation.The Cuban Government has made discreet and constructive efforts to contribute to find a negotiated solution, ... read more
The Greatest Pain for a Father
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 5 September 2012
from the Cuban News AgencyFifteen years ago, on September 4 of 1997, a murderous bomb that was planted at the lobby of the Havana Copacabana Hotel severed the life of Fabio Di Celmo, a 32 young Italian tourist. His death, caused by a terrorist action against Cuba, plunged the Di ... read more