Viewing from February 2021

Vaccine candidates Soberana 02 and Abdala will begin phase III of clinical trials in March
News from Cuba | Thursday, 25 February 2021
The vaccine candidates against COVID-19, Soberana 02 and Abdala, will begin phase III clinical trials on 1 March, after both immunogens demonstrated their safety without significant adverse events during the first studies in volunteers.In a press conference on 25 February at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) in ... read more

PRESS RELEASE: Nobel campaign for Cuban doctors closes with 42 official nominations from Britain
Campaign News | Thursday, 25 February 2021
More than 8,000 names and messages, including from parliamentarians and academics, were submitted to the Nobel Prize Committee at the end of January calling for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize to be awarded to the Cuban doctors, nurses and technicians who make up the Henry Reeve International Medical Brigade (HRIMB). In ... read more

Final steps for Soberana 02, the first Latin American vaccine against coronavirus
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 24 February 2021
"In the second half of the year, we will be able to immunise the entire population, and also provide doses to the countries that require it," says director of Science and Innovation at Cuban state company BioCubaFarma, Rolando Pérez Rodríguez, interviewed here by Pagina 12.A few days after starting the ... read more

Cuban Institute of Sports celebrates its 60th anniversary
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 24 February 2021
In the midst of an adverse context, the Cuban Institute of Sports ( Inder ) celebrates today the 60th anniversary of its foundation committed to raising the results and the health and quality of life of the population. Six decades after its birth, Inder continues to be involved in its desire ... read more

Cuba has assisted almost one third of the world's population in health care
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 23 February 2021
HAVANA, Cuba, Feb 23 (ACN) In the six decades of Cuban medical collaboration abroad, its health personnel have assisted 1.988 billion people in the world, almost a third of mankind, said Dr. Jorge Delgado Bustillo, director of the Central Unit for Medical Cooperation (UCCM).Delgado Bustillo also assured that Cuban doctors ... read more

Coronavirus vaccine nears final tests in Cuba. Tourists may be inoculated.
News from Cuba | Friday, 19 February 2021
People wait in line for four hours to buy detergent in Havana. Cuban pharmacies are out of pain medication. There are national bread shortages.And yet the Cuban government says it is on the brink of an extraordinary scientific achievement: the mass production of a coronavirus vaccine invented on the island.One ... read more

Latin America finds its own answers to produce COVID-19 vaccines
News from Cuba | Friday, 19 February 2021
In a world harmed by the severe COVID-19 pandemic, the access to vaccines is being distorted by the rules of the open market and the deep gap between rich and poor nations. As the director of the World Health Organization (WHO), doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, recently said, “the world is ... read more

The border imposed on Cuba for more than a century on its own soil
News from Cuba | Thursday, 18 February 2021
The return of the land occupied by the Naval Base has been a permanent claim of the Cuban Revolution since 1959, and has the support, not only of the Cuban people, but of the international community. It is a thorn in the heart of the country The administration of President Joe ... read more

Cuba elected vice president of the UN Special Committee on Decolonization
News from Cuba | Thursday, 18 February 2021
The ambassador and permanent representative of Cuba to the United Nations, Pedro Luis Pedroso Cuesta, was elected vice-president of the Special Committee on Decolonization of the UN in February. In his words of appreciation, the Cuban ambassador congratulated the permanent representative of Grenada, Keisha McGuire, for her re-election as chair of ... read more

Fidel's speech to honour victims of La Coubre - 5 March 1960
News from Cuba | Thursday, 18 February 2021
Excerpts from speech delivered by Comandante en jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, March 5, 1960, during the funeral ceremony for victims killed in the explosion of the La Coubre ship in Havana Bay, a terrorist act committed by the United States."Because Cubans have acquired real meaning in life, which begins with ... read more

Cuba's contribution to UN Security Council on maintaining peace during COVID
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 17 February 2021
75 UNGA: Statement by Cuba at the Open Debate of the Security Council on 'Maintenance of international peace and security: implementation of resolution 2532'Mr. President; Seven months after the Security Council adopted resolution 2532 (2020), the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a global challenge that has sparked a crisis of manifold ... read more

Optimism as Cuba set to test its own Covid vaccine
News from Cuba | Monday, 15 February 2021
Some of the equipment at the Finlay Institute of Vaccines in Havana might be considered outdated elsewhere in the world but the science taking place behind its white-washed walls is cutting edge.Researchers are working long shifts on Cuba's best shot to solve its coronavirus crisis: Soberana 2, the island's domestically-produced ... read more

Classified assessment found slow and chaotic response to brain injuries affecting diplomats in Cuba
News from Cuba | Monday, 15 February 2021
More than four years after personnel at the U.S. Embassy in Havana began reporting sudden, debilitating illnesses, with severe headaches, hearing loss and other brain injuries, there are still no definitive answers as to what caused the outbreak. The Trump administration did not reveal the incidents until they appeared in ... read more

Can Washington think of Cuba’s government as something other than needs to be overthrown?
News from Cuba | Thursday, 11 February 2021
On February 1, 2021, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke to MSNBC about the new US government’s “foreign policy challenges.” Blinken threw out, piece by piece, the world chessboard of his predecessor, Mike Pompeo. When asked by journalist Andrea Mitchell if he will revoke the inclusion of Cuba in ... read more

US-Cuba: Secrets of the 'Havana Syndrome'
News from Cuba | Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Declassified State Department review faults “lack of senior leadership,” “systemic disorganization” in response to unsolved health episodes Tillerson State Department failed to conduct risk/benefit assessment before reducing Embassy staff Report of Accountability Review Board confirms CIA closure of its Havana Station in September 2017 ARB investigation cited similar health incidents involving U.S. personnel ... read more

Governments of South Africa and Namibia nominate Cuban medics for Nobel Peace Prize
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 9 February 2021
In February, Namibia's Ministry of International Relations confirmed the Namibian Government had officially nominated Cuba for the Nobel Peace Prize 2021. In a press statement said: "Cuba has displayed global citizenship par excellance by expousing international solidarity despite the economic and financial embargo which severely constrains the country and this makes ... read more

Cuba develops COVID-19 vaccines, takes socialist approach
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Cuba’s socialist approach to developing vaccines against Covid-19 differs strikingly from that of capitalist nations of the world developing vaccines. Socialist Cuba’s production of four vaccines is grounded in science, in a dedication to saving the lives of all Cubans, and in international solidarity. Cuba is the only vaccine manufacturer in ... read more

Cuba aims to immunise it’s entire population with its own Vaccine
News from Cuba | Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Cuba’s COVID-19 Vaccines Serve the People, Not Profits
News from Cuba | Monday, 8 February 2021
Cuba’s socialist approach to developing vaccines against COVID-19 differs strikingly from that of capitalist nations of the world. Cuba’s production of four vaccines is grounded in science and dedicated to saving the lives of all Cubans, and to international solidarity. The New York Times’s running report on the world’s vaccine ... read more

Cuba to introduce animal welfare law
News from Cuba | Sunday, 7 February 2021
It is 11 am on a Wednesday in February and Nora has arrived from “a rescue”. A man was capturing cats in cages to kill them for no reason and the neighbours reported it to the police. This morning the Association for the Protection of Animals and Plants (Aniplant), has ... read more
What we can expect with Biden by Estaben Morales
News from Cuba | Saturday, 6 February 2021
I think that we are already making some progress in what could be the new relations with the United States.The United States Senate confirmed Alejandro Mayorkas as Secretary of National Security. A man with an outstanding record in the negotiations with Cuba during the Obama administration.At the same time, ... read more

US Democratic Senators Submit Bill To End the Blockade
News from Cuba | Friday, 5 February 2021
U.S. Democratic Senator and Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Ron Wyden introduced a bill to end Cuba's blockade on Friday 5 February."The U.S.-Cuba Trade Act of 2021 would repeal the major statutes that codify sanctions against Cuba, including the Helms-Burton Act and the Cuban Democracy Act, as well as ... read more

Some 15 US cities request Cuban healthcare collaboration
News from Cuba | Friday, 5 February 2021
The absurd inclusion of Cuba in the U.S. State Department list of countries it considers to be sponsors of terrorism, a unilateral decision by former President Donald Trump, has generated condemnations from many countries, organizations and personalities around the world, including the U.S. The Seattle City Council (Washington state) requested that ... read more

Castro’s Spies (UK premier) of Miami Five documentary
Campaign News | Thursday, 4 February 2021
26 February – 1 March Castro’s Spies is one of six films nominated for the prestigious Audience Award at the Glasgow Film Festival. This thrilling documentary tells the remarkable story of the Miami Five. Five Cuban agents sent to Florida to infiltrate anti-revolutionary organisations in order to prevent acts of terrorism. ... read more

Cuba will be among the first countries to immunize its entire population.
News from Cuba | Thursday, 4 February 2021
Cuba develops four vaccine candidates against COVID-19.The confidence that Cuba will be one of the first countries that will be able to immunize its entire population from its existing capacities of production and distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 came this Thursday at the Round Table, dedicated to the subject. Eduardo Martínez ... read more

Cuba's Painted Snail wins second place in Mollusc of the Year competition
News from Cuba | Thursday, 4 February 2021
Cuba's Polymita picta, a colourful snail unique to the island, has been awarded second place in the 2021 Mollusc of the Year competion, organised by the LOEWE-Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics and the International Society of Malocologists (mollusc researchers). Polymita picta (Painted Snail)What is it? A unique but endangered Cuban snail ... read more

Another Cuban COVID-19 vaccine candidate goes to phase II of clinical trials
News from Cuba | Monday, 1 February 2021
The Cuban Abdala COVID-19 vaccine candidate will begin the second phase of clinical trials on February 1, the official media reported. In this way, the also named CIGB 66 will become the second vaccine project produced on the island to move to this phase of studies, after Soberana 02 did ... read more